And here I thought to make an end of the Art of Ringing, but Cynthius aurem vellit, the young Practitioner, whose only Information is hereby aimed at, plucks me by the Sleeve, and tells me in the Ear, that tho' Peals upon six, as Triples and Doubles, &c. make excellent Musick upon Eight Bells, 4 8, 6 8, 4 1, or 1 8 lying behind: Or, Triples and Doubles upon the six middle Bells, the Tenor lying behind; yet for him who is not arrived to such a perfection of Skill, as to Ring these compleat Peals, the most proper and easy for him are Set-changes, which are founded on these Grounds.
First, Placing the Bells Fifths; thus the 4 must hunt up behind the 7, the 3 behind the 6, and the 2 behind the 5; or the one may Hunt down under the other, as the 5 under the 2, the 6 under 3, and 7 under 4: Or if you will, first let a Single, next a Double, and then a Triple Change be made on the middle Bells, all coming to the same effect; for then the Changes will lye Fifths thus: 1 5, 2 6, 3 7, 4 8. In the Peal four Concords are to be regarded, The first 1 5, the Second 2 6, the third 3 7, and the fourth 4 8.
These four Concords may go the Methods of any Changes upon four Bells; 1, 5 being taken for the Treble; 2, 6 for the Second; 3, 6 for the Third; and 4, 8 for the Fourth; and the Concords may Change places with one another, as you lift. In which this Observation is highly necessary, that the two Notes of every Concord must constantly attend each other in their Motion; that is, whenever one of the two Notes moves, the other must follow it.
Or Secondly, Place the Bells Thirds; thus: The 6 4 and 2 must hunt up, or else the 3 5 7 down; or otherwise on the middlemost Bells let a Triple, Double or Single Change be made, are to one effect; and then the Bells will lye Thirds thus, 1 3. 5 7. 2 4. 6 8. Herein are four Concords observable; as in the former Peal, viz. 1 3. 5 7. 2 4. 6 8. These Concords may go the Methods of any Changes upon Four Bells, 1, 3 being taking for the Treble, 5, 7 for the Second; 2, 4 for the Third; and 6, 8 for the Fourth; moving in the same manner; as before shewed.
By these Grounds Variety of excellent and Musical Changes are to be Rung; any Concord may be made a Hunt, and to move up and down at the beginning.
In Ringing these Set-changes, the Note will lye sometimes Fifths, sometimes Thirds and both, and then to Clam them, is admirable Musick: Clamming is, when each Concord strike together; which being done true the 8 will strike as but four Bells, and make a Melodious Harmony. You may Clam two or three bouts, and then strike as many times Open, alternatively, one Clam one Pull, and Open the next, &c.
Vocal Musick: Or, Plain and Easy Directions to Sing by Notes, wherein with a little Help, any one who is Musically given, may be perfected in a short time.
Musick, especially Vocal, has been of such high Esteem in all Ages, that it is accounted no less than a Divine Science producing such Concordance, and Harmony, that it cheereth and rejoyceth the Hearts of Men, and is delightful to every Creature. It is certainly an Addition to the joy in Heaven, where the Saints and Angels sing Halleluja's and Songs of Praises before the Throne of God. St. Austin tells us, that it is the Gift of God to Men, as well as to Angels, and a Representation and Admonition of the sweet consent and Harmony which his Wisdom hath made in the Creation and Administration of the World. But not to Prologue on what everywhere so much commends it self, I shall Sum up what in that Nature is expedient in a few Verses, and so proceed to the Subject Matter, viz.
Nature, which is the vast Creations Soul, That steady curious Agent in the whole, The Art of Heaven, the Order of this Frame Is only Musick in an other Name: And as some King Conquering what was his own Hath choice of various Titles to his Crown, So Harmony on this Score now, that then, Yet still is all that takes and governs Men: Beauty is but Composure, and we find Content is but the Concord of the Mind; Friendship the Unison of well tun'd Hearts, Honour the Chorus of the noblest Parts. And all the Worlds good on which we can reflect Is Musick to the Ear, or to the Intellect.
There are to make up a Musical Harmony computed seven Notes; now in the easiest way expressed by the Seven letters of the Alphbet, viz. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. And If it so fall out, that a Voice or Musick gradually rise or fall more than Seven Notes; The subsequent 8th, 9th, or 10th, will in the same order proceed, bearing the like Relation each to the other, as the 1st. 2d. 3d, &c. to which they respectively are Eights. And so that from hence every Eighth Note, being in Nature alike, is called by the name of that to which it is in an Eighth; however above or below it; and for the better understanding the various Musical Compositions out of these Notes, Musicians have devised and make use of Lines and Characters, that as a Language they may be understood and Communicated by Book, for the Instruction of the unlearned: As in the following Introductory Example, you will perceive;
In this example, before I come nearer to particulars in general, observe first, that those Characters you observe at the beginning of the Lines, are termed Cliffs or Claves, Keys to open and signify what part or pitch of Voice, viz. the Treble, Mean, or Basse properly the Notes belong to; as likewise on what Line or Space the Seven letters expressing the Notes is placed. And then again, the five Lines and Spaces between them are useful, as Steps or Gradations whereon the degrees of Sound are to be expressed, or the Notes ascending and descending: Then Thirdly, the Characters placed on the five Lines, express the Notes themselves, or stand for them; and their difference in form, signify their quality, whether they be longer or shorter.
Your care must therefore be in this, and the Chapters following, to consider well in the first place, the Gam-ut, to learn the use of the Cliffs: Next to that, the Names of the Lines and Spaces, whereby you may readily know how to call a Note, as it stands on any of the Lines; and Thirdly, How you should Sing those Notes in right Tune, as well by degrees, as leaps; and last of all, to give each Note its due Quantity of Time.
This in general, being observed, and seriously weighed; that you may take a prospect of your task, I from it proceed to the Gam-ut, so far as I think necessary to my present design, which is to let you understand by it the use of the Cliffs, with the order and distances of the Notes, as the Parts in a Body lye together.
The consistence of this Scale is of Eleven Lines, with the Intermediate Spaces, and contains the places of all the Notes that are made use of Ordinarily in Vocal Musick. In the first Column you will find placed the Old Notes, being set down, that you may see what they are. And in the Second Column you are shewed which of the Seven letters properly belongs to each Line and Space. The Third Column contains the Cliffs, or signed Keys, demonstrating how many degrees of Notes they are one above another, which once Circumspectly observed and known, the other degrees of Distance are with more ease computed. And here
Five of these Lines, with their Spaces, are usually sufficient for the pricking down any Tune, for which reason this Scale is divided into Three Parts or Staves, compassed in with Arched Lines; and of these the lowermost five are proper and belonging to the Bass, and are known by this mark [Symbol: Bass Clef] on the Line of F. usually, therefore called the F. Fa-ut Cliff or Key; because it opens to us the letters standing on the other Lines and Spaces, as in the ensuing Chapter will appear. As for the uppermost five Lines, they contain the highest of the Notes, and so belong to the Treble or highest Part. The Key to which is marked in this manner, [Symbol: G clef] and sometimes G S. on the lower Line but one.
The middle part or Tenor, usually takes in two of the upper Treble Lines; also two of the Bass Lines, that in the middle only being proper to it self, known by this mark placed on it, [Symbol: Tenor Clef mark] for the Cliff or Key, its place being properly in the middle Line, however it is many times placed on one or other of the other Lines; and note which ever the Cliff stands on, that Line is the place of C. and accordingly the other Lines are to be reckoned: Sometimes likewise we find the Bass Cliff is removed to the middle Line, and upon such removal, that Line is F, &c. and tho' this manner of Shifting the Cliff is troublesome, yet Custom and Practice having made the knowing of them necessary, you ought to be very well understanding in the manner of them, if you would be well skilled in Vocal or Instrumental Musick.
The Names of the Lines and Spaces.
Having thus far plainly proceeded to Introduce the beginner or learner, I now lead a step further to the Names of the Lines and Spaces, which is a thing very Materal in the beginning of learning. For in the Gam-ut having seen how the Notes lye together in a Body, it will be proper to know how you must take them into parts according to the several Cliffs, which are three in number, three beginning usually, as most common with the uppermost. And in these your first care will be to learn the Names of the Lines and Spaces, which are opened to you by the Cliff or Key; and these are in number Seven, expressed in the Seven letters, A. B. C. D. E. F. G. which for a more perfect Sounds sake, and other reasons to be given, you must pronounce or call La, B, Ce, D, Lae, Fa, G. and this Fa must be pronounced broad, &c.
These and the like Names the Notes receive for two Reasons; the first is, because the Voice is best sent forth in expressing some Syllable; as likewise that this number of Notes might be known by as many distinct Names, as for their places in the Cliffs: See the Plate following.
And it will be very necessary, that you should begin with and keep to one Cliff at the first, as it pleases you to chuse, or as either of the three best agrees with your Voice for a high or low Pitch.
Having gone through all the Rules, and being perfect in that, then it is fit you should proceed to the other. There is no need you should meddle or trouble your self with the Tenor or C Cliff because it keeps no certain place; you must observe however, before you go further, to be ready at naming the Lines and Spaces, so readily to tell, as soon as you look on them, what letter any Line or Space is called or named by.
As for the rest, the Cliff leads you to them, for beginning there, and Ascending, you will find the letters lying in Order, and in descending; it is only your naming them backwards.
The dash Lines, which you perceive above and below, are added only when the Notes Ascend above the Staff, or descend below it.
