We often have the Eastern peoples (notably the Japanese and Hindoos) quoted as examples of physical health and endurance, and the adoption of a vegetarian diet urged on those grounds; but these extremists seem to lose sight of the fact that these peoples are the descendants of vegetarians for centuries past; that they have inherited the tastes of their progenitors, and have evolved their present physical condition through a long period of development along those lines. To say nothing of the impracticability of suddenly converting a nation to the principles of vegetarianism, radical changes abruptly undertaken are always productive of ill effects.
It will help us to a proper understanding of the food question to consider right here what causes old age, or, rather, the physical signs of bodily infirmity that almost invariably accompany it. We are all familiar with the wrinkled body surface, the shrunken limbs and the stiffness of joints that particularly affect the aged, and are so accustomed to regard these outward manifestations of infirmity as inevitable, that few stop to inquire whether it is natural that this should be so. Undoubtedly, these are natural effects, being the result of the operation of natural law, but if mankind lived more in harmony with Nature, these symptoms should not manifest themselves before the age of ninety or a hundred, if even then.
What is termed old age is simply ossification (solidification of the tissues), and this is due to the constant deposition in the system of earthy substances. The result of these deposits being retained in the system is: that there is an excess of mineral matter in the bone tissue, which renders it brittle, and accounts for the susceptibility to fracture in advanced life; it causes a change in the structure of all the blood vessels, great and small, thickening their walls and thus reducing their calibre and also rendering them brittle. With diminished capacity the blood vessels fail to convey the requisite nutrition to the tissues, and a general lowering of the vitality follows. The capillaries no longer supply the skin with its needed pabulum, hence it loses its elasticity and color—grows yellow and forms in furrows. The circulation being sluggish, the deposition of these earthy substances in the neighborhood of the various joints and the muscular structures is facilitated, and we have the stiffness of joints and muscular pains that usually accompany age. The supply of blood to the brain and nerve substance is curtailed in the same manner, and for lack of sustenance these structures commence to decay, which accounts for diminished mental activity and sensory impressions. As the process continues there may be almost complete obliteration of the capillaries, while the larger vessels may become so thickened that their capacity is sometimes reduced three-fifths. Then comes death.
Then, since old age is due to the cause just described, it follows, as a perfectly logical deduction, that if we can prevent the introduction of these substances into the system, or even check them, then the duration of life and preservation of function should be proportionately prolonged.
What are these substances and whence are they obtained? They consist of carbonate and phosphate of lime, principally, with small quantities of the sulphates of lime and magnesia, and a small percentage of other earthy matters. These substances are taken into the system in the food we eat and the water we drink, and it has been estimated that enough lime salts are taken into the system during an average lifetime to form a statue the size of the individual. Of course, the greater part is eliminated by the natural processes, but enough is retained to make ossification a formidable fact. Of the disastrous effects of a preponderance of these mineral salts in the system we have a notable example in the Cretins, a people in the Swiss Alps, who are the victims of premature ossification, their bodies being stunted, rarely attaining a greater height than four feet, and exhibiting all the signs of old age at thirty years; in fact, they seldom live longer than that. In this case the cause is directly traceable to the excess of calcium salts in the drinking water, for although heredity plays an important part in this matter, yet children from other parts, if brought into the region at an early age, soon manifest the symptoms and speedily become Cretins in fact.
Most people are familiar with what is known among housewives as the formation of "fur" in the common tea kettle. This is nothing more nor less than the precipitation of the lime salts by evaporation. Four and five pounds' weight of this substance has been known to collect in this manner in a single vessel in twelve months. Many people are under the mistaken impression that boiling the water removes the lime. Not so. The precipitation only relates to that proportion of the water that has been evaporated; the remainder (in all probability) possesses a slightly higher percentage of solids than it originally did. So great is the proportion of mineral substance taken into the system in drinking water that it is safe to assert that, if after maturity was reached only distilled or other absolutely pure water was partaken of, life would be prolonged fully ten years. Up to the mature age it would be inadvisable, as the salts are necessary for bone formation. Good filtered rain water, or melted snow, are entirely free from mineral deposits, but if they have stood for any length of time it is advisable to boil them before using, to destroy any organic matter.
But it is not in water alone that these pernicious earthy matters are found. All food substances contain them to a greater or lesser extent. The order in which foods stand in the matter of freedom from earthy impurities is as follows: Fruits, fish, animal flesh (including eggs), vegetables, cereals; so that the advocates of a strictly vegetable diet find themselves confronted by the formidable fact that their mainstay is that class of foods that contain the largest proportion of those substances that hasten ossification. Ample proof is at hand that a strictly vegetable diet results in what is known as atheroma (chalky deposit), an affection of the arteries. Dr. Winckler, an enthusiastic food reformer, who wrote extensively on the subject under the nom de plume of Dr. Alanus, and practised a strict vegetarian diet for some years, was compelled to abandon it, on account of the above disease manifesting itself. Numerous similar cases were observed by Raymond, in a monastery of vegetarian friars, and among the poorer Hindoos, who live almost exclusively on rice, this trouble is of frequent occurrence.
The reason of this is obvious. Vegetable food is richer in mineral salts than animal food, and consequently, more are introduced into the blood. There are exceptions, for instance, fruits, which are an ideal food, for several excellent reasons. To commence with, they contain less earthy matter than any other known organic substance; they contain upward of 70 per cent. of the purest kind of distilled water— distilled in Nature's laboratory; and distilled water is an admirable solvent, and is ready for immediate absorption into the blood, and, lastly, the starch of the fruit has, by the sun's action, been converted into glucose, and is practically ready for assimilation. in order as follows: Dates, figs, bananas, prunes, apples, grapes.
Bread has long been known as the "staff of life," and although it forms the main dietary staple for large numbers of people, that does not in any way prove its eligibility as an article of food. We have seen that cereals contain a very large proportion of inorganic matter (the mineral salts), and wheat is as richly endowed in this respect as any of its fellows. Wheat is rich in heat producing qualities, which is due to the quantity of starch it contains. Now, this starch must be converted into glucose before the system can appropriate it, and as exhaustive experiments have shown that not more than four per cent. of the starch is converted by the ptyalin in the saliva, the principal work of dealing with the starch devolves upon the duodenum, or second stomach, the fluids of the main stomach having no action upon it.
Now, this extra and unnecessary work falling upon the duodenum entails a delay in the process of digestion, and a corresponding delay in assimilation, so a habit of intestinal inactivity is induced, and the seeds of constipation are sown, because the starchy foods, being slow in giving up their nutritive elements, the refuse is proportionately backward in being eliminated. Fruits, on the contrary, although equally rich in heat producing qualities, yet on account of the previous natural transmutation of starch into glucose, are in a condition for immediate appropriation by the system, and consequently absorption of nutrition and elimination of waste are equally prompt. This partially explains the aperient action of fruits, although there is a chemical reason also. For the reasons above stated, lightly baked bread should never be eaten; it should be toasted thoroughly brown first, by which the first step in the conversion of the starch is accomplished.
Regarding the relative digestibility of white and brown (whole wheat) bread there is considerable diversity of opinion, but in a series of experiments described by Dr. John B. Coppock, in the "Herald of Health," England, it was shown that in equal portions of 100 ounces, 1/4 ounce more of the white bread was digested, than of the brown; but the proportion of Proteids (muscle and tissue forming constituents) digested, was as follows: white bread, 85 1/2 ounces; brown bread, 88 3/4 ounces, or 3 1/4 ounces more nutrition obtained from the brown bread than from the white. In any event, we are forced to the conclusion that as an article of food, bread has hitherto had a value placed upon it to which it was not legitimately entitled.
Nature has designed albumen as the staple of nutrition for man, and primarily, vegetable albumen; hence fruits form as nearly as possible a perfect food, containing, as they do, this important constituent in addition to the advantages previously mentioned.
Nuts are an excellent article of diet, as they contain a large percentage of proteid (muscle-forming) substance, and fats—both in a state of almost absolute purity, but are somewhat deficient in starch. To those who feel that they really cannot do without meat, nuts certainly offer the best substitute. There are preparations of nuts on the markets now, called nut-meats, but our advice would be, to eat all nuts without preparation, only being careful to masticate them thoroughly. The peanut is the first in rank for nutritive value, next comes the chestnut, and third, the walnut.
Our objection to nut-meats applies to all forms of concentrated foods, that is, that they do not give the digestive functions the proper amount of exercise. They do not afford sufficient opportunity for mastication, hence the food is not properly insalivated. And, again, in normal conditions, Nature demands a certain amount of bulk, that the digestive organs may have something to contract upon. It is the nature of the muscular structures to grow if exercised, and there is no reason to doubt that the stomach and intestinal muscles respond to this stimulus. Bulk is especially necessary in the intestinal canal, to supply a certain amount of irritative stimulation, for the purpose of exciting peristalsis. That is one reason why whole wheat bread is preferable to white, on account of the bran, which not only supplies the bulk, but favors elimination by its irritative action.
Before proceeding any further we would call attention to the following table, showing the nutritive ingredients in food substances, and their several functions. The ingredients are classified in four divisions: 1, Proteids; 2, Fats; 3, Starches, or carbohydrates; 4, Mineral matters. This is the main classification; but to enable it to be better understood, we subdivide it as follows:
a. Albuminoids: e. g. albumen (white of egg); casein (curd) of milk; myosin, the basis of muscle (lean meat); gluten of wheat, etc.
b. Gelatinoids: e. g. collagen of tendons; ossein of bones, which yield gelatin or glue. Meats and fish contain very small quantities of so-called "extractives." They include kreatin and allied compounds, and are the chief ingredients of beef tea and meat extract. They contain nitrogen, and hence are commonly classed with protein.)
e. g. fat of meat; fat (butter) of milk; olive oil; oil of corn, wheat, etc.
e. g. sugar, starch, cellulose (woody fibre).
