No regular Church Government or Salaries have been yet made for the Clergy in North Carolina; but to bring this about, Representations should be made to the Proprietors; their Directions obtained to the Governor and Assembly there for their Assistance for this Purpose, in Conjunction with the Missions, that, by proper Applications, I presume may be continued from the Society, especially when they are assured that Measures will be taken to prevent their pious Endeavours to be any more frustrated there; and besides this I don't think it impracticable for them to obtain the Impropriation of the two travelling Fellowships, for Clergymen of a certain College in Oxford, to be confined to their Government for some Years; since at present they have such great Necessity for Christian Help of this Sort.
Besides, the continual Progress of such a Person as the Dean before-mentioned for some Years, would be of extraordinary Service in the present deplorable Circumstances of the Church of Christ in the Government of North Carolina.
Of Arts, Projects, Inventions, and Manufactures in Virginia.
It is an undoubted Truth, that in the Multitude of Inhabitants consists the Welfare, Riches, and Power of any People; especially when all center in Obedience to the same civil Power, and unanimously join in the Encouragement of Trade, and industriously unite in the Improvement of their Manufactures; for then the greater Consumption will be made of such Things as tend to the publick Good, and the grander Figure will the Community make, and the greater will be the Exports and Imports of such Commodities as tend to the Increase of the publick Wealth, and private Advantage of each particular Member of the Society.
A remarkable Instance of this we have in the Dutch, whose Riches and Grandeur arose from the Increase of their Inhabitants, from their industrious Improvement of Projects, Inventions, and Manufactures at Home and Abroad, and carrying on the greatest Trade with indefatigable Application.
For these Reasons should Virginia be better stocked with Inhabitants, and more useful Arts and Projects be promoted there, than hitherto have been. Not that this would be in order for the publick Good of Virginia alone, but of all the British Empire in general; in that there might be imployed all the idle and superfluous Persons, who for want of Employment or Aversion to Business, prove as dead Members of the whole Body; or else by Immorality and Villany prove noxious to others, destructive to themselves, and a Scandal to Mankind.
What Shoals of Beggars are allowed in Great Britain to suffer their Bodies to rust and consume with Laziness and Want? And besides Strowlers what Number of Poor are burdensom to most Parishes? How do our Streets and Highways swarm with Rogues, and how are we over-stocked (as they say) with vast Numbers of People of all Trades and Professions? But for all and more than these might Work enough be found in our Plantations, where they might be imployed in the Benefit of their Country, for the Advantage both of the temporal and spiritual Concernments, by being kept to Business, and getting Money in an honest Way.
It is a monkish Opinion too prevalent with many still, that there is no good Living without the Bounds of their own Cloyster. And Abundance of English entertain the Chinese Notion, that they are all Fools and Beggars that live in any Country but theirs. This home Fondness has been very prejudicial to the common Sort of English, and has in a great Measure retarded the Plantations from being stock'd with such Inhabitants as are skilful, industrious, and laborious.
For these Reasons, such Persons of Sense and Resolution as have entered into Projects for Improvements in the Plantations (who have evinced us, that all Schemes are not Bubbles) have been obliged for the generality to make Use of the worst and vilest of Mankind, for the Execution of the noblest and most useful Undertakings; tho' indeed continually several People of Sense, Vertue, and Fortune, entertaining tolerable good Notions of these Affairs, have embarked themselves and Families in such laudable and useful Designs: But for the generality, the Servants and inferior Sort of People, who have either been sent over to Virginia, or have transported themselves thither, have been, and are, the poorest, idlest, and worst of Mankind, the Refuse of Great Britain and Ireland, and the Outcast of the People.
These Servants are but an insignificant Number, when compared with the vast Shoals of Negroes who are imployed as Slaves there to do the hardest and most Part of the Work; the most laborious of which is the felling of Trees and the like, to which kind of Slavery (if it must be so called) our Wood-Cutters in England are exposed; only with this Difference, that the Negroes eat wholsomer Bread and better Pork with more Plenty and Ease; and when they are Sick, their Owners Interest and Purse are deeply engaged in their Recovery, who likewise are obliged to take all the Care imaginable of the Children of their Slaves for their own great Profit; so that the Negroes, though they work moderately, yet live plentifully, have no Families to provide for, no Danger of Beggary, no Care for the Morrow.
But to me it seems to be more Prudence and Charity for our own Poor and Vagabonds to be there imployed and provided for, than for us to maintain and use such great Numbers of Africans. If we can do better without them certainly we should forbear importing so many (though this may interfere with the Interest of some), since it would advance the Good of the Publick; and that we may be without them is plain, since we have Rogues and Idlers enough of our own to do the same Work, to which if they were compelled by mild Methods, it would ease the Publick of a great deal of Charge, Trouble, and Loss, and would highly tend to the Advancement of the temporal and spiritual Happiness of our Poor, and be very instrumental in the Suppression of Theft and Villany, and for the Reformation of the most Profligate. Thousands of poor, honest, unfortunate People of all Trades and Occupations might be there imployed for the Support of themselves and Interest of Trade, that can find neither Work nor Maintenance for themselves and Families at Home; and such as had rather stroll or steal here, might be confined by mild Force to moderate Labour there, sufficient to support themselves, and benefit their Imployers.
The British Trade may easily vend their Effects and Manufactures; and Virginia, with the neighbouring Plantations, is capacious enough for their Reception, plentiful for their Maintenance, and abound with most Conveniences and Materials for most Kinds of Imployments; where several Things, upon Account of the Goodness of the Climate, and Fertility of the Country, may be produced with less Labour and more Plenty than in Great Britain; and innumerable Commodities might there be made by our own People, that are now imported at extravagant Prices, and excessive Toil and Danger from other Nations: Nay, we might supply other Nations with most of those Things which we now fetch from Abroad; so that though our Imports might decrease a little, yet would our Exports be abundantly augmented, which undoubtedly would tend much more to the Advantage of our Country: Even our own home Consumption in most Respects might be raised much cheaper and better in the Plantations than here; especially such Things as are with great Toil and Cost forc'd (as it were) unnaturally out of barren Ground, improper Soil, or a disagreeable Climate; and the Land and People in such Places might be occupied in more proper Business, and for more useful Purposes.
But the common People here have such a vain Fondness for their own Country, and such despicable Notions of Virginia, &c. and are under such dreadful Apprehensions of the imaginary Slavery of the Plantations, that they choose for the most Part rather to steal, beg, or starve, than go Abroad to work; and in the mean Time the Magistrates and our Laws are so mild to them, that like as Pharaoh's lean Kine devoured the fat ones, they grievously oppress and molest the Rich and the Honest.
