[85] Jahrbuch fuer Kinderheilkunde, 1879.
[86] Die Masturbation, p. 50, Berlin, 1899.
[87] L'Hygiene sexuelle, Paris, 1895, p. 23.
[88] "Die Beziehungen des sexuellen Lebens zur Entstehung von Nerven- und Geisteskrankheiten" ("Relationships of the Sexual Life to the Causation of Nervous and Mental Diseases"), Muenchener Med. Wochenschrift, No. 37, 1906.
[89] "Quelques mots sur l'onanisme" ("A Few Words on Masturbation"), Annales des maladies des organes genito-urinaires, 1905, No. 8.
[90] "Schuelerselbstmorde" ("Suicide during School-Life"), Zeitschrift fuer paedagogische Psychologie, April 1907, p. 21 et seq.
[91] Du Suicide, 2nd ed., Paris, 1865, p. 139.
[92] For a comprehensive account of these views, see Loewenfeld, Sexualleben und Nervenleiden (The Sexual Life and Nervous Diseases), 4th ed., Wiesbaden, 1906, chap. xiv.
[93] "Das Erleiden sexueller Traumen usw." ("The Ill Effects of Sexual Dreams"), Zentralblatt fuer Nervenheilkunde, November 15, 1907.
[94] Seltene und weniger bekannte Tripperformen (Rare and little-known forms of Gonorrhoea), German translation by George Merzbach, Vienna and Leipzig, 1907.
[95] La Donna delinquente, la Prostituta e la Donna normale (Woman as Criminal and Prostitute), p. 374, Turin, 1893. [English readers will find an account of this widely-read book in Kureila's Cesare Lombroso, a Modern Man of Science, pp. 55-64, translated by M. Eden Paul; Rebman, London, 1911—TRANSLATOR'S NOTE.]
[96] Etude medico-legale sur les Attentats aux Moeurs, p. 31, Paris, 1857.
[97] Kisch, The Sexual Life of Woman p. 80, translated by M. Eden Paul; Rebman, London, 1910.
[98] L'Onanisme chez l'homme, p. 99, 2nd ed, Paris.
[99] Minorenni Delinquenti, p. 184, Milan, 1895.
[100] The Sexual Question, p. 482 et seq., Rebman, London, 1908.
[101] Op. cit., p. 230.
[102] Delinquenza precoce e senile, p. 197, Como, 1901.
[103] Les Enfants menteurs, Memoire lu a la Societe medico-psychologique, seances du 13 et 27 Nov. 1882.
[104] Handbuch fuer Untersuchungerichter (Manual for Police Magistrates), Part I. p. 110, 5th ed., Munich, 1908.
[105] Aprosexia is the technical term for inability to fix the mind upon any subject.
[106] In the first book of Les Confessions.
[107] Strodtmann, H. Heines Leben und Werke, vol. i. p. 27 et seq., Berlin, 1873.
[108] Fisiologia del Amore.
[109] Les Femmes homicides, Paris, 1908. p. 39 et seq.
[110] "Beitraege zur Kenntnis der Lebens- und Entwicklungsbedingungen der Inder" ("Contributions to our Knowledge of the Conditions of Life and Development of the Natives of India"), Archiv fuer Rassen- und Gesellschaftsbiologie, 1907, p. 839 et seq.
[111] Archiv fuer Rassen- und Gesellschaftsbiologie, 1906, p. 916.
[112] We are irresistibly reminded, in this connexion, of the reputed higher morality of age as compared with youth, of which La Rochefoucauld says (Maxim 192): "When our vices leave us, we flatter ourselves that it is we who leave them."—TRANSLATOR'S NOTE.
[113] Esquirol refers to this in his great work on Mental Disorders.
[114] Die Sittlichkeitsverbrecher (Offenders against Sexual Morality). See also Vierteljahrsschrift fuer gerichtliche Medizin und offentliche Sanitaetswesen, Third Series, xxix, 2.
[115] The custom of taking in a man as a night-lodger in crowded working-class tenements appears, unhappily, to be commoner in the large towns of Germany and Austria than it is in this country. See, for instance, Adelheid Popp's Jugendgeschichte einer Arbeiterin (3rd ed., Reinhardt, Munich, 1910, pp. 19, 20). But such lodgers are by no means unknown in the overcrowded quarters of English towns.—TRANSLATOR'S NOTE.
[116] Psychiatrische Vorlesungen, Leipzig, 1892, p. 41.
[117] Compare George Meredith on the male egoist's demand for "innocence" (The Egoist, p. 105): "The capaciously strong soul among women will ultimately detect an infinite grossness in the demand for purity infinite, spotless bloom." The frequency with which young widows remarry suggests that the demand for "innocence" in women is largely "a result of conventional opinions."—TRANSLATOR'S NOTE.
[118] La Prostitution Clandestine, p. 41 et seq., Paris, 1885.
[119] The Intermediate Sex, Swan Sonnenschein, London, 1908, p. 86.
[120] Werthauer, Sittlichkeitsdelikte der Grosstadt (Offences against Morality in Large Towns), p. 78 et seq., Berlin and Leipzig, 1908.
[121] Verbrechen und Vergehen wider die Sittlichkeit. Entfuehrung. Gewerbsmaessige Unzucht (Crimes and Misdemeanours against Morality. Abduction, Professional Unchastity), p. 115. Reprint from the Fergleichende Darstellung des Deutschen und Auslaendischen Strafrechts (Comparative Statement of German and Foreign Criminal Law).
[122] Das Geschlechtsleben in der Voelkerpsychologie (The Sexual Life in Folk-Psychology), p. 557, Leipzig, 1908.
[123] Beraud, Les Filles Publiques de Paris, Paris, 1839.
[124] For fuller details, see Mittelmaier, op. cit., p. 116.
[125] "Ueber die klinisch-forensische Bedeutung des perversen Sexualtriebes" ("The Clinical and Legal Significance of Perversions of the Sexual Impulse") Allgemeine Zeitschrift fuer Psychiatrie und psychisch-gerichtliche Medizin, vol. xxxix, p. 220 et seq., Berlin, 1883.
[126] See footnote to page 260.
[127] Compare Havelock Ellis, Studies in the Psychology of Sex, vol. vi.; Sex in Relation to Society (Philadelphia, 1910, p. 368); "But altogether outside theoretical morality, or the question of what people 'ought' to do, there remains practical morality, or the question of what, as a matter of fact, people actually do. This is the really fundamental and essential morality. Latin mores and Greek [Greek: ethos] both refer to custom, to the things that are, and not to the things that 'ought to be.'" The etymological connexion, of which Dr. Moll speaks, between the words morality (or ethics) and custom, thus subsists through the intermediation of the dead languages. But in German, the etymological connexion between Sitte (custom) and Sittlichkeit (morality) is immediately apparent.—TRANSLATOR'S NOTE.
[128] For details, see Rosenbaum, Geschichte der Lustseuche (History of Venereal Disease), Halle, 1893, p. 52 et seq.
[129] It is surprising that the author makes no reference to the close association, in many cases, of the sentiment of disgust with unpleasant smells. The earthworm, the cockroach, and the bed-bug are regarded as peculiarly disgusting, and all have a particularly offensive odour. The unpleasant smell of the alvine evacuations is assuredly a large element in the disgust these inspire.—TRANSLATOR'S NOTE.
[130] Die seelische Entwicklung des Kindes (The Mental Development of the Child), 2nd ed., Leipzig, 1908, p. 90.
