Dacier, Andre and Anna 291 (Fn. 2), 297 (Fn. 1) Dacinthus, a pleasant fellow 462 Daemon, Plato's 214 (Fn. 4) Daintry, Captain 570 (Fn. 1) Dainty, Mrs. Mary, writes from the Infirmary 429 Dalton's Country Justice 92 (Fn. 2) Damon, Strephon, and Gloriana 423 Dampier's Voyages 121 Dancing 66, 67, 296, 334, 370, 376, 466 Dangers past 418 Daphne's Chance Medley 33 Dapperwit, Tom 482, 530 Darkness, Egyptian 615 Day, several times of, in London life 454 Day-dreams 167 Death 7, 25, 133, 152, 289, 349 Debt 82 Dedications 188 of Spectator to Lord Somers after Preface to Lord Halifax after No. 80 to Henry Boyle after No. 169 to the Duke of Marlborough after No. 251 to Thomas, Earl of Wharton after No. 321 to Earl of Sunderland after No. 394 to Paul Methuen after No. 473 to Will. Honeycomb after No. 555 Defamation 348, 427, 451 Definitions 373 Deformity 17, 87 Delicacy 104, 286, 292 Delight, essential to wit 62 vernal 393 Deluge, Whiston's Theory of the 396 Demetrius, a saying of 237 Demurrers, what women to be so called 89 Denham, Sir John 82 (Fn. 2) Dennis, John 47 (Fn. 2), 273 (Fn. 5), 548 (Fn. 1) Denying, sometimes a virtue 458 Dependence 181, 214, 282 Dervise Fadlallah, story of the 631 Descriptions, source of pleasure in 416, 418 Desire 191, 400 D'Estrades, negotiations of Count 92 (Fn. 2) Detraction 256, 348, 355 Devotee described 354 Devotion 93, 163, 201, 207, 415 Diagoras, the atheist, in a storm 483 (Fn. 2) Dial plate for absent lovers 241 Diana 453 Diet 195 Dieupart, Charles 258 (Fn. 2) Diffidence 87 Dignitaries of the law 21 Dilatoriness 469 Diligence 514 Dionysius, a Club tyrant 508 Dionysius's ear 439 Disappointed love 163 Discontent 214 Discretion 225, 607 Dispensary, Garth's 476 Dissection of a beau's head 275 of a coquette's heart 281 Dissenters 147, 259 Dissimulation 103 Distempers, each does best with his own 599 Distinction, desire of 219, 224 Distrest Mother, a tragedy, commended 290, 335, 338 (Fn. 2) Diversions, over-indulgence in 447 Divorce 41 Doctor in Moorfields, contrivance of a 193 Dogget the comedian 235 (Fn. 1), 370, 446, 502 (Fn. 3) Doggrel 60 Dogs 116 (Fn. 1), 474, 579 Doily stuffs cheap and genteel 283, 320 Domestic life 320, 455 Donne, his description of Eliz. Drury 41 (Fn. 3) Dorigny's engravings of the Cartoons 226 (Fn. 5) Doris, Congreve's character of 422 Dorset, Lord, collected old ballads 85 Doves in company 300 Drama, its original a worship 465 Drawcansir 16 (Fn. 4) Dreams 167, 487, 505, 524, 586, 593, 597 of retirement 425 golden scales 403 seasons 425 Trophonius' Cave 599 Dress 69, 150, 360, 435 Drinking 189, 195, 205, 458, 474, 569 Drums in a marriage concert 364 Drury Lane Theatre 1 (Fn. 12) Dry, Will., of clear head and few words 476 Dryden 5 (Fn. 1), 32 (Fn. 3), 33, 37 (Fn. 2), 40 (Fn. 4), 55, 58, 62, 71, 77, 85, 116, 141, 162, 177, 222, 223 (Fn. 2) 267 (Fn. 13), 297 (Fn. 5), 341, 365, 512, 572, 589, 621 Du Bartas 58 (Fn. 4) Duelling 84, 97, 99 Dugdale 21 (Fn. 3) Dull fellows 43 Dullness, goddess of 63 Dumb conjurer, the 560 Dunces 17 (Fn. 3) Dunlop, Alexander 524 (Fn. 1) Duration, the idea of 94 D'Urfey, Thomas 37 (Fn. 2) Dutch monuments for the dead 26 Dyer's News-letter 43 (Fn. 6), 127
Earl of Essex, in a Tragedy 48 (Fn. 1) Earth, why covered with green 387 why called a mother 246 Ease 196 East-Enborne, custom for widows 614, 623 Eating, drinking, and sleeping 317 Echo, false wit 59 Edgar, King, amour of 605 Editors of the classics 470 Education 53, 66, 108, 123, 157, 215, 224, 230, 313, 314, 337, 353, 376, 431, 445 Egg, the scholar's 58 Eginhart and the daughter of Charlemagne 181 (Fn. 4) Egotism 562 Egyptian darkness 615 Electra of Sophocles 44 Elihu's speech to Job 336 Elizabeth, Queen 293 Eloquence of St. Paul 633 of beggars 613 Embellishers 521 Emblematical persons 419 Emilia 302 Eminence, the tax on 101 Emperor of the Moon, Mrs. Behn's farce of the 22 (Fn. 4) Emulation 432 Enborne, the custom for widows at 614, 623 Enemies 125, 399 England, advantages of being born in 135 English, the people 135, 158, 387, 407, 419, 432, 435, 557 the language 135, 163, 230, 405 Envy 19, 253 Epaminondas 133 Ephesian lady, the 11 (Fn. 1), 198 Ephraim, the Quaker, and the officer, in a stage coach 132 (Fn. 1) Epic poem, construction of an 267, 273, 291, 297, 315 Epictetus 53 (Fn. 1), 219, 355, 397, 524 Epigram on Hecatissa 52 Epilogues 338 (Fn. )2, 341 Epistles, poetical 618 recommendatory 493 Epitaph by Ben Jonson 33 (Fn. 3) on Countess of Pembroke 323 on a charitable man 177 (Fn. 7) extravagant and modest epitaphs 26, 538, 539 Equanimity 137, 143, 196 Equestrian order of ladies 435, 437 Equipage 15, 144, 428 Equity, schools of 337 Erasmus 59, 239 Erratum in an edition of the Bible 579 Error 117, 460 Escalus, an old beau 318 Esquires 529 Essays 123, 476 Estates, acquisition of 222, 353 Estcourt, Richard 264 (Fn. 1), 358, 370, 468 Eternity 159, 575, 590, 628 Ether, the fields of 420 Etherege, Sir George 2 (Fn. ), 44 (Fn. ), 51, 65 (Fn. ), 127 Eubulus at the coffee-house 49 Eucrate, the friend of King Pharamond 76, 84 Eucratia 144 Eudosia 7, 144 Eudoxus and Leontine, their friendship, and education of their children 123 Eugene, Prince 269 (Fn. 1), 340 (Fn. 2) Eugenius, his charity 177 Euphrates, the 415 Eusden, Lawrence 54, 78 (Fn. 3), 87 Evergreens, feminine 395 Everlasting Club, the 72 Evremont, M. de St. 213, 349 Example 337 Excess 180 Exchange, the Royal 69, 454 the new 96 (Fn. 2) Exchequer bills, Montagu's 3 (Fn. 9) Exercise 115, 116, 161, 195 Extravagance 161, 222, 243 Eye, formation of the 472 Eyes, a dissertation on 250 their influence 19, 252
