It was not an entirely satisfactory method of cooking, for while one portion was done brown, another would be hardly warmed through; but, as Teddy said, "it went a long way ahead of nothing," and all three worked industriously, turning the game or piling on the fuel until, about an hour after sunset, the task was completed.
By this time the castaways were decidedly hungry, and the half-cooked fowls tasted better than had the most elaborate meals on board the Sea Dream.
When, supper having been eaten, preparations were made for the night, Neal insisted that one of the party should remain on guard during the hours of darkness, in order to watch for the boats, and Jake had no slight trouble in convincing him that it was not absolutely necessary.
"We couldn't see their lights half a mile away if they have any hoisted, which isn't likely, for the oil must be scarce by this time," the engineer said, "and, in case we did sight them, what good would it do? We should induce them to land here, and we know how dangerous that is even in the daytime. I had rather let them pass without knowing where we are, than to be the innocent cause of a second disaster."
After considerable discussion Neal was made to understand that no good could come of posting sentinels, and the little party lay down on the bed of leaves; but, owing to the suspense concerning the fate of the others, neither slept very soundly.
It was hardly light enough to see surrounding objects when Jake began to prepare breakfast, and as soon as the sun rose Neal and Teddy paced to and fro on the beach gazing seaward; but without seeing that for which they sought.
For the first time Neal began to despair concerning his father, and returning to the camp he said in a voice choked by sobs:
"I don't believe we shall ever see either of them again. The wind has held steady since we landed, and they should have been here a long while ago. Our boat couldn't have sailed so much faster than theirs that we should arrive twenty-four hours in advance."
"Now put out of your mind the idea that we are not to see all hands some time," Jake replied quite sharply. "I'm willing to admit that they may not strike here, for I might as well own up to the truth, and say the chances are against two boats coming so far and hitting the same spot on the coast. That doesn't prove, however, that there has been any further disaster."
"Then you do believe that they won't come here?"
"Why haven't you proposed to make some change?"
"I didn't want to say anything until we were certain the boats wouldn't heave in sight. I shouldn't advise making a move yet awhile; but since you've broached the subject we may as well talk plainly."
"Do you think we are likely to be taken off by a vessel?"
"The fact that none have passed within our line of vision certainly shows that such a chance is slim. I have come to the conclusion that we are not on the island of Cuba, and it stands us in hand to try for some town or sea-port. We might stay here a month, and then have a craft heave in sight when the surf run so high as to prevent a boat landing."
"What do you want to do?"
"Strike straight through the woods. There must be people living here somewhere, and the sooner we find them the sooner we'll get home."
"Why not follow along the beach?"
"Because, if this is an island, as it surely must be, we could get across quicker than around, and, besides, with all these coral rocks the beach is not the best sort of a road for traveling, loaded down as we shall be."
Neal was silent for a moment, and Teddy took advantage of the opportunity to ask:
"When do you think we ought to make a move?"
"My idea is that we should stay here to-day (our supply of water won't last much longer), and start early to-morrow morning. That would be time enough to prove whether the boats are coming, and give us a chance to get the traps into proper shape for carrying."
"You know best what should be done," Neal said, speaking slowly, "and I am ready to do as you propose."
"Now that is what I call sensible talk," Jake replied, in a tone of satisfaction. "By buckling right down to work, and putting out of our minds all unpleasant thoughts, for it don't do any good to moon over what can't be changed, we shall soon get out of this scrape."
Neal remained silent. To leave the coast seemed like deserting his father, and although he knew Jake's plan should be carried out, it made him sad to think of going where it would be no longer possible to see the ocean.
Teddy, however, experienced a sense of relief as soon as it was decided to enter the forest in search of human beings. To him the place was anything rather than agreeable, for he could never rid himself of the feeling that the drowned sailors would soon be washed ashore, and during the hours of darkness all kinds of queer fancies came into his mind with every unusual sound.
He was eager to discuss with Jake the details of the proposed journey, and, Neal listening to the conversation but taking no part in it, the matter was arranged to the satisfaction of the engineer and Teddy.
The ammunition and such provisions as had been brought ashore, was divided into three portions, one being very much heavier than the others, and each tied in such shape as would be most convenient for carrying.
So much of the game as would not be needed for immediate consumption was wrapped in leaves for the travelers to take with them; but that which caused Jake the most anxiety was the fact that the supply of water would be exhausted before they started.
"It can't be helped," he said ruefully, "and we may be mighty thirsty before finding any; but the case would be worse if we staid here, so there is no reason why we need worry very much. In that swamp you spoke of we shall surely find what thirsty men can drink on a pinch, and I'm positive we'll get along all right."
As if eager to convince himself that there was no great danger to be apprehended from the journey through the forest, he continued to talk about his plans until both the boys were perfectly familiar with all he hoped to gain by the attempt; but of his fears not a word was spoken.
At night all retired early in order to be fresh for the morrow's work, and when the first faint flush of another day appeared in the eastern sky Jake aroused his companions.
"Turn out, boys," he shouted cheerily. "We must make the most of these cool hours, for it will be necessary to halt at noon, and we want to get through the forest as quickly as possible."
While speaking he was fastening the heaviest package on his back, and after a hurried toilet in the sea Neal and Teddy took up their loads.
It was still quite dark under the towering trees when the journey was begun; but each moment the gloom grew less, until, when the sun rose it was possible to see the way with but little difficulty.
To travel very rapidly was out of the question. In certain places the underbrush was so dense that considerable exertion became necessary in order to force a passage, and despite all efforts not more than two miles an hour could be made.
At the swamp plenty of cool, clear water was found, and with this Jake filled the two bottles, all they had in which to carry a supply of the precious liquid.
At noon a long halt was made, and when the sun began to decline the weary march was resumed.
By no means the least of the travelers' suffering was caused by thorns, and to one who has never had any experience of this sort, a description of the various spines and needles which project from the strange plants in these vast forests would seem exaggerated.
They are of all sizes and shapes, and in many places actually prevent a man from making his way through the foliage even though he be armed with a machete. Oftentimes it is absolutely necessary to make a long detour in order to avoid the painful obstructions, and before half of this day's journey was finished all three of the castaways bore bloody evidence of what these natural bristles can do.
The siesta was decidedly abridged, for Jake realized the importance of concluding the tramp as quickly as possible, and the afternoon was but little more than half ended when, to the intense surprise of all, they suddenly arrived at a clearing in the very midst of the forest.
After wandering among the luxuriant vegetation the travelers were almost startled at seeing an avenue of banana trees which had evidently been planted by the hand of man, and, following it up, the little party were yet more surprised at seeing a white man swinging idly in a hammock.
Jake advanced as if unable to believe the evidences of his own senses, and said hesitatingly:
"We had no intention of intruding, sir; but followed the line of banana trees without the slightest idea of finding a gentleman's home."
"Don't apologize," the stranger replied in good English, and springing to his feet as if in alarm. "It is true that I am not in the habit of receiving callers in this out-of-the-way place; but those of my own race are none the less welcome. Will you walk into the house?"
The boys peered through the foliage where, after some difficulty, they saw a small cabin, hardly large enough to be called a dwelling, and Jake replied quickly:
"We would prefer to remain here. Having walked since sunrise, you can fancy that any place in which to rest our legs without fear of coming in contact with a scorpion or a snake is grateful."
"I can't promise that you won't be troubled by such visitors; but you are welcome to do as you choose."
Jake threw himself on the ground, asking as he did so:
"Can you tell me how near we are to a sea-port? We have just landed from a pleasure yacht which was destroyed by fire, and haven't any idea where we are."
"You are now in Yucatan, and probably know perfectly well how near to the coast, for——"
"In Yucatan?" Jake repeated in surprise.
"Exactly, and not so very far from the famed Silver City of the Chan Santa Cruz Indians."
"That last information doesn't seem to be very important so far as we are concerned; but it does surprise me to know we are in this section of the country, for our captain was quite positive we should strike the coast of Cuba."
"Tell me how such a mistake was made."
"That is exactly what I don't know myself; but it won't take long to explain why we are here."
Then Jake told the story of the cruise in the Sea Dream, of the unaccountable conflagration, and the fatal landing on the coast, concluding by saying:
"As a matter of course we are most anxious to reach some place from which we can find a steamer or sailing vessel going to the United States. Probably you can give us the proper information, and by that means get rid of unexpected and, perhaps, unwelcome visitors."
"But I do not wish to get rid of you," the stranger replied quickly. "On the contrary I am more than delighted because you were forced to come here, since you can render me a very great service."
"I fail to understand how," Jake replied in perplexity.
