PAPILLA, PAPILLAE. Small, nipple-shaped prominences found on the tongue, the skin, etc.
PARAPLEGIA. Paralysis affecting the upper or lower extremities of the body
PARASITES. Animals which live in the bodies of other animals; as the tape-worm itch insect, etc.
PARENCHYMA. The texture of an organ; as the liver, kidneys, etc.
PAROTID GLANDS. These are situated under the ear, just at the angle of the lower jaw, and secrete saliva.
PAROXYSMS. The periodical attack, fit or aggravation in the course of a disease.
PARTURIENT. Bringing forth or having recently brought forth.
PARTURITION. Labor; the delivery of the foetus.
PASTILES. Small medicated lozenges.
PATHOGNOMONIC. A characteristic symptom of a disease.
PATHOLOGY. That part of the Science of Medicine the object of which is the knowledge of disease.
PEDICLE. The stalk or narrow part of a tumor by which it is attached and supported.
PELVIC. Belonging to and relating to the pelvis.
PELVIS. The lower part of the abdomen or trunk, composed of bone, containing the genital and urinary organs; supports the backbone and is supported by the legs.
PENIS. The male organ of generation. Illus. page 207.
PEPSIN. The digestive solvent secreted by the stomach.
PEPTIC. Pertaining to the stomach.
PERCUSSION. Striking the surface and by the sound produced judging of the condition of the internal organs.
PERICARDITIS. Described on page 548.
PERICARDIUM. The membranous sac enclosing the heart.
PERINEAL SECTION. An operation by division of the perineum.
PERINEUM. The space bounded by the end of the spine, sexual organs and the bony prominences on which one sits.
PERIOSTIUM. The membranous covering to all bones.
PERISTALTIC MOTION. A worm-like movement of the bowels by which the food is moved forward.
PERITONEUM. The membrane (serous) which lines the abdominal cavities and surrounds the intestines.
PERITONITIS. Inflammation of serous membrane lining abdominal and pelvic cavities.
PESSARIES, PESSARY. An instrument for holding the womb in its place.
PESTILENCE. A malignant, spreading disease. A plague.
PHAGADENIC. That which corrodes or eats away rapidly.
PHARMACEUTICAL. Anything belonging to pharmacy.
PHARYNX. The cavity back of the mouth and palate through which the air passes when breathing and the food when swallowing.
PHIMOSIS. Elongated prepuce
PHLEGMONOUS. Affecting the cellular membrane. The common boil is an example.
PHOSPHATE. A substance containing phosphorus.
PHOSPHATES, EARTHY. The white deposit in urine composed of phosphoric acid and a base.
PHTHISIC. Consumption. By some the word is used for Asthma, or difficulty in breathing.
PHTHISIS. Consumption. See p. 497.
PHYSIOLOGICAL ANATOMY. The branch of medicine that defines the organs of the body and their particular actions.
PHYSIOLOGY. The science which treats of the phenomena and functions of animal life.
PIA MATER. The internal vascular membrane covering the brain.
PIMPLES ON THE FACE. Defined on page 443.
PLACENTA. Afterbirth.
PLAGUE. A malignant epidemic; begins in Asia Minor.
PLETHORA, PLETHORIC. Full of blood; maybe general or confined to a part.
PLEURA. Defined on page 64.
PLEURODYNIA. Spasmodic or rheumatic pain in the chest muscles.
PLEURO-PNEUMONIA. Inflammation of both the pleura and lungs.
POLLUTION (SELF). Excitement of the sexual organs by the hand or other unnatural method.
POLYP. An aquatic animal, as the coral builders.
POLYPI. More than one polypus.
POLYPOID. Like a polypus in shape or construction.
POLYPUS. Tumors which grow from mucous membranes, commonly found in the nasal and vaginal cavities.
PORTAL VESSELS. The cluster of veins which join and enter the liver.
POTT'S DISEASE. Described on page 898; illus. pages 898 and 899.
POULTICE. A mixture of bread or meal, etc., and hot water, spread on a cloth and applied to the surface.
POX. Syphilis.
PRECOCITY. Prematurely developed.
PREHENSION. Carrying food to the mouth.
PREPUCE. Foreskin.
PROBANG. Soft swab.
PROBE. An instrument for examining wounds and cavities. A piece of wire with a blunt point is a probe.
PROCREATION. Production or generation of offspring.
PROGNOSIS. Opinion of the future course of a disease.
PROLAPSUS. A falling down of an organ through an orifice, as the womb, bowel, etc.
PROPRIETARY MEDICINES. Described on page 298.
PROSTATE GLAND. Described on page 778 and illus. on page 207.
PROTEIDS. goods composed Of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen: as the white of an egg.
PROTOZOOeN. First life; life in the lowest scale; as sponges.
PROUD-FLESH. Abnormal growths which arise in wounds or ulcers.
PRURITIC. Itching.
PRURITUS VULVAE. A nervous disease attended with excessive itching of the external genital parts of the female.
PSOAS OR LUMBAR ABSCESS. An abscess discharging at the groin.
PSYCHICAL. The relation of the soul to animal experiences and being.
PSYCHOLOGICAL. The spiritual potencies of the soul.
PTYALIN. The ferment of the saliva which converts starch into sugar.
PUBERTY. The age at which the subject is capable of procreation.
PUBIC. Relating to the pubes, a part above the genital organs, covered with hair at puberty.
PUERPERAL FEVER. Child-bed fever.
PULMONARY. Relating to the lungs.
PUPIL. The circular opening in the colored curtain within the eye.
PURGATIVES. Medicines which cause evacuation of the bowels.
PURULENT. Discharging pus; as an ulcer.
PUS. A yellowish, inodorous, creamy secretion from inflamed parts; contained in abscesses or discharging from ulcers.
PUSTULAR. Belonging to or affected by pustules.
PUSTULE. An elevation on the skin, containing pus or "matter," and having an inflamed base.
PUTRESCENCE. Decomposition, rottenness.
PUTRESCENT. Decomposing offensively.
PUTRIDITY. Corruption.
PYRAEMIA. Blood-poisoning from the absorption of decomposing pus or "matter."
PYLORIC ORIFICE. The lower opening of the stomach; illus. page 39.
PYRIFORM. Shaped like a pear.
QUICKENING. The time when the motion of the foetus within the womb is first perceptible; between the fourth and fifth months of pregnancy.
RADICAL CURE. A cure in which the disease is entirely removed, root and branch.
RALES. Noises produced by air passing through mucus in the lungs.
RECTAL. Pertaining to the rectum.
RECTUM. The lower portion of the intestines terminating in the anus.
RECUMBENT. Reclining.
REFLEX ACTION. See pages 93 and 99.
REGURGITATION. The act by which blood is forced backwards in an unnatural manner.
REMISSION. A temporary diminution of the symptoms of fever.
REPRODUCTION. Producing living bodies similar to the parents.
RESOLUTION. The disappearance of inflammation without suppuration.
RESPIRATION. The function by which the blue blood is converted into red blood in the lungs.
RESPIRATOR. Described on page 230.
RETINA. Defined on page 107.
RETROCEDENT. Moving from one part of the body to another; as gout.
RETROCESSION. Change of an eruption from the surface to the inner parts.
RETROVERSION. A change in the position of the womb in which the top falls back against the rectum.
REVULSION, REVULSIVE. Calling the blood away from the diseased part.
RICKETS. A disease in children characterized by crookedness of the spine and long bones resulting from scrofula or poor and insufficient food.
RICKETY. Affected with rickets.
RINGS (HERNIAL). Circular openings with muscular edges through which a vessel or part passes.
RUBEFACIENTS. Medicines which produce redness of the skin.
RUPTURE. Bursting. Hernia.
SACCHARINE. Like or containing sugar.
SALIVA. The secretion of the glands of the mouth.
SALPAE. Little sack-like shaped, soft, fleshy bodies, found in the open ocean, and sometimes phosphorescent.
SANATIVE. Curative. Tending to restore lost health.
SANGUINE TEMPERAMENT. Described on page 163.
SANITARIUM. An institution for the treatment of the sick. A healthy retreat.
SCALES. The epidermis or outer part of the skin consists of minute scales. See Fig. 50, page 71.
SCALP. The skin covering the head.
SCAPULA. Shoulder blade.
SCIATIC NERVE. The great nerve of the thigh.
SCIRRHUS. Stony hardness, characteristic of cancer.
SCLEROTIC COAT. The hard, pearly white covering of the eye.
SCORBUTIC. Producing scurvy, a disease caused by improper or insufficient food.
SCROFULOUS. Suffering from a condition of the system characterized by enlargement of the glands, eruptions, etc., with great susceptibility to contagion.
SCROTUM. The bag of skin which covers the testicles.
SCURVY. A disease due to impaired nutrition.
SEA TANGLE. A water-plant, which in its dried state is introduced into a canal and dilates the canal as it expands by the absorption of moisture.
SEBACEOUS GLANDS. The oil-tubes of the skin. Illus. page 71.
