* * * * *
[Footnote 1: This bibliography is meant only to orient the reader in regard to exegetical literature. It is not complete, nor does it give editions of texts. The order follows in general that of the chapters, but the second and last paragraphs respectively must be consulted for interpretation and geography. Works that cover several fields are placed under the literature of the first. The special studies on Vedic divinities have been arranged alphabetically.]
[Footnote 2: On account of the inconvenient form in which appeared the earlier numbers of the JRAS. we cite the Old Series only by date. All references without date refer to the New Series (vol i, NS., 1864).]
[Footnote 3: On the artistic side Emil Schlagintweit's great work, Indien in Wort und Bild, contains much of interest to the student of religious paraphernalia. See also below under wild tribes.]
[Footnote 4: Roth, Morality of the Veda; Whitney, Result of Vedic Researches (JAOS. iii. 289 and 331); Whitney, History of the Vedic Texts, ib. iv. 245.]
[Footnote 5: Under this title Roth has an essay (on the comparison of texts), KZ. xxvi. 45.]
[Footnote 6: See below. Defence of the same by the author, WZKM. vii. 103.]
[Footnote 7: JRAS, i. 51 ff., and subsequent volumes, Contributions to a Knowledge of the Vedic Theogony and Mythology and Progress of the Vedic Religion toward Abstract Conceptions of the Deity.]
[Footnote 8: It cannot be too much emphasized that Grassmann's translation should never be used for comparative purposes. At the same time, for a general understanding of the contents of the whole Rig Veda it is the only book that can be recommended. Ludwig's translation is so uncouth that without a controlling knowledge of the original it is often meaningless.]
[Footnote 9: Bloomfield, AJP. xii. 429. Compare also Regnaud, Le Mythe de Rohita. The same author has published various Vedic articles in the Rev. de l'histoire des religions, vols. xv-xxvi. Whitney's complete translation of AV. will soon appear.]
[Footnote 10: Sexual side of fire-cult; whirlwind of fire, Mātaricvan, Schwartz, KZ. xx. 202; compare Hillebrandt, ZDMG. xxxiii. 248.]
[Footnote 11: Neisser's Vorvedisches im Veda, BB. xvii. 244, is not a mythological study.]
[Footnote 12: Apollon here is Saparyeṇya, 'worshipful.' This derivation is attacked by Froehde, Apollon, BB. xix. 230 (compare Fick, ib. xviii. 138), who derives Apollon from [Greek: phellhon], 'word,' comparing [Greek: hapellhaxein], 'conciliare,' pell being 'spell' (in Gospel, etc.), 'inter-pellare.' Thus Apollo would be 'prophet,' 'warspello.' On vahni, Agni, compare Neisser, Vedica, BB. xviii. 301 (xix. 120, 248).]
[Footnote 13: Oldenberg, loc. cit., interprets Acvins as morning and evening stars! The epithet (of Agni and Acvins) bhuraṇyu has been equated with Phorōneus, we forget by whom.]
[Footnote 14: Oldenberg's (Die Religion des Veda) Old-Man-of-the-Mountains-Indra thus gets etymological support.]
[Footnote 15: For convenience included in this list.]
[Footnote 16: Maspiter is Mars-pater.]
[Footnote 17: Hirt equates Parjanya, Perkunas, Fjoergyn, as originally epithet of Dyāns-Zeus, with [Greek: phegotaios], the 'Oak-god.' See also Zimmer, ZDA. vii. (19) 164.]
[Footnote 18: Mueller explains Rudra as 'howler'; Leo identifies him with Wuotan; Jones with Apollo, Kuhn. KZ. iii. 335; as A. Sax. Rodor, ib. ii. 478: P. von Bradke. ZDMG. xi. 361. Oldenberg's delineation of Rudra in Die Religion des Veda is based on the Brahmanic Rudra-Civa (see PAOS. Dec 1894).]
[Footnote 19: Kerbaker, Varuna e gli Aditya (Naples, Proceedings of the Royal Academy) is known to us only by title.]
[Footnote 20: The author justly remarks that no sociological data can be made of Yama's wife or sister.]
[Footnote 21: Dog sees Death, sharp sight of dog causes myth.]
[Footnote 22: Other less important examples of etymological ingenuity are Scherer, Brahman as flamen ([Greek: Brhagkos], Bragi, see Kaegi, Rig Veda, note 82); abhradītā as Aphrodite, Sonne, KZ. x. 415; Ahalyā as Achilleus, Weber, Sitz. Berl. Ak., 1887; Idā as Iris (Windischmann), Poseidon, potidas, i[=d.]aspati (Fick, KZ. xxi. 462); but in KZ. i. 459 Poseidon is patye davan. On the form compare BB. viii. 80; x. 237; KZ. xxx. 570. Prellwitz, BB. ix. 327, agrees with Fick and Pott as to iḍas representing [Greek: oidma] and compares [prosklhotios]. Garga is Gorgo, Kern, JRAS. iv. 431; Pājasya is Pegasos, etc, KZ. i. 416, xxix. 222; Parvata is Pelasgos, Burda, KZ. xxi. 470; but compare Stier, ib. xi. 229, where Pelasgoi are 'cranes'; and Pische, ib. xx. 369, where they are [Greek: parhrhhasioi]. Sabheya is Yaviṣṭha (not Hephaistos, as says Kuhn), Mueller, ib. xviii. 212; and vṛtrahan is not Bellerophon (as says Pott), ib. iv. 416, v. 140 (bellero is varvara). Carad is Ceres, Mueller, ib. xviii. 211; svavān is [Greek: enas], Autrecht, ZDMG. xiii 499; svar 'sing' in Silenus, Siren: Buddhaguru in Pythagoras, etc. Helena is Saramā, and Hermes 1s Sārameya. Mueller, Chips, ii. 138, note. Compare for further clever guesses Cox's Aryan Mythology, Mueller's Lectures, Second Series, and Biographies of Words.]
[Footnote 23: Compare Deussen, Geschichte der Philosophie, i. 105. On Vedic and Sanskrit Riddles, loc. cit.; also Haug, Vedische Raethselfragen (also Brahma und die Brahmanen); Fuehrer, ZDMG. xxxix. 99.]
[Footnote 24: There is an essay on this subject by Kern, Ind. Theorieen over de Standenverdeeling, which we have not seen.]
[Footnote 25: Sitz. Berl. Ak. 1858, 1859, and 1894, respectively. The Wurfel-Orakel (and Schiefner) is published also in Ind. Streifen, i. 274. The essay on Omina and Portenta contains translations of parts of the Shaḍviṁca Brāhmaṇa, of the Sāma Veda, and of the Kāucika (AV.) Sūtra.]
[Footnote 26: (Whitney) Burgess, Sūryasiddhānta, JAOS. vi; JRAS. 1863, p. 345; Whitney, ib. i. 316; Lunar Zodiac, Or. Ling. St., ii. 341; Kern, translation of BS., JRAS. iv-vii; IS. x, xiv, xv; Weber, Ueber altirānische Sternnamen, Sitz. Berl. Ak., 1888; see also Whitney, JAOS. viii. 1, 382; Burgess, ib. 309; Weber, IS. ix. 424, x. 213; Whitney vs. Ludwig, PAOS., 1885. On the twelve intercalated days, 'Twelfth Night,' see Weber, IS. v. 437 (Cabalī-homa), xvii. 224.]