Fable, use of 183 of the Lion and Man 11 of the Children and Frogs 23 of Jupiter and the Countryman 25 of Pleasure and Pain 183 of a Drop of Water 293 of the Persian Glassman 535 Face, the epitome of man 541 a good one a letter of recommendation 221 each should be pleased with his own 559 Fadlallah, story of 578 Fairs, Persian, for selling women 511 Fairy writing 419 Faith 459, 465 False wit 25, 58, 60 Falsehood 63, 103, 156, 352 Falstaff 47 Fame 73, 139, 218, 255, 256, 257, 426, 439 Familiarities in society 429, 430 Family madness in pedigrees 612 Famine in France 180 Fan exercise 102 Fancy 411, 512, 558 Fashion 6, 64, 151, 175, 460, 478, 490 Father's love 449 Faults, secret, discovered 399 Faustina, empress 128 Fawners 304 Fear 25, 114, 152, 224, 471, 615 Feasts 195 Feeling, the sense of 411 Female library proposed 37, 242 oratory 247 rakes 337 virtues 81 domestic rule 320 game, preserving 326 Fenelon 95 Festeau, the surgeon 368 Festivity of spirit 358 Feuille mort 265 Fiction 419 Fidelia, a good daughter 499 Fidelio transformed into a looking glass 392 Final causes 413 Fireworks at Rome, a poem on 617 Flattery 49, 238, 460, 621 Flavia and Cynthio 398 Flavia, rival to her mother 91 Flavilla, spoiled by marriage 437 Fleetwood, Dr. William 384 (Fn. 1) Flesh painter out of place 41 Fletcher's Pilgrim, on a scene in 22 (Fn. 6) humorous lieutenant 266 Flora 425 Flourilles, Chevalier de 152 (Fn. 2) Flutter, Sir Fopling, comedy of 65 Flying, letter on 462 Foible, Sir Geoffrey 190 Follies, our own, mistaken for worth 460 Fondness 449 Fontenelle 291 (Fn. 2), 519, 576 Fools 47, 148, 485 Footman, a too sober 493 Fop 280 Fopling Flutter, Sir, Etherege's 65 Foppington, Cibber's Lord 48 Forehead, an orator's 231 Fortius, whose faults are overlooked 422 Fortunatus, the trader 433 Fortune 282, 293, 294, 312 stealers 211 hunters 326 comedy of the 22 (Fn. 5) Fox-hunters 474 Francham, Mr., of Norwich 520 Francis, St. 245 Frankair, Charles, an envied and impudent speaker 484 Freart, M., on architecture 415 Freeman, Antony, his stratagem to escape from his wife's rule 213 Freeport, Sir Andrew 2, 34, 82, 126, 174, 232, 549 Free-thinkers 3, 9, 27, 39, 55, 62, 70, 77, 234, 599 Freher, Marquard 181 (Fn. 4) French 102, 104, 435, 481 poets 45 privateer, cruelty of a 350 Fribbles 288 Friends 68, 346, 385, 399, 400, 490 Fringe-glove Club 30 Fritilla, dreams at church 597 Frogs and Boys, fable of the 23 (Fn. 7) Frolic 358 Froth, Mr., on public affairs 43 (Fn. 1) Frugality 107, 348, 467 Fuller's English worthies 221 (Fn. 5) Funeral, the, Steele's comedy 51 (Fn. 1) Funnel, Will., a toper 569 Futurity, man's weak desire to know 604
Galen 543 Gallantry 72, 142, 318 Gambols 41 Game, Female 326 Gaming 93, 140, 428, 447 Gaper, the, a Dutch sign 47 Gardens 5 (Fn. 5), 414, 455, 477 Garth, Sir Samuel 249 (Fn. 2), 273 (Fn. 8) Gazers 263 Genealogy, a letter on 612 Generosity 107, 248, 346 Genius 160 Gentleman 75, 82 Geography of a jest 138 George I. 3 (Fn. 8) coronation 609, 630 Georgics, Virgil's 417 Germanicus 238 Germany, politics of 43 (Fn. 5), 45 (Fn. 1) Gesture in oratory 407 Ghosts 12, 419 on the stage 36, 44 Gigglers in church 158 Gildon, Charles 267 (Fn. 1) Gipsies, Sir Roger de Coverley and the 130 Giving and forgiving 189 Gladiators 436 Gladio's dream of knight errantry 597 Gladness 494 Glaphyra, story of 110 Globe, Burnet's funeral oration on the 146 Globes, proposal for a new pair of 552 Gloriana, advice concerning a design on 423 Glory 139, 172, 218, 238 Gluttony 195, 344 Goat's milk 408 God 7, 257, 381, 421, 441, 465, 489, 531, 543, 565, 571, 580, 634, 635 Gold clears understanding 239 Good breeding 119 Goodfellow, Robin, on rule of drinking 205 Good Friday paper, a 356 Good humour 100 infirmary for establishing 429, 437, 440 Good nature 23, 76, 169, 177, 196, 243, 607 Good sense 437 Goodwin, Dr. Thomas 494 (Fn. 2) Goose and Watchman 376 Goosequill, William, clerk to Lawyers' Club 372 Gosling, George, advertises for lottery ticket 191 Gospel gossips 46 Gossiping 310 Goths, in poetry 62 in taste 409 Government, forms of 287 Gracchus's pitch-pipe 541 Grace at meals 458 Gracefulness in action 292 Graham, Mr., his picture sale 67 Grammar schools 353 Grand Cyrus, Scuderi's 37 (Fn. 2) Grandeur and minuteness, 420 Grandmother, Sir Roger de Coverley's great, great, great, had the best receipts for a hasty pudding and a white pot 109 Grant, Dr., the oculist 472, 547 (Fn. 1) Gratian, Balthazar 293 (Fn. 1), 397 (Fn. 3) Gratification 454 Gratitude 453, 588 Gravitation 121 Great and good not alike in meaning 109 Great men 101, 196 Greatness of mind 312 of objects 412, 413 Greaves, John 1 (Fn. 4) Grecian Coffee-house 1 (Fn. 10) Greeks 189, 313 modern, who so called 239, 245 Green, why the earth is covered with 387 Green-sickness 431 Grief, the grotto of 501 Grinning match 137 Grotto, verses on a 632 Grove, Rev. Henry 588 (Fn. 1) Guardian, the 532 (Fn. 3), 550 (Fn. 1) Gumley, Mr., a diligent tradesman 509 Gyges and Aglaues, tale of 610 Gymnosophists 337
