374 Slide Meter Bridge 486 Sliding Condenser 144 Sliding-contact Key 316 Sliding Resistance Box 463 Slope, Lines of 330 Smee's Battery 73 S. N. Code 486 Snap Switch 501 Soaking-in-and-out 486 Socket, Lamp 323 Socket, Wall 572 Soldering, Electric 487 Solenoid 487 Solenoid Ammeter 28 Solenoidal Distribution of Magnetism 358 Solenoidal Magnet 366 Solid Earth 203 Solutions, Battery, Chromic Acid 73 Solution, Chutaux's 119 Solution, Delaurier's 179 Solution, Hittorf's 289 Solution, Kookogey's 318 Solution, Poggendorf's 421 Solution, Striking 496 Solution, Tissandier's 542 Solution, Trouv's 549 Sonometer, Hughes' 488 Sonorescence 488 Sound, Characteristics of 114 Sounder 488 Sounders, Tin 542 Sound, Quality of 444 Sound Reading 489 South Magnetic Fluid 356 Space, Clearance 489 Space, Crookes' Dark 489 Space, Dark, Faraday's 249, 489 Space, Faraday's Dark 249, 489 Space, Inter-air 489 Space, Interferric 489 Span, Polar 424 Span, Polar, Angle of the 32 Spark Arrester 489 Spark Coil 489 Spark Discharge 189 Spark, Duration of Electric 490 Spark Gap 490 Spark, Length of 490 Spark Micrometer 470 Spark Tube 491 Sparking 490 Sparking Distance 190 Sparking, Lines or Points of Least 490 Sparking, Resistance to 490 Specific Conduction Resistance 467 Specific Conductivity 145 Specific Heat 286 Specific Heat of Electricity 491 Specific Inductive Capacity 103 Specific Magnetization 361 Specific Resistance 467 Speech, Articulate 50 Speed, Critical 157 Spent Acid 491 Spent Liquor 491 Spherical Armature 49 Spherical Candle Power 101 Spherical Illuminating Power 296 Sphygmophone 491 Sphygmophone, Electric 491 Spiders 491 Spiral 492 Spiral Battery 73 Spiral, Roget's 474 Spiral Winding 492 Spirit Compass 143 Splayed Joint 311 Splice Box 492 Split Battery 73 Split Ring Commutator 141 Spluttering 492 Sponge, Platinum 419 Spot, Grease 92 Sprengel Pump 439 Spring Ammeter 28 Spring and Fibre Suspension 252 Spring-contact 148 Spring Control 492 Spring Jack Cut-out 493 Spurious Hall Effect 284 Spurious Resistance 467 Spurious Voltage 493 Square Mil 379 Square Wire 493 Squares, Law of Inverse 323 St. Elmo's Fire 494 Staggering 493 Standard Candle 101 Standard Candle, German 99 Standard, Harcourt's Pentane 406 Standard, Methven 376 Standard of Illuminating Power, Viole's 561 Standard or Main Feeder 251 Standard Quadrant 444 Standard Resistance Coil 464 Standard Voltaic Cell 109 Standard Voltaic Cell, Daniell's 109 Standard Voltaic Cell, Latimer Clark's. 110 State, Electrotonic 493 State, Nascent 389 State of Matter, Fourth 261 State, Passive 404 State, Permanent 408 Static Breeze 493 Static Condenser, Armature of 46 Static Electricity 493 Static Hysteresis 295 Static Induction, Magnetic 347 Static Shock 482 Station, Central 493 Station, Distant 493 Station, Home 493 Station, Transforming 494 Steadying Resistance 468 Steel 494 Steeling 494 Steel Yard Ammeter 28 Step-by-step Telegraph 506 Step-by-step Telegraphy 494 Step-down 494 Step, Foot- 259 Sticking 494 Stool, Insulating 305 Stopped Coil Electro-magnets 221 Stopping Off 495 Storage Battery 70 Storage Battery Changing Switch 501 Storage Battery, Plant's 72 Storage Capacity 105, 495 Storage of Electricity 495 Storms, Electric 495 Storms. Magnetic 353 Strain 495 Strain, Dielectric 183 Strain, Magnetic 354 Stranded Conductor Armature 49 Stranded Core 155 Stray Field 256, 495 Stray Power 495 Streamlets. Current 495 Strength, Dielectric 183 Strength of Magnetic Shell 352 Stress 