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The Science of Human Nature - A Psychology for Beginners
by William Henry Pyle
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SUMMARY. Psychology is of service to education in ascertaining the nature of the child and the laws of learning; to law, in determining the reliability of evidence and in the prevention of crime; to medicine, in the work of diagnosis and treatment; to business, in advertising and salesmanship; to the industries, in finding the man for the place and the place for the man; to everybody, in giving a keener insight into, and understanding of, human nature.


1. Visit a court room when a trial is in progress. Note wherein psychology could be of service to the jury, to the judge, and to the attorneys.

2. To test the reliability of evidence, proceed as follows: Take a large picture, preferably one in color and having many details; hold it before the class in a good light where all can see it. Let them look at it for ten or fifteen seconds, the time depending on the complexity of the picture. The students should then write down what they saw in the picture, underscoring all the points to which they would be willing to make oath. Then the students should answer a list of questions prepared by the teacher, on various points in the picture. Some of these questions should be suggestive, such as, "What color is the dog?" supposing no dog to be in the picture. The papers giving the first written description should be graded on the number of items reported and on their accuracy. The answers to the questions should be graded on their accuracy. How do girls compare with boys in the various aspects of the report? What is the accuracy of the underlined points?

3. Let the teacher, with the help of two or three students, perform before the class some act or series of acts, with some conversation, and then have the students who have witnessed the performance write an account of it, as in No. 2.

4. Divide the class into two groups. Select one person from each to look at a picture as in No. 1. These two people are then to write a complete account of the picture. This account is then read to another person in the same group, who then writes from memory his account and reads to another. This is to be continued till all have heard an account and written their own. You will then have two series of accounts of the same picture proceeding from two sources. It will be well for the two who look at the picture to be of very different types, let us say, one imaginative, the other matter-of-fact.

Do all the papers of one series have some characteristics that enable you to determine from which group they come? What conclusions and inferences do you draw from the experiment?

5. Does the feeling of certainty make a thing true? See how many cases you can find in a week, of persons feeling sure a statement is true, when it is really false.

6. In the following way, try to find out something which a person is trying to conceal. Prepare a list of words, inserting now and then words which have some reference to the vital point. Read the words one by one to the person and have him speak the first word suggested by those read. Note the time taken for the responses. A longer reaction time usually follows the incriminating words, and the subject is thrown into a visible confusion.

7. Talk to successful physicians and find out what use they make of suggestion and other psychological principles.

8. Spend several hours visiting different grades below the high school. In how many ways could the teachers improve their work by following psychological principles?

9. Could the qualities of a good teacher—native and acquired—be measured by tests and experiments?

10. Visit factories where men do skillful work and try to learn by observation what types of mind and body are required by the different kinds of work.

11. Does the occupation which you have chosen for life demand any specific abilities? If so, do you possess them in a high degree?

12. Could parents better train their children if they made use of psychological principles?

13. In how many ways will the facts learned in this course be of economic use to you in your life? In what ways will they make life more pleasurable?

14. Make a complete outline of this chapter.


MUeNSTERBERG: Psychology, General and Applied, Chapter XXVII-XXXIII.

MUeNSTERBERG: The Psychology of Industrial Efficiency.


COLVIN, S. S., and BAGLEY, W. C.: Human Behavior. The Macmillan Company, 1913.

DAVENPORT, C. B.: Heredity in Relation to Eugenics. Henry Holt & Company, 1911.

DEWEY, J.: How We Think. D. C. Heath & Company, 1910.

KELLICOTT, W. E.: The Social Direction of Human Evolution. D. Appleton & Company, 1911.

KIRKPATRICK, E. A.: The Fundamentals of Child Study. The Macmillan Company, 1912.

MUeNSTERBERG, H.: Psychology, General and Applied. D. Appleton & Company, 1914.

MUeNSTERBERG, H.: The Psychology of Industrial Efficiency. Houghton Mifflin Company, 1913.

PILLSBURY, W. B.: Essentials of Psychology. The Macmillan Company, 1916.

