Manuel Caceres, notary-elect
In the galley "Espiritu Santo," belonging to his Majesty, while it was anchored at the port of Mohala, in the island and kingdom of Borney, on the twentieth of March, one thousand five hundred and seventy-nine, in the presence of me, the notary, and the undersigned witnesses, the illustrious captain Juan de Arce Sadornil declared that, inasmuch as his Grace came by order of the very illustrious Doctor Francisco de Sande, governor and captain-general for his Majesty in these Western Islands, to this said river, to see whether the said natives of the said river and city of Borney were settled, as they were when subdued by force of arms by the said governor, and when he left them for the city of Manila; and to see whether Soltan Lixar, king of Borneo, had returned to his former village, and what was become of him, and what persons might be present in his stead; and that by all good methods he [Sadornil] should calm and pacify them, and give them the governor's letters; and do other things set down clearly and ordered by the instructions given by his Lordship; and, inasmuch as the said captain had come to this said port of Mohala, but has been unable to have any intercourse in regard to the above matters, as the said governor orders, although he has tried and done his utmost, and in the manner which his Lordship orders by his instruction; and inasmuch as, having arrived at this said port on this said day, and having seen many vessels leave the said port of Borney—which, although he awaited them and cast anchor for this purpose, never came to him so that he could hold communication with them, in order that the said Bornean Moros might become quiet and learn his Majesty's purpose, and that of his Lordship and of his captain in his royal name—to wit, that I am not to do them harm or annoy them, but on the contrary to protect and defend them; and that they might know the true God and the true pathway of salvation: therefore the said captain summoned to his presence Sipopat and Esin, Bornean Moros, whom his Lordship took to Manila last year. The said captain has brought them for this purpose, and given them to understand the above through the said Francisco Magat; and he delivered to them two letters from the said governor, written in our language and translated into the Bornean language, and signed with his name—one for the panguilan Marraxa de Raxa, and the other for the panguilan Salalila. He also gave them two other letters in the Bornean tongue for the said Salalila, which were written by his daughter and son-in-law in the city of Manila. The said Sipopat and Esin went to the said captain to take the said letters and to hear the message imparted to them by the said captain. They were to return with the answer that would be given them in the river of Borney. All of which, I, the said notary, attest, together with the witnesses present, to wit, Father Baltasar de Miranda, ecclesiastical presbyter, Ensign Salvador de Sequera, Sergeant Cristoval de Arqueta, Luis Briceno, Bartolome de Tapia. And the said captain signed it.
Don Juan de Arce
Before me:
Manuel de Caceres, notary
In the port of Mohala, in the kingdom of Borney, on the twenty-first day of the month of March, one thousand five hundred and seventy-nine, the illustrious Don Juan de Arce summoned to his presence the captain and pilot of a Chinese ship, which was anchored in the said port, each one of them alone; and before me, the said notary, through the Moro Simagat, an interpreter of the Sangley [i.e., Chinese] and Spanish tongues, questioned them on the condition of affairs in the land, and whether the king Soltan Lixar had returned to his former settlement; and in regard to the panguilans Maraxa de Raxa and Salalila, and other matters pertaining to the service of his Majesty. They answered that they had entered the said port three days ago; that upon this said day the king and his people had received news of the coming of the Spaniards; and that the king of Borney had ordered them to enter the said river with another Chinese vessel there. But they refused because they did not know what would happen to them. From that time, when night came they began to annoy them with their small boats and conpites. They said that the king Soltan Lijar was in Borney, and that the panguilan Salalila had died by some disease. They had heard, from the fishermen who came to their boat to sell fish, that the king had a fort up the river where he had placed the women and the food-supplies of the city when he heard of our coming. The said fishermen told them that the king had ordered a quantity of poison to be thrown into the water, in order to kill the people. They had heard even that the death of the said Salalila happened thus. They knew naught else, for they were come hither but recently. This is the truth, and they know naught else. I, the present notary, attest the same; and the said interpreter Simagat, as well as the said captain, signed it.
Don Juan de Arce
Before me:
Manuel de Caceres, notary
And after the above events, on the twenty-second day of the month of March, of the said year, in the presence of me, the said notary, and the witnesses who here signed, appeared the said Moros Sipopat and Esin, whom his Grace had sent to the said city of Borney. They brought a paper written in Bornean, which they said was given them by the king, Soltan Lijar. They declared that the said king had received the letters addressed to the said panguilans Maraxa de Raxa and Salalila, as the said Salalila was dead, and Maraxa de Raxa had gone to the river of Saragua. The king said that he wished alliance with the said captain, and therefore sent that written letter, in which he says the same thing. He wrote it so that the Spaniards might believe it. Likewise he had sent two caracoas, which came in care of the above-named envoys. And I, the said notary, and many others saw these boats. They came flying white flags, and anchored near our fleet. From there they sent the said Moros, our messengers, in a baroto. [31] All of the above was interpreted by Simaguat, Moro interpreter of the said language. The said captain having seen this, and because he had no one who could read the letter, gave a verbal response to the said Moros, through Simagat, ordering them to tell the king that he had no one who knew how to read and write the said Bornean language, and for this reason he did not write to him. He said that the wish of the said governor, and his own through the former's order, was that the king should become our ally, and recognize as seignior the king of Castilla, our sovereign; and that he should come to treat with the said captain, or send one of his chiefs, so that the latter might discuss the matter, since this was so desirable for his tranquillity and his honor. Thereupon he ordered the messengers to be despatched. The witnesses present were Luis Briseno, Alonso Locano, Bartolome de Tapia, and many other persons.
Don Juan Arce
I attest the above:
Manuel de Caceres, notary
Thereupon on this said day, month, and year abovementioned, a Moro whom the said captain said he knew last year as a slave of the panguilan Salalila, appeared then before the said captain Don Juan de Arce. The said Moro said that he was the abovementioned person, and that he had come into the possession of the king through the death of his master. The king treated him badly; and, as soon as he knew that the Spaniards were in this port, he came to them. Then the said captain, through the said Simagat, ordered the said Moro to be questioned about the death of the said Salalila, his master; the whereabouts of the panguilan Maraja de Raxa; whether the king, Soltan Lijar, was in Borney; where he had hidden when the very illustrious Doctor Francisco de Sande, the governor, was here last year; whether the said king was fortified; what artillery and provisions he had; and what he was now doing. This witness replied that his name was Sisian, and that he was a native of Sian. He came to this kingdom of Borney with his mother, and had always been the slave of the panguilan Maraxa de Raxa, and served the said Salalila likewise when occasion offered. After the said governor went to Manila, this Indian served the said Salalila the entire time. He saw that, some days after the said Maraxa de Raxa had despatched advice that the Spaniards had gone, King Soltan Lijar came to his settlement of Borney with about fifty vessels, large and small—among them being a galley of Manrijar in which was the body of the old king, his father, who had died at Baran, a few days before, from a disease. They buried him with solemnity in the river of Borney. With the said Soltan Lijar came the vandaran, who serves as steward and treasurer, and the tumangan, or chief justice, the panguilan Salam, and others. As soon as he entered the river, the other persons and panguilans who were fugitives outside the city began to return. The king began to collect all his artillery, and has collected by this time about two hundred pieces. He summoned all his Bisayan and Moro allies in order to build a fort, which he has built up the river, from palm-trees four brazas high. He placed there all his artillery, wives, food, and provisions, as soon as he heard of our coming. Only the men stayed on the river, keeping close watch. As to the death of his master, as soon as the king had come, he asked Salalila why he had married his daughter to Don Agustin, chief of Tondo in the city of Manila, who had come to this said river with the said governor. He said that Salalila replied that he had done it for fear, and to please the Spaniards. Thereupon the king dissimulated until, after a month, there came a large galleon and a galley of Portuguese, who negotiated by letters and in person with the king, and went up to the city and traded about a hundred slaves, wax, and other goods. At the end of ten days the Portuguese left for Maluco; and three days after Salalila was dead, from a sickness that lasted less than half a day. It was a sudden looseness of the bowels, which proved so severe that, on getting up to ease himself, he fell dead. It was rumored among the people that the king had ordered him to be poisoned; but so great was the fear of the said king that no one dared to discuss it. It is now five months since the said Maraxa de Raxa left the city of Borney with two caracoas. This witness has heard it said that the king sent him to Tolobaran, and to all the other rivers as far as Saragua, in order to look for a good location in which to settle with all his people in a strong and well-provisioned place; and he has not returned. He knows nothing more of this. After the death of the said Salalila, the king took all his property and slaves, among the latter this witness. Because he was very tired and worn out in making the fort which he has mentioned, and in cutting wood for another fort, which the king intended to build on the site where the said governor had settled near the mosque, this witness resolved to flee to the Spaniards, in order to go to the city of Manila to the daughter of the panguilan Salalila, his master. When asked how many Portuguese vessels came, and if this witness saw them, and if he went to them, he answered that he had gone to them many times with his master; that they were in a ship of deep draught and a large Castilian galley; that the galley was much larger than this flagship; that it carried ninety men and three large pieces at the bow, and falcons at the stern. The large ship carried one hundred Portuguese, eight large pieces, and many culverins. The crew of the galley, or rowers, were chained, and the galley was in poor condition from storms that it had suffered. In this port a mast and other equipment were made. And in regard to what he knows touching the hiding-place of the king during his Lordship's stay in this river, he says that it was well-known that he was in a river of Bisayas in the province of Malanao, near to Saragua. This is all that he can tell and no more. This his deposition being read, he declared it true. By his appearance his age must be about forty years. The said captain signed the above in the presence of many witnesses.
