The cattle are lowing, the baby awakes, But little Lord Jesus, no crying he makes. I love thee, Lord Jesus! look down from the sky, And stay by my cradle till morning is nigh.
Martin Luther.
The Christmas Holly
The holly! the holly! oh, twine it with bay— Come give the holly a song; For it helps to drive stern winter away, With his garment so sombre and long; It peeps through the trees with its berries of red, And its leaves of burnished green, When the flowers and fruits have long been dead, And not even the daisy is seen. Then sing to the holly, the Christmas holly, That hangs over peasant and king; While we laugh and carouse 'neath its glittering boughs, To the Christmas holly we'll sing.
* * * * *
Eliza Cook.
Said I to myself, here's a chance for me The Lilliput Laureate for to be! And these are the Specimens I sent in To Pinafore Palace. Shall I win?
William Brighty Rands.
Adoration of the Wise Men, The, 257
All Things Bright and Beautiful, 237
Angel's Whisper, The, 139
Answer to a Child's Question, 62
Ant and the Cricket, The, 78
April, In, 8
Auld Daddy Darkness, 221
Baby Corn, 93
Baby Seed Song, 88
Beau's Reply, 112
Bed-Time, 232
Bells of Christmas, 255
Birdies with Broken Wings, 133
Birds in Spring, The, 54
Birds in Summer, 65
Bird's Song in Spring, 102
Birthday Gift, A, 267
Blessing for the Blessed, A, 129
Blind Boy, The, 160
Bluebird, The, 68
Blue Jay, The, 74
Boy and the Sheep, The, 114
Boy, The, 128
Boy's Song, A, 165
Breeches, Going Into, 174
Bunch of Roses, A, 155
Butterflies, White, 78
By Cool Siloam's Shady Rill, 244
Camel's Nose, The, 240
Chanticleer, 72
Child, A Sleeping, 132
Child at Bethlehem, The, 155
Child's Fancy, A, 95
Child's Grace, A, 241
Child's Laughter, A, 145
Child's Prayer, A, 252
Child's Thought of God, A, 241
Children, Little, 137
Children, Other Little, 123
Chill, A, 144
Christmas Holly, The, 273
Christmas Lullaby, A, 267
Christmas Silence, The, 260
Christmas Song, 261
Christmas Trees, The, 265
City Child, The, 173
Cleanliness, 126
Clouds, 40
Corn-Fields, 248
Cottager to Her Infant, 230
Cow-Boy's Song, The, 217
Cradle Hymn (Watts), 258
Cradle Hymn (Luther), 272
Daffy-Down-Dilly, 91
Daisy's Song, The, 103
Dandelions, 98
Day, A, 28
Deaf and Dumb, 159
Dear Little Violets, 101
Discontent, 193
Doll, Dressing the, 167
Doll, The Lost, 166
Dolladine, 167
Elf and the Dormouse, The, 213
Elf, The Little, 188
Fable, 206
Fairies of the Caldon-Low, The, 209
Fairies' Shopping, The, 204
Fairies, The Child and the, 187
Fairies, The Last Voyage of The, 184
Fairy Folk, The, 181
Fairy in Armor, A, 183
February, In, 5
Fern, A New, 186
Fern Song, 90
Flax Flower, The, 99
Flower Folk, The, 81
Fountain, The, 34
Garaine, Little, 140
Garden, In a, 151
Good Luck, For, 105
Good-Morning, 29
Good-Night and Good-Morning, 136
Grass, The Voice of the, 36
Guessing Song, 45
Hie Away, 176
High and Low, 244
How the Leaves Came Down, 17
Hunting Song, 176
Infant Joy, 129
I Remember, I Remember, 135
I Saw Three Ships, 268
Jack Frost, 47
Kitten and Falling Leaves, The, 121
Lady Moon, 30
Lamb, The, 242
Lamb, The Pet, 116
Lambs in the Meadow, 115
Land of Story-Books, The, 172
Lark and the Rook, The, 56
Letter, A, to Lady Margaret Cavendish Holles-Harley, when a Child, 141
Little Christel, 250
Little Dandelion, 97
Little Gustava, 152
Little Land, The, 148
Little White Lily, 83
Lobster Quadrille, A, 202
Love and the Child, 142
Lucy Gray, 156
Lullaby of an Infant Chief, 226
Lullaby, Old Gaelic, 228
Magpie's Nest, The, 198
March, 6
Marjorie's Almanac, 3
May, 13
Meg Merrilies, 214
Midsummer Song, A, 207
Milking Time, 113
My Pony, 109
Nearly Ready, 7
Neighbors of the Christ Night, 271
Night, 232
Night and Day, 243
Nightfall in Dordrecht, 233
Nightingale and the Glowworm, The, 195
Now the Noisy Winds Are Still, 33
Offertory, An, 261
O Lady Moon, 31
Old Gaelic Lullaby, 228
"One, Two, Three," 188
Owl, The, 70
Owl and the Pussy-Cat, The, 201
Pedlar's Caravan, The, 170
Piping Down the Valleys Wild, 131
Play-Time, 163
Polly, 143
Rain, Signs of, 41
Rivulet, The, 46
Robert of Lincoln, 75
Robin Redbreast, 54
Robin Redbreast, An Epitaph on a, 67
Rockaby, Lullaby, 224
Romance, 215
St. Nicholas, A Visit from, 262
Sandman, The, 228
Santa Claus, 269
Sea-Song from the Shore, A, 171
Seal Lullaby, 113
September, 16
Seven Times One, 133
Sheep and Lambs, 245
Shower, A Sudden, 43
Singer, The, 73
Sleep, A Charm to Call, 231
Sleep, My Treasure, 225
Snowbird, The, 57
Snowdrops, 89
Snowflakes, 49
Song (Keats), 69
Song (Peacock), 104
Spaniel, On a, Called Beau, Killing a Young Bird, 111
Spring, 9
Spring and Summer, 14
Spring Song, 7
Spring, The Coming of, 11
Spring, The Voice of, 10
Storm, After the, 156
Strange Lands, 44
Summer Days, 15
Swallows, The, 53
Sweet and Low, 227
Thank You, Pretty Cow, 114
Thanksgiving Day, 196
Thanksgiving Fable, A, 197
The Water! the Water! 49
There's Nothing Like the Rose, 89
Thimble, What May Happen to a, 190
Titmouse, The, 64
To His Saviour, a Child; A Present by a Child, 246
Tree, The, 102
Violet Bank, A, 88
Violet, The, 90
Violets, 85
Voice, The Still Small, 238
Waterfall, The, 35
What Does Little Birdie Say? 69
What the Winds Bring, 29
What Would You See? 247
Where Go the Boats? 125
Who Stole the Bird's Nest? 59
Wild Geese, 71
Wild Winds, 32
Wind in a Frolic, The, 38
Wind, The, 33
Windy Nights, 31
Winter Night, 19
Wishing, 127
Wonderful World, The, 27
World's Music, The, 146
Wynken, Blynken, and Nod, 222
Year's Windfalls, A (Rossetti), 20
Young Dandelion, 86
* * * * *
Transcriber's Notes:
Page xi, "v" changed to "ix" for actual location of poem entitled "Lilliput Notice."
Page xiii, "Child's" changed to "Bird's" to conform to text (Bird's Song in Spring)
Page xiv, "Bjooernson" changed to "Bjoernson" (Bjoernstjerne Bjoernson)
Page 151, a break was inserted between the lines:
Fairer though they be than dreams of ours. Baby, hear the birds!