cloves in pits, till the merchants fetch them away. The fourth island, Muthil, is no larger than the rest. This island produces cinnamon; the tree is full of shoots, and in other respects fruitless, it thrives best in a dry soil, and is very much like the pomegranate tree. When the bark cracks through the heat of the sun, it is pulled off the tree, and being dried in the sun a short time becomes cinnamon. Near Muthil is another island, called Bada [Badjan or Batchian], more extensive than the Moluccas; in it the nutmeg grows. The tree is tall and wide-spreading, a good deal like a walnut tree; the fruit too is produced just in the same way as a walnut, being protected by a double covering, first a soft envelope, and under this a thin reticulated membrane which encloses the nut. This membrane we call Muskatbluethe, the Spaniards call it mace, it is an excellent and wholesome spice. Within this is a hard shell, like that of a filbert, inside which is the nutmeg properly so called. Ginger also is produced in all the islands of this archipelago: some is sown, some grows spontaneously; but the sown ginger is the best. The plant is like the saffron-plant, and its root, which resembles the root of saffron, is what we call ginger. Our men were kindly received by the various chiefs, who all, after the example of the King of Thedori, spontaneously submitted themselves to the imperial government. But the Spaniards, having now only two ships, determined to bring with them specimens of all sorts of spices, etc., but to load the ships mainly with cloves, because there had been a very abundant crop of it this season, and the ships could contain a great quantity of this kind of spice. Having laden their ships with cloves, and received letters and presents from the chiefs to the emperor, they prepared to sail away. The letters were filled with assurances of fidelity and respect: the gifts were Indian swords, etc. The most remarkable curiosities were some of the birds, called Mamuco Diata, that is the Bird of God, with which they think themselves safe and invincible in battle. Five of these were sent, one of which I procured from the captain of the ship, and now send it to your lordship—not that you will think it a defence against treachery and violence, but because you will be pleased with its rarity and beauty. I also send some cinnamon, nutmegs, and cloves, that you may see that our spices are not only not inferior to those imported by the Venetians and Portuguese, but of superior quality, because they are fresher. Soon after our men had sailed from Thedori, the larger of the two ships [the Trinidad] sprang a leak, which let in so much water, that they were obliged to return to Thedori. The Spaniards seeing that this defect could not be put right except with much labor and loss of time, agreed that the other ship [the Victoria] should sail to the Cape of Cattigara, thence across the ocean as far as possible from the Indian coast, lest they should be seen by the Portuguese, until they came in sight of the southern point of Africa, beyond the tropic of Capricorn, which the Portuguese call the Cape of Good Hope, for thence the voyage to Spain would be easy. It was also arranged that, when the repairs of the other ship were completed, it should sail back through the archipelago and the Vast [Pacific] Ocean to the coast of the continent which we have already mentioned [South America], until they came to the Isthmus of Darien, where only a narrow neck of land divides the South Sea from the Western Sea, in which are the islands belonging to Spain. The smaller ship accordingly set sail again from Thedori, and though they went as far as twelve degrees south, they did not find Cattigara, [236] which Ptolemy considered to lie considerably south of the equator; however after a long voyage, they arrived in sight of the Cape of Good Hope, and thence sailed to the Cape Verde Islands. Here this ship also, after having been so long at sea, began to be leaky, and the men, who had lost several of their companions through hardships in the course of their adventures, were unable to keep the water pumped out. They therefore landed at one of the islands called Santiago, to buy slaves. As our men, sailor-like, had no money, they offered cloves in exchange for slaves. When the Portuguese officials heard of this, they committed thirteen of our men to prison. The rest, eighteen in number, being alarmed at the position in which they found themselves, left their companions behind, and sailed direct to Spain. Sixteen months after they had sailed from Thedori, on the sixth of September 1522 they arrived safe and sound at a port [San Lucar] near Seville. These sailors are certainly more worthy of perpetual fame, than the Argonauts who sailed with Jason to Colchis; and the ship itself deserves to be placed among the constellations more than the ship Argo. For the Argo only sailed from Greece through the Black Sea; but our ship setting put from Seville sailed first southwards, then through the whole of the West, into the Eastern Seas, then back again into the Western.
I humbly commend myself to your Most Reverend Lordship.
Written at Valladolid twenty-fourth of October 1522.
Your Most Reverend and Most Illustrious Lordship's
Most humble and perpetual servant,
Maximilianus Transylvanus.
Cologne—[printed] at the house of Eucharius Cervicornus. A.D. 1523—in the month of January.
Bibliographical Data
The Line of Demarcation
Papal Bulls of 1493.—The originals of the bulls of May 3 and 4 exist in the archives of the Vatican; and authenticated copies are in the Archivo general de Indias at Seville, their pressmark being "Patronato, Simancas—Bulas; Est. 1, caj. 1, leg. 1." The Archivo Nacional of Lisbon (which is housed in the Torre do Tombo) has one of the originals of the Bull of May 4—pressmark, "Gaveta 10, maco 11, n deg.. 16." The Inter caetera of May 3 was not known to be in existence until 1797, when it was discovered by Munoz in the Simancas archives (from which many documents have since been transferred to the archives at Seville); in recent years it has been found in those of the Vatican also. There is in the British Museum a MS. copy (in Spanish translation) of the Bull of May 4—its pressmark being "Papeles varias de Indias, 13,977." The Bull of September 25 is known only through the Spanish translation made (August 30, 1554) by Grecian de Aldrete, secretary of Felipe II of Spain; this is at Seville, with pressmark as above. Harrisse could not find the Latin original of this document at Simancas Seville, or Rome. For the bulls of May 3 and 4 our translation is made from the Latin text given in Heywood's Documenta selecta et tabulario secreto Vaticano (Roma, 1893), pp.14-26; that contains also photographic facsimiles of the original bulls. Certain formal ecclesiastical phrases which Heywood only indicates by "etc." have been, for the sake of completeness, translated in full in the first bull. The bulls are also published in Raynaldi's Annales ecclesiastici (Lucae, Typis Leonardi Venturini, MDCCLIV), xi, pp. 213-215; Hernaez's Colecion de bulas, breves, etc. (Bruselas, 1879), i, pp. 12-16; Doc. ined. Amer. y Oceania, xxxiv, pp. 14-21; and in Fonti Italiani (Roma, 1892), part iii. The bull Inter caetera of May 3 may also be found in Navarrete's Col. de viages, ii, pp. 23-27 (ed. 1825; or pp. 29-33, ed. 1859); Eximiae of same date, in Solorzano's De jure Indiarum (Madrid, 1629), i, pp. 612, 613. Inter caetera of May 4 is also given in Solorzano, p. 610; Alguns documentos, (Lisboa, MDCCCXCII), pp. 65-68; and Calvo's Recueil complet de traites de l'Amerique latine (Paris, 1862), i (premiere periode), pp. 1-15, in both Latin and Spanish versions. For the Bull of September 25 we have used the Spanish text, which Navarrete gives ut supra, pp. 404-406 (449-451, 2d ed.)—Solorzano's Latin version, which has been followed by Hernaez and other editors, being probably only a retranslation from the Spanish. For good discussions of these bulls and of the Demarcation Line, with abundant citations of authorities, see Bourne's "Demarcation Line of Pope Alexander VI," in Amer. Hist. Assn. Rep., 1891, pp. 101-130 (republished in Yale Review, May, 1892), and in his Essays in Historical Criticism (N. Y., 1901), pp. 193-217; S.E. Dawson's "Lines of Demarcation of Pope Alexander VI, and the Treaty of Tordesillas," in Canad. Roy. Soc. Trans., 1899, sec. ii, pp. 467-546; and Harrisse's Diplomatic History of America (London, 1897).
Treaty of Tordesillas (June 7, 1494).—The original MS. of this document is in the Seville archives—pressmark, "Simancas—Bulas; est. 1, caj. 1, leg. 1." It is also found in the Torre do Tombo of Lisbon—its pressmark being "Gaveta 17, maco 2, n deg.. 24;" there is another copy—pressmark "Gaveta 18, maco 2, n deg.. 2"—apparently a duplicate of the former. The text of the treaty is published in G. Fa de Martens's Traites de l'Europe, Supplement (Gottingue, 1802), i, pp. 372-388; Navarrete's Col. de viages, ii, pp. 130-143 (147-162, 2nd ed.); Alguns documentos, pp. 69-80; Calvo's Recueil de traites, i, pp. 16-36; and Doc. ined. Amer. y Oceania, xxxvi, pp. 54-74. Our translation is made from the version in Alguns documentos, as that most closely following the original; and in foot-notes are indicated some of the variations of Navarrete's text from that in Alguns documentos.
Compact between the monarchs of Spain and Portugal (April 15, 1495).—The original MS. of this document is in the Seville archives "Patronato Real." We translate from Navarrete, ut supra, ii, pp. 170-173 (192-195, 2d ed.). It is published also in Doc. ined. Amer. y Oceania, xxxviii, pp. 336-341.
Papal Bull, Praecelsae (Nov. 3, 1514).—The original of this bull exists in Torre do Tombo, Lisbon—pressmark, "Maco 20 de bullas, n deg.. 18;" it is written on parchment, and covers twenty folios. It is printed in full in Corpo diplomatico portuguez (Lisboa, 1862), i, pp. 275-298; and a brief synopsis is given (in Portuguese) in Alguns documentos, p. 366. We present a similar synopsis, with a short extract from the bull.
Letters of Carlos I (1523).—The originals of these documents are in the Seville archives, in "Patronato Real." We translate from the text in Navarrete, ut supra, vol. iv (1837), as follows: instructions to the ambassadors, pp. 301-305; letter to Zuniga, pp. 312-320.
Treaty of Vitoria (Feb. 19, 1524).—The original is in the Seville archives—pressmark, "Papeles del Maluco, de 1519 a 1547, leg deg.. 1 deg.." The translation here published is made from Navarrete, ut supra, pp. 320-326.
Junta of Badajoz (April-May, 1524).—The originals of these documents are at Seville, in the "Patronato Real." The copies made therefrom by Juan Bautista Munoz, in pursuance of orders given him by Carlos IV to write a history of Spanish discovery and conquest, are in the library of the Real Academia de la Historia, Madrid. Our translations and synopses are made from Navarrete's text, ut supra, as follows: extract from the records of possession and ownership, pp. 355-368; opinions of Spanish astronomers and pilots, pp. 333-355; letters to Spanish deputies, pp. 326-333.
