The Railroad Question - A historical and practical treatise on railroads, and - remedies for their abuses
by William Larrabee
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Bridge across the Mississippi, 319

British railways, cost of right of way, 370

Brown, Justice, 214

Bryce, Prof., 391 on decadence of bar, 222 on lobby, 222

Budd vs. N. Y., 213, 290, 295

Buddha, commended roads to care of pious, 18

Burmah, 61

Burstall, 49

California railways, 122

Calmar, 328

Camden and Amboy charter, 113

Camden and Amboy Railroad Company, 102

Canada, 73 canals, 43

Canadian Pacific, 74

Canal, Erie, 40 from Bitter Lake to Red Sea, 23 Nicaragua, 44, 174

Canals, Canadian, 43 in Great Britain, 33 Italian, 34 private companies, 42 Spanish, 34

Candidates, railroad, 226 servile to railroads, 206

Cape Colony, 63

Capitalization of railroads, 86

Capital of Standard Oil Company, 121

Carey, H. C., 110

Carload lots, 386 rates, 140

Carthage, harbor, fleets, roads, 24

Carthaginians, 91 commerce of, constructed roads, 22

Cars refused, 120

Cassat, Mr., testimony of, 121

C., B. & Q. R. R. strike, 285

Cedar Rapids and Missouri River R. R. Co., 324

Central America, 70

Central Pacific, 175 scheme, 347

Ceylon, 61

Charlemagne repaired and built roads, 28

Chicago and Milwaukee system, cost of, 235 and Omaha pool, 194 convention, 224 Iowa and Nebraska Railroad, 328 third-rate lawyer, 222

Chile, 68

Chinese built roads before the Christian era, 21

Classification, 363 rule, 361 unjust features, 151

Clay, Mr., 303

Clews, Henry, 304 pictures evils, 404 "Twenty-eight Years in Wall Street," 185

Clear Lake, 328

Clerk of U. S. Court, 217

Cleveland, President, 359

Clinton, 328

Club address of C. F. Adams, Jr., 257

C., M. & St. P. R. R. Co. vs. Minn., 213

Coal and kindred articles, 386

Coffin, Mr. L. S., 452

Colbert, idea of postal service, 30

Coleridge, Lord, 454

Combinations, 189 regulate, 299

Commission evil, 420

Commission received, 119

Commissioner system, 246

Commission, Interstate, reviews Judge Brewer's rule, 365

Commissions acquire expert knowledge, 384

Commission's decisions, 359 acts subject to judicial review, 381 become a pliant tool, 429 character of, 359

Commission system adopted in Iowa, 335

Committee bill passed, 354

Commodities, character of, 373

Common law, sufficient in theory but fails in practice, 268

Competition, 190, 196 a great educator, 260 and enhanced rates, 352 in United States depended upon, 129 the death of trade, 298 vicious, 300

Communism, strength of, 454

Conduit company, 117

Confiscation of railroads, 293

Conflicts between labor and capital, 448

Congress, appropriations for improving rivers, 44 in three camps, 352 responds to demand of Pacific road, 183 to cease futile attempts 299

Congressmen imposed upon, 17

Connecticut railroad construction, 288

Conscientious managers cannot retain business, 399

Consolidation of C., R. I. & P. R. R. Co., 323 tendency to, 262

Conspiracies should not be legalized, 260

Conspiracy, 296

Constitutions made for, 457

Contests, expense of in Great Britain, 371

Contributions to Pacific roads, 180

Control, suggestions for, 425

Cooley, Judge, 315, 359 in reference to State and National Commissions, 426

Corporations, danger from, 223 willing to pay for questionable services, 222

Corrupt practice act in Mass., 223

Cost of American roads, 187 of building roads at present, 186 of existing railway system, 422 of operating M. & M. R. R., 322 of railroads, 172, 370, 417

Council Bluffs, 324 line completed to, 323

Courteous employes, 447

Courts ordered restoration of Erie securities, 170 should not aid, 381

C., R. I. & P. Railroad, 284

Crosby, J. O., story of tramp, 178

Crusaders, 92

Cuba, 70

Cullom committee report, 131 Senator, 353

Customs laws, 15

Dabney, W. D., drift toward railroad centralization, 261 favors pooling, 261 favors State control, 261

