Sir Walter Scott said that in London a Scotchman would walk half a mile farther to purchase his ounce of snuff where the sign of the Highlander announced a North Briton.
Dickens's little figure, which adorned old Sol Gills's shop, "thrust itself out above the pavement, right leg foremost," with shoe buckles and flapped waistcoat very much unlike the real thing, and "bore at its right eye the most offensively disproportionate piece of machinery." But this was only one of many "little timber midshipmen in obsolete naval uniforms, eternally employed outside the shop-doors of nautical instrument-makers in taking observations of the hackney-coaches." All have disappeared, together with the black dolls of the rag shops and many other old-time figures. A stray highlander or two, or other figure, may survive here and there; but with very few exceptions indeed, the once abundant tobacconists' signs have disappeared from our streets as completely as the emblems and tokens of other trades.
Adams, Parson, 104-106
Addison, Joseph, 92, 94
"Aldermen," 89
Aldrich, Dr. of Oxford, 83, 84, 85
Alfred Club, 166
Althorp, Lord, 147
Amadas, Captain P., 13
Andrewes, Bishop, 22
Angelo, Henry, 121, 122, 144
Apothecaries, Society of, 90
Appleton family, 209
Arber, Edward, 12
Archer Collection, 237
Athenaeum Club, 139, 186
Athenian Oracle, The, 210
Atkinson, Canon, 231
Aubrey, John, 21, 23, 205
Austin, Alfred, 169
'Bacconist, 68
Balzac, H. de, 181, 182
Banks's Collection, 237, 242
Barclay, Dr. William, 52
Barlow, Bishop, 83
Barlow, Captain, 13
Barrow, Isaac, 83
Bates, Dr. George, 58
Bath, 90
Beaumont and Fletcher, 32
Bell, W.G., 45
Benson, Archbishop, 169
Blackburn, Archbishop, 227
Blackie, Prof. J.S., 188
Boyd-Carpenter, Bishop, 222
Bradley, Ben, 114
Brass pipe, 231
Briar-pipes, 163, 175, 176
Broadley, A.M., 246
Brooks's Club, 196
Brougham, Lord, 147
Brown, Tom, 91, 212
Browne, Isaac H., 112
Browning, Robert, 188
Brushfield, Dr., 15, 21, 61
Buckland, Frank, 188
Bull, Rev. W., 128-130
Burn, J.H., 66, 239
Burnet, Bishop, 83, 84
Burney, Frances, 121
Burney, Dr., 109
Burton, Robert, 26, 50
Burton, Thomas, 67
Butler, Samuel, 183
Byron, Lord, 141, 166
Calthorp, Lord, 147
Cambridge, 70, 95, 102, 132-134, 168, 171, 191, 225, 226
Camden, William, 45
Campbell, Thomas, 141
Carlyle, Thomas, 170, 188
Cecil, Sir Robert, 36
Chapman, George, 29, 42, 55
Charles I, 58, 63
Charles II, 70, 71
Cheroots, 138, 156
Chester, 89, 109
Chicago, 222
Chichester, 57
Chigwell, 54
Church, smoking in, 225-233
"Churchwardens," 89, 162-164, 170
Churchwardens' accounts, 47, 73, 226, 229
Cigarettes, 159, 179-183, 187, 189, 194, 195, 217-223
Cigars, 137-141, 144-148, 155-157, 159, 166, 169, 172, 179, 187, 194, 195, 218-222
Clarendon, Earl of, 59
Clark, John Willis, 171, 191
Club snuff-box, 187
Clubs, 139, 165, 166, 186, 187, 196, 197
Coffee-houses, 81, 91-95
Cogers' Hall, 107, 159, 160
Coke, Mr., of Norfolk, 147
Coleridge, S.T., 123, 142, 143
Collins, Mortimer, 220
Collins, Wilkie, 204
Colton, Rev. C.C., 139
Coltsfoot, 43
Commons, House of, 34, 66, 146, 198
Connoisseur, The, 100, 101
Cooper, Sir Astley, 167
Cooper, T.P., 79
Cork, Earl of, 22
Cornwall, 210
Coverley, Sir Roger de, 93
Cowper, William, 128-131
Cox, G.V., 131, 132
Creighton, Bishop Mandell, 183
Croker, J.W., 139
Cromwell, Oliver, 58, 63, 72
Cromwell, Richard, 67
Crowe, Rev. W., 103
Cruikshank, George, 19, 150
Cullum, Sir John, 80
Cuming, H. Syer, 78
"Cutties," 162, 164
Dahomey, King of, 221
Dalmahoy, Thomas, 60
D'Anvers, A., 95
D'Aumale, Duc, 187
Deacon, 53
Defoe, Daniel, 78