Mineral Matters.
e. g. calcium phosphate or phosphate of lime; sodium chloride (common salt).
In this classification, water is not taken into account, for the reason that it is not a true nutrient, although of vital importance to the body. Now, let us consider what ultimately becomes of these substances—how Nature utilizes them in the physical economy. Protein is used to build up the solid tissues of the body, the muscles and tendons. It is also a source of nutrition for brain and nerve substance, and partially serves as fuel. Fats simply form fatty tissue and serve as fuel to maintain the heat of the body, by combustion or oxidation. Carbohydrates mainly serve as fuel, owing to the large percentage of carbon they contain, which readily unites with the oxygen. The mineral matters, which are also largely obtained from water, are employed in the formation of bone, and are also utilized in the blood and in other ways.
Thus we see that each constituent of the food substance fulfills a specific purpose, and the secret of a correct and nutritious diet lies in the selection of such foods as will furnish the proper proportion of each constituent to serve the purpose for which it is designed. Any deviation from this rule must of necessity result in digestive disturbance, more or less, and although one or two digressions from the path of correct alimentation may not result in anything worse than a slight inconvenience, yet persistence in dietetic errors will inevitably terminate in physical demoralization.
Authorities differ as to the actual proportion the nutritive ingredients should bear to each other in the daily ration; but after comparing the statements advanced by different food experts. We think the following figures will represent a fair average of the various tables. The reader will see that 100 parts of carbo-hydrates is taken as the basis of calculation, the figures opposite the other ingredients representing the proportion they should bear to the basic figure.
Carbo-hydrates (carbonaceous material, starch, sugar, etc.), fat, and heat formers, 100 parts.
Proteids (nitrogenous material) muscle, tissue and brain formers 40 parts.
Fats (animal fats, butter, etc.), fuel formers 32 parts.
Mineral salts, 6 parts.
Water 670 parts.
With the above table in mind, it will be easy to select foods that will furnish, when combined, the proper proportion of each ingredient—that is—approximately, and to assist in the selection, we subjoin a condensed list of the more important articles of food, showing the percentage of each ingredient, as proved by analysis. We would call attention to the fact that animal foods may slightly differ in the ratio of the ingredients, owing to the food upon which the animal has been raised, and its physical condition; and, owing to peculiarities of soil, vegetable foods may differ in like manner, but for practical purposes it will be found sufficiently correct.
*Lean Beef Proteids. 20.2 Starches. 0.0 Fats. 3.6 Salts. 2.0
*Fat Proteids. 16.9 Starches. 0.0 Fats. 3.6 Salts. 2.0
*Mutton Proteids. 17.1 Starches. 0.0 Fats. 5.7 Salts. 1.3
*Veal Proteids. 18.8 Starches. 0.0 Fats. 4.4 Salts. 0.5
*Pork Proteids. 14.5 Starches. 0.0 Fats. 37.3 Salts. 0.8
*Poultry Proteids. 21.0 Starches. 0.0 Fats. 3.8 Salts. 1.2
*Smoked Ham Proteids. 24.0 Starches. 0.0 Fats. 36.5 Salts. 10.1
*Mackerel Proteids. 23.5 Starches. 0.0 Fats. 6.7 Salts. 1.0
*Cod Proteids. 27.0 Starches.0.0 Fats.0.3 Salts.22.0
*White of Egg Proteids. 20.4 Starches. 0.0 Fats. 0.0 Salts. 1.6
*Yolk of Egg Proteids. 16.0 Starches. 0.0 Fats. 30.7 Salts. 1.3
*Cow's Milk Proteids. 4.2 Starches. 4.5 Fats. 3.7 Salts. 0.7
*Cheese Proteids. 28.0 Starches. 1.0 Fats. 23.0 Salts. 7.0
*Butter Proteids. 2.0 Starches. 1.0 Fats. 85.0 Salts. 1.0
*Cabbage Proteids. 5.0 Starches. 7.8 Fats. 0.5 Salts. 1.2
*Asparagus Proteids. 1.9 Starches. 2.7 Fats. 0.2 Salts. 0.5
*Mushrooms Proteids. 2.5 Starches. 4.7 Fats. 0.2 Salts. 0.7
*Potatoe Proteids. 2.2 Starches. 21.8 Fats. 0.2 Salts. 1.0
*Sweet Potatoe Proteids. 1.0 Starches. 25.2 Fats. 0.2 Salts. 2.7
*Celery Proteids. 1.5 Starches. 0.8 Fats. 0.4 Salts. 0.8
*French Beans Proteids. 23.7 Starches. 55.6 Fats. 2.2 Salts. 3.7
*Lima Beans Proteids. 21.9 Starches. 60.0 Fats. 1.9 Salts. 2.9
*Green Peas Proteids. 6.3 Starches. 12.0 Fats. 0.5 Salts. 0.8
*Lentils Proteids. 24.8 Starches. 54.7 Fats. 1.8 Salts. 2.4
*Wheat Flour Proteids. 11.6 Starches. 71.0 Fats. 1.3 Salts. 1.6
*Barley Flour Proteids. 10.5 Starches. 66.7 Fats. 2.4 Salts. 2.6
*Oatmeal Proteids. 12.8 Starches. 65.6 Fats. 5.6 Salts. 3.6
*Lentil Flour Proteids. 25.4 Starches. 57.3 Fats. 1.8 Salts. 2.6
*Arrowroot Proteids. 0.8 Starches. 83.5 Fats. 0.0 Salts. 0.3
*Chestnut Proteids. 14.6 Starches. 60.0 Fats. 2.4 Salts. 3.3
*Sweet Almond Proteids. 23.5 Starches. 7.8 Fats. 53.0 Salts. 3.0
*Peanut Proteids. 28.3 Starches. 1.8 Fats. 46.2 Salts. 3.3
*Walnut Proteids. 15.8 Starches. 13.0 Fats. 57.4 Salts. 2.0
*Apple Proteids. 0.4 Starches. 7.2 Fats. 0.0 Salts. 0.5
*Cherry Proteids. 0.7 Starches. 10.2 Fats. 0.0 Salts. 0.7
*Grape Proteids. 0.6 Starches. 14.2 Fats. 0.0 Salts. 0.5
*Banana Proteids. 4.9 Starches. 19.2 Fats. 0.6 Salts. 1.1
*Dates Proteids. 6.6 Starches. 54.0 Fats. 0.2 Salts. 1.6
*Figs Proteids. 6.1 Starches. 60.5 Fats. 0.9 Salts. 2.3
*Honey Proteids. 0.8 Starches. 74.6 Fats. 0.9 Salts. 0.2
Showing the relative digestibility of various foods.
* Beef, round
PROTEIN. Digestible. 23.0 Undigestible. 0.0
FATS. Digestible. 8.1 Undigestible. 0.9
CARBOHYDRATES. Digestible. 0.0 Undigestible. 0.0
WATER. 66.7
* Beef, sirloin
PROTEIN. Digestible. 20.0 Undigestible. 0.0
FATS. Digestible. 17.1 Undigestible. 1.9
CARBOHYDRATES. Digestible. 0.0 Undigestible. 0.0
WATER. 60.0
*Pork, very fat.
PROTEIN. Digestible. 3.0 Undigestible. 0.0
FATS. Digestible. 74.5 Undigestible. 6.0
CARBOHYDRATES. Digestible. - Undigestible. -
WATER. 10.0
PROTEIN. Digestible. 17.1 Undigestible. 0.0
FATS. Digestible. 0.3 Undigestible. -
CARBOHYDRATES. Digestible. 0.0 Undigestible. 0.0
WATER. 81.4
PROTEIN. Digestible. 18.8 Undigestible. 0.0
FATS. Digestible. 7.4 Undigestible. 0.8
CARBOHYDRATES. Digestible. 0.0 Undigestible. 0.0
WATER. 71.6
*Hen's eggs
PROTEIN. Digestible. 13.4 Undigestible. 0.0
FATS. Digestible. 9.4 Undigestible. 2.4
CARBOHYDRATES. Digestible. 0.7 Undigestible. 0.0
WATER. 73.1
*Cow's Milk
PROTEIN. Digestible. 3.4 Undigestible. 0.0
FATS. Digestible. 3.6 Undigestible. 0.1
CARBOHYDRATES. Digestible. 4.8 Undigestible. 0.0
WATER. 87.4
*Cheese, whole milk
PROTEIN. Digestible. 27.1 Undigestible. 0.0
FATS. Digestible. 34.6 Undigestible. 0.9
CARBOHYDRATES. Digestible. 2.3 Undigestible. 0.0
WATER. 31.2
PROTEIN. Digestible. 1.0 Undigestible. -
FATS. Digestible. 85.8 Undigestible. 1.7
CARBOHYDRATES. Digestible. 0.5 Undigestible. -
WATER. 9.0
PROTEIN. Digestible. 0.4 Undigestible. -
FATS. Digestible. 83.9 Undigestible. 3.3
CARBOHYDRATES. Digestible. 0.0 Undigestible. -
WATER. 10.3
PROTEIN. Digestible. 0.3 Undigestible. -
FATS. Digestible. - Undigestible. -
CARBOHYDRATES. Digestible. 96.7 Undigestible. 0.0
WATER. 2.2
*Wheat flour (very fine).
PROTEIN. Digestible. 7.6 Undigestible. 1.3
FATS. Digestible. 1.0 Undigestible. -
CARBOHYDRATES. Digestible. 74.4 Undigestible. 0.8
WATER. 14.6
* Wheat flour (Medium)
PROTEIN. Digestible. 9.5 Undigestible. 2.1
FATS. Digestible. 0.8 Undigestible. -
CARBOHYDRATES. Digestible. 70.4 Undigestible. 1.8
WATER. 15.0
*Wheat flour (coarse whole wheat)
PROTEIN. Digestible. 8.2 Undigestible. 2.7
FATS. Digestible. 1.8 Undigestible. -
CARBOHYDRATES. Digestible. 66.4 Undigestible. 5.3
WATER. 14.4
* Wheat Bread.