[Footnote 27: The statement is here made that the Vedic religion knows nothing of idols; but see the other cited works which seem to disprove this.]
[Footnote 28: The 'Fifteen Puzzle' is Indic (IA. x. 89, xi. 83).]
[Footnote 29: Triton und Euphemos, oder Die Argonauten in Libyen, by Water, in 1849, treats of the holy seven in a ridiculous way. Not less ridiculous is the author's attempt to explain everything by the Moon-Cult, thus anticipating modern vagaries.]
[Footnote 30: A curious though useless classic is Anquetil du Perron's Oupnekhat, 1801, the first European version of the Upanishads (through the Persian).]
[Footnote 31: Whitney, AJP. vii. 1, xi. 407; Jacob, IA. xv. 279; Whitney Trans. Phil. Ass. xxi. 88; Boehtlingk, Bericht d. k. Saechs. Gesellschaft, 1890, and separately.]
[Footnote 32: Compare Windischmann, Sancara, 1833; Ecstein, IS. ii. 369; and Bruining-Bijdrage tot de Kennis van den Vedānta, 1871.]
[Footnote 33: Compare two native expositions, JRAS. x. 33 (Vedantic conception of brahma), and WZKM. ii. 95 (Cankara's advaita philosophy); also Mueller, Three Lectures.]
[Footnote 34: Compare Ballantyne's Hindu Philosophy, Williams' Indian Wisdom, Brahmanism and Hinduism, Religious Thought and Life, and also the excellent chapters in Weber's Lectures (above), and in Schroeder's Literatur und Cultur. Of Deussen's Allgemeine Geschichte der Philosophie one half volume has appeared.]
[Footnote 35: Haug has an article on the Māit. Saṁh. with the same title, Brahma und Die Brahmanen.]
[Footnote 36: House-ritual: Ācvalāyana, Gobhila, Cāṅkhāyana, Pāraskara, Khādira, Hiraṇyakecin, Āpastamba. Law: Āpastamba, Gāutama, Vasistha, Bāudhāyana, Yājnavalkya, Vishnu, Nārada, Brihaspati, Manu. The last is also translated by Loiseleur, Jones, Burnell and Hopkins (besides Buehler, SBE., above).]
[Footnote 37: Ueber die heiligen Schriften, translated into English by Smyth in the Indian Antiquary, 1893.]
[Footnote 38: Feer, JA. 1888 (xii), p. 209. Leumann has published in the same German series the Aupapātika Sūtra, but as yet only the text (1883) has appeared.]
[Footnote 39: Of the many manuals we recommend especially those of Rhys Davids for ontology (also Jātakis. First Part) and Oldenberg (now in second edition). For Northern Buddhism Koeppen's Religion is still excellent, although it is vitiated by the point of view taken by the author, who regards Buddha as an emancipator, a political innovator, etc. Davids has two recent articles on Buddhist sects, JRAS. xxiii. 409; xxiv. 1 (see abo below).]
[Footnote 40: L. von Schroeder, Worte der Wahrheit. On the word Dhammapada, Franke ZDMG. xlvi. 734.]
[Footnote 41: Also Oldenberg, Dīpavaṁsa, with text.]
[Footnote 42: For Nirvāna and its date all the manuals may be consulted. See also D'Alwis, Nirvāna (with translation); Edkins, JRAS. xiii. 59, Congress, 1880, p. 195; Childers, Dictionary, JRAS. v. 219, 289, vii. 49, etc.; Fergusson, ib. iv. 81 (Indic Chronology); Mueller, Origin of Religion, p. 130, note, and Introduction to Buddhaghosha, and to Dhammapada (above). We incline to accept 471 to 483 as the extreme limits of the date of Buddha's death (Kern, 380; Davids, 412).]
[Footnote 43: On Hsing (671) see Beal, IA. x. 109, 194; Mueller, India. 'Fa-Hien's travels are now published by Legge, 'Record of Buddhistic Kingdoms.' There are other editions. See also Sykes, JRAS. 1841, p. 248; Beal, ib. xix. 191.]
[Footnote 44: On Japanese Buddhism there have been published some texts by Japanese scholars (ed. Mueller, Aryan Series of Anecdota Oxoniensia). See JRAS. xii. 153.]
[Footnote 45: Chalmers, Jātakas (ed. Cowell, vol. 1) is announced. Compare JRAS. xxiv. 423. On Barlaam u. Joasaph see now the exhaustive essay of Kuhn, Abh. d.k. Bayerisch. Ak. 1894 (with all literature).]
[Footnote 46: By the same, Avadānacataka, Mus. Guimet, xviii (JA. 1879, xiv). The Daṭhavamca, Mellone, Ann. du MG. vii.]
[Footnote 47: Triratna and tricula. The articles following are by Murray-Aynsley (Asiatic Symbolism), on svastika, trees, serpents, evil eye, etc. On the evil eye and the poison-girl, viṣakanyā, see now the interesting essay of Hertz (Abh. d. Bayern. Akad, 1894), who connects the superstition with the religious practice described above, p. 505, note 2.]
[Footnote 48: For older essays see also Schoenberg, ZDMG. vii. 101 (rock-temples); JAS. Beng. xxv. 222 (Khandgiri temples); Yule, JAS. Beng., 1857, Ancient Buddhistic Remains (on the Irawady): Sykes, Miniature Caityas in Buddhist topes, JRAS. 1854, pp. 37, 227.]
[Footnote 49: Civa is here falsely interpreted as Herakles, p. 39. Compare too Weber, IS. ii. 409, and his Ahalyā-Achilleus, Berl. Ak. 1887. The original Greek is edited by Schwanbeck. On Darius' conquest see Marshman, i. p. 10.]
[Footnote 50: Sixth or eighth century, developed with Buddhistic or Greek influence.]
[Footnote 51: An example of the survival of the Hindu cult in the Crāuta ritual is given by Weber, IS. v. 437, Cabalī-homa.]
[Footnote 52: Weber on Skanda, IS. iii. 478.]
[Footnote 53: Compare also Malcolm, AR. xi (1812), 197; ZKM. v. 1, Die Religion und der Staat der Sikh.]
[Footnote 54: The Dalastān or School of Manners, translated from the Persian, with notes by Shea and Troy, 1843.]
[Footnote 55: Williams' Hinduism and the third chapter of Wilkins' Modern Hinduism contain a list of the modern festivals. Grierson, Peasant Life, describes Behār.]
[Footnote 56: Mōns and Koles, JRAS. x, 234. Lards, Congress, 1874, by Drew; 1880, by Leitner.]
[Footnote 57: Snake-nation in America, Shoshone, Clark, Sign-language, p. 337; snake-symbol of life, Schoolcraft, i. 375.]
[Footnote 58: Totemism repudiated, Kennedy, on Nāgas, JRAS. xxiii. 480.]
[Footnote 59: The Indian Antiquary contains a vast fund of folk-lore stones of more or less religious importance. See Barth's note, Rev. xxix. 55, for the Orientalist.]