Treaty of Zaragoza (April 22, 1529).—The original of this document is in Torre do Tombo, Lisbon—pressmark, "Gaveta 18, maco 8, n deg.. 29." Our translation is made from the text in Alguns documentos, pp. 495-512. This treaty has been published also in Navarrete, ut supra, pp. 389-406; and in Martens's Supp. Traites de l'Europe, i, pp. 398-421. It was appended to the treaty of 1750 between Spain and Portugal.
Papal Bull, Eximiae (Nov. 16, 1501)
Our translation is made from Navarrete, ut supra, ii, pp. 408, 409 (454, 455, 2d ed.). The bull is published also in Hernaez's Col. de bulas, i, pp. 20-25; and in Doc. ined. Amer. y Oceania xxxiv, pp. 22-29.
Life and Voyage of Fernao de Magalhaes
Our resume of various contemporary documents is made from Navarrete, ut supra, iv (1837), pp. 110-406. The MS. of the letter of authorization to Falero and Magallanes is in Torre do Tombo, Lisbon—pressmark, "Gaveta 18, maco 8, n deg.. 39." It is published in Alguns documentos, pp. 418, 419, from which our translation is made. The originals of the letters of 1519 (from copies of which we translate except instructions to Cartagena, from Alguns documentos) are in Torre do Tombo—their respective pressmarks as follows: letter of Carlos I to Manuel, "Gaveta 18, maco 5, n deg.. 26;" instructions to Cartagena, "Corpo chron., parte 3a, maco 7, n deg.. 18;" letter of Carlos I to Magallanes and Falero, "Corpo chron., parte 1a, maco 24, n deg.. 64." These letters are published in Alguns documentos, pp. 422-430. The letter of 1522 is translated from a copy of the original MS. in the Simancas archives—pressmark, "Secretaria de Estada, leg. 367, fol. 94."
De Molvccis Insulis. The first edition of this book was printed in January, 1523, at Cologne, by Hirzhorn (Latinized as Cervicornus). In November, 1523, it was published at Rome by Minitius Calvus, also second edition February, 1524. There has been much controversy regarding the priority of the Cologne edition, some writers claiming that it was really issued in 1524; but the question is apparently settled by the fact that Johann Schoener cites the book in his letter (written in 1523) to Reimer von Streitberg (Streytpergk); see Stevens's Johann Schoner (London, MDCCCLXXXVIII), pp. 99, 153. We reproduce here the translation made by the late Henry Stevens (ut supra, pp. 103-146); it is accompanied therein (pp. 57-90) by a phototypographic facsimile of the original print. Fuller details regarding this work will appear in the volume devoted to bibliography, which will be published at the end of this series.
Chronological Tables
List of Roman Pontiffs
Alexander VI (Rodrigo Borgia, or Lenzuoli).—Born Jan. 1, 1431; became pontiff, Aug. 11, 1492; died Aug. 18, 1503.
Pius III (Francesco Todischini Piccolomini).—Born May 9, 1439; became pontiff, Sept. 22, 1503; died Oct. 18, 1503.
Julius II (Guiliano della Rovere).—Born Dec. 15, 1443; became pontiff, Oct. 31 or Nov. 1, 1503; died Feb. 2, 1513.
Leo X (Giovanni de' Medici).—Born Dec. 11, 1475; became pontiff, March 11, 1513; died Dec. 1, 1521.
Hadrianus VI (Florian Boyers).—Born Mar. 2, 1459; became pontiff, Jan. 9, 1522; died Sept. 14, 1523.
Clemens VII (Giulio de' Medici).—Born 1475 (?); became pontiff, Nov. 19, 1523; died Sept. 26, 1534.
Paulus III (Alessandro Farnese).—Born Feb. 28, 1468; became pontiff, Oct. 13, 1534; died Nov. 10, 1549.
Julius III (Giovanni Maria de Ciocchi del Monte).—Born Sept. 10, 1487; became pontiff, Feb. 8, 1550; died Mar. 23, 1555.
Marcellus II (Marcello Cervini).—Born May 6, 1501; became pontiff, Apr. 9, 1555; died May 1, 1555.
Paulus IV (Giovanni Pietro Caraffa).—Born June 28, 1476; became pontiff, May 23, 1555; died Aug. 18, 1559.
Pius IV (Giovanni Angelo de' Medici).—Born Mar. 31, 1499; became pontiff, Dec. 26, 1559; died Dec. 9, 1565.
Pius V (Michele Ghisleri).—Born Jan. 17, 1504; became pontiff, Jan. 7, 1566; died May 1, 1572.
Gregorius XIII (Ugo Buoncompagno).—Born Feb. 7, 1502; became pontiff, May 13, 1572; died Apr. 10, 1585.
Sixtus V (Felice Peretto).—Born Dec. 13, 1521; became pontiff, Apr. 24, 1585; died Aug. 27, 1590.
Urbanus VII (Giovanni Battista Castagna).—Born Aug. 4, 1521; became pontiff, Sept. 15, 1590; died Sept. 27, 1590.
Gregorius XIV (Nicola Sfondrati).—Born Feb. 11, 1535; became pontiff, Dec. 5, 1590; died Oct. 15, 1591.
Innocentius IX (Giovanni Antonio Facchinetti).—Born July 20, 1519; became pontiff, Oct. 29, 1591; died Dec. 30, 1591.
Clemens VIII (Ippolito Aldobrandini).—Born Feb. 24, 1536; became pontiff, Jan. 30, 1592; died Mar. 3, 1605.
Leo XI (Alessandro Ottaviano de' Medici).—Born 1535; became pontiff, Apr. 1, 1605; died Apr. 27, 1605.
Paulus V (Camillo Borghese).—Born Sept. 17, 1552; became pontiff, May 16, 1605; died Jan. 28, 1621.
Gregorius XV (Alessandro Ludovisio).—Born Jan. 9, 1554; became pontiff, Feb. 9, 1621; died July 8, 1623.
Urbanus VIII (Maffeo Barberini).—Born Mar. 26, 1568; became pontiff, Aug. 6, 1623; died July 29, 1644.
Innocentius X (Giovanni Battista Pamfilio).—Born Mar. 7, 1572 (or 1573); became pontiff, Sept. 15, 1644; died Jan. 7, 1655.
Alexander VII (Fabio Chigi).—Born Feb. 13, 1599; became pontiff, Apr. 7, 1655; died May 22, 1667.
Clemens IX (Giulio Rospigliosi).—Born Jan. 28, 1600; became pontiff, June 20, 1667; died Dec. 9, 1669.
Clemens X (Giovanni Battista Emilio Altieri).—Born July 15, 1590; became pontiff, Apr. 29, 1670; died July 22, 1676.
Innocentius XI (Benedetto Odescalchi).—Born May 16, 1611; became pontiff, Sept. 21, 1676; died Aug. 12, 1689.
Alexander VIII (Pietro Ottoboni).—Born Apr. 10, 1610; became pontiff, Oct. 6, 1689; died Feb. 1, 1691.
Innocentius XII (Antonio Pignatelli).—Born Mar. 13, 1615; became pontiff, July 12, 1691; died Sept. 27, 1700.
Clemens XI (Giovanni Francesco Albani).—Born July 23, 1649; became pontiff, Nov. 23, 1700; died Mar. 19, 1721.
Innocentius XIII (Michel Angelo Conti).—Born May 15, 1655; became pontiff, May 8, 1722; died Mar. 7, 1724.
Benedictus XIII (Vicenzo Marco Orsino).—* Born Feb. 2, 1649; became pontiff, May 29, 1724; died Feb. 21, 1730.
Clemens XII (Lorenzo Corsini).—Born Apr. 11 (?), 1652; became pontiff, July 12, 1730; died Feb. 6, 1740.
Benedictus XIV (Prospero Lambertini).—Born Mar. 31, 1675; became pontiff, Aug. 17, 1740; died May 3, 1758.
Clemens XIII (Carlo Rezzonico).—Born Mar. 17, 1693; became pontiff, July 6, 1758; died Feb. 2, 1769.
Clemens XIV (Giovanni Vincenzo Antonio Ganganelli).—Born Oct. 31, 1705; became pontiff, May 19, 1769; died Sept. 22, 1774.
Pius VI (Giovanni Angelo Braschi).—Born Dec. 27, 1717; became pontiff, Feb. 15, 1775; died Aug. 29, 1799.
Pius VII (Gregorio Barnaba Luigi Chiaramonti).—Born Aug. 14, 1742; became pontiff, Mar. 14, 1800; died Aug. 20, 1823.
List of the Rulers of Spain
House of Castilla and Aragon
Isabel I of Castilla.—Born at Madrigal de las Altas Torres (Avila), April 22, 1451; daughter of Juan II of Castilla and Isabel of Portugal. Married Fernando II of Aragon, Oct. 18 or 19, 1469. Succeeded her brother Enrique IV on the throne of Castilla and Leon; proclaimed queen Dec. 13, 1474. Died at Medina del Campo (Valladolid), Nov. 26, 1504. Named as her heirs her daughter Juana and the latter's husband, Philip of Austria; and appointed Fernando (now V of Castilla) regent of Castilla and Leon during the minority of Juana's son Carlos. Fernando and Isabel were styled "the Catholic Sovereigns."
Fernando V of Castilla (II of Aragon and Navarra).—Born at Sos (Zaragoza), May 10, 1452; son of Juan II and Juana Enriquez of Aragon and Navarra. Died at Madrigalejo, Jan. 23, 1516. During Isabel's life, was king-consort, and governed her dominions only by virtue of this relation; after her death, was regent only of Castilla, which dignity he held until his death, except from June 27, 1506, to Aug. 21, 1507, during which period he retired to Aragon, in favor of Juana's husband Philip. Inheriting the throne of Aragon and Navarra (Jan. 20, 1479), his marriage with Isabel (1469) and their conquest of Granada (1492) united under one monarchy the provinces now comprised in the country of Spain.
Juana.—Born at Toledo, in 1479; second daughter of Isabel and Fernando. Married Philip of Austria, Oct. 20 or 21, 1496. Died at Tordesillas, April 11, 1555. Reigned from Nov. 26, 1504, until her death—jointly with her husband, during his life; and with her son thereafter—but under her father's regency until 1516; during her reign she was more or less subject to insanity, and was but nominally queen, seldom exercising royal powers, and living in strict seclusion. Known as "la Loca," "the Mad."