"You shall soon know, and I fancy you will be decidedly surprised when I give you all the details. First, however, allow me to prepare supper, and then it will be singular if I do not tell such a story as will cause greater astonishment than you ever experienced before."
With these strange words the young man—he did not appear to be more than thirty years old—leaped out of the hammock, and disappeared among the shrubbery which so nearly concealed the building.
The meal, which was partaken of heartily by the weary travelers, consisted of eggs and fruit, with plenty of freshly cooked tortillas, and as Teddy remarked in a low tone when it was absolutely impossible for him to eat any more, "it went way ahead of turkeys roasted on a stick."
After his guests had finished this very satisfactory repast, the stranger proposed that all adjourn to the banana avenue where he slung another hammock that both the boys might lie down, gave Jake a cigar of home manufacture, lighted one himself, and, lying upon the ground in an attitude of absolute repose, said laughingly:
"Now if you wish to hear the story I promised to tell there is nothing to prevent."
"I would certainly like to know how it happens that you are living alone in this forest," Jake replied.
"Then I will begin in regular story-book style, for when it is ended I intend to make a proposition. My name is Byron Cummings, and the last home I had previous to the building of this shanty, was in Baltimore, Maryland. Two years ago—it may have been longer, for one does not keep a very strict record of time in this country—I visited Merida on a pleasure trip, and while there heard the story of the Silver City."
"Is that the name of a town, or do you mean that the precious metal is so plentiful there?" Teddy interrupted.
"I refer to a city built by the Chan Santa Cruz Indians which has received this name because the ornamentation of the houses is of silver, and so profuse as to give it the appearance, at a distance, of being a collection of silver buildings. Don't laugh until you hear the whole story," he added, as a smile of incredulity passed over Jake's face.
"Any one in Merida, and, in fact the English histories, will tell you that this wonderful city is in the vast tract of marshy land situated between here and Merida, known as the Black Swamp. It is a fact that no white man has ever seen it, since the only approach is across the swamp on the south side, and the way so closely guarded that a person must have special sources of information in order to get through the labyrinth of narrow water courses on the banks of which are sentinels ready to salute the visitor with a shower of poisoned arrows.
"It cannot be reached from the east because of the rocks, a few samples of which you probably saw on the sea coast. As you doubtless know, the Indians hereabout have never been conquered by the whites, and the interior is as much an unknown land as it was at the time of the conquest.
"Certain of the Chan Santa Cruz Indians visit Merida at certain seasons of the year, where they sell, or rather, exchange for goods, gold dust and massive golden ornaments, valuing the yellow treasure so lightly, and bringing such quantities that there can be no doubt they have access to an enormous deposit. Silver they use as we do iron, and I myself have seen one of these visitors wearing thick beaten bands of it as a protection to his legs, probably because of the thorns."
"If they come into the towns I should think some venturesome fellow would follow, to learn the secret of the city in the swamp," Jake suggested, and it could plainly be seen that he was growing decidedly interested.
"That has often been tried; but, so far as I can learn, no one ever succeeded. Twice I tracked three villainous looking old fellows to the very edge of the marsh, and both times they disappeared so silently and completely as to make it seem as if the earth had opened and swallowed them. Then, learning of the many who had failed in the same attempt, I formed a plan which must give me the victory, although it has required much time."
"What is it?" Jake asked breathlessly.
"I resolved to learn the language, and to that end came here with an Indian who knows the habits and customs of these people, he having dealt with them for many years, and, what is more, has been within sight of the famous city. From him I have gained all the information necessary to enable me to penetrate the swamp, and now flatter myself that I can speak the dialect of the Chan Santa Cruz tribe as perfectly as a native."
"Have you remained here two years doing nothing else but studying how to reach the village?" Neal asked.
"Very little beside that. We built the hut, planted these trees for a lounging place, and now raise chickens and fruit enough to provide us with food."
"Where is the man you speak of?"
"He went to Merida three days ago; but will return by the day after to-morrow if no accident has befallen him."
"When are you going to make the attempt to get through the swamp?"
"Very soon if you accept my proposition."
"What have we to do with it?" Jake asked in surprise.
"I will explain. Old Poyor and myself are not strong enough numerically to make the attempt alone, for in case the secret of our identity should be discovered, nothing could save our lives. With you three as an addition to the party, and two armed with good weapons, I would not be afraid to travel straight through the city. As a matter of fact the only real danger is in approaching the place; but I have studied over that portion of the business so long that I do not fear a failure if you can be prevailed upon to join us."
"That is out of the question," Neal replied decidedly, speaking quickly, as if afraid Jake might agree to the scheme. "You know we must get back to our own country as soon as possible, for if father is alive he will suffer great anxiety concerning us."
"You are right to make haste; but what if I tell you that by going with me no time will be lost?"
"How can that be possible?"
"Because if you were in Merida to-day you could not reach Progresso in time to take the steamer which left for the United States this morning. If you remain here two weeks more, there will then be ample opportunity to get passage on the next vessel which starts. I have a time table, and you can see by it that I am telling the truth."
As he ceased speaking Cummings arose, walked leisurely to the house, and returned with the article in question, which he handed to Neal.
It was only necessary to glance at it in order to learn that his statement was a fact, and when Teddy was also convinced, the host continued:
"According to the plan I have formed we should be back in less than ten days from the time we begin the journey, and if you agree to the scheme it should make us all wealthy."
"But you said the old Indian would not return for three days," Jake interrupted.
"Very true; but we shall not wait for him to come here. That which he will bring is exactly what we want as an outfit, and we can meet him at the only entrance to the swamp where, for more than three months, I have had a boat hidden in readiness for the attempt."
Then Cummings gave a more detailed account of the wonderful city as he had heard it in Merida and from Poyor, and so well did he tell the story that in a short time his guests were in the highest state of excitement.
"Now the question is whether you will join me?" he said in conclusion. "Having studied the matter so long I feel warranted in saying that it is not an unusually dangerous venture, and, if we are successful, the amount of wealth we can carry away must be enormous."
"It wouldn't take me long to decide," Jake replied promptly; "but seeing that I am in Mr. Emery's employ I couldn't go contrary to his son's orders. As a matter of fact I'm not bound in any way; but it seems to be the only square thing to do."
"And what is your idea?" Cummings asked as he looked toward Teddy.
"Since we can't start for home immediately, I don't see why we shouldn't spend the time in what will be the jolliest kind of an adventure whether there is any gold to be gained or not."
The young man then turned to Neal questioningly, and the latter said hesitatingly:
"It isn't fair for Jake to make me decide. He should know better than I whether we ought to go with you. If it was possible for us to leave the country at once there could be no question, for we must return to the United States at the earliest opportunity."
"And since that cannot be done you have no objections to joining us in the visit to the Silver City?"
"I don't know. You would not go until to-morrow, so we have a chance to discuss the matter among ourselves."
"Very true. I've some work to attend to, and while I am away you will be able to talk privately."
Then Cummings arose, went toward the house and when he disappeared from view Neal said to Jake:
"Now tell me just what you think of going with him; I mean, what you think father would say if we could consult him, not what we would like to do."
"Well, if you put it in that way," and now Jake spoke as if weighing every word, "I can't see why we shouldn't have a little fun, seein's how we're bound to stay here longer than he allows is enough to go to this Silver City an' back. It would be a mean kind of a man who'd object to our havin' enjoyment after all that's happened."
"Then you believe father would approve of our going with Mr. Cummings?"
Jake was not exactly prepared to say "yes," and at the same time he did not wish to reply in the negative after his acquiescence in all the host had advanced as reasons why they should accompany him, and after a long pause Neal added:
"Of course I want to go, for it can't be possible that there is very much danger, and I make this proposition: We must sail on the next steamer, and if Mr. Cummings is willing we should desert him, no matter what may be the condition of affairs when it is time for us to start for the coast, then we are warranted in accepting the proposition."
"That is what I call putting the matter in the proper light," Jake replied with considerable emphasis. "On this basis no one can possibly find any fault, and we may as well tell him that we have decided to go."
"First explain that we must leave Yucatan on the next steamer which starts from Progresso."
"I'll do it, and if he is so certain that we shall be out of the Silver City in that time there can be no reason for any fault-finding."
"I think Neal has arranged the business as it should be," Teddy said approvingly, and from that moment the castaways believed they were committed to the scheme.
Half an hour later, when Cummings returned to learn the result of the interview, Jake explained upon what grounds the decision had been arrived at, and he expressed himself as perfectly satisfied with the arrangement.
"If we can't get into the city during the coming week there is no use trying," he said, "and I will undertake to see you on board the next steamer which sails. Now it only remains to decide upon the details, and at sunrise to-morrow we will begin what I have been preparing for, during the past two years."
