XIV. Commission given by M. William Harebourne, to Richard Foster, etc.
XV. A letter of directions to Richard Foster.
XVI. A commandement for Chio.
XVII. A description of the yearly voyage unto Mecca.
XVIII. The voyage of M. Caesar Frederick into East India and beyond.
XIX. The money and measures of Babylon, Balsara, and the Indies, written by W. Barret.
XX. A note of charges from Aleppo to Goa.
XXI. A declaration of the places from whence sundry goods come.
XXII. The times or monsons wherein ships depart in the East Indies.
XXIII. A briefe extract specifying the daily payments by the grand Signior to the officers of his court.
XXIV. The Turkes chiefe officers.
XXV. The number of souldiers attending upon the Beglerbegs, &c.
XXVI. The Turkes yeerely revenue.
XXVII. Ambassadors allowances.
XXVIII. Letter from Richard Wrag to Richard Hewish.
XXIX. A description of a voyage to Constantinople and Lyria, by Master Edward Barton, 1595.
XXX. The number of Turkish souldiours which were appointed to goe into Hungary against the Christian Emperour, 1594.
I. The manner of the entring of Soliman the great Turke into Aleppo, noted by Anthony Jenkinson. 1553.
II. A note of the presents that were given to the grand Signior.
III. The safe conduct given by Soliman to Anthony Jenkinson.
IV. Letters concerning the voyage of John Newbury and Ralph Fitch to the East. 1583. Sub-section 1 A letter from the Queen to Zelabdin Echebar 2 A letter from the Queen to the King of China 3 A letter of John Newbury to Richard Hakluyt 4 A letter from the said J. Newbury to Leonard Poore 5 Another letter from the same to the same 6 A letter from J. Newbury to John Eldred and William Shals 7 A second letter from the same to the same 8 A letter from the same to Leonard Poore 9 A letter from Ralph Fitch to Leonard Poore
V. The voyage of Ralph Fitch to the East. 1583-91.
VI. The report of John Huighen van Linchoten, concerning J. Newbury and R. Fitch's imprisonment.
VII. The voyage of John Eldred to Tripolis in Syria.
VIII. The second letters patents graunted by the Queenes Maiestie to the companie of the English marchants for the Levant. 1592.
IX. Voyage d'Outremer et retour de Jerusalem en France par la voie de terre par Bertrandon de La Brocquiere remis en Francais moderne par Le grand d'Aussy.