PROTEIN. Digestible. 7.7 Undigestible. 1.2
FATS. Digestible. 1.9 Undigestible. -
CARBOHYDRATES. Digestible. 54.9 Undigestible. 0.6
WATER. 32.7
*Black bread.
PROTEIN. Digestible. 4.5 Undigestible. 1.6
FATS. Digestible. 1.8 Undigestible. -
CARBOHYDRATES. Digestible. 43.3 Undigestible. 5.3
WATER. 43.8
PROTEIN. Digestible. 19.7 Undigestible. 3.2
FATS. Digestible. - Undigestible. -
CARBOHYDRATES. Digestible. 55.7 Undigestible. 2.1
WATER. 15.0
*Corn (maize) Meal.
PROTEIN. Digestible. 7.9 Undigestible. 1.2
FATS. Digestible. 3.8 Undigestible. -
CARBOHYDRATES. Digestible. 68.7 Undigestible. 2.3
WATER. 14.5
PROTEIN. Digestible. 6.2 Undigestible. 1.2
FATS. Digestible. 0.4 Undigestible. -
CARBOHYDRATES. Digestible. 78.7 Undigestible. 0.7
WATER. 12.4
PROTEIN. Digestible. 1.5 Undigestible. 0.5
FATS. Digestible. 0.2 Undigestible. -
CARBOHYDRATES. Digestible. 19.7 Undigestible. 1.6
WATER. 75.5
PROTEIN. Digestible. 0.7 Undigestible. 0.3
FATS. Digestible. 0.2 Undigestible. -
CARBOHYDRATES. Digestible. 5.6 Undigestible. 1.3
WATER. 91.2
Since the elements are seldom, if ever, found in the proper proportion in any food substances, it becomes necessary to exercise judgement in selecting them, so that something like a well balanced diet may be obtained; so as a further aid to enable the reader to make his selection judiciously, we would call attention to Table A and Table B below. Table A shows the proportion of various foods that is ordinarily digested, while Table B points out the time required for different articles of food to digest.
Apples, raw, 2:00 Barley, boiled, 2:00 Beef, roasted, 3:00 Beefsteak, broiled, 3:00 Beef, broiled, 4:00 Beets, boiled, 3:45 Brains, animal, boiled, 1:45 Bread, corn, baked, 3:15 Bread, wheat, baked, 3:30 Butter, melted, 3:30 Cabbage, raw, 2:30 Cabbage, with vinegar, 2:00 Cabbage, boiled, 4:30 Cake, corn, baked, 3:00 Cake, sponge, baked, 2:30 Catfish, fried, 3:30 Cheese, old strong, 3:30 Chicken, fricasseed, 2:45 Corn and beans, boiled, 3:45 Custard, baked, 2:45 Duck, roasted, 4:00 Dumpling, apple, boiled, 3: 00 Eggs, hard boiled, 3:30 Eggs, soft boiled, 3:00 Eggs, fried, 3:30 Eggs, roasted, 2:15 Eggs, raw, 2:00 Fowls, boiled, 4: 00 Fowls, roasted, 4: 00 Goose, roasted, 2: 30 Lamb, boiled, 2: 30 Milk, boiled, 2: 00 Milk, raw, 2: 15 Mutton, roasted, 3:15 Mutton, broiled, 3:00 Mutton, boiled, 3:00 Oysters, raw, 2:55 Oysters, roasted, 3:15 Oysters, stewed, 3:30 Pig, roasted, 2:30 Pigs' feet, soused, 1:00 Pork, roasted, 5:15 Pork, salted and fried, 4:15 Potatoes, Irish, boiled, 3:30 Potatoes, Irish, roasted, 2:30 Rice, boiled, 1:00 Salmon, salted, 4:00 Soup, barley, boiled, 1:30 Soup, bean, 3:30 Soup, chicken, 3:00 Soup, mutton, 3:30 Soup, oyster, 3:30 Tapioca, boiled, 2:00 Tripe, soused, 1:00 Trout, salmon, boiled, 1:30 Trout, salmon, fried, 1:30 Turkey, roast, 2:30 Turkey, boiled, 2:30 Turnips, boiled, 3:30 Veal, broiled, 4:00 Veal, fried, 4:30 Vegetables and meat hashed, 2:30 Venison steak, 1:35
We have seen that certain elements are necessary in our food for the proper replenishment of the waste that is perpetually going on, and that they must be combined in proper proportions, so that no one part of the body shall be over-nourished at the expense of the others—no organ overtaxed, but that all may be harmoniously developed.
Opinions may, and do, differ as to the source from which this sustenance for the body should be obtained whether from the animal or vegetable kingdoms, or both, and while admitting that vegetarianism and flesh-eating both have their advantages and disadvantages, our own conscientious conviction is, that the true solution of the question is to be found in the happy medium—that a mixed diet is the best for mankind under existing conditions.
The main argument of our vegetarian friends against the practice of flesh-eating is the humanitarian one. We are familiar with all the objections urged—the brutalizing effect upon the human mind of so much ruthless bloodshed—of the sacredness of life, and of man's presumption in daring to deprive a living creature of existence; but with all due respect to the sensibilities of these worthy people, we are inclined to think that the argument is scarcely tenable. We do not wish to be understood as defending the cruelties that are said to be practised in the abattoirs; but the taking of life is inseparable from existence. It is simply a question of degree. There is a sect in India, the members of which are so scrupulous regarding the sanctity of life that they carefully brush every step of the path in front of them, lest they should inadvertently step upon any creeping thing. In this, they lift the burden of responsibility from themselves for any wanton injury; but the microscope has shown us that there is a countless world of infinitesimal life all around us, and that it is practically impossible to draw a breath, or drink a mouthful of water, without destroying some living thing. If we accept the teaching of the Scriptures, that not a sparrow falls to the ground without the knowledge of the Creator, then we must conclude that the life of the ant is of as much importance in His eyes as that of the ox or sheep. We repeat, we are not posing as advocates of indiscriminate and wanton slaughter, but on utilitarian grounds, we consider the use of the flesh of animals, as a food, justifiable.
If we needed any scriptural authority for the practice, we could point to the Hebrews, who (according to Holy Writ) received through Moses not only permission to use meat as an article of diet, but instructions for the killing of the selected animals, together with injunctions to avoid the flesh of certain kinds; and they may be cited as a striking example of the value of a mixed diet.
Here we have one of the most ancient races of the earth—a race that has endured the most terrible persecutions that ever befell a people, yet have survived it all, and are to-day a robust and unusually prolific race; while intellectually and morally they are surpassed by none. They are a greater power in the world than any other race, by reason of their finance and business instincts. There is no question but that the sanitary system of living established by Moses has been the principle factor in perpetuating this hardy race; and a mixed diet was and is an integral part of that system. It may also be confidently claimed that the teachings of the Bible, along these lines, have been in a large degree responsible for the position occupied by the Christian nations in the world to-day.
However, we have no desire to impose our views upon our readers, and having given expression to our sentiments, we return to the main question.
Having disposed of the question, "what to eat," we will consider another matter, almost equally important, and that is:
How To Eat.
The one fundamental principle underlying this question is thorough mastication, and we cannot too strongly impress upon our readers the necessity for its proper observance. We have already stated that digestion cornmences in the mouth—that by the action of the saliva, the starchy matter in food is converted into glucose. It is therefore necessary that the saliva should be brought into intimate contact with every part of the bolus; and for that purpose thorough mastication is absolutely necessary. In addition, the separation of the food into small fragments, by the teeth, assists stomach digestion, by permitting the gastric juice freer access to the food. It is stated that Mr. Gladstone formed the habit of thorough mastication by making it a rule to count thirty two while masticating each mouthful. Mastication need not be slow to be thorough, although there is an impression to that effect, for, as a matter of fact, quick and vigorous chewing excites the salivary glands to more energetic action.
Drinking at meals should be avoided as much as possible, and whenever any digestive trouble is present, not only should no liquids accompany the meal, but nothing in the form of fluids should be partaken of within half an hour preceding or following a meal, The philosophy of this is apparent, when we reflect that all digestive disturbances are accompanied by imperfect secretion of the gastric juices, and to dilute them with an excess of fluid is to weaken its power of action on the food. It is as if a man, when attempting to dissolve a piece of metal in a powerful acid, should deliberately add water to the acid, and thereby arrest, wholly or in part, the process of decomposition. It is plain, therefore, that although the practice of drinking at meals may help the food to pass more easily down the aesophagus, yet it must inevitably retard digestion when it reaches the stomach.
But the most pernicious practice of all is that of drinking ice water at meals, since, in addition to the ill effects described above, it temporarily paralyzes the stomach-driving the blood away from that organ when it is needed most of all. A fact which should not be lost sight of is, that no physical operation, however slight, can be accomplished without the expenditure of force (nervous energy), even though it be only the winking of an eyelid; and the labor entailed upon the system, of raising the temperature of the stomach to normal figures, after deluging it with ice water, involves a ruinous waste of vital force, in addition to the other reasons urged against it. It cannot be doubted that this essentially American habit is responsible for a large proportion of the dyspepsia that sits like an incubus upon the nation. Every substance taken into the stomach, whether fluid or solid, should be about the same temperature as the body, to be in harmony with natural principles.
All condiments promote indigestion. They over stimulate the stomach, exciting the secreting glands to abnormal action, and irritating the sensitive mucous surface. In addition, they overheat the blood, excite the nervous system, inflame the passions, and are largely responsible for many of the excesses into which men plunge under this unnatural stimulation.
Is a question that has excited a great deal of discussion of late years. The publication of Dr. Dewey's book, extolling the no-breakfast plan, caused the subject to be debated, with considerable fervor for a time, but the matter remains practically where it was. It is impossible to lay down a hard and fast rule that shall govern all cases, a fact that most theorists seem to lose sight of—hence the collapse of so many promising and alluring schemes. For people in health, we strongly advise the three meals a day system, which experience has shown to be successful. They should be moderate in quantity, and should be eaten as follows: The first, from half an hour to an hour after rising (having previously bathed and exercised); the second, not less than four hours afterwards; the third, not less than five hours later.