Darius I., work on canal, 23

Dartmouth College case, 315 decision, 259

Davis, C. Wood, 413 on cost of roads, 187

Dows, David, & Co., 138

Davis, Jefferson, plea, 276

Delegates to conventions, 224

Demand in other States for reform, 331

Denmark, 35, 58 first-class passenger rates, 439

Depew, Mr., 138

Depew says all railroad men are politicians, 366

Devices, various, 296

Differentials, 296

Discriminations, 118, 137, 143, 156, 147, 160 damaging, 248 in classifications, 148 in Iowa, 337 practiced openly, 331

Dillon, Judge, 411 Sidney, 273 on cost of Pacific roads, 185

Directors and officials of corporations, 316 character of, 406 with personal interests 317

Director-General, 431 should have power to remove managers, 432

Distance disregarded, 331

Dividends, 164, 187 by fluctuations, 302 Standard Oil Company, 121

Donations, 329 for benefit of public, 376 made by railroad companies, 446 to Pacific roads, 176 to railroads, 125

Donation to road completed, 320

Doud amendment, 331

Dual government, 401

Dual sovereignty must be recognized, 425

Dubuque & S. C. Co., 324

Dutch East India Company, 97

Duties of common carriers, 315

Duty of state, 456

Earnings diverted, 403 of first Iowa railroad, 320 gross, larger in United States, 281 of C., B. & Q., 175 of Iowa roads increased, 264 of Massachusetts railroads, 175 of Lake Shore, 175

Earnings of Liverpool and Manchester, 50 of Terre Haute, 175 of railroads, 86 per employe, 372 per train mile in the United States and United Kingdom, 270 per train mile larger in United States, 281

East India Company, 99, 303

Economy of fuel, 375

Editors, 221, 231 controlled by counting-room, 339

Egyptians, commerce of, constructed roads, 22

Electoral Commission, 215

Eminent domain, 314 Spelling on, 317

Employes fare better under Government management, 412 in Iowa, compensation, 344 in Iowa, number, 344 number of, in various countries, 371 number of, per mile of road, 269 number of, as related to gross earnings, 269 organized for political work, 277 quasi-public officers, 447 should have passes, 209

England, 99 roads maintained by statute and parish labor, 32

English landlords, 287

Entrance into railway service regulated, 448

Ericsson, 449

Erie Canal, 40 Railroad, 170

European and American investments compared, 371

European history began in Greece, 24

Evans, Oliver, 47

Executive charged with construction and maintenance of roads and canals, 22

Executives influenced, 225

Experiments with wooden rail, 46

Extortion, effects of, 111

Farmers' Alliance, 300

Farmers' pool, 300

Federal agencies, need of improved, 430

Federal courts, influence of, 212

Ferocity of public opinion in the West, 312

Feudal features, 455

Field, Justice, 214, 269

Fink, Albert, 200

First rail tracks, 46

First railroad survey in Iowa, 319

Fort Dodge, 325

Fortunes, great, 400 made, 301

France, 54 duty of employes, 447 first system of roads, first artificial waterways, 30 large number of canals, 30 rates on freight and passengers, 293

Frederick the Great built turnpikes and canals, 31

Frederick William IV., 53

Free competition, 407

Freight agents, 383

Freight carried by railroads in the United States, 292

Friction under Iowa law, 341

Galena and Chicago Union, 164

Gallatin advocated roads and canals, 38

Garfield, President, 224 on Dartmouth College case, 316

Garrett, J. W., 83

Germany, first mail service, 31 first railroad, 53

German instructions to employes, 447

Georgia prescribed rates, 289

Glenwood, 337

Gibbon, 92

Gibbon concerning postal service, 27

Goodman, Mr., testimony of, 138

Gospel of wealth, 404

Goeta canal, 35

Gould's bulldozing, 452

Gould, Jay, 212, 224, 269 on cost of Pacific roads, 184

Governor called extra session of General Assembly, 321 importuned, 228 of Iowa, 311 influenced, 227

Government ownership drawbacks, 412

Granger cases, 212

Granger, Judge, 229

Granger law did not retard construction, 335 of Iowa, 332

Granger laws, moderate, 322 repealed, 246

Granger movement, 84 a necessary one, 258 spread, 332

Granger system in Wisconsin, 245

Grant and Conkling, 224

Grant, Judge, 411

Great Britain, canals, 33 crossed by Roman roads, 27 recent origin of public roads and postal service, 32

