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And 2 myle from Ebron is the grave of Lothe, that was Abrahames brother. And a lytille fro Ebron is the Mount of Mambre, of the whiche the yaleye takethe his name. And there is a tree of oke, that the Sarazines clepen dirpe, that is of Abrahames tyme, the whiche men clepen the drye tree. And thei seye, that it hathe ben there sithe the beginnynge of the world; and was sumtyme grene, and bare leves, unto the tyme that oure Lord dyede on the cros; and thanne it dryede; and so dyden alle trees, that weren thanne in the World. And summe seyn, be here prophecyes, that a Lord, a prynce of the west syde of the world shalle wynnen the lond of promyssioun, that is the Holy Lond, withe helpe of Cristene men; and he schalle do synge a masse undir that drye tree, and than the tree schalle wexen grene and bere bothe fruyt and leves. And thorghe that myracle manye Sarazines and Jewes schulle be turned to Cristene feythe. And therfore thei don gret worschipe thereto, and kepen it fulle besyly; And alle be it so, that it be drye, natheles zit he berethe gret vertue: for certeynly he that hathe a litille there of upon him, it helethe him of the fallynge evylle: and his hors schalle not ben a foundred: and manye othere vertues it hathe: where fore men holden it fulle precyous.
From Ebron, men gon to Bethelem, in half a day: for it is but 5 myle; and it is fulle fayre weye, be pleynes and wodes fulle deletable.
CAPVT. 13.
De ciuitate Bethleem, et semita vsque in Ierusalem.
Bethleem Ciuitas longa sed parua, firmata est vndique fossatis fortibus: cuius modo habitatores quasi omnos sunt Christiani. In illa ad orientem honesta, et placida habetur Ecclesia: (nescio an aliquam eiusdem quantitatis viderim placentiorem,) extrinsecus habens turres saltaturas, pinnacula, et propugnacula nobili artificio fabricata, et intrinsecus 44. de marmore decoro columnas. Ad principalis autem turris dextram in descensu 16. graduum, est diuersorij locus, vbi ex intacta et benedicta Virgine nascebatur Christus homo Deus. Hic locus est multum artificiose operatus marmore, et generose depictus auro et argento, varioque colore, cui prope ad tres passus est praesepe in quo reclinabatur natus Dominus, ibique videtur puteus quidam, in quo aliqui putare volunt cecidisse stellam ductricem trium Magorum, post eius peractum officium.
Est etiam ante praesepe Domini, tumba beati Interpretis Hieronymi, et extra Ecclesiam monstratur cathedra, in qua residere solebat. Sub clausura huius ecclesiae ad dextram, per 18. gradus apparet fossa, quae dicitur ossium innocentium causa Christi ab Herode impio occisorum. Hinc ad quingentos, vel citra pedes habetur alia Ecclesia nomine Sancti Nicholai, in quo scilicet loco, post recessum Magorum beata Virgo tempus sui puerperij obseruauit. [Sidenote: Taxat simplicitatem vulgi.] Ibique monstrantur rubra saxa albis respersa maculis, quod simpliciores narrant saxis euenisse de abundantia lactis virginis ab vberibus eiecti. In via Bethleem ab Helya miliario contra meridianam plagam iuxta viam quae ducit Ebron, Christiani de Bethleem colunt circa ciuitatem multam copiam vinearum, ad potum sub ipsorum. [Sidenote: Saraceni non bibunt vinum in manifesto.] Nam Sarraceni non colunt vineas, nec vina vendunt neque in manifesto bibunt, eo quod liber legis Mahomet, facit super hoc prohibitionem, et interpretatur maledictionem.
[Sidenote: Sanctae Charitatis.] De Bethleem in Austrum duabus leucis habetur claustrum Sanctae Charitatis, ibidem suo tempore Abbatissae. A Bethleem tendendo Ierusalem inuenitur ad dimidiam leucam Ecclesia, in cuius loco Angelus dixit pastoribus, Annuncio vobis gaudium magnum, quod natus est nobis Saluatur qui est Christus Dominus. Est et tumba Rachel Patriarchae, vbi etiam coaceruata iacent 12. saxa magna, quae quidam autumant illic tumulasse Iacob, eo quod Beniamin duodecimus sibi filius nascebatur ibidem. Sicque venitur in Sanctam Ciuitatem Ierusalem. [Sidenote: Bethel] Notandum, Bethel vicus est 12. ab Helya ad dextram euntibus Neapoli, quae primum Luza vocabatur. Sed ex eo tempore quo ibat ad Ieroboam, filium Nebat, vituli aurei fabricati sunt, et a decem tribubus adorata, vocata est Bethauen, id est, Domus Idoli, quae ante vocabatur Domus Dei. Ieronymus. Sed et Ecclesia aedificata est vbi dormiuit Iacob, pergens Mesopotamiam, vbi et ipsi loco Bethel, id est, domus Dei nomen imposuit.
CAPVT. 14.
De Ecclesia gloriosi Sepulchri Domini in vrbe Ierusalem.
Ierusalem cum tota terra prommissionis, est quasi vna de quinque prouincijs vel pluribus, quibus Regnum Syriae distinguitur. Iungitur autem Iudeae ad Orientem Regno Arabiae, ad meridiem Aegypto, ad Occidentem mari mago, et ad Aquilonem Rego Syriae. Iudeae terra per diuersa tempora a diuersis possessa fuit nationibus, Cananaeorum, Iudaeorum, Assyriorum, Persarum, Medorum, Macedonum, Graecorum, Romanorum, Christianorum, Sarracenorum, Barbarorum, Turcorum, and Tartarurum. Cuius rei causa merito potest aestimari, quod non sustinuit Deus magnos peccatores longo tempore permanere in terra sibi tam placita, et tam sancta.
[Sidenote: Templum Sepulchri.] Itaque perigrinus veniens in Ierusalem primo expleat suam peregrinationem, ad reuerendum et sacrosanctum Domini nostri Iesu Christi sepulchrum: cuius Ecclesia est in vltima ciuitatis extremitate, ad partem aquilonarem, cum proprio sui ambitus muro ipsi ciuitati adiuncto. Ipsa vero Ecclesia est pulchra et rotundae formae cooperta desuper cum tegulis plumbeis, habens in Occidente turrim altam et firmam, in pauimenti Ecclesiae medio ad figuram dimidij compassi habetur nobili opere Latonico aedificatum paruum Tabernaculum quasi 15. pedum tam longitudinis quam latitudinis, et altitudinis miro artificio intus extraque compositum, ac multum diligenter diuersis coloribus ornatum. Hoc itaque in Tabernaculo seu Capella, ad latus dextrum, continetur incomparabilis thesaurus gloriosissimi sepulchri, habentis octo pedes longitudinis, et quinque latitudinis. Et quoniam in toto habitaculo nulla est apertura praeter paruum ostium, illustratur accedentibus peregrinis pluribus lampadibus, (quarum ad minus vna coram sepulchro iugiter ardere solet) ingressus.
[Sidenote: Melech Mandybron Soldanus.] Sciendum, quod ante breue tempus solebat sepulchrum esse ingressis peregrinis accessibile, ad tangendum et osculandum, sed quia multi vel effringebant, vel conabantur sibi effringere aliquid de petra sepulchri, iste Soldanus Melech Mahdybron fecit illud confabricari, vt nec osculari valeat, nec adiri, sed tantummodo intueri, Et ob illam causam in sinistro pariete in altitudine quinque pedum immurari effracturam petrae sepulchri ad quantitatem capitis humani, quod tanquam pro sepulchro ibi ab omnibus veneratur, tangitur, et osculatur.
Dicitur ibi quoque communiter praefatam lampadem coram sepulchro singulis annis in die Sanctae Parascheues, hora nona extingui, et in media nocte Paschae sine humano studio reaccendi. [Sidenote: Mandeuillus de hoc dubitat.] Quod (si ita est) euidens diuini beneficii miraculum est. Et quamis id plurimi Christiani simpliciter in magno pietatis merito credant, plerisque tamen est in suspicione. Forte talia Sarraceni custodes sepulchre fingentes diuulgauerunt, pro augendo emolumenta tributi, quod inde resultaret, seu oblationum quae dantur.
Singulis autem annis in die coenae Domini in Parascheue, et in vigilia Paschae, tribus his diebus manet Tabernaculum hoc apertum continue, et patet omnibus Christianis gentibus accessus, alias vero non per annum sine redditione tributi. Intra Ecclesiam, prope parietem dextrum, est Caluariae locus, vbi crucifixus pependit Christus Dominus. [Sidenote: Tumba Godefridi de Bollion.] Per gradus ascenditur in hunc locum, et est rupis velut albi coloris, cum aliqua rubedine per loca commixta, habens scissuram, quam dicunt Golgotha, in qua maior pars preciosi sanguinis Christi dicitur influxisse: vbi et habetur altare constructum, ante quod consistunt tumbae Godefridi de Bullion, et aliorum Regum Christianorum, qui circa annum incarnationis Domini, 1100. debellauerunt et obtinuerunt sanctam vrbem cum tota patria ex manibus Sarracenorum, et per hoc conquisierunt sibi magnum nomen, vsque in finem saeculi duraturum. [Sidenote: Psal. 74. 12.] Prope ipsius crucifixionis locum continetur literis. Graecis hoc scriptum: [Greek: ho theos basileus haemon pro aionos eirgasato sotaerian en mesoi taes gaes]. hoc est dicere, Deus Rex noster ante secula operatus est salutem in medio terrae. Item directe in loco, vbi crux sancta stetit cum Christo rupi infixa, habetur hoc exaratum in saxo rupis: [Greek: ho horais esi basis taes piseos ton kosmon], hoc est, quod vides fundamentum est fidei mundi.
[Sidenote: Iterum taxit ignorantiam vulge. Regina Helena Anglia.] Haud remote ab hoc Caluariae monte, habetur et aliud altare, vbi iacet columna flagellationis Domini, cui stant de propinque et ali coaelumnae quatuor de Marmore aquam iugiter resundantes, et (secundum opinionem simplicium) passionem innocentem Christie deflentes. Est sub isto altari crypta, 42. granduum profunda, vbi sancta Helena Regina reperit tres cruces, videlicet Christi, et latronum cum eo crucifixorum, ac etiam clauos crucis Domini in cryptae pariete.
In medio autem chori huius Ecciesiae, est locus pauimenti stratus mire et pulchre, ad integram compassi figuram vbi depositum corpus Christi de cruce Ioseph ab Aramathia cum suis adiutoribus lauit et condiuit aromatibus. Item infra Ecclesiam a septentrionali parte ostenditur locus, vbi Christus Magdalenae apparuit post suam resurrectionem, quando eum credidit hortulanum.
[Sidenote: Indorum Capella sive subditorum praesbiteri Ioannis.] A dextro autem latere ad ingressum Ecclesiae, habentur gradus 18. sub quibus est Capella Indorum, vbi soli peregrini de India per sacerdotes suos cantant iuxta ritum suum Missas, celebrantque diuina. Missam faciunt quidem breuissimam, conficientes in principio verbis debitis sacramentum corporis et sanguinis Christi de pane et vino, ac postea paucis orationibus additis, totum oratione Dominica concludunt officium. Hoc autem verum est, quod cum maxima attentione, reuerentia, humilitate et deuotione se gerunt et continent diuinis.