SECRETION. The process by which substances are separated from the blood.
SEDATIVES. Medicines which allay irritation or irritability of the nervous system.
SEDENTARY. Requiring much sitting.
SEMEN. The secretion of the testicles which is thrown out during sexual intercourse and contains the principle of generation.
SEMI-FLUID. Half fluid.
SEMILUNAR VALVES. Valves in the heart. See 9 and 17, Fig. 41, page 58.
SEMINAL VESICLES. Reservoirs for the sperm. See Seminal Sac, on page 207.
SEPTIC. That which corrodes or produces putrefaction.
SEPTICAEMIA. Blood-poisoning; usually by absorption.
SEQUEL. That which follows; the condition or malady which follows a disease.
SEROUS. Watery. Pertaining to the serous membrane.
SEROUS TISSUE. The membranes lining the closed cavities of the body, which secrete a watery, lubricating fluid.
SHOCK. Sudden depression of vitality occasioned by injury.
SITZ BATH. See page 367.
SLOUGHING. The process of separating a mortified part from a healthy part, through the agency of pus.
SMELL, NERVES OF. Illus. page 111.
SOLAR PLEXUS. Described on page 104.
SOLVENTS. Those chemicals which break up or dissolve substances.
SORDES. Foul accumulation on the teeth, noticed in fevers.
SOUND. An instrument for exploring cavities or canals for diagnosis or treatment.
SPECIALTY. That to which special attention is given.
SPECIFIC GRAVITY. Comparative weight; as between urine and water.
SPECULUM. An instrument for examining cavities. Illus. pages 717 and 718.
SPERMATIC CORD. The mass of arteries, veins, nerves, absorbents and their coverings, which passes along the groin and over the pubic bone, to the testicle.
SPERMATORRHEA. Described on page 772.
SPERMATOZOA. More than one Spermatozooen.
SPERMATOZOON. Defined on page 12; Illus. page 13.
SPHINCTERS. Bound muscles which close natural openings.
SPHYGMOGRAPH. An instrument for examining the heart. Illus. page 548.
SPICULA. A small pointed piece of bone.
SPINAL COLUMN. The twenty-four bones, which, situated one above the other, form the backbone.
SPINAL CORD. Described on page 90.
SPIROMETER. A gauge of chest capacity. Illus. page 392.
SPONGE TENT. Compressed, dried sponge previously treated with Gum Arabic, used for dilating the uterine canal.
SPORADIC, SPORADICALLY. A term for diseases which appear frequently, independent of epidemic or contagious influences.
SPRAIN. A straining or rupture of the fibrous parts of a joint.
STAPHYLOMA. Protrusion of the eye, sometimes with loss of sight.
STERILITY. Barrenness. Inability to bear children.
STERNUM. The breast-bone.
STETHOSCOPE. An instrument for examining the heart and lungs.
STIMULANTS. Medicines which increase the vital activity of the body.
STOOL. Evacuations of the bowels. Dung.
STRABISMUS. Cross-eyes.
STRANGULATED. Caught or fastened in the hernial canal.
STRIATED. Grooved or striped.
STRICTURE. A contracted condition of a canal or passage; of the food-pipe, rectum, urethra, etc.
STRUCTURAL. Belonging to the arrangements of tissues or organs.
STRUMOUS. Scrofulous.
STUPOR. Great diminution of sensibility.
STYE. A little boil on the eyelid.
STYPTIC. An external astringent wash.
SUB-ACUTE. A moderate form of acute.
SUDORIFEROUS GLANDS. Minute organs in the skin, which secrete the perspiration. Illus. page 70.
SUPPORTERS (UTERINE). Instruments intended to hold the womb in its natural position.
SUPPRESSION. Stoppage or obstruction of discharges; as urine, menses, etc.
SUPPURATION. A gathering. Formation of pus, as in an abscess or ulcer.
SUTURE PINS. Pins or needles, which are passed through the edges of wounds to bring them together. Thread is then wound around the pin to hold the edges in place.
SUTURES. The ragged edges of bones by which they are joined to each other. Stitches of thread to bring the edges of a wound together for their union.
SYMPATHETIC NERVE. Defined on page 101.
SYMPTOM. A change in the body or in its functions which indicates disease.
SYMPTOMATIC. Pertaining to symptoms.
SYNOVIAL MEMBRANE. The lining of a joint, which from its oily secretion allows the bones to move freely upon each other.
SYNOVITIS. Described on page 452.
TAPPING. Removing collected fluid by introducing a hollow tube through the flesh.
TEMPERAMENT. Peculiarities of the constitution manifested by traits which we denominate character.
TENESMUS. Straining at stool.
TENT. A compressed, dried cylinder of sponge, previously treated with Gum Arabic, which enlarges the canal in which it is placed by expansion from the absorption of moisture.
TESTICLES. Described on page 773; Illus. page 207.
THERMOMETER. An instrument for determining temperature.
THORACIC DUCT. A canal which carries the chyle from its repository in the abdomen to the large vein in the chest, near the heart.
THORAX. Chest.
TINCTURES. Medicines held in solution by alcohol.
TONIC. Defined on page 350.
TOPOGRAPHY. Description in detail of a place; in hygiene, to determine its adaptability to residence.
TORMINA. Griping of the bowels.
TORTICOLLIS. Stiffness or contraction of the muscles of the neck. Wryneck.
TOURNIQUET. An instrument to stop bleeding. Illus. Fig. 252, page 890.
TRACHEA. Windpipe. See page 63.
TRANSLUCENT. Transmitting light, but not permitting objects to be seen distinctly.
TRANSUDATION. Passage of liquid through the tissues of the body.
TRAUMATIC. Relating to a wound or injury.
TREPHINING. Removing a piece of bone by a cylindrical saw.
TRITURATE. To pulverize.
TROCAR. An instrument for removing fluids from cavities. It consists of a perforator within a cylinder.
TRUNCATED. Shaped like a pyramid with its top cut off.
TRUSS. A mechanical appliance for preventing protrusion or strangulation. Hernial support.
TUBERCLE. See pages 431 and 498.
TURN OF LIFE. The change of life when menstruation ceases.
TYMPANUM. Ear-drum. Illus. p. 109.
UMBILICAL. Of the navel; as umbilical hernia. Illus. page 883.
UMBILICAL CORD. A cord-like substance which conveys the blood to the foetus from the placenta or afterbirth.
UNSTRIATED. Not grooved or striped.
URAEMIC. Pertaining to blood-poisoning from the presence of urea in the circulation.
URATES. The pinkish deposit found in urine.
UREA. A constituent of the urine.
URETERS. The canals leading from the kidneys to the bladder. Illus. pages 85 and 207.
URETHRA. The canal leading from the bladder outwards, by which the urine is voided. Illus. page 207.
URETHROTOMY. The operation for opening the urethra for the removal of stricture.
URIC ACID. A constituent of the urine.
URINARY FISTULA. Abnormal communication between the urinary passages and the surface.
URINO-GENITAL ORGANS. Pertaining to the urinary and sexual organs.
UTERINE. Belonging or relating to the womb.
UTERINE CAVITY OR CANAL. From the month of the womb to a constriction called the internal orifice, is a cylindrical space called the canal. Above this to the fundus or base is a triangular and flat space called the cavity.
VAGINA. A canal, five or six inches long, situated between the vulva and womb.
VAGINAL. Pertaining to the vagina.
VAGINISMUS. Irritable vagina.
VARICOCELE. Described on page 803.
VARICOSE. Veins that are twisted or dilated.
VASCULAR. Belonging or relating to vessels.
VASCULAR SYSTEM. The heart and blood-vessels.
VEINS. The vessels which return the blue blood to the heart.
VENEREAL. Syphilitic.
VENTRICLES. Chambers in the heart. See 5 and 14, Fig. 41, page 58.
VERMIFUGE. A medicine which destroys or expels worms.
VERSION. Displacement of the womb forwards or backwards.
VERTEBRAE. The twenty-four bones which joined together form the backbone.
VERTEBRATES. Animals having the jointed skeleton within; distinguishes between these and insects, worms, oysters, jelly fish, etc.
VERTIGO. Dizziness Or swimming of the head.
VESICLES. Small bladders or sacs. Pimples.
VESICULAR. Belonging to or containing cells.
VILLI. Minute thread-like projections.
VIRILE POWER. Masculine vigor. Sexual vigor.
VIRUS. Poison. The agent which transmits infectious disease.
VISCERA. (Plural of Viscus.) More than one internal organ.
VISCOUS. Sticky. Tenacious.
VISCUS. Any internal organ.
VITREOUS HUMOR. The fluid in the eye behind the lens. Illus. page 107.
VULVA. The external organs of generation in the female, or the opening between these projecting parts.
WALLS. The sides of an enclosure, as the walls of the vagina, which to soma extent support the womb.
WHITES. Described on page 702.
