Minorca, 23, 24, 26, 154, 160, 181, 196, 198, 211, 227, 243; British capture of, 422; British troops recalled from, 436.
Minto, Earl of. See Elliot, Sir Gilbert.
Miquelon island, 40; ceded to France, 243; British capture of, 356.
Mir Jafar, 78.
Mir Kasim, 77.
Mitchell, Sir Andrew, admiral, 430.
Mitford, John Freeman (afterwards Lord Redesdale), 323; speaker, 453.
Modena, Duke of, 380.
Mohawk valley, 176.
Moira, Earl of. See Rawdon, Lord.
Mollendorf, Prussian general, 360-362.
Monmouth (U.S.A.), battle at, 193.
Monongahela, battle of, 146.
Monro, Major Hector, 78.
Montagu, John, admiral, 364, 366.
Montenotte, Austrians defeated at, 380.
Montgomery, Richard, American general, 151, 152.
Montreal, 2; surrender of, 151.
Montserrat (W.I.), 243.
Moore, Sir John, 430.
Moreau, 325, 382, 436, 437, 439.
More, Hannah, 265.
Morgan, Daniel, American general, 221.
Morland, George, 262.
Mornington, Lord (Wellesley, R. C.), governor-general of India, 420; created Marquis Wellesley, 420; in India, 443.
Morristown (U.S.A.), 169.
Mosquito coast, 318.
Moultrie, William, American general, 157.
Mountjoy, Lord (Gardiner), 410.
Mount Tabor, defeat of Turks at, 419.
Mouscron, battle at, 361.
Moutray, captain, R.N., 211.
Mowat, lieutenant, 154.
Muir, Thomas, 358.
Mulgrave, Lord (Phipps), general, 355.
Murphy, Father John, 409.
Murray, Lindley, 165.
Musgrave, Colonel, 174.
Mutiny act, 253, 254; extended to America, 60.
Mutiny. See Navy, mutinies in the.
Mysore, conquest of, 420.
Nanda-Kumar (Nuncomar), execution of, 248, 304.
Naples, King of. See Ferdinand IV.
Naples, 349, 381, 421-423; revolution in, 422; jacobins of, and Nelson, 427-429.
Nassau. See Bahama islands.
National debt, the, in 1755, 18; in 1760, 18; in 1764, 53, 58, 136; in 1796, 384; in 1778, 200; in 1780, 203; in 1784, 280; in 1785, 284; sinking fund, 291-293; in 1793, 347; in 1794, 347.
Navigation acts, 55, 269.
Navy, British, state of in 1760, 2; in 1761, 18, 29; in 1764, 53; in 1770, 113; in 1771, 114; in 1172, 115; in 1774, 137; in 1775, 161; in 1776, 162, 163; in 1777, 170, 171; in 1778, 192, 193, 195; in 1782, 233, 235; in 1792, 332; in 1793, 351, 352; changes in material and tactics, 199, 233-235; manning of, 113, 114, 163, 170, 171, 192, 234, 332; mutinies in the, 193, 390, 391-395.
Necker, 316.
Needham, Francis Jack (Earl of Kilmorey), general, 411.
Neerwinden, battle of, 349.
Negapatam, 237, 243.
Nelson, Horatio (Viscount), 355, 363, 375, 381, 388, 389, 395; battle of the Nile, 416, 417; created Baron Nelson, 417, 418-422; at Naples, 422, 423, 426-429, 438, 443.
Nevis (W. I.), taken by French, 227; restored to England, 243.
Newcastle, Duke of (Pelham), first lord of treasury, 8, 10, 11; jealous of Pitt, 15; his fear of him, 17; his power diminished, 16, 19; becomes Bute's tool, 20, 21, 26, 29, 31, 32; driven from office, 34, 35, 39, 42, 47, 48; privy seal, 68, 69, 264.
New England, colonies, 132, 134, 136, 137, 139, 141, 143, 146, 147, 172, 193.
Newfoundland (St. John), taken by French and retaken, 37, 129, 130, 144.
Newfoundland, fishery, 24-27, 40, 41, 139, 241, 243.
Newport (U.S.A.), 168, 194, 219, 224.
New Ross (Ireland), battle of, 410, 411.
New South Wales, colony of, 267.
Newtownbarry, 409, 410.