495 Stress, Dielectric 496 Stress, Electro-magnetic 219, 496 Stress, Electrostatic 236, 496 Stress, Energy of 241 Stress, Magnetic 354 Striae, Electric 496 Striking Distance 496 Striking Solution 496 Stripping 496 Stripping Bath 57 Stripping Bath, Gold 279 Stripping Bath, Silver 484 Stroke, Back 55 Stroke or Shock of Lightning, Back 55 Stroke, Return 55 Sub-branch 496 Sub-main 496 Sub-permanent Magnetism 358 Substitution, Simple 485 Subway, Electric 496 Successive Temperatures, Law of 324 Sucking Coil 182 Sucking Magnet 366 Sulphate of Lead Battery 66 Sulphate of Mercury Battery 67 Sulphating 497 Sulphur Dioxide 497 Sulphuric Acid 497 Sulphuric Acid Voltameter 564 Sulphurous Acid Gas 497 Sunstroke, Electric 497 Superficial Density, Electric 180 Supersaturated, 497 Supply, Isolated 309 Surface 497 Surface Density 498 Surface, Equipotential 498 Surface Leakage 498 Surface Magnetization 356 Surgical Electro-magnet 222 Surging Discharge 188 Surveyors' Compass 143 Susceptibility, Magnetic 354, 359 Suspension 498 Suspension, Bifilar 498 Suspension, Fibre 252 Suspension, Knife Edge 317 Suspension, Pivot 416 Suspension, Spring and Fibre 252 Suspension, Torsion 545 Suspension Wire of Cable 97 Swaging. Electric 499 Swelling Current 167 S. W. G. 499 Swinburne Pump 440 Swinging Earth 203 Swinging or Pendulum Annunciator 35 Swiss Unit of Resistance 468 Switch 499 Switch, Automatic 500 Switch Board 500 Switch Board, Multiple 387 Switch Board, Trunking 550 Switch, Break-down 88 Switch, Changing 500 Switch, Changing Over 500 Switch, Circuit Changing 500 Switch, Double Break 500 Switch, Double Pole 500 Switch Feeder 500 Switch, Knife 501 Switch, Knife Break 501 Switch, Knife Edge 501 Switch, Multiple 501 Switch, Plug 420 Switch, Pole Changing 501 Switch, Reversing 501 Switch, Snap 501 Switch, Storage Battery Changing 501 Switch, Three Way 501 Switches, Distributing 190 Symmer's Theory 191 Sympathetic Vibration 501, 561 System, Block 83 System of Co-ordinates 150 System, Tower 545
T 501 Tailing Current 501 Tailings 501 Talk, Cross 158 Tamidine 502 Tangent Galvanometer 272 Tangent Law 502 Tangent Positions of, Gauss 276 Tangent Scale 502 Tangentially Laminated Core 155 Tank, Cable 97 Tape, Insulating 305 Tapper Key, Double 314 Teazer 504 Technica, Memoria, Ampre's 30 Tee, Lead 504 Teeth, Pacinotti 400 Tel-autograph 504 Tele-barometer, Electric 504 Telegraph, A. B. C. 504 Telegraph, Autographic 510 Telegraph, Automatic 504 Telegraph, Dial 505 Telegraph, Double Needle 506 Telegraph, Duplex 506 Telegraph, Duplex, Bridge 506 Telegraph, Duplex, Differential 507 Telegraph Embosser 237 Telegraph, Facsimile 510 Telegraph, Harmonic Multiplex 510 Telegraph. Hughes' 511 Telegraph Insulator 306 Telegraph Key 316 Telegraph, Magneto-electric 512 Telegraph, Morse 512 Telegraph, Multiplex 514 Telegraph, Single Needle 519 Telegraph, Overhouse 515 Telegraph Pole Brackets 515 Telegraph, Printing 515 Telegraph, Quadruplex 515 Telegraph Repeater 518 Telegraph Signal 519 Telegraph, Step-by-step 506 Telegraph, Wheatstone's, A. B. C. 521 Telegraph. Writing 521 Telegraphic Alphabet 19 Telegraphic Code 130, 511 Telegraphic Needle 389 Telegraphic Register 454 Telegraphy, Multiplex 388 Telegraphy, Step-by-step 494 Telemanometer, Electric 521 Telemeter, Electric 521 Telepherage 522 Telephone 522 Telephone, Bi- 524 Telephone, Capillary 525 Telephone, Carbon 525 Telephone, Chemical 526 Telephone, Electrostatic 526 Telephone Exchange 246 