[Footnote 60: Early accounts of Burmah will be found in Buchanan's Religion and Literature of the Burmas, AR. vi. 163; of the Rājmahal tribes, T. Shaw, ib. iv. 45; of the inhabitants of the Garrow Hills, Eliot, ib. iii. 17; of the Kookies, MacRae (or McRae), ib. vii. 183; of Nepal (temples, etc.), ib. ii. 307. An account of the Tibeto-Burman tribes by Damant will be found in JRAS. xii. 228.]
[Footnote 61: Compare a suggestive paper by the same author, IF. iv, p. 36 (1894), on Die Verwandtschaftsverhaeltnisse der Indogermanen (linguistic, but historically important).]
[Footnote 62: Volga as 'Pa, Ranha, Rasā, Kuhn, KZ. xxviii 214; the Sarasvatī and the lost river, Oldham, JRAS. xxv. 49.]
[Footnote 63: Another curiosity will be found in JRAS., 1854, p. 199, where Curzon claims that the Aryan Hindus are autochthonous.]
[Footnote 64: Leitner, Greek Influence on India, Congress, 1880, p. 113. On the Drama see above, pp. 2 and 438.]
[Footnote 65: Further, Westergaard, Ueber den aeltesten Zeitraum der Indischen Geschichte; Fergusson, JRAS. xii. 259; Fleet, samvat for Caka-era, JRAS., 1884, p. lxxi; Gupta, IA. xv. 189, and xvi. 141; (Bērūnī), ib. xvii. 243, 359; also Kielhorn, Vikrama, IA. xix. 24 ff.; xxii. III; Buehler, WZKM. v. 215. Methods and Tables for Computing Hindu Dates, Jacobi, IA. xvii. 145; and Epigraphia ind. I. 430. Last literature on date of Rig Veda, above, p. 5, and add now Oldenberg, ZDMG. xlviii. 629. Further references, above, pp. 436, 571, notes.]
* * * * *
A (alpha), 226, 397.
abbots, 557.
abhangs, 522.
abhidhamma, 326.
Abhinavagupta, 482.
Abhīras, 543.
abīr, 454, 455.
absorption, 496
abstractions,112, 135.
ācāra, 554.
Achaemenides, 544.
Ādi Brāhma Samāj, 517, 519.
Ādigranth, 511 ff.
Aditi, 55, 73, 139, 142, 154
Ādityas (see Aditi, Varuṇa, etc), 55 (Aṅca), 143, 167; ādityabhaktas, see sun and Sāuras.
adultery, 203
advāita, 396, 496, 505.
Aesculapius, 538.
Afghanistan, 30, 548.
āgamas, 295, 439.
ages, 227, 259, 418 ff., 444, 530.
Aghorī, 490, 533.
Agnes, saint, 451.
Agni, 43, 101, 105 ff., 123, 144, 168, 353, 356, 377, 401, 414. 445, 449, 476, 480, 554.
ahimasā, 199, 287, 310, 365.
Ahura Mazdāo, 49, 67, 167. 170.
Ākācamukhas, 486.
Akbar, 437, 546.
Akkadians, Akkadists, 542, 571.
akṣamāla (see rosary) 374.
Al Bērūnī, 547, Addenda.
Alexander, 431, 546.
Alexandria, 431, 561.
All-god, 139, 141, 496.
All-gods, 137, 144, 450.
Allah ūd dīn, 437.
alphabet, 543, 595.
altars, 475. 490
altruism, 478, 555, 556, 563, 567.
American Indians, see Indians.
Ānanda, 309, 311; Ānanda Giri, 445, 447; Ānandatīrtha, 509.
Ananta, 397.
ancestors (see female, Manes), ten, 534.
Anaximander, 559.
ancestor-tree, 541.
Andaman gods, 538.
androgynous, 447, 492, 557.
Aṅgīras, 108, 167, 477.
Aṇīmāṇḍavya, 432.
Aniruddha, 441, 442, 457.
annihilation (see Nirvāṇa), 421, 531, 532.
ant-oath, 534.
Antiochus, 545.
Anugītā, 401.
Aphrodite, 471.
Apollonius, 508.
April-Fool, 455.
Apsaras, 137, 169, 355, 365.
Arabia, 547.
Āraṇyakas, 178, 219.
ardhanārīcvara, 447.
Arhat, 280, 285, 303, 320, 564.
Arjun, 511.
Arjuna, 361.
Arrian, 459.
arrow-oath, 534.
art, artists, 549.
Aryaman, 46, 121, 397.
Aryan, 11, 26, 548.
Ārya Samāj, 521.
acani, 464.
ascetics, 148, 254, 258, 304, 352 ff.; asceticism, 287, 366, 470, 520.
acoka, 540.
Acoka, 311, 340, 341, 435.
astrology, 256, 438, 543.
Asuras, 42, 49, 104, 170 ff., 186 ff., 358
Asura Maya, 368.
Acvins, 38, 54, 78, 80, 381.
Atharva Veda, 3, 29, 43, 151, 175, 419, 477, 571.
Atharvan, 110, 378, 477.
Ātmā, 42, 47 (soul), 56, 220 ff., 232, 249, 354, 396, 398, 442.
Ātmīya Sabhā, 516.
atonement, 376.
Avadhūtas, 502.
avasthas, 412.
avatar, 162, 196, 215, 340, 389, 393, 404, 424, 430; number of, 444, 468; Vishnu's last avatar, 522.
Avesta (see Iranian), 12, 16, 422.
avyūha 442.
Ayenar, 464.
axe (see Paracu Rāma), 527.
Aztecs, 557.
Bābālāls, 514.
Baber, 437.
Babrius, 558.
Babylon, 543.
Bacchic rites, 414, 427, 528.
Bactria, 32, 33, 434.
Bādarāyaṇa, 495, 497.
Bāla Gopāla, 503.
Balarāma, 442, 469.
bali, 540.
Bali, 478.
bamboo (see pole-rite), 536.
bandana, 533.
banian, 540.
Bardesanes, 561.
Barlaam, 557.
Basava, 482, 547.
basil, see tulasī.
Baskets, see Tripiṭaka.
Behār, 435.
bel-tree, 453, 536, 541.
bell, 557.
Bella Pennu, 530.
Bellerophon, 530.
Benares, 459.
Bhaga, 41, 50 ff.; bhaga, 490.
Bhagavad Gītā, 389 ff., 399, 400, 401, 447.
Bhagavat, 303, 389.
Bhāgavatas, 447, 497.
Bhāirava, 464, 491.
Bhāktas, 447.
bhakti (see faith), 429, 503, 519.
Bhārata, 349 ff., 438, 457.
Bhārs, 534, 535 ff.
Bhāts, 479.
Bhava, 462, 464, 548.
Bhavānī, 494.
bhikṣu, 258, 281, 303, 310, 374; bhikṣukī, 426.
Bhils, 533.
Bhṛgu, 168, 397, 423.
bicycle, used to make converts, 570.
bigotry, 445.
bila, 12.
bilva, see bel.
bird (of the sky) 45, 49, 113, 124, 140, 164; birds as spirits, 432.
birth-impurity, 541.
Birth-stories, see Jātakas.
birth-tree, 540.
Blavatskyism, 562.
Blessed One, 19, 388 ff.
blood-money, 162.
blood-revenge, 375.
bloodless sacrifice (see ahiṁsā, Thugs), 528.
boar, 404, 407, 445.
