Pictoribus atque, Potis, Quodlibet audendi semper fuit qua potestas: Non itidem Historicis.
Dorsa cetorum, qu insulas putant. Nata est hc fabula, vt et reliqu, ex mendacio quodam, vt antiquo, ita ridiculo et vano, cuius ego fidem titiuilitio non emam. Est autem tale: Missos fuisse olim Legatos cum sodalitio monastico, ab Episcopo Bremensi (Brandanus veteribus Noruagis, Crantzio, ni fallor, Alebrandus appellatur) ad fidem Papisticam, qu tum Christiana putabatur, in Septentrione prdicandam et diuulgandam: Eosque, vbi immensum iter Septentrionem versus nauigando consumpsissent ad insulam quandam peruenisse: ibique iacta anchora descensum in Insulam fecisse, focos accendisse: (Nam verisimile est nautas in ipso mari glaciali frigore non parum esse vexatos) et commeatum naualem ad reliquum iter expediuisse. Ast vbi bene ignibus accensis incaluerant foci, Insulam hanc submersam cito euanuisse, nautas autem per prsentem scapham vix seruatos fuisse. Habes huius rei fundamentum, Lector, sed qum incredibile, ipse vides. Quid ver tandem est animi nautis, qui in mari procelloso videntes scopulum, vel, vt Munsterus, Insulam perexiguam emergere, non vitent potius omni studio, allisionem et naufragium metuentes, qum vt in portu parum tuto quiescere tentent? Sed vbi anchora figenda? Solent enim, vt plurimum deesse nautis tam immensi funes, vt in altissimo quore anchoram demittant: Igitur in dorsis cetorum, respondet Munsterus. Oportet igitur, vestigium vnci prius effodiant. O stultos nautas, balenarum carnem, terr cespitibus, inter fodiendum, non dignoscentes nec lubricam cetorum cutem, terrestri superficie internoscentes. Digni profect, quibuscum ipse Munsterus, nauclerus transfretaret. Equidem hoc loco, vt et superius, de miraculis Islandi terrestribus agens, Tantali; vt aiunt, horto fructus colligit, id est, ea consectatur, qu nunquam reperiuntur, nec vsquam sunt, dum miracula hinc inde conquirere, terram et pelagus verrere, ad Histori su supplementum studet: Vbi tamen nihil nisi cotnmentitia tantum venari potest.
Vocantur autem lingua eorum Trollwal. Ne vltra peram, Munstere: Nullam siquidem es lingu nostr cognitionem adeptus: Quare merit puderet tantum virum, rem ignotam alios velle docere: Est enim eiusmodi incoeptum erroribus obnoxium complurimis, vt vel hoc tuo exemplo docebimus. Dum enim vis alijs autor esse, quomodo nostra lingua balen vel cete appellentur, detracta, per inscitiam, aspiratione, qu pene sola vocis significationem facit, quod minim verum est, affers: Non enim val nostra lingua balenam, sed electionem siue delectum significat, verbo, Eg vel .i. eligo, vel deligo: vnde val, &c. At balena Hualur nobis vocatur: Vnde tu Trollhualur scribere debebas. Nec ver Troll Diabolum, vt tu interpretaris, sed Gigantes quosdam montanos significat. Vides igitur, quomodo in toto vocabulo turpiter, quod haud tamen mirum, erres. Leuis quidem illa in linguam nostram iniuria, in vnica tantum voce: quoniam plures, haud dubi, non noras.
Idem alijs etiam vsu venit: Non enim probandum est, qud quidam, dum Islandi descriptionem, ab Islandis acceptam, ederet, maluerit omnia, aut cert plurima promontoriorum, sinuum, montium, fontium, fluminum, tesquorum, vallium, collium, pagorum nomina desprauare (qud nostr lingu ignaris, non sciret nostratibus accepta satis exact legere) atque corrumpere, qum prius ab ipsis Islandis, qui turn temporis, id est, Anno 1585. In Academia Haffniensi vixerunt, quomodo singula legi ac scribi deberent, ediscere. Ipsum cert hac natiuorum nominum et appellationum voluntaria deprauatione, (qua factum est, vt ipsi ea legentes, paucissima nostra agnoscamus) in linguam nostram, alioqui puram et auitam pen elegantiam retinentem, non leuiter peccasse reputamus.
Cterum iam plurima Islandi miracula, qu quidem scriptores nostri attigerunt, sic vtcunque examinauimus. Sed tamen priusquam alio diuertamur, in hac parte attingendum videtur, quod idem ille in mappa Islandi, quam sub suo nomine, prdicto anno edi fecerat, de duobus, prter supra dictos, fontibus Islandi prodidit: quorum alter lanas albas colore nigro, alter nigras, albo inficiat. Quod quidem vbi acceperit, aut vnde habeat, scire equidem non possumus: Nec enim apud nostrates, nec apud extraneos scriptores, reperire licuit. Sed vndecunque est, fabula est, nec veritatis micam habet. Quamuis autem sit incredibile, Lanas nigras albo infici colore, cum traditum sit a Plinio, Lanarum nigras nullum imbibere colorem: Tamen simile quiddam narratur Theophrasto: Flumen esse in Macedonia, quod oues nigras, albas reddat. Et illa, cuius etiam superious memini, rapsodia Noruagica, speculum scilicet illud Regale, hos ipsos fontes Irlandi, qu hodie Hybernia, non Islandi esse affirmat. Quod forsan Lectori imposuit, in lingua peregrina, pro R, S, legenti.
Non maiorem fidem meretur, quod Historicus quidam habet. Esse in Islandia saxum, quod montium prrupta non extrinseca agitatione, sed propria natiuaque motione peruolitet: Id qui credere volet, quid incredibile ducet? Est enim commentum tam inauditum, vt nullum eius simile, fabulatos fuisse Epicuros (qui tamen multa incredibilia excogitasse Luciano visi sunt) constet: Nisi fort hominem qui Islandis proprio nomine Stein dicitur, sentit Historicus rupes quasdam circuisse, vel circumreptasse. Quod, etsi ridiculum est in Historiam miraculosam referre, hominem scilicet moueri vel ambulare, tamen ad saluandam Historici fidem, simulandum: ne figmentum illud, per se satis absurdum, nec dignum quod legatur, durius perstringamus.
Eodem crimine tenentur, quicunque; Islandi, coruos albos, picas, lepores, et vultures adscripserunt: Perrar enim vultures, cum glacie marina, sicut etiam vrsos (sed hos spius quam vultures) et cornicum quoddam genus, Islandis Isakrakur, aduenire obseruatum est. Picas ver et lepores, vt et coruos albos, nunquam Islandia habuit.
Atque hc fer sunt, qu de prima commentarij nostri parte per quotidianas oocupationes, in prsentia, affere licuit. Qu in hunc finem me scripta sunt, (quod etiam prius testatus sum,) vt scriptorum de terra ignota errores, et quorundam etiam affectata vanitas, patefierent: Neque enim eorum fam quicquam detractum cupio: Sed qud veritati et patri, operam meam consecraram, ilia, qu hactenus dicta sunt multis, de Insula, fidem valde exiguam mereri, necesse habui ostendere: ac ita mihi viam ad sequentia de Incolis sternere.
Commentarij prim partis Finis.
The same in English.
[Sidenote: Munster] There be seen sometimes neere vnto Island huge Whales like vnto mountains, which ouerturne ships, vnlesse they be terrified away with the sound of trumpets, or beguiled with round and emptie vessels, which they delight to tosse vp and downe. It sometimes falleth out that Mariners thinking these Whales to be Ilands, and casting out ankers vpon their backs, are often in danger of drowning. They are called in their tongue Trollwal Tuffelwalen, that is to say, the deuilish Whale.
Like vnto mountains. Loe here once againe (gentle Reader) Munsters falsifying eccho, and (as the prouerbe saieth) his blind dreame. Such a false and sencelesse ouer reaching doeth exceedingly disgrace an historie, and that by so much the more, by how much the lesse necessary it is. For to what purpose should an Historiographer make leasings, if history be a report of plaine trueth? Why should he vse such strange surmountings? What is it that he would perswade, or whither would he rauish the reader, if he propoundeth vnto himselfe nothing but the simple declaration of things:
Poets and Painters had leaue of old, To feigne, to blaze, in all things to be bold. But not Historiographers.
The backs of Whales which they thinke to be Ilands. This fable, like all the rest, was bred of an old, ridiculous and vaine tale, the credite and trueth whereof is not woorth a strawe. [Sidenote: Certain letters sent by Brandan bishop of Breme, to preach Christian faith in the North.] And it is this that foloweth, namely, that the bishop of Breme (called by the ancient Norwaies Brandan, and by Krantzius, if I be not deceiued, Alebrandus) in old time sent certanie Legates with a Couen of Friers to preach and publish in the North the popish faith, which was then thought to bee Christian, and when they had spent a long iourney in sailing towards the North, they came vnto an Iland, and there casting their anker they went a shore, and kindled fiers (for it is very likely that the Mariners were not a litle vexed with the nipping cold which they felt at sea) and so prouided victuals for the rest of their iourny. But when their fires grew very hote, this Iland sanke, and suddenly vanished away, and the Mariners escaped drowning very narowly with the boate that was present. This is the foundation of the matter, but how incredible it is, I appeale to the Reader. But what ailed these Mariners, or what meant they to doe, who in a tempestuous sea, seeing a rocke before their eyes, or (as Munster saieth) a little Iland, would not rather with all diligence haue auoided it for feare of running a shore and shipwracke, then to rest in such a dangerous harbour? But in what ground should the anker be fastened? for Mariners for the most part are destitute of such long cables, whereby they may let downe an anker to the bottom of the maine sea, therfore vpon the backs of Whales, saith Munster. But then they had need first to bore a hole for the flouke to take hold in. O silly Mariners that in digging can not discern Whales flesh from lumps of earth, nor know the slippery skin of a Whale from the vpper part of the ground: with out doubt they are woorthy to haue Munster for a Pilot. Verily in this place (as likewise before treating of the land-miracles of Island) he gathereth fruits as they say, out of Tantalus his garden, and foloweth hard after those things which will neuer and no where be found, while he endeuoureth to proule here and there for miracles, perusing sea and land to stuffe vp his history where notwithstanding he cannot hunt out ought but feigned things.
But they are called in their language Trollwal. Go not farther then your skil, Munster, for I take it you cannot skill of our tongue: and therefore it may be a shame for a learned man to teach others that which he knoweth not himselfe: for such an attempt is subiect to manifold errours, as we will shew by this your example. For while you take in hand to schoole others, & to teach them by what name a Whale-fish is to be called in our tongue, leauing out through ignorance the letter H, which almost alone maketh vp the signification of the worde, you deliuer that which is not true: for val in our language signifieth not a Whale, but chusing or choise of the verbe Eg vel, that is to say, I chuse, or I make choise, from whence val is deriued, &c. But a Whale is called Hualur with vs, & therefore you ought to haue written Trollhualur. Neither doeth Troll signifie the deuill, as you interprete it, but certaine Giants that liue in mountaines. You see therefore (and no maruel) how you erre in the whole word. It is no great iniurie to our language being in one word onely: because (doubtlesse) you knew not more then one.
Others also do offend in the same fault, for it is not to be allowed that a certaine man being about to publish a Map of Island receiued from Islanders themselues, had rather marre the fashion of all, or in very deed of the most names of Capes, Baies, mountaines, springs, riuers, homocks, valleis, hils & townes (because that being ignorant of our language, he was not able to read those things aright, which he receiued from our countreymen) he had rather (I say) depraue & corrupt them all, then learne of the Islanders themselues, which at that time, namely in the yeere 1585, liued in the vniuersitie of Hafnia, or Copen Hagen, how euery thing ought to be read and written. And we esteeme him for this his wilfull marring of our natiue names and words, (where vpon it came to passe that we reading the same, could acknowledge very few to be oure owne) that he is no slight offender against our tongue, otherwise retaining the pure and the ancient propertie.