Habits 197 Hadley, John 428 Halifax, Charles Montagu, Earl of 3 (Fn. 9), dedication (after No. 80) George Savile, Marquis of 170 (Fn. 1) Hamadryads 589 Hamlet 404 Handel 5 (Fn. 2) Handkerchief in tragedy 44 Handsome people 144 Hangings, the men in the 22 Hanover succession 384 Happiness 15, 167, 575, 610 Hardness in parents 181 Hard words should be mispronounced by well-bred ladies 45 Harehounds 116 (Fn. 1) Harper, Robert 480 (Fn. 2) Harrington's Oceana 176 (Fn. 1) Harris, Mr., proposes an organ for St. Paul's 552 Harrison, John 428 (Fn. 1) Hart, Nicholas, the annual sleeper 184 (Fn. 2) Hatred 125 Hats 187, 219 Haym, Nicolino 258 (Fn. 2) Haymarket Theatre 1 (Fn. 12) Head-dress 98, 319 Health 411 Hearts, a vision of 587 Heathen philosophy 150 notions of a future state 633 Heaven 447, 465, 580, 590, 600 Hebrew idiom in English 405 Hecatissa and the Ugly Club 48 Heidegger, J. J. 14 (Fn. 1), 31 Heirs and elder brothers 123 Hell, the Platonic 90 Henley, Anthony 494, 518 (Fn. 1) Henpecked husbands 176, 179, 479 bachelors 486 Herbert, George 58 (Fn. 4) Heretics 185 Hermit, saying of a 575 Hero, what makes a 240, 312, 601 in tragedy 40 Herod and Mariamne, story of 171 Herodotus 483 Hesiod 200, 447 Heteropticks 250 Heywood, James 268 (Fn. ) Hilpa, an antediluvian princess, story of 584, 585 Hirst, James, his love-letter 71 (Fn. 2) Historians 420, 483 in conversation 136 History 133, 289, 420, 428 a study recommended to newsmongers 452 secret 619 Hobbes 47 (Fn. 1), 52, 249, 588 Hobson's choice 509 Hockley in the Hole 31 (Fn. 2), 436 (Fn. 1) Homer 70, 273, 357, 411, 417 Honest men, association of 126 Honestus, the trader 443 Honeycomb, Will. 2 (Fn. 8), 4, 34, 41, 67, 77, 105, 131, 156, 265, 311, 325, 352, 359, 410, 475, 490, 511, 530, dedication (after No. 555) Honeycomb, Simon 154 Honour 99, 219 Horace 394 Howard, Hon. E., The British Princes 43 (Fn. 7) Huarte, Juan 307 (Fn. 1) Hudibras 17, 54, 59, 145 Hughes, John 66 (Fn. 1), 104, 141, 220, 231, 232, 252, 306 Hummums, the 347 (Fn. 1) Hunting 116 (Fn. 1), 583 Hunt the squirrel, a country dance 67 Husbandman, funeral oration for a 583 Husbands 149, 178, 179, 236, 530, 561, 607 Hush note 228 Hush, Peter, the whisperer 457 Hyaena and spider 187 Hydaspes, the opera of 13 (Fn. 1) Hymen, revengeful 530 Hymn, to the Virgin, a book in eight words 60 to Venus by Sappho 232 David's, on Providence 441 on gratitude 453 on the glories of heaven and earth 465 Hypocrisy 119, 243, 399, 458
Iambic verse 39 James, a country footman polished by love 71 Jane, Mrs., a pickthank 272 Japis's care of AEneas 572 Ibrahim XII., tragedy of 51 (Fn. 8) Ichneumon fly 126 Ideas, association of 416 Identity 578 Idiots 47, 474 Idleness 316, 411, 624 Idolatry 211 Idols 73, 79, 87, 155, 534 Jealousy 170, 171, 178 Jest 138, 616 Jesuits 17 (Fn. 3), 307, 545 Jews 213, 495, 531 Jezebels 175 Ignatus, a fine gentleman, as opposed to an atheist 75 Ignorance, when amiable 324 Jilt, a penitent 401 Jilts 187 Iliad, effect of reading the 417 Ill nature 23, 169, 185 Imaginary beings in poetry 357 (Fns. 4 & 5), 419 Imagination, Essays on 411-421 Imitators 140 Imma, daughter of Charlemagne, story of 181 Immortality 110, 210, 537, 600, 633 Impertinent persons 148, 168, 432 Implex fables 297 (Fn. 1) Impudence 2, 20, 231, 373, 390, 443 Incantations in Macbeth 141 Ince, Richard 555 Inclination and reason 447 Inconsistency 162, 50 Indian kings, the 50 Indifference in marriage 322 Indigo the merchant 136 Indiscretion 23 Indisposition 143 Indolence 100, 316, 320 Industry 116 Infidelity 186 Infirmary for establishing good humour 429, 437, 440, 474 Ingratitude 491 Ingoltson, Charles, quack doctor 444 Initial letters 2 (Fn. 9), 567, 568 Inkle and Yarico 11 Innocence 34, 242 Inns of Court 49 Inquisition on maids and bachelors 320 Inquisitiveness 288 Insipid couple, an 522 Insolence 294 Instinct 120, 121, 181, 201, 519 Insults 150 Integrity 448, 557 Intemperance 195 Intentions 213, 257 Interest, worldly 185, 394 Invention 487 John a Nokes and John a Stiles, petition of 577 Johnson, the player 370 Jolly, Frank, memorial from the Infirmary 429 Jonathan's Coffee-house 1 (Fn. 13) Jonson, Ben. 9, 28 (Fn. 5), 33, 70 Joseph I., Emperor 43 (Fn. 4), 45 (Fn. 1), 353 (Fn. 3) Josephus 110, 171 Journal, use of keeping a 317 of a deceased citizen for a week 317 of a lady 323 of three country maids 332 of the country Infirmary 440 Iras the witty 404 Irish widow-hunters 561 Irony 438 Iroquois chiefs in London 50 Irresolution 151, 162 Irus the rake 264 Isadas the Spartan 564 Italian writers 5 opera and singers 1 (Fn. 12), 5 (Fn. 2), 13 (Fn. 1), 18, 29, 258 Itch of writing 582 Judgment the offspring of time 514 Judgments 483, 548 Julian, Emperor 634 July and June described 425 Jupiter's distribution of calamities 558, 559 Justice 479, 564 poetical 40, 548 Juvenal 150, 209 Dryden's 37 (Fn. 2)
Kennet, Dr., on the origin of country wakes 161 (Fn. 1) Kensington Gardens 477 Kimbow, Tom 24 King Lear 40 Kings, logic of 239 Kissing dances 67 Kitcat Club 9 (Fn. 1) Kitchen music 570 Kitty, a jilt 187 Knaves 601 Knotting, as an employment for beaus 536 Knowledge 287, 379 self 399 Koran 94 (Fn. )
Labour 115, 161, 624 Lacedaemonians 67, 188, 207 Lackeys, The, of Menager and Rechteren 481 Ladies 143, 435, 437, 607 Laertes, prodigal through shame of poverty 114 La Ferte, the dancing master 37 (Fn. 2) Laetitia and Daphne, beauty and worth 33 Lampoons 16, 23, 35, 224 Lancashire Witches, the comedy 141 Language, English, effect of the war on the 165 European 405 brutal 400 Lapirius, generosity of 248 Lapland odes 366, 406 Larvati 32 (Fn. 4) Lath, Squire, would give an estate for better legs 32 Latimer 465 Latin, effect of, on a country audience 221 Latinus, King, pressed for a soldier 22 (Fn. 8), 53 Laughers at public places 168 Laughter 47, 52, 249, 494, 598, 630 Lawyers 21, 49, 456, 551 Lazy Club, the 323 Leaf, population of a 420 Learned, precedency among the 529 Learning 6, 105, 350, 353, 367, 469, 506 Leather, gilt, for furniture 609 Le Conte, Father 189 (Fn. 4) Lee, Nathaniel 39 (Fn. 6) Leo X. 497 Leonora's library 37, 163 Leontine and Eudoxus 123 Leopold I., Emperor 353 (Fn. 3) Leti, Gregorio 632 Letters Absence of lovers 241 Academy of Painting, from the 555 Ambassador of Bantam 557 Apology for a man of wit and pleasure 154 Author turned dealer 288 Bankrupt, from a, and answer 456 Bashfulness 231 Beauty, from a 87 Beauty destroyed by the small pox 306 Behaviour at church 236 Belinda to the shades 204 Benefactor 546 Blank, from a 563 Bowing and curtseying at church 460 Brook