[Sidenote: An Ierusalem sit in medio mundi.] Porro illud, quod quidam peruulgauerunt, aut opinati sunt, Iudaeam aut Ierusalem, vel Ecclesiam istam consistere in medio totius mundi, propter praedictam scripturam, (in medio terrae) hoc intelligi non potest localiter ad mensuram corporis terrae: Nam si ad terrae latitudinem, quam aestimant inter duos polos, respiciamus, certum est Iudaeam non esse in medio, quod tunc esset sub circulo aequatoris, et esset ibi semper aequinoctium, et vtrumque polorum staret iis in horizonte. Quod vtique non est ita, quod existentibus in Iudaea eleuatur multum polus arcticus.
Rursus si ad terrae longitudinem spectemus, quae aestimari potest a Paradiso terrestri, scilicet a digniori et latiori terrae loco, versus eius Nadir, scilicet versus locum sibi in Sphaera terrae oppositum, tunc Iudaea esset ad Antipodes paradisi, quod apparet ita non esse, quod tunc esset viatori de Iudaea ad Paradisum tendentis aequa itineris mensura, siue tenderet versus Orientem, siue versus Occidentem. Sed hoc non est verisimile nec verum, sicut probatum constat per experientiam multorum. Mihi autem videtur, quod praefata Prophetae scriptura, potest exponi, in medio terrae, id est, circa medium nostri habitabilis, videlicet vt Iudaea sit circa medium inter Paradisum et Antipodes Paradisi, distans tantum ab ipso Paradiso in oriente 96. gradibus, prout ego ipse per viam orientalem tentaui; quanquam de hoc non videtur de facili plena certitudo haberi; eo quod in longitudine coeli nullae stellae manent immobiles, sicut in latitudine manent poli semper fixi. Vel potest ita exponi, quod Dauid qui erat Rex Iudaea, dixit in medio terrae, hoc est, in principali ciuitate terrae suae Ierusalem, quae erat ciuitas regalis, siue sacerdotalis terrae Iudeae: vel forte spiritus sanctus, qui loquebatur per os prophetae in hoc verbo vult intelligi non corporeum aut locale, sed totum spirituale, de quo intuitu nihil ad praesens est scribendum,
CAPVT. 15.
De tribus alijs Ecclesijs, et specialiter de templo Domini.
Vltra duo stadia ab Ecclesia ad Meridiem sancti sepulchri habetur magnum hospitale sancti Ioannis Hierosolymitani, qui caput et fundamentum esse dignoscitur ordinis hospitaliorum modo tententium Rhodum insulam: in quo recipi possunt omnes Christiani perigrini cuiuscunque sint conditionis, seu status, vel dignitatis. Nam Sarraceni pro leui cura anxij rumoris, prohibent ne apud quenquam suorum Christianus pernoctet. Ad sustentationem aedificij huius hospitalis, habentur in eo 124. columnae marmoreae, et in parietibus distincti 54. pilarij. Satis prope hunc locum in orientem, est Ecclesia quae dicitur, de Domina nostra magna: et inde non remote alia, quae dicitur nostrae Dominae latinorum, aedificata super locum, vbi Maria Magdalene, et Maria Cleophae cum alijs pluribus, dum Christus cruci affigebatur, flebant et dolores lamentabiles exercebant.
Item ab Ecclesia Sancti Sepulchri in orientem ad stadium cum dimidio habetur aedificium mirabile, ac pulchrum valde, quod templum Domini nominatur, quod constructum est in forma rotunda, cuius circumferentiae diameter habet 64 cubitos, et altitudo eius 126, et intrinsecus pro sustentatione aedificij, multi pilarij. In medio autem templi est locus altior 14. gradibus, qui et ipse columnis vndique est stipatus: et secundum quatuor mundi plagas habet templum quatuor introitus per portas Cypressinas artificiose compositas, nobiliterque sculptas, et excisas. Et ante portam aquilonarem intra templum fontem aquae mundae, qui quamuis olim exundabat, tamen nunc minime fluit. In toto circuitu aedificij extrinsecus est valde pro atrio latum spacium loci, stratum per totum pauimentum marmoribus. Hoc templum non ducitur stare in eodem loco vbi templum Dei stetit in tempore Christi, quo post resurrectionem a Romanis destructo, istud longo post tempore Adrianus Imperator extruxit, sed non ad formam templi prioris: praedictum tamen excelsum in medio templi locum vocant Iudaei sanctum sanctorum.
Sciatis itaque quod Sarraceni magnam exhibent huic templo reuerentiam, et honorem saepius illud discalceati intrantes, et positis genibus deuote Deum omnipotentem exorantes, nulla enim ibidem habetur imago, sed multae lampades relucentes. [Sidenote: Literae Soldani traditae Mandiuillo.] Neminem Christianorum seu Iudaeorum ingredi sinun, templum, reputantes eos indignos ad hoc, et nimium immundos, vnde nisi virtute literarum quas habui a Soldano, nec ego fuissem ingressus. Ingrediens autem cum meis sodalibus deposuimus calciamenta, recogitantes cum multa cordis deuotione, nos magis id facere debere, quam incredulos Sarrcenos.
Et vere merito est iste locus in magna reuerentia habendus: dum enim Rex Salomon primum in illo templo per Dei iussionem, et Dauidis patris sui commissionem aedificasset, exorauit praesente cuncto populo Israel, vt quicunque illic Deum pro iusta causa rogaret audiretur; et Dominus monstrauit exauditionis signum per nebulam de coelo emissam, prout narrat historia veritatis 3. Regum libro.
Porro in eo loco vbi statuerat idem Rex ante templum altare holocausti, videlicet extra portam templi occidentalem, habetur et nunc altare, sed non ad instar, nec ad vsum primi: Nam Saraceni, quasi nihil curantes, traxerunt in eo lineos tanquam in astrolabio figentes in linearum centro batellum, ad cuius vmbram per lineas discernuntur diei horae.
Etiam in hac atrij parte apparent adhuc vestigia portae speciosae, vbi Petrus Apostolus, cum Euangelista Ioanne dixit contracto, In nomine Christi Iesu Nazareni surge, et statim consolidabantur illi plantae.
CAPVT. 16.
De pluribus locis sacris iuxta vrbem.
[Sidenote: Templarij a templo Salomonis dicti.] Viaturo ad dextram satis de propinquo habetur et alia Ecclesia, quae nunc appellatur schola Salomonis: rursusque ad Meridiem est et aliud templum siue Ecclesia, quae vocatur Templum Salomonis, quod olim fuit caput, et fundamentum totius ordinis Templariorum.
[Sidenote: Regina Helena Angla.] A claustro huius templi extrinsecus in Aquilonem habetur decora Ecclesia beatae Annae, in cuius loco creditur virgo Maria in eiusdem matris suae vtero fuisse genita, et concepta, parentunque illius, scilicet, Ioachim et Annae, tumba saxea monstratur in descensu Ecclesiae, per 22. gradus, vbi et adhuc patris eius ossa putantur quiescere, sublato inde per reginam Helenam korpore sanctae Annae, et recondito (vt praedictum est) in Ecclesia Constantinopoli sanctae Sophiae.
[Sidenote: Probatica piscina.] Est et intra hanc Ecclesiam probatica piscina, vbi quondam post motionem Angeli, omnes accedentes primi, a quocunque languore sanabantur infirmi, quae tamen nunc temporis ita neglecta iacet, et deformata, vt videtur immunda cistrina. Habetur et ante Ecclesiam arbor grandis, et antiqua, de qua nonnulli fabulantur, quod ad beatae Mariae natiuitatem principium accepit, et ortum.
[Sidenote: Mons Sion.] Mons Sion est excelsior locus in vrbe ad cuius radicem, est castrum spectabile constructum per aliquem Soldanorum. In montis autem cacumine videntur multae sepulturae regum Indeae, videlicet Dauid, Salomonis, et quorundam de successoribus suis. Ad introitum montis habetur capella, et in illa lapis monumenti quem Ioseph de Arimathea obuoluit ad ostium sepulchri est valde magnus, et est ibidem aliqua pars columnae flagellationis, ac pars mensae super quam Dominus vltimo caenauit cum Apostolis, et instituit noui Testamenti sacramentum sui venerandi corporis, et sanguinis. Sub hac capella ad aliquos gradus monstratur locus eiusdem caenationis, videlicet caernaculi magni, et in eo vas, aquarum, in quo Christus lauabat pedes Apostolorum: iuxta quod vas a Gamaliele, et alijs viris timoratis primus sepultus fuit protomartyr Stephanus.
In eo quoque loco intrauit post resurrectionem suam Dominus ianuis clausis ad discipulos dicens pax vobis, et agens alia, quae plenius Euangelica pandit Historia, ac tandem in die Pentecostes ijsdem spiritum sanctum in linguis igneis misit ibidem. Ab hoc monte Sion versus ciuitatem habetur Ecclesia dedicata sancto saluatori, in quo nunc dicuntur seruari ossa S. Stephani supradicti, et sinistrum brachium S. Ioannis Chrisostomi, cuius corpus vt dictum est requiescit Constantinopoli.
Item ab hoc monte versus Austrum ab opposito plateae, est pulchra Ecclesia nostrae Dominae, in cuius loco diu morabatur post ascensionem filij sui, quamius pro parte eiusdem temporis in valle Iosaphat manserit: nam in ista defungebatur, et in illo ab Apostolis honorifice sepulta fuit. [Sidenote: Natatoria Siloe.] Itemque ab hoc monte in vico eundi versus vallem Iosaphat inuenitur fons aquae dictus Natatoria Siloe, vbi caecus natus a Christo missus lauabat oculos, et regressus est videns. Et dicunt quidam ibidem sepultrum Isaiam Prophetam.
Porro mons olim dictus Moria de quo loquitur Scriptura sacra est rupis haud longe a supradicto templo Domini in ipsius meredie, in cuius rupis loco excelso velut emenenti sed edito Dominus noster Iesus Christus frequenter instruebat suos discipulos, et populos, magnaque miracula exhibebat, atque deprehensae mulieri in adulterio omnia peccata dimittebat. [Sidenote: Iohan. 8.]
Ab opposito autem praedicti fontis natatorij habetur imago lapidea, rudi et vetusto opere sculpta, deformiterque detrita, quae manus Absalon nuncupatur, cuius ratio lib. 2. Regum monstratur. Vbi de prope vidi Arborem Sambucum, ad quam vel citra cuius locum (vt dicitur) Iudas traditor per se suspensus crepuit medius, et diffusa sunt viscera eius.
Praeterea a monte Sion versus Meridiem vltra vallem ad iactum lapidis est locus Aceldema, in quo emptus ager 30. denarijs proditionis est, Et in quo sunt plures sepulturae peregrinorom, et vestigia cellularum, de quondam illic commorantibus Heremitis.
CAPVT. 17.
De sacris locis extra muros Ciuitatis.