Directions as to the Distances of one Note from another, as to Sound.
In this case, the distances are not all equal, but that in the rising and falling of any Eight Notes, there are two lesser distances; and these are named Semitones, or the Half Notes, which must be well observed and known, in remarquing their places in the Staff of Lines; and the better to have them in your Memory at all times take a rule from certain Rhimes that point at their places, viz.
In every octave there are half Notes two, Which do to us their proper places shew; One half Note you will find from B to Ce, The other half one lyes twixt Fa and Le.
The octave mentioned as an Eighth, and this Rule denotes the ordinary places where you are to Sing the Half Notes, when there are no Flats or Sharps placed or set in the Lines, viz. between B and Ce, and twixt Le and Fa; these Flats and Sharps you will find thus marked [Symbol: for Flat] [Symbol: for Sharp] and when the Semitones, or Half Notes are shifted, they are known by them when they are found upon the Lines.
Observe, that in these Staves or Lines, you find the Notes Gradually Ascending, of which the Pairs marked with Arches are half a Note distant.
- G. - F. 1 - E. 2 - D. 3 - C. 4 - B. 5 - A. 6 - G.
This Marginal Figure, shews to the Eye the distance of the Seven Notes one from another, the Letters Guiding or Directing to the Particulars, whereas you perceive B, Ce, and La, Fa, lying near unto the rest, so must their Sounds be nearer when you come to Tune your Voice in harmony, &c. and the better to express with your Voice, and so observe the difference between half and whole distances of Notes; Sing often over these six Mona-Syllables, viz. One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, distinctly, as is to be observed in the Tune of Six Bells; and when you have done it many times, Sing only One, Two, Three, Four, and there stop, repeating three four by them selves for they are Semitones distant in Sound, and the rest are alone, or a whole Note distant each from the next; so that by a little Judicial Observation you will perceive the three and four Bells to be a lesser distant in Sound, than the other.
The Figures or Number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, in the foregoing Marginal Figures, shew the several distances to the Eye of the Six Notes where Le is the first, D the Second, &c. and the third and fourth, are Ce, B, distant half a Note or Tune.
Directions for the Tuning of Notes, &c.
The properest and most easy way for Tuning your Notes rightly, must be considered either in following the Voice of one skilled in Musick, or Singing, or some such Tuned Instrument, as is accomodated with Frets or Keys, which are the readiest and only ways as yet made use of by Practitioners. That of a Matter being most common, but where none of these can be had by the party desirous to Learn, I shall lay down the following Directions, which will very much Instruct one that hath a Musical Ear, especially such a one as has heard, and can Sing the Notes of the Six Bells, of which, I presume, there are few, whose Genius Leads them to the Science of Musick, are Ignorant.
Let me put then, Supposing that you can Sing, One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, right; then shall I by the help of these Notes, proceed to set you further in the right, and lead you to all the rest.
Consider well then, that beginning to Sing the first Note, let it stand on what Line or Space it will, you may Sing it with what Tune you think fit, either higher low, (as to the pitch of your Voice) but with this caution, that you reckon how many Notes you have above or below it, that your Voice in its pitch may be so managed as to reach them both without Squeaking or Grumbling, or any harsh or rough Indecency of Sound.
For applying which six Notes, observe this first Example;
Make your beginning with the first Bar, and with a high Voice Sing the Six Notes you view on the Staff divers times, calling them over by the Number, viz. One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, as in the foregoing Section; when that is done; Sing the same Notes by their Names, viz. La, G, Fa, Le, D, Ce, in the Tune of six Bells.
2. In the Second and third Bars, you must Sing the two first Notes of the six by themselves, forward and backward: Repeat all six in the fourth Bar, and in the fifth and sixth Bars, let the two last Notes be repeated, viz. D, Ce, forward and backward, and these Notes are a whole Tone distant, and by often repeating these Notes in the second, third fourth and fifth Bars, you will be better capable to know and distinguish their distance from the Letter.
In the Seventh Bar repeat the last three often over after all the six. First, down, Le, D, Ce, Le, D, Ce, &c. and then proceed backwards, as Ce, D, Le, Ce, D, Le, &c.
Observe in this Eighth Bar after all six often to repeat the four first, as, La, G, Fa, Le, and when you sing them particularly, observe the two Notes Fa, Le, by reason their distance is a Semitone; wherefore you must take notice in the Ninth Bar to Sing them by themselves so many times as you can conveniently fix them in your Memory, as to their distance, for in this you will find it somewhat difficult to Sing the half Notes true in their proper places.
Observe here in the tenth Bar to Sing the four first Notes in their order downwards and upwards, and in the Eleventh Bar you must first Sing the six Notes in their proper order: After this repeat the four last Notes, viz. Fa, Le, D, Ce, taking Notice to leave out the two first Notes, viz. La, G, continually observing to Mark the Semitone between Fa, Le, which two Notes you must Sing by themselves in the Twelfth Bar.
Take notice now further, that in the thirteenth Bar you Sing Fa, Le, D, Ce, down and up, as you find them pricked, and observe especially the three last, viz. Fa, Le, Fa, for this reason, viz. that it is a common close or ending of Tunes.
Also observe, if in any place you doubt you Sing right a repeated part of the six Notes, premised as are noted in the Eleventh and Thirteenth Bars: Let all the six Notes be Sung over again in order, and so proceed distinctly to try at the Parts themselves.
The Second Example.
You having now gone over the former Examples, must proceed by the same clue of Six Notes to descend three Gradations or Steps lower, viz. to G. which is to the Second Note of the first six, an Octave or Eighth.
First then, in the first Bar you must begin with a high pitch in your Voice, and so having Sung, as in the former Examples, La, G, Fa, Le, D, Ce, leave out La, and only Sing the Five last: Then repeat only three in the Second Bar, viz. the three last La, D, Ce, calling them now not by those names, but by that of One, Two, Three, and though the names are altered, you must not alter the Tune or Tone.
Having thus proceeded, observe in the third Bar to Sing the Six Notes from Le, to G, naming them as the Bells One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six; In such a manner, that the three first of these be in Tune, the same with the three last of the former Six; after, as I said, you have Sung them as the Bells, viz. One, Two, Three, Four, Five, at least four or five times, then as often Sing them again by their proper Names, viz. Le, D, Ce, B, La, G.
Observe again, that in the fourth Bar you Sing the four first Notes, La, D, Ce, B, about four times over; after that repeat Ce, B, by themselves taking good notice of their distance or differences, which is a Semitone like to Fa, Le above, &c.
Consider once more, as to this Example, as to the fifth Bar after all the six are Sung by you, repeat the last four, viz. Ce, B, La, G, do it often over, keeping them up in the same Tone they had in all six, by which means Ce and B will be distant half a Note, whereupon Sing them backward, viz. G, La, B, Ce, and at the end repeat D Ce, as you did Le Fa at the thirteenth Bar before set down.
Observe further now in these Six Bars, that when you have Sung all six in order, Sing the three first Le, D, Ce, and there stop; then proceed to Sing those three over again in the same Tune, nor calling them Le, D, Ce, but Three, Four, Five; do it several times, and so proceed to the Seventh Bar, adding two Notes above, and Sing them on the five Bells, viz. One, Two, Three, Four, Five, three or four times; then call them by their names, viz. G, Fa, Le, D, Ce, then proceed to the Eighth Bar, and add to the other five D, La, G, to make up an Octave, keeping in your Mind the distances, as you Sing them in the former Examples; and by this means you have the whole Octave or Eight Notes from G to G, which must be practised down and up, and when you are perfect in it, so as to Sing your distances true with the Semi-tones in their right places, the following directions will lead you through the rest of the Notes to Sing any other Octave, beginning at any other Letter.
Begin at Le again in the Ninth Bar, and begin the six Notes, viz. Le, D, Ce, B, La, G, in proper order, that done, repeat the two last Notes, viz. La, G, by themselves: so proceed to the tenth Bar, and Sing La, G, Fa, Le, D, Ce, so that La and G, may be the same in Tune as you found them in the former Six; and if so be your Voice will not reach Ce, at the pitch you began the first Bar, then Sing as far as you can, or begin at Le, at the ninth Bar higher, Singing these three last Bars distinctly from the Foregoing.
In the Eleventh Bar you must Sing backward, your six last Notes, viz. Ce, D, Le, Fa, G, La. rising from Ce, to La, so going one step Backward to G, rise to Ce, as in the foregoing fifth Bar, which is an Octave to the lower Ce. And thus much may suffice for the Beginner to practice on, which, if well understood, will bring him in to Sing Notes in any Tune.
Herein let us first observe the choice of a Cock of the Game, directed by these four Characters following: That he be:
1. Of a strong Shape, proud and upright, and for this the Middle-sized, neither too small or too large, is best, because most matchable, strong and nimble. His Head small like a Sparrow-Hawks; his Eye large and quick; Back strong crook't at the setting on, and coloured as the Plume of his Feathers; the Beam of his Leg very strong, and colour'd as his Plume; Spurs long, rough, and sharp, hooking inward.
2. Of a good Colour, and herein the Gray, Yellow, or Red Pyle, with a black Breast, are to be preferred; the Pyde rarely good, and the White and Dun never. A Scarlet Head is a demonstration of Courage, but a Pale and wan of Faintness.
3. Of Courage true, which you shall observe by his proud, stately, upright landing and walking, and his frequent Crowing in his Pen.