But now we haue after some sort examined most of the myracles of Island, which our writers haue mentioned. Notwithstanding before we enter into any further matter, we thinke it good in this section to touch that which the last forenamed man (in this Map of Island, that he caused to be put forth in the foresaid yeere vnder his own name) hath giuen out concerning two other fountains besides the former: whereof the one should die white wooll black, & the other blacke wooll white. [Sidenote: Who be the Islandish writers?] Which thing where he receiued it, or whence he had it, we can by nomeans imagine: for it is not to be found in our own writers, nor in the writers of other countries. But whence soeuer it be, it is but a tale, & hath not one iote of trueth in it. And although it be incredible That black wooll may be died of a white colour, seeing it is affirmed by Plinie, that blacke wooll (of all other) will receiue no colour: notwithstanding there is some such thing reported by Theophrastus: namely, that there is a riuer in Macedonia which maketh blacke sheepe white. [Sidenote: Speculum regale.] Also that Norway pamphlet called the Roiall looking-glasse, which I mentioned before, doth attribute these fountains to Ireland, which is also called Hybernia, and not to Island. Which peraduenture deceiued the Reader, reading in a strange language S in stead of R.
That likewise deserueth no better credite which another Author writeth: That there is a certaine great stone in Island which runneth vp and downe the crags and clifs of mountaines by no outward force, but by the owne proper and natural motion. Hee that will beleeue this, what will he not beleeue? For it is such a rare deuise that the Epicures themselues (who yet seemed to Lucian to haue fained many incredible things) I am sure neuer inuented the like: vnlesse perhaps the sayd Author doeth imagine (that a man who is called of the Islanders by the proper name of Stein) should compasse about, and clime vp certaine rockes: which although it be ridiculous to put into a story of wonders, namely, that a man should mooue or walke, yet is it so to bee supposed to saue the credite of the Author, that we may not more seuerely condemne that fable, which is so sencelesse of it selfe and not woorthy to be read.
[Sidenote: Vultures, beares and crows come vpon the drift Ice into Island.] They are gulltie of the same crime also who haue found out rauens, pies [Footnote: Magpies.], hares and vultures, all white in Island for it is wel knowen that vultures come very seldome together with the Ise of the sea, vnto vs, as beares also (but they seldomer then vultures) and a certaine kind of crowes called by the Islanders Isakrakur. But as for white pies, hares, and rauens Island neuer had any. [Footnote: All modern writers, however, ascribe white hares to Iceland.]
And these in a maner be the things which, in regard of our daily busines, we were able at this present to affoord, as touching the former part of our treatise, which were penned by me for this purpos (as in the beginning I did protest) that the errors of Authors concerning an vnknowen land, and the affected vanitie also of some men might be disclosed, for I am not desirous to diminish any mans good name: but because I consecrated these my labours to trueth and to my countrey, I could not chuse but shew, that those things which hitherto haue bene reported by many concerning our Island deserue very litle credite: and so to addresse my selfe vnto the matters folowing concerning the Inhabitants.
Here endeth the first part of the Commentarie.
Commentarij de Islandia pars secunda: qu est de incolis.
Absolutis hactenus miraculis Islandi, (cum nonnullis alijs, prim parti annexis) qu dum scriptores, velut Agamemnonios quosdam fontes, im, vt quiddam prter et contra omnem naturam, mirantur, nec non vari deprdicant, minus veritati ipsi, et authoritati su cousulunt; monet proposit orationis series, vt ad alteram commentarij partem nos conferamus, qu est de incolis: Vbi quid primm dicam, aut vnde initium sumom, non satis teneo. Tanta enim sunt in nos vltimos Islandos, et tot quorundam ludibria, tot opprobria, tot scommata, tot dicteria, (Atque inter hc etiam nonnulla eorum, qui simplicissimam veritatem profiteri, volunt, nempe historicorum) vt si singula recensere velim, non aliud qum
Icari numerum dicere *corier* aqu.
Sed, vt dixi initio, non cum omnibus qu stricto iure agemus. Nam licet Krantzius, Munsterus, Frisius, et alij, nimis audacter multa de gente nostra scripserint: Tamen suis monumentis de studijs liberalibus alioqui ben meriti, etiam apud nos eo erunt in precio, quo merentur. Verm interea, etsi quis velit eos calumniandi nota liberare, tamen non leue est, eos res quasdam tam absurdas, impossibiles et ridiculas proposuisse, cuiusmodi illa fuerunt, qu hactenus exposuimus, tum impias, et atrocitate mendaciorum horrendas, cuiusmodi iam sequentur aliquot, in historias retulisse. Ast alijs, quicunque; sunt, qui quotidianus conuicijs nationem Islandorum incessunt, responsio, quam merentur, parata esse debet: Ex quorum numero, scurra ille fuit, qui rhythmis aliquot, in gentis nostr contumeliam, Germanica lingua editis, nomen suum immortali dedecori consecrauit.
Quapropter, vt instituti nostri ratio exigit, dum scriptorum de hac re monumenta persequimur, etsi qudam in eis occurrant, qu coutumeli parum habent, nos tamen plraque excutiemus, et errores, vt hactenas, annotabimus: tum si quid veri interea attulerint, id nequaquam dissimulabimus. [Sidenote: Secund partis distributio.] Ac eo modo, primm Munsterum, Krantzium, Frisium, et si qui sunt alij, audiemus, Graculo illo, cum suis rhythmis Germanicis, dira calumnia infectis in postremum, vt dignus est, relecto locum. [Sidenote: 1. Capitis huius partis diuisio.] In hunc igitur modum, primm de fide seu Religione Islandorum: Deinde de ipsorum moribus, institutis seu viuendi ratione, authores isti scribunt.
The same in English.
Of Island the second part, concerning the Inhabitants.
Hauing hitherto finished the miracles of Island with certaine other particulars belonging to the first part, the which while writers doe wonder at and diuersly extoll as it were the fountains of Agamemnon, yea, as things besides and against all nature, they haue bene very carelesse both of trueth it selfe, & of their owne credite. Now the course of the present speach doeth admonish mee to make haste vnto the other part of the treatise concerning the Inhabitants wherein what I should first say, or where I should begin, I am altogether ignorant. For there be such monstrous, and so many mocks, reproches, skoffes, and taunts of certaine men against vs poore Islanders dwelling in the vtmost parts & the world (and amongst these also, some things of theirs who take vpon them to professe most simple trueth, namely Historiographers) insomuch, that to reckon vp the particulars were nothing els but to tell the drops of the Icarian sea. But as I said in the beginning, we will not deale alike seuerely with all. For although Krantzius, Munsterus, Frisius & others haue written many things too boldly of our nation yet hauing otherwise deserued wel of learning by their monuments, they shalbe still in ye same reputation with vs that they are worthy of. Howbeit in the meane time, although a man would free them from the marke of slanderers, yet is it no small matter that they should broch certaine sencelesse, impossible & ridiculous things, such as those are which we haue hitherto laid downe as also that they should record in histories prophane and horrible vntrueths, some of which kind shal now immediately be discussed. As for others, whatsoeuer they be, who vpbraid the nation of Islanders with daily reproches, they are to haue that answere in a readinesse which such men deserue. In the number of whom, that scoffer is to be accounted, who by a company of rimes published in the Germane tongue, to the disgrace of our countrey, hath brought his name into euerlasting ignominie.
Wherefore as our present businesse requireth, while we are in hand with the writings of Authors concerning this matter, although we meet with some things containing litle reproch, notwithstanding we will examine most of them, noting the errors as hitherto we haue done in the meane time also when they shall alleage any trueth, we will in no case dissemble it. And after this maner, first we will heare Munster, Krantzius and Frisius, and others also, if there be any more, what they haue to say, reiecting that Paro and his Dutch rimes infected with fell slander, as he is woorthy vnto the last place. First therefore the sayd Authors write concerning the faith or religion of the Islanders and secondly, of their Maners, Customes, and course of life in maner folowing.
Adalbertius Metropolitanus Hamburgensis, Anno Christi 1070. Vidit ad Christum conuersos Islandos: licet ante susceptam Christi fidem, lege Naturali vuuentes, non multum lege nostra discrepantes: itaque, pretentibus illis, ordinauit quendam virum sanctum, primum Episcopum, nomine Isleif.
Krantzius his verbis, et Munsterus alibi, fidei seu Religionis Christian dignitatem Islandis videntur adscribere: Facerentque et se, et veritate dignum, nisi eandem alias nobis adimerent. Nam (vt de Krantzio infra) Munsterus, qu supra prodidit, de fide nostra, seu opinione circa Inferni locum situmque, omnino est Christiana pietate alienum: Velle scilicet scrutari arcana, qu Deus sibi soli reseruauit, quque voluit nostrum captum excedere: Non enim reperitur de hac re quicquam in literis sacris, vbi locus vel sitis inferni seu ignis terni, Diabolo et Angelis ipsius, adeoque damnatis omnibus animabus destinati, determinetur, aut circumscribatur: Nullam inquam, infra terram, seu in ea, aut vlla alia huius mundi parte, corporalem seu localem situm illi damnatorum carceri pagina sacra assignat: quinimo, terram hanc interituram, et terram nouam et coelos nouos, iustorum et sanctorum habitacula, creanda affirmat: Apoc. 2. 2, Petri 3, Esa. 65. Quare Christianus rerum ade abstrusarum inquisitionem libenter prterit: tum dogmata nullis appertis et illustribus scriptur sacras testimonijs stabilita, velut certa et vera recipere, aut alijs tradere, nefas esse ducit. Deut 4. et 12, Esa. 8. Matth, 17. 2, Timoth. 3.
Deinde etiam pugnat acriter cum Religione Christiana, quo Munsterus & Krantzius Islandos ornant, encomium: Eos videlicet, catulos ac pueros suos quo habere in precio. De quo infra, section. 7. Sic igitur secum dissidet Munst. dum quos Christianos assent, inferni architectos alias facit: Item, Krantzius et Munsterus, dum quos fide Christo insertos affirmant, eosdem omni pietatis et honestatis sensu exuunt: qud scribant filios ab his, non maiore cura, qum catulos diligi.
Sed vt ad rem: De Religione equidem nostra, qu qualiseu fuerit, cum Ethnicismus primm fugari coepit, nihil magnific diceret possumus: quemadmodum nec alia Septentrionis Regna vicina, vti existimo, de suis fidei initijs. Fatendum enim est, et cum serijs gemitibus deplorandum vsque ad illam nunquam satis prdicatam diem, qu nobis velut immortalitatis initium illuxit et repurgati Euangelij doctrinam attulit, tenebras plusquam Cimmerias, etiam nostris hominibus, vt reliquis Septentrionis Ecclesijs, offusas fuisse. Illud tamen pi nobis sentire liceat, apud nos, vt et in vicina Noruegia (nam nolo vltra septa vagari, et de populis ignotis quicquam pronunciare) eiecta primm Idololatria Ethnica, sinceriorem long et simpliciorem fidem seu religionem Christianam viguisse; quippe veneno Papistico minus infectam, quam poste, vbi auctum Roman sedis fermentum pestiferum, et malum contagiosum maturuit, et per totum orbem virus suum diffudit: Nam vt poste apparebit, multis annus antequam noua Pontificiorum Idololatria vires et incrementum cepit, Islandia Christum amplexa est: et vt laudatissimi duo illi Noruegi Reges, quibus vt commune nomen, ita commune nominis Christi propagandi studium et professio, nihil nisi fidem in Deum Patrem, Filium, et spiritum Sanctum, sonabat. Dico autem illum Olaum Thryggonis F. qui Anno Christi 968. natus, Anno tatis 27. imperium Noruegi adeptus est, et primus, vt accepimus, Noruegis Christum obtrusit: quibus imperitabat annis 5. Et huic cognominem, Olaum nuncupatum Sanctum, Haraldi F. Qui anno Christi 1013. aut circiter, imperij habenas arctius in primis obtinuit. Per annos fere 17. Christi doctrinam audacter tradidit. Anno Christi 1030. ab improbis parricidis nefari interfectus, in pago Noruegise Stickla Stodum, pro Christi nomine cruorem fudit.
Habuit etiam nostra patria inter multos alios quendam insignem pietate virum; cui Nialus nomen erat, qui circa annum Christi 1000 vixit in prdio seu villa Berthors huol, sita in Parochia Islandi, Landenum: Quique rerum humanarum experientia, circumspecta animi prudentia, sagacitate et consilio, habebatur insignis. Cum enim, eius seculo, indomitis Islandia motibus fluctuaret, incolis nullo fer superiore magistratu repressis, nullis se factionibus immiscuit: Plurimas cauta animi virtute ac industria composuit. Nunquam vim fecit, nec passus est, si vltimum tantum in vita diem excipias. Ade studios seditiones et turbas vitauit aliosque vitare aut euadere cupientes optim iuuit. Nec quisquam eius consilio, nisi maximo suo commodo est vnquam vsus: nec quisquam ab eo, nisi cum vit et fortunarum penculo deflexit. Tam certum ab eo oraculum petebatur, vt valde mirandum sit, vnde homini tanta futurorum euentuum, et tam certa coniectura et consilium esse potuerit, quanta in ipso deprehensa est. Vnde ipsius cauta, prouidens et consilij plena sapientia, apud nostrates in prouerbium abijt: Nials biita raden: quasi dicas, Niali consilium; vel, Niali consilio res geritur, aut succedit: cm quid prudenter et admirando cum consilio gestum est.