New York, meeting of congress of colonies at, 61, 131, 134, 136, 138, 150, 153, 155, 158; occupation of by Howe, 165, 167, 169; Clinton in command, 174, 175, 179, 181, 193, 197, 198, 200, 215, 218, 219, 223-225, 228, 242.
Nice annexed to France, 337.
Nicholson, Margaret, 307.
Nile, battle of the (Abukir bay), 416, 417.
Nimeguen, 362.
Nizam of Oudh, 419, 420.
Nollekens, Joseph, 263.
Nootka sound (Vancouver), affair of, 319.
Nore, mutiny at the, 393, 394.
Norfolk, Duke of (Howard), 402.
Norfolk (U.S.A.), 156.
North Briton, No. 45 of the, 46, 47, 50, 52.
Northesk, Earl of (Carnegie), captain, R.N., 394.
North, Frederick, Lord (afterwards Earl of Guilford), 83; chancellor of exchequer, 86, 90, 100; first lord of treasury and chancellor of exchequer, 102, 103, 106-113, 115, 118, 119; policy towards India, 121, 122, 127; towards America, 128, 135, 136, 138, 139, 145; conciliation bill, 146, 153, 159, 160; prohibitory bill, 162, 163, 169, 170; desires to resign, 188-191; Irish policy, 200-202, 210, 212, 226, 227; resigns office, 228, 243; forms a coalition with Fox, 244; secretary of state, 245-247; leaves office, 251, 252, 254, 280, 288, 289, 291, 295.
Northington, Earl of. See Henley, Lord.
Norton, Sir Fletcher, speaker, 172, 213.
Nova Scotia, 129, 198.
Novi, battle of, 425.
Oakboys, 92.
Ochakov, 325-328.
O'Coighly, priest, 406.
O'Connor, Arthur, 386, 406.
O'Hara, general, 222, 355.
Oliver, Richard, alderman, 117, 118, 160.
Oliver, Thomas, 125, 126.
Omichand (Hindu merchant), 122.
Onslow, George, colonel, 117.
Orange, Prince of. See William V., Prince of Orange.
Orange, Princess of, 298-300.
Orange Society. See Ireland.
Orleans, Duke of, 386.
Orvilliers, Comte d', 193.
Ostend, 401, 402.
Oswald, Richard, British envoy, 239.
Oswego, 172, 177.
Otis, James, 56.
Otto, French agent, 438.
Paine, Thomas, his Common Sense, 156; his Rights of Man, 329, 335.
Paley, William, 261.
Palliser, Sir Hugh, 193.
Palmer, Samuel, dissenting preacher, 358.
Pampeluna, siege of, 363.
Panin, Count, Russian minister, 208, 423.
Paoli, Corsican general, 98, 363.
Parker, Richard, mutineer, 393, 394.
Parker, Sir Hyde, admiral, 212, 443.
Parker, Sir Peter, admiral, 157, 168.
Parma, Duke of, 380.
Paris, peace of, 42, 46, 74, 130; in 1789, 316-317; Malmesbury's mission to, 383; articles of peace signed by the Austrian envoy at, 437; Russian ambassador sent to arrange treaty of alliance at, 442.
Parliament, general elections of 1761, 16, 19, 20; of 1768, 94; of 1774, 135, 136; of 1781, 212, 213; of 1784, 280; of 1790, 322; Grenville's election act, 108, 109, 135; house of lords, changes in the character of the, 281, 282; privileges of members of, 47, 50, 51, 53, 72, 117, 118; publication of debates, 117, 118.
Parliamentary reform, demands for, 104; Chatham's plan of, 105; agreement concerning, 244; Pitt's motions for, 231-232, 246, 287, 288; Flood's motion for, 318; Grey's motion for, 399.
Patna, seized by the English, 77.
Paul, Tsar of Russia, 384, 421, 423, 425, 426, 429; anger against England, 431, 440; forms an armed neutrality, 441-443.
Pearson, Captain, R.N., 197.
Penn, Richard, 158.
Pennsylvania, mutiny of troops in, 214.
Percy, Lord (afterwards Duke of Northumberland), 141.
Percy, Thomas, Bishop of Dromore, 259.
Peter III., Tsar of Russia, 33, 36.
Phelypeaux, Colonel, 418.
Philadelphia, continental congress at, 132-134, 138, 146, 147, 156, 157, 167; congress removes from, 168, 174, 179, 188; taken by Howe, 173, 174, 175, 179, 180; evacuated, 193, 225.
