[Sidenote: Matth. 5. Beati pacifici quoniam filij Dei vocabuntur.]
For peace makers, as Matthew writeth aright, Should be called the sonnes of God almight. God giue vs grace, the weyes for to keepe Of his precepts, and slugly not to sleepe In shame of sinne: that our verry foo Might be to vs conuers, and turned so.
[Sidenote: Cum placuerint Domino vi hominis eius inimicos ad pacem conuertet]
For in the Prouerbs is a text to this purpose Plaine inough without any glose: When mens weyes please vnto our Lord, It shall conuert and bring to accord Mans enemies vnto peace verray, In vnitie, to liue to Goddis pay, With vnitie, peace, rest and charitie. Hee that was here cladde in humanitie, That came from heauen, and styed vp with our nature, Or hee ascended, he gaue to vs cure, And left with vs peace, ageyne striffe and debate, Mote giue vs peace, so well irradicate Here in this world: that after all this feste
[Sidenote: Vrbs beata Ierusalem dicta pacis visio.]
Wee may haue peace in the land of beheste Ierusalem, which of peace is the sight, With his brightnes of eternall light, There glorified in rest with his tuition, The Deitie to see with full fruition: Hee second person in diuinenesse is, Who vs assume, and bring vs to the blis. Amen
Here endeth the true procease of the Libel of English policie, exhorting all England to keepe the sea enuiron: shewing what profit and saluation, with worship commeth thereof to the reigne of England.
Goe forth Libelle, and meekely shew thy face; Appearing euer with humble countenance: And pray my Lords to take in grace, In opposaile and cherishing the aduance. To hardines if that not variance Thou hast fro trought by full experience Authors and reasons: if ought faile in substance Remit to hem that yafe thee this science; That seth it is soth in verray fayth,
[Sidenote: The wise lord of Hungerfords iudgement of this booke.]
That the wise Lord Baron of Hungerford Hath thee ouerseene, and verely he saith That thou art true, and thus he doeth record, Next the Gospel: God wotte it was his worde, When hee thee redde all ouer in a night. Goe forth trew booke, and Christ defend thy right.
Explicit libellus de Politia conseruatiua maris.
* * * * *
Breuis Commentarius de Islandia: quo Scriptorum de hac Insula errores deteguntur, & extraneorum quorundam conuitijs, ac calumnijs, quibus Islandis liberis insultare solent, occurritur: per Arngrimum Ionam Islandum. Serenissimo Principi ac Domino, domino Christiano IIII, Dani, Noruegi, Vandalorum, Gothormque, Regi electo: Slesuici, Holsati, Stormari & Dithmarsi Duci: Comiti in Oldenburg & Delmenhorst: Domino suo clementissimo.
Prclaram san apud Historicos meretur laudem, Sereniss. Princeps, Anchuri illius Mid regis filij ausus plusquam humanus, & in patriam pietas, fer exemplo carens, qud ad occludendum ingentem circa Celnam Phrygi oppidum, terr hiatum, quotidie homines haud exiguo numero, & quicquid in propinquo erat, absorbentem, sese vltr obtulerit. Cum enim ab oraculo Midas pater accepisset, non prius conclusum iri istam voraginem, quam res e preciosissim immitterentur: Anchurus existimans, nihil esse anima pretiosius, sese viuum in illud profundissimum chasma prcipitem dedit: dque tanto animi cum feruore, vt neque parentis desiderio, neque dulcissim coniugis amplexu vel lachrymis, ab isto proposito se retrahi passus sit.
Nec inferiorem mult consecuti sunt gloriam Sperthius & Bulis, Lacedmonij, qui ad auertendam potentissimi Regis Persarum Xerxis, ob occisos Lacedemonijs Darij patris legatos, vltionem, ad Regem profecti sunt, & vt legatorum necem in se, non in patria vlcisceretur, erectis & constantibus animis sese obtulerunt.
Qu ver res, Sereniss. Princeps, illos ac alios complures mouit, vt patri flagrantes amore, nullum pro ea periculum, nullas molestias, im ne mortem ipsam recusarint, ea profect me quoque impulit, non quidem, vt quemadmodum illi, mortem sponte oppeterem, aut me mactandum vltro offerrem, sed tamen, vt id qud solum possem, in gratiam patri tentarem: Hoc est, vt scriptorum de ea errores colligerem & rumusculos vanos refellerem: Ac ita rem profect periculosam, & multorum forsan sinistro obnoxiam iudicio, aggrederer.
In eo proposito me etiam Cn. Pompeij exemplum confirmauit: Quem rei frumentaria apud Romanos procuratorem, cum in summa Vrbis annon charitate, in Sicilia, Sardinia & Africa frumentum collegisset, maiorem patri, qum sui, tradunt rationem habuisse. Cum enim Romam versus properaret, & ingenti ac periculosa oborta tempestate, Naucleros trepidare, nec se ventorum aut maris sviti committere velle animaduerteret, ipse nauim primus ingressus, anchoras tolli iussit, in hc verba exclamans: Vt nauigemus vrget necessitas: vt viuamus, non vrget. Quibus vir prudentissimus innuisse videtur, patri periclitantis maiorem habendam rationem, qum priuat incolumitatis.
Hunc ego sic imitor,
(Si parua licet componere magnis, & muscam Elephanto conferre) vt collectis ac comportatis ijs, quibus ad succurrendum gentis nostr nomini ac fam, apud extraneos, ex maleuolorum quorundam inuidia iam diu laboranti vterer; paucula hc in lucem emittere, mque pelago huic quantumuis turbulento committere, lintea ventis tradere, cmque illo exclamare non dubitem: Vt scribamus, vrget necessitas: Vt ver scriptum nostrum, cuiusuis, delicato palato, vbque satisfaciat, aut omnem Momi proteruiam effugiat, non vrget. Institutum meum complures probaturos spero: successum forsan non itidem omnes probabunt. Nihiiominus tamen maiorem habendam rationem patri, multorum hactenus opprobria & contumelias sustinentis, qum siue laudis, siue vituperationis, ad me ipsum hinc forsan reditur, existimabam. Quid enim caus esse potest, cur nonnullorum odium & inuidentiam, cum hoc patri, benefaciendi seu gratificandi studio fort coniunctam recusem?
Quodsi scriptorum errores liberius notare, si quorundam calumnias durius perstringere videbor, eos tamen quos me habiturum censores confido, qui paul diligentius animaduertere volent, quam parm tolerabiles sint scriptorum de nostra gente errores: quot etiam & qum graues quorundam in nos calumni, quibus nationem nostram varijs modis laccssiuere, & etiamnum lacessere non desistunt. Dandum etiam aliquid omnibus congenito soli natalis amori est; Dandum iusto, ob hanc patri illatam iniuriam, dolori. Et ego quidem, quantum fieri potuit, vbque mihi temperaui, ac conuitijs abstinere volui: qud si quid videatur mollius dicendnm fuisse, id prdicta ratione veniam, spero, merebitur.
Cum igitur hc mihi subeunda sit alea, quod omnibus scriptum aliquod edituris in more positum animaduerto, id mihi hoc tempore solicit curandum est: Nemp vt patronum & mecnatem aliquem huic meo commentariolo quram, sub cuius nomine & numine, tutius in vulgi manus exeat.
Eam igitur ad rem nihil poterit contingere optatius, vestra, clementissime Princeps Sereniss. Maiestate: Et enim nos ei, qui vitam & fortunas nostras in suam potestatem & tutelam accepit, ei inquam, nomen quoque gentis nostr innocenter contaminatum, cur vt sit, supplices rogamus.
Im ver, Rex clementiss. non solm ad hanc rem, S. Maiestatis V. clemens implorare auxilium necessum habemus; Sed ad multa quoque alia, qu in nostra patria desiderantur, aut qu alioqui ad huius vtilitatem & salutem communem spectant: quque non per me, sed per summorum nostr gentis viroram libellos supplices hoc tempore exponuntur, aut cert breui exponentur. Nihil enim dubitamus quin S. V. Maiestas, Christianissimorum maiorum exemplo, etiam nostram patriam, inter reliquas imperij sui Insulas, sua cura & protectione regia dignari velit. Nam qu nostra est ad S. Maiestatem V. confugiendi necessitas, ea est S. Maiestatis V. in nobis subleuandis, curandis & protegendis, gloria: Et ob nutritam extremi fer orbis Arctoi ecclesiam, in remotissimis M. V. imperij finibus, qu tranquillitatem & tuta singulari Dei beneficio halcyonia habet, prmium, ac reposita in coelis immarcessibilis vit tern corona.
Cterum cm illa huius loci non sint, id quod mei est propositi subiungo: & S. Maiestate V. ea, qua par est, amimi submissione peto, vt huic me opell & studio in patriam collato, fauere, & patroni benigni esse loco, clementer dignetur. Quod superest, Sereniss. Princeps, Dom. clementissime, Maiestatem V. sapienti & prudenti, omnimque ade virtutnm heroicarum indies incrementa sumentem, ad summum imperij fastigium, summas ille regnorum, omnimque ade rerum humanaram dispensator, Deos opt. max. euehat: Euectam, omni rerum foelicissimo successu continu beet: Beatmque hoc modo, vt summum horum regnorum ornamentum, columen, presidium, Ecclesi clypeum & munimen, qum diutissim conseruet: Ac tandem in altera vita, in solido regni coelestis gaudio, cm prcipuis ecclesi Dei nutritijs, syderis instar, illustrem fulgere faciat. Faxit etiam idem Pater clementis. vt hc vota, quanto spius, in amplissimorum Maiestatis V. regnorum & Insularem quouis angulo, quotidi repetuntur ac ingeminantur, tant rata magis & certiora, maneant.
Haffni 1593. Mense Mart.
S. M. V. humiliter subiectus:
Aragrimos Ionas Islandus.
The same in English.
A briefe commentarie of Island: wherein the errors of such as haue written concerning this Island, are detected, and the slanders, and reproches of certaine strangers, which they haue vsed ouer-boldly against the people of Island are confuted.
By Arngrimus Ionas, of Island.
To the most mighty Prince and Lord, Lord Christian the 4. [Footnote: Christian IV. was the last elective king of Denmark and Norway. Frederick III. in 1665 changed the constituion to an hereditary monarchy, vested in his own family.] of Denmarke, Norway, and of the Vandals and Gothes, King elect: of Sleswic, Holste, Stormar, and Dithmarse Duke: Earle of Oldenburg, and Delmenhorst: His most gratious Lord.
That heroical attempt of Anchurus, sonne of King Midas (most gratious prince) and that pietie towards his countrey in maner peerelesse, deserueth highly to be renowmed in histories: in that freely and couragiously he offered his owne person, for the stopping vp of an huge gulfe of earth, about Celoena, a towne in Phrigia, which daily swallowed multitudes of men and whatsoeuer else came neere vnto it. For when his father Midas was aduertised by the Oracle, that the said gulfe should not be shut vp, before things most precious were cast into it; Anchurus deeming nothing to be more inualuable then life plunged himselfe aliue downe headlong into that bottomless hole; and that with so great vehemencie of mind, that neither by his fathers request nor by the allurements and teares of his most amiable wife, he suffered himselfe to be drawne backe from this his enterprise. [Footnote: It is added that Midas raised an altar to Jupiter on the spot.]
