The Private Diary of Dr. John Dee - And the Catalog of His Library of Manuscripts
by John Dee
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Oct. 13th, I exhibited to the Archbishop of Canterbury two bokes of blasphemie against Christ and the Holy Ghoste, desyring him to cause them to be confuted: one was Christian Franken, printed anno 1585 in Poland; the other was of one Sombius against one Carolius, printed at Ingolstad anno 1582 in octavo. Oct. 14th, 15th, a mighty wynde at sowth-west. Oct. 30th, 31st, one of these two dayes I hurt my left shyn against the sharp small end of a wooden rammar abowt four of the clok afternone. Nov. 1st, Mr. Ashly, his wife, and their familie, did com to my howse and remayned ther. They had my mother's chamber, the mayde's chamber, and all the other howse. Nov. 9th, Her Majestie's grant of my supplication for commissioners to comme to me. The Lady Warwik obteyned it. Nov. 22nd, the commissioners from Her Majestie, Mr. Secretary Wolly and Sir Thomas George, cam to Mortlak to my howse. Nov. 28th, to Richard Walkdyne of his wagis 20s. Dec. 1st, a little after none the very vertuous Cowntess of Warwik sent me word very speedily by hir gentleman Mr. Jones from the cowrt at Hampton Cowrt that this day Her Majestie had granted to send me spedily an hundred marks, and that Sir Thomas George had very honorably dealt for me in the cause. Dec. 2nd, Sir Thomas George browght me a hundred marks from her Majestie. Dec. 24th to 31st, at Mr. Lurensey of Tooting all these days, and Newyere's Day allso, and so cam home by coach (as we went) by Tuesday none, I, my wyfe, Arthur, Kate, &c. Dec. 31st, at Tooting at Mr. R. Luresey his howse; abowt thre of the clok after dynner dyd the Bishop of Laigham serve process uppon me for the nangle, but most unduely.

1593. January, the Lord Threasorer lay dangerously syk in the begynning of this month. Jan. 2nd, I cam home from Tooting. Jan. 7th, I receyved letters from the Lord Lasky from his capitaynate in Livonia, and I wrote answer agayn. Jan. 10th, this day death seased on him. This day at none dyed Edward Maynard just on yere old. Jan. 11th, buried this day at ten of the clok. Jan. 15th, Mr. Ashley, the clerk of the cownsayle, his wife and whole family removed from my howse in Mortlak to theyr howse in London in Holborn, with all his whole family. He and she had used me, my wife and childern, wurshipfully and bowntifully for our frendeship shewed unto them for the lone of our howse and lodgings from Allhallow-tyde last. Master Maynard allso his howsehold removed the 15th and 16th day to London, and my stable free delivered. Jan. 20th, I sent my letters for the Lord Lasky to be carryed in a shyp of Dansk called the John of Dansk. Jan. 21st, Sonday, about none Wenefryde Goose her sone born and died, and she did [there]uppon for old melancholik pangs destroy herself. Memorandum, my nurse at Barnes had xvjs. more besides the last 40s. in the begynning of this month. Feb. 14th, Francys Dee, she cam from the nurse at Barnes; the woman very unquiet and unthankfull. Feb. 15th, Her Majestie gratiously accepted of my few lynes of thankfulnes delivered unto her by the Cowntess of Warwik hora secunda a meridie at Hampton Court, two or three dayes before the remove to Somerset Howse. Feb. 21st, I borrowed 10 of Mr. Thomas Digges[ll] for one hole yere. Feb. 22nd, a sharp anger betwene me and the Bishop of Leightyn in the towr, for that he wold not shew his farder interest to Nangle: he sayd that after I had seen his brode seal of commendation, that I had institution and induction to the Nangle. Then I sayd his lordship did fable. He there uppon that so moved that he called me spitefully "coniver." I told him that he did lye in so saying, and that I wold try on the fleysh of him, or by a bastaned gown of him, if he wer not prisoner in the Towr. Inter 12 et 2 a meridie my sharp anger with the Bishop of Leightyn in the lieftenante's dyning parlor before the Lieutenant Sir Michael Blunt. Mr. Liewtenat Nant and Mr. Blunt are wittnesses. March 12th and 13th, these two nights I dremed much of Mr. Kelly, as if he wer in my howse familiar with his wife and brother. March 17th, Francis Garland cam home and browght me a letter from Mr. Thomas Kelly. I made acquayntance with Syr Thomas Chaloner, Knight, who married sergeant Fletewood's dowghter; Mr. Thomas Webbes was the meanes. At six after none receyved from Mr. Francis Nicholls 15, part of one hundred pounds, the rest whereof 85 is to be receyved from Mr. Nicolls within a fortnight after the Annunciation of Our Lady next; and after that in the beginning of June 100, and in Julie the third hundred powndes: and I am to teach him the conclusion of fixing and teyning the moon, &c.

[Footnote ll: This notice is particularly interesting, showing the intimate connexion which existed between the first English mathematician of the day and the philosopher of Mortlake.]

April 3rd, Bartilmew Hikman and Robert Charles cam up. Letice cam with Barthilmew, and went away agayn. April 8th, Letice cam agayn from Barnet to my servyse. I receyved 50 of Mr. Nichols. April 9th, I gave Barthilmew Hikman 12 in new angels to give and pay to Robert Charles, which he had payd for him at Michelmas last. I gave him allso a double pistolet for his courtesy. Little Adolph Webbes cam to me. April 10th, Barthilmew and Robert Charles went homward. May 7th, Thomas Richardson of Bissham cam to Mortlak to me. May 9th, he and Mr. Laward of the Chandry cam. Our court day at Wymbledon. May 11th, mane hora octava William Emery of Danbery in Essex became my retayner at Mortlak, commended by Mr. Thanet of Rushmer by Ypswich, borne 1568, Julii 4. I gave Robert Web 10s. Richard 10s. and Elizabeth 3s. in the begynning of this month. May 21st, be it remembered that on this xxj. day of May I bargayned with and bowght of Mr. Mark Perpoint, of Mortlak, that next mansion howse with the plat, and all the appertenances abowt it for 32, as the sayd Mr. Perpoint of late had at the last court-day bowght it, and had surrender of it unto him made of Thomas Knaresborowgh for 25 to mydsommer next. Abowt two of the clok after none, before Jane my wife in the strete, I gave him a saffron noble in ernest for a drink peny. Mr. Hawkins, of London, at that instant cam to have bowght it. May 27th, Mr. Francys Blunt, brother to the late Lord Mountjoy, unkle to the Lord Mowntjoy living, and to Sir Charles of the court, cam to be acquaynted to me, he having byn a travayle at Constantinople. June 4th, Barthilmew Hikman cam to Mortlak in the morning. June 22nd, I had my copy of Mr. Roger Dale our stuard, and had 5 the fine released of the Lord his bowntifullnes. I told the stuard that I had bowght the howse of Mr. Mark Perpoynt, and he desyred to see the note of his copy, and so I did. I told Mr. Perpoint that I had byn at London to prepare his mony, and I told him that I had seen the court-roll for his copy. I went to London to fetch the 32 for Mr. Perpoint, and so I sent him word. This evening I browght the mony, but he was gon to bed. This morning I tendered the mony, and told it at goodman Welder's before Mr. Stokden, and goodman Welder, but Mr. Perpoint refused to perform the bargayn. Deus bene vertat!

July 13th, I gave to Robert 5s. upon his wagis this day. July 14th, I gave 4s. to Letise, part of her noble for her quarter wagis, ending the 9th day of this month. July 18th, I bowght goodman Welder his hovel, which is in the yard of the howse next me, which I bowght of Mr. Mark Perpoint. I gave him a new angel and five new shillings, and he is to have more 5s., that is 20s. in all; and if I cannot compact to enter the howse, then hee is to tak his hovel, and to restore it to me. July 21st, I give to Richard 5s. uppon his wagis this day. July 22nd, I payd Mr. Childe 7. 13s. 4d. for all his wood, xx. lode and vj. July 24th, the offer for the bargayn agayn of Mr. Perpoynt's behalf: this is Mr. Stokden's doing. July 27th, remember that this Friday I payd Mr. Tomson 4 for his master Mr. Herbert, which I borrowed 12th of December 1592: and Mr. Herbert sent it agayn to my furder use by Mistres Lee. Aug. 7th, Mystres Twyne and Mystres Banister cam to viset me. Mr. Bele and Mrs. Bele, Mistres Plan, Mrs. Parpoint, &c. dyned with me. I gave Robert Web 5s.; he sent it to Mr. Homes. Aug. 9th, I dyned with the Lord Keper at Kew. Aug. 17th, I and my wife and Katharin our dowghter dyned with the Lord Keper at Kew. Aug. 28th, I was all day with the Lord Keper. Mr. Web and the philosopher cam. Aug. 29th, Mr. Web and the philosopher cam again. Aug. 30th, Mistres Redhed, mother to Mr. John Ponsoys by her first husbond, Mr. Gubbens, bokebynder, and his wife, and the same day Mr. Redhed himself, one of her Majestie's jentlemen hushers, cam to me. Sept. 11th, Jana, post triduunam grotationem abortiebatur, mane hora decima. Sept. 13th, the howse surrendered for me by Mr. Mark Perpoint, Mr. William Walker of Wimbledon, Miles Holland, Mr. John Stockden, the thre customarie tenants, with promys to bring in his wife at the next court day to surrender. Sept. 18th, Elizabeth Kyrton had 2s. 6d. Sept. 20th, Barthilmew Hikman cam to Mortlak, and Robert Charles. I gave Robert Web 5s. by Arthur. Sept. 26th, Mr. Herbert went toward the court, and so toward Waty. Sept. 28th, tempestuous, windy, clowdy, hayl and rayn, after three of the clok after none. Remember that the last day of this month Elizabeth Kyrton, who had served me twelve yeres, five yeres uppon prentiship and seven for wagis, five yeres therof for four nobles a yere, and the two last for five nobles the yere, was payd her full payment now remayning due: whereuppon she receyved 4. 4s. for her due of wagis remayning; and I gave her moreover an half angel new in gold, and my wife another; Arthur half-a-crown for him and his brother; Katharyn half-a-crown for her and her sister. And so she wente from my servyce uppon no due cause known to me.

Oct. 4th, Sir Edward Keley set at liberty by the Emperor. Oct. 12th, Mr. Cornelio Camaiere cam from the Lord Lasky from Livonia. Oct. 15th, Margerie Thornton cam to my servyce. Oct. 18th, before Mr. Perpoint, Miles Holland, Robert Wellder, William Beck surrendred my cottage agayn unto me, and I payd him 5, the full 12 as it cost him. To Letice two shillings. Oct. 20th, Mr. Cornelio went toward the flete of Stade to returne. Oct. 24th, Ostende besieged by report. Not true. Oct. 25th, Mr. Gray, the Lady Cumberland's preacher, his wrangling and denying and despising alchimicall philosophers. Nov. 5th. Mr. Francys Nicolls, Mr. Prise, Mr. Nores. Nov. 18th, Jane most desperately angry in respect of her maydes. Nov. 20th, Margery went and Dorothe Legg cam for 30s. yerely. Margery Thornton was dismissed from my servyce to Mrs. Child, and Dorothe Leg cam by Mrs Mary Revel's sending the same day and howr, hora tertia after none. Nov. 26th, John, sometymes Mr. Colman's servant, cam to me from the Lady Cowntess of Cumberland. Dec. 3rd, the Lord Willowghby his bowntifull promys to me. The Cowntess of Kent, his syster, and the Cowntess of Cumberland visited me in the afternone. The Lord Willowghby dyned with me. Dec. 4th, 20 Lord Willughby. Dec. 5th, the newes of Sir Edward Kelly his libertie. Dec. 11th, I gave Robert 20s. at his going to London with my wife. Dec. 22nd, I gave Robert two shillings. Dec. 24th, Mr. Webbes committed to the Marshalsea. Dec. 25th, this night Mr. Webbes got out, and taken this day (the 26th).