Hic cum domi su, 100. viris coniuratis ob cdem filio ipsius, ipso tamen inscio, patratam cingeretur, et inimicis domum vndique igni succendentibus, sibi videret supremum fatum instare, ait tandem. Hc quidem fato, hoc est, voluntate diuina accidunt. Cterum spem et fiduciam in Christo sitam habeo, nos (de se et vxore loquens) licet corpus hoc nostrum caducum, inimicorum flammis, mortalitatis corruptionem subeat, ab ternis tamen flammis liberatum iri. Sicque inter has voces, et flammarum svitiam, vitam, An. Christo 1010. cum vxore et filio homicida, finiuit. Vox profect filijs Dei non indigna, anim, cum mortis acerbitate luctantis summum solatium arguens.
Hc ideo addidi, vt ostendam qu coniectura adducar ad extstimamdum mox initio Christianismi (vt sic loquar) apud nos recepti, non fuisse tam deceptas et errorum tenebris immersas hominum mentes, qum nunc, paul ante hc nostra tempora fuerunt.
Ast ver iam postquam Dominus Deus per Lutherum, et Lutheri in vinea Domini collegas, et pios successores, salutis doctrinam illustriorem reddidit, mentimque nostrarum graui veterno et densa caligine excussis, dextr su digito, hoc est, spiritu Sancto, (Matth. 12. vers. 28.) cordis nostri auriculas vellicauit, ac oculos, quibus saluificam ipsius veritatem cerneremus, nobis aperuit: Nos omnes et singuli credimus et confitemur Deum esse Spiritum, (Iohan. 4. vers. 24.) ternum (Esai 40. vers. 28.) Infinitum (Ierem. 23. vers. 24. Psalm. 136. vers. 7. 8. 9.) optimum (Matth. 19. 17.) omnipotentem (Gene. 17. 1. Apocal. 1. 8.) Vnum essentia et natura: Vnum prouidentia: vnum efficentia rerum et administratione (Deut 6. 5. Ephes. 4. 5.) At personis diuinitatis, proprietatibusque distinctum, Patrem, Filium et spiritum Sanctum (Matth. 28. 19. & 3. 17.) Deum Patrem quidem, primam diuinitatis personam, coeli terr et omnium rerum creatorem (Gene. 1. vers. 1. & sequent.) Sustentatorem et gubernatorem (Psal. 115. 3. Heb. 1. 3.) Patrem Domini nostri Iesu Christi (Psalm. 2. 7. & sequent:) et nostrum per eundem Patrem (Rom. 8. 15.) Anim et corporis curatorem (Luc. 12. 12,) Tum Iesum Christum, secundam diuinitatis personam, filium Dei patris (Iohan. 1. 18. &c.) Vnigenitum (Iohan. 1. 29. Heb. 1. 2.) qualem patri (1. Paral. 17. 13. Iohan. 1. 1.) Deum verum (Iohan. 1. 2. &c.) ante omnia creata prordinatum (1. Pet. 1. 20. Apocal. 13. 8. &c.) et statim post lapsum, promissum Messiam (Gen. 3. 15.) Sanctis Patriarchis identidem promulgatum, vt Abrah (Gen. 12. 3. &c.) Isaac. (Gen. 26. 4.) Iacob. (Gen. 28. 14.) et promissionibus confirmatum (Genes. 49. 9. Esa. 11. 1. 10.) Sacrificijs Mosaicis (Leuit. 1. 2. &c.) Et alijs typis prfiguratum: immolatione Isaac (Gen. 22.) Exaltatione nei serpentis. (Num. 21.) Iona (Ion. 2. &c.) Prophetarum testimonio proclamatum (Esai 7. 14. &c.) ac tandem in plenitudine temporis ver exhibitum: hominem verum (Iohan. 1. 14. &c. Paul. Galat. 4.) mortuum pro peccatis nostris: resuscitatum propter iustificationem nostri (Rom. 4. 25. &c.) Ascendentem in coelum (Act. 1. 9. &c.) ac pro nobis ad dexteram patris sine intermissione interpellantem (1. Iohan, 2. 1. &c.) per spiritum Sanctum suum qui tertia est diuinitatis persona patri et filio compar et consubstantialis. (Actor. 5. 4.) Ecclesiam sibi verbo et Sacramentis colligentem (Matth. 16. 18. Roman. 10. 14. &c) Et ad vitam ternam sanctificantem (Actor. 9. 31. &c.) Ac tandem consummatis seculis coelo, venturum (Actor, 1. 11.) Iudicare viuos et mortuos (1. Thess. 4. 15.) redditurum impijs secundum opera sua, esque poenis ternis adiudicaturum (Mat 13. 42. & 25. 41.) credentes ver in nomine ipsius terna vita donaturum (Mat 25. 34. &c.) Hunc, inquam, Iesum Christum redemptorem (Mat 1. 21.) Caput (1. Corinth. 12. 27.) et Dominum nostrum (Ephes. 4. 5.) agnoscimus: Nosque illi nomen in sacro baptismo dare ac dedisse (Actor. 2. 38.) Et per baptismum illi insertos esse (1. Cor. 12. 13.) apert, ingenu, liber ac libenter fatemur ac contestamur: omnesque alios, quicunque aliud nomen sub coelo datum esse hominibus, per quod salui fiant, comminiscuntur, seri detestamur, execramur et damnamus. (Actor. 4. 12.) Verbum ipsius sanctissimum vnicam salutis normam statuimus, illudque tantummod, omnibus humanis commentis abiectis et spretis, infallibilem fidei nostr regulam et amussim nobis proponimus: (Galat 1. 8. Esa. 29. 13. Ezech. 20.) Quod duplicis Testamenti, veteris et noui appellatione complectimur. (Hebr. 8.) traditum per Prophetas et Apostolos (Ephes. 2. 20.) singulari et immensa Dei bonitate in hunc vsque diem semper in Ecclesia conseruatum et conseruandum in posterum. (Matth. 28. vlt. Psalm. 71. 18. 1. Cor. 11. 26.)
Deo igitur optimo maximo gratias ex animo et toto pectore agimus, qud etiam ad nos, vastissimo interuallo reliquo Ecclesi corpore diuulsos et vltimas mundi partes habitantes, lumen hoc suum, concessum, ad reuelationem gentium, et paratum ante faciem omnium populorum, olim pio Simeoni benigne ostensum (Nam in Christo omnes thesauri saptenti reconditi) quod nunc totam nostram gentem radijs suis saluificis illuminat ac fouet, pertingere voluerit. Hc ita breuiter, ipsam summam perstringendo, fides nostra est, et nostra religio, quaro monstrante spirtu Sancto, et ipsius in vinea Christi ministris, bausimus: idque ex fontibus Isrlis.
[Sidenote: Krantzius.] Anno Domini 1070. vidit ad Christum conuersos Islandos.
Dubium nobis est, vtrum his verbis dicere voluerit Krantzius, Islandos primm Anno Domini 1070. ad Christum esse conuersos an ver, prius quidem esse conuersos non neget, sed eo primm anno id Adalberto innotuisse dicat. [Sidenote: Chronologi Islandic gentis antiquissim.] Vtrumuis autem affirmet, tamen fidem ipsius hoc loco suspectam reddunt annales et chronologi nostr gentis antiquissim, qu contrarium testantur: quibus vtrum malis, de rebus nostris proprijs et domesticis et intra nostr insul limites gestis credere, an ver Krantzio, aut cuius alteri in nostratium rerum historia peregrino, sit penes tuum, candide Lector, arbitrium. Ego profecto multis adducor vt nostris potius assentiar. Nostrates emm nota tantum et fere domestica asserunt: ille peregrina et ignota. Hi suas Chronologias sine aliarum omnium nationum labe, macula et sugillatione contexuerunt tantummod, vt rebus gestis suum verum tempus seu ram assignarent; ille qudam cum re et veritate pugnantia in contumeliam gentis nostr ignotissim, histori su admiscuit, vt paul post apparebit: hi omnium episcoporum Islandi nomina, annos, ordinem et successum describunt: ille vnius tantm mentionem facit, idque long secus qum res habet. Porr vt his fidem faciam, panca, qu in ventustissimis nostris annalibus de Islandia ad Christum conuersa, et de Episcoporum in nostris Ecclesijs successione reperi, quorum etiam fides apud nos public recepta est, cum extraneis communicabo. [Sidenote: Vetustissmum annales.] Qu tametsi leuiuscula, nec omnia prorsus digna qu scribantur, scribenda tamen omnin sunt ad nostrarum rerum veritatem, aduersus Krantzium et alios asserendam: Sic igitur habent.
[Sidenote: 874. Islandia primum inhabituta.] Anno Christi 874. prius quidem, vt ante commemorauimus, inuenta, sed tunc primum Noruagis (quorum princeps fuit Ingulphus quidam, cuios nomine promontorium Islandi orientalis Ingulffs hoffdi appellatitionem traxit) occupata est Islandia. Hi plures quam 400. cum cognatis et agnatis et prterea numerosa familia nominatim in annalibus nostris recensentur: nec illorum tantm numerus describitur, sed quas oras, qu littora, et qu loca mediterranea, singuli occupauerint et incoluerint, et quomodo primi inhabitatores, fretis, sinibus, portubus, Isthmis, porthmis, promontorijs, rupibus, scopulis, montibus, collibus, vallibus, tesquis, fontibus, fluminibus, riuis, ac denique villis seu domicilijs suis nomina dederint, quorum hodi plraque retinentur et in vsu sunt, apert narratur. Itaque Noruagi occupat iam Islandi 60. annorum spacio, aut circiter, habitabiles partes sua multitudine implent: Centum ver prope modum annis Ethnici manserunt, ci paucissimos, qui in Noruagia fort sacro fonte abluti fuerant, excipias. [Sidenote: 974.] Annis autem vix centum primo ingressu elapsis, mox de religione Christiana agi coeptum est, nempe circa annum Domini 974. qu res non sine insigni rebellione plusquam 20 annis vari multis tentata est. [Sidenote: Fredericus Saxo.] Commemorantur autem duo Episcopi extranei, qui cum alijs, in conuertenda ad fidem Christi insula, diligenter laborarint: Prior Fridericus, Saxo natione, qui anno 981. ad Islandos venit, atque docendi munere strenu functus est, ac tantum fecit, vt Anno 984, sacr des Islandis in vsu fuerint.
Alter ver ille extraneus Episcopus siue concionator, quem Thangbrandt nuncupauere, anno 997. in Islandiam primm venit.
[Sidenote: Anno Dom. 1000.] Hinc post 26, annorum disceptationem de religione, tandem Anno 1000. in conuentu generali omnium incolarum decretum est, vniuersali eorundem consensu, vt Ethnicorum numinum cultu seposito, religionem sectarentur Christianam.
Rursus in solenni incolarum conuentu Anno 1050. sancitum est, vt leges seculares seu politic (quarum constitutiones allatas ex Noruagia quidam Vlfliotus, Anno 926. Islandis communicarat) vbique cederent iuri Canonico seu diuino.
Anno 1056. abit peregr ex Islandia Isleifus quidam, in Episcopum Islandi ordinandus.
Redit ordinatus in Islandiam, et Cathedram Schalholtensem adit Anno 1057. Moritur 1080. tatis 74. 4. Kalendas Iulias.
Videbuntur forsitan hc minuta, concisa, vilia, nec narratione satis digna, cum multis fort qu sequuntur: Sed nec historiam Romanam conteximus, nec tam minuta erunt, quin contra Krantzij et aliorum errores conuincendos, prout nostrum est institutum, valeant. Et cert, quantum ad fidem nostrarum Chronologiarum, constat Saxonem Grammaticum non parum illis tribuisse: Cuius, in prfatione su Dan, hc sunt verba. Nec Thylensium inquit, (sic enim Islandos appellat) industria silentio obliteranda: qui cum ob natiuam soli sterilitatem, luxuri nutrimentis carentes, officia continu sobrietatis exerceant, omnique vit momenta ad alienoram operum notitiam conferre soleant, inopiam ingenio pensant. Cunctarum quippe nationum res gestas cognosse, memorique mandare, voluptatis loco reputant non minoris glori iudicantes, alienas virtutes disserere, quam proprias exhibere. Quorum thesauros Historicarum rerum pignoribus refertos curiosius consulens, haud paruam prsentis operis partem ex eorum relationis imitatione contexui: nec arbitros habere contempsi, quos tamta vetustatis peritia callere noui. Hc Saxo. Quare lubet Episcoporum Islandi Catalogum persequi, vt ex annalibus nostris continuata diligenter, quoad eius fieri potest, omnium series, his qu de primo Isleifo contra Krantzium attulimus, fidem faciat.