[131] For fuller details, see the work of Rudeck, Geschichte der oeffentlichen Sittlichkeit in Deutschland (History of Public Morals in Germany), 2nd ed., Berlin, 1905, p. 4 et seq. Cf. also, Alfred Martin, Deutsches Badewesen in vergangenen Tagen (German Bathing Customs in Former Days), Jena, 1906.
[132] A German law dealing with offences against sexual morals.—TRANSLATOR'S NOTE.
[133] I owe to private information, most kindly given me by Dr. Bohn, my knowledge of numerous details bearing on this question.
[134] Romanische Liebe und persoenliche Schoenheit (Romantic Love and Personal Beauty), 2nd ed., Breslau, 1894, vol. ii. p. 58.
[135] This does not conflict with the fact that in these circles also much hypocrisy is practised—much more certainly than in our own country (Germany). To a still greater extent is this true of England, where also in many circles all illegitimate sexual intercourse is proscribed, thus leading to the practice of hypocrisy. Because a large proportion of the population does not practise illegitimate intercourse, those who do indulge in it are led to conceal as far as possible their own illegitimate intercourse; as a result of this we find side by side and simultaneously in the same circle, on the one hand a prohibition of illegitimate intercourse based upon genuine conviction, and on the other a hypocritical condemnation of such intercourse. Further, we have to admit that the question is an exceptionally difficult one, precisely on account of the hypocrisy and lies in which the sexual life is enveloped. Naturally, where illegitimate intercourse is forbidden, those who do indulge are far more careful, and especially in guarding against venereal infection, lest the illness should betray them to others. A communication made to me very recently suggests the need for great caution in our judgment in these matters. A foreign university professor gives his students very fine lectures on the sexual life, laying great stress on the beauty and importance of sexual abstinence. The lecturer was convinced that as a result of his lectures his students were exceptionally chaste and abstinent. But a colleague of this same professor at the university is no less firmly convinced, and this as the result of reports from members of his friend's audience, that the assumed chastity of the students is purely imaginary, and that in actual fact their lives are just as loose as those of students in general.
[136] See the article on "Coeducation" in Buch von Kinde (The Book of the Child), edited by Adele Schreiber, vol. ii, Leipzig, 1907, p. 48.
[137] Versuch einer Charakteristik des weiblichen Geschlechtes (Attempt at a Characterization of the Female Sex), Hanover, 1797, vol. i. p. 95.
[138] Pougin, Dictionnaire du Theatre, Paris, 1885, p. 715.
[139] The description of such a mental state will be found in a diary, shown to Nystroem by a young friend of his, and published by the former in his work on The Sexual Life and its Laws (Das Geschlechtsleben und seine Gesetze), Berlin, 1904, p. 129.
[140] Moll, Aerztliche Ethik, Stuttgart, 1902, pp. 220-31.
[141] Theologians are not agreed as to when the "age of reason" is attained. Gousset, in his Moraltheologie zum Gebrauch der Pfarrer und Beichtvaeter (German translation of the seventh edition of a French work, Moral Theology for the Use of Priests and Father-Confessors), Aix, 1852, vol. ii. p. 244, demands that children should go to confession as soon as they are seven years of age; other authorities consider that the "age of reason" begins only in the last years of childhood.
[142] L'Amour, 5th ed., Paris, 1861, p. 72.
[143] From what has been said before, it will have become evident that the question has different aspects in different strata of the population. I have attempted merely to formulate general principles, not to furnish an answer for every possible concrete question. Differences between town and country, between richer and poorer, between cultured and uncultured, must be given due consideration. In the case of those belonging to the less cultured and the poorer strata of society, a special use in this connexion may be found for those social institutions which have of late come into being in various localities as the fruit of voluntary effort [corresponding to our Children's Care Committees, &c., in England—TRANSLATOR], and conducted by women of the cultured and well-to-do classes. These institutions may be utilised for imparting the sexual enlightenment, at any rate in so far as they permit of an individual study of the child-psyche.
[144] Sexuelle Belehrung der aus der Volksschule entlassenen Maedchen (The Sexual Instruction of Girls Leaving the Elementary School), Leipzig, 1907.
[145] Among others by K. Hoeller: "Die Aufgabe der Volksschule" ("The Task of the Elementary School"), Proceedings of the Third Congress of the German Society for the Suppression of the Venereal Diseases, at Mannheim, in the Year 1907. In these Proceedings, which were published as the seventh volume of the Zeitschrift zur Bekaempfung der Geschlechtskrankheiten (Journal for the Suppression of the Venereal Diseases), the reader will find a vast amount of material bearing upon this question.
[146] Briefe ueber die wichtigsten Gegenstaende der Menschheit (Letters Concerning Matters of the Utmost Importance to Mankind), written by R., and published by S. I. Teil, Leipzig, 1794, p. 100 et seq. To all who are interested in the subject under discussion, I strongly recommend the perusal of this book, which seems to-day to have been entirely forgotten.
[147] For example, Max Oker-Blom: Beim Onkel Doktor auf dem Lande. A book for parents, 2nd ed., Vienna and Leipzig, 1906.—An English version, How my Uncle the Doctor Instructed me in Matters of Sex, has been published by the American Society of Sanitary and Moral Prophylaxis, 33, West 42nd Street, New York. [A list of a number of such books will be found in a footnote to p. 684 of my translation of Bloch's The Sexual Life of Our Time. As Oker-Blom himself says of this vital matter of sexual enlightenment, "Better a year too early than an hour too late."—TRANSLATOR.]
[148] Affektivitaet, Suggestibilitaet, Paranoia, Halle, 1906.
[149] Anthropologisch-kulturhistorische Studien ueber die Geschlechtsverhaeltnisse des Menschen (Anthropological and Historical Studies concerning the Sexual Life of Mankind), 2nd ed., Jena, 1888, p. 106.
[150] There is one bearing of the use of alcohol in relation to irregular sexual intercourse, the importance of which Dr. Moll appears to me largely to ignore in his discussion of the subject, and that is the effect which even moderate doses of alcohol have in blunting the finer sensibilities, and in disturbing the balance of the judgment. (The author's only reference to the subject is on page 348, where he writes, "If so much alcohol is taken as to interfere with the natural psychical inhibitions, sexual practices may occur that would not otherwise have occurred.") To take the woman's point of view first, it is, I believe, a common experience with prostitutes that, in the earlier days at any rate, they find it difficult to ply their trade unless under the influence of alcohol. Turning to the man's point of view, there is quite a considerable proportion of young men who, however strong their sexual impulse, object to meretricious intercourse at once on ethical and aesthetic grounds. The ethical ground is that intercourse with a prostitute infringes the elementary principle of civilised morals, that one human being should not use another as a mere means to the ends of the former, but that each of us must treat all human beings as ends in themselves; considering the general character of prostitution, the fact that obligations to the individual prostitute are supposed to be discharged by a conventional money payment, does not countervail the fact that this moral principle is infringed. On the aesthetic objections to prostitution, it is hardly necessary to enlarge; they have been felt by all men with refined sensibilities. But it is precisely these refined sensibilities which are blunted by even moderate doses of alcohol—doses insufficiently great to abate the sexual impulse itself. I do not mean to suggest that prostitution would not continue, in the present economic and social conditions, were there no intoxicants in the world; but I think an evening spent in quiet observation in the "promenade" of a "fashionable" London music-hall will convince most people that the above-described effects of alcohol are by no means purely imaginary.—TRANSLATOR'S NOTE.