Philippine Islands, British conquest of, 38; restored to Spain, 40.
Phillip, Captain, R.N., 267.
Pichegru, 375.
Pierson, Major, 211.
Pigot, George, Lord, governor of Madras, 247.
Pigot, Hugh, admiral, 149, 238.
Pigot, Hugh, captain, R.N., 139.
Pilnitz, declaration of, 331.
Pitcairn, Major, 140.
Pitt, John (second Earl Chatham), 159; first lord of the admiralty, 306; privy seal, 366.
Pitt, Thomas (nephew of first Earl of Chatham), 245.
Pitt, William, the elder, afterwards Earl of Chatham, his influence before 1760, 1; secretary of state, 8; his political character, 10; his war policy, 11; acts with Bute, 15-16; against government by connexion, 16, 31; cabal against, 20-21; his part in negotiations of 1761, 23-27; demands war with Spain, 28; resignation, 30-32; pension and wife's peerage, 32; his schemes of conquest, 36; on the Peace of Paris, 42-44; king's negotiations with, 48, 53, 56, 59, 65, 66; refuses to take office, 67-69; speaks against enforcing stamp act, 69, 70; part in repeal of stamp act, 71; prime minister, 73; created Earl of Chatham, 73; quarrels with Temple, 74; foreign policy, 74; proposes defensive alliance between Great Britain, Prussia and Russia, 75; his long illness, 76, 85; policy as regards India, 79, 80, 82, 83, 85; resigns office, 89; allied with the opposition, 100-102, 104; scheme for parliamentary reform, 105, 106-111, 128; opposes the quartering bill, 129-131, 136; conciliation bill, 138, 160, 170, 184-187; king refuses to send for, 188-189; death of, 190.
Pitt, William, the younger, 9; member for Appleby, 213; joins the opposition, 214, 228, 229; on parliamentary reform, 231; chancellor of exchequer, 240, 241, 243-246; first lord of treasury and chancellor of exchequer, 251, 252; India Bills, 252-254, 261, 265, 268, 269, 277, 280-283, 286, 287; his finance, 284, 285; his bill for parliamentary reform, 287, 288; his Irish trade proposals, 290, 291; sinking fund, 292, 293; commercial treaty with France, 293, 294; bill for consolidation of customs and excise, 294-295; his attitude towards the slave trade, 295, 296, 299, 300, 302-315; his views on the French Revolution, 317, 318, 321-325, 327, 328; Canada Bill, 329-336, 338, 339; warden of the Cinque Ports, 340; as war minister, 345-352; his loans, 348, 354, 357-359, 362, 366-367, 369, 370-372; disagreement with Grenville, 373-374, 376, 378, 379; budgets, 380, 384, 385, 400, 403, 434, 435; desires peace, 382, 383, 387, 388, 392, 395-397, 399, 401, 403, 433; duel with Tierney, 404; preparations for a union with Ireland, 412, 413, 420, 421, 436-438, 444; desires Irish union, 445-447, 449; and favours catholic emancipation, 369, 452; will resign, 452; budget of 1801, 453, 454; resignation, 455.
Pius VI., Pope, 420.
Plunket, William Conyngham, Lord, 447.
Plymouth, 196.
Pocock, Admiral, 37.
Point Judith (U.S.A.), 194.
Point Levi (Canada), 152.
Poland, partition of, 115, 296, 338, 349, 351, 363; invaded by Russia, 338; insurrection in, 361.
Police system, 267.
Political trials, 357, 358, 434.
Pondicherry, 1, 14; taken by English, 196, 356; French fleet at, 237.
Ponsonby, John, 368, 447.
Penthievre, 377.
Pontiac, 58.
Poor law, 273, 277, 278.
Popham, Major, 237.
Port Egmont, 113, 114.
Portland, Duke of (Cavendish-Bentinck), 75, 87, 232, 233, 240; first lord of treasury, 245, 333, 334, 340; home secretary, 366, 368-371, 452.
Porto Novo, battle of, 237.
Porto Praya, naval action at, 237.
Portsmouth, 170, 192.
Portugal: ally of England, 33, 40, 257, 349, 381, 397, 442.
Pownall, Thomas, 89.
Pratt. See Camden, Lord.
Press, liberty of the, 116-118, 324.
Preston, Captain, 109.
Pretender, the Old, 1.
