The year 1903 was an exceptional one, but the difference existing between the figures in the above table and the average figures in Table 9 are very marked, and serve to emphasise the necessity for close investigation in each individual case. It must be further remembered that the wettest year is not necessarily the year of the heaviest rainfalls, and it is the heavy rainfalls only which affect the design of sewerage works.
If the whole area of the district is not impermeable the percentage which is so must be carefully estimated, and will naturally vary in each case. The means of arriving at an estimate will also probably vary considerably according to circumstances, but the following figures, which relate to investigations recently made by the writer, may be of interest. In the town, which has a population of 10,000 and an area of 2,037 acres, the total length of roads constructed was 74,550 lineal feet, and their average width was 36 ft, including two footpaths. The average density of the population was 4.9 people per acre. Houses were erected adjoining a length of 43,784 lineal feet of roads, leaving 30,766 lineal feet, which for distinction may be called "undeveloped"—that is, the land adjoining them was not built over. Dividing the length of road occupied by houses by the total number of the inhabitants of the town, the average length of road per head was 4.37 ft, and assuming five people per house and one house on each side of the road we get ten people per two houses opposite each other. Then 10 x 4.37 = 43.7 lineal feet of road frontage to each pair of opposite houses. After a very careful inspection of the whole town, the average area of the impermeable surfaces appertaining to each house was estimated at 675 sq. ft, of which 300 sq. ft was apportioned to the front roof and garden paths and 375 sq. ft to the back roof and paved yards. Dividing these figures by 43.71 in ft of road frontage per house, we find that the effective width of the impermeable roadway is increased by 6 ft 10 in for the front portions of each house, and by a width of 8 ft 7 in, for the back portions, making a total width of 36 ft + 2(6 ft 10 in) + 2(8 ft 7 in) = 66 ft 10 in, say 67 ft On this basis the impermeable area in the town therefore equals: 43,7841 in ft x 67 ft =2,933,528; and 30,766 lin ft x 36 ft = 1,107,576.
Total, 4,041,104 sq. ft, or 92.77 acres. As the population is 10,000 the impermeable area equals 404, say, 400 sq. ft per head, or ~ (92.77 x 100) / 2037 = 4.5 per cent, of the whole area of the town.
It must be remembered that when rain continues for long periods, ground which in the ordinary way would generally be considered permeable becomes soaked and eventually becomes more or less impermeable. Mr. D. E. Lloyd-Davies, M.Inst.C.E., gives two very interesting diagrams in the paper previously referred to, which show the average percentage of effective impermeable area according to the population per acre. This information, which is applicable more to large towns, has been embodied in Fig. 16, from which it will be seen that, for storms of short duration, the proportion of impervious areas equals 5 per cent. with a population of 4.9 per acre, which is a very close approximation to the 4.5 per cent. obtained in the example just described.
Where the houses are scattered at long intervals along a road the better way to arrive at an estimate of the quantity of storm water which may be expected is to ascertain the average impervious area of, or appertaining to, each house, and divide it by five, so as to get the area per head. Then the flow off from any section of road is directly obtained from the sum of the impervious area due to the length of the road, and that due to the population distributed along it.
In addition to being undesirable from a sanitary point of view, it is rarely economical to construct special storm water drains, but in all cases where they exist, allowance must be made for any rain that may be intercepted by them. Short branch sewers constructed for the conveyance of foul water alone are usually 9in or 12 in in diameter, not because those sizes are necessary to convey the quantity of liquid which may be expected, but because it is frequently undesirable to provide smaller public sewers, and there is generally sufficient room for the storm water without increasing the size of the sewer. If this storm water were conveyed in separate sewers the cost would be double, as two sewers would be required in the place of one. In the main sewers the difference is not so great, but generally one large sewer will be more economical than two smaller ones. Where duplicate sewers are provided and arranged, so that the storm water sewer takes the rain-water from the roads, front roofs and gardens of the houses, and the foul water sewer takes the rain-water from the back roofs and paved yards,
it was found in the case previously worked out in detail that in built-up roads a width of 36 ft + 2 (8 ft 7 in) = 53 ft 2 in, or, say, 160 sq. ft per lineal yard of road would drain to the storm water sewer, and a width of 2 (6 ft 10 in) = 13 ft 8 in, or, say, 41 sq. ft per lineal yard of road to the foul water sewer. This shows that even if the whole of the rain which falls on the impervious areas flows off, only just under 80 per cent. of it would be intercepted by the special storm water sewers. Taking an average annual rainfall of 30 in, of which 75 per cent. flows off, the quantity reaching the storm water sewer in the course of a year from each lineal
30 75 yard of road would be —- x 160 x —- = 300 cubic 12 100 feet = 1,875 gallons.
The cost of constructing a separate surface water system will vary, but may be taken at an average of, approximately, l5s. 0d. per lineal yard of road. To repay this amount in thirty years at 4 per cent, would require a sum of 10.42d., say 10-1/2d. per annum; that is to say, the cost of taking the surface water into special
10-1/2 d. x 1000 sewers is ———————— = 5.6, say 6d. per 1,000 1875 gallons.
If the sewage has to be pumped, the extra cost of pumping by reason of the increased quantity of surface water can be looked at from two different points of view:—
1. The net cost of the gas or other fuel or electric current consumed in lifting the water.
2. The cost of the fuel consumed plus wages, stores, etc., and a proportion of the sum required to repay the capital cost of the pumping station and machinery.
The extra cost of the sewers to carry the additional quantity of storm water might also be taken into account by working out and preparing estimates for the alternative schemes.
The actual cost of the fuel may be taken at approximately 1/4 d. per 1,000 gallons. The annual works and capital charges, exclusive of fuel, should be divided by the normal quantity of sewage pumped per annum, rather than by the maximum quantity which the pumps would lift if they were able to run continuously during the whole time. For a town of about 10,000 inhabitants these charges may be taken at 1-1/4 d. per 1,000 gallons, which makes the total cost of pumping, inclusive of capital charges, 1-1/2 d. per 1,000 gallons. Even if the extra cost of enlarging the sewers is added to this sum it will still be considerably below the sum of 6 d., which represents the cost of providing a separate system for the surface water.
Unless it is permissible for the sewage to have a free outlet to the sea at all states of the tide, the provision of effective storm overflows is a matter of supreme importance. Not only is it necessary for them to be constructed in well- considered positions, but they must be effective in action. A weir constructed along one side of a manhole and parallel to the sewer is rarely efficient, as in times of storm the liquid in the sewer travels at a considerable velocity, and the greater portion of it, which should be diverted, rushes past the weir and continues to flow in the sewer; and if, as is frequently the case, it is desirable that the overflowing liquid should be screened, and vertical bars are fixed on the weir for the purpose, they block the outlet and render the overflow practically useless.
Leap weir overflows are theoretically most suitable for separating the excess flow during times of storm, but in practice they rarely prove satisfactory. This is not the fault of the system, but is, in the majority of the cases, if not all, due to defective designing. The general arrangement of a leap weir overflow is shown in Fig. 17. In normal circumstances the sewage flowing along the pipe A falls down the ramp, and thence along the sewer B; when the flow is increased during storms the sewage from A shoots out from the end of the pipe into the trough C, and thence along the storm-water sewer D. In order that it should be effective the first step is to ascertain accurately the gradient of the sewer above the proposed overflow, then, the size being known, it is easy to calculate the velocity of flow for the varying depths of sewage corresponding with minimum flow, average dry weather flow, maximum dry weather flow, and six times the dry weather flow. The natural curve which the sewage would follow in its downward path as it flowed out from the end of the sewer can then be drawn out for the various depths, taking into account the fact that the velocity at the invert and sides of the sewer is less than the average velocity of flow. The ramp should be built in accordance with the calculated curves so as to avoid splashing as far as possible, and the level of the trough C fixed so that when it is placed sufficiently far from A to allow the dry weather flow to pass down the ramp it will at the same time catch the storm water when the required dilution has taken place. Due regard must be had to the altered circumstances which will arise when the growth of population occurs, for which provision is made in the scheme, so that the overflow will remain efficient. The trough C is movable, so that the width of the leap weir may be adjusted from time to time as required. The overflow should be frequently inspected, and the accumulated rubbish removed from the trough, because sticks and similar matters brought down by the sewer will probably leap the weir instead of flowing down the ramp with the sewage. It is undesirable to fix a screen in conjunction with this overflow, but if screening is essential the operation should be carried out in a special manhole built lower down the course of the storm-water sewer. Considerable wear takes place on the ramp, which should, therefore, be constructed of blue Staffordshire or other hard bricks. The ramp should terminate in a stone block to resist the impact of the falling water, and the stones which may be brought with it, which would crack stoneware pipes if such were used.
