The Ship of Fools, Volume 1
by Sebastian Brandt
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IX. THE LYFE OF SAYNTE THOMAS. Pynson. No date. Quarto. Black letter.

" Here begynneth the lyfe of the blessed martyr saynte Thomas." This title is the headline of this little treatise; at the beginning of which is indented a small woodcut of a man in armour, striking at the bishop, with his cross-bearer before him. It begins "The martir saynte Thomas was son to Gylberde Bequet a burgeys of the Cite of London. And was borne in y^e place, whereas now standeth the churche called saynte Thomas of Akers." It concludes, " Thus endeth the lyfe of the blessed martyr saynt Thomas of Caunturbury. Jmprynted by me Rycharde Pynson, prynter vnto the kynges noble grace." Contains eight leaves. There is a copy in the British Museum. Assigned to Barclay on tne authority of Wood.

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X. HAYTHON'S CRONYCLE. Pynson. No date. Folio. Black letter.

"Here begynneth a lytell Cronycle, translated & imprinted at the cost & charge of Rycharde Pynson, by the comaundement of the ryght high and mighty prince, Edwarde duke of Buckingham, yerle of Gloucestre, Staffarde, and of Northamton," over a large woodcut. Colophon: "Here endeth, [&c.] Imprinted by the sayd Richarde Pynson, printer unto the Kinges noble grace." Date conjectured to be between 1520 and 1530. Pynson's device, No. 5, at the end. Collation: A—E, and H, in sixes; F and G, and I, in fours; forty-eight leaves.

On the verso of fol. 35, "Here endeth y^e boke of thistoris of thoriet partes copyled by a relygious man frere Hayton frere of Premostre order, sotyme lorde of court & cosyn german to the kyng of Armeny vpon y^e passage of the holy lande. By the comaudement of y^e holy fader y^e apostle of Rome Clemet the V. in y^e cite of Potiers which boke I Nicholas Falcon, writ first in French ... I haue traslated it in Latyn for our holy father y^e pope. In the yere of our lorde god M.CCC.VII. in y^e moneth of August. Deo gras."

"The travels of Hayton into the Holy Land and Armenia, and his history of Asia, is one of the most valuable of the early accounts of the east. The present is the only translation into English, and from the circumstances of its being printed by Pynson and having been (when in Mr Heber's collection) bound with two other works (Mirrour of good Maners and Sallust) both translated by Barclay, was probably also translated by him. It is a book of extraordinaiy rarity, no perfect copy that can be traced having previously occured for sale." (Bibliotheca Grenvilliana, vol. I.)

Heber's copy (the one above mentioned), L40. 9s. 6d.

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Venerandissimo in Christo Patri ac Domino: domino Thome Cornisshe Tenenensis pontifici ac diocesis Badonensis Suffraganio vigilantissimo, sue paternitatis Capellanus humilimus Alexander Barclay suiipsius recommendacionem cum omni summissione, et reuerentia.

Tametsi crebris negocijs: varioque impedimentorum genere fatigatus paulo diutius quam volueram a studio reuulsus eram. Attamen obseruandissime presul: Stultiferam classem (vt sum tue paternati pollicitus) iam tandem absolui et impressam ad te destinaui. Neque tamen certum laborem pro incerto premio (humano. s.) meis impossuissem humeris: nisi Seruianum illud dictum (longe anteaqam inceperam) admonuisset. Satius esse non incipere quam inceptum minus perfectum relinquere. Completo tamen opere: nec quemquam magis dignum quam tua sit paternitas existimaui cui id dedicarem: tum quia saluberrima tua prudentia, morum grauitas, vite sanctitas doctrineque assiduitas: errantes fatuos mumdanis ab illecebris ad virtutis tramites: difficiles licet: possint reducere: tum vero: quia sacros ad ordines per te sublimatus et promotus, multisque aliis tuis beneficiis ditatus non potui tibi meum obsequium non coartare. Opus igitur tue paternitati dedicaui: meorum primicias laborum qui in lucem eruperunt Atque vt tua consuluerit paternatis: autoris carmina cum meis vulgaribus rithmicis vna alternatim coniunixi: et quantum a vero carminum sensu errauerim, tue autoritatis iudicium erit. Fateor equidem multo plura adiecisse quam ademisse: partim ad vicia que hac nostra in regione abundantius pullulant mordacius carpenda: partimque ob Rithmi difficultatem. Adieci etiam quasdam Biblie aliorumque autorum concordancias in margine notatas quo singula magis lectoribus illucescant: Simul ad inuidorum caninos latratus pacandos: et rabida ora obstruenda: qui vbi quid facinorum: quo ipsi scatent: reprehensum audierint. continuo patulo gutture liuida euomunt dicta, scripta dilacerant. digna scombris ac thus carmina recensent: sed hi si pergant maledicere: vt stultiuagi comites classem insiliant. At tu venerande Presul Discipuli tui exiguum munusculum: hilari fronte accipito, Classemque nostram (si quid vagum, si quid erronium: si quid denique superfluum emineat: optimam in partem interpretando: ab inuidorum faucibus: tue autoritatis clipeo tucaris. Vale. Ex Impressoria officina Richardi Pynson. iij. Idus Decembris.





Alexander Barclay excusynge the rudenes of his translacion, y^e first lefe Barclay y^e translatour to y^e folys.

A prologe in prose shewynge to what intent this Boke was firste made, & who were the first Auctours of it.

Another Prologe: in Balade concernyng the same.

In what place this Boke was translate and to what purpose it was translatyd.

Here begynneth the Folys and firste of inprofytable bokys.

Of euyll Counsellours Juges & men of lawe.

Of couetyse and prodigalyte.

Of newe disgysynges in apparayle.

A lawde of the nobles and grauyte of Kynge Henry the eyght.

Of olde Folys encresynge foly with age.

Of negligent Fathers ayenst their Children.

Of taleberers: & mouers of debate.

Of nat folowers of good counsel.

Of vngoodly maners, and dysordred.

Of the hurtynge of frendshyp.

Of dispysers of holy scripture.

Of folys inprouydent.

Of disordred & venerious loue.

Of them that synne trustynge vpon the mercy of almyghty god.

Of folys y^t begyn great byldynge without sufficient prouysion.

Of glotons, and droncardes.

Of ryches vnprofytable.

Of folys that wyl serue two lordes both togyther.

Of superflue speche.

Of them that correct other, them self culpable in the same faut.

Of folys that fynde others good, nat restorynge the same to the owner.

The sermon or doctryne of wysdom.

Of Folys bostyng them in fortune.

Of the superflue curyosyte of men.

Of great borowers, & slacke payers.

Of vnprofitable vowers & peticions.

Of negligent stodyers.

Of them that folvsshly speke ayenst the workes of god.

Of lewde Juges of others dedes.

Of pluralytees of benefyces.

Of synners that prolonge from daye to day to amende theyr myslyuyng.

Of men that ar Jelous.

Of auoutry, and specially of suche as ar bawdes to theyr wyues.

Of suche as nedys wyll contynue in theyr foly nat withstandynge holsom erudicion.

An addicion of the secundaries of Otery saynt Mary, in Deuynshyre.

Of wrathfull folys.

Of the mutabylyte of fortune.

Of seke men inobedient.

Of to open councellers.

Of folys that can nat be ware by y^e mysfortune nor take example of others damage.

Of folys that force or care for the bacbytynge of lewde people.

Of mockers and fals accusers.

Of them that despyse euerlastynge blys for worldly thynges & transitory.

Of talkers and makers of noyse in the Chirche of god.

Of folys that put them self in wylful ieopardy and peryll.

Of the way of felycyte, and godnes and the payne to come to synners.

Of olde folys y^t gyue example of vyce to youth negligent & vnexpert.

Of bodely lust or corporall voluptuosyte.

Of folys that can nat kepe secrete theyr owne counsell.

Of yonge folys that take olde wymen to theyr wyues nat for loue but for ryches.

Of enuyous Folys.

Of impacient folys disdaynynge to abyde and suffer correccion, for theyr profyte.

Of folysshe Fesicians vsynge theyr practyke without speculacyon.

Of the ende of worldly honour & power and of folys y^t trust in them.

An addicion of Alexander barclay.

Of predestinacyon.

Of folys that aply other mennys besynes leuynge theyr owne vndone.

Of the vyce of ingratytude or vnkyndnes and folys that vse it.

Of Folys that stande to moche in theyr owne conceyte.

Of folys that delyte them in daunsynge.

Of nyght watchers.

Of the vanyte of beggers.

Alexander Barclay excusynge the rudenes of his translacion.

Go Boke: abasshe the thy rudenes to present. To men auaunced to worshyp, and honour. By byrthe or fortune: or to men eloquent. By thy submyssion excuse thy Translatour. But whan I remember the comon behauour Of men: I thynke thou ought to quake for fere Of tunges enuyous whose venym may the dere

Tremble, fere, and quake, thou ought I say agayne. For to the Redar thou shewest by euydence Thy selfe of Rethoryke pryuate and barayne In speche superflue: and fruteles of sentence. Thou playnly blamest without al difference Bothe hye and lowe sparinge eche mannes name. Therfore no maruayle thoughe many do the blame.

But if thou fortune to lye before a State As Kynge or Prince or Lordes great or smal. Or doctour diuyne or other Graduate Be this thy Excuse to content theyr mynde withal My speche is rude my termes comon and rural And I for rude peple moche more conuenient. Than for Estates, lerned men, or eloquent.

But of this one poynt thou nedest not to fere That any goode man: vertuous and Just. Wyth his yl speche shal the hurt or dere. But the defende. As I suppose and trust. But suche Unthriftes as sue theyr carnal lust Whome thou for vyce dost sharply rebuke and blame Shal the dysprayse: emperisshinge thy name.

An exhortacion of Alexander Barclay.

But ye that shal rede this boke: I you exhorte. And you that ar herars therof also I pray Where as ye knowe that ye be of this sorte: Amende your lyfe and expelle that vyce away. Slomber nat in syn. Amende you whyle ye may. And yf ye so do and ensue Vertue and grace. Wythin my Shyp ye get no rowme ne place.

Barclay the translatour tho the Foles.