Pretender, the Young, 1.
Prevost, Augustine, general, 195, 198.
Price, Richard, 291, 292.
Priestley, Joseph, 263, 331, 332.
Prime Minister, title and functions of, 9, 64, 85-86, 90, 103, 189, 229, 230, 244, 281, 332.
Printers, the House of Commons and the, 117, 118.
Prisons, 267.
Provence, Count of (Louis XVIII.), 352, 432.
Providence. See Bahama Islands.
Prussia, 75, 115, 300; declares war against France, 336; peace with France, 374.
Public Advertiser, newspaper, 99.
Puerto-rico, 389.
Puisaye, Comte de, 376, 377.
Pulaski, Count, 182.
Pulteney, Sir James, general, 439.
Putnam, Israel, American general, 164.
Pyramids, battle of the, 416.
Quebec act, 129, 145, 146, 151, 166; siege of, 152, 155, 205, 329.
Quiberon bay, 376.
Queensberry, Duke of. See March, Earl of.
Radcliffe, Ann, 260.
Raeburn, Henry, 262.
Raikes, Robert, 265.
Rawdon, Lord (Hastings), later Earl of Moira and Marquis of Hastings, 219, 220, 223, 354, 361, 376, 406.
Reeve, Clara, 260.
Regency bill, 64, 65; later question of the, 309-314, 453.
Regulating act, North's, 121, 122, 273.
Regulators' war, 124.
Reichenbach, congress at, 326.
Religion and Church of England, 264.
Revolutionary society, 335; bill for suppressing, 434.
Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 262, 407.
Rhode Island, 61, 125, 139, 143, 153, 168, 194, 198, 219, 224.
Richmond, Duke of (Lennox), secretary of state, 73, 145, 160, 190, 203, 204, 229, 240; resigns office, 243; master-general of ordnance, 251, 257, 291, 359; resigns ordnance, 366.
Ridgway, bookseller, 357.
Rigby, Richard, 27, 107.
Riots:— American, 61, 89, 126. Birmingham, 331-332. Bread, 75, 378, 444. Carlisle and other towns, 339. Coal-heavers and others, 95. Dublin, 447, 450. Gordon, 205-207. Hexham, 18. St. George's Fields, 96. Silk-weavers, 66, 95. Wilkes, 96, 97. Duty of soldiers in, 207.
Robertson, William, historian, 261.
Robespierre, fall of, 372.
Rochambeau, Comte de, 218, 219, 224.
Roche, Philip, 411, 412.
Rochford, Earl of (Nassau), secretary of state, 89, 90, 115; resigns, 159.
Rockingham, Marquis of (Watson-Wentworth), 40, 42, 48; first ministry, 67-72; resigns office, 73, 74, 85, 86, 102, 106, 107, 110, 118, 128, 158, 160, 169, 187, 191, 212; second ministry, 228, 229, 232, 233; death of, 240, 257, 274.
Rodney, afterwards Sir George and Lord Rodney, admiral, 37, 198, 200, 212, 216, 219, 226, 227, 234, 235; created baron, 238, 239, 365.
Rohillas (Afghan tribe), 248.
Rolle, John, M.P., 308.
Rollo, Lord (Rollo), takes Dominica, 14.
Roman Catholics: relief from disabilities of, 205, 323; grant of franchise to Irish, 367, 368; question of emancipation of in Ireland, 369-371, 385, 446, 447, 451, 453-455.
Romney, George, 262.
Rousseau, 315.
Roussillon invaded, 350.
Rowan, Archibald Hamilton, 368.
Roxbury (U.S.A.), 143.
Royal marriage act, 119, 120, 308.
Ruffo, Cardinal, 426-429.
Rusby (corn dealer), 444.
Russia, Empress of. See Catherine II.
Russia in seven years' war, 33; commercial treaty with, 72; Chatham's policy towards, 75, 326; Russian policy, 115; Pitt's policy towards, 326; treaty of alliance with Great Britain, 423; withdrawal of, from the second coalition, 431.
Russia, Tsar of. See Paul and Peter III.
Russian armament, the, 327-328.
Rutland, Duke of (Manners), viceroy of Ireland, 287, 289, 290; lord steward, 244; privy seal, 251.
Ryder, Dudley, afterwards Lord Harrowby, 404.