Don Juan Arce Before me:
Manuel de Caceres, notary
After the above events, in the said port, this said day, month, and year aforesaid, the illustrious Captain Don Juan Arce de Sadornil ordered certain soldiers, before me, the present notary, and the witnesses here signed, to go in the Neapolitan frigate in pursuit of a Bornean sail which passed near the flagship, flying a white flag of peace, to take the Indians who were in the said vessel, and bring them before his Grace, in order that they might talk with them, and learn what had happened in the city of Borney, so that he might take action more intelligently. In obedience to the said captain's order, the said soldiers went and executed the above-mentioned command, and captured a tapaque, with seven Indians. These men, when asked of what place they were native, and whether they were amaguas and slaves, and whence they were coming, answered through the said Simagat that they were natives of Borney and slaves of King Soltan Lijar, and that they were coming from the river of Baran to buy food. Questioned about the panguilans Salalila and Maraxa de Raxa, and the others, they said that the said Salalila had died from his illness, and that the said Maraxa de Raxa had gone to the said river of Saragua, they knew not why. Questioned as to where the king was, what he was doing, and where he was living, and if he had a fortress, and where they said that at the river above Borney he had built a fort of tall palm-trees; that he was trying to build another in the city, near the mosque; that he was in the city, and was living in the houses there, which are usually of straw. They had heard that the said king had collected two hundred pieces of artillery, counting large and small pieces, but that he lacked ammunition. He had repaired a vessel—the one brought by the said captain from Saragua last year—to send it to the kingdom of Sian for artillery. Not long after the departure hence of the governor, they had seen a deep-draught vessel and a large galley at the said city and river of Borney, with people and artillery. They had learned from others that they were Portuguese, and that they conferred with the king of Borney, and then went away. They knew nothing else. When questioned whether any among them knew how to write, they answered that two of them knew how. Each one of them singly interpreted the paper sent by the said King Soltan to the said captain. Translated into our language through the interpreters, the said Simagat and Sitales, this letter was as follows.
Letter of King Soltan
I, Soltan Lijar, King of Borney, received the letters from Captain Don Juan to Maraxa de Raxa and the panguilan Salalila, because of the absence of the panguilan Maraxa de Raxa, and the death of Salalila, who died from illness. If Captain Don Juan wishes my friendship, I will be his friend, for I am willing to be such.
Then the said captain wrote a letter, which through the agency of Alonso Buytrago and the said interpreters was translated into the Bornean language and characters. After treating the said Indians hospitably, he ordered them to give the letter to the said king, and despatched them. I, the said notary, attest all the above. Witnesses are Ensign Salvador de Sequera, Sergeant Cristoval de Arqueta, Bartolome de Tapia, and others.
Don Juan Arce
Before me:
Manuel Caceres, notary
On this said day, he immediately sent this letter to the said king, by means of the said Indians, in the presence of me, the notary, and the witnesses herein signed. The tenor of this letter is as follows, and was translated, as above said, into their language, by the aforesaid.
Noble and honorable king of Borney:
I, Captain Juan, received a letter from your Majesty, by which I was informed that the letters which I had sent to the panguilan Salalila and Maraxa de Raxa had been received by your Majesty, because of the death of Salalila, and the absence of the other. I was very glad thereat, and to learn, as I did, that your Majesty was in this kingdom, rebuilding your so ancient and noble city, which is a token that you wish to live in tranquillity and honor, as now is shown. Your Majesty wished to take up arms last year, and, like a man without common sense, to make war on one who did not make war. The governor, Don Francisco de Sande, captain-general of our people, and of all these islands, on the contrary, had only a desire for the friendship of your Majesty and your people. It was God's will, therefore, that you be conquered; and, contrary to our intention, your town was destroyed. This was very little damage compared to the advantage that you would derive from becoming vassals of his Majesty, the king of Castilla, our sovereign, and the ally of the Castilians in this land; and from your people trading in peace throughout all this land, both with Spaniards and with the Moros of Manila, Balayan, Bonbon, Mindoro, Cubu, and any other district, so that the Borneans will become very rich and make great profits. If your Majesty makes an alliance with us, it is quite certain that you will find good friends in us—and so much so, that if any other king should molest you and you should have need of aid, the said governor will send his galleys and fleet to protect your Majesty, as if he were offering aid to our own Spaniards. If your Majesty refuses our alliance, then will ensue much harm, for you will never sleep secure in your bed. Neither will your vassals live in ease. The Spaniards are so brave and so daring that they regard fighting and dangers as a repast. Instead of thus offending them, I request you urgently that you should take good counsel as to what you should do, and quickly; so that, if you wish to make peace with me here, we may confer any time tomorrow. Or you may appoint a chief who will bear your letter of credit and authorization to treat, in your name, concerning what is necessary. If not, then I shall not be able to prevent certain damage that my people will commit, although my governor orders me not to commit any damage; and, to obey his order, I anchored in this port of Mohala. I shall stay here until I receive word as to your intentions, until the said time expires. And now, because I am told that your Majesty is a sensible man, and will study my reasons carefully, as is fitting, I shall say no more. May God give you much health, and grace that you may know Him. Written at Mohala, in his Majesty's flagship.
(This said letter was translated, and sent in the form and manner abovesaid, witnesses being Luis Briceno, Alonso Locano, Bartolome Tapia, and other persons. I, the above-named notary, attest the same, which is drawn in the said galley in the said port, on the twenty-third day of the month of March, one thousand five hundred and seventy-nine.
I attest it:
Manuel de Caceres, notary
In the said port, on the said day, the twenty-third of March, of the said year, the Indians Sipopot and Esin returned before the said captain and in their keeping were the said two caracoas. They anchored near by, and stated, through the said interpreters, that the said king declared that he would come next day to confer with the said captain. He would not come to his fleet, however, but on the coast of this said island, where each one would land with five or ten men, an equal number of Borneans and of Spaniards. They would treat for peace and of whatever else was fitting. The said Spaniards should not come in coats-of-mail, since they were to treat of peace. The said captain answered that he would be very glad to meet him as he proposed, and that he should come next morning. And if he did not come that day, then he would know that his reasons were only pretense, and that he was putting him off with words. Thereupon he sent the said Indians together with those who took the letter above set forth; and I, the said notary, testified thereto. Witnesses were Pablo Granado, Andres de la Tubilla, Alonso Lozano, and many others.
Don Juan Arce
I certify thereto:
Manuel de Caceres, notary
And after all the above events in the said port of Mohala, in the said galley "Espiritu Santo," on the twenty-fifth day of the month of March, one thousand five hundred and seventy-nine, the illustrious Captain Don Juan Arce summoned to his presence Ensign Francisco Rodriguez, Ensign Salvador de Sequera, Ensign Pedro de Salasar, and Sergeants Bartolome de Tapia, Cristoval de Arqueta, Antonio Canedo, Francisco de Ribera, Melchior de Villanueva, Alonso Locano, Juan de Chavarria, Luis Briceno, Cristoval Xuares, Baltasar de Bustamente, Juan de la Feria, Juan de Yepes, and Antonio Sanchez, for this purpose having ordered the rally sounded by trumpet. When these had come and with them the other persons and soldiers whom he wished to be present, the said captain took the instructions for this expedition given him by the very illustrious Doctor Francisco de Sande, governor and captain-general for his Majesty in these Western Islands, and auditor of his royal Audiencia of Mexico, and ordered it to be read publicly in the presence of the above-named persons. When it had been read and heard publicly by all, the said captain told them his reason for summoning them together to hear the said instructions—namely, that they might know that King Soltan had broken his word given two or three days previously. He said that he would come to treat with the said captain; and he had not sent messengers to excuse his inability to come, nor had he done anything else. Therefore it was proved that he had entertained them with promises, in order that he might collect and place in his fort the rest of his property. Especially was this proved more conclusively, for on this said day no fishermen had come, as was their usual custom, to the fleet to trade their fish. However they had come near to get their nets and a sort of weir with which they are wont to catch fish. And although the captain wished to enter the city and river of Borney, he did not dare to do so, in order not to violate the order of the said governor; for he had heard that they would not neglect to station some scout-boats in Borney with some culverins and artillery, and that they would fire at us, and then take flight to the fort which was reported to have been built. Not being able to pursue them or attack them, because of having no commission for it, meant that he would suffer in estimation and lose reputation among them. This did not appear desirable to him, so he resolved to send some soldiers in a light vessel next day, with orders only to see whether they had the said fort, or had commenced to build it, in the islets of Polocelemin [32] and Pangaran, in order to advise his Lordship concerning it. He resolved to wait several days, in order to make other inquiries, as he should consider best. The captain told all those present that they should examine this resolve to see whether it was proper. If any other thing could be done or ought to be done, more befitting his Majesty's service and that of the said governor in his royal name, he requested them to tell him; for if their advice was good he would accept and act upon it willingly. All of the above-named answered—not excepting any point—that nothing better could be done; that it was very well considered and ordained; that he should carry out his plan for the examination of the said islets in order to give his Lordship an account of them; and that, with this and the inquiries made by his Grace, he would have done everything to which his commission obliged him. And it was not at all fitting to give the Moros any opportunity to say that we came back to make war upon them, especially without the orders of his Lordship. I, the present notary, attest all the above, which occurred as set down above, witnesses being Father Baltasar de Miranda, Juan de Santiago, Pedro Granado, the above-named. The said captain and the other witnesses signed the same with their names.