In cases where it is not convenient to arrange a sudden drop in the invert of the sewer as is required for a leap weir overflow, the excess flow of storm-water may be diverted by an arrangement similar to that shown in Fig. 18. [Footnote: PLATE IV] In this case calculations must be made to ascertain the depth at which the sewage will flow in the pipes at the time it is diluted to the required extent; this gives the level of the lip of the diverting plate. The ordinary sewage flow will pass steadily along the invert of the sewer under the plate until it rises up to that height, when the opening becomes a submerged orifice, and its discharging capacity becomes less than when the sewage was flowing freely. This restricts the flow of the sewage, and causes it to head up on the upper side of the overflow in an endeavour to force through the orifice the same quantity as is flowing in the sewer, but as it rises the velocity carries the upper layer of the water forward up the diverting plate and thence into the storm overflow drain A deep channel is desirable, so as to govern the direction of flow at the time the overflow is in action. The diverting trough is movable, and its height above the invert can be increased easily, as may be necessary from time to time. With this arrangement the storm-water can easily be screened before it is allowed to pass out by fixing an inclined screen in the position shown in Fig. 18. [Footnote: PLATE IV] It is loose, as is the trough, and both can be lifted out when it is desired to have access to the invert of the sewer. The screen is self- cleansing, as any floating matter which may be washed against it does not stop on it and reduce its discharging capacity, but is gradually drawn down by the flow of the sewage towards the diverting plate under which it will be carried. The heavier matter in the sewage which flows along the invert will pass under the plate and be carried through to the outfall works, instead of escaping by the overflow, and perhaps creating a nuisance at that point.
In small sewerage schemes where pumping is necessary the amount expended in the wages of an attendant who must give his whole attention to the pumping station is so much in excess of the cost of power and the sum required for the repayment of the loan for the plant and buildings that it is desirable for the economical working of the scheme to curtail the wages bill as far as possible. If oil or gas engines are employed the man cannot be absent for many minutes together while the machinery is running, and when it is not running, as for instance during the night, he must be prepared to start the pumps at very short notice, should a heavy rain storm increase the flow in the sewers to such an extent that the pump well or storage tank becomes filled up. It is a simple matter to arrange floats whereby the pump may be connected to or disconnected from a running engine by means of a friction clutch, so that when the level of the sewage in the pump well reaches the highest point desired the pump may be started, and when it is lowered to a predetermined low water level the pump will stop; but it is impracticable to control the engine in the same way, so that although the floats are a useful accessory to the plant during the temporary absence of the man in charge they will not obviate his more or less constant attendance. An electric motor may be controlled by a float, but in many cases trouble is experienced with the switch gear, probably caused by its exposure to the damp air. In all cases an alarm float should be fixed, which would rise as the depth of the sewage in the pump well increased, until the top water level was reached, when the float would make an electrical contact and start a continuous ringing warning bell, which could be placed either at the pumping station or at the man's residence. On hearing the bell the man would know the pump well was full, and that he must immediately repair to the pumping-station and start the pumps, otherwise the building would be flooded. If compressed air is available a hooter could be fixed, which would be heard for a considerable distance from the station.
It is apparent, therefore, that a pumping machine is wanted which will work continuously without attention, and will not waste money when there is nothing to pump. There are two sources of power in nature which might be harnessed to give this result—water and wind. The use of water on such a small scale is rarely economically practicable, as even if the water is available in the vicinity of the pumping-station, considerable work has generally to be executed at the point of supply, not only to store the water in sufficient bulk at such a level that it can be usefully employed, but also to lead it to the power-house, and then to provide for its escape after it has done its work. The power-house, with its turbines and other machinery, involves a comparatively large outlay, but if the pump can be directly driven from the turbines, so that the cost of attendance is reduced to a minimum, the system should certainly receive consideration.
Although the wind is always available in every district, it is more frequent and powerful on the coast than inland. The velocity of the wind is ever varying within wide limits, and although the records usually give the average hourly velocity, it is not constant even for one minute. Windmills of the modern type, consisting of a wheel composed of a number of short sails fixed to a steel framework upon a braced steel tower, have been used for many years for driving machinery on farms, and less frequently for pumping water for domestic use. In a very few cases it has been utilised for pumping sewage, but there is no reason why, under proper conditions, it should not be employed to a greater extent. The reliability of the wind for pumping purposes may be gauged from the figures in the following table, No. 11, which were observed in Birmingham, and comprise a period of ten years; they are arranged in order corresponding with the magnitude of the annual rainfall:—
TABLE No. 11.
Reference Rainfall Number of days in year during which the mean Number for hourly velocity of the wind was below year 6 m.p.h. 10 m.p.h. 15 m.p.h. 20 m.p.h. - - - 1... 3386 16 88 220 314 2... 2912 15 120 260 334 3... 2886 39 133 263 336 4... 2656 36 126 247 323 5... 2651 34 149 258 330 6... 2602 34 132 262 333 7... 2516 33 151 276 332 8... 2267 46 155 272 329 9... 2230 26 130 253 337 10... 2194 37 133 276 330 - - - Average 314 1317 2507 3308
It may be of interest to examine the monthly figures for the two years included in the foregoing table, which had the least and the most wind respectively, such figures being set out in the following table:
TABLE No. 12
Number of days in each month during which the mean velocity of the wind was respectively below the value mentioned hereunder.
Month Year of least wind (No. 8) Year of most wind (No. *8*) 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 m.p.h. m.p.h. m.p.h. m.p.h. m.p.h. m.p.h. m.p.h. m.p.h. - - - - - -+ Jan. 5 11 23 27 3 6 15 23 Feb. 5 19 23 28 0 2 8 16 Mar. 5 10 20 23 0 1 11 18 April 6 16 23 28 1 7 16 26 May 1 14 24 30 3 11 24 31 June 1 12 22 26 1 10 21 27 July 8 18 29 31 1 12 25 29 Aug. 2 9 23 30 1 9 18 30 Sept. 1 13 25 30 1 12 24 28 Oct. 5 17 21 26 0 4 16 29 Nov. 6 11 20 26 3 7 19 28 Dec. 1 5 19 24 2 7 23 29 + - - - - - - Total 46 155 272 329 16 88 220 314
During the year of least wind there were only eight separate occasions upon which the average hourly velocity of the wind was less than six miles per hour for two consecutive days, and on two occasions only was it less than six miles per hour on three consecutive days. It must be remembered, however, that this does not by any means imply that during such days the wind did not rise above six miles per hour, and the probability is that a mill which could be actuated by a six-mile wind would have been at work during part of the time. It will further be observed that the greatest differences between these two years occur in the figures relating to the light winds. The number of days upon which the mean hourly velocity of the wind exceeds twenty miles per hour remains fairly constant year after year.
As the greatest difficulty in connection with pumping sewage is the influx of storm water in times of rain, it will be useful to notice the rainfall at those times when the wind is at a minimum. From the following figures (Table No. 13) it will be seen that, generally speaking, when there is very little wind there is very little rain Taking the ten years enumerated in Table No. 11, we find that out of the 314 days on which the wind averaged less than six miles per hour only forty-eight of them were wet, and then the rainfall only averaged .l3 in on those days.
TABLE No. 13.
- - Ref. No. Total No. Days on Rainfall on each from Table of days in which no Rainy rainy day in No. 11. each year. rain fell. days. inches. - - 1 16 14 2 .63 and .245 2 15 13 2 .02 and .02 3 39 34 5 .025, .01, .26, .02 and .03 4 36 29 7 / .02, .08, .135, .10, .345, .18 and .02 5 34 28 6 .10, .43, .01, .07, .175 and .07 6 32 27 5 .10, .11, .085, .04 and .135 7 33 21 2 .415 and .70 8 46 40 6 .07, .035, .02, .06, .13 and .02 9 26 20 6 .145, .20, .33, .125, .015 & .075 10 37 30 7 / .03, .23, .165, .02, .095 .045 and .02 - - Total 314 266 48 Average rainfall on each of the 48 days = .13 in
The greater the height of the tower which carries the mill the greater will be the amount of effective wind obtained to drive the mill, but at the same time there are practical considerations which limit the height. In America many towers are as much as 100 ft high, but ordinary workmen do not voluntarily climb to such a height, with the result that the mill is not properly oiled. About 40 ft is the usual height in this country, and 60 ft should be used as a maximum.
Mr. George Phelps, in a paper read by him in 1906 before the Association of Water Engineers, stated that it was safe to assume that on an average a fifteen miles per hour wind was available for eight hours per day, and from this he gave the following figures as representing the approximate average duty with, a lift of l00 ft, including friction:—
Diameter of Wheel.