The same in English.
[Sidenote: Krantzius in prfatione su Norwegi.] Adalbert Metropolitane of Hamburg in the yeere of Christ 1070. saw the Islanders concerted Christianitie: albeit, before the receiuing of Christian faith, they liued according to the lawe of nature, and did not much differ from our lawe: therefore at their humble request, he appointed a certaine holy man named Islief to be their first Bishop.
Krantzios in these words, and Munster other where, doe seeme to attribute vnto the Islanders the prerogatiue of Christian faith and they should deale both beseeming themselues and the trueth, if they did not in other places depriue vs of the same. For (to speake of Krantzras anone) that which Munster before reported concerning our faith or opinion about the place and situation of hell, is very farre from Christian pietie: namely to be desirous to prie into those secrets which God hath kept close vnto himselfe alone, and which his pleasure is, should exceed our capacitie: for there is not any thing found in the holy Scriptures of this matter, where the place and situation of hell, or of eternall fire prepared for the deuill and his angels, and so for all damned soules, is bounded or compassed about. The holy Bible (I say) assigneth no locall or bodily situation beneath the earth, or vpon the earth, or in any other place of this world, to that prison of the damned: but it affirmeth that this earth shall perish, and that a new earth, and new heauens shall be created for the habitation of iust and holy men, Reuel. 2. 2. Pet. 3. and Esay [Footnote: Isaiah] 65. wherefore a Christian man willingly giueth ouer to search into such hidden secrets and he accounteth it vnlawful to receiue or deliuer vnto others, opinions (grounded vpon no plaine and manifest places of Scripture) for certainties and trueths, Deut. 4. and 12. Esay 8. Matth. 27. 2. Tim 3.
Further also that commendation wherewith Munster and Krantzius doe grace the Islanders, is meerly contrary to Christian religion: namely that they make al one reckoning of their whelps and of their children. But more of this matter anone in the 7. section. So therefore Munster disagreeth with himselfe, whereas those whom he affirmeth to be Christians, afterward, he maketh to be master builders of hell. Also Krantzius and Munster both together, when as those whom they affirme to be engraffed by faith into Christ, they except from all sense of piety and honesty, in that they write that their sonnes are not dearer vnto them then their whelpes.
But to returne to the matter: In very deed we haue no great thing to say concerning our religion, what, or of what sort it was when Gentilisme was first put to flight. No more (I thinke) haue other Northern nations neere vnto vs to say concerning the beginning of their faith. For (alas) we must needs confesse and bewaile with deepe sighes, that vntill that day which shined vnto vs like the beginning of immortalitie, and brought vnto vs the pure doctrine of the gospel, our countrymen, as likewise other churches of the North, were ouerspred with more then Cimmerian darkenesse. But we may iustly and religiously thinke thus muche, that among vs and our neighbours of Norway (for I will not range out of my bounds, nor affirme any thing of vnknowen people) after heathenish idolatry was rooted out, Christian faith and religion did florish far more sincere, and simple, as being lesse infected with the poison of poperie, at that time, then afterward, when as the pestiferous leauen of the see of Rome being augmented, and the contagious mischiefe growing ripe, the poison thereof was dispersed through the whole world: for, as it shal afterward appeare, Island embraced Christ many yeeres before the new idolatry of the papists began to preuaile, and did sound foorth nothing but faith in God the Father, the Sonne and the holy Ghost, like vnto those two most renouned kings of Norway, who as they had one common name, so had they one common care and profession to aduance the gospel of Christ. [Sidenote: The first christian king of Norway] I meane Olaus the sonne of Thryggo, who was borne in the yere of Christ 968. attaining to the kingdom of Norway in the 27. yeere of his age, and was the first, as we haue heard, that offred Chnst vnto the Norwegians, ouer whom hee reigned fiue yeeres and another of that name called Olaus Sanctus the sonne of Harald, who in the yeere of Christ 1013. or there about, gouerned with more seueritie, and for the space of 17. yeeres did boldly deliuer the doctrine of Christ. In the yere of Chnst 1030. being vniustlie slaine by wicked murtherers, he shed his blood for the name of Christ in a town of Norway called Sticfla Stodum.
[Sidenote: Nialus the first knowne professour of Christian faith in Island.] Our countrey also had, among many other, one man of excellent pietie whose name was Nialus, who about the yeere of Chnst 1000. liued in the village of Berthorshuol situate in the parish of Island called Landehum: who also for his experience in humane affaires, for his great wisedome and sage counsell was accompted famous. For whereas in his time Island was turmoiled with many fierce mutinies, the inhabitants being in subiection to no superiour magistrate, he intermedled not in any quarels, sauing that by his discreet vertue and diligence he set through and brought to composition a great number: hee neuer did nor suffered violence, but onely vpon the last day of his life. So carefully auoyded he al seditions and strifes: and gaue good assistance to others, who were desirous also to auoyd and escape them: neither did any man euer put in practise his counsel, but it turned to his especiall good: nor euer any did swerue therefrom, but with the danger of his life and possessions. The wordes or rather the oracles that came from him were so certaine, that it was wonderful from whence any man should haue so great and so sure forecast and counsell of things to come, as was found to be in him. Whereupon his discreet and prouident wisedome, ioyned with counsell became a prouerbe amongst vs, "Nials byta raden:" That is to say, the counsel of Nialus or, the thing is done, or succeedeth by Nialus his counsel: when any business was atchieued prudently, and with admirable discretion. This man, when, for a slaughter committed by his sonne without his knowledge, he was in his owne house beset with a 100. men, who had conspired his death, and when his enemies began on all sides to set his house on fire, seeing his ende approch, at length he brake into these words. "Doubtlesse these things happen by fate, that is, by the will of God. Howbeit, I put my hope and confidence in Christ, that we (meaning his wife and himselfe) although this our fraile body shal vndergoe the corruption of death, in the fire of our enemies, yet, that it shalbe deliuered from eternal flames." And so in the midst of these voyces, and in the fury of the flames, he with his wife and the manslayer his sonne, in the yere of Christ 1010. ended his life. A voyce vndoubtedly full well beseeming the sonnes of God, arguing the notable comfort of his soule amidst the very pangs of death.
I therefore added those things to shew by what reason I was moued to thinke that in the very beginning of Christianitie receiued amongst vs, mens minds were not so beguiled and ouerwhelmed in the darkenes of errors, as of late, a little before these our times they haue bene.
[Sidenote: A summe of the Islanders Religion.] But after the Lord God by Luther, and Luthers fellow-labourers in the vineyard of the Lord, and by godly successours, did make the doctrine of saluation more manifest, and shaking off the heauie slothe, and thicke miste of our minds by the finger of his right hand, that is by his holy spirit (Matth. 12. v. 28.) did plucke the eares of our hearts, and opened our eyes that we might behold his sauing health: We all, and euery of vs do belieue and confesse that God is a spirit (Iohn 4. v. 24.) eternal (Esay. 40. v. 28.) infinite (Iere. 23. v. 24. Psal 139. v. 7. 8. 9.) most good (Matth. 19. v. 17.) almighty (Gen. 17. 1. Reuel. 1. 8.) one in being, and nature: one in prouidence, one in the making and gouerning of all things (Deut. 6. 5. Ephe. 4. 5.) But distinguished by the persons of the Godhead and their properties, the Father, the Sonne, and the holy Ghost (Matth. 28. 19. and 3. 17.) God the Father the first person of the Godhead creator of heauen and earth, and all other things (Gen. 1. v. 1. and in those that folow) the vpholder and gouernor of all (Psa. 115. 3. Heb. 1. 3.) Father of our Lord Iesus Christ (Psal. 2, 7. and verses following) and our Father through him (Rom. 8. 15.) keeper of our soules and bodies (Luke 12. 12.). And that Iesus Christ the second person of the Godhead is the sonne of God the Father (Iohn 1. 18. &c.) onely begotten (Iohn 1. 29. Heb. 1. 2.) equal to his Father (1. Chro. 17. 13. Ioh. 1. 1.) true God (Iohn 1. 2. &c.) foreappointed before the creation of all things (1. Pet. 1. 20, Reuel 13. 8. &c.) and presently after mans fell promised to be the Messias (Gene. 3. 15. &c.) published eftsoones vnto the holy Patriaches, as vnto Abraham (Gen. 12. 3. &c.) vnto Isaac (Gen. 26. 4.) vnto Iacob (Gene. 28. 14.) and confirmed by promises (Gen. 49. 9. Esa. 11. 1, 10.) prefigured by the sacrifices of Moses (Leu. 1. 2. &c.) and by other types, as namely by the offering of Isaac (Gen. 22.) by the lifting vp of the brazen serpent (Num. 21.) by Ionas (Ionas 2. &c.) proclaimed by the testimony of the Prophets (Esa. 7. 14.) and at length in the fulnesse of time truely exhibited: true man (Iohn 1. 14. &c. Gal. 4.) that he died for our sinnes, and was raised again for our iustification (Rom. 4. 25. &c.) Ascending into heauen (Acts 1. 9. &c.) and making intercession for vs at the right hand of his Father without ceasing (1. Iohn 2. 1. &c.) by his holy Spirit (which is the thirde person of the Godhead, coequall, and consubstantial to the Father and the Sonne, Acts. 5. 4.) gathering the Church to himselfe by the word, and Sacraments (Matth. 16. 18. Rom. 10. 14. &c.) and sanctifying it to eternal life, (Acts. 9. 31. &c.) And that one day at the end of the world he will come from heauen (Acts 1. 11.) to iudge the quicke and the dead (1. Thessal. 4. 15.) that he will render vnto the wicked according to their workes, and that he will iudge mem to eternal paines (Matth. 13. 42. and 25. 4.) but that he wil reward them, with eternal life, who beleeue in his Name (Matth. 25. 34.) This Iesus Christ (I say) wee acknowledge to be our Redeemer (Matth. 1. 21.) our head (1. Corinth. 12. 27.) and our Lord (Ephe. 4. 5.) And that wee in our holy baptisme do giue, and haue giuen our names vnto him (Acts. 2. 38.) and that wee are engraffed into him by baptisme (1. Corin. 12. 13.) And this we do plainely, ingenuously, freely, and willingly confesse and witnesse: And as for all others who inuent any other name in heauen giuen vnto men by which they may be saued, we doe earnestly detest, cursse, and condemne them (Acts. 4. 12.) We holde his most holy Word to be the onely rule of our saluation: and that alone (al mans deuises being cast away and contemned) we propound vnto our selues as an infallible rule, and leuel of our faith (Galat. 1. 8. Esai 29. 13. Ezech. 20.) which we conteine vnder the name of the olde and newe Testament (Hebr. 8.) deliuered by the Prophets and Apostles (Ephe 2. 20) by the singular and infinite goodnesse of God, presented euer vnto this day and to be preserued here after alwayes in the Church (Matth 28. last verse. Psal 71. 18. 1 Cor 11. 26.)
Therefore we render thankes vnto our most gratious and Almighty God from our soule, and from our whole heart, because that euen vnto vs being separated an huge distance from the rest of the body of his Church, and inhabiting the farthest parts of the world, hee would that this light graunted for the reuelation of the Gentiles, and prepared before the face of all people, and in olde time fauourably shewed to holy Simeon (for in Christ are all the treasures of wisedome hidden) which now doeth enlighten and cherish with the sauing beames thereof our whole nation, that hee would (I say) this light should come vnto vs. This in briefe (running ouer the very summe) is our faith, and our Religion, which by the direction of the holy Spirt and of his Ministers in the vineyard of Christ, we haue drawen and that out of the fountaines of Isrl.
[Sidenote: Kranzius] In the yeere of our Lord 1070. saw the Ilanders conuerted vnto Christ, &c.