House of Austria
Felipe I (Philip of Austria).—Born at Bruges, July 22, 1478; son of Maximilian I, emperor of Germany, and Maria de Borgona. By his marriage to Juana, was king-consort of Castilla from Nov. 26, 1504, until his death. Died at Burgos, Sept. 25, 1506. Styled "el Hermoso," "the Beautiful."
Carlos I (Charles V, emperor of Germany).—Born at Ghent, Feb. 25, 1500; son of Felipe I and Juana. Landed in Spain in 1517. Married Isabel of Portugal (daughter of Manoel), March 11, 1526. Abdicated in favor of his son Felipe II, Jan. 16, 1556; died at monastery of Yuste, Aug. 30, 1558. Elected Emperor of Germany in June, 1519. Reigned over Spain jointly with Juana. During his minority, Fernando was regent until his death (1516); thereafter Cardinal Jiminez (Ximenes) de Cisneros acted in that capacity until the latter's death (Nov. 8, 1517); with the cardinal was associated, nominally, Adrian, dean of Louvain.
Felipe II.—Born at Vallodolid, May 21, 1527; son of Carlos I and Isabel. Married Maria, daughter of Joao III of Portugal, Nov. 15, 1543; Mary Tudor of England, July 25, 1554; Marie Elisabeth of Valois, Feb. 2, 1560; Anna of Austria, in 1570. Acted as regent for his father from June 23, 1551 until March 28, 1556, when he was proclaimed king. Died at the Escorial, Sept. 13, 1598. Became king of Portugal in April, 1581, taking the oath at Lisbon.
Felipe III.—Born at Madrid, April 14, 1578; son of Felipe II and Anna of Austria. Married Margaret of Austria, Nov. 13, 1598, two months after his accession to the throne. Died at Madrid, March 31, 1621. Surnamed "el Piadoso," "the Pious."
Felipe IV.—Born at Valladolid, April 8, 1605; son of Felipe III and Margaret. Married Isabel of Bourbon, in 1615; Mariana of Austria, in 1649. Succeeded his father as king, and died at Madrid, Sept. 17, 1665. The sovereignty of Spain over Portugal ceased Dec. 1, 1640.
Carlos II.—Born Nov. 6, 1661; son of Felipe IV and Mariana. Married Marie Louise of Orleans, in 1679; Mariana of Bavaria, in 1690. Died Nov. 1, 1700, the last Spanish ruler of the house of Austria. During his minority his mother was regent (Sept. 17, 1665 to Nov. 16, 1675). Surnamed "el Hechizado," "the Bewitched."
House of Bourbon
Felipe V (Philip of Anjou).—Born at Versailles, Dec. 19, 1683; son of Louis, dauphin of France, and Mariana of Bavaria. Proclaimed king Nov. 24, 1700. Married Maria Louisa of Savoy, Sept. 11, 1701; Isabel Farnese, Sept. 16, 1714. Abdicated in favor of his son Luis I, Jan. 10, 1724; but resumed the government on Sept. 6 following, in consequence of Luis's death. Died at Madrid, July 9, 1746. The Spanish crown was bequeathed to him by Carlos II.
Luis I.—Born Aug. 5, 1707; son of Felipe V and Maria Louisa. Married Louise Elisabeth of Orleans, Nov. 16, 1721. By his father's abdication of the throne Luis was nominally king from Jan. 19, 1724 until his death, Aug. 31 following.
Fernando VI.—Born Sept. 23, 1713; son of Felipe V and Maria Louisa. Married Maria Teresa Barbara of Braganza, Jan. 19, 1729. Died at Villaviciosa de Odon (Madrid), Aug. 10, 1759.
Carlos III.—Born at Madrid, Jan. 20, 1716; son of Felipe V and Isabel Farnese. Married Maria Amalia of Saxony. Died at Madrid, Dec. 14, 1788.
Carlos IV.—Born Nov. 11, 1748; son of Carlos III. Married Maria Louisa of Parma. Proclaimed king, Jan. 17, 1789; abdicated the throne March 18, 1808; died at Naples, Jan. 19, 1819.
List of the Rulers of Portugal
House of Aviz
Joao II.—Born at Lisbon, May 3, 1455; son of Affonso V. Married Leonor de Lancaster, Jan. 22, 1471. Reigned from Aug. 31, 1481 until his death. Died at Villa de Alvor, Oct. 25, 1495. Styled "the Perfect Prince," also "the Great," and "the Severe."
Manoel.—Born May 31, 1469; cousin of Joao II. Married Isabel of Castilla (eldest daughter of Fernando and Isabel), in 1497; Maria, her sister, Oct. 30, 1500; Leonora, sister of Charles V of Germany in 1518. Died Dec. 13, 1521. Styled "the Fortunate."
Joao III.—Born at Lisbon, June 6, 1502; son of Manoel and Maria. Reigned from Dec. 19, 1521, until his death, June 11, 1557. Married Catarina sister of Charles V of Germany.
Sebastiao.—Born Jan. 20, 1554; grandson of Joao III. Slain in battle, Aug. 4, 1578. His grandmother Catarina acted as regent during his minority (1557-68).
Henrique.—Born at Lisbon, Jan. 31, 1512; son of Manoel; became a cardinal in the Roman church. Reigned from Aug. 29, 1578 until Jan. 31, 1580; had been associated with Catarina in the regency.
Antonio.—Born in 1531; grandson (but regarded by most writers as illegitimate) of Manoel. Reigned from June 19 to Sept. 2, 1580.
House of Austria (Spain)
Filippe I.—Reigned from Sept. 2, 1580 (taking oath at Lisbon in April, 1581), to Sept. 13, 1598. See Felipe II of Spain.
Filippe II.—Reigned from Sept. 13, 1598 to Mar 31, 1621. See Felipe III of Spain.
Filippe III.—Reigned from Mar. 31, 1621 to Nov. 31, 1640. See Felipe IV of Spain.
House of Braganza
Joao IV.—Born March 19, 1604; son of Theodosio II, duke of Braganza, and Ana de Velasco. Married Luiza de Guzman, Jan. 13, 1633. Reigned from Dec. 1, 1640 until his death, Nov. 6, 1656. Styled "the Fortunate."
Affonso VI.—Born Aug. 21, 1643; son of Joao IV and Luiza. Married Maria Francesca Isabel of Savoy, in 1666. Compelled to renounce the throne, as incompetent, Nov. 23, 1667. Died at Cintra, Sept. 12, 1683. During his minority, his mother acted as regent (Nov. 6, 1656 to June 22, 1662); during the latter part of his reign, his brother Pedro.
Pedro II.—Born April 26, 1648; son of Joao IV. Married Maria Francesca Isabel of Savoy, March 27, 1668; Maria Sophia Elizabeth of Bavaria, in 1687. Died Dec. 9, 1706. Regent for Affonso, from Nov. 23, 1667 until the latter's death; king, from Sept. 12, 1683 to Dec. 9, 1706.
Joao V.—Born at Lisbon, Oct. 22, 1689; son of Pedro II. Married Maria Anna of Austria, July 9, 1708. Reigned from Jan. 1, 1707 until his death, July 31, 1750.
Jose I.—Born June 6, 1714; son of Joao V. Married Mariana Victoria, Dec. 27, 1727. Reigned from his father's death until his own, Feb. 24, 1777.
Maria I.—Born in 1734; daughter of Jose I. Married Pedro, younger brother of Jose (and her uncle), in 1760. Died at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1816. Reigned jointly with her husband, Feb. 24, 1777 until his death (1786); but as she became insane, her son Joao VI acted as regent until her death.
Pedro III.—Reigned jointly with his wife, Maria I, until his death (1786).
Joao VI.—Born at Lisbon, May 13, 1769; son of Maria I and Pedro III. Married Carlotta of Spain. Reigned from Mar. 16, 1816 to March 10, 1826; but had been regent for Maria since 1799, and had been in charge of the government from March 10, 1792.
[1] Documents marked with an asterisk are printed in both the original language and English translation.
[2] The Philippine Islands, Moluccas, Siam, Cambodia, Japan, and China at the close of the Sixteenth Century, by Antonio de Morga, Hakluyt Society, London, 1868, p. 265. This will be cited usually as Morga.
[3] "The crown and sceptre of Spain has come to extend itself over all that the sun looks on, from its rising to its setting." Morga, p 6. Down to the end of the year 1844 the Manilan calendar was reckoned after that of Spain, that is, Manila time was about sixteen hours slower than Madrid time. Finally, with the approval of the Archbishop in 1844, the thirty-first of December was dropped and the Philippines transferred, so to speak, into the Eastern Hemisphere. Thenceforward Manila time was about eight hours ahead of Madrid time. Jagor: Reisen in den Philippinen, pp. 1-2.
[4] For a fuller account of the negotiations relating to these bulls and the Treaty of Tordesillas see Harrisse: Diplomatic History of America, 1452-1494, S.E. Dawson: The Lines of Demarcation of Pope Alexander VI and the Treaty of Tordesillas, or E.G. Bourne: Essays in Historical Criticism. The texts are printed in this volume.
[5] The names used by Columbus in his interview with the King of Portugal. Ruy de Pina: Chronica d'el rey Joao II, Collecao de Livros Ineditos de Historia Portugueze, ii, p. 177.
[6] This is also Harrisse's view, Diplomatic History of America, p. 74.
[7] "Sabese la concession del Papa Alexandro; la division del mundo como una naranja." Letter of Alonso de Zuazo to Charles V, January 22, 1518. Docs. Ined. de Indias, i, p. 296 (From Harrisse, p. 174). Cf. also Maximilianus Transylvanus in First Voyage Round the World by Magellan. Hakluyt Society, p. 185.
[8] The question is fully discussed in Guillemard's Life of Ferdinand Magellan, pp. 68-69.
[9] Guillemard, Magellan, p. 71.
[10] First Voyage Round the World by Magellan, p. 187.
[11] Navarrete, Coleccion de los Viages y Descubrimientos, etc., iv, p. 117.
[12] Las Casas: Historia de las Indias. Col. de Docs. Ined. para la Historia de Espana, lxv, pp. 376-377. This account by Las Casas apparently has been overlooked by English writers on Magellan. It is noticed by Peschel, Geschichte des Zeitalters der Entdeckungen, p. 488.