Sperthius also and Bulis, two Lacedemonians, were not much inferiour to the former, who to turne away the reuenge of Xerxes that most puissant King of the Persians, entended against the Lacedemonians, for killing the ambassadors of his father Darius, hyed them vnto the sayd king and that he might auenge the ambassadours death vpon them, not vpon their countrey, with hardy, and constant mindes presented themselues before him.
The very same thing (most gracious prince) which moued them and many others being enflamed with the loue of their countrey, to refuse for the benefite thereof, no danger, no trouble, no nor death it selfe, the same thing (I say) hath also enforced me, not indeed to vndergoe voluntarie death, or freely to offer my selfe vnto the slaughter, but yet to assay that which I am able for the good of my countrey: namely, that I may gather together and refute the errors, and vaine reports of writers, concerning the same: and so take vpon me a thing very dangerous, and perhaps subiect to the sinister iudgement of many.
In this purpose the example of Cneius Pompeius hath likewise confirmed me: who being chosen procurator for corne among the Romanes, and in an extreme scarcetie and dearth of the citie hauing taken vp some store of grains in Sicilia, Sardinia, and Africa, is reported to haue had greater regard of his countrey, then of himselfe. For when he made haste towards Rome, and a mighty and dangerous tempest arising, he perceiued the Pilots to tremble, and to be vnwilling to commit themselues to the rigor of the stormie sea, himselfe first going on boord, and commanding the anchors to be weighed, brake foorth into these words: That we should sayle necessitie vrgeth: but that we should liue, it vrgeth not. In which words he seemeth wisely to inferre, that greater care is to be had of our countrey lying in danger, then of our owne priuate safetie.
This man doe I thus imitate,
If small with great as equals may agree: And Flie with Elephant compared bee.
Namely that gathering together and laying vp in store those things which might be applied to succour the fame and credite of our nation, hauing now this long time bene oppressed with strangers, through the enuie of certeine malicious persons, I boldly aduenture to present these fewe meditations of mine vnto the viewe of the world, and so hoysing vp sailes to commit my selfe vnto a troublesome sea, and to breake foorth into the like speeches with him: That I should write necessitie vrgeth: but that my writings in all places should satisfie euery delicate taste, or escape all peeuishnes of carpers it vrgeth not. I doubt not but many will allow this my enterprise: the successe perhaps all men will not approue. Neuertheles, I thought that there was greater regard to be had of my countrey, sustaining so many mens mocks and reproches, then of mine owne praise or dispraise, redounding perhaps vnto me vpon this occasion. For what cause should moue me to shunne the enuie and hate of some men, being ioyned with an endeuour to benefite and gratifie my countrey?
[Sidenote: The errors of the writers of Island intolerable.]
But if I shall seeme somewhat too bold in censuring the errors of writers, or too seuere in reprehending the slanders of some men: yet I hope all they will iudge indifferently of me, who shall seriously consider, how intolerable the errors of writers are, concerning our nation: how many also and how grieuous be the reproches of some, against vs, wherewith they haue sundry wayes prouoked our nation, and as yet will not cease to prouoke. They ought also to haue me excused in regard of that in-bred affection rooted in the hearts of all men, towards their natiue soile, and to pardon my iust griefe for these iniures offered vnto my countrey. And I in very deed, so much as lay in me, haue in all places moderated my selfe, and haue bene desirous to abstaine from reproches but if any man thinke, we should haue vsed more temperance in our stile, I trust, the former reason will content him.
Sithens therefore, I am to vndergo the same hazard, which I see is commonly incident to all men that publish any writings: I must now haue especiall regarde of this one thing: namely, of seeking out some patron, and Mecoenas for this my briefe commentary, vnder whose name and protection it may more safety passe through the hands of all men.
But for this purpose I could not finde out, nor wish for any man more fit then your royal Maiestie, most gratious prince For vnto him, who hath receiued vnder his power & tuition our liues and goods, vnto him (I say) doe we make humble sute, that he would haue respect also vnto the credit of our nation, so iniuriously disgraced.
Yea verily (most gracious King) we are constreined to craue your Maiesties mercifull aide, not only in this matter, but in many other things also which are wanting in our countrey, or which otherwise belong to the publique commoditie and welfare thereof which not by me, but by the letters supplicatory of the chiefe men of our nation, are at this time declared, or will shortly be declared. For we doubt not but that your sacred Maiesties, after the example of your Christian predecessors, will vouchsafe vnto our countrey also, amongst other Islands of your Maiesties dominion, your kingly care and protection. For as the necessitie of fleeing for redresse vnto your sacred Maiestie, is ours so the glory of relieuing, regarding, and protecting vs, shal wholy redound vnto your sacred Maiestie: as also, there is layd vp for you, in respect of your fostering and preseruing of Gods church, vpon the extreme northerly parts almost of the whole earth, and in the vttermost bounds of your Maiesties dominion (which by the singular goodnes of God, enioyeth at this present tranquillitie and quiet safetie) a reward and crowne of immortall life in the heauens.
But considering these things are not proper to this place, I wil leaue them, and returne to my purpose which I haue in hand: most humbly beseeching your S. M. that yon would of your clemencie vouchsafe to become a fauorer, and patron vnto these my labours and studies, for the behalfe of my countrey.
It now remaineth (most gracious and mercifull souereigne) for vs to make our humble prayers vnto almighty God, that king of kings, and disposer of all humane affaires, that it would please him of his infinite goodnes, to aduance your Maiestie (yearely growing vp in wisedome & experience, and all other heroicall vertues) to the highest pitch of souereigntie: and being aduanced, continually to blesse yon with most prosperous successe in all your affaires: and being blessed, long to preserue you, as the chief ornament, defence and safegarde of these kingdomes, and as the shield and fortresse of his church: and hereafter in the life to come, to make you shine glorious like a starre, amongst the principall nurcing fathers of Gods Church, in the perfect ioy of his heauenly kingdome. The same most mercifull father likewise grant, that these praiers, the oftener they be dayly repeated and multiplied in euery corner of your Maiesties most ample territories & Islands, so much the more sure and certain they may remaine, Amen. At Haffnia, or Copen Hagen 1593. in the moneth of March. Y. S. M. most humble subiect,
Arngrimus Ionas, Islander. [Footnote: A celebrated Icelandic astronomer, disciple of Tycho Brahe, and coadjutor of the Bishop of Holen, died in 1649 at the great age of 95. His principal works, besides his Description and History of Iceland, (published at Amsterdam in 1643, 4to), are Idea Vera Magistratus (Copenhagen, 1689, 8vo); Rerum Islandicarum libri tres (Hamburg, 1630, 4to); The Life of Gundebrand de Thorlac, etc. He is remembered amongst the peasantry of Iceland as the only instance known in that country of a man of ninety-one marrying a girl in her teens.]
Benigno & pio Lectori salutem.
In lucem exijt circa annum Christi 1561. Hamburgi foetus vald deformis, patre quodam Germanico propola: Rhythmi videlicet Germanici, omnium qui vnquam leguntur spurcissimi & mendacissimi in gentem Islandicam. Nec sufficiebat sordido Typographo sordidum illum foetum semel emisisse, nisi tertim etiam aut quartm publicasset, quo videlicet magis innocenti genti apud Germanos & Danos, alisque vicinos populos summam & nunquam delendam ignominiam, quantum, in ipso fuit, inureret. Tantum Typographi huius odium fuit, & ex re illicita lucri auiditas. Et hoc in illa ciuitate, qu plurimos annos commercia sua magno suorum cm lucro in Islandia exercuit, impun fecit. Ioachimus Leo nomen illi est, dignus cert qui Leones pascat.
Reperiuntur prterea multi alij scriptores, qui cum miracula natur, qu in hac Insula creduntur esse plurima, & gentis Islandic mores ac instituta describere se velle putant, re ipsa & veritate prorsus aberrarunt, nautarnm fabulas plusquam aniles, & vulgi opiniones vanissimas secuti. Hi Scriptores etsi non tam spurca & probrosa reliquerunt, qum sordidus iste Rhythmista: multa tamen sunt in illorum scriptis, qu illos excusare non possunt, aut prorsus liberare, quo minus innocentem gentem suis scriptis deridendam alijs exposuerint. Hc animaduertens, legens, expendens, subinde nouis, qui Islandorum nomen & stimationem lderent, scriptoribus ortis, alienorum laborum suffuratoribus impudicis, qui etiam non desinunt gentem nostram nouis conspurcare mendacijs, lectorsque noua monstrorum enumeratione & descriptionibus fictis deludere, spe optabam esse aliquem, qui ad errata Historicorum, & aliorum iniquorum censorum responderet, quque aliquo scripto innocentem gentem tot conuicijs si non liberaret, cert aliquo modo apud pios & candidos Lectores defenderet. Quare hoc tempore Author eram honesto studioso, Arngrimo Ion F. vt reuolutis scriptorum monumentis, qui de Islandia aliquid scripserunt, errores & mendacia solidis rationibus detegeret. Ille etsi prim reluctabatur, vicit tamen demum admonitio, amrque communis patri, ita vt hunc qualemcunque commentariolum conscriberet, non ex vanis vulgi fabulis, sed & ex sua & multorum fide dignorum experientia, comprobationibus sumptis.
Ille ver, qui hanc rem meo est aggressus instinctu, vicissim me suo quasi iure flagitabat, vt in has pagellas, vel tribus saltem verbis prfarer: existimans aliquid fidei vel authoritatis opusculo inde conciliatum iri. Quare vt mentem breuiter exponam: Ego quidem & honestam & necessariam quoque operam nauasse eum iudico, qui non mod scriptorum varias sententias de rebus ignotis perpendere, & inuicem conferre, nec non ad veritatis & experienti censuram exigere: Sed etiam patriam venenatis quorundam sycophantarum morsibus vindicare conatus sit. quum est igitur, Lector optime, vt quicquid hoc est opusculi, velut sanctissimo veritatis & patri amore aduersus Zoilorum proteruiam munitum & muniendum excipias. Vale.
Gudbrandus Thorliacus Epscopus Holensis in Islandia. Anno 1592. Iul. 29.
[Footnote: In the original edition of the description of Iceland by Arngrimus, follow these lines:
Authoris ad Lectorem. Imbute Lector suauis arte Palladis, Lector benigne, humane, multm candide, Qui cuncta scis collis sacri mysteria: Has videris si fort quando paginas Non lectione sque dedignabere, Fac, nos tuo candori vt hc committimus Et quitati, fronte sic non tetrica, Vultu legas nec ista quando turbido: Communis vnquam sortis haud sis immemor, Infirmitas quam nostra nobis contulit. Obnoxius nam non quis est mortalium Erroribus nusque semper plurimis? Quod si diu multmque cogitauens, Nostris eris conatibus paul quior, Tuis & isto rite pacto consules: Candore nam quo nostra arctans vtere, En te legentes rursus vtentur pari: Sic ipse semper alteri qu feceris. qualitatis lege & hc fient tibi.