Dekker, T., 27, 28, 30, 31, 34, 39, 51, 238
Denison, Archdeacon, 131, 132, 141
Denman, Arthur, 246
Derby, 75, 114
Devonshire, 211
Devonshire, Duke of, 185
Dickens, Charles, 150-153, 155, 161, 180, 218, 219, 249
Disney, John, 227
Ditchfield, P.H., 228
Dixon, Hepworth, 21
Dodsley's "Collection," 112, 213
"Dog and Duck, The," 122
Dryden, John, 84
Dublin, 214
Durham House, Strand, 20, 21
Eachard, John, 70
Earle, Bishop, 25, 39
Earle, Mrs. A.M., 65
Edward VII, 187, 189
Eldon, Lord, 147
Eliot, John, 66
Elizabeth, Queen, 50, 205
Ely, 89
Ember-tongs, 41
Essex, Earl of, 35
Eton, 77
Evelyn, John, 58, 73, 96
Exeter, 46
Fairholt, F.W., 52, 180
Farmer, Dr., 133
Fielding, Henry, 101, 106, 117
Fiennes, Celia, 210
Fitz-Boodle, George, 157
Fleet parsons, 240
Fox, George, 86
Furniss, Harry, 159, 165
Gale, Walter, 101
Garbutt, Jane, 216
Garrick, David, 106, 120
Garrick Club, 165, 187
Garth, Sir Samuel, 86
Gillray, James, 121
Gladstone, W.E., 189
Glapthorne, George, 209
Godley, A.D., 103
Goldsmith, Oliver, 120
Gonzales' "Voyage," 109
Goodyear, Joseph, 19
Granger, J., 83
Gray, Thomas, 102
Greenaway Manor House, 20
Gronow, Captain, 134, 167
Grosley's "Travels," 122
Grunning, Henry, 133
Hall, Bishop, 25
Hall, Robert, 228
Handel, G.F., 109
Harcourt, Sir William, 189
Hariot, Thomas, 15, 16, 20
Harrison, William, 14
Hastings, Squire, 35
Hawkins, Sir John, 14
Hawstead Place, 80
Hayes Barton, 20
Hayes, Middlesex, 231
Hayne, John, 61
Hearne, Thomas, 75, 77, 110
Hemstridge, 18
Hentzner, 32
Herbert of Cherbury, Lord, 35
Highlander, wooden, 244-248
Hobbes, Thomas, 85
Hogarth, William, 115-117, 125, 239
Holiday, Barten, 56
Holtzendorff, Franz von, 160-162
Hone, William, 19
Hook, Theodore, 197
Howell, James, 75
Hyndman, H.M., 180
Inderwick, tobacconist, 162
Innocent XII, Pope, 225
Iron pipes, 230, 231
Islington, Old Pied Bull at, 19
James I, 13, 14, 34, 37, 50, 62, 75, 206, 225
James, John, 131
Jeffreys, Lord Chief Justice, 73
Jekyll, Miss G., 41, 148
Jessopp, Dr. A., 86
Johnson, Dr., 119, 120
Jollie, Thomas, 74
Jonson, Ben, 27, 29, 30, 31, 42, 43, 48, 207
Jorevin, Monsieur, 211
Keene, Charles, 168
Kingsley, Charles, 169
Knight, Joseph, 170
Koet, Captain, 12
Lamb, Charles, 142-144
Lambeth Palace, 70
Lancaster, 233
Lane, Ralph, 13
Lang, Andrew, 181
Larwood, J., 242, 243
Le Blanc, Abbe, 110
Leslie, Sir James, 60
Licences, 45, 46, 60
Lilly, the Astrologer, 71
Liviez, Monsieur, 122
Livingstone, Matthew, 60
Lockhart, J.G., 141
Lockyer, Sir Norman, 187
Long, Sir Henry, 19
Lord Mayor's Show, 73
Lords, House of, 36
Lovat, Lord, 107
Lucas, E.V., 245
Lucknow, Siege of, 174
Lutterworth, 169
Lyte's "Dodoens," 43
Lytton, Lord, 176
Macaulay, Lord, 146
MacMichael, J.H., 237
Malet, Colonel H., 163
Marlborough Club, 187
Marston, John, 55, 207
"Mashers," 182
Medicinal smoking, 12, 16, 36, 37, 50, 53-56, 75-78
Methwold, Suffolk, 88
Middleton, Captain W., 12
Millais, Sir John, 187
Milo, tobacconist, 162, 163
Milton, John, 63
Milverton, 47
Misson's "Travels," 211
Molly, Pheasy, 236
Monk, General, 71
Moore, Rev. Giles, 72, 209
Morris, William, 188
Munby, A.J., 175
Muratt, B.L. de, 91
Neem-leaves, 175
Nevill, Lady Dorothy, 160, 180, 185, 201
Nevill, Ralph, 186
Newcastle, Marquis of, 58
New England, 47, 64-66
Newton, Sir Isaac, 85
Newton, Rev. John, 128
Nicot, Jean, 12
North, Lord, 86
North Elmham, Norfolk, 73
Norwich, 47, 73
Notes and Queries, 149, 246, 247
Oliphant, L., 180, 181
Ouida, 181, 217
Oxford, 37, 95, 102-104, 110, 131, 172
Palgrave, F.T., 132, 158
Parr, Dr., 125-127, 144, 227
Paul, Herbert, 183