4. Of a sharp and ready Heel, which (in the Opinion of the best Cock-masters,) of high Estimation; a Sharp-heel'd Cock, tho' somewhat false, is better (as dispatching his business soonest) than a true Cock with a dull Heel.
For Breeding, the Best season is from the Moon's encrease in February, to her encrease in March. The March Bird is best. And now first get a perfect Cock, to a perfect Hen, as the best Breeding, and see the Hen be of an excellent Complexion (i.e.) rightly plumed, as black, brown, speckt, grey, grissel, or yellowish; tufted on her Crown, large bodied, well poked, and having Weapons, are Demonstrations of Excellency and Courage. Observe further her Comportment, if Friendly to her Chickens, and revengeful of Injuries from other Hens.
When the Cock and Hen-Chickens, (going till now promiscuously one with another) begin to quarrel and peck each other, part them and separate their Walks: And the best for a Fighting Cock, are private and undisturbed Walks, as, Wind-mills, Water-mills, Grange-houses, Park-lodges, &c. and their Feeding-place on soft Ground, or Boards; and have for his meet, white Corn, or White-bread Tosts, steept in Drink, or Urine, is good, both to Scower, and Cool them. And do not debilitate and debauch his Courage and Strength, by having too many Hens to walk with; three Hens are enough for one Cock.
If before they be six Months Old, any of your Chickens Crow clear and loud, and unseasonable, then to the Pot or Spit with them, they are Cowards; the true Cock is long ere he gets his Voice, and when he has gotten it, keeps good and judicious Time in Crowing.
Next observe your Roosting Perch, for this makes or marrs a Cock; for forming of which, consult the best Cock-masters Feeding pens, and the Perches there, and accordingly proportion your own; take care that the Ground underneath the Perch be soft, for if it be rough and hard, in leaping down he will hurt his Feet, and make them Gouty and Knotty.
For the Dieting, and Ordering of your Cock for Battle, observe these Rules. Let your Cock be full two years Old, then in the latter end of August, take up and Pen him, (it being now Cocking-time till the end of May) and see that he be sound, hard feather'd, and full summed.
The first four days after Penning, Feed him with the Crumb of Old Manchet cut into square bits, thrice a day, and with the Coldest, and Sweetest Spring-water that can be had. And after you think by this time he is throughly purged of his Corn, Worms, Gravel, and other course Feeding, take him in the Morning out of the Pen, and let him Sparr with another Cock some time to heat and chafe their Bodies, break Fat and Glut, and fit them for Purgation; first having covered their Spurs with Hots of Leather, to hinder their Wounding and drawing Blood of one another.
After they have sufficiently Sparred, that they pant again, take them up, and remove their Hots, and prepare them for a Sweating Bout thus: Take Butter, and Rosemary, finely chopt, and White-sugar-candy, mixt together; and give them the quantity of a Wallnut; which will Scower, strengthen, and prolong Breath: Then having (purposely) deep Straw Baskets, fill them half way with Straw, put in your Cock, and cover him with Straw to the top; lay the lid close, and let him stove till the Evening. At Five a Clock take him out, and lick his Head and Eyes with your Tongue, then Pen him, and fill his Trough with Manchet and hot Urine.
After this, take a Gallon of Wheat, and Oatmeal-flower, and with Ale, half a score Whites of Eggs, and Butter, work it into a stiff Past; bake it into broad Cakes, and when four days Old, cut it into square Bits.
The Second day after Sparring, bring your Cock into a Green-close, and shew him in your Arms a Dung-hill-cock, then run from him, and allure him thus to follow, suffering him now and then to strike the Dung-hill-Cock, and so Chase him up and down for half an Hour, till he pants again; and thus Heated, carry him home, and scour him with half a Pound of Fresh-butter, beaten with the Leaves of the Herb of Grace, Hysop, and Rosemary, to the consistence of a Salve, and give him the quantity of a Wallnut; then Stove, and Feed him as above. And thus for the first Fortnight, Spar or Chase him every other day.
The second Fortnight, twice a Week will be enough to Chase or Spar your Cock: Observing that you Stove and Scour him, proportionable to his Heating.
The third and last Fortnight (for six Weeks is long enough) feed him as before, but do not Spar him, but Chase him moderately twice, or thrice, as before; then roll his aforesaid scouring in Brown-sugar-candy, to prevent his being Sick; rest him four days, and then to the Pit.
Now Gentlemen, Match your Cock carefully, or what you have hitherto done, is nothing. And here observe the Length, and Strength of Cocks. The Length is thus known: Gripe the Cock by the Waste, and make him shoot out his Legs, and in this Posture compare, And have your Judgment about you. The Strength is known by this Maxim, The largest in the Garth, is the Strongest Cock. The Dimension of the Garth is thus known: Gripe the Cock about from the joynts of your Thumb, to the Points of your great Finger, and you will find the Disadvantage, The weak long Cock is the quickest easier Riser, and the short strong one, the surest Striker.
Thus being well Matcht, accoutre him for the Pit. Clip his Main off close to his Neck, from his head to his shoulders. Clip his Tail close to his Rump, the Redder it appears the better. His wings sloping, with sharp Points; scrape smooth, and sharpen his Spurs; leave no feathers on his Crown; then moisten his head with Spittle.
The Battle done, search and suck your Cocks wounds, and wash them well with hot Urine, then give him a Roll of your best Scouring, and stove him for that Night. If he be swelled, the next morning, suck and bathe his Wounds again, and pounce them with the Powder of the Herb Robert, through a fine Bag; give him an handful of Bread in warm Urine, and stove him, till swelling be down. If he be hurt in his Eye, chew a little ground Ivy, and Spit the Juice in it; which is good for Films, Haws, Warts, &c. Or if he hath veined himself in his fight, by narrow striking, or other cross blows, when you have found the hurt, bind the soft Down of Hair to it, will cure it.
When you visit your wounded Cocks, a month or two after you have put them to their Walks, if you find about their heads any swollen Bunches, hard and blackish at one end, then there are unsound Cores undoubtedly in them; therefore open them, and with your Thumb crush them out, suck out the Corruption, and fill the holes with fresh Butter; and that will infallibly cure them.
Cures for Distempers incident to the Cock or Chick of the Game.
For Lice, being most common, I begin with; proceeding from corrup Meat, and want of Bathing, &c. Take Pepper beaten to Powder, mix it with warm Water, and wash them with it.
For the Roup; a filthy swelling on the Rump, and very contagious to the whole body; the staring and turning back of the Feathers is its Symptom. Pull away the Feathers, open and thrust out the Core, and wash the Sore with Water and Salt, or Brine.
For the Pip; visit the mouth, and examine what hinders your Cocks, Hen, or Chicks feeding, and you'll find a white thin Scale on the Tip of the Tongue, which pull off with your Nail, and rubbing the Tongue with Salt, will cure it.
For the Flux; proceeding from eating too moist Meat, give them Pease-Bran scalded, will stop it.
For the Stoppage of the Belly, that they cannot mute; anoint their Vents, and give them either small bits of Bread or Corn, steep'd in Urine of Man.
And now I have one Word of Advice to him that is a Lover (or would be so) of this Royal-Sport: and then have done: Come not to the Pit without Money in your Breeches, and a Judgment of Matches; Done and Done is Cock-Pit Law, and if you venture beyond your Pocket, you must look well to it, or you may lose an Eye by the Battle.
The Ingenious Fowler, like a Politick and sagacious Warrier, must first furnish and store himself with those several Stratagems and Engines, as suit with the diversities of Occasion, i.e. Time, Place, and Game; or else he cannot expect the Conquest.
And first of Nets, which must be made of the best Pack-thread; and for taking great Fowl, the Meshes must be large, two Inches at least from point to point, the larger the better; (provided the Fowl creep not through;) two Fathom deep, and six in length, is the best and most manageable Proportion; Verged with strong Cord on each side, and extended with long Poles at each end made on purpose. But for small Water-fowl, let your Nets be of the smallest and strongest Pack-thread, the Meshes so big, as for the great Fowl, about two or three foot deep: Line these on both sides with false Nets, every Mesh a foot and half Square. For the Day-Net, it must be made of fine Pack-thread, the Mesh an Inch square, three Fathom long, and one broad, and extended on Poles according to its Length, as aforesaid.
Birdlime is the next, and thus made. Pill the Bark of Holly from the Tree at Midsummer, fill a Vessel, and put to it running Water; boil it over the Fire till the Grey and White Bark rise from the Green; take it off the Fire, drain the Water well away, and separate the Barks; and take the Green, lay it on some moist floor and close place, and cover it with Weeds; let it lye a fortnight, and in that time it will rot, and turn to a Filthy slimy Substance: Then put it into a Morter, beat it well; take it out and wash it at some running stream, till the Foulness is gone: Then put it in a close Earthen pot; let it stand Four or Five days, look to its Purging, and scum it: When clean, put it into another Earthen Pot, and keep it close for Use.
Your Setting-Dog must be Elected and Train'd thus: He must be of exquisite Scent, and love naturally to hunt Feathers. The land Spaniel is best, being of good nimble size, and Couragious mettle, which you may know by his Breed; being of a good Ranger, &c.
The first lesson is, to make him Crouch and lie down close to the ground; its done by frequent laying him on the ground and crying Lye close; upon his doing well reward him with Bread; and on the contrary chastise him with Words, not Blows.