[151] The arguments against raising the Age of Consent for women beyond the age of sixteen now specified in the Criminal Law Amendment Act of 1885, as ably summarised by Havelock Ellis, should be consulted in this connexion. See his Studies in the Psychology of Sex, vol. vi., Sex in Relation to Society, pp. 528-30. Davis, Philadelphia, 1910.—TRANSLATOR'S NOTE.
[152] "Die Anfaenge einer Erziehung zu geistiger und koerperlicher Gesundheit waehrend des ersten Lebensjahres" ("The Beginnings of an Education for the Maintenance of Mental and Bodily Health, as applied during the First Year of Life"), Fortschritte der Medizin, 1908, No. 21.
Abstinence, sexual. See Sexual abstinence
Accuracy, sexual differences in, 41
Accusations, false, by children, 227
Acme, voluptuous. See Orgasm; and also Voluptuousness
Adenoids, 207
Adequacy of sexual act, 31, 32, 88, 89
Advertisements, perverse, 240-245
Age for the sexual enlightenment, 289-290
Age of consent, 230, 314, 315
"Age of reason," 275
Alarm at sexual manifestations, 213
Albums, 15
Alcohol, 160, 161, 220, 221, 310-311 and the sexual impulse, 160, 161 unsuitable for children, 161
Alcoholism, 220
Alienists and the study of sexual life, 147
Alopecia areata, 47
Altruism and love, 208
Amatory passion and suicide, 188, 189
Anaesthesia sexualis, 87, 92
Animal friendships, 139, 140
Animals, sexual fondness for, 61, 66. See also Bestiality sexual paradoxy in, 123 sexual phenomena in young, 99-103
Anthropology, works on, 8, 9
Anus, 91
Anxiety causing ejaculation, 92-94 in the masturbator, 184
Anxiety-neurosis, 14, 93, 190
Aprosexia, 207
Art and sexuality, 213-215 the nude in, 258-260
Assaults, sexual. See Sexual assaults
Association of contrectation and detumescence, 81-87 theory of sexual perversions, 130-133
Autobiographies, 10-12, 15
Auto-erotism, 166, 188. See also Masturbation and Onanism
Auto-Suggestion, 190
Balls, children's, 268, 269
Bars, parallel and horizontal, and sexual stimulation, 159
Bartholin's glands, 23, 25 secretion of, 25, 56
Bathing, mixed, 255
Beard, a secondary sexual character, 34, 38
Beauty and the sexual impulse, 70
Bed, 307
Beggars, 199
Belletristic literature, love in, 12
Bestiality, 61, 66
Bible, the, 273, 274
Bicycling. See Cycling
Biographies, 10-12
Blackmail, 227
Bladder, distension of, causing erection, 50
Blindness, 283
Boarding-schools, 200, 247
Books and pictures erotic, 260-264
Boot, masturbation with, 164
Boys frequenting brothels, 154
Braggadocio, 174
Breasts, sexual differences in, 34, 36
Breathing, sexual differences in, 37
Breeches and sexual stimulation, 159, 307, 308
Brothels, boys frequenting, 155
Brother and sister, rarity of sexual desire between, 71 improper sexual acts between, 71, 199, 200 elder, effects sexual enlightenment, 297
Bulb, vaginal, or bulb of the vestibule, 23
CABBAGE-PATCH, babies in, 170, 285
Calf-love, 70
Cancer, 180
Caressive inclinations and sexuality, 163, 164, 175
Carunculae myrtiformes, 28
Cases:— 1. Undifferentiated sexual impulse, 64 2. Undifferentiated sexual impulse, 66 3. Undifferentiated sexual impulse, 67 4. Coitus in childhood, 82 5. Development of sexual impulse, 84 6. Anxiety causing ejaculation, 93 7. Sexual paradoxy, 119 8. Sexual paradoxy, 119 9. Sexual paradoxy, 121 10. Disappearance of early perversions, 128 11. Foot fetichism, 134 12. Homosexual, fondness for soldiers, 134 13. Case of a "Voyeur," 135 14. Flagellation fetichism, 135 15. Onanism by thigh friction in a girl of four, 187 16. Masturbation in a boy of eight, 188 17. Masturbation treated by hypnotic suggestion, 276 18. Sexual enlightenment by an elder brother, 297
Castration defined, 111 n. effects of, 103-109
Catamenia. See Menstruation
Cathartic method, 278
Catholic confessional, 274-276 priests, homosexual, 209, 210 sadistic, 239
Catholicism and sexual morality, 274-276
Caution requisite in diagnosing masturbation, 165
"Century of the Child," the, 321
Ceremonial observant of attainment of puberty, 162
Cervix uteri. See Uterus
Chancre, soft, 192
Characters, sexual, See Sexual characters
Child, as object of sexual practices, 219-245 defined, 1 sexual life of, its importance, 179-218
Child-depraver. See Paedophilia
Child-life in old Germany, 155
"Child-lover." See Paedophilia
Child-marriage, 9, 149, 214, 215
Child-marriages, offspring of, 214, 215
Child-prostitution, 220
Child-protection, 230, 269, 270 against sexual offences, 230
Child-suicides, 48
Child-witnesses, credibility of, 201-205
Childhood, frequency of sexual incidents in early, 7 periods of, 1, 2 sexual differentiation in, 33-49 sexual experiences in, as a factor in disease, 277-279 sub-epochs of, 1, 2
Children, false accusations of assaults on, 227-229 in the law courts, 230, 231 legal protection of, See Age of consent sexual acts with, to cure venereal diseases, 219
Children's care committees, 295 dances, 268, 269
Chordee, 52 n.