Bodhisat, bodhisattva, 303, 564.
Bhodhi-tree, bo-tree, Bodhi Gayā, 304, 308, 540.
boundary-god, 529.
brahma, 156, 178, 195, 217, 220 ff., 231 ff., 381, 389, 393 ff., 398, 403, 419, 420, 474, 496, 518.
Brahmā, 195, 218, 332, 346, 372, 403 ff., 407, 412, 421, 446, 451, 458 ff., 464 ff., 487, 492, 499, 518, 534.
Brāhma Dharma, 517.
Brahmaloka, 256.
Brahmamaha, 371, 411.
Brāhmaṇas, 4, 5, C^ 22, 23, 174, 219, 502.
Brahmanism, 24, 176 ff., 548.
Brāhma Samāj, 516; of India, 519.
Bahmasampradāyins, 509.
brahmodya, 383.
branding, 440, 447.
Bṛhaspati, 54 (Lord of Strength), 101, 136, 159, 379, 386.
B[=r.]hat Saṁhitā, 438.
brothers, 370.
Buddha, 258, 280, 303 ff., 426; precedent Buddhas, 309, 523, 557; avatar of Vishnu, 469, 500; brother of Civa, 478.
Buddhaghoṣa, 327, 343.
Buddhism, 4, 5, 6, 7, 26, 225, 298 ff., 310, 401, 448; Northern and Southern, 326, 327, 341; esoteric, 320, 334; epic, 423 ff.; Civaite, 485, 486; morals of, 554, 556; Occidental, 563; lesson of, 564.
Budo Gosain, 533.
buffalo (see cow-bells), 445, 531, 537.
bull, 407, 445, 528, 534.
bull-roarer, 204, 553.
burial, 60, 271, 364, 528, 534, 571.
buttoat, 493.
Calvinism, 501.
Candragupta, 311, 434.
Candracekhara, 470.
caraṇa, 255.
Cāraṇas, 367.
Caran Dāsīs, 506.
Cardinals, 557.
Carnival, 455.
Cārvāka, 298, 374, 448.
castes, 27, 28, 29, 40, 141, 226, 263, 426, 507, 571; duties and occupations of, 549.
cat, holy, 547.
cat-doctrine, 500.
cataclysms, 259, 260.
cattle (see cow), 50, 462 ff., 450.
caturmūrti, 413.
caturthi, 451.
caturvyūha, 442.
celibates (see monks), 537.
Ceylon, Buddhism of, 341.
Cāitanya, 503.
chandas, 142, 174, 477.
Chārans, 479.
chief, divinity of, 534.
child-marriages, 519.
children, sacrifice of (see merias), 450.
Chīrus, 535.
choirs, 557.
chrematheism, 135, 166.
Christ, Christianity, 389, 395, 428 ff., 431, 479, 482, 503, 524, 545, 566, 569, 570; and Buddhism, 546, 557.
Christmas, 430, 568.
churikā, 441.
circumambulations, 271, 454.
Citragupta, 424.
Clive, 566.
cock, 415, 535, 538.
commandments (see morals), 267, 317, 401, 479, 506.
confessional, 203, 373, 557.
cosmic tree, see tree.
courage, 527.
covenants, 192, 361 ff.
cow, 156, 189, 527, 547.
cow-bells, worship of buffalo cow-bells, 537.
cow-boys, 454.
creation, 60, 141, 173, 207 ff., 216, 540.
creator, 384, 444.
crocodile, 450, 547.
cross, 537.
Cupid, see Love.
custom, 531, 554.
Dabistān, 480, 510.
Dādū Panthīs, 480, 502, 510, 513, 547.
daevas, 10, 168.
Dakṣa, 406.
Dānavas, see devils.
dance, 443, 454, 456, 504, 535.
Darius, 544.
darkness (as hell and evil), 147, 206, 227, 422.
Dacanāmis, 482.
Dacapeya, 477.
Dasyus, 524, 542.
dates, 3-8, 434 ff., 571, 595, note.
Dattāmitra, 545.
Dawn (see Ushas), hymns, character of, 553, 571.
Dayānanda, 521.
Death (see dogs, Māra), 43, 129, 136.
Debendranāth, 516 ff.
Decoits, 494.
Dedrāj, 514.
deism, 498, 515, 523.
deluge, 160, 162 214, 369, 421, 542, 543.
demons, see devils.
demonology, 46, 135, 168, 538.
Demetrius, 545.
depressed classes, 568.
devas, 10, 168.
Devadatta, 309.
Devakī, 465, 467.
devils, 368, 414, 423, 475, 526, 539.
dhan, 508.
Dha[=n.]gars, 531.
Dharma, dharma (see Path, Right), 249 ff., 358, 373, 380 417, 420, 554.
dharma, 361.
Dhavā, 452.
Dhṛti, 452.
dhvaja, 443.
Digambaras, 284 ff., 480.
Dionysos, 458 ff.
Dīpālā, 456.
discus, 440, 462.
disease (see small-pox god), 452 ff., 538.
divination, 535.
dogs of Death, 132, 138, 147, 163.
Dolā Yātrā, dolotsava, 453 ff.
dolmen, 538.
dolphin, 450.
dragon (see Nāga, snake), 42, 48, 165, 539.
drama, 2, 436, 438.
Dravidian religion, 416, 425, 426 ff., 542.
dreams, 42.
drughaṇa, 441.
Druids, 533.
drunkenness, 491.
dualism (see ptakṛti, Sāṅkhya), 13, 396, 414.
Durgā, 416, 451, 456, 490, 492, 513.
dūrvā, 502.
Dutch rule in India, 566.
dvāpara, 420.
Dyāus, 9, 19 (heaven), 58, 172, 571.
eagle (see soma), 534.
Earth, 58 ff., 168, 445; earth-worshippers, 480, 531.
Easter, 454.
education, salvation of, 571.
egg, mundane, 166, 208, 411.
Egypt, 543, 550.
ekāntinas, 413; eka deva, 420.
Eleatics, 559.
elements, 1, 559.
elephant, 445, 533.
eleocarpus ganitrus, 502.
emperors, imperialism, 36, 435 ff.
English rule in India, 566.
ensigns, 539.
epic, 2, 25, 348 ff., 425, 444, 496; Greek influence on, 545.
Epicureans, 505.
eras, 436.
Eros, see Love.
eschatology (see Heaven, Hell, Manes), 173, 204, 216, 253, 367, 394, 496, 530.
ethnologists, 11.
euphemism, 251.
Europe and India, 556 ff.
evil eye, 155, 526, 589, note 3.
exogamy (see marriage), 534, 535.
fables, 545, 558.
faith, bhakti, 396, 506, 507, 545.
fakirs, 486.
family, see matriarchy.
fasting, 452, 557.
fate (see karma), 369, 417, 477.
Father-god, see Prajāpati; Fathers, see Manes; father (see parents), 529.
fauna, 35.
fees, 192.
female (see abstractions, infanticide, mothers, cakti), divinities, 51, 138, 184, 416; female ancestors, 441, 534.