The following table gives the result of tests carried out by the United States Department of Agriculture at Cheyenne, Wyo., with a l4 ft diameter windmill under differing wind velocities:—
TABLE No. 15.
Velocity of Wind (miles per hour).
0—5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-35
It will be apparent from the foregoing figures that practically the whole of the pumping for a small sewerage works may be done by means of a windmill, but it is undesirable to rely entirely upon such a system, even if two mills are erected so that the plant will be in duplicate, because there is always the possibility, although it may be remote, of a lengthened period of calm, when the sewage would accumulate; and, further, the Local Government Board would not approve the scheme unless it included an engine, driven by gas, oil, or other mechanical power, for emergencies. In the case of water supply the difficulty may be overcome by providing large storage capacity, but this cannot be done for sewage without creating an intolerable nuisance. In the latter case the storage should not be less than twelve hours dry weather flow, nor more than twenty-four. With a well-designed mill, as has already been indicated, the wind will, for the greater part of the year, be sufficient to lift the whole of the sewage and storm-water, but, if it is allowed to do so, the standby engine will deteriorate for want of use to such an extent that when urgently needed it will not be effective. It is, therefore, desirable that the attendant should run the engine at least once in every three days to keep it in working order. If it can be conveniently arranged, it is a good plan for the attendant to run the engine for a few minutes to entirely empty the pump well about six o'clock each evening. The bulk of the day's sewage will then have been delivered, and can be disposed of when it is fresh, while at the same time the whole storage capacity is available for the night flow, and any rainfall which may occur, thus reducing the chances of the man being called up during the night. About 22 per cent, of the total daily dry weather flow of sewage is delivered between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m.
The first cost of installing a small windmill is practically the same as for an equivalent gas or oil engine plant, so that the only advantage to be looked for will be in the maintenance, which in the case of a windmill is a very small matter, and the saving which may be obtained by the reduction of the amount of attendance necessary. Generally speaking, a mill 20 ft in diameter is the largest which should be used, as when this size is exceeded it will be found that the capital cost involved is incompatible with the value of the work done by the mill, as compared with that done by a modern internal combustion engine.
Mills smaller than 8 ft in diameter are rarely employed, and then only for small work, such as a 2 1/2 in pump and a 3-ft lift The efficiency of a windmill, measured by the number of square feet of annular sail area, decreases with the size of the mill, the 8 ft, 10 ft, and l2 ft mills being the most efficient sizes. When the diameter exceeds l2 ft, the efficiency rapidly falls off, because the peripheral velocity remains constant for any particular velocity or pressure of the wind, and as every foot increase in the diameter of the wheel makes an increase of over 3 ft in the length of the circumference, the greater the diameter the less the number of revolutions in any given time; and consequently the kinetic flywheel action which is so valuable in the smaller sizes is to a great extent lost in the larger mills.
Any type of pump can be used, but the greatest efficiency will be obtained by adopting a single acting pump with a short stroke, thus avoiding the liability, inherent in a long pump rod, to buckle under compression, and obviating the use of a large number of guides which absorb a large part of the power given out by the mill. Although some of the older mills in this country are of foreign origin, there are several British manufacturers turning out well-designed and strongly-built machines in large numbers. Fig. 19 represents the general appearance and Fig. 20 the details of the type of mill made by the well-known firm of Duke and Ockenden, of Ferry Wharf, Littlehampton, Sussex. This firm has erected over 400 windmills, which, after the test of time, have proved thoroughly efficient. From Fig. 20 it will be seen that the power applied by the wheel is transmitted through spur and pinion gearing of 2 1/2 ratio to a crank shaft, the gear wheel having internal annular teeth of the involute type, giving a greater number of teeth always in contact than is the case with external gears. This minimises wear, which is an important matter, as it is difficult to properly lubricate these appliances, and they are exposed to and have to work in all sorts of weather.
It will be seen that the strain on the crank shaft is taken by a bent crank which disposes the load centrally on the casting, and avoids an overhanging crank disc, which has been an objectionable feature in some other types. The position of the crank shaft relative to the rocker pin holes is studied to give a slow upward motion to the rocker with a more rapid downward stroke, the difference in speed being most marked in the longest stroke, where it is most required.
In order to transmit the circular internal motion a vertical connecting rod in compression is used, which permits of a simple method of changing the length of stroke by merely altering the pin in the rocking lever, the result being that the pump rod travels in a vertical line.
The governing is entirely automatic. If the pressure on the wind wheel, which it will be seen is set off the centre line of the mill and tower, exceeds that found desirable—and this can be regulated by means of a spring on the fantail—the windmill automatically turns on the turn-table and presents an ellipse to the wind instead of a circular face, thus decreasing the area exposed to the wind gradually until the wheel reaches its final position, or is hauled out of gear, when the edges only are opposed to the full force of the wind. The whole weight of the mill is taken upon a ball-bearing turn-table to facilitate instant "hunting" of the mill to the wind to enable it to take advantage of all changes of direction. The pump rod in the windmill tower is provided with a swivel coupling, enabling the mill head to turn completely round without altering the position of the rod.
The detail design of a sea outfall will depend upon the level of the conduit with reference to present surface of the shore, whether the beach is being eroded or made up, and, if any part of the structure is to be constructed above the level of the shore, whether it is likely to be subject to serious attack by waves in times of heavy gales. If there is probability of the direction of currents being affected by the construction of a solid structure or of any serious scour being caused, the design must be prepared accordingly.
While there are examples of outfalls constructed of glazed stoneware socketed pipes surrounded with concrete, as shown in Fig. 21, cast iron pipes are used in the majority of cases. There is considerable variation in the design of the joints for the latter class of pipes, some of which are shown in Figs. 22, 23, and 24. Spigot and socket joints (Fig. 22), with lead run in, or even with rod lead or any of the patent forms caulked in cold, are unsuitable for use below high-water mark on account of the water which will most probably be found in the trench. Pipes having plain turned and bored joints are liable to be displaced if exposed to the action of the waves, but if such joints are also flanged, as Fig. 24, or provided with lugs, as Fig. 23, great rigidity is obtained when they are bolted up; in addition to which the joints are easily made watertight. When a flange is formed all round the joint, it is necessary, in order that its thickness may be kept within reasonable limits, to provide bolts at frequent intervals. A gusset piece to stiffen the flange should be formed between each hole and the next, and the bolt holes should be arranged so that when the pipes are laid there will not be a hole at the bottom on the vertical axis of the pipe, as when the pipes are laid in a trench below water level it is not only difficult to insert the bolt, but almost impracticable to tighten up the nut afterwards. The pipes should be laid so that the two lowest bolt holes are placed equidistant on each side of the centre line, as shown in the end views of Figs. Nos. 23 and 24.
With lug pipes, fewer bolts are used, and the lugs are made specially strong to withstand the strain put upon them in bolting up the pipes. These pipes are easier and quicker to joint under water than are the flanged pipes, so that their use is a distinct advantage when the hours of working are limited. In some cases gun-metal bolts are used, as they resist the action of sea water better than steel, but they add considerably to the cost of the outfall sewer, and the principal advantage appears to be that they are possibly easier to remove than iron or steel ones would be if at any time it was required to take out any pipe which may have been accidentally broken. On the other hand, there is a liability of severe corrosion of the metal taking place by reason of galvanic action between the gun-metal and the iron, set up by the sea water in which they are immersed. If the pipes are not to be covered with concrete, and are thus exposed to the action of the sea water, particular care should be taken to see that the coating by Dr. Angus Smith's process is perfectly applied to them.
Steel pipes are, on the whole, not so suitable as cast iron. They are, of course, obtainable in long lengths and are easily jointed, but their lightness compared with cast iron pipes, which is their great advantage in transport, is a disadvantage in a sea outfall, where the weight of the structure adds to its stability. The extra length of steel pipes necessitates a greater extent of trench being excavated at one time, which must be well timbered to prevent the sides falling in On the other hand, cast iron pipes are more liable to fracture by heavy stones being thrown upon them by the waves, but this is a contingency which does not frequently occur in practice. According to Trautwine, the cast iron for pipes to resist sea water should be close-grained, hard, white metal. In such metal the small quantity of contained carbon is chemically combined with the iron, but in the darker or mottled metals it is mechanically combined, and such iron soon becomes soft, like plumbago, under the influence of sea water. Hard white iron has been proved to resist sea water for forty years without deterioration, whether it is continually under water or alternately wet and dry.