Don Juan de Arce Pedro Granado de Aguero
Witness, Baltasar de Miranda Juan de Santiago
Before me, and I attest the same:
Manuel de Caceres, notary
I, Manuel de Caceres, notary, appointed by the illustrious Captain Juan de Arce Sadornil in this expedition made this present year to the kingdom of Borney, hereby attest to all that see this present, that from certain enclosures with nets, that are wont to be set near this fleet, certain Moros with their boats were wont to come hither to trade their fish. As we paid them and gave them good treatment, they returned, and thus they were wont to do. On this day more boats coming to the said enclosures, they drew up their nets, went away and did not bring us any fish, nor did they appear, nor do we know why they do not come. This argues the suspicion that their king or some one else has summoned them. At the request of the said captain, I give this present, so that what is done in the galley "Espiritu Santo," in the said port of Mohala, on the twenty-fifth day of the month of March, one thousand five hundred and seventy-nine, may be evident. Witnesses of the above are Anton Sanchez, Baltasar de Bustamente, Juan de Santiago, and other persons.
I attest the same:
Manuel de Caceres, notary
In the port of Mohala, on the twenty-sixth day of the month of March, one thousand five hundred and seventy-nine, the said captain, in observance of the above decision, in the presence of me, the notary, and the witnesses hereunto signed, ordered Ensign Salvador de Sequera, accompanied by the men assigned to him, to embark in the Neapolitan fragata belonging to this fleet, in order to go to the islets of Polocelemin and Paingaran, in order to see whether the natives had constructed any fort, after the departure of the said governor to the city of Manila. When this was done, he should return without going elsewhere; and if he met Moro bancas and vessels, he should fly white flags in token of peace. He was ordered to try to open conversation with them; and, even if the said vessels were to fire some artillery, the said ensign and his companions were not to answer them. On the contrary, they were to fly the said white flag of peace, and to return to this fleet. Father Baltasar de Miranda and Alonso Cornejo were witnesses to the above, and the said captain signed it.
Don Juan Arce
Before me:
Manuel Caceres, notary
After the above events, in the said month and year abovesaid, in the said galley, the said captain having ordered three soldiers in a light boat, one hour before dawn, to try to talk with some Indians, and, if possible, obtain information regarding the king, of the condition of his affairs, and other necessary things; and having brought the Bornean Indians prisoners, the said captain summoned each of them to his presence. Through the agency of the interpreter Sitahel, they were asked where the king and his people were, and what was decided upon. The first said his name was Usman, and that he was a native of this island of Mohala. The second day after the arrival of our fleet at this port, some of the king's slaves came in bancas, with orders that all the people should assemble up the river. This witness asked a slave of the said king where the latter was, to which the slave answered that on that day he was going to retire to the fort, where already were the women, artillery, provisions, and other things. He was to leave the tumangan and bandara in the city, so that these men might have ordinarily two or three scout-boats with artillery at the bar; if the Spaniards resolved upon going up the river or to enter it, they should flee to the fort. This witness went also the next day to the settlement of Borney, and found that the king had gone to the said fort, and that the said tumangan and the bandara were in the city. When asked why he did not go to the fort as did the others, he replied that, because he did not find his mantelin who is a person holding the office of captain and sergeant, with forty men under him—in Borney, and learned that he was outside of the bar, he was coming in search of him. When asked how many Portuguese vessels had passed there during the last vendabals, and what forts King Soltan has built or intends to build, he said that two vessels had passed—one of deep draught and a galley—and that they had traded as usual with the Borneans. The Portuguese went to the settlement, and the Borneans went to the vessels. In regard to the forts, the king had built one up the river where the people are gathered. It is named Talin, and is made of palm-trees three or four estados high. They are now busy constructing a mosque. This witness had heard that as soon as the said mosque was completed, galleys would be begun in the ship-yard. There was no fort at Paingaran. There is nothing else; and, the same being read, he declared it true. He appeared to be about thirty-three or thirty-four years of age. The said captain signed the above.
Don Juan Arce
Before me: Manuel Caceres, notary
[The deposition of another Moro follows, being in substance the same as the above, with a slight addition in regard to the panguilans Maraxa de Raxa and Salalila, which is similar to other testimonies concerning them.]
Then immediately, upon this said day, month, and year aforesaid, the said ensign, Salvador de Sequera, the ensign, Francisco Rodriguez, and the others who went in the said fragata as above said, to the said islets of Polocelemin and Paingaran, returned to the said captain. They said that, as they went upon this errand in accordance with his Grace's orders, they met nine ships and some caracoas. As soon as these saw these vessels, they flew their white flag as a token of friendship, in order that the others should come to talk with them. But these ships refused to come, and fired some artillery at them. The said ensigns having witnessed this, the said Salvador de Sequera requested me, the present notary, to attest it, so that if might appear in the records. In response to his request I gave the present signed with my name. Then the said ensigns returned, without doing anything else than to make the said signs of peace. The natives refusing, as above said, to come, but on the contrary persisting in discharging their artillery, they returned, and declared this before the said captain and myself, the present notary. They signed the above with their names, as did also the said captain.
Don Juan de Arce
Francisco de Rodriguez
Salvador de Sequera
Before me, and I certify thereto: Manuel de Caceres, notary
Then in the said galley on this said day, month, and year above stated, the said captain, before me, the undersigned notary, summoned before his Grace, the said Usman, Amat, and two other youths, all Borneans. Through the mouth of the above-mentioned Sitahel, they were instructed that they should tell King Soltan, the tumangan, the vandara, and the other chiefs, that the said captain did not intend to enter the river, nor begin hostilities against him—although he had not kept his word and had tried to injure his men—because the said governor did not wish any harm to be done them, nor that they and their town should be destroyed, but desired his friendship. For this reason he ordered that he [Sadornil] should not attack them, or enter his settlement, or do them any injury, under pain of being beheaded. Although the men brought by the said captain had seen his rudeness, and were desirous to retaliate, he had not consented thereto; nor had his Grace desired such a thing, that he might not exceed the orders of the said governor. Likewise they were to tell the said king and the others that, since peace with the said governor was so advisable, they should send a ship to confer and a person to treat concerning the said peace. If they would come, the said captain would wait two more days for them. Then returning to these men their weapons and vanca, and presenting them gifts and food, and showing them other good treatment, he let them go freely. They left, and I, the present notary, certify thereto—Juan de Santiago, Pedro Granado, and Sergeant Cristoval de Arqueta, being witnesses.
Don Juan de Arce
Before me:
Manuel Caceres, notary
In the said galley, "Espiritu Santo," on the twenty-eighth day of the month of March, one thousand five hundred and seventy-nine, the said captain—having seen that the last Borneans sent as messengers by his Grace, on the twenty-third of this present month, did not return, but that, on the contrary, the above affair of Ensign Sequera had happened, who went to reconnoiter the island of Polocelemin; and that also no answer had been returned by the Indians despatched on the twenty-fifth of the same month; and that the said Borneans, yesterday, the twenty-seventh of this said month, came with ten or eleven vessels very near this fleet, and when Ensign Francisco Rodriguez met them with a white flag and without arms, the said Borneans without any shame came leisurely to him, beckoning him with the hand, and then forced him to retreat. He gave an account of this to the said captain—when his Grace saw this, and that he could not make war upon the said Borneans, because of his Lordship's orders to the contrary and because their fort had been built up the river, where no galley or galleot could sail; and seeing that some of the reputation until then enjoyed by the Spaniards might be lost, and that no advantage was accruing to the service of his Majesty from his stay in this said island of Mohala; and that the people ran risk of becoming sick, not only from the waters of that land, but from the rains, the heat of the sun, poor food, want of exercise, and others difficulties: he ordered sail to be set in order to return to the city of Manila, and to give an account of the expedition to his Lordship, the governor. Thus he decreed, and ordered, and signed it with his name. Witnesses were Father Baltasar de Miranda, Luis Briceno, Alonso Locano, and many others.
Don Juan de Arce Sadornil
Before me: Manuel de Caceres, notary
Most illustrious sire:
In a clause of the instructions given me by your Lordship, you order me on my return from the river and settlement of Borney, to visit the river of Taguaran. But because I was informed that the said river is not navigable by galleys unless at extremely high tide, and to anchor near the shore meant some risk—for at the present season occur nightly heavy showers brought by the vendaval—and because the king is not peaceably inclined, and considering that all the land would revolt, I concluded that it would be useless for me to go thither, since the said river of Taguaran is on the way to Borney, so that any one may very easily ascertain what he wishes. In my opinion, if we effect a colony in Borney, the Spaniards must live where the king and the Moros are, in order to keep them under control. In any other way they will be always unmanageable. Whenever your Lordship wishes, I shall tell you some reasons that should induce us to make a settlement in no other place but where the Moros live. Given in this galley "Espiritu Santo," belonging to his Majesty, on the twenty-ninth of March, one thousand five hundred and seventy-nine.
Don Juan Darce
By order of his Lordship:
Manuel de Caceres, notary
The order which we must regard and observe in the voyage and navigation from here to Borney is as follows.
The galleys shall follow the flagship, without preceding it, and at night they shall be vigilant, both in following the lantern, and in watching for certain shoals such as are wont to be in the sea, and for strange ships, as well as all else advisable.
When any galley encounters any danger, and needs help, it shall discharge a cannon as sign of distress; and all the other ships shall go to its assistance, to see what has happened.
The Neapolitan vessel shall go as much as possible in advance of the flagship; and, in case it should come upon any shoal or promontory that juts out too far, if it be daytime it shall return to give advice thereof; but if at night, besides turning to give advice, it shall fire a small piece of its artillery so that we may stop and take the necessary steps.
If perchance any galley should lose the route through either bad weather or any other cause not malicious, it shall continue its voyage to the island of Malaca, where the one arriving first will await the other.