1594. Jan. 3rd, the Lord Keper sent my wife 20 angels in a new red velvet purse, cira occasum solis paulo ante. Jan. 4th, D. Michael Peiserus, Doctor Medicus Marchionis Brandeburgensis, me humanissime invisit. Jan. 5th, a very tempestuous wyndy night. Jan. 9th, Robert Thickpeny from Sir Richard Martyn, and Miles Holland, baylif for the Lord of the Manor, sealed up Mr. Webb's chest, and case of boxes. Jan. 19th, the cobler with the mad woman. Jan. 25th, I sent my letters to Mr. Lording for Mr. Pontoys to Dantsiz. Jan. 26th, I cam to Mr. Web to the Marshalsea. Jan. 27th, Thomas Richardson cam while I was at London, and so I fownd him at home; and agayn he promised me his working of forty dayes. Jan. 28th, Mr. Vander Laen promised on 26 day to begyn his work of fixing lunam. Madinia somwhat sickly. Robert Wood, visitted with spirituall creatures, had comfort by conference. Jan. 31st, Mr. Vander Laen began his work of luna, five myle sowth from Glocester. Mr. Morgan Treherne told me of Mr. Lawrence of eighty yeres old. Mr. Thomas Sharp, chief stuard to the Lady Russell at Bisham, is master and good frende to Thomas Richardson, as he himselfe told me. Theodore Dee from the myddle of this month had his left ey blud-shotten from the side next his temple, very sore bludshotten, above thre wekes contynuing. Feb. 1st, Mr. John Ask sent me two little dubble gilt bowles waying thirteen ownces and a half. Feb. 7th, Sir Thomas Wilks offer philosophicall cam to my hands by Mr. Morice Kiffyn. This day the Archbishop of Canterbury inclined sometyme to the request of dispensation. Feb. 20th, 21st, Theodor fell sick in the Shrovtyde weke, and so into a tertian ague. March 10th, uppon a flight of feare bycause of Mr. Webbes his sending for me to come to him to the Marshalsea, now when he looked to be condemned on the Monday or Tuesday next. March 16th, Barthilmew Hikman cam up. March 18th, Mr. Heriot cam to me. March 20th, I did before Barthilmew Hikman pay Letice her full yere's wagis ending the 7th day of Aprill next; her wagis being four nobles, an apron, a payr of hose and shoes. March 23rd, I gave Barthilmew Hikman the nag which the Lord Keper had given me. Barthilmew Hikman and William his brother went homward. Magus disclosed by frendeship of Mr. Richard Alred. N fhqqra cnat bs natre orgjrar Z. Avxbyf naq zr. March 28th, Mr. Francis Garland browght me Sir Edward Kelley and his brother's letters. March 31st, a great fit of the stone in my left kydney: all day I could do but three or four drops of water, but I drunk a draught of white wyne and salet oyle, and after that, crabs' eys in powder with the bone in the carp's head, and abowt four of the clok I did eat tosted cake buttered, and with suger and nutmeg on it, and drunk two great draughts of ale with it; and I voyded within an howr much water, and a stone as big as an Alexander seed. God be thanked! Five shillings to Robert Webb, part of his wagis.

April 1st, Capitayn Hendor made acquayntance with me, and shewed me a part of his pollicy against the Spanishe King his intended mischief agaynst her Majestie and this realme. April 4th, John Stokden cam to study with our children. Mr. Thomas Wye cam with a token from Mistres Ashley. Remove to Mr. Harding and Mr. Abbot at Oxford abowt my Arabik boke. April 5th, my right ey very sore and bludshotten. April 7th, Mr. Nicols cam agayn out of Northampton. Mr. Barret and Mistres Barret cam to visit me. May 3rd, betwene 6 and 7 after none the Quene sent for me to her in the privy garden at Grenwich, when I delivered in writing the hevenly admonition, and Her Majestie tok it thankfully. Onely the Lady Warwyk and Sir Robert Cecill his Lady wer in the garden with Her Majestie. May 18th, Her Majestie sent me agayn the copy of the letter of G. K. with thanks by the Lady Warwick. May 21st, Sir John Wolley moved my sute to Her Majesty. She graunted after a sort, but referred all to the Lord of Canterbury. May 25th, Dr. Awbrey moved my sute to Her Majesty, and answere as before. May 29th, with the Archbishop before the Quene cam to her house. June 3rd, I, my wife, and seven children, before the Quene at Thisellworth. My wife kissed her hand. I exhibited my request for the Archbishop to com to my cottage. June 6th, supped with the Lord Archbishop. Invited him to my cottage. June 11th, given to Robert Webb at London seven shillings in the begynning of this month. June 15th, 40 of Mr. Thomas Harward. I shuld have 60 more. A great fytt of the stone in my kydneys. June 20th, Mistres Magdalen Perpoynt was sole examined of our Stuard at the Temple. June 22nd, morgaged my late purchas to Mr. Richard White for 30, to be received within a few dayes. June 23rd, I discharged Robert Web of my service, and gave him 40 shillings for a full satisfaction of all things. Thomas Richardson cam and offered me his work and labor, and had, as he requested, my letter to Mr. Thomas Sharpe. June 24th, on Midsommer Day Antony Ryve Taylor cam to my service, for wagis by the yere three pounds and a livery. Barthilmew Hikman cam. June 26th, I discharged Jane Hikman to go with her father Barthilmew home into Northamptonshire, and gave her ten shillings, and promised her at Hallowtyd ten shillings more. Barthilmew Hikman and Goodman Ball with Jane Hikman went homward. June 29th, after I had hard the Archbishop his answers and discourses, and that after he had byn the last Sonday at Tybald's with the Quene and Lord Threasorer, I take myself confounded for all suing or hoping for anything that was. And so adiew to the court and courting tyll God direct me otherwise! The Archbishop gave me a payre of sufferings to drinke. God be my help as he is my refuge! Amen.

July 1st, I gave Robert yet more a French crown for a farwell. July 2nd, given to Richard ten shillings uppon his wagis. July 6th, Michael becam distempered in his hed and bak. July 9th, in the morning began my hed to ake and be hevy more then of late, and had some wambling in my stomach. I had broken my fast with sugar sopps, &c. I gave Letice my servant 5s. part of her wagis: with part whereof she was to buy a smok and neckercher. July 13th, in ortu solis Michael Dee did give up the ghost after he sayd, "O Lord, have mercy uppon me!" July 19th, goodman Richardson began his work. Aug. 19th, Elizabeth Felde cam to my servyce: she is to have five nobles the yere and a smok. Aug. 26th, Mr. Gherardt, the chirurgion and herbalist, [cam to me]. Aug. 30th, Monsieur Walter Mallet toke his leave of me to go home to Tholose. He had the fix oyle of saltpetre. Sept. 18th, I sent letters to Sir Ed. K. and T. Kelly, between 10 and 2 after none taken from the dore.

Oct. 3rd, I payd Mrs. Stockden 4 I borrowed of her; I payd her 26s. 8d. for four loade of wood. I remayn debter for a load of hay, and for 400 of billet in forks. Oct. 4th, payd Mr. Childe 3. 10s. for ten lode of lose faggot. Oct. 14th, Mr. Robert Thomas cam to my howse to dwell. Oct. 28th, hora 6 a meridie, I writ and sent a letter to the Lady Skydmor, in my wife's name, to move her Majestie that eyther I might declare my case to the body of the cownsayle, or else under the great seale to have lycens to go freely anywhither. Oct. 31st, lightening without thunder in the afternone and in the night following.

Nov. 24th, receyved a letter from Sir Edward Kelley by Rowley. Dec. 2nd, Francys Garland cam to England from Prage. Just five yeres past I cam to England from Breame as Francis Garland cam now: but the Stade flete stayed at Harwich. The 2nd of our cold December, Barthilmew was preferred by me to the Lord Willoughby his servyce at Barbican, in the presence of the Cowntess of Kent: and the Lord Willoughby did presently write his warrant to Mr. Jonson in Fletestreet, taylor, to deliver to Barthilmew his cloth and couishins, and so it was to Barthilmew delivered immediately. Dec. 7th, Jane my wife delivered her supplication to the Quene's Majestie, as she passed out of the privy garden at Somerset Howse to go to diner to the Savoy to Syr Thomas Henedge. The Lord Admirall toke it of the Quene. Her Majestie toke the bill agayn and kept [it] uppon her cushen; and on the 8th day, by the chief motion of the Lord Admirall, and somwhat of the Lord Buckhurst, the Quene's wish was to the Lord Archbishop presently that I shuld have Dr. Day his place in Powles. Dec. 22nd, payd seven shillings to Elizabeth Felde, part of her wagis. Given to Lettyce 5s., part of her wagis. Payd to Richard 8s., part of his wagis; and all other reckonings payd.

1595. Jan. 8rd, the Wardenship of Manchester spoken of by the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. Feb. 5th, my bill of Manchester offered to the Quene afore dynner by Sir John Wolly to signe, but she deferred it. Feb. 10th, at two after none I toke a cutpurse taking my purse out of my pocket in the Temple. Feb. 18th, Mr. Laward his sonne Thomas born at noone or a little after, vel . Consultatio et deliberatio prima cum Marmione Haselwood in fine istius mensis. March 18th, Mr. Francis Garland cam this morning to viset me, and had much talk with me of Sir E. K. March 20th, Mr. Marmion Haselwood, Mr. Dymmock, and Mr. Hipwell, cam to me to Mortlak. March 21st, Barthilmew Hikman cam to Mortlak. March 26th, Barthilmew homeward. March 29th, Mr. Laward and Mr. Alred cam to me.

April 18th, my bill for Manchester Wardenship signed by the Quene, Mr. Herbert offring it her. May 4th, payd Richard 20s. part of his wagis, and more I gave him 10s. for full payment of all od reckenings of late. May 5th, Mr. Cave dyed. May 8th, the Master of the Rolls his curtesy, thowgh I had never spoken unto him. May 9th, my coosen John Awbry cam to me, to recreate himselfe for a while. May 21st, I discharged Letice of my servyce, and payd all duetyes untyll this day, her yere ending on the 8th of Aprill. I gave her for a month over 2s. 6d. and for to spend by the way I gave her 2s. 6d., Robert Charles and my wife being by in my study. May 25th, 26th, 27th, the Signet, the Privy Seale, and the Great Seale of the Wardenship; 3. 12s. borrowed of my brother Arnold. June 1st, my yong coosen, John Awbrey, was sent for to his father to London. Mr. Partrich, his brother, in London; Richard Ward, and other cam for him. June 9th, Barthilmew Hikman went homeward. June 11th, I wrote to the Erle of Derby, his secretary, abowt Manchester. June 18th, Anne Powell cam to my service; she is to have four nobles by the yere, a payr of hose and shoes. June 21st, the Erle of Derby his letter to Mr. Warren for the colledge. June 25th, Dr. Awbrey died at midnight. My cosen, Mr. George Broke, gave me 50 in gold, hora tertia a meridie. June 29th, Mr. John Blayney, of Over Kingesham in Radnorshyre, and Mr. Richard Baldwyn, of Duddlebury in Shropshyre, visited me at Mortlak. The great-grandfather of the sayd John, and my great-grandmother by the father side, were brother and sister.

July 1st, the two brethren, Master Willemots, of Oxfordshire, cam to talk of my howse hyring. Master Baynton cam with Mistres Katharyn Hazelwood, wife to Mr. Fuller. July 7th, Mr. Morgan Jones, my cosen, cam to me at Mistres Walls twise. July 12th, Mr. Goodier, of Manchester, cam to me. Dies natalis. July 15th, I gave Mr. Morgan Traharn his bill to Mr. Harbert. July 25th, Mrs. Mary Nevell cam. July 28th, a letter from Mr. Oliver Carter, Fellow of Manchester College. I writt agayn to him the same day. July 29th, Mistres Mary Nevel went to London, and so into Kent. July 31st, the Cowntess of Warwik did this evening thank her Majestie in my name, and for me, for her gift of the Wardenship of Manchester. She toke it gratiously; and was sorry that it was so far from hens, but that some better thing neer hand shall be fownd for me; and, if opportunitie of tyme wold serve, her Majestie wold speak with me herself. I had a bill made by Mr. Wood, one of the clerks of the signet, for the first frutes given me by her Majestie. Aug. 2nd, at Mr. Cosener his table at Grenewich: I spak that wich greatly liked Mr. Sergeant Oliver Lloyd; wold have disputed agayn. Aug. 5th, very rayny all day, and had the wynde north E. and W. Aug. 12th, I receyved Sir Edward Kellyes letters of the Emperor's, inviting me to his servyce again. Aug. 14th, peperit Jana (nutu Dei) circa horam quartam a meridie. Aug. 27th, Margarite Dee baptized hora 4 a meridie. Godfather, the Lord Keper; his deputy, Mr. Crowne. Godmothers, the Cowntess of Cumberland, her deputy Mistres Davis; and the Cowntess of Essex, her deputy Mistres Bele. Barthilmew Hikman cam to Mortlak on his own busines. Sept. 2nd, the spider at ten of the clok at night suddenly on my desk, and suddenly gon; a most rare one in bygnes and length of feet. I was in a great study at my desk. Sept. 6th I gave Richard 2s. 6d. part of his wagis, when he went to his grandfather. Sept. 13th, I dyned with the Erle of Derby at Russell Howse, Mr. Thymothew and Mr. John Statfeldt, German, being there. Sept. 14th, to Elizabeth Feeld 2s. for the taylor. Sept. 22nd, Elizabeth Feeld went from my servyce. I dined with the Erle of Darby. Sept. 26th, 6 borrowed of my cosen William Hetherley for fourteen days to pay for Barthilmew Hikman. Sept. 29th, Margery Stubble of Hownslow, our dry nurse, entred into the yere of her servyce begynning on Michaelmas Day, and is to have 3 her yeres wagis and a gown cloth of russet. Edward Edwards began his yere of serving me allso on Michelmas Day, and he must have 40s. for his yere's wagis, and a lyvery.