Several types of sea outfalls are shown in Figs. 25 to 31.[1] In the example shown in Fig. 25 a solid rock bed occurred a short distance below the sand, which was excavated so as to allow the outfall to be constructed on the rock. Anchor bolts with clevis heads were fixed into the rock, and then, after a portion of the concrete was laid, iron bands, passing around the cast iron pipes, were fastened to the anchors. This construction would not be suitable below low-water mark. Fig. 26 represents the Aberdeen sea outfall, consisting of cast iron pipes 7 ft in diameter, which are embedded in a heavy concrete breakwater 24 ft in width, except at the extreme end, where it is 30 ft wide. The 4 in wrought iron rods are only used to the last few pipes, which were in 6 ft lengths instead of 9 ft, as were the remainder. Fig. 27 shows an inexpensive method of carrying small pipes, the slotted holes in the head of the pile allowing the pipes to be laid in a straight line, even if the pile is not driven quite true, and if the level of the latter is not correct it can be adjusted by inserting a packing piece between the cradle and the head.
Great Crosby outfall sewer into the Mersey is illustrated in Fig. 28. The piles are of greenheart, and were driven to a solid foundation. The 1 3/4 in sheeting was driven to support the sides of the excavation, and was left in when the concrete was laid. Light steel rails were laid under the sewer, in continuous lengths, on steel sleepers and to 2 ft gauge. The invert blocks were of concrete, and the pipes were made of the same material, but were reinforced with steel ribs. The Waterloo (near Liverpool) sea outfall is shown in Fig. 31.
[Footnote 1: Plate V.]
Piling may be necessary either to support the pipes or to keep them secure in their proper position, but where there is a substratum of rock the pipes may be anchored, as shown in Figs. 25 and 26. The nature of the piling to be adopted will vary according to the character of the beach. Figs. 27, 29, 30, and 31 show various types. With steel piling and bearers, as shown in Fig. 29, it is generally difficult to drive the piles with such accuracy that the bearers may be easily bolted up through the holes provided in the piles, and, if the holes are not drilled in the piles until after they are driven to their final position, considerable time is occupied, and perhaps a tide lost in the attempt to drill them below water. There is also the difficulty of tightening up the bolts when the sewer is partly below the surface of the shore, as shown. In both the types shown in Figs. 29 and 30 it is essential that the piles and the bearers should abut closely against the pipes; otherwise the shock of the waves will cause the pipes to move and hammer against the framing, and thus lead to failure of the structure.
Piles similar to Fig. 31 can only be fixed in sand, as was the case at Waterloo, because they must be absolutely true to line and level, otherwise the pipes cannot be laid in the cradles. The method of fixing these piles is described by Mr. Ben Howarth (Minutes of Proceedings of Inst.C.E., Vol. CLXXV.) as follows:—"The pile was slung vertically into position from a four-legged derrick, two legs of which were on each side of the trench; a small winch attached to one pair of the legs lifted and lowered the pile, through a block and tackle. When the pile was ready to be sunk, a 2 in iron pipe was let down the centre, and coupled to a force-pump by means of a hose; a jet of water was then forced down this pipe, driving the sand and silt away from below the pile. The pile was then rotated backwards and forwards about a quarter of a turn, by men pulling on the arms; the pile, of course, sank by its own weight, the water-jet driving the sand up through the hollow centre and into the trench, and it was always kept vertical by the sling from the derrick. As soon as the pile was down to its final level the ground was filled in round the arms, and in this running sand the pile became perfectly fast and immovable a few minutes after the sinking was completed. The whole process, from the first slinging of the pile to the final setting, did not take more than 20 or 25 minutes."
(To face page 80.)
Screw piles may be used if the ground is suitable, but, if it is boulder clay or similar material, the best results will probably be obtained by employing rolled steel joists as piles.
Questions are frequently raised in connection with sea-coast works as to whether any deleterious effect will result from using sea-water for mixing the concrete or from using sand and shingle off the beach; and, further, whether the concrete, after it is mixed, will withstand the action of the elements, exposed, as it will be, to air and sea-water, rain, hot sun, and frosts.
Some concrete structures have failed by decay of the material, principally between high and low water mark, and in order to ascertain the probable causes and to learn the precautions which it is necessary to take, some elaborate experiments have been carried out.
To appreciate the chemical actions which may occur, it will be as well to examine analyses of sea-water and cement. The water of the Irish Channel is composed of
Sodium chloride.................... 2.6439 per cent. Magnesium chloride................. 0.3150 " " Magnesium sulphate................. 0.2066 " " Calcium sulphate................... 0.1331 " " Potassium chloride................. 0.0746 " " Magnesium bromide.................. 0.0070 " " Calcium carbonate.................. 0.0047 " " Iron carbonate..................... 0.0005 " " Magnesium nitrate.................. 0.0002 " " Lithium chloride................... Traces. Ammonium chloride.................. Traces. Silica chloride.................... Traces. Water.............................. 96.6144 ———— 100.0000
An average analysis of a Thames cement may be taken to be as follows:—
Silica................................ 23.54 per cent. Insoluble residue (sand, clay, etc.)............................ 0.40 " Alumina and ferric oxide............... 9.86 " Lime.................................. 62.08 " Magnesia............................... 1.20 " Sulphuric anhydride.................... 1.08 " Carbonic anhydride and water........... 1.34 " Alkalies and loss on analysis.......... 0.50 " ——- 100.00
The following figures give the analysis of a sample of cement expressed in terms of the complex compounds that are found:—
Sodium silicate (Na2SiO3)........ 3.43 per cent. Calcium sulphate (CaSO4)......... 2.45 " Dicalcium silicate (Ca2SiO4).... 61.89 " Dicalcium aluminate (Ca2Al2O5).. 12.14 " Dicalcium ferrate (Ca2Fe2O5)..... 4.35 " Magnesium oxide (MgO)............ 0.97 " Calcium oxide (CaO)............. 14.22 " Loss on analysis, &c............. 0.55 " ——- 100.00
Dr. W. Michaelis, the German cement specialist, gave much consideration to this matter in 1906, and formed the opinion that the free lime in the Portland cement, or the lime freed in hardening, combines with the sulphuric acid of the sea-water, which causes the mortar or cement to expand, resulting in its destruction. He proposed to neutralise this action by adding to the mortar materials rich in silica, such as trass, which would combine with the lime.
Mr. J. M. O'Hara, of the Southern Pacific Laboratory, San Francisco, Cal., made a series of tests with sets of pats 4 in diameter and 1/2 in thick at the centre, tapering to a thin edge on the circumference, and also with briquettes for ascertaining the tensile strength, all of which were placed in water twenty-four hours after mixing. At first some of the pats were immersed in a "five-strength solution" of sea-water having a chemical analysis as follows:—
Sodium chloride.................... 11.5 per cent. Magnesium chloride................. 1.4 " " Magnesium sulphate................. 0.9 " " Calcium sulphate................... 0.6 " " Water.............................. 85.6 " " 100.0
This strong solution was employed in order that the probable effect of immersing the cement in sea-water might be ascertained very much quicker than could be done by observing samples actually placed in ordinary sea-water, and it is worthy of note that the various mixtures which failed in this accelerated test also subsequently failed in ordinary sea-water within a period of twelve months.
Strong solutions were next made of the individual salts contained in sea-water, and pats were immersed as before, when it was found that the magnesium sulphate present in the water acted upon the calcium hydrate in the cement, forming calcium sulphate, and leaving the magnesium hydrate free. The calcium sulphate combines with the alumina of the cement, forming calcium sulpho-aluminate, which causes swelling and cracking of the concrete, and in cements containing a high proportion of alumina, leads to total destruction of all cohesion. The magnesium hydrate has a tendency to fill the pores of the concrete so as to make it more impervious to the destructive action of the sea-water, and disintegration may be retarded or checked. A high proportion of magnesia has been found in samples of cement which have failed under the action of sea water, but the disastrous result cannot be attributed to this substance having been in excess in the original cement, as it was probably due to the deposition of the magnesia salts from the sea-water; although, if magnesia were present in the cement in large quantities, it would cause it to expand and crack, still with the small proportion in which it occurs in ordinary cements it is probably inert. The setting of cement under the action of water always frees a portion of the lime which was combined, but over twice as much is freed when the cement sets in sea-water as in fresh water. The setting qualities of cement are due to the iron and alumina combined with calcium, so that for sea-coast work it is desirable for the alumina to be replaced by iron as far as possible. The final hardening and strength of cement is due in a great degree to the tri-calcium silicate (3CaO, SiO2) which is soluble by the sodium chloride found in sea-water, so that the resultant effect of the action of these two compounds is to enable the sea-water to gradually penetrate the mortar and rot the concrete. The concrete is softened, when there is an abnormal amount of sulphuric acid present, as a result of the reaction of the sulphuric acid of the salt dissolved by the water upon a part of the lime in the cement. The ferric oxide of the cement is unaffected by sea- water.