This gives the stomach time to rid itself of one meal before the next is introduced, otherwise the undigested food remaining in the stomach prevents that organ from acting properly on the fresh food. It is for this reason that it is unwise to eat between meals, as, when the stomach is occupied by articles of food in various stages of digestion, undigested portions will pass out with the digested food; not only entailing a serious loss of energy and nutrition, but irritating the intestinal canal and creating unnecessary waste to be eliminated.
The above rules, as stated, apply to people in ordinarily good health. In wasting disease it may be necessary to supply nutrition even as often as every half hour; and in all serious digestive troubles it is wiser to eat six times a day than three, the meals to be light, nutritious in quality, and small in quantity, so as not to impose too great a burden at one time on the weakened digestive apparatus.
We will now consider the action of several substances, in common use, that are inimical to health, and that have an especially demoralizing effect upon digestion.
The first of these is alcohol, which only serves as fuel, but does not form tissue. Its best friends in the medical profession no longer claim anything for it but a stimulating effect. Its action on the digestive organs (especially the stomach) is disastrous in the extreme. It destroys the appetite, although it temporarily sustains vigor by unnatural excitation.
Without going so far as to say that a man is lost to all sense of decency because he takes an occasional drink, we will say that it is in nowise necessary to the system—that the habit, indulged in to excess, is the most fatal that can be contracted, and that inasmuch as the majority of people have not sufficient will-power to curb their appetites, the wisest plan is to avoid the use of alcoholic beverages altogether.
The man who is addicted to the excessive use of alcoholic stimulants is over-taxing the vital organs of his body in the most outrageous manner, and although Nature incessantly enters protest against being overworked, he either ignorantly fails to recognize the warnings, or wantonly disregards them. Let us for a few moments consider the work which the heart is called upon to do, and the amount of extra labor imposed upon it by the unwise use of alcohol. The average life of a man is thirty-eight years, and, in a healthy man, the number of heart- beats per minute is seventy, or during an average life, 76,536,740,000. Now, the use of alcohol in anything like an excessive quantity increases the action of the heart ten beats per minute, making 600 extra beats per hour, 14,400 per day, 482,000 per month, 9,784,000 per year, 195,568,000 in twenty years, and 372,793,000 in a lifetime of thirty-eight years. Or, supposing a man should live fifty years, the number of pulsations of the heart during that period, at the normal rate, would be 917, 239,680. Now, if ten extra beats be added to this, for, say the last twenty-five years, we find that the heart is called upon to make 91,840,000 extra beats. Think of that enormous amount of additional work imposed upon a delicate, complex piece of mechanism like the human heart!
But that is not the worst of it. The heart should rest and sleep when we do. During sleep, the character of the beats is different from what it is during our waking hours—the beats are made singly and deliberately, with a pause between, for the heart is taking its necessary rest, to fit it for its functions on the morrow; but, if we take alcohol into the system before retiring, then the heart works harder during sleep than a healthy man's when he is awake.
Is it any wonder that we hear of so many cases of heart failure? Is it strange that the average duration of human life is steadily and surely growing shorter? Three-score and ten was the average number of years for man to sojourn here, it is now thirty-eight, and will inevitably become still less someday if man persists in wilfully violating the laws that govern his being.
Tea and coffee are substances which neither form tissue nor serve as fuel, and may be banished from the table with decided advantage. Few people realize that the difference between the drinking of alcohol and tea is simply a question of degree. It is true that the consequences of excessive tea drinking are not as severe as those from over-indulgence in ardent spirits, but the pernicious effects of the constant drinking of strong infusions of tea justify us in calling the practice a serious menace to health. Tea leaves contain from 2 to 4 per cent. of caffeine, or theme, which is an alkaloid, and always found in combination with tannin. They also contain a volatile oil, which is the source of the aroma, and in addition possess a sedative quality. Tannin is a powerful astringent, and hence is strongly provocative of constipation. Its action upon the mucous surface of the stomach is highly detrimental to that organ, as it arrests the excretion of the gastric juice by its contractile effect upon the glands. Its constant use will almost invariably result in digestive disturbances, and will certainly aggravate such troubles, if previously existing. It is true that a cup of hot tea is a refreshing beverage, but not more so than a cup of hot milk—in fact, it is the heat that imparts the sense of comfort experienced on drinking it. Children should never be allowed to drink either tea or coffee, as the seeds of a baneful habit may be sown, for in tea, as in dram drinking, it is a habit easily acquired.
The above remarks apply in a less degree to the frequent use of coffee. The constant use of these substances produce the following results—first, increase of circulation, rise in pulse, a desire to frequently pass urine, and an exhilaration resembling intoxication. Tea tasters, as is well known, are subject to headache and giddiness, and prone to attacks of paralysis. The votaries of the tea and coffee cup by far outnumber those of Bacchus, so that granting that the drinking of these beverages is a little less severe in its constitutional effects, yet the greater prevalence of the habit renders them equal to alcohol in their destructive effects.
One of the causes that conduce to digestive disturbances is that of solitary eating. Owing to the strenuousness of modern city life, many people, of both sexes, are compelled to practice the most rigid economy, which, in a large proportion of cases, involves what is known as "light housekeeping," or preparing a part, if not all of their meals over a gas jet in their room. In the case of the male housekeeper, this generally means that when he seats himself to eat he places his book or paper in front of him, to beguile the time; the consequence being that he not only calls the blood away from the stomach, where it is needed, but, engrossed in his reading, he masticates imperfectly, or suddenly coming to himself, he finds that he has been so intent on his reading that his food has become cold, whereupon he devours it in haste. Women are not such great sinners in this respect as men; but are equally culpable in another direction. It is a pretty well-known fact that a woman would just as soon not eat at all as to eat alone, and as a result frequently deprives herself of the necessary amount of nutrition. In fact, she impairs her digestion by not giving it sufficient work to do, while the man ruins his by spasmodically overtaxing it. For the above reasons, the boarding house (much as it leaves to be desired) is preferable as an abiding place for hundreds of men and women who are too busy by day and too tired at night to pay proper attention to the physical needs of the system. Companionship at meals is a most desirable thing, especially if it is congenial, and light, cheerful conversation, with a little hilarity intermingled, is an excellent aid to digestion.
This is, no doubt, due to mental influence. The whole of the alimentary process is under the control of the nervous system, which has its seat in the brain, consequently, a cheerful mental attitude favors digestion. It is well known that a fit of anger may temporarily stop digestion. The mind exerts such a vast influence over every function that it is impossible to set bounds to it. We are the creatures of habit. We eat so many times a day, from sheer force of habit. We habituate ourselves to partake of articles of food against which, at first, the senses rebel, by the same force; but it is left wholly to mans reasoning powers whether his habits shall be cultivated according to the needs of the system. If they are, perfect nutrition will be established; if they are not, he is worse off than the animal who knows only to follow the instincts of the original habits of the species. A man can exercise his will power to partake of a diet which his taste had not been able to appreciate, yet no will power can ever provide good nutrition out of a diet against which taste constantly rebels. Consciousness of the digestive organs is an offense to them. The more a man is conscious of his stomach, the less will be its capacity for performing good service; therefore, a dyspeptic should never attempt to follow a course of experimental dietetics with himself, for if he watches his stomach after his carefully selected meal, to see how it will serve him, he will always find abnormal symptoms. It is never wise to expect anything but good results from anything which has been allowed to pass beyond the palate, for that is Nature's infallible safeguard, its province being to reject every objectionable thing.
We would again remind the reader that one of the most important offices of the lungs is to promote the movement of the blood and lymph currents throughout the body. Active respiration assists all forms of lymph absorption, but gives special aid to the absorption of food substances from the stomach and intestines, because these particular lymph vessels are situated so close to the chest cavity that they are more directly under the influence of the suction action of the chest.
A few minutes spent in vigorous deep breathing exercise after each meal is one of the best means of remedying the sense of heaviness and weight of which so many complain after eating.
Thus we see that deep breathing, by favoring absorption, promotes the nourishment of the body will assist in building tissue, in fact. Oxygen is a vital necessity for the body, and it is necessary to absorb a large quantity for the actual needs of the system, while all absorbed over the quantity means added nutrition. Now, deep, or diaphragmatic breathing, infallibly increases the lung capacity, so that the possibility for absorption of oxygen is increased, and health and strength promoted. Deep breathing is as necessary for the proper absorption and assimilation of nutrition as the selection of a well- balanced diet. It has saved thousands of lives, and is a factor in promoting health that cannot be disregarded.
"Order is Heaven's first law," and nowhere is this law better exemplified than in the human body. Order, or regularity, is an essential for success in human affairs—moral, mental, or physical; but especially in the latter. The successful conduct of large business organizations is only possible by regularity in the performance of every detail of duty.
If this be so when only physical results are involved, how much more so is it where vital interests are at stake? The human body is a wonderfully complex piece of mechanism, and if left to itself or rather to natural guidance, its manifold functions are performed with unfailing regularity; and regularity in function means health— irregularity, disease.
Mark the rhythmic regularity of respiration, or of the heart's contractions! Long continued regularity begets habit, which is a form of automatism; hence the necessity of regularity in action along fixed lines, and in consonance with physiological law, that good habits only may be formed.
Good habits are absolutely essential to health, which is equivalent to saying that regularity in living is an imperative necessity to that end. Regularity in rising and retiring; regularity in eating and drinking; regularity in exercise, all are equally important.
Not only does this regularity of conduct conduce to the attainment and maintenance of perfect health, but it enables the individual to accomplish more within the limits of the day, partly by economizing time, and partly by the added vigor due to improved health.