But certainly Means might be invented and practised for easing our Nations of these Burdens, for promoting our Trade and Plantations by their Industry; and not for the Oppression (whatever some may imagine) of the Poor and Needy, but for their Maintenance and Felicity. And I believe this may be done without putting any Stop to the Importation of Negroes, rather than fail, since they might be kept on in their present Course of Life and Business; only they must raise more Stock and Grain for the Support of the additional English, who should stick solely to the Arts and Employments to which they were bred, or in which they are most expert. Indeed while Tobacco is the only Staple Commodity of any Consequence to Virginia, the Country may be easily over-stock'd with Negroes, because the Trade can't find Vent for near all the Tobacco that so many Hands will make; so that the Market being over-charged, is thus spoiled; for too much of any Commodity is as bad, if not worse, for the Planter, the Merchant, and the Publick, than too little. For which Reason the Honourable the Assembly of Virginia has from Time to Time endeavoured to make prudent Provision against raising too much Tobacco.
For this Cause they lately had a Duty of 5 l. a Head for every new Negroe, which Law in a great Measure is now revived; and though this Addition in the Price of a Negroe made no sensible Decrease in the Number imported; yet it did this good, viz. it brought a great Sum into the Treasury of the Country, which they have ready to disburse upon any noble Occasion; such as their late Donation to the College, to Williamsburgh, and their additional Reward for the Apprehension of Pyrates.
Besides their Attempts for the Prevention of too many Negroes, they have a Law against Seconds, which is most serviceable in confining the Quantity of Tobacco to its proper Bulk. The Intent of this Law is to prohibit all Persons from manufacturing a second Crop from the Leaves that sprout out from the Stalk after the first Leaves are cut off; with a Penalty upon the Offender, and a Reward for the Informer.
The Tobacco and the Negroe Trades might be carried on after the present Methods, or with any such Regulations as may seem more proper to those concerned in these Affairs; without any Hindrance to Arts, Handicrafts, useful Inventions and Cultivations in Virginia, for the Interest and present Trade of the Plantations and Great Britain would not interfere with such Projects; but on the contrary they would highly contribute to the mutual Support of each other, with prudent Management and Care.
The main Difficulty, Trouble, and Expence will chiefly consist in sending over such Persons as are before-mentioned, and afterwards in finding them Habitations, Maintenance, and Work when they are settled in Virginia, during the Term of their Service; and after they are free, with a Livelihood and Imployment for their Posterity.
There can be no Injury in such moderate legal Compulsion as forces People to be honest and industrious, though it be contrary to their Inclinations or their false Notions, which ought to be subjected to the publick Good and Opinion of the Community; and restrained and directed by the civil Power to pursue such Methods as the Legislature shall judge most convenient for the united Interest of all the Society or Empire.
Upon this Principle it will be esteemed no Hardship upon our unfortunate, or lazy, poor, idle Vagrants, nor profligate Wretches, if the Government obliged them to be transported, and then found Work and a plentiful Support for them and their Families, since this would tend as well to their private as the publick Good; it would employ our People who cannot have Work, or that will not voluntarily labour; it would secure our Houses and our Pockets, it would ease our Parishes, clear our Streets, Doors, and Roads, and mightily encrease our Manufactures, and cultivate our vast Tracts of rich Land that are now but Wildernesses over-run with large Trees, and inhabited by Deer, Wild-Fowls, &c.
In order for this some such Laws as the following might suffice. As first, Persons of any Imployment that can produce sufficient Certificates of their Honesty, and that after due Application they cannot get Work, or that they have been reduced to mean Circumstances by Misfortunes, with such like, should be sent over at the Expence of the Government, which should also allow them Land and Necessaries for their Settlement; in Return for which they should do such moderate Work for the Benefit of the Government, as they shall be ordered for the half of seven Years, to be thus imployed, viz. one Day for themselves, and one Day for the Government; and so on by Turns, observing Sunday as a Day of Rest and Devotion. And after the Expiration of these seven Years they should be free, and might work Journey-Work, or for themselves, and their Land and Houses should be the Inheritance of them and their Heirs for ever; paying a small Rent or Fine to the Government for it, besides the Quit-Rent, out of which Rent and the Produce of their every other Day's Labour might be allowed a sufficient Salary for Centurions or Persons to inspect into and direct the Work and Behaviour of these Servants; and the Overplus certainly would not only pay the Money at first advanced, but would likewise in a few Years bring in a very great Income.
But if the Government should decline undertaking this in general, yet might particular Companies take up Land and advance Money as above specified, which would in all Probability in a small Time tend to their great Profit; by carrying on to the best Advantage, in the cheapest way, their several Manufactures and Arts, imploying therein such unfortunate poor Persons as are expert in their respective Trades or Callings.
How many honest ingenious People might thus get Work, Maintenance, and even Estates for themselves and Families, who now lie obscured in Idleness, and almost devoured by Poverty?
In the next Place, as for Vagrants and Beggars, suppose that all such Persons that are taken wandering above five Miles from their own Parish (or less upon Occasion) without a Pass from the Minister and Church-Wardens, specifying their Business, with Leave for a certain Time, or without being able to give a good Account of themselves and their present Imployment; should be put immediately by any House-Keeper into the Custody of a Constable, who should be obliged to carry them before the next Justice of the Peace to be examined, and committed to the next Bridewell or Prison, there to work, till at the next Quarter-Sessions they be ordered for Transportation, except Infants, aged and disabled Persons, who should be sent Home to, and maintained by their own Parishes, if discoverable, or else at the County Charge. These should serve seven Years for their Maintenance without Wages, with somewhat less Perquisites and Privileges than those above-mentioned in all Respects, both during their Service and afterwards; however sufficient Provision should be made for them, though not so good as for those others.
In this Class should likewise be included all petty Criminals and Bridewell Birds, all which should be transported at the Expence of the County to which they belong, as also should all Convicts and Felons; and in Virginia should there be appointed proper Persons to take Care of them, manage, and employ them, who should have Salaries for their Trouble, paid out of the Returns made by the Labour of the Servants under their Care; and the Overplus, which in a small Time might prove very considerable, should belong to the respective County that transported such Servants, by which Means Funds might easily be raised in every County or Shire to defray all their publick Expences and Charges, from the Labour of their Rogues and Beggars, without any Contribution or Tax of honest and industrious People. But to prevent Disorder and Mischief among such, they that should be sent over for little or no Faults but Idleness, should meet with all civil Treatment and Encouragement, when they did their Endeavours, but undergo the Severities of Bridewell for their Faults or great Neglect. But such notorious Villains as are sent over in Chains for Robbery or Murder, &c. should be kept a-part, and in Chains still, and be made Servants for Life, lest they corrupt the rest, or commit greater Robberies or Murders than ever they did before; which for want of more Care and greater Confinement of such Rogues too frequently happen, as they are now managed.
However, this Rigour might be occasionally abated, when any appear to be proper Objects of Mercy and Charity; but this should be done with the Leave of the Government there, and Care should be taken of them both as to their Labour and Provision, and Security should be contrived against any Danger that may proceed from thence.
I cannot here omit mentioning a late Design of seating all Convicts that should be imported into Virginia, in a County by themselves, under the Care of proper Overseers, who should confine them from doing any Hurt, and keep them to their Labour, by such Methods as are used in Bridewell.
The Land intended for this new County is very good, and fit to produce Hemp and Flax, which they were there solely to cultivate and manufacture; from whence the County was designed to be called Hempshire.