It is doubtful vnto vs whether in these words Kranzius would haue said, that the Islanders were first conuerted vnto Christ in the yeere of our Lord 1070. or whether he doth not deny that they were indeed before conuerted, but saith that it was knowne first vnto Adalbert that yeere. [Sidenote: The most ancient Chronicles of Island.] But whethersoeuer of these he affirmeth: notwithstanding the yeerely records, and most auncient Chronicles of our nation testifying the contrary do make his credite to be suspected in this place, vnto which records and Chronicles, whether you had rather giue assent concerning our owne proper and domesbcal affaires, done within the bounds of our Island, or to Krantzaus or any other being ignorant in the story of our countrey, I appeale (friendly reader) vnto your owne discretion. For my part I am enforced by many reasons to agree rather vnto our owne writers. For our countreymen affirme those things onely that be knowen, and in a maner domesticall he writeth matters forreine and vnknowen they haue compiled their histories without the diffaming, disgracing or reprehending of any other nations, onely that they might assigne vnto their owne acts and exploits the true time or age thereof: he hath intermedled in his historie certaine things contrary to the trueth, and that to the vpbraiding of our nation being most vnknowen vnto him, as it shall immediatly appeare: they describe the names, yeres, order, succession of all the Bishops of Island: he mentioneth onely one, and that farre otherwise then the trueth. Furthermore that I may make good the credite of our Countreymen, I wil impart with strangers a fewe things which I found in our most ancient records of the conuersion of Island vnto Christ, and of the succession of Bishops in our Churches. Which although they be of litle moment, and not altogether worthy to be written, yet must they of necessitie bee set downe for the defence of the trueth of our affaires against Krantzius and others: thus therefore standeth the certaintie thereof.
[Sidenote: Island first inhabited.] In the yeere of Christ 874. Island (being indeed discouered before that time, as is aboue mentioned) was then first of all inhabited by certaine Noruagians. Their chiefetaine was one Ingulphus from whose name the East cape of Island is called Ingulffs hoffdi. These planters are reckoned vp by name in our recordes more then to the number of 400 together with those of their blood and kinred, and great families besides neither onely is their number described, but it is also plainely set downe, what coasts, what shores, and what inland places eche of them did occupie and inhabite, and what names the first inhabitants did giue vnto Streights, bayes, harboroughs, necklands, creekes, capes, rockes, cragges, mountaines, hilles, valleys, homockes, springs, floods, riuers. And to be short, what names they gaue vnto their graunges or houses, whereof many at this day are reteined and vsed. Therefore the Norwayes with their company peopled all the habitable parts of Island now occupied by them for the space of 60. yeeres or thereabout but they remayned Ethnickes almost 100. yeres, except a very fewe which were baptised in Norwaie. But scarce a 100. yeres from their first entrance being past, presently Christian religion began to be considered vpon, namely about the yeere of our Lord 974. Which thing aboue 20. yeres together, was diuersly attempted of many not without notable rebellion: amongst the rest there are mentioned two outlandish Bishops, who with others diligently laboured in conuerting the Island to Christian faith: [Sidenote: Saxo, the first preacher of the Christian faith in Island. Anno Domini 981.] the former was one Fridericus a Saxon borne, who in the yeere 981. came into Island, and behaued himselfe couragiously in the office of preaching, and preuailed so much, that in the yeere 984. Churches were vsed in Island.
But the other outlandish Bishop or preacher whom they called Thangbrandt came first into Island in the yeere 997.
[Sidenote: Anno Domini 1000.] And then after 26. yeeres consulting about Religion, at length in the yeere 1000, it was decreed in a generall assembly of all the inhabitants by their whole consent, that the worship of heathenish Idoles being abandoned, they should embrace Christian Religion.
Againe, in the yeere 1050, it was decreed in a solemne assembly of the inhabitants, that temporall or politique lawes (the constitutions whereof being brought out of Norwaie were communicated vnto the Islanders by one Vlfliot in the yeere 926.) should euery where giue place to the Canon or diuine Lawe.
In the yere 1056. one Isleif went beyond the seas out of Island to be consecrated bishop of Island.
He came home consecrated into Island, and entred into the bishopricke of Scalholt in the yeere 1057. He died 1080. in the yeere of his age 74. The 4. of the Kalends of Iuly.
These things perhaps wil seeme trifling, short and base, not sufficiently worthy to be mentioned, together with many other matters which follow: but neither doe wee compile the Romane history, neither yet shall these things be so trifling, but that they may be of sufficient force to conuince the errours of Krantzius and others, according to our purpose. [Sidenote: A notable testimonie of Saxo concerning the Islanders.] And vndoubtedly as touching the trueth of our histories, it is euident that Saxo Grammaticus attributeth very much vnto them: whose words in his preface of Denmarke be these: Neither is the diligence of the Thylenses (for so he calleth Islanders) to be smothered in silence: who when as by reason of the natiue barrennes of their soile, wanting nourishments of riot, they do exercise the duties of continuall sobrietie, and vse to bestow all the time of their life in the knowledge of other men's exploits they supply their want by their wit. For they esteeme it a pleasure to know and commit vnto memory the famous acts of other nations, reckoning it no lesse praiseworthy to discourse of other mens vertues, then to practise their owne. Whose treasures replenished with the monuments of historical matters, I more curiously searching into, haue compiled no smal part of this present worke by following of their relation neither despised I to haue those men for my iudges, whom I knew to be skilful in so great knowledge of antiquitie. Thus farre Saxo.
Wherefore I thinke it not amisse to proceede in the recitall of the Bishops of Island, that the order and descent of them all, being so farre foorth as is possible, diligently put together out of our yeerely records, may make good that which we haue alledged against Krantzius concerning Isleif the first Bishop of Island.
Anno Episcopi Schalholtenses Christi I. Isleif. 1056 Ordinatur peregr. 1057 Redit et Schalholtensem cathedram adit 1080 Anno tat 74. Moritur 4. Kalend. Iul.
II. Gysserus. 1082 Ordinatur peregr, 1083 Redit in Islandiam cum Episopatu. 1118 Moritur 5. Kalend. Maias qui fuit dies Martis.
III. Thorlacus Runolphi. F. Anno tatis Ordinatur eodem anno, quo prdecessor. 32: Gysserus vita excessit, sed tamen ante illius obitum 30. die 1133 Moritur.
IV. Magnus 1134 Ordinatur. 1148 Postridi festi omnium Sanctorum in villa sacerdotali Hittardal comuiuans, coenaculo fulmine percusso, cum viris 70. flammis absumptus est.
V. Klaingus. 1151 Eligitur. 1152 Cathedram adit. 1176 Moritur.
VI. Thorlacus. Eligitur biennio ante obit, prdecessoris 1178 Ordinatur. 1193 Moritur.
VII. Paulus. 1195 Ordinatur. 1211 Moritur.
VIII. Magnus. 1216 Ordinatur.
IX. Siguardus. 1239 Cathedram adit. 1268 Moritur.
X. Arnerus. 1269 Cathedram adit. 1298 Moritur.
XI. Arnerus Helgonis F. 1304 Ordinatur. 1305 Cathedram adit. 1309 In Noruagiam abit ligna rege Noruagi petiturus, quibus templum Schalholtense redificaretur, quod eodem anno fulmine tactum conflagrarat. 1310 Redit ex intinere. 1320 Moritur.
XII. Ionas Haldorus. 1321 Eligitur. 1322 Ordinatur Kal. Augusti. 1323 Cathedram adit. 1338 Moritur.
XIII. Ionas Indridi F. Roruages 1339 Cathedram adit. 1341 Moritur.
XIV. Ionas Siguardi F. 1343 Cathedram adit. 1348 Moritur pridi Diui Magni.
XV. Gyrthus. 1349 Ordinatus Asloi Noruagorum, ab Episcopo Asloensi Salomone. 1356 Abiens peregr fluctibus vitam finit.
XVI. Thorarinnus. 1362 Cathedram adit. 1364 Moritur.
XVII. Oddgeirus. 1366 Cathedram adit.
1381 Moritur in assumpt. beat virginis, in portu Noruagi Burgensi, mercium aceruo in imum nauis delapsus. Sepultus Bergis in de Saluatoris.
XVIII. Michal Danus. 1385 Cathedral adit. 1388 Resignat profectus in Daniam.
XIX. Wilhelmus Danus. 1394 Cathedram adit. Moritur.
XX. Arnerus. Hic cognomento fuit Milldur. i. liberalis. Gessit vna pfecturam Islandi tertius: Episcopatum Schalholtens. & vice Episcopatum Holensem. 1420 Obijt.
XXI. Ionas Gerichso.
1432 Suecus siue cognomento siue natione prest Ecclesi Schalholtensi: ac poste ob qudam nimis audacter tentata, quodam Thorualdo de Modruvallum (vt fama est) captus, & aligato ad collum saxo in amne Schalholtensi, qui ponte nomen habet, viuus submersus & strangulatus est.
XXII. Gosuinus. 1445 Prest Ecclesi Schalholtensi.
XXIII. Sueno. 1472 Dictus sapiens prest.
XXIV. Magnus Riolphi F. 1489 Prest.
XXV. Stephanus. 1494 Cathedram adit. Deinde Godtschalco episcopo Holensi, qui crudelis nomen meritus esse videtur, Synchronos similem cum illo clementi & iustici laudem reportauit. 1519 Moritur: aut circiter.
XXVI. Augmundus. Eligitur anno obitus Stephani 1522 Cathedram adit. Hoc episcopo, prefectus regius cum comitibus aliquot Scalhotiam inuitatus, in ipso conuiuio coniuram quibusdam interfectus est, e qud impi passim in incolas & bona ipsorum grassatus esset. Augmundus vcro tanquam istius cdis author, quanquam se iuramento purgarat in Daniam transuectus, Obijt.
XXVII. Gysserus. 1540 Eligitur viuente Augmundo 1541 Cathedram adit, Papisticarum traditionum abrogator circa coniugium 1544 sacerdotum: Eius nupti Schalholti celebrat.
XXVIII. Martinus. 1547 Prest, & sequentibus.
XXIX. Gislaus Ionas.
Hic statim, Augmundo episcopo, coepit iuuenis ver pietatis & purioris doctrin Euangelic studio, & amore flagrare, eandemque pastor ecclesi Sclardalemsis diligenter propagare, qua ratione Pontificiorum odium ade in se deriuauit, vt illorum insidijs ac rabiei cedere coactus, Hamburgum se contulerit, vnde Haffniam Danorum profectus, in coepto ver Theologi studio strenu pergens, in multorum, prcipu ver in summa D. D. Petri Palladu tum temporis Episcopi, familiaritate et gratia viuebat. 1556 Postea, inde in patriam reuerso, Martinus sponte cessit.
1587 Moritur et hic 31. annos plus minus Euangelium Iesu Christi professus: nec tantum viua voce, sed et quocunque demum potuit modo, docendo, dicendo, scribendo, re et consilio Ecclesiam Dei iuuit et promouit.
XXX. Otto Knerus Vir grauis, pius et eruditus. 1588 Electus abit patria. 1589 Ordinatur. Redit et cathedram adit, susceptique muneris labores aggreditur.
* * * * *
Anno Episcopi Holenses. Christi
I. Ionas Augmundi F. Isleifi discipulus. 1106 Ordinatur peregr: anno tat. 64. cognomentum illi, sanctus: curus memori dies 3. Martij, apud Islandos est antiquits dicatus. 1121 Moritur 11. Kalend. Maias.
II. Ketillus siue Catullus. 1122 Ordinatur. 1145 Moritur.
III. Biorno. 1147 Ordinatus venit in Islandiam. 1162 Moritur.
IV. Brandus. 1163 Ordinatur. 1165 Cathedram adit. 1201 Moritur.
V. Gudmundus, cognomento Bonus. 1203 Eligitur et ordinatur. 1237 Moritur.
VI. Botolphus. 1239 Redit ordinatus. 1246 Moritur.
VII. Henricus. 1247 Cathedram adit. 1260 Moritur.
VIII. Brandus. 1262 Abbas peregr abit. 1263 Cathedram adit. 1264 Moritur.
IX. Iorundus. 1267 Cathedram adit. 1313 Moritur.
X. Audunnus. 1314 Cathedram adit. 1322 Moritur.
XI. Laurentius. 1324 Eligitur & ordinatur. 1331 Moritur Idib. April.
XII. Egillus. 1332 Cathedram adit. 1341 Moritur.
XIII. Ormus. 1343 Cathedram adit. 1355 Moritur in festo omnium Sanctorum.
XIV. Ionas Erici F. cognomento Skalle
1358 Cathedram Holensem aditurus venit in Islandiam. Hic Ionas, olim in Grondlandi Episcopatum Gronlandis ordinatus, Pontifice Romano Episcopus impetrauit, vt liceret sibi Episcopatum Holensem adire, qui 1356 tunc temporis vacabat. Vnde cum confirmationem huius dignitatis ac munerus, Pontifice acceptam, veniens non proferret, apud Presbyteros dioecesis Holensis, suspect fidet esse coepit. Quare abijsdem in Noruagiam relegus est, vt ea res arbitrio Regis componeretur. Rege igitur ipsius partibus fauente Cathedram Holensem obitnuit. 1391 Moritur.