To Shyp galantes the se is at the ful. The wynde vs calleth our sayles ar displayed. Where may we best aryue? at Lyn or els at Hulle? To vs may no hauen in Englonde be denayd. Why tary we? the Ankers ar vp wayed. If any corde or Cabyl vs hurt, let outher hynder. Let slyp the ende, or els hewe it in sonder.

Retourne your syght beholde vnto the shore. There is great nomber that fayne wold be aborde. They get no rowme our Shyp can holde no more. Haws in the Cocke gyue them none other worde. God gyde vs from Rockes, quicsonde tempest and forde If any man of warre, wether, or wynde apere. My selfe shal trye the wynde and kepe the Stere.

But I pray you reders haue ye no dysdayne. Thoughe Barclay haue presumed of audacite This Shyp to rule as chefe mayster and Captayne. Though some thynke them selfe moche worthyer than he. It were great maruayle forsoth syth he hath be. A scoler longe: and that in dyuers scoles But he myght be Captayne of a Shyp of Foles

But if that any one be in suche maner case. That he wyl chalange the maystershyp fro me Yet in my Shyp can I nat want a place. For in euery place my selfe I oft may se. But this I leue besechynge eche degre: To pardon my youthe and to bolde interprise. For harde is it duely to speke of euery vyce.

For yf I had tunges an hundreth: and wyt to fele Al thinges natural and supernaturall A thousand mouthes: and voyce as harde as stele. And sene all the seuen Sciences lyberal. Yet cowde I neuer touche the vyces all. And syn of the worlde: ne theyr braunches comprehende: Nat thoughe I lyued vnto the worldes ende.

But if these vyces whiche mankynde doth incomber. Were clene expellyd and vertue in theyr place. I cowde nat haue gathered of fowles so great a nomber. Whose foly from them out chaseth goddys grace. But euery man that knowes hym in that case To this rude Boke let hym gladly intende. And lerne the way his lewdnes to amende.

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[The Prologe of James Locher.]

After that I haue longe mused by my self of the sore confounded and vncertayne cours of mannys lyfe, and thinges therto belonginge: at the last I haue by my vigilant meditacion found and noted many degrees of errours: wherby mankynd wandreth from the way of trouth I haue also noted that many wyse men and wel lettred haue writen right fruteful doctrines: wherby they haue heled these dyseses and intollerable perturbacions of the mynde: and the goostly woundes therof, moche better than Esculapius which was fyrst Inuentour of Phesyke and amonge the Gentyles worshypped as a God. In the contrey of Grece were stodyes fyrst founded and ordeyned in the which began and sprange holsom medicyne which gaue vnto infect myndes frutful doctryne and norisshinge. Amonge whome Socrates that great begynner and honourer of wysdom began to dispute of ye maners of men. But for that he coude nat fynde certayne ende of goodnes and hyest felicite in naturall thinges: nor induce men to the same, he gaue the hye contemplacions of his mynde to moral vertues. And in so moche passed he al other in Philosophy moral that it was sayde that he called Philosophy down from the Imperial heuen. whan this Socrates perceyued the mindes of men to be prone, and extremely inclyned to viciousnes he had gret affeccion to subdue suche maners. Wherfore in comon places of the Cyte of Athenes he instruct and infourmed the peple in such doctrynes as compasith the clere and immaculate welles of the moste excellent and souerayne gode. After the disces of Socrates succeded ye godly Plato whiche in moral Philosophy ouerpassed also a great part of his tyme And certaynly nat without a cause was he called godly. For by what stody myght be more holely or better socour mankynde than by suche doctrynes as he gaue. He wrote and ordeyned lawes moste egal and iust He edityed vnto the Grekes a comon welthe stable, quyet and commendable. And ordeyned the societe and company of them most iocund and amyable. He prepared a brydel to refrayne the lust and sensualyte of the body. And fynally he changed the yl ignorance feblenes and negligence of youth vnto dylygence, strength and vertue. In tyme also of these Phylosophers sprange the florisshynge age of Poetes: whiche amonge lettred men had nat smal rowme and place. And that for theyr eloquent Retoryke and also for theyr mery ficcions and inuencions. Of the whiche Poetes some wrote in moste ornate termes in ditees heroycal wherin the noble actes and lyues both of dyuyne and humayne creatures ar wont to be noted and writem. Some wrote of tylling of the grounde. Some of the Planetes, of the courses of ye sterres: and of the mouynge of the heuyn and fyrmament. Some of the Empyre and shameful subieccion of disordred loue. And many other of the myserable ruyne and fal of Kynges and princes for vice: as Tragedies. And some other wrote Comedyes with great libertye of speche: which Comedies we cal Interludes. Amonge whome Aristophanes Eupolis and Cratinus mooste laudable Poetes passed al other. For whan they sawe the youth of Athenes and of al the remanent of Grece inclyned to al ylles they toke occasion to note suche myslyuinge. And so in playne wordes they repreued without fauour the vyces of the sayd yl disposyd peple of what condicion or order they were: Of this auncient wrytinge of Comedyes our laten Poetes deuysed a maner of wrytinge nat inelegant. And fyrst Lucilius composed one Satyre in the whiche he wrote by name the vices of certayne princes and Citezyns of Rome And that with many bourdes so y^t with his mery speche myxt with rebukes he correct al them of the cyte that disordredly lyued. But this mery speche vsed he nat in his writing to the intent to excercyse wanton wordes or vnrefrayned lascyuyte, or to put his pleasour in suche dissolute langage: but to ye intent to quenche vyces and to prouoke the commons to wysdome and vertue, and to be asshamed of theyr foly and excessyfe lyuynge. of hym all the Latyn poetes haue takyn example, and begynnynge to wryte Satyrs whiche the grekes named Comedyes: As Fabius specifyeth in his X boke of institucions. After Lucilius succeded Horacius, moche more eloquent in wrytynge whiche in the same deseruyd great laude: Persius also left to vs onely one boke by the whiche he commyttyd his name and laude to perpetuall memory. The last and prynce of all was Juuenall whiche in his iocunde poemys comprehendyd al that was wryten most eloquent and pleasaunt of all the poetis of that sorte afore his tyme: O noble men, and diligent hertes and myndes, o laudable maners and tymes, these worthy men exyled ydelnes, wherby they haue obtayned nat small worshyp and great commodyte example and doctryne lefte to vs theyr posteryours why begyn we nat to vnderstonde and perceyue. Why worshyp nat the people of our tyme these poetis why do nat they reuerence to ye interpretours of them do they nat vnderstonde: that no poetes wryte, but outher theyr mynde is to do pleasure or els profyte to the reder, or ellys they togyther wyll doo bothe profyte and pleasoure why are they dyspysed of many rude carters of nowe a dayes which vnderstonde nat them, And for lacke of them haue nat latyn to vtter and expresse ye wyl of their mynde. Se whether poetes ar to be dispised. they laude vertue and hym that vseth it rebukyng vices with the vsers therof, They teche what is good and what is euyll: to what ende vyce, and what ende vertue bringeth vs, and do nat Poetis reuyle and sharply byte in their poemys all suche as ar vnmeke, Prowde, Couetous, Lecherous, Wanton, delycyous, Wrathfull glotons, wasters, Enuyours, Enchauntours, faythebrakers, rasshe, vnauysed, malapert, drunken, vntaught foles, and suche lyke. Shulde theyr writyng that suche thinges disprayse and reuyle be dyspised of many blynde Dotardes y^t nowe lyue whiche enuy that any man shulde haue or vnderstonde ye thyng whiche they knowe nat. The Poetes also wyth great lawdes commende and exalt the noble folowers of vertue ascribyng to euery man rewardes after his merytes. And shortly to say, the intencion of al Poetes hath euer ben to repreue vyce: and to commende vertue. But syns it is so that nowe in our dayes ar so many neglygent and folysshe peple that they ar almost innumerable whiche despisynge the loue of vertue: folowe the blyndenes and vanyte of this worlde: it was expedient that of newe some lettred man, wyse, and subtil of wyt shulde awake and touche ye open vices of foles that now lyue: and blame theyr abhomynable lyfe. This fourme and lybertye of writinge, and charge hathe taken vpon hym the Right excellent and worthy Mayster Sebastian Brant Doctour of both the Lawes and noble Oratour and Poete to the comon welthe of al people in playne and comon speche of Doche in the contrey of Almayne: to the ymytacion of Dant Florentyne: and Francis Petrarche Poetes heroycal which in their maternal langage haue composed maruelous Poemes and ficcions. But amonge diuers inuencions composed of the sayde Sebastian brant I haue noted one named ye Shyp of Foles moche expedient and necessary to the redar which the sayd Sebastian composed in doche langage. And after hym one called James Locher his Disciple translated the same into Laten to the vnderstondinge of al Christen nacions where Laten is spoken. Than another (whose name to me is vnknowen) translated the same into Frenche. I haue ouersene the fyrst Inuencion in Doche and after that the two translations in Laten and Frenche whiche in blaminge the disordred lyfe of men of our tyme agreeth in sentence: threfolde in langage wherfore wylling to redres the errours and vyces of this oure Royalme of Englonde: as the foresayde composer and translatours hath done in theyr Contrees I haue taken vpon me: howbeit vnworthy to drawe into our Englysshe tunge the sayd boke named ye shyp of folys as nere to ye sayd thre Langages as the parcyte of my wyt wyll suffer me. But ye reders gyue ye pardon vnto Alexander de Barklay If ignoraunce negligence or lacke of wyt cause hym to erre in this translacion his purpose and synguler desyre is to content youre myndes. And sothely he hathe taken vpon hym the translacion of this present Boke neyther for hope of rewarde nor lawde of man: but onely for the holsome instruccion commodyte and Doctryne of wysdome, and to clense the vanyte and madnes of folysshe people of whom ouer great nombre is in the Royalme of Englonde. Therfore let euery man beholde and ouerrede this boke: And than I doute nat but he shal se the errours of his lyfe of what condycyon that he be. in lyke wyse as he shal se in a Myrrour the fourme of his countenaunce and vysage: And if he amende suche fautes as he redeth here wherein he knoweth hymself gylty, and passe forth the resydue of his lyfe in the order of good maners than shall he haue the fruyte and auauntage wherto I haue translatyd this boke.

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Here begynneth the prologe.