and Hellier's wine 362 Butts 175 Captain Sentry on the character of Sir Roger de Coverley, and on his own situation 544 Castle-builder, from a 167 Cat-calls 361 Censuring Spectator 158 Character of jilts 187 Chloe from her lover, with an account of his dreams 301 Choleric gentleman 563 Clergyman, to a 27 Coquette, from a 79 Coquette, and answer 254, 515 Cotquean 482 Country manners and conversation 474 Countryman to his mistress 324 Coverley, from Sir Roger de 264 Crazy man, from a supposed 577 Cries of London 251 Cruel Husbands 236 Dancing 334 Decay of the club 542 Demonstrations of grief 95 Detraction 348 Devotion, formal 79 Dumb Doctor 560 Education 330, 337, 353 Emperor of China to the Pope 545 Envil, Sir John, from, married to a lady of quality 299 Epilogues, against comic, to a Tragedy 338, 341 Epitaphs, on 518 Estcourt, from Dick 264 Eye, on the 252 Fair sex 298 Fan exercise 134 Fashion 66, 319 Father to his son 189 Female equestrians 104 Fortune-hunters 326 Fortune-stealers 311 Freeport, Sir Andrew, his retiring 549 Gardening 477 Greek mottos 271, 296 shopkeeper on his wife's Greek 278 Hecatissa 48 Hen-pecked husband, determined to be free 212 keepers 486 Hoop petticoat 127 Horace to Claudius Nero 493 Husband, to a 204 Husband likely to be ruined by his wife's accomplishments 328 Idler, from an 320 Idols 87 Impertinents 168 Jealous husband 527 Kissing 272 Lady insulted by her seducer —reflections on the subject 611 Languishing lover, from a 527 Law 480, 551 Leonora 163 Lillie, Chas., from 16 Lion, from a 136 Lottery ticket 242 Lover, from a 208 Lover's leap, on the 227 Mary Tuesday, from 24 Masquerades 8 Mercenary practice of men in the choice of wives 199 Modesty, on 484 Money, love of 450 Monkey, from a 343 Mother and son 263 Mottos 296 Naked shoulders 437 Natural son, from a 203 New-married couple, from a 364 Nose-pulling 268 Octavia complains of the ingratitude of her husband 322 Oxford correspondents 553 Parish-clerk on evergreens 284 Parthenia, from 140 Patching 268 Pert baggage, from a 560 Playhouse 36 Pliny to Hispulla 525 Poachers 168 Poetical justice 548 Poor and proud Jezebel 292 Powell, the Puppet-showman, commendation of 372 Prayers of clergymen before sermon 312 Prude, from a 364 Punning 396 Quaker 276 Rudeness 443 Rustic amusements 161 Scholar in love, from a 362 Seduction 208 Servants 202 Severity of schoolmasters 168 Sexton of St. Paul's, Covent Garden 14 Short face, Sophia in love with a 290 Silent lover, from a 304 Sly, Mr., on hats 532 Smallpox, lady marked with 613 Soldiers, from several 566 Spenser, merits of 540 Splenetic cured 134 Stage-coach, behaviour in a 242 Steele, from 274 Swinging 496 Talebearers 310 Templars turned Hackney-coachmen 498 Theatre, on the—on a musical scheme 258 Three thrifty ladies 332 Travelling 364 Ugly Club 52 Unhappy condition of women of the town 190 Untoward wife 194 Valetudinarian 25 Visiting 208 Wagerers and whistlers 145 Widow with two lovers, and answer 149 Widows' Club 573 Will. Honeycomb 131 Women's Men 158 Women taking snuff 344 Zelinda from her lover—his death 627 Letters, show temper of writers 283 Levees 193 Levity 234, 253 Liars 103, 167, 234 Libels 35, 451 Liberality 292, 346 Liberty 287 Library, female 37, 79, 92, 140 Liddy, Miss, reasons for differing in temper from her sister 396 Life (domestic) 455 (human) 27, 93, 94, 143, 159, 202, 219, 222, 289, 317, 574, 575 Light 413 Ligon's History of Barbadoes 11 (Fn. 2) Lillie, Charles 16, 46 (Fn. 2), 173 (Fn. 3), 334 (Fn. 1), 358 Lilly's Latin Grammar 221 (Fn. 2) Lindamira allowed to paint 41 Lion, the, in the Haymarket 13 (Fn. 1) Lipogrammatists 58 (Fn. 1) Liszynski, a Polish atheist 389 Livy 409, 420 Lloyd's coffee-house 46 (Fn. 1) Locke, John 37 (Fn. 2), 62, 94, 121, 313, 373, 519, 557 Logic of kings 239 Loiterers 155 Loller, Lady, from the country infirmary 429 London 69, 200, 403 cries of 251 London and Wise, gardeners 5 (Fn. 5), 477 Longings of Women 326 Longinus 229, 279 (Fn. 6), 326, 339 (Fn. 4), 489 (Fn. 1), 633 Longitude 428 (Fn. 1) Looking-glasses 325 Lorrain, Paul 338 (Fn. ) Lottery 191, 199 Love 4, 30, 47, 71, 118, 120, 142, 149, 161, 163, 199, 206, 241, 274, 304, 324, 325, 362, 366, 367, 376, 377, 397, 400, 475, 479, 506, 525, 561, 591, 596, 605, 607 casuist, the 591, 607, 614, 625 Love for Love, the comedy 189 Loveless, Biddy 196 Lovemore, Jeremy 596 Lovers' Leaps, the 225, 233 Loungers, the, at Cambridge 54 Loyola, Oldham's 17 (Fn. 3) Lucceius, character of 206 Lucian 67, 283 Ludgate 82 (Fn. 1) Lulli, Jean Baptiste 29 (Fn. 3) Lute-string, advanced price of 21 Luxury 55, 195 Lying, party 507 Lysander, character of 522
Macbeth, incantation in 141 Machiavel 406 the she 561 Mademoiselle, the French Puppet 277 Magna Charta 2 (Fn. 2) Mahomet's night journey 94 (Fn. 4) Mahometans 85, 460, 631 Maids, inquisition on 320 Male jilts 288 widows 520 birds 128 Malebranche 37 (Fn. 2), 94 (Fn. 3) Malvolio, a mixed character 238 Man 9, 115, 156, 162, 237, 238, 408, 441, 494, 519, 537, 564, 588, 624 Man of Mode, Etherege's 65 Manilius, in retirement 467 Mankind 444, 598 Manley, Mrs. 37 (Fn. 2) Manner 292 Manuscript Note Book of Addison's 411 (Fn. 2) Maple, Will 203 Maraton and Yaratilda 56 March, month of, described 425 Marcia's prayer in Cato 593 Marcus, son of Cicero 307 Mariamne 466 story of 171 Marius, Scipio's judgment of young 157 Marlborough, Duke of 26 (Fn. 5), 139, dedication (after No. 251), 353 (Fn. 3) Marriage 89, 113, 149, 181, 236, 254, 261, 268, 308, 322, 430, 479, 482, 490, 506, 522, 525, 533, 607 Martial 52, 446 Martyn, Henry 180 (Fn. 1), 200, 232 Masquerades 8, 14 (Fn. 1) Massacres 185 Master, a good 107 a bad 136, 201, 202 Mathematics 307 Mather, Charles, toyman 570 Matter 