[13] See Guillemard's comparison between the voyages of Columbus and Magellan in Life of Magellan, p. 258.
[14] See Pigafetta's account in The First Voyage Round the World by Magellan, p. 74.
[15] Pigafetta, ibid., p. 76.
[16] The description of the Philippines and their inhabitants which we owe to the Italian Pigafetta who accompanied Magellan is especially noteworthy not only as the first European account of them, but also as affording a gauge by which to estimate the changes wrought by the Spanish conquest and the missions.
[17] See E. G. Bourne: Essays in Historical Criticism, pp. 209-211 for an account of the Badajos Junta which attempted to settle the question of the rights to the Moluccas. The documents are in Navarrete, iv, pp. 333-370, a somewhat abridged translation of which is presented in this volume. Sandoval attributes the sale of the Moluccas to Charles's financial straits. Navarrete, iv, xx. The treaty of sale is in Navarrete, iv, pp. 389-406.
[18] Navarrete, iv, p. 394.
[19] Navarrete, iv, p. 396.
[20] See the correspondence in Col. de Doc. Ineditos de Ultramar, vol. ii (vol. i of subdivision de las Islas Filipinas), p. 66.
[21] Relacion del Viaje que hizo desde la Nueva-Espana a las Islas del Poniente Ruy Gomez de Villalobos, written by Garcia Descalante Alvarado. Coleccion de Docs. Ined. del Archivo de Indias v, p. 127. The name was first given in July or August 1543 to some of the smaller islands in the group. On page 122, Alvarado writes "chinos que vienen a Mindanao y a las Philipinas." Montero y Vidal says that the island first to receive the name was Leyte. Hist. Gen. de Filipinas, i, p. 27, In 1561, Urdaneta uses "las islas Filipinas" in the ordinary way; see his "Derrotero" prepared for the expedition. Col. Docs. Ined. vol. i, p. 130 ff.
[22] Col. de Docs. Ined. de Ultramar, vol. ii, pp. 95-96.
[23] Ibid., pp. 109-111.
[24] In September, 1568, a Portuguese squadron despatched by the Governor of the Moluccas appeared off Cebu to drive the Spaniards out of the Visayan Islands. The commander satisfied himself with diplomatic protests. Montero y Vidal: Hist. Gen. de Filipinas, i, p. 34.
[25] Montero y Vidal, i, pp. 41-42.
[26] Juan de Grijalva. From W.E. Retana's extracts from his Cronica de la Orden de N.P.S. Augustin en las provincias de la Nueva Espana, etc. (1533-1592) in Retana's edition of Zuniga's Estadismo de las Islas Filipinas, ii. p. 219 ff. Juan de Salcedo after being promoted to the high rank of Maestre de Campo (an independent command) died suddenly in 1576 at the age of twenty-seven. Far from amassing wealth in his career he died poor. In his will he provided that after the payment of his debts the residue of his property should be given to certain Indians of his encomienda. Ibid., p. 615.
[27] This account of the conversion is based on Grijalva's contemporary narrative; see Retana's Zuniga, ii, pp. 219-220.
[28] Montero y Vidal, i, p. 59.
[29] Retana's Zuniga, ii, p. 222; Morga, Hakluyt Society edition, pp. 307-308; Montero y Vidal, i, p. 60.
[30] He was lieutenant to the Governor and the first justice to be appointed to the supreme court (Audiencia) on its reorganization. His Sucesos de la islas Philipinas—Mexici ad Indos, anno 1609, is a work of great rarity. It was reprinted in Paris in 1890 with annotations by the Filipino author and patriot, Dr. Jose Rizal and with an Introduction by Blumentritt. Rizal tries to show that the Filipinos have retrograded in civilization under Spanish rule; cf. Retana's comments in his Zuniga, ii, p. 277. The references to Morga to follow are to the Hakluyt Society edition.
[31] A natural transference of the familiar name in Spain for Mohammedans.
[32] Morga, pp. 296-297.
[33] Footnote 32: Morga. p. 323.
[34] Relacion de las Encomiendas existentes en Filipinas el dia 31 de Mayo de 1591. in Retana: Archivo del Bibliofilo Filipino, iv, pp. 39-112.
[35] Mendoza, The History of the Great and Mighty Kingdom of China. Hakluyt Society edition, ii, p. 263.
[36] Printed in Retana's Archivo, iii, pp. 3-45.
[37] "Of little avail would have been the valor and constancy with which Legaspi and his worthy companions overcame the natives of the islands, if the apostolic zeal of the missionaries had not seconded their exertions, and aided to consolidate the enterprise. The latter were the real conquerors; they who without any other arms than their virtues, gained over the good will of the islanders, caused the Spanish name to be beloved, and gave the king, as it were by a miracle, two millions more of submissive and Christian subjects." Tomas de Comyn, State of the Philippine Islands, etc., translated by William Walton, London, 1821, p. 209. Comyn was the general manager of the Royal Philippine Company for eight years in Manila and is described by his latest editor, Senor del Pan, editor of the Revista de Filipinas, as a man of "extensive knowledge especially in the social sciences." Retana characterizes his book as "un libro de merito extraordinario," Zuniga, ii, pp. 175-76. Mallat says: "C'est par la seule influence de la religion que l'on a conquis les Philippines, et cette influence pourra seule les conserver." Les Philippines, histoire, geographie, moeurs, agriculture, industrie et commerce des Colonies espagnoles dans l'oceanie. Par J. Mallat, Paris, 1846, i, p. 40. I may say that this work seems to me the best of all the modern works on the Philippines. The author was a man of scientific training who went to the islands to study them after a preparatory residence in Spain for two years.
[38] Morga, p. 325.
[39] Mallat, i, p. 389.
[40] Morga, p. 320.
[41] Mallat, i, pp. 382-385.
[42] Morga, p. 312. Mallat, ii, p. 240.
[43] Morga, p. 313. Mallat, ii, p. 244.
[44] The first regular hospital in the thirteen colonies was the Pennsylvania Hospital, incorporated in 1751. Patients were first admitted in 1752. Cornell, History of Pennsylvania, pp. 409-411. There are references to a hospital in New Amsterdam in 1658, but the New York hospital was the first institution of the kind of any importance. It was founded in 1771, but patients were not admitted till 1791. Memorial History of New York, iv, p. 407. There was no hospital for the treatment of general diseases in Boston until the nineteenth century. The Massachusetts General Hospital was chartered in 1811. Memorial History of Boston, iv, p. 548.
[45] Morga, p. 350.
[46] Morga, p. 314.
[47] Friar Juan Francisco de San Antonio who went to the Philippines in 1724, says that "up to the present time there has not been found a scrap of writing relating to religion, ceremonial, or the ancient political institutions." Chronicas de la Apostolica Provincia de San Gregorio, etc. (Sampoloc, near Manila, 1735), i, pp. 149-150 (cited from Retana's Zuniga, ii, p. 294.
[48] They used palm leaves for paper and an iron stylus for a pen. "L'escriture ne leur sert que pour s'escrire les uns aux autres, car ils n'ont point d'histoires ny de Livres d'aucune Science; nos Religieux ont imprime des livres en la langue des Isles des choses de nostre Religion." Relation des Isles Philippines, Faite par un Religieux qui y a demeure 18 ans, in Thevenot's Voyages Curieux. Paris 1663, ii (p. 5, of the "Relation"). This narrative is one of the earliest to contain a reproduction of the old Tagal alphabet. Retana ascribes it to a Jesuit and dates it about 1640: p. 13 of the catalogue of his library appended to Archivo del Bibliofilo Filipino, i. The earliest printed data on the Tagal language according to Retana are those given in Chirino's Relacion de las Islas Filipinas, Rome, 1604.
[49] Mendoza's Historie of the Kingdome of China, volume ii, p. 263.
[50] Ibid., p. 264.
[51] Morga, p. 319.
[52] Relation d'un Religieux, Thevenot, volume ii, (p. 7 of the Relation).
[53] On the powers of the Governor, see Morga, pp. 344-345.
[54] Throughout this Introduction the Spanish "peso" is rendered by "dollar." The reader will bear in mind the varying purchasing power of the dollar. To arrive at an approximate equivalent ten may be used as a multiplier for the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, and five for the middle of the eighteenth century.
[55] It may be remembered that the official conscience in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries was not so sensitive in regard to "tips" as it is expected to be today. Le Gentil writes: "Les Gouverneurs de Manille corrompent journellement leurs graces, et les Manillois ne les abordent guere pour leur en demander, sans se precautioner auparavant du rameau d'or; seul et unique moyen de se les rendre favorables. Un soir etant alle voir le Gouverneur, in 1767, a peine m'eut-il demande des nouvelles de ma sente qu'il alla me chercher une bouteille de verre de chopine, mesure de Paris, (half-pint) pleine de paillettes d'or, il me la fit voir en me disant que c'etoit un present dont on I'avoit regale ce jour-la meme; Oi, me dit-il, me regalaron de este." Voyage dans Les Mers de L'Inde, Paris, 1781, ii, pp. 152-153. Le Gentil was in the Philippines about eighteen months in 1766-67 on a scientific mission. His account of conditions there is one of the most thorough and valuable that we have for the eighteenth century. As a layman and man of science his views are a useful offset against those of the clerical historians.
[56] Voyage, ii, p. 153. "The Royal Audience was established to restrain the despotism of the Governors, which it has never prevented; for the gentlemen of the gown are always weak-kneed and the Governor can send them under guard to Spain, pack them oft to the provinces to take a census of the Indians or imprison them, which has been done several times without any serious consequences." Zuniga: Estadismo de las Islas Filipinos o mis Viages por este Pais, ed. Retana, i, p. 244.
[57] "Cuando se pusieren edictos, publicaren, y pregonaren las residencias, sea de forma que vengan a noticia de los Indios, para que puedan pedir justicia de sus agravios con entera libertad." Law of 1556, lib. v, tit. xv, ley xxviii of the Recopilacion de Leyes de los Reinos de las Indias.
[58] Recopilacion, lib. v, tit. xv, ley vii.
[59] Churchill's Voyages, iv, pp. 427-428.
[60] "I request the reader not to infer from my opinion of the tribunals of residence, my confidence in their efficacy. My homage is immediately and solely addressed to the wisdom of the law. I resign all criticism on its operation, to those who know the seductive influence of Plutus over the feeble and pliant Themis." De Pons: Voyage to the Eastern Part of Terra Firma or the Spanish Main in South America during the years 1801, 1802, 1803, and 1804. New York, 1806, ii, p. 25.