Sackville, Lord George, 15, 22, 83, 87; takes name Germain, 159; secretary of state, 159, 166, 173, 176, 179, 180, 184, 185, 191, 202, 210, 225-227; created Viscount Sackville, 228.
St. Eustatius, island of, 216; surrender, 217-218; retaken by French, 227.
St. George's Fields. See London.
St. Kitts, island of, captured by French, 227; ceded to Great Britain, 243.
St. Leger, Colonel, 176, 177.
St. Lucia, island of, 24; conquest of, 37, 40, 195, 218; restored to France, 242; surrender of, 363, 377.
St. Marcouf, islands of, 402.
St. Philips. See Minorca.
St. Pierre, island of, 27, 40; ceded to France, 243; taken by English, 356.
St. Valentine's Day, battle of. See Cape St. Vincent, battle of.
St. Vincent, Earl of. See Jervis, Sir John.
St. Vincent, island of, conquest of, 37, 40; captured by French, 195, 197, 198; ceded to Great Britain, 243; insurrection in, 377.
Salbai, treaty of, 237, 238.
Salem, seat of government transferred from Boston to, 128, 140.
San Domingo, island of, 200, 234; massacre at, 323, 364, 424.
Sandwich, Earl of (Montagu), secretary of state, 49, 50, 65, 100, 115; first lord of the admiralty, 131, 161, 191-193, 212.
Sandy Hook (N.Y.), 174, 193, 224.
Santa Cruz, attack on, 395.
Saratoga, convention of, 178, 179.
Sardinia, King of. See Charles Emmanuel.
Saumarez, Captain, 388.
Saumur, 351.
Saunders, Sir Charles, first lord of the admiralty, 74, 75, 98.
Savannah, capture of, 195, 198.
Savary, French captain, 413, 415.
Savile, Sir George, 203, 205, 206.
Savoy, annexed by the French, 337.
Sawbridge, John, 107, 160.
Scheldt, opening of the, 297, 342-344.
Schuyler, Philip, American general, 176, 177, 180.
Schweidnitz, capture of, 14.
Scott, John (afterwards Earl of Eldon), solicitor-general, 206, 371; chief justice of common pleas, 434; created baron, 434.
Scott, John (afterwards Scott-Waring), major, 303.
Secker, Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury, 60.
Secretaries of state, division of departments of, 10, 87, 229, 336.
Seditious meetings bill, 379, 380.
Selim III. (Turkish sultan), 418.
Selwyn, George, 94, 256.
Senegal, 23, 24, 26; seized by the French, 197; ceded to France, 243.
Seringapatam, siege of, 305; taken, 420.
Seymour, Lord Hugh, admiral, 431.
Shah Alam, Mughal emperor, 78.
Sharp, Granville, philanthropist, 295.
Sheares, Henry, 408.
Sheares, John, 408.
Sheerness, 393, 394.
Shelburne, Earl of (Fitzmaurice), afterwards Marquis of Lansdowne, 49, 52; secretary of state, 73, 80, 82; resigns, 89, 128, 160, 188, 203, 204, 213, 228; home secretary, 229, 230, 231, 238, 239; first lord of the treasury, 240-245, 251, 287, 293, 336, 341, 359.
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 246, 258, 286, 291, 294, 304, 308-311, 318, 335, 336, 359, 406, 447.
Shore, Sir John (afterwards Lord Teignmouth), 419.
Shuja-ud-Daula, 77, 248.
Siddons, Mrs., 258.
Sinking fund, 291-293, 332, 347.
Sistova, peace of, 326.
Skenesborough (U.S.A.), 177.
Slave trade, 295, 296, 323, 324, 404.
Smith, Adam, his Wealth of Nations, 137, 261, 269, 276, 277.
Smith, Colonel, 140.
Smith, Sir Sidney, 355, 402, 418, 419, 431, 432.
Smuggling, 267-268, 284; hovering act against, 285.
Social progress. See England.
Societies, revolutionary, 335, 338, 358.
Somers, Lord, 352.
Soubise, Prince, 14, 36.
Spain, King of. See Charles III.
Spain, grievances of, against Great Britain, 24; alliance with France, 24-30; Great Britain declares war against, 33; war with, 37-38; navy of, 112; dispute with Great Britain concerning the Falkland islands, 113, 114; alliance of, with America, 181-183; alliance with France against Great Britain, 196; declares war against Great Britain, 196-200, 203, 208; peace between Great Britain and, 242-243; convention of 1786 with, 318; discontent in Spanish America with, 319, 320; treaty with Great Britain, 321; joins the first coalition, 349; abandons coalition, 363; alliance of, with France, 381.