Tho' this Project was never put in Execution, yet I am of Opinion that something of this Nature would be very advantageous in securing and employing our Felons, and for our better Supply of Cordage in our Naval Stores, and making of Linen of all Sorts.
The last Sort of Servants that I should be for sending over to Virginia (besides such as are sent by the Methods already in Use) are the greatest Part of the Parish Poor all over England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland; so that they should be burdened with none but such as are very old, very young, or else sickly or disabled, which would prove a very grateful Ease in most Places, where the general Complaint is the vast Charge of a numerous Poor; all which might easily be maintained and employed in Virginia, in proper Trades, Inventions, and Projects, and do great Good to themselves and the Publick.
Here might Work be cut out for Thousands that now pretend to want Business; and many that now thro' Laziness decline Endeavours to support themselves and Families, would then seek for Employment, and set to work in Earnest, being frighten'd into Industry and Labour, through the dreadful Apprehension of being sent to the Plantations; for such as could not or would not maintain themselves, and all Girls and Boys that are in no likelihood of doing this, should have their Names returned to the Justices by the Church-Wardens and Overseers, at the Quarter-Sessions, who upon Examination should give Orders for their Transportation; then would the Parish be eased, and might easily have honest and laborious People enough to do their Business and Work, without the Charge of Abundance of lazy or poor People.
These should be sent over at the Expence of the Parish, and their Labour would soon repay the Cost, and the Overplus might be applied for the Service of the Parish; so that these would soon maintain the rest of their Poor, and bring in good Gain to themselves and their Parishioners in Time, if they were under some such Restrictions, and had some such Privileges as the first Sort of unfortunate People here mentioned.
But if these Methods of Transportation be thought impracticable, at the Expence, and for the Benefit of the Government, the Counties, and the Parishes, yet might other Contrivances be found to transport the People above specified, besides the Methods now practiced by some to transport themselves, and by Mr. Forward and some Merchants for sending over continually all sorts of Servants; but the present Number is but a Trifle in respect of what might be sent over, were Laws made for the better Encouragement thereof, and due Regulations made for the Employment and Provision of such great Numbers as might yearly be sent over. For when they are there they need not be employed about Tobacco and Corn, as they generally are, for that might be compleatly managed by the Negroes; but they should carry on other Inventions, Trades, and Arts, and be confined to follow their own respective Callings and Occupations wherein they are most artful; and when their Time is served, better Care might be taken of them, and such Provision and Privileges allowed them, that they should be obliged to labour and get plentifully their own Living in an honest Way.
Now when I come to find Employment for all these People, what a vast Field is presented to View for their Labour? Nine and Twenty large and fertile Counties, for the most Part thinly inhabited, with Plenty of all Sorts of the best Provisions and Materials. Most if not all Sorts of English Husbandry, I know experimentally, may be carried on there with much less Labour, and far greater Encrease than in England: For Instance, it is common only by howing up the Ground, and throwing Seed upon it, and harrowing it in, to reap from sixty to eighty Bushels for one of English Wheat, of a large full Grain with a thin Rind; and I have had two Tuns off an Acre of Clover, which we may mow twice; and as for Barley's being burnt up with dry hot Weather, it often has the same fate in several Parts of England; besides more Experience and Observation of the Seasons, will make People more expert in the Management of that, and all other Sorts of Grain, or Seeds, and Grass, that they have not there brought yet to the greatest Perfection. Several English Farmers have indeed been baulked of their Expectation, in Attempts of carrying on their Art to great Advantage in Virginia; but this in a great Measure I attribute to their want of Judgment, and too strict Observance of the English Customs and Times, without making proper Allowance for the Difference of Soil, Seasons, and Climates; besides the vast Expence and Trouble, and the long Time required in clearing the Ground for their Purpose, in building of Barns, Farm-Houses, &c. so that frequently by that Time that they have brought their Purposes to Perfection, their Patience begins to be tired, and their Purses are pretty well emptied; so that at last they run into the rapid Current of planting Tobacco, which they know will bring them in certain Gain with but little Expence.
Now for the Conveniency of Husbandry, I know a certain Gentleman, who employs a great Number of Negroes in clearing Plantations, and planting Corn and Tobacco, as usual, with this Intention, viz. When these Negroes shall have cleared the Land, planted Hedges, and built Barns and Farm-Houses gradually in a few Years, without any Hindrance to their Crops, then he proposed to let these Farms with a Stock of Cattle, &c. ready upon them for a small Rent and Fines, to such poor, honest, skilful Farmers, as he can procure to come and take them, either upon long Lease or for Lives; and remove his Negroes upon fresh Land to prepare more Farms. 'Tis Pity but this Project was frequently practised, for thereby good Estates might be raised in Families; many an unfortunate Family might retrieve their bad Circumstances, and find Employment and great Benefit; and all this carried on with the same Opportunity of Profit from Tobacco, as other Gentlemen Planters have; nay better, in that the Hands would be still tending fresh Ground.
As for Liquors, they might make as good Malt-Drink, and as cheap there as any where else; and for Cyder I think it surpasses even Herefordshire it self, for Plenty and Fairness of Fruit, the Trees thriving and producing wonderfully, yielding a strong and good tasted Cyder, when well made and managed, especially if kept in good Vaults. From Peaches is distilled an excellent Spirit in very great Plenty, very difficult to be distinguished (when well made) from Citron Water. This they call Persico, which with many other Spirits might be made there to turn to a very good Account, and produced in great Quantities from their numerous large Orchards of Apples and Peaches. Hogs, horned Cattle, and Sheep thrive and encrease there mightily; and Salt and Casks being very cheap, vast Advantage might be made more than is, by raising of great Stocks, and salting up Beef and Pork for victualling of Ships, and supplying the West-Indies and other Places with Provisions, which they might afford to do very cheap, did some of the additional Part of the Servants before-mentioned make it their Business to tend Flocks and Herds, and provide better and more Food for them in the Winter, than what they now usually have. As for the Advantage of Woollen Manufactures, that is so well known, that I shall say nothing in that Respect, only that there is in Virginia as good Wool as the finest in England; and I doubt not but with good Management the Climate will produce as fine as any in Spain, since the Sheep in both Places are of British Original; and in my Opinion it would be a great Advantage (instead of Detriment) to have fine Wool enough of our own to work up, without being beholden to Spain for it; especially if we consider that it might either be sent Home to be wrought in Britain, or else we might send over Numbers of our superfluous Cloth-workers to make it up there into the same Sorts of Goods, as they make in England, which would be much the cheapest way; and then these Goods should be imported to the Clothiers here, who undoubtedly would have Call enough for what they can make in Virginia and at Home; for if they see Occasion they need not encrease the Quantity, but only make Use of Plantation Wool raised by Britons, instead of Spanish Wool; and the Decrease of our Exports to Spain might sufficiently be balanced (if not upon Account of employing Numbers of our own People, yet) by many other Ways. Neither can I see any Harm in it, if the carrying on Woollen Manufactures in Virginia by English People that want Employment, the Quantity of Woollen Goods were thereby encreased; especially such as are for Home Consumption, and the Use of the Plantations; for then Rich and Poor would have their Cloths much cheaper; and if the Draper gained less by his Countrymen, it might be contrived that he should gain more by Strangers abroad in other Parts of the World.