De gente multis prdicata Islandica Authoribus quamuis probata maximis, Nostro periclo hucsque vulg credita, Licere nobis credimus refellere, Non vt notam scriptorum muram nomini, Nostrum sed nota probosa vindicem: Hoc institutum isque fsque comprobant: Hoc nostra consuetudo lxque comprobant: Hoc digna lectu exempla denique comprobant. Ergo faue: nostris faue conatibus, Sis mitis indulgens et quus arbiter, O lector arte imbute suauis Palladis, Lector benigne, amice, multum candide, Qui cuncta scis collis sacri mysteria.]
The same in English.
To the courteous and Christian reader Gudbrandus Thorlacius, Bishop of Holen in Island, wisheth health.
There came to light about the yeare of Christ 1561, a very deformed impe, begotten by a certain Pedlar of Germany: namely a booke of German rimes of al that euer were read the most filthy and most slanderous against the nation of Island. Neither did it suffice the base printer once to send abroad that base brat, but he must publish it also thrise or foure times ouer: that he might thereby, what lay in him, more deepely disgrace our innocent nation among the Germans, & Danes, and other neighbour countries, with shamefull, and euerlasting ignominie. So great was the malice of this printer, & his desire so greedy to get lucre, by a thing vnlawfull. And this he did without controlment, euen in that citie, which these many yeres hath trafficked with Island to the great gaine, and commodity of the citizens. His name is Ioachimus Leo, a man worthy to become lions foode.
[Sidenote: Great errors grow vpon mariners fabulous reports.]
Moreouer, there are many other writers found, who when they would seeme to describe the miracles of nature, which are thought to be very many in this Island, & the maners, & customs of the Islanders, haue altogether swarued from the matter and truth it selfe, following mariners fables more trifling than old wiues tales, & the most vain opinions of the common sort. These writers, although they haue not left behind them such filthy and reprochful stuffe as that base rimer: yet there are many things in their writings that wil not suffer them to be excused, & altogether acquited from causing an innocent nation to be had in derision by others. Wherefore marking, reading, & weighing these things with my selfe, & considering that there dayly spring vp new writers, which offer iniury to the fame & reputation of the Islanders, being such men also as do shamelesly filtch out of other mens labours, deluding their readers with feined descriptions, & a new rehearsal of monsters, I often wished that some one man would come forth, to make answere to the errors of historiographers & other vniust censurers: and by some writing, if not to free our innocent nation from so many reproches, yet at leastwise, in some sort to defend it, among Christian & friendly readers. And for this cause I haue now procured an honest and learned young man one Arngrimus Fitz-Ionas, to peruse the works of authors, that haue written anything concerning Island, and by sound reasons to detect their errors, & falshoods. And albeit at the first he was very loth, yet at length my friendly admonition, & the common loue of his countrey preuailed with him so farre, that he compiled this briefe commentary, taking his proofes, not out of the vaine fables of the people, but from his owne experience, and many other mens also of sufficient credit.
Now, he that vndertooke this matter at my procurement, did againe as it were by his owne authority chalenge at my hands, that I should in two or three words at least, make a preface vnto his booke; thinking it might gaine some credit, and authority thereby. Wherfore to speake my minde in a word: for my part, I iudge hin to haue taken both honest & necessary paines, who hath done his indeuour not onely to weigh the diuers opinions of wrighters concerning things vnknowen, and to examine them by the censure of trueth, and experience, but also to defend his countrey from the venemous bitings of certaine sycophants. It is thy part therefore (gentle reader) to accept this small treatise of his, being as it were guarded with the sacred loue of truth, and of his countrey, against the peruersnes of carpers. Farewel.
Anno 1592. Iulii 19.
Quemadmodum in militia castrensi, alios nulla qua ratione adductos, sed ambitione, inuidia & auaritia motos, Martis castra sequi animaduertimus: Alios ver iustis de causis arma sumere; vt qui vel doctrin coelestis propagand aut seruand ergo bella mouent, vel aliquo modo lacessiti paratam vim ac iniuriam repellunt, vel saltem non lacessiti, propter obsidentem hostem metu in armis esse coguntur: Non secus Apollini militantes: alij animo nequaquam bono, Philosophico seu verius Christiano, ad scribendum feruntur: puta qui glori cupiditate, qui liuore ac odio, qui affectata ignorantia alios sugillant, vt ipsi potiores habeantur, nunc in personam, nomen ac famam alicuius, nunc in gentem totam stylum acuentes, atque impudenter quasi mentiendo, insontem nationem & populos commaculantes: Alij ver contr, animo ingenuo multa lucubrando inuestigant & in lucem emittunt; vt qui scientiam Theologicam & Philosophicam scriptis mandarunt, quique suis vigilijs veterum monumenta nobis explicuerunt: qui quicquid in illis obscurum, imperfectum, inordinatum animaduerterunt, vsu & experientia duce illustrarunt, explerunt, ordinarunt: qui mundi historias, bona fide, tern memori consecrarunt: qui linguarum cognitionem suis indefessis laboribus iuuerunt: denique qui aliorum in se suamue gentem vel patriam, licentiosam petulantiam reprimere, calumnias refellere, & quandam quasi vim iniustam propulsare annixi sunt.
Et quidem ego, cui literas vix, ac ne vix quidem videre contigit, omnium qui diuin Palladi nomen dederunt, long infimus (vt id ingenu de mea tenuitate confitear) facere cert non possum, quin me, in illorum aciem conferam, qui gentis su maculam abluere, veritatem ipsam asserere, & conuitiantium iugum detrectare studuerunt: Maiora ingenio sors denegauit: Id quoquo modo tentare compellit ipsius veritatis dignitas, & innatus amor patri, quam extraneos nonnullos falsis rumoribus deformare, varijs conuitijs, magna cum voluptate proscindere, alisque nationibus deridendam propinare comperimus. Quorum petulanti occurrere, & criminationes falsas, detectis simul scriptorum de hac Insula erroribus, apud bonos & cordatos viros, (Nam vulgus sui semper simile, falsi & vani tenacissimum, non est qud sperem me ab hac inueterata opinione abducere posse) diluere hoc commentariolo decreui.
Etsi autem Islandia multos habet, vt tate, ita ingenio & eruditione me longe superiores, ideque ad hanc causam patri suscipiendam mult magis idoneos: Ego tamen optimi & clarissimi viri, Dom. Gudbrandi Thorlacij, Episcopi Holensis, apud Islandos, sollicitationibus motus communi caus, pro viribus, nequaquam deesse volui, tum vt quissim postulationi ipsius parerem, atque amorem & studium debitum erga patriam declararem, tum vt reliquos sympatriotas meos, in bonarum literarum scientia foelicius versatos, atque in rerum plurimarum cognitione vlterius progresses, ad hoc gentis nostr patrocinium inuitarem: Tantum abest, vt ijs qui idem conabuntur, obstaculo esse voluerim.
Cterum vt ad rem redeamus, quoniam illi quicunque sunt nostr gentis obtrectatores, testimonio scripto se vti ac niti iactitant: videndum omnino est, quidnam de Islandia, & qum vera scriptores prodiderint, vt si fort isti, alijs in nos dicendi aliquam occasionem dederint, patefactis ipsorum erroribus (nolo enim quid durius dicere) qum merit nos calumnientur, reliquis planum fiat, Porr, quamuis vetustiorum quorundam scripta de hac Insula, ad veritatis & experienti normam exigere non verear: Tamen nobis eorundem alioqui sacra est memoria, reuerenda dignitas, suspicienda eruditio, laudanda voluntas & in Rempub. literariam studium; Nouitij ver, si qui sunt id genus scriptores, aut verius pasquilli, cum ijs long veriora qum scripserant, audire & nosse de Islandia licuerit, sua leuitate & ingenio mal candido, nihil nisi inuidi & calumni maculam lucrati esse videbuntur.
[Sidenote: Commentarij du partes.]
Atque vt Commentarius hic noster aliquid ordinis habeat, duo erunt proposit orationis capita, vnum de Insula, de incolis alterum: quantum quidem de his duobus capitibus Scriptores qui in nostris manibus versantur, annotatum reliquerunt: Quoniam vltra has metas vagari, vel plura qum hc ipsa, & qu huc pertinere videbuntur attingere nolo. Non enim ex professo Historicum vel geographum sed disputatorem tantm agimus. [Sidenote: Prim partis tractatio.] Itaque omissa longiore prfatione partem primam, qu est de situ, nomine, miraculis & alijs quibusdam adiunctis Insul, aggrediamur.
The same im English.
Euen as in war, dayly experience teacheth vs, that some vpon no iust & lawful grounds (being egged on by ambition, enuie, and couetise) are induced to follow the armie, and on the contrary side, that others arme themselues vpon iust and necessary causes: namely such as go to battell for the defence and propagation of the Gospel, or such as being any way prouoked thereunto, doe withstand present violence and wrong, or at least (not being prouoked) by reason of the enemie approching are constrained to be vp in armes right so, they that fight vnder Apolloes banner. Amongst whom, a great part, not vpon any honest, philosophical, or indeede Christian intention, addresse themselues to wright: especially such as for desire of glory, for enuy and spight, or vpon malicious and affected ignorance, carpe at others: and that they may be accompted superiours, sometimes whette their stiles against the person, name and fame of this or that particular man, sometimes inueighing against a whole countrey, and by shamelesse vntrueths disgracing innocent nations and people. Againe, others of an ingenuous minde, doe by great industry, search and bring to light things profitable: namely, they that write of Diuinity, Philosophy, History and such like: and they who (taking vse and experience for their guides) in the said Sciences haue brought things obscure to light, things maimed to perfection, and things confused to order: and they that haue faithfully commended to euerlasting posteritie, the stories of the whole world: that by their infinite labours haue aduaunced the knowledge of tongues: to be short, that endeuour themselues to represse the insolencie, confute the slanders, and withstand the vniust violence of others, against themselues, their Nation or their Countrey:
And I for my part, hauing scarce attained the sight of good letters, and being the meanest of all the followers of Minerua (that I may freely acknowledge mine owne wants) can do no lesse then become one of their number, who haue applied themselues to ridde their countrey from dishonor, to auouch the trueth, and to shake off the yoke of railers & reuilers. My estate enabled me onely to write; howbeit the excellencie of trueth and the in bred affection I beare to my countrey enforceth me to do the best I can: sithens it hath pleased some strangers by false rumours to deface, and by manifolde reproches to iniurie my sayd countrey, making it a by word, and a langhing-stocke to all other nations. To meet with whose insolencie and false accusations, as also to detect the errours of certeine writers concerning this Island, vnto good and well affected men (for the common people will be alwayes like themselues, stubbornly mainteining that which is false and foolish, neither can I hope to remooue them from this accustomed and stale opinion) I haue penned the treatise following.
And albeit Island is not destitute of many excellent men, who, both in age, wit, and learning, are by many degrees my superiors, and therefore more fit to take the defence of the countrey into their hands: notwithstanding, being earnestly perswaded thereunto, by that godly & famous man Gudbrandus Thorlacius Bishop of Hola in Island, I thought good (to the vtmost of mine ability) to be no whit wanting vnto the common cause: both that I might obey his most reasonable request, and also that I might encourage other of my countreymen, who haue bene better trained vp in good learning, and indued with a greater measure of knowledge then I my selfe, to the defence of this our nation: so farre am I from hindering any man to vndertake the like enterprise.