Amonge the people of euery regyon And ouer the worlde, south north eest and west Soundeth godly doctryne in plenty and foyson Wherin the grounde of vertue and wysdome doth rest Rede gode and bad, and kepe the to the best Was neuer more plenty of holsome doctryne Nor fewer people that doth therto enclyne

We haue the Bybyll whiche godly doth expresse Of the olde testament the lawes mysticall And also of the newe our erour to redresse Of phylosophy and other artes liberall With other bokes of vertues morall But thoughe suche bokes vs godly wayes shewe We all ar blynde no man wyll them ensue

Banysshed is doctryne, we wander in derknes Throughe all the worlde: our selfe we wyll not knowe Wysdome is exyled, alas blynde folysshenes Mysgydeth the myndes of people hye and lowe Grace is decayed, yll governaunce doth growe Both prudent Pallas and Minerua are slayne Or els to heuyn retourned are they agayne

Knowledge of trouth, Prudence, and iust Symplicite Hath vs clene left: For we set of them no store. Our Fayth is defyled loue, goodnes, and Pyte: Honest maners nowe ar reputed of: no more. Lawyers ar lordes: but Justice is rent and tore. Or closed lyke a Monster within dores thre. For without mede: or money no man can hyr se.

Al is disordred: Vertue hathe no rewarde. Alas, Compassion: and Mercy bothe ar slayne. Alas, the stony hartys of pepyl ar so harde That nought can constrayne theyr folyes to refrayne But styl they procede: and eche other meyntayne. So wander these foles: incresinge without nomber. That al the worlde they vtterly encomber.

Blasphemers of Chryst; Hostlers; and Tauerners: Crakars and bosters with Courters auenterous, Bawdes and Pollers with comon extorcioners Ar taken nowe adayes in the worlde moste glorious. But the gyftes of grace and al wayes gracious We haue excluded. Thus lyue we carnally: Utterly subdued to al lewdnes and Foly.

Thus is of Foles a sorte almost innumerable. Defilynge the worlde with syn and Vylany. Some thynkinge them self moche wyse and commendable Thoughe al theyr dayes they lyue vnthryftely. No goodnes they perceyue nor to no goode aplye. But if he haue a great wombe, and his Cofers ful Than is none holde wyser bytwene London and Hul.

But to assemble these Foles in one bonde. And theyr demerites worthely to note. Fayne shal I Shyppes of euery maner londe. None shalbe left: Barke, Galay, Shyp, nor Bote. One vessel can nat brynge them al aflote. For yf al these Foles were brought into one Barge The bote shulde synke so sore shulde be the charge.

The sayles ar hawsed, a pleasant cole dothe blowe. The Foles assembleth as fast as they may dryue. Some swymmeth after: other as thycke doth rowe In theyr small botes, as Bees about a hyue The nomber is great, and eche one doth stryue For to be chefe as Purser and Capytayne Quarter mayster, Lodesman or els Boteswayne.

They ron to our shyp, eche one doth greatly fere Lyst his slacke paas, sholde cause hym byde behynde The wynde ryseth, and is lyke the sayle to tere Eche one enforseth the anker vp to wynde The se swellyth by planettes well I fynde These obscure clowdes threteneth vs tempest All are nat in bed whiche shall haue yll rest

We are full lade and yet forsoth I thynke A thousand are behynde, whom we may not receyue For if we do, our nauy clene shall synke He oft all lesys that coueytes all to haue From London Rockes almyghty god vs saue For if we there anker, outher bote or barge There be so many that they vs wyll ouercharge

Ye London Galantes, arere, ye shall nat enter We kepe the streme, and touche nat the shore In Cyte nor in Court we dare nat well auenter Lyst perchaunce we sholde displeasure haue therfore But if ye wyll nedes some shall haue an ore And all the remenaunt shall stande afar at large And rede theyr fautes paynted aboute our barge.

Lyke as a myrrour doth represent agayne The fourme and fygure of mannes countenaunce So in our shyp shall he se wrytyn playne The fourme and fygure of his mysgouernaunce What man is fautles, but outher ignoraunce Or els wylfulnes causeth hym offende: Than let hym nat disdayne this shyp, tyll he amende.

And certaynly I thynke that no creature Lyuynge in this lyfe mortall in transytory Can hym self kepe and stedfastly endure Without all spot, as worthy eternall glory But if he call to his mynde and memory Fully the dedys both of his youthe and age He wyll graunt in this shyp to kepe some stage

But who so euer wyll knowlege his owne foly And it repent, lyuynge after in sympylnesse Shall haue no place nor rowme more in our nauy But become felawe to pallas the goddesse But he that fyxed is in suche a blyndnesse That thoughe he be nought he thynketh al is well Suche shall in this Barge bere a babyll and a bell

These with other lyke may eche man se and rede Eche by themselfe in this small boke ouerall The fautes shall he fynde if he take good hede Of all estatis as degres temporall With gyders of dignytees spirituall Bothe pore and riche, Chorles and Cytezyns For hast to lepe a borde many bruse theyr shynnys

Here is berdles youth, and here is crokyd age Children with theyr faders that yll do them insygne And doth nat intende theyr wantones to swage Nouther by worde nor yet by discyplyne Here be men of euery science and doctryne Lerned and vnlerned man mayde chylde and wyfe May here se and rede the lewdenes of theyr lyfe.

Here ar vyle wymen: whome loue Immoderate And lust Venereall bryngeth to hurt and shame. Here ar prodigal Galantes: wyth mouers of debate. And thousandes mo: whome I nat wel dare name. Here ar Bacbyters whiche goode lyuers dyffame. Brakers of wedlocke, men proude: and couetous: Pollers, and pykers with folke delicious.

It is but foly to rehers the names here Of al suche Foles: as in one Shelde or targe. Syns that theyr foly dystynctly shal apere On euery lefe: in Pyctures fayre and large. To Barclays stody: and Pynsones cost and charge Wherfore ye redars pray that they both may be saued Before God, syns they your folyes haue thus graued.

But to thentent that euery man may knowe The cause of my wrytynge: certes I intende To profyte and to please both hye and lowe And blame theyr fautes wherby they may amende But if that any his quarell wyll defende Excusynge his fautes to my derysyon Knowe he that noble poetes thus haue done.

Afore my dayes a thousande yere ago Blamynge and reuylynge the inconuenyence Of people, wyllynge them to withdrawe therfro Them I ensue: nat lyke of intellygence And though I am nat to them lyke in science Yet this is my wyll mynde and intencion To blame all vyce lykewyse as they haue done.

To tender youth my mynde is to auayle That they eschewe may all lewdenes and offence Whiche doth theyr myndes often sore assayle Closynge the iyen of theyr intellygence But if I halt in meter or erre in eloquence Or be to large in langage I pray you blame nat me For my mater is so bad it wyll none other be.

* * * * *

[The Argument.]

Here after foloweth the Boke named the Shyp of Foles of the world: translated out of Laten, French and Doche into Englysse in the Colege of saynt Mary Otery By me Alexander Barclay to the felicite and moste holsom instruccion of mankynde the whiche conteyneth al suche as wandre from the way of trouth and from the open Path of holsom vnderstondynge and wysdom: fallynge into dyuers blyndnesses of ye mynde, folysshe sensualytees, and vndlawful delectacions of the body. This present Boke myght haue ben callyd nat inconuenyently the Satyr (that is to say) the reprehencion of foulysshnes, but the neweltye of the name was more plesant vnto the fyrst actour to call it the Shyp of foles: For in lyke wyse as olde Poetes Satyriens in dyuers Poesyes conioyned repreued the synnes and ylnes of the peple at that tyme lyuynge: so and in lyke wyse this our Boke representeth vnto the iyen of the redars the states and condicions of men: so that euery man may behold within the same the cours of his lyfe and his mysgouerned maners, as he sholde beholde the shadowe of the fygure of his visage within a bright Myrrour. But concernynge the translacion of this Boke: I exhort ye reders to take no displesour for y^t it is nat translated word by worde acordinge to ye verses of my actour. For I haue but only drawen into our moder tunge, in rude langage the sentences of the verses as nere as the parcyte of my wyt wyl suffer me, some tyme addynge, somtyme detractinge and takinge away suche thinges a semeth me necessary and superflue. wherfore I desyre of you reders pardon of my presumptuous audacite trustynge that ye shall holde me excused if ye consyder ye scarsnes of my wyt and my vnexpert youthe. I haue in many places ouerpassed dyuers poetical digressions and obscurenes of Fables and haue concluded my worke in rude langage as shal apere in my translacion. But the speciyl cawse that mouethe me to this besynes is to auoyde the execrable inconuenyences of ydilnes whyche (as saint Bernard sayth) is moder of al vices: and to the vtter derision of obstynat men delitynge them in folyes and mysgouernance. But bycause the name of this boke semeth to the redar to procede of derysion: and by that mean that the substance therof shulde nat be profitable: I wyl aduertise you that this Boke is named the Shyp of foles of the worlde: For this worlde is nought els but a tempestous se in the whiche we dayly wander and are caste in dyuers tribulacions paynes and aduersitees: some by ignoraunce and some by wilfulnes: wherfore suche doers ar worthy to be called foles. syns they gyde them nat by reason as creatures resonable ought to do. Therfore the fyrst actoure willynge to deuyde suche foles from wysemen and gode lyuers: hathe ordeyned vpon the se of this worlde this present Shyp to contayne these folys of ye worlde, whiche ar in great nomber. So that who redeth it perfytely consyderynge his secrete dedys, he shall not lyghtly excuse hym selfe out of it, what so euer good name y^t he hath outwarde in the mouth of the comontye, And to the entent y^t this my laboure may be the more pleasaunt vnto lettred men, I haue adioyned vnto the same ye verses of my Actour with dyuerse concordaunces of the Bybyll to fortyfy my wrytynge by the same, and also to stop the enuyous mouthes (If any suche shal be) of them that by malyce shall barke ayenst this my besynes.

* * * * *

Here begynneth the foles and first inprofytable bokes.

That in this shyp the chefe place I gouerne By this wyde see with folys wanderynge The cause is playne, and easy to dyscerne Styll am I besy bokes assemblynge For to haue plenty it is a plesaunt thynge In my conceyt and to haue them ay in honde But what they mene do I nat vnderstonde

But yet I haue them in great reuerence And honoure sauynge them from fylth and ordure By often brusshynge, and moche dylygence Full goodly bounde in pleasaunt couerture Of domas, satyn, or els of veluet pure I kepe them sure ferynge lyst they sholde be lost For in them is the connynge wherin I me bost.