Spanish America. See Spain.
Speenhamland, 278.
Spencer, Earl, 340; privy seal, 366; first lord of the admiralty, 366, 393, 452.
Speyer, surrender of, 337.
Spitalfields riots. See London.
Spithead, 209; mutiny at, 392, 393.
Stafford, Marquis of. See Gower, Earl.
Stamp act, 59-63, 69-71, 134.
Stanhope, Earl, 317, 359.
Stanley, Hans, diplomatist, 24-29, 32.
Staten island, 164.
Stephen, James, 324.
Sterne, Laurence, 260.
Steuben, Baron, 182.
Steyer, armistice signed at, 439.
Stirling, Lord (so-called), William Alexander, American general, 165.
Stockdale, John, publisher, 324.
Stormont, Lord (afterwards Earl of Mansfield), 115, 183; secretary of state, 203, 210; president of the council, 245, 369.
Strange, Lord, 71.
Stuart, James, general, 238.
Stuart, Sir Charles, general, 363.
Suchet, French general, 436.
Sudbury, the borough of, 19.
Suffolk, Earl of (Howard), privy seal, later secretary of state, 115; death of, 203.
Suffren, Bailli de, French admiral, 238.
Sullivan, John, American general, 155, 165, 194.
Sumter, American partisan leader, 219-221, 223.
Surinam, surrender of, 431.
Suvorov (Suwarrow), Russian general, 327, 425, 426.
Sweden, King of. See Gustavus III.
Sweden, proposed defensive alliance with, 75; revolution in, 115; joins the league of armed neutrality, 208; invaded by Denmark, 325; makes a treaty with Russia, 326; joins the maritime confederacy, 442.
Sydney, Lord. See Townshend, Thomas.
Syria, Bonaparte's campaign in, 418.
Talbot, Earl (Talbot), lord steward, 97.
Talleyrand, French statesman, 333, 334, 336, 337, 433, 437.
Tandy, Napper, 414.
Tarleton, Sir Banastre, colonel, 220, 221.
Taxation, right of colonial, 62-63, 69.
Tea-duty, 90, 109, 110, 129, 162; Chatham urges repeal of, 188, 284.
Tchernitchev, Russian general, 33, 35, 36.
Temple, Earl, first (Richard Grenville-Temple), 20, 28, 30, 39, 43, 44, 46, 49, 50, 66, 67, 73, 74, 99, 100.
Temple, Earl, second (George Grenville), afterwards Marquis of Buckingham, lord-lieutenant of Ireland, 240; secretary of state, 250, 251; created Marquis of Buckingham, 287, 315, 367.
Thelwall, John, lecturer, 359.
Thompson, printer, 117.
Three Rivers (Canada), 156.
Thugut, Baron, Austrian minister, 351, 360, 421-423, 425, 431, 436.
Thurlow, Edward, Lord (Baron), solicitor-general, 103, 115, 116, 118; attacks Clive, 123, 125; lord chancellor, 191, 203, 228, 231, 245, 250-251; the great seal stolen, 254, 286, 302, 306, 309, 310, 312, 323, 324; dismissed, 332.
Ticonderoga, 144, 146, 151, 166, 168, 170, 173; surrender of, 176, 177.
Tierney, George, 399; duel with Pitt, 403-404, 435.
Tipu, Sultan, 237; succeeds Haidar Ali, 238, 305, 397, 418-420.
Tobago, 24, 40, 218, 243, 333, 334; taken by English, 356.
Tolerance, religious, subscription to thirty-nine articles, 118, 119, 205, 323; bill for relief of dissenters, 295.
Tone, Wolfe, 367, 368, 386; death of, 415.
Tooke, Horne (previously Horne), 104, 127, 145, 322, 358.
Torgau, battle of, 14.
Toulon, surrenders to Hood, 352; evacuation of, 355, 356, 375, 381, 415, 418, 427, 428.
Tourcoing, battle of, 361.
Tournai, 361.
Townshend, Charles, 20; paymaster of forces, 67; chancellor of the exchequer, 74, 80, 82, 83; death of, 86.
Townshend, Marquis, 274; viceroy of Ireland, 94.
Townshend (Thomas), afterwards Lord Sydney, home secretary, 240, 251, 267; resigns, 315.