Should any enemy attack us at sea, with intent to annoy us, the two Bornean galleys shall go to the flagship—that in charge of Ensign Francisco Rodriguez on the right, and that in charge of Antonio Canedo on the left. The Neapolitan ship shall take up a position at the stern of the flagship, in order to assist in what is ordered.
The vessels shall take care always to anchor near the flagship, keeping watch over their oars. They shall be alert. From Malaca each afternoon they shall ask for a watchword, so that, if they meet any hostile ship, it may be known. A copy of these instructions shall be given to the other galleys, so that they may keep them. Given on the seventh of March, one thousand five hundred and seventy-nine.
Don Juan Arce
Before me:
Manuel de Caceres, notary
The order to be observed at present by the soldiers in this fleet, while anchored in the port of Mohala, or wherever else, is as follows.
First, although the natives of the river of Borney are peaceful, they shall buy no slaves who are natives of the island of Borney, even if the natives wish to sell them. If they wish to buy any slaves not natives of the said island, they shall not do so, except in my presence, in order that I may find out his native place, and whether or no he can be bought.
Item: No soldier shall dare to kill any cattle here or in any other part where they have them, so that the king of Borney and the other natives may see that we do not come to harass them, but that we wish their friendship.
Item: No soldier shall disembark or go from his ship to take water or any other thing, except when the flagship takes in water, and he is summoned. Then the landing shall be effected with great care, and the commanders of the galleys shall signify what soldiers are to disembark. They shall be advised not to take any water that is not in a newly-made well, so that the water may not be poisoned by the natives.
Item: All the galleys shall keep close sentinel guard at night, and shall keep their arms ready. Each night they shall assign a watchword, and the galleys shall not fire any shot unless compelled by necessity.
Item: No one shall dare go to the Sangley ship anchored at this port, in order to avoid the insults and damage that the soldiers are wont to inflict on the said Sangleyes. If they need anything, they shall send their slaves to buy it. They shall in no point infringe the above regulation, under penalty of punishment to him who shall act contrary to this, with all the severity allowed by law. In order that this paper may be manifest to everyone, it shall be read and proclaimed in all the ships of the fleet, in the presence of the commanders. Given on the galley "Espiritu Santo," on the twenty-first of March, one thousand five hundred and seventy-nine.
Don Juan Arce de Sadornil
By order of the captain:
Manuel de Caceres
(Thereupon, on the said day, month, and year above stated, I, the said notary, read and proclaimed the decree above set forth, by order of the captain, to the soldiers of the said galleys, in the presence of the commanders. They said that they heard and would obey it. Witnesses were Francisco de la Mesquita, Juan de Santiago, and Pedro Granado.
I attest the same:
Manuel de Caceres, notary)
I, Gonzalo de Santiago, notary elect, certify to all who may see this present, that, on the fourteenth day of the month of June, one thousand five hundred and seventy-eight, Rahayro, panguilan of Borney, who calls himself king of Xolo, surrendered himself as a vassal to his Majesty, King Don Phelipe, king of Castilla and Leon, for himself and his descendants. In token of recognition and vassalage, he gave twelve pearls and thirty-five taes of gold for himself and his vassals, which are the islands of Xolo, Treguima, Camboanga, Cavite, and Tavitavi, his subjects and vassals. The said Rahayro bound himself and his descendants from this day to recognize King Don Felipe, our sovereign, king of Castilla and Leon, and to be subject to the crown of Castilla and Leon; and as such, he, the above-named, will give the yearly recognition and tribute which shall be assigned to him. This said vassalage was made by the said Rahayro, in virtue of an act of war. The illustrious Esteban Rodriguez de Figueroa, captain of infantry for his Majesty, justified the war on his part. He had two engagements with the above king, one in the town of Xolo, and the other at the foot of a large rock in the open field. Having conquered them, just as he was about to enter their fort the said king of Xolo came out peacefully and rendered obedience to his Majesty, as above stated. Therefore I gave the present, so that the above declaration may stand in the records. Witnesses were Ensign Alonso Osorio, Sergeant Mateo Sanchez, Alvaro de Angulo, Rodrigo Sanchez, Luis de Santacruz, Juan Lorenco, Juan Lope de Leon, and many other soldiers. Therefore I affix here my signature and accustomed flourish, in testimony of truth. The said captain signed it with his name.
Esteban Rodriguez
I certify thereto:
Gonzalo de Santiago, notary by appointment
In the city of Manila, on the nineteenth day of the month of April, one thousand five hundred and seventy-nine, the very illustrious Doctor Francisco de Sande, governor and captain-general for his Majesty in these Western Islands, and his auditor in the royal Audiencia of Mexico in Nueva Espana, declared that he has heard that a war-galley of the king of Portugal was lost on the coast of Mindanao, and in order to ascertain where it was going, and whose it was, he ordered to be made, and did make, the following inquiries.
In verification of the abovesaid, the said governor summoned to his presence a man, who declared his name to be Bartolome Fernandez, a native of the city of Goa in Yndia. He said that he was there a freeman, serving as page a Portuguese named Luis Fragoso; and that he is a baptized Christian. The oath was taken and received from him before God and the blessed Mary, and on the sign of the cross, in the form prescribed by law; under which obligation, being questioned, this witness said that he left the city of Goa, in Yndia, about a year or so ago, in a galleon called "San Jhosef," under Captain Martin Lopez de Sossa, a nobleman. With the said ship was a merchant ship from Cochin. The said ship "San Jhosef," had one hundred old Portuguese soldiers, and one hundred others, young mestizos of that land. It was equipped with twelve large pieces and certain culverins. The soldiers were armd with arquebuses and other weapons. This said vessel was despatched to Maluco, by order of the governor of Yndia, Don Diego de Meneses, and the said Martin Lopez de Sossa was captain. In Malaca, more of the mestizos of Yndia, sons of Portuguese, were shipped, to the number of three hundred men. These with the mestizos brought from Yndia, made somewhere about five hundred men in the said galleon. A galley of twenty-four benches accompanied it, each oar being manned with three men. They carried lead. The galley was old and was given to them in Malaca by the captain of Malaca, named Arias de Saldeva, who is captain of the fortress. The captain of the sea is Matias de Alburquerque. Because of the said Martin Lopez de Sossa falling sick, he remained in Malaca, very sick; and one of his brothers, Pedro Lopez de Sossa, came in his place as captain of the said galleon. Another nobleman, Tome de Sossa, a former page of the said Matias de Alburquerque, captain of the sea, was made captain of the said galley. This witness was aboard this galley, in the service of the said Tome de Sossa, who brought this witness from Yndia to Malaca. Thus the said galleon and galley, with the people above mentioned (of whom some fifty soldiers were aboard the galley and the rest aboard the galleon), set sail for Maluco in the month of August of last year seventy-eight. After sailing for a week, they anchored at Borney, near the island of Mohala. When they were there together, a banca with certain Bornean fishermen came to talk with the people of the ship and the galley. They asked who they were, and were answered that they were Portuguese. Then the said Bornean Moros said "We thought that you were Castilians, for we are expecting them daily to come for tribute." Thereupon they told them that a fleet of Castilians with many vessels and a multitude of people had gone there, and fought with them, and had plundered them.