Next, To creep to you with his Body and Head close upon the Ground by saying, Come nearer, Come nearer, or the like Words; to understand and do it, entice him with shewing him Bread, or the like: Thrusting down any rising part of his Body or Head, and roughly threatning him; if he slight that, a good Jerk or two with a slash of Whip-cord will reclaim his Obstinacy. Repeat his Lessons, and encourage his well doing. And this you may exercise in the Fields as you walk, calling him from his busie Ranging to his Duty. And then teach him to follow you close at the heels in a Line or string, without straining.
By this time he is a Year old, now (the season fit) into the Field, and let him range, [obediently.] If he wantonly babble or causelesly open, correct him by biting soundly the Roots of his Ears, or Lashing. Assoon as you find he approaches the Haunt of the Partridge, known by his Whining, and willing, but not daring, to open, speak and bid him, Take heed: If notwithstanding this he rush in and Spring the Partridge, or opens, and so they escape, correct him severely. Then cast him off to another Haunt of a Covy, and if he mends his Error, and you take any by drawing your Net over them swiftly, reward him with the Heads, Necks, and Pinions.
As for the Water-Dog, the instructions above for the Setter will serve; only to fetch and bring by losing a Glove, or the like; keep a Strict Subjection in him, and Observance to your Commands.
The longest Barrel is the best Fowling Piece, Five and half, or six foot long, with an indifferent Bore, under an Harquebuse; and shooting with the Wind, and side-ways, or behind the Fowl, not in their Faces, is to be observed; having your Dog in Command not to stir till you have shot.
A Stalking-Horse for shelter, to avoid being seen by the shie Fowl, is an old Jade trained on purpose; but this being rare and troublesome, have recourse to Art, to take Canvas stuft and painted in the shape of a Horse grazing, and so light that you-may carry him on one hand (not too big:) Others do make them in the shape of Ox, Cow, for Variety; and Stag, Trees, &c.
The great Fowl, or those who divide the Foot, reside by shallow Rivers sides, Brooks and Plashes of Water; and in low and boggy places, and sedgie, Marish, rotten Grounds. They also delight in the dry parts of drowned Fens, overgrown with long Reeds, Rushes and Sedges; as likewise in half Fens drowned Moors, hollow Vales or Downs, Heaths, &c. Where obscurely they may lurk under the Shelter of Hedges, Hills, Bushes, &c.
The lesser, or Web footed, Fowl, always haunt drowned Fens, as likewise the main streams of Rivers not subject to Freeze, the deeper and broader, the better; (tho' of these the Wild-Goose and Barnacle, if they cannot sound the depth, and reach the Ouze, change their Residence for shallow places, and delight in Green Winter Corn, especially if the Lands ends have Water about them:) Small Fowl also frequent hugely little Brooks, Ponds, drowned Meadows, Pastures, Moors, Plashes, Meres, Loughs, and Lakes, stored with unfrequented Islands, Shrubs, &c.
How to take all manner of Fowl or Birds.
For taking the first (I mean the greater Fowl) with Nets, observe in general this: Come two hours before their feeding hours, Morning and Evening; and Spreading your Net on the Ground smooth and flat, stake the two lower ends firm, and let the upper ends be extended on the long Cord; of which the further end must be fastned to the Ground, three Fathoms from the Net, the Stake in a direct Line with the lower Verge of the Net; the other, ten or twelve fathom long, have in your hand at the aforsaid distance, and get some shelter of Art or Nature, to keep you from the curious and shy Eye of the Game; having your Net so ready that the least pull may do your work, strew'd over with Grass as it lies to hide it: A live Hern, or some other Fowl lately taken, according to what you seek for, will be very requisite for a Stale. And you will have sport from the Dawning, till the Sun is about an hour high; but no longer; and from Sun-set till Twilight; these being their feeding times.
For the small (Water) Fowl. Observe the Evening is best before Sun-set. Stake down your Nets on each side the River half a foot within the Water, the lower part so plumb'd as to sink no further; the upper Slantwise shoaling against, but not touching by two foot, the water, and the Strings which bear up this upper side fastned to small yielding sticks prickt in the Bank, that as the Fowl strike may ply to the Nets to intangle them. And thus lay your Nets (as many as you please) about twelve score one from another, as the River or Brook will afford. And doubt not your success. To expedite it however, a Gun Fired three or four times in the Fens and Plashes, a good distance from your Nets, will affright and Post them to your Snares; and so do at the Rivers, when you lay in the Fens.
Winter time is the most proper for taking all manner of Small Birds, as flocking then promiscuosly together, Larks, Lennets, Chaffinches, Goldfinches, Yellow-Hammers, &c. with this Bird-lime, Put to a quarter of a Pound of Bird-lime, an ounce of fresh Lard, or Capons-grease, and let it gently melt together over the Fire, but not Boyl; then take a quantity of Wheat-ears, as you think your use shall require, and cut the straw about a foot long besides the Ears, and from the Ear lime the straw six Inches; the warmer it is, the less discernible it will be. Then to the Field adjacent, carrying a bag of Chaff, and thresh'd Ears, scatter them twenty Yards wide, and stick the lim'd ears (declining downwards) here, and there; Then traverse the Fields, disturb their Haunts, and they will repair to your Snare, and pecking at the Ears, finding they stick to them, mount; and the Lim'd straws, lapping under their Wings, dead their flight, they cannot be disengaged, but fall and be taken they must. Do not go near them, till they rise of their own accord, and let not five or six entangled lead you to Spoil your Game, and incur the loss of Five or Six dozen.
Lime-Twigs, is another Expedient for taking of great Fowl, being Rods that are long, small, strait, and pliable, the upper part apt to play to and fro; being besmeared with Bird-lime warm. Thus to be used, Observe the Haunts of the Fowl, have a Stale, (a living Fowl of the same kind you would take) and cross pricking your Rods, one into, and another against the Wind sloping, a foot distant one from the other; pin down your Stale, some distance from them, tying some small string to him, to pull and make him flutter to allure the Fowl down. If any be caught, do not run presently upon them, their fluttering will encrease your Game. A well taught Spaniel is not amiss to retake those that are entangled, and yet flutter away. Thus likewise for the Water; consult the Rivers depth, and let your Rods be proportionable; what is Lim'd of them being above the Water, and a Mallard, &c. as a Stale placed here and there, as aforesaid. You need not wait on them, but three times a day visit them, and see your Game; if you miss any Rods (therefore know their Number) some Fowl entangled is got away with it, into some Hole, &c. and here your Spaniel will be serviceable to find him.
For Small-birds, a Lime-bush is best; thus, Cut down a great Bough of a Birch, or Willow-tree, trim it clean, and Lime it handsomely, within four Fingers of the bottom: Place this Bush so ordered, in some quick-set, or dead Hedge, in Spring time: In Harvest, or Summer, in Groves, Bushes, Hedges, Fruit-trees, Flax, and Hemp-Lands: In Winter, about Houses, Hovells, Barns, Stacks, &c. A Bird-call is here also necessary, or your own industrious skill in the Notes of several Birds.
And because Gentlemen who have Fish-ponds, wonder they lose so many Fish, and are apt to Censure sometimes undeservedly their Neighbours, when it is the insatiable Hern, that is the true cause: I shall next lay down the best and most approved way of taking the great Fish-devouring Hern, whose Haunt having found, observe this Method to take him. Get three or four small Roaches, or Dace, take a strong Hook, (not too rank) with Wyre to it, and draw the Wyre just within the skin, from the side of the Gills, to the Tail of the said Fish, and he will live four or five days, (If dead the Hern will not touch it.) Then have a strong Line, of a dark Green-silk, twisted with Wyre, about three Yards long, tie a round stone of a pound to it, and lay three or four such hooks, but not too deep in the Water, out of the Herns wading; and two or three Nights will answer your Expectation.
The several wayes of taking Pheasants.
You must learn and understand the several Notes of a Natural Pheasant-Call, and how usefully to apply them. In the Morning just before or at Sun-rising, call them to feed, and so at Sun-setting: In the Fornoon, and Afternoon, your Note must be to Cluck them together to Brood, or to chide them for straggling, or to notify some danger at hand.
Thus skilled in their Notes; and by the Darkness, Solitaryness, and strong undergrowth of the place assured of their Haunts, closely lodge yourself, and softly at first call; lest being near you, a loud Note affright them; and no Reply made, raise your Note gradually, to the highest; and if there be a Pheasant in hearing, he will answer you, in as loud a Note. Be sure it be Tunable. As soon as you are answered, creep nearer to it; if far off, and a single Fowl, as you call, and approach, so will the Pheasant. Having gotten sight of her, on the Ground, or Perch, cease calling, and with all silence possible, spread your Net conveniently, between the Pheasant, and you, one end of the Net fastned to the Ground, and the other end, hold by a long Line in your hand, by which you may pull it together, if strained; then call again, and as you see the Pheasant come under your Net, rise and shew your self, and affrighting her, she will mount, and so is taken. Thus if on the contrary you have divers Answers, from several Corners, of the Coppice, and you keep your place and not stir, they will come to your Call; and then having a pair of Nets, spread one on each side, and do as before. Your Nets, must be made of Green or Black double-twin'd Thread, the Mesh about an inch square, between Knot, and Knot, the whole Net about three Fathom long, and Seven foot broad, verged with strong small Cord on each side and ends, to lye hollow and compass-wise.