420, 519 Matter-of-fact man 521 Maundrell's Journey to Jerusalem 303 (Fn. 2) May 425 dangerous to ladies 365, 395 Mazarine, Cardinal, and Quillet 23 Medals on the Spanish Armada 293 Mede's Clavis Apocalyptica 92 (Fn. 2) Medicina Gymnastica, Fuller's 115 (Fn. 2) Medlar, Mrs., of the Widows' Club 561 Memory 417, 471 Men 97, 145, 196, 264, 505, 510 Menagiana 60 (Fn. 9) Menager and Count Rechteren at Utrecht 481 Merab, with too much beauty and wit 144 Merchants 69, 174, 218, 428 Mercurialis, Hieronymus 115 (Fn. 3) Mercy 456 Merit 223, 340 Merry men 70 Messiah, Pope's 378 Metamorphoses, Ovid's 417 Metaphor 417, 421, 595 Methuen, Paul dedication (after No. 473), treaty 43 (Fn. 1), 140, 240, 417, 421, 425 Milton, Addison's papers on 267, 273, 279, 285, 291, 297, 303, 309, 315, 321, 327, 333, 339, 345, 351, 357, 363, 369, 417, 425, 463 Mimicry 416 Mind 455, 554 Minister of state, a watchful 439 Mint, arguments of the 239 Mirth 196, 358, 381 Mirza, Visions of 159 Mischief 564 Misers 624 Miseries 169 the mountain of 558, 559 Misfortune, a good man's struggle with, Seneca on 39 (Fn. 1) Misfortunes, not to be called judgments 483 Mixt wit 62 Mode 6, 129, 145 Moderation 312 Modern writers 61, 249 Modest assurance 373 Modesty 6, 52, 154, 206, 231, 242, 296, 350, 354, 373, 390, 400, 435, 458, 484 Mohocks 324, 347 Moles 123 Moliere 70 Moll Peatley, a dance 67 (Fn. 3) Money 3, 422, 450, 456, 509 Monks 60 Monmouth, Duke of 2 (Fn. 2) Monosyllables, English liking for 135 Monsters 412, 413, 418 Montague, Charles, Earl of Halifax 3 (Fn. 9), dedication (after No. 80) Montgomery, Mr. 524 Monuments in Westminster Abbey 26 Montaigne 562 Moorfields 505 Moralists 196 Morality 446, 459, 465 More, Henry 86, 90 (Fn. 1), 121 Sir Thomas 349 Moreton, Mr. John 546 (Fn. 2) Mortality 289 bill of 377 Mosaic pavement 358 (Fn. 1) Moses, tradition of 237 Mother 246 story of the Rival Mother 91 Motion in gods and mortals 369 Motteux, Peter 14 (Fn. 1), 552 Motto 221 Mountebank 572 Mourning 64, 65, 575 Mouth, a padlock for the 533 Much cry but little wool 251 Mulberry Garden, the 96 Muley Moluc, last moments of 349 Muses, the mountain of the 514 Music 18, 29, 258, 278, 405, 416, 570, 630
Naked-shouldered females 437 Names of authors to their works 451 Natural History 22 Nature 153, 404, 408, 414, 588 Needlework 606, 609 Negroes 215 Neighbourhoods 49 Nemesis, an old maid who discovers judgments 483 Nero's nurse 246 Nettletop, Rebecca 190 New, the, in art 411, 412, 413, 415 Newberry, Mr., his rebus 59 New River 5 New Style 21 (Fn. 1) News 425, 457, 625 Newton, Sir Isaac 37 (Fn. 2), 543, 554, 565 Nicholas Hart, the sleeper 184 Nicodemuncio to Olivia, on being made an April fool 432 Nicolini, the singer 5, 13 (Fn. 1), 235, 403 Night 425, 565, 582 Nightingale 383 Nigralia, a party lady, forced to patch on the wrong side 81 No, a word useful to women 625 Nobility 537 Northern hive, Sir W. Temple's 21 (Fn. ) Nose-pullers 268 Notable men 150 Novell, Lydia, complains of a rich lover 140 Novels 365 Novelty 412, 413, 626 November described 425 Numbering of houses 28 (Fn. 2) Nutmeg of Delight, the 160
Oates, Titus 58 (Fn. 4) Obedience to parents 189, 449 Obscurity 101, 406, 622 Obsequiousness 386 Ocean 489 October Club 9 (Fn. 3) Ogilby, John 37 (Fn. 2) Ogler, the Complete 46 Oldfield, Mrs. 546 Oldham's Loyola 17 (Fn. 3) Old Style 21 (Fn. 1) Olearius, travels of 426 (Fn. 1) Omens, superstitious dread of 7 Omniamanta 144 Omnipotence 565 Omnipresence 572, 580 Oneirocritic 505 Opera, Italian 1 (Fn. 12), 5 (Fn. 2), 13 (Fn. 1), 18, 29, 314 France 29 (Fn. 4) Opinion, popular 460 Oratory 484, 633 female 247, 252 Orbicilla 390 Order 219 Orestilla, the great fortune 118 Oroondates, Statira to 199 Osborn's Advice to his Son 150 Ostentation 460 Otway 39 (Fn. 7), 117, 456 Overdo, Justice, Ben Jonson's 48 Ovid 417, 439, 618 Oxford scholar at a coffee-house 46
Padlocks for the mouth 533 Pages in gentlemen's houses 214 (Fn. 2) Painter's part in a tragedy 42 Painting, the art of 83, 129, 226, 555 of the face 41 Palmquist, Monsieur 43 Pamphilio, a good master 137 Pamphlets, defamatory 541 Pantheon, Penkethman's 31 (Fn. 3) at Rome 415 Paradin, Guillaume 98 (Fn. 3) Paradise of Fools 460 Paradise Lost, Addison's papers on 267, 273, 279, 285, 291, 297, 303, 309, 315, 321, 325, 327, 333, 339, 345, 354, 357, 363, 369 Parents 21, 150, 181, 189, 192, 235, 263, 313, 330, 449, 532, 539 Parish clerks, advice to 372 Parker, Richard 474 (Fn. 3) Parnassus, Vision of 514 Parnell, Thomas 460 (Fn. 1) Parricide, how punished in China 189 Parthenia, letter of, upon the ladies' library 140 Party 57, 125, 126, 243, 399, 432, 507 patches 81 Particles, English 18 Pascal 116 (Fn. 3) Pasquinades 23 (Fn. 5) Passion 202, 438, 528 of the Fan 102 Passions, the 31, 71, 215, 224, 255, 408, 418, 564 Pastorals, Philips's 523 Patches 50 party use of 81 Patience 312, 501, 559 Patrons 214 Paul Lorrain 338 Paul, Saint 633 Paul's Cathedral, St., Indian kings on 50 Peace 45 negotiations 45 (Fn. 1) Pearce, Zachary 572 Pedants 105, 286, 617 Pedigrees, vanity of 612 Peepers 53 Peevish fellow, a 438 Penkethman, W. 31 (Fn. 3), 370 (Fn. 5) Penruddock's rising in the West 313 (Fn. 3) Penseroso, Il 425 Pentathlum 161 People, the wealth of a country 200 Pericles 81, 633 Perrault, Charles 279 (Fn. 11), 303 (Fn. 3) Perry, Mrs. 92 (Fn. 1) Persecution, religious 459 Persian education 99, 189, 337 soldier reproved 427 Persius 379 Peter the Great 43 (Fn. 2) compared with Louis XIV. 139 Petronius, his story of the Ephesian lady 11 (Fn. 1) mood of, at death 349 Petticoat 109, 127, 140 politicians 305 Petty, Sir William 200 Phaedra and Hippolitus, a tragedy 18 (Fn. 9) Pharamond 76 (Fn. 1), 84 (Fn. 1) his edict against duelling 97 