Oct. 7th, my anger (hor. 5 a mer.) with Edward my coke, bycause of his disorder. Oct. 8th, Mr. Richard Western lent me 10 for a yere. Oct. 9th, I dyned with Syr Walter Rawlegh at Durham Howse. Oct. 11th, to Edward 2s., part of wagis. Mr. Banks lent me uppon lone tyll after Christmas 5. Mr. Emery sent me 3 by my servant Richard Walkedine. Oct. 14th, to Anne 2s. part of wagis; to Elizabeth Felde payd the rest of her yeres wagis, and moreover 2s. 6d. given for the overplus tyme. Oct. 19th, the old reckoning betwene me and Edmond Hilton made clere. Of his eleven pownds demanded, I shewd him of my old note that he had receyved 6. 15s., and after that Sted his 25s., and Mr. Emery his 3 lent him; as I did shew him Sted his letter, and Mr. Emery his letter of the last month. All these sommes make just an eleven pownd. Payd to nurse Stubble, in part of payment of her wagis, 5s. Oct. 20th, to Anne 12d. Richard rode toward Oxford for my Arabik boke. Oct. 25th, Sted was a suter to me for help in law against his father. Nov. 8th, my goods sent me by Peravall toward Manchester. Nov. 19th, my Arabik boke restored by God's favor. Nov. 21st, goodwife Lidgatt payd her rent two quarters ending at the feast of the Annunciation of our Lady next, 13s. 4d. Goodman Agar was by in my hall at Mortlak. Nov. 25th, the newes that Sir Edward Kelley was slayne. Nov. 26th, Mr. Nicolas Bagwell of Manchester browght me a letter from my brother Arnold. Lent to Mister Laurence Dutton twelve shillings. My wife and children all by water toward Coventry. Dec. 10th, Mr. Lok his Arabik bokes and letter to me by Mr. Berran his sonne. Dec. 23rd, I payd to John Norton, stationer, ten pownds in hand, and was bownd in a recognisance before Doctor Hone for the payment of the rest, 10 yerely, at Christmas and Midsommer 5, tyll 53 more 14s. 8d. were payd. Receyved 30 in part of payment of one hundred for my howse at Manchester of Mr. Paget. Dec. 26th, nata filia Comitis Derby mane circa quartam horam Londini.

1596. Feb. 15th, I cam to Manchester a meridie hora quinta. Feb. 20th, enstalled in Manchester wardenship inter nonam et undecimam horam ante meridiem. March 14th, warning given publikely against Thomas Goodyer. March 21st, warning given publikly of licence given to Thomas Goodyer.

April 2nd, Sir John Byron, knight, and Mr. John Byron, esquier, dyned with me in the colledg. I moved the matter of Xyd an aker of hay grownd of his tenants. He promised well. April 6th, I went to Mr. Ashton of Lester and to Mr. Sherington. April 8th, Margaret Dee begonne to be weaned. May 7th, possession taking in Salford. May 11th, my brother Aubrey and Richard toward London. June 3rd, I gave Antony Cowly 20s. and discharged him. June 4th, Antony Cowley went yerely from my howse, I know not whither. June 14th, Mr. Harry Savill, the antiquary, cam to me. June 15th, I wrote by Mr. Harry Savill of the book dwelling at Hallyfax to Christopher Saxton at Denningley. I sent my letter to Sir Robert Cecill's howse by William Debdell. June 18th, the commission for the colledge sent to London to be engrossed in the Duchy office. I sent by Nicholas Baguely of Newton to Mr. Brogreton and to William Nicolson to follow it this terme. June 21st, Mr. Christopher Saxton cam to me. June 22nd, entred upon great Brereridings in Salford. June 24th, Barthilmew cam. June 25th, order taken by the sherif betwene me and Raf Holden. June 26th, the Erle of Derby with the Lady Gerard, Sir .... Molyneux and his Lady, dawghter to the Lady Gerard, Master Hawghton and others, cam suddenly uppon [me] after three of the clok. I made them a skoler's collation, and it was taken in good part. I browght his honor and the ladyes to Ardwyk Grene toward Lyme, at Mr. Legh his howse, twelve myles of. June 29th, wyndy and rayny. July 5th, Mr. Savill and Mr. Saxton cam. July 6th, I, Mr. Saxton and Arthur Rouland, John and Richard, to Howgh Hall. July 9th, I sent Roger Kay of Manchester with my letters into Wales. July 10th, Manchester town described and measured by Mr. Christopher Saxton. Given to nurse Stubley 10s., part of wagis. July 10th to 14th, occupyed with low controversies, as with Holden of Salford and the tenants of Sir John Byron of Faylsworth in the right of the colledge, sending to ..... to the cownty, and sending for Mr. Tyldesley or Chester for cownsaylers. July 12th, given more to nurse, when her sonne John Stubley went from me toward London to be reconcyled to his master. I gave him 5s. The yong man, Leon the hatter, went with him. July 14th, Mr. Saxton rode away. The sessions day at Manchester. July 19th, Ales cam by Mrs. Beston's help to my servyce. Thomas, my coke, went from me. July 21st, Isabell Bardman from the chamber to the kitchin. July 25th, thunder in the morning; rayne in the night. July 27th, the Erle of Darby went by London ward; dyned at Curtes' howse. Aug. 10th, Mr. Thomas Jones of Tregarron cam to me to Manchester and rode toward Wales bak agayn the 13th day to mete the catall coming. Aug. 13th, I rid toward York. Halifax and Mr. Thomas Jones rode toward Wales. Aug. 20th, I cam to Manchester from York. Aug. 20th to 27th, much disquietnes and controversy abowt the tythe corne of Hulme. Aug. 30th, Cromsall corne-tyth obteyned by consent, but afterwards dowted and half denyed; then utterly denyed. Sept. 1st, Mary Goodwyn cam to my servyce to govern and teach Madinia and Margaret, my yong dowghters. Sept. 3rd, being Fryday, I rode to Syr John Byron's, to Royton, to talk with him abowt the controversy betwene the colledg and his tenants. He pretented that we have part of Faylesworth Common within our Newton Heath, which cannot be proved I am sure. We wer agreed that James Traves (being his bayly) and Francis Nutthall, his servant for him, shold with me understand all circumstances, and so duely to procede. Sept. 5th, seventeen hed of cattell from my kinsfolk in Wales by the curteous Griffith David, nephew to Mr. Thomas Griffith, browght.

Oct. 26th, Mr. Francis Nicols and Barthilmew cam to Manchester. Oct. 29th, they rode homeward. Nov. 22nd, 4. 6s. given to my wife by Mr. Francys Wodcote. Dec. 3rd, Mr. Palmer cam to be curate.

1597. Jan. 19th, I sent 4 to Barthilmew Hikman by Bradshaw the carryer. Jan. 22nd, Olyver Carter's thret to sue me with proces from London was this Satterday in the church declared to the clerk. Feb. 5th, Rich. Key of Weram cwrate cam to me by Mr. Heton's information, and I to try him three monthes for 50s. wagis. Feb. 7th, John Morryce came to Manchester. Feb. 11th, 5 borowed of Mr. Mat. Heton. Feb. 14th, this Monday John Morrise went with my letters to Mr. John Gwyn, and twelve more in Montgomeryshyre, esquyers. Feb. 17th, delivered to Charles Legh the elder my silver tankard with the cover, all dubble gilt, of the Cowntess of Herford's gift to Francis her goddoughter, waying 22 oz. great waight, to lay in pawn in his owne name to Robert Welsham the goldsmith for 4 tyll within two dayes after May-day next. My dowghter Katharin and John Crocker and I myself (John Dee) were at the delivery of it and waying of it in my chamber: it was wrapped in a new handkercher cloth. Feb. 25th, Mr. Heton borrowed the Concordanti Majores Roberti Stephani. He hath allso my boke De Coena of Doctor Pezelia. March 7th, Mr. Heton lent me 5 more, and thereuppon I gave him a bill of my hand for the whole ten pownd, to be payd at Michelmas next. The other 5 was receyved the 11th of February last. March 17th, Barthilmew Hikman cam. March 19th, I lent Mr. Hopwood Wierus de prstigiis Dmonum.

April 10th, a supplication exhibited by the parishioners. April 11th, 12th, trubblesom days abowt Mr. Palmer the curate. April 15th, I had my Wierus de prstigiis Dmonum from Mr. Hopwood, and lent him Flagellum Dmonum and Fustio Dmonum in 8vo, for tyme till Midsomer. April 21st, I sent Barthilmew Hikman 40s. I sent by Bradshaw many letters to London. I sent by goodman Thurp of Salford my great letter to the byshop of Lincolne, and one to Mr. Shallcross. April 22nd, after none Sir Urien Legh knight, and his brother, and Mr. Brown, and Mr. George Booth, sherif of Chesshire, did viset me. Mr. Booth sayd that he wold yeld that to me that he wold not yeld to the bisshop nor any other. Mr. Wortley of Wortley cam allso the same day hora quarta a meridie. May 2nd, Mr. Hulme and Mr. Williamson cam to me in the Lord Bishop of Lincoln's case for Hulme. May 4th, I, with Sir Robert Barber, curat, and Robert Talsley, clerk of Manchester parish church, with diverse of the town of divers ages, went in perambulation to the bownds of Manchester parish: began at the Leeless Bench against Prestwich parish, and so had a vew of the thre corne staks, and then down tyll Mr. Standysh new enclosure on the Low, wher we stayed and vewed the stak yet standing in the bank of the dich, being from the corne a eleven measures of Mr. Standley's stak then in his hand, and two fote more, which still I did measure afterward, and it did conteyn in Kentish feete 6 ynches and thre quarters. The survey geometricall of the very circuits of Manchester parish was ended in this, being the sixth day of my work. May 11th, the way to Stopford surveyed by John Cholmeley and John Crocker. May 17th, to Richard Walkeden 20s. of his wagis payd. May 20th, the Lady Booth made acquayntance here. May 23rd, to Isabell Boordman 8s. 8d. to make up whole yere's wagis due at the Annunciation of our Lady last past. I allowed to Mr. Williamson ten dayes respite more for his kinsman to bring in his evidence for the process of the proceedings. Payd to nurse 3s. to make up her full payment of her yere's wagis ended at Michaelmas last. May 27th, open enmitie with Palmer before Sir Edward Fitton. Sir Edward Fitton told Matthew Palmer to his face that he had known him to be a mutinous man and a ...... June 9th, Thomas Sankinson told me of John Basset his coming to London. June 14th, the unlawfull assembly and rowte of William Cutcheth, Captayn Bradley, John Taylor, Rafe Taylor, at Newton, against my men, describing the rumour of Newton. June 27th, newes from Hull of 23 barrells of Dansk rye sent me from John Pontoys.

July 1st, I sent Roger Kay to Vanydles for catall. July 4th, the carriers to Wakefeld for the corn. July 5th, toward evening lightning and little thunder. July 6th, thunder in the morning. July 7th, five horse lode of Dansk ry cam home. July 19th, the strang pang of my back opening mane hora 6. In the church uppon Mr. Palmer's disorder against Mr. Lawrence. July 20th, the last of my Dansk rye, in all 21 horse load. Aug. 6th, this night I had the vision and shew of many bokes in my dreame, and among the rest was one great volume thik in large quarto, new printed, on the first page whereof as a title in great letters was printed "Notus in Juda Deus." Many other bokes methowght I saw new printed, of very strange arguments. I lent Mr. Edward Hopwood of Hopwood my Malleus Maleficarum to use tyll new yere's tyde next, a short thik old boke with two clasps, printed anno 1517. Aug. 19th, the Erle and Cowntess of Derby cam to Alport lodg. Aug. 21st, the Erle and Cowntess of Derby had a banket at my lodging at the colledge hora 4. Aug. 27th, John Addenstall from Mr. Emery. I wrote. Sept. 3rd, Mr. Werall of Lobester within two miles of Donkaster cam to me to be acquaynted with me. Sept. 9th, very wyndy at Sowth and rayny. Sept. 12th, hayle this morning on Monday. Sept. 15th, lent by Mr. Werall 40s. John Cholmley went with him to give him and other physik; and I answered John Cholmeley the 40s. again. Sept 24th, Barthilmew cam. Sept. 25th, Mr. Olyver Carter his impudent and evident disolutenes in the church. Sept. 26th, he repented and some pacification was made. Sept. 27th, I granted a lease of thre lives to Mr. Ratclyf for two howses in Dene Square of 7s. rent both; fine, twenty nobles. Sept. 28th, cam Mr. Yardely of Calcot in Chesshyre, abowt six myles wide of Chester, toward the Holt. Nova de philosopho D. Waldero. Sept. 30th, John Crockar (my good servant) had leave to go to see his parents. He went with Barthilmew Hikman and Robert Charles toward Branbroke, with Arthur Golding, to cure of his fistula. John Crocker intendeth to returne abowt Easter or at Whitsuntyde next. God be his spede! Mr. Humphry Damport made our stuard.

Oct. 12th, Rafe Holden preferred a bill against Richard Walkeson for Brereriding's chase entyring, which I and Antony Ryve ..... fals. The bill was not fownd. Oct. 22nd, John Fletcher of Manchester went with my letters to Vanylos this Sunday morning. Nov. 3rd, Mr. John Cholmeley toward London by Market-Harborow. Nov. 7th, the fellows and the receyver agreed not with me in accounts. Paulo post nonam mane Arthur's left eye hurt at playing at fence with rapier and dagger of sticks, by a foyne of Edmond Arnold. Nov. 10th, Mr. Burch his letter from Mathew Palmer. Nov. 14th, the fellows wold not graunt me the 5. for my howse-rent, as the Archbishops had graunted: and our foundation commaundeth an howse. Nov. 17th, I sent Ed. Arnold to London on fote with my letters to D. Julio. Dec. 3rd, to Richard Walkeden 10s. in part of wagis. To nurse 10s. Dec. 9th, I visited the grammar schole. Dec. 13th, I wrote by the carryer Barret to D. Csar. Dec. 14th, Mr. George Broke, sonne to Mr..... Broke of ...., cam to be acquaynted with me, whome I used most frendely. Mr. Ratclif of Manchester cam with him, but Mr. Heton allso cam on Tuesday after none when I had no leyser. Dec. 17, I lent to Mr. Barlow for his sonne a Spanish grammer in 8vo. printed at Lovayn in anno 1555 by Bartholomus Gravay in Spanish, French, and Latin. To R. Dickonson I payd 7. 2s. for the plate and a new bell made till 1599, January 1st, 66.