The next way of taking Pheasant-Powts, is by Driving, thus. Having found the Haunt of an Eye of Pheasants, known by the Barrenness of the Place, Mutings and loose Feathers, then in the little Pads and Wayes, like Sheep tracks, they have made, place your Nets (taking the Wind with you) a-cross these Paths hollow, loose and circularly, the nether part fixt to the Ground, and the upper side hollow, &c. as aforesaid: Then to their Haunt, and there call them together, if feattered; then with a Driver, an Instrument like that of Cloath-dressers, rake gently the Bushes and Boughs about you, the Powts will run, and stop and listen; then give another rake, and so you will drive them like sheep into your Nets: Observe in this Secrecy, Time and Leisure, or you spoil your Sport; Secrecy in concealing your self from being seen by them; and Time and Leisure, by not being too hasty.
Lastly for taking Pheasants with the Lime-Bush, or Rods, order these, as I have before prescribed; your Rods about twelve inches long, and your Bush containing not above eight Twigs, with a pretty long Handle, sharpned to stick in the Ground, or Bushes, Shrubs, &c. and let it be planted as near the Pheasants pearching Branch, as may be. Place your Rods on the Ground, near the Bush; for when some are taken below by they Rods, they will scare up the others to get on the Bushes to seek what's become of their Fellows, and there become your Prey themselves.
For taking Partridge.
You must first find the Partridges Haunt. Which is mostly in standing Corn-Fields, where they breed; as likewise in Stubble after the Corn is cut, especially Wheat-stubble till it is trodden, and then they repair to Barley-stubble, if fresh; and the Furrows amongst the Clots, Brambles and long Grass, are sometimes their lurking places, for Twenty and upward in a Covy. In the Winter in up-land Meadows, in the dead Grass or Fog under Hedges, among Mole-hills; or under the Roots of Trees, &c. Various and uncertain are their Haunts. And tho' some by the Eye, by distinguishing their Colour from the Ground, others by the Ear, by hearing the Cock call earnestly the Hen, and the Hens answering, and chattering with Joy at meeting, do find Partridge; yet the best, easiest and safest way of finding them is (as you do the Pheasant) by the Call or Pipe: Notes seasonable, as before prescribed, and they will come near to you, and you may count their Numbers; and to your sport.
Surround your Covy, prepare your Nets, and pricking a stick fast in the ground, tye the one end to it, and let your Nets fall as you walk briskly round without stopping, and cover the Partridge; then rush in upon them to frighten them, and as they rise they are taken.
For taking them with Bird-Lime, thus: Call first near the Haunt; if answered, stick about your Lime-straws, a-cross in ranks at some distance from you; then call again, and as they approach you, they are intercepted by the Straws; and so your Prey. This way is used most successfully in Stubble-fields, from August to September: And Rods in Woods, Pastures, &c. as for the Pheasant.
The most pleasant way of taking Partridge is with a Setting-Dog, who having set them, use your Net; and by these Rules and Method, the Rails, Quales, Moorpoots, &c. are to be taken; and are for Hawks flight too. And here I must make an end of the most material part of Fowling.
It has been the Method of this whole Treatise, to divide the several distinct Heads of each Recreation into three Parts, to render the Observations and Rules the more plain and easy, for the prosecuting the Recreation we treat of.
1. What it is we pursue.
2. Where and When to find that we would delight our selves in.
3. With what proper Mediums or Measures we may obtain the desired Effects of our endeavours therein.
First then, What we pursue is Fish, distinguish'd according to their sundry kinds by these following Names.
The Barbel, Bream, Bleak, Bulhead, or Millers-thumb; Chevin, Char, Chub, Carp; Dace; Dare; Ele; Flounder; Grayling, Gudgeon, Guiniad; Loach; Minnow; Pope or Pike, Pearch; Rud, Roach; Sticklebag or Bansticle, Salmon, Shad, Suant; Tench, Torcoth, Trout, Thwait, and Umber. All these Alphabetically thus named are the different sorts of Fish, in taking which the Angler commonly exercises his Art. We come next, Where to find them.
1. To know the Haunts and Resorts of Fish, in which they are to be usually found, is the most Material thing the Angler ought to be instructed in, lest he vainly prepare how to take them, and preposterously seek where to find that he prepar'd for. To prevent which you are first to understand, That as the season of the Year is, so Fish change their places: In Summer, some keep near the top, others the bottom of the Waters. In Winter, all Fish in general resort to deep Waters. But more particularly,
The Barbel, Roach, Dace, and Ruff, covet most Sandy, Gravelly Ground, the deepest part of the River, and the shadows of Trees.
Bream, Pike, and Chub delight in a Clay, and Owzie Ground: The Bream chooseth the middle of the River, in a gentle, not too rapid Stream: The Pike preferreth still Waters, full of Fry, and absconding himself amongst Bull-rushes, Water-docks, or under Bushes, that under these shelters he may more securely surprize and seize his Prey: The Chub too chooses the same Ground, large Rivers and Streams, and is rarely destitute of some Tree to cover and shade him.
Carp, Tench and Eel, frequent foul muddy still Waters. The greatest Eels lurk under stones, or Roots; the smallest ones are found in all sorts of Rivers or Soils: The Carp is for the deepest stillest part of Pond or River, and so is the Tench, and both delight in green Weeds.
Pearch delighteth in gentle Streams of a reasonable Depth, not too shallow; close by a hollow Bank is their common Sanctuary.
Gudgeon covets Sandy, Gravelly, Gentle Streams, and smaller Rivers; not so much abounding in Brooks. He bites best in Spring, till they spawn, and a little after till Wasp time.
The Salmon delights in large swift Rivers, which ebb and flow; and are there plentifully to be found: As likewise Rocky and Weedy Rivers. But in the latter end of the Year he is to be found high up in the Country, in swift and violent Cataracts, coming thither to spawn.
The Trout loves small swift purling Brooks or Rivers, that run upon Stones or Gravel, and in the swiftest deepest part of them, getteth behind some Stone-block and there feeds. He delights in a Point of a River where the Water comes Whirling like the Eddy, to catch what the Stream brings down, especially if he has the shade of a Tree: He hugely delights to lurk under some hollow Bank or Stone; seldom among Weeds.
Shad, Thwait, Plaice, Peel, Mullet, Suant, and Flownder, covet chiefly to be in or near the Salt or Brackish Waters, which ebb and flow: The last, viz. the Flownder, have been taken in fresh Rivers, as coveting Sand and Gravel, deep gentle streams, near Banks, &c.
Lastly the Umber affects Marly Clay Ground, clear and swift Streams, far from the Sea; the greatest Plenty of these Fish is found in Darbyshire and Staffordshire.
Thus much for the Haunts of Fish; I come next to know When is the most seasonable time to catch them; which before I speak to, let him that would become a compleat Angler, take this Rule. That he observe narrowly what Pond or River soever he Fisheth in, whether it be slimy, muddy, stony or gravelly, whether of a swift or slow Motion; as likewise that he know the Nature of each Fish, and what Baits are most proper for every kind: Not to let his Knowledge be circumscribed to one or two particular Rivers, whither he is invited to Angle and take his Observations by the Vicinity of his House; but to let his Knowledge be general, and consequently his Sport will be so too. His Ignorance otherwise will oblige him to be a Spectator in another River, when his Excellency is confined to that only experienced one in or near his own Parish or House. But to proceed,
II. To understand the best Time when to Angle in, We must first consider Affirmatively, when most Seasonable: Or, 2. Negatively, when Unseasonable.
1. Seasonable Angling is, when the Weather is calm, serene and clear; tho' the Cool cloudy Weather in Summer is to be preferred, provided the Wind blow not too boistrously, to hinder your easy Guiding your Tools; In the hottest Months the cooler the better.
2. When a Violent shower hath disturbed the Water and mudded it, then with a Red Worm, Angle in the Stream at the Ground.
3. A little before Fish spawn, when they repair to gravelly Fords to rub and loosen their full Bellies; they bite freely.
4. From Sun-rising till eight of the Clock in the Morning, and from four in the Afternoon till night for Carp and Tench. In June and July, Carps shew themselves on the very rim of the Water, then Fish with a Lob-worm, as you would with a Natural Fly. But be sure to keep out of sight.
5. In March, April, and September, and all Winter, when the Air is clear, serene and warm. And after a shower of Rain, which hath only beaten the Gnats, and Flies into the River, without muddying. The two first mentioned Months with May, and part of June, are most proper for the Fly; Nine in the Morning, and Three a Clock in the Afternoon, is the best time; as likewise, when the Gnats play much in a warm Evening.
6. In a Cloudy, and Windy day, after a Moonshine clear Night, for the brightness of the Night (through fear) making them abstain from feeding, and the Gloominess of the Day emboldening and rendering them (through Hunger) sharp, and eager upon food, they bite then freely.
7. Lastly, at the opening of Milldams or Sluces, you will find Trouts, &c. come forth seeking food, brought down by the Water. We come next to demonstrate the time not proper, i.e.
2. Unseasonable Angling, in short is, when the Earth is parched, and scorched with Vehement Heat, and Drought; benummed and frozen with Cold, Frost, and Snow; or refrigerated with Spring Hoar-Frosts; or blasted with the sharp, bitter, nipping, North, or East Winds: Or when blustring Boreas disorders your well guiding your Tackling; or the Sheep-shearers Washings glutted the Fish, and anticipated your Bait; when the withdrawing of your Sport, foretells a Storm, and advises you to some shelter; or Lastly, when the night proves Dark, and Cloudy, you need not trouble your self the next day, 'tis to no purpose, &c.