But to returne to the matter, because they (whatsoeuer they be) that reproch and maligne our nation, make their boast that they vse the testimonies of writers: we are seriously to consider, what things, and how true, writers haue reported of Island, to the end that if they haue giuen (perhaps) any occasion to others of inueying against vs, their errours being layd open (for I will not speake more sharpely) all the world may see how iustly they do reproch vs. And albeit I nothing doubt to examine some ancient writers of this Island, by the rule of trueth and experience: yet (otherwise) their memory is precious in our eyes, their dignity reuerend, their learning to be had in honour, and their zeale and affection towards the whole common wealth of learned men, highly to be commended: but as for nouices (if there be any such writers or rather pasquilles) when they shall heare and know truer matters concerning Island, then they themselues haue written, they shall seeme by their inconstancie and peruerse wit to haue gained nought else but a blacke marke of enuy and reproch.
And that this commentarie of mine may haue some order, it shall be diuided into two general parts: the first of the Island, the second of the inhabitants: and of these two but so farfoorth as those writers which are come to our hands haue left recorded: because I am not determined to wander out of these lists, or to handle more then these things and some other which perteine vnto them. For I professe not my selfe an Historiographer, or Geographer, but onely a Disputer. Wherefore omitting a longer Preface, let vs come to the first part concerning the situation, the name, miracles, and certaine other adiuncts of this Iland.
[Sidenote: Munst. lib. 4. Cosmograph.] Insula Islandi, qu per immensum cteris secreta long sita est in Oceano, vixque nauigantibus agnoscitur, &c.
Et si hc tractare, qu ipsam terram vel illius adiuncta seu proprietates concernunt, ad gentem vel incolas calumniantium morsu vindicandos parm faciat: tamen id nequaquam omittendum videtur. Sed de his primm, & quidem prolixis aliquant agendum est, vt perspecto, qum vera de hac re tradant illi Islandi scriptores, facil inde candidus Lector, in ijs qu de Incolis scripta reliquerant, quque ab illis alij, tanquam Dijs prodentibus, acceperunt, vnde sua in gentem nostram ludibria depromi aiunt, quantum fidei mereantur, iudicet.
Primum igitur distantiam Islandi reliquis terris non immensam esse, nec tantam, quanta vulg putatur, si quis insul longitudinem & latitudinem aliquo modo cognitam haberet, facil demonstrari posset. Non enim id alio, qum isto cognosci exact posse modo existimarim, cum nulli dubium sit, qum semper nautarum vel rectissimus, vt illis videtur, cursus aberret. Quare varias authorum de situ Islandi sententias subiungam, vt inde quiuis de distantia id colligat, quod maxim verisimile videbitur, donec fort aliquando propria edoctus experientia, meam quoque sententiam si non interponam, tamen adiungam.
Longit. Latitud. Munsterus Islandiam collocat sub gradibus fer 20 68 Gerardus Mercator 352 68 Gemma Frisius: Medium Islandi: 7 0 65 30 Hersee: 7 40 60 42 Thirtes: 5 50 64 44 Nadar: 6 40 57 20 Iacobi Ziegleri: Littus Islandi Occident. 20 63 Chos promontorium: 22 46 63 Latus orientale extenditur contra Septentrionem: & finis extensionis habet 30 68 Latus septentrionale contra occidentem extenditur, & finis extensionis habet 28 69 Lateris Occidentalis descriptio. Heckelfel promontorium 25 67 Madher promontorium 21 20 65 10 Ciuitates in ea mediterrane sunt Holen Episcopalis 28 67 50 Schalholten Episcopalis 22 63 30 Reinholdus. Per Holen Islandi 68 Ioh. Myritius. Per Med. Islandi 69 Neander. Islandia tribus gradibus in circulum vsque Arcticum ab quinoctiali excurrit, ade fer, vt mediam circulus ille secet, &c.
Et si qui sunt prterea, qui vel in mappis, vel alioqui suis scriptis Insul situm notarunt, quorum plures sententias referre nihil attinet, cm qu plures habeas, e magis dissidentes reperias. Ego quamuis verisimiles coniecturas habeo, cur null citat de Islandi situ sententi assentiar, quin potius diuersum quippiam ab ijs omnibus statuam, tamen id ipsum in dubio relinquere malo, qum quicquam non exploratum satis affirmare, donec, vt dixi, fort aliquando non coniecturam, sed obseruationem & experientiam propriam afferre liceat.
[Sidenote: Bidui nauigatio ab Islandia ad Noruagiam desertam.]
Distantiam ab ostio Albis ad portum Istandi meridionalis Batzende, quidam scripserat esse circiter 400. milliarium: Vnde si longitudinis differentiam ad meridianum Hamburgensem supputaueris, nullam mod positarum longitudinum habebit illo in loco Islandia. Ego ternis Hamburgensium nauigationibus docere possum, septimo die Hamburgum ex Islandia peruentum esse. Prterea etiam, Insul qu ab ouium multitudine Freyjar, seu rectius Faareyjar dict sunt, bidui nauigatione, vt & littora Noruagi deserta distant. Quatridui ver nauigatione in Gronlandiam habitabilem, & pari fer temporis interuallo, ad prouinciam Noruagi Stad. inter opida Nidrosiam & Bergas sitam peruenitur, quemadmodum in harum nationum vetustis codicibus reperimus.
The same in English.
[Sidenote: Munsterus lib. 4. cosmographi] The Isle of Island being seuered from other countreys an infinite distance, standeth farre into the Ocean, and is scarse knowen vnto Sailers.
Albeit a discourse of those things which concerne the land, and the adiuncts or properties thereof be of little moment to defend the nation or inhabitants from the biting of slanderers, yet seemeth it in no case to be omitted, but to be intreated of in the first place; that the friendly reader perceiuing how truely those writers of Island haue reported in this respect, may thereby also easily iudge what credit is to be giuen vnto them in other matters which they haue left written concerning the inhabitants, and which others haue receiued from them as oracles, from whence (as they say) they haue borrowed scoffes and taunts against our nation.
First therefore, that the distance of Island from other countreys is not infinite, nor indeed so great as men commonly imagine, it might easily be prouided, if one did but in some sort know the true longitude & latitude of the said Iland. For I am of opinion that it cannot exactly be knowen any other way then this, whenas it is manifest how the Mariners course (be it neuer so direct, as they suppose) doth at all times swerue. In the meane while therfore I will set downe diuers opinions of authors, concerning the situation of Island, that from hence euery man may gather that of the distance which seemeth most probable, vntil perhaps my selfe being one day taught by mine owne experience, may, if not intrude, yet at least adioin, what I shal thinke true as touching this matter. [Footnote: The real position of Iceland is 700 miles west of Norway, 200 miles east of Greenland, and 320 miles north-west of the Faroe Islands. It lies between latitude 63 25 and 66 32 north and longitude 13 30' and 24 30' west; length east to west 280 miles; breadth 210 miles. It will be thus seen that while Frisius is nearly right in his latitude, Gerard Mercator is considerably out. As regards the longitude, whilst Munster's estimate is converted to the standard of Greenwich, Mercator's reckoning is from Copenhagen or Hamburg, and Frisius has reckoned east of Reikiavik or Skallholt.]
Longit. Latitud. deg min. deg min.
Munster placeth Island almost in 20 68 Gerardus Mercator 325 68 Gemma Frisius placeth the midst of Island 7 0 65 30 Hersee 7 40 60 42 Thirtes 5 50 64 44 Nadar 6 40 57 10 Iacobus Zieglerus The West shore of Island 20 0 63 0 The promontorie of Chos 22 46 63 0 The East shore is extended Northward, and hath bounds of extension in 30 0 68 0 The North shore is extended Westward and hath bounds of extension in 28 0 69 0 The description of the West side The promontorie of Heckelfell 25 0 67 0 The promontorie of Madher 21 20 65 10 The inland cities of Island Holen the seat of a bishop 28 0 67 50 Schalholten the seat of a bishop 22 63 30 Reinholdus By Holen in Island 68 Iohannes Miritius By Mid-Island 69-1/2 Neander Island stretcheth it selfe 3 degrees within the circle arctic from the equinoctial, insomuch that the said circle arctic doeth almost diuide it in the midst &c.
There be others also, who either in their maps, or writings haue noted the situation of Island: notwithstanding it is to no purpose to set downe any more of their opinions, because the more you haue, the more contrary shall you finde them. For my part, albeit I haue probable coniectures perswading me not to beleeue any of the former opinions, concerning the situation of Island, but to dissent from them all: yet had I rather leaue the matter in suspense then affirme an vncerteinty, vntill (as I haue sayd) I may be able perhappes one day not to gesse at the matter, but to bring forth mine owne obseruation, and experience.
[Sidenote: Seuen dayes sailing from Island to Hamburg Island but two dayes sailing distant from Faar-Islands & from the desert shores of Norway.]
A certeine writer hath put downe the distance betweene the mouth of Elbe & Batzende in the South part of Island to be 400 leagues: from whence if you shall account the difference of longitude to the meridian of Hamburgh, Island must haue none of the forenamed longitudes in that place. I am able to proue by three sundry voyages of certaine Hamburgers, that it is but seuen dayes sailing from Island to Hamburgh. Besides all those Islands, which by reason of the abundance of sheepe, are called Fareyiar or more rightly Faareyiar,[Footnote: Faroe Islands.] as likewise the desert shores of Norway, are distant from vs but two dayes sailing. We haue foure dayes sailing into habitable Gronland; and almost in the same quantitie of time we passe ouer to the prouince of Norway, called Stad, lying betweene the townes of Nidrosia or Trondon, [Footnote: Trondheim.] and Bergen, as we finde in the ancient records of these nations.
[Sidenote: Munsterus, Olaus magnus & reliqui.] In hac, stiuo solstitio, sole signum Cancri transeunte, nox nulla, brumali Solstitio proinde nullus dies. Item, Vadianus. In ea autem Insula qu longe Supra Arcticum circulum in amplissimo Oceano sita est, Islandia hodie dicta, & terris congelati maris proxima, quas Entgronlandt vocant, menses sunt plures sine noctibus.
Nullum esse hyemali solstitio diem, id est, tempus quo sol supra horizontem conspicitur in illo tantum Islandi angulo, si mod quis est, fatemur, vbi polus ad integros 67. gradus attollitur. Holis autem, qu est sedes Episcopalis Borealis Islandi, sita etiam in angustissima & profundissima conualle, latitudo est circiter grad. 65. 44. min. vt Domino Gudbrando eiusdem loci Episcopo accepimus, & illic diem breuissimum habemus ad minimum duarum horarum, in meridionali autem Islandia longiorem, vt ex artificum tabulis videre est. Vnde constat nec Islandiam vltra Arcticum circulum positam esse, nec menses plures noctibus in stiuo, vel diebus in brumali solstitio carere.
The same in English.
[Sidenote: Munsterus, Olaus Magnus and others.] In this Iland, at the Summer solstitium, the Sun passing thorow the signe of Cancer, there is no night, and therefore at the Winter solstitium there is no day. Also: Vadianus. But in that Iland, which farre within the artic circle is seated in the maine Ocean, at this day called Island, and next vnto the lands of the frozen sea, which they call Engrontland, there be many moneths in the yere without nights.