Great Northern Railroad Co., 185

Grecian civilization passed to Romans and then to other nations, 24

Greek geographers, praise of highways of Hindostan, 19

Gresham, Judge, 212

Grinnell, Hon. J. B., 411

Gross and net earnings in Iowa, 344 earnings, increase in Iowa, 287, 293 earnings of Iowa roads, 265

Hadley, Prof. A. T., 245 on passenger rates, 278 on State legislation, 286

Hadley's address before Bankers' Association, 284 ignorance, 287 mistake, 290

Hadrian improved postal service, 27

Hagar, Mr., 109

Hackworth, 49

Hale, Lord Chief Justice, 316

Harrison, President, 214 on watered stocks, 174 on Nicaragua Canal, 44

Hanseatic League, 94 object, extent, power, 95

Haul, length of, compared, 372

Hayes-Tilden contest, 215

Hayti, 71

Hepburn committee, 137, 146

Hindoo culture and broad statesmanship, 18

Hoe printing-press, 231

Holland, 98 largest canal of, 31

Hoyt, J., & Co., 138

Hudson, J. F., 250, 266, 407

Hudson River Railroad accident, 451 Co., 167 stock watering, 167

Humboldt said of roads of Incas, 36

Hungary, 54

Hungarian zone system, 282, 440

Huntington, C. P., 347 letter of, 346

Illinois canals, 42 Granger laws, 331

Importance of transportation facilities, 17

Improved appliances should be used, 450

Income of railroads, 128 per capita, 292

Increase of traffic under zone system, 442

India supplied Nineveh and Babylon, Greece and Rome, 18

Individual entitled to full use, 392

Inflation, 163

Influences at work to create public sentiment, 294

Iniquitous taxation, 307

Injunction asked for, 323

Inspection service should be established, 432

Insurance provided for, 451

Interchangeable 1,000-mile tickets, 445

Interstate Commerce Act, 85, 319 amended, 358 approved, 354

Interstate Commerce Commission, sixth annual report, 160

Interstate Commerce law attacked, 162

Intimidation of railroad employes, 226

Inventors, 126

Investments, none pay so well, 248

Iowa attorney, 210 Bill of Rights, 445 Central Air Line, 324 City, road built to, 319 Commissioners enjoined, 343 Commissioners' valuable service, 336 Falls & S. C. Co., 325 General Assembly passed maximum tariff act, 264 General Assembly passed act authorizing commissioners to make prima facie rates, 264 law, features of, 341 misunderstanding of, 342 vindicated, 266 legislation, 319 politics, 311 prosperity accelerated, 345 railroad construction, 288 the queen, 348

Irish tenants, 287

Iron strap rail, 46

Itaki Atabeck, road seen to this day, 19

Italy, 57 canals, 34

Jackson, President, 367

Japan, 60

Java, 61

Jeans, Mr. J. S., 269 on railroad revenues, 437 on state railroad, 410

Jefferson's inquiries, 37

Judges, servile, 162 use passes, 208

Jurists, eminent, 234

Kansas Midland, 187

Kent, 314

Kirkman, M. M., 239

Labor organizations, 448

Labor-saving causes, 375

Lake transportation, 453

Land grant policy, wisdom of, 320 to Dubuque & S. C. R. R., 325

Land grants to Iowa railroads, 320 value of, 325

Languedoc Canal, 30

Lawyer and farmer, 209

Lawyers, briefless, 219 political, 223 third-rate, 222

Legislation, 299 of California, 123

Legislative campaign of 1887, 339 reform needed, 405 reports, 110

Lincoln, President, 216 story of the Irishman, and the pig, 271

Lines projected, 288

Lobbies frowned out of legislative halls, 402

Lobby, 219 formidable, 339

Locomotive, early inventors, 47 reward for, 49

Long and short haul clause, 297 of Iowa law, 341

Louis XIV., 98

Louis XI. transferred postal service to state, 30

Lowest rates in Europe, 409

Mails carried free in France, 373

Managers arrogant, 331 concede necessity of regulation, 369 have lost influence, 230 make law odious, 333 naturally despotical, 151 of great parties, 144