The neat cement briquette tests showed that those immersed in sea-water attained a high degree of strength at a much quicker rate than those immersed in fresh water, but the 1 to 3 cement and sand briquette tests gave an opposite result. At the end of twelve months, however, practically all the cements set in fresh water showed greater strength than those set in sea- water. When briquettes which have been immersed in fresh water and have thoroughly hardened are broken, the cores are found to be quite dry, and if briquettes immersed in sea-water show a similar dryness there need be no hesitation in using the cement; but if, on the other hand, the briquette shows that the sea-water has permeated to the interior, the cement will lose strength by rotting until it has no cohesion at all. It must be remembered that it is only necessary for the water to penetrate to a depth of 1/2 in on each side of a briquette to render it damp all through, whereas in practical work, if the water only penetrated to the same depth, very little ill-effect would be experienced, although by successive removals of a skin 1/2 in deep the structure might in time be imperilled.
The average strength in pounds per square inch of six different well-known brands of cement tested by Mr. O'Hara was as follows:—
TABLE No. 16.
Neat cement 1 cement to 3 sand set in set in Sea Water Fresh Water Sea Water Fresh Water
7 days 682 548 214 224 28 days 836 643 293 319 2 months 913 668 313 359 3 months 861 667 301 387 6 months 634 654 309 428 9 months 542 687 317 417 12 months 372 706 325 432
Some tests were also made by Messrs. Westinghouse, Church, Kerr, and Co., of New York, to ascertain the effect of sea- water on the tensile strength of cement mortar. Three sets of briquettes were made, having a minimum section of one square inch. The first were mixed with fresh water and kept in fresh water; the second were mixed with fresh water, but kept immersed in pans containing salt water; while the third were mixed with sea-water and kept in sea-water. In the experiments the proportion of cement and sand varied from 1 to 1 to 1 to 6. The results of the tests on the stronger mixtures are shown in Fig. 32.
The Scandinavian Portland cement manufacturers have in hand tests on cubes of cement mortar and cement concrete, which were started in 1896, and are to extend over a period of twenty years. A report upon the tests of the first ten years was submitted at the end of 1909 to the International Association of Testing Materials at Copenhagen, and particulars of them are published in "Cement and Sea-Water," by A. Poulsen (chairman of the committee), J. Jorsen and Co., Copenhagen, 1909, price 3s.
Cements from representative firms in different countries were obtained for use in making the blocks, which had coloured glass beads and coloured crushed glass incorporated to facilitate identification. Each block of concrete was provided with a number plate and a lifting bolt, and was kept moist for one month before being placed in position. The sand and gravel were obtained from the beach on the west coast of Jutland. The mortar blocks were mixed in the proportion of 1 to 1, 1 to 2, and 1 to 3, and were placed in various positions, some between high and low water, so as to be exposed twice in every twenty- four hours, and others below low water, so as to be always submerged. The blocks were also deposited under these conditions in various localities, the mortar ones being placed at Esbjerb at the south of Denmark, at Vardo in the Arctic Ocean, and at Degerhamm on the Baltic, where the water is only one-seventh as salt as the North Sea, while the concrete blocks were built up in the form of a breakwater or groyne at Thyboron on the west coast of Jutland. At intervals of three, six, and twelve months, and two, four, six, ten, and twenty years, some of the blocks have, or will be, taken up and subjected to chemical tests, the material being also examined to ascertain the effect of exposure upon them. The blocks tested at intervals of less than one year after being placed in position gave very variable results, and the tests were not of much value.
The mortar blocks between high and low water mark of the Arctic Ocean at Vardo suffered the worst, and only those made with the strongest mixture of cement, 1 to 1, withstood the severe frost experienced. The best results were obtained when the mortar was made compact, as such a mixture only allowed diffusion to take place so slowly that its effect was negligible; but when, on the other hand, the mortar was loose, the salts rapidly penetrated to the interior of the mass, where chemical changes took place, and caused it to disintegrate. The concrete blocks made with 1 to 3 mortar disintegrated in nearly every case, while the stronger ones remained in fairly good condition. The best results were given by concrete containing an excess of very fine sand. Mixing very finely-ground silica, or trass, with the cement proved an advantage where a weak mixture was employed, but in the other cases no benefit was observed.
The Association of German Portland Cement Manufacturers carried out a series of tests, extending over ten years, at their testing station at Gross Lichterfeld, near Berlin, the results of which were tabulated by Mr. C. Schneider and Professor Gary. In these tests the mortar blocks were made 3 in cube and the concrete blocks l2 in cube; they were deposited in two tanks, one containing fresh water and the other sea-water, so that the effect under both conditions might be noted. In addition, concrete blocks were made, allowed to remain in moist sand for three months, and were then placed in the form of a groyne in the sea between high and low-water mark. Some of the blocks were allowed to harden for twelve months in sand before being placed, and these gave better results than the others. Two brands of German Portland cement were used in these tests, one, from which the best results were obtained, containing 65.9 per cent. of lime, and the other 62.0 per cent. of lime, together with a high percentage of alumina. In this case, also, the addition of finely-ground silica, or trass, improved the resisting power of blocks made with poor mortars, but did not have any appreciable effect on the stronger mixtures.
Professor M. Mller, of Brunswick, Germany, reported to the International Association for Testing Materials, at the Copenhagen Congress previously referred to, the result of his tests on a small hollow, trapezium shape, reinforced concrete structure, which was erected in the North Sea, the interior being filled with sandy mud, which would be easily removable by flowing water. The sides were 7 cm. thick, formed of cement concrete 1:2 1/2:2, moulded elsewhere, and placed in the structure forty days after they were made, while the top and bottom were 5 cm. thick, and consisted of concrete 1:3:3, moulded in situ and covered by the tide within twenty-four hours of being laid. The concrete moulded in situ hardened a little at first, and then became soft when damp, and friable when dry, and white efflorescence appeared on the surface. In a short time the waves broke this concrete away, and exposed the reinforcement, which rusted and disappeared, with the result that in less than four years holes were made right through the concrete. The sides, which were formed of slabs allowed to harden before being placed in the structure, were unaffected except for a slight roughening of the surface after being exposed alternately to the sea and air for a period, of thirteen years. Professor Mller referred also to several cases which had come under his notice where cement mortar or concrete became soft and showed white efflorescence when it had been brought into contact with sea-water shortly after being made.
In experiments in Atlantic City samples of dry cement in powder form were put with sea-water in a vessel which was rapidly rotated for a short time, after which the cement and the sea- water were analysed, and it was found that the sea-water had taken up the lime from the cement, and the cement had absorbed the magnesia salts from the sea-water.
Some tests were carried out in 1908-9 at the Navy Yard, Charlestown, Mass., by the Aberthaw Construction Company of Boston, in conjunction with the Navy Department. The cement concrete was placed so that the lower portions of the surfaces of the specimens were always below water, the upper portions were always exposed to the air, and the middle portions were alternately exposed to each. Although the specimens were exposed to several months of winter frost as well as to the heat of the summer, no change was visible in any part of the concrete at the end of six months.
Mons. R. Feret, Chief of the Laboratory of Bridges and Roads, Boulogne-sur-Mer, France, has given expression to the following opinions:—
1. No cement or other hydraulic product has yet been found which presents absolute security against the decomposing action of sea-water.
2. The most injurious compound of sea-water is the acid of the dissolved sulphates, sulphuric acid being the principal agent in the decomposition of cement.
3. Portland cement for sea-water should be low in aluminium and as low as possible in lime.
4. Puzzolanic material is a valuable addition to cement for sea-water construction,
5. As little gypsum as possible should be added for regulating the time of setting to cements which are to be used in sea- water.
6. Sand containing a large proportion of fine grains must never be used in concrete or mortar for sea-water construction.
7. The proportions of the cement and aggregate for sea-water construction must be such as will produce a dense and impervious concrete.
On the whole, sea-water has very little chemical effect on good Portland cements, such as are now easily obtainable, and, provided the proportion of aluminates is not too high, the varying composition of the several well-known commercial cements is of little moment. For this reason tests on blocks immersed in still salt water are of very little use in determining the probable behaviour of concrete when exposed to damage by physical and mechanical means, such as occurs in practical work.
The destruction of concrete works on the sea coast is due to the alternate exposure to air and water, frost, and heat, and takes the form of cracking or scaling, the latter being the most usual when severe frosts are experienced. When concrete blocks are employed in the construction of works, they should be made as long as possible before they are required to be built in the structure, and allowed to harden in moist sand, or, if this is impracticable, the blocks should be kept in the air and thoroughly wetted each day. On placing cement or concrete blocks in sea water a white precipitate is formed on their surfaces, which shows that there is some slight chemical action, but if the mixture is dense this action is restricted to the outside, and does not harm the block.