PYLE, W. H.: Outlines of Educational Psychology. Warwick and York, 1912.

PYLE, W. H.: The Examination of School Children. The Macmillan Company, 1913.

ROWE, S. H.: Habit-Formation and the Science of Teaching. Longmans, Green, & Company, 1911.

TITCHENER, E. B.: A Beginner's Psychology. The Macmillan Company, 1916.


Most of the terms given below are explained in the text, but it is hoped that this alphabetical list with brief definitions will prove helpful. It is a difficult task to make the definitions scientific and at the same time brief, simple, and clear.

Abnormal. Having mental or physical characteristics widely different from those commonly found in ordinary people.

Acquired nature. Those aspects of habit, skill, knowledge, ideas, and ideals that come from experience and are due to experience.

Action. Muscular contractions usually producing motion of the body or of some part of the body.

Adaptation. Adjustment to one's surroundings.

Adaptive. Readily changing one's responses and acquiring such new responses as enable one to meet successfully new situations; also having tendencies or characteristics which enable one to be readily adjustable.

After-images. Images that follow immediately after stimulation of a sense organ, and resulting from this stimulation.

Association. Binding together ideas through experiencing them together.

Attention. Relative clearness of perceptions and ideas.

Attitude. The tendency toward a particular type of response in action or a particular idea or association in thought.

Bond. The connection established in the nervous system which makes a certain response follow a certain stimulus or a certain idea follow another idea or perception.

Capacity. The possibility of learning, achieving, etc.

Color blindness. Inability to experience certain colors, usually red and green.

Complementary color. Complementary colors are those which, mixed in the right proportion, produce gray.

Congenital. Inborn.

Connection. The nerve-path through which a stimulus produces a response or through which one idea produces or evokes another.

Conscious. Having consciousness, or accompanying consciousness or producing consciousness.

Consciousness. The mental states—perceptions, ideas, feelings—which one has at any moment.

Low level of consciousness. Conscious processes not so clear as others existing at the same time.

High level of consciousness. Conscious processes that are clear as compared to others existing at the same time.

Contrast. The enhancing or strengthening of a sensation by another of opposite quality.

Correlation. The relation that exists between two functions, characteristics, or attributes that enables us, finding one, to predict the presence of the other.

Development. The appearance, or growth, or strengthening of a characteristic.

Emotion. The pleasure-pain aspect of experience plus sensations from characteristic bodily reactions.

Environment. The objects and forces about us which affect us through our senses.

Environmental instincts. Instincts which have originated, at least in part, from the periodic changes in man's environment.

Eugenics. The science of race improvement through selective breeding or proper marriages or in some cases through the prevention of marriage.

Experience. What we learn of the world through sensation and perception.

Fatigue. Inability to work produced by work and which only rest will cure.

Feeble-minded. Having important mental traits only poorly developed or not at all.

Feeling. The pleasure-pain aspect of experience or of ideational states.

Function. The use of a thing or process, also any mental process or combination of processes considered as a unit.

Genetic. Having reference to origin and development.

Habits. Definite responses to definite stimuli depending upon bonds established by use after birth.

Heredity. Transmission of characteristics from parent to offspring.

Human nature. The characteristics and tendencies which we have as human beings, with particular reference to mind and action.

Ideals. Definite tendencies to act in definite ways. Ideas of definite types of action with tendency toward the actions; ideas of definite conditions, forms, and states together with a desire to experience or possess them.

Ideas. Revived perceptions.

Images. Revived sensations, simpler than ideas.

Imitation. Acting as we see others act.

Impulse. Tendency to action.

Individualistic instincts. Those instincts which more immediately serve individual survival.

Individual differences. The mental and physical differences between people.

Inherited nature. Those aspects of one's nature due directly to heredity.

Instincts. Definite responses produced by definite stimuli through hereditary connections in the nervous system.

Intellectual habits. Definite fixed connections between ideas; definite ways of meeting typical thought situations.

Intensity. The amount or strength of a sensation or image, how far it is from nothing.

Interest. The aspect given to experience or thinking by attention and pleasure.