M. & M. R. R. Co., 319

Marshall, Chief Justice, 350

Marshalltown, 324

Massachusetts Commission, 428

Mathews, Judge Stanley, 269

Maximilian established postal route, 31

Maximum charges, 331

McDill, Hon. J. W., as a lobbyist, 238

McGregor grant resumed, 326, 327

McGregor Western R. R. Co., 325

Means employed to control legislation, 218

Mesopotamia, inhabitants perfect cart, 19

Methods for control, 402 impracticable, 425

Mexico, 72

Mileage of the future, 389 to area, 112,389 to population, 292

Minneapolis and Chicago conventions, 224

Minnesota case, 295 Granger laws, 331 politics, 311

Missouri Pacific, 187

Mitchell, Alexander, 232

Modern doctrine, Kent's rule, 314

Monopoly, 317 in transportation, 90

Morgan, Appleton, 250

Mortgaging prohibited, 434

Munn vs. Illinois, 213, 290

Muscatine, branch line to, 319

Mushroom millionaires, 307

National banking system, 303

National bureau should be established, 431

National control, 424

Nation inclined to follow beaten tracks, 425

Nations should profit by experience, 367

Napoleon Company, 108

Navigation act, 98

Nebraska maximum tariff, 346

Net earnings increased in Iowa, 265 in 1890 and 1891, 187

Netherlands, canals, 31

Net profit of passenger traffic in United Kingdom, 270

Nevada, 324

New England railroad construction, 288

New Orleans Cotton Exchange case, 360

Newton, 47

New York canals, 41

New York Central, gross earnings, 167 stock watering, 165

New York delegation, 224

Nicaragua, 70 Canal, 44, 174

Nile, canals, roads, people, 23

Notice given when rates are changed, 388

Number of employes per mile, 372 of hours' work of employes, 372

Office of railroad public, 368

Officers of railroads should not be allowed to use proxies, 432 should take oath, 432

Officials not likely to resist temptation, 436

Ohio canals, 42

Oliver Cromwell, 98

Operating expenses reduced, 375

Pacific railroad, 81 diplomacy, 180 prejudice, 45

Pacific roads before boards of equalization, 186 comparative cost, 186 cost to duplicate, 185 easy grade, 185 indebtedness to Government, 184

Papin, constructed steamboat, 47

Parliament compelled British railways, 451

Party organs, 221

Pass abuse, ruling of commission, 362

Pass, purposes for which given, 209 should be discarded, 446

Passenger rate-making principle wrong, 439

Passenger rates not reduced, 375

Passenger rates too high, 438

Passengers carried by railroads in the United States, 292

Passengers, English third-class, 270 killed and injured, 450 third-class, 269

Passes, 207, 208 plentiful, 420 to delegates, 226

Pauper tickets for the clergy should be abolished, 446

Pausanias shown well-kept road, 19

Pedigree of a proverb, 298

Peik vs. Chicago, 213

Pennsylvania canals, 41

Pennsylvania Central R. R. Co., 171

People prone to believe, 245

People's parties called into existence, 404

People will not tolerate, 397

Perquisites abolished, 446

Persian Empire, magnitude, 20

Peru, 67 roads, 35

Phoenicians, 90 built great roads, traders of antiquity, 20 first great maritime nation, 19

Pipe line, 116, 119

Plan capable of being improved, 433

Policy of delay, 381

Political campaigns in Iowa, 339

Politicians as railroad employes, 229

Pooling, 261, 398 committee does not recommend prohibition, 354 contracts void, 317 grave effects of, 268 means of swelling railroad earnings, 267 should be prohibited, 203

Pools, 85, 194, 195, 251, 297 defended by Mr. Hadley, 247 defended by Mr. Morgan, 250 maintained in Iowa, 336 suppress competition, 198