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WE WARN ALL THOSE WHO CONTEMPLATE VISITING US, that we have the most positive proofs that a gang of confidence men have at different times made it their business to watch for sick and infirm people on the way to our institutions, and divert them into the hands of "sharpers," confidence men and swindlers. These men have watched for the coming of invalids on the cars, in and around the depots, in the offices of the hotels located near the depots, and if inquiry was made for our institutions, or if the object of the visit to the city was made known or suspected from the invalid appearance of the traveler, they at once commenced weaving their skillfully-wrought web to catch a victim.
THIRD.—IF YOU HAVE A CHECK FOR BAGGAGE, WHEN THE BAGGAGE-MAN COMES THROUGH THE CARS, AS ONE DOES ON EVERY TRAIN BEFORE IT REACHES THE CITY, ASKING IF YOU WILL HAVE YOUR BAGGAGE DELIVERED ANYWHERE IN THE CITY, OR, IF YOU WILL HAVE A CARRIAGE; IF YOU HAVE A TRUNK, GIVE HIM THE CHECK FOR IT, PAY HIM 25 CENTS ONLY AND HE WILL HAVE IT DELIVERED AT THE INVALIDS' HOTEL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE. 663 MAIN STREET. (Do not forget the number). You had better, also, procure a ticket from this baggage-man, or agent, for a coupe or carriage to our place, for which you will have to pay only fifty cents. (Outside prices are higher.) This saves all trouble and anxiety, as the agent will look carefully after both yourself and baggage, and you are sure of reaching our place promptly and safely. If you have only hand-baggage, such as bundles, traveling-bags, or similar luggage, you can take it with you in the carriage without extra cost.
Mr. C.W. Miller, whose agents solicit on all the in-coming trains for the delivery of passengers and baggage, has an office in every passenger depot in this city, to which you can apply if, by any chance, you miss his agent on the train.
If all we say of our institutions, and our advantages and facilities for the successful treatment of disease is not found, on your arrival and investigation, to be just as we have represented them, WE WILL PAY ALL THE EXPENSES OF YOUR TRIP AND YOU CAN RETURN HOME AT ONCE.
in the nature of advice, to those about to visit us, in conclusion, may not be out of place.
Observe the foregoing directions, and any child of twelve years, possessed of ordinary intelligence, can reach our conspicuous place, 663 MAIN STREET, Buffalo, N.Y., without fail.
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* * * * *
Abortion, 682 Abscess, Lumbar, 446 Abscess, Psoas, 448 Absence of the Ovaries, 688 Absence of the Womb, 689 Absolutely Painless Operation, 491 Absorption, 48 Acacia Catechu, 325 Accidents, 889 Acetabulum, 25 Acetate of Potato, 338 Acid, Aromatic Sulphuric, 310 Acid Bath, 367 Acid, Carbolic, 318 Acid, Gallic, 325 Acid, Hydrochloric, 310 Acid, Muriatic, 310 Acid, Tannic, 325 Acid, Uric, 86 Acids, 309, 895 Acidum Gallicum, 325 Acidum Tannicum, 325 Acne, 442 Aconite, 346 Acute Articular Rheumatism, 425 Acute Bright's Disease, 830 Acute Bronchitis, 509 Acute Catarrh, 473 Acute Gastritis, 883 Acute Inflammation of the Bladder, 824 Acute Inflammation of the Bowels, 655 Acute Inflammation of the Kidneys, 823 Acute Inflammation of the Liver, 569 Acute Inflammation of the Stomach, 565 Acute Laryngitis, 496 Acute Nephritis, 829 Acute Peritonitis, 886 Adhesion, 400 Adipose Tissue, 20 Affections, Alphous, 441 Affections, Boil-like, 443 Affections, Bullous, 438 Affections, Eczematous, 430 Affections, Erythematous, 436 Affections, Furuncular, 443 Affections, Nervous, of the Skin, 440 Affections of the Hair-follicles, 441 Affections of the Male Generative Organs, 773 Affections of the Urinary Organs, 825 Affections of the Urinary Organs, Sympathetic, 826 Afferent Nerves, 87,93 Afterbirth, 216 Age of Nervousness, the, 619 Ague, 405 Air-cells, 63 Air-passages, Foreign Bodies in the, 893 Air, Pure, 822, 223, 378 Albumen, 53, 238 Albuminuria, 422 Alcohol, 849, 627, 896 Alcohol Habit, 627 Alcoholic Liquors, 255 Alder, 304 Alkalies, 809, 895 Alkaline Bath, 367 Allopathic School of Medicine, 293 Alnuin, 305 Alnus Eubra, 304 Aloes, 328 Alphos, 441 Alphous Affections, 441 Alteratives, 303 Alteratives, Compounding of, 303 Alternate Generation, 16 Althea Officinalis, 336 Amenorrhea, 687 American Colombo, 353 American Hellebore, 347 American Poplar, 350 Ammonia, 349 Amnion, 216 Amperemeter, 630 Amygdalus Persica, 346 Amyloid Degeneration of the Kidneys, 830 Amyloids, 238 Anaemia, 419 Anaesthesia, Local, 806 Anaesthetics, 806 Anal Fistula, 583 Anasarca, 422 Anatomy, 11 Anatomy, Physiological, 11, 19, 30, 37, 48, 56, 63, 68, 75, 84, 87 Anatomy, Physiological, of the Testes, 774 Anatomy, Physiological, of the Urinary Organs, 823 Angina Pectoris, 552 Ammalcular Lite, Universality of, 16 Animal Extracts as Remedies, 631 Animal Faculties, 130 Animal Food, Value of, 241 Animals, Cold-blooded, 55 Anise-seed, 325 Anodynes, 310 Anteflexions of the Uterus, 714 Anterior view of Deformed Nasal Cavity, 492 Anterior view of Nasal Cavity, 490 Anthelmintics, 319 Anthrax, 475 Antidotes for Poisons, 895 Antiperiodics, 316 Antiseptics, 317 Antispasmodics, 318 Anus, Fistula of the, 583 Aorta, 58 Aperients, 326 Aphasia, 639 Apnoea, 421 Appendix Vermiformis, 41 Apthae, 553 Aqueous Humor, 107 Arachnoid Fluid, 90 Arachnoid Membrane, 90 Arbutus, Trailing, 336 Arctium Lappa, 307 Areolar Tissue, 19 Aristolochia Serpentaria, 333 Aromatic Sulphuric Acid, 310 Arteries, 58 Artery, Pulmonary, 58 Art of Swimming, 274 Ascaris Lumbricoides, 561 Ascaris Vermioularis, 561 Ascites, 423 Asclepias Tuberosa, 332 Asclepin, 333 Aseptic Precautions in Operations, 492 Ashes, 335 Ash, Prickly, 349 Aspen Poplar, 315 Asphyxia, 421 Aspidium Filix Mas., 315 Assafetida Ferula, 318 Assimilation, 233 Asthma, 511 Asthma, Hay, 514 Astringents, 320 Ataxia, Locomotor, 640 Atomizer, 481 Atomizer, Steam, 482 Atropa Belladonna, 312 Atrophy of the Heart, 551 Atrophy of the Testicles, 773 Atropia, 312 Atropin, 312 Auricle, 57 Auscultation, 391 Axis, Cerebro-spinal, 89 Axis-cylinder, 87