Church, the, and sexual indulgence, 193
Circumcision, 18
Civilisation, modern, and precocious sexuality, 156, 157
Clap. See Gonorrhoea
Class, social, and precocious sexuality, 151-152
Climate and precocious sexuality, 150-151
Climbing the pole, 159, 308
Clinical histories of the sexual life, value of, 5, 6
Clitoris, 23, 27, 28
Closets common to both sexes, danger of, 158, 279
Clothing and sexual stimulation, 159
Code, German Criminal, 206
Code of love, 9
Coeducation of the sexes, 264-270
Coitus. See also Sexual intercourse capacity for, 54
Colour sense, sexual differences in, 40
Compulsion-neuroses, 14, 190, 277
Concealment. See Secretiveness
Confessional, the, 274-276
Confident, 166, 168, 169, 292, 296, 297, 323
Congenital homosexuality, 124-130 predisposition, 113, 124-130, 146, 148, 156, 157, 173, 179, 183, 184, 187, 216-218, 246, 248
Conjunctivitis, See Ophthalmia
Connubial intercourse, 193
Consent, age of, See Age of consent
Consequences, the fear of, 256
Consequences of sexual phenomena in childhood:— ethical, 192-195 forensic, 201-207 hygienic, 180-192 intellectual, 207-209 social, 195-201
Constipation, 309
Contagion of example, 305 moral. See Moral contagion psychical, 279
Contrary sexuality. See Sexual inversion
Contrectation and contrectation-impulse, 29-31, 60-71, 81-87, 147, 148, 163, 164, 177 and detumescence, importance of their association, 177
Conversation, indiscreet, before children, 161 obscene, 170, 305, 306
Coquetry, 77
Corporal punishment, 159, 316-321
Corpus cavernosum clitoridis, 23 penis, 18 urethra, 18 spongiosum, 18
Corpuscles, Finger's, 27 genital, 27 Krause's, 27
Corpuscular richness, sexual differences in, 33
Corruption of children by paedophiles, 225-227 of town-life, reputed, 152-156, 264
Country versus town as influencing sexual morality, 152-156, 264
Courage and love, 208
Cowper's glands, 18, 20, 22, 23, 54, 55, 56
Credibility of children's evidence, 201-205
Crime, sexual differences in, 47, 48
Criminal code, German, 206, 313, 314 responsibility in children, 206 of paedophiles, 231-234
Criminals, youthful, 199, 200
Cruelty. See Sadism
Culpability in children, circumstances affecting, 205, 206
Cunnilinctus, 122, 143, 224
Curiosity of children regarding sexual development, 211-213
Custom and morality, 249, 250
Cycling, 90, 248, 308
Cystitis, gonorrhoeal, 192
DANCES for children, 268, 269
Danger to children of legal proceedings, 230, 231
Dangers, hygienic. See Health, dangers to of corporal punishment, 316, 317 of masturbation commonly exaggerated, 180-183, 283-284 of the sexual enlightenment, 301-302 social. See Social dangers
Decolletage, 255
Degradation, social. See Social degradation
Demarcation, strict, of sexual feelings impossible, 176, 177
Dementia, paralytic, 220, 231 post-epileptic. 220, 231 praecox, 14, 190 senile, 220, 231
Depraver of children. See Paedophilia
Depression in masturbators, 185
Detumescence and detumescence-impulse, 29-31, 70, 81-87, 147, 148, 164, 166 in association with contrectation, 81-87
Development, puberal. See Puberal development sexual. See Sexual development
Diagnosis, 162-178 difficulties of, 162 errors in, 165 of sexual perversions, 178
Diaries, 15
Diet and sexual stimulation, 160, 309
Differentiation, sexual, in childhood, 33-49
Diligence as a love-manifestation, 77, 208
Disease, sexual differences in, 45-47
Diseases falsely attributed to masturbation, 180, 181 venereal. See Venereal diseases
Disgust and shame, 250-258
"Distinguished governess," 241-243
Diversion of the sexual impulse, 270
Doctor, the, and illegitimate intercourse, 272 and masturbation, 284
Dolls, 38, 39, 43
Drawing, sexual differences in capacity for, 42
Dreams, sexual, 81, 94-98, 113, 178, 190, 213, 285
Duct. See under specific names as, Prostatic ducts, Seminal duct, &c.
Duverney's glands, 23
Dwarfs as objects of sexual desire, 223 sexual phenomena in, 116, 117
Dynamometry in habitual masturbators, 185
EARLY awakening of sexuality, 146-152
Economic and social reasons for the sexual enlightenment, 287, 288
Eczema, 158
Educability, limits of, 246-248
Education and sexual differentiation, 41-45 religious, 270-276 sexual, 246-324. See also Coeducation works on, 9
"Educational" advertisements, 240-245
Educational reasons for the sexual enlightenment, 281-282
Effemination, 125, 126
Egoism, sexual. See Sexual egoism
Ejaculation, 21, 22, 25, 26, 30, 32, 52-57, 89, 92, 98, 113, 185-188 during sleep, 94-98, 113 from anxiety, 92-94 in the child, 52-57, 89 in the female, 25, 26, 30 in the male, 21, 22, 30 masturbation without, 185-188
Ejaculation-centre, 21, 22
Ejaculatory duct, 18
Embellishment, romantic, of object of love, 71, 72
Emission, seminal, 3 n., 53. See also Ejaculation the first, causing alarm, 212, 213
Emissions, nocturnal. See Sexual dreams
Empirical psychology. See Psychology, empirical
"Energetic instruction," 241-243
"English instruction," 240-245
Enlightenment, the sexual, 7, 8, 280-306
Environment. See Education
Epididymis, 17
Epididymitis, 192
Epilepsy, 220, 231, 235
Erectile tissue, 18
Erection, in the child, 50-52 in the female, 25, 30 in the male, 20-22, 30 of the clitoris, 25 of the penis, 18, 20-22, 198
Erection-centre, 20
Erections, matutinal, 171 non-sexual, 170
Erfahrungspsychologie, 9
Erogenic areas, 21, 25, 91, 172 zones, 21, 25, 91, 172
Erotic books and pictures, 260-264 literature, love in, 13 obsession, 179
Ethical. See also Moral dangers of precocious sexuality, 192-195 reasons for the sexual enlightenment, 285-286
Ethics. See Morality
Etiology, 146-162 and diagnosis, 146-178
Eugenic considerations opposed to child-marriage, 215
Eugenics, 246
Eunuchs. See Castration
Evidence of children, 201-205
Exaggerated expectations regarding the sexual enlightenment, 302-306
Examination, physical, of child witnesses, 203
Example versus precept, 249, 305
Excess, sexual. See Sexual excess
Exhibitionism, 122, 141, 142, 234
Experimental psychology. See Psychology, experimental study of the sexual life, 6
FAIRY-TALES, 71, 285
Fallopian tubes, 24
False accusations by children, 227-229
Family tendencies. See also Congenital predisposition
Fanatics, morality-, 259, 260
Feather-bed, 307
Feeble-mindedness, 206
Fellatio, 199
Fertilisation, 24
Fetichism, sexual, 61, 74, 75, 122, 130, 234
Fickleness, 79, 80
Fig-leaf, the, 259
Finger's corpuscles, 27
First love, description of, 11, 12
Fission, 84
Flagellation, 91, 159, 235, 240, 318, 320 fetichism, cases of, 135, 210, 211, 237-240
Flogging. See Corporal punishment; and also Flagellation
Fluor albus, 181
Follicles, Graafian, 24, 28 Graafian, primitive, 24 ovarian, 24 ovarian primitive, 24
Foot-fetichism, 134, 138
Forensic. See also Legal aspects of sexual life of the child, 201-207 reasons for the sexual enlightenment, 286
Foreskin, 18, 50
Friendship and homosexuality, 138, 139
Friendships of animals, 139,140
Fuersorgegesetz 279
GAMES of animals, sexual phenomena in, 99-103 sexual differences in, 38, 39, 99
Gastralgia, 180
Geldings, 105, 106
Gemmation, 84
Genital corpuscles, 27 organs. See Sexual organs
German Criminal Code, 206
Girth, sexual differences in, 35
Gland, See under specific name as Prostate gland, Cowper's glands, &c.