Learning. Establishing new bonds or connections in the nervous system; acquiring habits; gaining knowledge.

Memory. The retention of experience; retained and reproduced experience.

Mental set. Mental attitude or disposition.

Mind. The sum total of one's conscious states from birth to death.

Nerve-path. The route traversed by a nerve-stimulus or excitation.

Original nature. All those aspects of mind and body directly inherited.

Perceive. To be aware of a thing through sensation.

Perception. Awareness of a thing through sensation or a fusion of sensations.

Plasticity. Modifiability, making easy the formation of new bonds or nerve-connections.

Presupposition. A theory or hypothesis on which an argument or a system of arguments or principles is based.

Primary. First, original, elementary, perceptive experience as distinguished from ideational experience.

Reaction. The action immediately following a stimulus and produced by it.

Reasoning. Thinking to a purpose; trying to meet a new situation.

Reflex. A very simple act brought about by a stimulus through an hereditary nerve-path.

Response. The act following a stimulus and produced by it.

Retention. Memory; modification of the nervous system making possible the revival of experience.

Science. Knowledge classified and systematized.

Sensation. Primary experience; consciousness directly due to the stimulation of a sense organ.

Sense. To sense is to have sensation, to perceive. A sense is a sense organ or the ability to have sensation through a sense organ.

Sense organ. A modified nerve-end with accompanying apparatus or mechanism making possible a certain form of stimulation.

Sensitive. Capable of giving rise to sensation, or transmitting a nerve-current.

Sensitivity. Property of, or capacity for being sensitive.

Sensory. Relating to a sense organ or to sensation.

Situation. The total environmental influences of any one moment.

Socialistic instincts. The instincts related more directly to the survival of a social group.

Stimulation. The setting up of a nerve process in a sense organ or in a nerve tract.

Stimulus. That which produces stimulation.

Subnormal. Having characteristics considerably below the normal.

Tendency. Probability of a nerve-current taking a certain direction due to nerve-organization.

Thinking. The passing of images and ideas.

Thought. Thinking; an idea or group of ideas.

Training. Establishing nerve connection or bonds.

Vividness. Clearness of sensations, perceptions, images, and ideas.


Abilities, specialized, 179

Ability, unusual, 206

Adaptation of vision, 41

After-images, visual, 40

Ancestors, 22 f.

Anger, 58

Appearance of instincts, 54

Applied psychology, 8-9, 210 ff.

Association of ideas, 152

Astigmatism, 44

Attention, 80 ff.; and will, 82.

Attitude, 157

Behavior, 7

Bodily conditions, 76

Brain, 7

Brightness, sensation of, 38

Business, 215

Causality, 18, 21

Centrally initiated action, 51

Child, nature of, 11

Cold, sense of, 42

Collecting instinct, 62

College, function of, 217

Color blindness, 45

Color mixture, 39

Color, sensation of, 38

Completion test, 198

Concentrated practice, 102

Consciousness, 7

Conservatism, 109

Costly Temper test, 186

Cramming, 141

Criminal, the, 213 f.

Curriculum, 145

Darwin, 89

Defects of sense organs, 43

Development, individual, 24 ff.; racial, 18-21; significance of and causality, 21-24

Direct method, 112

Dizziness, organs that give us sense of, 42

Dramatization, 67

Drill in school subjects, 110-112

Dynamic, world as, 20

Economical practice, 101 ff.

Education, 210; aim of, 10; preparatory, 167; science of, 9 ff.

Educational inferences, 143

Educational psychology, 9 ff.

Efficiency, 98, 108

Emotions, 74 ff.

Environment, 31

Environmental instincts, 61

Envy, 58

Evolution, 19 ff.

Exceptions, 101, 114

Excursions, 61

Experience, 8; organization of, 169

Experiment, 13 ff.

Eye, the, 37

Eye defects, 43 ff.

Eyestrain, 20

Farsightedness, 44

Fatigue, 101

Fear, 56

Feeble-mindedness, 29

Feeling, 73 ff.