More might be said as to the Manufactures of Hemp and Flax, than what I have mentioned of Wool, because we are in a great Measure obliged for these to foreign Nations, who in Case of War might pinch us prodigiously more than they do; more particularly to the great Expence and Inconveniency of our Shipping, the Glory and Bulwark of the British Nations. Here we have enough of good Land lying waste; and at Home we have People lying idle sufficient to supply us from Virginia, with Ropes, Cables, and Canvas for our Ships of War and Merchandize, with Linens for wearing and for houshold Use, were Projects set on Foot, and rightly carried on for so useful and advantageous Undertakings.
Besides this, there is Pitch and Tar enough, which with careful Management might be made as good, and afforded as cheap, or cheaper, than any from other Places.
Then as for Oak no Country has finer nor more Plenty; which though it will not last long enough for Houses, yet it will for Shipping: Witness the New England Ships built of the same Sort of Wood; and as for Deal Planks here may be as good as any; and I question if Gottenburgh, or any other Part of Europe can afford us better Pines for Masts and Yards (especially for Merchants Use) than what grow in Virginia in several Places in very great Plenty; so that many Ships might be built there, which would employ Numbers of Shipwrights from Great Britain, and would stand the Merchants in a great deal less Expence, than if they were built at Home: Nay, we might even build Ships for several other Nations, and make them turn to a very good Account, without any Risk of doing Damage to our publick Safety or Interest.
As for Wine, in all Parts of the Country Grapes grow wild and thrive extreamly, but at present they are almost only Food for the Birds; few Attempts having been made for the Cultivation of them and making Wines, except that of Colonel Robert Beverley, which was thus: He having read, seen, studied, and enquired much concerning the Nature of Vintages, reduced his Knowledge to Practice for his better Experience and Certainty, in planting a small Vineyard; and having great Prospect that this would answer his Purpose, he bragged much of it in Publick; but being bantered by several Gentlemen, he proposed to give each of them a Guinea down, if they would give him Ten, if he made a certain Number of Gallons of pure Wine that Vintage; they accepted the Proposals, and he distributed (I think) one hundred Guineas, made the Wine according to the Terms agreed upon, and won his Wager; which Money he afterwards employed in planting more and greater Vineyards, from which he made good Quantities of Wine, and would have brought it to very high Perfection, had he lived some Years longer.
His whole Family, even his Negroes drank scarce any thing but the small Wines, and the Strong is of a good Body and Flavour; the Red that I have often drank to me seems to have the Taste of Claret and the Strength of Red Port. Not only red Grapes, but also white ones of all Sorts from Europe produce and grow there to Admiration; an Instance of which may be seen at Colonel William Robinson's upon Rappahannock River, who has planted out Abundance; and I don't question but he and other Gentlemen there will follow Mr. Beverley's Pattern; which if brought to Perfection might tend to an extraordinary good Account, and not only prove profitable to the Planter, but also advantageous to Britain, even if we could but make small Quantities of Wine there; but much more beneficial would it be if there could be made Abundance, as in all Probability there might be, since the Climate and the Soil seem so extreamly well adapted for that Purpose; especially up towards the Hills and Mountains, which at present lye waste. Would it not be very advantageous to our Nations if we could not only raise much Wine for our own Use, but also sell great Quantities to our Neighbours? And I know of but two trifling Obstacles in the way; the one is, that the Clusters of Grapes rarely ripen together, which might be remedied by picking them at different Times; the other is, that the Birds devour Abundance; but this might be prevented by Nets, Guns, Priapus, and several other Contrivances. This would employ great Numbers of People, has upon Trial been proved to answer Expectation, and might bring vast Profit to the Planter, to the Merchant, and to the Crown.
To encourage this, I know some that intend to let Land for a small Acknowledgment in Wine. Much the same might be said of Silk, which long ago has been made there, and is known by Experience to answer the Expectation of the Silk Men. For Mulberries of all Sorts thrive there to Admiration, and the Heat of the Summer has been found to agree with the Nature of the Silk-Worm extreamly well; so that the only Reason that I know, why the Gentlemen formerly concerned in making of Silk in Virginia drop'd their Proceedings, was the great Profit that Tobacco brought them in in those Days; which being raised there only, turned then to an extraordinary Advantage, much better than any other Project; but now when so much Tobacco is made, and the Gain so much less than formerly, I can't imagine why the Silk Trade is not there revived; which I am very positive would turn to a very great Account, if carried on by good Managers. To this Nature seems to invite us; for upon the Leaves of the Chinckapin (which seem somewhat like Mulberry Leaves) I have frequently found a very large Worm not much unlike the Silk-Worm, only much bigger.
If the Manufacture of Silk was carried on in Virginia, every Body knows what Profit it must bring to make Silk of the Produce of our own Dominions, in great Plenty, and at cheaper Rates than we can have it from Asia.
Besides, we may observe that the great Numbers of People employed in this Manufacture, for the most Part, might be the young, the aged, and the disabled, who could not work at any thing that required hard Labour or much Stirring.
As for Hops, England might save a great deal of Trouble and Expence, and employ their People in better Business than Hop-Yards, if Hop-Grounds were cultivated in Virginia, which is much fitter for the Purpose.
As for physical Plants and Trees, abundance of Poor might be employed in simpling and collecting Drugs for the Apothecaries Service, which abound there; such as Sassafras, Saxafras, Snakeroot, with numberless more, whose Virtue is unknown; and undoubtedly among such various Sorts of anonymous Plants and Shrubs, there must be many whose Qualities are strange to the most skilful Europeans, tho' many of them be understood by the Indian Doctors: If it be not the true Cortex, yet they have a Bark very like it in Colour, Taste, and Operation.
I know that Abundance of Sumack is yearly consumed in England; but not being perfect in the Use and Nature of it, I shall only say that it grows there in great Plenty; and that the Indians have several fine Colours both for Dying and Painting, that we know nothing of, as to their Composition and Use; but Enquiry into these Things, and Experience might, for what any knows, in a small Time turn to a good Account, both for the publick Advantage, and for the Interest of particular Persons.
I shall say little of Sawing-Mills, since they are already in Use there, and the great Benefit of them is so well known. Certainly it must be improper to bestow much Labour and Expence upon that which might easily be done for a small Cost, and with much quicker Expedition; yet is this wonderful and useful Invention prohibited in some Parts of Great Britain, upon Account of a few that pretend they can't get their Livelihood by any other, but the stupid slavish Work of Sawing: But in my Opinion we might as well prohibit the Use of Boats in all our Rivers, because it interferes with the Interest of the Carriers, and hinders the Consumption of great Quantities of Hay and Oats in the Inns. I wonder that they don't neglect the Use of Horses, Jacks, Handspikes, and Cranes in his Majesty's Yards, as well as Sawing-Mills; since each of them abbreviates Labour and lessens the Expence, requiring fewer People than must be employed, were it not for those Inventions, so much hated by the common People; but certainly these might be so employed in other Business, as to get more Money with less Labour. But to return to Virginia, I am certain that if more Sawing-Mills were set up there, it would bring great Profit to the Owners, employ many People there, and make Timber for Ships and Houses come at a much cheaper Rate in England, than it now does, without any Loss to the English landed Gentlemen or Timber Merchants.