First, regularity in the hours of rising and retiring, namely, regulating the minimum period to be devoted to sleep. There is much conflict of opinion as to the amount of sleep necessary for the average adult. We have in mind an old saying which runs as follows: "Six hours' sleep for a man, seven for a woman, and eight for a fool." This is somewhat arbitrary, and, moreover, is not in harmony with physiological law. In the first place, no hard and fast rule can be laid down that will cover all cases. Apart from the difference of sex, there are temperamental conditions which vary with every case. We are decidedly of the opinion that eight hours' sleep is necessary for the adult individual. It has been affirmed by some authorities that the more the individual sleeps the longer he will live, which is a perfectly rational claim, in view of the fact that night is Nature's repair time, when she is busy at work replacing the ravages committed by wear and tear during the day. It is a well known fact that nearly all growth takes place during sleep.
Again, it is a fact not generally known that the heart receives no nourishment during the period of contraction, owing to the pressure upon the arteries which supply it with nutriment. It is only during the infinitesimal pause between the contractions that these arteries can carry blood to the heart tissue; hence during sleep the heart- beats differ from those of our waking hours, being fewer in number, and with a more decided pause between. Now, the heart being to the body what the mainspring is to a watch, the necessity of affording it ample time for recuperation becomes apparent.
Having stated that eight hours' sleep is the minimum amount for the individual, the question of regularity presents itself, and this should be understood to refer especially to the time of rising, which, unless the individual is in ill health, should be at 6 A. M. This not only proves invaluable in economizing time, but paves the way for regularity in eating, which we will now consider.
There is much diversity of opinion as to the number of meals that should be eaten during the day, and recently the practice of eating only two meals a day has largely obtained. This, although preferable to the practice of eating four and five meals a day, or of indiscriminate lunching between meals, is yet (we consider) running into the other extreme. Unless an exceedingly hearty breakfast is eaten, the tax upon the vitality before the next meal hour arrives is too severe. Our rule, which we commend to our readers, is as follows: Rise at six, then take your bath, either plunge or sponge bath, followed by ten to fifteen minutes of moderate exercise. This, we will say, occupies until seven; then eat a light meal of juicy fruit, such as oranges, grapes or berries, followed by the perusal of the morning newspaper, or, if you are a student, devote an hour to study. At eight o'clock take your proper breakfast, which should consist of some preparation of wheat (with milk or fruit juice), followed by toast, boiled or poached eggs, and a glass of milk. Take a light lunch at 1 P. M., and a moderately good dinner at 7 P. M.
If regularity in the hours for meals be strictly observed, and the quantity and character of the meals carefully considered, the system will rapidly acquire the habit of expecting sustenance at those hours, and regularity, like virtue, will be its own reward.
Next comes the question of exercise. Too little attention is paid to this matter, more especially by those engaged in sedentary occupations; yet it is in the highest degree important that the balance between the mental and physical energies should be maintained. To preserve this balance while the mind is active and the body untaxed, artificial exercise must be practiced, for physical strength cannot be promoted without some kind of bodily exercise. Unused muscles soon become flabby, as athletes and their trainers well know. The best time for taking exercise is, as stated above, just after the morning bath, and it is astonishing what results can be obtained from fifteen minutes of intelligently directed exercise each morning. Here, again, regularity will work wonders. It may be a week or two before you will notice any marked improvement in the muscular condition, but you will be amply repaid by the glow of health which pervades the system as the result of stimulated circulation.
Last, but by no means least, comes the matter of solicitation of the bowels. In this case regularity in solicitation will invariably produce regularity in movement The bowels should be solicited every morning, soon after rising, and every night just before retiring. We only wish that we could impress every one of our readers with the importance of this practice, and of the immense benefit of regularity in the pursuance of it. Just as the stomach acquires the habit of expecting food when regularly supplied to it at stated intervals, even so will the bowels respond to solicitation if regularity be persisted in.
Nature is inexorably opposed to caprice. She executes all her processes in an orderly manner, and if not interfered with, with the greatest regularity, and if man will only co-operate with her by strict regularity in the important duties previously mentioned, the result will be a surprise to him in the form of renewed health and vigor. He will have an unclouded mind, and be ready to face the trials of everyday existence with a courage that nothing can daunt.
But Nature demands an accurate accounting. Man thinks but little of the drafts he is continually making upon his vitality, but sooner or later the account will be presented, and payment exacted in full. There is no such thing as vicarious payment. The debtor must pay in person, and it therefore behooves every man to watch the debit side of his life's ledger, and make a daily balance of his account with Nature.
There are numerous affections of the heart, divided into two classes— organic and functional, the former being the more serious; but it is safe to say that seventy-five per cent. of cases belong in the latter class. The most common, and at the same time most serious, of the organic troubles, are pericarditis (inflammation of the heart- envelope), and valvular insufficiency (imperfect closure of the valves). The functional disturbances are (almost without exception) due to digestive difficulties. In the first class, if the case is well advanced and the patient past the meridian of life, recovery is improbable, although life may be considerably prolonged. The second class of cases can be cured, with reasonable certainty, by removing the cause.
In pericarditis—the symptoms of which are fever and sharp pain under left nipple, radiating to the armpit, use the "Cascade" daily while the condition is acute; the wet sheet should also be employed daily, the temperature varying with the degree of fever. It is usually the sequel of rheumatism. In valvular insufficiency, which is caused by deposits upon the valves of the heart, the symptoms of which are principally difficulty of respiration, not much pain, but a feeling of uneasiness in the heart region, and a peculiar sound termed "the murmer," to be detected by the stethoscope, the use of the "Cascade" will sometimes effect wonders. It arrests all further deposition of impurities in the blood, thus preventing any further accumulation on the valves, while the increased liquidity and purity of the blood enables it to re-absorb the existing deposits and thus restore normal action. Functional difficulties, as stated, chiefly result from digestive troubles, due to fermentation of food in the stomach and the consequent formation of gas, which frequently collects in large quantities, and by actual pressure impedes the heart's action. The chief symptoms are shortness of breath, palpitation, and great irregularity of the heart's action; sometimes the heart appears to miss a beat altogether. In such cases, a faithful observance of the formula of treatment for dyspepsia (see index) will accomplish surprising results.
This is a disease of the blood, characterized by a deficiency of albumen and red corpuscles. It is a disease that more frequently affects women than men; the very young and the very old are most subject to it, and especially, if of a nervous, irritable or hysterical disposition Among the exciting causes are defective hygiene, poor diet, want of, or excessive exercise, grief, or other strong emotions. The symptoms are great pallor, muscular weakness frequent pulse, dizziness, breathlessness on slight exertion and fainting. There is another form of this trouble, known as Essential Anaemia, or Progressive Pernicious Anaemia, which almost invariably terminates in death; while in the first form, or simple anaemia, there is no reason whatever for a fatal result, if treated judiciously.
The condition of the blood must be improved, and as the blood is only formed from the food that is eaten, the importance of getting the digestive function into good working order is apparent. Also to supply those elements to the system that the condition of the blood shows to be necessary, all of which can be furnished in properly selected articles of food. The body must be cleansed internally, by means of the "Cascade," using it as frequently as the condition of the patient will permit, without unduly taxing the system. The skin should be kept active by frequent warm or tepid baths, followed by gentle friction with a soft towel. A half pint of hot water should be slowly sipped soon after rising, and no nourishment partaken of for at least half an hour. Gentle exercise should be employed, to promote circulation; or if too weak, substitute massage. Eggs and milk should be freely partaken of. The eggs are preferable raw, beaten in milk, if not, then lightly boiled or poached. Milk should only be taken in quantities of from two to four ounces at a time. Some good preparation of whole wheat should be partaken of once daily for the benefit of the phosphates contained in it, but iron is the element most, needed, and this is to be obtained in the following articles: first and foremost, spinach, then beets, tomatoes, dark skinned grapes and ditto plums. Lastly, and most important, is the practice of deep breathing to thoroughly oxygenate the blood.
This may arise from various causes, such as the infection of a wound, contact with some irritating vegetable substance like the poison ivy, or by inhaling noxious gases, or handling certain metals, such as copper and lead; but the most common cause is the re-absorption into the blood, through the intestinal walls, of the waste products of the system; in fact, it may be confidently asserted that ninety-nine per cent. of such cases are due to this cause. When it is considered that a virulent poison introduced in the rectum has been known to cause death in a rabbit within two minutes, the absorptive character of the walls of the colon may be faintly estimated. True, the toxic substances generated in the body are not so rapid in their action, but they are none the less deadly. It is to this that all skin diseases, together with rheumatism, gout, neuralgia and a host of other troubles, are undoubtedly due.
Clean out the human cesspool by frequent use of the "Cascade," thus preventing any further deposition of these impure substances in the blood, and keep it clean by more or less constant use. In acute cases, take frequent Turkish baths, to help elimination by way of the skin, and keep that organ active by frequent warm baths and vigorous friction with a moderately coarse towel. Let the diet be plain and moderate, never eating to excess, and drink freely of water, to keep the blood liquid, and practice the habit of breathing deeply, to oxygenate the blood.
Of all diseases, consumption is the most widespread and destructive to human life. Over 3,000,000 people die annually from this disease. It is not only an acquired disease, but surely preventable, and in its early stages, curable. In the majority of cases it commences just beneath the collar bone, because here is the part of the lung that is least used, the reserve portion, not much used in ordinary breathing. In most of the avocations of life the shoulders are drawn forward, thus cramping the lungs, and weakening them, then the consumption bacillus finds lodgment. A person with healthy lungs might inhale millions of tubercle bacilli daily with impunity, hence the inference is plain—to prevent consumption, distend the lungs fully, by deep breathing, hundreds of times daily.