III. For providing Stocks, the best time is the Winter Solstice, when the Sap is in the Roots of Trees, and their Leaves gone. It is improper after January, the Sap then ascending into the Trunk, and expending it self over all the Branches. See that your Stocks be Taper-grown, and your Tops of the best Ground-Hazle, that can be had, smooth, slender, and strait, of an Ell long, pliant and bendings and yet of a strength, that a reasonable jerk cannot break it, but it will return to its first straightness; left otherwise you endanger your Line. Keep them two full years, before you use them; having preserved them from Worm-eating, or Rotting, by thrice a year rubbing, and chaffing them well with Butter (if sweet) or Linsed or Sallet-Oyl; and if Bored, Oyl poured into the Holes, and bathed four and twenty hours in it, and then thrown out again, will exceedingly preserve them.
The line, to make it neat, handsom and strong, twist the Hair you make it of even, having seen if the Hair be of an equal bigness; then steep your Line in Water, to see if the Hairs shrink, if so, you must twist them over again. The Colour of the Hair is best of Sorrel, White and Grey; Sorrel for muddy boggy Rivers, and the two last for clear Waters. Nor is the Pale watery green contemptible, died thus: Take a pint of strong Ale, half a pound of Soot, a little of the Juice of Walnut-Leaves and Allum; Boil these together in a Pipkin half an hour, take it off, and when 'tis cold, put in your Hair. In making your Line of Hair mix not Silk; but either all Hair, or all Silk; as likewise distinguish the Line for the Ground Angle, and that for the Fly-rod, the last must be stronger than the first; in that for the Artificial Fly, making the uppermost Link twenty Hairs long, less in the next, and so less till you come to the Fly. Lastly at each end of your Line make a Loop (called a Bout) the one larger, to fasten to, and take it from the top of your Rod, and the other Lesser to hang your Hook-line on.
Your Hook must be long in the shank, something Round in compass, the point strait and even, and bending in the shank. Set on your Hook with strong small Silk, laying your Hair on the inside of the Hook.
Your Flote challenges divers ways of making. Some using Muscovy Duck quills for still Waters. Others the best sound Cork without flaws or holes, bored through with a hot Iron, and a Quill of a fit proportion put into it; then pared into a pyramidal Form, or in the fashion of a small Pear, to what bigness you please, and ground smooth with Grindstone or Pumice; this is best for strong Streams.
In fine, To plum the Ground, get a Carbine Bullet bored through, and in a strong twist hanged on your Hook or Rod. To sharpen your Hook, carry a little Whetstone. To carry your several utensils without incommoding your Tackle, have several Partitions of Parchment. And in short the ingenious Angler will not be unprovided of his Bob and Palmer; his Boxes of all sizes for his Hooks, Corks, Silk, Thread, Flies, Lead, &c. His Linning and Woollen Bait-bags; His splinted Osier light Pannier; and lastly his Landen Hook, with a Screw at the end to screw it into the socket of a Pole, and stricken into the Fish, to draw it to Land: To which socket, a Hook to cut up the Weeds, and another to pull out Wood, may be fastned.
Baits are branched into three Kinds.
First, the Life-baits, which are all kind of Worms, Redworm, Maggot, Dors, Frogs, Bobb, Brown-flies, Grasshoppers, Hornets, Wasps, Bees, Snails, small Roaches, Bleak, Gudgeon, or Loaches.
Secondly, Artificial living Baits, of Flies of all sorts and shapes, made about your Hooks with Silk and Feathers, at all times seasonable, especially in blustering Weather.
Lastly, dead Baits, Pasts of all makings, Wasps dryed or undryed, clotted Sheeps-blood, Cheese, Bramble-berries, Corn, Seed, Cherries, &c. The two first good in May, June and July, the two next, in April; and the last in the Fall of the Leaf.
Of Flies.
Of Natural flies there are innumerable, and therefore it cannot be expected I can particularize all; but some of their names I shall nominate, viz. The Dun-Fly, Red-fly, May-Fly; Tawny-Fly, Moor-Fly, Shell-Fly, Flag-Fly, Vine-Fly, Cloudy or Blackish-Fly, Canker-Flies, Bear-Flies, Caterpillars, and thousands more, differing according to the Soils, Rivers or Plants.
Artificial Flies, are made by the Ingenious Angler, according to Art, in shape, colour and proportion like the Natural Fly, of Fur, Wool, Silk, Feathers, &c. To delineate which I must confess my self not so accurate and skilful a Painter, nor can any Pen-drawing, illustrate their Various Colours so, as to direct their Artificial Counterfeit; Nature will help him in this by Observation, curiously Flourishing their several Orient and bright Colours, after which they take their names, as before said: And therefore to furnish your self with both Natural and Artificial Flies, repair in the Morning to the River, and with a Rod beat the Bushes that hang over the Water, and take your Choice.
1. Observe to Angle with the Artificial Fly in Rivers disturbed somewhat by Rain, or in a Cloudy day, the Wind blowing gently: If the Wind be not so high, but you may well guide your Tackle, in plain Deeps is to be found the best Fish, and best Sport: If small Wind breeze, in swift streams is best Angling: Be sure to keep your Fly in perpetual slow Motion; and observe that the Weather suit the Colour of your Fly, as the light Colour'd in a Clear day, the Darkish in a dark, &c. As likewise according to the Waters Complexions, have your Fly suitable.
2. Let your Line be twice as long as your Rod: Keep as far as you can from the Waterside, the Sun on your back; In casting your Fly, let that fall first; your Line not touching the Water.
3. Have a nimble Eye, and active quick Hand to strike presently upon the rising of the Fish, lest finding his mistake he spew out the Hook.
4. In slow Rivers cast your Fly cross them, let it sink a little, draw it back gently, without breaking or circling the Water; let the Fly float with the Current, and you will not fail of excellent Sport.
5. Observe to let the Wings of your Salmon-Flies to be one behind another, whether two or four, and they and the Tail long, and of the finest gaudiest Colours you can choose.
Lastly, In clear Rivers a small Fly with slender Wings is best, and in muddied Rivers a Fly of a more than ordinary large Body.
Thus much for Flies, I come next to that I called Dead-Baits, and shall begin with the several Ways of making Pastes.
Of Pastes.
1. Beat in a Mortar the Leg of a Young Coney (Vulgarly called the Almond) or of a Whelp or Catling, and a quantity of Virgins Wax and Sheeps suet, till they are incorporated, and temper them with clarified Honey into Paste.
2. Sheeps-Blood, Cheese, fine Manchet and clarified Honey tempered as before.
3. Sheeps-Kidney-suit, Cheese, fine Flower, with clarified Honey tempered.
4. Cherries, Sheeps-Blood, Saffron and fine Manchet made into a Paste.
5. Beat into a Paste; the fattest Old Cheese, the strongest Rennet can be got, fine Wheat-flower and Annis-seed Water: If for a Chub you make the Paste, put a little rasty Bacon,
Lastly, Mutton-Kidney-suit, and Turmerick reduced to a fine Powder, the fattest Old Cheese and strongest Rennet, wrought to a Paste, adding Turmerick till the Paste be of a curious Yellow; and is excellent for Chevin.
Anoint your Bait with this Confection: Take the Oyl of Aspray, Coculus India, and Assa-foetida beaten, and mix with it as much Life-Honey; then dissolve them in the Oyl of Polypody, and keep it in a close Glass for your use. And that your Paste may not wash off your Hook, beat Cotten-Wool or Flax into it.
Of keeping Baits.
The Red-Worm, must be kept in a bag of Red Cloth, with a handful of chopt Fennel, mixt with half so much fresh, black and fertile Mould will scoure and preserve them: All other Worms, with the Leaves of Trees they are bred on, renewing them often in a day. Only the Cad-bait, Bob and Canker, &c. must be kept in the same things you find them.
The great White Maggots, keep them in Sheeps Tallow, or little bits of a beasts Liver; and to scour them, hang them warm in a bag of Blanketing with Sand.
The Frogs and Grasshoppers, in wet Moss and long Grass, frequently moistned; and when used, the Legs of the first, and the Wings of the other must be cut close off.
The Flies, use them as you take them. Only, the Wasps, Hornets and Humble-Bee, must be dryed in an Oven, their heads dipt in Sheeps blood, and dryed again, may be kept in a Box for use.
And now thus equipt let us walk to the Rivers side.
To begin then with the Barbel. The best time for Angling for this Fish is at the latter end of May, June, July, and beginning of August, in his Haunts aforementioned; and the best Bait (omitting others) is the well scoured Lob-worm (being of a curious cleanly Palate as well as shape) or Cheese steept an hour or two in clarified Honey. He is a subtile Fish, extraordinary strong, and dogged to be dealt with, and therefore be sure to have your Rod and Line strong and long, or you may endanger to break it.
For the Breame. The most seasonable time to Angle is from St. James tide till Bartholomew tide. He spawneth in June or beginning of July; is easily taken, as falling on his side after one or two gentle turns, and so drawn easily to Land. The best Bait for him (most delightful to him) is the Red-Worm (found in Commons and Chalky Grounds after Rain) at the root of a great Dock, wrapt up in a round Clue. He loves also Paste, Flag-Worms, Wasps, Green-Flies, Butter-Flies and a Grass-hopper, without Legs.
Bait your Ground the Night before with gross-ground Malt, boiled and strained, and then in the morning with the Red-Worm, bait your Hook, and plumbing your Ground within half an Inch, Fish.