Cement mixed with sea water takes longer to harden than if mixed with fresh water, the time varying in proportion to the amount of salinity in the water. Sand and gravel from the beach, even though dry, have their surfaces covered with saline matters, which retard the setting of the cement, even when fresh water is used, as they become mixed with such water, and thus permeate the whole mass. If sea water and aggregate from the shore are used, care must be taken to see that no decaying seaweed or other organic matter is mixed with it, as every such piece will cause a weak place in the concrete. If loam, clay, or other earthy matters from the cliffs have fallen down on to the beach, the shingle must be washed before it is used in concrete.
Exposure to damp air, such as is unavoidable on the coast, considerably retards the setting of cement, so that it is desirable that it should not be further retarded by the addition of gypsum, or calcium sulphate, especially if it is to be used with sea water or sea-washed sand and gravel. The percentage of gypsum found in cement is, however, generally considerably below the maximum allowed by the British Standard Specification, viz., 2 per cent., and is so small that, for practical purposes, it makes very little difference in sea coast work, although of course, within reasonable limits, the quicker the cement sets the better. When cement is used to joint stoneware pipe sewers near the coast, allowance must be made for this retardation of the setting, and any internal water tests which may be specified to be applied must not be made until a longer period has elapsed after the laying of the pipes than would otherwise be necessary. A high proportion of aluminates tends to cause disintegration when exposed to sea water. The most appreciable change which takes place in a good sound cement after exposure to the sea is an increase in the chlorides, while a slight increase in the magnesia and the sulphates also takes place, so that the proportion of sulphates and magnesia in the cement should be kept fairly low. Hydraulic lime exposed to the sea rapidly loses the lime and takes up magnesia and sulphates.
To summarise the information upon this point, it appears that it is better to use fresh water for all purposes, but if, for the sake of economy, saline matters are introduced into the concrete, either by using sea water for mixing or by using sand and shingle from the beach, the principal effect will be to delay the time of setting to some extent, but the ultimate strength of the concrete will probably not be seriously affected. When the concrete is placed in position the portion most liable to be destroyed is that between high and low water mark, which is alternately exposed to the action of the sea and the air, but if the concrete has a well-graded aggregate, is densely mixed, and contains not more than two parts of sand to one part of cement, no ill-effect need be anticipated.
The engineer is not directly concerned with the various methods employed in constructing a sea outfall, such matters being left to the discretion of the contractor. It may, however, be briefly stated that the work frequently involves the erection of temporary steel gantries, which must be very carefully designed and solidly built if they are to escape destruction by the heavy seas. It is amazing to observe the ease with which a rough sea will twist into most fantastic shapes steel joists 10 in by 8in, or even larger in size. Any extra cost incurred in strengthening the gantries is well repaid if it avoids damage, because otherwise there is not only the expense of rebuilding the structure to be faced, but the construction of the work will be delayed possibly into another season.
In order to ensure that the works below water are constructed in a substantial manner, it is absolutely necessary that the resident engineer, at least, should be able to don a diving dress and inspect the work personally. The particular points to which attention must be given include the proper laying of the pipes, so that the spigot of one is forced home into the socket of the other, the provision and tightening up of all the bolts required to be fixed, the proper driving of the piles and fixing the bracing, the dredging of a clear space in the bed of the sea in front of the outlet pipe, and other matters dependent upon the special form of construction adopted. If a plug is inserted in the open end of the pipes as laid, the rising of the tide will press on the plugged end and be of considerable assistance in pushing the pipes home; it will therefore be necessary to re-examine the joints to see if the bolts can be tightened up any more.
Messrs. Siebe, Gorman, and Co., the well-known makers of submarine appliances, have fitted up at their works at Westminster Bridge-road, London, S.E., an experimental tank, in which engineers may make a few preliminary descents and be instructed in the art of diving; and it is distinctly more advantageous to acquire the knowledge in this way from experts than to depend solely upon the guidance of the divers engaged upon the work which the engineer desires to inspect. Only a nominal charge of one guinea for two descents is made, which sum, less out-of-pocket expenses, is remitted to the Benevolent Fund of the Institution of Civil Engineers. It is generally desirable that a complete outfit, including the air pump, should be provided for the sole use of the resident engineer, and special men should be told off to assist him in dressing and to attend to his wants while he is below water. He is then able to inspect the work while it is actually in progress, and he will not hinder or delay the divers.
It is a wise precaution to be medically examined before undertaking diving work, although, with the short time which will generally be spent below water, and the shallow depths usual in this class of work, there is practically no danger; but, generally speaking, a diver should be of good physique, not unduly stout, free from heart or lung trouble and varicose veins, and should not drink or smoke to excess. It is necessary, however, to have acquaintance with the physical principles involved, and to know what to do in emergencies. A considerable amount of useful information is given by Mr. R. H. Davis in his "Diving Manual" (Siebe, Gorman, and Co., 5s.), from which many of the following notes are taken.
A diving dress and equipment weighs about l75 lb, including a 40 lb lead weight carried by the diver on his chest, a similar weight on his back, and l6lb of lead on each boot. Upon entering the water the superfluous air in the dress is driven out through the outlet valve in the helmet by the pressure of the water on the legs and body, and by the time the top of the diver's head reaches the surface his breathing becomes laboured, because the pressure of air in his lungs equals the atmospheric pressure, while the pressure upon his chest and abdomen is greater by the weight of the water thereon.
He is thus breathing against a pressure, and if he has to breathe deeply, as during exertion, the effect becomes serious; so that the first thing he has to learn is to adjust the pressure of the spring on the outlet valve, so that the amount of air pumped in under pressure and retained in the diving dress counterbalances the pressure of the water outside, which is equal to a little under 1/2lb per square inch for every foot in depth. If the diver be 6 ft tall, and stands in an upright position, the pressure on his helmet will be about 3lb per square inch less than on his boots. The breathing is easier if the dress is kept inflated down to the abdomen, but in this case there is danger of the diver being capsized and floating feet upwards, in which position he is helpless, and the air cannot escape by the outlet valve. Air is supplied to the diver under pressure by an air pump through a flexible tube called the air pipe; and a light rope called a life line, which is used for signalling, connects the man with the surface. The descent is made by a 3 in "shot-rope," which has a heavy sinker weighing about 50 lb attached, and is previously lowered to the bottom. A 1-1/4 in rope about 15 ft long, called a "distance- line," is attached to the shot-rope about 3 ft above the sinker, and on reaching the bottom the diver takes this line with him to enable him to find his way back to the shot-rope, and thus reach the surface comfortably, instead of being hauled up by his life line. The diver must be careful in his movements that he does not fall so as suddenly to increase the depth of water in which he is immersed, because at the normal higher level the air pressure in the dress will be properly balanced against the water pressure; but if he falls, say 30 ft, the pressure of the water on his body will be increased by about 15 lb per square inch, and as the air pump cannot immediately increase the pressure in the dress to a corresponding extent, the man's body in the unresisting dress will be forced into the rigid helmet, and he will certainly be severely injured, and perhaps even killed.
When descending under water the air pressure in the dress is increased, and acts upon the outside of the drum of the ear, causing pain, until the air passing through the nose and up the Eustachian tube inside the head reaches the back of the drum and balances the pressure. This may be delayed, or prevented, if the tube is partially stopped up by reason of a cold or other cause, but the balance can generally be brought about if the diver pauses in his descent and swallows his saliva; or blocks up his nose as much as possible by pressing it against the front of the helmet, closing the mouth and then making a strong effort at expiration so as to produce temporarily an extra pressure inside the throat, and so blow open the tubes; or by yawning or going through the motions thereof. If this does not act he must come up again Provided his ears are "open," and the air pumps can keep the pressure of air equal to that of the depth of the water in which the diver may be, there is nothing to limit the rate of his descent.
Now in breathing, carbonic acid gas is exhaled, the quality varying in accordance with the amount of work done, from .014 cubic feet per minute when at rest to a maximum of about .045, and this gas must be removed by dilution with fresh air so as not to inconvenience the diver. This is not a matter of much difficulty as the proportion in fresh air is about .03 per cent., and no effect is felt until the proportion is increased to about 0.3 per cent., which causes one to breathe twice as deeply as usual; at 0.6 per cent. there is severe panting; and at a little over 1.0 per cent. unconsciousness occurs. The effect of the carbonic acid on the diver, however, increases the deeper he descends; and at a depth of 33 ft 1 per cent. of carbonic acid will have the same effect as 2 per cent. at the surface. If the diver feels bad while under water he should signal for more air, stop moving about, and rest quietly for a minute or two, when the fresh air will revive him. The volume of air required by the diver for respiration is about 1.5 cubic feet per minute, and there is a non-return valve on the air inlet, so that in the event of the air pipe being broken, or the pump failing, the air would not escape backwards, but by closing the outlet valve the diver could retain sufficient air to enable him to reach the surface.