Since the details consisted only in agreeing upon what amount of luggage should be taken with them, but little time was spent in discussion, and as the boys retired on this night it was with the knowledge that when the sun rose again they would start for the Silver City which every traveler in Yucatan admitted had an existence.
The boys and Jake had no preparations to make for the journey. The goods they had brought from the coast was their only property, and could readily be carried as during the tramp to this point.
On the contrary, Cummings found many things which it was necessary should be done before departure. Whether successful in the attempt to reach the marvelous city or not, he could hardly hope to return to the hut where all his preparations had been made, and there was much to be done.
After ascertaining that his guests were willing to accompany him he made arrangements for their comfort during the night, and then, excusing himself on the plea of work, was seen no more until the time for departure had come.
Of the three castaways Neal was the only one who had any misgivings regarding the proposed detour. It seemed to him as if he was in some way abandoning his father by embarking in this enterprise, although how anything more could be done to aid those who had taken refuge in the boats was beyond his comprehension.
This much was clear in his mind, however: He had agreed to aid in the attempt, and when Cummings awakened the little party he arose quickly, firmly resolved to do everything in his power to reach the city which, as yet, he was not thoroughly convinced existed.
It was still dark when the final preparations for the journey were begun, and Cummings' impatience was so great that the sun had but just shown himself above the horizon when the morning meal had been eaten, and their host was urging them to make haste.
"We must be at the rendezvous not later than this afternoon in order to avoid the chance of passing Poyor on the way," he said impatiently, "therefore the sooner we start the better."
"We are ready," Jake replied, and, after setting the fowls loose, Cummings led the way through the underbrush, finding a path where the others would not have believed any existed.
As if to prevent the boys from losing their interest in the search for the Silver City, their guide continued to add to the story he had already told, and during the long march but little else was talked about.
Jake who was as excited as a man well could be, for he had no doubt but that they could find large quantities of treasure where there would be no difficulties in the matter of carrying it away, plied Cummings with questions whenever the conversation lagged, and Neal had but little opportunity to speculate upon the fate of his father.
Not until late in the night, when to Neal and Teddy it seemed as if they could go no further, did the party halt, and during the last hour of the march the utmost silence was maintained.
"It is absolutely necessary to avoid detection in case any of the Indians may be in the vicinity," Cummings had said, "and we must move as stealthily as if we knew positively they were waiting for us."
From that time no one spoke. The guide crept on at a slow pace, his every movement copied by the remainder of the party, and on arriving at the rendezvous he motioned the others to lie down, whispering as they gathered around him:
"We are near the canoe, and it only remains to watch for Poyor, who should be here by morning. I'll stand guard while the others sleep."
There was no thought of putting up anything in the shape of a shelter, and the boys stretched themselves on the ground in the midst of a thick clump of vegetation, Teddy whispering to Neal:
"If it is necessary to take such precautions as these before we are near the city, we may expect pretty rough times before arriving at the place."
"That's a fact, and I begin to wish we hadn't started. There is no positive assurance we shall get through in time to take the next steamer for home, and even Cummings himself can't say whether any of us will ever come back."
"Do you want to give up the job now?"
"I'd be ashamed to do that, for it would look as if we were afraid; but I'm sorry we agreed to the plan;" and Teddy replied heartily:
"So am I."
Jake had nothing to say; but whether his silence was caused by a desire to obey Cummings' instructions to avoid making a noise, or by misgivings as to the wisdom of the venture, neither of the boys could guess.
Despite the anxiety of the younger members of the party they soon fell asleep, owing to excessive fatigue, and did not arouse to consciousness until Jake whispered as he shook them vigorously:
"It's time to start. The Indian has come, an' ain't half as bad a lookin' man as I counted on seeing."
The boys sprang to their feet, finding themselves face to face with a tall, half naked figure which, in the dim light, looked more like a statue of bronze than a human being. He stood scrutinizing them keenly for fully a minute, and then, as if satisfied with their appearance, turned away to walk swiftly along the edge of the swamp until lost to view in the darkness.
"Poyor has just arrived," Cummings said by way of explanation; "and according to his belief it is well for us to start at once."
"Where has he gone?" Teddy asked.
"After the canoe; it is but a short distance from here."
"Don't you dare to cook breakfast?"
"Certainly not; the light of a fire would be worse, for us, than the report of a gun. Until we arrive at the Silver City it will be a case of eating cold food, and perhaps we may be obliged to wait even longer than that before having anything very elaborate in the way of a meal."
"If we are only certain of coming back again where it is possible to do as we please, I won't grumble about what we are obliged to eat," Neal said, with a nervous laugh.
"Don't borrow trouble," Cummings replied quickly; but both the boys noticed that he no longer spoke in the same confident tone as before the journey was begun. "We shall surely get through without difficulty."
The conversation was interrupted by the approach of Poyor, who came down the water-way in the canoe more like a ghost than a creature of flesh and blood, and Jake, whose head had been turned in the other direction, could not suppress a slight exclamation of surprise as the Indian suddenly appeared by his side.
The canoe which had been brought thus silently was simply the trunk of a tree hollowed out, and about fifteen feet in length. It yet rested lightly on the water when the entire party and all the traps were on board, and the boys noticed with no slight degree of astonishment, that one stroke of the paddle was sufficient to send it sharply in either direction.
"Now you have a chance to finish your nap," Cummings whispered as, kneeling aft, he began to assist Poyor in propelling the craft.
"Don't you want us to help?" Teddy asked.
"No, there will be nothing you can do until we enter the Silver City."
Tired though the boys were it was literally impossible to close their eyes in slumber now, and they remained very wide awake watching the coming of a new day.
When the sun had risen they could get some slight idea of the country through which they were passing; but of what might be a few yards beyond no one could say.
The shores of this particular water-way through the swamp were flat, covered with reeds and long grass, with here and there dense tangles of trees and vines, and the channel was so narrow that only at rare intervals could the paddles be used. The Indian and the white man pushed the boat from one bend to another, oftentimes finding it difficult to pass the sharp curves, and the boys confidently expected this labor would be continued during the entire day, therefore their surprise was great when, about an hour after sunrise, the little craft was forced under a clump of overhanging foliage as if the journey was at an end.
"What is the matter?" Neal asked in a whisper, and Cummings replied in the same cautious tone:
"Nothing. It would be in the highest degree dangerous to travel very far now that it is light."
"How long are we to stay here?"
"Until the darkness comes again."
"Wouldn't it be safe to go on the bank where we can stretch our legs?"
"We must not leave the boat. It will be only for a few hours, and then we shall have plenty of exercise paddling."
Immediately the canoe had been made fast under the mass of vines and shrubbery Poyor stretched himself out in the bow as if the task of remaining perfectly quiet during an entire day was a very agreeable one, and Cummings followed his example.
Jake, who had been sitting amidships, moved toward his friends, and the three spent an hour talking of what was now termed by all "a foolish venture."
There was nothing left for it, however, but to continue on since they were in the swamp, and after a time Neal said petulantly:
"Well make the best of it, and if an opportunity should occur to go to Merida there must be no hesitation, whatever Cummings may say."
As if this resolution gave them renewed courage, the boys lay down in the most comfortable position possible, after eating a light lunch, and until nightfall no sound save that caused by heavy breathing could have been heard from the boat.
Then, when darkness came again, Poyor, who had remained almost without motion during the entire time of the halt, aroused himself, ate half a dozen bananas, and took up the paddle.
The precautions against being discovered by those who might be on the watch were now redoubled. Before rounding a bend the Indian waited in a listening attitude to assure himself no one was moving in the immediate vicinity, and when it became necessary to work the canoe along by aid of the foliage the utmost care was exercised to prevent the branches from rustling.
As the hours wore on and no attack was made Cummings appeared to be highly elated, and Jake's gloomy forebodings were dispelled in the thought of the treasure which they might be able to bring away.
Once, about midnight, when they halted a moment for Poyor to reconnoiter, Neal whispered to the leader:
"How many nights of this kind of traveling is necessary before we reach the city?"
"When we next halt it will be to leave the boat and continue the journey on foot. It was the possible difficulties, not the distance, which rendered the undertaking formidable."
The Indian returned, stepped into the canoe without speaking, and took up the paddle as if to say there was nothing to prevent them from going ahead.
From this time until faint streaks of light caused by the approach of the sun could be seen in the sky there was no lengthy interruption to the advance, and then as the boat was pulled out of the channel into a sort of basin or break of the bank which led among the more dense portions of the forests, Cummings said to Neal:
"In two hours you shall have a full view of the Silver City, and then there can be no doubt as to the truth of what I have told you."