The first thing to be done (if it is in your power) is to go to some quiet country place where you can be sure of the three following essentials—a dry location, pure air, and a plentiful supply of fresh, rich milk. There is an almost universal consensus of opinion now that the open air treatment is of the greatest benefit; therefore, live as much as possible out of doors and sleep with the doors and windows of your room wide open. Never mind, if you have to pile on bed clothing to keep warm—the prime essential is unlimited fresh air. You will soon get used to it, and you are playing for a big stake—health. If it is impossible to go to the country, then carry out this treatment as closely as possible at your home. It is absolutely necessary to improve the nutrition of the body, that is, to stimulate the digestion and absorbent functions of the stomach and intestines, therefore dispense with all so-called cough medicines. The drugs used to stop a cough are invariably sedatives. Now, no sedative or nauseant is known that does not lock up the natural secretions, and thus lessen the digestive powers. Flushing the colon with the "Cascade" is the first step to improve nutrition. This unlocks the secretions and prepares the stomach for food.
Next, flush the stomach. Then give the stomach food that the organs can digest and assimilate.
For this purpose nothing equals good, rich, fresh milk. Live on milk exclusively for a month at least, taking a tumbler full every half hour—the object being to supply the body with food easily digested, quickly absorbed, and highly nourishing; yet at the same time, in small quantities, that will not overtax the stomach. You will quickly gain in weight, and after a month or two you may commence on solid foods partly, choosing such articles as the Salisbury steak (see treatment for obesity), pure cod liver oil, sweet cream, eggs, toasted whole wheat bread, etc. Ten drops of beechwood creosote morning and night, on a fifty cent respirator, is all the drug treatment necessary, or useful. An external bath for those able to walk about, and a "sponge off" for those confined to bed, must not be neglected. The skin exudes more matter and is more likely .to become clogged in disease than in health. Practise deep breathing assiduously. Improved nutrition is your salvation, and that must come through exercise, diet and fresh air. Spend all the time possible in the open air and in the sun's rays whenever practicable, and pay special attention to the use of the "Cascade." Remember, the cure is in your own hands—depends upon your own courage and perseverance.
This is a disease resulting from cold. It is the exception rather than the rule, to meet with individuals in our Northern climate who are not afflicted with it in some form or other. It is easier to prevent than cure. Strong, well developed lungs, a clean colon and skin, and catarrh, are seldom found together in the same body. Perfect lung development and a clean colon will alone effect a permanent cure. Keep the feet warm and dry, never go into a hot room and sit or lie, but sleep in a cool, dry atmosphere. The disease takes two different forms, nasal and throat. Nasal catarrh is first caused by inflammation of the membrane of the nasal cavities and air passages, which is followed by ulceration, when Nature, in order to protect this delicate tissue and preserve the olfactory nerves, throws a tough membrane over the ulcerated condition. At this stage it is designated chronic catarrh.
Use the "Cascade" regularly every day, with water as hot as can be borne, and guard scrupulously against taking cold. The membrane must next be removed, and for this purpose we most unhesitatingly recommend the J.B.L. Catarrh Remedy.
Half a lifetime of careful research has been devoted to perfecting this admirable preparation, which to-day stands first as an effective agent in removing this membraneous obstruction. It is composed of several kinds of oils, and gently but effectually removes the membrane that Nature has built over the inflamed parts, while its emollient character soothes and allays the inflammation. These oils are not absorbed into the system, but act only locally.
The method of application is as follows: A small quantity is placed in a glass douche (especially manufactured for the purpose) and inhaled, allowing the fluid to pass up the nostrils and into the throat, using the nostrils alternately.
There is no case of catarrh so obstinate but will readily yield to this treatment. But as a preventive of all this keep the colon clean and pay attention to lung development.
This disease arises from impure blood. A peculiar poison is generated, which declares itself in the form of a red, puffy swelling, closely resembling a blister, and very much like it to the touch. If the finger is pressed upon the inflamed part, it will leave a white spot there for an instant. It most usually attacks the face and head. In the majority of cases it arises from an obstructed colon, a fermentation being generated there from the long retained faecal matter, consequently a positive and sure cure is to thoroughly cleanse that organ. As a local application take loppered sour milk and apply it to the inflamed parts, or, if not this, the next best thing is hop yeast mixed with charcoal to the thickness desired. The lactic acid in sour milk is a direct antidote to the poison of erysipelas.
This disease does not come by chance. Infection or contagion can never be held responsible for it. It is the penalty which Nature inflicts upon you for violating physiological laws. Do not be deluded by extravagantly worded advertisements into the belief that any nostrum has been or ever will be invented that can possibly effect an immediate cure. You must entirely abandon the habits that induced it. You must masticate your food thoroughly—allowing the saliva to mix with it, not bolt it, and then wash it down with copious draughts of tea, coffee or water. This superabundance of fluid only serves to distend the stomach and impede digestion. A change of diet is necessary, but not so essential as a change in the habit of eating. Dyspepsia is more or less catarrh of the stomach. Its lining becomes coated with a slimy mucus that arrests the action of the glands, coats the food and prevents the gastric juice from acting upon it.
For the first week, use the "Cascade" every night, the second week, each alternate night; thereafter, as occasion seems to demand. Drink a glass of hot water, not less than half an hour before each meal, especially before breakfast. The breakfast should commence with a liberal amount of good, ripe fruit, preferably oranges or grape fruit. This may be followed by a small quantity of some good preparation of whole-wheat: possibly, a lightly boiled or poached egg and a slice of crisp, dry toast, or whole-wheat bread. Drink nothing with the food, but take a glass of hot milk half an hour later. Good, lean beef or mutton, broiled or baked, is easily digested, and may be eaten moderately at midday. If faint between meals, take a glass of hot milk, with a raw egg beaten in it. If the stomach is very sensitive, it is better to eat five or six meals a day, of a few ounces, than to overtax the stomach. Masticate every mouthful of food thoroughly, and practice deep breathing assiduously, it is an important aid to digestion. This method of treatment, if faithfully persisted in, will cure the worst case of dyspepsia, with all its attendant misery.
Both chronic and acute rheumatism are diseases of the blood, due to an excess of uric acid. The presence of this acid is due to excessive and imperfect action of the liver. Imperfect nutrition and deficient excretion are the primary causes, and the result is that the blood becomes loaded with poisonous matter. The trouble manifests itself in the joints, toes, ankles, knees or hands, but the seat of the disease is elsewhere.
The first thing to be done is to promote the conversion of acid by oxidation and increased activity of the liver. The best way to accomplish this is by the daily use of the "Cascade," first with hot water, then with cool water, doubling the antiseptic tonic. Do this twice a day for a week, then once a day for a month. Take a Turkish bath daily for a time to restore the functions of the skin. Rub the disabled joints with hot, oily applications, followed by massage and pressure movements. The diet should consist largely of green vegetables, mutton and whole wheat bread, or toast, eggs, milk and fruit. Avoid pastry and starchy food, such as potatoes, beans and white bread. A cup of hot water, not less than half an hour before breakfast, should not be omitted.
This treatment will speedily cure the worst cases.
The chief seat of this terribly prevalent disease is in the stomach and intestines, particularly the colon. It is a foul, bacterial disease, and originates in filth. The germs may be taken into the system in impure water or milk, inhaling the gases from defective drains or by eating food which has absorbed such gases. Once in the system, the bacteria must have decayed matter to feed upon, therefore it is impossible for a person who is clean both inside and out to take typhoid fever, there being no facilities for the germs to breed and multiply. A peculiar secretion from the colon, mixed with the faecal matter of long standing, induces a fermentation that generates a putrid smelling gas. This fermenting gas is the home of the bacillus, and from it millions of germs are multiplied and pass into the circulation. In this fermentation a peculiar worm is bred, which is the cause of ulceration in the bowels of typhoid patients.
To give physic in a typhoid fever case is a grave mistake. Instead of assisting Nature, it more probably hastens the death of the patient. Knowing the cause of the disease, common sense tells us that the first thing to do is to check the multiplication of the germs by removing the putrid matter in which they breed. When the symptoms first appear give the patient a warm water emetic. Drink until the stomach throws it back. Do not be afraid to drink. If the stomach is obstinate, use the index finger to excite vomiting. This washes out the contents of the stomach, which will be found fermenting and full of bacteria. Then give him a large cup of hot water—very hot—with a little salt in it. Let the patient rest for an hour or so after vomiting, then use the "Cascade" with water just as hot as the hand will bear, so it will not scald. Let him retain the water from ten to fifteen minutes if he can. Next, the patient must be sweated, to open up the pores of the skin, and for this nothing equals the wet sheet pack. Roll the patient in a sheet wrung out of cold water, on top of this a couple of blankets and a comfortable. At his feet place hot bricks in flannel, on his head a towel, wrung out of cold water. Give him plenty of fresh air. When he has perspired freely take him out of the pack, wash him with warm water and soap, rub him down, give him a drink of cold water and put him to bed. Repeat the injections daily, using tepid water. In cases of extreme weakness the treatment must be modified. Let the patient have all the cold water he wants to drink and give him plenty of fresh air. Use flushings daily, also the external bath, remembering in the latter to use cold water when the fever is high, and he will speedily be restored to health. Let him eat nothing until Nature calls for it. The best test of hunger is a piece of stale dry Graham bread.
This disease generally makes its appearance with one or more chills, sickness of the stomach and more or less fever. The tongue has an ill- looking yellow coat and food is unacceptable. The cause of all this, to an intelligent mind, is perfectly clear. The colon is clogged and the acids in the stomach and the duodenum, together with an abundance of secretions from the liver, have no outlet. In this condition a slight cold will close up the already overworked pores of the skin and turn the tide of corruption into the stomach, lungs and kidneys, and bilious fever is the result, for, Nature being unable to get rid of the filth by the ordinary methods, resorts to her last expedient, of burning it up.
The remedy is obviously simple. Use the "Cascade" and open the pores. Wash the stomach, take two or three hot injections daily, and a hot sheet pack. This treatment, with baths and rubbing, will cure an ordinary case of bilious fever in about three days. Avoid all drugs. Nature will call for food when it needs it.