It was current talk among the Portuguese, that they marveled that the Spaniards would have plundered the Borneans, for they considered that people as valiant, since they are accustomed to go to Malaca, Pegu, and other places for the sake of plunder, and Borney was very strong. Therefore they were surprised that the Castilians had taken them. They began a song sung by the rowers, which runs: "Borney, peak above peak in salt water; there you go to eat buyo." [33] This song they sang because they formerly regarded the Moros as valiant men, and in jest. The said captain-in-chief sent this witness in this said fishing-boat, to talk with the king of Borney, because he knew the Bornean language. With this witness went an inhabitant of Malaca, one Quenana, a native of Malavar. They took a present to the said king of Borney; this was a carpet from Conbaya [Camboja]; which was given to this witness to give to the king of Borney. He found him in a large house which belonged to the old king. This witness knew this, for he formerly knew the said old king of that land. The old king is dead and the said king is his son. He is a tall, fat man, and quite black. He was seated with many of his relatives, called panguilans, and his children and brothers. This witness saw and knew the tumango and mandahala, the panguilan Salalila, and many others. The said king of Borney was playing chess, seated in a hall with the said panguilans. This witness bowed low and made the usual obeisance, gave him the said carpet, and sat down. One of the king's sons said to this witness, in his own language, that he talked excellently, and asked him his nationality. This witness told him, and the said king's son gave him some buyo to chew. He remained with them some time. The king asked him what the Portuguese wished. This witness replied that they were on their way to Maluco, and were looking for some slaves for their galley, and for food. Thereupon the said king of Borney ordered the vandahala to go to talk with the captain-in-chief in the galleon. The vandahala went in a small boat with thirty rowers and two culverins. When he left the king's house for the said vessel, the said people showed this witness some vireys, saying that they had taken them in battle from the Spaniards. They said that they had hanged one Spaniard, and threatened them. They said that the Spaniards had come in large vessels and with a numerous fleet, whereat they had fled to the mountains. They did not tell that the Spaniards had seized any galleys and artillery. The said bandahala went to the said galleon to talk with the said captain, Pedro Lopez de Sossa. He asked him, in the name of the king of Borney, to help him fight the Castilians, who were about to return there for the tribute; and desired them to remain in the island. If he would winter there, the king of Borney would pay him as much as he would gain in Maluco. The said Captain Pedro Lopez answered him that he was about to make investigations in Maluco, which was in bad condition, and could not remain in Borney. It was likewise impossible for him to fight with the Castilians, for they were brothers. If he wished to ask for help, he must send to request it from the captain of Malaca. Likewise this witness saw two ships that they were about to send to Malaca. The said bandahala, thereupon, went to talk with the king. That night a Cafre blacksmith, a Christian, one Luis, fled from Borney to the Portuguese. He told the said captain, Pedro Lopez, that the king of Borney had ordered that the Portuguese who were in Borney at the arrival of the Castilian fleet should be killed; that the king had robbed them of their possessions, and that some sailors had fled with the vessel. When the said captain Pedro Lopez heard this, he was angry at the Borneans, and sent the small boats to bring men from the galleon (for he was in the galley), saying that he intended to enter the river to fight the said Borneans. The next morning the said bandahala tua, that is to say, "old man," came in a ship. The Borneans brought fowls, sugar, fruits, tampo, and other things, to sell. They brought no presents. The said captain, Pedro Lopez, seized the said vandahala and about thirty rowers with him, and put them in the said galley, with the intention of keeping them prisoners. The said vandahala asserted that they had not killed the Portuguese, nor robbed them at all. The said captain, Pedro Lopez, sent the said trader Quenenia to talk to the king, and to ask him why they had killed those Portuguese. The said king replied that he knew of no such thing, and that the tanguilans of the mountain had killed them. Afterward the said captain, Pedro Lopez, said, "Who is deceiving me in these things among these Moros?" He then set free the Moros, and left the said trader Quenena, in Borney with a pack containing seven or eight hundred pieces of cloth, so that he might trade it for camphor, wax, and tortoise-shell, and then go to Malaca with it in one of the two ships that I said were about to sail to Malaca. The said captain bought eight Javanese slaves, and the king presented to him two more, making a total of ten. Each slave cost ten pieces of caniqui [34] which we valued at three vardagos, each vardago being worth one patagon, which this witness thinks is about equivalent to two Manila tostones. Then weighing anchor they proceeded on their way to Maluco. The galley anchored at the river of Tabaran to look for food. They bought there swine and fowls, receiving five fowls for one piece of caniqui. From there they sailed near a large island, called by them island of Xordan. There a storm with a vendabal struck them and destroyed the said galley, which was old. It sprang a leak under the keel, and was driven upon some rocks near Cabite, at an island near Canboanga. There the said galley was lost with all its food, artillery, and ammunition. Five Portuguese were drowned, and two others were killed by the Moros of that land. All the Cafres and slaves who were chained were drowned. About forty Portuguese and twelve Cafres escaped. They scattered into different parties, so that the natives should not kill them. This witness fell into the power of some natives of Camboanga, who made him prisoner. A Spaniard brought this witness and others recently, when they came with his Majesty's spice. However, this witness did not see what became of the said Spaniards, nor what became of the galleon, except that he heard that the galleon collected the men in its small boats and finished its voyage, by taking another tack, as he heard from the natives of Camboanga. Therefore this witness never saw the said galleon again. He heard also that the said galleon had broken its mainmast. This is what he knows, and his deposition. It is the truth, on the oath that he took. He affirmed and ratified it. When this witness was asked if he had been in Maluco, and requested to tell what he knew of matters there, and why so many Portuguese should go there, he declared that he had heard it stated publicly and openly in Yndia and in Malaca, and that he heard Diego de Sanbucho, a noble inhabitant of Malaca, now there, say that the fortress of Maluco, which the Portuguese held in Terrenate, was lost to them three years ago. For after the death of Gonzalo Pereyra, who had gone with the Portuguese to fight at Cubu, and who had died at Maluco after his return there, the noble above named, Diego de Sanbucho, was captain of Maluco. He found that certain of the married men had gone to live at Anbon and others to Malaca, and that they had taken all their cattle and artillery with them in two galliots, which they now have at Anbon. The cause of the loss of the said Maluco was the revolt of the said natives and a war because a Portuguese had killed their king. Immediately the people revolted, and besieged the Portuguese. They died from hunger, until the survivors abandoned the fort, going to Anbon, as I have said; only two Dominican fathers remained. The said inhabitants of Maluco refused to give cloves to the Portuguese, and sold them to the Javanese, who in turn sold them at Malaca. The only cloves brought were those of Anbon, and only one ship-load at that. The Portuguese go to Anbon by way of Jaba, across from Borney, since Maluco was lost; the present fleet came by way of Borney. On account of these troubles, it is sailing straight for Maluco, in order to construct a fort to fight with the natives. Another galleon, the "San Juan," under Captain Martin Alfonso, a noble, is in Malaca, and is about to go to Anbon; and it must go by way of Jaba, opposite the coast of Borney. With the few men whom it can take, and those whom it can secure at Anbon, it must go with them all to Maluco to aid the said captain Pedro Lopez to oppose the inhabitants of Maluco. This witness knows, too, that the Portuguese captured a son of the king of Maluco, named Don Francisco, whom they took to Yndia. This witness saw him lately at Malaca. He has heard that the people of Maluco begged that he be given up, as he is their king, and that if he is restored they will make peace and surrender the fortress. With the said Don Francisco are three of his relatives, one Don Enrique, one Pablo Desa, and the third Jordan de Fletes. Don Enrique is undahala at Malaca, which is the office of judge among the natives. The vessel which is going by way of the coast of Jaba to Anbon must lay in a good supply of food from Xaba. This witness knows further that a queen of Xaba is at war with the Portuguese; she is the queen of Xapara. Consequently the Javanese refuse to take food to Malaca, which is furnished by the king of Pegu. This witness has heard that the king of Pegu has made dependents of the kings of Sian and Patan. The Portuguese have war likewise with the king of Bintan, for the latter married a daughter of the king of Achen who is hostile to the Portuguese. This witness has been twice in Maluco, and has seen what he has described. At the entrance to the port is a rampart, and, farther in, the fort where the said Portuguese live. They have a vault there in the middle of the court; and, even if the fort be burned, the court inside is not burned.
When asked what became of the artillery of the galley which was lost on the coast, he said that the king of Mindanao, who is an old man, heard of the loss of the said galley there, and went there with forty vessels, and that the people of Samboanga seized the said artillery, which they had taken from the galley and took it ashore at the river of Mindanao. He said that the people of Samboanga burst one piece; and the Spaniards took it, along with two grappling hooks, and brought it to this city. All the above is the truth. This witness said also that the said galley that was lost carried nine pieces of artillery—amidships a large round swivel-gun; at the bow and along the sides, two large chambered falcons; at the stern two more; and at the sides four culverins, two on each side. The chief of Taguima took two culverins, and the king of Mindanao took all the rest. This is the truth, on the oath that he has taken; and he affirmed and ratified the same, but did not sign it. He is about thirty years old, a little more or less.
Doctor Francisco de Sande
Before me:
Alonso Beltran, his Majesty's notary
Captain Ribera's Instructions
The instructions that Captain Grabiel de Rivera must observe in the expedition that he is about to make, at my command, to the island and river of Mindanao, are as follows.
First, you shall go to the port of Cubu, where are the artillery and ships of his Majesty brought from Borney by Captain Esteban Rodriguez, and the other supplies left there by him. You shall take all of these supplies that you may need for your expedition as well as the necessary soldiers and food. The soldiers shall be taken from the inhabitants of the said city, and from the soldiers taken for the said expedition by Captain Juan Lopez de Aguirre. This latter shall deliver his men to the magistrate there. You shall choose from them such men as you desire, since you have the affair in hand. You shall try to take some men belonging to the captain and chief named Quilantan, as, they tell me, he is acquainted in the river of Bindanao.
As you know, Captain Esteban Rodriguez went last year by my orders to pacify the river of Mindanao. Because of the lack of provisions, the current of the river, and other causes, he did not carry out my wishes—namely, to explore that river and all its environs personally, and to wait there some little time to try to get them to make peace. I ordered him to represent to the natives how advantageous it would be for them to become his Majesty's vassals and our allies. He was ordered to treat them well, and to use kind methods and persuasion with them; and not to use force, or plunder them, burn their houses, or do any other damage to them. And that they might become friends, he was not to ask tribute from them, and should exercise no force in this regard. He was merely to tell them of his Majesty's heavy expenses in this land, and the many hardships endured by the Spaniards in going to civilize them, and to teach them how to live in accordance with the law of nature, so that they might understand the chief requirements—namely, to become Christians and recognize the true God, who created and redeemed them; and in order that they might cease to do evil to their neighbors, and to commit other cruelties and robberies. And it is just that, since so much is spent by his Majesty, and by the Christians who go there, that the natives should on their side aid somewhat, since they benefit thereby. But the said captain was ordered that whatever they gave should be decided by the natives themselves. In observance of this the said Esteban Rodriguez did them no injury whatever; but they fled. And because, when the Spaniards went to attempt to pacify them, as I have heard, the natives killed those who went as ambassadors to them (among whom was a vassal of his Majesty from the island of Jolo), you will investigate this matter in the city of Nombre de Jesus among the soldiers who went on that expedition, in order that you may have the necessary foreknowledge. And if they really killed those who went on an embassy to them—a barbarous and cruel act—and if they are wont to display such treachery, then you shall punish them as you deem best. I leave this to your own judgment advising you that in his Majesty's fleet, commanded by Villalobos, they killed certain men, under promise of security, and seized one of his boats. In this treachery they all shared, for one boat containing three or four men was attacked by three or four thousand natives. They killed also the master-of-camp of the said fleet. This will warn you not to put any trust in them, or to allow them time or opportunity to enable them to commit any treachery. You will keep strict watch over your ships and men.