To Neal and Teddy the thought that they were so near the wonderful place described by Cummings overshadowed everything else, and the probable danger was but a secondary consideration.
Jake was in a perfect fever of excitement, and so great was his desire to see the city from which he fully expected to bring away enormous amounts of gold that more than once did the leader caution him in an impatient tone to remain quiet.
Impassive, apparently unmoved by the fact that the plan which he and his white companion had spent so many months in perfecting was about to be proven successful, or a failure that might result in the death of all concerned, the Indian stood silent and motionless at the foot of a gigantic cypress tree; but Teddy observed that he was on the alert for the slightest unusual sound.
Cummings dealt out some food; but none of the party ate it. Hunger had been banished by suspense, anxiety and anticipation.
Gradually the gloom was dispelled, and it became possible to see the varied forms of life everywhere around.
The party had halted upon a slight elevation, where they had a limited view of that portion of the forest which appeared to be distinct from the region of marsh. As the sun arose, and a singularly dazzling light, different from anything the boys had ever seen before was reflected on the tops of the trees, it seemed as if every branch was laden with birds of the most gorgeous plumage flitting here and there like movable jewels against a background of green enamel.
Hundreds of monkeys filled the air with an almost incessant chattering which drowned all other sounds, and snakes of every color and size writhed and wriggled in different directions to greet the grateful heat of the sun.
It was a picture most beautiful, and at the same time, because of the serpents, terrifying.
Cummings began to make his way up the trunk of the cypress, aided by Poyor; but when Jake would have followed, the Indian motioned for him to remain with the boys.
One glance appeared to be sufficient for the leader of the party, and as he descended he whispered to Neal:
"We have made no mistake. The city can be seen plainly. You and your companions may gratify your curiosity, for we shall remain here until Poyor comes back."
Then turning to the Indian, Cummings whispered a few words, and the former glided through the underbrush, being lost to view almost immediately.
By assisting each other the three castaways were soon where such a marvelous sight was presented that exclamations of surprise and admiration burst from their lips; but, fortunately, the chattering of the monkeys would have prevented the outcries from being heard had a party of Chan Santa Cruz Indians been at the foot of the tree.
Far to the eastward was a long range of low, rocky mountains, and at the north and south spurs or cliffs, all enclosing a beautiful valley in the center of which was a city of dazzlingly white buildings.
To look at this collection of houses and temples very long at a time was almost impossible because of the peculiar glare which the boys had mistaken for the sun's rays.
It was caused by the reflection of the god of day on an edifice in the center of the city, the dome-like roof of which was covered with a burnished metal substance having the appearance of silver.
The adjoining buildings, composed of white stone having a softness as of alabaster, threw this peculiar light in every direction, causing the city to stand out amid the green foliage like a huge incandescent mass.
Each house stood in a square by itself, and, judging from the area of the city one might have estimated the population at about fifteen thousand. The streets were laid out with the utmost precision, and composed of what appeared to be fine white sand, while at every intersection were monuments of grotesque figures or animals.
At regular intervals were enormous white columns capped with the glistening metal, the same as displayed on the dome of the principal building and on many of the houses.
After taking in this wonderful picture as a whole the boys gazed at the most prominent objects in turn, the central edifice occupying the greater share of attention.
That this was a place of worship seemed reasonable to suppose because of the crowds of people entering or departing from the opening formed by lofty pillars of shimmering metal, and also because of the tiny threads of smoke which arose from several apertures in the roof as if from altar fires. To confirm the beholders in this belief the faint sound of sweet music arose in the air, and instantly the throngs in the streets prostrated themselves in adoration of some one of the statues.
The citizens were dressed in flowing garments of white, and all seemed intent on worship which was prolonged until after the spectators left the tree.
One singular fact was noted by Teddy, and he called Neal's attention to it.
Neither on the surrounding hills nor in the city could a single animal of any kind be seen. It was as if even the birds from the forest so shaped their course as to avoid flying over the dazzling wonderful city which was shut out from the rest of the world by the swamp wherein fever lurked in its most horrible form.
How long the boys and Jake gazed at this marvelous picture neither of them could ever say. They took no heed of the passage of time, and when Cummings called softly that it would be well to come down in order to gain a little rest before Poyor returned, Teddy noticed with surprise that the sun was high in the heavens.
"Well, do you believe now that the Silver City really has an existence?" the leader asked when the three stood by his side.
"After that anything seems possible," Neal replied with a sigh as if weary of gazing at so much magnificence.
"Save some adjectives expressive of admiration until we are in the city, when I fancy you will see very much that is more curious."
"The people don't appear to be so terribly ferocious," Teddy said, "and yet you think they would kill us all if our presence was discovered."
"I am positive of it. In a white man they see only one of that race which has worked them so much injury, making ruins of many cities, and oppressing the rightful owners of the country."
"If that is the case how are we to get in there?" Neal asked.
"Poyor has a plan which I think will be successful; wait until he returns, and if the conditions are favorable to the attempt you shall soon know."
"But suppose he stays away until a party of Indians take it into their heads to come in this direction?"
"There is little danger of our being discovered unless it has been suspected we have crossed the swamp, which is hardly probable. Very few of the inhabitants ever venture out, and there is no reason why they should come to this exact spot. Lie down now, Poyor will be with us by nightfall."
It was a simple matter to follow the first portion of this advice; but decidedly difficult to close their eyes in slumber after what had been seen.
Teddy and Neal, who threw themselves on the ground side by side, could not keep their thoughts from the wonderful city, and when both Jake and Cummings were apparently wrapped in slumber the former whispered:
"Do you think now that we were foolish to come?"
"No, because it isn't so far in the swamp but that we can get out in a short time if anything happens, and a glimpse of that city would repay a fellow for considerable trouble."
"But suppose the Indians get hold of us?"
"That is something I reckon Cummings can take care of. If he has made such elaborate preparations for entering, when it is so near where he was living we can be pretty certain there will be no very grave mistake."
"Even if we succeed in reaching the city I can't understand how it will be possible to carry away much gold."
"Nor I; but yet you know a small package is valuable, and five persons could lug a great deal."
"Do you fancy he brought us simply to carry the treasure for him?"
"He said we would all share alike, so our services wouldn't be of much advantage to him, more particularly since he and the Indian could bring away a heavier load than all three of us."
In this manner, speculating upon the benefits which might accrue to them rather than regarding the great danger to which the entire party was exposed, the boys passed the time until late in the afternoon, and then Poyor approached so softly that he stood in their midst before any one had heard even a rustling among the leaves.
On seeing the man Cummings sprang up eagerly, asked a question in the Indian dialect, and the reply was given at great length, Poyor using more gestures than the boys had ever fancied were at his command.
That his report was in the highest degree interesting to Cummings there could be no doubt, for the latter listened intently, interrupting him only to ask some question, and not until nearly half an hour had passed was any explanation made to the others.
Then Cummings said with a slight show of triumph:
"Poyor has just come from the city, and there is no suspicion that we have passed the line of sentinels."
"If he did that what is to prevent us from doing the same?" Jake asked as the leader paused for an instant.
"Nothing except our skins are white, and he can readily pass himself off for a Chan Santa Cruz. He speaks the language, resembles them in features, and could make his way around the town with but little trouble; but on that point no great amount of time need be spent. Here is the plan which I wish to carry into effect: Poyor has found a vacant building on the outskirts of the place which he has bargained for, representing himself as one of the sentinels recently released from duty on the eastern side. In that character no person will be likely to wonder why he is without acquaintances, for the watchmen often remain away from the city one or two years, entering only when it is necessary to procure provisions."
"Is he to go on alone?" Jake asked.
"Certainly not. At a late hour to-night we will accompany him, and all our hopes of success depend upon gaining this building without being discovered."
"How long are we to stay there?"
"A week if necessary."
"A week!" Teddy and Neal cried in concert.
"Yes, and I hope we shall be able to remain concealed in the house during that time, otherwise it may go hard with us."
"But what do you expect to do shut up in a building, for of course we must keep out of sight?" and Jake's face expressed the utmost surprise and apprehension.
"That is exactly what you shall learn when we arrive there. Since I have proven that the Silver City really has an existence, the least that can be done is to aid in carrying out my programme without too much discussion."
"You won't have any reason to complain because I don't obey orders," Jake replied quickly.
"Then I will soon show you what we expect to do providing our plans work without a hitch during the next ten hours. Let's get these traps into a more convenient shape for carrying, in order that we may be ready for the last stage of our journey when Poyor gives the word."