This is the modern name for influenza. It resembles an ordinary cold in its symptoms, but is far more violent in its effects. Acute pains in the head and kidneys are symptoms that are usually present. If neglected, it may develop into pneumonia, or consumption. It is both epidemic and contagious, and thousands of victims were left in its trail when it swept over the United States and Europe during the winters of 1890, 1891 and 1892.
Possibly you are not aware that this disease is almost invariably accompanied by constipation, but it is a fact, nevertheless, consequently, the internal bath is the first remedial process to be resorted to. Make them hot and copious, and use them daily, for three days at least. Next, relieve the internal congestion by opening the pores of the skin. To do this, use the Turkish bath (see end of book), take it at night, drink a glass of hot lemonade, and go to bed. Tuck yourself up warm. Doubtless it will make you sweat, but you need that. In the morning take a bath and a good rub down. Drink a cup of hot water half an hour before breakfast, and let that meal consist of plain food, soft-boiled eggs, oatmeal, Graham bread and fruit— oranges, if procurable. Two days of this treatment will put La Grippe to flight, but the better plan is to prevent it by keeping the colon cleansed.
This is a disease of the colon. The retention of faecal matter in the folds of the colon inflames the parts until they become dry, then the soft evacuations dry on the sensitive mucous membrane. These secretions produce a peculiar acid, which in its turn breeds worms, and these, in the early stages of their existence, eat into the foreign matter and even into the mucous membrane itself, causing what is known as dysentery.
In either the acute or chronic cases, the patient must be treated lying down, with the hips elevated above the shoulders. For this purpose our Fountain attachment is necessary with the "Cascade." This will relieve the pain and congestion in the lower part of the colon. In acute cases do not let the patient sit up a moment. Use a bed pan always. Flush the colon with hot water, letting it flow gently, and add a little salt to the water. After the discharge, follow with an injection of two ounces of vaseline oil, which should be retained as long as possible. This is an emollient, and will soothe and heal the ulcerations.
During the past seven years we have been instrumental in curing uses of dysentery contracted during the Civil Ware and solely by the foregoing treatment.
Is simply Nature's method of getting rid of undigested substances in the alimentary tract. After a time the irritation excites the glands to abnormal action to wash out the offending substances, resulting from excessive fermentation. If not relieved, ulceration sets in, and worms breed in the intestines—then we have what is known as chronic diarrhoea.
The treatment in both varieties is the same. Use the "Cascade" until the colon is thoroughly emptied and cleansed. Take a warm bath before retiring, and follow it with a brisk rub down. Be careful in your diet—the better plan being to fast for a day or two, until the worst symptoms are past.
Most people imagine that nervousness is the result of too much nerve force, but the opposite is the case. The trouble is a too sensitive battery and inadequate nerve force. The batteries, or nerve centres, are too easily discharged. It is nervous irritability, therefore, that we have to deal with.
The causes are manifold, the restless American nature, the stimulating climate, neglect of physical training, giving too little time and attention to eating and sleeping, concentrating too much attention on money getting and business to the neglect of recreation and repose. One of the gravest causes is a constipated colon, which promotes indigestion, and through it, lack of nutrition, thus cutting off the supply of nerve food. The habit of tea and coffee drinking, and the use of tobacco, are also fruitful causes of this distressing affliction.
You must apply a brake to that restless motor within you that is driving you too fast. You must step out of the busy stream of life for awhile, let it rush past you and take things easy. Flush the colon regularly—remove that great source of nervous irritation, for we have yet to hear of a nervous person that was not constipated.
If you suffer from nervousness, you are dyspeptic, your whole course of life tends to render you so. Follow the treatment, especially the diet, given under the head of "Dyspepsia." Practice deep breathing, for lung development, for strong lung power is never associated with nervousness. Take plenty of exercise in the open air, but not to excess.
Be moderate in all things, except sleep, you cannot sleep too much. Cultivate the sleeping habit, and don't give up until you can sleep ten hours a day.
is important, for, as before stated, nervous people eat and sleep too little. Fatty foods, or those that are easily converted into fat, are what is necessary. Olive oil is one of the best nerve foods in existence. Take a teaspoonful at a time, and gradually increase the quantity until you can take a tablespoonful at each meal. If you really can't take olive oil, the best substitute is sweet cream. Celery is also good, and lettuce.
Cultivate slow and measured movements, avoid undue activity, take life easy and be moderate in all things.
To sum up. Flush the colon, sleep long, eat slowly, and plenty of oily or fat food, exercise freely, but in moderation, develop the lungs by breathing exercises, and take life easy.
This line of treatment, faithfully carried out, will cure the very worst cases in time.
There are many causes for this distressing complaint. Generally the cause is to be found in the stomach. Something that has no right there is in that organ, and irritating the pneumogastric nerve that connects the stomach with the brain. It is a common symptom of dyspepsia.
An engorged colon is one of the most common causes, on the same principle that it causes paralysis and apoplexy. Stimulants invariably promote headache.
To prevent the attacks, live regularly, avoid late hours and excessive brain work, shun alcoholic beverages and tea and coffee, avoid sweets and pastries, and anything fried in fat. Eat good, plain food, including fruit (especially oranges), but never eat late at night. Develop the lungs. Never let a day pass without gently exercising all the muscles. Massage the abdomen each night before retiring. Keep the colon clean by the use of the "Cascade," and bathe at least three times a week.
To relieve an attack, flush the colon thoroughly. Take a hot foot-bath, and while taking it, take a cup of hot lemonade—without sugar—so hot that you have to sip it.
In this disease the outlet to the intestinal canal has become clogged. The kidneys wear out trying to evacuate the bowels through their delicate tubular network, and the capillaries have become helpless through misuse in trying to do the work of others. So the tissues and muscles of the extremities are loaded with this cast off material, and we call it bloat. This is dropsy.
Empty and cleanse the colon with the "Cascade." Take the following injection every night, and retain it: To a pint of hot water add ten drops of the homeopathic tincture of Indian Hemp. If that is not to be had, use the fluid extract of Merrill's preparation. Use every night until a decided improvement is seen. If you do not get the desired effect, double the dose—even forty drops will do no harm. It is not a poison, but an excellent diuretic for dropsical effusions.
Take a Turkish bath (see end of book) to open up the pores of the skin, but if the patient is too weak use the hot wet sheet pack. Use the "Cascade" at least twice a week, following it with the injection mentioned above. Eat as little as possible, and let that consist of dry toast well masticated, and do not take any tea or coffee.
This complaint was formerly known as inflammation of the bowels, and may be caused by injury. It was generally believed to be due to the presence of foreign substances, such as grape seeds, etc., in the vermiform appendix, but this idea is exploded. It is an inflamed condition of the appendix, but the inflammation may have extended from the colon or from the peritoneum. The most frequent cause is the caecum (the lower pouch of the colon) getting filled with hardened faecal matter, in which case the ileo caecal valve is obstructed, and the natural passages of the bowels stopped. With a clean colon appendicitis is practically an impossibility.
The accepted medical practice is to remove the appendix by operation, regardless of conditions; but the mortality in such cases is high. Others put the patient to sleep with tincture of opium, or veratrum viride, and let Nature right herself, if possible. If Nature can maintain herself against the doctor and his drugs from seven to nine days, the patient may get round, but not well.
Use the "Cascade" promptly on the first sign of an attack, injecting all the water possible (at a temperature of not less than 102 Fahr.), so as to reach the caecum, where the trouble is located. If the attack is an acute one, use the "Cascade" every third hour until relieved. If the obstruction (which is usually present) does not give way, inject a pint of hot water and a pint of castor oil mixed; but before injecting it (with a bulb syringe) raise the patient's hips several inches higher than his head; then turn the patient on his right side, and stroke the reverse way of the colon, applying a firm but gentle kneading movement in the region of the appendix. This injection should be retained at least half an hour—longer if necessary. If this does not break loose the obstruction, resume the use of the "Cascade." Hot fomentations over the appendicular region are valuable. Give no medicine, it can do no good, but may do infinite mischief. After the bowel has been emptied let the patient have absolute rest, and if there is much pain and inflammation present, apply cracked ice, in a rubber bag, over the affected part. The diet should be absolutely liquid until all danger has passed. This is of the highest importance.
Liver complaints are always closely related to other diseases of the digestive organs. The colon being clogged, the intestines are rendered sluggish, which in turn acts upon the duodenum, or second stomach, and prevents the food from properly passing out—then fermentation takes place. Bile is poured out on the accumulated food again and again, for the presence of anything in the duodenum is a demand for the secretion of bile. As a result too much bile is mixed with the food to be absorbed—the blood becomes tainted with biliary secretions showing itself in a yellow skin, dizziness of the head, dull, sleepy condition and lack of ambition. This overtaxing of the organ results in what is known as acute congestion, the symptoms of which are tenderness to touch and a feeling of painful tension on right side just above the edge of the ribs, slight jaundice, furred tongue, loss of appetite and scanty high colored urine.
Open the colon by the use of the "Cascade," when the intestines and duodenum will be in turn relieved, then open up the pores of the skin with baths and allow Nature to expel the waste from the system in that manner. The wet sheet pack will he found specially valuable for that purpose.
An unnatural appetite often accompanies bilious attacks, but it should be resisted. Eat sparingly of bread and milk, slightly salted, for two or three days, then take more solid food, but do not eat meat more than once a day for a week or two. Any exercises that call the muscles of the stomach into play are beneficial and should be practiced daily, especially horseback riding and rowing. Exercise by bending forward, trying to touch the toes without bending the knees; at the same time taking a deep breath—you then have the liver as in a vise, thus inducing active circulation.
The "Bear" walk, or walking about the room on all fours without bending the knees, is one of the best exercises for a torpid liver that can be imagined, but it should be practised in private, or your friends may question your sanity.
These diseases usually have their origin in constipation, therefore tile first tiling to be done is to relieve this condition of the colon by daily use of the "Cascade." Bathe the body daily in tepid water, being careful not to use soap that will irritate the skin.