Fighting instincts, 58

Formal drill, III, 112

Free association frequency surface, 178

Free association test, 193

Frequency of experience, 156

Gang instinct, 60

Genetic view of childhood, 24

Genius, 31

Habit, 87 ff.; and nerve path, 91; how formed, 98 ff.; importance in life, 107; intellectual, 89; moral, 90; of thought, 169; results of, 94; specific, 116

Hearing, 41; defects of, 45

Heredity, 24 ff.

Heredity vs. Environment, 31

Heritage, social, 23

High school and fourth grade abilities compared, 203

High school, function of, 217

Home and moral training, 118

Idea, 52

Ideas, 124

Imitation, 64 ff.

Imitation in ideals, 67

Incidental drill, 111

Individual development, 24 ff.

Individual differences, 176 ff.

Individualistic instincts, 56

Industry, 216

Influencing men, 215

Inheritance, 22

Inherited tendencies, 50 ff.

Initiative, 113

Instincts, 52 ff.; classification of, 55; significance of, 55

Interest, 84

Intervals between practice, 102

Jealousy, 58

Joints, sense organs in, 42

Jost's law, 142

Language and thinking, 170 ff.

Language study, 144

Latin, 116

Law, service of psychology to, 212

Learning and remembering, 138

Learning by wholes, 141

Life occupations, 205

Logical memory, 184 ff.

Meaning, 163 ff.

Medicine, 211

Memories, kinds of, 132

Memory, 124 ff.; and age and sex, 127; and habit, 146; and school standing, 135; and thinking, 134; factors of, 128 ff.; good, dangers resulting from, 137; kinds of, 132

Mendelian principle, 26

Mental development, 19

Mental differences, 178; detection of, 180; importance of, 201 ff.

Mental functions developed, 182

Mental set, 157

Mental tests, 183 ff.

Mind and body, 34 ff.

Mood, 78

Moral training, 117 ff.

Motive, 77

Muscular speed, 14

Museum, school, 62 ff.

Musical ability, 179

Nearsightedness, 44

Needs of child, 77

Nerve tendency, 92

Norms in mental tests, 184 ff.

Occupations, 205

Opposites test, 195 ff.

Organization of experience, 163 ff.

Pain sense, 42

Parents, and habit-formation of children, 104 ff., 119

Perception, 124

Physiological basis of memory, 126

Piano playing, 51, 97

Pitch, 41

Plasticity, 93

Play, 68

Pleasure and habit, 101

Pleasure, higher forms of, 80

Practice, 99, 113

Primary experience, 154

Psychology and culture, 218

Psychology defined, 5; method of, 13; problems of, 8

Race, development of, 18 ff.; improvement of, 30

Ranking students, 15

Reasoning, 159; training in, 168

Recalling forgotten names, 146

Recency of experience, 155

Regeneration, 23

Repetition, 99

Respect for authority, 77

Resemblance, 25

Retina, the, 37 f.

Revived experience, 125

Rigidity, 108

Rote memory, 189

Rules for habit-formation, 113

Salesmanship, 215

School, and habit, 108; and moral training, 119 f.

Schoolhouse, community center, 60 f.

Science, 1

Scientific law, 3

Scientist, 1 ff.

Securing efficiency, 218

Selecting habits, 109

Sense organs, affects of stimulating, 6, 7; knowledge through, 35

Sleight's experiment, 140

Smell, 42

Social life of children, 60

Social tendencies, 59

Stimulation, 6

Stimulus and response, 50

Study, learning how to, 132

Subnormal children, 206

Substitution test, 192

Taste, 42

Teacher, function of in memory work, 142; function of in habit-formation, 103

Teaching too abstract, 129

Temperament, 78

Tendons, sense organs in, 42

Thinking, 152 ff., 159

Touch, 42

Transfer of training, 114 ff., 140

Truancies, 61

Typewriting, 51, 94 ff.

Vision, 37; importance of, 45

Visual contrast, 39

Vividness and intensity of experience, 156

Wandering, 61

Warmth, sense of, 42

Weight, diagram showing frequency surface of, 177

Word-building test, 197

Work and psychology, 218


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