[Sidenote: Vallis Iosaphat.] Extra muros ciuitatis Ierusalem ad plagam orientalem, est vallis Iosaphat contigua, ac si esset fossata muris ipsius ciuitatis, et Ecclesia vbi sanctus Stephanus lapidabatur, et obdormiuit in Domino. Hinc non longe est porta ciuitatis, quae dicitur aurea, quae nunc semper obfirmata seruatur. Per hanc intrauit Christus sedens asino, et adhuc ostenditur rupis seruare vestigia animalis in tribus aut pluribus sui locis. [Sidenote: Mons Oliuarum. Torrens Cedron.] Statim vltra vallem Iosaphat aspicitur mons Oliueti, sic dictus a pluribus, quia ibi sunt oliuarum Arbores. In planicie huius vallis decurrit riuulus dictus torrens Cedron, secus quem habetur pulchra, et honorificata Ecclesia sacrosanctae sepulturae beatae, et gloriosae matris Christi: descenditur autem in Ecclesiam per gradus 44. quod extrinsecus est vallis inculta per fluxum fortasse torrentis, seu per alios euentus propter Antiquitatem temporis. Ibique monstratur sepulchrum eius vacuum. Habentur iuxta sepulchrum duo altaria, sub vno est fons Aquae quae putatur exire de vno Paradisi flumine.
Satis prope ab hac Ecclesia ad rupem Gethsemane habetur capella, vbi scilicet Iudaeis traditus fuit Christus a Iuda. In ipsa quoque rupe ostendebatur mihi figura impressae manus ad digitorum extensionem, quo artificiosius humanano studio sculpi non posset, quam referunt Christum sua venerabili manu inclinando ad rupem efficisse dum Iudaei impuras manus ad capiendum iniecerunt in eum. Hic ad iactum lapidis in meridie orauit ['oraiit' in source text—KTH] ad suum patrem, et pro vehementi orationis intentione sanguineum exudauit sudorem: atque ibi non remote videtur tumba regis Iudeae Iosaphat, a quo et vallis sibi nomen assumpsit: et credimus in hanc vallem Christum venturum ad nouissimum, et generalissimum iudicium, vbi (Iohele propheta testante) disceptabit de omni actione mortalium. [Sidenote: S. Iacobi sepultura.] Ad tractum sagittae de hac tumba, est Ecclesia vbi sanctus Iacobus maior Apostolus primo post martyrium fuit sepultus, cuius modo sacrata ossa venerantur Compostellae in Galizia.
Vltra vallem in supremo montes Oliueti apice discipulus cernentibus, Dominus noster Iesus Christus eleuatis manibus ascendit in coelum, et super eundem locum digna habetur Ecclesia, in qua eiusdem Ascensione tale seruatur in rupe pauimenti indicium, quod sinistri pedis Christi videtur vltimum vestigium.
Hinc satis prope habetur et capella medio montis, vbi Christus sedens praedicauit octo beatitudines, vbi et creditur docuisse discipulos orationem Dominicam, scilicet, Pater noster, &c. Ab eo quoque loco non distat multum Ecclesia beatae Maaiae Aegyptiacae, in qua et eius tumba videtur: et haud procul inde est vicus Bethphage, vbi Christus misit ante passionis suae tempus duos de discipulis pro asina et pullo eius. In cliuo vero huius montis Oliueti versus ciuitatem, monstratur locus, de quo videns Dominus Ierusalem, fleuit super illam, dicens, quod si cognouisses et tu, &c. [Sidenote: Bethania.] Atque vltra montem in discensu eius in orientem est villa siue castellum Bethaniae, distans quasi ad leucam ab vrbe vbi in domo cuiusdam Symonis inuitatu Christus condonauit omnia peccata Mariae Magdalenae. Et in ipso castello, quod erat sororis Marthae, et Mariae rescuscitauit fratrem earum Lazarum quatriduanum mortuum.
[Sidenote: Ierico.] De Bethania in Ierico sunt 5. leucae, quae quondam fuit ciuitas speciosa sed iam est villa modica: ibi Diues Zacchaeus ascendit in arborem Sycomorum, vt videret transeuntem Dominum, et restituens fraudata quadraplum, obtinuit peccatorum remissionem omnium.
Item de Bethania ad flumen Iordanis est iter fere octo leucarum, per montes, ac valles deuios, et desertos. [Sidenote: Christiani Georgici.] Porro de Bethania in orientem ad 6 leucas venitur in montem magnum, vbi Christus expleto 40. dierum, ac noctium ieiunio temptatus est a diabolo, fuitque in eodem loco quandoque Ecclesia, sed modo habetur ibi quasi coenobium quorundam Christianorum, qui Georgici vocantur. Sciendum enim est, quod vbique intra terram Saracenorum, et similiter multorum Paganorum inueniuntur Christiani dispersi, habitantes sub tributo, qui licet sint baptizati omnes, et beatissimam Trinitatem credentes, diuersificantur tamen nominibus, moribus, ritibus, fide, et opinionibus: ita vt semper vel in multis vel in aliquibus dissentiant a Romanae Ecclesiae consuetudinibus.
[Sidenote: Iacobitae. Syrij. Georgica. Cordelarij. Indi. Nubij. Nestorini. Arriani.] Aliqui namque eorum dicuntur Christiani Iacobitae: hij errant circa peccatorum remissionem, dicentes, non debere confiteri homini sed soli Deo. Alij Syrij, Isti in fermentato pane conficiunt Sacramentum altaris ritu Graecorum. Alij Indi, Nubij, Nestorini, et Arriani. Praefatus autem mons magnus, vocatur hortus Abrahae, ex eo quod Abraham patriarcha ibi dicitur commoratus, et currit prope montem riuulus, in cuius aqua vel fonte Deus sal per Helizeum prophetam mitti iussit, vt sanaretur sterilitas, id est, amaritudo aquae. Nec distat hic mons a Ierico vltra grandem leucam.
CAPVT. 18.
De notabilibus alijs locis, et mari mortuo.
Rursum de ciuitate sanctae Ierusalem versus Occidentem itinere leucae, habetur pulchra satis Ecclesia, in loco vbi dicitur creuisse arbor crucis salutiferae. Arbor excelsa, digno stipite sacra Christi membra tangere. [Sidenote: Nota.] Tenetur istud quidem pro certa veritate: nam et hoc satis testatur constructio tantae, et talis Ecclesiae, quamuis multa aliena, et incerta scripta de crucis arbore ferantur per orbem. Hinc ad duas leucas est et alia Ecclesia, vbi obuiauerunt sibi Maria virgo, et Elizabeth eius cognata, et ad saluationem Mariae Christi baiulae exultauit Iohannes in vtero Elisabeth grauidae.
[Sidenote: Emaus Castellum.] De isto quoque ad leucam est Emaus castellum, distans in spacio stadiorum 60. ab Ierusalem, vbi discipuli in coena die resurrectionis Domini cognouerant eum in fractione panis. [Sidenote: Cosdrus Imperator.] Porro ab Ierusalem ad alium exitum, ad duo stadia videtur spelunca grandis de qua dicitur quod tempore Cosdri Imperatoris Persarum, fuerunt circa Ierusalem 12. mille martyrum occissi, quorum, omnium corpora leo habitans in spelunca congregauit ibidem voluntate diuina, tanquam pro singulorum sepultura obsequiosa.
[Sidenote: Mons Exultationis.] Item ab vrbi ad leucas duas habetur in monte tumba sepulturae sancti Samuelis prophetae, qui mons nunc vocatur exultationis vel laeticiae, eo quod peregrinis ab illa parte intrantibus reddit primum sanctae ciuitatis aspectum. Ab oppido autem Ierico in 30. stadiorum spacio venitur ad Iordauis fluuij locum, vbi beatus Iohannes Baptista Christum sacri baptismatis merebatur tingere lymphis. Et in cuius reuerendi mysterij venerationem habetur ad dimidiam leucam a fluuio aedificium honestae Ecclesiae consecratum in nomine eiusdem venerabilis baptistae ministri. Ab hac Ecclesia de prope vidi domum de qua patiebar mihi narrari, quod in eodem loco olim fuerit Ieremiae sancti habitatio prophetae.
[Sidenote: Iordanis descriptio.] Notandum est. Iordanis fluuius quamuis grandis non sit, bonorum tamen piscium copiam nutrit, ortum accipiens sub monte Libanon ex duobus fontibus, scilicet Ior, et Dan, quae nomina simul mixta nomen Iordanis efficiunt. Decurrit autem per quendam locum dictum Maron, ac secus stagnum quod diciter Mare Tyberiadis, ac subter montes Gylboe per amoenissima loca, atque in subterraneis meatibus per longum spacium se occultans tandem exit in planitie, quae dicitur Meldam, id est, forum, quod certis temporibus ibi Nundinae exercentur, et ad extremum se iactat in mare mortuum.
[Sidenote: Mare mortuum.] Hoc stagnum quod vocatur mare mortuum habet longitudinis 600. fere stadia, et latitudinis 150. et appropinquat aliqua pars huius maris ad quatuor leucas prope Ierico, videlicet ad latus camporum Engadi, ex quibus (vt supra dictum est) eradicatae fuerunt abores Balsami, quae modo sunt in agro Cayr AEgypti. [Sidenote: Nota.] Istud mare dicitur mortuum.
[Sidenote: Cur mare mortuum dicatur.] Primo quidem quod non viuide currit, sed est quasi lacus.
Secundo quod amara est eius aqua, et foetidum reddit odorem. Tertio quod propter eius amaritudinem terra adiacens littori nil viride profert.
Quarto (prout dicitur) si cadat in ea bestia, vel aliud quid viuens, vix poterit plene mori siue submergi in octo diebus, nec nutrit in se pisces aut quid simile.
Littora quoque sua variant quam saepe colorem, et sine vlla agitatione ventorum eijcit in quibusdam locis se aqua, extra proprios terminos. Per huiusmodi aquam dicitur Deus pro indicibili vitio Pentapolim submersisse, Sodomam, Gomorram, Adamam, Seboim, et Segor.
Quidam vocant hoc mare lacum Asphaltidis, alij fluuium Daemonum, aut flumen Putre. Quod autem olim propheta interpretans dixit, montes Gilboe, nec ros nec pluuia veniat super vos, magis spiritualiter quam literaliter videtur intelligendum. [Sidenote: Nota.] Nam ibi crescunt altissimi cedri, et arbores poma ferentes, ad capitis quantitatem humani, ex quibus valde saporosus fit potus.
Mare istud mortuum determinat fines terrae promissionis, et Arabiae. Ideoque vltra ipsum mare condidit quondam, vnus successorum Godfridi de Bollion forte et spectabile castrum, ponens illic copiosam Christianorum militiam ad terram promissionis custodiendum. Nunc vero, temporis, est Soldani, et appellatur Caruth, id est mons Regalis. Sub hoc monte est villa dicta Sobal: habitat in illis partibus magna Christianorum multitudo.
CAPVT. 19.
De Nazareth, et Samaria.
Nazareth in prouincia Galileae in qua nutritus, et de qua cognominatus est Dominus vniuersorum, distans ab Hierosolymis ad tres circiter dietas, erat quondam ciuitas, quae nunc est dispersa, et rara domorum, quod vix villae sibi competit nomen: et in loco Annunciationis, vbi Angelus ad Mariam dixit, Aue gratia plena, Dominus tecum, habebatur olim bona Ecclesia, pro qua paruum Saraceni restituerunt habitaculum, in colligendas peregrinorum offerendas.