Feridun, 11.
festivals, 202, 448.
fetishism, 169, 363; distinction between fetish and god-stone, 538.
fire (see Agni), as germ of life, 141; fire-cult, 158, 378; destroys world, see Saṁvartaka; cult, 454, 460, 491.
flood, see deluge.
flowers, 440, 540, 557.
forest (see wood), 528.
fountain-god, 531.
free-will, 384.
frogs, 14, 100 ff.; frog-maiden, frog-feast, 536.
funeral, see burial.
gambler, 14, 162, 376.
games, 328, 451.
Gandharva, 125, 130, 167, 367, 419, 442, 542.
Gan-eden, 542.
Gaṇeca, 414, 416, 447, 450 ff., 456, 466, 487, 506, 532.
Gāṇecas, 413.
Ganges, 30, 372, ff., 450.
Garos, 534.
Garutman, Garuda, 45, 360, 378, 446.
Gāurī, 452.
Gautama, 302 ff.; Gotama, 308, note; 542.
gāyatrī, 46, 124.
generosity, 374.
geography, 28, 29, 177, 193, 314, 342 ff.
Ghori, 437.
ghosts, 532.
giants, 470, 571.
Girica, 463.
gītā, see Bhagavad.
Gīta Govinda, 457, 503.
Gnosticism, 560.
gods (see devas), 29, 90, 141, 182, 209, 395, 402.
golden age, see ages.
golden germ, 141, 208, 507.
golden rule, 479.
Gonds, 444, 526 ff.
goose-totem, 534.
gopīs, 456.
Gorakhnāth, 486.
gosain, 504.
Gosāla, 283.
gospels, 546.
Gotama, see Gautama.
Govind, 511.
grace of God, 143, 384, 393, 396, 413, 429.
grahas (see planets), 415.
grāmas, 27.
Greece, Greeks, 1, 3, 6, 416, 431, 434 ff., 458 ff., 470, 471, 544 ff., 550.
Grippa Valli, 530.
Gūḍaras, 487.
guest, 369, 531.
guṇas, 507.
Gupta era, 436, Addenda.
guru, 246, 510.
Hanuman (see monkey), 368, 502.
haoma, 16.
Hara, 462.
Harahvati, 31.
Harihara, 464, 547.
Harivaṅca, 424, 428, 439, 464, 467.
Hārīta, 440.
Hartmann, 562.
Harvard students, 565.
harvest (see festival), 531, 532.
Hastings, 567.
Heathen, 524.
Heaven (see Dyāus, Varuṇa, eschatology), 48, 143, 145 ff., 253, 365, 417, 448.
Helen, 12, 168.
Hell, 147, 165, 206, 232 ff., 253, 267, 336, 363, 381, 402, 443, 478, 528, 557.
henotheism, 139, 177, 571.
Herakles, 458 ff., 470.
Heraklitus, 558.
Hestia, 530.
hills, see mountains and wild tribes.
Hinduism, 24, 348 ff., 434 ff., 548, 568 ff.
Hindukush, 31.
Hiraṇyagarbha (see golden germ), 447.
history, 434.
holiness, 442.
Holl, 453.
holy-days, 204, 248 ff.
holy-places, 444.
holy-stone, see Cālagrāma and stone.
holy-water, 557.
horse-sacrifice, 444.
honesty, 527, 555.
hospitality (see guest), 555, 556.
house-god, 374, 530.
Hṛṣikeca, 432.
humanitarianism, 428.
humanity, 433.
idealism, see advāita.
idolatry, modern, 522.
idols, 95, 370, 371, 374, 442, 446, 477, 537, 556 ff.
Ilium, 12.
illusion, 395, 396, 401, 421, 497.
immaculate conception, 431, 460.
immortality (see Heaven), 141, 396, 422; immortality of pots, 534. incarnation (see magic), 470.
Incarnation, see avatar.
incest (see commandments, left-hand), 531.
Indians, 161 ff., 452, 532, 533, 542.
Indra, 10, 20, 39, 56, 57, 89, 91 ff., 101, 123, 332, 353, 355 ff., 69, 377, 404, 405, 412, 414, 445, 448, 449, 473 ff.
Indramaha, 378, 457, 460.
Indus, 30.
infanticide, 529, 531.
infidelily, 448, 475.
Innocents day, 455.
inspiration, 305.
Iranians, 6, 15, 26, 32 ff., 67, 132, 168, 170, 186, 422, 543.
Īca, 546.
islands, 431.
Issa, 546.
Itihāsa, 434, 477.
Jagannāth, 440, 449, 456, 505.
Jāimini, 495.
Jainism, 280, 318, 348, 401, 448, 480.
Jamāli, 283.
Jāmbavan, 368.
janas, 26, 27.
Jangamas, 447, 482.
Janmāṣṭamī, 465, 469.
Jātakas, 339 ff., 393, 430, 558.
Jātavedas, 416.
Jayadeva, 503.
Jayī, 494.
Jemīdar, 493.
Jemshid, 11.
Jews, 524, 544.
jīva, 442, 496.
Jṅāndev, 522.
Jṅātriputra, 292.
John, saint, 558.
Jonas, story of, 547.
Josaphat, 557.
Judgment-god (see Dharma), 529, 531.
Juggernaut, see Jagannāth.
jugglers, see Yogi.
Justice, see Dharma.
Ka, 182, 413.
Kabīr (Panthis), 502, 510, 514, 547.
Kabul, Kabulistan, 30.
kalā, 501.
Kāla, see Time.
kali, 421.
Kālī, 416, 438, 441, 490, 492, 533.
Kālidāsa, 438.
Kalki, 340, 469.
kalpa, see ages.
Kāma, see Love.
Kaṇāda, 503.
Kānaphāts, 486, 487.
Kāṅculiyas, 492.
Kaniṣka, 435, 436.
Kāpālikas, 487.
kapi, 543.
Kapila. 397, 402, 495, 547.
Kapilavastu, 300.
karma, 199, 231, 253, 302, 319, 369, 374. 401.
Karmahīnas, 447.
Karmamīmāṁsā, 495.
Kartābhāja, 504.
Kārttikeya, see Skanda.
Kācyapa, 503.
Kashmeer, 31, 314, 482.
Kassos, 534.
Katties, 537.
Khākis, 502.
Khālsā, 512.
Khasas, Khāsīas, 537.
Khonds, 445, 526, 528 ff.
Kil, 502.
kindness (see love), 448.
kings, 226 465.
Kinnaras, 367.
kirttan, kīrtan, 508.
Koches, 525.
Koles, Kolarians, 525, 531, 532 ff.
koph, 543.
Kosmas, 544.
Krishna (kṛṣṇa), 349, 361, 388 ff, 399, 401, 405, 411, 412, 429, 448, 449, 456, 457, 465, 498, 548, 551.
Krishnaism, 427, 464, 484 ff., 548.
Krishnaiteṣ, 503 ff.
kṛta, 419.
Kṣapanakas, 448.
Kṣatriya, 419.
Kṣemendra, 478.
Kubera, 251, 353, 358, 446.
kukkuja, see cock.
Kumāra Kārttikej-a (see Skanda), 356, 463.
Kumārila, 436, 437, 572.
Kural, 567.
Kurus, 32, 179.
Kurukṣetra, 33, 263, 372 ff.
kush, 542.
Lakṣmī, 451, 492, 501, 506.
Lalita Vistara, 343.
Lamaistn, 343, 557, 565.
Lamp-festival, 456; service, 557.
Law-books, religion of, 247 ff.; Aryanism of, 541.