The boys and Jake were decidedly perplexed and not a little worried in regard to the outline of work as given by Cummings. They failed to understand how it could be to their advantage to go into the city if it should be necessary to remain hidden all the time, or in what way they would derive any benefit from the visit.
Although the leader of the party knew from the expression of their faces that they were dissatisfied with the general outlook, he did not volunteer any information, thinking, perhaps, that it was unnecessary to do so since they were where it was impossible to withdraw from the enterprise.
Neither Teddy nor Neal believed the party would be exposed to any extraordinary danger. The only idea in their minds was as to whether it would be possible for them to get out of the swamp in time to take the next steamer which left Progresso for the United States, and both believed it would be a great misfortune to miss the first opportunity of reaching home.
"We can stand it for one week," Neal said in a whisper: "but what I am afraid of is that it won't be possible to leave the city at the end of that time," and Teddy replied in the same cautious tones:
"It is for us to see that such a contingency does not arise. Jake will do as we say, and if Cummings refuses to leave at a date sufficiently early for us to reach Progresso, we must force him to act as has been promised."
"What shall we do in case he refuses?"
"We are three out of a party of five, and should be able to arrange matters to our own liking."
Neal was perfectly contented with such a view of the case, and he felt well satisfied that nothing could prevent them from doing as they wished; but unfortunately, he failed to take into consideration the very important fact that while it might be a simple matter to enter the city, they could not be certain of leaving it at will.
"We can do as we please by standing firm to our determination of going away in time to take passage on the steamer," he said; "therefore we'll see the adventure through to that point, and if Cummings fails in his purpose of bringing away a large amount of gold we will have had such an experience as can be talked about when we get home."
As for Jake, a glimpse of the glistening walls of the city had literally intoxicated him, and his one and only desire was to reach that point where he could satisfy himself by the sense of touch as well as sight.
As the time drew near for the final move in the bold scheme Cummings became greatly agitated. It was as if all the blood had left his face, and his eyes were open wide and staring as he gazed into vacancy.
"Are you sick?" Teddy asked in alarm.
The young man shook his head.
"I suppose I'm acting like a fool; but can't prevent my nerves from getting the best of me just at this time. After laboring two years for one thing, and then being so near a successful completion of the work, is enough to make any fellow excited."
Teddy was on the point of saying he fancied that fear of the ultimate result might have some share in this alleged nervous attack; but, fortunately, he checked himself in time, and turned to watch Poyor who was hiding the boat beneath an ingeniously constructed screen of leaves.
Night came slowly; the twittering of the birds and the chattering of the monkeys was hushed. Among the dense underbrush the darkness was intense, yet the Indian remained motionless in a listening attitude.
Amid profound silence the moments passed until to the boys it seemed as if it must have been midnight when Cummings whispered:
"It is time. Poyor shall lead the way, and I will bring up the rear."
Walking in single file, and keeping firm hold of each other's garments lest they should be separated, the little party began the last stage of the journey.
The Indian went forward as if familiar with all the surroundings, and when half an hour had passed he halted only long enough to point ahead where, through the foliage, could be seen the city, its buildings gleaming ghostly white in the starlight.
The decisive moment had arrived.
If they should be seen by a single person the alarm would be given, for the clothing as well as the skin of all the party, save Poyor, would proclaim the fact that these newcomers belonged to the hated race, and the end could not be long delayed.
Assuring himself that there was no one in sight, Poyor quickened his pace, leading the way toward a small building on the outskirts of the town, and ten minutes later, the strangers were inside the dwelling; but although successful in the undertaking, were virtually prisoners.
The house was very small as compared with the majority of those seen by the boys when they gazed from a distance, and had evidently been unoccupied a long while.
The one room which comprised the entire lower floor was destitute of anything in the way of furniture, and the sides, ceiling and floor were formed of the same soft-looking white stone which appeared to be the only building material in the city.
Poyor did not give his companions much time in which to inspect this portion of the building. With an impatient gesture to the boys who were gazing around them in evident disappointment, he led the way up a narrow flight of stairs to a sort of attic hardly more than six feet high, and with only two narrow slits in the wall to serve as windows.
Here five hammocks had been slung, and on one of them the Indian threw himself without a word of rejoicing or comment upon the ease and safety with which they had entered the city.
"Now what is to be done?" Neal asked as Cummings started toward the stairway.
"I wish to bar the lower door, for it would be exceedingly inconvenient if we should have callers."
"It strikes me that there will be very little chance to get gold if we are to stay shut up here."
"That's just what has been puzzlin' me ever since I saw the place," Jake added. "We're not even in the city, only on the edge, and so far as seein' what's goin' on is concerned, the big tree in the swamp would have been a better place."
"You may find that we are too near the heart of the town," Cummings replied with a grimace. "To-morrow, after Poyor has looked around some, we will decide on a plan. You had better go to sleep while there is a chance, for no one can say when we may be obliged to beat a hasty retreat."
The boys followed this advice for the simple reason that there was nothing else to be done. Teddy had looked through the narrow slit in the wall; but without being able to see anything of interest, and in this city which may have been, and probably was standing when Columbus discovered America, the three who had been literally thrown upon the coast of Yucatan lay down to sleep.
Owing to the strangeness of their surroundings, and the knowledge of the danger which threatened, no one gave himself up to very profound slumber.
The silence was so perfect as to be almost oppressive, until half an hour before sunrise, when a low strain of sweetest music arose on the air, gradually swelling in volume, and finally ending in a wild burst which caused Poyor to spring to his feet.
"What is the matter?" Teddy asked, and Cummings replied carelessly:
"Nothing in particular. That music is the summons to prayer, and now is the time when the Indian can go through the streets with less danger of being discovered."
In another instant Jake and the boys were at the apertures which served as windows; but some time elapsed before they could see anything owing to the gloom. Then, as day dissipated the darkness, they distinguished throngs of white robed figures hurrying from every quarter toward some common point, which was probably the temple with its dome of silver.
It was an odd sight to see so many people moving rapidly, but without noise, while neither cart nor animal of any kind accompanied them. Here and there were men carrying burdens on their backs by aid of a strap passed around the forehead, and many women and children literally loaded down with flowers.
"I don't see any great show of gold or silver," Teddy said, after gazing at the scene some time in silence. "No one appears to wear anything like jewelry."
"That may be because such metal is too common here," Jake replied. "What bothers me is to make out why Cummings and the Indian are so afraid of being discovered. These people don't look as if they'd kill a fly unless he made a noise, an' that's what they seem to be scared of."
"Don't make a mistake," Cummings whispered, as he overheard the last portion of the conversation. "If it was known that a white man had succeeded in entering the city our lives would be taken within the next hour."
"You may believe all that; but I'll hold to it that they're the most peaceable lot I ever saw, until somethin' comes up to prove the contrary," and Jake went toward the street door with Poyor, regardless of whether he was seen by the passers-by or not until the Indian said sharply:
"Go back; I do not wish to die."
"If you're frightened of course I'll get out of the way," Jake replied half angrily; "but before we leave this town I'll show you how much reason there is for being afraid."
"And in ten minutes from that time you will cease to live," Poyor replied gravely, as he left the building, closing the door carefully behind him.
"It will be well to remember what he has said," Cummings added sharply as he approached the engineer to bar the door. "These people are peaceable until the time comes when religion and all the traditions of their race tell that a long remembered wrong should be avenged, and then no class can be more implacable. I would not show my face outside of this door for as much gold as can be found in Yucatan."
This remark silenced Jake, but he was by no means convinced of its truthfulness, as could be told by his whispered remark to Neal:
"They know we will have a chance to lug off a pile of money, an' to prevent us from wantin' too much, try to prove that we must stay out of sight so's they can get the cream of the bargain."
"Don't do anything foolish," Teddy replied earnestly. "Cummings would not have asked us to come with him unless there had been good reason for wanting assistance, and it is not possible he has made any mistake regarding the nature of the people."
Jake had nothing more to say; but it could readily be seen that he believed his own ideas on the subject were correct, and at this moment something occurred which demanded his entire attention.
Poyor had but just left the building, and a crowd was gathering in front of the door, causing Cummings to say with every sign of fear:
"We shall soon have a chance of learning what these people will do in event of finding a white man in the city, for it looks as if we were discovered."
It can well be imagined with what anxiety the party in the building looked through the narrow apertures at the crowd below.
Even Jake began to fancy he had made a mistake in regard to their peaceful dispositions, and Teddy noticed that he examined very carefully all the weapons.
Those on the outside were armed chiefly with bows and arrows; but a few carried a sort of spear with a tip which looked not unlike glass, and Neal whispered to Cummings:
"If they have got nothing but arrows we ought to be able to hold a large number in check with our guns."