Back, Crooked, 901 Baked Mutton, 248 Balmony, 315 Baptisia Tinctoria, 318 Baptisin, 318 Barber's Itch, 442 Bark, Cramp, 320 Bark, Slippery-elm, 335 Barosma Crenata, 338 Barosmin, 338 Barrenness, 707 Base Ball, 273 Basilar Faculties, 132 Battery for home use, 631, 632 Bath, Acid, 367 Bath, Alkaline, 367 Bath, Cold, 356 Bath, Cool, 357 Bath, Douche, 365 Bath, Foot, 366 Bath, Head, 367 Bath, Hot, 358 Bath, Iodine, 368 Bath, Russian, 358 Bath, Scott's Acid, 367 Bath, Shower, 365 Bath Sitz, 367 Bath, Spirit Vapor, 382 Bath, Sponge, 365 Bath, Sulphur, 368 Bath, Temperate, 357 Bath, Tepid, 357 Bath, Turkish, 358 Bath, Warm, 357 Bathing, 353 Bathing, Sea, 364 Baths, Medicated, 367 Bed, 279, 377 Bedding, 380 Beef Soup, 247 Beef Tea, 381 Belladonna, 312 Beverages, 248 Bicarbonate of Potash, 309 Bile, 80 Biliary Calculi, 560 Biliary Salts, 81 Bilious Colic, 557 Bilious Disorder, 569 Bilious Fever, 408 Biliverdin, 81 Biology, 11 Blackberry-root, 321 Black Cohosh, 305, 341 Black Pepper, 348 Black-root, 327 Black Snake-root, 305, 341 Black Vomit, 883 Bladder, 823 Bladder, Chronic Inflammation of the, 836 Bladder, Stone in the, 838 Blood, 53 Blood Corpuscles, 53 Blood, Physical Properties of the, 53 Blood-root, 306 Blood, Vital Properties of the, 53 Bloody-flux, 888 Blue Flag, 307 Blushing, 62 Boiled Fish, 247 Boiled Meat, 247 Boil-like Affections, 443 Boils, 443 Bones, 19 Bones of the Head, 22 Bones of the Lower Extremities, 27 Bones of the Upper Extremities, 25 Boneset, 316, 341 Boxing, 273 Boxwood, 351 Brain, 95 Brain Fatigue, 621 Branny Tetter, 431 Breach, 864 Bread, 248 Bright's Disease, Acute, 830 Broiled Steak, 247 Bronchia, 63 Bronchial Cells, 63 Bronchitis, 476 Bronchitis, Chronic, 509 Bruises, 892 Buchu, 338 Bugle-weed, 383 Bullous Affections, 438 Burdock, 307 Burns, 894 Bursae Mucosae, 29 Butterfly-weed, 333 Butternut, 328 Butter-weed, 324
Chachexia, 431 Caecum, 41 Caliculi, 837 Camp Fever, 408 Camphor, 312 Canada Fleabane, 324 Canals, Haversian, 21 Canals, Semi-circular, 110 Canker, 553 Cannabis Indica, 334 Capacity, Cranial, 139 Capillaries, 60 Capsicum Annuum, 348 Capsule, Synovial, 29 Carbolic Acid, 318 Carbonate of Iron, 354 Carbuncle, 444 Carminatives, 325 Carpus, 26 Cartilage, 29 Cartilaginous Tissue, 20 Cascara Sagrada, 328 Casein, 82, 338 Castor Oil, 328 Catarrh, Acute, 473 Catarrh, Chronic Nasal, 474 Catarrh, Hay, 514 Catechu, 325 Cathartics, 326 Catnip, 334 Caustics, 331 Cayenne Pepper, 348 Cellars, Damp, 228 Cells, Bronchial, 66 Centres of Ossification, 20, 27 Centre, Specific, 14 Cephaelis Ipecacuanha, 339 Cerebellum, 95, 97 Cerebral Nerves, 89 Cerebral Physiology, 114 Cerebro-spinal Axis, 89 Cerebro-spinal System, 89 Cerebrum, 95, 98 Cerevisiae Fermentum, 317 Ceruminous Glands, 77 Cervical Rheumatism, 427 Cessation of the Menses, 700 Chalybeate Waters, 250 Chamomile, 350 Chamomile, Wild, 834 Chelone Glabra, 315 Chelonin, 315 Chicken-pox, 412 Chimaphila Umbellate, 338 Chimaphilin, 338 Chloride of Iron, Tincture of, 355 Chloride of Sodium, 815 Cholagogues, 326 Cholera, Epidemic, 887 Cholera Infantum, 555 Cholera Morbus, 888 Cholesterin, 81 Chordae Tendineae, 57 Chorea, 650 Chorion, 216 Choroid, 107 Chronic Articular Rheumatism, 426 Chronic Bright's Disease, 830 Chronic Bronchitis, 509 Chronic Cystitis, 836 Chronic Diarrhea, 568 Chronic Gastritis, 884 Chronic Gout, 430 Chronic Hepatitis, 569 Chronic Inflammation of the Bladder, 836 Chronic Inflammation of the Bowels, 549 Chronic Inflammation of the Liver, 569 Chronic Inflammation of the Stomach, 884 Chronic Laryngitis, 496 Chronic Nasal Catarrh, 474 Chronic Peritonitis, 886 Chronic Ulcers, 454 Chyle, 45, 49 Chyme, 45 Cimicifuga Racemosa, 305, 341 Circulatory Organs, 56 Citrate of Iron, 354 Classes of Food, 238 Clavicle, 26 Cleanliness of Body, 281, 380 Clergymen's Sore Throat, 496 Climate, 243 Closure of the Tear-duct, 477 Clot, 54 Clothing, 264, 380 Coagulation, 55 Coccyx, 23, 25 Cochlea, 110 Cochlearia Armoracia, 331 Coffee, 258 Cohosh, Black, 305, 341 Cold-blooded Animals, 55 Colic, 557 Colic, Bilious, 557 Colic, Flatulent, 558 Colic, Lead, 558 Colic, Painters', 558 Coliea Pietonum, 558 Collinsonia Canadensis, 337 Colombo, American, 358 Colon, 41 Colts-tail, 324 Columnae Carneae, 57 Column, Spinal, 24 Comedones, 442 Compound Extract of Smart-weed, 312, 326, 335, 342, 349 Compounding of Alteratives, 308 Conception, Double, 215 Conception, Prevention of, 212 Congestive Fever, 406 Conium Maculatum, 311 Conjugal Love, 186 Connective Tissue, 19 Constipation, 573 Consumption, 476, 497 Consumption, Curability of, 503 Consumption, Tubercular, 497 Continued Fevers, 407 Contractility, 34 Contused Wounds, 889 Convolutions, 98 Cookery, 246 Copper, Sulphate of, 339 Coptis Trifolia, 354 Cord, Spinal, 90 Cord, Umbilical, 217 Core, 399 Cornea, 106 Cornus Florida, 351 Corpora Olivaria, 95, 96 Corpora Pyramidalia, 95 Corpora Quadrigemina, 95, 97 Corpora Restiformia, 95, 96 Corpus Callosum, 98 Corpuscles, Blood, 53 Corpuscles, Ganglionic, 87, 88 Costiveness, 573 Cotton-wool Respirator, 230
Cough, 502, 506 Countenance, 394 Counter-irritants, 331 Cow-pox, 411 Coxalgia, 450 Cramp Bark, 450 Cranberry, High, 320 Cranesbill, 322 Cranial Capacity, 139 Cranial Nerves, 100 Cranium, 22 Creasote, 317 Creation, Special, 14 Creeping Palsy, 640 Cricket, 273 Criminal Abortion, 682 Crocus Sativus, 333 Crooked Back, 901 Croup, Membranous, 878 Croup, Spasmodic, 878 Crow-foot, 332 Crura Cerebelli, 97 Crusted Tetter, 433 Crystalline Lens, 107 Cueurbita Chrullus, 338 Cucurbita Pepo, 338 Culture, Mental, 276 Culver's-root, 327 Cupri Sulphas, 339 Curability of Consumption, 503 Cure, Radical, for Hernia, 892 Curvature of the Spine, Lateral, 901 Curvature, Posterior Spinal, 898 Cuticle, 68, 70 Cutis Vera, 68 Cypripedin, 320, 345 Cypripedium Pubescens, 320, 345 Cystitis, Chronic, 836
Damp Cellars, 228 Dancing, 276 Dandruff, 431 Danger in the use of Instruments, 846 Datura Stramonium, 344 Deadly Nightshade, 312 Deafness, 476 Debility, Sexual, Symptoms of, 777 Decidua, 216 Decoctions, 303 Deformed Feet, 903 Deformed Hands, 903 Deformed Limbs, 903 Deformity of the Nasal Septum, 490 Degeneration of the Heart, Fatty, 551 Degeneration of the Kidneys, 832 Deglutition, 233 Desquamative Nephritis, 833 Development of the Individual, 192 Diabetes, 835 Diagnosis, 390 Diagnostic Symptoms, 390 Diaphoretics, 332 Diaphragm, 32 Diarrhea, 502, 555 Diarrhea, Chronic, 568 Diathesis, 391 Diathesis, Scrofulous, 445 Diathesis, Strumous, 445 Diet, 380 Digestibility of Food, 248 Digestion, 37 Digestive Organs, 37 Digitalis Purpurea, 387 Dilatation of the Heart, 551 Diluents, 335 Dioecious Reproduction, 202 Dioscorea Villosa, 320 Dioscorein, 320 Diptheria, 414 Discovery, Golden Medical, 308, 316, 355 Disease, Bright's, 830 Disease, Dust and, 229 Disease, Hip-joint, 450 Disease, Remedies for, 298 Disease of the Throat, 476 Diseases and their Remedial Treatment, 386 Diseases of the Heart, 547 Diseases of the Kidneys, 829 Disease of the Larynx, 476 Diseases of the Liver, 559, 569 Diseases of the Skin, 430 Diseases of the Stomach, 430 Diseases of the Urinary Organs, 823 Diseases of Women, 684 Disinfectants, 317 Dislocations, 892 Displacements of the Womb, 713 Distilled Liquors, 264 Diuretics, 336 Dock, Yellow, 304 Dog-button, 350 Dogwood, 351 Domestic Management of Fevers, 403 Door of Life, the, 681 Dose, 300 Double Conception, 215 Douche Bath, 365 Douche, Dr. Pierce's Nasal, 486 Dover's Powder, 311 Drastics, 326 Dropsies, 422 Dropsy of the Scrotum, 821 Drowning, 893 Ducts, Lactiferous, 82 Duodenum, 40 Dura Mater, 90 Duration of Pregnancy, 219 Dust and Disease, 229 Dwellings, Ventilation of, 226 Dynamometer, 391 Dysentery, 588 Dysmenorrhea, 692 Dyspepsia, 565 Dyspnoea, 502