Poor's, H., opinion, 187 estimate of cost, 86, 173, 247

Poor's estimate of watered stock, 186

Porter, Horace, North American Review article, 290

Porter, John, 104

Portugal, 58

Portuguese, 96

Postal communication, royal road from Susa to Sardes, 21

Postal service not carried on by state, 30

Potential value of interstate law, 367

Powderly, T. V., 449

Prediction of Mr. Walker, 299

Predictions of railroad men, 332

Press abuse, 221

Press, efforts of railroads to control, 271 servile to railroads, 228

Prima facie rates, 341

Prize worth contending for, 380

Procopius, statement of, concerning Via Appia, 27

Problem would be solved if abuses, 297

Providence, 136

Psammitichus cuts canal, 33

Ptolemaic kings built canals, 24

Public at mercy of managers, 381 not unreasonable, 450

Public opinion dormant, 400 efforts to influence, 273 rules, 400

Publicity advantageous, 402

Purchasers of land made the donation, 321

Question not settled until settled right, 377

Railroad attorneys, 214

Railroad-building after 1873, 246

Railroad business not private, 403 safe, 436 changes in Iowa, 393 company public agent, 388 competition, 190, 338 consolidation, 82 construction, 287 diplomate, 228 first line, 77 first steam engine, 47 improved highway, 339 like common road, 391 literature, 231 magazine literature, 273 managers do not do things by halves, 223 managers' opportunities to speculate, 399 men always oppose reductions of rates, 283 officials, 257 papers, 340 precursor of, 46 president's letters, 229

Railroads, abandoned, 79 bonded for more than cost, 175 capitalization of, 86 but few that do not pay, 52 cost to build, 186 earnings of, 86 in Asia, 59 in Austria, 54 in Belgium, 56 in Denmark, 58 in France, 54 in Germany, 53 in Granger States did not comply with law, 246 in Hungary, 54 in Italy, 57 in politics, 205 in Portugal, 58 in Russia, 58 in Switzerland, 56 in Spain, 57 in the Balkan Peninsula, 59 in the Scandinavian Peninsula, 58 in the United States, 76 in Turkey, 60 land grants to, 80 partake of two natures, 392 propitiate judiciary, 211 public tax collectors, 396 rebelled against Iowa law, 344

Railroad stations, number of, 190

Railroad tax, amount of, 393

Railway acts, first in England, 127

Railway Age, 288

Railway benefits, 231 employes in politics, 308 first act, 49 organs, 229 Pan-American, 88

Railways, highways, 13 weakened their arguments, 237

Railway system, growth of, 87 length of in the world, 87

Rate-making a legislative and not a judicial function, 332

Rate-making difficult, 244 not a judicial question, 378

Rate of 1870, 248, 249 per ton per mile on Camden and Amboy Railroad, 109 question, 370

Rates, fixing of by commission demanded, 430 fundamental principles in making, 385 in France, 293 lower will prevail, 256 lower, reason for, 374 might be reduced, 417 on Milwaukee road, 233 reduced by zone tariff in Austria-Hungary, 283 should be lower here than in Europe, 373 should be referred to National and State boards, 379 under Granger laws, 246 under Wisconsin Granger laws, 236 what are reasonable, 376

Reagan, John H., bill of, 352

Reform demanded, 295

Reasonable rates, 376, 387 fixing of, 361

Rebates Standard Oil Company, 115

Redfield, J. F., 312

Reduced rates on Government business in France, 293 increased business, 282

Refineries closed, 116

Reforms needed, 438

Remedies, 389 proposed by committee, 352

Remedy proposed by Mr. Hudson of doubtful efficiency, 268

Reorganization of the M. &. M. R. R., 322

Report of Cullom committee, 353

Reports of Interstate Commission, 366

Revenues increased by Granger law, 246, 332 uniform, 437

Revolution and anarchy, 299

Rhenish League, 94

Ricks, Judge, 449

Ridgeway, Jacob, 106

Right of control rests upon firmer ground, 318

Right of way, cost of, 370

River and harbor improvements, 453

Rivers, improvement of, 44

Robber knights, 93, 149

Robbers and feudal knights, depredations being tax, 29

Rob Roy, 258 policy, 102

Robinson, H. P., railway in politics, 308

Rocket, the, 49

Rogers, Thorold, 454

Roman Empire, after downfall roads destroyed, 28

Roman postal service, 27

Romans learned art of paving roads from Carthaginians, 24

Rome, 91 connecting link between antiquity and mediaevalism, 24 extent, population, roads, etc., 25