1598. Jan. 4th, I wrote to Barthilmew and Charles by Bradshaw. Jan. 17th, my brother Arnold to Chester and Vaunlos. Jan. 18th, Ed. Arnold with my letter to London. Jan. 19th, hora secunda a meridie I cam before the justices against James Shallcross and John Lawrence for misusing my name to deceyve Mr. Harrughby. Jan. 20th, Walter Fletcher, chirurgien, from Barthilmew Hikman cam. Jan. 22nd, after midnight the college gate toward Hunt's Hall did fall, and som parte of the wall going down the lane. I receyved letters from Mr. John Pontoys. Jan. 24th, Walter Fletcher went with my letters to Barthilmew Hikman and Robert Charles. Amaritudo mea circa mediam noctem. Jan. 28th, the cloose was hyerd of Ed. Brydock for thre pownd payd beforehand by me John Dee to the said Ed. Brydock, being 4 from Candlemas next tyll Candlemas come a twelvemonth. Feb. 9th, George Birch sute was stayd at Chester uppon his promise to compownd with me for all tyth, haye, and other matter. Thomas Goodyer his sute and excommunication I stayed, salvo interim jure suo. Baxter's likewise I stayd at Chester court. Feb. 12th, newes from Mr. Smyth, of Upton personage, cam this Sunday. Feb. 13th, Edmond Arnold to London; thereuppon I sent spedily. Feb. 20th, I wrote by Oliver Ellet, the taylor, to Mr. Nicolls to Faxton. Feb. 22nd, Mr. Nicolls cam and wished to mete Ellet. Feb. 25th, the eclips. A clowdy day, but great darknes abowt 9 mane. Feb. 26th, circa mediam noctem amaritudo mea. Feb. 27th, Mr. Nicolls rode homeward, and met the messager a little beyond Stopford. I lent Mr. Nicolls home with him Roger Edward's boke to be browght to me by Barthilmew Hikman. March 1st, I receyved Mr. Thynne his letter for Sted's det, and Ed. Arnold his letter of the sute from Upton, and of the Lord Archebisshop his hard dealing. March 2nd, I sent the statute staple to London to Mr. George Brok for Sted. I wrote letters by John Hardy, and sent them in a box. March 5th, newes of Mistres Mary Nevell's death by William Nicholson, that she dyed the Fryday after Candelmas Day. March 11th, borrowed 40s. of Mr. George Kenion, of Kersall, to repay againe as sone as I can conveniently. Receyved by Richard Walkeden.

1600. June 10th, set out from London. Jun. 18th, I, my wife, Arthur Rowland, Mistres Marie Nicols, and Mr. Richard Arnold cam to Manchester.

July 3rd, the Commission set uppon in the Chapter Howse. July 7th, this morning, as I lay in my bed, it cam into my fantasy to write a boke, "De differentiis quibusdam corporum et spirituum." July 8th, I writ to the Lord Bishop of Chester by Mr. Withenstalls. July 10th, Mr. Nicols and Barthilmew Hickman cam. July 14th, Francys Nicols and Barthilmew Hikman went homeward. July 17th, I willed the fellows to com to me by nine the next day. July 18th, it is to be noted of the great pacifications unexpected of man which happened this Friday; for in the forenone (betwene nine and ten) where the fellows were greatly in doubt of my heavy displeasure, by reason of their manifold misusing of themselves against me, I did with all lenity interteyn them, and shewed the most part of the things that I had browght to pass at London for the college good, and told Mr. Carter (going away) that I must speak with him alone. Robert Leigh and Charles Legh were by. Secondly, the great sute betwene Redishmer and me was stayed and by Mr. Richard Holland his wisdom. Thirdly, the organs uppon condition was admitted. And fourthly, Mr. Williamson's resignation granted for a preacher to be gotten from Cambridge. July 19th, I lent Randall Kemp my second part of Hollinshed's Great Chronicle for ij. or iij. wekes. To Newton he restored it. July 31st, we held our audit, I and the fellows for the two yeres last past in my absence, Olyver Carter, Thomas Williamson, and Robert Birch, Charles Legh the elder being receyver. I red and gave unto Mistres Mary Nicolls her prayer.

Aug. 5th, I visited the grammar schole, and fownd great imperfection in all and every of the scholers to my great grief. Aug. 6th, I had a dream after midnight of my working of the philosopher's stone with other. My dreame was after midnight toward day. Aug. 10th, Eucharistam suscepimus, ego, uxor, filia Katharina, et Maria Nicolls. Aug. 30th, a great tempest of mighty wynde S.W. from 2 tyll 6, with rayne.

Sept. 11th, Mr. Holland of Denby, Mr. Gerard of Stopford, Mr. Langley, commissioners from the bishop of Chester, authorized by the bishop of Chester, did call me before them in the church abowt thre of the clok after none, and did deliver to me certayn petitions put up by the fellows against me to answer before the 18th of this month. I answered them all eodem tempore, and yet they gave me leave to write at leiser. Sept. 16th, Mr. Harmer and Mr. Davis, gentlemen of Flyntshire, within four or five myle of Hurden Castell, did viset me. Sept. 29th, I burned before Mr. Nicols, his brother, and Mr. Wortley, all Bartholomew Hikman his untrue actions.[mm] Sept. 30th, after the departing of Mr. Francis Nicolls, his dowghter Mistres Mary, his brother Mr. William, Mr. Wortley, at my returne from Deansgate, to the ende whereof I browght them on fote, Mr. Roger Kooke offred and promised his faithfull and diligent care and help, to the best of his skill and powre, in the processes chymicall, and that he will rather do so then to be with any in England; which his promise the Lord blesse and confirm! He told me that Mr. Anthony considered him very liberally and frendely, but he told him that he had promised me. Then he liked in him the fidelity of regarding such his promise.

[Footnote mm: In a note by Dee in MS. Ashm. 488, he says, "All Barthilmew's reports of sight and hering spirituall wer burnt; a copy of the first part, which was afterward fownd, was burnt before me and my wife."]

Oct. 13th, be it remembered that Sir Georg Both cam to Manchester to viset Mr. Humfrey Damport, cownsaylor of Gray's Inne, and so cam to the colledg to me; and after a few words of discowrse, we agreed as concerning two or three tenements in Durham Massy in his occupying. That he and I with the fellows wold stand to the arbitrement of the sayd Mr. Damport, after his next return hither from London. John Radclyf, Mr. Damport's man, was with him here, and Mr. Dumbell, but they hard not our agrement; we were in my dyning-room. Oct. 22nd, receyved a kinde letter from the Lord Bishop of Chester in the behalfe of Thomas Billings for a curatship. Nov. 1st, Mr. Roger Coke did begyn to destill. Nov. 4th, the commission and jury did finde the titles of Nuthurst due to Manchester against Mr. James Ashton of Chaterdon. Nov. 7th, Oliver Carter his...... before Mr. Birch, Richard Legh and Charles Legh, in the colledg howse. Dec. 2nd, colledg awdit. Allowed my due of 7 yerely for my howse-rent tyll Michelmas last. Arthur Dee a graunt of the chapter clerkship from Owen Hodges, to be had yf 6 wer payd to him for his patent. Dec. 20th, borowed of Mr. Edmund Chetam the scholemaster 10 for one yere uppon plate, two bowles, two cupps with handles, all silver, waying all 32 oz. Item, two potts with cover and handells, double gilt within and without, waying 16 oz.

1601. Jan. 19th, borrowed of Adam Holland of Newton 5 till Hilary day, uppon a silver salt dubble gilt with a cover, waying 14 oz. Feb. 2nd, Roger Cook his supposed plat laying to my discredit was by Arthur my sone fownd by chaunce in a box of his papers in his own handwriting circa meridiem, and after none abowt 1 browght to my knowledg face to face. O Deus, libera nos a malo! All was mistaken, and we reconcyled godly. Feb. 10th to 15th, reconciliation betwene us, and I did declare to my wife, Katharine my dowghter, Arthur and Rowland, how things wer thus taken. Feb. 18th, Jane cam to my servyce from Cletheraw. Feb. 25th, R. K[oke] pactum sacrum hora octava mane. March 2nd, Mr. Roger Coke went toward London. March 19th, I receyved the long letters from Bartholomew Hickman hora secunda a meridie by a carryer of Oldham. April 6th, Mr. Holcroft of Vale Royall his first acquaintance at Manchester by reason of William Herbert his frend. He used me and reported of me very freely and wurshiply.


Librorum Bibliothec Extern


D. JOH. DEE, A{o} 1583, 6 SEPT.


[From MS. Trin. Coll. Cantab. O. iv. 20, transcribed by Ashmole in MS. Ashm. 1142. Another autograph copy is preserved in MS. Harl. 1879, which scarcely differs from that in the library of Trinity College. The numbers prefixed to the several volumes are added, for the sake of reference, by the Editor.]

1. Milei sphricorum tractatus tres. 4 pergameno.

2. Theoric planetarum.— Jordani de triangulis, ubi de quadratura circuli.— Ejusdem de perspectiva.— Ejusdem de speculis, crepusculis, ponderibus, speculis comburentibus, lib. ii. 4 scripti pergameno.

3. Compendium de vitis philosophorum anonymi.— Ursonis de commixtionibus elementorum.— Ejusdem aphorismi. 4 pergameno.

4. Avicenna de anima mundi, cum aliis, videlicet, Liber cujus initium est, "Inspector prcedentis libri Avicenn."— Expositorius Rogeri Bachonis.— Liber de ponderibus.— Morienus ad regem Calid.— Rasis libri quinque de deceno (?)— Hermetis libri septem.— Rosinus ad Euthesiam.— Dicta sapientis.— Turba philosophorum.— Distinctionum sapientium liber.— Epistola Alexandri regis Persarum.— Aristoteles de 30 verbis.— Socratis liber.— Effrey Effinensis liber.— Liber Calid.— Liber commentatus.— Opus philosophorum.— Geber de perfecto magisterio. 4 pergameno.

5. Joh. Duns Scoti qustiones in Porphyrii quinque voces.— Antonii cujusdam expositio in categorias sex, &c.— Rogerii Bachonis de multiplicatione specierum.— Ejusdem perspectiva. 4 pergameno.

6. Thom Aquinatis qustionum disputatarum volumen. 4 pergameno.

7. Scintillarium poetarum.— Summa chiromanti.— Ovidii metamorphoseos expositio.— Tractatus de veneno.— Valerius ad Ruffinum de non ducenda uxore, cum expositione.— Joh. Wyclyf determinatio.— Liter fratris Wilhelmi Fleth.— Fulgentii mythologi cum Expositione.— Tractatus de difficilibus dictionibus Bibli.— Rob. Lincolniensis in oculo morali.— Rob. Lincolniensis de ratione veneni.— Joh. Walensis breviloquium philosophorum, descriptum per Stoctonem Cantabrigi, 1375.— Casus abstracti in jure, per Fratrem Hermannum de provincia Saxoni.— Casus episcopo reservati.— Expositio salutationis angelic.[1] 4 pergameno.

[Footnote 1: Now in Trinity College, Dublin. Bern. 148, (H. 12.)]

8. De ponderibus et mensuris medicinalis operationis.— Viaticus Constantini Africani libri 7.— De modo medendi experimenta.— De origine morborum, et eorum cognitione per urinam.— De electuariis, &c. 4 pergameno.

9. Ethici Histri cosmographia, ex versione Latina D. Hieronymi.[2] 4 pergameno.

One I had with me, and one I left here, which is noted after.

[Footnote 2: Now MS. Cotton. Vespas. B. x. thus inscribed by Dr. Dee's hand, "Johannes Dee, 1565, Februarii 21, Wigorni, ex dono decani ecclesi, Magistri Beddar."]

10. Anticlaudianus, carmine.— Hugonis de Pushac, Dunelmensis Episcopi, Brutus, carmine.[3] Longiuscula forma, pergameno.

[Footnote 3: This MS. is now in the Cottonian library, Vespas. A. x. "Joannes Dee, 1574, Maij 7, bowght uppon a stall in London."]

11. Tractatus compendiosus de animalibus. 4 pergameno.

12. Wilhelmi Parisiensis fragment. de universis. 4 pergameno.

13. Euclidis Elementa Geometrica, Optica et Catoptrica, ex Arabico translata per Adellardum.— Theodosii Sphricorum libri.— Liber de occultis.— Ptolomi planisphrium.— Jordani planisphrium.— Archimedis tractatus de quadratura circuli.— Gerardi de Brussel liber de motu.— Jordanus de ponderibus.— Libri quatuor geometri practic.— Alfarabius de scientiis.— Wilhelmi de Conchis philosophia.— Rasis liber de phisiognomia.— Anatomia hominis.— De proprietatibus elementorum.— cum aliis. 4 pergameno.

14. Augustinus de anima et spiritu.— Theoremata de spiritu et anima demonstrata.— Algorithmus demonstratus Joh. de Sacrobosco.— Joh. de Rupella summa de anima.— Rob. Lincolniensis tractatus de sphra.— Joh. de Sacrobosco tractatus de sphra.— Tractatus de proportione et proportionalitate, &c. Rogeri Bachonis— cum aliis. pergameno, 4.