Telephone Induction Coil 137, 526 Telephone, Reaction 527 Telephone Record 451 Telephone, Thermo-electric 527 Telephone Tinnitus 542 Telephotography 521 Telephote 527 Telescope, Reading 450 Teleseme 527 Tele-thermometer 527 Terminal 529 Terminal Pole 529 Terminal Voltage 562 Temperature, Absolute 8 Temperature, Neutral 390 Temperatures, Laws of Successive 324 Tempering, Electric 527 Temporary Magnetism or Magnetization 357 Ten, Powers of 527 Tension 529 Tension, Disruptive 189 Tension, Electric 529 Terrestrial Magnetism 358 Tetanus, Acoustic 529 Tetrode Working 581 Theatrophone 529 Theory, Contact 148 Theory, Double Fluid 191 Theory, Franklin's 262 Theory of Dimensions 184 Theory of Light, Electro-magnetic 219 Theory of Light, Maxwell's 369 Theory of Magnetism, Ampre's 354 Theory of Magnetism, Ewing's 356 Theory of Magnetism, Hughes' 357 Theory of Magnetism, Weber's 358 Theory, Symmer's 191 Therapeutic Electrode 210 Therapeutics, Electro- 236 Therm 529 Thermaesthesiometer 530 Thermal Electric Meter 375 Thermal Equivalent, Electro- 245 Thermal Energy 242 Thermic Balance 85 Thermo Call 530 Thermo-chemical Battery 530 Thermo-chemical Equivalent 245 Thermo-electric Battery or Pile 530 Thermo-electric Call 531 Thermo-electric Couple 532 Thermo-electric Current 167 Thermo-electric Diagram 532 Thermo-electric Element 237 Thermo-electric Inversion 533 Thermo-electric Junction 533 Thermo-electric Neutral Point 390 Thermo-electric Pile, Differential 533 Thermo-electric Power 533 Thermo-electric Reversal 533 Thermo-electric Series 534 Thermo-electric Telephone 527 Thermo-electric Thermometer 535 Thermo-electricity 533 Thermo-electricity, Laws of, Becquerel's 78 Thermo-electricity, Volta's Law of 568 Thermo-electrometer 536 Thermolysis 535 Thermo-multiplier 536 Thermometer 535 Thermometer, Electric 535 Thermometer, Kinnersley's 536 Thermometer, Tele- 527 Thermometer, Thermo-electric 535 Thermophone 537 Thermostat, Electric 537 Third Brush 91 Thomson Effect 538 Thomson's Replenisher, Sir William 459 Thomson's Battery, Sir William 72 Thomson's Unit of Resistance 468 Three Filament Incandescent Lamp 322 Three Way Switch 501 Three Wire System 539 Throw 237, 540 Throw-back Indicator 540 Thrust Bearings 540 Thunder 540 Ticker 540 Tick, Magnetic 354 Timbre 444 Time Constant 541 Time Cut-outs 541 Time Electric Meter 375 Time-fall 541 Time-reaction 541 Time-rise 541 Tin 541 Tin Sounders 542 Tinnitus, Telephone 542 Tips, Polar 423 Tips, Pole 290, 426 Tissandier's Solution 542 Toeppler-Holtz Machine 334 Tongs, Cable Hanger 97 Tongs, Discharging 189 Tongue of Polarized Relay 542 Tongue of Polarized Relay, Bias of 542 Toothed Core-discs 154 Top, Magnetic 542 Torpedo, Electric 543 Torpedo, Sims-Edison 543 Torque 543 Torque, Curve of 174 Torricellian Vacuum 557 Torsion Balance, Coulomb's 544 Torsion Galvanometer 273, 544 Torsion Head 544 Torsion Suspension 545 Total Earth 203 Touch 545 Touch, Separate 479 Tourmaline 545 Tower, Electric 545 Tower System 545 Trailing Horns 259 Transformer 545 Transformer, Commuting 547 Transformer, Continuous Alternating 547 Transformer, Continuous Current 384, 547 Transformer, Core 547 Transformer, Faraday's 250 Transformer, Hedgehog 548 Transformer, Multiple 548 Transformer, Oil 548 Transformer, Pilot 415 Transformer, Series 548 Transformer. Sheath for 481 Transforming Station 494 Transformer, Welding 548, 575 Translator 519 Translucent Disc Photometer 412 Transmitter 548 Transmitter, Carbon 