Ear, Catarrh of the, 477 Eating, 233 Eclectic School of Medicine, 294 Eczema, 430 Eczema, Infantile, 430 Eczematous Affections, 430 Efferent Nerves, 87, 98 Effusion, 400 Electricity in Nervous Affections, 629 Elixir of Vitriol, 310 Elongation of the Uvula, 419, 495 Emergencies, 889 Emetics, 339 Emetic-weed, 340 Emissions, Involuntary Seminal, 773 Emissions, Nocturnal 773 Emmenagogues 341 Emotive Faculties 126 Encephalic Temperament 177 Endocarditis 549 Endocardium 57 Endolymph 110 Enlarged Spermatic Veins 803 Enlarged Tonsils 417, 494 Enlargement of the Prostate Gland 840 Enteric Fever 407 Envelope 9 Epidemic Cholera 887 Epidermis 68, 70 Epigea Repens 336 Epiglottis 67 Epilepsy 647 Epsom Salts 328 Erect Carriage 272 Ergot 341 Erigeron Canadense 324 Eruption, Heat 430 Eruptive Fevers 408 Erysipelas 413 Erythema 436 Erythemaious Affections 436 Esophagus 39 Ethmoid Bone 22 Eupatorin 316, 341 Eupatorin (Purpu) 338 Eupatorium Perfoliatum 316, 341 Eupatorium Purpureum 338 Eustachian Tube 110 Evolution 14 Examination, Microscopical 398, 825 Examination of the Urine 397, 625, 825 Excretion 84 Exercise 382 Exercise, Horseback 276 Exercise, Physical 270 Exercises of the Gymnasium 275 Expanding Uterine Speculum 718 Expectorants 342 Expectoration 502 External Auditory Meatus 77, 109 Extract of Smart-weed 312, 326, 335, 342, 349 Exudation 422 Eye 397
Face, Bones of the 23 Factories, Ventilation of 226 Faculties, Animal 130 Faculties, Basilar 132 Faculties, Emotive 126 Faculties, Volitive 129 Fainting 894 Falling of the Uterus 713 Fallopian Tubes 209 False Measles 413 False Membrane 878 False Passages 846 Fascia 30 Fasciculus 30 Fats 238 Fatty Degeneration of the Heart 551 Fatty Degeneration of the Kidneys 832 Favorite Prescription, Pierce's 342, 346, 355 Favus 441 Fecundation 211 Feebleness, Region of 134 Feeding Infants 235 Feet, Deformed 903 Female Generative Organs 206 Female Regulator 341 Female Urinary Organs 206 Femoral Hernia 863 Femur 27 Fencing 273 Fennel-seed 325 Fergusson Speculum 717 Fermented Liquors 263 Fern, Male 315 Ferri Carbonas 354 Ferri Citras 354 Ferri Ferrocyanidum 316 Ferri Pyrophosphas 354 Ferri Redactum 354 Ferrocyanide of Iron 316 Ferrum 354 Fever 401 Fever and Ague 405 Fever, Bilious 406 Fever, Camp 408 Fever, Congestive 406 Fever, Enteric 407 Fever, Gastric 405 Fever, Hay 514 Fever, Hectic 502 Fever, Hospital 408 Fever, Intermittent 405 Fever, Jail 408 Fever, Pernicious 406 Fever, Remittent 406 Fever, Scarlet 408 Fever, Ship 408 Fever, Typhoid 407 Fever, Typhus 408 Fever-sore 446, 454, 456 Fevers, Continued 407 Fevers, Domestic Management of 403 Fevers, Eruptive 408 Fevers, Malignant 407 Fevers, Putrid 407 Fibrillae 30, 32 Fibrin 53, 238 Fibroid Polypus 487 Fibroid Tumors 722 Fibula 27 Fish 247 Fissure of Sylvius 98 Fistula in Ano 583 Fits 647 Flag, Blue 307 Flatulent Colic 558 Flax-seed 335 Fleabane, Canada 324 Flesh 30 Flexions of the Uterus or Womb 709, 714 Fluid Arachnoid 90 Focus 108 Foetus 216 Follicles of Lieberkuhn 79 Follicular Laryngitis 496 Follicular Ulcer 718 Fomentations 386 Food 233 Food, Classes of 238 Food, Digestibility of 243 Food, Preparation of 236 Food, Value of Animal 241 Food, Variety of, Necessary 236, 239 Foot-bath 366 Foreign Bodies in the Nose 893 Foreign Bodies In the Throat and Air-passages 893 Fountain Syringe 705 Foxglove 867 Fractures 892 Franklin Electric Machine 629 Frasera Carolinensis 353 Fraserin 353 Fretfulness 623 Frontal Bone 22 Function 11 Furuncular Affections 443 Furunculus 443
Gall-bladder 80 Gallic Acid 325 Gall-stones 560 Galvano-Faradic Battery 628 Galvanometer 630 Gamboge 327 Ganglia 89, 103, 115 Ganglionic Corpuscles 87, 89 Gangrene 400 Garget 304 Gastralgia 885 Gastric Fever 405 Gastric Juice 45, 79 Gastritis, Acute 883 Gastritis, Chronic 884 Gaultheria Procumbens 325 Gelatinoid Polypus 487 Gelsemin 320, 348 Gelseminum Sempervirens 319, 348 General Paralysis 639 General Treatment of Paralysis 641 Generation 11, 12 Generation, Alternate 16 Generation, The Process of 15 Generative Organs, Hygiene of the 282 Generative Organs, Male, Affections of the 772 Gentian 350 Geranin 323 Geranium Maculatum 322 Geranium, Spotted 322 Germ-cell 12, 15 Ginger 325, 335 Gland, Prostate 827 Gland, Prostate, Enlargement of the 840 Gland, Sublingual 38 Gland, Submaxillary 39 Glands, Ceruminous 77 Glands, Meibomian 78 Glands of Brunner 79 Glands, Parotid 38 Glands, Salivary 38 Glands, Sebaceous 70, 77 Glands, Sudoriferous 69 Glycocholate of Soda 81 Goitre 470 Golden Medical Discovery 308, 316, 355 Golden Saffron 333 Golden-seal 352 Gold-thread 354 Gouty Headache 635 Granular Ulcer 717 Gravel 837 Gravel-plant 336 Gravel-root 336, 338 Gravel-weed 338 Gray Matter 91 Great Sympathetic System 101 Grip, The 471 Gum Arabia 335 Gutta Rosacea 433 Gymnasium, Exercises of the 275
Habit, Alcohol 627 Habit, Opium 627 Habit, Tobacco 627 Haematoxylon Campeachianum 321 Haemoptysis 502, 507 Hair-follicles, Affections of the 441 Hairs 72 Hamamelin 322 Hamamelis Virginica 321 Hands, Deformed 903 Hardhack 323 Haversian Canals 21 Hay Asthma 514 Hay Catarrh 514 Hay Fever 514 Headache 634 Headache, Malarial 635 Headache, Nervous 635 Headache, Neuralgic 635 Headache, Periodical 635 Headache, Rheumatic 635 Head Bath 358 Head, Scald 441 Head, The Bones of the 22 Health, Light and 231 Hearing 109 Heart 56 Heart, Atrophy of the 551 Heart, Dilatation of the 551 Heart, Diseases of the 547 Heart, Fatty Degeneration of the 651 Heart, Hypertrophy of the 550 Heart, Neuralgia of the 552 Heart, Organic Disease of the 547 Heat Eruption 430 Heat, Prickly 432 Hectic Fever 502 Hedeoma Pulegioides 341 Hellebore, American 347 Hellebore, Swamp 347 Hellebore, White 347 Hemiplegia 639 Hemlock, Poison 311 Hemorrhage 578, 890 Hemorrhoids 578 Hemp, Indian 344 Henbane 311, 343 Hepatitis, Chronic 569 Hermaphrodite 199 Hermaphroditic Reproduction 199 Hernia 862 Hernia, Radical Cure for 866 Herpes 438 High Cranberry 320 Hitus 84 Hip joint Disease 450 History of Marriage 188 Hives 437 Homes, Site for 227 Homoeopathy 294 Hops 312, 345 Horseback Exercise 276 Horse-balm 337 Horse-radish 331 Hospital Fever 408 Hot Bath 358 How to use Vaginal Injections 705 How to use Water 252 Human Temperaments 148 Humerus, 26 Humid Tetter, 430 Humor, Aqueous, 107 Humor, Vitreous, 107 Humpback, 898 Humulin, 312, 345 Humulus Lupulus, 312, 345 Hydragogues, 326 Hydrargyri Sulphas Flava, 339 Hydrarthrus, 452 Hydrastia, Muriate of, 352 Hydrastin, 352 Hydrastis Canadensis, 352 Hydrocele, 423, 821 Hydrocephalus, 433 Hydrochloric Acid, 310 Hydrothorax, 423 Hygiene ,222 Hygiene of the Reproductive Organs, 282 Hygiene, Practical Summary of, 288 Hygienic Treatment of the Sick, 375 Hymen, Imperforate, 687 Hyoscyamin, 311, 344 Hyoscyamus Niger, 311, 343 Hypertrophy of the Heart, 550 Hysterical Headache, 635