"Don't make the mistake of despising their weapons, for every one is covered with a poison so deadly that a single scratch would be more dangerous than a wound from a bullet."
"Do you think they have learned that we are here?"
"I can't explain in any other way the motive for the gathering; but none of them appear to be paying very much attention to the building."
As a matter of fact, although there were four to five hundred directly in front of the house, hardly one of them glanced toward the openings through which the little party were gazing; but the majority appeared to be having a most sociable time.
As the moments passed without any evidence that an attack was to be made the voluntary prisoners began to grow more comfortable in mind, and again Jake proposed that such people were neither able nor inclined to inflict much injury upon any one.
Suddenly there was a great commotion among the crowd; the men shouted and waved their weapons, danced about in the most grotesque fashion and from afar off could be heard the sound of music.
Five minutes later the cause of this sudden change of demeanor became apparent.
Down the street from the direction of the forest came several hundred women decorated with the most beautiful flowers, and carrying huge bouquets or wreaths. They trooped along without any attempt at marching in regular order: but on arriving in front of the men they halted suddenly in response to sharp strokes on a gong or tongueless bell which one of them held high in the air.
The men were now on one side of the street and the women on the other, and in this order they stood when twenty persons of both sexes, carrying on a broad flower-covered platform a repulsive looking figure apparently composed of gold, marched between the ranks and halted.
Instantly every one sank down with bowed head as if in adoration, and the invisible music, accompanied by the peals of sweet-toned bells, filled the air with melody.
"We were frightened too soon," Cummings said with a sigh of relief. "It is a festival of some sort, and this happens to be the place where it is to be welcomed to the city. It would be most unfortunate if Poyor should take it into his head to come back just at this time."
"He could see the crowd before getting very near and would know enough to stay at a distance," Neal replied. "I'd like to know what that statue represents."
The golden figure was certainly very odd. Its body was in shape not unlike a panther's; but the tail was short, and stuck straight in the air. The head might have been formed to represent a monkey, although the ears were very long, and the whole was covered with carving to represent scales.
"How much do you suppose it weighs?" Teddy asked of Jake, and the latter, who had also been trying to compute its value, replied:
"Not an ounce less than a hundred pounds. What a prize that would be if we could carry it away!"
"There are many of the same kind in the city." Cummings added, "and we should be able to get off with some before a week is ended."
"Then that is the plan you have formed?" Neal said interrogatively.
"Exactly. Poyor is to examine all the statues near by, and decide upon such as we can pull down some night, after which it will only be a question of reaching our boat. I have no fear of being able to get through the swamp providing we have a start of five or six hours."
While this conversation was being carried on the people outside remained in the same devout attitude; but just as Cummings ceased speaking there was a change in the affairs.
The music grew louder, and the bells were rung more rapidly, and the devotees sprang to their feet with shouts and songs, the women throwing flowers on the platform until the hideous god was nearly hidden from view.
When the tongueless bell was struck three times the crowd gathered around the image bearers, and all started toward what the white men believed was the temple, chanting in perfect harmony with the music.
The worshipers were soon lost to view; but their voices could be heard for ten or fifteen minutes, after which clouds of smoke, probably caused by burning incense, arose from the silver-domed building.
"If Poyor is wise he will come now," Cummings said, as he looked anxiously out. "The people are so intent upon the worship, or installation of a new god, whichever it may be, that he can get into the house without being seen."
But there were no signs of the Indian. Strain their eyes as they might he did not appear.
The sounds of music died away. The smoke ceased to arise from the temple, and the people began to walk the streets intent upon their business or pleasure.
"It is strange he is so imprudent," Cummings muttered half to himself. "Now the only safe way is to wait until night, if indeed he is yet at liberty."
"Do you think anything has happened to him?" Neal asked.
"Of course I can't even guess; but it is very strange he has waited so long."
More than that Cummings would not say: but both the boys could plainly see he was very anxious, and all grew greatly distressed in mind as the hours wore on.
Noon came, and once more the streets were nearly deserted, for the inhabitants of the city were indulging in a siesta.
Now Cummings stationed himself at the window, peering out eagerly; but all in vain.
Slowly the moments passed. The boys tried to eat; but the terrible suspense had spoiled all appetite for food, more especially since it was not particularly inviting, and after swallowing a few crumbs Teddy said:
"It's no use, I can't even force it down. Why did we come here, knowing at least a portion of the danger?"
"'Cause we were fools," Jake replied philosophically; "but that is no reason why we shouldn't have as near to a square meal as is possible," and he began to devour another tortilla.
"We won't despair yet," Cummings said, as he left his post at the window and joined the little group in the further corner of the room, "Poyor is cautious in the extreme, and may believe it isn't safe to enter the house in the daytime under any circumstances."
"Did he say when he would come back?"
"No; it was understood he should return at the first favorable opportunity."
"Could you find the way to the boat if we never saw him again?" Teddy asked.
"Yes, although we might have some trouble in doing so."
Then another long interval of silence came upon the little party, during which each one listened intently for the slightest sound which might betoken a visitor.
Finally Jake fell asleep, and so loud was his snoring that it seemed as if he must be heard from the street, therefore the boys pinched him when there was too great a volume of sound, and at the same time wished they could enjoy the same happy unconsciousness of the situation.
Cummings alternately paced to and fro, and stood by the narrow aperture overlooking the street, until nightfall, when the citizens walked up and down singing or chatting.
It was as if every one was perfectly happy, and this condition of affairs caused Cummings to feel less despondent.
"Look," he said to Neal and Teddy, "if Poyor had been discovered the people would show some signs of excitement. We have no reason to fear yet awhile."
The argument was certainly a good one, and the boys' courage revived wonderfully. They made a reasonably hearty supper of tortillas, and when the promenaders began to disappear, thus telling that the hour for retiring was near at hand, Cummings went downstairs and unbolted the door.
Now every second appeared like a minute, and when it seemed as if the night must be well nigh spent a slight sound was heard from below.
Jake would have rushed to the stair-case to welcome the Indian; but Cummings restrained him. It was not certain who the visitor might be, and with bated breath all listened until a low voice said:
"It is Poyor."
The remark was commonplace in the extreme; but no combination of words sounded more sweetly to the boys, and they rushed forward to clasp the Indian by the hand.
In the dim light it was not possible to see him very clearly; but from the imperfect view all understood that something serious had happened. He was panting as if just having concluded a long race, and the flowing white garments he had put on before leaving in order to resemble the inhabitants of the city, were torn and stained with mud.
Cummings spoke to him in the Indian dialect, and he replied gravely, the first words causing the white man to utter an exclamation of dismay.
"What is the matter? What has happened?" Teddy asked; but Cummings made no reply until Poyor had spoken at considerable length, and then he said:
"The worst possible misfortune has befallen us. Our boat has been discovered and brought into the city. It is believed we are hiding in the swamp, and a number of men are searching there for us."
"Why didn't he come straight back to tell us?" Jake asked angrily. "If these people are so fierce as you pretend, it is time we were making our escape."
"To have approached this place in the daytime would have been in the highest degree dangerous, and, besides, he had a good deal of work to do."
"Such as what?"
"It was necessary we should know exactly the strength and whereabouts of the searching party. That he has discovered."
"And how much good will it do us while we are shut up in here?"
"Do not cast reproaches in the time of trouble," Cummings replied gravely. "We must work together to extricate ourselves from the danger into which I have persuaded you to come."
Jake was silenced, and Poyor continued to tell his story, but still speaking in his own language.
The boys fancied he was proposing some plan which did not meet with Cummings' approbation, for the latter spoke vehemently at times.
While this was going on Teddy whispered to Neal:
"It begins to look as if the sailors who were drowned in the surf were more fortunate than the rest of us. They died quickly, and we shall probably find out what it means to be tortured."
"Don't speak of such horrible things, Teddy. We are not captured yet, and there is no sense in looking trouble in the face."
"It can't be helped sometimes. I've had enough of adventures, and if we do live to escape from this place all the gold in the world wouldn't tempt me to get into another such scrape."
Cummings and Poyor talked together fully half an hour before the former volunteered any further information to his white companions, and then he said:
"It would be useless for me to disguise the truth in any particular, for it is important all should know the absolute facts of the situation. In laying my plans for this expedition the only contingency for which I did not prepare, was exactly what has happened. I never believed there were so many sentinels in the swamp that the boat would be discovered, and when we came through without seeing a single one, I felt perfectly safe on that score."
"Isn't it possible the Indians will think it is a craft belonging to some of their own people?" Neal asked.