A Nazareth redeundo per terrain Galileae, transitur per Ramathaym Sophim, vbi nascebatur fidelis Samuel propheta Domini, et per Sylo, vbi locus orationis erat antequam in Ierusalem: et per Sichem magnae vbertatis vallem, itur in prouinciam Samariae, vbi habetur et bona ciuitas nunc dicta Neapolts, distans, a sancta vrbe spacio solius dietae, ac per fontem Iacob, super quem Iesus fatigatus ab itinere colloquebatur Samaritonae, vbi et apparet ruina destructae Ecciesiae quondam illic habitae. Et est ibi villa adhuc vocata Sychem, et in eo est mausoleum Ioseph patriarchae filij Iacob: ad cuius ossa visitanda sub deuotione non minus peregrini Iudaei adueniunt, quam Christiani.
[Sidenote: Samaria nunc Sebaste.] Hinc satis prope est mons Garizin cum vetusto templo orationis Samaritanorum: ex tunc intratur Samaria quae modo appellatur Sebaste, et est illius principalis ciuitas pronunciae. In qua fuit primum terrae mandatum corpus beati Ioannis Baptistae inter sacra corpora Helizaei, et Abdiae Prophetarum, vt quorum assimilibatur virtutibus in vita, corporibus iungeretur in sepultura. Haec quoque distat ab Hierosolymis: fortassis a dietas.
[Sidenote: Nota.] Habetur et alius puteus aut fons intra illa montana, quem plerique similiter fontem Iacob appellant, cuius aqua secundum quatuor anni tempora variatur a suo colore, vt sit quandoque clara, quandoque turbida, nunc viridis, et nunc rubra. [Sidenote: Ogerus Dux Danus.] Certum est autem tempore Apostolorum cum Samaria recepisset verbum Dei, illos fuisse conuersos, et baptizatos, in nomine Domini Iesu, et tamen postea per quendam Caliphorum peruersos, Ogerus dux Danorum per Templariorum virtutem rursum subiugauit Christianitati: sicque post plures euentus, et variationes, illi qui nunc sunt Samaritae, finxerunt sibi haeresim propriam, et ritum ab omnibus nationibus singularem.
[Sidenote: Tegumenti capitis differentia.] Fatentur autem se credere in Deum, qui cuncta creauit: recipiuntque pentateucum scripturae, cum Psalterio Dauidis, acerrime contendentes, se solos dilectissimos Dei filios qui etiam pro nobili differentia inuoluunt capita linteo rubeo, Saraceni autem albo, Indi croceo, et Christiani ibi manentes Indico, hoc est, aereo, seu hiacynthino.
Porro a Nazareth quatuor leucis, est ciuitas olim dicta Naym, in 2. milario Thahor montis contra Meridiem iuxta Endor. Ieronimus. Ante cuius portam resuscitauit Christus defunctum filium vnicum matris suae, praesentibus duabus turmis hominum copiosorum. Hinc quoque ad leucas duas, est ciuitas Israel, vbi olim morabatur pessima regina Iezabel, quam Dei iudicio equorum vngulis conculcatam, canes fere vsque ad caluariam comederunt.
CAPVT. 20.
De territorio Gallileae, et Samariae, et de villa Sardenay.
Item a Nazareth ad leucae dimidum, monstrantur in rupe vestigia pedum, quae dicuntur esse Domini nostri Iesu Christi vbi de manibus Iudaeorum, ipsum de alta rupe praecipitare volentium desiluit in istam. De quo saltu quidam intelligunt illud scriptum Euangelicum, Iesus autem transiens per medium illorum ibat.
Ad quatuor autem leucas de Nazareth, est Cana Galileae, vbi Christus ad vrbanas matris preces, mutauit vndam in vinum optimum.
[Sidenote: Mons Thabor.] Ad distantiam quatuor leucarum a Nazareth, venitur in Thabor, montem spectabilem, vbi transfigurabatur Christus, coram quibusdam suis Apostolis, apparentibus ibidem, Mose, et Helia, prophetis, voceque dilapsa a magnifica Patris gloria, et videbatur Petro bonum ibi esse: quondam in hoc monte habebatur ciuitas, cum pluribus Ecclesijs; quarum nunc sola restant vestigia, excepto quod ille locus transfigurationis est inhabitatus, qui est Schola Dei nominatus. [Sidenote: Obserueretur.] Notandum. Thabor est in medio Galileae, campus mira iucunditate sublimis, distans a Diotesaria 3. milliaribus contra Orientem.
Item de Nazareth in tres leucas est villa, seu castrum Zaffara, de quo recolo me supradixisse capite 4. Et inde venitur in Mare Galileae, quod quamuis dicatur mare, est lacus aquae dulcis longus.
[Sidenote: Mare Tyberiadis.] Vltra centum 60. forsitan stadia est lacus, bonorum piscium ferax et vber, qui etiam in alio loco sui vocatur mare Tyberiadis, et in alia mare Genezareth, varians sibi nomen, secundum ciuitas, et terras, propinquas. Circa hoc mare Christus frequenter, et libenter ambulasse videtur: hic vocauit ad sui discipulatum, Petrum, et Andream, Iacobum, et Ioannem: hic super vndam siccis ambulabat vestigijs, et praecipitem Petrum filium tentantem, verbo increpationis releuat ne mergatur, hic denique rediuiuus a morte repleuit discipulorum rete magnis piscibus 153.
Item in ciuitate Tiberiade, quae est prope hoc mare habetur in veneratione mensa illius coenae, quam in Emaus castello Christus caenauit, cum ab oculis commensalium euanuit. Hic de prope monstratur mons ille fertilis, mons ille pinguis, in quo de paucis panibus, et de paucioribus piscibus iussu Christi fuerunt saturati, quinque millia hominum.
Ad initium autem praedicti maris iuxta villam Capernaum habetur fortius castrum totius terrae promissionis, in quo dicitur nata fuisse sancta Anna mater virginis Mariae.
[Sidenote: Damascus.] Praedictis itaque Christi vestigijs, et terrae sanctae locis a peregrino cum deuotione cordis et reuerentia debita visitatis, si desiderat reuerti, posit illud facere per Damascum; quae est ciuitas longa, nobilis, et grandis, ac plena omnium rerum mercimonijs, cum tamen distat a portu maris tribus plene dietis, per quod spacium itineris, cuncta traijciuntur a suis equis, Dromedarijs, et Camelis: et putatur a plerisque narrantibus fundata in loco vbi Cain protoplaustorum filius Abel fratrem suum occidit.
A Damasco de propinquo est mons Seyr, ciuitas grandis firmata duplicibus muris ac populosa nimis, in qua sunt multi in arte Physica famosi professi. Item a Damasco haud remote distat castrum satis munitum, et firmum, quod Derces est nominatum. Habent autem in illis, et vlterioribus partibus hunc vsum: si quando castrum ab hostibus fuerit sic obsessum, quod Dominus eius non possit emittere nuncium amico suo remote moranti, recipit columbam olim in castro, vel domo amici natam, vel educatam, quam hic sibi per certam prouisionem allatam detinuit incaueatam, et scriptas quas vult literas alligans collo columbae, dimittit liberam volare, quae protinus festinat ad focum propriae natiuitatis. Sicque videtur cognosci in illo castro quid agatur in isto.
[Sidenote: Villa Sardenay.] Caeterum peregrinus a Damasco reuertendo, in quinque leucis venit Sardenay, quae est villa in alta rupe, cum multis Ecclesijs religiosorum Monachorum, et sanctarum monialium fidei Christianae. In quarum vna coram maiori altari in tabula lignea erat olim imago beatissimae virginis Mariae non sculpta sed depicta in plano spacio. Ex hoc reditur per valles Bokar fertiles et pro pascendis pecorum gregibus exuberantes: et intratur in montana vbi copiositas est fontium qui effluunt impetu de Libano. Ibique decurrit fluuius Sabbatayr, sic dictus quod diebus Sabbatis euidenter rapidius transit, quam alijs sex diebus.
Peruenitur hinc ad satis altum montem, prope Tripolim ciuitatem, in qua ad praesens plures Christiani Catholicae fidei habitant iugo infidelium nimis oppressi. [Sidenote: Sur, vel Tyrus.] Ex hoc loco sibi deliberet peregrinus, quem sibi maris portum accipiat ad repatriandum, videlicet Beruth, an Sur vel Tyrum.
Postremo sciendum, quod terra promissionis in totali longitudine sui a Dan qui est sub Libano vsque ad Berseba in Austrum continet circiter centum, et 80. leucas Lombardicas, et ab Hierico in totali latitudine circiter 60. Notandum, Dan est viculus in quarto a Pennea de Miliario euntibus, contra Septentrionem: vsque hodie sic vocatur terminus Iudeae, contra Septentrionem est etiam et fons Ior, de quo et Iordanis fluuius erumpens alterum sortitus nomen Ior. Termini Iudeae terrae a Bersabe incipiunt vsque ad Dan, qui vsque Peneaden terminatur, Ieronimus.
CAPVT. 21.
De secta detestabili Saracenorum et eorum fide.
[Sidenote: Diligentia Mandevillu.] Iam restat vt de secta Saracenorum aliquid scribam vel compendiose, secundum quod cum ijs frequenter, colloquendo audiui, et liber Mahometi, quem Alcaron, vel Mesahaf, vel Harme vocant, ijs praecipit, sicut illum saepe inspexi, et studiose perlegi.
[Sidenote: Fides Saracenorum.] Credunt itaque Saraceni in Deum creatorem coeli et terrae, qui fecit omnia in ijs contenta, et sine quo nihil est factum. Et expectant diem nouissimum iudicij, in quo mali cum corpore et anima descensuri sunt in infernum perpetuo cruciandi, et boni equidem cum anima et corpore intraturi Paradisum foelicitatis aeternae. Et haec quidem fides poene inest omnium mortalium nationibus, lingua et ratione vtentibus. Verumtamen de qualitate Paradisi est magna diuersitas inter credentes.
Nam et Saraceni et Pagani, et omnes sectae praeter Iudaeos et baptizatos Christianos sentiunt bonorum Paradisum fore terrestrem illum de quo fuit expulsus Adam propter inobedientiam protoplaustus: qui (vt putant) fluit, vel tunct fluet pluribus riuis lactis et mellis, et vbi in domibus et mansionibus nobiliter iuxta meritum vniuscuiusque aedificatur auro, et argento et gemmis, perfruentur omnibus corporalibus delicijs, in oblectatione animae aeternaliter sine fine. Ille ergo qui fide sanctae Trinitatis carent, et Christum qui est vera lux ignorant, in tenebris ambulant. Iudaei vero et omnes baptizati recte sentiunt Paradisum coelestem et spiritualem, vbi quilibet secundum meritum Diuinitati vnietur, per cognitionem, et amorem. Attamen Iudaei quod contra Scripturas suas sanctae Trinitati contradicunt, et Christo obloquuntur, qui est vera via, nesciunt quo vadunt. De baptizatis autem, qui firmiter fidem Catholicam in humilitate cordis sub Ecclesiae praeceptis seruauerunt, hi soli filij sunt lucis, et in via veniendi ad coelestem Paradisum quem Christus verbo praedicauit, et ad quem corpore et anima, videntibus discipulis, de facto conscendit.