[61] "Une loi tres-sage, mais malheureusement sans effet, qui devrait moderer cette autorite excessive, est celle qui permet a chaque citoyen de poursuivre le gouverneur veteran devant son successeur; mais celui-ci est interesse a excuser tout ce qu'on reproche a son predecesseur; et le citoyen assez temeraire pour se plaindre, est expose a de nouvelles et a de plus fortes vexations." Voyage de La Perouse autour du Monde. Paris, 1797, ii, p. 350.
[62] His comments on the kind of officials needed are not without interest today: "A governor must understand war but he must not be over confident of his abilities. Let him give ear to the advice of those who know the country where things are managed very differently from what they are in Europe. Those who have tried to carry on war in the islands as it is carried on in Flanders and elsewhere in Europe have fallen into irreparable mistakes. The main thing, however, is to aim at the welfare of the people, to treat them kindly, to be friendly toward foreigners, to take pains to have the ships for New Spain sail promptly and in good order, to promote trade with neighboring people and to encourage ship-building. In a word, to live with the Indians rather like a father than like a governor." Relation et Memorial de l'etat des Isles Philippines, et des Isles Moluques by Ferdinand de los Rios Coronel, Prestre et Procureur General des Isles Philippines, etc. Thevenot, ii (p. 23 of the Relation).
[63] Morga, p. 345. Recopilacion, lib. ii, tit. xv, ley xi.
[64] Ibid., ley lviii. Le Gentil, ii, pp. 159, 161.
[65] Recopilacion, lib. ii, tit. xv, ley xi.
[66] Mallat, i, pp. 349-50. For a historical summary of the variations in the names of the provinces see Retana's Zuniga's Estadismo, ii, p. 376 ff.
[67] They received the tribute in kind in fixed amounts and made money out of the fluctuations of the market prices. At times of scarcity and consequent high prices this procedure doubled or trebled the burden of the tribute. See State of the Philippine Islands, by Tomas de Comyn, translated by William Walton, p. 197. Mallat says: "Rien n'est plus funeste au pays que la permission qui est accordee aux alcaldes de faire le commerce pour leur compte." i, p. 351. See also Retana's note, Zuniga, Estadismo, ii, p. 530. This right to trade was abolished in 1844.
[68] "It is a fact common enough to see a hair-dresser or a lackey converted into a governor; a sailor or a deserter, transformed into a district magistrate, collector, or military commander of a populous province, without other counsellor than his own crude understanding, or any other guide than his passions. Such a metamorphosis would excite laughter in a comedy or farce; but, realized in the theatre of human life, it must give rise to sensations of a very different nature. Who is there that does not feel horror-struck, and tremble for the innocent, when he sees a being of this kind transferred from the yard-arm to the seat of justice, deciding in the first instance on the honor, lives, and property of a hundred thousand persons, and haughtily exacting the homage and incense of the spiritual ministers of the towns under his jurisdiction, as well as of the parish curates, respectable for their acquirements and benevolence, and who in their own native places, would possibly have rejected as a servant the very man whom in the Philippines they are compelled to court, and obey as a sovereign." State of the Philippine Islands, London, 1821, p. 194.
[69] Morga, p. 323.
[70] Jagor describes an election which he saw in the town of Lauane, of four thousand five hundred inhabitants, in the little island of the same name which lies just off the north shore of Samar. As it is the only description of such a local election that I recall I quote it in full. "It took place in the town house. At the table sits the Governor or his proxy, on his right the pastor and on his left the secretary who is the interpreter. All the Cabezas de Barangay, the Gobernadorcillo and those who have formerly been such have taken their places on the benches. In the first place six of the Cabezas, and six of the ex-Gobernadorcillos respectively are chosen by lot to serve as electors. The Gobernadorcillo in office makes the thirteenth. The rest now leave the room. After the chairman has read the rules and exhorted the electors to fulfil their duty conscientiously, they go one by one to the table and write three names on a ballot. Whoever receives the largest number of votes is forthwith nominated for Gobernadorcillo for the ensuing year, if the pastor or the electors make no well-founded objections subject to the confirmation of the superior court in Manila, which is a matter of course since the influence of the pastor would prevent an unsuitable choice. The same process was followed in the election of the other local officials except that the new Gobernadorcillo was called in that he might make any objections to the selections. The whole transaction was very quiet and dignified." Reisen in den Philippinen, Berlin, 1873, pp. 189-190.
Sir John Bowring's account of this system of local administration is the clearest of those I have found in English books. A Visit to the Philippine Islands, London, 1859, pp. 89-93.
[71] The Gobernadorcillo in council with the other Cabezas presented a name to the superior authority for appointment Bowring, p. 90.
[72] Zuniga, Estadismo de las Islas Filipinas, i, p. 245. Cf. Mallat, i, p. 358.
[73] Comyn: State of the Philippine Islands, ch. vii.
[74] Mallat, i, pp. 40, 386. Jagor, pp. 95-97.
[75] Mallat, i, p. 380 ff. Comyn, p. 212 ff.
[76] Mallat, i, p. 365.
[77] Morga, p. 333.
[78] Delgado: Historia de Filipinas, Biblioteca Histories Filipina, Manila, 1892, pp. 155-156. Delgado wrote in 1750-51. Somewhat different figures are given by Le Gentil on the basis of the official records in 1735, ii, p. 182. His total is 705,903 persons.
[79] Le Gentil, i, p. 186.
[80] Recopilacion, lib. vi, tit iii, ley xxi. Morga, p. 330.
"Avec toutes les recommandations possible, il arrive encore que le moine charge de la peuplade par ou vous voyagez, vous laisse rarement parler seul aux Indiens. Lorsque vous parlez en sa presence a quelque Indien qui entend un peu le Castillan, si ce Religieux trouve mauvais que vous conversiez trop long-temps avec ce Naturel, il lui fait entendre dans la langue du pays, de ne vous point repondre en Castillan, mais dans sa langue: l'Indien obeit." Le Gentil, ii, p. 185.
[81] State of the Philippine Islands, pp. 216-217. These responsibilities and the isolation from Europeans together with the climate frequently brought on insanity. Le Gentil, ii, p. 129. Mallat, i, p. 388.
[82] Ibid., p. 214.
[83] In 1637 the military force maintained in the islands consisted of one thousand seven hundred and two Spaniards and one hundred and forty Indians. Memorial de D. Juan Grau y Monfalcon, Procurador General de las Islas Filipinas, Docs. Ineditos del Archivo de Indias, vi, p. 425. In 1787 the garrison at Manila consisted of one regiment of Mexicans comprising one thousand three hundred men, two artillery companies of eighty men each, three cavalry companies of fifty men each. La Perouse, ii, p. 368.
[84] Apuntes Interesantes sobre Las Islas Filipinas, etc., escritos por un Espanol de larga esperiencia en el pais y amante del progresso, Madrid, 1869, p. 13. This very interesting and valuable work was written in the main by Vicente Barrantes, who was a member of the Governor's council and his secretary. On the authorship see Retana's Archivo ii, Biblioteca Gen., p. 25, which corrects his conjecture published in his Zuniga, ii, p. 135.
[85] Apuntes Interesantes, pp. 42-43.
[86] Zuniga, Estadismo, i, p. 246; Le Gentil, ii, p. 172.
[87] Le Gentil, ii, p. 172.
[88] Morga, p. 336.
[89] Morga, ibid.
[90] Memorial dado al Rey por D. Juan Grau y Monfalcon, Procurado General de las Islas Filipinas. Docs. Ineditos del Archivo de Indias, vi, p. 444.
[91] Recopilacion, lib. ix, tit. xxxv, ley vi and ley xv. As will be seen there was usually only one ship.
[92] Ibid., ley xxxiv.
[93] Ibid., ley lxviii.
[94] Ibid., ley lxxviii.
[95] Ibid., ley xlv.
[96] Morga, p. 344. Zuniga, i, pp. 271-274. "El barco de Acapulco ha sido la causa de que los espanoles hayan abandonado las riquezas naturales e industriales de las Islas." Ibid., p. 443.
[97] Le Gentil, ii, pp. 203-230; Zuniga, i, p. 266 ff.
[98] Le Gentil, ii, p. 205; Careri, Voyage Round the World, Churchill's Voyages, iv, p. 477.
[99] Zuniga, i, p. 267.
[100] Le Gentil, ii, p. 205.
[101] Le Gentil, ii, p. 207.
[102] Zuniga, i, p. 268.
[103] Churchill's Voyages, iv, p. 491. I am aware that grave doubts as to the reality of Gemelli Careri's travels existed in the eighteenth century. Robertson says "it seems now to be a received opinion (founded as far as I know, on no good evidence) that Careri was never out of Italy, and that his famous Giro del Mondo is an account of a fictitious voyage." Note 150, History of America. The most specific charges against Careri relate to his account of his experiences in China. See Prevost's Histoire des Voyages, v, pp. 469-70. His description of the Philippines and of the voyage to Acapulco is full of details that have every appearance of being the result of personal observation. In fact, I do not see how it is possible that this part of his book is not authentic. The only book of travels which contains a detailed account of the voyage from Manila to Acapulco written before Careri published that is described in Medina's Bibliografia Espanola de Filipinas is the Peregrinacion del Mundo del Doctor D. Pedro Cubero Sebastian, of which an edition was published in 1682 in Naples, Careri's own home; but Careri's account is no more like Cubero's than any two descriptions of the same voyage are bound to be; nor is it clear that Careri ever saw Cubero Sebastian's narrative.
[104] Zuniga, i, p. 268. Careri mentions the case of a Dominican who paid five hundred dollars for the eastern passage. Op. cit. p. 478; on page 423 he says the usual fare for cabin and diet was five hundred to six hundred dollars.
[105] Churchill's Voyages, iv, p. 499.
[106] Op. cit. p. 491. Yet Careri had no such experience as befell Cubero Sebastian in his voyage. When they were nearing the end of the voyage a very fatal disease, "el berben, o mal de Loanda" (probably the same as beri-beri), broke out, as well as dysentery, from which few escaped who were attacked. There were ninety-two deaths in fifteen days. Out of four hundred persons on board, two hundred and eight died before Acapulco was reached. Peregrination del Mundo de D. Pedro Cubero Sebastian, Zaragoza, 1688, p. 268.