15. Maximi Monachi, Dionisii Areopagit, Sophronii Solitarii, et aliorum Grcorum fragmenta nonnulla. pergameno, 4.

16. Ramundi Lullii liber de quinta essentia. papyro, f.

Non est Ramundi Lullii, sed collectanea diversa ex Paracelso.

17. Rogerii Bachonis de anima, et ejus operibus.— Ejusdem liber de intellectu et intelligibili. f pergameno.

18. Apologia de versutiis atque perversitatibus pseudo-theologorum et religiosorum.— Joachim Abbatis prophetia contra religiones tenentes ordinem mendicantium.— Arnoldi de Villa Nova opus de generibus abusionum veritatis, et de pseudo-ministris Antichristi cognoscendis, et de pastorali officio circa gregem exercendo.— Ejusdem prophetia catholica, tradens artem annihilandi versutias Antichristi et omnium membrorum ejus, ad sacrum collegium Romanorum. pergameno, f.

19. Rogeri Bachonis de retardatione senectutis et senii, &c.— Ejusdem de graduatione medicinarum compositarum, &c. pergameno, f.

20. Ejusdem Bachonis metaphisica.— Ejusdem oeconomica. pergameno, 4.

21. Ejusdem[4] de animalibus fragmentum. pergameno, f.

[Footnote 4: Dee has added in the margin the word "dubito," meaning, I suppose, that there was not any sufficient evidence for attributing this treatise to Roger Bacon.]

22. Ejusdem Bachonis fragmenta qudam; videlicet, de multiplicatione et corruptione specierum.— Item communia naturalia.— Epistola ad Clementem per R. de utilitate scientiarum artis experimentalis, &c. pergameno, f.

23. Rogeri Bachonis pars sexta Operis Majoris, qu est Scientia Experimentalis, ad Clementem Pontif: Romanorum.— Ejusdem Operis Majoris pars septima, qu est, Philosophia Moralis.— Ejusdem Alchimi tractatus expositorius, ad Clementem P.M.R.— Ejusdem compendium alchimi.— Avicenn clavis sapienti, seu porta minor, seu tractatus de anima.— Breviloquium Holcot.— Rogerii Bachonis speculum alchimi.— Qustiones super librum Jordani de ponderibus.— Compendium artis, Raymundi Lullii.— Excerpta ex theorica Ramundi Lullii.— Rogeri Bachonis tractatus de speciebus. papyro, f.

24. Alberti Magni de mineralibus libri quinque.— Hermetis quadripartitum operis.— Rhithmomachia.— De lapide bezaar.— Ars fusoria ac tinctoria lapidum ac gemmarum.— Ptolomei liber de lapidibus et sigillis eorundem.— Techel de sculpturis lapidum.— Galenus ( .... portis) de spermate.— Avicenn phisiognomia.— Commentariolus in Aristotelis phisiognomiam.— Cheiromanti fragmentum.— Arithmetic fragmentum, carmine.— Practica algorismi.— Anima artis transmutatori Ramundi.— Phisica, seu medicina Ramundi Lullij.— De herbis.— De potentiis duodecim signorum et septem planetarum.— Epistola accurtationis lapidis philosophorum ad Regem Robertum.— Summa cheiromanti.— Albertus Magnus de mineralibus.— Phisiognomia ex Loxio, Aristotele, et Palemone.— Albertus de plantationibus arborum et de conservatione vini.— Virtutes septem herbarum Aristotelis.— Liber Kirimandarum.— Philonis fragmentum de aquductibus.— Qustiones qudam naturales.— Constantinus Medicus de coitu.— Practica puerorum.— De natura puerorum.— Introductiones astronomic.— Hyppocrates de pharmacis.— Hyppocrates de secretis.— Hippocratis lex.— Hippocrates de humana natura.— Hippocrates de aere, aqua, et regionibus. pergameno, 4.

25. Eulogium temporis, a condito orbe in annum Christi 1367, monachi cujusdem Niniani.[5] pergameno, f.

[Footnote 5: Now MS. Cotton. Galba, E. VIII., partially burnt by the fire. Another copy of this work is in the library of Trinity College, Cambridge, R. vii. 2.]

26. Rogerii Bachonis summa, seu opus tertium, ad Clementem P.M.— Ejusdem Bachonis majoris operis pars quarta, in qua ostenditur potestas mathematic in scientiis atque rebus mundi hujus.— Ejusdem compendium studii theologici.— Liber prceptorum secundum Albertum.— Liber de sigillis solis in signis, secundum Hermetem.— Albertus de sigillo et annulo leonis, et ejus virtutibus.— Arnoldus de Villa Nova de sigillis duodecim signorum. papyro, f.

27. Rogerii Bachonis communium naturalium libri duo, quatuor sectionibus distincti. pergameno, f.

In boards, with clasps.

28. Alpetraugii de verificatione motuum coelestium liber.— Thebith de his qu indigent expositione, antequam legatur Almagestum Ptolomi.— Liber florum Albumasar.— Liber experimentorum Albumasar.— Liber practicorum geometri.— -Jacobi Alkindi liber de aspectibus.— Petri de Dacia commentum super tractatum algorismi.— Joh. de Sacrobosco super tractatum de sphra.— Ejusdem computus ecclesiasticus.— Wilhelmus de Aragonia in Ptolomi centiloquium.— Ars algorismi de fractionibus.— Scripta utilia super computum manualem.— Joh: de Sicilia in canones Arzachelis de tabulis Toletanis.— Qustiones mathematicales.[6] pergameno, f.

[Footnote 6: Now MS. Harl. 1, "Johannes Dee, 1557." A portion of this volume formerly belonged to John of London.]

29. Richardi Walyngforde Abbatis S. Albani de sinubus demonstrandis, libri iv.[7] pergameno, f.

[Footnote 7: The only copies of this work now known are in the Bodleian Library, but I have not succeeded in tracing this one.]

30. Johannis Massoni Monachi epistol.— Epistol de somnio Pharaonis, seu Pharaonis et Josephi epistol.— Alani enchiridion de planctu seu conquestu natur, prosa et versu.— Bernardi Silvestris Cosmographia. [8] pergameno, 4.

[Footnote 8: Otho, B. IV. vid. Tann. Bibl. p. 518. This MS. was destroyed in the fire of 1731.]

31. Bartholomei Anglici breviarium, seu de proprietatibus rerum. pergameno, f.

32. Jordani Nemorarii Philotechn, sive de triangulis, liber primus, sexaginta quatuor propositiones continens. pergameno, 4.

33. Rabbi Mosis liber de venenis.— Summa brevis Galeni de cura ethic senectutis.— Alberti de Colonia tractatus de incisionibus arborum et plantationibus earum.— Unguentum ad omnem scabiem tollendam, quod dicitur Veni mecum, &c.— Tractatus de ornatu faciei.— Hermetis liber de septem planetis, &c.— Rogerii Bachonis nonnulla secreta.— De factura Saxonis Gallici.— Liber de tincturis pannorum.— Liber de coloribus illuminatorum vel pictorum.— De diversis operationibus ignium.— De diversis tincturis.— Hermetis secreta.— Item, multa alia notabilia.— Item, turba philosophorum. pergameno, 4.

34. Experimentorum diversorum liber.— De vernisio quo utuntur scriptores.— Secreta philosophorum.— De usu virg visori, et hujusmodi secreta multa. papyro, 8{vo}.

35. Arnaldi de Villa Nova thesaurus secretus operationum.— Hermetis liber de lapide philosophorum.— Alfredi liber de spiritu occultato.— Rasis practica, cum aliis viginti quinque libellis variorum autorum consimilis argumenti. papyro, 4.

36. Ptolomi quadripartitum, Lat.— Albumazer introductorium.— Isibradi calendarium.— Profacii Judi almanach.— Zalis electiones.— De significationibus planetarum, cum aliis tractatibus. pergameno, 4.

37. Expositio theoricarum.— Thebith de motu octav sphr.— Jordanus de ponderibus, cum qustionibus notabilibus super eundem.— Jacobus Alkindus de radijs, seu de causis reddendis.— An futura possunt per astra prsciri.— Nicolai Oresmi liber divinationum.— Thom Bravardini geometria.— Perspectiva communis Joh. de Pecham.— Dominici de Hassia qustiones super perspectivam communem.— Euclides de speculis.— Jacobus Alkindus de umbris et causis diversitatum aspectuum.— Dominici de Clavaso practica geometri.— Demonstratio qualitatis line ad peripheriam circuli.— Quadratura circuli.— Expositio tractatus de sphra, cum qustionibus.— Algorismus in integris Joh. de Sacro-Bosco.— Algorithmus in minutiis Joh. de Lineriis.— Thom Bravardini tractatus proportionum.

38. Joh. de Pecham canticum pauperum.— Joh. Walensis communiloquium.— Ejusdem Walensis dietarium, locarium, itinerarium.— Ejusdem breviloquium.— Tractatus, cujus initium est, Supra tribus sceleribus.— Aristotelis liber de secretis secretorum. pergameno, 4.

39. Liber Physiologi de natura animalium et bestiarum. pergameno, 8.

40. Gualteri Burli tractatus de potentiis anim. pergameno, 4.

41. Rogerii Bachonis perspectiva.— Ejusdem de multiplicatione specierum. pergameno, 4.

In paste-bords, with strings.

42. Tractatuli tres de lapide philosophorum, quorum primi initium est, "Dicit philosophus," &c.

43. Vectii Valentis anthologia.— Aristoxeni musica.— Alippii musica.— Cleomedes de mundo.— Expositio astrolabii.— Hipparchus in Aratum et Eudoxum.— Grc omnes. papyro, f.

44. Libellus antiquissimus de speculis comburentibus, cujus initium est, "De sublimiori," &c.[9] pergameno, 4.

[Footnote 9: Now in MS. Vespas. A. II. art. 12, "Joannes Dee, 1555." This is an extremely curious and valuable tract in the history of optical science, and is similar to the curious treatise by Gogava De speculo ustorio. The focus of the parabola is here for the first time indicated, a circumstance which has escaped the notice of scientific historians.]

45. Jordanus de ponderibus cum scholiis, cujus initium est "Omnis ponderosi." pergameno, f.

46. Raymundi Lullii liber de quinta essentia. pergameno, f.

47. Boetius de consolatione philosophi, in Grcam linguam conversus a Maximo Planude.— Catonis distica, cum scholiis Planudis, &c. Grc.— Aphthonij progymnasmata, Grc. papyro, f.

I gave this Booke to Cracovia Library, A{o}. 1584, July 28.

48. Porphirii philosophi Isagoge in Aristotelis logicam, Grc. papyro, f.

49. Naupegia Itali cujusdam, cum figuris. papyro, 4.

50. Dionysii Zecharii opusculum de lapide philosophorum, Gallic. papyro, 4.

51. Roberti Gloucestrensis chronica, rythmo Anglico.[10] papyro, f.

[Footnote 10: The only MS. of Robert of Gloucester's poem, answerable to this description, is in the University Library, Cambridge.]

52. Hystoria Britannicorum principum a Cadowaladro Rege ad Leolinum, per Humfredum Lluyd collecta, Anglic.[11] papyro, f.

[Footnote 11: This MS. is now in the library of the Ashmolean Museum, No. 846.]

53. Vari compositiones aquarum mercurialium et alia experimenta chemica, Anglic, cujus initium est, "He that will make," &c. papyro, 4.

54. Varia experimenta chimica, Anglic, quorum initium est, "For to make white lead." pergameno, f.

55. Alberti Magni summa naturalium, cujus initium est, "Philosophia dividitur." papyro, 4.

56. Rogerii Bachonis annotationes super Aristotelis tractatum de secretis secretorum. pergameno, f.

57. Phillipi Ulstadii coelum philosophorum. impressum, f.

58. Inventa qudam geometrica. papyro, f.

My owne hand, of Richard Chancellor and Thomas Topely.

59. Dumbyltoni summa. pergameno, f.

60. Beda de gestis Anglorum. pergameno, 4.

61. Euclidis geometrica.— Rogerii Bachonis perspectiva.— Aristotilis problemata.— Campani theoric planetarum. pergameno, 4.

62. Volumina duo magna, Hebraic, de astrologicis judiciis.— Alchimia Salomonis. papyro, f. 2 vol.

63. Roberti Groshed, Lincolniensis episcopi, dicta; quorum initium est, "Spiritus Sanctus per os Salomonis," &c.— Ejusdem tractatus de cessatione legalium.— Ejusdem tractatus de oculo morali, una cum aliis variis. pergameno, f.

64. Isaac Judi logica, cum aliis variis consimilis argumenti, Hebraic. papyro, 4.

65. Alhazen perspectiva, &c. pergameno, 4.

John Davis' spoyle.

66. Ramundi Lullii testamentum.— Ejusdem cantilena.— Ejusdem codicillus, sive vade mecum.— Ejusdem anima transmutatoria.— Annotationes super testamentum Ramundi.— Lapidarius Raymundi.— Qustiones de Paulina Ramundi.— Qustiones de Olympiade Ramundi.— Declaratio tabularum figur 5. Ramundi.— Repertorium Raymundi.— Tractatus de consideratione lapidis.— Philosophia cujusdam Ramundist.— Joh. Dastini chimici somnium, seu visiones, Anglic.— Ramundi Lullii distinctio tertia.— Anima artis, juxta exemplar in Anglia repertum.— Apocalypsis spiritus secreti.— Ars conversionis Mercurii et Saturni in aurum et argentum, seu de aquis Theuthidis.— Aristotelis lumen luminum.— Raimundi Lullii qustionarius arboris philosophalis.— Qustionarius figur quadrangularis.— Qustionarius figur 5.— Tertia distinctio juxta aliud exemplar.— Aphorismi.— Accurtatio.— Practica secreti occulti.— Opus magnum, sive opus regale.— Considerationes operis minoris.— Cantilena Catalonic, cum commento.— Ars brevis, &c. papyro, f.