X. A voyage made by certaine ships of Holland into the East Indies. 1595-7.
XI. A true report of the voyage to Java performed by a fleet from Holland. 1598.
XII. A briefe description of a voiage before handled, in maner of a iournall.
I. The voyage of Henry, Earl of Derby, afterwards Henry IV., to Tunis, from P. Virgil.
II. The same story from Froissart and Holinshead.
III. The memorable victories of John Hawkwood, from Camden.
IV. The Epitaph of Peter Read at Norwich.
V. The voyage of Sir Thomas Chaloner to Alger.
VI. The woorthy enterprise of John Foxe in delivering 266 Christians out of captivity at Alexandria, 1577.
VII. The copie of the certificate for John Fox.
VIII. The Bishop of Rome, his letters in the behalfe of Iohn Fox.
IX. The king of Spaine his letters for the placing of John Fox in the office of gunner.
X. The voyage made to Tripolis in Barbary in the Jesus, written by Thomas Sanders. 1583.
XI. The Queene's letters to the Turke for the restitution of the Jesus.
XII. The Turkes letter to the King of Tripolis commanding restitution of the Jesus.
XIII. A letter of Master William Hareborne for the release of the Jesus.
XIV. The voyage of John Evesham into Egypt.
XV. The second voyage of Laurence Aldersey to Alexandria and Cairo.
XVI. A letter of the English Ambassador to M. Harvie Millers.
XVII. A letter to W. Hareborne from Alger.
XVIII. A letter of W. Hareborne to Mustapha.
XIX. The passport granted to Thomas Shingleton by the king of Algier.
XX. A letter of Sir Edward Osborne to the king of Alger.
XXI. Notes concerning the trade of Alger.
XXII. Notes concerning the trade in Alexandria.
XXIII. A letter of the English Ambassador to Edward Barton.
XXIV. A commaundement obtained of the Grand Signor by W. Hareborne.
XXV. A letter of William Hareborne to T Typton.
XXVI. Registrum valoris navium, &c. per trirenes Argerienses ereptorum.
XXVII. A letter to Assan Aga.
XXVIII. The originall of the first voyage for traffique into Marocco. 1551.
XXIX. The second voyage to Barbary. 1552.
XXX. A voyage into Guinea and Benin. 1553.
XXXI. A briefe description of Afrike by Richard Eden.
XXXII. Anthonie Pinteado, his letters patents from the king of Portugal.
XXXIII. The letter of Don Lewis to Anthonie Pinteado.
XXXIV. The second voyage to Guinea.
XXXV. The first voyage made by William Towrson to Guinea.
XXXVI. The second voyage of W. Towrson to Guinea.
XXXVII. The third voyage of W. Towrson to Guinea.
XXXVIII. Certaine articles deliuered to Mr. John Lock.
XXXIX. A letter of John Lock to the company of marchants adventurers for Guinea.
XL. The relation of William Rutter to Anthony Hickman touching a voyage to Guinea. 1562.
XLI. A meeting at Sir William Gerard's house. 1564.
XLII. Relations extracted from Sir John Hawkin's voyage.
XLIII. The voyage of George Fenner to Guinea written by Walter Wren.
XLIV. The ambassage of Edmund Hogan to the Emperor of Morocco. 1577.
XLV. The voyage of Thomas Stukeley into Barbary.
XLVI. Certaine reports of the province of China learned from Portugalls taken prisoners.
XLVII. Of the island Japan and other isles, by R. Willes.
XLVIII. An excellent treatise of the kingdom of China printed at Macao. 1590.
XLIX. A letter by Thomas Stevens to his father.
L. A briefe relation of the kingdom of Pegu.
LI. A voyage to the East Indies by the Cape of Buona Speranza, written by R Hakluyt.
LII. Certaine remembrances of an intended iourney to Brassil. 1583.
LIII. The letters patents granted by Her Majestie for a trade to Barbarie. 1583.
LIV. The Ambassage of Henry Roberts to the Emperour of Marocco. 1585.
LV. A letter from Muly Hamet to the Earl of Leicester.
LVI. The Queenes letters to the Emperour of Marocco.
LVII. A patent to certaine merchants of Exeter for a trade to the river of Senega and Gambra in Guinea, 1588.
LVIII. A voyage to Benin, 1588. Written by James Welsh.
LIX. The voiage of John Newton and John Bird to Benin. 1588.
LX. The second voyage of John Newton and John Bird to Benin. 1590.
LXI. An advertisement sent to Philip II. king of Spaine from Angola by Baltazar Almeida de Sousa. 1591.
LXII: Confirmatio treugarum inter Eduardum quartum et Joannem secundum. 1482.
LXIII. The ambassage which John II. king of Portugall, sent to Edward IV.
LXIV. A relation sent by Melchior Peloney to Nigil de Moura. 1591.
LXV. The Voyage of Richard Rainolds and Thomas Dassel to Guinea.
LXVI. A briefe relation concerning the cities of Tombuto and Gago.
LXVII. Another relation concerning the same.
LXVIII. A briefe extract of a patent granted to Thomas Gregory, of Tanton.
LXIX. The maner of the taking of two Spanish ships by Thomas White, 1592.
LXX. A true report of the honourable service at sea perfourmed by Sir John Burrough, prepared by Sir Walter Raleigh.
LXXI. The firing and sinking of the stout and warrelike Carack called Las Cinque Llagas, by Nicholas Downton.
LXXII. The casting away of the Tobie, 1593.
LXXIII. The letters of the Queene sent by Laurence Aldersey to the Emperour of AEthiopia, 1597
LXXIV. The Omissions of Cales voyage.
LXXV. Indices, viz.— Vol. VIII. Vol. IX. Vol. X. Vol. XI.
LXXVI. Tables of Contents, viz:— Vol. VIII. Vol. IX. Vol. X. Vol. XI.