But if it fortune that any lernyd men Within my house fall to disputacion I drawe the curtyns to shewe my bokes then That they of my cunnynge sholde make probacion I kepe nat to fall in altercacion And whyle they comon my bokes I turne and wynde For all is in them, and no thynge in my mynde.

Tholomeus the riche causyd longe agone Ouer all the worlde good bokes to be sought Done was his commaundement anone These bokes he had and in his stody brought Whiche passyd all erthly treasoure as he thought But neuertheles he dyd hym nat aply Unto theyr doctryne, but lyued unhappely.

Lo in lyke wyse of bokys I haue store But fewe I rede, and fewer understande I folowe nat theyr doctryne nor theyr lore It is ynoughe to bere a boke in hande It were to moche to be it suche a bande For to be bounde to loke within the boke I am content on the fayre couerynge to loke

Why sholde I stody to hurt my wyt therby Or trouble my mynde with stody excessyue Sythe many ar whiche stody right besely And yet therby shall they neuer thryue The fruyt of wysdom can they nat contryue And many to stody so moche are inclynde That utterly they fall out of theyr mynde

Eche is nat lettred that nowe is made a lorde Nor eche a clerke that hath a benefyce They are nat all lawyers that plees doth recorde All that are promotyd are nat fully wyse On suche chaunce nowe fortune throwys hir dyce That thoughe one knowe but the yresshe game Yet wolde he haue a gentyllmannys name

So in lyke wyse I am in suche case Thoughe I nought can I wolde be callyd wyse Also I may set another in my place Whiche may for me my bokes excercyse Or else I shall ensue the comon gyse And say concedo to euery argument Lyst by moche speche my latyn sholde be spent

I am lyke other Clerkes whiche so frowardly them gyde. That after they ar onys come vnto promocion They gyue them to plesour theyr stody set asyde. Theyr Auaryce couerynge with fayned deuocion. Yet dayly they preche: and haue great derysyon Against the rude Laymen: and al for Couetyse. Though theyr owne Conscience be blynded w^t that vyce.

But if I durst trouth playnely vtter and expresse. This is the special cause of this Inconuenyence. That greatest foles, and fullest of lewdnes Hauynge least wyt: and symplest Science Ar fyrst promoted: and haue greatest reuerence For if one can flater, and bere a hawke on his Fyst He shalbe made Person of Honyngton or of Clyst.

But he that is in Stody ay ferme and diligent. And without al fauour prechyth Chrystys lore Of al the Comontye nowe adayes is sore shent. And by Estates thretened to Pryson oft therfore. Thus what auayle is it, to vs to Stody more: To knowe outher scripture, trouth, wysedom, or vertue Syns fewe, or none without fauour dare them shewe.

But O noble Doctours, that worthy ar of name: Consyder our olde faders: note wel theyr diligence: Ensue ye theyr steppes: obtayne ye such fame, As they dyd lyuynge: and that by true Prudence. Within theyr hartys they planted theyr scyence And nat in plesaunt bokes. But nowe to fewe suche be. Therefore in this Shyp let them come rowe with me.


Say worthy doctours and Clerkes curious: What moueth you of Bokes to haue such nomber. Syns dyuers doctrines throughe way contrarious. Doth mannys mynde distract and sore encomber. Alas blynde men awake, out of your slomber And if ye wyl nedys your bokes multyplye With diligence endeuer you some to occupye.

* * * * *

Of euyl Counsellours, Juges and men of lawe.

Right many labours nowe, with hyghe diligence For to be Lawyers the Comons to counsayle. Therby to be in honour had and in reuerence But onely they labour for theyr pryuate auayle. The purs of the Clyent shal fynde hym apparayle. And yet knowes he neyther lawe good counsel nor Justice. But speketh at auenture: as men throwe the dyce.

Suche in the Senate ar taken oft to counsayle With Statis of this and many a other region. Whiche of theyr maners vnstable ar and frayle Nought of Lawe Ciuyl knowinge nor Canon. But wander in derknes clerenes they haue none. O noble Rome thou gat nat thy honours Nor general Empyre by suche Counsellours.

Whan noble Rome all the worlde dyd gouerne Theyr councellers were olde men iust and prudent Whiche egally dyd euery thynge descerne Wherby theyr Empyre became so excellent But nowe a dayes he shall haue his intent That hath most golde, and so it is befall That aungels worke wonders in westmynster hall.

There cursyd coyne makyth the wronge seme right The cause of hym that lyueth in pouertye Hath no defence, tuycion, strength nor myght Suche is the olde custome of this faculte That colours oft cloke Justyce and equyte None can the mater fele nor vnderstonde Without the aungell be weyghty in his honde

Thus for the hunger of syluer and of golde Justyce and right is in captyuyte And as we se nat gyuen fre, but solde Nouther to estates, nor sympell comonte And though that many lawyers rightwysnes be Yet many other dysdayne to se the ryght And they ar suche as blynde Justycis syght

There is one and other alleged at the barre And namely suche as chrafty were in glose Upon the lawe: the clyentis stande afarre Full lytell knowynge howe the mater goose And many other the lawes clene transpose Folowynge the example, of lawyers dede and gone Tyll the pore Clyentis be etyn to the bone

It is not ynough to conforme thy mynde Unto the others faynyd opynyon Thou sholde say trouthe, so Justyce doth the bynde And also lawe gyueth the commyssyon To knowe hir, and kepe hir without transgressyon Lyst they whome thou hast Juged wrongfully Unto the hye Juge for vengeaunce on the crye.

Perchaunce thou thynkest that god taketh no hede To mannes dedys, nor workes of offence Yes certaynly he knowes thy thought and dede No thynge is secrete, nor hyd from his presence Wherefore if thou wylt gyde the by prudence Or thou gyue Jugement of mater lesse or more Take wyse mennys reade and good counsayle before

Loke in what Balance, what weyght and what mesure Thou seruest other. for thou shalt serued be With the same after this lyfe I the ensure. If thou ryghtwysly Juge by lawe and equyte Thou shalt haue presence of goddes hyghe maiestye But if thou Juge amys: than shall Eacus (As Poetis sayth) hell Juge thy rewarde discusse

God is aboue and regneth sempiternally. Whiche shall vs deme at his last Jugement, And gyue rewardes to echone egally After suche fourme as he his lyfe hath spent Than shall we them se whome we as violent Traytours: haue put to wronge in worde or dede And after our deserte euen suche shall be our mede

There shall be no Bayle nor treatynge of maynpryse Ne worldly wysdome there shall no thynge preuayle There shall be no delayes vntyll another Syse But outher quyt, or to infernall Gayle. Ill Juges so iuged, Lo here theyr trauayle Worthely rewarded in wo withouten ende. Than shall no grace be graunted ne space to amende.


Therfore ye yonge Studentes of the Chauncery: (I speke nat to the olde the Cure of them is past) Remember that Justyce longe hath in bondage be Reduce ye hir nowe vnto lybertye at the last. Endeuer you hir bondes to louse or to brast Hir raunsome is payde and more by a thousande pounde And yet alas the lady Justyce lyeth bounde.

Thoughe your fore Faders haue take hir prysoner And done hir in a Dongeon nat mete for hir degre Lay to your handes and helpe hir from daungere And hir restore vnto hir lybertye That pore men and monyles may hir onys se But certaynly I fere lyst she hath lost hir name Or by longe prysonment shall after euer be lame.

* * * * *

Of Auaryce or Couetyse and prodygalyte.

He that is besy euery day and houre Without mesure, maner, or moderacion To gather riches and great store of treasoure Therof no ioy takinge, confort nor consolacion. He is a Fole: and of blynde and mad opynyon For that which he getteth and kepeth wrongfully His heyre often wasteth moche more vnthryftely.

While he here lyueth in this lyfe caduke and mortal. Ful sore he laboureth: and oft hungry gothe to bed Sparinge from hymselfe: for hym that neuer shal After do hym goode. thoughe he were harde bested. Thus is this Couetous wretche so blyndly led By the fende that here he lyueth wretchydly And after his deth damned eternally.

There wandreth he in dolour and derknes Amonge infernall flodes tedyous and horryble Let se what auayleth than all his ryches Ungracyously gotyne, his paynes ar terryble Than wolde he amende but it is inpossyble In hell is no order nor hope of remedy But sorowe vpon sorowe, and that euerlastyngly.

Yet fynde I another vyce as bad as this Whiche is the vyce of prodygalyte He spendyth all in ryot and amys Without all order, pursuynge pouertye He lyketh nat to lyue styll in prosperite But all and more he wastyth out at large (Beware the ende) is the leste poynt of his charge.

But of the couetous somwhat to say agayne Thou art a fole thy soule to sell for riches Or put thy body to labour or to payne Thy mynde to fere, thy herte to heuynesse Thou fole thou fleest no maner cruelnesse So thou may get money, to make thy heyr a knyght Thou sleest thy soule where as thou saue it myght

Thou hast no rest thy mynde is euer in fere Of mysauenture, nor neuer art content Deth is forgoten, thou carest nat a here To saue thy soule from infernall punysshement If thou be dampned, than art thou at thy stent By thy ryches which thou here hast left behynde To thy executours, thou shalt small comforte fynde

Theyr custome is to holde fast that they haue Thy pore soule shall be farthest fro theyr thought If that thy carkes be brought onys in the graue And that they haue thy bagges in handes cought What say they, than (by god the man had nought) Whyle he here lyuyd he was to lyberall Thus dampned is thy soule, thy ryches cause of all

Who wyll denay but it is necesary Of riches for to haue plenty and store To this opynyon I wyll nat say contrary So it be ordred after holy lore Whyle thy selfe leuest departe some to the pore With thy owne hande trust nat thy executours Gyue for god, and god shall sende at all houres

Rede Tullius warkes the worthy Oratour. And writen shalt thou fynde in right fruteful sentence That neuer wyseman loued ouer great honour. Nor to haue great riches put ouer great diligence But onely theyr mynde was set on Sapience And quyetly to lyue in Just symplycite. For in greatest honour is greatest ieoperdye.