Glans clitoridis, 23 penis, 18
Gonorrhoea, 170, 220, 283 in children, 52, 191, 192
Graafian follicles. See Follicles
Growth, sexual differences in, 35, 36
Guardianship, law of, 279
Gymnastic exercises and sexual stimulation, 159, 308
HAIR, pubic, 26, 27 sexual differences in, 33
Hairdressers, homosexual, 209
Hair fetichism, 138, 210, 234
Hanging posture and sexual stimulation, 189
Health and the sexual enlightenment, 282, 285 dangers to, from sexual phenomena during childhood, 180-192
Heel, masturbation with, 164
Height, sexual differences in, 35
Hereditary taint. See Congenital predisposition
Heredity, morbid. See Congenital predisposition and sexual differentiation, 41-45
Hermaphroditism, 144, 145
Herpes progenitalis, 171 sexualis, 171
Hetero-suggestion, 190
Home versus school for the sexual enlightenment, 291-297
Homosexuality, 123-130, 133, 134, 198, 199, 200, 209, 226, 227, 313-316 and coeducation, 267 and occupation, 209, 210 early memories of, 5, 6 the fostering of, 302
Homosexuals, shame in, 78
Horizontal bar and sexual stimulation, 159
Horse-back riding, 308
Housing conditions, bad, 220, 247, 248
Hygiene of the sexual life of the child, 306-312 social, 248
Hygienic dangers. See Health, dangers to reasons for the sexual enlightenment, 282-285
Hymen, 23, 28, 91, 198 not lacerated in masturbation, 91, 166
Hyperaesthesia, sexual. See Sexual hyperaesthesia
Hypnotic treatment of sexual aberrations, 276, 277
Hypochondriasis in masturbators, 283, 284
Hypocrisy regarding the sexual life, 266, 296
Hysteria, 14, 46, 190, 204, 277
Idiocy, 147
Idiots, masturbation in, 29
Ignorance regarding the sexual life, 281-282, 288
"Illegitimate" intercourse, 193, 287
Illusions of love, 72 of memory, 4-6, 125, 127
Imagination in children, 201, 202, 204, 294, 295 its part in masturbation, 88 perverse, 324 and masturbation, 184
Imbecility, 147, 220
Imitative acts, 174, 305 sexual acts, 157, 162
Immaturity, stimulus of, 221
Immoral acts, definition of, 194
Impersonator, feminine, 209
Importance of the sexual life of the child, 179-218
Impotence, psychical, 219
Impulse, contrectation, See Contrectation impulse detumescence. See Detumescence impulse sexual. See Sexual Impulse
Inattentiveness, 207
Incubi, 3 n.
India, child-marriages in, 215
Infancy defined, 2, and note
Infection, venereal. See Venereal diseases
Inheritance. See Heredity
Innocence as a sexual stimulus, 222 of rural life, reputed, 152-156
Insanity, moral. See Moral insanity
Instinct, sexual. See Sexual impulse
Instinctive chastity in girls, 288
Intellect, the, and precocious sexuality, 207-208
Intercourse, sexual. See Sexual intercourse
Interdependence of contrectation and detumescence, 81-87
Internal secretion of ovaries, 26 of testicles, 19
"Interstitial gland" of the testicle, 108
Inversion, sexual. See Sexual inversion
Irresponsibility. See Responsibility
Irritation, local, of genitals, 307
Irrumatio, 199
Itching, 59
Itching-reflex, 50, 51
Jealousy, 75, 175, 189
Kissing, 73
Kitzel, 59
Kitzel reflexe, 50
Knightly code of love, 9
Krause's corpuscles, 27
LABIA majora, 23, 27 minora, 23
Ladies' tailor, 209
Larynx, sexual differences in, 34, 38
Laudatis temporis acti, 154
Law of guardianship, 279
Law-courts, children in, 201-205 danger to children in, 230, 231
Legal. See also Forensic relationships of sexual life of the child, 201-207
"Legitimate" intercourse, 193
Lese majeste, 228
Levity regarding sexual manifestations in childhood, 280
Lex Heinze, 244, 260
Libidio sexualis, 22
Liebeskodex, 9
Life, sexual. See Sexual life
Limits of educability, 246-248
Literature, belletristic, love in, 12 erotic, love in, 13 of the sexual life of the child, 7-16
Littre's glands, 19, 20, 22, 54, 55
Looking-glass, 212
Love, code of, 9 first. See First love in belletristic literature, 12 in young children, 188, 189
Love-games of animals, 99-103
Love-illusions, 72
Love-letters, 75
Love-poems, 76
Lust-murder. See Sadism; also Stabbers
"Lying Children," 203
Lying-in-bed, 307
"MAIDEN Tribute of Modern Babylon." See Pall Mall Gazette
Maidenhead. See Hymen
Mamma. See Breast
Manifestations of love in childhood, 73-80
Manipulations of the genital organs, non-sexual, 171
Manu-stupration, 87, 166
Marriage, 9 early. See also Child-marriage, 149 laws, 9 medical advice concerning, 246
Masochism, 61, 74, 130, 131, 136, 137, 160, 210, 316, 317, 321
Masochistic advertisements, 240-245
Masturbatio reservatus, 187
Masturbation, 7, 8, 29, 30, 51, 52, 87-92, 96, 97, 119-121, 155, 156, 164-173, 180-195, 265, 283, 284, 291, 292, 303, 309, 311, 312. See also Onanism books on, 7, 8 comparative frequency in boys and girls, 91, 92 dangers of excess, 181 defined, 87, 165 diagnosis of, 164-173 during sleep, 96, 97 enlightenment regarding, 291-292 exaggerated views of its dangers, 180-183, 283, 284 Fere's treatment, 311, 312 in animals, 29, 30 in childhood, 182-191 in idiots, 29 in schools, 155 is it physiological? 303 methods of, 89, 91 moral contagion of, 201 moral judgments regarding, 192-195 mutual, and coeducation, 265 physical signs of, 166 sexual perversions and, 184 tacit permission of, 284 without ejaculation, 185-188
Maturation, 24
Maturity, sexual, defined, 3, 4
Matutinal erections, 171
Meatus, urethral, in the female, 23 in the male, 18
Medical ethics, 272
Membrum virile, 17
Memoirs, 10-12
Memory, illusions of, 4-6, 125, 127 sexual differences in, 40
Menarche praecox, 114, 115 tardive, 116
Menstrual rhythm, 24, 25
Menstruation, 24, 25, 28 age at commencement in various countries, 150 precocious, 114, 115 retarded, 116 the first, causing alarm, 212, 213, 284
Mental differences between the sexes, 38-45
Methods of investigation, 4-7
Micturitional obscenities, 143
Milking movements, 172
Mind, sexual differences in, 38-45
Mirror. See Looking-glass
Mishandling of children, 191, 219-245
Mixed bathing, 255
Mode of sexual enlightenment, 298-301
Monks, sadistic, 239
Mons veneris, 27
Monthly period. See Menstruation
Moral contagion of masturbation, 201 corruption of children by paedophiles, 225-227 dangers of precocious sexuality, 192-195 insanity, 147 judgments on masturbation, 192-195
Morality. See also Sexual morality and custom, 249, 250 and nakedness, 256, 257, 260 sexual, Catholicism and, 274-276
Morality-fanatics, 259, 260
Morbid heredity. See Congenital predisposition
Mother, the, and the sexual enlightenment, 295-297
Motherhood, pre-marital, 287
Motherhood protection, 323
Music-hall artiste, 209
Mutterschutzbewegung, 323
Nakedness. See also Nude, the and sexual morality, 256, 257, 260
Narcolepsy, 185
Necrophilia, 234
Nervous system, abnormal, 146
Neurasthenia, 14, 190 from masturbation, 187 sexual. See Sexual neurasthenia
Neurologists and the study of the sexual life, 147
Neuropathia, 146. See also Congenital predisposition
Neuroses and sexual experiences (Freud's theories), 189-191, 226, 277-279
Newspaper advertisements, perverse, 240-245
Newspapers, the erotic in, 261, 262
Night-lodger, 220, 248
Nocturnal emissions. See Sexual dreams
Non-sexual erections, 171 manipulations of the genital organs, 171
Nose-picking, 171
Nubile, defined, 3, 4
Nude, the, in art, 258-260