At the solstitium of winter, that there is no day (that is to say, no time, wherein the Sunne is seene aboue the horizon) we confesse to be true onely in that angle of Island (if there be any such angle) where the pole is eleuated full 67. degrees. But at Holen (which is the bishops seat for the North part of Island, and lieth in a most deepe valley) the latitude is about 65. degrees and 44. minutes, as I am enformed by the reuerend father, Gudbrand, bishop of that place: and yet there, the shortest day in all the yere is at least two houres long, and in South-Island longer, as it appeareth by the tables of Mathematicians. [Sidenote: Island is not within the circle arctic.] Heerehence it is manifest, first that Island is not situate beyond the arctic circle: [Footnote: This is true, except for the very small portion of Iceland round about Cape North.] secondly, that in Island there are not wanting in Summer solstitium many nights, nor in Winter solstitium many dayes.
[Sidenote: Musterus Saxo.] Nomen habet glacie qu illi perpetuo ad Boream adheret Item. A latere Occidentali Noruagi Insula, qu Glacialis dicitur, magno circumfusa Oceano repentur, obsolet admodum habitationis tellus, &c. Item, Hc est Thyle, nulli veterum non celebrata.
Nomen habet glacie) Tria nomina consequenter sortita est Islandia. [Sidenote: Snelandia.] Nam qui omnium primus eius inuentor fuisse creditur Naddocus genere Noruagus, cum versus insulas Farenses nauigaret tempestate valida, ad littora Islandi Orientalis fort appulit: vbi cum fuisset aliquot septimanas cum socijs commoratus, animaduertit immodicam niuium copiam, montium quorundam cacumina obtegentem, atque ide niue nomen Insul Snelandia indidit. Hunc secutus alter, Gardarus, fama quam de Islandia Naddocus attulerat impulsus, Insulam qusitum abijt, reperit, & nomen de suo nomine Gardarsholme id est, Gardars Insula imposuit. Quin & plures nouam terram visendi cupido incessit: nam & post illos duos adhuc tertius quidam Noruagus (Floki nomen habuit) contulit se in Islandiam, illique glacie qua viderat ipsam cingi nomen fecit.
Obsolet admodum) Ego ex istis verbis Saxonis hanc sententiam nequaquam eruo, vt quidam, qud inde ab initio habitatam esse Islandiam, seu vt verbo dicam, Islandos autocthonas dicat, cum constet vix ante annos 718. incoli coeptam.
Hc est Thyle) Grammatici certant & adhuc sub iudice lis est. Quam tamen facil dirimi posse crediderim, si quis animaduertat, circa annum Domini 874. primm fuisse inhabitatam. Nisi quis dicere velit Thulen illum gypti Regem, quem hoc ipsi nomen dedisse putant, ad Insulam iam tum incultam & inhabitatam penetrasse. Illud ver rursus si quis neget, per me san licebit, vt illud sit quaddam quasi spectaculum, dum ita in contrarias scinduntur sententias. Vnus affirmat esse Islandiam. Alter quandam insulam, vbi arbores bis in anno fructificant. Tertius vnam ex Orcadibus, siue vitimam in ditione Scoti, vt Ioannes Myritius & alij, qui nomen illius referunt, Thylensey, quod etiam Virgilius per suam vltimam Thylen sensisse videtur. Siquidem vltra Britannos, quo nomine Angli hodie dicti & Scoti veniunt, nullos populos statueret. Quod vel ex illo Virgilij Eclog I. apparet:
Et penitus toto diuisos orbe Britannos.
Quartus vnam ex Farensibus. Quintus Telemarchiam Noruagi. Sextus Schrichfinniam.
Perpetu ad Boream adhret.) Illud ver, Glaciem Insul perpetu, vel vt paul post asserit Munsterus: Octo continuis mensibus adhrere: neutrum verum est. [Sidenote: Glacies Aprili aut Maio soluitur.] Nam vt plurimum in mense Aprili aut Maio soluitur, & Occidentem versus propellitur, nec ante Ianuarium aut Februarium spissim etiam tardius redit. Quid? qud plurimos annos numerare licet, quibus glaciem illam huius nationis immite flagellum, ne viderit quidem Islandia: Quod etiam hoc anno 1592. compertum est. Vnde constat qum ver Frisio scriptum sit, nauigationem ad hanc insulam tantm quadrimestrem patere, propter glaciem & frigora, quibus intercludatur iter, Cm Anglic naues quotannis nunc in Martio, nunc in Aprili, qudam in Maio, Germanorum & Danorum in Maio & Iunio, plrumque ad nos redeant, & harum qudam non ante Augustum iterum hinc soluunt. Superiore autem anno 1591. qudam nauis Germanica, cupro onusta, portum Islandi Vopnafiord 14. dies circiter in Nouembri occupauit, quibus lapsis inde foeliciter soluit Quare cum glacies Islandi, nec perpetu, neque octo mensibus adhreat, Munsterus & Frisius manifest falluntur.
The same in English.
It is named of the ice which continually cleaueth vnto the North part thereof. [Sidenote: Munsterus Saxo] Another writeth: From the West part of Norway there lieth an Iland which is named of the ice, enuironed with an huge sea, and being a countrey of ancient habitation, &c. Zieglerus. This is Thyle [Footnote: Thule] whereof most of the ancient writers haue made mention.
It is named of ice, &c. Island hath beene called by three names, one after another. [Sidenote: Island first discouered by Naddocus in a tempest.] For one Naddocus a Noruagian borne, who is thought to be the first Discouerer of the same, as he was sailing towards the Faar-Ilands, [Footnote: Faroe Islands.] through a violent tempest did by chance arriue at the East shore of Island; [Sidenote: Sneland.] where staying with his whole company certaine weeks, he beheld abundance of snow couering the tops of the mountaines, and thereupon, in regard of the snow, called this Iland Sneland. [Sidenote: Gardarsholme] After him one Gardarus, being mooued thereunto by the report which Naddocus gaue out concerning Island, went to seeke the sayd Iland who when he had found it, called it after his owne name Gardars-holme, that is to say, Gardars Ile. There were more also desirous to visit this new land. [Sidenote: Island.] For after the two former a certaine third Noruagian, called Flok, went into Island, and named it of the ice, wherewith he saw it enuironed.
Of ancient habitation &c. I gather not this opinion out of these wordes of Saxo (as some men do) that Island hath bene inhabited from the beginning or (to speake in one word) that the people of Island were autochthones, that is, earth-bred, or bred out of their owne soile like vnto trees and herbs: sithens it is euident that this Island scarse began to be inhabited no longer agoe then about 718 yeres since. [Footnote: The Viking Naddodr is said to have discovered Iceland in 860, and it was colonised by Ingulf, a chieftain from the west coast of Norway.]
This is Thyle, &c. Grammarians wrangle about this name, and as yet the controuersie is not decided. Which notwithstanding, I thinke might easily grow to composition, if men would vnderstand that this Iland was first inhabited about the yeere of our Lord 874. Vnlesse some man will say that Thule King of gypt (who, as it is thought, gaue this name thereunto) passed so farre vnto an Iland, which was at that time vntilled, and destitute of inhabitants. Againe, if any man will denie this, he may for all me, that it may seeme to be but a dreame, while they are distracted into so many contrary opinions. One affirmes that it is Island: another, that it is a certeine Iland, where trees beare fruit twise in a yeere: the third, that it is one of the Orcades, or the last Iland of the Scotish dominion, as Iohannes Myritius and others, calling it by the name of Thylensey, which Virgil also seemeth to haue meant by his vltima Thyle. If beyond the Britans (by which name the English men and Scots onely at this day are called) he imagined none other nation to inhabit. Which is euident out of that verse of Virgil in his first Eclogue:
And Britans whole from all the world diuided.
The fourth writeth, that it is one of the Faar-Ilands: the fift, that it is Telemark in Norway: the sixt, that it is Scrichfinnia.
[Sidenote: The ice of Iseland sets always to the West.] Which continually cleaueth to the North part of the Iland. That clause that ice continually cleaueth &c. or as Munster affirmeth a little after, that it cleaueth for the space of eight whole moneths, are neither of them both true, when as for the most part the ice is thawed in the moneth of April or May, and is driuen towards the West: neither doth it returne before Ianuarie or Februarie, nay often times it commeth later. [Sidenote: No ice at all some yeres in Island.] What if a man should recken vp many yeeres, wherein ice (the sharpe scourge of this our nation) hath not at all bene seene about Island? which was found to be true this present yeere 1592. Heereupon it is manifest how truely Frisius hath written that nauigation to this Iland lieth open onely for foure moneths in a yeere, and no longer, by reason of the ice and colde, whereby the passage is shut vp, when as English ships euery yere, sometimes in March, sometimes in April, and some of them in May; the Germans and Danes, in May and Iune, doe vsually returne vnto vs, and some of them depart not againe from hence till August. [Sidenote: Nauigation open to Island from March till the midst of Nouember.] But the last yere, being 1591, there lay a certeine shippe of Germanie laden with Copper within the hauen of Vopnafiord in the coast of Island about fourteene dayes in the moneth of Nouember, which time being expired, she fortunately set saile. Wherefore, seeing that ice, neither continually, nor yet eight moneths cleaueth vnto Iland, Munster and Frisius are much deceiued. [Footnote: The mean temperature of Iceland is said to be 40 degrees.]
[Sidenote: Kranzius. Munsterus.] Tam grandis Insula, vt populos multos contineat. Item, Zieglerus. Situs Insul extenditur inter austrum & boream ducentorum prope Schnorum longitudine.
Grandis.) Wilstenius quidam, rector Schol OLDENBVRGENSIS Anno 1591. ad auunculum meum in Islandia Occidentali misit breuem commentarium, quem ex scriptorum rapsodijs de Islandia collegerat. Vbi sic reperimus Islandia duplo maior Sicilia,&c. Sicilia autem secundum Munsterum 150. milliaria Germanica in ambitu habet. [Sidenote: Magnitudo Islandi.] Nostr ver Insul ambitus etsi nobis non est exact cognitus, tamen vetus & constans opinio, & apud nostrates recepta 144. milliaria numerat per duodecim videlicet promontoria Islandi insigniora, qu singula 12. inter se milliaribus distent, aut circiter, qu collecta prdictam summam ostendunt.
Populos multos.) Gysserus quidam, circa annum Domini 1090, Episcopus Schalholtensts in Islandia, omnes Insul colonos seu rusticos qui tantas facultates possiderent, vt regi tributum soluere tenerentur (reliquis pauperibus cum foeminis & promiscuo vulgo omissis) lustrari curauit, repertque in parte Insul Orientali 700, meridionali 1000, Occidentali 1100, Aquilonari 1200. Summa 4000. colonorum tributa soluentium. Iam si quis experiatur, inueniet Insulam plus dimidio fuisse inhabitatam.
The same in English.
[Sidenote: Krantzius. Munsterus.] The Iland is so great that it conteineth many people. Item Zieglerus sayth: The situation of the Iland is extended betweene the South and the North almost 200 leagues in length.