Roads built from proceeds of stocks and bonds, 373

Roads built only when immediately profitable, 328 early, 37 pioneers of enlightenment and political eminence, 17 subject to legislative control, 327 utility of good, recognized in colonial times, 36

Russia, 58 roads, 35

Rutter, J. H., agent of New York Central, 116

Salaries, American railways pay the highest, 420

Saloon men politicians, 366

San Domingo, 71

San Salvador, 70

Sanspareil, the, 49

Savings under Government management, 422

Scandinavian Peninsula, 58

Scandinavian roads and canals, 35

Schedule rates made by Iowa Commission, 342

Schedules should be submitted to bureau, 432

Scriptures, roads of the, 22

Second-class passenger rates, why not successful, 282

Secrecy a source of evils, 402

Select committee, 353

Select Committee on Transportation, 351

Senate committee, 172

Senators and Congressmen raise campaign funds, 436

Servility of Interstate Commerce Commission, 203

Sesostris cut canal, 23

Shippers given favors, 219, 221 powerless, 382

Sioux City, 325

Smyth Judge, 229

South America, 66

Southern Pacific Railroad Company, 122

Southern pool, 200

Southern Railway and Steamship Association, 194

South Sea Company, 303

Spain, 57 canals, 34

Spain and Gaul, roads of, 27

Special arrangements, 295

Special-car aristocracy, 445

Special contracts, 137 rate agreement, 141 rates, 120, 138

Speed of railroads, 279

Spelling, T. Carl, 317

Speculative element should be removed, 433

Speculators and gamblers, 434

Spirit of Interstate Law, 369

Standard Oil monopoly, 114 discrimination, 160, 362

State control encourages building, 130 in Iowa asserted early, 330 Spelling on, 318

State, duty of, 391 management, advantages of, 410 ownership and regulation, 409 with private management, 422 railway system, 277

States to cease futile attempts, 299

Steam engine, first account, 47

Stephenson, 48

Stevens, Mr., 107

Stewart, A. T., & Co., 138

Stickney, A. B., criticises President Mitchell's letter, 23 his criticism of Iowa rates, 343 his error, 256 favors entire control by Nation, 255 on interstate law, 255 on national control, 424

Stock a bonus, 434

Stock and bond inflation, 163

Stockholders, 131 dissatisfied, 112 interested in publicity, 403

Stock market controlled by few, 308

Stocks, fluctuations of, 435 should be paid in full, 438 shrinkage of value, 284

Stockton, R. F., 103

Stock watered 50 per cent., 307

Stock-watering, 164, 165 in America, 270 English, 371

Stock wiped out, 326

Stone, Governor, 324

Subordinates have to suffer for superiors, 203

Subsidies, 329 to press, 271

Sunday trains restricted, 451

Superintendents responsible for uncivil subordinates, 447

Supreme Court, 215, 289

Switzerland, 56

Taney, Justice, 216

Tariff, a tax, 135 prepared by sworn officials, 381

Tariffs impeachable, 382 official, should stand until proved unreasonable, 382

Texas legislation, 346

Text books, 312

Thiers, M., 51

Third-class passengers in Europe, 443

Times, New York, 340

Tipping, 447

Traffic associations, 149, 300

Trainmen should be allowed rest, 451

Train mile earnings, 269

Trains, number of, per mile, per annum, 281 should connect, 451

Transportation not a commodity, 368

Trevithick, Richard, 48

Tribune, Chicago, 244 New York, 340

Turkey, 60

Turnpike, first American, 37

Turnpikes in Great Britain, 32

Turnpike tolls, 396

Twelfth General Assembly, 323, 330

Umpires, high-priced, 420

Unanimous vote on Iowa law, 341

Union Pacific, 175

United States Bank, 303, 366

Unscrupulous men attracted, 390

Value of land grants, 329

Vanderbilt, 82, 452

Vedas, testimony of, 18

Venetian council, 253

Venezuela, 66

Venice, 93

Via Appia and other roads, 26

Violations of law encouraged by courts, 430

Wabash Railroad, 212

Walker, A. F., 294, 295, 311

Wall Street, defense of, 340 managers, 346 method, 302

War, 399

War rule, 331

Washington among the first to advocate internal improvements, 39

Water courses as levelers, 453

Watering stock, Mr. Jeans on, 270 methods of, 174

Water transportation, 145

Watered stocks, 172 Hadley on, 247

Watt and Stephenson's inventions, 126

Watt, James, 47

Weak roads helped, 344

Western candidates, 224

Water classification, 343

West Indies, 71

Western politician outwitted, 225 pool, failure of, 200 Traffic Association, 299 Union Telegraph Company, 127