The Bleak, an eager Fish, is caught with all sorts of Worms bred on Trees or Herbs, also with Flies, Cad-bait, Bobs, Paste, Sheeps-Blood, White Snails, Wasps, Gnats, &c. In a warm clear day the small Fly at the rim of the Water is best; in a Cloudy day, Gentles or Cad-baits two foot in the Water.
The Bull-head or Millers-Thumb, being Childrens recreation, I shall speak little of them, only being serviceable for Baits, I shall only say he is easily taken with a small Worm, being lazy and simple, and will swallow any thing; and the Minnow, Loach, and Bansticle being of the same diet, I place here too.
The Chevin, loveth all sorts of Worms, Flies, Cheese, Grain, and Black Worms, their Bellies being slit, that the White may be seen: And very much delighteth in the Pith of an Oxes back, the tough outward skin being carefully taken off, without breaking the inward tender skin. In the Morning early angle for Chevins, with a Snail; in the heat of the day, with some other Bait; in the afternoon with the Fly; the great Moth, with a great Head, yellow Body, and whitish Wings, usually found in Gardens, about the Evening: The larger the Chevin, the sooner taken; loving his Bait larger, and variety on a Hook.
The Char is a Lancashire Fish, found in a Mere, called Winander-Mere in that Country, the largest in England.
For the Chub, called by some a Chevin, by others a Villain. Bait your Hook with a Grass-hopper, find the hole where he lies, accompanied in a hot-day, with twenty or more, floating almost on the very superficies of the Water; choose which you think best, and fairest, and drop your Hook some two foot before him, and he will bite at it greedily, and cannot break hold with his Leather Mouth; let him play and tire, lest you break your Line. If you cannot get a Grass-hopper, then any Worm, or Fly you will. In cold Weather, Fish for him near the bottom, and the Humble-Bee is the best Bait. Some appropriate Baits according to the Month, but I shall Omit that; The Chub (being best and in his Prime in the Winter) a Paste made of Cheese, and Turpentine, is the only Bait to take him.
The Carp is subtle, and full of Policy, will never bite in Cold Weather, but in Hot you cannot be too Early, or too Late. In March, he seldom refuseth the Red-worm, in June the Cad bait and the three next Months the Grass-hopper: Pastes that are sweet, of which I have spoken before, are very delightful to Carps: And especially, if you Bait your ground two or three dayes before you angle, with Pellets of course Paste, Chickens-guts, Garbage, &c. Gentles anointed, and a Piece of Scarlet dipt in Honey, put them on the Hook, is an approved way.
The Dace, Dare, Rudd, and Roach, being much of a kind, and feeding, I shall put together, and are easily taken with small Worms, Bobs, Cad-baits, Flies, Sheeps-Blood, all sorts of Worms bred on Trees or Herbs, Paste, Wasps, Gnats, Lipberries, &c. The Heads of the Wasps, being dipt in Blood, is good for Dace, and Dare; as is likewise the Ant Fly.
The Eel, takes great Red-worms, Beef, Wasps, Guts of Fowl, or Fish, Menows, or small Roaches are good Bait for Night Hooks; the Hooks being in the Mouth of the Fish. Now because this is very delightful to most, I shall prescribe three ways of taking them, as are most full of Pleasure. The first way is called; Sniggling, or Broggling for Eels, thus: Take a strong Line and Hook baited with a Lob, or Garden-Worm, and observing where Eels lurk in the day time, with a stick forked at the Top, gently put your Bait into the Hole, and if there be any Eels there, you will not fail of a Bite, of as large as can be had, but pull not too hard lest you spoyl all. The second is called Bobbing, which is thus done: Take some large well scoured Lobs, and with a Needle, run some strong twisted Silk through them, from end to end, so many as are enough to wrap about a Board near a dozen times; tye them fast with the two ends of the Silk to hang in so many Hanks; then fasten all to a strong Cord, and a handful above the worms fasten a Plumbet of three quarters of a pound, and your Cord to a strong Pole, and in muddy Waters, you may Fish, and find the Eels tug lustily, and when you think they have swallowed them, draw up your Line, and ashore with them. Lastly the Eel-spear made with four teeth, jagged on both sides, stricken into the Mud, on the bottom of a River, and if you chance to strike where they lye, you infallibly take.
There is likewise an assured way of taking Eels, thus done: Take some Bottles of Hay, mixt with green Osiers of Willows, Bait them with Sheeps-Guts, or other Beasts Garbage, sink them down in the middle, to the bottom of your Pond or by the Bank sides, having fastned a Cord to the Bottles, that you may twitch them up at your pleasure, and all the best Eels will resort to them.
The Flounder, Shad, Thwait, Suant, and Mullet, are taken with Red-Worms of all sorts, Wasps, and Gentles.
For the Grayling, you must head your Hook upon the shank, with a slender and narrow plate of Lead, that the Bait (a large Grass-hopper) may the more easily come over it; and at the point put a Cad-bait, and keep the Bait in continual motion; not forgetting to pull off the Grass-hoppers Wings.
The Gudgeon, takes the smallest Red-Worm, Wasps, Gentles, and Cadbaits. When you Fish for him, stir up the Sand or Gravel with a Pole, which will make them gather thither, and bite more eagerly.
The Guiniad, I shall remit speaking to, only mentioning it in course, being no where found, but in a place called Pemble-Mere, in which place they abound, as the River Dee does with Salmon.
The Pope, or Ruff, is excellent for a young Angler, bites greedily, and quantities may be taken, by Baiting the Ground with fat Earth, and your Hook with small Red-Worms.
The Pike, loveth all sorts of Baits (unless the Fly) Gudgeon, Dace, Roaches and Loaches; and young Frogs in Summer time, of which the yellowest is best.
The Pearch, taketh all sorts of Earth-worms, especially the Lob-worm, and Brandling, well scowred, Bobs, Oak-worms, Dors, Gentles, Cole-wort-worms, Wasps, Cad-baits, and Menow, or a little Frog, the Hook being fastned through the skin of his Leg, towards the upper part of it. Be sure you give the Pearch time enough to pouch his Bait, before you strike.
The Salmon, is taken best with Lob-worms, scented with the Oyl of Ivy Berries, or the Oyl of Polypody, of the Oak mixt with Turpentine: Or the well scowred Garden-worm, is an excellent Bait: The Salmon, bites best in May, June, and July, at three a Clock in the Afternoon, if the Water be clear, a little Wind stirring, especially near the Sea.
The Tench, is a great lover of large Red worms first dipt in Tar. As also all sorts of Paste, made up with strong scented Oyls, or Tar, or a Paste made up of Brown Bread, and Honey. He will bite too at a Cad-worm, Lob-worm, Flag-worm, green Gentle, Cadbait, Marsh-worm, or soft boil'd Bread-grain, &c.
The Torcoth, being before mentioned, I only let you know, that he is only found, in the Pool Linperis in Carnarvon-shire; and leave you to the Welchmens description, both of him and his Bait.
The Trout, is fattest, and in his prime in May, and is caught with all sorts of Worms, especially Brandlings, commonly found in an Old Dung-hill, Cow-dung, Hogs-dung, or Tanners-bark: Also with Flies, Natural and Artificial, with young Frogs, Menow, Marsh, Dock, or Flag-worms; all sorts of Cadbait, Dors, Bobs, Palmers, Gentles, Wasps, Hornets, &c. and with the Caterpillar, used according to the Rule before prescribed for the Grayling. Lastly
The Umber, is taken as the Trout, just now mentioned; And therefore now to your Sport: To assist your well effecting which, I have but this to add; Cast into your Haunts where you use to Fish, once in four or five days, soft boiled Corn (or oftner for Carp, and Tench) Also Garbage, Beasts Livers, chopt Worms, Grains steept in Blood, to attract them to the place; and to keep them together, throw in half a handful of Grains or ground Malt: But in a stream, cast it above your Hook, that floating towards you you may draw the Fish thither.
Sundry curious Baits for Fish.
These grow on the Cuccow pints, or wak-Robin, and are found in dry ditches, overgrown with Brambles; they are about the bigness of Pease, and in July and August, are of a lovely transparent Red, and are excellent baits for Roaches, and Chubs; and for the first, two will serve, but for the latter, you may put four or five at a time on the Hook.
Oat-Cakes with Cheese.
Beat these together into a Paste, the Cheese being new, and stick them together, with a little Honey, letting the Paste Lye all Night in a wet Linnen Cloath, then fit it up in baits, and cover your Hook with it.
To keep Baits for the Pike, or Night-hooks.
For this, take a small Roach, Dace, Loach, Minnow, Smelt, small Trout, or Pearch, cutting off the Finns on the back, or small Eels well scoured in Wheat-Bran, which will keep them better and longer, taking a way the slime and watery substance, that causes them to rot or decay the sooner.
Fishes Eyes.
Take out the Eyes of such Fish as you catch, and put three or four of them on a Hook, and they will prove an excellent bait for most sorts of Fish.
Fat Bacon.
Cut this in little small Long snips, and especially at Snap, it is exceeding good to take a Chub or Pike, from the latter end of August to the beginning of April.
The Pith of the Back-bone of a Sheep.
Take out the Pith that runs through the Back-bone, and take off the Tough outward Skin, and leave the thin tender white Skin on, and bait with about half an Inch of it, and it takes a Chevin to admiration.
Grain, Wheat, Malt.
Bruise either of these finely, fry them in Honey, make them up into Pasts with Oyl of Peter; and either in Winter or Summer they take Chub, Roach, Dace or Bleak.