67. Ramundi Lulli speculum alchimi.— Ejusdem liber de quinta essentia.— Ejusdem lapidarius, scilicet de gemmis.— Joh. Dastini liber de compositione lapidis.— Ejusdem donum Dei.— Liber radicum.— Liber administrationum.— Ejusdem Dastini speculum philosophorum.— Rasis de duodecim aquis, &c. papyro, f.

68. Aneti filii Abraham practica medica.— Scarsati practica medicinalis, una cum aliis. pergameno, 4.

69. Eathelredi Abbatis Rievallis de vita Edowardi regis Anglorum et Confessoris.[12] pergameno, 4.

[Footnote 12: Now MS. Harl. 200, "Joannes Dee, 1575."]

70. Roberti episcopi Lincolniensis tractatus in lingua Romana, hoc est, veteri rithmo Gallico, de principio creationis mundi, de medio et fine, &c. pergameno, 4.

71. Wilhelmi de Northfeilde expositio super librum de differentia spiritus et anim.— Ejusdem expositio super diversa opuscula Aristolelis phisicorum.[13] pergameno, f.

[Footnote 13: Now C.C.C. Oxon. No. 235.]

72. Magistri Franconis regul musicales, cum additionibus aliorum musicorum, collect a Roberto de Handlo.— Rogerii Bachonis, perspectiva, una cum aliis geometricis et astrologicis. pergameno, f.

73. Gualtheri Burlei notabilia super Porphyrii prdicabilia, et Aristotelis prdicamenta, una cum aliarum notationum libellis. papyro, 4.

74. Boetii Musica.— Hermannus Contractus de compositione astrolabii, et de ejus utilitatibus. pergameno, 4.

75. Chronica de imperatoribus seu compendium historiarum in prima monarchia Babiloniorum, in annum Christi 1266.— Joh. de Bononia summa pontificum Romanorum et imperatorum in annum Christi 1313.— Alexandri Magni ortus et res gest. pergameno, 4.

76. Wilhelmi Wodford, ordinis Minorum, opusculum quaestionum quarundam, contra dialogum Joh. Wycklyf a Thoma Cantuariensi archiepiscopo condemnatum.— Thomas Palmere tractatus de imaginibus, cum aliis variis. papyro, 4.

77. Collectanea qudam chimica Siberti Rhodii. papyro, f.

78. Roberti Holcot qustiones super quatuor libros Lombardi sententiarum.— Ejusdem qustiones de astronomia. pergameno, 4.

79. Arnaldi de Villa Nova liber de alchimia, cujus initium est, "Scito, fili, quod in hoc libro," una cum aliis ejusdem opusculis. papyro, 4.

80. Ethici philosophi cosmographia, per D. Hieronymum Stredonem Lat. conversa. pergameno, f.

81. Rogerii Bachonis epistol tres, sive scripta tria ad Joh. Parisiensem, in quibus latet sapientia mundi.— Kalid rex ad Morienum.— Gebri et Avicenn chimica. papyro, 4.

82. Euclidis elementorum geometricorum libri decem.— Ejusdem perspectiva, &c. Lat. papyro, 4.

83. Alhazeni perspectiva, libri septem, Lat. pergameno, f.

84. De fabrica speculi ustorii fragmentum.— Urso de effectibus qualitatum primarum.— Liber vacc.— Alberti dona.— Thomas Aquinas de essentiis rerum. pergameno, 4.

85. Ricardi Hampole liber, qui dicitur Incendium Amoris, Anglic. pergameno, f.

86. Alhazeni perspectiva, Lat.— Item Alfraganus, &c. Lat. pergameno, f.

87. Albumazar de judiciis astrologicis. pergameno, f.

88. Jacobi Fabri Stapulensis conclusiones phisic, &c. ex Aristotele excerpt. papyro, f.

89. Joh. Eschuidi summa Anglicana, seu medicinalis. pergameno, f.

90. Bartholomus Anglicus de proprietatibus rerum. pergameno, f. grandiori.

91. Jordani Nemorarii arithmetica cum commento.— Algorithmus in integris Joh. de Sacrobosco.— Algorithmus in minutiis, Joh. de Lineriis.— Campani theorica planetarum.— Nicholai Oresmi tractatus de proportionibus proportionum.[14]— Jordani tractatus de commensuratione coelestium.— Gervasii algorithmus proportionum.— Demonstrationes conclusionum astrolabii.— Tractatus de torqueto et ejus usu.— Tabul Alfonsi regis Castell.— Canones tabularum Alfonsi per Joh. de Saxonia.— Joh. de Lineriis canones tabularum primi mobilis.— Jacob Alkindus de impressio[n]ibus aeris.— Rogerii Bachonis de utilitate arithmetic.— Campani compostus ecclesiasticus.— Jordani algorithmus demonstratus. pergameno, f.

[Footnote 14: Extract from this article in MS. Bernard, 3467, where there are other extracts from MSS. in Dee's possession.]

92. Helinandi Monachi Cistercien. chronicorum mundi libri XXX. hoc est, pars prima. pergameno, f.

93. Francisci Catanei Diacetii paraphrasis in Aristotelem de coelo, &c. pergameno, f.

94. Isidori Hispalensis liber de natura rerum, cum glosulis.— Prisciani institutio.— Bed versus de die judicii. pergameno, 4.

95. Tractatus de figuris stellarum in octava sphra.— Gebri libri novem de astronomia.— Almagesti libri sex abbreviati.— Jordani libri de triangulis.— Plures conclusiones Almagisti abbreviati.— Archimedis liber de curvis superficiebus.— Tractatus Albeonis.— Tabula pro locis planetarum.— Tractatus Zaphei Arzachelis, &c.— Capitula libri Almagesti.— Compendium musices ex Boetio.— Euclidis elementa geometrica.— Gebri conclusiones de astronomia.— Theodosii sphrica.— Milei de figuris sphricis et triangulis, libri tres.— Tabul planetarum de radicibus et motibus.— Machumeti Bagdedini liber divisionum.— Tractatus de quinque corporibus regularibus.— Tractatus de speculis comburentibus.— Tabula domificandi, pro latitudine Oxoniens.— Tabul plurium latitudinum, secundum Bachecumbe.— Thebith tractatus de motu.— Tractatus de proportione circumferenti circuli, &c.— Tabul quatuor solis. pergameno, f.

96. Rogeri Bachonis tractatus de virtutibus et actionibus stellarum. papyro, 4.

97. Vitellionis perspectiva.[15] pergameno, f.

[Footnote 15: Now MS. Ashm. No. 424. From a MS. note it appears that, in 1564, the Fellows of Peterhouse, at Cambridge, presented this book to Dr. Dee, in exchange for various printed books which he gave to their library. Vid. MS. C.C.C. Oxon. No. 191.]

98. Theodosii sphrica.— Euclidis data, Lat.— Archimides de quadratura circuli. pergameno, 4.

99. Haly de judiciis astrorum. pergameno, f.

100. Boetius de consolatione philosophi cum commento.— Scripta super plures libros geometri.— Jordanus de speculis.— Jordanus de ponderibus.— Archadii demonstrationes de quadratura circuli.— Tractatus Hermanni de astrolabio.— Liber de similibus arcubus.— Archimedes de figuris isoperimetris.— Archimedes de curvis superficiebus. pergameno, 4.

101. Avicenna de prima philosophia, i.e. de causa causarum, vel metaphisica, Lat. pergameno, 4.

102. Alhazeni perspectiva. pergameno, 4.

103. Ricardi de Posis summa epistolarum (quasi ars qudam notariatus) secundum consuetudinem Roman curi. pergameno, f.

104. Arzachelis tabul astronomic. pergameno, 4.

105. Chronicon Angli, Anglic, manuscriptum. pergameno, f.

106. Aristotelis commentum in astrologiam (fragmentum). pergameno, 4.

107. Alberti Magni minerarium. pergameno, 4.

108. Haly de judiciis astrorum.— Liber novem judicum in astrologia.— Jafar de imbribus.— Messahala de nativitatibus.— Aristotelis liber de judiciis universalibus.— Hani Benhann liber de geometria.— Guido Bonatus de astrologio.[16] papyro, f. magno.

[Footnote 16: Now MS. Savil. Oxon. No. 15.]

109. Algorithmus integrorum cum commento.— Algorithmus fractorum cum commento.— Summa utriusque arithmetic Boetii.— Arithmetica compilata ex multis scientiis.— Liber de figuris numerorum.— Practica memorandi.— Tractatus de speculo combustorio secundum sectionem Mukesij.— Euclidis geometricorum libri 15. cum commento.— Jordanus de ponderibus cum commento.— Euclides de ponderibus cum commento.— Euclidis datorum liber cum commento.— Archimedes de curvis superficiebus cum commento.— Archimedes de quadratura circuli, cum commento.— Archimede[s] de figuris ysoperimetrorum.— Theodosii sphrica.— Rob. Lincoln[i]ensis episcopi, de luce, calore, et iride.— Vitellionis perspectiv libri quatuor. pergameno, f.

110. Rob. Lincoln[i]ensis episcopi constitutiones pro sua diocesi, videl. in decalogum, &c. pergameno, f.

111. Perspectiva Algazet, forte Halazen. Lat. pergameno, 4.

112. Annales regulorum Cambricorum, a Cadowaladro, ad Leolini tempora, lingua Brytannica sive Cambrica. papyro, 4.

113. Perquisita et alia qu pertinebant ad Winchecumbe Abbatiam.[17] pergameno, 4.

[Footnote 17: It does not appear from Tanner's Notitia Monastica, or from Sir Thomas Phillipps's Catalogue, that this MS. is now preserved.]

114. Boetii arithmetica. pergameno, 4.

115. Qustiones erudite disputat super librum meteororum Aristotelis. pergameno, 4.

116. De Indorum et Persarum annis astronomicis.— Annotationes in Martianum Capellam. pergameno, 4.

117. De potentiis anim.— Auberti Remensis philosophia.— Oliveri philosophia.— Petrus Hispanus de morte et vita, et causis longitudinis et brevitatis vit.— Albertus de divinatione. De spiritu et inspiratione.— De signis aquarum, ventorum et tempestatum.— Ramundus Massiliensis de cursu planetarum.— Alexander Aphrodiseus ad imperatores Antoninum et Severum de fato.— Qustiones de intellectu.— Qustiones de anima.— Hermannus Secundus de essentiis.— Platonis Phdon, sive de anima.— Commentum super Platonis Timum.— Platonis Menon. Lat. pergameno, f.

118. De administratione principum liber. pergameno, 4.

119. Isidori Hispalensis etymologiarum fragmentum magnum. pergameno, f.

120. Tabul astronomic ad annos decem, cum canonibus.— Algorithmus demonstratus cum minutiis.— Alfraganus de annis.— Alcabicii astrologia.— Tabul de numeris proportionalibus.— Computus cum calendario. pergameno, 4.

121. Polychronica. pergameno, f.

122. Polychronicon. pergameno, f minori.

123. Hystori Britannic et Angli fragmentum, Gallic conscriptum. pergameno, 4.

124. Guido Bonatus de judiciis astrorum. pergameno, f.

125. Passionale. pergameno, f.

126. Astronomici libelli cujusdam fragmentum, cujus initium est, "A philosophis astronomiam sic definitam accepimus." pergameno, 4.

127. Expositio qudam super Cantica Canticorum.— Ars fidei secundum Ambionensem.— Macrobius in somnium Scipionis. pergameno, f.

The second tract is cut out, and to be answered for.

128. Matricula, sive catalogus bibliothec Cantuariensis. papyro, f.

129. Author de causis cum demonstrationibus. pergameno, f.

130. Alchimicus libellus, Anglic, cujus initium est, "Take limale." papyro, 4.

131. Libellus chimicus, Latin.— Varii tractatus super capitulum Hermetis quod dicitur "Clavis Sapienti Majoris." pergameno, f.

132. Sidrach philosophi liber, Gallic. pergameno, 4.

133. Kallendarium.— Qudam de computu ecclesiastico, Latin et Saxonic.— Alphabetum somniale.— Prces qudam pi.[18] pergameno, 8.

[Footnote 18: The MS. described by Wanley, p. 222, as MS. Cotton. Vitell. A. XVIIJ. now destroyed, is probably the one here mentioned. The Cotton. MS. Jul. A. VJ. also answers the brief description above given.]

134. Lectiones cujusdam super Ecclesiasticen. pergameno, f.

135. Commentarius bonus in definitiones quinti libri Euclidis.— Euclides totus ex Campani traditione.— Explicatio bona Archimedis de quadratura circuli. pergameno, 4.

136. Cicero de natura deorum.— Catonis liber ad Varronem.— Euclidis liber cum commento.— Preceptum canonum Ptolomi.— Tractatus astrolabii duplicis cum practica.— Tabul astronomic.— Aristotelis epistola de rectitudine vit, ad Alexand.— Henrici Britton philosophia.— Oliveri Britton philosophia.— Philosophia Remensis et aliorum.— Liber de speculis, liber de visu, et qudam alia. pergameno, 4.