White House, the, 215

Whitney, Asa, 81

Whitney's cotton gin, 231

Why Western people do not invest in railroad stocks, 308

Wells, David A., 374

Windom committee, 351

Wisconsin Granger laws, 331

Witnesses recusant, 134

Wrecking roads, 305

Wrought-iron rails patented, 47

World, New York, 340

Zone tariff, 409 ridiculed, 441

A Standard Book on an Important Subject.







William Larrabee,

Late Governor of Iowa.

12mo, cloth extra, gilt top (488 pages), $1.50.

I.—History of Transportation. II.—The History of Railroads. III.—History of Railroads in the United States. IV.—Monopoly in Transportation. V.—Railroad Abuses. VI.—Stock and Bond Inflation. VII.—Combinations. VIII.—Railroads in Politics. IX., X.—Railroad Literature. XI.—Railroads and Railroad Legislation in Iowa. XII.—The Inter-State Commerce Act. XIII.—The Rate Question. XIV.—Remedies. Appendix:—Tables and Statistics. There is also a bibliography on the subject of Railroads, embracing ninety-eight titles, and a carefully prepared alphabetical index.

Opinions of the Press.

"No work has ever before told so completely and clearly what the public want to know, and ought to know, about the secret management and true legal status of railroads. What journalists and magazine writers have studiously left unsaid, whether from lack of knowledge or from motives of 'revenue only,' Governor Larrabee has said, and said it well."—Western Rural.

"This book is evidently the result of long study and experience and much thinking. While it is radical in its treatment of the question, no side of it has been overlooked. It deserves careful reading by every person who is interested in this great question. No subject is more worthy the profound study of the statesman, the man of affairs, the scholar and the citizen. Surely all who are trying to understand the good and evil of railroads can turn to the pages of this book with the certain expectation of learning much both in the way of fact and suggestion."—Bankers' Magazine.

"Perhaps the most interesting chapters are the two in which the author reviews and criticises former publications on railway questions, and the one in which he reviews the various remedies which have been from time to time advanced for railway abuses. The book is concisely and clearly written."—Engineering News.

"Ex.-Gov. Larrabee of Iowa has written a highly meaty book on the railroad question. It is a topic he is well qualified to handle, viewing that he was no small part of the movement in former days to repress railroad abuses in the West, and particularly in his own State."—Chicago Tribune.

"A careful study of an important question, fortified by facts and figures which are both interesting and valuable."—New York Recorder.

Hon. Thomas M. Cooley says: "I have read the book with interest, especially that part which discusses State ownership and management. I have not before seen the side you advocate so clearly and so ably presented."

"The book is the most valuable work yet issued on its subject."—Des Moines News.

"Mr. Larrabee is eminently fitted for the task to which he has set himself. He is not a mere theorizer. He brings to the discussion the ripe knowledge that comes from long experience in dealing with the railroad question, not only as a State Senator and Governor, but also 'as a shipper and as a railroad promoter, owner and stockholder,' and likewise as 'a director, president and manager of a railroad company.' In his treatment of the railroad problem, moreover, Mr. Larrabee displays a breadth of view and an earnestness of purpose that must command respect even where they fail to carry conviction."—Public Opinion.

"It is devoid of the animus which usually enters into the works of the reformers, but on the contrary is written in admirable style, enhanced by happy anecdotes, and altogether is a much more readable book than one is accustomed to find upon so practical a question."—Kansas City Journal.

"It justifies a claim to a place among the standard books upon the railroad problem. It is particularly in those portions of the work which deal with the relations of the Government to the railroads and the solution of the difficulties that have arisen between the railways and the people that the experience of the author both in guiding and executing the railway legislation of Iowa comes into prominent play."—Omaha Bee.

"We commend the book to the careful reading of the railroad stockholder."—Railroad Record and Investor's Guide.

"A thoughtful volume, showing careful research and reflection."—Chicago Inter-Ocean.