XV. Petrus. Ordinatur, quo anno prdecessor rebus mortalium exemptus est. 1392 Cathedram adit Holensem. Moritur.
XVI. Ionas Wilhelmus. 1432 Anglus, siue genere, siue cognomine, prfuit Ecclcsi Holensi.
XVII. Godschalcus. 1457 Moritur.
XVIII. Olaus Rogwaldi F.
1458 Prdicti Godschalchi ex sorore nepos, vterque Noruagus, eligitur. 1497 Moritur.
XIX. Godschalcus. De mortus Olai nepos ex fratre, et ille Noruagus, eligitur eodem anno quo patruus decessit.
1500 Cathedram adit, ac per totos 20. annos multos ex subditis duriter exercuisse fertur. Anno 1520. cum inter pocula et voluptates conuiuales versaretur audirtque obijsse Ionam Sigismundum, quem cum vxore et liberis multos annos crudelissim vexauerat, in subitum morbum repent incidit, et sic paul post, eam, qua in tota vita in miseros subditos vsus est vim cum miserabili morte commutauit.
XX. Ionas Arsonius. 1525 Cathedram adit: etiam hic papisticarum superstitionum vltimus et acerrimus assertor. Qui, cum Gyssero et Martino episcopus Schalhoti acriter resisteret, pientiss. Rege Christiano 1548 tertio iubetur sub poena exilij protinus in Daniam aduentare. 1550 Sed hoc neglecto, captum Martinum Schalholti Episcopum custodi mandauit. Tandem et ipse viro quodam magni nominis, quem prius vt fertur, lacessiuerat, captus, ac Schalholtiam adductus, ibidem cum filijs duobus, authoritate regij prfecti, capitis 1551 supplicio affectus est. In cuius vltionem, non mult post prfectus ille regius, cum socijs aliquot, quibusdam sicarijs, decollatorum olim famulis, nefarie occisus est.
XXI. Olaus Bialterus. 1552 Abit patria. 1553 Cathderam adit. Hic primus sincerioris doctrin apud Holenses amorem in multorum animis, etiam adhuc prdecessoris sui collega, accendit: Deinde eandem doctrinam Episcopus apertius docuit et propugnauit. 1568 Moritur.
XXII. Gudbrandus Thorlacius. Ille non mod su tatis, sed et posterntatis ornamentum. Qui prterquam quod inchoatum opus prdecessore Olao sibi relictum ducente S. S. optim ad eam, quam dedit Deus perfectionem, deduxit, (dico labores et diligentiam in asserenda veritate Euangelica, et papisticis superstitionibus abrogandis) etiam in hac patria sua officinam Typographicam primus Islandorum aperuit. Cui idcirco patria inter libros complures in linguam vernaculam translatos, etiam sacrosancta Biblia, elegantissimis typis Islandica lingua in officna ipsius excusa, in ternum debebit. Hic inquam Episcopus prsens, officium suscepturus. 1570 Abijt. 1571 Redit Cathedram Holensem ingreditur.
The same in English.
The Bishops of Schalholt. In the yeere of Christ I. Isleif. Consecrated beyond the seas. 1056 Returneth and entereth the Bishops sea of Schalholt. 1057 Dieth in the yere of his age 74. the 4. of the 1080 Kalends of Iuly.
II. Gysserus. Consecrated beyond the sea. 1082 Returneth into Island with his Bishopricke. 1083 Dieth the 5. of the Kal. of May being tuesday. 1118
III. Thorlacus sonne of Runulphus. Consecrated the same yeere, wherein his predecessor. In the year Gysserus deceased, but yet 30. dayes before of his age 32 his death. Dieth. 1133
IV. Magnus. Consecrated. 1134 On the morrowe after the feast of all Saints, in his 1148 parish towne of Hiitardal, the house being striken with lightning, hee, and 70. men with him were consumed with fire.
V. Klaingus. Chosen. 1151 Entreth the see. 1152 Dieth. 1176
VI. Thorlacus. Chosen two yeres before the death of his predecessour. Consecrated. 1178 Dieth. 1193
VII. Paulus. Consecrated. 1195 Dieth. 1211
VIII. Magnus. Consecrated. 1216
IX. Siguardus. Entreth his see. 1239 Dieth. 1268
X. Arnerus. Entreth his see. 1269 Dieth. 1298
XI. Arnerus sonne of Helgo. Consecrated. 1304 Entreth the see. 1305 Saileth into Norwaie, to craue timber of the king of Norway, 1309 wherewith the Church of Schalholt might be reedified, which the same yere being toucht with lightning, was burnt downe.
Returneth home. 1310 Dieth. 1320
XII. Ionas Haldorus Elected. 1321 Consecrated the first of August. 1322 Entreth his see. 1323 Dieth. 1338
XIII. Ionas, sonne of Indred, a Noruagian borne. Entreth his see. 1339 Dieth. 1341
XIV. Ionas sonne of Siguardus. Entreth his see. 1343 Dieth on S. Magnus euen. 1348
XV. Gyrthus. Consecrated at Aslo in Norway by Salomon bishop of Aslo. 1349 Going beyond the seas he was drowned. 1356
XVI. Thorarinnus. Entreth his see. 1362 Dieth. 1364
XVII. Oddgeirus. Entreth his see. 1366 Dieth vpon the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin, in the port of 1381 Bergen in Norway, falling downe from a packe of wares into the botome of the ship. He was buried at Bergen in the Church of our Sauiour.
XVIII. Michael a Dane. Entreth his see. 1385 Resigneth, and saileth into Denmarke. 1388
XIX. William a Dane. Entereth the Bishopricke. 1394 Dieth.
XX. Arnerus. Arnerus sirnamed Mildur, that is to say Liberall. He was at one time Lord President of all Island, bishop of Schalholt, and vicebishop of Holen. He died. 1420
XXI. Ionas Gerichson. Sueden either sirnamed or borne is made Bishop ouer the Church of 1432 Schalholt and afterward for certaine bolde attempts being taken by one Thorualdus de Modruuollum (as it is reported) and a great stone being bound to his necke, hee was cast aliue into the riuer of Schalholt, (which taketh name of the bridge) and was there strangled.
XXII. Goswinus. Bishop of Schalholt. 1445
XXIII. Sueno. Called the wise, bishop of Schalholt. 1472
XXIV. Magnus sonne of Riolphus. Bishop &c. 1489
XXV. Stephen.
Entreth the See. Then (liuing at one time with Godschalchus bishop 1494 of Holen, who seemed worthy to be sirnamed cruel) he had the same commendations for mercy and iustice, that Godschalchus had. He died: or thereabout. 1519
XXVI. Augmundus.
Chosen in the yeere wherein Stephen deceased. Entreth the see. 1522 While he was Bishop, the kings Lieutenant with some of his followers being inuited to Schalholt, in the time of the banquet was slaine by certaine conspirators because hee had in all places wickedly wasted the inhabitants and their goods. But Augmundus as the authour of that murther (although he purged himselfe with an othe) being transported into Denmarke there ended his life.
XXVII. Gysserus. Elected, Augmundus yet liuing. 1540 Entred the see. 1541 He was the abolisher of Popish traditions about Priests marriages: his owne marriage being solemnized at Schalholt. 1544
XXVIII. Martinus. Bishop &c. And the yeeres following. 1547
XXIX. Gislaus Ionas. This man presently, in the time of bishop Augmund began in his youth to be enflamed with the loue of true pietie, & of the pure doctrine of the Gospel, & being pastour of the Church of Selardal, diligently to aduance the same, by which meanes he did so procure vnto himselfe the hatred of Papists, as being constreined to giue place vnto their craft & crueltie, he departed ouer to Hamburg, from whence comming to Copen Hagen in Denmarke & painefully proceeding in his former study of diuintie, he liued in the familiaritie, and fauour of many, but specially of D. D. Peter Palladius: who was at that time bishop there. Afterward returning into his countrey, Martine gaue place 1556 vnto him of his owne accord. This man died also, hauing for the 1587 space of 31. years or there abouts, professed the Gospel of Iesus Christ: neither did he helpe & further the Church of God by the sound of his voice much, but by all other meanes to the vtmost of his abilities, by teaching, preaching, writing, by his wealth & his counsel.
XXX. Otto Knerus. A graue, godly, and learned man. Being Chosen he departeth his 1588 country. Hee is consecrated returneth, and entreth the sea, 1589 endeuouring himselfe in the labours of his function.
* * * * *
The Bishops of Holen In the yeere of Christ
I. Ionas sonne of Augrnundus. Isleif his disciple. 1106 Consecrated beyonde the seas in the yeere of his age 64, his surname was Sanctus, vnto whose memorie the 3. of March was by the inhabitants in old time dedicated. Dieth the 11. of the Kalends of May. 1121
II. Ketillus or Catullus. Consecrated. 1121 Dieth. 1145
III. Biorno. Being consecrated came into Island. 1147 Dieth. 1162
IV. Brandus. Consecrated 1163 Entreth his Episcopall see. 1165 Dieth. 1201
V. Gudmundus sirnamed Bonus. Elected and consecrated. 1203 Dieth. 1237
VI. Botolphus. Returneth consecrated. 1239 Dieth. 1246
VII. Henricus. Entreth the see. 1247 Dieth. 1260
VIII. Brandus an Abbat. Goeth beyond the seas. 1262 Entreth the Bishopricke. 1263 Dieth. 1264
IX. Iorundus. Entreth his see. 1267 Dieth. 1313
X. Audunnus. Entreth his see. 1314 Dieth. 1322
XI. Laurentinus. Elected and consecrated. 1324 Dieth in the Ides of April 1331
XII. Egillus. Entreth his see. 1332 Dieth. 1341
XIII. Ormus. Entreth his see. 1343 Dieth vpon the feast of all Saints. 1355
XIV. Ionas Sonne of Ericus, sirnamed Skalle.
Being to enter his sea of Holen came into Island. This Ionas 1358 being before time consecrated bishop of Gronland, obteined A Bishop licence of the bishop of Rome to enter the See of Holen, which Gronland was at that time vacant. Whereupon comming and not bringing 1356 with him the confirmation of this dignitie and function, receiued from the Pope hee began to be suspected among the priests of the diocesse of Holen. Wherefore he was sent backe by them into Norway that the matter might bee set through by the iudgement of the king. The king therefore fauouring his part, he obteined the bishopricke of Holen. He dieth. 1391
XV. Peter. Consecrated the same yeere wherein his predecessour departed out of this present life. Entreth the see of Holen. 1392 Dieth
XVI. Ionas Wilhelmus. An Englishman Bishop of English, either borne or sirnamed. Island. Entred the see. 1432
XVII. Godschalcus. Died. 1457
XVIII. Olaus.
Son of Rogwaldus nephew to the forenamed Godschalcus by the sisters side, both of them being Norwayes. He was established. 1458 He died. 1497
XIX. Godschalcus.
The nephewe of Olaus deceased, by the brothers side: also hee being a Noruagian was elected the same yeere wherein his vncle deceased. He entreth the see. And for the space of 20. whole yeres is 1500 reported cruelly to haue entreated many of the subiects. In the yeere 1520. when he was in the midst of his cups, and banquetting dishes, and heard that Ionas Sigismundus was departed out of this life (whom with his wife and children, he had for many yeres most cruelly oppressed) he presently fell into a sudden disease, and so not long after changed that violence for miserable death, which in his whole life he had vsed against his distressed subiects.
XX. Ionas Arsonius. Entreth the see. 1525 This man was the last and most earnest mainteiner of Popish superstitions. Who stoutely withstanding Gysserus and Martinus bishops of Schalholt, was commanded by the most religious king Christian the 3. vnder paine of banishment to come with all speed into Denmarke. But neglecting the king's commaundement, hee tooke Martine bishop of Schalholt, and committed him to ward. At length he himselfe also being taken by a man of great name (whom before that time, it is saide, he had prouoked) and being brought to Schalholt, was, together with his two sonnes, by the authoritie of the kings Lieutenant beheaded. In reuenge 1551 whereof not long after, the saide Lieu-tenant with some of his company, was villanously slaine by certaine roysters, which were once seruants to the parties beheaded.