Penn, William, 80, 87
Pennant, T., 12
Penzance, 18
Pepys, Samuel, 77, 96
Petersham, Lord, 134
Philips, John, 84, 85, 112
Picnic Society, 122
Plague, The, and tobacco, 75-78
Plague-pipes, 78
Pope, Alexander, 94
Porson, Richard, 127, 132
Powys, Captain Richard, 120
Price, F.G. Hilton, 241
Price, Captain Thomas, 12
Prideaux, Colonel W.F., 163, 164
Prince Regent, the, 134
Prior, Matthew, 94
Pryme, A. de la, 64, 95
Pryme, George, 132
Prynne, William, 206
Punch, 166, 173, 183, 220
Puritans and tobacco, 47, 64
Quakers and tobacco, 86-88, 111, 215
Quilp, 155
Railway travelling, 173, 184, 221
Raleigh, Sir Walter, 13-23, 205
Ram Alley, 45, 46
Rasps, 214, 244
Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 120
Rich, Barnaby, 18, 43
Ritchie, Lady, 168
Robertson, T.W., 170
Rossetti, D.G., 188
Rossetti, W.M., 170
Rowlands, Samuel, 69
Rowlandson, Thomas, 121
Ruskin, John, 188, 189
Sage, David, 19
St. Bride's, Fleet Street, 73
St. Dunstan's, Fleet Street, 45
St. Paul's Cathedral, 27, 48
Salvation Army, 202
Scotland, 60, 61
Scott, Sir Walter, 140, 141, 229
Sebright MSS., 12
Serjeant's Inn, 45
Shadwell, Thomas, 81
Shakespeare, William, 21, 56
Sidgwick, Arthur, 189
Sion College, 108, 135
Skinners' Company, 89
Smoking-rooms, 80, 81, 146, 159, 160-162, 165, 166
Smollett, Tobias, 175
Snuff-taking, 96, 97, 107, 108, 112, 113, 128, 134, 215, 244
Soldiers and smoking, 174
Sorbiere, S. de, 80, 90
South Wraxall, 19
Spectator, The, 91-93, 213, 241
Spedding, James, 168
Spenser, Edmund, 56
Stanhope, Charles, 134
Stapley, Richard, 72
Steele, Sir R., 94
Steinmetz, A., 166
Stephen, J.K., 191
Stephens, F.G., 239
Sterne, Laurence, 104
Stevenson, R.L., 200
Stone parlours, 81
Stowell, Lord, 147
Sumner, Dr., of Harrow, 125
Sussex, H.R.H. the Duke of, 147
Sussex story, a, 203
Swift, Dean, 107, 214
Swinburne, A.C., 188
Sylvester, Joshua, 54, 206
Tarlton, Richard, 17
Taxi-cabs, 198
Tennyson, Alfred Lord, 132, 168-170, 187, 189
Thackeray, W.M., 84, 139, 147, 154, 157-159, 165, 167, 168, 171
Theatres, smoking in, 30-32
Thoresby, Ralph, 22, 92
Thornbury, Walter, 20
Tiltyard, The, Whitehall, 49
Tobacco as disinfectant, 226
Tobacco-boxes, 26, 71, 72, 88, 124, 128, 132, 148
Tobacco-boxes, automatic, 148-150
Tobacco-duty, 62
Tobacco, kinds of, 27, 62, 73, 239
Tobacco-pipe-makers, Society of, 44, 78
Tobacco-pipes, 11, 14, 22, 23, 29, 32, 40, 57, 63, 79, 148, 163, 175
Tobacco prices, 29, 41, 61-63, 72, 73, 109
Tobacco sellers, 33, 39-48, 63
Tobacco-tongs, 26, 41, 63
Tobacconists' signs, 235-249
Townley's "High Life below Stairs," 111
Travellers' Club, 197
Turk's Head, Gerrard Street, 122
Twain, Mark, 203
Urban VIII, Pope, 225
Venner, Tobias, 51
Victoria, Queen, 160, 187, 221
Vienna, 145
Wallace Collection, 22
Walpole, Horace, 102
Walpole, Sir Robert, 114
Walton, Izaak, 55, 86
Ward, Ned, 91
Warton, Thomas, 102, 103
Week-ends, 100
Wellington, Duke of, 156, 202
Wesley, John, 108, 131
Wesley, Samuel, 108
Western, Squire, 101
White's Club, 165, 186
William III, 83, 84
Willis, N.P., 145
Wilson, Dr. Andrew, 202, 203
Winstanley, William, 71
Wither, George, 64
Wiveliscombe, 47
Women and tobacco smoke, 29, 32, 113, 157-168, 184, 205-223
Worcester, 211
World, The, 101, 104, 111
Wotton, Sir Henry, 55
Youghal, 20, 22
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Typographical errors corrected in text: page 124: deathy replaced with deathly page 133: perseverence replaced with perseverance page 231: parishoners replaced with parishioners page 253: Abbe replaced by Abbe
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