Left-hand cult, 490, 506, 533.
lex talionis, 555.
liberality of thought, 556.
light, as right, 422.
liṅga (see phallus), 447, 453, 456, 462, 475, 488, 502.
Liṅgāyits, 482.
liquor, 491, 531.
literature, celebration of, 451.
Logos, Vāc, 142, 195, 251, 492, 558.
Lohitāyanī, 415.
lotus, 411, 451, 462, 502.
Lotus of the Law, 343.
Love, 154; love-charm, 155; love as god, 156, 416, 444, 445, 446, 450, 452, 455, 471, 544.
lundi, 528.
Lupercalia, 455.
Lurka Koles, 531, 534.
Mādhava Ācārya, 445.
Mādhvas, 502, 506, 509, 514.
Madonna-worship, 469, 503, 505, 506, 557.
Māgadha, 435.
Magas, Magi, 544.
magic, witchcraft, 135, 137, 149, 151 ff., 477, 526.
Mahādeva, 464; mahādevī, 490.
Mahābhārata, see Bhārata.
Mahārājas, 505.
māhāris, 534.
mahātmaism, 486, 550, 562.
Mahāvīra, 280 ff.
Mahecvaras, 482.
Mahmud, 436.
Mahrattas, 437.
Māitreya, Māitrakanyaka, 340, 479.
makara, 450.
Man, 508, worshippers of, 481.
Manes (see Crāddha), 10, 11, 132, 143 ff., 155, 173, 190, 250, 361, 364, 365, 446, 450, 452, 529, 530, 532, 533, 537.
Man-lion, 453, 470.
mantra, 174, 374, 440, 453, 491, 508.
Manu, 32, 128, 143, 169, 392; code of, 263 ff., 391, 397, 399, 401; verse attributed to, 487.
manvantara, 439.
Māra, 304, 346.
mārjāra nyāya, 501.
markaṭa nyāya, 501.
marriage-rites, 270, 421, 533.
marriage-tree, 541.
Maruts, 8, 56, 97 ff.
Mather, Cotton, 565.
matriarchy, 441, 541.
matter (see prakṛti), 400.
Māyā, see illusion.
May-day, 453.
meat-eating (see ahiṁsā), 365, 368.
medhā, 452.
Megasthenes, 1, 458 ff.
Menandros, 545.
merias, 529.
metals, 35.
metempsychosis, 175, 199, 204, 286, 302, 347, 364, 401, 532, 533, 559; in the Veda, 145, 432, 530.
methods of interpretation, 8, 12 ff., 22, 551.
Mihira, see Mithra.
Milinda, 545.
Mīmāṁsā, 495.
miracles, 430.
missionaries, 566 ff.
Mitra (see Varuṇa), 41, 44, 57, 60, 71, 138; mitra, mihira, 423, 544.
Mohammedans, 436 ff., 482, 509, 524, 546 ff.
monks (see ascetic, bhikṣu, Sannyāsin), 285, 324; monasticism, 502, 557.
monkey (see Hanuman), 448, 452, 502, 547; monkey-doctrine, 500.
monolith, worship of, 538.
monotheism, 11, 13, 67, 70, 139, 172, 413, 414, 427, 432, 442, 481, 483, 509, 547.
monsoon, 35.
moon (see eschalology, Gandharva, Soma), 185, 470, 480, 526, 533.
morals (see commandments, sin), 14, 143, 180, 203, 353, 375, 401, 443, 553, 570.
mother-divinities, 415, 492; motherhoods, 534.
mountains, divine, 137, 359, 416, 461, 463, 528, 532, 537.
mouse, 532.
Mozoomdar, 519.
muni, 148, 520.
Munroe, Major, 566.
murder, 179, 475, 527.
music, 443.
Mūṣikas, 532.
mysticism (see Yoga), 504.
Nāgas (see dragon, snake), 536, 539.
Nāgārjuna, 340, 343.
Nakhīs, 486.
name of the Lord, call upon, 507.
names, 201.
Nānak, 502, 511 ff., 547.
Nāṅgi Panthis, 514.
Nara, Nārāyaṇa, 412, 448; Svāmi Nārayaṇa, 506, 514.
Nature, 397.
nautch, 454.
Neo-Platonism, 558, 560.
New Year's festival, 449, 456.
Niadis, 537.
nidānas, chain of causality, 323.
Night, 48, 76, 79.
Nikāya, 326.
Nimbāditya, 508.
Nirgrantha, 283.
Nirmalas, 513.
Nirvāṇa, 286, 310, 319, 321 ff., 336, 346, 347, 426 ff.
Niṣads, 440.
non-duality, see advāita.
Notovitch, 546.
numbers, 478.
nuns, 290, 310, 330, 557.
nymphs, in heaven, 417.
Nysian, 458.
oath (see ordeals), of king, 213; may be broken, 255; water in oath, 362; other forms of oath, 533, 534.
observances, 246.
oceans, 34.
offerings, 183.
Om, 395, 453.
Omens (see magic), 256, 328.
ophir, 543.
oracles, 533, 534.
Orāons, 526, 531, 535.
ordeals, 3, 270, 275, 363.
orders, politica), priestly stadia, 264, 353, 365.
orthodoxy, 507, 562.
pacceka, 305.
Pāhārias, 533.
pairs of gods, 83, 102, 138, 462.
palm, 540.
palmistry (sce omens), 256.
Pāṅcajanya fire, 423. Paṅcakāla, Paṅcakājṅas, 413.
Paṅcamahākalpa, 413.
Paṅcatantra, 558.
Pāṅcarātra, 413, 427, 442, 447, 492, 497.
Pāṇḍavas, 466, 469.
Pāṇdurāṅga, 500.
pantheism (see Kṛṣṇa, Rāma, Viṣṇu), 37, 47, 57, 138, 140, 248, 356, 407, 414, 484 ff., 498, 547.
Paradise, see Heaven.
Paracu Rāma, 469.
parents, 370.
parimata, 227, 229, 232.
Parjanya, 100 ff., 369, 378.
Parmenides, 559.
parrot, 445, 450.
Pārvatī, (goddess) 'of mountains,' 416.
Pacupati, 413, 462, 463.
Pācupata, 447, 482, 509.
Pātaliputta, 311.
Pataṅjali, 495.
Path, holy, 305 ff., 401,426.
peacock, 445, 450, 528, 536.
Persian, see Darius, Iranian.
pessimism, 306, 314, 316 ff.
phallus (see liṅga), 150, 414, 443, 470. 471, 528, 544.
Phānsigars, 494.
Philo, 555.
philosophy (see Sāṅkhya, Vedānta), 141, 495.
Phoenicia, 543.
picture-worship, 374, 557.
pipal-tree, see bo-tree.
Picācas (see devils), 415.
planets, 367, 415, 545.
plants, worship of (see trees), 540; plant-souls, see metempsychosis.
Plato, 2, 559.
Plotinus, 561.
pocket-altars, 475.
pole-rite, 378, 443, 534.
political divisions, 26, 27.
polyandry, 467, 535.
polygamy, 533.
polytheism, 11, 13, 529, 547.
Pongol, 449, 528.
pools, 254. 370, 372, 404, 444, 478.
pope, 557.
Porphyry, 561.
Portuguese rule in India, 566.