So great, &c. One Wilstenius schoolemaster of Oldenburg, in the yere 1591, sent vnto mine Vncle in West Island, a short treatise which he had gathered out of the fragments of sundrie writers, concerning Island. Where we found thus written: Island is twise as great as Sicilie, &c. But Sicilie, according to Munster, hath 150. Germaine miles in compasse. [Sidenote: 144. Germaine miles in compasse.] As for the circuit of our Iland, although it be not exactly knowen vnto vs, yet the ancient, constant, and receiued opinion of the inhabitants accounteth it l44 leagues; namely by the 12 promontories of Iland, which are commonly knowen, being distant one from another 12 leagues or thereabout, which two numbers being mulitplied, produce the whole summe. [Footnote: The exact area is 39,737 square miles.]
Many people, &c. One Gysserus about the yere of our Lord 1090, being bishop of Schalholten in Island, caused all the husbandmen, or countreymen of the Iland, who, in regard of their possessions were bound to pay tribute to the king, to be numbred (omitting the poorer sort with women, and the meaner sort of the communally) and he found in the East part of Island 700, in the South part 1000, in the West part 1100, in the North part 1200, to the number of 4000. inhabitants paying tribute. Now if any man will trie, he shall finde that more then halfe the Iland was at that time vnpeopled. [Footnote: In 1875 the population was 69,800.]
[Sidenote: Munst. Frisius, Ziegler] Insula multa sui parte montosa est & inculta. Qua parte autem plana est prstat plurimum pabulo, tam lto, vt pecus depellatur pascuis, ne ab aruina suffocetur.
Id suffocationis periculum nullo testimomo, nec nostra nec patrum nostrorum, vel qum long retro numeraris, memoria confirmari potest.
The same in English.
[Sidenote: Munster. Frisius. Zieglerus.] The Iland, most part thereof, is mountainous and vntilled But that part which is plaine doth greatly abound with fodder, which is so ranke, that they are faine to driue their cattell from the pasture, least they surfet or be choaked.
That danger of surfetting or choaking was neuer heard tell of, in our fathers, grandfathers, great grandfathers or any of our predecessours dayes, be they neuer so ancient. [Footnote: In the tenth and eleventh centuries, corn and other crops seem to have been raised in considerable quantities, but at present only small crops of potatoes, turnips, and cabbages are grown. The pastures are good, and many horses, cattle, and sheep are reared.]
[Sidenote: Munst. Frisius.] Sunt in hac Insula montes elati in coelum, quorum vertices perpetua niue candent, radices sempiterno igne stuant. Primus Occidentem versus est, qui vocatur Hecla, alter crucis, tertius Helga. Item Zieglerus. Rupes siue promontorium Hecla stuans perpetuis ignibus. Item Saxo. In hac itidem Insula mons est, qui rupem sideream perpetu flagrationis stibus imitatus, incendia sempiterna iugi flammarum eructatione continuat.
Miracula Islandi Munsterus & Frisius narraturi mox in vestibulo, magno suo cum incommodo impingunt. Nam quod hic de monte Hecla asserunt, etsi aliquam habet veritatis speciem, tamen quod idem de duobus alijs montibus perpetuo igne stuantibus dicunt, manifest erroneum est. Illi enim in Islandia non extant, nec quicquam, quod huic tanto scriptorum errori occasionem dederit, imaginari possumus. Facta tamen est, sed nunc demum Anno 1581. ex monte quodam australis Islandi, maritimo, perpetuis niuibus & glacie obducto memorabilis fumi ac flamm eruptio, magna saxorum ac cineris copia eiecta. Cterum ille mons longe est ab his tribus, quos authores commemorant, diuersissimus. Porro etsi hc de montibus ignitis maxim vera narrarent, annon naturaliter ista contingerent? An ad extruendam illam, qu mox in Munstero, Zieglero & Frisio sequitur, de orco Islandico opinionem aliquid faciunt? Ego san nefas esse duco, his vel similibus natur miraculis ab absurda asserenda abuti, vel hc tanquam impossibilia cum quadam impietate mirari. Quasi ver non concurrant in huiusmodi incendijs caus ad hanc rem satis valid. Est in horum montium radicibus materia vri aptissima, nempe sulphurea & bituminosa. Accedit ar per poros ac cauernas in terr viscera ingressus, ac illum maximi incendij fomitem exsufflans vn cum nitro, qua exsufflatione tanquam follibus quibusdam, ardentissima excitatur flamma. Habet siquidem ignis, his ita conacnientibus, qu tria ad vrendum sunt necessaria, materiam scilicet, motum, & tandem penetrandi facultatem: Materiam quidem pinguem & humidam ideoque flammas diuturnas alentem: Motum prstat per terr cauernas admissus ar: Penetrandi facultatem facit ignis vis inuicta, sine respiraculo esse nescientis, & incredibili conatu violenter erumpentis, atque ita (non secus ac in cuniculis machinisue seu tormentis bellicis, globi ferro maximi, magno cum fragore ac strepitu, sulphure & nitro, quibus pyrius puluis conficitur, excitato, eijciuntur) lapides & Saxa in ista voragine ignita, ceu quodam camino, collique facta cum immodica aren & cinerum copia, exspuentis & eiaculantis, idque vt plurimum, non sine terrmotu: qui si secundum profunditatem terr fiat, succussio Possidoneo appellatur vel hiatus erit, vel pulsus. Hiatu terra dehiscit: pulsu eleuatur intumescens, & nonunquam, vt inquit Plinius [Sidenote: Lib. 2. cap. 20.], motes magnas egerit: Cuiusmodi terrmotus iam mentionem fecimus, maritima Islandi Australis Anno 1581 infestantis quque Pontano his verbis scitissim describitur.
Ergo incerta ferens raptim vestigia, anhelus Spiritus incursat, nunc huc, nunc percitus illuc, Explortque abitum insistens, & singula tentat, Si qua forte queat victis erumpere claustris. Interea tremit ingentem factura ruinam Terra, suis quatiens latas cum moenibus vrbes: Dissiliunt auulsa iugis immania saxa, &c.
Hc addere libuit, non qud cuiquam hc ignota esse existimemus; sed ne nos alij ignorare credant, atque ideo ad suas fabulas, quas hinc extruunt, confugere velle.
Cterum video quid etiamnum admirationem non exiguam scriptoribus moueat, in his, quos ignoranter fingunt, tribus Islandi montibus, videlicet cum eorum basin semper ardere dicant, summitates tamen nunquam niue careant. Porr id admirari, est prter authoritatem tantorum virorum, quibus tn incendium optim notum erat, qu, cm secundum Plinium hybernis temporibus niualis sit, noctibus tamen, eodem teste, semper ardet. Quare etiam secundum illos, ille mons, cum adhac niuium copia obducitur, & tamen ardeat sordidarum animarum quoque erit receptaculum: id quod Hecl propter niues in summo vertice & basin stuantem, adscribere non dubitarunt. [Sidenote: Cardanus.] Vix autem mirum esse potest, qud ignis montis radicibus latens, & nunquam, nisi rarissim erumpens, excelsa montis cacumina, qu niuibus obducuntur, non collique faciat. Nam & in Caira, altissima montis cacumina niuibus semper candentia esse perhibentur: & in Beragua quidem similiter, sed 5000 passuum in coelum elata, qu niuibus nunquam liberentur, cum tamen partibus tantum decem ab quatore distent. Vtrmque hanc prouinciam iuxta Pariam esse sitam accepimus. Quid? quod illa Teneriff (qu vna, est ex insulis Canarijs, qu & fortunat) pyramis, secundum Munsterum, 8 aut 9 milliarium Germanicorum altitudine in ara assurgens, atque instar tn iugiter conflagrans, niues, quibus media cingitur, teste Benzone Italo, Indi occidentalis Historico, non resoluit. Quod ipsum in nostra Hecla quid est, quod magis miremur? Atque hc ita breuiter de incendijs montanis.
Nunc illud quoque castigandum arbitramur, quod hos montes in coelum vsque attolli scribant. Habent enim nullam pr cteris Islandi montibus notabilem altitudinem. Precipu tertius ille Helga Munstero appellatus, nobis Helgafel. i. Sacer mons, apud monasterium eiusdem nominis, nulla sui parts tempore stiuo nimbus obductus, nec montis excelsi, sed potius collis humilis nomen meretur, nunquam, vt initio huius sectionis dixi, de incendio suspectus. Nec ver perpetu niues Hecl, vel paucis alijs adscribi debebant: Permultos enim habet eiusmodi montes niuosos Islandia, quos omnes vel toto anno, non facil collegerit aut connumerarit, horum prdicator & admirator Cosmographus. Quin etiam id non negligendum, quod mons Hecla non occidentem versus, vt Munstero & Zieglero annotatum est, sed inter meridiem & orientem positus sit. Nec promontorium est: sed mons fer mediterraneus.
[Sidenote: Annales Islandi.] Incendia perpetua ragi, &c. Quicunque perpetuam flammarum cructationem Hecl adscripserunt, toto coelo errarunt, ade, vt quoties flammas eructarit, nostrates in annales retulerint, viz. anno Christi 1104. 1157. 1222. 1300. 1341. 1362. & 1389. Neque enim ab illo de montis incendio audire licuit, vsque ad annum 1558. qu vltima fuit in illo monte eruptio. Interea non nego, fieri posse, quin mons infern latentes intus flammas & incendia alat, qu videlicet statis interuallis, vt hactenus annotatum est, eruperint, aut etiam forte posthac erumpant.
The same in English.
[Sidenote: Monsterus. Frisius.] There be in this Iland mountaines lift vp to the skies, whose tops being white with perpetuall snowe, their roots boile with euerlasting fire. The first is towards the West, called Hecla: the other the mountaine of the crosse: and the third Helga. Item Zieglerus. The rocke or promontone of Hecla boileth with continuall fire. Item: Saxo. There is in this Iland also a mountaine, which resembling the starrie firmament, with perpetuall flashings of fire, continueth alwayes burning, by vncessant belching out of flames.