Traitorous correspondence bill, 357.
Transportation of criminals, 267.
Travancore, raja of, 305.
Treasonable practices bill, 379, 380.
Trebbia, battle of the, 425.
Trecothick, lord mayor, 113.
Trenton, 168, 173.
Trincomali, 237.
Trinidad, captured by the English, 389.
Triple alliance of 1786, 301, 320, 324-326; comes to an end, 328, 374.
Troubridge, Sir Thomas, admiral, 388, 389, 427.
Tryon, William, governor of New York, 124, 130.
Tucker, Joseph (Dean of Gloucester), 137.
Turks, wars between Russia and, 114; Austria declares war against, 325; capture of Ochakov, 325; treaty with Prussia, 326; peace with Austria, 326; war continued with Russia, 327; war with France, 418-419, 421, 427, 432.
Turner, Joseph, 262.
Tuscany, Grand Duke of, 363, 380.
Ulm, capitulation of, 436.
Ulster, conspiracy in, 405.
Union of Great Britain and Ireland, 450.
United Irishmen, 367, 368, 385, 386, 398, 405, 406, 409, 414.
United Provinces, 297, 299-301, 324-325; threatened by French, 336-340, 343; invaded, 349; subject to France, 363; form Batavian republic, 440. See also Holland.
United States, commercial treaty between England and the, 378.
Ushant, naval fight off, 193.
Valenciennes, 350, 354.
Valetta, siege of, 426, 431; surrender of, 438, 439; the Tsar's designs on, thwarted, 441.
Valley Forge, 175.
Valmy, battle of, 337.
Vansittart, Henry, his government of Bengal, 77.
Vellinghausen, battle of, 14.
Venice, 349, 390, 397.
Verdun, 337.
Vereker, Colonel, 414.
Vergennes, Comte de, 181-183, 215, 239, 241.
Versailles, treaty of, 236, 241, 244, 292, 296.
Villaret-Joyeuse, rear-admiral, 364-366.
Vinegar Hill, battle of, 409-411.
Viri, Comte de, Sardinian minister, 17, 20, 38.
Vorontsov (Woronzow), Count, Russian ambassador, 394, 440.
Voltaire, 315.
Volunteers, Irish, 202, 232, 289.
Wages, agricultural labourers, 273, 276, 435; bill for the regulation of, 378; combinations to raise, 277; fixed by statute, 276; law against combinations of workmen, 434; sailors, 392; weavers, 272, 273.
Wakefield, Gilbert, 434.
Waldeck, Prince of, 154.
Waldegrave, John, third Earl, 4, 119.
Waldegrave, Maria, Countess of (afterwards Duchess of Gloucester), 119.
Wales, George, Prince of (afterwards George IV.), 38, 246, 283, 307, 308-312, 313-315, 372, 373, 406, 453.
Wales, Prince of (George II.'s son), 3.
Wales, Princess of, Caroline of Brunswick, wife of George, Prince of Wales, 373.
Wales, Princess Dowager of (George III.'s mother), her character and influence on George III., 3, 4, 21, 42, 51, 65, 112; death of, 119.
Wallis, Samuel, discoverer, 263.
Wall, Richard, General (Spanish minister), 27-30, 32, 74.
Walmoden, General, 362.
Walpole, George, colonel, 404.
Walpole, Horace, 52, 75, 260-262, 267.
Walpole, Sir Robert, 6, 43, 57, 191, 292.
Warburton, William, Bishop of Gloucester, 50.
Warrants, general, 46; declared illegal, 47, 52, 66, 72.
Warren, Richard, Dr., 313.
Warren, Sir John, admiral, 376, 415.
Washington, George, 133; American commander-in-chief, 146, 147, 150, 154, 155, 164-169, 173-176, 180, 186, 193, 194, 197, 198, 214-216, 218, 219, 223-226, 402.
Waterloo, 361.
Wattignies, 354.
Watt, James, 270, 358.
Wedderburn, Alexander (afterwards Lord Loughborough and Earl of Rosslyn), 107; solicitor-general, 115, 123, 126, 170; attorney-general, 191; created Lord Loughborough, 207, 309, 333; lord chancellor, 341, 371; his treachery, 451, 452, 455.
Wedgwood, Josiah, 270, 290.
Wellesley, Sir Arthur (afterwards Duke of Wellington), 420.