Credunt etiam Saraceni, omnia esse vera, quae Deus ore prophetarum est locutus, sed in diuersitate, quia nesciunt specificari, imo specificanti contradicerent defacili, vel negarent. Inter omnes prophetas ponunt quatuor excellentiores, quorum supremum et excellentissimum fatentur Iesum Mariae Virginis filium, quem et asserunt, sermonem, vel loquelam, vel spiritum Dei, et pronunciatorem sententiarum Dei, in iudicio generali futuro, et missum a Deo ad Christianos docendos.
Secundo loco Abrahamum dicunt fuisse verum Dei cultorem, et amicum.
Tertium dant Mosi locum tanquam prolocutori Dei Misso specialiter, ad instruendos Iudaeos.
Quartum volant esse Mahomet, sanctum, et verum Dei nuncium ad seipsos missum, cum lege diuina in dicto libro plene contenta. Tenent itaque indubitate, quod beata Maria Iesum peperit, et concepit virgo manens intacta, ac libenter loqui audiunt de incarnatione in ipsa facta per annunciationem Gabrielis Archangeli. Nam et Alcharon eorum dicit, ad salutationem Angeli virginem expauisse, quod tunc erat in partibus Galileae incantator, Turquis nomine, qui per susceptam sibi formam Angeli plures virgines deflorauerat, et beatam Virginem conuenisse Angelum, an esset Turquis. Refert quoque eam peperisse sub palma Arbore, vbi habebatur praesepe bouis, et asinae, et illic prae confusione puerperij, et verecundia ac dolore, fuisse in proximo desperatam, et infantulum in consolationem matris dixisse, mater ne timeas, Deus in te effudit secreta ad saluationem Mundi. Haec et his similia multa ibi scribuntur figmenta, et isti plura inter se narrando componunt, quae hoc loco ventilanda non sunt.
Et dicit liber Iesum sanctissimum omnium Prophetarum fuisse veracem in dictis et factis, benignum, pium, iustum, et ab omni vitio penitus alienum: Sanctum quoque Ioannem Euangelistam post praedictos Prophetas fuisse alijs Sanctiorem, cuius et Euangelium fatentur esse plenum salutari, ac veraci doctrina, et ipsum Sanctum Ioannem illuminasse caecos, leprosos mundasse, suscitasse mortuos, et in coelum volasse viuentem. Erat enim (prout dicit) plus quam Propheta, et absque omni peccato, contradicente eodem de seipso, si dixerimus quod peccatum non habemus, veritas in nobis non est: vnde et si quando Sarraceni tenent scriptum Euangelij Sancti Ioannis, aut illud beati Lucae, missus est Angelus Gabriel, eleuant ambabus manibus pro reuerentia super caput et super oculos id ponentes, et osculantur quam saepe cum summa deuotione. Nonnulli etiam eorum in Graeco, aut Latino literati consueuerunt cum deuotione cordis id lectitare.
Idem liber dicit Iudaeos perfidos fuisse, quod Iesu eis primum misso a Deo, et multa miracula facienti credere noluerunt, quodque per ipsum tota gens Iudaeorum fuit digne decepta, et merito illusa hoc modo. Iesus in hora dum Iudas eum pro signo traditionis osculabatur, posuit per Metamorphosin figuram suam, in ipsum Iudam, sicque Iudaei in ambiguo lumine nocturni temporis, pro Iesu Iudam capientes, ligantes, trahentes, deridentes, in fine crucifixerunt, putantes se omnia facere Iesu, qui protinus capto et ligato Iuda, viuus ascendit in caeelum, descensurus iterum viuus ad iudicium in die finali.
Et addit, Iudaeos falsissime vsque hodie nos Christianos suo mendacio decipere, quo dicunt se Iesu crucifixisse quem non tetegerunt. Hinc errorem tenent Sarraceni obstinati: et quoddam argumentum inire conantur. Nam si Deus (aiunt) permisisset Iesum, innocentem, et iustum ita miserabiliter occidi, censuram suae summae iustitiae minuisset. [Sidenote: Conuersio Saracenorum non desperanda.] Sed cum ipsi, vt supradictum est, in tenebris ambulant, idcirco ignorantes Dei iustitiam, statuere volunt iustitiam, imo iniustitiam quam fabricant in corde suo, quia nos de cruce Christi scriptum nouimus, benedictum est lignum per quod fit iustitia. Isti tamen quod in aliquibus appropinquant verae fidei, multi quandoque eorum inuenti sunt conuersi, et plures adhuc de facili conuerterentur, si haberunt praedicatores, sincere eis verbum tractantes, quippe cum iam fateantur legum Mahometi quandoque defecturam, sicut nunc perijt lex Iudaeorum, et legem Christianorum vsque in finem seculi permansuram.
De vita, et nomine Mahometi.
Promisi in superioribus aliquid narrare de vita Mahometi legislatoris Sarracenorum, prout vidi in scriptis, vel audiui in partibus illis. Itaque Macho, siue Machon, vtrum in secunda syllaba scribatur N, litera, vel non idem refert: et si tertia syllaba addatur, et dicatur Machomet, vel etiam quarta, Machometus, nihil differt, quod semper idem nomen representat. Ipsi tamen illum saepius nominant Machon. Putatur autem istum Mahomet habuisse generationis ortum de Ismael Abrahae filio naturali de concubina Agar, vnde et vsque hodie quidam Sarracenorum dicuntur Ismaelitae, alij Agareni: sed et quidam Moabitae, et Ammonitae, a duobus Loth filijs Moab et Amon, genitis per incestum de proprijs filiabus.
[Sidenote: Tempus Natiuitatis Mahometi.] Hic vero Machon, circa annum incarnationis Domini sexcentissimum natus, in Arabia pauper erat gratis pascens camelos, et interdum sequens Mercatores in Aegyptum fordellos illorum proprio collo deferens pro mercede. Et quoniam tunc temporis tota Aegyptus erat Christianae fidei, didicit aliquid de fide nostra, quod diuertere solebat ad cellulam Heremitae commorantis in deserto. [Sidenote: Fabulae Saracenorum.] Et quodammodo fabulantur Sarraceni, quod illo quandoque ingrediente cellulam, cellulae ostium mutatum in ianuam valde patentem, velut ante palatium, et gloriantur hoc primum miraculum. Qui ex tunc conquerendo sibi pecunias, et discendo seculi actus diues est effectus, et prudens ab omnibus reputatus, in tantum, vt postmodum in terrae gubernatorem Corrozaen, (quae est vna prouinciarum regni Arabiae) assumeretur, ac de inde defuncto principe Codige per coniugium illius relictae in eiusdem prouinciae principem eleuaretur. Erat autem satis formosus, et valens, et vltra modum in verbis et factis maturus, et principalis, et satis diligebatur a suis, magis tamen metuebatur, et erat epilepticus, nemine tamen sciente. Sed tandem ab vxore comperto contristabatur, se tali morbido nuptam, qui versutus fefellit, et consolabatur moestam figmento mendacij excogitati, dicens sanctum Dei Archangelum Gabrielem ad colloquendum et inspirandum sibi, quaedam arcana et diuina interdum venire, et pro virtute aut claritate veniente se subito cadere et iacere ad intendendum inspirationem.
[Sidenote: Incrementum authoritatis Mahometi.] Post hoc autem, mortuo etiam Rege Arabiae, tanta egit per simulationem sanctitatis, per donorum effusionem, et copiam promissionum, quod electus est et assumptus, in totias Arabiae Regem.
[Sidenote: Tempus promulgationis Alcharani.] Confirmato igitur Mahometo in regnationis suae maiestate suprema, transactis a conceptione Domini nostri Iesu Christi annis solaribus 612. in die Iouis feria quinta Hebdomadae promulgauit praefatum detestandae legis suae librum, plenum perfidiae et erroris, et a subditis tempore vitae suae seruari coegit, qui et vsque hodie in tanto aeuo, et tot populis non sine iusto Dei iudicio colitur et seruatur, quamuis miserabile, et miserandum videtur, quod tot animae in illo perduntur. Erat quoque tempore regni eius et alius Heremita in deserto Arabiae, quem etiam quasi pro deuotione frequentare solebat, ducens secum aliquos de principibus et famlia. Super quo plures eorum attediati tractabant occidere Heremitan. [Sidenote: Occasio vina, interdicendi Sarracenis.] Accedit tandem vna noctium, vt rex Heremitam et seipsum inebriaret, et inter loquendum ambo consopiti dormirent. Et ecce habita occasione comites gladio de latere Regis clam extracto Heremitam interfecerunt, iterum clam condentes cruentum gladium in vagina: ac ille euigilans virum videns occisum, magno furore succensus imposuit familiae factum, volens omnes per iustitiam condemnari ad mortem. Cumque coram iudicibus et sapientibus ageretur, hi omnes pari concordia, simili voce, et vno ore testabantur tam diuisim quam coniunctim, Regem in ebrietate sua hominem occidisse, quamuis fortassis esset facti oblitus. Et in plenariam rei probationem, dixerunt ipsum reposuisse mucronem in loculo nudum intersum, sed calido cruore madentem. Quo ita inuento, ac tantis rex obrutus testificationibus nimium erubuit, plene obmutuit, et confusus recessit. Et ob hoc omnibus diebus suis vina bibere renunciauit: et in lege sua a cunctis bibi vetuit, ac vniuersis bibentibus, colentibus, et vendentibus maledixit. Cuius maledictio couertatur in caput eius, et in verticem ipsius iniquitas eius descendat, cum de vino scriptum constet, quod Deum et homines laetificet. [Sidenote: Potus Sarracenorum.] Igitur de eo Sarraceni in sua superstitione deuoti vinum non bibunt, quanquam plures eorum quod timent in publico non verentur in secreto.
Est autem communis potus eorum dulcis, delectabilis, et nutritiuus de Casaniel confectus, de qua et Saccarum fieri solet.
[Sidenote: Alias Mecca.] Mahometus iste post mortem suam pessimam (mors enim peccatorum pessima) conditus fuit honorifice in capsa, ditissimo auro, et argento, et saxis perornata in vna ciuitate regni sui Arabiae, vbi et pro sancto, et vero Dei nuncio incepit deuote coli a suis per annos ducentos sexaginta, atque ex tunc circa annum Domini nongentissimum cum veneratione multa cadauer eius translatum est, in digniorem ciuitatem dictam Merchuel Iachrib, vbi iam longe lateque pro maximo sanctorum, a cordibus a diabolica fraude deceptis colitur, requiritur et adoratur.
[Sidenote: Oregus a Templarijs proditus.] In ipsius translatione ipsa ciuitas restaurabatur, et firmabatur multo honorificentius, et fortius destructione sua, quae per Carolum magnum Regem Franciae antea fuit plene annihilata, dum Ogerus dux Danorum praefatus in ea tenebatur captiuus, quem Templarij ad filios Brehir Regis Sarracenorum cum traditione vendiderant, eo quod ipse Ogerus dictum Brehir in proelio occiderat, iuxta Lugdunum Franciae ciuitatem. Et si quando nationis alterius quis ad legem conuertitur Sarracenorum, dum a flamine eorum recipiendus est, dicit et facit eum Dei nuncium, et repetit sic: Laellech ella alla Mahomet zoyzel alla heth: quod valet tantum: Non est Deus nisi vnus, et Mahomet fuit eius nuncius.