During the time that a diver is under pressure nitrogen gas from the air is absorbed by his blood and the tissues of his body. This does not inconvenience him at the time, but when he rises the gas is given off, so that if he has been at a great depth for some considerable time, and comes up quickly, bubbles form in the blood and fill the right side of the heart with air, causing death in a few minutes. In less sudden cases the bubbles form in the brain or spinal cord, causing paralysis of the legs, which is called divers' palsy, or the only trouble which is experienced may be severe pains in the joints and muscles. It is necessary, therefore, that he shall come up by stages so as to decompress himself gradually and avoid danger. The blood can hold about twice as much gas in solution as an equal quantity of water, and when the diver is working in shallow depths, up to, say, 30 ft, the amount of nitrogen absorbed is so small that he can stop down as long as is necessary for the purposes of the work, and can come up to the surface as quickly as he likes without any danger. At greater depths approximately the first half of the upward journey may be done in one stage, and the remainder done by degrees, the longest rest being made at a few feet below the surface.
The following table shows the time limits in accordance with the latest British Admiralty practice; the time under the water being that from leaving the surface to the beginning of the ascent:—
Stoppages in Total time minutes at for ascent Depth in feet. Time under water. different depths in minutes.
at 20 ft 10 ft
Up to 36 No limit - - 0 to 1
36 to 42 Up to 3 hours - - 1 to 1-1/2 Over 3 hours - 5 6
42 to 48 Up to 1 hour - - 1-1/2 1 to 3 hours - 5 6-1/2 Over 3 hours - 10 11-1/2
48 to 54 Up to 1/2 hour - - 2 1/2 to 1-1/2 hour - 5 7 1-1/2 to 3 hours - 10 12 Over 3 hours - 20 22
54 to 60 Up to 20 minutes - - 2 20 to 45 minutes - 5 7 3/4 to 1-1/2 hour - 10 12 1-1/2 to 3 hours 5 15 22 Over 3 hours 10 20 32
When preparing to ascend the diver must tighten the air valve in his helmet to increase his buoyancy; if the valve is closed too much to allow the excess air to escape, his ascent will at first be gradual, but the pressure of the water reduces, the air in the dress expands, making it so stiff that he cannot move his arms to reach the valve, and he is blown up, with ever-increasing velocity, to the surface. While ascending he should exercise his muscles freely during the period of waiting at each stopping place, so as to increase the circulation, and consequently the rate of deceleration.
During the progress of the works the location of the sea outfall will be clearly indicated by temporary features visible by day and lighted by night; but when completed its position must be marked in a permanent manner. The extreme end of the outfall should be indicated by a can buoy similar to that shown in Fig. 33, made by Messrs. Brown, Lenox, and Co. (Limited), Milwall, London, E., which costs about 75, including a 20 cwt. sinker and 10 fathoms of chain, and is approved for the purpose by the Board of Trade.
It is not desirable to fasten the chain to any part of the outfall instead of using a sinker, because at low water the slack of the chain may become entangled, which by preventing the buoy from rising with the tide, will lead to damage; but a special pile may be driven for the purpose of securing the buoy, at such a distance from the outlet that the chain will not foul it. The buoy should be painted with alternate vertical stripes of yellow and green, and lettered "Sewer Outfall" in white letters 12 in deep.
It must be remembered that it is necessary for the plans and sections of outfall sewers and other obstructions proposed to be placed in tidal waters to be submitted to the Harbour and Fisheries Department of the Board of Trade for their approval, and no subsequent alteration in the works may be made without their consent being first obtained.
The head which governs the discharge of a sea outfall pipe is measured from the surface of the sewage in the tank, sewer, or reservoir at the head of the outfall to the level of the sea. As the sewage is run off the level of its surface is lowered, and at the same time the level of the sea is constantly varying as the tide rises and falls, so that the head is a variable factor, and consequently the rate of discharge varies. A curve of discharge may be plotted from calculations according to these varying conditions, but it is not necessary; and all requirements will be met if the discharges under certain stated conditions are ascertained. The most important condition, because it is the worst, is that when the level of the sea is at high water of equinoctial spring tides and the reservoir is practically empty.
Sea water has a specific gravity of 1.027, and is usually taken as weighing 64.14 lb per cubic foot, while sewage may be taken as weighing 62.45 lb per cubic foot, which is the weight of fresh water at its maximum density. Now the ratio of weight between sewage and sea water is as 1 to 1.027, so that a column of sea water l2 inches in height requires a column of fresh water 12.324, or say 12-1/3 in, to balance it; therefore, in order to ascertain the effective head producing discharge it will be necessary to add on 1/3 in for every foot in depth of the sea water over the centre of the outlet.
The sea outfall should be of such diameter that the contents of the reservoir can be emptied in the specified time—say, three hours—while the pumps are working to their greatest power in pouring sewage into the reservoir during the whole of the period; so that when the valves are closed the reservoir will be empty, and its entire capacity available for storage until the valves are again opened.
To take a concrete example, assume that the reservoir and outfall are constructed as shown in Fig. 34, and that it is required to know the diameter of outfall pipe when the reservoir holds 1,000,000 gallons and the whole of the pumps together, including any that may be laid down to cope with any increase of the population in the future, can deliver 600,000 gallons per hour. When the reservoir is full the top water level will be 43.00 O.D., but in order to have a margin for contingencies and to allow for the loss in head due to entry of sewage into the pipe, for friction in passing around bends, and for a slight reduction in discharging capacity of the pipe by reason of incrustation, it will be desirable to take the reservoir as full, but assume that the sewage is at the level 31.00. The head of water in the sea measured above the centre of the pipe will be 21 ft, so that
[*Math: $21 imes 1/3$],
or 7 in—say, 0.58 ft—must be added to the height of high water, thus reducing the effective head from 31.00 - 10.00 = 21.00 to 20.42 ft The quantity to be discharged will be
[*Math: $frac{1,000,000 + (3 * 600,000)}{3}$]
= 933,333 gallons per hour = 15,555 gallons per minute, or, taking 6.23 gallons equal to 1 cubic foot, the quantity equals 2,497 cubic feet per min Assume the required diameter to be 30 in, then, by Hawksley's formula, the head necessary to produce velocity =
[*Math: $frac{Gals. per min^2}{215 imes diameter in inches^4} = frac{15,555^2}{215 * 30^4}$]
= 1.389 ft, and the head to overcome friction =
[*Math: $frac{Gals. per min^2 imes Length in yards}{240 * diameter in inches^5} = frac{15,555^2 * 2042}{240 * 30^5}]
= 84.719. Then 1.389 + 84.719 = 86.108—say, 86.11 ft; but the acutal head is 20.42 ft, and the flow varies approximately as the square root of the head, so that the true flow will be about
[*Math: $15,555 * sqrt{frac{20.42}{86.11} = 7574.8$]
—say 7,575 gallons. But a flow of 15,555 gallons per minute is required, as it varies approximately as the fifth power of the diameter, the requisite diameter will be about
[*Math: sqrt[5]{frac{30^5 imes 15,555}{7575}] = 34.64 inches.
Now assume a diameter of 40 in, and repeat the calculations. Then head necessary to produce velocity
[*Math: = frac{15,555^2}{215 imes 40^4}] = 0.044 ft, and head to overcome friction =
[*Math: frac{15,555^2 imes 2042}{240 imes 40^5}]
= 20.104 ft Then 0.044 + 20.104 = 20.148, say 20.15 ft, and the true flow will therefore be about
[*Math: 15,555 * sqrt{frac{20.42}{20.15}}]
= 15,659 gallons, and the requisite diameter about
[*Math: sqrt[5]{frac{40^5 * 15,555}{15,659}}]
= 39.94 inches.
When, therefore, a 30 in diameter pipe is assumed, a diameter of 34.64 in is shown to be required, and when 40 in is assumed 39.94 in is indicated.
Let a = difference between the two assumed diameters. b = increase found over lower diameter. c = decrease found under greater diameter. d = lower assumed diameter.
Then true diameter =
[*Math: d + frac{ab}{b+c} = 30 + frac{10 imes 4.64}{4.64+0.06} = 30 + frac{46.4}{4.7} = 39.872],
or, say, 40 in, which equals the required diameter.