Never use common soap nor any of the highly perfumed varieties. A pure soap will float in the water. An occasional wet pack sheet is of great value. Attend care fully to the diet and avoid all foods fried in fat, especially buckwheat cakes and food of that description.
This is caused by irritation of the kidneys, brought about by those organs being forced to do work which does not properly belong to them.
Congestion is the first step towards chronic or acute inflammation. The second stage is a breaking down or degeneration of the kidney cells. If degeneration has passed a certain point, there is no hope.
The only possible cure is to remove the cause. The colon, intestines, stomach and skin must be got into good working order, so that they will do their own work and relieve the poor scapegoat the kidneys—of unjust burdens. The colon should be constantly and copiously flushed with the "Cascade," and warm baths frequently taken. The Turkish bath is valuable, especially the home bath described in this book, as the patient's head, being free, the hot air is not drawn into the lungs.
Every night after flushing the colon inject a pint of warm water and go to bed. It will pass off through the kidneys, cleansing them. If there is acute pain, repeat the injection every two hours until relieved. Hot fomentations applied to the back, over the region of the kidneys, will relieve the pain, and gentle massage in the same locality will be found beneficial.
Avoid sweets, pastries, starchy foods, like potatoes, alcohol, tobacco, tea, coffee and overfat foods. The diet recommended for dyspepsia is good. Skim milk, buttermilk and whey should be used freely, as they exercise a very beneficial influence on the kidneys. A wet compress worn over night will help draw out the poisonous waste matters.
This disease is caused by the presence of a microbe, known as the "comma bacillus," which manufactures a virulent poison, called a ptomaine. Although the germs are taken into the system through the medium of the mouth and stomach, they only multiply in the bowels, which is proved by the fact that the vomit from a cholera patient contains none, while the discharges from the bowels abound with them. If the system is in perfect condition the germs are destroyed by the gastric juice in the stomach as soon as inhaled. If the stomach is out of order the bacilli escape into the intestines, where the fluids are alkaline (in which they thrive) and cholera is the result. The symptoms are, first a slight diarrhcea, almost painless, then tremors, vertigo and nausea. Griping pains and repressed circulation follow, then copious purging of the intestines, followed by discharges of a thin watery fluid, lividity of the lips, cold breath and an unquenchable thirst.
First flush the colon thoroughly with warm water every few hours. Next induce perspiration by means of the Turkish bath, but if the case has set in violently, and vomiting and cramps appear, use the "Cascade" promptly, and get the patient into bed as quickly as possible. Then take two heavy sheets, dip them in water as hot as can be borne, fold them and lay them over the chest and abdomen and cover up with blankets, tucking them in closely at the sides. Put a jug of hot water to the feet. In about ten minutes redip the sheets quickly and reapply. In fifteen or twenty minutes the perspiration will appear and the cramps will vanish. Take nothing into the stomach during the duration of the disease except moderate sips of cold water or pieces of ice, to quench the burning thirst.
Use simple strengthening food (milk is best) until health is restored. All water should be boiled before using.
The symptoms are similar to those of Asiatic cholera, but not so violent. The treatment is the same in principle. If there is a feeling of nausea take a warm water emetic.
Is an inflammation of the membrane covering the bowels, and is frequently caused by concussion or injury; sometimes it extends from adjacent organs, but in many instances it is caused by the breeding of worms in the hardened faecal accumulations in the colon.
No matter what the cause may he, flush the colon vigorously with injections as hot as can be borne, and place bags of hops, steeped in hot vinegar, on the outside. This will soon reduce the inflammation and effect a cure.
Sometimes called Lung Fever, is an acute inflammation of the lungs, usually caused by a cold, and commencing with a chill and feverish symptoms. At first there is a dry cough and what is known as the brick dust sputum, and in the advanced stages a peculiar dark tint in the cheeks, known as the mahogany flush. The breathing becomes very hurried, rising as high as forty respirations per minute. It is an exceedingly rapid and frequently fatal form of disease.
Promptitude in dealing with the case is of the highest importance. If the colon had been kept clean and the lungs developed by exercise it could not have attacked you; therefore the first thing to be done is to use the "Cascade." Then the circulation must be equalized by drawing the blood to the skin and extremities—away from the congested lungs. A hot foot-bath will draw the blood to the extremities and a Turkish bath (see end of book) will do the same to the skin. If too weak to endure the Turkish bath, substitute a hot bath. Put the patient to bed immediately and apply a hot compress over the lungs, wrung out of hot brine, changing it as often as it gets cool. Give little, extremities-away any, food during the continuance of the disease; if any is given it should be light and nutritious. The above treatment, if employed in time, will save any case.
This is an acute inflammation of the bronchial tubes, or air passages, and the treatment is almost identical with that for pneumonia; only applying the hot compress to the throat or chest, according to which part exhibits the most soreness. If the throat is very sore use the following gargle: Bichromate of potash (pulverized), one drachm; tincture capsicum, half ounce; pure water, two tablespoonfuls. Shake until dissolved. Add one teaspoonful of this mixture to three-fourths of a tumbler of water and gargle the throat every hour until relieved—then every two hours until well.
A mast distressing complaint, and hitherto imperfectly understood. It has been attributed to innumerable causes, but our contention is that it is due to an engorged transverse colon, which, interfering with the free action of the diaphragm, withdraws that amount of impetus from the lungs, so that they fail to respond to nerve stimulation. Through inaction, the diaphragm becomes practically a fixed instead of a movable partition. This contention is borne out by the fact that in numerous cases where the colon was emptied, the trouble disappeared and no trouble was experienced so long as the colon was kept clean. In all cases of asthma the last meal should be a light one, if taken at all; in fact, it would be well to follow the dietary rules for dyspepsia, and in addition omit the evening meal.
This prevalent complaint among the women of America is due, in ninety per cent. of the cases, to constipation, and that is mainly attributable to tight lacing. In the majority of our countrywomen the sigmoid flexure (see diagram beginning of work) is distended to nearly double its natural size, pressing upon the womb, which necessarily displaces it, but in addition the colon, through impaction, frequently becomes highly inflamed and communicates the inflammation to the womb, making it heavy and relaxed.
The ascending and descending colon lie immediately behind the ovaries, and if (as is often the case) it becomes distended to double its size, it stretches the broad ligaments and ovarian connections, frequently breaking them away from their peritoneal attachments or carrying the peritoneum downward with them.
The Fallopian tubes, which penetrate and are attached to the peritoneal sack, together with the uterine broad ligaments, are designed to hold the womb in place, but if the womb and ovaries are crowded down into the pelvic cavity and the womb doubled upon itself, dysmenorrhea or painful menstruation, or amenorrhea, with convulsions, is the result. Perhaps there may even be a complete stoppage, so that Nature menstruates vicariously and casts it off through the lungs or bowels.
Empty the colon and keep it clean by regular use of the "Cascade," and wear your clothing as loose as your husband's or brother's, and the womb will go back into its place, and all the bad symptoms disappear. It may be, though, that the tendons and ligaments have become partially paralyzed through the uterus having been so long out of place.
After emptying the colon, if there is pain in the back, with a bearing down sensation, sit in half a tub of hot water for fifteen or twenty minutes once every other day. Throw yourself on your back with the hips raised as high as possible, then rub up from the pelvic bone. This will reduce the displacement of the sigmoid flexure, besides giving relief. Should the womb not go back into place, call in a physician to replace it.
Painful menstruation and leucorrhea, which are caused by displacement of the womb, inflammation and hypertrophy, or hardening of the womb, enlarged and sensitive ovaries, can all be speedily cured by flushing the colon.
Which affects nine out of every ten women, is the womb falling forward on the bladder (causing frequent desire to urinate) and downward, which, with the falling of the sigmoid flexure, produces obstruction of the bowels and great straining at stool.
Is a falling down, with the body of the womb thrown backward. Frequently it is doubled upon itself, when it becomes hardened and inflamed, and adhesion often takes place. Doctors frequently call this spinal disease, but it is the displaced organs pressing on the great sympathetic nerve, which produces partial paralysis of the lower limbs and loss of memory, sometimes causing insanity. In retroversion, after emptying the colon, assume the following position: Kneel on the bed, or sofa, with the body thrown forward until the chest also touches. Retain this position as long as possible, and repeat it frequently during the day. Sleep with the foot of the bed raised eight inches. These positions all facilitate the return of the womb to its normal position.
Eat nutritious, easily digested food, and avoid all stimulants.
Are very disagreeable things, and, though not dangerous in themselves, yet are frequently the cause of serious complications and the forerunners of consumption, pneumonia and catarrh. Colds are commonly due to sudden changes of temperature, and are caused by the sudden closing of the pores of the skin, thus preventing the escape of those waste matters of the body which Nature has designed should be expelled in that direction. The blood is thus driven inward, causing congestion. If the system is in a sound, healthy condition, with respiration good and the colon clean, it should be next to impossible to take cold. If, however, there is a weak spot in the body, be sure the cold will find it, when, if not promptly dealt with, serious results may ensue.
Constipation is the invariable primary cause of a cold, hence the first thing to do is to flush the colon. Use the "Cascade" daily for at least three days. Do not eat any supper the first night. The next thing to be done is to take the Turkish bath (see end of book). It should be taken at night, after which drink a glass of hot lemonade and go to bed, covering the body thoroughly. No doubt you will perspire profusely, but that is what you need. In the morning take a good bath and rub down, following the directions given for bathing, drink a cup of hot water an hour before breakfast and let that meal be light, such as Graham bread, boiled eggs, oatmeal and oranges. You are then ready to attend to your daily business, and if you take another flushing at night, the next morning your cold will be only a memory.
This condition of the system has been so frequently referred to already that further comment upon it may be deemed unnecessary. Its causes are varied, insufficient exercise in the open air, hastily eaten and imperfectly masticated food, also many articles of food tend to induce the evil of habitual constipation. |