CAPVT. 23.
De colloquio Authoris cum Soldano.
Finaliter Sarraceni ponunt Iudaeos malos, eo quod legem Dei violauerunt sibi missam, et commissam per Mosem. Et a simili probant Christianos malos, quod non seruant legem Euangelij Christi, quam seruandam susceperint. [Sidenote: Error eorum qui putant vnumquemque in sua religione posse beari.] Inest enim ijs falsa persuasio ita vt putent vnumquemque in ea qua natus est secta posse beari, si susceptam seruauerit illibate: ideoque probant ab opposito se esse bonos, quia, sicut dicunt, obseruant scripta legis praecepta et ceremonias sancti libri sui a Deo sibi transmissi per beatum nuncium suum Mahomet. Vnde et ego non tacebo quid mihi contigit.
Dominus Soldanus quodam die in castro, expulsis omnibus de camera sua, me solum retinuit secum tanquam pro secreto habendo colloquio. [Sidenote: Colloquium Soldani cum Mandeuillo.] Consuetum enim est ijs eijcere omnes tempore secretorum: qui diligenter a me interrogauit qualis esset gubernatio vitae in terra nostra, breuiter respondebam, bona, per Dei gratiam, qui recepto hoc verbo dixit ita non esse. [Sidenote: Reprehensio Sacerdotum.] Sacerdotes (inquit) vestri, qui seipsos exhibere deberent alijs in exemplum, in malis iacent actibus, parum curant de Templi seruitio: habitu et studijs se conformant mundo: se inebriant vino, continentiam infringentes, cum fraude negotiantes, ac praua principibus consilia ingerentes. [Sidenote: Reprehensio vulgi iustissima.] Communis quoque populus, dum festus diebus intendere deberent deuotioni in templo, currit in hortis, in spectaculis, in tabernis vsque ad crapulam, et ebrietatem, et pinguia manducans et bibens, ac in bestiarum morem, luxuriam prauam exercens. [Sidenote: Vestimentorum varietas reprehensa.] In vsura, dolo, rapina, furto, detractione, mendacio et periurio viuunt plures eorum euidenter, ac si qui talia non agant, vt fatui reputantur, et pro nimia cordis superbia nesciunt ad libitum excogitare, qualiter se velint habere, mutando sibi indumenta, nunc longa, nunc curta nimis, quandoque ampla, quandoque stricta vltra modum, vt in his singulis appareant derisi potius quam vestiti: pileos quoque, calceos, caligas, corrigias sibi fabricante exquisitas, cum etiam e contra deberent secundum Christi sui doctrinam simplices, Deo deuoti, humiles, veraces, inuicem diligentes, inuicem concordantes, et inluriam de facili remittentes. Scimus etiam eos propter peccata sua perdidisse hanc terram optimam quam tenemus, nec timemus eam amittere, quamdiu se taliter gubernant. Attamen non dubitamus, quin in futurum per meliorem vitae conuersationem merebuntur de nostris eam manibus recuperare.
Ad hoc ego vltra confusus et stupefactus, nequiui inuenire responsum; verebar enim obloqui veritati, quamuis ab Infidelis ore prolatae, et vultu prae rubore demisso percunctatus sum, Domine, salua reuerentia, qualiter potestis ita plene hoc noscere? De hominibus (ait) meis interdum mitto ad modum Mercatorum per terras, et regiones Christianorum, cum Balsamo, gemmis, sericis, ac aromatibus, ac per illos singula exploro, tam de statu Imperatoris, ac Pontificum, Principum, ac Sacerdotum, quam Praelatorum, nec non aequora, prouincias, ac distinctiones earum.
Igitur peracta collocutione nostra satis producta, egressos principes in cameram reuocauit, ex quibus quatuor de maioribus iuxta nos aduocans, fecit eos expresse ac debite, per singulas diuisiones in lingua Gallicana destinguere per partes, et singuarum nomina partium, omnem regionem terrae Angliae, ac alias Christianorum terras multas, acsi inter nostros fuissent nati, vel multo tempore conuersati.
Nam et ipsum Soldanum audiui cum ijs bene et directe loquentem idioma Francorum. Itaque in omnibus his mente consternatus obmutui, cogitans, et dolens de peccatis singulis, rem taliter se habere.
Nunc pie igitur (rogo) consideremus, et corde attendamus, quantae sit confusionis, et qualis opprobrij, dum Christiani nominis inimici nobis nostra exprobrant crimina. [Sidenote: Insignis Mandeuilli peroratio.] Et student quilibet in melius emendare, quatenus (Deo propitio) possit in breui tempore, haec, de qua loquimur, terra Deo delecta, haec sacrosancta terra, haec filijs Dei promissa, nobis Dei adoptiuis restitui: vel certe, quod magis exorandum est, ipsi Sarraceni ad fidem Catholicam, et Christianam obedientiam, Ecclesiae filijs aggregari, vt simul omnes per Dominum nostrum Iesum Christum consubstantialem Dei filium perueniamus ad coelestem Paradisum.
Explicit prima pars huius operis.
The English Version.
Betheleem is a litylle cytee, long and narwe and well walled, and in eche syde enclosed with gode dyches; and it was wont to ben cleped Effrata; as Holy Writt seythe, Ecce audivimus cum in Effrata; that is to seye, Lo, we herde him in Effrata. And toward the est ende of the cytee, is a fulle fair chirche and a gracyouse; and it hathe many toures, pynacles and corneres, fulle stronge and curiously made: and with in that chirche ben 44 pyleres of marble, grete and faire. And betwene the cytee and the chirche in the felde floridus; that is to seyne, the feld florisched: for als moche as a fayre mayden was blamed with wrong, and sclaundred, that sche hadde don fornycacioun; for whiche cause sche was demed to the dethe, and to be brent in that place, to the whiche sche was ladd. And as the fyre began to brenne about hire, sche made hire preyeres to oure Lord, that als wissely as sche was not gylty of that synne, that he wold helpe hire, and make it to be knowen to alle men, of his mercyfulle grace. And whan sche hadde thus seyd, sche entred in to the fuyer: and anon was the fuyr quenched and oute: and the brondes that weren brennynge, becomen rede roseres; and the brondes that weren not kyndled, becomen white roseres, fulle of roses. And theise weren the first roseres and roses, both white and rede, that evere ony man saughe. And thus was this mayden saved be the grace of God. And therfore is that feld clept the feld of God florysscht: for it was fulle of roses. Also besyde the queer of the chirche, at the right syde, as men comen dounward 16 greces, [Footnote: Steps.] is the place where oure Lord was born, that is fulle welle dyghte of marble, and fulle richely peynted with gold, sylver, azure, and other coloures. And 3 paas besyde, is the crybbe of the ox and the asse. And besyde that, is the place where the sterre fell, that ladde the 3 kynges, Jaspar, Melchior and Balthazar: but men of Grece clepen hem thus, Galgalathe, Malgalathe and Saraphie: and the Jewes clepen in this manere, in Ebrew, Appelius, Amerrius and Damasus. Theise 3 kynges offreden to oure Lord, gold, ensence and myrre: and thei metten to gedre, thorghe myracle of God; for thei metten to gedre in a cytee in Ynde, that Men clepen Cassak, that is 53 journeyes fro Betheleem; and thei weren at Betheleem the 13 day. And that was the 4 day aftre that thei hadden seyn the sterre, whan they metten in that cytee: and thus thei weren in 9 dayes, fro that cytee at Betheleem; and that was gret myracle. Also undre the cloystre of the chirche, be 18 degrees, at the righte syde, is the charnelle of the innocentes, where here bones lyzn. And before the place where oure Lord was born, is the tombe of Seynt Jerome, that was a preest and a cardynalle, that translatede the Bible and the psaultere from Ebrew in to Latyn: and witheoute the mynstre; is the chayere that he satt in, whan he translated it. And faste besyde that chirche, a 60 fedme, [Footnote: Fathom.] is a chirche of Seynt Nicholas, where oure Lady rested hire, aftre sche was lyghted of oure Lord. And for as meche as sche had to meche mylk in hire pappes, that greved hire, sche mylked hem on the rede stones of marble; so that the traces may zit be sene in the stones alle whyte. And zee schulle undrestonde, that alle that duellen in Betheleem ben Cristene men. And there ben fayre vynes about the cytee, and gret plentee of wyn, that the Cristene men han don let make. But the Sarazines ne tylen not no vynes, ne thei drynken no wyn. For here bokes of here lawe, that Makomete betoke hem, whiche thei clepen here Alkaron, and sume clepen it Mesaphe; and in another langage it is cleped Harme; and the same boke forbedethe hem to drinke wyn. For in that boke, Machomete cursed alle tho that drynken wyn, and alle hem that sellen it. For sum men seye, that he sloughe ones an heremyte in his dronkenesse, that he loved ful wel: and therefore he cursed wyn, and hem that drynken it. But his curs be turned in to his owne hed; as Holy Wrytt seythe; Et in verticem ipsius iniquitas ejus descendet; that is for to seye, Hi wykkednesse schalle turne and falle in his owne heed. And also the Sarazines bryngen forthe no pigges, nor thei eten no swynes flessche: for thei seye, it is brother to man, and it was forboden be the olde lawe: and thei holden hem alle accursed that eten there of. Also in the lond of Palestyne and in the lond of Egypt, thei eten but lytille or non of flessche of veel or of beef; but he be so old, that he may no more travayle for elde; for it is forbode: and for because the have but fewe of hem, therfore thei norisschen hem, for to ere here londes. In this cytee of Betheleem was David the kyng born: and he hadde 60 wyfes; and the firste wyf hihte Michol: and also he hadde 300 lemmannes.
An fro Betheleem unto Jerusalem nys but 2 myle. And in the weye to Jerusalem, half a myle fro Betheleem is a chirche, where the aungel seyde to the scheppardes, of the birthe of Crist. And in that weye is the tombe of Rachelle, that was Josephes modre, the patriarke; and sche dyede anon, aftre that sche was delyvered of hire sone Beniamyn; and there sche was buryed of Jacob hire husbonde: and he leet setten 12 grete stones on here, in tokene that sche had born 12 children. [Footnote: Rachel had only two children, but twelve grandchildren.] In the same weye, half myle fro Jerusalem, appered the sterre to the 3 kynges. In that weye also ben manye chirches of Cristen men, be the whiche men gon towardes the cytee of Jerusalem.
Of the Pilgrimages in Jerusalem and of the Holy Places thereaboute.
