workes sake, [Note i: Ideo laude oris ad by Commemorating Gods Graces in Hominem vtimur, vt alios apud quos Her; but aboue all by Imitating her laudatur, in bonam opinionem, & Faith and Vertues[i]. Then you Reuerentiam, & Imitationem ipsius shall not need to grieue very much inducamus. Thom. Aquin. 22. q. for Her Absence from you; because 91.] she is with Christ, which is best of all[k]; because she is Taken [Note k: Phil. 1. 23. Et Christum away, not from you; but from the laedimus cum euocatos quosque ab euill to come, Esai. 57. 1. From illo quasi miserandos non you shee is not Taken, but from aequanimiter accipimus. Cupio, seeing the plagues and miseries of inquit Apostolus, recipi iam ... this wretched world, yea from Ergo votum si alios consequutos seeing the future Deaths of you, impatienter dolemus, ipsi consequi Her Dearest friends[l], for whom nolumus. Tertul. de Patient. cap. she would haue wept full bitterly; 9. Temperet sane Dilecti Gaudiū, but you haue greater Cause, if you moestitiam desolatorum, & will heare S. Ambrose and S. tolerabilius fiat nobis, quod Ierome comforting themselues in a Nobiscum non est, quia cum Deo like case, to Reioyce[m] and to est. Ber. in Cant. ser. 27.] giue God thankes[n], that you Haue had Her, nay that you Haue Her, if [Note l: Non enim nobis ereptus so be you follow Her good example, es, sed periculis. raptus est ne and represent her to the life by totius orbis excidia, mundi finem, your Godly Life. propinquorū funera, &c. S. Ambros. de Obitu Fratru. fol. 17.] To conclude: I beseech you all (Blessed Brethren) Suffer not the [Note: II. Word of God, which you haue heard Practise of Gods word.] this day, for want of the Feare of God, which is The firmest [Note m: Laetandum est enim magis, foundation of Gods word[o], to quod talem fratrem habuerim, quam vanish into aire, into nothing, to dolendum, quod fratrem amiserim. rebound from your flintie hearts Illud enim munus, hoc debitum est. (as a shaft shot against a wall of Idem ibid. fol. 13.] Adamant[p];) but in Gods Name, Let the Sword of Gods Spirit sunder [Note n: Non maeremus quod talem euery one of our minion sinnes from amisimus, sed gratias agimus, quod our bosomes: Let Gods pretious habuimus, immo habemus. S. Ierom. promise here of praising a Woman Epitaph. Paulae.] that feareth the Lord, feare vs from our strongest corruptions. [Note o: Basis quaedam Verbi est Atq vtinam praeconia foeminarum, Timor sanctus. Sicut enim imitarentur viri. And I may well simulachrum aliquod in Basi wish with Saint Ierome, that Men statuitur ita verbum Dei in would emulate and imitate Women in Timore Sancto melius statuitur, their deserued attributions of fortius radicatur, hoc est, in Praise[q]. Lastly, if you desire to pectore timentis Dominum S. know, besides this motiue of Ambros. in Psal. 118. Serm. 5.] obtaining Heauenly praise, what other Meanes you should vse to get, [Note: III. Means to Godly keepe and increase such a godly Feare.] Feare in you, then consider the examples of Gods dreadfull [Note p: Iam. 1. 22. Zach. 7. iudgements[r] on them, that Feare 12.] Him not, yea on Christ Iesus Himselfe pursued for our sins[s] to [Note q: S. Ierom. epist. ad the fulnesse of Bitternesse by the Furiam.] iustice of God, consider that first. Then remember your owne [Note r: 1 Cor. 10. 11. Reuel. Deaths to haue them before you[t], 14. 7.] remember your strict Accounts to be made[u], remember the restlesse [Note s: Esai. 57. 11. & 53. 5. Terrour of Conscience[x], which Mat. 27. 46.] followes the impenitent, and then or neuer you will Feare the Lord [Note t: Eccles. 3. 14. Iob 7. Greatly, as Obadiah and this 1. Psal. 39. 4. & 90. 