Paper-Mills I believe would answer well there; for there are good Runs of Water with Timber for nothing for building them, and I am sure the Negroes would supply them with Rags enough for Trifles; to which add the Advantage of Water Carriage; these need not interfere with the English Paper-Mills, but only supply us with such Quantities of Paper, as we buy from foreign Countries.
As for carrying on the Fishing Trade in Virginia, though there be Plenty of Fish there, yet I believe other Countries where Fisheries are establish'd, and that have little else to mind and depend upon, would outdo it in this Respect; only more Whales might be taken upon the Eastern Shore, and bring good Gain to such People as would make it their Business; and I don't question but the Sturgeons (with the best of which the Rivers abound) might with good Management and Industry be made to surpass all others, both for Cheapness and Goodness, for they are large, fine, and easily taken; nay, they frequently leap, some ashoar and some in Boats, as I have been very credibly informed.
Upon the Rivers and Creeks are vast large Marshes, which being drained and secured with mud Walls, would employ abundance of People, and might be converted into as good Meadows and as large, as those upon the Thames about and below London. Such Meadows are much wanting there, and would well recompence the Cost and Trouble of the Undertakers of such noble Projects; besides this would confine the Rivers to their proper Channels; whereas now they cover for Miles from each Shoar large Quantities of flat and shoaly Ground, useless and incommodious. However impracticable or difficult this Task may appear to some, yet I doubt not but in Process of Time it may be effected.
The upper Parts of Virginia are deprived of the Advantage of Water Carriage, because the Rivers above the Falls are generally full of Trees brought down by Land Floods, with some Rocks here and there; but they might be made navigable, and cleared very easily with small skilful Labour, for they are generally broad and fuller of Water than our inland Rivers where Boats and Barges of great Burden can pass; and Wears might be occasionally made there as up the Thames; but the main Difficulty would be at the Falls or Cataracts, where the Water falls over vast Rocks with an hideous Noise and great Force. Hither Sloops can come, where the Goods might be landed with Cranes, and then put on Board the Boats above the Falls; and by the like Methods might Goods be sent down. But in Time it may be worth while to turn Part of the Rivers, and make Locks one above another, whereby Sloops might easily be let down or taken up, and so pass the Falls; like as the large Boats of Pleasure and Burden are carried with Profit and Ease thro' Vallies and over Hills quite a-cross France, in the wonderful Canal of Languedoc, which was contrived by the late King, in order to make a Communication from our Seas, to the Mediterranean through the Heart (almost) of his Kingdom; which Action has added to his Glory as well as Profit, and brings in a great Income both to the Crown and to the Undertaker of this most wonderful Work. If in England we will not follow this Example by making a Communication from the head Branches of the Thames into the Severn, which is very practicable, the Distance being but a few Miles; yet I question not but in a few Years they will be obliged to imitate the Locks of Languedoc at the Falls in Virginia.
In the Rocks up James River, and in other Places is found a Stone resembling a Diamond, much nearer than any Crystal or Bristol-Stone, being very hard and ornamental.
There has been formerly discovered a Sand taken for Gold Dust; and towards the Mountains are variety of Stones, some seeming to contain several Kinds of Metals, and others are good for Building; among which is the Appearance of Abundance of excellent Marble of several Sorts. Upon the River Sides is cast up by the Tides abundance of black heavy Sand resembling Smith's Filings; but the Nature and Vertue of this is unknown as yet: I believe it is washed from some Veins of Mines at the Bottoms of the Rivers, or is carried down by the Current, as Gold Dust in Africa, from the upper Parts of the Rivers, and from the Rocks and Mountains.
In several Places is Coal enough near the Surface of the Earth; and undoubtedly in Time they will either have Occasion or Vent for it, to supply other Places, if they will not use it themselves; but if Coal Works were there carried on to Advantage, Newcastle may witness, what Numbers of Ships and People are employed in such Affairs, and what vast Profit accrues from thence.
If our Iron Works in Virginia meet with any tolerable Encouragement, we shall have no Need to apply to Spain and Sweden for Iron, for we have there enough to stock all Europe; and as I have been informed it surpasses all other Iron in Goodness and Cheapness. This Manufacture might be carried on without any Detriment to the Iron Merchants and Makers in England; for they might stint the Quantity, have it all brought into their Hands, and use themselves what they want instead of foreign Iron, and vend Abroad the Overplus that they may permit to be made. Certainly this most useful Commodity would come cheaper from our own Dominions than from other Countries; and in working it from the Oar to the Bar would employ great Numbers of People that now beg or steal for their Living. As for working Iron up into Instruments and Tools in Virginia, I believe they would scarce desire so great Liberty; unless upon Consideration the Gentlemen concerned in such hard Ware found it to be for the Interest of themselves, their Workmen, and the Publick, to send over People to make all Sorts of Utensils in Iron in Virginia, where they may have all Sorts of Provisions and Materials for their Work much cheaper than in England; where they may have Land to settle for little or nothing; where Wood, Oar, and Water Conveniences are plentiful. What Detriment would it be to work up Iron there, if it may be done cheaper, and by the same People, who are so numerous in England that they can (abundance of them) hardly get Work and a poor Livelihood? But if it will not be granted that Iron shall be wrought in Virginia, yet might it be cast there; if Forges will not be allowed there, yet might Furnaces be encouraged, from whence our Merchants may be supplied with better and cheaper Iron than from other Places; and Recompence might easily be made in the Trade to Spain and Sweden, &c. for the Deficiency that would ensue in the Quantities of Goods exported thither in Exchange for their Iron.
Virginia is justly esteemed one of the most considerable Branches of the British Dominions; may it then not be thought very hard that the Virginians should not only be debarred the Favours allowed other Britons; but also have less Privilege allowed them than is given to foreign Nations? What then may be the Reason why other Nations are permitted to import their bar Iron, whereas the Virginians shall not make a Bar, and must pay the Duty of foreign Iron for all the pig and sow Iron that they make?
I might mention more Projects, that in all Probability would turn to an extraordinary Advantage, if carried on in Virginia; but I presume these may suffice as a Specimen to shew how useful and easy it is to promote many Trades, Arts, and Manufactures there, and what Numbers of poor, idle, and wicked People may there be employed, and get a plentiful Maintenance and Settlement for their Families, and by their Labour may enrich themselves, the Planters and Merchants, benefit our Trade, encrease the Revenue of the Crown, and advance the Interest and Glory of Great Britain, Ireland, and all the English Plantations and Settlements Abroad.
I shall conclude this Scheme with observing, that the People sent over for such Employments as are here mentioned, when rightly settled, might have their Provision much cheaper than in England, and might have their Cloths sent over at the best Hand; and might be seated conveniently on Tracts of Land taken up, bought, or rented by long and cheap Leases; which besides the Profit of their Labour would secure Estates for Thousands of poor miserable Wretches, would advance the Price of Land, and augment the Income of the Quit-Rents.