"A most interesting, valuable and timely book. Every student of the subject will need to read it, and the popular vein of narrative makes it very interesting and instructive to the general reader."—New England Home.

"This work will present Governor Larrabee in a new and novel light before the public. Heretofore he has been known as the successful man of affairs and business; as the earnest and zealous legislator; as the persistent and vigorous executive; and now he comes as the laborious student upon a great economic and practical question who has aptly and clearly put his views into a book."—Dubuque Herald.

"A thorough treatise by an able mind. The authorities quoted are the best in print."—Coming Nation.

"By far the best work on the popular side of the railroad question."—Gen. M. M. Trumbull in the Open Court.

"Gov. Larrabee's book will rank among the greatest productions of the day on that question."—Cedar Rapids Gazette.

"The book is the result of extraordinary observation, great reading and careful study. * * * This element of completeness, of massing so much information between the covers of a book of ordinary size, makes it invaluable for reference. Of all the many books called out by the agitation of the railroad question, this one will be oftenest referred to, not so much for its opinions as for its stores of facts."— Davenport Democrat.

"Governor Larrabee has always been a careful and conscientious student of the railroad question, and in exposing the abuses to which the railroad system has committed itself he renders a service from which the public may derive great benefit."—Good Roads.

"The high character and well known reputation of the author will create a demand for this book, aside from the fact that it contains a vast amount of information as well as sound reasoning on the railroad question."—American Journal of Politics.

"The author's attitude, while firm, is by no means a sinister or fantastic one. He writes obviously from honest conviction, and he writes with skill and force."—Philadelphia Press.

"A temperate and instructive contribution to railroad literature."—Chicago Times.

"A mine of facts gathered by a man who has made a specialty of his subject and who is evidently in earnest in his desire to lessen the burdens of the American people."—San Francisco Chronicle.

"In point of authenticity the book is absolutely to be relied upon."—St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

"Governor Larrabee came to Iowa before any railroad had reached the Mississippi. Engaging in manufacturing, the inconveniences which he suffered from want of transportation facilities instilled liberal opinions concerning railroads. He made private donations to new roads and he advocated public aid to them. As a legislator he introduced a bill authorizing a 5 per cent. tax in aid of railroad construction. He believed that the common law and competition could be relied upon to correct abuses and to solve the rate problem. It has not been until since these efforts were made that he has become convinced, as he says in his preface, that 'where combination is possible competition is impossible.' The object of this work is explained to be to set forth the objections which lie against the management of railroads as private property. They are used by their managers for speculative purposes. They cannot perform their proper functions so long as they are used only for the interests of their stockholders. In order to serve their real purpose, 'they must become in fact what they are in theory, highways to be controlled by the Government as thoroughly and effectively as the common road, the turnpike and the ferry, the post-office and the custom-house.'"—Council Bluffs Nonpareil.


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The Schulte Publishing Company, 334 DEARBORN STREET, CHICAGO.

- Transcriber's Note: Inconsistent hyphenation and spelling in the original document have been preserved. Roman numeral page numbers in the Appendix have been changed to Arabic numerals. Typographical errors corrected in the text: Page 13 Ackworth changed to Acworth Page 25 Jerusalen changed to Jerusalem Page 26 Brundusium changed to Brundisium Page 27 af changed to of Page 27 if changed to of Page 29 Strasburg changed to Strasbourg Page 37 Pittsburg changed to Pittsburgh Page 45 subsides changed to subsidies Page 65 Williamston changed to Williamstown Page 70 Cabello changed to Caballo Page 107 resolulution changed to resolution Page 215 prejudiee changed to prejudice Page 232 aquainted changed to acquainted Page 236 omiting changed to omitting Page 252 Bastile changed to Bastille Page 266 possiple changed to possible Page 342 Is changed to It Page 346 their changed to there Page 350 cammerce changed to commerce Page 361 upan changed to upon Page 368 iujustice changed to injustice Page 373 Eurpean changed to European Page 407 despatcher changed to dispatcher Page 408 despatcher changed to dispatcher Page 417 Sante changed to Santa Page 422 aquire changed to acquire Page 478 reasonaable changed to reasonable Page 482 addres changed to address Page 485 Potuguese changed to Portuguese -


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