Nuns, sadistic, 239
Nurses and masturbation, 52, 158, 159, 225
Nymphae, 23
Nymphomania, 181
OBJECT of sexual practices, the child as, 219-245
Objective elements of the sexual enlightenment, 290, 291
Obscene conversation, 153, 156
Observation of sexual acts by children 161, 162 of sexual processes in young children, 164 of the sexual life, 6 sexual differences in, 41
Obsession by erotic ideas, 179
Occupation and sexual offences against children, 221, 232, 233 and sexual perversion, 209, 210
Offences, sexual. See Sexual offences
Offspring of child-marriages, 214, 215
Onanism. See also Masturbation defined, 87, 165 psychical, 166
Oophorectomy, effects of, 106
Operation to remove foreign bodies from vagina or female bladder, 166
Ophthalmia of the new-born, 283
Opportunity and the sexual enlightenment, 293
Orchitis, 192
Organs, genital. See Sexual organs
Organs, reproductive. See Sexual organs
Orgasm, involuntary sexual, 3, 94-98 defined, 3 n. sexual, 22, 23, 25, 26, 57-59. See also Voluptuousness signs of, 164, 165 without ejaculation, 185
Ovarian follicles. See Follicles
Ovaries, 24, 28 removal of. See Oophorectomy
Over-crowding, 220, 247, 248
Over-development of sexuality in children, 179
Oviducts. See Fallopian tubes
Ovulation, 24, 25, 28
Ovum, 24
Paedophiles, responsibility of, 231-234, 264
Peaedophilia erotica, 158, 219-234, 314, 315
Pall Mall Gazette revelations, 227
Panniculus adiposus, 103
Paradoxical sexual impulse, 13
Paradoxy, sexual, 13, 117-123
Parallel bars and sexual stimulation, 159
Paralytic dementia, 220, 231
Parents, sexual element in fondness for, 71, 176
"Parisian Landscapes," 262
Passion, amatory, and suicide, 189
Passive character of sexual act in women, 184
Pathological, the, in the sexual life over-estimated, 147, 148
Pathology, 114-145
Pelvis, sexual differences in, 33, 34
Penis, 17, 18, 26, 60
Perineum, 18 muscles of, 25
Period, monthly. See Menstruation
Periodicity in the sexual impulse, 151
Periods of infancy, childhood, and youth, 2
Peritonitis, 192
Perverse advertisements, 240-245
Perversions, sexual. See Sexual perversions
Philanthropes, the, 8
Phimosis, 307
Physical examination of child witnesses, 203
Pictures and books, erotic, 260-264
Place for the sexual enlightenment, 291-295
Plait-cutting, 210, 234
Play of animals, sexual phenomena in, 99-103
Play, sexual differences in, 38, 39, 99
Pleasure, voluptuous. See Voluptuousness
Poetry. See Verses
Pole-climbing, 159, 308
Pollution, 3 n.
Polygamy in the Old Testament, 274
Pornographica, 262-264
Potency, sexual. See Sexual potency
Potentia coeandi, 54 generandi, 54
Practices, sexual. See Sexual practices
Precept versus example, 249, 305
Precocious sexuality, 146-152
Precocity, sexual, and coeducation, 267 sexual, dangerous to others, 279 in boys, 115, 116 in girls, 114, 115
Predisposition, congenital. See Congenital predisposition
Pregnancy, precocious, 197, 225, 226
Pre-marital sexual relations, 287
Prematurity, sexual, in boys, 115, 116 in girls, 114, 115
Prepuce, 18, 50
Priapism, 171
Priests, Catholic. See Catholic priests homosexual, 209, 210
Procreation, capacity for, 54
Procurement, 227
Prognosis of sexual precocity, 162
Progressive paralysis, 220, 231
Prolapse of uterus, 180
Prostate gland, 18, 55, 56 secretion of, 20, 55, 56
Prostatic ducts, 18 secretion, 20 utricle, 18
Prostitutes, 198, 200, 225, 229, 230 male, 198, 225
Prostitution in children, 229-230
Protection of children. See Age of consent; and also Child-protection of motherhood, 323
Prurigo, 158
Pseudo-coitus, 223
Pseudo-hermaphroditism, 144
Psyches, sexual differences in, 38-45
Psychiatric causes of sexual offences against children, 219, 220
Psychiatrists. See Alienists
Psychical contagion, 279 differences between the senses, 38-45 impotence, 219 onanism, 166 n. stimuli and precocious sexuality, 161, 162
Psycho-analysis, 190, 277-279
Psychology, empirical, 9 empirical, and sex differences, 40, 41 experimental, and sex differences, 39-40 of sex, 15
Psychology, works on, 9, 10
Psychopathia, 146 sexualis. See Sexual perversions
Psychosexual development and the sexual enlightenment, 290 phenomena, early appearance of, 69, 167, 214
Puberal development, 4, 111, 112 individual variations in, 112 physical changes, 26-29
Puberty, books on, 8 ceremonial observance of, 162 defined, 3, 4 signs of, 111, 112
Pubescence, 109-112. See also Puberal development premature, 114-116 retarded, 116, 117
Pubic hair. See Hair
Punishment, corporal. See Corporal punishment
Punishments and masochism, 210, 211
Pyromania, 218
QUACKS and "secret diseases," 180
RACE and precocious sexuality, 149, 150
Railway-travelling and sexual stimulation, 160
Reading influenced by sexual perversions, 210
Reading-matter for children, 260-264
Reasons against the sexual enlightenment, 301-302
Redness of vulva not pathognomonic of masturbation, 166
Religiosity, 169
Religious education, 270-276
Reproductive organs. See Sexual organs
Respect for womanhood, its cultivation in boys, 323
Responsibility, criminal, in children, 206 of paedophiles, 231-234
Retardation of sexual development, 112, 113, 116, 117
Revelations of the Pall Mall Gazette, 227
Rhythm, menstrual, 24, 25
Ripening, years of, 109-112
Romantic transfiguration of object of love, 71, 72
Romanticism, 71, 72
Rose-fetichism, 140, 141
Rubbing movements, 172, 173
"Rural innocence," the table of, 152-156
SADISM, 61, 74, 124, 130-133, 136, 137, 140, 160, 210, 234-245, 316, 317, 321
Sadistic advertisements, 240-245
Satisfaction, sexual, the sense of, 23, 31, 32 in children, 59
Schlafbursch, 220. See also Night-lodger
School, the, as a field for the sexual enlightenment, 282 versus home for the sexual enlightenment, 291-297
School-doctor, the, and the sexual enlightenment, 293, 294
Schools, masturbation in, 155
Schutzalter. See Age of consent
Scrotum, 18
Season and the sexual impulse, 151
Secrecy surrounding the sexual life, 300
"Secret diseases," 180
Secretion, internal. See Internal secretion prostatic, 20 testicular, 19
Secretiveness of children regarding their sexual life, 163, 168, 169
Seduction a cause of masturbation, 52 in childhood, 157, 158, 161, 162, 180, 190, 196, 198, 199, 200, 221, 280
Segregation of the sexes, 247
Self-abuse. See Masturbation
Self-reproach, moral, in masturbators, 282, 284
Semen, 20, 55, 56, 104 constituents of, 55, 56 definition, 20
Seminal duct, common, 18 vesicles, 18 glands of, 20 their distension causes erection, 21
Seminiferous tubules, 17, 19
Senile dementia, 220
Sensation, voluptuous. See Voluptuousness
"Severe education," 241-243
Sewing-machine, 90
Sexes, coeducation of, 264-270 segregation of, 247
Sexual abstinence from tardy sexual development, 216-218 is it harmful? 303
Sexual act, enlightenment concerning, 281
Sexual differentiation in, 184
Sexual acts in children, 82, 188, 198, 199, 200, 265, 269
Sexual acts witnessed by children, 161, 162, 212, 247, 248
Sexual anaesthesia, 87, 92
Sexual assaults, false accusations by children, 227-229
Sexual characters, primary. See Sexual organs secondary, 33-49 effect of contrectation on, 103-109 tertiary, 33, 34
Sexual contrasts, 177
Sexual desire, 59 n.