Although you have the said information and you understand clearly that they are evilly inclined and have committed the said crimes, you must begin by trying to make them peaceable by kind methods, as above stated. If they are unruly and it becomes necessary to punish them, you shall do it. And if they give no occasion for either peace or war but flee to the mountains, then you shall wait for them with all the prudence possible, and such as I expect from you. You shall endeavor always to see that the soldiers and troops commit no depredations. If the said Indians come peaceably and with friendliness, you shall receive from them what they offer, as above stated. And you shall give testimony, before a notary appointed by yourself as to the way in which the natives of those regions place themselves under the obedience of his Majesty—by their own wish, or by act of war, if they commence it; so that, as far as you are concerned, you may have permanent and just authority to compel them to obey and pay tribute. In this matter you must exercise care and diligence, for it is an affair which needs accuracy, so that the land may be allotted according to the instructions of his Majesty. And in such case you shall agree with the natives upon the season when the Spaniards shall return thither next year; and tell them that they shall come here freely, if they wish, for intercourse and trade with us.
You shall bring in writing a memorandum of the times of harvest and the products of the land; the gold-mines and places where gold is washed; the number of inhabitants, their settlements and customs; whether that river yields cinnamon, and how it should be treated in order to make it good.
Item: You shall obtain information regarding the islands of Limboton [35] and Celebes, the course thither, their products, and bring me a clear statement thereof.
Item: You shall order that no Indian be sold outside the island, representing to them how cruel it is to sell the men of their own land, and that by such an act they offend God and depopulate the land.
Item: You shall order that they cease to rob, within or without the island, warning them that such is an offense to God, our Lord.
And because I have heard that one of the ships of Villalobos was lost for want of a small boat, and in it two large anchors and one half sacre (weighing fourteen quintals, and named "San Marcos"), twelve culverins, and certain pieces of iron ordnance, you shall try to get hold of them all, employing therein much diligence.
You shall try to ascertain where their artillery is, and to secure it, for it is very material that they remain at peace.
And inasmuch as the chief of Mindanao has been deceived for some time by preachers from Borney who preach the doctrine of Mahoma, and it is said that there are preachers there endeavoring to convert them all into Moros; and since our main intention is to convert them to Christianity: you shall order them to admit no more such preachers of the sect of Mahoma. And if you can ascertain who they are, you shall try, to the best of your ability, to bring them here; and shall burn the edifice wherein the accursed doctrine was read and taught, and shall order that none other like it be built. You shall tell the said natives that I will send Christian fathers there, who will instruct them; that already the mosque at Borney is burned, and that there are now no more Bornean preachers. You shall also tell them what occurred in Borney last year.
You shall examine the entrance and port in the river and the ships of the natives; for it will be allowable to take from them those used for piracy, leaving them their fishing and trading vessels.
If the said natives pay tribute, it shall be disposed of in accordance with the custom of that land—namely, one half shall be reserved for his Majesty, and the other half shall be divided among the soldiers, as an aid in their necessity.
And since all the importance of this expedition lies in patience and comfort (because the Indians, having seen that they would soon have to yield, refuse to come down from the mountains), you shall try to make yourself as comfortable as possible, paying special attention to the health and welfare of your troops. And you shall carefully study the country in general, and its water and food-products, so that you may inform yourself better, in order if possible, to preserve health, which is the principal desideratum. In order to guard the health of your men, I charge you specially that you take good care of your sick. You shall put a soldier of good temper in charge of them who shall minister to them. From whatever gold or other property of his Majesty's you may have, the sick shall be provided with fowls or whatever is necessary. You shall especially forbid the soldiers to eat bananas or sugar-cane, or other harmful things, and see that they live decently.
You shall find out from the Indians of that land whether they sail or go to Maluco. You shall ask them whether there are any Christians there; and if there is any Cafre or Christian in Bindanao, you shall secure him.
Having completed matters at Bindanao, you shall return to the port of Cavite. [36] Thence, with what men you deem advisable and with interpreters from Taguima, you shall go to the island of Jolo, where Captain Esteban made an agreement with the king of that place to pay tribute to his Majesty. You shall tell that king that I left Borney for certain reasons, and that I send this other fleet there for the purpose of telling him that he should abide by his obedience, in order not to receive more harm.
You shall ask tribute from the lord of Jolo, but this shall be paid at his pleasure and be very light, inasmuch as he has rendered obedience to his Majesty but recently, and because of the good will he has shown in his Majesty's service, in sending a letter and returning eight slaves that he had there who were taken from the island of Cubu, who were vassals of his Majesty. However, in return for that, Pedro de Oseguera wrote me that two men from Jolo, who had been captured by the men of Cubu, had been given up. If there are any more Joloans there, you may take them, first seeing whether they are Christians and whether they go of their own free will. The priest at Cubu shall declare what it will be right to do in this. You shall tell the said lord of Xolo also that, if he wishes to ask anything else of me, he shall despatch ships hither. They shall be secure from injury, for I have ordered that none molest them; and you shall give him my letter that you have with you. You shall give him a written permit, so that his people may pass freely through our territory, if they show the said letter to the people of this land.
Captain Esteban Rodriguez told me that the lord of Xolo had told him that he would have two or three tame elephants for his Majesty's tribute. You shall ask for them, and if he gives them, you shall bring them here with the utmost care. For that purpose you shall take, wherever you find it, such ship as is most suitable. If he has no tame ones to give you, you shall tell him to have them, at all hazards, next time the Castilians go thither. You shall ascertain the time and manner in which they can be brought here.
You shall likewise show yourself very affable to the lord of Xolo. You shall urge him to persevere in the pearl industry. Both from him and from the inhabitants of Mindanao, you shall ascertain what things they need from China, so that other methods failing, those articles may be taken to them from here.
Inasmuch as Captain Esteban Rodriguez brought certain anchors and pieces of artillery from that island, and did not sound the place where a ship was lost in a storm from the north, if you have opportunity, you shall be careful to do so, taking care to return before the season for sailing is past. On your return you shall see whether Captain Juan Lopez de Aguirre left any cinnamon because unable to bring it in the vessels of his fleet.
Item: When you return by way of Cubu, you shall bring back all his Majesty's vessels there, as well as all the artillery left there by Esteban Rodriguez. You shall bring also a relation of present and past occurrences there.
You shall try to ascertain whether there is any cinnamon in the river of Mindanao. If so, you shall try to bring some of it. You shall try to find out how to treat it, so that it may be of as good quality as that in Castilla; for his Majesty has had us notified that that sent from these districts has not been good. On your way to Cubu, you shall send some one to pacify the tingues [hill-people] of Butuan and to examine the towns reported by Juan Gutierres Cortes, in order to discover the people and ascertain their number and their location. You shall send a cautious man for this, who shall investigate such matters as are necessary. When you leave Cubu, you shall order Pedro Navarro to send to this city all his Majesty's ships in that place, and the artillery taken there by Captain Esteban Rodriguez, as well as whatever else he has there in his keeping, in charge, of a careful man. This must be accomplished by the bonancas of April, for the artillery can be brought more securely then. If any soldier or any one else should die, you shall make an inventory of his possessions, and keep the same. You shall note his name and his birthplace, so that there may be a good account and relation of everything.
Given at Manila, January fifteen, one thousand five hundred and seventy-nine.
Doctor Francisco de Sande
Before me:
Alonso Beltran, his Majesty's notary
In the city of Santisimo Nombre de Jesus, in the Filipinas islands of the West, on the eighteenth day of the month of February, one thousand five hundred and seventy-nine, the illustrious captain Grabiel de Rivera—a person who by order and authorization of the very illustrious Doctor Francisco de Sande, of his Majesty's council, auditor of his royal Audiencia established in the City of Mexico, and his governor and captain-general in these islands, is about to go to pacify and explore the river and island of Mindanao—said that, inasmuch as it is necessary to appoint a notary for the said expedition, in order that he may handle and despatch the business that will arise during it; and inasmuch as Diego Lopez Carreno is a skilful man and qualified to take charge of this: therefore he appointed, and he did appoint, him as notary of the fleet and expedition. He authorized him fully, in so far as he himself is authorized by his Lordship, to enjoy and exercise this power. He ordered him to take the oath and execute the formalities required by law, for the exercise of this power. Then the said Diego Lopez Carreno, who was present, accepted it, according to the order of the said captain. He took the oath before God and the blessed Mary, and on a sign of the cross, upon which he placed his right hand, to exercise the office well and faithfully to the best of his knowledge and understanding, and to commit no fraud, equivocation, or deceit; and, if he did thus, may God so reward him; but if not, then may he be proceeded against.
He affixed his name thereto. Witnesses were Tome de la Ysla, Pedro Navarro, Grabiel de Ribera.
Diego Lopez Carreno, notary
Off the coast of the river of Mindanao, when sailing toward the said river, on the thirteenth day of the month of March, one thousand five hundred and seventy-nine, the illustrious captain, Grabiel de Ribera, met off the coast of the said river, a small boat. His Grace ordered it brought to the side of the flagship, in order to find out whence it was coming and whither bound. When it was brought, it appeared that certain Indians were aboard; through the interpreter, Miguel Godines, who understands the language of the said Indians, they said that they were slaves of Limansacay, king of the said river of Mindanao. The said captain feasted them, gave them some articles that he had brought in his galley, and ordered the said interpreter to inform them that he had come by order and authorization of the very illustrious governor of these islands; that he came in his Majesty's name to pacify the said land, to pacify and quiet the said natives, and to make them friends, vassals, and servants of his Majesty, as are the natives of the other islands. As vassals of King Don Ffelipe, our sovereign, they would be greatly profited, would be protected and aided by the said governor, and his Grace would now protect them in whatever arose and in what they most desired. The reason why he wished to have peace with him, and with the other chiefs of the said river, was because his Majesty wished them to understand the great error and delusion that they labored under, and to recognize their Creator and Lord, who is the only true God. And because they were Indians who could not write and slaves of limited understanding, the captain did not discuss with them more fully his Grace's reason for coming. He asked them to tell the said Limansacay all the above things, and told them that they should have no fear or suspicion of any thing, for his Grace had no authorization to injure or molest them in any way, but only to entertain and protect the said Limansacay and the other chiefs of the said river, as had been done in many other districts, and as is done with all the natives of all the islands. Thereupon the said Indians went away, without any harm or insult being offered them; on the contrary they were feasted.