Prabhā, 452.
Pradyumna, 441, 442.
Prablāda, 397.
Prajāpati, 142, 182 ff., 196 ff., 404, 412,475, 492, 554.
prak[=r.]ti, 396, 397, 399, 507.
prasāda (see grace) 429.
prayāga, 435.
Prem Sāgar, 567.
priest, 28, 29, 40, 176, 179, 370; privileges of, 263,549; epic priest, 352.
P[=r.]cnī, 97.
Prometheus, 107, 165.
Punjāb, 30, 33, 34.
Purāṇas, 2, 3, 424, 430, 434 ff., 476, 503.
Puranic Sānkhya, 495.
purity, 148, 369.
purgatory, 557.
Purusa, 142, 397, 447.
Pūrvamīmīmāmsā, 495.
Pūṣan, 5, 41, 47, 50 ff., 80, 101, 463, 464, 475.
Puṣkara, 372.
Puṣṭi, 452.
Pūlanā, 444.
pūtika, 369.
Pythagoras, 209, 559 ff., 580, note 3.
quakerism, 567.
quietism (see Yoga), 567.
Rādhā, Rādhā Vallabhis, 492, 506.
Rāhu, 367.
rain-gods, 99, 528.
rajas, 507.
Rājasūya, 444, 448, 477.
Rākṣas (see devils), 419.
ram, 445.
Rāma, 349, 397, 498.
Rāmacandra, 454, 506.
Ramaism, 315, 349, 427, 485, 500 ff.
Rāmānand, 502, 510, 513.
Rāmānuja, 447, 482, 496 ff., 505, 507.
Rāmāyaṇa, 349 ff.
Ramcaritmanas, 503.
Rāmmohun Roy, 515.
Rasā (Volga, 26), 30, 169.
Rās Dāsas, 502.
Ras Yātrā, 456, 505.
Rath Yātrā, 456.
Rail, 452.
Rāvana, 470.
redemption, doctrine of, 569.
reformation of sects, 508, 522.
relics, 556.
remnant-worship, 151, 157.
Renaissance, 2, 435.
renunciation (see Yogi, Sannyāsi), 394.
responsability, moral, 380.
Ribhus (Ṛbhavas), 93, 123, 169, 382.
Right (see Dharma), 249, 422, 442, 554.
Right-hand cult, 490.
Rig Veda (ṛg), 3, 5, 7, 9, 10 ff., 22, 29, 37 ff., 44; in epic, 360, 419.
Rishis (Ṛṣis), see Seers.
ritual, 12 ff., 16 ff., 106, 124, 175.
ritualism, 568.
rivers, divine, 30 ff., 32, 99, 138, 528. 537.
Romans, 6, 556.
rosary, 374, 413, 478. 502, 557.
rosy, 493.
Rudra (see Catarudriya, Civa), 50, 54, 97, 99, 379, 388, 406; Rudra-Civa, 458 ff.; Rudrajapas, 463.
rudrākṣa, 502.
sacraments, forty, 255.
sacrifice, 47, 60, 149, 177 ff., 188, 196, 198, 211, 225, 246, 363, 369, 375, 406, 413, 420, 423, 450, 462, 471, 490 ff., 526, 528, 529, 534, 571.
Sādhus, 514.
Cāivas (see Civaites), 413.
Caka era, 436.
Sakhī bhāvas, 492.
Cāktas, 413, 489, 533.
cakti, 489, 490, 537, 553.
Cakuntalā, 438.
Cākya, 300, 302.
cālagrāma, holy stone, 447, 502, 540.
sallo kallo, 531.
Samājas, 516 ff., 369, 570.
Sāma Veda, 176, 389, 396, 419.
Samana, 302, 344.
Cambhu, 487.
Camī camī-plant, 540.
saṁvartaka fire, 421.
saṁsāra. 175, 199, 231, 253, 380, 425.
saṁskṛta, 396.
saṁvat, 436.
Sanatkumāra, 466.
Cāṇḍila, 221, 497, 509; sūtras, 503.
Sandrocottos, 435.
Saṅgha, 324, 341.
Caṇkara, 289, 437, 445; vijaya, 480; 482, 495, 505, 506.
Sāṅkhya, 323, 365, 391 ff., 396, 399, 400, 402, 460, 482, 484, 489, 495, 509, 547, 560.
Sannyāsīn, 258, 281, 508.
Saraṇyū, 81, 138.
Saramā, Sārameya, 131, 132, 138.
Sarasvatī, 31 ff., 149, 451, 492.
Cārīrakamīmāṁsā, 495.
Carva, 462, 463, 548.
Sarvadarcaṇasangraha, 480.
Catarudriya, 413, 470.
Sat nām, 512.
sattra, 371, 420.
sattva, 507.
Saturnalia, 455.
Sāubhagasena, 545.
Sāugatas, 448, 567.
Sāuras, 413,423, 508.
Savāras, Sauras, 535.
Savitar (see Sun), 41 ff., 46 ff.
Sāvitrī, 46, 466, 492.
Sāyaṇa, 480.
Schopenhauer, 561.
sects, 445.
Seers, 368.
Semiramis, 543.
Semites, 571.
Sen, 518.
sesamum, 452, 502.
Cesa, 446, 465.
seven, 18, 26, 32, 49, 64, 98, 162, 533.
Seypoys, 566.
sex, 43, 59, 183, 490.
Siddhas, 367, 397, 482.
Sikhs (Singhs, Siṁhas), 8, 502, 510-513.
sin (see commandments, vows), 42, 47, 51, 60, 65, 329, 376, 392, 530, 554; venial, 254; sin and sacrifice, 526.
siṅgā-tree, 533.
Cicupāla, 457.
Sittars, 315, 367, 482, 488, 567, 570.
Civa, 25, 50, 99, 112, 150, 178, 251, 332, 354, 365, 374, 388 ff., 397, 404, 406, 412 ff. 487, 532-534.
Civaism (see Cāivas), 348, 389, 407, 413, 423, 427, 446, 451, 453, 466, 480, 484, 488, 496, 548; sacrifice of, 371, 453, 459, 462, 492.
Civaites, 481 ff., 483.
Skanda (Kārttikeya), 354, 410, 414, 445, 466.
slaves, 29, 425, 477, 548, 549.
small-pox god, 452, 528.
Smārtas, 482, 507.
Smṛti, 440.
snake (see dragon, Nāga), 20, 94, 154, 164, 186, 344, 361, 376, 397, 419, 446, 469, 527, 533, 536, 539, 547.
sociological data, 27, 60, 524 ff.
solar mylhs, 11.
Soma, 14, 16, 42, 50, 112 ff., 185, 354, 369, 378, 477, 491, 531, 540, 571.
Somānanda, 482.
son, importance of, 148, 363.
sophistry, 383.
sorcery, see magic.
soul (see ātmā, jīva), 530.
sources, 3.
spirit (see ātmā), 400, 442.
spring, god of, 528.
spring-festival, 449, 452, 456.
Crāddha (see Manes), 451, 453, 455.
Cramaṇa, 281, 292, 302.
cravaka, 303.
Crī, 438, 441, 451, 492.
Crīraṇga, 456.
Cruti, 245 ff., 373, 378.
star-souls, 204, 366, 446.
star-worshippers, 480, 526, 533.