letter to 480 Phidias 415 Philanthropy 177 Philantia, a votary 79 Philips, Ambrose 223 (Fn. 2), 229, 289 (Fn. 2), 338 (Fn. 2), 400, 523, 578 Philopater on his daughter's dancing 466 Philosophers 195, 634 Philosophy 7, 10, 22, 175, 201, 393, 420 Phocion 133, 188, 448 Phoebe and Colin, a poem 603 Physic 195 Physicians 16, 21, 25, 234 Physiognomy 86, 206, 518 Pictures 67, 83, 107, 109, 226, 244, 248, 416, 418 Picts, what women are 41 Piety 201 Pindar 160, 467 Pindaric writing 58 (Fn. 5) Pin money 295 Piper of Hamelin, the 5 Pisistratus 527 Pitchpipe 228 Pittacus, a saying of 574 Pity 208, 397, 418, 442, 588 Pix, Mary 51 (Fn. 8) Places of trust 469, 629 Plain dealing 460 Planets 420 Planting 583, 589 Plato 23 (Fn. 2), 86 (Fn. 12), 90, 183, 211 (Fn. 2), 237, 507, 624 Platonic love 400 Players 141, 370, 502, 529 Plays, modern 22, 592 Pleaders 197 Pleasant fellows 462 Pleasure 146, 151, 152, 183, 312, 424, 600, 624 Pleasures of Imagination, Essays on 411-421 Pliny 230, 467 (Fn. 1), 484 (Fn. 1), 525, 554 Plot, Robert 447 (Fn. 1) Plutarch 125 (Fn. 1), 180, 188, 229, 483, 494, 507 Poacher, request from a 168 Poetry 39, 40, 44, 51, 58, 220, 253, 314, 405, 417, 418, 419, 421 Poetical justice 40, 548 Polite imaginations 411 Politeness 119 Political arithmetic 200 Politicians 43, 305, 403, 556, 567, 568 Poll, a way of arguing 239 Polycarpus, beloved by all 280 Pompey 293 Pontignon, M. 90 Poor, the 200, 232 (Fn. 3), 430 Pope, Alexander, his Essay on Criticism 65 (Fn. 2) an idea from 210 (Fn. 1) commended 253 (Fn. 2) his Pastorals 223 (Fn. 2) his Messiah 378 Letter and Verses 527 on Adrian's dying words 532 his Miscellany 523 Popular applause 188 Porta, Baptista della, on Physiognomy 86 (Fn. 6) Posterity 101, 583 Postman, newspaper 1 (Fn. 8) Pottiere, Dominic, a French privateer 350 Poverty 150, 464 Powell, junior, his Puppet-show 14 (Fn. 2), 31 (Fn. 5), 372 Powell, George, the actor 31 (Fn. 4), 40 Power, despotic 287 Praise 38, 73, 188, 238, 349, 467, 551 Prayer 207, 236, 312, 391 Precedence 119, 529 Precieuses, the 45 (Fns. 2 & 4) Prediction, vulgar arts of 505 Preface to the Bishop of St. Asaph's Sermons 384 Prejudice 101, 263, 432 Prepossession 117 Prerogative 480 Presumption 187 Pride 33, 201, 394, 462 Prince, Mr., dances of 466 Princes, good and bad 139 Printing 166, 367, 582 Prior 141 Procrastination 151 Procrustes, bed of 58 Prodicus 183 Professions, the three learned 21 Projector of town entertainments, a 31 Promisers 448 Pronunciation 451 Prospects 411, 412, 418 Prosperity 237 Prosper, Will. 19, 20 Proverbs of Solomon, in verse 410 Providence 120, 237, 293, 441, 543 Prudence 293 Prudes at the play 208 Psalm xxiii. translated 441 cxiv. 461 cxxxix. 399 singing in church 205 Psalmanazar, George 14 (Fn. 1) Pugg the Monkey, Adventures of 343 Pulvillios 63 (Fn. 1) Punchinello 14 Punishments in school 157 Puns 61, 396, 454, 504 Puppet-show, Powell's 14 (Fn. 2) Purcell, Henry 29 (Fn. 3) Puzzle, Tom, in argument 476 Pyramids of Egypt 415 Pyrrhus, King 180 Pythagoras 447, 586
Quacks 444, 547 (Fn. 1), 572 Quakers 396 Quality 34, 219 Queries in love 625 Quick, Mrs., of the Widows' Club 561 Quidnunc, Tom 625 Quillet, Claude 23 (Fn. 4) Quintilian 168 Quir, Peter de, on Puns 396 Quixote, Don, patron of Sigher's Club 30
Rabelais 283 Racine 39 (Fn. 4) Rack 239 Radcliffe, Dr. John 468 (Fn. 4) Raillery 422 Rainbow 415 coffee-house 16 (Fn. 1) Rakes 336, 576 Raleigh, Sir W. 510 Ramble from Richmond to the Exchange 454 Ramsey, Will., the astrologer, describes night 582 Rant 40 Rape of Proserpine, a French opera 29 Raphael 226, 244, 467 Rapin, Rene 44 (Fn. 3), 291 (Fn. 2) Rattling Club at church 630 Read, Sir Wm., oculist 472, 547 (Fn. 1) Readers 1, 62, 93, 94, 179 Reason 6, 120, 408, 447 Rebus 59 Rechteren, Count, and M. Menager 481 (Fn. 3) Recitative 29 Reciters 521 Recluse, the 282 Recommendations, letters of, generally unjust and absurd 493 Recreations 258 Rehearsal, Buckingham's 3 (Fn. 7) Religion 201, 213, 292, 356, 447, 459, 471, 483, 494, 574 Renatus Valentinus, story of 426 Rentfree, Sabina, letter on greensickness 431 Repository for fashions 487 Reproach 594 Reproof 382 Reputation 218, 467 Retirement 4, 27, 249, 425, 467, 549, 613 Revelation 600 Reveries 167 Revenge of a Spanish lady 611 Rhubarb, John, Esq., from the Infirmary 429 Rhyme, the AEneid in 60 Rhynsault, story of 491 Rich, Christopher 258 (Fn. 1) Riches 140, 145, 150, 280, 282, 283, 294, 456, 464, 574 Richelieu, Cardinal 305 Ridicule 150, 249, 445, 446 Riding 115 dress of ladies 435 Rinaldo and Armida, opera of 5 (Fn. 2), 14 Riot 180 Rival Mother, story of the 91 Rivers, Colonel 204 (Fn. 3) Roarers 474 Robin the Porter at Will's Coffeehouse 398 Rochester, John Wilmot, Earl of 2 (Fn. 3) Roman ladies 81 education 313 understanding 502 Rope-dancing 141 Rosalinda, a Whig partizan 81 reformation of 87 the handsome, to the Ugly Club 87 Rosamond, Clayton's opera of 18 (Fn. 1) Rosamond's Bower 281 Roscommon, Earl of 44 (Fn. 4), 253 (Fn. 4) Rose Tavern, the 2 (Fn. 6) Rosicrucius, story of sepulchre of 379 Royal Exchange neglected 509 Royal Progress, Tickell's poem of the 620 Royal Society 121, 262 (Fn. 4) Runnet, Mrs., of the Widows' club 561 Ruricola, his son and daughter 192 Rusticity 400 Rusty Scabbard, on the fighters at the Bear garden 449 Rycaut, Sir Paul 343 Rymer 267 (Fn. )