[107] Careri: Op. cit. p. 503.
[108] Montero y Vidal: Hist. Gen. de Filipinas, i, pp. 458, 463. On page 461 is a brief bibliography of the history of Philippine commerce. According to Montero y Vidal, the best modern history of Philippine commerce is La Libertad de comercio en las islas Filipinas, by D. Manuel de Azcarraga y Palmero, Madrid, 1872.
[109] Montero y Vidal, ii, p. 122.
[110] Ibid., ii, p. 297.
[111] Comyn: State of the Philippine Islands, pp. 83-97.
[112] Estadismo, i, p. 272.
[113] Zuniga, i, p. 274.
Le Gentil remarked that as the Spaniards in Manila had no landed estates to give them an assured and permanent income, they were dependent upon the Acapulco trade, and had no resources to fall back upon if the galleon were lost. Money left in trust was often lost or embezzled by executors or guardians, and it was rare that wealth was retained three generations in the same family. Voyage, ii, pp. 110-112.
[114] Of the commerce with China it is not necessary to speak at length, as a full account of it is given in Morga. It was entirely in the hands of the Chinese and Mestizos and brought to Manila oriental textiles of all kinds, objects of art, jewelry, metal work and metals, nails, grain, preserves, fruit, pork, fowls, domestic animals, pets, "and a thousand other gewgaws and ornaments of little cost and price which are valued among the Spaniards." (Morga, p. 339.) Besides the Chinese, that with Japan, Borneo, the Moluccas, Siam, and India was so considerable that in spite of the obstructions upon the commerce with America, Manila seemed to the traveler Careri (p. 444) "one of the greatest places of trade in the world."
[115] Documentos Ineditos del Archivo de Indias, v, pp. 475-77.
[116] It would be vain to guess how many hundred people there are who are familiar with the denunciations of Las Casas to one who knows anything of the more than six hundred laws defining the status and aiming, at the protection of the Indians in the Recopilacion.
[117] Cf. Jagor: Reisen in den Philippinen, p. 31.
[118] Voyage de La Perouse autour du Monde, Paris, 1797, ii, p. 347.
[119] History of the Indian Archipelago, etc., by John Crawfurd, F. R. S. Edinburgh, 1820, vol. ii, pp. 447-48.
[120] That I take to be his meaning. His words are: "Ces institutions (i. e., the local administration) si sages et si paternelles ont valu a l'Espagne la conservation d'une colonie dont les habitants jouissent, a notre avis, de plus de liberte, de bonheur et de tranquillete que-ceux d'aucune autre nation." i, p. 357. Cf. also his final chapter: "L'idigene des Philippines est l'homme plus heureux du monde. Malgre son tribut, il n'est pas d'etre vivant en societe qui paye moins d'impot que lui. Il est libre, il est heureux et ne pense nullement a se soulever." ii, p. 369.
[121] A Visit to the Philippine Islands, London, 1859, p. 18. Cf. the recent opinion of the English engineer, Frederic H. Sawyer, who lived in Luzon for fourteen years. "The islands were badly governed by Spain, yet Spaniards and natives lived together in great harmony, and I do not know where I could find a colony in which Europeans mixed as much socially with the natives. Not in Java, where a native of position must dismount to salute the humblest Dutchman. Not in British India, where the Englishwoman has now made the gulf between British and native into a bottomless pit." The Inhabitants of the Philippines, New York, 1900. p. 125.
[122] Reisen in den Philippinen, p. 287.
[123] Cornhill Magazine, 1878, pp. 161, 167. This article is reprinted in Palgrave's Ulysses, or Scenes in Many Lands.
[124] The Inhabitants of the Philippines, pp. vi, viii.
[125] "Ils font voir beaucoup d'inclination et d'empressement pour aller a l'eglise lesjours de Fetes et Solemnites; mais pour ouir la Messe les jours de preceptes, pour se confesser et communier lorsque la Sainte Eglise l'ordonne, il faut employer le fouet, et les traiter comme des enfans a l'ecole." Quoted by Le Gentil, ii, p. 61, from Friar Juan Francisco de San Antonio's Chronicas de la Apostolica Provincia de San Gregorio, etc., commonly known as the Franciscan History. It will be remembered that in our own country in the eighteenth century college discipline was still enforced by corporal punishment; and that attendance upon church was compulsory, where there was an established church, as in New England.
[126] Voyage, ii, p. 62.
[127] Voyage, ii, p. 350.
[128] Voyage, ii, pp. 95, 97.
[129] Le Gentil says the lassitude of the body reacts upon the mind. "In this scorching region one can only vegetate. Insanity is commonly the result of hard study and excessive application." Voyage, ii, p. 94.
[130] La Imprenta en Manila desde sus origenes hasta 1810, Santiago de Chile, 1896.
[131] Adiciones y Observaciones a La Imprenta en Manila, Madrid, 1899.
[132] For representative lists of these, see Blumentritt's privately printed Bibliotheca Philippina, Theile i and ii.
[133] It is, all things considered, a singular fact that in all that list there is no translation of parts of the Bible, except of course the fragmentary paraphrases in the catechism and doctrinals. The only item indicating first-hand Biblical study in the Philippines under the old regime that has come to my notice in the bibliographies of Medina and Retana is this, that Juan de la Concepcion the historian left in manuscript a translation of the Holy Bible into Spanish. La Imprenta en Manila, p. 221. This failure to translate the Bible into the native languages was not peculiar to Spanish rule in the Philippines. Protestant Holland, far behind Spain in providing for native education, was equally opposed to the circulation of the Bible. "Even as late as the second or third decade of this century the New Testament was considered a revolutionary work, and Herr Bruckner, who translated it, had his edition destroyed by Government." Guillemard, Malaysia and the Pacific Archipelagoes, p. 129.
[134] Mallat says that the elements were more generally taught than in most of the country districts of Europe (i, p. 386) and quotes the assertion of the Archbishop of Manila: "There are many villages such as Argas, Dalaguete, Bolohon, Cebu, and several in the province of Iloilo, where not a single boy or girl can be found who cannot read and write, an advantage of which few places in Europe can boast." Ibid., p. 388.
[135] Estadismo, i, p. 300.
[136] Estadismo, i, p. 63.
[137] Zuniga, i, pp. 73-75
[138] Voyage, ii, p. 131.
[139] Ibid., p. 132, and Zuniga, i, p. 76. A modern work on this drama is El Teatro tagalo by Vicente Barrantes, Madrid, 1889.
[140] Number 877 in Retana's Biblioteca Filipina. This novel was published in Manila in 1885. Friar Bustamente was a Franciscan.
[141] Estadismo, i, pp. 60-61. Commodore Alava was on his way to make scientific observations of the volcano of Taal.
Le Gentil writes: "Selon une Ordonnance du Roi, renouvelee peut-etre cent fois, il est ordonne aux Religieux d'enseigner le castillan aux jeunes Indiens; mais Sa Majeste, m'ont unanimement assure les Espagnoles a Manille, n'a point encore ete obeie jusqu'a ce jour." Voyage, ii, p. 184. Cf. Zuniga. Estadismo, i, pp. 299-300.
For some of these ordinances see Retana's notes to Zuniga, ii, p. 57 ff.
[142] Cf. Retana's views expressed ten years ago upon the impracticability of supplanting to any extent the Tagal language by the Spanish. The same considerations apply equally well to English. Estadismo, ii, p. 59 ff.
[143] Estadismo, i, pp. 12-13.
[144] Retana's Zuniga, ii, p. 527.
[145] Estadismo, i, p. 174. I cannot take leave of Zuniga's book without recording my opinion that it is the finest flower of the Philippine literature. Zuniga did for the island of Luzon what Arthur Young did for France a few years earlier, or to take an apter parallel, what President Dwight did for New England. His careful observations, relieved of tedium by a rare charm of style, his sweetness of temper, quiet humor, his love of nature and of man all combine to make his "Travels" a work that would be accorded a conspicuous place in the literature of any country. An English translation will appear in the present series.
[146] Referring to the fort built by Columbus (December, 1492) at La Navidad, a port on the northern coast of Hispaniola (Hayti). Upon the admiral's return, a year later, he found that the garrison whom he had left in this fort had been destroyed by hostile Indians.
[147] That is, by some act so clear or manifest that no formal sentence of excommunication is requisite.
[148] The Gold Coast of Africa, named by its Portuguese discoverers (about 1471) Oro de la Mina (this is the Minere Auri of our text).
[149] Our text reads "commissario mayor;" Navarrete reads "Comendador mayor."
[150] Our text reads "vos damos todo nuestro poder conplido en aquella mas abta forma que podemos;" Navarrete reads "vos damosnuestro poder cumplido en aquella manera e forma que podemos."
[151] In Navarrete the words "& subcessores & de todos nuestros reynos & senorios" are omitted.
[152] Our text reads "qualqujer concierto, asiento, limjtacion, demarcacion, & concordia sobre lo que dicho es, por los vientos & grados de norte & del sol, & por aquellas partes divivisiones [sic] & lugares del caelo & de la mar & de la tierra;" Navarrete reads "cualquier concierto e limitacion del mar Oceano, o concordia sobre lo que dicho es, por los vientos y grados de Norte y Sur, y por aquellas partes, divisiones y lugares de seco y mar y de la tierra."
[153] Our text reads "& asi vos damos el dicho poder pera que podays dexar al dicho Rey de Portugal & a sus reynos & subcesores todos los mares, yslas, & tieras que fueren & estovieren dentro de qualqujer limitacion & demarcacion, que con el fincaren & quedaren;" Navarrete reads the same (with allowances for modem typography) up to "demarcacion," and then adds "de costas, mares, islas y tierras que fincaren y quedaren."
[154] Our text reads "que todos los mares, yslas & tierras, que fueren & escovjeren dentrode la limjtacion & demarcacion de costas, mares & yslas & tierras, que quedaren & fincaren con nos, & con nuestros subcesores, para que sean nuestros, & de nuestro senorio & conqujsta, & asi de nuestros reynos & subcesores dellos, con aquellas limjtacjones & exebciones;" Navarrete reads "que todos las mares, islas y tierras que fueren o estuvieren dentro el limite y demarcation de las costas, mares y islas y tierras que quedaren por Nos y por nuestros subcesores, y de nuestro Senorio y conquista, sean de nuestros Reinos y subcesores de ellos, con aquellas limitaciones y exenciones."