"There is no hope of that. She is entirely different in build, and you must remember that we left a number of things on board. Those who found her came directly to the city, and orders have been given by the chief men that the swamp be searched thoroughly. There is no longer any possibility that we could go through without being discovered."
"Then we've got no chance of escaping," Jake cried passionately, and Cummings replied calmly:
"Who says we haven't? the coast line, where no one would think of looking for an enemy, is still open, and what prevents us from trying to make our way in that direction?"
"Then you have given up all hope of carrying away any treasure?"
"Under the circumstances I shall be well pleased if we succeed in getting away alive. We are now in a position where nothing save escape must be thought of, and I am the one who has placed you three in such a dangerous situation. Shut your eyes to the fact that so much treasure might be gained, and bend all your energies to leaving this section of the country. As compared with life gold amounts to very little."
"Then we are to say that the attempt has been a failure," Jake added in a tone of reproach.
"Yes, and I take upon myself all the blame. You have spent but little time on the enterprise, while to it I have devoted not less than two years, therefore you can get some idea of the extent of my disappointment as compared with yours."
"We recognize that fully," Neal replied, "and understand that you believed the expedition would be successful; but since it has proven to be a failure let us decide upon the proper course to be pursued rather than spend our time reproaching each other."
"You are talking like a sensible fellow," Cummings said approvingly. "Here is the situation in a nut-shell, and Poyor understands English sufficiently to follow us in all we say. To go back by the way we came is now impossible, and yet we must leave the city before a house to house search is made, as I am convinced will be the case when it is shown that there are no strangers in the swamp. The only open course is toward the east, over the mountains, and the journey can be accomplished if we hang together. I am willing to acknowledge that I have led you on an unsuccessful search, although that may be of little satisfaction, and now my only aim is to release you from the dangers which beset us all."
"We understand that perfectly," Teddy said quickly, "therefore there is no reason why the matter should be discussed. We took the same chances that you and Poyor did, consequently our interests are identical. Show us how to get out of here, and the Chan Santa Cruz Indians may keep all their gold and silver so far as I am concerned."
"But how are we to be paid for the time spent?" Jake asked fretfully.
"By saving your own life, which is now in great danger," Neal replied. "Give up all idea of making yourself rich by the venture, and think only of how we can best get away."
"That is something for Cummings to fix," Jake replied in a sulky tone. "I came here for gold, and if that can't be had let those who put up the job help us out of the scrape."
"I have already taken upon myself all the blame of the failure, and admitted that it came about through an oversight of mine," Cummings said sternly. "Now if you will listen to my plan I believe we can get out of here alive, which is the one important thing just at this time when everything has gone against us."
"What do you propose to do?" Neal asked, with a glance at Jake which should have silenced him.
"Strike for the sea-shore. Poyor believes it is yet possible to leave the city on the eastern side without danger of meeting the sentinels, the majority of whom have been withdrawn to aid in searching the swamp, and by moving quickly we can at least be out of this hornets' nest before sunrise."
"You are the best judge; we will follow your directions," Teddy said, speaking more calmly than one would have fancied was possible in view of all the danger. "Tell us what you think is best and we will agree to it, for now Neal and I have but one desire, which is to leave the Silver City in the shortest possible space of time. We can be of but little assistance in case of a regular fight, and according to my way of thinking, your greatest mistake has been in accepting such useless companions."
"I am perfectly satisfied that so far as you are concerned I have not made any error. With twenty well-armed men I should not try to maintain my position, for to hold out against an attack would be impossible, and the only question now is whether we can escape. Having been here once I will come again, and at some time in the future you shall hear that I succeeded in bringing away treasure from this same wonderful city."
Then Cummings held a short conversation with Poyor, and when it was concluded turned toward Neal and Teddy, as if disdaining to submit any plans to Jake, and said:
"My first idea was to make an effort to return by the same way we came; but the Indian has persuaded me to the contrary. Are you willing to do as we think best?"
"You are as eager to save your own lives as we are ours," Neal replied, "and since you are familiar with this country it would be foolish for us to offer any advice. Do whatever in the opinion of both is best, and we will obey orders."
"Our scheme necessitates an immediate move, for, as yet, no attempt has been made to learn if there are any strangers in the city."
"Then you propose to go without making any effort to carry away gold?" Jake asked.
"Exactly. The journey has been a failure, through my carelessness as I said before, and to load ourselves down with treasure when a long march is before us, would be the height of folly."
Jake remained silent, and Neal said:
"Don't waste any more time talking. Let us start at once."
Cummings spoke with Poyor, and the latter replied with the air of one who considers himself vanquished, after which the former said:
"We may need all this food. Make it up into bundles, and we will start at once. The journey before us is a long and a dangerous one: but, as I believe, it is the only way of escape left open."
The boys set about making the small amount of baggage into five parcels while Cummings and the Indian were still discussing some point, and when the conversation was concluded the former said:
"We will start for the sea coast. There is no immediate hurry, for there is yet at least six hours before the inhabitants will be stirring."
"There must be sentinels on the east as well as the west side," Teddy suggested.
"True; but if the information brought by Poyor be correct, there will not be as strict a watch kept. The Indian believes we should try to force a passage through the swamp, fighting in case of a necessity; but I prefer that course where the least danger is to be met, even though the distance be greater."
Neither Neal nor Teddy cared to discuss the matter: they knew that Cummings was the best judge in such a case, and were well content to follow his leadership; but Jake did not trust him so implicitly.
"Before we leave here I want to know your plans," he said. "My life as well as yours and the others, is in danger, and it is no more than right that I have at least a faint idea of what is to be done."
"You are quite right," Cummings replied mildly. "It is my purpose to travel toward the east as far as the sea-shore, and from there make our way to my hut. So far as I can see it is the only practicable course."
"What does the Indian say?"
"He thinks we can go through the swamp even if we have no boat: but, in my opinion, the danger of contracting the fever is too great."
Jake had the appearance of a man who is about to make some protest, and Neal whispered to him:
"In such a case as this it is our duty to accept Cummings' view of the matter. Do not delay now when we all know that every moment is precious."
"Have it your own way, I won't say another word," the engineer replied impatiently; "but I think we have followed this man blindly as long as we should."
Neal paid no attention to the latter portion of this remark, but said as he turned toward the leader:
"It is all right; we are ready."
"Then follow me, and remember that our lives may pay the forfeit if a single incautious word is spoken."
Thus speaking he took up one of the packages, looked once more to the cartridges in his gun, and started down the stairs, the boys and Jake following, while Poyor brought up the rear.
At the outer door he hesitated an instant, much as if to persuade himself that it was absolutely necessary to flee from this city to enter which he had spent so many days in making preparations, and then, throwing it open, he led the way into the deserted streets.
"Our safest plan is to go straight across, rather than try to circle around the outskirts where we may meet with sentinels," he said, motioning for Poyor to lead the way. "At present no one suspects that we are here, consequently the guard will not be particularly on the alert."
"Do as you think best," Neal replied, and then, falling back by the side of Teddy, he whispered:
"If it hadn't been for me you wouldn't have gotten into this scrape; in case anything happens try not to believe it was my fault."
"There is no possible chance that you can be to blame," Teddy replied warmly. "Any one would have accepted the invitation to go yachting, and this last part of the cruise is only the result of an accident with which you had nothing to do."
Jake did not open his mouth; he acted as if Cummings had done him a personal injury in proposing such a trip, and the fact that they were obliged to leave without making any effort to carry away the vast amount of treasure which he knew to be in the city unguarded, aroused his anger in a most unreasonable degree.
Poyor took the lead and conducted the party directly past the enormous temple with its ornamentation of silver which shone in the pale rays of the moon until the entire structure appeared to be a solid mass of the precious metal, and the marvelous sight was too much for Jake, who, coming to a sudden halt, said doggedly:
"It may be all right for you boys with rich fathers to turn your backs on so much wealth; but I'm goin' to have some part of this treasure, or give the Indians a fair chance to kill me."
Cummings was bringing up the rear during this march across the city, and when Jake halted he naturally thought it was in obedience to some signal made by Poyor, therefore he remained silent until hearing Neal say imploringly:
"Go on, Jake. Don't stop now when we have a chance of getting away in safety, for what is gold in comparison with life?"
"Have you halted with any idea that it may be possible to carry anything off with us?" Cummings asked, speaking in a whisper, and Jake replied in the same cautious tone:
"That's the size of it. You brought us here with the promise that we could make ourselves rich, and when the first little thing goes wrong you run. Now I will do as I please."
"It is nothing less than suicide. We have before us a journey so long and difficult that however small a burden you may have to carry, it will seem all too heavy."