549 Transmission of Energy, Electric 240 Transposing 549 Transverse Electro-motive Force 549 Trap, Bug 92 Traveling Pole 426 Trembling Bell 78 Trolley 549 Trolley, Double 549 Trolley Section 549 Trough Battery 73 Trouv's Blotting Paper Battery 73 Trouv's Solution 549 True Contact Force 549 True Ohm 396 True Resistance 467 Trimmer, Brush 549 Trumpet, Electric 550 Trunk Lines 550 Trunking Switch Board 550 Tube, Electric 550 Tube, Guard 282 Tube, Luminous 550 Tube of Magnetic Induction 347 Tube, Spark 491 Tube, Stratification 495 Tubes, Geissler 276 Tubes of Force 261 Tubes, Plcker 420 Tubular Braid 550 Tubular Core 155 Tubular Magnet 356 Tuning Fork Circuit Breaker 121 Tuning Fork Dynamo 202 Tuning Fork, Interrupter for 307 Turning Moment 544 Turns 550 Turns, Ampere- 31 Turns, Dead, of a Dynamo 551 Turns, Primary Ampere- 551 Turns, Secondary Ampere- 551 Twist Joint, American 309 Twist, Magnetic 354 Tyer's Battery 74 Typewriter, Electric 551 Type Printer, Hughes' 511
Ultra-gaseous Matter 551 Unbuilding 552 Underground Conductor 552 Underground Electric Subway 552 Undulatory 23 Undulatory Current 167 Unidirectional 553 Uniform Field 256 Uniform Field of Force 553 Uniform Magnetic Field 345 Unipolar 553 Unipolar Armature 50, 553 Unipolar Current Induction 553 Unipolar Dynamo 202-553 Unipolar Electric Bath 57 Unipolar Induction 304 Unipolar Magnet 366 Unit 553 Unit, Absolute 554 Unit Angle 554 Unit. B. A. 554 Unit, B. A., of Resistance 462 Unit Current 167 Unit Electro-motive Force 228 Unit, Fundamental 554 Unit Jar 554 Unit Magnet Pole 366 Unit of Capacity 105 Unit of Conductivity 145 Unit of Electric Potential 432 Unit of Energy, Electro-magnetic 220 Unit of Force 261 Unit of Illumination 296 Unit of Output 399 Unit of Reluctance 458 Unit of Resistance, B. A. 78 Unit of Resistance, Breguet 463 Unit of Resistance, Digney 464 U nit of Resistance, English Absolute or Foot-second 465 Unit of Resistance, German Mile 466 Unit of Resistance, Jacobi's 466 Unit of Resistance, Meter-millimeter. 466 Unit of Resistance, Mil-foot 467 Unit of Resistance, Siemens' 467 Unit of Resistance, Swiss 468 Unit of Resistance, Thomson's 468 Unit of Resistance, Varley's 468 Unit of Self-induction 304 Unit of Supply 554 Unit of Work 581 Unit Resistance 468 Units, Circular 126, 555 Units, Derived 555 Units, Heat 288 Units, Practical 555 Universal Battery System 556 Universal Discharger 189 Unmarked End 556 Upright Galvanometer 274 Upward's Battery 75
V 556 V. A. 557 Vacuum 557 Vacuum, Absolute 557 Vacuum, High 557 Vacuum Lightning Arrester 329 Vacuum, Low 557 Vacuum, Partial 557 Vacuum, Torricellian 557 Valency 557 Valve, Electrically Controlled 558 Vapor Globe 558 Variable Conductivity 145 Variable Period 558 Variable State 558 Variation of the Compass 32, 558 Variations, Magnetic 354 Variometer 559 Varley's Battery 76 Varley's Condenser 559 Varley's Resistance 559 Varley's Unit of Resistance 468 Varnish 559 Varnish, Electric 559 Varnish, Insulating 306 Varnish, Red 559 Varnish, Shellac 481 Vat 559 Velocity 559 Velocity, Angular 32, 559 Velocity of Signaling 560 Velocity Ratio 560 Ventilation of Armature 560 Vertical Galvanometer 274 Vertical Induction 304 Verticity, Poles of 426, 560 Vibrating Bell 78 Vibration Period 560 Vibration, Sympathetic 501, 561 Vibrator, Electro-magnetic 561 Villari's Critical Value 561 Viole 562 Viole's Standard of Illuminating Power 561 Virtual Resistance 297 Viscous Hysteresis 295, 356 