137. Boetii arithmetica.— Ejusdem de trinitate libri.— Ejusdem de duobus in Christo naturis.— Ejusdem de hebdomadibus.— Rob. Grostesti, Lincolniensis episcopi, de arte algorismi communi.— Ejusdem alius tractatus magis in speciali.— Thebith super Almagistum Ptolomi.— Theodosius de locis habitabilibus.— Theoria planetarum cum tabulis necessariis.— Commentum super Centiloquium Ptolomi.— Ars cheiromanti, in Gallico sermone.— De interpretationibus somniorum.— De significationibus tonitruorum.— Physiognomia secundum Thomam Aquinatem.— De prognosticationibus tempestatum.— De pluribus necessariis ad casus inquirendos secundum algorismum.— Cheiromantia, Lat.[19] pergameno, 4.

[Footnote 19: Now in Trinity College, Dublin. See Dr. Bernard's Catalogue, No. 46.]

138. Astronomica, astrologica, et arithmetica.— Observationes qudam planetarum et fixarum, Petri de Sancto Audomaro et Joh. de Lineriis. pergameno, 4.

139. Tabul astronomic cum canonibus. pergameno, 8.

140. Libellus de natura locorum. pergameno, 8.

141. Ivonis Carnutensis varii tractatus ecclesiastici, et volumen epistolarum diversorum ad diversos, &c. pergameno, f.

142. Boetii musica.— Expositio Simonis de Bredon super duos libros arithmetic Boetii. pergameno, 4.

143. Calcidius in Platonis Timum.[20] pergameno, 4 long.

[Footnote 20: Now MS. Bib. Reg. Mus. Brit. 12 B. XXII, "Johannes Dee, 1557, 4 Maij, Londini."]

144. Marii de elementis libri duo.— Liber qui dicitur Prenonphysicon.— Alardi Bathoniensis qustiones naturales.— Physiognomia secundum tres authores, videlicet, Loxum, Aristotelem, et Palemonem.— Liber spermatis.— Soranus de re medica.— Constantini liber de herbis.— Dioscorides de virtutibus herbarum, Lat.— Oribasius de virtutibus herbarum, Lat.— Odonis Adunensis versus de virtutibus herbarum.— Isidori Hyspalensis etymologiarum libri.— Constantini Medici liber graduum.— Euphonis experimenta.— Adamarii experimenta.— Joh. Melancholici experimenta.— Experimenta Abbatis.— Experimenta Wiscardi.— Experimenta Picoti.— De urina mulieris.— Expositio quint incisionis epidemiarum Hippocratis.— Joh. Melancholici liber de substantia urin.— Palladius de agricultura.— Liber de simplici medicina. pergameno, f.

145. Alberti Magni magia naturalis et vera.— Idiot liber, authore Cusano.— Contra Jacobellinos in Bohemia.— Antonii Barsizii cauteriaria, comedia, una cum aliis variis. papyro, f.

146. Aristotelis physicorum libri octo.— Ejusdem de generatione et corruptione, lib. 2.— De coelo et de mundo, libri 4.— Meteorum libri 4.— De vegetabilibus, &c.— De anima, libri tres.— De memoria et reminiscentia.— Ethicorum secundus et tertius.— De morte et vita, et alia ejusdem Aristotelis, Latin. pergameno, 4.

147. Serapionis de aptatione et repressione, seu servitor Serapionis. pergameno, f.

148. Thomas de Aquino de veritate theologica, libri septem. pergameno, 4.

149. Alberti magni tractatus de lapidibus.— Jacobus Alkindus de radiis. papyro, f.

150. Historia Anglica cujusdam anonymi. papyro, 4.

151. Euclidis optica, catoptrica, et geometria, Lat. pergameno, 4.

152. Fragmentum theologicum quoddam in Ecclesiasticum. pergameno, f.

153. Tractatus astrolabij.— De significatione rei occult.— De aeris dispositione.— Tabula pro almanack.— Ars notaria.— Aristotelis epistola de conservatione sanitatis.— Rogeri Herefordensis computus.— Compositio astrolabii.— Planisphrium.— Alfraganus.— Geber in Ptolomi almagestum, una cum aliis. pergameno, 4.

154. Apologia chemic artis, contra Cornelium Agrippum de vanitate scientiarum.— De oleis variis medicinalibus, una cum aliis multis. papyro, 4.

155. Alcabicius.— Astronomia qudam judicialis.— Zahelis introductorium, cum judiciis sequentibus.— Mathematica Alexandri summi astrologi.— Jacob Alkindus de judiciis astrologicis.— Albumazar de revolutionibus annorum mundi.— Summ excerpt ex libro Albumazar, de revolutione nativitatum.— Albohali de nativitatibus.— Albumazar liber florum.— Almanack perpetuum Profacii Judi.— Thomas Aquinas de angelis.[21] 4 pergameno.

[Footnote 21: This MS. is now in the Ashmolean collection, No. 360.]

156. Lamentationes Matholuli, carmine.[22] pergameno, 4.

[Footnote 22: This is probably the copy now in MS. Cotton. Cleopatra, C. IX. I know of no other which answers the description.]

157. Hippocratis aphorismi.— Ejusdem prognostica.— Ejusdem liber de regimine acutorum.— Ejusdem liber epidemiarum.— Ejusdem astronomia de infirmitatibus.— Johannicii isogoge in Galeni Tecknin.— Hyppocratis secreta.— Tractatus de compositione astrolabii.— Tractatus de practica astrolabii.— Tractatus de compositione novi quadratis.— Campani tractatus de motibus planetarum et de fabricatione equatorii instrumenti per quod certa loca planetarum inveniuntur.— Petri Perigrini tractatus de magnete.[23]— Jordani liber Planisphrii.— Euclidis liber de speculis.— Jordani tractatus de ponderibus.— Practica geometri. pergameno, 4.

[Footnote 23: Dee's own copy of the printed edition, with his MS. notes, is in the British Museum. "Johannes Dee, 1562."]

158. Rogerii Bachonis calendarium.— Tabula ad sciendum quis planeta dominetur omni hora cujus libet diei.— Tabula multiplicationis.— Liber de naturis rerum abreviatus.— Marbodeus de sculpturis gemmarum.— Liber de lapidibus filiorum Israel.— Hippocratis signa in infirmo.— Unguentum alabastri.— De modo faciendi olei.— De aquis mundificativis oculorum faciei, et aliorum spiritualium membrorum.— De pilatoria.— Ut pili nascantur ubi volueris.— De conservatione vini.— Gregorii dialogorum liber primus et secundus.— Vita Sancti Nicholai.— Vita Sancti gidij. pergameno, 4.

159. Computus ecclesiasticus.— Beda de calculatione.— Computus. pergameno, 4.

160. Wilhelmi de Conchis philosophia.[24] pergameno, 4.

[Footnote 24: Now MS. Bib. S. Joh. Coll. Cantab. G. 3. "Johannes Dee, 1557, 4 Maii."]

161. Qustiones super elenchos, et alia logicalia. papyro, 4.

162. Qustiones de apparentiis, seu fallaciis sophisticis, manuscript. papyro.

163. Alberti de Saxonia tractatus proportionum, 4 impressus Rothomagi.— Jacobi Lupi tractatus de productionibus personarum in divinis, secundum mentem Joh. Scoti, 4 impressum.— Una cum aliis tractatibus variarum qustionum,— papyro manuscript. 4.

164. Henrici Beaumundi regimen sanitatis, cum aliis variis experimentis, tam Anglic quam Latin scriptis. pergameno, 4.

165. Avicenna de naturalibus.— Ejusdem de sufficientia.— Thom de Aquino tractatus de essentia.— Avendauth de quinque universalibus.— Alchindi philosophi de quinque essentiis, ex verbis Aristotelis abstractus liber.— Platonis Timus.— Isaac de diffinitionibus, Lat.— Jacob de rationali in anima.— Alexandri Philosophi de intellectu et intelligibili liber, Lat.— Algacelis logica.— Alchindus de intellectu et intellecto.— Amaometh liber introductorius in artem logicam demonstrationis.— Averrhois de substantia orbis.— Alfarabius de intellectu et intellecto.— Liber planetarum cujusdam discipuli Ptolomi.— Mercurius Trismegistus.— Secundus Philosophus de diffinitionibus.— Boetius de unitate.— Liber de differentia spiritus et anim.— Liber metaphisic Avicenn, qui non est completus.

166. De philosophia Salomonis.— Fulgentius episcopus ad Calcidium Grammaticum.— Experimenta qudam alchimica.— Cassiodorus de anima, una cum aliis theologicis. pergameno, 8.

167. Boetii arithmetica.— Theorica planetarum et stellarum secundum Alfraganum.— Boetii musica.— Euclidis geometrica.— Propositiones planisphrii Ptolomi cum additionibus.— Maslem Arabis.[25] pergameno, 4.

[Footnote 25: Now MS. Lambeth, No. 67. Dee's autograph has been erased from the fly-leaf, but "1558, 30 Junii, Londini," remains in his handwriting.]

168. Disputatio inter militem et clericum. pergameno, 4.

169. Joh. Scoti qustiones super secundo et tertio libro Aristotelis de anima.— Antonii Andre qustiones in Aristotelis meteora. papyro, 4.

170. Isidori Hispalensis liber differentiarum.— Cic. academic qustiones.— Ejusdem natura deorum.— Ejusdem de divinatione.— Ejusdem de fato.— Ejusdem paradoxa.— Ejusdem Philippic orationes.— Libellus de bestiis, avibus, et arboribus.— Salustius de bello Catilinario et Jugurthino.— Vegetius de re militari, &c. pergameno, 4.

171. Computus Ecclesiasticus. pergameno, 8.

172. Solinus de mirabilibus mundi. pergameno, 4.

173. Bona gesta Mari.— Maleus, &c. pergameno, 16.

174. Sortilegia nugatoria. pergameno, 8.

175. Sortilegia nugatoria. pergameno, 4.

176. Joh. Sarisberiensis policraticum, sive de nugis curialium et vestigiis philosophorum, libri octo. pergameno, 4.

177. Computus manualis, cum aliis sexaginta quinque tractatibus variorum autorum in medicinalibus, physicis, astronomicis, et aliis. pergameno, 8.

178. Gebri summa alchimi. pergameno, 4.

179. Hermetis cujusdam libellus de rebus universalibus. pergameno, 4.

180. Imago mundi, cujus initium est, "Operatio divina." pergameno, 4.

181. Thom Bravardini Anglici propositiones geometri. pergameno, 4.

182. Macer de virtutibus herbarum. pergameno, 4.

183. Libellus medicin et chirurgi, partim Latin, partim Anglic, partim etiam Gallic. pergameno, 16.

184. Ramundi Lulii practica chimica, Anglic.[26] papyro, 4.

[Footnote 26: Now MS. Sloan. 2128.]

185. Alchimica; videlicet tres tractatus alchimici, Volvi lapidem, &c.— De quinta essentia Mercurii.— Secretum secretorum Pleri philosophi. pergameno, 4.

186. Roberti Lincolniensis episcopi, de luce, de iride, cum multis aliorum tractatis circiter 34. pergameno, 4.

A thick booke with a labell.

187. Libri diversi astrologici, quoram primi initium est, "Postulata a Domino." pergameno, 4.

188. Rogeri Bachonis, Morieni Romani, Joh. Viennensis, Alberti Magni, Hermetis, Rasis, Hortulani, chimica qudam. pergameno, 8.

189. Speculum secretorum, cum aliis haud contemnendis chemicis fragmentis. pergameno, 4.

190. Joh. de Sacrobosco sphra.— Johannicii glossul, cum aliis tractatibus.— Rogeri Bachonis et Rob. Lincolniensis episcopi, &c. pergameno, 4.

191. Libellus chimicus, cujus initium est, "Materia lapidis." papyro, 8.

192. Jacobi Alkindi de pluviis, imbribus, ventis, et de mutatione aeris. papyro, f.

193. Liber duodecim aquarum, &c.[27] pergameno, 4.

[Footnote 27: Now in Magdalen College, Oxford, No. 277.]

194. gidii de Wallecers computus, de cometis, de crepusculis.— Tabul domorum et ascensionum.— Kallendarii errores.— Jo. de Pecham perspectiva communis.— 30 Arabes, qui dicuntur Magistri probationum.— Tractatus minutiarum, una cum aliis. pergameno, 8.

195. Abraham Judi liber de judiciis nativitatum, cum aliis variis. papyro, 4.

196. Albertus de mineralibus, cujus initium est, "De mixtione et coagulatione," &c.— Rogerii Bachonis epistola prima ad Joh. Parisiensem.— Summa aurea, una cum multorum aliorum tractatibus. pergameno, 4.

In a black cover with clasps.

197. Ludus astronomicus. papyro, 8.

198. Parisiensis liber, cujus initium est, "Augustinus de Civitate Dei," &c. papyro, 4.

199. Pomum Ambr.— Trotul de ornatu mulierum.— Ascarus Philosophus de signis mulierum.— De secretis mulierum, cum aliis experimentis.— Theophilus Monachus de coloribus.— Eraclius de coloribus et artibus Roman.— Qudam experimenta medica, cum aliis superstitiosis.— Compositio et usus astrolabii, una cum aliis. pergameno, 8.