[Sidenote: Cap. VII.] After for to speke of Jerusalem, the holy cytee, zee schulle undirstonde, that it stont fulle faire betwene hilles: and there ben no ryveres ne welles; but watre comethe be condyte from Ebron. And zee schulle undirstonde, that Jerusalem of olde tyme, unto the tyme of Melchisedeche, was cleped Jebus; and aftre it was clept Salem, unto the tyme of Kyng David, that putte theise 2 names to gidere, and cleped it Jebusalem; and aftre that Kyng Salomon cleped it Jerosoloyme: and aftre that, men cleped it Jerusalem; and so it is cleped zit. And aboute Jerusalem is the kyngdom of Surrye: and there besyde is the lond of Palestyne: and besyde it is Ascolone: and besyde that is the lond of Maritaine. But Jerusalem is in the lond of Judee; and it is clept Jude, for that Judas Machabeus was kyng of that contree; and it marchethe estward to the kyngdom of Arabye; on the southe syde, to the lond of Egipt; and on the west syde, to the grete see; on the north syde, towarde the kyngdom of Surrye, and to the See of Cypre. In Jerusalem was wont to be a patriark, and erchebysshoppes and bisshoppes abouten in the contree. Abouten Jerusalem ben theise cytees: Ebron, at 7 myle; Jerico, at 6 myle; Bersabee, at 8 myle; Ascalon, at 17 myle; Jaff, at 16 myle; Ramatha, at 3 myle; and Betheleem, at 2 myle. And a 2 myle trom Betheleem, toward the sowthe, is the chirche of Seynt Karitot, that was abbot there; for whom thei maden meche Doel [Footnote: Mourning.] amonges the monkes, whan he scholde dye; and zit thei ben in moornynge, in the wise that thei maden here lamentacioun for him the firste tyme: and it is fulle gret pytee to beholde.
This contree and lond of Jerusalem hathe ben in many dyverse naciounes hondes: and often therfore hathe the contree suffred meche tribulacioun, for the synne of the people, that duellen there. For that contree hathe ben in the hondes of alle nacyouns: that is to seyne, of Jewes, of Chananees, Assiryenes, Perses, Medoynes, Macedoynes, of Grekes, Romaynes, of Cristene men, of Sarazines, Barbaryenes, Turkes, Tartaryenes, and of manye othere dyverse nacyouns. For God wole not, that it be longe in the hondes of trytoures ne of synneres, be thei Cristene or othere. And now have the hethene men holden that lond in here hondes 40 zeere and more: but thei schulle not holde it longe, zif God wole.
And zee schulle undirstond, that whan men comen to Jerusalem, here first pilgrymage is to the Chirche of the Holy Sepulcre, where oure Lord was buryed, that is with oute the cytee, on the northe syde: but it is now enclosed in, with the toun walle. And there is a fulle fayr chirche, alle rownd, and open above, and covered with leed. And on the west syde is a fair tour and an highe, for belles, strongly made. And in the myddes of the chirche is a tabernacle, as it were a lytylle hows, made with a low lytylle dore: and that tabernacle is made in manere of half a compass, righte curiousely and richely made, of gold and azure and othere riche coloures, fulle nobelyche made. And in the righte syde of that tabernacle is the sepulcre of oure Lord. And the tabernacle is 8 fote longe, and 5 fote wyde, and 11 fote in heighte. And it is not longe sithen the sepulcre was alle open, that men myghte kisse it and touche it. But for pilgrymes that comen thidre, peyned hem to breke the ston in peces or in poudre, therfore the Soudan hathe do make a walle aboute the sepulcre, that no man may towche it. But in the left syde of the walle of the tabernacle is well the heighte of a man, a gret ston to the quantytee of a mannes hed, that was of the holy sepulcre: and that ston kissen the pilgrymes, that comen thidre. In that tabernacle ben no wyndowes: but it is alle made lighte with lampes, that hangen before the sepulcre. And there is a lampe, that hongethe before the sepulcre, that brennethe lighte: and on the Gode Fryday it gothe out be him self; and lyghtith azen be him self at that oure, that oure Lorde roos fro dethe to lyve. Also within the chirche, at the righte syde, besyde the queer of the chirche, is the Mount of Calvarye, where oure Lord was don on the Cros: and it is a roche of white colour, and a lytille medled with red: and the Cros was set in a morteys, in the same roche: and on that roche dropped the woundes of our Lord, whan he was payned on the Crosse; and that is cleped Golgatha. And men gon up to that Golgotha be degrees: and in the place of that morteys was Adames hed founden, aftre Noes flode; in tokene that the synnes of Adam scholde ben boughte in that same place. And upon that roche made Abraham sacrifice to oure Lord. And there is an awtere: and before that awtere lyzn Godefray de Boleyne and Bawdewyn, and othere Cristene kynges of Jerusalem; And there nyghe, where our Lord was crucyfied, is this written in Greek, [Greek: Ho Theos Basileus haemon pro aionon eirgasato aotaerian en meso taes gaes.] that is to seyne, in Latyn, Deus Rex noster ante secula operatus est salutem, in medio terrae; that is to seye, Gode oure Kyng, before the worldes, hathe wroughte hele in myddis of the erthe. And also on that roche, where the Cros was sett, is writen with in the roche theise, wordes; [Greek: Ho eideis esti basis taes pisteos holaes tou kosmou touton.] that is to seyne in Latyn, Quod vides, est fundamentum totius Fidei hujus Mundi; that is to seyne, That thou seest, is ground of alle the feythe of this world. And zee schulle undirstonde, that whan oure Lord was don upon the Cros, he was 33 zere and 3 moneths of elde. And the prophecye of David seythe thus: Quadraginta annis proximus fui generationi huic; that is to seye, fourty zeer was I neighebore to this kynrede. And thus scholde it seme, that the prophecyes ne were not trewe: but thei ben bothe trewe: for in old tyme men maden a zeer of 10 moneths; of the whiche Marche was the firste, and Decembre was the laste. But Gayus, that was Emperour of Rome, putten theise 2 monethes there to, Janyver and Feverer; and ordeyned the zeer of 12 monethes; that is to seye, 365 dayes, with oute lepe zeer, aftre the propre cours of the sonne. And therfore, aftre cowntynge of 10 monethes of the zeer, de dyede in the 40 zeer; as the prophete seyde; and aftre the zeer of 12 monethes, he was of age 33 zeer and 3 monethes. Also with in the Mount Calvarie, on the right side, is an awtere, where the piler lyzthe, that oure Lord Jesu was bounden to, whan he was scourged. And there besyde ben 4 pileres of ston, that alle weys droppen watre: and sum men seyn, that thei wepen for our Lordes dethe. And nyghe that awtier is a place undre erthe, 42 degrees of depnesse, where the holy croys was founden, be the wytt of Seynte Elyne, undir a roche, where the Jewes had hidde it. And that was the verray croys assayed: for thei founden 3 crosses; on of oure Lord, and 2 of the 2 theves: and Seynte Elyne preved hem on a ded body, that aros from dethe to lyve, whan it was leyed on it that oure Lord dyed on. And there by in the walle is the place where the 4 nayles of oure Lord weren hidd: for he had 2 in his hondes, and 2 in his feet: and of on of theise, the Emperour of Costantynoble made a brydille to his hors, to bere him in bataylle: and thorghe vertue there of, he overcam his enemyes, and wan alle the lond of Asye the lesse; that is to seye, Turkye, Ermonye the lasse and the more; and from Surrye to Jerusalem, from Arabye to Persie, from Mesopotayme to the kyngdom of Halappee, from Egypt the highe and the lowe, and all the othere kyngdomes, unto the Depe of Ethiope, and into Ynde the lesse, that then was Cristene. And there were in that tyme many gode holy men and holy heremytes; of whom the book of fadres lyfes spekethe: and thei ben now in Paynemes and Sarazines honds. But whan God alle myghty wole, righte als the londes weren lost thorghe synne of Cristene men, so schulle thei ben wonnen azen be Cristen men thorghe help of God. And in myddes of that chirche is a compas, in the whiche Joseph of Aramathie leyde the body of oure Lord, whan he had taken him down of the cross: and there he wassched the woundes of oure Lord: and that compas, seye men, is the myddes of the world. And in the Chirche of the Sepulchre, on the north syde, is the place where oure Lord was put in presoun; (for he was in presoun in many places) and there is a partye of the Cheyne that he was bounden with: and there he appered first to Marie Magdaleyne, whan he was rysen; and sche wende, that he had ben a gardener. In the chirche of Seynt Sepulchre was wont to ben chanouns of the ordre of Seynt Augustyn, and hadden a priour; but the patriark was here sovereygne. And withe oute the dores of the chirche, on the right syde, as men gon upward 18 Greces, seyde oure Lord to his moder, Mulier, ecce filius tuus; that is to seye, Woman, lo thi Sone. And aftre that, he seyde to John his disciple, Ecce mater tua; that is to seyne, Lo, behold thi modir: And these wordes he seyde on the cros. And on theise Greces wente oure Lord, whan he bare the crosse on his schuldir. And undir this grees is a chapelle; and in that chapelle syngen prestes, yndyenes; that is to seye, prestes of ynde; noght aftir oure lawe, but aftir here: and alle wey thei maken here sacrement of the awtier, seyenge, Pater noster, and othere preyeres there with: with the which preyeres, thei seye the wordes, that the sacrement is made of. For thei ne knowe not the addiciouns, that many Popes han made; but thei synge with gode devocioun. And there nere, is the place where that oure Lord rested him, whan he was wery, for berynge of the Cros. And zee schulle undirstonde, that before the Chirche of the Sepulcre, is the cytee more feble than in ony othere partie, for the grete playn that is betwene the chirche and the cytee. And toward the est syde, with oute the walles of the cytee, is the Vale of Josaphathe, that touchethe to the walles, as thoughe it were a large dyche. And anen that Vale of Josaphathe, out of the cytee, is the Chirche of Seynt Stevene, where he was stoned to dethe. And there beside, is the gildene zate, that may not ben opened; be the whiche zate, oure Lord entrede on Palmesonday, upon an asse; and the zate opened azenst him, whan he wolde go unto the temple: and zit apperen the steppes of the asses feet, in 3 places of the degrees, that ben of fulle harde ston. And before the chirche of Seynt Sepulcre, toward the southe, a 200 paas, is the gret hospitalle of Seynt John; of the whiche the hospitleres hadde here foundacioun. And with inne the palays of the seke men of that hospitalle ben 124 pileres of ston: and in the walles of the hows, with oute the nombre aboveseyd, there ben 54 pileres, that beren up the hows. And fro that hospitalle, to go toward the est, is a fulle fayr chirche, that is clept Nostre Dame la Graund. And than is there another chirche right nyghe, that is clept Nostre Dame la Latytne. And there weren Marie Cleophee and Marie Magdaleyne, and teren here heer, whan oure Lord was peyned in the cros.
Of the Temple of oure Lord. Of the Crueltee of Kyng Heroud. Of the Mount Syon. Of Probatica Piscina. And of Natatorium Siloe.