Vis Viva 562 Vitreous Electricity 562 Vitriol, Blue 562 Vitriol, Green 562 Vitriol, White 562 Volatilization of Carbon 108 Volt 562 Volt-ampere 573 Volt and Ampere Meter Galvanometer 274 Volt, B. A. 568 Volt, Congress 568 Volt, Coulomb 568, 573 Volt Indicator 568 Volt. Legal 568 Voltage 562 Voltage, Spurious 493 Voltage, Terminal 562 Voltaic 563 Voltaic Alternatives 563 Voltaic Arc 39 Voltaic Cell, Daniell's Standard 109 Voltaic Cell, Double Fluid 191 Voltaic Cell, Capacity of Polarization of a 103 Voltaic Cell, Single Fluid 486 Voltaic Cell, Standard 109 Voltaic Cell, Standard, Latimer Clark's 110 Voltaic Circuit 126 Voltaic Effect 563 Voltaic Electricity 563 Voltaic Element 237 Voltaic or Galvanic Battery 76 Voltaic or Galvanic Circle 119 Voltaic or Galvanic Couple 156 Voltameter 563 Voltameter, Copper 563 Voltameter, Differential, Siemens' 564 Voltameter, Faraday's 250 Voltameter, Gas 564 Voltameter, Silver 565 Voltameter, Sulphuric Acid 564 Voltameter, Volume 564 Voltameter, Weight 566 Voltametric Law 567 Volta's Battery 76 Volta's Fundamental Experiments 567 Volta's Law of Galvanic Action 568 Volta's Law of Thermo-electricity 568 Voltmeter 568 Voltmeter, Battery 569 Voltmeter, Cardew 569 Voltmeter, Electrostatic 571 Voltmeter, Reducteur for 453 Volts, Lost 571 Volume Voltameter 564 Vulcanite 571
W 572 Wall Bracket 572 Wall Socket 572 Ward 572 Waste Field 256 Water 572 Water Battery 77 Water Equivalent 572 Water Level Alarm 18 Waterproof Lamp Globe 572 Wattless Current 168 Watt 572 Watt-hour 573 Watt Meter 375 Watt-minute 573 Watt-second 573 Watts, Apparent 573 Wave Winding 580 Waves, Amplitude of 31 Waves. Electro-magnetic 573 Wax, Paraffine 402 Weber 574 Weber s Absolute Unit Resistance 468 Weber-meter 574 Weber's Theory of Magnetism 358 Wedge Cut-out 175 Wedge. Double 191 Weight, Atomic 53 Weight, Breaking 89 Weight Electrometer 223 Weight Voltameter 566 Welding, Electric 574 Welding Transformer 548, 575 Wheatstone's A. B. C. Telegraph 521 Wheatstone's Balance 577 Wheatstone's Bridge 575 Wheatstone's Bridge, Commercial 86 Wheatstone's Rheostat 472 Wheel, Phonic 409 Wheel, Reaction 259 Whirl, Electric 577 White Vitriol 562 Wilde Candle 101 Wimshurst Electric Machine 335, 577 Wimshurst Machine 335, 577 Wind, Electric 578 Windage 578 Windings, Ampere 31 Winding, Bifilar 81 Winding, Compound 578 Winding, Disc 579 Winding, Lap 579 Winding, Long Shunt 579 Winding, Long Shunt and Series 579 Winding, Multiple 579 Winding, Multipolar 579 Winding, Series 579 Winding, Series and Separate Coil 579 Winding, Series and Short Shunt 580 Winding, Short Shunt 579 Winding, Shunt 483, 580 Winding Shuttle 580 Winding, Wave 580 Winding Working, Differential 183 Wire, Block 83 Wire, Bus 94 Wire, Dead 177 Wire Finder 580 Wire Gauze Brush 92 Wire, Idle 296 Wire, Neutral 390 Wire, Omnibus 94 Wire, Square 493 Wire System, Three 539 Wires, Crossing 158 Wires, Leading-in 324 Wires, Phantom 409 Wires, Pilot 415 Wollaston Battery 78 Work 580 Work, Electric, Unit of 580 Work, Unit of 581 Working, Contraplex 580 Working, Diode 580 Working, Diplex 580 Working, Double Curb 581 Working, Hexode 581 Working, Pentode 581 Working, Reverse Current 581 Working, Single Curb 581 Working Tetrode 581 Writing Telegraph 521
X, Axis of 54
Y, Axis of 54, 397 Yoke 581
Zamboni's Dry Pile 581 Zero 581 Zero, Absolute 581 Zero Potential 432, 582 Zero, Thermometric 582 Zinc 582 Zinc Sender 582 Zincode 582 Zone, Peripolar 582 Zone, Polar 582