Of Trade in Virginia.
The Projects before laid down might be put in Execution without any Impediment to the planting of Tobacco, Corn, &c. in the Methods that are now practised, and without any Loss to the present Virginia Trade, and Income to the Crown arising from Tobacco, or Decrease of the vast Quantities of all Sorts of Commodities yearly transported to that large Plantation. And till such Designs as are here laid down be put in Execution, or brought to due Regulation and Perfection, it might not be Cost and Labour thrown away if the Virginia Gentlemen, Traders and Planters attempted at some, if not all the Things mentioned for their Advantage in the last Scheme; especially when Tobacco is so very low, that it is not worth while to plant too much of it, which frequently happens. They might soon perceive if these Designs would answer Expectation; and Trials for Experience at their Leisure would not cost much; for their Experience, I say, rather than their Satisfaction, because they may be satisfied as to the Practicableness and Usefulness of most of these Things, from the repeated Proofs that have been already made in most of these Commodities, together with many more; particularly Hides, which I forgot to mention, which are now hardly of any Use or Value there, but might be tann'd very cheap, because of the Plenty of Bark; and I believe likewise that good Use might be made of their Sheep and Calf-Skins, which are now of no Value nor Use worth speaking of. What Numbers would the Manufacture of these Things employ, and what Advantage would it bring to the Workmen and the Planters?
But I see that these Propositions may raise the loud Clamours of Thousands of People concerned in England, in the Trades belonging to all the Commodities here spoken of: In Answer to whose various Objections it may be replied, that all these Things would be wrought by their own Countrymen, poor Neighbours, or Friends; that it will ease them of their Poor, Vagabonds, and Villains: That all these Goods are to be transported to England, so that in reality Virginia would be only as a Yard or Work-House where these Servants and Journeymen would labour for the English; besides several of these Things are such as we are wholly or in part supplied with from other Nations; and certainly we had better have Goods of the Produce of our own People and Countries, than buy them of Strangers, who make them for us; and if too great Quantities of any kind should be made, more than our own Consumption requires, surely it will be very advantageous for us, if we can supply other Nations with such Goods, the best of their Kind, and at the cheapest Rate. Whenever any of these Projects should interfere with the Interest of Great Britain, by all Means they should be stop'd; and when particular Trades or Persons might receive Damage by any of these Projects carried on in Virginia, Amends might be made them by some other Privileges and Advantages in several other Respects. Such Things should be encouraged there, though they made less of several Kinds here; for Abundance of our People and our Land might be employed more properly in other Things, rather than in what they are; which might be much more easy to them, more agreeable to their Soil, and more to the Interest of themselves and the Publick; especially with Respect to such Things as would be produced better, with less Labour and more Plenty, with less Expence and more Profit in Virginia than in Great Britain. Such Things certainly might more properly be manufactured there, and our Land and our People now employed at Home about those Things should be put to better Uses and Purposes, more suitable and more beneficial both for the publick and private Interest. These Measures would create no Alteration in the present Trade and Methods, but would only augment and add new Advantages and Improvements to our Merchandize and Manufactures: Instead of being a Hindrance to the present Customs and Methods, it would promote the Interest and Trade both of Great Britain and Virginia, and the other Plantations. Would it not be for the Good of Thousands of unfortunate People, besides for the Benefit of Virginia, if Farmers were there well settled, and Husbandry carried on regularly, and all Sorts of Grain and Grass brought to Perfection; if greater Quantities of good Cyder and fine Spirits were made there, not only for their own Use, but for Transportation to the West-Indies; nay, and thro' England to the Turkish Dominions where Wine is prohibited? How cheap might Ships be there victualled with the best Provision, and what Quantities of barrelled Pork and Beef might be exported from Virginia, with Indian Corn, Wheat, Rye, &c. and be sent to several Parts of the World, where such Things turn to very good Account for the Merchant and Farmer? Many indeed have been baulked in planting and husbandry there; but such have been chiefly Londoners, who are Strangers to Country Business. Any Person may conceive the great Profit and Use to Trade in general, by having the Marshes turned into Meadows, the Rivers confined to deep Channels, by Passages being contrived at the Falls, and the upper Parts of the Rivers being made navigable. England is the Mart and Store-House, whither the Manufactures and vendible Goods of Virginia for the most Part should be sent; and after the English have culled what they like and have Occasion for, surely they are so skilful in Merchandize, that they could vend to other Countries the Overplus of these Commodities, and reap sufficient Profit for their Pains. Thus suppose we should have more of the following Things than our own Use requires, certainly they might easily and profitably be disposed of to others; such as the leathern and woollen Manufactures, hempen and flaxen Goods, Pitch, Tar, Timber for Ship and House-Carpenters, and Cabinet-Makers, Joyners, &c. such as Oak, Deal, Walnut, Hickory, Cedar, Cypress, Locust, and the like, with Masts, Yards, Ships, and all Sorts of naval Stores, with Planks, Clapboards, and Pipestaves; and also Hops, Wine, Hoops, Cask, Silk, Drugs, Colours, Paper, Train Oil, Sturgeon, with various Sorts of Stones, Minerals, and Oars, with Cord, Wood, and Coals, and Metals, particularly Iron; which last, if it meets with proper Encouragement, will soon be made extreamly useful to the Publick.
I shall not insist at large upon the great Profit accruing from the Goods sold to the Indians, and their Dear-Skins and Furs which we buy. There is Land, Provision, Materials, and all other Requisites for carrying on these Things to the greatest Perfection and Profit; and must not Trade and Shipping be wonderfully benefited and advanced, by transporting to and fro the Persons and Things before-mentioned?
These Projects would tend to the great Interest of the Plantation, as well as the Good of Thousands of poor or idle English, and the Advantage of the English Dominions and Trade in general; and besides the Benefits above-mentioned, we may further observe, that by such Means our inferior People that now are cloathed with Rags, being promoted to Circumstances that would afford it, would yearly expend vast Sums in good Apparel, Houshold Goods, &c. which they must be supplied with from Great Britain, whereas now they are not only useless, but even are noxious Branches of our Society; to which Class we may reduce at least (I believe) 1/20 Part of our People, who might thus be put in a Method, not only to maintain themselves handsomly and live well, but likewise by their Consumption of Goods would support Thousands of Families in the manufacturing of such Commodities as they may have Occasion for: And the Addition to our publick Riches, which would be required in the Advancement of the Fortunes and Estates of all these mean People, would arise from the Encrease of our foreign Trade, in supplying other Countries with those Commodities, many of which we now even buy ourselves; so that in Realty these Folks might be maintained and provided for well at the Expence of foreign Nations, without the least Charge or Contribution (in effect) of our own Fellow-Subjects.