[Sidenote: Cap. VIII.] And fro the chirche of the sepulcre, toward the est, at 160 paas, is Templum Domini. It is right a feir hows, and it is alle round, and highe, and covered with leed, and it is well paved with white marble: but the Sarazine wole not suffre no Cristene manne Jewes to come there in; for thei seyn, that none so foule synfulle men scholde not come in so holy place: but I cam in there, and in othere places, where I wolde; for I hadde lettres of the Soudan, with his grete seel; and comounly other men han but his signett. In the whiche lettres he comanded of his, specyalle grace, to all his subgettes, to lete me seen alle the places, and to enforme me pleynly alle the mysteries of every place, and to condyte me fro cytee to cytee, zif it were nede, and buxomly to resceyve me and my companye, and for to obeye to alle my requestes resonable, zif thei weren not gretly azen the royalle power, and dignytee of the Soudan or of his lawe. And to othere, that asken him grace, suche as han served him, he ne zevethe not but his signet; the whiche thei make to be born before hem, hangynge on a spere; and the folk of the contree don gret worschipe and reverence to his signett or his seel, and knelen there to, as lowly as wee don to Corpus Domini. And zit men don fulle grettere reverence to his lettres. For the admyralle and alle othere lordes, that thei ben schewed to, before or thei resceyve hem, thei knelen doun, and than thei take hem, and putten hem on here hedes, and aftre thei kissen hem, and than thei reden hem, knelynge with gret reverence, and than thei offren hem to do alle, that the berere askethe. And in this Templum Domini weren somtyme chanouns reguleres: and thei hadden an abbot, to whom thei weren obedient. And in this temple was Charlemayn, when that the aungelle broughte him the prepuce of oure Lord Jesu Crist, of his circumcisioun: and aftre Kyng Charles leet bryngen it to Parys, in to his chapelle: and aftre that to Chartres. And zee schulle undirstonde, that this is not the temple that Salomon made: for that temple dured not, bat 1102 zeer. For Tytus, Vespasianes sone, Emperour of Rome, had leyd sege aboute Jerusalem, for to discomfyte the Jewes: for thei putten oure Lord to dethe, with outen leve of the Emperour. And whan he hadde wonnen the cytee, he brente the temple and beet it down, and alle the cytee, and toke the Jewes, and dide hem to Dethe, 1100000: and the othere he putte in presoun, and solde hem to servage, 30 for o peny: for thei seyde, thei boughte Jesu for 30 penyes: and he made of hem bettre cheep, whan he zaf 30 for o peny. And aftre that tyme, Julianas Apostate, that was Emperour, zaf leve to the Jewes to make the Temple of Jerusalem: for he hated Cristene men; and zit he was cristned, but he forsoke his law, and becam a renegate. And whan the Jewes hadden made the temple, com an erthe quakeng, and cast it doun (as God wolde) and destroyed alle that thei had made. And aftre that, Adryan, that was Emperour of Rome, and of the lynage of Troye, made Jerusalem azen, and the temple, in the same manere, as Salomon made it. And he wolde not suffre no Jewes to dwelle there, but only Cristene men. For alle thoughe is were so, that hee was not cristned, zet he lovede Cristene men, more than ony other nacioun, saf his owne. This Emperour leet enclose the Chirche of Seynt Sepulcre, and walle it, within the cytee, that before was with oute the cytee, long tyme beforn. And he wolde have chaunged the name of Jerusalem, and have cleped it Elya: but that name lasted not longe. Also zee schulle undirstonde, that the Sarazines don moche reverence to that temple; and thei seyn, that that place is right holy. And whan thei gon in, thei gon barefote, and knelen many tymes. And whanne my felowes and I seyghe that, whan we comen in, wee diden of oure shoon, and camen in barefote, and thoughten that we scholden don as moche worschipe and reverence there to, as ony of the mysbeleevynge men sholde, and as gret compunction in herte to have. This temple is 64 cubytes of wydenesse, and als manye in lengthe; and of heighte it is 120 cubites: and it is with inne, alle aboute, made with pyleres of marble: and in the myddel place of the temple ben manye highe stages, of 14 degrees of heighte, made with gode pyleres alle aboute: and this place the Jewes callen Sancta Sanctorum; that is to seye, holy of halewes. And in that place comethe no man, saf only here prelate, that makethe here sacrifice. And the folk stonden alle aboute, in diverse stages, aftre thei ben of dignytee or of worschipe; so that thei alle may see the sacrifice. And in that temple ben 4 entrees; and the zates ben of cypresse, wel made and curiousely dight. And with in the est zate, oure Lorde seyde, Here is Jerusalem. And in the northsyde of that temple with in the zate, there is a welle; but it rennethe noght; of the whiche Holy Writt spekethe, and seythe, Vidi aquam egredientem de Templo; that is to seyne, I saughe watre come out of the Temple. And on that other syde of the Temple there is a roche, that men clepen Moriache: but aftre it was clept Bethel; where the arke of God, with relykes of Jewes, weren wont to ben put. That arke or hucche, with the relikes, Tytus ledde with hym to Rome, whan he had scomfyted alle the Jewes. In that arke weren the 10 commandementes, and of Arones zerde, and of Moyses zerde, with the whiche he made the Rede See departen, as it had ben a walle, on the righte syde and on the left syde, whils that the peple of Israel passeden the see drye foot: and with that zerde he smoot the roche; and the watre cam out of it: and with that zerde he dide manye wondres. And there in was a vessel of gold, fulle of manna, and clothinges and ournements and the tabernacle of Aaron, and a tabernacle square of gold, with 12 precyous stones, and a boyst of jasper grene, with 4 figures, and 8 names of oure Lord, and 7 candelstykes of gold, and 12 pottes of gold, and 4 censeres of gold, and an awtier of gold, and 4 lyouns of gold, upon the whiche thei bare cherubyn of gold, l2 spannes long, and the cercle of swannes of Hevene, with a tabernacle of gold, and a table of sylver, and 2 trompes of silver, and 7 barly loves, and alle the othere relikes, that weren before the birthe of oure Lord Jesu Crist. And upon that roche, was Jacob slepynge, when he saughe the aungeles gon up and doun, by a laddre, and he seyd, Vere locus isse sanctus est, et ego ignorabam; that is to seyne, Forsothe this place is holy, and I wiste it nought. And there an aungel helde Jacob stille, and turned his name, and cleped him Israel. And in that same place, David saughe the aungelle, that smot the folk with a swerd, and put it up blody in the schethe. And in that same roche, was Seynt Symeon, whan he resceyved oure Lord into the Temple. And in this roche he sette him, whan the Jewes wolde a stoned him; and a sterre cam doun, and zaf him light. And upon that roche, prechede our Lord often tyme to the peple; and out of that seyd temple, oure Lord drof the byggeres and the selleres. And upon that roche, oure Lord sette him, whan the Jewes wolde have stoned him; and the roche cleef in two, and in that clevynge was oure Lord hidd; and there cam doun a sterre, and zaf lighte and served him with claretee; and upon that roche, satt oure lady, and lerned hire sawtere; and there our Lord forzaf the womman hire sinnes, that was founden in Avowtrie: and there was oure Lord circumcyded: and there the aungelle schewede tydynges to Zacharie of the birthe of Seynt Baptyst his sone; and there offred first Melchisedeche bred and wyn to oure Lord, in tokene of the sacrement that was to comene; and there felle David preyeng to oure Lord, and to the aungelle, that smot the peple, that he wolde have mercy on him and on the peple; and oure Lorde herde his preyere; and therefore wolde he make the temple in that place: but oure Lord forbade him, be an aungelle, for he had don tresoun, whan he leet sle Urie the worthi knyght, for to have Bersabee his wyf; and therfore all the purveyance, that he hadde ordeyned to make the temple with, he toke it Salomon his sone; and he made it. And he preyed oure Lord, that alle tho that preyeden to him, in that place, with gode herte, that he wolde heren here preyere and graunten it hem, zif thei asked it rightefullyche: and oure Lord graunted it him: and therfore Salomon cleped that temple, the Temple of Conseille and of Help of God. And with oute the zate of that temple is an awtiere, where Jewes werein wont to offren dowves and turtles. And betwene the temple and that awtiere was Zacharie slayn. And upon the pynacle of that temple was oure Lord brought, for to ben tempted of the enemye, the feend. And on the heighte of that pynacle, the Jewes setten Seynt Jame, and casted him down to the erthe, that first was Bisschopp of Jerusalem. And at the entree of that temple, toward the west, is the zate that is clept Porta speciosa. And nyghe besyde that temple, upon the right syde, is a chirche covered with leed, that is clept Salomones Scole. And fro that temple, towardes the southe, right nyghe, is the Temple of Salomon, that is righte fair and wel pollisscht. And in that temple duellen the knyghtes of the temple, that weren wont to be clept templeres: and that was the foundacionn of here ordre; so that there duelleden knyghtes; and in Templo Domini, chanouns reguleres. Fro that temple toward the est, a 120 paas, in the cornere of the cytee, is the bathe of oure Lord: and in that bathe was wont to come watre fro paradys, and zit it droppethe. And there besyde, is oure ladyes bed. And faste by, is the temple of Seynt Symeon: and with oute the cloyster of the temple, toward the northe, is a fulle faire chirche of Seynte Anne, oure ladyes modre: and there was oure lady conceyved. And before that chirche, is a gret tree, that began to growe the same nyght. And undre that chirche, in goenge doun be 22 degrees, lythe Joachym, oure ladyes fader, in a faire tombe of ston: and there besyde, lay somtyme Seynt Anne his wyf; but Seynt Helyne leet translate hire to Costantynople. And in that chirche is a welle, in manere of a cisterne, that is clept Probatica Piscina, that hathe 5 entrees. Into that welle, aungeles weren wont to come from Hevene, and bathen hem with inne: and, what man that first bathed him, aftre the mevynge of the watre, was made hool, of what maner sykenes that he hadde: and there oure Lord heled a man of the palasye, that laye 38 zeer: and oure Lord seyde to him, Tolle Grabatum tuum & ambula: that is to seye, Take thi bed, and go. And there besyde, was Pylates hows. And faste by, is Kyng Heroudes hows, that leet sle the innocentes. This Heroude was over moche cursed and cruelle: for first he leet sle his wif, that he lovede righte welle; and for the passynge love, that he hadde to hire, whan he saughe hire ded, he felle in a rage, and oute of his wytt, a gret while; and sithen he cam azen to his wytt: and aftre he leet sle his two sones, that he hadde of that wyf: and aftre that, he leet sle another of his wyfes, and a sone, that he hadde with hire: and aftre that, he leet sle his owne modre: and he wolde have slayn his brother also, but he dyede sodeynly. And aftre he fell into seknesse, and whan he felte, that he scholde dye, he sente aftre his sustre, and aftre alle the lordes of his lond; and whan thei were comen; he leet commande hem to prisoun, and than he seyde to his sustre, he wiste wel, that men of the contree wolde make no sorwe for his dethe; and therefore be made his sustre swere, that sche scholde lete smyte of alle the heds of the lordes, whan he were ded; and than scholde alle the lond make sorwe for his dethe, and else nought: and thus he made his testement. But his sustre fulfilled not his wille: for als sone as he was ded, sche delyvered alle the lordes out of presoun, and lete hem gon, eche lord to his owne; and tolde hem alle the purpos of hire brothers ordynance: and so was this cursed kyng never made sorwe for, as he supposed for to have ben. And zee schulle undirstonde, that in that tyme there weren 3 Heroudes, of gret name and loos for here crueltee. This Heroude, of whiche I have spoken offe, was Heroude Ascalonite: and he that leet beheden seynt John the Baptist, was Heroude Antypa: and he that leet smyte of Seynt James hed, was Heroude Agrippa; and he putte Seynt Peter in presoun. |
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