Munster and Frisius being about to report the woonders of Island doe presently stumble, as it were, vpon the thresholde, to the great inconuenience of them both. For that which they heere affirme of mount Hecla, although it hath some shew of trueth: notwithstanding concerning the other two mountaines, that they should burne with perpetuall fire, it is a manifest errour. For there are no such mountaines to be found in Island, nor yet any thing els (so farre foorth as wee can imagine) which might minister occasion of so great an errour vnto writers. Howbeit there was seene (yet very lately) in the yeere 1581 out of a certaine mountaine of South Island lying neere the Sea, and couered ouer with continuall snow and frost, a marueilous eruption of smoke and fire, casting vp abundance of stones and ashes. But this mountaine is farre from the other three, which the sayd authours doe mention. Howbeit, suppose that these things be true which they report of firie mountaines: is it possible therefore that they should seeme strange, or monstrous, whenas they proceed from naturall causes? What? Doe they any whit preuaile to establish that opinion concerning the hell of Island, which followeth next after in Munster, Ziegler, and Frisius? For my part, I thinke it no way tollerable, that men should abuse these, and the like miracles of nature, to auouch absurdities, or, that they should with a kinde of impietie woonder at them, as at matters impossible. As though in these kindes of inflammations, there did not concurre causes of sufficient force for the same purpose. There is in the rootes of these mountaines a matter most apt to be set on fire, comming so neere as it doeth to the nature of brimstone and pitch. There is ayer also which insinuating it selfe by passages, and holes, into the very bowels of the earth, doeth puffe vp the nourishment of so huge a fire, together with Salt-peter, by which puffing (as it were with certeine bellowes) a most ardent flame is kindled. [Sidenote: Three naturall causes of firie mountaines.] For, all these thus concurring fire hath those three things, which necessarily make it burne, that is to say, matter, motion, and force of making passage: matter which is fattie and moyst, and therefore nourisheth lasting flames: motion which the ayer doeth performe, being admitted into the caues of the earth: force of making passage, and that the inuincible might of fire it selfe (which can not be without inspiration of ayre, and can not but breake foorth with an incredible strength) doeth bring to passe: and so (euen as in vndermining trenches and engines or great warrelike ordinance, huge yron bullets are cast foorth with monstrous roaring, and cracking, by the force of kindled Brimstone, and Salt-peeter, whereof Gunne-powder is compounded) chingle and great stones being skorched in that fiery gulfe, as it were in a furnace, together with abundance of sande and ashes, are vomitted vp and discharged, and that for the most part not without an earthquake which, if it commeth from the depth of the earth, (being called by Possidonius, Succussio) it must either be either an opening or a quaking. Opening causeth the earth in some places to gape, and fall a sunder. By quaking the earth is heaued vp and swelleth, and sometimes (as Plinie saith) [Sidenote: Lib. 20. cap. 20.] casteth out huge heaps: such an earth-quake was the same which I euen now mentioned, which in the yere 1581 did so sore trouble the South shore of Island. And this kinde of earth-quake is most clearkely described by Pontanus in these verses:
The stirrng breath runnes on with stealing steppes, vrged now vp, and now enforced downe: For freedome eke tries all, it skips, it leaps, to ridde it selfe from vncouth dungeon. Then quakes the earth as it would burst anon, The earth yquakes, and walled cities quiuer. Strong quarries cracke, and stones from hilles doe shiuer.
I thought good to adde these things, not that I suppose any man to be ignorant thereof: but least other men should thinke that we are ignorant, and therefore that we will runne after their fables, which they do from hence establish. But yet there is somewhat more in these three famed mountaines of Island, which causeth the sayd writers not a little to woonder, namely whereas they say that their foundations are alwayes burning, and yet for all that, their toppes be neuer destitute of snowe. Howbeit, it beseemeth not the authority and learning of such great clearks to marueile at this, who can not but well know the flames of mount Aetna, which (according to Plinie) being full of snowe all Winter, notwithstanding (as the same man witnesseth) it doth alwayes burne. Wherefore, if we will giue credit vnto them, euen this mountaine also, sithens it is couered with snowe, and yet burneth, must be a prison of vncleane soules: which thing they haue not doubted to ascribe vnto Hecla, in regard of the frozen top, and the fine bottome. And it is no marueile that fire lurking so deepe in the roots of a mountaine, and neuer breaking forth except it be very seldome, should not be able continually to melt the snowe couering the toppe of the sayd mountaine. [Sidenote: Cardanus] For in Caira (or Capira) also, the highest toppes of the mountaine are sayd continually to be white with snowe: and those in Veragua likewise, which are fiue miles high, and neuer without snowe, being distant notwithstanding but onely 10 degrees from the equinoctiall. We haue heard that either of the forsayd Prouinces standeth neere vnto Paria. What, if in Teneriffa (which is one of the Canarie or fortunate Islands) the Pike [Footnote: The Peak.] so called, arising into the ayre, according to Munster, eight or nine Germaine miles in height, and continually flaming like Aetna: yet (as Benzo an Italian, and Historiographer of the West Indies witnesseth) is it not able to melt the girdle of snowe embracing the middest thereof. Which thing, what reason haue we more to admire in the mountaine of Hecla? And thus much briefly concerning firie mountaines.
Now that also is to be amended, whereas they write that these mountaines are lifted vp euen vnto the skies. For they haue no extraordinarie height beyond the other mountaines of Island, but especially that third mountaine, called by Munster Helga, and by vs Helgafel, that is the holy mount, standing iust by a monastery of the same name, being couered with snowe, vpon no part thereof in Summer time, neither deserueth it the name of an high mountaine, but rather of an humble hillocke, neuer yet as I sayd in the beginning of this section, so much as once suspected of burning. Neither yet ought perpetuall snowe to be ascribed to Hecla onely, or to a few others; for Island hath very many such snowy mountaines, all which the Cosmographer (who hath so extolled and admired these three) should not easily find out, and reckon vp in a whole yere. And that also is not to be omitted, that mount Hecla standeth not towards the West, as Munster and Ziegler haue noted, but betweene the South and the East: neither is it an headland, but rather a mid-land hill.
[Sidenote: The chronicles of Island.] Continueth alwayes burning &c. whosoeuer they be that haue ascribed vnto Hecla perpetuall belching out of flames, they are farre besides the marke: insomuch that as often as it hath bene enflamed, our countreymen haue recorded it in their yerely Chronicles for a rare accident: namely in the yeeres of Christ 1104, 1157, 1222, 1300, 1341, 1362, and 1389: For from that yeere we neuer heard of the burning of this mountaine vntill the yeere 1558, which was the last breaking foorth of fire in that mountaine. In the meane time I say not that is impossible, but that the bottome of the hill may inwardly breed and nourish flames, which at certaine seasons (as hath bene heretofore obserued) haue burst out, and perhaps may do the like hereafter. [Footnote: The surface of the country is very mountainous, but there are no definite ranges, the isolated volcanic masses being separated by elevated plateaux of greater or less size. The whole centre is, in fact, an almost continuous desert fringed by a belt of pasture land, lying along the coast and running up the valleys of several of the greater riuers. This desert is occupied partly by snow mountains and glaciers, partly by enormous lava streams, partly by undulating plains of black volcanic sand, shingle, and loose stones. This region is of course without verdure, and entirely uninhabited. The rocks are all of igneous origin, but of very different ages, traps, basalts, amygdaloids, tufas, ochres, and porous lavas. The number of active volcanoes is, at present, not great, but hot springs and mud volcanoes testify to the existence of volcanic action along a line running from the extreme south west at Cape Reykjanes to the north coast near Husavik. The only recent well ascertained eruptions have been from Hecla, Aotlugja, Skaptar Vokul, and (in 1874-5) from the mountains to the south-east of Myratu Lake. The eruption of Skaptar in 1783 is the greatest anywhere on record in respect of the quantity of lava and ashes ejected. Earthquakes are not unfrequent. The greatest mountain group is the Vatna or Klofa Yokul, on the south coast, a mass of snow and ice covering many hundred square miles, and sending down prodigious glaciers which almost reach the sea. From one of these a torrent issues, little more than a hundred yards long, and a mile and a half broad. The line of perpetual snow ranges from 2,000 to 3,000 feet. The loftiest summits of this great mountain mass have never been ascended, but the highest point is believed to be the Orefa Yolcal, 6,405 feet. The other considerable peaks in different parts of the island are Herdubreidr (an extinct volcano), 5,290 feet, Eyjafjalla Yokul, 5,579 feet, Snfels Yokul, 5,965 feet, and Hecla, 5,095 feet.]
[Sidenote: Frisius. Munst.] Montis Hecl flamma nec stuppam lucernarum luminibus aptissimam adurit, neque aqua extinguitur: Eque impetu, quo apud nos machinis bellicis, globi eijciuntur, illinc lapides magni in aera emittuntur, ex frigoris & ignis & sulphuris commixtione. Is locus quibusdam putatur carcer sordidarum animarum. Item Zieglerus. Is locos est carcer sordidarum animarum.
Nec stuppam adurit.) Vnde habeant Scriptores, non satis conijcitur. Hc enim nostris hominibus prorsus ignota, nec hic vnquam, nisi prodidissent illi, audita fuissent. Nemo enim est apud nos tam temerari curiositatis, vt huius rei periculum, ardente monte, facere ansit, vel quod scire licuit, vnquam ausis fuerit. Quod tamen Munsterus asserit. Qui, inquit, naturam tanti incendij contemplari cupiunt, & ob id ad montem propius accedunt, eos vna aliqua vorago viuos absorbet &c. Qu res, vt dixi, nostr genti est ignota prorsus. Exstat tamen liber veteri Noruagorum lingua scriptus, in quo terrarum, aquarum, ignis, aris, &c. miracula aliquot confusa reperias, pauca vera, plurima vana & falsa. Vnde facile apparet, Sophis quibusdam, si dijs placet, in Papatu olim esse conscriptum: [Sidenote: Speculum Regale.] Speculum Regale nomen dederunt, propter vanissima mendacia, quibus totus, sed plrmque sub religionis & pietats prtextu (quo difficilius est fucum agnoscere) scatet speculum minim regale, sed Anile & Irregulare. In hoc speculo figmenta qudam de Hecl incendio, his qu nunc tractamus non multum dissimilia, habentur, nullo experimento magis qum hc stabilita, ideque explodenda.
Cterum ne audaculus videar, qui speculum illud Regale mendacij accusem; nullum ver ex his qu minus credibilia affert, recenseam; Accipe horum pauca Lector, qu fidem minim mereri existimarim.
1. De quadam Insula Hyberni; qu templum & Parochiam habet: Cuius incol decedentes non inhumantur: sed ad aggerem seu parietem coemeterij, viuorum instar erecti, consistunt perpetu: Nec vlli corruptioni, nec ruin. obnoxij: vt posterum quiuis suos maiores ibi qurere & conspicere possit.
2. De altera Hyberni Insula, vbi homines emori nequeant.
3. De omni terr & omnibus arboribus Hyberni, qu omnibus omnin venenis resistant, serpentes & alia venenata, vbiuis terrarum, sol virtute & prsentia, etiam sine contactu, enecent.
4. De tertia Hyberni Insula: Qud hc dimidia Diabolorum colonia facta sit. In dimidiam vero propter templum ibidem exstructum, iuris habeant nihil, licet & pastore (vt tota Insula incolis) & sacris perpetu careat: idque per naturam ita esse.
5. De quarta Hyberni Insula, qu in lacu qudam satis vasto fluitet: cuius gramina, quibusuis morbis prssentissimum remedium existant: Insula ver ripam lacus statis temporibus accedat, idque vt plurimum, diebus Dominicis, vt tum quiuis facil eam veluti nauim quandam, ingrediatur: id quod tamen pluribus simul, per fatum licere negat. Hanc vero Insulam septimo quoque anno rip adnasci tradit, vt continente non discernas: In eius autem locum mox succedere alteram, priori, naturam, magnitudine & virtute consimilem: qu vnde veniat, nesciri: idque cum qudam quasi tonitru contingere.