To all of the above I attest, for it occurred in my presence. Witnesses are Pedro de Oseguerre, Tome de la Ysla, Ensign Melchor de Torres.
Grabiel de Ribera
Before me:
Diego Lopez Carreno, notary-elect
Off the coast of the river of Mindanao, four leagues from the said river, on the fourteenth day of the month of March, one thousand five hundred and seventy-nine, the illustrious captain Grabiel de Ribera, sailing toward the said river met a small boat, and in order to take in water and ascertain their position, ordered it brought to the flagship. When it was brought, it appeared that it contained a Boholan Indian, named Umapas, married in the said island of Mindanao. Two of his brothers-in-law, natives of the said river, accompanied him. Through the interpreter, Miguel Godines, they were asked whence they came and whither they were bound. Through the said interpreter they answered that they were bound for the city of Manila, at the order of Limansacay, king of Mindanao; and that they were taking to his Lordship, the governor, two gold-emblazoned daggers, and two great loaves of wax. Furthermore, the said king ordered them to collect five taes of gold owed him by some Indians. All this, they said, was to be given to the said governor in token of recognition and peace, which they were going, in the name of the said king Limansacay, to ask from the said governor. Upon hearing this, the said captain informed the above-named persons that his Grace was going in the name of his Majesty and by order of his Lordship, in his royal name, to pacify all that region, and to make peace with all the natives thereof.
Therefore his Grace took them with him to the very mouth of the said river, and from there despatched the two brothers-in-law of the said Umapas, who are natives of the said river, in order that they might advise the said Limansacay, king of the said river, that his Grace was commissioned by the said governor to treat with him for peace and alliance, which his father Asututan, now defunct, had requested from King Don Ffelipe, our sovereign. In consideration of Umapas's fear and premonition that the king would behead him if he returned, his Grace despatched the two said brothers-in-law. He ordered them to tell Limasancay, king of the said river, when they reached his presence, of the good resolution that his father had taken, and his great zeal in making peace with his Majesty, and with the governor in his royal name; that his Grace was ready and prepared to receive them as vassals of his Majesty, in whose royal name he was come; and that the king would take them under his royal crown and give them his royal aid. They would be protected and aided on every occasion that might arise, and whenever they needed it. In order to ascertain what were King Limasancay's purposes, and what he intended to do, his Grace would await a reply to it all, for one natural day [i.e., twenty-four hours], anchored at the mouth of the said river of Mindanao. He ordered all the above to be set down in writing, that it might stand in the records, and affixed thereto his signature.
Grabiel de Ribera Miguel Godines
Before me:
Diego Lopez Carreno, notary of the fleet
On the coast of Mindanao, two leagues, more or less, from the said river, on the fourteenth day of the month of March, one thousand five hundred and seventy-nine, the illustrious captain Grabiel de Ribera ordered that the following instructions be imparted to all those in charge of the warships taken by the said captain for the conquest and pacification of the said river and island of Mindanao, and that they should keep it in its entirety.
First, the fragata acting as flagship shall enter first, having on its right the other fragata under command of Sergeant Lope de Catalaraga, and on the left, the two vireys—in order that they may be at hand, if it is necessary that any message be despatched.
Immediately shall enter successively the two Bornean galleys, in charge, of Tome de la Ysla and Juan Rodriguez de Norvega, so that, should it be necessary to fire their artillery, they may do it when the fragatas discharge theirs, for which I shall have the trumpet sounded.
The two virocos shall form a rear-guard, preceding the other viroco, which has a lack of men. All of them shall sail as closely together as possible, and those which sail faster shall await the others, so that we may all keep in order.
No arquebuse shall be fired unless it is necessary, and no one shall disembark without my permission and order.
I order you to observe great care in all the above, and even more in looking after the provisions in your vessels; for we do not know how long we shall stay in the said river, nor do we know whether we can procure provisions there, and because of the long distance from this said river to the town of Santisimo Nombre de Jesus, where we could find the articles necessary for the support of the said fleet. I order you to observe and obey all the above, and not to violate these provisions, under penalty of punishment. I order that all the above instructions be read to each commander of the said vessels, so that he may know it.
Grabiel de Ribera
By order of his Lordship:
Diego Lopez Carreno, notary of the fleet
(On the said day, month, and year aforesaid, I, Diego Lopez Carreno, notary of the fleet, certify that I read the entire instructions of the other part of this present to all those commanding the ships of the said fleet, to each one separately. They all answered that they were ready to observe and obey the contents of the said instructions. Witnesses are Tome de la Ysla and Sergeant Catalinaga, who were present the entire time.
Before me:
Diego Lopez Carreno, notary of the fleet
In the river of Mindanao, at the mouth of the said river, on the fifteenth of the month of March, one thousand five hundred and seventy-nine, the illustrious captain Grabiel de Ribera, after having waited at the mouth of the said river, during the time which he had set with the two messengers whom he sent to Limansancay, king of the said river of Mindanao; and seeing that the above-mentioned persons did not bring any reply to the message that his Grace had sent to the said king (as is set forth in more detail in a certain writing in regard to this matter executed before me the present notary, and to which I refer): notifying and arranging all his fleet, he entered the said river. After having ascended it for about a league or so, and reached the first port in the said river which is settled, a chief called Dato Bandel, accompanied by many Indians, came, bearing a white flag in his hand. He told the said captain that he wished to make peace and alliance with his Majesty, and with him in his royal name. That was his intention, but he was hostile to Limancansay, king of Mindanao, who was settled up the river. Therefore his Grace took with him the said chief, and after arriving at the said village—where, he declared, the said Limasancay lived—he found there certain Indians. He had them summoned, and when they readied the flagship he embraced and regaled them, and made them sit down near him. One of them was a chief, who said through Miguel Godines, interpreter of their language, that his name was Sicuyrey, and that he was a cousin to the said king Limasancay. His Grace set this man next himself, and gave him ornaments and presents from among his store, as well as to the others. His Grace told and informed them that he was come in the name of King Don Ffelipe, our sovereign, and by order of the very illustrious Doctor Francisco de Sande, of his Majesty's council, and his governor and captain-general throughout these islands, to make terms with Limasancay, king of this river of Mindanao, for peace and alliance, and that they might become vassals of his Majesty. He informed them of the great good that would accrue to them all and to the said Limasancay in particular, if he made the said peace and alliance with his Majesty, and with the said governor in his royal name, at whose order his Grace, was come—principally that they might recognize Jesus Christ, the Creator of the whole world, our only salvation. This is his Majesty's principal purpose, and he will entertain and protect them in all things, as is his custom among all the other natives of these islands who are under his royal crown. In order to impart this, and many other things, of advantage to the said Limasancay and to all the natives of this river, it was necessary that Limasancay come to his Grace. If he feared anything, the captain was ready to give him whatever security he wished; for he had not come to molest, but to favor him, according to the orders of the said governor. Sicuyrey, having been informed of all the above matters by the interpreter, answered that the said king, Limasancay, was not at present in that town, but in another, two leagues distant. He said he would go to him and confer with him in regard to everything that the said captain had told him; and that he would bring him back with him, in order that the captain might discuss all those matters. Then they left, and the said captain said that he would await the answer given to the, said Sicuyrey by the said Limasancay; and Sicuyrey went away, together with the others who had come with him. Four hours later, he returned to the said captain with the news that he had talked to his cousin Limasancay, and had told him all his Grace's words. He sent as answer that upon the following day he would come to talk with him, and that he should await him. Upon receiving this reply the said captain said he would wait until the following day. He ordered that no soldier should go ashore or do any damage in the said port to any one, until the plan and purpose of the said king Limasancay was evident, and what he would do in regard to the said alliance and peace that his Grace wished to make with him in accordance with his Majesty's orders. In order that all the above, and the said captain's great zeal and resolution in everything concerning these natives might be properly recorded, he requested me, the present notary, to set it down in writing, so that everything might stand in the records. I certify thereto, for it occurred before me, in the presence of the witnesses, Ensign Melchor de Torres and Pablo de Asequera.
Graviel de Ribera
It took place before me:
Diego Lopez Carreno, notary of the fleet
After the above events, on this said day, month, and year above stated, after all the above had happened in regard to the said chief, the said captain, considering that the said Dato Bahande had come of his own accord to make peace, inasmuch as he came with the said flag, his Grace declared, in the name of his Majesty, and that of the governor in his royal name, that he received him as his vassal, with all his subjects—declaring that hereafter they will molest no Spaniard, will not make war on the Spaniards, and will render assistance in whatever the governor, or whosoever is authorized by him, shall order. He said that he was ready to obey. I certify thereto, in the presence of witnesses Sergeant Catalinaya and Ensign Artiaga.