[155] Our text reads "contrato de las pases;" Navarrete reads "contrato de las partes."
[156] Navarrete reads "Sagres"
[157] Our text reads "& constituymos a todos juntamente & a dos de vos, & a uno yn soljdun;" Navarrete reads "y constituimos a todos juntamente y a cada uno de vos in solidum."
[158] See p. 116 and note 149.
[159] See p. 117, and note 151, where the language is almost identical.
[160] Our text reads "la qual raya olinea se aya;" Navarrete reads "la cual reya o lineo e senal se haya."
[161] This paragraph reads differently in Navarrete, but its sense is the same.
[162] Our text reads "grados del sol e norte;" Navarrete reads "grados de Sur y Norte."
[163] Navarrete is very faulty in this section. He omits entirely the following: "& por sus gentes, o in otra qualqujer manera dentro de las otras ciento y veynte leguas, que quedan para cunplimjento de las trezientas & setenta leguas, en que ha de acabar la dicha raya que se ha de faser de polo a polo, como dicho es, en qualqujer parte de las dichas ciento & veyte [sic] leguas para los dichos polos, que sean alladas fasta el dicho dia, queden, & finquen para los dichos senores Rey & Reyna de Castilla, & de Aragon, etc., &." This omission quite obscures the sense.
[164] This confirmation was given by Pope Julius II in a bull promulgated January 24, 1506. See Alguns documentos, pp. 142-143; and Bourne's Essays in Historical Criticism, p. 203.
[165] Another dispatch of like tenor was issued in Madrid on May 7 of the same year.—Navarrete.
[166] The original of this bull is in Torre do Tombo, Lisbon, bearing pressmark "Col. de Bullas, maco 29, no. 6." It occupies pp. 276-279 of Corpo diplomatico Portuguez. The synopsis from which the above is translated is in Alguns documentos, p. 14., but the date as there given is wrong, "Quarto Decimo Kalendae Julii," being June 18 and not 17. See also Bourne, Essays in Historical Criticism, pp. 194, 195.
[167] See Bourne, ut supra, p. 195, from which this synopsis is taken. The original of this bull exists in Torre do Tombo, its pressmark being "Coll. de Bullas, maco 7 deg., n deg.. 29." It occupies pp. 279-286 of Corpo diplomatico Portuguez, and is printed also in Alguns documentus, pp. 14-20.
[168] This military order was founded (August 14, 1318) by the Portuguese king Dionisio; its knights served against the Moors, also in Africa and India. Pope Calixtus III invested its grand prior with the spiritual powers conferred on a bishop. In 1522, Joao III became grand-master of the order; and in 1551 this dignity passed to the crown in perpetuo. In 1789, this order had four hundred and thirty-four commanderies, and twenty-six villages and estates. It is now only a civil and honorary order.
[169] See Bourne ut supra, p. 195. The original is in Torre do Tombo, bearing pressmark "Coll. de Bullas, maco 29, n deg.. 6. Inserta." This bull occupies pp. 286-296 of Corpo diplomatico Portuguez. It is printed also in Alguns documentos, pp. 47-55.
[170] See Corpo diplomatico Portuguez, p. 296.
[171] Cape Noon (Naon, Non, Nun) is situated near the south-west extremity of the coast of Morocco; Cape Bojador (Bogiador) projects into the Atlantic at a point two degrees thirty-eight minutes farther south than Noon.
[172] See Corpo diplomatico Portuguez, p. 297, and Alguns documentos, p. 366.
[173] One of the great military orders of Spain, named for its patron St. James, and founded to protect his shrine at Compostella from incursions by the Moors. It received papal sanction in 1175; in 1476 Ferdinand of Castile became its grand master; thus uniting the order to the crown of Spain.
[174] The letter here mentioned (see Navarrete's Col. de viages, iv, p. 312) expresses Carlos's regret that his negotiations with the Portuguese ambassadors regarding the ownership of the Malucos have been fruitless, and his desire that the difficulties should be amicably adjusted; he refers Joao to Zuniga for full details.
[175] Navarrete omits this section. It will be found in the Treaty of Tordesillas.
[176] The Spanish monarch was at this time engaged in his quarrels with Francois I of France.
[177] In another letter of the same date the Emperor complains to the King of Portugal that the latter's ambassadors have not been willing to abide by the treaty of Tordesillas in their conferences with the Castilian plenipotentiaries, "although our right to those regions discovered and taken possession of by our fleet is fully apparent from the treaties and compacts negotiated over the division of lands and the line of demarcation, and confirmed in the name of each one of us." Neither would they discuss the new propositions submitted to them—"although with some prejudice to our right;" nor would they themselves submit new propositions; consequently they are returning to Portugal without reaching any decision. The letter closes by saying that the Emperor is about to write about the whole affair to his representative, "Juan de Zuniga, knight of the order of Santiago, residing there [at Lisbon] in our behalf;" and King Joao is earnestly requested to rest assured of the love and affection of the Spanish monarch.
[178] This was an ancient office in the royal house of Castile.
[179] Bartulo was an Italian jurisconsult, born (1313) at Sasso-Ferrato, in Umbria; he died at Perusa in 1356. He was entrusted with several important political commissions and wrote upon various points of civil law; some of his works were used as text books in the most famous universities. He has been styled "the first and most thorough of the interpreters of law."
Baldo is evidently one of the two brothers Pietro and Angelo Baldo de Ubaldis, both eminent Italian jurisconsults. The former was born at Perusa, in 1324, and died at Pavia, April 28, 1406. He was a man of vast erudition, and held many important posts—his influence extending so far that Charles VI of France implored his aid at the Roman court for convening a general council. He was the author of a number of commentaries and other works. Angelo was born in 1328, and died in 1407; he was (at the same time with his brother) professor of civil law at Perusa, and wrote several commentaries and monographs.
[180] Original in folio bound in parchment. It has forty-three good sheets.—Note by Munoz. (Cited by Navarrete).
[181] The matter in brackets in these proceedings is evidently notes made by Munoz, although they may have been made by the Castilian secretary.
[182] The number acting for Portugal was not greater than for Spain, as Gomara points out and whom Herrera copies, but the same on either side, only while Portugal had two attorneys, Spain had one attorney and one advocate.—Navarrete.
[183] This date should be June 7, 1494. The Spanish letter of authorization was dated June 5.
[184] Original in handwriting of Don Hernando Colon. (Navarrete, tomo iv, no. xxvii, pp. 343-355.
[185] Of these navigators, Aloysius (Luigi) da Ca da Mosto made a voyage to Cape Verde and Senegal, in 1454-55; Antonio de Noly, to the Cape Verde Islands, in 1462; Pedro de Cintra (Italianized as Piero d'Sinzia), to Senegal, in 1462; Diego Cano, to the Congo River and inland, in 1484; Bartolome Diaz discovered the Cape of Good Hope in 1486; and Vasco da Gama made several voyages to India, the first in 1497.
[186] This is a Latin translation of Paesi nouamente retronati (Vicenza, 1507)—the earliest known collection of voyages. It is supposed to have been compiled by Alessandro Zorzi, a Venetian cosmographer (according to Bartlett); but Fracanzio di Montalboddo, according to Quaritch (Catalogue No. 362, 1885). Facsimiles of the titles of both books are given in Bartlett's Bibliotheca Americana, part i, p. 40.
[187] This is the book called today "the first book of the Kings."
[188] The original is in folio bound in parchment, with ninety-five good sheets.—Note by Munoz (cited by Navarrete).
[189] The original is "Ambrosio y Teodosio y Macrobio." The same error was made by Jaime Ferrer, who likewise gives these names as those of three distinct men instead of one, his true name being "Aurelius Theodosius Macrobius." See Dawson's Lines of Demarcation, 1899, p. 510.
[190] Referring to the Ymago Mundi (1483?) of Pierre d'Ailly, archbishop of Cambray, and cardinal; regarding this book, see Bartlett's Bibl. Americana, part i, pp. 3-5.
[191] This was the title conferred on Christopher Columbus by the Catholic sovereigns.
[192] The individuals of the municipal governing body upon whom devolves the economic government of a city.—Novisimo diccionario de la lengua castellana (Paris and Mexico, 1899). See also Diccionario enciclopedico hispano-americano (Barcelona, 1887-1899), tomo xvii, pp. 302-303.
[193] The Consejo de las Ordenes [Council of the Military Orders] was created by Charles V, from the separate councils of the various military orders. This council consisted of a president and six or eight knights, and both temporal and ecclesiastical powers were conferred upon it. Clement VI approved it, extending its jurisdiction to tithes, benefices, marriages, and other matters of ordinary authority, and both Paul III and Saint Pius V confirmed it. Two important tribunals were created, one called the Tribunal of the Churches, and the other the Apostolic Tribunal. The first was created by Charles V, and was under the charge of a Judge protector, and had charge of the repairs, building, and adornment of the churches of the military orders. The second was created by Philip II, in virtue of the bull of Gregory XIII, of October 20, 1584,—this bull having as its object the amicable adjustment of the disputes between the military orders and the prelates in regard to jurisdiction, tithes, etc. In 1714 the jurisdiction of the council was limited by Felipe IV, to the ecclesiastical and temporal affairs of their own institution. In 1836 the council was reorganized under the name of tribunal. The tribunal of the churches was suppressed, as were also the offices of comptroller and the remaining fiscal officials, and the funds diverted into the national treasury. Jurisdiction in ecclesiastical matters was limited to the four military orders of Santiago, Calatrava, Alcantara, and Montesa. See Dic.-encic. hisp-amer., tomo v, pp. 821, 822.
[194] Casa de Contratacion de las Indias (House of Commerce of the Indies). A tribunal, having as its object the investigation and determination of matters pertaining to the commerce and trade of the Indies. It consisted of a president and several executive officials,—both professional and unprofessional men—and a togated fiscal agent. It was formerly in Seville, but removed later to Cadiz.—Dic. encic. hisp.-amer., iv, p. 844. The documents relating to the affairs of this house were kept formerly in a special archives, but are housed at present in the Archivo general de Indias in Seville.
[195] The corregidor was the representative of the royal person, and combined both judicial and executive functions; in some large cities he was made president of the city council, with administrative functions—an office nearly equivalent to that of mayor in American cities.
[196] See this document at p. 139, ante.