Virginia was the first Plantation, and is one of the very best and largest, depending most directly upon the Crown, and bringing most into the Treasury upon account of the Customs and Quit-Rents; therefore it has the first Title to claim, and a superior Right to demand such Encouragement, as may tend to the speedy Promotion of its Trade and Prosperity. This Colony ought first to be brought to its greatest Perfection, and then the others may crave the like Assistance, in such Methods as may best suit with their Occasion and particular Circumstances; so that in their Course continually all the Plantations might be made constant and sure Receptacles, and find sufficient Provision and Employment for all our Poor, our Beggars, and our notorious Rogues; all which might more effectually and expeditiously be brought to pass, if our Slave Trade were moderated, if not ended, and exchanged for some other as advantageous for the Merchant, and the publick Good; for by what I understand since the Plantations are so well stock'd with Slaves, and they breed and thrive there so prodigiously, the Company has not gained very exceedingly by slaving of late Years; but be their Gain much or little, I am persuaded that if fewer Slaves were imported to Virginia, it would be better for the Virginia Planters and Merchants; and with humble Submission I am of Opinion that the African Traders might prosecute more gainful Adventures than too much slaving.
But I should not pretend to direct in the Regulation of Trade; only I shall take Leave to make this Observation as to the Trade of Virginia, viz. It is great Pity but that the publick Tobacco were well ordered; for the Publick, the County, and the Parish Levies might be paid much better, there being too frequently Deficiencies, both in the Manner of the Payment, and the Quality of the Commodity.
This with the Negroe Trade is what the Assembly have often considered and attempted to rectify; in which Respects their strenuous Endeavours justly merit the Applause and grateful Acknowledgments of all Persons interested in these Affairs. As for the English Laws and Duties relating to Tobacco, they are out of my Sphere; only I know that frequently the Duty is so high, and the Price so low, that it is very hard for the Merchant; and the Planter and the Smoaker get little or nothing but their Labour for their Pains and Expence; for it has happened that Planters, who have had a great Dependance upon their Years Crop of Tobacco, for the Support of themselves and Families, have, instead of clearing any thing, been brought in Debt by it, the Charges and Duties far over-balancing the Price of the Tobacco; so that though the Virginians are for the most Part very eager at making Tobacco, which formerly turned to a vast Account, yet of late Years they sometimes get little or nothing by it, but Trouble and Loss; because of the great Expence in making and sending it Home to Market, and the great Duties which are paid out of it, and the small Price that it usually bears, especially when there is no great Demand and Call for it. Besides many Frauds having of late Years crept into the Trade, and Abundance of Tobacco being counterfeited, and more run in some Parts and Ports of Great Britain, the cunning Dealer often by such Means ruins the fair Trader, by vending his poor damaged counterfeited or run Goods at a cheap Rate, thus underselling his Neighbour, imposing upon the Publick, and defrauding the Government; nay, 'tis said that such have often doubly cheated the Government, first by running Tobacco, or entering all light Hogsheads at Importation, which in their Language is called Hickory-puckery; and then again by getting a Debenture for Tobacco that has been run, or entering all heavy Hogsheads for Exportation, which they term Puckery-hickory; after which it is said that the same Tobacco has been runned again into some neighbouring Port.
It must be allowed as a Demonstration that some such Practices have been used, if upon Enquiry it be discoverable that the Government has lost by the Customs, when the Amount even of the Debentures has by much exceeded the Income of the Duties; without any Allowance for the vast Quantity that is consumed in the Country in smoaking, chewing, Snuff, &c.
Having here and in the last Scheme spoken of the Vent that might be contrived for the additional Produce of Virginia, I shall add no more upon that Subject, but subjoin a few Considerations relating to all the Plantations in general.
The Extent, the Wealth, the numerous Inhabitants, the Hands employed, the Goods consumed, the Duties and Customs occasioned by the Plantations, especially such as Virginia, are well worthy the most serious Consideration, and claim the greatest Favour and Encouragement in the Trade and Manufactures of those Places, which are vastly larger than all his Majesty's Dominions in Europe, and in Time may become as considerable; they being at present one of the chiefest Causes and main Supports of our Trade, and bringing as much Money into the Treasury, and the Purses of Merchants, and other People, as most other Parts of the World to which we trade.
The Good of the Publick consists as well in the Welfare of the Subject, as in the Power and Riches of the Prince; Regard being to be had as well to the Circumstances of the one, as the other. Now the Advancement of Trade and Manufactures in the Plantations in the highest Degree respects both the Sovereign and the Subject, in which both the publick and private Interest is deeply engaged; therefore should the Plantation Trade and Manufactures be set upon the best Footing imaginable; be carried on strenuously to the best Advantage; and be granted all reasonable Favour, Protection, and Encouragement. They are Branches and chief Members, why then may they not continue justly to partake of the same Privileges and Advantages that are enjoyed by England, which may truly be esteemed their Head, to which they are inseparably joined, as being essential Parts of the same Body Politick? I need not relate the Fable of the Head and Members, for every one knows the Moral inferred from it; how that unless the Members travel and labour for the Service of the Head and Body, and the Head contrives, and the Body conveys Nourishment and Sustenance to the Members, the whole Fabrick, both Head, Body, and Members would soon perish, and moulder to Dust. I presume that the Application of this to Great Britain, and our Trade and Plantations may not be altogether improper.
There can be no Room for real Apprehension of Danger of a Revolt of the Plantations in future Ages: Or if any of them should attempt it, they might very easily be reduced by the others; for all of them will never unite with one another; for though all the Plantations agree in this, that they all belong to, and depend entirely upon Great Britain; yet they have each Views different from one another, and as strenuously pursue their separate Interests, by various and distinct Methods. Besides, they can't possibly be without Great Britain, to which they owe their being at first made Colonies; and afterwards have been always supported, maintained and employed by it. They can't live without this Mart for their Manufactures and Market, for Supply of Goods that they want; where they have a great Interest, from whence they are descended, to which they are united by Blood, Religion, Language, Laws, and Customs, and also they have and may always expect to find greater Favour, Encouragement, and Protection in England, than from any other Nation in the World. The Plantations cannot possibly subsist without some Trade, Correspondence, Union, and Alliance in Europe, and absolute Necessity obliges them to fix these perpetually in Great Britain. Upon which, as upon a Stock, they are ingrafted, spring forth, blossom and bear Fruit abundantly, and being once lop'd off from it, they would soon wither and perish; thus is it the Interest and Safety, as well as the Duty and Inclination of the Inhabitants of our Plantations, always to be subservient to the Government of England, by which they are planted, protected, supported, assisted, and encouraged.
'Tis true indeed, that the Roman Colonies, so famous and flourishing of old, are long ago all quite extinct; but then this is to be attributed to the Decline and Destruction of the Roman Empire it self, and had that continued, in all Probability England it self had still been a Roman Colony, as it once was; but when the Romans forsook England, then England soon disowned Rome, being obliged to apply for Succour to the Saxons, afterwards to the Danes, and afterwards being brought to the Norman Establishment; from whence it has wonderfully and gradually advanced its own Grandeur, Wealth, Dominions and Trade, to its present immense and glorious Bulk; in which thriving and flourishing Course may it still prosperously proceed in the present Establishment in Church and State, till Time it self shall have an End.