Icterus, 559 Ileum, 40, 41 Imperforate Hymen, 687 Impetigo, 433 Impotency, 776 Impoverished Blood, 626 Impurities, Mineral, 249 Incised Wounds, 889 Incus, 110 Independent Physician, 295 Indian Hemp, 344 Indian Physic, 327 Indian Poke, 347 Indian Tobacco, 340 Indigestion, 565 Indigo, Wild, 318 Individual, Development of the, 192 Indolent Ulcer, 455 Indulgence, Solitary, 772 Induration, 400 Infantile Eczema, 430 Infants, Feeding of, 235 Inferior Maxillary Bone, 22 Inferior Turbinated Bones, 22 Inflammation, 398 Inflammation of the Bladder, Chronic, 836 Inflammation of the Bones, 458 Inflammation of the Liver, 569, 570 Inflammation of the Stomach, Acute, 882 Inflammation of the Stomach, Chronic, 884 Inflammation of the Vagina, 702 Inflammation, Phlegmonous, 399 Inflammation, Termination of, 400 Inflammation, Treatment of, 401 Influenza, 471 Infusions, 303 Inguinal Hernia, 863 Insalivation, 233 Insertion, 31 Insomnia, 623 Instruments, Danger in the use of, 846 Intermediate Muscles, 32 Intermittent Fever, 405 Interpretation of Symptoms, 893 Intestinal Juice, 79 Intestinal Worms, 561 Intestines, 49 Introductory Words, 9 Involuntary Muscles, 32 Involuntary Seminal Emissions, 773 Iodine, 307, 896 Iodine Bath, 368 Ipecac, 339 Ipomoea Jalapa, 326 Iris, 107 Iris Versicolor, 307 Iron, 354 Iron by Hydrogen, 354 Iron, Carbonate of, 354 Iron, Citrate of, 354 Iron, Ferrocyanide of, 316 Iron, Pyrophosphate of, 354 Iron, Tincture of Muriate of, 355 Irritable Ulcer, 455 Itch, 434 Itch, Barber's, 442 Itching of the Vulva, 702
Jaborandi, 334 Jail Fever, 408 Jalap, 326 Jalapin, 327 Jaundice, 559 Jejunum, 40, 41 Jessamine, Yellow, 319, 348 Juglandin, 328 Juglans Cinerea, 328 Juice, Gastric, 45, 79 Juice, Intestinal, 79 Juice, Lemon, 335 Juice, Orange, 335 Juice, Pancreatic, 89 Juice, Tamarind, 335
Kidneys, 823 Kidneys, Diseases of the, 829 Knee-joint, Tuberculosis of the, 453 Knot-root, 337
Labyrinth, 110 Lacerated Wounds, 890 Lachrymal Bones, 22 Lacteals, 48 Lactiferous Ducts, 82 Lady's-slipper, Yellow, 320, 345 Laryngitis, Chronic, 496 Laryngitis, Follicular, 496 Larynx, 63 Larynx, Disease of the, 476 Latent Life, 11 Lateral Curvature of the Spine, 901 Late Suppers, 235 Laudanum, 310 Laxatives, 326 Lead Colic, 558 Lemons, 335 Lens Crystalline, 107 Leptandra Virginica, 327 Leptandrin, 327 Lesions, Valvular, 549 Leucocythaemia, 491
Leucorrhea 702 Liberal Physician 295 Lichen 431 Lids, Granular 649 Life, Latent 11 Life Line 169 Life, Origin of 17 Life-root 341 Life, Transmission of 181 Life, Turn of 700 Ligaments 29 Light and Health 231, 378 Limbs, Deformed 903 Liniments 342 Liquor Amnii 216 Liquor Sanguinis 53 Liquors, Alcoholic 255 Liquors, Distilled 264 Liquors, Fermented 263 Liquors, Malted 262 Liriodendron Tulipfera 350 Literature, Obscene 285 Liver 42 Liver, Chronic Inflammation of the 569 Liver Complaint 569 Liver, Diseases of the 569 Lobelia Inflata 340 Lobes 64, 80 Lobules 64, 80 Locomotor Ataxia 640 Logwood 321 Loss of Sexual Power 776 Love 184 Love, Conjugal 186 Lower Extremities, the Bones of the 27 Lumbago 427 Lungs 63 Lycopin 324 Lycopus Virginicus 323 Lymph 51 Lymphatics 49 Lymphatic System 49 Lymphatic Temperament 157
Machines, Electrical 629 Macrotin 306 Macrotys 305 Mad-dog Weed 345 Magnesia Sulphas 328 Malar Bones 22 Malaria 227 Malarial Headache 635 Male Fern 315 Male Generative Organs 207 Male Generative Organs, Affections of the 772 Male Generative Organs, Physiology of the 772 Malformation of the Vagina 687 Malformation of the Womb 687 Malignant Fevers 407 Malleus 110 Malted Liquors 262 Management, Domestic, of Fevers 403 Mandrake 304 Manipulator 373 Marriage 184 Marriage, History of 188 Marsh-mallow 336 Maruta Cotula 334 Massage 362 Mastication 233 Masturbation 286, 772 Matter, Gray 91 Matter, Sebaceous 77 Maxillary Bones 22 May-apple 304 May-weed 334 Meadow Sweet 323 Meals, Regularity of 234 Measles 412 Measles, False 413 Meatus External Auditory 77, 109 Mechanical Movements in the Treatment of Paralysis 641 Mechanical Movements, Value of 371 Mediastinum 65 Medical Diagnosis 390 Medicated Bath 367 Medicine, Allopathic School of 293 Medicine, Eclectic School of 294 Medicine, Homoeopathic School of 294 Medicine, Preparation of 301 Medicine, Progress of 292 Medicine, Properties of 300 Medicine, Rational 292 Medicines, Proprietary 298 Medulla Oblongata 95 Medulla Spinalis 25 Meibomian Glands 78 Melancholy 621 Membrane, Arachnoid 90 Membrane, False 878 Membrane, Mucous 37 Membrane, Pituitary 111 Membrane, Synovial 29 Membranous Croup 878 Menorrhagia 697 Menses 210 Menses, Cessation of the 700 Menses, Retention of the 687, 688, 689, 690 Menses, Suppression of the 687, 688, 689, 690 Menstruation 210, 686 Menstruation, Painful 692 Menstruation, Profuse 697 Mental Culture 276 Mentha Piperita 326 Mentha Viridis 326 Mercury 307 Mercury, Yellow Subsulphate of 339 Metacarpus 26 Metatarsus 27 Miasm 405 Microscopical Examination 398 Miliaria 439 Milk 381 Mind, Nature of 146 Mineral Foods 238 Mineral Impurities 249 Mitral Valve 57 Miscarriage 682 Modified Small-pox 411 Monogamy 188 Morphine 311 Motherwort 342 Motion as a Remedial Agent 369 Motion, Peristalic 49 Motor Nerves 87, 93 Mouth 37 Mouth, Nursing Sore 554 Mouth, Sore 553 Movements, Mechanical, in the Treatment of Paralysis 661 Mucosin 78 Mucous Membrane 37 Mucus 78 Mumps, 471 Muriate of Hydrastia, 352 Muriate of Iron, Tincture of, 355 Muriatic Acid, 310 Muscles, 30 Muscles, Intermediate, 32 Muscles, Involuntary, 32 Muscles, Voluntary, 31 Muscular Tissue, 20 Mustard, 331, 339 Mutton Soup, 247 Myalgia, 427