By this time Poyor turned back to learn the cause of the halt, and when it was explained he said gravely:
"Each instant we stand here brings death so much nearer. Even at this moment watchful eyes may be upon us, and once we are discovered flight will be almost impossible."
The little party stood directly in front of what was evidently the main entrance to the temple. It was formed of twenty slender shafts of white stone which in the moonlight looked translucent, and each column upheld a grotesque figure composed of what appeared to be silver.
"I am goin' to have one of them images, no matter what happens," Jake said doggedly. "I don't care how much of a tramp there is before us, and the more the thing weighs the better I'll be pleased, for it's the first chance I ever had to make myself rich."
"But think of us," Teddy whispered. "We all run the risk of being killed because of what you propose to do."
"There's no need of your waitin' here. Go on, an' I'll take care of myself. I ain't such a chump as not to be able to find my way out."
"It must be as he says. We can wait no longer," Poyor said peremptorily. "Better one should die than all," and, seizing Neal by the shoulder, he literally dragged him away.
Cummings did the same by Teddy, and as the boys were thus forced from the place they saw Jake trying to make his way up one of the smooth shafts.
"It is cruel to leave him when you know he will be killed," Neal said as he struggled in vain to release himself from the Indian's grasp.
"He knows the danger, and will not come. We must care for ourselves. Now remain quiet; there has been too much noise and too long a delay."
Poyor was walking at a pace so rapid that the boys were forced to run; but before they reached the next intersecting street a loud crash was heard from the direction of the temple, and Cummings whispered:
"He has toppled over one of the columns, and discovery is now certain. He has insured our destruction as well as his own."
The words had hardly been uttered when shouts were heard from different portions of the city, and, as if he had sprung from the ground, a man appeared directly in their path.
A second's delay would have been fatal. Poyor, releasing his hold of Neal, dashed forward with the agility of a cat, and springing upon the stranger bore him to the ground.
There was a short, sharp struggle which lasted while one might possibly have counted ten, and then the man lay motionless while Poyor, grasping Neal by the arm once more, darted on down the street.
Now it seemed as if the entire city had been aroused. On every hand could be heard shouts as if of command and cries of surprise and anger. The sound of footsteps in the rear told that the pursuit had already begun, and it was a race for life with the odds fearfully against the fugitives.
"You must run now as you never did before," Cummings said sharply to Teddy. "There can be no thought of fatigue until we reach some shelter where it will be possible to make a stand."
"I can hold out as long as Neal; but neither of us are a match for Poyor."
"He could run all day."
Two moments later, when they were nearing a broad street which Cummings fancied led to the woods on the eastern side of the city, Poyor slackened his pace to say:
"There is one close behind who must be stopped. Will you do it, or shall I?"
"Help Teddy along, while I try it."
As the Indian took Teddy by the arm, thus having a boy on either side of him, Cummings unslung the rifle which had been strapped over his shoulder, and, wheeling suddenly, raised it at a man who was not more than forty yards in the rear.
"Don't shoot! It's me!" a familiar voice cried, and as Cummings turned to resume the flight he muttered to himself:
"It's a pity they haven't caught you. But for your folly we could have passed through the city unobserved."
Jake no longer believed the Chan Santa Cruz Indians to be such a peaceable race. When, as Cummings had suspected, the shaft he was trying to climb toppled over, he was able to escape injury by leaping to one side, and immediately made an effort to detach the statue which was cemented firmly to the stone.
It seemed to him that he had but just begun the task when two men rushed from the interior of the temple. Fortunately for him they were unarmed or his term of life would have expired at that moment; but as it was one of them seized a fragment of the stone as he turned to run, and threw it with such accuracy of aim that Jake's cheek was cut from the eye to the chin as smoothly as if done with a razor.
With the blood streaming down his face Jake ran for dear life in the direction taken by the remainder of the party, and now fully realizing the danger he had brought upon them.
"I deserve to be killed," he said to himself, "and if that Poyor don't try to even up things with me for this night's job it'll be because he's a better Indian than I ever gave him credit for."
When the remainder of the party reached the end of the broad street with the welcome shelter of the forest not more than half a mile away, Jake was ten or twelve yards in the rear, and three times that distance behind him were a dozen men who appeared to be gaining each instant.
Again Poyor spoke to Cummings, and again the latter stopped suddenly and wheeled about: but this time there was no warning shout to prevent the rifle from being discharged.
There was a loud report, a cry of pain from one of the pursuers, and all halted for an instant to aid their wounded companion.
When Cummings turned to continue the flight Jake was by his side, saying as they ran:
"If it comes to close quarters I'll drop behind, and make as long a fight as I can, which will give the rest a chance to gain on the crowd."
"They would surely kill you. There could be no hope in a hand to hand struggle."
"I know that, and it will be no more than I deserve. If I hadn't been such a fool you would have got through without turning a hair."
This confession and the proposition to sacrifice himself had the effect of dissipating Cummings' anger, and he said decidedly:
"We will stick together and take even chances. No matter what has been done one shall not be sacrificed to save the rest unless I, who brought you here, am that one."
To carry on any extended conversation and at the same time continue the pace was out of the question, and during the next five minutes not a word was spoken.
Now there were two dozen pursuers, and the boys had become so nearly exhausted that Teddy felt positive that he could not keep on his feet long enough to reach the forest.
Poyor, seeing that both the boys had nearly run their race, shouted in his own language a few words to Cummings, clasped his panting companions by the waist, and, although thus burdened, soon drew away from both the white men.
Nearer and nearer come the pursuers.
Once more Cummings halts, discharges his rifle, and then presses forward.
Poyor gains the shelter while the others are a hundred yards away, and allowing the boys to drop to the ground, he unslings Neal's gun, stands at the very edge of the cover where he fires two shots just in time to save the remainder of the party.
"We must not stop here," he says as Cummings comes to a halt by his side. "Help the boys, and leave me here long enough to hold them in check until you have put considerable distance between the crowd and yourselves."
Cummings waited only until he had given the Indian his own rifle and some cartridges, for it was a more effective weapon than Neal's, and then he and Jake did as directed.
Traveling in as nearly a straight line as possible they marched rapidly, while behind them could be heard shot after shot, telling that Poyor was doing his duty.
"If he can keep that up long enough we shall give them the slip after all," Jake said, speaking with difficulty as he gasped for breath.
"There are others to be met. Between here and the coast is a line of sentinels who may be more vigilant than those in the swamp."
Now that the pace was slower, and because of the assistance rendered, Neal and Teddy were able to make their way unaided, and the former said as he pushed Cummings from him:
"I am all right now. You have as much as you can do to take care of yourself, and it is not fair to half carry me as you and Poyor have been doing."
"It hasn't been such a very hard job; but I'm perfectly willing to give it up if you are feeling better."
"We are both in fair condition," Teddy replied, and being relieved of the burdens the men were able to travel more rapidly.
During the next ten minutes not a word was spoken, and then Cummings said as he halted:
"We'll take a little rest, for I am nearly blown."
All threw themselves on the ground where they lay panting until, recovering somewhat, Jake asked:
"How is Poyor to find us in this thicket? He can't follow a trail in the darkness."
"He will succeed in doing so as—— Say, are you wounded?"
"One of those fellows cut my cheek open with a rock; but beyond the pain I don't reckon there's been any great damage done."
"You are fortunate that it was not inflicted by an arrow or spear. Let me try to bandage it, for the loss of blood will tell upon you if we continue this gait very long."
With strips torn from Jake's shirt the wound was bound up in an awkward fashion, and Cummings said as he finished the work:
"When Poyor comes he will gather a certain leaf which has healing properties, and in a short time all the pain will go away; but I fancy you'll carry that scar to your grave."
Jake professed to have but little care how long the scar might remain on his face providing the wound healed, and they succeeded in escaping from the Chan Santa Cruz Indians.
"Nothing that can happen to us during the journey to Merida would be half as bad as to fall into their hands," he said with a shudder, "and what surprises me most is that I should have thought they were peaceably inclined."
"But that is exactly what they are until it comes to dealing with a white man," Cummings replied. "You must remember all that the people—the natives I mean—have suffered since America was discovered. The barbarous treatment they received from the Spaniards is told from father to son, and it is a portion of their religious training to work all the injury possible to the whites. Read of what the invaders did to satisfy their thirst for gold, and then you can no longer wonder why these people, the only ones who have kept their city free from the conqueror, are so implacable. Remember that Yucatan was once covered with populous cities, the ruins of which show even at this late date how magnificent they were, how splendid beyond comparison with the one we have seen, and you ask yourselves why these Indians do not rise and massacre all of the hated color that can be found." |