The Roman Colonies were for the greatest Part inhabited by the Nations to whom the Countries belonged before the Approach of the Roman Legions, who first subdued them, and then made them as Slaves rather than Fellow Subjects; so that when the Forces that kept them in Awe and Slavery were removed, they then readily embraced the joyful Opportunity of recovering their antient Rights and Laws, and reassuming their old Religions and Liberties, and rescuing themselves and their Country from Slavery and Bondage, wherewith they had been captivated by the Roman Conquests.
But in our Colonies and Plantations the Case is vastly different; we have there few or none of the Indian Inhabitants intermix'd with us; the Country is capacious enough for our Reception in the Islands and along the Coasts, and there is sufficient Room for the Indians backwards upon the Continent. Our Colonies are all inhabited for the most Part by Britons and Irish; their Trade and Interest, Customs, Laws, and Religion are agreeable to, or the same with ours; neither is there any Necessity for Fleets or Armies to keep them in Subjection and Awe.
Instead of forsaking England, it may be in the Power (as well as it would be the Interest) of the Plantations to assist England against any foreign Force, that in future Ages may injure, insult, or molest it.
The greatest Occasion that the Plantations have or may require for powerful Assistance from England, is upon Account of the Pyrates who abominably infest their Seas and Coasts; but a competent Number of bold and active Men of War might soon take all those Nests of Robbers; and Contrivances for proper Employment for such wild and extravagant People, and more honest Work for Sailors in the Plantations, might in a great Measure prevent Pyrates. Several come in upon Acts of Grace; the rest might be subdued by Force, and confined to proper Labour and Industry; and Encouragement and Work might be found for all such as may be suspected to be inclinable for the Account, as they call it; thus if we cannot, or rather will not execute proper Measures for the Extirpation of Pyrates in the American Seas, yet certainly we should put a Stop to their Encrease, and not suffer them to swarm one Year more than another, which surely may be made very practicable by apt Endeavours, courageous Care, and good Conduct; as may most remarkably be evidenced by the well concerted Expedition from Virginia to North Carolina against Blackbeard and his Crew, and the most successful Efforts of the celebrated Captain Ogle, who made such effectual Use of his Commission and Opportunity.
A few more such famous Commanders as Captain Brand and Captain Ogle might soon secure our Plantation Merchandize, and clear a free Passage, and safely guard our Coasts and convoy our Ships, and either totally abolish all Pyratical Republicks, or else at least put a Curb and Restraint upon their outrageous Insults. These are Matters of greatest Consequence to our Plantations, and the trading Part of our Nation; and therefore ought not to be neglected and slighted, but committed to the Management of such Persons, of the greatest Honour, Resolution, and Discretion, who prefer the Publick before their private Trade, mind the Interest of their Country as much as, or more than their own, that will make it their chief Business to find, that dare to attack, and are able to conquer, these bold and desperate Rovers, the greatest of Reprobates. Such gallant Persons, if they be rare to be found, ought the more to be rewarded and encouraged, valued and honoured.
The last Thing that I shall mention with Regard to the Advantage of Trade in Virginia, is the absolute Necessity of a better Regulation of the Post-Office there, for the safe and quicker Conveyance of Letters.
Having thus delivered my Sentiments concerning Learning and Education, Religion, Arts and Inventions, and Trade in Virginia, with some general Remarks concerning all the Plantations, I draw near a Period upon these Subjects, supposing that what I have here mentioned may be enough to inform the Curious, and satisfy the candid Reader; knowing that I have writ a great deal more than they will relish or approve of, whose Humour or Interest may clash with my Opinion and Propositions; but I assure such that I don't vainly imagine that these my private Sentiments should be obligatory to any that dislike them, or that they are absolutely necessary to be punctually observed and complied with by them; but I only humbly offer these my Thoughts to the Consideration of all such as are concerned or skilled in these Matters; who certainly have Liberty either to reject them, or approve of them, as they shall esteem it most reasonable, according to their best Judgment and Discretion.
I shall only add, that if from these my private Notions and Remarks any one publick Good may be extracted, it will prove a great Satisfaction to me, in that the Intent of this Memorial will be answered, tho' but in a very small Degree, which joyful Satisfaction will be raised in the same Proportion as the Use of this Treatise encreases; but if at last it should happen that no Good should proceed from this my weak Endeavour; nevertheless (I hope) my Labour will not be imputed to me as criminal; since I have hereby offered my best Service in the Advancement of the Interest, and for the Promotion of the Good of a Country, to which I am in the highest Degree obliged.
PAGE 6. Line 2. and p. 22. l. 4. read Powhatan. p. 7. l. 9. r. West-Indians. p. 8. l. 22. r. or sometimes. p. 11. l. 4. for flung r. slung. p. 16. l. 18. r. Mohomny. p. 21. l. 22. f. Professions r. Possessions. p. 22. l. 28. f. Country r. County. p. 39. l. 19. f. hired r. tired. p. 42. l. 2. f. these r. they. p. 45. l. 2. f. certain r. in hopes. p. 46. l. 24. f. few r. most. p. 57. l. 4. f. being r. which being. ibid. l. 7. f. the trench r. a hole. p. 60. l. 4. f. Wines r. Vines. ib. l. 17. f. Planks r. Plants. p. 61. l. 28. f. may r. think to. p 62. l. 30. r. Mannacan. p. 88. l. 9. r. President. p. 93. l. 24. r. a Fellow. p. 96. l. 14. f. This r. These. ibid. l. 33. r. Ethicks. p. 116. l. 24. f. Passages r. Purposes. p. 129. l. 8. f. it seems r. seems. p. 132. l. 16. f. so as r. as. p. 134. l. 4. f. before r. above.
BOOKS printed for JOHN CLARKE, at the Bible, under the Royal-Exchange, Cornhill.
An Accidence to the English Tongue, chiefly for the Use of such Boys and Men as have never learn'd Latin perfectly, and for the Benefit of the Female Sex: Also for the Welch, Scotch, Irish, and Foreigners, being a Grammatical Essay upon our Language, considering the true Manner of Reading, Writing, and Talking proper English. By Hugh Jones, A.M. lately Mathematical Professor at the College of William and Mary at Williamsburgh in Virginia, and Chaplain to the honourable the Assembly of that Colony. 12 deg.. Price 1 s. Bound.
The History of Virginia in four Parts.
I. The History of the first Settlement of Virginia, and the Government thereof, to the Year 1706.
II. The natural Production and Conveniences of the Country, suited to Trade and Improvement.
III. The Native Indians, their Religion, Laws, and Customs, in War and Peace.
IV. The present State of the Country, as to the Polity of the Government, and the Improvement of the Land, to the 10{th} of June 1720. By a Native and Inhabitant of the Place. The second Edition, enlarged, 8vo. pr. 4 s. 6 d.
A general Treatise of the Dominion of the Sea, and a compleat Body of Sea Laws. 4to. p. 10 s.
The Plantation Laws. 8vo.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Transcriber's notes:
ERRATA applied to the text.
Variations in spelling and hyphenation have been retained as in the original.
The following corrections or modifications have been made to the text:
Page 6, line 14, Particularly [Original has Parcularly]
Page 29, line 16, Gaol [Original has Goal]
Page 83, forteenth line from bottom, Phoenix [original has [oe] ligature]