XXI. Olaus Walterus. Departed his countrey. 1552 Entreth the see. 1553
This man (being as yet in the life time of his predecessour fellow-labourer with him) was the first that kindled the loue of sincere doctrine at Holen in the hearts of many: and then being bishop did openly teache and defend the said doctrine. He died. 1568
XXII. Gudbrandus Thorlacius. The ornament, not onely of his age, but of posteritie also who besides that, by the direction of the holy spirit, he hath most notably brought the worke begunne, and left vnto him by his predecessour Olaus to that perfection which it hath pleased God to vouchsafe: (namely his labours and diligence in maintayning the trueth of the Gospel, and in abolishing of Popish superstitions) euen in this his countrey hee is the first that hath established a Printing house. For which cause his countrey (besides, for many other books translated into our mother tongue) shalbe eternally bounded vnto him, that the sacred Bible also, by his meanes, is fairely printed in the language of Island. (I say) being at this present, Hee Bishop, when he was about to take his charge: Departed his countrey. 1570 Returned and entred the see of Holen. 1571
Circa hc igitur tempora mentibus nostris coelo redditta lux est, et regni coelestis ianua per sinceriorem doctrin Christian expositionem reserata. Nam et Schola triuialis in vtraque sede Episcopali, laudatissimi Regis Dani Christiani tertij munificentia et pietate, circa annum 1553. fundata est: ac subinde patris Christianissimi eximiam pietatem imitante filio, Diuo Friderico secundo rege nostro sanctissimo, Anno 1588. ad coelestem patriam euocato, aucta et promota: qu etiam hodi, clementissimi regis et principis nostri, Christiani 4. fauore et nutu viget floretque: in qua iuuentus nostr Insul, artium dicendi et sacr Theologi rudimentis imbuta, ad scientiam et veram pietatem formatur, vt hinc ministri Ecclesiarum petantur.
Peruenimus tandem ad hodiernum vsque diem in Episcoporum Islandi catalogo: quo prdicti viri clarissimi Dom. Gudbrandus Thorlacius, et Dom. Otto Enerus ille Holis, hic Schalholti Ecclesiarum sunt antistites: quorum vtrumque, vt Deus opt. max. Ecclesi su saluum et superstitem, propter gloriam nominis sui sanctissimi, diu conseruare velit, omnes seri et ardentibus votis flagitamus.
The same in English.
In these times therefore light is restored vnto our soules from heauen, and the gate of the kingdome of heauen is opened vnto vs by the sincere preaching of Christian doctrine. For in either of the Bishops seats there is a free schoole founded by the liberality and pietie of that most renoumed King of Denmarke Christian the third: and afterward the sonne following the godly steppes of his most Christian father, the said Free schooles by Lord Friderick the second, our most religious King, being called vp to his heauenly countrey in the yeare 1588, haue beene encreased and furthered: which at this day also doe prosper and flourish by the fauour and authoritie of the most gracious King and our Prince, Christian the fourth, wherein the youth of our Islande being instructed in the rudiments of liberall artes, and sacred diuinitie, are trained vp to knowledge and true godlinesse, that from hence ministers of Churches may proceede.
We are come at length in the register of the Bishops of Island downe to this present day, wherein the forenamed excellent men Gudbrandus Thorlacius, and Otto Enerus, the one at Holen, and the other at Schalholt are Bishops of our Cathedrall Churches both of which men, that it would please God long to preserue vnto his Church in health and life, for the glorie of his most holy name, we all doe earnestly and with feruent prayers beseech him.
[Sidenote: Must. Krantz. Frisius.] Specus habitant plermque, aut ad montium latera in excauatis mansiunculis. Et mox: Templa habent multa et domos ex ossibus piscium et balenarum constructas. Item: Multi etiam ad pellendam frigoris asperitatem in cauernis latitant, quemadmodum Africani ad solis stum vitandum. Item Munsterus. Multi in Islandia hodie costis et ossibus balenarum, domos suas construunt, &c.
Hic membrum secundum initium sumit, de incolarum viuendi ratione et moribus. Et primm, quibus vtantur, edificijs seu domibus: nemp secundum Munsterum, Krantzium, Frisium, &c. Specubus et montium cauernis. Quamuis autem in splendidis dificijs, alijsque id genus mundani ornatus pretiosis rebus parum inest, quod ad ver beatam vitam conferre queat, tamen nec hc veritatem tacere possumus: dicimsque omnino Cosmographos et Historicos in errore etiam hc versari. Etenim, cuiusmodi gentis publica domicilia esse scribunt, ea sunt tantm in paucis locis, tum magalia, vt opilionum, tum piscatorum cas et receptacula, eo tantum anni tempore quo piscatur operam dare, aut propter gregem excubare opus habent. [Sidenote: Negotiatio cum Noruagis desijt. Sylua fluctibus maris delat.] At ipsas domus, seu ipsa hominum domicilia, antiquitus quidem satis magnific et sumptuos, quoad huius terr fert conditio, ligno, cespite et saxis habuerunt Islandi constructa, vsque ad illud tempus, quo illis cum Noruagis, qui ligna sufficiebant, negociatio, et mercium commutatio esse desijt, qu inde paulatim collabi incipiunt: Cum nec syluas dificijs aptas habeamus, nec fluctuum maris beneficio iam vt olim ad littora, quod minima ex parte sufficiat, adferatur: Nec mercatores extranei inopi nostr succurrant. Vnde plurima rura ignobiliora ab antiqua illa integritate multum declinarunt, et iam qudam collapsa sunt, qudam ruinam minantur. Nihilominus multa sunt prdia, mult vill, quas haud facile recensuero, quarum dificia veterem illam excellentiam imitantur, et quarum domus sunt maxim, et lat et long, tum plrmque ben alt. Vt exempli gratia. Prdia seu vill, qu cubilia habent plusquam 50. cubitos longa, 10. lata, alta 20. Tum reliquas domus, vt coenaculum, hypocaustum, penuarium &c. huic sua proportione respondentes. Possum multa nostratium dificia ampla et vasta, nec in speciem deformia, nec ob artis structuram et sumptuosam firmitudinem, seu robur, contemnenda cum aliquot delubris, siue sacris dibus, solis lignis, antiqua et operosa grauitate et pulchritudine extructis commemorare: Cuiusmodi est templum Cathedrale Holense atrium habens, cuius column vtrinque quinque vlnas 14. alt, 5. circiter crass: tum trabes ac tigna, et reliquum culmen, huic substructioni proportionaliter respondens. Ligna ad hoc ipsum atrium Anno 1584. horrenda tempestate collapsum, clementissimus Rex noster D. Fridericus cuius nobis sacratissima est memoria, Anno 1588. benignissim largitus est. Ipsum ver templum atrium suum omni quantitate manifeste excedit: tum templi intima pars qu chorus appellari solet, et templi meditullio, et atrio magnitudine nonnihil cedit. Erat autem hoc long maius olim, vt accepi Schalholtense, quod iam bis concrematum, ad inferiorem magnitudinem redactum est. Prtere aliquot alia templa nostr Insul horum antiquam magnificentiam imitantia licet non quintia. Sed hic nequaquam res exigere videtur, vt in prolixiorem eius rei descriptionem euager. Vt enim Domus et edificia nostra nihil depredicamus: ita eorundem nos nihil pudet, qud contenti paupertate nostra Christo gratias immortales agamus, qui nobis vili tecto non dedignatur recipi, qudque templa et domus nostras quas Munsterus Krantzius et Frisius piscium et balenarum ossibus non ver dicunt extructas, non aspernetur magis, qum illa extraneorum culmina marmorea, parietes vermiculatos pauimenta tesselata reliqumque id genus ornamenti.
The same in English.
[Sidenote: Munsterus. Krantzius. Frisius.] They inhabite for the most part in caues, or hollowe places within the sides of mountaines. And againe, They haue many houses and Churches built with the bones of fishes, and Whales. Againe. Many of them also to auoide the extremitie of colde, doe keepe themselues close in their caues, euen as the people of Africa doe to auoyde the heate of the sunne. Also Munster sayth: Many in Island at this day build their houses with the ribbes and bones of Whales.
Here the second member taketh his beginning concerning the course of life, and the manners of the inhabitants. And first of all what buildings or houses they doe vse namely according to Munster, Krantinus, Frisius &c. Holes and caues of mountaines. But although in gorgeous buildings, and such other worldly braueries there is very little helpe to the attayning of a life truely happie: notwithstanding, wee can not in this place conceale the truth and we plainly affirme that Cosmographers and Historiographers also doe erre in this point. For such habitations as they write to be common vnto the whole nation, are but in verie fewe places, and are either sheepe-cots for shepheards, or cottages and receptacles for fishermen at that time of the yeere onely when they goe a fishing, and the others stande in neede to watch their flocke. [Sidenote: Traffike with the people of Norway ceaseth.] But for their houses themselues, and the verie dwelling places of men, the Islanders haue had them built from auncient time stately and sumptuously enough, according to the condition of the Countrey, with timber, stones, and turfes, vntill such time as traffike and exchange of wares beganne to cease betweene them and the Noruagians, who were wont to supply them with timber, and for that cause nowe our houses beginne to decay whenas neither we haue woods of conuenient for building, [Sidenote: Drift wood not so plentifull now as in times past] nor yet there are nowe a dayes, as there were in olde time, trees cast vpon our shores by the benefite of the sea, which may in any sort relieue vs: neither doe outlandish Merchants succour our neccessities; whereupon many of our meanest countrey villages are much decayed from their auncicnt integritie, some whereof be fallen to the ground, and others bee very ruinous. Notwithstanding there be many farmes and villages which I cannot easily reckon vp, the buildings whereof doe resemble that auncient excellencie, the houses being verie large both in breadth and length, and for the most part in height also As for example farmes or granges which conteine chambers in them, more than fiftie cubites in length, tenne in breadth, and twentie in height. And so other roomes, as a parler, a stoue, a butterie, &c. answering in proportion vnto the former. I could here name many of our countrey buildings both large and wide neither ilfauoured in shewe, nor base in regarde of their workemanship and costly firmenesse or strength, with certaine Churches also, or religious houses, built of timber onely, according to auncient and artificiall seemelinesse and beautie: as the Cathedrall Church of Holen hauing a bodie the fiue pillars whereof on both sides be foure elnes high, and about fiue elnes thicke, as also beames and weather-bourdes, and the rest of the roofe proportionally answering to this lower building. Our most gracious King Lord Frederick, whose memory is most sacred vnto vs, in the yere 1588. did most liberally bestowe timber for the reedifying of this body being cast downe in the yere 1584. by an horrible tempest. But the Church it selfe doth manifestlie exceed the body thereof in all quantity: also the inner part of the Church, which is commonly called the quier is somwhat lesse, both then the middle part of the Church, and also then the bodie.
The Church of Schalholt was farre greater as I haue heard in olde time, then this our Cathedrall, which hauing now beene twise burnt, is brought to a lesser scantling. Likewise there be some other Churches of our Island, although not matching, yet resembling the auncient magnificence of these. But here the matter seemeth not to require that I shoulde runne into a long description of these things. For as wee doe not greatly extoll our houses and buildings, so are we nothing ashamed of them, because being content with our pouertie, we render vnto Christ immortall prayse who despiseth not to be receiued of vs vnder a base roofe, and contemneth not our temples and houses (which Munster, Krantzius, and Frisius doe not truely affirme to be built of fishes and Whales bones) more then the marble vaults, the painted walles, the square pauements, and such like ornamentes of Churches and houses in other countries.
[Sidenote: Munsterus Krantzius.] Commum tecto, victu, statu, (hic Krantzius habet, strato) gaudent cum iumentis. Item: Solo pastu pecorum et nunc captura piscium victitant.
Hc sunt et sequentia, qu Krantzius suo Munstero prmansa, in os ingessit, ade vt Munstero non opus fuent ea vel semel masticare, quod ex collatione vtriusque patet. Munsterus enim hc opprobria, vt ex Krantzij in suam Noruegiam prfatione hausta deglutierat, ita eadem cruda lib. 4. Cosmographi capit. 8. in gentem nostram euomit. Qu hactenus fuerunt, etsi satis grauia sunt, tolerabiliora tamen erant. Hoc ver commentum malignissimum, et qu sequentur, non facil est sine stomacho prterire. Nostrum igitur est, etiam hc veritatem asserere, et mendacium in Authoris caput retorquere.