Werela, peace made between Russia and Sweden at, 326.
Wesley, John, 264.
Westminster election of 1785. See London.
Westmorland, Earl of (Fane), lord-lieutenant of Ireland, 366-369, 371, 452.
West Point, 197, 215.
Wexford, rebellion in, 409, 412.
Weymouth, Viscount (Thynne), secretary of state, 87, 89, 90, 95, 96, 102; resigns office, 115; again in office, 159, 203.
Whately, Thomas, 125-127.
Wheble, printer, 117.
Whitbread, Samuel, 378, 435.
Whiteboys, 92.
White Plains, battle of, 167, 224.
Whitworth, Sir Charles (afterwards Lord), British ambassador at St. Petersburg, 421, 440; sent to Copenhagen, 441.
Wickham, William, British ambassador at Berne, 383.
Wilberforce, William, philanthropist, 254, 265, 287, 295, 296, 323, 324, 372, 384, 404.
Wilhelmsthal, battle of, 36.
Wilkes, John, 39, 43; case of, 46, 47, 50-52; returned for Middlesex, 95-98, 104, 108, 117, 118, 135, 142, 170, 206, 231, 312.
William V., Prince of Orange, stadholder of Holland, 298, 299, 300, 362, 430, 431.
Willis, Francis, Dr., 310, 312, 313, 453.
Wilmington (U.S.A.), 222.
Wilson, Richard, 262.
Windham, William, 258, 318, 335, 340, 341, 382, 396, 452.
Windsor, borough of, 212.
Winnsborough (U.S.A.), 221.
Wood, John, architect, 262.
Wood, Robert, under-secretary of state, sued by Wilkes, 47.
Wordsworth, William, 260.
Worms, surrender of, 337.
Wray, Sir Christopher, 283.
Wright, cruel treatment of, 408.
Wurmser, Austrian general, 354, 381, 390.
Wurtemberg, Duke of, subsidiary treaty between England and the, 436.
Wyatt, James, architect, 262.
York (Edward), Duke of (brother of George III.), 4.
York (Frederick), Duke of (son of George III.), 309, 311, 314, 346, 350, 351, 353, 361, 362; appointed field-marshal, 366, 390, 391, 430.
York, petition from, 203.
Yorke, Charles, 8, 102, 130.
Yorke, Sir Joseph, 209.
Yorktown, 224; surrender at, 225, 226.
Young, Arthur, agriculturist, 259, 274-276.
General : Errata listed have been applied to the text
Unique page headers interpreted as sidenotes
Changes to punctuation have not been individually documented
No attempt made to standardise chief justice/chief-justice as both forms used approximately equally.
Pages 41, 295, 323, 345 : slave-trade standardised to slave trade.
Page 45 : hardworking standardised to hard-working
Page 77 : "A little army under Major Adams," as in original.
Page 96 : ring-leader standardised to ringleader
Page 101 : wide-spread standardised to widespread
Page 114 : counter-balanced standardised to counterbalanced
Page 127 : unpremediated changed to unpremeditated
Page 140 : war-like standardised to warlike
Page 154 : smallpox standardised to small-pox
Page 157, 364, 365 : Flag-ship standardised to flagship
Page 166 : gun-boats standardised to gunboats
Page 194 : outmanoeuvred standardised to out-manoeuvred
Page 243 : log-wood standardised to logwood
Page 248 : Afghan standardised to Afghan
Page 377, 491 : Ponthievre standardised to Penthievre
Page 376: Sombrueil replaced by Sombreuil
Page 384 : Befal corrected to befall
Page 417 : Sentence "Her assailants poured so fierce a storm of shot upon her that her crew could not get the fire under." as in original. Probably missing final word control.
Page 471 : Application of errata here has meant that the office of secretary of state for the northern department was not listed May-Oct 1763. This may or may not be correct.
Page 473 : Lt.-lieut. corrected to Ld.-lieut.
Page 477 : Asuf-ud-Daula standardised to Asaf-ud-Daula
Page 481 : Drapier corrected to Draper
Page 484 : Index entry for Admiral Thomas Graves corrected from 216 to 226.
Page 487 : Kempenfeldt moved to correct place in index.
Page 490 : Patna standardised to Patna
Page 492 : Salbai standardised to Salbai
Page 494 : Sultan standardised to Sultan
Page 495 : Whateley standardised to Whately