He that is symple, and on the grounde doth lye And that can be content with ynoughe or suffisaunce Is surer by moche than he that lyeth on hye. Nowe vp nowe downe vnsure as a Balaunce. But sothly he that set wyll his plesance Onely on wysdom and styl therfore labour. Shal haue more goode than all erthly tresour.

Wysdom techeth to eschewe al offence. Gydynge mankynde the ryght way to vertue. But of couetyse Comys all Inconuenyence. It cawseth man of worde to be vntrue. Forswerynge and falshode doth it also ensue. Brybery and Extorcion, murder and myschefe. Shame is his ende: his lyuyinge is reprefe.

By couetyse Crassus brought was to his ende. By it the worthy Romayns lost theyr name. Of this one yl a thousand ylles doth descende. Besyde enuy, Pryde, wretchydnes and Shame. Crates the Philosopher dyd Couetyse so blame: That to haue his mynde vnto his stody fre. He threwe his Tresour all hole into the see.

But shortly to conclude. Both bodely bondage. And gostly also: procedeth of this couetyse. The soule is damned the body hath damage As hunger, thyrst, and colde with other preiudice. Bereft of the ioyes of heuenly Paradyse. For golde was theyr god and that is left behynde Theyr bodyes beryed the soule clene out of mynde


Therefore thou couetouse thou wretch I speke to the. Amende thy selfe ryse out of this blyndenes. Content the wyth ynoughe for thy degre. Dam nat thy soule by gatheringe frayle riches Remembre this is a Uale of wretchednes. Thou shalt no rest nor dwellynge place here fynde. Depart thou shalt and leue it al behynde.

* * * * *

Of newe fassions and disgised Garmentes.

Drawe nere ye Courters and Galants disgised Ye counterfayt Caytifs, that ar nat content As god hath you made: his warke is despysed Ye thynke you more crafty than God onipotent. Unstable is your mynde: that shewes by your garment. A fole is knowen by his toyes and his Cote. But by theyr clothinge nowe may we many note.

Aparayle is apayred. Al sadness is decayde The garmentes ar gone that longed to honestye. And in newe sortes newe Foles ar arayede Despisynge the costom of good antiquyte. Mannys fourme is disfigured with euery degre As Knyght Squyer yeman Jentilman and knaue, For al in theyr goynge vngoodely them behaue

The tyme hath ben, nat longe before our dayes Whan men with honest ray coude holde them self content. Without these disgised: and counterfayted wayes. Wherby theyr goodes ar wasted, loste, and spent. Socrates with many mo in wysdom excellent. Bycause they wolde nought change that cam of nature Let growe theyre here without cuttinge or scissure.

At that tyme was it reputed to lawde and great honour. To haue longe here: the Beerde downe to the brest For so they vsed that were of moste valour. Stryuynge together who myht be godlyest Saddest, moste clenely, discretest, and moste honest. But nowe adayes together we contende and stryue. Who may be gayest: and newest wayes contryue.

Fewe kepeth mesure, but excesse and great outrage In theyr aparayle. And so therin they procede That theyr goode is spent: theyr Londe layde to morgage. Or solde out right: of Thryft they take no hede. Hauinge no Peny them to socour at theyr nede. So whan theyr goode by suche wastefulnes is loste. They sel agayne theyr Clothes for half that they coste.

A fox furred Jentelman: of the fyrst yere or hede. If he be made a Bailyf a Clerke or a Constable. And can kepe a Parke or Court and rede a Dede Than is Ueluet to his state mete and agreable. Howbeit he were more mete to here a Babyl. For his Foles Hode his iyen so sore doth blynde That Pryde expelleth his lynage from his mynde.

Yet fynde I another sort almoste as bad as thay. As yonge Jentylmen descended of worthy Auncetry. Whiche go ful wantonly in dissolute aray. Counterfayt, disgised, and moche vnmanerly Blasinge and garded: to lowe or else to hye. And wyde without mesure: theyr stuffe to wast thus gothe But other some they suffer to dye for lacke of clothe.

Some theyr neckes charged with colers, and chaynes As golden withtthes: theyr fyngers ful of rynges: Theyr neckes naked: almoste vnto the raynes Theyr sleues blasinge lyke to a Cranys wynges Thus by this deuysinge suche counterfayted thinges They dysfourme that figure that god hymselfe hath made On pryde and abusion thus ar theyr myndes layde.

Than the Courters careles that on theyr mayster wayte Seinge hym his Uesture in suche fourme abuse Assayeth suche Fassion for them to counterfayte. And so to sue Pryde contynually they muse. Than stele they; or Rubbe they. Forsoth they can nat chuse. For without Londe or Labour harde is it to mentayne. But to thynke on the Galows that is a careful payne.

But be it payne or nat: there many suche ende. At Newgate theyr garmentis ar offred to be solde. Theyr bodyes to the Jebet solemly ascende. Wauynge with the wether whyle theyr necke wyl holde. But if I shulde wryte al the ylles manyfolde. That procedeth of this counterfayt abusion And mysshapen Fassions: I neuer shulde haue done.

For both States, comons, man, woman, and chylde Ar vtterly inclyed to this inconuenyence. But namely therwith these Courters are defyled. Bytwen mayster and man I fynde no dyfference. Therfore ye Courters knowledge your offence. Do nat your errour mentayne, support nor excuse. For Fowles ye ar your Rayment thus to abuse.

To Shyp Galauntes come nere I say agayne. Wyth your set Busshes Curlynge as men of Inde. Ye counterfayted Courters come with your fleinge brayne Expressed by these variable Garmentes that ye fynde. To tempt chast Damsels and turne them to your mynde Your breste ye discouer and necke. Thus your abusion Is the Fendes bate. And your soules confusion.

Come nere disgysed foles: receyue your Foles Hode. And ye that in sondry colours ar arayde. Ye garded galantes wastinge thus your goode Come nere with your Shertes brodered and displayed. In fourme of Surplys. Forsoth it may be sayde. That of your Sort right fewe shal thryue this yere. Or that your faders werith suche Habyte in the Quere.

And ye Jentyl wymen whome this lewde vice doth blynde Lased on the backe: your peakes set a loft. Come to my Shyp. forget ye nat behynde. Your Sadel on the tayle: yf ye lyst to sit soft. Do on your Decke Slut: if ye purpos to come oft. I mean your Copyntanke: And if it wyl do no goode. To kepe you from the rayne. ye shall haue a foles hode.

By the ale stake knowe we the ale hous And euery Jnne is knowen by the sygne So a lewde woman and a lechcrous Is knowen by hir clothes, be they cours or fyne Folowynge newe fassyons, not graunted by doctryne The bocher sheweth his flesshe it to sell So doth these women dampnyng theyr soule to hell

What shall I more wryte of our enormyte Both man and woman as I before haue sayde Ar rayde and clothyd nat after theyr degre As nat content with the shape that god hath made The clenlynes of Clergye is nere also decayed. Our olde apparale (alas) is nowe layde downe And many prestes asshamed of theyr Crowne.

Unto laymen we vs refourme agayne As of chryste our mayster in maner halfe asshamed My hert doth wepe: my tunge doth sore complayne Seing howe our State is worthy to be blamed. But if all the Foly of our Hole Royalme were named Of mys apparayle of Olde, young, lowe, and hye, The tyme shulde fayle: and space to me denye.

Alas thus al states of Chrysten men declynes. And of wymen also disfourmynge theyr fygure. Wors than the Turkes, Jewes, or Sarazyns. A Englonde Englonde amende or be thou sure Thy noble name and fame can nat endure Amende lyst god do greuously chastyce. Bothe the begynners and folowes of this vyce.


Reduce courters clerly vnto your rembrance From whens this disgysyng was brought wherein ye go As I remember it was brought out of France. This is to your plesour. But payne ye had also. As French Pockes hote ylles with other paynes mo. Take ye in good worth the swetnes with the Sour. For often plesour endeth with sorowe and dolour.

But ye proude Galaundes that thus yourselfe disgise Be ye asshamed. beholde vnto your Prynce. Consyder his sadnes: His honestye deuyse His clothynge expresseth his inwarde prudence Ye se no Example of suche Inconuenyence In his hyghnes: but godly wyt and grauyte. Ensue hym: and sorowe for your enormyte.

Away with this pryde, this statelynes let be Rede of the Prophetis clothynge or vesture And of Adam firste of your ancestrye Of Johnn the Prophete, theyr clothynge was obscure Uyle and homly, but nowe what creature Wyll then eusue, sothly fewe by theyr wyll Therfore suche folys my nauy shall fulfyll

* * * * *

Of old folys that is to say the longer they lyue the more they ar gyuen to foly.

The madnes of my youthe rotyd in my age And the blynde foly of my iniquite Wyll me nat suffer to leue myne old vsage Nor my fore lyuynge full of enormyte Lame ar his lymmys, and also I can nat se I am a childe and yet lyuyd haue I An hundreth wynter, encresynge my foly.

But though I myght lerne my wyll is nat therto But besy I am and fully set my thought To gyue example to children to mysdo By my lewde doctryne bryngynge them to nought And whan they ar onys into my daunce brought I teche them my foly wysdome set asyde My selfe example, begynner, and theyr gyde.

My lewde lyfe, my foly and my selfwyllyd mynde Whiche I haue styll kept hytherto in this lyfe In my testament I leue wryten behynde Bequethyng parte both to man childe and wyfe I am the actour of myschefe and of stryfe The foly of my youth and the inconuenyence In age I practyse, techynge by experyence

I am a fole and glad am of that name Desyrynge lawde for eche vngracious dede And of my foly to spred abrode the same To showe my vyce and synne, as voyde of drede Of heuen or hell. therfore I take no hede But as some stryue disputynge of theyr cunnynge Right so do I in lewdnes and myslyuynge.

Somtyme I bost me of falshode and dysceyt Somtyme of the sede that sawyn is by me Of all myschefe, as murder flatery debate Couetyse bacbytynge theft and lechery My mynde is nat to mende my iniquyte But rather I sorowe that my lyfe is wore That I can nat do as I haue done before

But syns my lyfe so sodaynly dothe apeyre That byde I can nat styll in this degre I shall infourme and teche my sone and heyre To folowe his fader, and lerne this way of me The way is large, god wot glad shall he be Lernynge my lore with affeccion and desyre And folowe the steppys of his vnthryfty syre

I trust so crafty and wyse to make the lad That me his father he shall pas and excell O that my herte shall than be wonder glad If I here of may knowe, se, or here tell If he be false faynynge sotyll or cruell And so styll endure I haue a speciall hope To make hym scrybe to a Cardynall or Pope.