Sabine ladies 81 St. Evremond, Sieur de 33 (Fn. 1) St. James's Park 109 (Fn. 9) Coffee-house 1 (Fn. 1) Sacheverell, Henry 57 (Fn. ) Salamanders, an Order of Ladies 198 Sallust 409 Salmon, Mrs., her waxwork 28 (Fn. 4), 31 (Fn. 1) Salutations 259, 270, 460 Sanctorius, the chair of 25 (Fn. 2) Santer, Betty, letter from 140 Sapper, Thomas, his epitaph 518 Sappho 223, 229, 233 Sarasin, I. F. 60 (Fn. 11) Satires 209, 256, 451, 473, 568 Satyricon of Petronius Arbiter, story from the 11 (Fn. 1) Saudades 204 Saul, David, his epitaph 518 Saunter, Mrs., snuff-taker 344 Scale of being 519 Scaliger 562 Scandal 426, 427, 562 Scaramouch 283 Scarecrow the Beggar 6 Scarron, Paul 17 (Fn. 1) Scarves, vanity of, in clergy 609 Scawen, Sir William 546 (Fn. 2) Scheffer's Northern odes 366, 406 Scholar's egg 58 Schoolmasters 157, 168, 313 Schoolmen's case of the ass 191 Scipio 157 Scolds 479, 482 Scornful Lady, Comedy of the 270 Scott, Dr., on the Christian Life 447 (Fn. 6) Scribblers 445, 582 Scudery 37 (Fn. ), 241 Scurlock, Miss, letters to, adapted to the praise of marriage 142 Sea 489 Seasons, dream of the 425 Second sight in Scotland 604 Segrais, his threefold distinction of readers 62 (Fn. 7) Self-conceit 460 Self-denial 206, 248 Self-examination 399, 586 Self-love 17, 192, 238, 426, 588 Self-murder 231 Self-tormentor of Terence 521 Semanthe, who paints well 404 Semiramis 415 Sempronia, who admires the French 45 match-maker 437 Seneca 37, 39 (Fn. 1), 77 (Fn. 1), 93, 569 Sense 6, 172, 259, 519 Sentry, Captain 2 (Fn. 7), 34, 152, 197, 350, 517 September described 425 Serle's Coffee-house 49 (Fn. 1) Sermons 633 Servants 88, 96, 107, 137, 202 Settlement, Act of 3 (Fn. 5) Seven 632 Severity in schools 408 Sexes 43, 156, 400 Sextant 428 (Fn. 1) Sextus V., Pope 23 Shadows and realities 5 Shadwell 35 (Fn. 2) Shakespeare 49, 54, 141, 168, 419, 562 Shalum and Hilpa, story of 584 Sheepishness 484 She-Machiavels 561 Sheffield, John, Duke of Buckingham 253 (Fn. 4), 462 (Fn. 3) Shepheard, Miss 92 (Fn. 1), 140, 163 Shepherd, eminent for tossing eggs 160 Shepherd's pipe, poem in shape of a 58 Sherlock on Death 37 (Fn. 2), 289, 447 She would if she could, a comedy 51 Ship in storm 489 Shoeing horns, men used as 536 Shoe-strings 150 Short face, the Spectator's 17, 48 Shovel, Sir Cloudesley, monument of 26 (Fn. ) Shows 193, 235, 271 Sickness, a thought in 513 Sidney, Sir Philip 70, 400 Sight 411, 472 second 604 Sighers' Club 30 Signs of houses 28 (Fn. 2) Silence 514 the Spectator's 4, 12 Silk-worms, what women are 454 Similes 160, 421, 455 Simonides 209 (Fn. 1) Sincerity 103, 352 Singing, verses on a lady's 433 Singularity 576 Sippet, Jack, who breaks appointments 448 Sir Martin Mar-all, Dryden's 5 (Fn. 1) Skiomachia 115 (Fn. 3) Slavery 287 Sleep 586, 593, 597 Sleeper, the annual 184 Slovens 150 Sly, haberdasher 187 (Fn. 1), 526, 532, 534, 545 Smithfield bargain in marriage 304 Snap, Mrs., of the Widows' Club 561 Snape, Dr., charity sermon by 294 Snarlers 438 Snuff 344 (Fn. 1) Snuff-box 138 Society 422 Socrates 23, 54, 67, 86, 133, 146, 183, 195, 207, 213, 239, 247, 408, 479, 486, 500, 558 Soho Square 2 (Fn. 2) Soldiers 152, 544, 566 Solitude 4, 158, 264, 406, 425, 514 Solomon's Song, paraphrase of part of 388 Somers, Sir John dedication at beginning of Volume 1 Song with notes 470 Songs of Sion 405 Sophocles, Electra of 44 Sorites in logic 239 Sorrow 95, 312, 397 Soul, the 56, 111, 116, 237, 413, 487, 600, 602 Sounds 416 Southerne 40 (Fn. 2), 481 Space, infinite 564 Spanish Friar, Dryden's 267 (Fn. 13) Spanish Succession, War of the 26 (Fn. 5), 45 (Fn. 1), 64 (Fn. 2), 353 (Fn. 3) Sparkes, John, of Coventry 436 (Fn. 2) Sparkish, Will., a modern husband 479 Sparrows for the opera 5 Spartans 6, 307, 564 Speakers, loud 148 Spectator, the 1 (Fn. 15) his Club 2, 34 himself 1, 4, 12, 34 trade of the paper 46 (Fn. 2), 499 (Fn. 1), 533 (Fn. 1) stamp duty 445 (Fn. 1) Nahum Tate on the 488 Speech, organs of 231 Spenser 390, 419, 540 Spies 202, 439 Spinamont on duels 84 Spirits 12, 110, 419 Spite in a beauty 156 Spleen 53, 588 Sprat, Dr. Thomas 114 (Fn. 3) Spring 393, 423 Spring-Garden 383 Squeezing the hand 119 Squire's Coffee-house 39 (Fn. 1) Squires 529 Staffordshire, Dr. Plot's Natural History of 447 (Fn. 1) Stage, the 370, 440, 446 Stage-coach, in a 131, 242, 513 -men 474 Staincoat Hole, at Cambridge 397 Stamp Act 445 (Fn. 1) Starch, political 305 Starers 20, 250 Stars, the 420, 565 Stationers 304, 579 Statira, a pattern for women 41 Statuary 416 Steele, censures a passage in his 'Funeral' 51 love-letters 142 his paper omitted in the reprint 328 (Fn. 1) Cibber on his literary relation to Addison 546 (Fn. 1) Stepney, epitaphs at 518 Sternhold, Thomas 205 (Fn. 4) Stint, Jack, and Will. Trap 448 Stock's Market 462 Stoics 243, 307 Stonesfield, the Roman pavement at 358 (Fn. 1) Storm at sea 489 Strada 241, 617 Stratonica 229 Strife 197 Stripes for perverse wives 479 Strolling players 48 Stubbs, Rev. Philip 147 (Fn. 1) Style, New and Old 21 (Fn. 1) Subjects, value of, to a prince 200 Sublime in writing 117, 152, 592, 633 Sudden, Thomas, Esq., from the Infirmary 429 Sukey's adventure with Sir Roger and Will. Honeycomb 410 Syllogisms 239 Syrinx of Theocritus, the 58 (Fn. 3) Summer in England 393 Sun, the 250, 412 Sunday in the country 112 Superiority 6, 202, 219 Superstition 7, 201, 213 Surgeon, Italian, advertisement of an 23 Surprise 62, 538 Susannah, puppet-show of 14 (Fn. 2) Swallow, Lady Catherine, of the Widows' Club 561 Swearing 233, 332, 371, 448, 531 Swift 23 (Fn. 1), 50 (Fn. 1), 226 (Fn. 1), 265 (Fn. 3), 324 (Fn. 2), 353 (Fn. 1), 445 (Fn. 1), 504 (Fn. 1) Swingers at Tunbridge Wells 492 Sydenham, Dr. Thomas 25 (Fn. 1) Sylvester, Joshua 58 (Fn. 4) Sylvia, in choice of husband, hesitates between riches and merit 149 Symmetry 411, 632 Syncopists, modern 567 Syncopius the passionate 438 Syracusan prince, the jealous 579