Stoics, 558, 563.
stone, worship of (see cālagrāma), 526, 533, 538; marriage-stone, 271, 535.
straw (victim), 526.
stūpas, 556.
Subrahmaṇya, 466
Cūdra (see slave), 419; Sūdroi, 548.
suicide, 378.
Sūkharas, 487.
Culvasutra, 560.
Sun, 17, 39, 40 ff., 47, 51, 56, 57, 82, 164, 205, 354, 377, 401, 402, 446, 449, 452, 460, 492, 508, 509, 526, 528, 530, 532, 534, 543 ff.
Sunday, 452.
Sunthāls, 532.
Cūnyavāds, 448.
surā, 127.
Sūryā (see Sun), 51, 82, 449, 492.
Sutta, 326.
suttee, 165, 274, 369, 441.
Sūtras, 3, 4, 5, 7, 174. 245 ff.
Svāmi, see Nārāyaṇa.
svastivācanam, 371.
Cvetāmbaras, 284 ff., 480.
swing, see Dōlā.
tabū, 251, 535.
tamas (see darkness), 507.
Tamerlane, 436.
Tamil, poetry, 315; religion, 524.
tan, 508.
Tantras, 2, 439, 476, 491
tapas (see asceticism), 520.
Tari, 528, 530.
Tathāgata, 303.
temples, 428, 444, 447, 452, 456, 471, 526, 557; snake-temple, 539.
Ten-galais, 501.
ṭhaks, 535.
Ṭhākurāṇī, 535.
Thales, 559.
theft (see commandments, morals), 527, 554.
theosophy, 40, 112, 384.
thieves, god of. 554.
Thomas, church of, 479.
three, 42, 49, 110, 164.
Time, see fate.
Thugs, 492 ff., 528, 535.
thunder-worship, 536.
tiger, 533.
tillais, 494.
tīrtha, see pools.
Tiru-valluvar, 567.
Todas, 526, 537.
tonsure, 557.
tortoise (see avatar), 536.
totem, totemism, 163, 430, 445, 464, 468, 532, 534, 537, 557.
traga, 479.
trāipuruṣa, 464.
transmigration, see metempsychosis.
transubstantiation, 557.
trees, worship of, 35, 154, 470, 528, 533, 540; tree of creation, 540, 542.
tretā, 420.
triad, 42, 46, 183, 377, 404, 460.
tribes, 26 ff.
Tridaṇḍis, 482.
trimūrti (see trinity), 447, 464.
trinity (see triad, trimūrti, trāipuruṣa), 57, 105, 237, 387, 404, 410, 411, 412, 432, 439, 507, 516, 545; four members, 445; prayer to, 447; history of, 457 ff.; female, 492, 499.
Tripiṭaka, 326, 347.
Tripūjas, 480.
Trita, 11, 45, 104, 431.
Troy, story of, 547.
truth, 203, 369, 381, 527, 533, 553.
Tukārām, 524.
tulasī, 456, 502, 540.
Tulasīdāsa, 503.
Turanian, 15, 435.
Tuṣṭi, 452.
tutelary gods, 530.
Udāsis, 513.
Ugras, 447.
Ūkharas, 487.
Umā, 416, 460, 490, 492.
Unitarians, 413, 485, 547.
Upāṅgas, 440.
Upaniṣads, 3, 4, 5, 7, 24, 181, 216 ff., 389, 399, 405, 434, 447, 518.
Upapurāṇas, 440.
upāsaka, 310.
Upendra, 409.
Ūrdhvabāhus, 486.
Ucanas, see Bṛhaspati.
Ushas (Uṣas), Dawn, 9, 10, 19, 73 ff.
Vāc, see Logos.
Vada-galais, 501.
Vāikhānasas, 447.
Vāirāgins, 508.
Vāiceṣīka, 503.
Vāiṣṇava, 371, 413.
Vāicvānara (see Agni), 507.
Vāicya, 419, 487, 525.
Vala, 20.
Valabhī era, 436, 572.
Valentine, saint, 451.
Vallabhas, 504-508.
Vālmīki, 503.
Varāhamihira, 438.
Varuṇa, 18, 41, 42, 44, 47, 58, 61 ff., 138, 170, 196, 353, 354, 397, 448, 539, 554; as the moon, 571.
vasanta, see spring festival.
Vāstoṣpati, 530.
vassallus, vassus, 530.
vasso, 292.
Vāsuki, 397.
Vāta, Vāyu, see Wind-god.
Veda, 12, 15 ff., 142, 174, 188, 222, 256, 374, 401, 420, 425, 510.
Vedānta, 143, 228, 264, 365, 396, 398 ff., 416, 460, 484, 495 ff.; sūtra, 437.
'Vehicles,' 340.
vermilion, 532.
Vesta, 530.
Vetāla, 537.
Vidyādharas, 367.
Vighneca, 488.
vihāra, 435.
Vikramāditya, 436.
village-tree, 540.
Vinaya, 326.
Virabhadra, 467.
Virāj, 507.
Virgin-worship, 557.
virtue (see commandments, dharma, morals), ideals of, 555.
vicas, 27, 194.
Vicākha, 466.
Vishnu (Viṣṇu), 41, 52, 56, 112, 144, 178, 251, 332, 354, 365, 388 ff., 412 ff., 451 ff.; feast of, 456; 460, 487, 492, 498, 508, 534.
Vishnuism, 143, 348, 389, 413, 446, 464, 480, 494 ff.
Vishnu's law-book, 441.
Vicvāmitra, 27.
Viṭhṭhala, 500, 508, 514, 522.
Vivasvant, 81, 128 ff., 146, 392.
void, see Cūnya.
Volga, see Rasā.
vows, 293, 317, 378.
Vṛṣabha, 482.
Vrātya-hymns, 179.
Vritra (Vṛtra), 20, 120, 185, 357, 369.
Vyāsa, 488, 495.
warriors, 28, 29, 419.
water (origin of all things), 48, 107, 141, 330, 362, 378.
waters, 99.
water-pot, 453.
water-worshippers, 480.
wealth (see Bhaga), 528.
White Island, 413, 426 ff:, 431, 545.
wife, see woman.
wild-tribes, 471, 490, 493, 534 ff., 569.
wind-god, 87 ff., 123, 165, 354, 460; worshippers, 480.
witchcraft, see magic.
witness (see oath), 250.
women (authors of Rig Veda), 27; burned, see suttee; as nuns, 291, 310; religion of, 370; use mantra, 440, 450, 453; price of wife, 270, 535.
wood, see trees.
wood-goddess, 138, 530.
worlds, number of, 402.
writing, 4, 7, 331, 544. 595.
Yajur Veda, 24, 176 ff., 419.
Yakṣas, 415.
Yama (see Citragupta, Hell), 16, 45, 49, 128 ff., 144, 146, 353, 365, 378ff., 397, 451, 480, 540.
Yima, 11, 16,128 ff.
Yoga, yogin or yogi, 262, 281, 304, 351, 391 ff., 399, 402, 470, 486, 495, 550.
yoni, vulva, 475,490.
yuga, see ages.
Zarathustra, Zoroaster (see Iranian), 10, 72, 524.
Zeus, 9, 66.
Ziegenbalg. 565.
Zooelatry, 547.