[In that part of the Catalogue describing the printed Books, under the title of "Chemici Libri, &c. Compacti," occur the following Manuscripts.]

200. Ramundi Lulii ars generalis, cum qustionibus ejusdem.— De medi[ci]na et astronomia ejusdem.— Speculum medicin. 4.

201. Ramundi Lulii ars magna cum figuris.— Ejusdem ars generalis, cum qustionibus.— Ejusdem introductorium sive canones artis generalis.— Ejusdem de principiis et medicin gradibus.— Ejusdem de regiminibus sanitatis et infirmitatis. f.


[By Elias Ashmole.][28]

[Footnote 28: From Ashmole's MSS. No. 1790, fol. 52.]

1. Mysteriorum liber primus, 1581, et 1582. It begins 22 Dec. 1581, and ends 15 March 1582.

2. Mysteriorum liber secundus. The first leafe is utterly perished. It ends 21 March, 1582.

3. Mysteriorum liber tertius. It begins 28 April 1582, and ends 4 May, following.

4. Liber Mysteriorum quartus. It began 15 Nov. 1582, but the first leafe is lost. It ends 21 Nov. following.

5. Liber Mysteriorum quintus, 1583. It begins 23 March 1583, and ends 18 April following.

6. Quinti libri Mysteriorum appendix. It begins 20 April 1583, and ends 23 May following.

Note that some other of his bookes were set forth by Dr. Casaubon 1659, and the first action (in them) begins 5 daies after the last action of the foresaid appendix, viz. 28 May 1583, Which are these that follow.

7. Liber sexti Mysteriorum (et sancti) parallelus novalisque. It begins 28 May 1583, and ends 4 July following.

8. Liber Peregrinationis Prim (sexti Mystici paradromus). It begins 21 Sept. 1583, and ends 13 March 1584.

9. Mensis Mysticus Sabbaticus, pars prima ejusdem. It begins 10 April 1584, and ends the 30 of that moneth.

10. Libri Mystici Apertorii Cracoviensis Sabbatici 1584. But in Dr. Dee's MS. (from which it was printed) it hath this title, Libri septimi Apertorii Cracoviensis, Mystici Sabbatici, pars tertia, A{o}. 1584. And beside hath this note, Liber quartus decimus. The first action in this booke begins 7 May 1584, and ends 22 May following.

11. Libri Septimi Apertorij Cracoviensis Mystici Sabbatici pars quarta. It begins 23 May 1584, and ends 12 July following.

12. Libri Cracoviensis Mysticus Apertorius. In the originall MS. it hath this marginall note, "Sive potius, pars quinta libri 7{mi} &c. Cracoviensis." The first action in this booke begins 12 July 1544, and ends 15 August following.

13. Mysteriorum Pragensium liber primus Csareusque. It begins 15 Aug. stilo novo, 1584. At the bottome of the first leafe in the MS. is written, Liber 19us. The last action in this booke is the 7th of Oct. 1584.

14. Mysteriorum Pragensium Confirmatio. The first action begins 14 Jan, 1585, and ends the 20 of March following.

15. Mysteriorum Pragensium Confirmatorum liber. This booke begins 20 Mar. 1585, and ends 6 June following.

16. Unica Actio; qu Paccina vocatur. A{o}. 1585, Aug. 6.

17. Liber Resurectionis, to which the MS. adds, et 42 Mensium Fundamentum. It begins the 30 of April 1586. Actio prima et secunda ex septem: is also added in MS. The last action in this booke is 21 Jan. 1587.

18. Actio tertia. Mysteriorum divinorum memorabilia, ab actionis (ex septem) terti, descript exordio, cui dies 4 Aprilis, A{o} 1587, dicata fuit. It begins 4 April 1587, and ends 23 May following. Thus far from the Printed Booke.


19. 48 Claves Angelic. This booke is writen in the Angelick language. Interlined with an English translation. Cracovi ab Aprilis 13 ad Julii 13 (diversis temporibus) recept, A{o}. 1584. At the bottome of the title page. Liber 18.

20. Liber Scienti, Auxilii et Victori Terrestris. Maij 2, stilo novo, 1585 collectus ex prmissis in lib. 10, et aliis.

21. De Heptarchia Mystica Collectaneorum, Lib: primus.

22. Liber Enoch. I suppose Liber Logaeth and this are all one, but in the MS. I copied myne from (which I borrowed from Sir John Cotton) it hath this Title, Liber Mysteriorum Sextus et Sanctus, Liber 8.

23. A Booke of Supplications and Invocations.


Abbot (Mr.), 49. Addenstall (John), 59. Agar (Mr.), 54. Alaski (Prince Albert), 28, 43, 46. Salutes Dr. Dee, 19. Comes to London, 20. Makes acquaintance with Dr. Dee, ib. Visits Dr. Dee twice, ib. Returns home, 21. Goes to Trebona and Warsaw, 22. Gives money to Dr. Dee, 23. Goes to Trebona and Cremona, ib. Goes to Trebona and Prague, 27. Alles (Mr.), 11. Alred (Richard), 48, 52. Anderson (Lord), 40. Anderson (Margaret), birth, 2. Anthony (Mr.), 63. Arnold (Edmund), 60, 61. Arnold (Richard), 62. Arundell (Mr.), birth, 1. Ashley (Mr.), visits Dr. Dee, 42. Returns home, 43. Ashley (Mrs.), 49. Visits Dr. Dee, 42. Returns home, 43. Ashmole (Elias), 38. Ashton (James), 55, 64. Ask (John), 2, 48. Aspland (William), 38. Aubrey (Dr.), 15, 39, 49. Death, 52. Aubrey (John), 32, 52. Aubrey (Mrs.), 6.

Bacon (Mr.), 16. Baguely (Nicholas), 55. Bagwell (Nicholas), 54. Baily (Francis), 4. Baldwyn (Richard), 52. Banister (Mrs.), 46. Banks (Mr.), 54. Barber (Robert), 58. Bardman (Isabelle), 56. Barlow (Mr.), 60. Barnes (Mr.), conference with Dr. Dee respecting the North-West passage, 19. Barret (Mr.), 49, 60. Barret (Mrs.), 49. Barwick (Nurse) 34, 35, 36. Basset (John), 24, 28, 58. Tutor to Dr. Dee's children, 23. Quarrel with Thomas Kelly, 24. Baxter (Mr.), 61. Bayly (Dr.), 5. Baynton (Mr.), 52. Beale (Mr.), 18, 38, 46. Beale (Mrs.), 46, 53. Beck (William), 47. Bedell (Mr.) 38. Bedford (The Earl of), visits Dr. Dee, 2. Bele, v. Beale. Benet (Mrs.), 12. Berran (Mr.), 54. Besbich (Thomas), 3. Beston (Mrs.), 56. Bettgran (Mr.), 18. Biberstein (Lord), makes acquaintance with Dr. Dee, 23. Goes to Trebona, 24. Bigs (Mr.), 14. Billings (Thomas), 64. Billingsley (Henry), 29. Birch (George), 61, 64. Birch (Robert), 62. Blayney (John), 52. Blunt (Sir Charles), 45. Blunt (Francis), 44, 45. Blunt (Sir Michael), 44. Bodin (John), 10. Boordman (Elizabeth), 58. Booth (Sir George), 58, 63. Booth (Lady), 58. Bradley (Captain), 59. Bradshaw (Mr.), 57, 58, 60. Bragden (Edward), 15. Brandeburgh (Marquis of), 47. Brayce (Mrs.), 34. Brogreton (Mr.), 55. Broke (George), 52, 60, 61. Bromley (Mr.), 13. Browne (John), 2, 11, 58. Brunswick (the Duke of), 22. Brydock (Ed.), 61. Buckhurst (Lord), 51. Bull (Mr.), 50. Bullock (Mr.), 5. Burch (Mr.), 60. Burghley (Lord), 17, 35, 37, 39, 40, 41, 50. Consultation with Dr. Dee, 9. Sends Dr. Dee some venison, 10. Dr. Dee dedicates his work on the calendar to him, 19. Illness, 42. Burrough (William), 21. Burton (Mr.), 7. Byron (John), 55. Byron (Sir John), 55. Dispute with Manchester College, 56.

Csar (Dr.), 60. Camaiere (Cornelio), 46, 47. Camden (William), 40. Candish (Richard), 6, 34, 36, 37. Visits Dr. Dee, 33. Dr. Dee gives him a copy of Paracelsus, 35. Candish (Thomas), visits Dr. Dee, 34. Canterbury (Archbishop of), 15, 34, 35, 36, 37, 40, 42, 48, 49, 50, 51, 60, 61. Carolius, 42. Carpe (John), 29, 30. Goes to Prague, 24. Makes furnaces, ib. Comes to Trebona, 26. Goes to Prague, 27. Carter (Oliver), 40, 53, 57, 59, 62, 64. Cary (Sir George), 33, 34. Cater (Mr.), visits Dr. Dee, 8. Cave (Mr.), 52. Cecil (Sir Robert), 40, 49, 55. Cecil (Sir Thomas), 40. Chaloner (Sir Thomas), 44. Charles (Robert), 41, 44, 46, 52, 60, 61. Chester (Bishop of), 62. Chetham (Edmund), 64. Childe (Mr.), 45, 50. Childe (Mrs.), 47. Cholmeley (John), 41, 58, 59, 60. Chritzin (Captain), 27. Clement (Mr.), 17. Clerkson (Mr.), 14. Clinton (Lord), 7. Cobham (Lady), 33, 34, 41. Cobham (Lord), 40, 41. Coke, v. Cooke. Cole (Ellen), 12, 13. Collens (Thomas), 12, 38. Colman (Mr.), 47. Constable (Mary), wages paid, 8. Cooke (Bridget), birth, 2. Cooke (John), Sir Humphrey Gilbert and Dr. Dee dines with him, 8. Cooke (Roger), 63, 64. The secret of the elixir revealed to him by Dr. Dee, 7. His violent bearing towards Dr. Dee, 11. His quarrel with Dr. Dee, 12. His departure from Mortlake, 13. Cooper (Edmund), 28. Cooper (Jane), birth, 1. Cosener (Mr.), 53. Coverts (Mr.), 17. Coweller (Mr.), 8. Cowly (Anthony), 55. Unfriendly to Dr. Dee, 32. Cracht, 24. Cradocke (Dr.), 13. Crane (Fr.), 2. Crocker (John), 33, 57, 58, 60. Crofts (Sir James), 11. Crofts (Lady Catherine), 8, 11. Crowne (Mr.), 53. Cumber (Mr.), 36. Cumberland (Countess of), 47, 53. Cunstable (Mary), supernatural fire, 7. Curtes (Mr.), 56. Cutcheth (William), 59.

Dale (Roger), 45. Dalton (Mr.), 34. Damport (Humphrey), 60, 63. Darant (Nurse), 8. David (Griffith), 57. Davis (Mr.), 63. Davis (Mrs.), 53. Davyes (Alise), 11. Davys (John), Reconciled to Dr. Dee, 6. Abuses Mr. Emery, 7. Conference with Dr. Dee about the North-west passage, 18, 19. Goes to Chelsea and Devonshire, 19. Day (Mr.), 51. Dee (Anthony), 37. Dee (Arnold), 52, 54, 60. Dee (Arthur), 14, 34, 39, 42, 46, 64. Born, 4. Christened, ib. Illness, 7. Weaned, 8. His fall, 16. Wounded with a razor, 28. Accidentally hurt, 38. Sent to Westminster school, 40. Accidentally hurt at fencing, 60. Dee (Aubrey), 55. Dee (Catherine), 34, 39, 42, 46, 57, 63, 64. Born, 11. Baptised, ib. Sent home, 12. Her nurse paid, 13. Illness, 16. Accidentally hurt, 30. Dee (Frances), 41, 43, 57. Born, 39. Dee (Jane), passim. Dee (Dr. John), passim. Situation of his house at Mortlake, 2. His chemical diary, 10. Dreams he is dead, 17. Goes abroad with his family, 21. Returns to England, 32. Installed warden of Manchester, 55. Dee (Madinia), 33, 34, 38, 39, 48, 56. Dee (Margaret), 56. Born, 53. Baptised, ib. Weaned, 55. Dee (Mary), 25. Dee (Michael), weaned, 21. Accidentally wounds his eye, 25. Ill with an ague, 27. Illness and death, 50. Dee (Nicholas), 25. Dee (Rowland), 20, 21, 64. Baptised, 18. Goes to nurse, 19. Falls into the Thames, 35. Dee (Theodore), born, 26. Baptised, ib. Weaned, 31. Accident, 35. His eyes sore, 48. Illness, ib. Denby (Elizabeth), 42. Deny (Anne), born, 33. Deny (Dr.), 10. Derby (Countess of), 55, 59. Derby (Earl of), 52, 53, 55, 56, 59. Dickenson (R.), 60. Digges (Thomas), Lends Dr. Dee some money, 43. Diggs (William), 39, Dionysiis (D. de), 17. Dodding (Dr.), 39. Drake (Sir Francis), 11. Ducket (Lady), 34. Ducket (Sir Lionel), 6, 20. Duerend (Mr.), 31. Dumbell (Mr.), 64. Dunstan, Book of, 25. Dutton (Laurence), 54. Dyer (Mr.), 6, 19, 26, 27, 28, 29, 33. Visits Dr. Dee, 2. Ambassador to Denmark, 32. Reconciled to Dr. Dee, 38. Dymmock (Mr.), 52.

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