Before me:
Diego Lopez Carreno, notary of the fleet
While anchored in the river of Mindanao at the port reported to belong to Limansancay, king of the said river, on the fifteenth of the said month of March, one thousand five hundred and seventy-nine, at about four o'clock in the afternoon, or a trifle later, certain Indians of the small boats carried by the ships of the said fleet went ashore at the said port, to look for wood with which to cook their food. It appears that an Indian (from the fragata commanded by Juan Rodriguez de Norvega) who was a native of the town of Cayut, of Tome de la Ysla's encomienda, received five wounds from other natives of the said river of Mindanao who were at the said town—one in the abdomen, which caused his intestines to protrude, and the rest in his arms and thighs. The natives of the said river and village inflicted these wounds on the said Indian treacherously, giving him some buyo, and while he was reaching for it, wounding him. He died as a result and was buried in the said village. Although this injury was inflicted on us, the captain, because he was awaiting the said Limasancay, for the said peace, ordered all the soldiers and the other Indians of the fleet not to harm the natives of the said village, until it was seen what the said Limasancay would do regarding the agreement which he had made with the said captain. In order that this, as well as the death of the said Indian and the wounds he had received, might be evident, the said captain requested me to give him the present writing as certification and attestation in the manner above stated. Witnesses, Ensign Melchor de Torres, Pedro de Esequera, and Diego de Artiaga Gamboa.
Graviel de Ribera
Before me:
Diego Lopez Carreno, notary of the fleet
In the river and village called Mindanao, on the sixteenth of the month of March, one thousand five hundred and seventy-nine, the fleet being anchored at the entrance of the said village, wherein it is said Limasancay, petty king of the said river, usually lives and resides, at about three o'clock or so in the afternoon, in the presence of me, the notary, and the witnesses hereunto subscribed—the illustrious captain, Grabiel de Ribera, being in his flagship—it appears that Sicurey summoned him from the other side of the river. The said captain had sent him, one or two days previously, to summon the said Limasancay. To ascertain the reply of the above king and what the said Sicurey asked from him, his Grace, accompanied by me, the present notary and the witnesses, went to an uninhabited house in the said village and ascended to its top, in order to be able to see and talk with the said Sicurey—who as above stated was on the other side of the river with certain Indians who came with him. Through the interpreter whom his Grace carried he ordered the said Sicurey to be interrogated concerning the reply that he brought to what the said captain had sent him to tell his cousin Limasancay; and the said captain told Sicurey that he should come from the other side of the river in order that he might talk with him, and ascertain what message the said Limasancay sent, what was the latter's intention and purpose, and whether he desired to make the said peace that he had requested in his Majesty's name. To all of this the said Sicurey answered, without coming to his Grace, that he had talked to his cousin, the said Limasancay, who was three days' journey up the river from where the said captain was stationed; that the said village is called Busayen, and that he had told the king everything that he had been ordered to tell. But the king had answered that he was afraid that he would be seized, and for that reason he would not come to see his Grace; but he told Sicurey that he should return thanks to the said captain for the presents which his Grace had given to him and to the others. He would return to talk again with the said Limasancay, and would again ask him to come. The said captain told him that, since he was willing to do him that pleasure, and return again, he should tell the said Limasancay that his Grace did not come to seize or annoy him; for, had he wished to annoy him, he would not have asked as he had that the king come to make peace. The intent of his Majesty, and that of the very illustrious governor, by whose commission and mandate he comes, is only to inform the people in that so great river where they are and live, that they should become vassals of his Majesty, and of the said governor in his royal name, as the natives of other islands have done. If he and the other chiefs give obedience to his Majesty, to whom all render obedience, and are willing to be his vassals and desire to be protected under his royal crown and favor, his Grace would regale them and would not molest or annoy them. They could remain in their own lands and settlement. If they would, of their own volition and without being forced, give some tribute, his Grace would receive it in his Majesty's name, and only in token of obedience and so that it might be understood that they wished peace and were obedient under his royal crown; that they themselves should decide whatever they wished to give for this purpose. If the said Limasancay feared, as he said, that his Grace would seize him, he was prepared to give him any and all security that he might desire, so that he might come to treat with the said captain and that he might understand that the latter has no intention of illtreating him; for if his intention were to molest the king, his Grace had had occasion therefor already, and could have seized the said Sicurey and other chiefs who came to discuss peace with his Grace, as well as a chief called Dato Bahandie. This last has come peacefully and has rendered obedience to his Majesty; and in return therefor the said captain has regaled him and will protect him on every occasion. If the said Limasancay purposes to attempt treachery and deceit toward the said captain, and in short not to come peacefully, he shall send word immediately as to his intention; for, if he do not come peacefully, then his Grace will employ all the correctives and artifices possible, until he leaves this land pacified and its inhabitants as vassals of his Majesty. His Grace has been informed, by natives and chiefs of the said river, that the said Limasancay is preventing and hindering many chiefs from surrendering themselves as vassals of his Majesty, by saying that, if they did, he would persecute and destroy them. Since he prevents this, and refuses to make friendship, as has been required of him, and prevents others from doing so, his Grace, as above stated, will proceed against the said Limasancay by all possible ways and methods, as against a man who prevents the chiefs of the said river from making peace and rendering obedience to his Majesty as they wish: his Grace will also proceed against all his paniaguados, and against all those who refuse peace and obedience to his Majesty. The said Sicurey having heard all the above declaration, and other words to the same effect, replied that he would repeat it all to the said Limasancay, and would return within three days. Because the said village of Mindanao did not contain food for the soldiers, the captain told the said Sicurey that he would await him and his reply in Tampaca, six leagues up the river above the said village of Mindanao. In order that this might appear in the records, I attest and certify the same, which took place before me. Witnesses, Pedro de Eseguera and Ensign Arteaga.
Grabiel de Ribera
Before me:
Diego Lopez Carreno, notary of the fleet
At the river and village of Mindanao, on the seventeenth day of the month of March, one thousand five hundred and seventy-nine, after the illustrious captain, Grabiel Ribera, had waited three days at his anchorage for Limasancay to come, to make peace as he had requested of him; and seeing that he did not come and that food was becoming scarce, and, the said village being depopulated, he could find no food there; and because his Grace had been told by natives of the said river that the said Limasancay was retiring up river to one of his villages, to make a fort there for his defense; and seeing that the king was dealing treacherously, in order to gain time to build the said fort: in order to avoid the possible great danger in allowing the said Limasancay to fortify himself, and likewise because he had heard that the village of Tapaca, about four leagues up the river, contained food, from which the fleet (some vessels of which were in want) might be reprovisioned; to look for and collect certain pieces of artillery which were said to be in the said village, and which were reported to have belonged to the lost Portuguese galley—his Grace on this said day, ascended the river to the said village, for the causes and reasons above stated. I attest the same. Witnesses, Pedro de Eseguera, Ensign Melchor de Torres, and Ensign Arteaga.
Grabiel de Ribera
Before me:
Diego Lopez Carreno, notary of the fleet
In the village of Tapaca, on the nineteenth day of the month of March, one thousand five hundred and seventy-nine, in fulfilment of the order given by the illustrious captain Grabiel de Ribera, after having voyaged for three days up stream to the village of Tapaca, whither his Grace shaped his course, it appears that, at the entrance of the port, the said captain despatched a small barangay with certain Indians and three soldiers. He ordered these to go ahead to notify the chiefs of the said town that his Grace was coming, by order of his Majesty, to pacify the said town and its vicinity; and that the said natives should come peaceably. It appears that, at the entrance of the said village, before talking to any of the natives, according to his Grace's orders, certain culverins and many arrows were discharged at the said barangay. As soon as the said captain learned of this, he ordered immediately all the soldiers and men in the ships of his fleet, to set in order for instant action the cannons, muskets, and other firearms, so that if necessity demanded, they might be fired. When everything was in order, he entered the said village. At the said entrance many culverins and arrows were fired at the said fleet. Consequently his Grace ordered all the soldiers to keep together and not to separate at all. Thus the said captain went up the river to the said village, where he disembarked. Accompanied by me, the present notary, certain soldiers, a chief whom he took as interpreter, named Quilantan, and other chiefs and interpreters, the said captain advanced, carrying a white peace-flag; and he ordered the said chiefs to call out and summon the Indians who were on the other side of the river. Thereupon these latter summoned them, and some of those on the other side came, upon which the said captain ordered his interpreters to ask the said natives why they had fled and deserted the town, and why they had discharged those arrows and culverins, inasmuch as his Grace had given them no cause therefor. He informed them all that he did not come to harm or offend them; he came to this river solely at the command of the very illustrious Doctor Francisco de Sande, of his Majesty's Council, and his governor for all these islands—who had sent his Grace to inform them of the great error and delusion under which they live and labor, and to make them vassals of his Majesty, and of the said governor in his royal name. Being vassals, great gain and advantage would accrue to them, and they would dwell in quiet and peace in their lands and settlements, as at present. They would not be ousted or dispossessed of them, and no person should annoy or molest them. On the contrary, they would be protected, defended, and aided by his Majesty and the very illustrious governor in his royal name. By his Grace also, protection would be given, in whatever required it at present, as he had promised to Dato Bahandie, a native of this village, who, because he came peacefully and rendered obedience to his Majesty, had been received under his royal protection. He and others of his opinion would be protected in all necessities, and on all occasions, as vassals of his Majesty. They should understand that the captain has not come to plunder them or to seize, their possessions, but only for the purpose above stated. If they had any food, his Grace had need of it, and would pay them in full for it. They should return to their houses and land and should not abandon their village. He did not wish them to pay him tribute or other things. While summoning them and notifying them of these and other things which his Grace tried to make them understand, they sent a volley of arrows toward his Grace, and by good luck missed killing one of the said interpreters and chiefs there. And as soon as the said Indians on the other side heard the said summons, they declared that the Castilians were rogues and had come to deceive them. Thereupon the said captain returned to the rest of his men. To all of the above, I, the present notary, certify. Witnesses, Francisco Gomez, Sergeant Lope de Catalinaga, and Juan Rodriguez de Norvega. |