Nails, 73 Narcotics, 343, 897 Nasal Bones, 22 Nasal Catarrh, Chronic , 474 Nasal Cavity, anterior view of, 490 Nasal Cavity, view of deformed, 492 Nasal Douche, Dr. Pierce's, 485 Nasal Polypus, 487 Nasal Tumors, 489 Nasal Septum, deformed, 490 Nature of Asthma, 512 Nature of Disease, 390, 512 Nature of Mind, 146 Nature's Mode of Sustaining Health 371 Neck, Thick, 470 Necrosis, 456 Nepeta Cataria, 334 Nerve-fibers, 87 Nerve, Pneumogastric, 101 Nerves, Afferent, 87, 93 Nerves, Cerebral, 89 Nerves, Cranial, 100 Nerves, Efferent, 87, 93 Nerves, Motor, 87, 93 Nerves, Olfactory, 100, 111 Nerves, Sensory, 87, 93 Nerves, Spinal, 89 Nerves, Sympathetic, 101 Nervines, 345 Nervous Affections of the Skin, 440 Nervous Debility , 619 Nervous Exhaustion, 619 Nervous Headache, 635 Nervous System, 87, 617 Nervous System, overworked, 622 Nervous Tissue, 20 Nettle-rash, 437 Neuralgia, 635 Neuralgia of the Heart, 552 Neuralgia of the Stomach, 885 Neuralgic Headache, 635 Neurasthenia, 620, 622 Neurilemma, 89 Nightshade, Deadly, 312 Nitre, Sweet Spirits of, 338 Nocturnal Emissions, 773 Nosebleed, 881 Nose, Foreign Bodies in the , 893 Nucleolus, 19 Nucleus, 19,64 Nurse, 375, 376 Nursing Sore Mouth, 554 Nux Vomica, 350
Obscene Literature, 285 Occipital Bone, 22 OEdema, 422 Old School of Medicine, 293 Old Sores, 454 Oleum Ricini, 328 Olfactory Nerves, 100, 111 Onanism, 286, 772 Opium, 310 Opium Habit, 627 Opium, Use of, 384 Oranges, 335 Organic Disease of the Heart, 547 Organic Extracts as remedies, 631 Organic Impurities in Water, 251 Organs, Circulatory, 56 Organs, Digestive, 37 Organs, Generative, 206, 207 Organs of Respiration, 63 Organs, Urinary, 206, 207 Orifice, Pyloric, 82 Origin, 31 Origin of Life, 17 Os Hyoides, 23 Osmosis, 46 Os Orbiculare, 110 Ossa Innominata, 23, 25 Osscous Tissue, 20 Ossification, 20 Ossification, Centers of, 20, 27 Ovarian Tumors, 722 Ovaries, 209 Ovaries, Absence of the, 688 Ovaries, Disease of the, 710 Ovulation, 209 Ovum, 12, 209 Ozaena, 474, 475
Pack, Wet Sheet, 368 Pain, 395 Painful Menstruation, 692 Painters' Colic, 558 Palate Bones, 22 Pallor, 62 Palsy, 638 Palsy, Creeping, 640 Palsy, Shaking, 641 Pancreas, 44 Pancreatic Juice, 80 Pancreatin, 80 Papaver Somniferum, 310 Papillae, 69, 112 Paralysis, 638 Paralysis Agitans, 641 Paralysis, General, 639 Paralysis, General Treatment of, 641 Paralysis, Progressive, 640 Paraplegia, 639 Paregoric, 310 Parietal Bones, 22 Parotid Glands, 38 Parotitis, 471 Parsley, Poison, 311 Passages, False, 846 Passions, Influence of Physical Labor on, 283 Patella, 27 Patient, Clothing and Bedding of, 380 Peach Tree, 346 Peduncles of the Cerebellum, 97 Pelvis, 25 Pelvis, Bones of the, 85 Pemphigus, 139 Pennyroyal, 341 Pepper, Black 348 Peppermint 326 Pepsin 79 Percussion 391 Pericarditis 548 Pericardium 56 Perichondrium 29 Perilymph 110 Periodical Headache 635 Periosteum 27 Peristaltic Motion 45 Peritoneum 84 Peritonitis 886 Permanganate of Potash 318 Pernicious Fever 406 Perpetual Reproduction 11 Perpetuation of the Species 194 Perspiration 75 Pertussis 880 Pettenkoffer's Test 81 Phalanges 27 Pharyngitis and Post-nasal Catarrh 493 Pharynx 39 Phthisic 511 Phthisis Pulmonalis 497 Physical Exercise 270 Physical Properties of the Blood 53 Physician, Independent 295 Physiological Anatomy 11, 19, 30, 37, 48, 56, 63, 68, 75, 84, 87 Physiological Anatomy of the Urinary Organs 823 Physiology 11 Physiology, Cerebral 114 Physiology of the Male Generative Organs 772 Phytolacca Decandra 304 Phytolaccin 304 Pia Mater 90 Pierce's Comp Extract of Smart-weed 312, 326, 335, 342, 349 Pierce's Favorite Prescription 342, 346, 355 Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery 308, 316, 355 Pierce's Nasal Douche 485 Pierce's Purgative Pellets 308, 328 Pigeon-berry 304 Piles 578 Pile Tumors, Radical Cure of 581 Pine-apples 335 Pink-root 314 Pin-worm 561 Pipsissewa 338 Pituitary Membrane 111 Pityriasis 431 Placenta 216 Pleura 64 Pleurisy-root 332 Pleurodynia 427 Pleximeter 391 Pneumogastric Nerve 101 Podophyllin 304 Podophyllum Peltatum 304 Poison Hemlock 311 Poison Parsley 311 Poisoned Wounds 890 Poisons and their Antidotes 895 Poke 304 Poke, Indian 347 Pollution, Voluntary 772 Polygamy 188 Polypi 723 Polypoid Tumors 723 Polypus, Nasal 487 Polyuria 835 Pond's Sphygmograph 548 Pons Varolii 97 Poplar 315, 350 Populin 315 Pork Steaks 247 Portal System, Veins of the 60 Position in Sleep 280 Position of Patient 393 Posterior Pyramids 95, 96 Posterior Spinal Curvature 898 Post-nasal Catarrh 493 Post-nasal Syringe 493 Potash, Acetate of 338 Potash, Bicarbonate of 309 Potash, Nitrate of 338 Potash, Permanganate of 318 Pott's Disease 898 Powder, Dover's 311 Practical Summary of Hygiene 288 Preface 5, 7 Pregnancy 212 Pregnancy, Derangements Incident to 721 Pregnancy, Duration of 219 Pregnancy, Signs of 219 Prehension 233 Premature Labor 682 Preparation of Food 236 Preparation of Medicines 301 Prescription, Pierce's Favorite 342,346,355 Prevention of Conception 212 Prickly-ash 349 Prickly Heat 437 Pride-weed 324 Prince's Pine 338 Principle, Vital 15 Processes, Articular 24 Processes, Spinous 24 Processes, Transverse 24 Process of Generation 15 Profuse Menstruation 697 Prognosis 390 Progress of Medicine 292 Progressive Paralysis 640 Prolapsus of the Uterus 713 Properties of Medicine 300 Proprietary Medicines 298 Prostate Gland 827 Prostate Gland, Enlargement of the 840 Proteids 238 Prurigo 440 Pruritus Vulvae 702 Prussian Blue 316 Psoriasis 431 Ptyalin 78 Puberty 210 Puccoon, Red 306 Pulmonary Artery 58 Pulmonary Tuberculosis 497 Pulmonary Veins 60 Pulsatilla Nigricans 346 Pulse 61, 395 Pumpkin Seeds 338 Puncta Lachrymalia 77 Punctured Wounds 889 Pupil 107 Pure Air 222, 223, 378 Purgatives 326 Purification of Water 252 Putrid Fevers 407 Pyloric Orifice 83 Pyrophosphate of Iron 354
Quackery Exposed, 780 Queen of the Meadow, 338 Quickening, 217 Quinine, 315 Quinsy, 416
Rachitis, 453 Radical Cure for Hernia, 866 Radical Cure for Pile Tumors, 581 Radius, 26 Rash, 436 Rash, Papular, 431 Rash, Rose, 413 Rational Medicine, 292 Receptaculum Chyli, 46 Rectum, 42 Red Puccoon, 306 Reflex Action of the Spinal Cord, 93 Region of Feebleness, 134 Regularity of Meals, 234 Regular School of Medicine, 293 Remedial Agent, Motion as a, 369 Remedial Treatment of Diseases, 386 Remedies for Disease, 298 Remittent Fever, 406 Renal Calculi, 837 Reproduction, 11, 196 Reproduction, Dioecious, 202 Reproduction, Hermaphroditic, 199 Reproductive Organs, Hygiene of the, 282 Resolution, 400 Respiration, Organs of, 63 Respiration, Pure Air for, 223 Respirator, Cotton-wool, 230 Rete Mucosum, 70 Retention of the Menses, 687, 688, 689, 691 Retina, 106, 107 Retroflexion of the Uterus, 709, 714 Rheumatic Headache, 635 Rheumatism, Acute Articular, 425 Rheumatism, Cervical, 427 Rheumatism, Chronic Articular, 426 Rheumatism, Muscular, 127 Rhubarb, 327 Ribs, 24 Rickets, 453 Right to Terminate Pregnancy, 218 Rooms, Sleeping, 278 Rose Rash, 413 Rosy Drop, 433 Rubbing, 372 Rubeola, 412 Running Scall, 430 Running-sores, 454 Rupia, 439 Rupture, 862 Russian Bath, 358