[197] Garcia de Loaisa, a noted Spanish prelate, was born at Talavera (Toledo) in 1479; at the age of sixteen, he entered the Dominican order, of which he became provincial for Spain (1518), and finally general of the order. He was greatly esteemed by the emperor Charles V, who chose Loasia as his confessor; and he soon afterward became bishop of Osma, and president of the Council of the Indies. Later, he was made a cardinal, and elevated to the archbishopric of Seville. He acted as Charles's representative at the court of Rome, and was, less than a year before his death, appointed general of the Inquisition; even in that short time one hundred and twenty persons were burned at the stake, and six hundred more punished in various ways. Loaisa died April 21, 1546.
[198] The military order of Calatrava was formed to hold the town of that name against the Moors, and was organized in 1164; it was annexed to the Castilian crown during the reign of Carlos I.
[199] It is said that this fair at Medina del Campo is still held (in May and October of each year); and that money was lent by the crown to persons who desired loans—hence the allusion in the text.
[200] Ordinarily the tithes in each diocese were divided into four equal parts—of which one was set aside for the bishop, and one for the chapter. Then the other two were divided into nine portions (novenii), whereof one and one-half were for the fabrica of the church (the corporate body who administered its temporalities, consisting of the cura and churchwardens), four for the parrocos (parish priests) and lower clergy, one and one-half for the hospitals, and two for the King—all but this last being variable. See Baluffi's America en tempo Spagnuola (Ancona, 1844) ii, p. 41.—Rev. T. C. Middleton, O. S. A.
[201] The documents published by Navarrete in full, or in copious extracts, are the most valuable; and they are usually such as are otherwise comparatively or wholly unknown. It is to be regretted that Navarrete has modernized the spelling, and otherwise "improved" the text; but the originals are presented in all essential features, and form a valuable collection of early documentary material.
[202] An extract from Magalhaes's first will (December 17, 1504) and the whole of his second (August 24, 1519) are given in English translation in Guillemard's Life of Magellan, London, 1890, appendix ii, pp. 316-326.
[203] He therein petitions that the sum of twelve thousand five hundred maravedis, allowed him for his services, be paid to the convent of Vitoria at Triana.
[204] Fernao de Magalhaes was a native of Oporto, and of noble lineage. In early life he entered the Portuguese army, in which he rendered distinguished service; from 1505 until probably 1511 he was in India. Finding no opportunity for promotion in Portugal, he transferred his allegiance (1518) to the King of Castile, and promised the latter that he would discover a new route to Moluccas. Magalhaes set out on this expedition September 20, 1519, with five ships, and discovered the strait which bears his name; he also discovered and explored partially the Philippine Archipelago. He was slain in a fight with the natives in the island of Matan, April 27, 1521.
[205] Navarrete presents only an analysis of this letter.
[206] An itemized account (condensed) of the expenses involved in the preparation and equipment of the fleet is given by Navarrete, no. xvii, pp. 162-182. An English translation is presented in Guillemard's Life of Magellan, appendix iv, pp. 329-336. From a comparison of the two, it appears that the latter had access to the original documents at Seville. Few slight differences occur between them. The figures as given by Navarrete show several errors. The student will do well to examine both of these lists. No. xviii in Navarrete, pp. 182-188, shows the amounts and distribution of the food and other stores carried.
[207] Navarrete says, ut supra, p. xiii, that the officials of the House of Trade were always hostile to Magallanes. The Portuguese machinations to cause the defeat and ruin of the expedition and the efforts put forth to induce Magallanes to return to his allegiance are well shown in two documents. The first is a letter written the Portuguese king by Alvaro da Costa, September 28, 1518. Navarrete, no. vi, pp. 123, 124, gives a Spanish extract made by Munoz from the original in Portugal, and Guillemard, ut supra, pp. 114-116 (see also note, p. 116), gives in part an English translation. The second document is a letter written from Seville, July 18, 1519, by the Portuguese factor Sebastian Alvarez to the King of Portugal. Navarrete, no. xv, pp. 153-155, gives a Spanish extract made by Munoz. The Portuguese of the entire letter is published in Alguns Documentos, pp. 431-435. Guillemard, ut supra, pp. 130-134, gives an English translation of its essential portions, which is borrowed, in part, by Butterworth in Story of Magellan, pp. 46-48, New York, 1899.
[208] All these are synopses of the documents.
[209] Ibid.
[210] More than this number actually sailed; see Guillemard, Life of Magellan, p. 336.
[211] The matter in brackets is evidently by Navarrete.
[212] This document opens with a list of the various dignities of the King and Queen of Spain, which is omitted here, as being similar to that already given in the Treaty of Tordesillas.
[213] Reference is here made to Juana, Carlos I's mother, the daughter and nominally the successor of Isabella, and later of Ferdinand. Juana being inflicted with insanity from 1503 until her death in 1555, Ferdinand acted as regent until his death (1516), when Cardinal Ximenes succeeded him in that capacity, acting until Carlos I attained his majority. (1518)—Juana still being queen of Castile and Aragon.
[214] The original is defective here, and these readings are conjectural.
[215] The title given formerly to the governor of a province.
[216] The Portuguese transcriber was unable to decipher the original of the bracketed words. Navarrete, who prints these instructions to Magalhaes and Falero, (Col. de Viages, tomo iv, pp. 116-121) reads this passage thus "quien se pase" and continues "e se asiente." Alguns Documentos reads "que ..." and continues "& se entregue." The MS. in Torre do Tombo from which the Portuguese transcript was made read "q enpase," continuing as does the Portuguese version. It must be remembered that Navarrete took his copy from the original document (existing in Seville) of the agreement made with Magalhaes and Falero, made March 22, 1518; this was included in the instructions given to Juan de Cartagena, the recipient of the present letter, and was doubtless copied from the original in Seville.
[217] A metal found by Columbus in the Isla Espanola. It is composed of 18 parts gold, 6 of silver, and 8 of copper.—Dic. de la Lengua Castellano.
[218] This must have been the Strait of Magellan.
[219] The Spanish reads literally, "They gave him a blow on the head with a mallet."
[220] The original is defective here, and this reading is only conjectural.
[221] Juan Sebastian del Cano.—Stevens.
[222] Pietro Martire d'Anghiera (commonly known as Peter Martyr) was an Italian priest and historian, who was born in 1455. At the age of thirty-two years he went to the Castilian court; at various times, he served in the army (during two campaigns), maintained a school for boys, was sent as an ambassador to other courts, and in many ways occupied a prominent place in the affairs of the Spanish Kingdom. He died in 1526. His most noted work was De orbe nouo Decades (Alcala, 1516); it had numerous editions, and was translated into several other languages. An English translation of the first three Decades was made by Richard Eden (London, 1555); this was reprinted in Arber's First Three English Books on America (Birmingham, 1885).
[223] The name Bacallaos (according to early French writers a Basque appellation of the codfish) was also applied, by a natural extension, to the region afterward known as Canada. According to Peter Martyr, the name Bacallaos was given to those lands by Sebastian Cabot, "because of the great multitudes of fishes found in the seas thereabout." See Jesuit Relations (Cleveland reissue), i, p. 308, and ii, p. 295.
[224] Fifty-six degrees west of the Canaries would be about seventy-four degrees west of Greenwich—Magellan was some ten or twelve degrees out.—Stevens.
[225] Among whom was Esteven Gomez; this ship was the "San Antonio."—Steven's.
[226] The measure of length known as a mile varies greatly in different countries. The geographical or nautical mile (one-sixtieth of a degree of the equator, and equal to 1.153 English statute miles) is used by mariners of all nations. The milha of Portugal is equivalent to 1.2786 English miles; the Italian miglio varies from O.6214 to 1.3835 English miles; the legua (league) of Spain amounts to 4.2151 English miles.
[227] San Pablo and Tiburones. Cf. Droysen and Andree's Historischer Hand Atlas, 1884, Karte 83; also Admiralty Chart, Sec. xv, 767.—Stevens.
[228] Inarajan, now confined to the port on the southeast coast of Guajan, the southermost of the Ladrones.—Stevens.
[229] Acacan,i.e. Sosan-jaya, the watering place at the west end of Rota Island, north of Guajan.—Stevens.
[230] The Caylon of Magellan, now confined to the port on the southwest side of the island of Leyte, Philippines.—Stevens.
[231] The Maasin of Coello, or Masin of Admiralty Chart, Sec. xiii, 943; at south end of island of Leyte, the Selani of text.—Stevens.
[232] In the museum of the Colegio de Agustinos Filipinos at Valladolid, Spain, is a tablet bearing the following inscription (in English translation): "On the twenty-sixth of April, 1521, died on this spot, while fighting valiantly, Don Hernando Magallanes, general of the Spanish fleet, whose name alone is his greatest eulogy. Desiring that the memory of the place where so famous and fatal an event took place should not perish, and circumstances not permitting us at this time to erect a monument worthy of the heroic discoverer, this present inscription is religiously and humbly consecrated, as a memorial, by the parochial priest of the island, the reverend father Fray Benito Perez, on the twenty-ninth of February, 1843." This tablet is about three feet by one and one-half feet in size, and is made of molave wood; the letters (capitals) are neatly carved in the wood—the work being done, in all probability, by some native under the priest's supervision. Attached to the tablet is a card, bearing the following inscription: "This inscription, cut in molave wood, was accidentally found by the very reverend father Fray Jorge Romanillos, the present parish priest of Opong, in the island of Mactang, where it stood beside a cross, before the erection of the monument. He sends it as a memento to the royal college of the Augustinian Fathers of the Filipinas, at Valladolid, in the year 1887."
[233] Or Quipit, the port of this name on the northwest part of Mindanao, applied in error to the whole island.—Stevens.
[234] Probably Yolo, certainly one of the Sulu islands.—Stevens.
[235] I.e. Ternate, Moter, Tidore, Maru, Mutjan.—Stevens.
[236] "They did not find Cattigara" is as true today as when Maximilian wrote in 1522. For various conflicting authorities upon its site north of the equator, cf. ante p.312, and McCrindle's Ancient India, 1885, p.10. Ptolemy however places it (Asia Tab. xi) nine degrees south of the equator. For a curious chapter upon this point see Manoel Godinho de Eredia's Malacca, edited by Janssen, Brussels, 1883. 4to, part 3. Why not Kota-Radja at the north end of Sumatra?—Stevens. |