Or els if he can be a fals extorcyoner Fasynge and bostynge to scratche and to kepe He shall be made a comon costomer As yche hope of Lyn Calays or of Depe Than may he after to some great offyce crepe So that if he can onys plede a case He may be made Juge of the comon place.

Thus shall he lyue as I haue all his dayes And in his age increas his folysshenes His fader came to worshyp by suche ways So shall the sone, if he hym selfe addres To sue my steppes in falshode and lewdnes And at leste if he can come to no degre This shyp of folys shall he gouerne with me


Awake age alas what thynkest thou be Awake I say out of thy blynde derkenes Remembrest thou nat that shortly thou shalt dye Aryse from synne amende thy folysshenes Though thy youth reted were in vyciousnes Aryse in age is full tyme to leue it Thy graue is open thy one fote in the pyt

Leue thy bostynge of that thou hast done amys Bewayle thy synnes, sayeng with rufull mone Delicta iuuentutis mee deus ne memineris Amende the or thy youth be fully gone That sore is harde to hele that bredes in the bone He that is nought yonge, procedynge so in age Shall skant euer his vyciousnes asswage

What thinge is more abhomynable in goddes syght. Than vicious age: certaynly no thynge. It is eke worldly shame, whan thy corage and mycht Is nere dekayed, to kepe thy lewde lyuynge. And by example of the, thy yonge children to brynge. Into a vicious lyfe: and all goodnes to hate. Alas age thus thou art the Fendes bate.

* * * * *

Of the erudicion of neglygent faders anenst theyr chyldren.

A myserable Fole euermore shal he be. A wretche vnauysed, and a Catyf blynde. Whiche his chyldren fawtes forseth nat to see Hauynge no care for to induce theyr mynde To godly vertue: and vyce to leue behynde. For whyle they ar yonge fereful and tender of age Theyre vyce and foly is easy to asswage.

Two dyuers sortes of these foles may we fynde. By whome theyr chyldren ar brought to confusion. The one is neglygent. the other is starke blynde. Nat wyllynge to beholde his childes yl condicion. Whyle he is in youthe: But for a conclusion He is a Fole that wyl nat se theyr vyce. And he that seyth: and wyl it nat chastyce.

Alas thou art a cursed counselloure To wanton youth that tender is of age To let them wander without gouernoure Or wyse mayster, in youthes furious rage Get them a mayster theyr foly to asswage For as a herdles flocke strayth in Jepardy So children without gyde wandreth in foly.

To moche lyberty pleasoure and lycence Gyuen vnto youth, whether it be or age Right often causyth great inconuenyence As ryot mysrule with other sore damage Theyr londe and goodes solde or layde to gage But thou folysshe father art redy to excuse Thy yonge children of theyr synne and abuse

Thou sayst they ar ouer tender to eschewe Theyr folysshe maners and they haue no skyll To knowe the wayes of goodnes or vertue Nor to discerne what is gode, what is yll Thou blynde dodart these wordes holde thou styll Theyr youth can nat excuse thy folysshenes He that can yll as well myght lerne goodnes

A yonge hert is as apt to take wysdome As is an olde, and if it rotyd be It sawyth sede of holy lyfe to come Also in children we often tymes se Great aptness outwarde and syne of grauyte But fyll an erthen pot first with yll lycoure And euer after it shall smell somwhat soure

So youth brought vp in lewdnes and in sin Shall skant it shrape so clene out of his mynde But that styll after some spot wyll byde within A lytell twygge plyant is by kynde A bygger braunche is harde to bowe or wynde But suffer the braunche to a byg tre to growe And rather it shall brake than outher wynde or bowe

Correct thy childe whyle he is lyke a twygge Soupyll and plyant, apt to correccion It wyll be harde forsoth whan he is bygge To brynge his stubron herte to subieccion What hurtyth punysshement with moderacion Unto yonge children, certaynely no thynge It voydeth vyce, gettynge vertue and cunnynge

Say folysshe fader haddest thou leuer se Thy sonnes necke vnwrested wyth a rope. Than with a rod his skyn shulde brokyn be. And oft thou trustest: and hast a stedfast hope To se thy son promoted nere as hye as is the Pope But yet perchaunce mourne thou shalt ful sore. For his shameful ende: fortuned for lacke of lore.

Some folowe theyr chyldrens wyl and lewde plesour So grauntinge them theyr mynde: that after it doth fal To theyr great shame: they sorowe and dolour As dyd to Priamus a Kynge Imperial Whiche suffred his men: his son chefe of them al By force from Grece to robbe the fayre Helayne. Wherby both Fader and son were after slayne.

With noble Hector and many thousandes mo. The Cyte of Troy vnto the ground clene brent. I rede in the Cronycles of the Romayns also Howe Tarquyne the proude had shame and punysshment For rauysshynge chaste Lucres agaynst hyr assent. Wherfore hyrselfe she slewe hyr seynge thus defiled. For the which dede this Tarquyn was exiled,

From Rome: wandrynge in the Costes of Italy. Dyd nat the traytour Catelyne also conspyre And many mo sworne to his cruel tyranny Agaynst the Romans to oppresse theyr Impyre, But he and all his were murdred for theyr hyre, And nat vnworthely. Beholde wherto they come Which ar nat enfourmed in youth to ensue wysdom.

The son oft foloweth the faders behauour And if the fader be discrete and vertuous. The son shal suche wayes practyse both day and hour. But if that the fader be lewde and vicious By falshode lyuynge: and by wayes cautelous. The son also the same wayes wyl ensue And that moche rather than goodnes or vertue

Therfore it nedeth that better prouysion. Were founde for youthe by sad and wyse counsayle Far from theyr faders of this condicion. And other lewde gydes which myght theyr myndes assayle Greuously wyth syn. So were it theyr auayle From theyr faders frawde and falshode to declyne And them submyt to some lawdable mannys doctryne.

Peleus, somtyme a noble and worthy kynge Subdued Achylles vnto the doctryne Of phenix whiche was both worthy and cunnynge Wherfore Achyllys right gladly dyd enclyne With his hert and mynde vnto his disciplyne Wherby his name so noble was at the last That all Asy in worthynes he past

Ryght so Philippus a kynge worthy of name Ouer all Grece made great iniquicion To fynde one wyse, sad and laudable of fame To Alexander his sonne for to gyue Instruccion Founde was great Aristotyl at the conclusion Disciple of Plato. whiche in euery Science. Infourmed this chylde with parfyte diligence.

Whiche Alexander afterward had so great dignyte. What by his strength, his cunnynge, and boldenes. That he was lorde both of Londe and See. And none durst rebel aganst his worthynes. Lo here the lawde, the honour, and nobles. Which dothe procede of vertue and doctryne But few ar the faders that nowe hereto inclyne

Fewe ar that forceth nowe adayes to se Theyr chyldren taught: or to do any cost On som sad man, wyse, and of auctorite: Al that is theron bestowed thynke they loste. The folyssh Fader oft tymes maketh great boste. That he his son to habundant riches shal auance But no thynge he speketh of vertuous gouernance.

The feder made but smal shyft or prouysion. To induce his Son by vertuous doctryne. But whan he is dede and past: moche les shal the son To stody of grace his mynde or hert inclyne. But abuse his reason: and from al good declyne. Alas folysshe faders gyue your aduertence To Crates complaynt comprysed in this sentence.

If it were graunted to me to shewe my thought Ye follysshe faders Caytifes I myght you cal Whiche gather riches to brynge your chylde to nought. Gyuynge him occasion forto be prodigal. But goode nor cunnynge shewe ye hym none at all. But whan ye drawe to age, ye than moste comonly. Sorowe for your suffrance. But without remedy.

An olde sore to hele is oft halfe incurable Ryght so ar these Chyldren roted in myschefe Some after euer lyueth a lyfe abhomynable To all theyr Kyn great sorowe and reprefe. The one is a murderer the other a fereles thefe, The one of god nor goode man hath no fors ne care. Another so out wasteth that his frendes ar ful bare.

Some theyr londe and lyuelode in riot out wasteth, At cardes, and, tenys, and other vnlawful gamys. And some wyth the Dyce theyr thryft away casteth. Some theyr soule damnes, and theyr body shames. With flesshly lust: which many one dyffamys. Spendynge the floures of youth moche vnthryftely. On dyuers Braunches that longe to Lechery.

Another delyteth hymselfe in Glotony. Etynge and drynkynge without maner, or mesure: The more that some drynke: the more they wax drye. He is moste Galant whyche lengest can endure. Thus without mesure ouercharge they theyr nature. So that theyr Soule is loste theyr body and goode is spent. For lacke of doctryne, Norture and punysshment.

Se here playne prose, example and euydence Howe youthe which is nat norysshed in doctryne. In age is gyuen vnto al Inconuenyence. But nought shall make youthe soner forto inclyne. To noble maners: nor Godly dysciplyne: Than shal the doctryne of a mayster wyse and sad: For the rote of vertue and wysdome therby is had.

Without dout Noblenes is moche excellent Whiche oft causeth youth to be had in great honour. To haue the name, and lawde they ar content. Thoughe it be nat gotten by theyr owne labour. But what auayleth them this lewde obscure errour Of suche hye byrthe them self to magnyfy. Sythe they defyle it with vice and Uilany.

Why art thou proude thou foul of that nobles Whyche is nat gotten by thyne owne vertue. By thy goode maners, wyt nor worthynes: But this forsothe oft tymes fynde I true That of a goode beste, yl whelpes may weshewe. In lyke wyse of a Moder that is bothe chast and goode. Often is brought forth a ful vngracious Brode.

But though the childe be of lewde condicion And of his nature frowarde and varyable If the fader be slacke in the correccion Of his childe, he onely is culpable Whiche wyll nat teche hym maners commendable Thus is the fader a fole for his suffraunce And the sone also for his mysgouernaunce


Auoyd faders your fauour and suffraunce Anenst your children in theyr faute and offence Reduce ye clerely vnto your remembraunce That many a thousande inconuenyence Haue children done by theyr faders negligence But to say trouth brefely in one clause The fader's fauour onely is the cause

* * * * *

Of tale berers, fals reporters, and prometers of stryfes.