Sexual development, See also Puberal development precocious, 114-116, 167, 168 in boys, 115, 116 in girls, 114, 115 retarded, 112, 113, 116, 117, 168, 216-218
Sexual differences, are they congenital or acquired? 41-45
Sexual differentiation in childhood, 33-49, 78, 79, 148, 149
Sexual dreams, 81, 94-98, 113, 178, 190 alarm at their first appearance, 213, 285 and the diagnosis of sexual perversion, 178
Sexual education, 246-324 and nakedness 256, 257 and sexual perversions, 312-321
Sexual egoism, George Meredith on, 222
Sexual enlightenment, the, 7, 8, 280-306
Sexual excess and masturbation, 181, 183
Sexual experiences and neuroses (Freud's theories), 189-191, 277-279
Sexual feelings, their strict demarcation from non-sexual feelings impossible, 176, 177
Sexual fetichism. See Fetichism, sexual
Sexual glands, their influence upon bodily development, 103-109
Sexual gratification, 59 n.
Sexual hyperaesthesia, 98, 121, 124, 284, 303
Sexual impulse, 13, 26, 29-32, 60-69, 84, 87, 117-123, 151, 270 absence of, 26, 87 components of, 29-31 development of, 84 diversion of, 270 paradoxical, 18, 117-123 periodicity in, 151 premature, or retarded. See Sexual paradoxy undifferentiated stage, 60-69, 312, 313
Sexual incidents in childhood, frequency of, 7
Sexual intercourse, age at which first possible, 198 and masturbation, resemblances and differences, 181, 182 consent to. See Age of consent illegitimate, may the doctor advise? 272 pre-marital, 287
Sexual inversion, 44
Sexual life, childish memories of, 5, 6 clinical histories of, 5, 6 experiments on, 6 literature dealing with, 7-16 observation of, 6 of the child, importance of, 179-218
Sexual morality and nakedness, 256, 257, 260 and religion, 270-276 and the sentiment of shame, 255-257 Catholicism and, 274-276
Sexual neurasthenia, 113
Sexual offences against children, 196, 205-207, 219-245
Sexual organs, differences in children and adults, 26-29 female, 23-26 male, 17-23
Sexual orgasm. See Orgasm
Sexual paradoxy, 13, 117-123
Sexual perversions, 13, 14, 61, 74, 75, 121, 123-144, 178, 184, 199, 200, 209-213, 226, 227. See also under the individual persons and choice of occupation, 209, 210 and masturbation, 184 and sexual education, 312-321 induced by paedophiles, 226, 227 literature of, 13, 14 their diagnosis by means of sexual dreams, 178
Sexual play, 174
Sexual potency, normal and abnormal, 304 testing before marriage, 304
Sexual practices, the child as an object of, 219-245
Sexual precocity, 167, 174, 195, 196, 197, 220 and sexual perversions, 209
Sexual satisfaction. See Satisfaction
Sexual topics in the Bible, 273, 274
Sexuality and altruism, 208, 209 and art, 213-215. See also Nude, the and talent, 213, 214 precocious, 146-152
Sexually perverse advertisements, 240-245
Shame, 77-79 and disgust, 250-258 in relation to sexual morality, 255-257
Shock, nervous, from love, in young children, 188, 189
"Signs of puberty," 111, 112
Sister and brother, rarity of sexual desire between, 71. See also Brother and sister
Skatophilia, 141-144, 259
Skeleton, sexual differences in, 33
Skin, diseases of, sexual differences, 47 sexual differences in, 34
Skirts, short, 255
Skull, sexual differences in, 33
Sleeping with grown persons a cause of corruption in children, 156
Smells, unpleasant, and the sentiment of disgust, 252
Social and economic reasons for the sexual enlightenment, 287, 288 dangers of masturbation, 195-201 degradation, through precocious sexuality, 197, 198 illegitimate intercourse, 287 hygiene, 248
Sociology, works on, 9
Soldiers, homosexual fondness for, 134
Song of Solomon, 274
Spasm, gastric, 181
Specialised studies of the sexual life of the child, 14-15
Spermatogonia, 19
Spermatozoa, 17, 19, 27, 53-56, 104, 108, 165 age at which first formed, 53, 54, 55
Stabbers, sexual, 235
Stains on underlinen, 165
Stammering, 47
Steadfastness and love, 208
Stimulation, excessive, and masturbation, 181, 183 local, a cause of sexual misconduct, 158-161 psychical, 161-162
Stork-stories, 170, 285
"Strict education," 241-243
Students, sexual morality of, 266
Sub-consciousness, the, 278
Subjective elements of the sexual enlightenment, 290, 291
Suburethral glands, 18, 22. See also Cowper's glands
Succession and sexual stimulation, 160
Succubi, 3
Sucking movements, 171, 172, 173
Suffrages. See Woman's suffrage
Suggestion, 190, 279. See also Hypnotism
Suicide from love in childhood, 80, 189 sexual differences in, 48
Summary of views on the sexual enlightenment, 298
Superstition regarding cure of venereal diseases, 219, 226
Symptomatology, 50-113
Syphilis, 192, 226, 283 cerebral, 220
TAINT, hereditary. See Congenital predisposition
Talent and sexuality, 213, 214
Tardy sexual development, 216-218
Teachers and sexual offences against children, 232, 233
Teaching and example, 249
Testes, 17
Testicles, 17 internal secretion of, 103-109 removal of. See Castration secretion of, 19
Theatre, the, 261
Theological morality and sexual intercourse, 193
Therapy, 276-280
Thieves, 199
Thigh-friction, 164, 165, 187
Threadworms, 118, 159
Thyroid, sexual differences in, 33
Tic, 173
Tickling, 59 children's genital organs, 158, 159
Tissue, erectile, 18
Town-life and precocious sexuality, 152-156, 264
Transfiguration, romantic, of object of love, 71, 72
Treatment of sexual aberrations, 276-280
Tress-cutting, 210
Tubes, Fallopian. See Fallopian tubes
Tubules, seminiferous, 17
Tunica albuginea, 17
UNDERCLOTHING, stains on, 165
Underclothing-fetichism, 122, 123, 210
Undifferentiated sexual impulse. See Sexual impulse
Unemployment, 220
United States, sexual morality in, 266, 267
Urban corruption, the fable of, 152-156
Urethra, male, 18
Urethral glands, 19, 22. See also Littre's glands meatus. See Meatus
Urethrorrhoea ex libidine, 22, 26, 56
Urticaria, 158
Uterus, 24, 28 masculinus, 18 prolapse of, 180
Utricle, prostatic, 18
Vagina, 24
Vaginal bulb, 23 glands, 25, 57 orifice, 23
Vanity, 77
Variability of amatory sentiments in childhood, 79, 80
Variations in the puberal development, 112
Vas deferens, 17
Vasa efferentia, 17
Venereal diseases and the sexual enlightenment, 305 in children, 191-192, 226 superstition about their cure, 219, 226 infection and the sexual enlightenment, 283, 289, 291, 293, 299, 303
Verses written by children in love, 76
Vesiculae seminales, 18, 55
Vestibule, 235
Viraginity, 125, 126
Virile potency. See Sexual potency
Visual-memory, sexual differences in, 40
Voice, sexual differences in, 37
Voluptuous sucking, 173
Voluptuousness, 22, 23, 25, 26, 31, 32, 57-59 in children, 57-59, 88, 89 in the female, 25, 26 in the male, 23, 25 in women, its intensity, 304, 305
"Voyeur," case of, 135
Vulva, 27
Vulval glands, 25, 57
WEIGHT, sexual differences in, 34
Wollustkoerperchen, 27
Woman's movement, the, 43, 169, 322 suffrage, 195
Womb. See Uterus
Women, inculcation of respect for, 323 valuation of, 195
Wonnesaugen, 173
Wrestling, 74, 160
YOUTH, defined, 2
ZOOLOGY, works on, 10
Zwangsneurose, 277
ABRAHAM, Karl, 190
Adler, Otto, 26, 32
Alderi, 10
Allen, 3 n.