6. De venatoribus Noruegi, qui lignum domare (sic enim loquitur, quantumuis impropri: cm ligno vt non vita, ita nec domitura competat) adeo docti sint, vt asseres 8. vlnas longi, plantis pedum eorundem alligati, tanta eos celeritate, vel in excelsis montibus, promoueant, vt non mod canum venaticorum, aut caprearum cursu, sed etiam auium volatu superari nequeant: atque vnico cursu, vnico etiam hast ictu, nouem vel plures capreas feriant. [Sidenote: Gronlandia.] Hc & similia, de Hybernia, Noruegia, Islandia, Gronlandia, de aqu & aris etiam miraculis, centonum ille magister, in suum speculum collegit: Quibus, licet suis admirationem, vulgo stuporem, nobis tamen risum concitauit.
Sed Frisium audiamus. Flamma, inquit, Montis Hecl nec stuppam, lucernarum luminibus aptissimam, adurit, nec aqua extinguitur. Atqui inquam, ex Schola vestra Philosophica petitis rationibus hoc Paradoxon confirmari poterit. Docent enim Physici, commune esse validioribus flammis omnibus vt siccis extinguantur, alantur ver humidis: Vnde etiam fabri, aqua inspersa, ignem excitare solent. Cm enim, aiunt, ardentior fuerit ignis, frigido incitatur, & ab humido alitur, quorum vtrumque aqu inest. Item: Aqua solet vehementes accendere ignes: Quoniam humidum ipsum quod exhalat, pinguius redditur, nec circumfuso fumo absumitur, sed totum ignis ipse depascitur, qu purior inde factus, ac simul collectus, frigido alacrior inde redditur. Vnde etiam ignes artificiosi aqua minim extinguibiles. Item: Sunt sulphure & bitumine loca abundantia, qu sponte ardent, quorum flamma aqua minim extinguitur. Prodidit etiam Philosophus, Aqua ali ignem. Arist. 3. de anim. Et Plin. lib. 2. Nat. Histor. cap. 110. Et Strabo lib. 7. In Nympho excit Petra flamma, que aqua accenditur. Idem, Viret ternm contexens fontem igneum fraxinus. Quin & repentinos ignes in aquis existere, vt Thrasumenum lacum in agro Perusino arsisse totum, idem autor est. [Sidenote: Chronica Islandie.] Et anno 1226, & 1236. non procul promontorio Islandi Reykianes, flamma ex ipso mari erupit. Etiam in corporibus humanis repentinos ignes emicuisse, vt Seruio Tullio dormienti, capite flammam exsilijsse: Et L. Martium in Hispania, interfectis Scipionibus, concionem seu orationem ad milites habentem, atque ad vltionem exhortantem, conflagrasse, Valerius Antias narrat. Meminit etiam Plinius flamm montan, qu, vt aqua accendatur, ita terra aut foeno extinguatur. Item, Alterius campestris, que frondem densi supra se nemoris non adurat. Qu cum ita sint, mirum, homines id in sol Hecl mirari (ponam enim iam ita esse, cum non sit tamen, qud quoquam scire potuerim) qud multis aliarum terrarum partibus seu locis, tam montanis, qum campestribus, cum ea commune esset.
Eo impetu quo apud nos globi. Sic enim Munsterus. [Sidenote: Frisius.] Mons ipse cum furit, inquit, horribilia tonitrua insonat, proijcit ingentia Saxa, sulphur euomit, cineribus egestis, tam long terram circumcirca operit, vt ad vicesimum lapidem coli non possit, &c. Cterum oportuit potius cum tn, aut alijs montibus flammiuomis, quos mox recitabo, comparasse, cum non deesset, non mod simile, sed prope idem: Nisi fort qud incendia rarius ex Hecl erumpant, qum alijs id genus montibus. Nam proxunis 34. annis prorsus quieuit, facta videlicet vltima eruptione, An. 1558. vt superius annotauimus. Et nihil tam magnific dici potest de nostra Hecla, quin idem, vel maius cteris montibus flammiuomis competat, vt mox apparebit. Qud ver sulphur eiaculetur, manifestum est commentum nullo experimento apud nostrates cognitum.
Is locus est carcer sordidarum animarum. Hic prfandum esse mihi video, atque veniam Lectore petendam qud cum initio proposuerim, de terra & incolis diuisim agere in hac prima parte tamen, qu sunt merit secund partis miscere cogar. Euenit hoc scriptorum culpa, qui Insul situi ac miraculis, religionis incolarum particulam hanc, de opinione infernalis carceris, confuderunt. Quare etiam vt hunc locum attingamus, quis non miretur isthoc commentum ab homine cordato in Historia positum esse? Quis non miretur, viros sapientes e perduci, vt hc vulgi deliramenta auscultent, nedum sequantur? Vulgus enim extraneorum & hominum colluuies nautica (hic enim saniores omnes tam inter nautas quam reliquos excipio,) de hoc insolito natur miraculo audiens, ingenito stupore ad istam, de carcere animarum, imaginationem fertur: Siquidem incendio nullam substerni materiam videt, quemadmodum in domesticis focis fieri consueuit. Atque hac persuasione vulgi fama inoleuit dum (vt ad maledicta optim assuefactum est) vnus alteri huius montis incendum imprecatur. Quasi ver ignis elementaris & materiatus ac visibilis, animas, i. substantias spirituales comburat. Quis denque non miretur cur eundem carcere damnatorum, non in tna etiam, nihilo minus ignibus ac incendijs celebri, confingant? At confinxit dices, Gregorius Pontifex. Purgatorium igitur est. Sit san: Eadem igitur huius carceris veritas qu & purgatorij. Sed priusquam longius procedamus, libet hic referre fabulam perlepidam, huius opinionis infernalis originem & fundamentum: Nempe cuidam extraneorum naui Islandiam relinquenti & turgidis velis citissimo cursu iter suum rect legenti, factam obuiam alteram similiter impigro cursu, sed contra vim tempestatum, velis & remis nitentem: cuius prfectus rogatus, quinam essent? Respondisse fertur: De Bischop van Bremen. Iterum rogatus quo tenderent? ait. Thom Heckelfeldt tho, Thom Heckelfeldt tho. Hc videns Lector vereor, ne peluim postulet dari: Est enim mendacium adeo detestandum, vt facil nauseam pariat. Abeat igitur ad Cynosarges & ranas palustres: illud enim eiusde facimus atque illarum coax, coax. Nec ver dignum est hoc commentum, quod rideatur, nedum refutetur. Sed nolo cum insanis Papistis nugari: Quin potius ad scriptores nostros conuertamur.
Atque inprimis nequeo hic, clarissimi viri, D. Casparis Peuceri, illud prterire. Est in Islandia, inquit, mons Hecla, qui immanis barathri, vel inferni potius profunditate terribilis, eiulantium miserabili & lamentabili ploratu personat, vt voces plorantium circumquaque, ad interuallum magni milliaris audiantur. Circumnolitant hunc coruorum & vulturum nigerrima agmina, qu nidulari ibidem ab incolis existimantur. Vulgus incolarum descensum esse per voraginem illam ad inferos persuasum habet: Inde cum prlia committuntur alibi in quacunque parte orbis terrarum aut cdes fiunt cruent commoueri horrendos circumcirca tumultus & excitari clamores atque eiulatus ingentes long experienti didicerunt. Quis ver rem tam incredibilem ad te vir doctissime perferre ausus fuit? Nec enim vultures habet Islandia, sed genus aquilarum secundum, quod ab albicante caud Plinius notauit & Pygarsum appellauit. Nec vlli sunt huius spectaculi apud nos testes: Nec denque ibidem coruos aut aquilas nidificare probabile est, qu, igni & fumo semper inimicissimo, potius focis vel incendijs arceantur. Et nihilominus in huius rei testimonium, (vt & exauditi per voraginem montis tumultus extranei,) experientiam incolarum allegant, qu cert contraria omnia testatur. Vnde ver foramen vel fenestra illa montana, per quam clamores, strepitus & tumultus apud antipodes, pericos & antcos factos exaudiremus? De qu re multa essent, qu authorem istius mendacij interrogatum haberem, mod quid de illo nobis constaret: qui vtinam veriora narrare discat, nec tam perfrict fronte similia, incomperta, tque, ade incredibilia, clarissimo viro Peucero, aut alijs referre prsumat.
Ast ver Munsterus cum incendij tanti & tam incredilis caussas in famosissim tna inuestigare conatus sit, quam rem illic naturalem facit, hic ver prternaturalem imo infernalem faciat, an non monstri simile est? Cterum de thn quid dico? Quin potius videamus quid de Hecl incendio alias sentiat Munsterus.
[Sidenote: Munsterus Cosmograph. vniuersal. lib. 1. cap. 7.] Dubium non est, inquit, montes olim & campos arsisse in orbe terrarum: Et nostra quidem state ardent. Verbi gratia: In Islandia mons Hecla statis temporibus foras proijcit ingentia Saxa, euomit sulphur spargit cineres, tam long circumcirca, vt terra ad vicesimum lapidem coli non possit. Vbi autem montium incendia perpetua sunt, intelligimus nullam esse obstructionem meatuum, per quos mod, quasi fluuium quendam, ignes, mod flammas, nunc ver fumum tantm euomunt. Sin per temporum interualla increscunt, internis meatibus obturatis, eius viscera nihilominus ardent Superioris autem partis incendia, propter fomitis inopiam, non nihil remittunt ad tempus. Ast vbi spiritus vehementior, rursus reclusis meatibus ijsdem vel alijs, ex carcere magn vi erumpit, cineres, arenam, sulphur, pumices, massas, qu habent speciem ferri, saxa, alisque materias foras proijcit, plernque non sine detrimento regionis adiacentis. Hc Munsterus. Vbi videas quso Lector, quomodo suo se iugulet gladio, videas inquam hic eadem de incendio Hecl & tn opinionem & sententiam, qu tamen lib 4. eiusdem, admodum est dispar, vt illic ad causas infernales confugiat.
Habet profect Indi occidentalis mons quidam flammiuomus quiores mult, qum hic noster censores & historicos, minim illic barathrum exdificantes: Cuius historiam, quia & breuis est, & non illepida, subijciam, ab Hieronimo Benzone Italo in Historiar noui orbis, lib. 2. his verbis descriptam.
Triginta qunque, inquit, milliarium interuallo abest Legione mons flammiuomus, qui per ingentem craterem tantos spe flammarum globos eructat, vt noctu latissim vltra 10000. passuum incendia reluceant. Nonnullis fuit opinio, intus liquefactum aurum esse, perpetuam ignibus materiam. Itque Dominicanus quidam monachus cum eius rei periculum facere vellet, ahenum & catenam ferream fabricari curat mxque in montis iugum cum quatuor alijs Hispanis ascendens, catenam cum aheno ad centum quadraginta vlnas in caminum demittit. Ibi ignis feruore, ahenum cum parte caten liquefactum est. Monachus non leuiter iratus Legionem recurrit, fabrum incusat, qud catenam tenuiorem mult, qum iussisset ipse, esset fabricatus. Faber aliam multo crassiorem excudit. Monachus montem repetit: Catenam & lebetem demittit. Res priori incoepto similem exitum habuit. Nec tantm resolutus lebes euanuit, verum etiam flamm globus repent profundo exsiliens, propemodum & Fratrem & socios absumpsit. Omnes quidem adeo perculsi in vrbem reuersi sunt, vt de eo incoepto exequendo nunquam deinceps cogitarent &c. |