Some ar that thynke the pleasoure and ioy of theyr lyfe To brynge men in brawlynge to discorde and debate Enioynge to moue them to chydynge and to stryfe And where loue before was to cause mortall hate With the comonty, and many great estate Suche is moche wors than outher murderer or thefe For ofte of his talys procedeth grete myschefe

Within his mouth is venym Jeperdous and vyle His tonge styll laboryth lesynges to contryue His mynde styll museth of falshode and on gyle Therwith to trobyll suche as gladly wolde nat stryue Somtyme his wordes as dartis he doth dryue Agaynst good men: for onely his delyte. Is set to sclaunder to diffame and bacbyte.

And namely them that fautles ar and innocent. Of conscience clene, and maners commendable These dryuyls sclaunder, beynge full dilygent. To deuyde, louers that ar moste agreable His tonge Infect his mynde abhomynable Infectyth loue and ouertourneth charyte Of them that longe tyme haue lyuyd in amyte

But he that accused is thus without all faute And so sclaundred of this caytyf vnthryfty Knowyth nought of this ieoperdous assaute For he nought dowteth that is no thynge fauty Thus whyle he nought feryth comyth sodaynly This venemous doloure distaynynge his gode name And so gyltles put to rebuke, and to shame.

Thus if one serche and seke the worlde ouerall Than a backbyter nought is more peryllous His mynde myscheuous, his wordys ar mortall His damnable byt is foule and venemous A thousande lyes of gyles odyous He castyth out where he wolde haue debate Engendrynge murder whan he his tyme can wayt

Where as any frendes lyueth in accorde Faythfull and true: this cowarde and caytyf With his fals talys them bryngeth to dyscorde And with his venym kepeth them in stryfe But howe beit that he thus pas forth his lyfe Sawynge his sede of debate and myschefe His darte oft retourneth to his own reprefe

But nat withstandynge, suche boldely wyl excuse His fals dyffamynge: as fautles and innocent. If any hym for his dedes worthely accuse He couereth his venym: as symple of intent. Other ar whiche flater: and to euery thynge assent. Before face folowynge the way of adulacion, Whiche afterwarde sore hurteth by detraccion.

The worlde is nowe alle set on dyffamacion. Suche ar moste cherisshed that best can forge a tale. Whych shulde be moste had in abhomynacion. And so they ar of wyse men without fayle. But suche as ar voyde of wysdom and counsayle Inclyneth theyr erys to sclander and detraccion, Moche rather than they wolde to a noble sermon.

But euery Sclanderer, and begynner of stryfe. Lousers of loue, and infecters of Charite. Unworthy ar to lyue here at large in this lyfe. But in derke Dongeon they worthy ar to be. And there to remayne in pryson tyl they dye. For with there yl tunges they labour to destroy Concorde: whiche cause is of loue and of ioy.

An olde quean that hath ben nought al hyr dayes. Whiche oft hath for money hyr body let to hyre Thynketh that al other doth folowe hyr olde wayes. So she and hyr boul felawes syttinge by the fyre. The Boule about walkynge with theyr tunges they conspyre Agaynst goode peple, to sclander them wyth shame. Than shal the noughty doughter lerne of the bawdy dame.

By his warkes knowen is euery creature For if one good, louynge, meke and charitable be. He labours no debates amonge men to procure. But coueyteth to norysshe true loue and charite. Where as the other ful of falshode and iniquyte Theyr synguler plesour put to ingender variaunce. But oft theyr folysshe stody retournes to theyr myschaunce

Therfore ye bacbyters that folke thus dyffame Leue of your lewdnes and note wel this sentence. Which Cryist hymself sayd: to great rebuke and shame Unto them that sclandreth a man of Innocence. Wo be to them whych by malyuolence Slandreth or dyffameth any creature. But wel is hym that wyth pacience can indure.

* * * * *

Of hym that wyll nat folowe nor ensue good counsell, and necessary.

He is a fole that dothe coueyt and desyre To haue the name of wysdome and prudence And yet of one sought thorugh a cyte or a shyre None coude be founde of lesse wysdome nor science But whyle he thynketh hym full of sapience Crafty and wyse, doutles he is more blynde Than is that fole whiche is out of his mynde

But though he be wyse, and of myght meruaylous Endued with retoryke and with eloquence And of hym selfe both ware and cautelous If he be tachyd with this inconuenyence To dysdayne others counseyll and sentence He is vnwyse, for oft a folys counsayle Tourneth a wyse man to consort and auayle

But specially the read and auysement Of wyse men, discrete, and full of grauyte Helpeth thyne owne, be thou never so prudent To thy purpose gyuynge strength and audacyte. One man alone knowys nat all polycye Thoughe thou haue wysdome cunnynge and scyence Yet hath another moche more experience

Some cast out wordes in paynted eloquence Thynkynge therby to be reputed wyse Thoughe they haue neyther wysdome nor science Suche maner folys them self do exercyse A plughe and teame craftely to deuyse To ere the path that folys erst hath made The trouth vnder glose of suche is hyd and layde

For why, they trust alway to theyr owne mynde And furour begon whether it be good or yll As if any other, no wyser read coude fynde Thus they ensue theyr pryuate folysshe wyll Oft in suche maters wherin they haue no skyll As did Pyrrus whiche began cruell Batayle Agaynst Orestes refusynge wyse counsayle

But folowyd his owne rasshe mynde without auayle As blynde and obstynat of his intencion Wherfore he was disconfyted in Batayle Hymselfe slayne, his men put to confusyon If that the Troyans in theyr abusyon With false Parys, had confourmed theyr intent To Helenns counsayle Troy had nat ben brent.

For that Priamus his mynde wolde nat aply To the counseyll of Cassandra Prophetes The grekys distroyed a great parte of Asy Hector also by his selfwyllydnes Was slayne with Peyn for all his doughtynes Of Achylles in open and playne Batayle For nat folowynge of his faders counsayle

If Hector that day had byddyn within Troy And vnto his fader bene obedient Perchaunce he sholde haue lyuyd in welth and ioy Longe tyme after and come to his intent Whereas his body was with a spere through rent Of the sayd Achyllys cruell and vnkynde Alas for suynge his owne selfwyllyd mynde

I rede of Nero moche cursed and cruell Whiche to wyse counsayle hymself wolde nat agre But in all myschef all other dyd excell Delytynge hym in synne and crueltye But howe dyde he ende forsoth in myserye And at the last as wery of his lyfe Hymselfe he murdred with his owne hand and knyfe

The Bybyll wytnessyth howe the prophete Thoby Gaue his dere sone in chefe commaundement That if he wolde lyue sure without ieoperdy He sholde sue the counsayle of men wyse and prudent The story of Roboam is also euydent Whiche for nat suynge of counseyll and wysdome Lost his Empyre, his scepter and kyngdome

If that it were nat for cawse of breuyte I coude shewe many of our predecessours Whiche nat folowynge counceyll of men of grauyte Soone haue decayed from theyr olde honours I rede of Dukes, Kynges, and Emperours Whiche dispysynge the counsayle of men of age Haue after had great sorowe and damage.

For he suerly whiche is so obstynate That onely he trusteth to his owne blyndnes Thynkynge all wysdome within his dotynge pate He often endyth in sorowe and dystres Wherfore let suche theyr cours swyftly addres To drawe our Plough, and depe to ere the ground That by theyr laboure all folys may be founde.


O man vnauysed, thy blyndnes set asyde Knowledge thy owne foly thy statelynes expel Let nat for thy eleuate mynde nor folysshe pryde, To order thy dedes by goode and wyse counsel Howbeit thou thynke thy reason doth excel Al other mennys wyt. yet oft it doth befall. Anothers is moche surer: and thyn the worst of all.

* * * * *

Of disordred and vngoodly maners.

In this our tyme small is the company That haue good maners worthy of reuerence But many thousandes folowe vylany Prone to all synne and inconuenyence Stryuynge who sonest may come to all offence Of lewde condicions and vnlefulnesse Blyndnes of yll, and defylyd folysshenesse

All myserable men alas haue set theyr mynde On lothsome maners clene destytute of grace Theyr iyen dymmyd, theyr hertes are so blynde That heuenly ioy none forceth to purchace Both yonge and olde procedeth in one trace With ryche and pore without all dyfference As bonde men subdued to foly and offence

Some ar busshed theyr bonetes, set on syde. Some waue theyr armys and hede to and fro Some in no place can stedfastly abyde More wylde and wanton than outher buk or do Some ar so proude that on fote they can nat go But get they must with countenaunce vnstable Shewynge them folys, frayle and varyable

Some chyde that all men do them hate Some gygyll and lawgh without grauyte Some thynkes, hymselfe a gentylman or state Though he a knaue caytyf and bonde churle be These folys ar so blynde them self they can nat so A yonge boy that is nat worth an onyon With gentry or presthode is felowe and companyon.

Brybours and Baylyes that lyue upon towlynge Are in the world moche set by nowe a dayes Sergeauntis and Catchpollys that lyue upon powlynge Courters and caytyfs begynners of frayes Lyue styll encreasynge theyr vnhappy wayes And a thousande mo of dyuers facultyes Lyue auauntynge them of theyr enormytees.

Within the chirche and euery other place These folys use theyr lewde condicions Some starynge some cryeng some haue great solace In rybawde wordes, some in deuysyons Some them delyte in scornes and derysons Some pryde ensueth and some glotony. Without all norture gyuen to vylany

Theyr lyfe is folysshe lothsome and vnstable Lyght brayned, theyr herte and mynde is inconstant Theyr gate and loke proude and abhomynable They haue nor order as folys ignorant Chaungyng theyr myndes thryse in one instant Alas this lewdnes and great enormyte Wyll them nat suffer theyr wretchydnes to se

Thus ar these wretchyd caytyfes fully blynde All men and wymen that good ar doth them hate But he that with good maners endueth his mynde Auoydeth this wrath hatered and debate His dedes pleaseth both comonty and estate And namely suche as ar good and laudable Thynketh his dedes right and commendable

As wyse men sayth: both vertue and cunnynge Honoure and worshyp grace and godlynes Of worthy maners take theyr begynnynge And fere also asswagyth wantones. Subduynge the furour of youthes wylfulnes But shamefastnes trouth constance and probyte Both yonge and olde bryngeth to great dignyte.