Ancel, 108
Arbiter (Elegantium). See Petronius
Aschaffenburg, 182
Bartels, 35
Barthelemy, 192
Basedow, 8, 293
Baeumer, Gertrud, 268
Bell, Sanford, vi, 15, 69, 73, 74, 78, 79, 148, 151, 188, 208
Beraud, 229
Binet, 124
Bleuler, 305
Bloch, Iwan, 301
Blom. See Oker-Blom
Boerhaave, 37
Boesch, Hans, 155
Bohn, 263
Boismont, de. See de Boismont
Bouin, 108
Bourdin, 203
Brehm, 10, 99
Breschet, 115, 116
Bretonne. See Retif
Breuer, 277
Brierre de Boismont. See de Boismont
Brill, 14
Broker, 47
Browning, Mrs., 72
Bruns, 46
Buffon, 152
Byron, 10
Canova, 10
Carpenter, Edward, 226, 227
Carus, 114, 197
Casanova, 201
Chamisso, 38
Clopatt, 46
DANTE, 10, 213
de Boismont, 189
de Musset, Alfred, 10
Derones, 10, 213
d'Espine, Marc, 168
Dessoir, Max, 60, 124
Dippold, 236
Dostoiewski, 233
d'Outreport, 197
Duchatelet, Parent-, 9
Duff, Mary, 10
EDEN Paul. See Paul
Ellis, Havelock, v, 15, 33, 37, 48, 78, 142, 143, 160, 165, 166, 249, 315
Englisch, 56
Eschle, 322
Esquirol, 218
Eulenburg, 46, 189
Exner, 102
FAUST, 159
Fehling, 34
Fehlinger, Hans, 214, 215
Fere, 13, 81, 114, 185, 311
Ferrero, 195
Ferriani, 199, 201
Finck, 265
Flaubert, 11
Forel, 162, 200
Francillon, Marthe, 27
Francis, St., of Sales, 97
Freud, vi, 14, 91, 93, 172, 173, 190, 226 277, 278, 279
Frisch, 56
Fuchs, 13
Fuerbringer, 20, 22, 52
GALL, 108, 116
Gebhard, 115
Goethe, 10, 62, 63, 77, 213
Gousset, 275
Grimm, 261
Groos, 10, 12, 63, 99, 101, 102
Gross, Hans, 41, 204, 205
Gruenstein, 208
Guttceit, 92, 164
Gutzmann Hermann, 47
Halban, 34, 107, 168
Hall, Stanley, 138, 142
Haller, 197
Hartmann, Berthold, 39
Havelock Ellis. See Ellis
Hebbel, 11, 170, 208
Heidenhain, 298
Heine, 213
Henke, 218
Henle, 55
Herodotus, 250
Hofmann, 53
Hoeller, K., 299
Hueckstaedt, 156
Hudson, 101
Hufeland, 8, 75, 159, 180, 311
Hutchinson, 37
IBBETSSON, Sir Denzil, 215
Jodl, 124
Jullien, 52, 191
Keller, Gottfried, 12
Kerschensteiner, 42
Key, Axel, 36
Kirn, 231
Kisch, 115, 167, 168, 196
Klose, 53
Koetscher, vi, 14
Kovalevsky, 142
Krafft-Ebing, von, v, 13, 26, 117, 118, 124, 125, 126, 219
Kurella, 195
Kussmaul, 167
LAMBERCIER, Mademoiselle, 210, 211
Lantier, 197
La Rochefoucauld, 217
Lasegue, 142
Laukhard, 153
Lehmann, Rudolf, 247
Leppmann, Fritz, 220, 232
Lichtenstein, Ulrich von, 136
Liegeois, 115
Liguori, 274
Lindner, 172
Lobsien, 40
Lombroso, 13, 195
Longfellow, 110
Loewenfeld, 189
MAGNAN, 221, 222
Mantegazza, 13, 52, 75, 213, 308
Marcuse, Max, 47
Marro, Martial, 229
Martin, 197
Martin, Alfred, 255
Martineau, 225
Mead, 116
Meredith, George, 222
Merzbach, George, 191
Meumann, 40
Michelet, 275
Mittelmaier, 229, 230
Moebius, 10, 45, 46
Molitor, 197
Moll, 144, 145, 151, 250, 272, 310
Momsen, P., 139
Montgomery, 197
Morrison, 48
Mueller, L. R., 20
Mueller, Robert, 139
Musset, de, See de Musset
Musset, Paul, 10
NAeCKE, 178
Napoleon I., 10
Netschajaff, 40
Neugebauer, 145
Newman, 2
Niemeyer, 8
Nystroem, 272
OKER-BLOM, Max, 301
Outreport, d'. See d'Outreport
Parent-Duchatelet, 9
Paul, Eden, 115, 167, 168, 195, 196
Pelofi, 13
Penta, 159
Peterson, Viktor, 153
Petronius Arbiter, 13, 80
Pflueger, 50
Platter, Felix, 10, 131, 140
Pockels, 268
Popp, Adelheid, 220
Pougin, 270
Pouillet, 198
Preyer, 50
Retif de la Bretonne, 13, 136, 153
Ribbing, 4, 150, 179
Ribot, 124
Rohleder, 172
Roland, Madame, 97
Rosenbaum, 250
Rousseau, 7, 136, 152, 210, 247, 317
Rudeck, 9, 255
Ruedin, E., 215
Sanford Bell. See Bell
Sarganeck, 7
Scheyer, 292
Schreiber, Adele, 268
Seitz, 101, 102
Sibson, 37
Sikorsky, 253
Stanley Hall. See Hall
Stekel, 93
Stern, William, 41, 42
Stoll, Otto, 229
Strassmann, 54
Stratz, C. H., 34, 35, 36
Strodtmann, 213
TARDIEU, 196, 224
Tarnowsky, Pauline, 214
Thalhofer, 8, 306
Tissot, 7, 8, 180, 183
Townsend, 165
VON Krafft-Ebing. See Krafft-Ebing
WAGNER, C., 155, 156
Werthauer, 227
Weston, 123
Westphal, 13
Wittenberg, 156
X——, Jacobus, 150
Zola, 136
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