How to bring Fish, if any in the Pond or River, to the place you desire.
Boyl clean Barly in Water till it bursts, with Licorice, and a little Mummy; add some Honey and beat them together in a Mortar into a stiff Paste, and boyl about the quantity of a Wall-nut of this Paste with a quart of Barly till it grows Glutenous, and then lay it for a ground bait, and the Fish will flock about it from all parts.
To make worms for Baits come out of the Ground.
Boyl an Ounce of Verdigrise in a quart of strong Vinegar, and Sprinkle a little in places where you suspect Worms are, and they will Crawl out of the Ground.
Another approved Bait.
Take the Fat of a Heron, Mummy, and Galbanum; of each two drams, Scent them with a Grain of Musk, and make them up with two Ounces of Aqua-vitae, stir them over a gentle Fire in an Earthen Vessel till they become thick, and with this rub the Hook, and end of the Line, and the Scent of it will draw the Fish to it; you must also have at the same time a proper Bait on your Hook for such Fish as are in the place you Angle.
The Artificial Cod or Cad Bait.
Make the Body of yellow Bees-wax, and head of black Dubin and black Silk, or you may make the Body of yellow washed Leather, Shamey or Buff, and the head all of black Silk, and this is an Incomparable bait for Trout, Salmon or Smelts, and those that are natural are most Excellent baits for Trout, Grayling, Salmons, Tench, Roach, Chub, Dace, Carp, Tench, Ruff, Bream and Bleak; but then you must Fish with it in clear Water only.
Rules and Considerations about Baits in general.
Fish in general take all such baits freely, as nature at that season affords in or near the places where you Angle, for being used to them they are not afraid of any deceit, but take them as their common food. And for flies in this case, in a Morning or Evening, when you go to Angle beat the bushes about the Rivers or Ponds, and such Flies as you rouse there, Fish with, either Natural, or imitate them by Art; as also see what Worms or other Insects fit for baits stick on the Leaves, Grass, or are in the Water; and in this Observation you cannot miss of good Sport; and when you have struck gently the backway, draw a little, and be not too hasty to take up before the Fish has had her play and spent her strength lest she break your Tackle. If your Fish be large, you must use your Landing Net.
To take Fish in the Night with a Light.
This is an Admirable way to supply you with a sudden Dish, viz. Take a Glass in the form of a Urinal very deep, put as much Clay in the bottom of it as will sink the Mouth of it within an Inch of the Water, floating on pieces of Cork, tied about the Neck to keep it steadily upright, then place a Candle in it, by sticking it in the Clay-socket, anointing the out side of the Glass with Oyl of Asper. This Light will shine a great way in a still Water, so that the Fish being amazed at so unusual a Sight, will come out of their holes about it, and be detained with the scent of the Oyl so long, that with a Hoop-net you may take great store of them.
Flies proper for every Month.
For February, little red brow Palmer flies, the Plain Hackle, the Silver Hackle, the Gold Hackle, the great Dun, the great blew Dun, the dark brown.
For March, the little whirling Dun, the early bright Brown, the whitish Dun, the Thorn-tree fly, the blue Dun, the little black Gnat, the little bright Brown.
For April, the small bright Brown, the little dark brown, the great whirling Dun, the Violet Fly, the yellow Dun, the Horse-flesh-fly.
For May, the Dun-cout, the Green-drake, the Stone-fly, the black May fly, the little yellow May Fly, the Gray-drake, the Camlet fly, the Turkey Fly, the yellow Palmer, the black-flat Fly, the light-brown, the little Dun, the white Gnat, the Peacock Fly, the Cow-Lady, the Cowturd-fly.
For June, From the first to the 24th the Green Drake and Stone Fly, the Owl fly, the Barn fly, the purple Hackle, the purple Gold Hackle, the flesh Fly, the little flesh Fly, the Peacock fly, the Ant fly, the brown Gnat, the little black Gnat, the Green-Grasshopper, the Dun Grasshopper, the Brown Hackle.
For July, The Badger fly, the Orange fly, the little white Dun, the Wasp fly, the Black Hackle, the Shell fly, the black brown Dun.
For August. The late Ant fly, the Fern fly, the white Hackle, the Harry-long-Legs.
For September. The Cammel brown fly, the late Badger fly.
For October. The same Flies that were used in March.
The best time to Angle in.
1. If in the hot Months, cloudy Weather is best, when a small Gale stirs the Water.
2. When the Floods have carryed away the fish that sudden Showers Incumbered the Water withall, and the River and Pond retains its usual bounds, looking of a whitish Colour.
3. When a violent Shower has troubled or muddied the River, or a little before the Fish spawn, at what time they come into the sandy Ground to loosen their Bellies.
4. After Rains, when the Rivers keep their bounds, yet rise and run swiftly, for then they seek shelter in Creeks and little Rivulets running into the River.
5. Fish for Carp and Tench early, that is, before Sun rise, till Eight in the Morning, and from four in the Afternoon till after Sun set. In March, the beginning of April, and the latter end of September and all Winter, when there are no great Frosts, the Fish bite in the warm of the day, the wind being still; but in Summer Months, Morning and Evening is best.
6. Fish rise best at the Fly, after the shower has muddied or Clouded the Waters, and Fish with Flies in generally March, April, May, and the beginning of June, is the best for Trout; you may Angle in a clear star light Night, for they are then roaving about for prey; he bites best in muddy water, and the best time of Fishing for him is from 8 to 10 in the Morning, and from three till five in the Afternoon.
7. The Salmon Fishery is best in May, June, July, and August, from three in the Afternoon till Sun set, and in the Morning as before.
8. The Barble bites best early in the Morning, till Ten or Eleven in May, June, July, and the beginning of August.
9. The Pearch and Ruff bites best all day in cool Cloudy Weather.
10. The Carp and Tench bite early and late in the still parts of the River; June, July, and August; as likewise do the Chevin, whose chief bait is white Snails, and small Lamperies.
11. The Breem bites from Sun rise till nine or ten in the Morning in muddy Water, especially the Wind blowing hard, for the most part; keeping in the Middle of the Pond or River in May, June, July, and August.
12. Angle for the Pike in clear Water, when it is stirred by a gentle Gale in July, August, September, and October, and then he bites best about three in the Afternoon; but all the day in Winter, and in April, May, and the beginning of June, early in the Morning and late at Evening.
13. The Roach and Dace bite all the day long at the Top of the Water at flies natural, and Artificial, also at Grass-hoppers, and all sorts of Worms, if the Water be shady.
14. The Gudgeon bites best in April, till she has Spawned in May, or if the Weather be cold till Wasp time, and at the end of the year all day long, near to a gentle Stream. Observe when you Angle for her, to stir and rake the Ground, and the Bait will be taken the better.
15. The Flounder in April bites all day, May, June, and July, especially in swift Streams, yet he will bite, tho' not so freely in a still Deep.
Of Fish-ponds.
Grounds most fit and proper to be cast into a Pond, are those which are Marshy, or Boggy, or full of Springs, unfit for Grazing, or to be put to any profitable use besides. Of these the last, full of Springs, will yield the best Water; that which is Marshy will feed Fish; and what is Boggy is best for a Defence against Thieves.
First draw by small Trenches all the Springs into one place, and so drain the rest of the Ground; then mark out the Head of your Pond, and make it the highest part of the ground in the Eye, tho' it be the lowest in a Level: Cut the Trench of your Floodgate so, that when the Water is let out, it may have a swift fall: On each side of which Trench drive in stakes of Oak, Ash or Elm six foot long, and six Inches square; place these in Rows near four foot distance, as broad and wide from the Floodgate as you intend the Head of your Pond shall go: Dig it in as big and large a Compass as the Ground will permit; throw your Earth amongst the said stakes, and ram it down hard till you have covered the stakes: Drive in as many new ones next the first stakes, and ram more Earth above them, with stakes above stakes till the head-sides be of a convenient height: Taking care, that the inside of your Banks be smooth, even, hard and strong, that the Current of the Water, may not wear off the Earth.
Having thus digged eight foot deep, that so it may carry six foot Water, pave the bottom and Banks of the Pond with Sods of Flot-Grass, laying them close together, pin them down with stakes and windings: This Grass is a great feeder of Fish, and grows naturally under Water. Stake to the bottom of one side of the Pond Bavens and Brush-Wood-Faggots, into which the Fish may cast their spawn. Lay Sods upon Sods, to nourish and breed Eels.
The Pond being made, let in Water, and thus store it: Put Carp, Bream and Tench by themselves: Pike, Pearch, Eel, and Tench (the Fishes Physician) by themselves; for Food of the greater Fishes, put store of Roach, Dace, Loach and Menow; and Lastly to one Melter, put three Spawners, and in three Years the increase will be great, and in five Years with difficulty be destroyed.
In 3 Years Sue your Pond; which you must continue to do, for the Roach will increase in such abundance, that eating up the sweet food, will make other Fish, as Carps, &c. be very lean: Therefore every Year view your Pond, and observe if any such Fry appears, thin them.
To make Carps grow large, &c.
About April, when your Pond is low rake the sides where the Water is fallen with an Iron rake, sow Hay-seeds there, rake it well; and at the end of Summer you shall have store of Grass: In Winter the Water will over-top the Grass, and being Water enough for them, the Carps will resort to the sides, and feed briskly, and grow fat: Thus do every Summer, till you sue your Pond, and no River Carp can surpass them.