These foresayde vertues with charite and peas. Together assembled stedfast in mannys mynde. Cawseth his honour and worthynes to encreas. And his godly lyfe a godly ende shal fynde But these lewde caytyfs which doth theyr myndes blynde With corrupt maners lyuynge vnhappely. In shame they lyue and wretchedly they dye.

* * * * *

Of brekynge and hurtynge of amyte and frendshyp.

A Fole frowarde cruell and vntrewe Is he whiche by his power wrongfully His frendes and subiectes laboures to subdewe Without all lawe, but clene by tyranny Therfore thou Juge thy erys se thou aply To right Justyce and set nat thyne intent By wrath or malyce to be to vyolent.

It is nat lawfull to any excellent Or myghty man, outher lawyer or estate By cruelnes to oppresse an innocent Ne by pryde and malyce Justyce to violate The law transposynge after a frowarde rate With proude wordes defendynge his offence God wot oft suche haue symple conscience

O that he cursed is and reprouable Whiche day and nyght stodyeth besely To fynde some meanes false and detestable To put his frende to losse or hurte therby Our hertes ar fully set on vylany There ar right fewe of hye or lowe degre That luste to norysshe trewe loue and amyte

Alas exyled is godly charyte Out of our Royalme we all ar so vnkynde Our folys settyth gretter felycyte On golde and goodes than on a faythfull frynde Awake blynde folys and call vnto your mynde That though honest ryches be moche commendable Yet to a true frende it is nat comparable

Of all thynges loue is moste profytable For the right order of lowe and amyte Is of theyr maners to be agreable And one of other haue mercy and pyte Eche doynge for other after theyr degre And without falshode this frendeshyp to mayntayne And nat departe for pleasour nor for payne

But alas nowe all people haue dysdayne On suche frendshyp for to set theyr delyte Amyte we haue exyled out certayne We lowe oppressyon to sclaunder and bacbyte Extorcyon hath strength, pyte gone is quyte Nowe in the worlde suche frendes ar there none As were in Grece many yeres agone.

Who lyst thystory of Patroclus to rede There shall he se playne wryten without fayle Howe whan Achyllys gaue no force nor hede Agaynst the Troyans to execute batayle The sayd Patroclus dyd on the aparayle Of Achylles, and went forth in his steade Agaynst Hector: but lyghtly he was dede.

But than Achylles seynge this myschaunce. Befallen his frende whiche was to hym so true. He hym addressyd shortly to take vengeaunce. And so in Batayle the noble Hector slewe And his dede cors after his charot drewe. Upon the grounde traylynge ruthfully behynde Se howe he auengyd Patroclus his frende.

The hystory also of Orestes dothe expresse Whiche whan agamenon his fader was slayne By egystus whiche agaynst rightwysnes The sayde Orestis moder dyd meyntayne The childe was yonge wherfore it was but vayne In youth to stryue, but whan he came to age His naturall moder slewe he in a rage

And also Egystus whiche had his fader slayne Thus toke he vengeaunce of both theyr cruelnes But yet it grewe to his great care and payne For sodaynly he fell in a madnesse And euer thought that in his furiousnes His moder hym sued flamynge full of fyre And euer his deth was redy to conspyre

Orestes troubled with this fereful vysyon As franatyke and mad wandred many a day Ouer many a countrey londe and regyon His frende Pylades folowynge hym alway In payne nor wo he wolde hym nat denay Tyll he restoryd agayne was to his mynde Alas what frynde may we fynde nowe so kynde.

Of dymades what shall I lawde or wryte. And Pythias his felawe amyable Whiche in eche other suche loue had and delyte That whan Denys a tyrant detestable And of his men some to hym agreable Wolde one of them haue mordred cruelly Echone for other offred for to dye

Ualerius wrytyth a story longe and ample Of Lelius and of worthy Cipio. Whiche of trewe loue hath left vs great example For they neuer left in doloure wele nor wo I rede in thystory of Theseus also: Howe he (as the Poetes fables doth tell) Folowyd his felawe perothus in to hell.

And serchynge hym dyd wander and compas Those lothsome flodys and wayes tenebrous Ferynge no paynes of that dysordred place Nor obscure mystes or ayres odyous Tyll at the laste by his wayes cautelous And Hercules valyaunt dedes of boldnesse He gat Perothus out of that wretchydnesse.

Alas where ar suche frendes nowe a dayes Suerly in the worlde none suche can be founde All folowe theyr owne profyte and lewde wayes None vnto other coueytys to be bounde Brekers of frendshyp ynough ar on the grounde Whiche set nought by frendshyp so they may haue good All suche in my shyp shall haue a folys hode


Ye cruell folys full of ingratitude. Aryse be asshamyd of your iniquyte Mollyfy your hertes vnkynde stuberne and rude Graffynge in them true loue and amyte Consyder this prouerbe of antyquyte And your vnkyndnes weray ban and curse For whether thou be of hy or lowe degre Better is a frende in courte than a peny in purse

* * * * *

Of contempt, or dispisynge of holy scripture.

Suche as dispyseth auncyent scripture Whiche prouyd is of great auctoryte And hath no pleasoure felycyte or cure Of godly Prophetis whiche wrote of veryte A fole he is for his moste felycyte Is to byleue the tales of an olde wyfe Rather than the doctryne of eternall lyfe

The holy Bybyll grounde of trouth and of lawe Is nowe of many abiect and nought set by Nor godly scripture is nat worth an hawe But talys ar louyd grounde of rybawdry And many blynddyd ar so with theyr foly That no scripture thynke they so true nor gode As is a folysshe yest of Robyn hode.

He that to scripture wyll not gyue credence Wherin ar the armys of our tuycion And of our fayth foundacion and defence Suche one ensueth nat the condycion Of man resonable, but by abusyon Lyuyth as a best of conscyence cruell As saue this worlde were neyther heuen nor hell.

He thynketh that there is no god aboue Nor nobler place than is this wretchyd grounde Nor goddes power suche neyther fere nor loue With whom all grace and mercy doth abounde Whiche whan hym lyst vs wretches may confounde Alas what auayleth to gyue instruction To suche lewde folys of this condycion.

It nought auayleth vnto them to complayne Of theyr blyndnes, nor enfourme them with vertue Theyr cursed lyfe wyll by no mean refrayne Their viciousnes, nor their erroure eschewe But rather stody theyr foly to renewe Alas what profytis to suche to expresse. The heuenly ioy, rewarde of holynesse.

Alas what auayleth to suche to declare The paynes of hell, wo dissolate and derke No wo nor care can cause suche to beware From their lewde lyfe corrupt and synfull warke What profyteth sermons of any noble clarke Or godly lawes taught at any Scolys For to reherse to these myscheuous folys.

What helpeth the Prophetis scripture or doctryne Unto these folys obstynate and blynde Their hertis ar harde, nat wyllynge to enclyne To theyr preceptis nor rote them in theyr mynde Nor them byleue as Cristen men vnkynde For if that they consydred heuen or hell They wolde nat be so cursed and cruell

And certaynly the trouth apereth playne That these folys thynke in theyr intent That within hell is neyther car nor payne Hete nor colde, woo, nor other punysshement Nor that for synners is ordeyned no turment Thus these mad folys wandreth euery houre Without amendement styll in theyr blynde erroure

Before thy fete thou mayst beholde and se Of our holy fayth the bokys euydent The olde lawes and newe layde ar before the Expressynge christes tryumphe right excellent But for all this set is nat thyne intent Theyr holy doctryne to plant within thy brest Wherof shold procede ioy and eternall rest

Trowest thou that thy selfe wyllyd ignoraunce Of godly lawes and mystycall doctryne May clense or excuse thy blynde mysgouernaunce Or lewde erroure, whiche scorne hast to inclyne To theyr preceptis: and from thy synne declyne Nay nay thy cursed ignoraunce sothly shall Drowne thy soule in the depe flodes infernall

Therfore let none his cursydnes defende Nor holy doctryne, nor godly bokes dispyse But rather stody his fawtes to amende For god is aboue all our dedes to deuyse Whiche shall rewarde them in a ferefull wyse With mortall wo that euer shall endure Whiche haue dyspysyd his doctryne and scripture


Out of your slomber folys I rede you ryse. Scripture dyuyne, to folowe and inbrace Be nat so bolde it to leue nor dispyse But you enforce it to get and purchase Remember mannys consort and solace. Is holy closyd within the boke of lyfe Who that it foloweth hath a speciall grace But he that doth nat a wretche is and caytyfe

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Of folys without prouysyon.

Of other folys yet is a moche nomber Whom I wolde gladly brynge to intellygence To auoyde their blyndnes which sore doth incomber Theyr mynde and herte for lackynge of science Suche ar vnware and gyuen to neglygence Mad and mysmyndyd pryuate of wysdome Makynge no prouysyon for the tyme to come.

If any mysfortune aduersyte or wo As often hapnyth, to suche a fole doth fall Than sayth he I thought it wolde nat haue be so But than ouer late is it agayne to call It is nat ynough thou fole to say I shall For this one daye prouyde me by wysdome A wyse man seyth peryll longe before it come

He is vnwyse and of prouysyon pore That nought can se before he haue damage Whan the stede is stolyn to shyt the stable dore Comys small pleasoure profyte or vauntage But he that can suche folysshenes asswage Begynnynge by counsayll, and fore prouydence Is sure to escape all inconuenyence

Whan Adam tastyd the appyll in Paradyse. To hym prohybyte by dyuyne commaundement If he had noted the ende of his interpryse To Eue he wolde nat haue ben obedyent Thus he endured right bytter punysshement For his blynde erroure and improuydence That all his lynage rue sore for his offence.

Hymselfe dryuyn out from Paradyce all bare With Eue, into this vale of wretchydnes To get theyr lyuynge with laboure payne and care And also if Jonathas by errour and blyndnes Had nat receyued the gyftis of falsnes Unto hym gyuen of Tryphon by abusyon He sholde haue escapyd great confusyon

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