A simpler way of arriving at the size would be to calculate it by Santo Crimp's formula for sewer discharge, namely, velocity in feet per second =
[*Math: 124 sqrt[3]{R^2} sqrt{S}],
where R equals hydraulic mean depth in feet, and S = the ratio of fall to length; the fall being taken as the difference in level between the sewage and the sea after allowance has been made for the differing densities. In this case the fall is 20.42 ft in a length of 6,126 ft, which gives a gradient of 1 in 300. The hydraulic mean depth equals
[*Math: frac{d}{4}];
the required discharge, 2,497 cubic feet per min, equals the area,
[*Math: (frac{pi d^2}{4})]
multiplied by the velocity, therefore the velocity in feet per second = 4/(pi d^2) x 2497/60 = 2497/(15 pi d^2) and the formula then becomes
2497/(15 pi d^2) = 124 x * 3rdroot(d^2)/3rdroot(4^3*) x sqrt(1)/sqrt(300)
or d^2 x 3rd_root(d^2) = 3rd_root(d^6) = (2497 x 3rd_root(16) x sqrt(300)) / (124 x 15 x 3.14159*)
or (8 x log d)/3 = log 2497 + (1/3 x log 16) + (* x log 300) - log 124 - log 15 - log 3.14159;
or log d = 3/8 (3.397419 + 0.401373 + 1.238561 - 2.093422 - 1.176091 - 0.497150) = 3/8 (1.270690) = 0.476509.
* d = 2.9958* feet = 35.9496, say 36 inches.
As it happens, this could have been obtained direct from the tables where the discharge of a 36 in pipe at a gradient of 1 in 300 = 2,506 cubic feet per minute, as against 2,497 cubic feet required, but the above shows the method of working when the figures in the tables do not agree with those relating to the particular case in hand.
This result differs somewhat from the one previously obtained, but there remains a third method, which we can now make trial of—namely, Saph and Schoder's formula for the discharge of water mains, V = 174 3rd_root(R^2) x S^.51*. Substituting values similar to those taken previously, this formula can be written
2497/(15 pi d^2) = 174 x 3rd_root(d_2)/3rd_root(4^2) x 1^.51/300^.51
or d^2 x 3rd_root(d^2) = 3rd_root(d^6) = (2497 x 3rd_root(16) x 300^.51) / (174 x 15 x 3.14159)
or* log d = 3/8 (3.397419 + 0.401373 + (54 x 2.477121) - 2.240549 - 1.176091 - 0.497150) = 3/8 (1.222647) = 0.458493
* d = 2.874* feet = 34.388 say 34 1/2 inches.
By Neville's general formula the velocity in feet per second = 140 SQRT(RS)-11(RS)^(1/3) or, assuming a diameter of 37 inches,
V = 140 X SQRT(37/(12 x 4) x 1/300) - 11 (37/(12x4x300))^(1/3)
= 140 x SQRT(37/14400) - 11 (37/1440)^(1/3)
= 7.09660 - 1.50656 = 5.59 feet per second.
Discharge = area x velocity; therefore, the discharge in cubic feet per minute
= 5.59 x 60 x (3.14159 x 37^2)/(4*12^2) = 2504 compared with
2,497 c.f.m, required, showing that if this formula is used the pipe should be 37 in diameter.
The four formul, therefore, give different results, as follows:—
Hawksley = 40 in Neville = 37 in Santo Crimp = 36 in Saph and Schoder = 34-1/2 in
The circumstances of the case would probably be met by constructing the outfall 36 in in diameter.
It is very rarely desirable to fix a flap-valve at the end of a sea outfall pipe, as it forms a serious obstruction to the flow of the sewage, amounting, in one case the writer investigated, to a loss of eight-ninths of the available head; the head was exceptionally small, and the flap valve practically absorbed it all. The only advantage in using a flap valve occurs when the pipe is directly connected with a tank sewer below the level of high water, in which case, if the sea water were allowed to enter, it would not only occupy space required for storing sewage, but it would act on the sewage and speedily start decomposition, with the consequent emission of objectionable odours. If there is any probability of sand drifting over the mouth of the outfall pipe, the latter will keep free much better if there is no valve. Schemes have been suggested in which it was proposed to utilise a flap valve on the outlet so as to render the discharge of the sewage automatic. That is to say, the sewage was proposed to be collected in a reservoir at the head of, and directly connected to, the outfall pipe, at the outlet end of which a flap valve was to be fixed. During high water the mouth of the outfall would be closed, so that sewage would collect in the pipes, and in the reservoir beyond; then when the tide had fallen such a distance that its level was below the level of the sewage, the flap valve would open, and the sewage flow out until the tide rose and closed the valve. There are several objections to this arrangement. First of all, a flap valve under such conditions would not remain watertight, unless it were attended to almost every day, which is, of course, impracticable when the outlet is below water. As the valve would open when the sea fell to a certain level and remain open during the time it was below that level, the period of discharge would vary from, say, two hours at neap tides to about four hours at springs; and if the two hours were sufficient, the four hours would be unnecessary. Then the sewage would not only be running out and hanging about during dead water at low tide, but before that time it would be carried in one direction, and after that time in the other direction; so that it would be spread out in all quarters around the outfall, instead of being carried direct out to sea beyond chance of return, as would be the case in a well- designed scheme.
When opening the valve in the reservoir, or other chamber, to allow the sewage to flow through the outfall pipe, care should be taken to open it at a slow rate so as to prevent damage by concussion when the escaping sewage meets the sea water standing in the lower portion of the pipes. When there is considerable difference of level between the reservoir and the sea, and the valve is opened somewhat quickly, the sewage as it enters the sea will create a "water-spout," which may reach to a considerable height, and which draws undesirable attention to the fact that the sewage is then being turned into the sea.
Chapter XIV
In the surveying work necessary to fix the positions of the various stations, and of the float, a few elementary trigonometrical problems are involved which can be advantageously explained by taking practical examples.
Having selected the main station A, as shown in Fig. 35, and measured the length of any line A B on a convenient piece of level ground, the next step will be to fix its position upon the plan. Two prominent landmarks, C and D, such as church steeples, flag-staffs, etc., the positions of which are shown upon the ordnance map, are selected and the angles read from each of the stations A and B. Assume the line A B measures ll7 ft, and the angular measurements reading from zero on that line are, from A to point C, 29 23' and to point D 88 43', and from B to point C 212 43', and to point D 272 18' 30". The actual readings can be noted, and then the arrangement of the lines and angles sketched out as shown in Fig. 35, from which it will be necessary to find the lengths AC and AD. As the three angles of a triangle equal 180, the angle B C A = 180- 147 17'-29 23'= 3 20', the angle B D A = 180-87 41' 30"- 88 43'= 3 35' 30". In any triangle the sides are proportionate to the sines of the opposite angles, and vice versa; therefore,
A B : A C :: sin B C A : sin A B C, or sin B C A : A B :: sin ABC : A C, nr A C = (A B sin A B C) / (sin B C A) = (117 x sin 147 17') / (sin 3 20')
or log A C = log 117 + L sin 147 17' - L sin 3 20'.
The sine of an angle is equal to the sine of its supplement, so that sin 147 17' = sin 32 43', whence log A C = 2.0681859 + 9.7327837-8.7645111 = 3.0364585
Therefore A C = 1087.6 feet.
Similarly sin B D A: A B :: sin A B D: A D
A B sin A B D 117 x sin 87 41' 30" therefore A D = ———————- = ———————————- sin B D A sin 3 35' 30"
whence log A D = log ll7 + L sin 87 41' 30" - L sin 3 35' 30" = 2.0681859 + 9.99964745 - 8.79688775 = 3.2709456
Therefore AD = 1866.15 feet.
The length of two of the sides and all three angles of each of the two triangles A C B and A D B are now known, so that the triangles can be drawn upon the base A B by setting off the sides at the known angles, and the draughtsmanship can be checked by measuring the other known side of each triangle. The points C and D will then represent the positions of the two landmarks to which the observations were taken, and if the triangles are drawn upon a piece of tracing paper, and then superimposed upon the ordnance map so that the points C and D correspond with the landmarks, the points A and B can be pricked through on to the map, and the base line A B drawn in its correct position.
If it is desired to draw the base line on the map direct from the two known points, it will be necessary to ascertain the magnitude of the angle A D C. Now, in any triangle the tangent of half the difference of two angles is to the tangent of half their sum as the difference of the two opposite sides is to their sum; that is:—
Tan 1/2 (ACD - ADC): tan 1/2 (ACD + ADC):: AD - AC : AD + AC,
but ACD + ADC = l80 - CAD = 120 40', therefore, tan 1/2 (ACD - ADC): tan 1/2 (120 40'):: (1866.15 - 1087.6): (1866.15 + 1087.6),
778.55 tan 60 20' therefore, tan 1/2 (ACD - ADC) = —————————— 2953.75
or L tan 1/2 (ACD - ADC) = log 778.55 + L tan 60 20' - log 2953.75 . = 2.8912865 + 10.2444l54 - 3.4703738 = 9.6653281 .. 1/2 (ACD - ADC) = 24 49' 53" .. ACD - ADC = 49 39' 46". Then algebraically |