12.] Blessed Lady did. Be not deceiued (my Brethren) after all this [Note u: 2 Cor. 5. 10. Matth. Hearing, it is not a Little Feare 12. 36.] will serue the turne. For to Feare God but a little (as Fulgentius [Note x: Rom. 2. 15. Reu. 6. saith) is to contemne Him very 16. Psal. 18. 23. Prou. 8. much[y]. It must bee at least so 13.] Great a Feare, as must feare you from your Greatest, your Sweetest [Note: IV. So Great a Feare as Sinne whatsoeuer that be, else if must feare vs from our Bosome you Die in it[a] without Repentance Sinne.] (which God forbid) your Worme shall not die, neither shall your [Note y: Hunc si quis parum fire be quenched, and you shall metuit, valde contemmi B. Fulg. de be, not a praise, but an Myst. Mediat. ad Trasim. l.2. pag. Abhorring to all flesh, the last 215.] verse of the Prophet Esay with Iames 2. 10.[b], and Ezekiel. [Note a: Si in solo vno peccato 18. 10, 11, 13. decesserit Homo, irreuocabiliter mittitur in ignem aeternum Gerson. 2. p. de Mendicit. Spirit. lit. D & H. part. 3.] [Note b: Ex parte enim Auersionis dicit Iacobus qui offendit in vno factus est omnium reus, quia scilicet vno peccato peccando incurrit poenae reatum, ex hoc, quod contemnit Deum, ex cuius contemptu prouenit omnium peccatorū reatus. Aquin. 12. q. 73. a.1 ad fin. Peccatum enim remitti non potest, quam disi Voluntas peccato adheret. Idem. p. 3. q. 87. a. 1. Knowing therefore (as Saint Paul c. & q. 86. a. 2. c. Vnde non concludes[c]) the terrour of the potest esse vere poenitens, qui de Lord, we perswade you (Blessed vno peccato poenitet, & non de Brethren) to feare God Greatly, alio. Si enim displiceret ei illud and to Giue Glory vnto Him[d]; peccatum, quia est contra Deum then you shall haue praise of super omnia dilectum Sequeretur, Him, then hee will glorifie you; quod de omnibus peccatis and to say no more than this (with poeniteret. Id. q. 86. a. 3. the Prophet Ieremie[e],) which c.] will make the Fearlesse Sinner inexcusable: Who would not feare [Note: V. thee O Lord, thou King of Nations, Reasons to feare the Lord.] thou King of Saints? 1. For thou onely art Holy: 2. For all [Note c: 2 Cor. 5. 10, 11.] Nations shall come vnto thee, and worship thee: 3. For thy [Note d: Reuel. 14. 7.] iudgements are made manifest[f]: 4. For there is none like vnto [Note e: Ier. 10. 7.] thee, that pardoneth Iniquitie, and passeth by the Transgression of the [Sidenote: VI. remnant of thy Heritage[g]? Who Prayer for Godly Feare.] would not Feare Thee such an Almightie, All-seeing, Iust, [Note f: Reuel. 15. 4.] Mercifull Lord God? Put thy feare therefore in our Hearts (as thou [Note g: Mic. 7. 18.] hast promised[h]) that wee may neuer depart from thee; but [Note h: Ier. 32. 39.] clinging inseparably by a liuely faith, vnto the bleeding wounds of [Note i: Si enim amamus Christum, our Blessed Redeemer, may without vtiq aduentum eius desiderare all slauish Feare[i] of Death and debemus. Peruersum enim est, & Iudgement, Louingly[k] appeare nescio vtrum verū, quem diligis, before thy Iudgement-seat, and timere ne veniat, orare, Veniat without desperate Crying to the regnū tuū, & timere, ne mountains and rocks Fall on vs[l], exaudiaris. Vnde autem timor? ... may ioyfully heare Thee say vnto Quisquis ergo futurū iudicē vs: Come ye Blessed of my Father, times, praesentē cōscientiā Inherit the Kingdome prepared for tuā corrige. S. Aug. in Psal. you from the foundation of the 147. tom 3.] world[m]. [Note k: 2 Tim. 4. 8.] Which God grants vnto vs all, for the All-sufficient Merits of his [Note l: Reuel. 6. 16.] Dearest Sonne, the Sweet Lord Iesus: To whom with Himselfe and [Note m: Matth. 25. 34.] the Holy Spirit be ascribed All Praise, Honour, Glory, Power, Dominion and Maiestie, now and euer. Amen. Amen.