Tecto: Primm igitur quod de commum tecto (vti etiam de victu et statu) cum iumentis dicunt, falsum et erroneum clamamus, teste non mod re ipsa, si quis id hodi perquirere volet: Sed etiam multorum extraneorum, qui aliquot apud nos annos egerant, et veritati plus quam gentem nostram calumniandi affectui tribuunt, experientia; qui ipsi domos et habitationes nostras viderunt, et norunt in singulis prdijs seu villis, multas esse distinctas domus: nempe in abiectissimis et vilissimis 7. vel 8. in maioribus, nunc decem, nunc 20. In maximis, nunc 40, nunc 50; qu vt plurimm, et tecto et parietibus distinct, vni possessori vel domino, rar duobus aut tribus, rarissim pluribus inseruiunt, ac vsibus quotidianis et domesticis sufficiunt. Vnde facil intelligis, Lector, qum ver eodem tecto cum iumentis vtantur Islandi, cum singuli rustici in hac domuum varietate, peculiaria bouilia, ouilia, equitia, agnilia, debitis interuallis dissita habeant, qu serui, quoties opus est, petunt, vnde rursus habitationem subinde repetunt.
Qud autem quidam in mappa Islandi de prouinca Skagefiord annotauit, sub eodem tecto homines, canes, sues et oues, viuere, partim falsum, partim minim mirandum est. De ouibus quidem, vt iam dictum est, et prcipu suibus (cum illa prouincia sues non habeat) falsum: De canibus haud mirum, cum illis nec regum aul caruerint nec hodi careant, vt nimis omnibus est notum. Sed de canibus paul post Sect 7. huius.
Victu. An iumentorum pabula possint commod victus appellatione contineri, merit dubitauerim. Cm Doletus, Ciceronis interpretem agens, dicat: Victum, inquit, cum iureconsultis, ita exponemus, vt victus verbo contineantur, qu esui, potui, cultuique corporis, quque ad viuendum homini sunt necessana. Et Vlpianus, de verborum significat. Ijsdem verbis victum definit. Hoc loco ver Authores illi, etiam iumentorum pabula, victum appellant.
Cterum videamus quomodo hc eluceat veritatis et candoris prstantia. Iumenta non habemus prterquam equos et boues: His gramina et foenum (nisi vbi foeni inopia obrepit) pabulum, aqua potum prbet. At hi ipsi scriptores fatentur, Islandos piscibus, butyro, carnibus, tum bubulis, tum ouillis, etiam frumento, licet pauco et aduentitio viuere. Non igitur cibum habent cum brutis communem, quod tamen ijdem his verbis asserunt. Communi victu gaudent cum iumentis: Quod quid sit Munstero, ipse paul superius haud obscur docuit. Islandia, innquit, populos multos continet, solo pecorum pastu, et nunc captura piscium victitantes. Quid autem est pecorum pastus, aliud, qum pecorum cibus? ait Doletus: nisi Munsterus fort pecorum pasium, ipsa pecora ad pastum hominum mactata appellet: cui, vt existimo, vsus Romanorum refragatur, qui, vt homines vesci, ita pecora pasci docuit: hominmque victum pecorum autem, pastum et pabulum vocari iussit. An ver existimem tam dementes fuisse Munsterum et Krantzium vt senserint Islandos graminibus et foeno viuere? Quo miseri Nabuchodonozor, diuin vltionis iugum subiens redactus est Dani 4. 30. Facil dabimus multa, quibus homines, non mod nostrates, sed vestrates quoque vescuntur, iumenta et pecora fort non reijcere, si familiari pabulo destituantur. Vt equi frumento et panibus hordeaceis pascuntur: ijdem lac (quemadmodum etiam vituli et agni) et cereuisiam, si offeratur bibunt, et quidem auid. Sed et canes quvis fercula et cibaria deuorant. An idcirc quisquam dicet, homines communi victu cum canibus et iumentis gaudere?
Iam qucunque famis grassantis tempore contigere pro vniuersali gentis alicuius consuetudine in historiam referri non debent. Vt non licet nobis de extraneis scribere huius aut illius terr populos canum murium aut felium vsu victitare solitos, etsi fort fame siue obsidione, siue alioqui annonas charitate inualescente immissa, id factitarint.
Potum autem interdum esse multis cum iumentis communem non magnoper contraibimus: nemp aquam limpidissimam, naturalem ilium potum omnibus animantibus Deo creatum quem etiam ex parte, medicin consulti comendant, im nec patres Hebri nec ipse Seruator noster fastidiebat.
Ad amictum ver quod attinet, (Nam et amictum victus vocabulo comprehendimus) nequaquam hic cum iumentis communis est. Illa enim pilis et villis natura (quod Munsterum et Krantzium nouisse iurarim) vestiuit: homines, alioqui nudi, pannis corpus induere necesse habent. Hc indumenta, qu quidem Islandia suppeditat, ex lanis ouium conficiuntur. Sed non cogitaram ide recte dici, amictum esse nobis cum ouibus communem siue eundem. Vtuntur etiam extranei pannis ex ouilla lana confectis, licet artificio subtiliore. Sed de indumentis nihil: Stultum enim est, ex eo laudem vel superbam stimationem qurere quod natur nostr infirmitatem arguit.
Statu. Restat ille status quem cum brutis habere communem dicimur. Qui qualis aut cuiusmodi sit, aut eum esse velint nostri scriptores, cert non facil assequor. Status inquit Doletus est vel corporis, vel causarum vel ordinis et conditionis. Cert alium esse statum nostri corporis qum iumentorum (nam prter duos pedes etiam manus habemus et corpore ac vultu sursum erecto incedimus) alium item ordinem et conditionem nostram ducimus. Illi boni viri si id de se aut alijs cognitum habent fateantur. Nos hc tam vana et in Deum creatorem nostrum tam contemptibilia irridemus, nec prolixiore tractatu dignamur.
[Sidenote: Occasi harum fabularum.] Cterum quia nostrum est nec amori patri, nec vlli rei tantum tribuere, quin plus semper et vbique veritati largiamur: Dicam quid sit quod huic infami scriptorum conuicio occasionem fort dederit.
Sunt in vicinia Schalholti, ad littus Islandie australe paroechiol tres, inter duos rapidissimos amnes Thiorsaa et Olffwis Aa intercept; qu et syluis et cespitibus consueto gentis ad focos alendos fomite fer destituuntur. In istis paroechijs habitantes et si qui sint vicini, quamuis plures eorum, vt de omnibus rebus ad rem familiarem pertinentibus, ita etiam de his, qu ad focos et balnea opus habent, sibi opportun prospiciunt: Tamen sunt inter eos quidam sed infirma tantum sortis coloni, qui quoniam estis rebus domi destituantur, nec aliunde petere eas valeant in culinis foeno ad coquendos cibos vtuntur: Ast vbi hyemis niuos svitia horrida ingruit, coloni isti miseri ad suum bouile refugiunt illic scilicet exstructis tabulatis interidi operas domesticas exercentes, bobus, cum focos habere nequeant, calorem mutuantur, quemadmodum mihi ab alijs narratum est. Sicque illi tantm qui san paucissimi sunt, communi cum bobus tecto in bruma vti quidem non gaudent, sed coguntur. Verm victum et statum long alium habent, de qua re hactenus. Hc est in istis Paroechiolis quorundam sors et inopia, quorum conditio idcirco etiam apud nos fabula vulgi effecta est, quamuis non satis iust. Vbi quo iure toti genti tribuatur, quod vix ac ne vix quidem de istis paucis colonis verm est, libentur qusierim? Tdet de his pluribus agere: Tantum quia mihi cum Theologis res est illud Saiomonis ijs reponam. [Sidenote: Prouerb 14.] Qui calummatur egenum, deridet factorem eius.
Equidem quia gens hc nostra pauper et egena est et fuit, ad veluti quidam mendicus inter diuites, tot extraneorum probra et scommata tulit. Sed videant cui exprobrent. Cert, si aliud nihil nobis cum illis commune est, tamen omnes ex ijsdem constamus elementis, et vnus et idem omnium Pater, Deus.
The same in English.
[Sidenote: Krantzius Munsterus.] They and their cattell vse all one house, all one food or victuals, one state (here Krantzius hath it lodging.) Also. They liue onely by feeding of cattell, and sometimes by taking of fishes.
Those be the things together with those that followe, which Krantzius hath champed, and put into Munsters mouth, so that Munster shall not neede so much as once to chewe them, which may appeare by comparing them both together. For Munster, as hee swallowed these reproches, taking them out of Krantzius his preface vpon Norway, so he casteth vp the verie same morsels vndigested and rawe against our nation, in his fourth booke of Cosmographie cap. 8. Those things which haue beene hitherto, although they haue sufficiently grieued vs yet will we let them seeme more tollerable: but this most malitious deuise, and those which follow we cannot easily brooke. It is our part therefore in this place also to auouch the trueth, and to turne the leasing vpon the authors owne head.
House, &c. First, that which they say concerning the same common house (as also liuing, and state) with our cattell, we plainely affirme to be false and erronious, not onely the truth it selfe being our witnesse, if any man would make triall, but also the experience of manie strangers, that haue liued some yeeres amongst vs, and haue more minde to speake the trueth then to reuile our nation: who haue seene our house and habitations with their owne eyes, and knewe that in euery particular farme or graunge there were many seuerall roomes namely, in those that were most simple and base, seuen or eight: In others which were greater, sometimes tenne, and sometimes twentie. In the greatest sometimes fortie, and sometimes fiftie. Which for the most part being seuered, both by roofes and walles, doe serue for the dayly and household affaires of one owner or master, seldome of two or three, but almost neuer of more: whereupon the Reader may easily iudge, howe true it is that the Islanders and their cattell haue all one house to lie in, when euery husbandman in this varietie of roomes hath seuerall oxe stalles, sheepe-cotes, stables lambes-cots separated in different spaces one from another, which the seruants goe vnto so oft as neede requireth, and from thence returne backe to the dwelling houses.
But whereas one noted in his Mappe of Island, concerning the prouince of Skagefiord, that vnder the same roofe, men, dogges swine and sheepe liue altogether, it is partly false, and partly no maruell: for sheepe, as it hath been sayde, and especially for swine (when as that prouince hath no swine at alt) it is vtterly false: for dogges it is no maruell, when is not kings courts were euer, or at this day are destitute of them, as it is well knowen to all men. But as touching dogges afterward in the seuenth section.
Victuals, &c. Whither beasts meate may fitly be termed by the name of Victus, a man may lustly doubt: When Doletus interpreting a peece of Tullie, saith: As for Victus (sayth he) wee will so expound it with the Ciuilians, namely that we comprehend vnder the word of Victus all things necessarie for the life of man as meate, drinke, attire of the bodie, &c. And Vlpianus de verborum significatione defineth Victus in the very same words. But in this place the saide authors call beaste meate by the name of Victus.
But let vs see what trueth and plaine dealing is to be found in these men. We haue no labouring cattel besides horses and oxen: these haue grasse and hay (except where haye is wanting) for their fodder, and water to drinke. Now, the very same writers confesse, that the Islanders liue by fish, butter, flesh both beefe and mutton, and corne also, though it bee scarce, and brought out of other countries. Therefore they haue not the same foode with brute beasts, which notwithstanding the sayde writers affirme in these wordes: They and their cattel vse all one victuals or food. What Munsters meaning is in this clause, he himselfe a little before hath plainely taught.
Island (saith he) conteineth many people liuing onely with the food of cattell, and sometimes by taking of fishes. But what else is the food of cattell, but the meat of cattell, saith Doletus? Vnlesse perhaps Munster calleth the food of cattell, cattell themselues slaine for the foode of men: whom, as I thinke, the vse of the latine tongue doth gaine say, which hath taught vs that as men doe eate, so beasts do feede, and hath termed the victuals of men, and the food or fodder of cattell. But may I thinke that Munster and Krantzius were so mad as to imagine that the Islanders liue vpon grasse and hay: To this passe of miserie was Nabuchodonozor brought vndergoing the yoke of Gods vengeance Daniel 4. vers. 30. We will easily graunt that beasts and cattell will not perhaps refuse many things, which men not onely of our countrey but of yours also eate, if the saide beasts be destitute of their vsuall food: as horses are fedde with corne and barley loaues: they will drinke milke also (like vnto calues and lambes) and ale if it be proffered them, and that greedily. And dogges in like manner will deuour any deinty dishes whatsoeuer. May any man therefore say that men vse the same common victuals with dogges and horses? |