Tale-bearers 19, 439 Talents 172 Tartars, a conceit of the 126 Taste 29, 140, 208, 379 (Fn. 3), 409 (Fn. 1), 447 Tate, Nahum 488 Tattle, Letitia, her trained birds 36 Tavern Tyrants 508 Tax on eminence 101 Tears 95 Temper 181, 424, 598 Temperance 195 Templar, the 2, 34 Temple, Sir W. 21 (Fn. 4), 37 (Fn. 2), 195 (Fn. 4) Ten 221 Terence 170, 502 Terror 418 Terset, Harry, and his lady, indolent 100 Tetractys 221 (Fn. ) Thales quoted 594 Thames described 454 That, remonstrance of 80 Theatres 36, 40, 42, 44, 51, 65, 141 (Fn. 2), 602 Themista, a confidant 118 Themistocles 311 Theocritus 58 (Fn. 3) Theodosius and Constantia 164 Theognis quoted 464 Theon, Pindar's saying of 467 Theory of the Earth, Burnet's, quoted 146 Thersites 17 (Fn. 2) Thimbleton, Ralph, his calamity 432 Thinking aloud 211 Thirst 22 Thornhill, Mr., his duel 84 (Fn. 3) Thrash, Will, and his wife, insipid 522 Throne of God 580, 600 Thunder, stage 36, 44 Tickell 523 (Fn. 1), 532 Tillotson 103 (Fn. 1), 106 (Fn. 4), 293, 352, 447, 600 Tilt Yard, Whitehall 109 (Fn. 1) Time 83, 93, 316 Titian 292 Title-page, Antony, stationer 304 Titles 204, 219, 480 Tofts, Mrs. 18 (Fn. 1), 22 (Fn. 3) Toleration, Act of 3 (Fn. 4) Tom Touchy 122 Tom Trusty 479 Tom the Tyrant, at the coffee-house 49 Tombs in Westminster Abbey 26 Tomtits in the Opera 5 Tonson, Jacob 9 (Fn. 1) Tories 50, 58 (Fn. 4) Torture 239, 418 Townly, Frank, letter of 560 Trade 2, 69, 109, 283, 443 Tragedy 39, 40, 42, 44, 279 (Fn. 1) Tranquillity 196, 425 Transmigration of souls 211, 343, 408 Trap, Mr., letter to Mr. Stint 448 Travel 45, 93, 364, 474 Trees 414, 589 Triflers 432 Trojans, modern 239, 245 Trophonius, cave of 598, 599 Trott, Nell, waiter on the Ugly Club 17 Truby's, Widow, water 329 Truepenny, Jack, the good-natured 82 Trunkmaker, at the play 235 Trust in God 441 Trusty, Tom, a servant, account of 96 Truth 63, 103, 352, 507 Tryphiodorus 59 Tumbling 141 Tunbridge Wells 492, 496 Tuperty, Mrs., a flirt 202 Turner, Sir William 509 Tyrants 508
Vainlove family, the 454 Valentine, Basil, Currus Triumphalis 94 (Fn. 1) a legend of 426 (Fn. 1) Valerio resolves to be a poet 404 Valetudinarians 100, 143, 395 Vanini 389 (Fn. 4) Vanity 16, 255, 380, 460, 514 Vapours in women 115 Variety 408, 600 Varillas, the cheerful 100 Venice Preserved, Otway's 39 Venus 127, 417, 425 Vernal delight 393 Versifying, artificial 220 (Fn. 4) Vertot, the Abbe 349 (Fn. 2) Ugly Club 17, 32, 48, 52, 78 Vice 137, 151, 243, 624 Victor, a genteel politician 150 Villacerse, death of Madame de 368 Villars, Abbe de 379 (Fn. 4) Vinci, Leonardo da 554 Viner, Sir Robert, familiar with Charles II. 462 (Fn. 2) Virgil 70, 90, 273, 351, 404, 417, 514, 610 Virtue 93, 104, 219, 240, 243, 248, 266, 394, 399, 520 Virtuoso, a female 242 Vision of Calamities 558, 559 of Credit 3 of Fame 81 Hearts 563 Mirza 159 Misery 604 Mountain of the Muses 514 Painters 83 Scales 463 Seasons 425 Vanity 460 Wit, true and false 63 Visits 24, 45 (Fn. 2), 208 Understanding 6, 420, 438 Uniformity, Act of 3 (Fn. 3) Universe, the 420 Unlearned, proposal for publishing works of the 457 Vocifer, how he passed for a fine gentleman 75 Volumes, dignity of 124 Voluntaries at church 630 Votaries 79 Vowels 135 Uranius has composure of soul 143 Usurpers, tavern 508 Utrecht, the Peace Negotiation at 481 (Fn. 3) Vulcan's dogs 579
Waddle, Lady, of the Widows' Club 561 Wagers 145, 521 (Fn. 1) Wake, Colonel 313 (Fn. 3) Wakes, country 161 Wall of China 415 Waller 148, 158, 224 Wall's Infant Baptism 92 (Fn. 2) Want, fear of 114 War, the, in Queen Anne's reign 26 (Fn. 5), 43 (Fns. 1-5), 45 (Fn. 1), 64 (Fn. 2), 353 (Fn. 3), 521 (Fn. 1) War news, greed for 452 Wasps in public 300 Watchman and goose 376 Watts, Dr. Isaac 461 (Fn. 1) Wax-work, Mrs. Salmon's, fifteen images burnt on Queen Elizabeth's birthday 262 (Fn. 3) Way of the World, Congreve's 204 Wealth 469, 506, 601 Weaver on dancing 466 Wedlock 525 Weed, Ephraim 450 Weights showing true values 463 Wenham, Jane, the last condemned witch 117 (Fn. 4) West Enborne in Berkshire, custom of 614 Westminster Abbey 26, 329 Westminster boy and colours taken at Blenheim 139 Wharton, Thomas, Earl of dedication after No. 321 Whichenovre in Staffordshire, custom of 607 Whigs 50, 58 (Fn. ) Whims 371 Whining 630 Whisperers 148, 168, 457 Whispering place of Dionysius 439 Whistling match 179 White, Moll, a witch 117, 268 Whittington and his Cat v. Rinaldo and Armida 14 (Fn. 2), 31 (Fn. 5) Who and Which, petition of 78 Widow, the perverse, Sir Roger's love for 113, 115, 118 Widows 311, 561, 573, 606, 614, 623 male 520 Wife 199, 479, 490, 525 Wigs 319, 631 (Fn. 1) the lawyer's 407 Wildfire, widow, of the Widows' Club 561 Wilks the comedian 370 William III. 468 (Fn. 4), 516 William, Sir Roger's huntsman 118 Willow Kate, Sir Roger's character of 118 Wills' Coffee-house 1 (Fn. 6) Wimble, Will 108, 109, 126, 131, 268 Wine 140, 147, 181, 362 (Fn. 5) Wings, verse in the form of 58 Winstanley's Water Theatre 168 Winter Gardens 477 Winter piece by Ambrose Philips 393 Wisdom 225 Wit, Addison's Essays on 58-63; 6, 23, 35 (Fn. 2), 38, 140, 151, 169, 179, 220, 270, 416, 422, 514, 522 Wits 404, 509 Witchcraft 61, 117 (Fn. 4), 268, 419 Wolsey 624 Woman's Man, the 57, 156 Women 4, 10, 15, 33, 53, 57, 79, 81, 92, 95, 98, 104, 128, 154, 155, 156, 158, 159, 182, 208, 209, 243, 247, 252, 261, 265, 274, 320, 342, 343, 365, 390, 433, 486, 506, 510, 511, 606, 625 a republic of 416 Words 373, 416 Works of art 414 World, the 27, 111, 387, 519 Worriers 304 Wortley, Hon. E. 71 (Fn. 2) Writers 166, 379, 409, 417, 422, 568, 582 Wycherley's Plain Dealer 354 (Fn. 2)
Xenophon 169, 337, 354 (Fn. 1), 537, 564 Ximena, Colley Cibber's 546
Yaratilda and Maraton, story of 56 Yarico, Inkle and, story of 11 Yawning, a Christmas game 179 Year, the, described 425 Youth 153
Zeal 57, 185, 399 Zelinda, perfidious 627 Zemboade, Queen, story of 578 Zimri, Dryden's character of 162 Zoilus 279 (Fn. 10)
* * * * *