Sacrum, 23, 25 Sage, 313, 333 Saleratus, 309 Salicin, 315, 351 Saliva, 38, 78 Salivary Glands, 38 Salt, 315 Saltpetre, 333 Salt-rheum, 430 Salts, 53 Salts, Biliary, 81 Salvia Officinalis, 313, 333 Sanguinaria Canadensis, 308 Sanguine Temperament, 163 Santonin, 313 Sarcolemma, 32 Saturnine Colic, 558 Scabies, 434 Scalds, 894 Scall, 433 Scall, Running, 430 Scaly Skin Diseases, 441 Scapula, 26 Scarlatina, 408 Scarlet Fever, 408 School-rooms, Ventilation of, 225 Sclerotic, 106 Scott's Acid Bath, 367 Scrofula, 445 Scrotum, Dropsy of the, 821 Scull-cap, 345 Sea Bathing, 364 Seat, 390 Seat-worm, 561 Sebaceous Glands, 70, 77 Sebaceous Matter, 77 Secretion, 75 Sedatives, 346 Self-abuse, 286, 622 Self-pollution, 772 Semen, 772 Semi-circular Canals, 110 Semilunar Valves, 58 Seminal Emissions, Involuntary, 773 Sense of Hearing, 109 Sense of Sight, 106 Sense of Smell, 111 Sense of Taste, 112 Sense of Touch, 113 Senses, Special, 106 Sensory Nerves, 87, 93 Septum, Deformed Nasal, 490 Serum, 54, 55, 238 Sexual Abuse, Story of, 394 Sexual Debility, Symptoms of, 776 Sexual Influences, 383 Sexual Power, Loss of, 776 Shaking Palsy, 641 Shingles, 438 Shock, 890 Shower Bath, 365 Sick, Hygienic Treatment of the, 375 Sick-room, 377 Sick, Visiting the, 383 Sight, 106 Signs of Pregnancy, 219 Site for Homes, 227 Sitz Bath, 367 Skeleton, 22 Skin, 68 Skin, Diseases of the, 430 Skin Diseases, Scaly, 441 Skin, Nervous Affections of the, 440 Skoke, 304 Sleep, 278, 382 Small-pox, 410 Smart-weed, Compound Extract of, 312, 326, 335, 342, 349 Smell, 111 Snake-head, 315 Snake-root, Black, 306 Society, Welfare of, 193 Soda, Glycocholate of, 81 Soda, Sulphite of 309 Soda, Taurocholate of 81 Sodium, Chloride of 315 Soft Rubber Bulb Syringe 705 Solitary Indulgence 772 Sore Mouth 553 Sore Mouth, Nursing 554 Sore Throat, Clergymen's 496 Soups 246 Spasmodic Croup 878, 879 Spearmint 326 Special Creation 14 Special Senses 106 Species 14 Species, Perpetuation of the 194 Specific Center 14 Speculum 717 Spermatic Veins, Enlarged 803 Spermatocele 803 Spermatorrhea 620, 772, 844 Spermatozooen 12 Sperm-cell 15 Sphenoid Bone 22 Sphygmograph, Pond's 548 Spigelia Marilandica 314 Spinal Column 24 Spinal Cord 25, 90 Spinal Cord, Reflex Action of the 93 Spinal Curvature, Posterior 898 Spinal Nerves 89 Spirit Vapor-bath 362 Spirometer 391, 392 Spleen 44 Sponge Bath 365 Sprains 892 Squaw-root 305 Stapes 110 Static Electrical Machine 629 Sterility 707 Sternum 23 Stethoscope 391 Stimulants 348 Stomach 39, 52 Stomach, Inflammation of the 882, 884 Stomach, Neuralgia of the 885 Stomatitis 553 Stomatitis Materna 554 Stone in the Bladder 838 Stone-pock 442 Stone-root 337 Story of Sexual Abuse 394 Stramonium 344 Striae 31 Stricture of the Urethra 775, 843 Strumous Diathesis 445 Strumous Synovius 453 St. Vitus's Dance 650 Styptics 320, 890 Sublingual Gland 39 Submaxillary Gland 38 Sudatorium 359 Sudoriferous Glands 69 Sudorifics 332 Sulphate of Copper 339 Sulphate of Quinia 315, 339 Sulphate of Zinc 318 Sulphite of Soda 309 Sulphur Bath 368 Sulphuric Acid, Aromatic 310 Sulphur Vapor-bath 368 Summer Complaint 555 Sun-stroke 894 Superior Maxillary Bones 22 Suppers, Late 235 Suppression of the Menses 687, 688, 689, 691 Suppuration 400 Surgical Treatment of Epilepsy 649 Sutures 23 Swamp Alder 304 Swamp Dogwood 351 Sweet Elder 307 Sweet Spirits of Nitre 338 Swelling 400 Swelling, White 452 Swimming 274 Sycosis 442 Sylvius, Fissure of 98 Sympathetic Nerve 101 Symptoms 390, 392, 393 Symptoms, Interpretation of 393 Symptoms 01 Sexual Debility 776 Synovia 29 Synovial Capsule 29 Synovial Membrane 29 Synovitis 453 Synovitis, Rheumatic 453 Synovitis, Strumous 453 Synovitis, Syphilitic 453 Syphilitic Synovitis 453 Syringe, Post-nasal 493 Syringe, Soft Rubber Bulb 705 System, Cerebro-Spinal 89 Systemic Veins 60 System, Lymphatic 49 System, Nervous 87, 617 System, the Great Sympathetic 101 System, Vascular 56
Taenia 562 Tag Alder 304 Tall Speedwell 327 Tamarind 335 Tanacetum Vulgare 341 Tannin 325 Tansy 341 Tape-worms 562 Tarsus 27 Taste, Sense of 112 Taurocholate of Soda 81 Tea 253 Tear-duct, Closure of the 477 Tear-duct, Obstruction of the 477 Tears 77 Teeth 37 Temperaments, Classified 156 Temperaments, Human 149 Temperate Bath 357 Temporal Bones 22 Tentorium 97 Tepid Bath 357 Termination of Inflammation 400 Test, Pettenkoffer's 81 Tetter, Branny 431 Tetter, Crusted 433 Tetter, Humid 430 Thick Neck 470 Thoracic Duct 42 Thorn-apple 344 Thoroughwort 316 Thread-worm 561 Throat, Disease of the 476 Throat, Foreign Bodies in the 893 Throat, Ulceration of the 496 Thrush 553 Tibia, 27 Time for Sleep, 279 Tinctura Ferri Chloridi, 355 Tincture of the Chloride of Iron, 355 Tincture of the Muriate of Iron, 355 Tinctures, 302 Tissue, Adipose, 20 Tissue, Areolar, 19 Tissue, Cartilaginous, 20 Tissue, Connective, 19 Tissue, Muscular, 20 Tissue, Nervous, 20 Tissue, Osseous, 20 Tobacco Habit, 627 Tobacco, Indian, 340 Tobacco, Use of, 384 Tongue, 3, 394 Tonics, 350 Tonsilitis, 416 Tonsils, Enlarged, 417, 494 Torpid Liver, 569 Torticollis, 427 Touch, Sense of, 113 Tourniquet, 890 Trachea, 63 Trailing Arbutus, 336 Transmission of Life, 181 Transudation, 422 Treatment, 390 Treatment of Diseases, Remedial, 386 Treatment of Epilepsy, Surgical, 649 Treatment of Inflammation, 401 Treatment of Paralysis, 641 Treatment of the Sick, Hygienic, 375 Trichina Spiralis, 564 Tricocephalus Dispar, 562 Tricuspid Valve, 57 True Skin, 68 Trumpet-weed, 338 Trunk, 23 Tube, Eustachian, 110 Tube, Eustachian, Obstruction of the, 477 Tubercle, 445 Tubercular Consumption, 497 Tuberculosis of the Knee-joint, 453 Tuberculosis, Pulmonary, 497 Tumors, Fibroid, 722 Tumors, Ovarian, 722 Tumors, Polypoid, 723 Tumors, Uterine, 122 Turkish Bath, 358 Turn of Life, 700 Turpeth Mineral, 339 Tympanum, 110 Typhoid Fever, 407 Typhus Fever, 407
Ulceration of the Throat, 496 Ulceration of the Uterus, 717 Ulcer; Follicular, 718 Ulcer, Granular, 717 Ulcer, Indolent, 455 Ulcer, Irritable, 455 Ulcer, Varicose, 455 Ulcers, Chronic, 454 Ulna, 26 Umbilical Cord, 217 Umbilical Hernia, 863 Umbilicus, 217 Universality of Animalcular Life, 16 Upper Extremities, the Bones of the, 25 Uraemic Headache, 635 Urea, 86 Ureters, 84 Urethra, 86, 827 Urethra, Stricture of the, 843 Uric Acid, 86 Urinary Fistula, 721 Urinary Organs, Diseases of the, 823 Urinary Organs, Physiological Anatomy of the, 823 Urine, 86 Urine, Examination of the, 397, 825 Urinometer, 392 Urticaria, 437 Use of Tobacco and Opium, 384 Uterine Pregnancy, 215 Uterine Speculum 717, 718 Uterine Tumors, 722 Uterus, Falling of the, 713 Uterus, Prolapsus of the, 713 Uvula, Elongation of the, 495
Vaccinia, 411 Vagina, Inflammation of the, 702 Vagina, Irritable, 702 Vagina, Malformation of the, 687 Vaginal Injections, How to Use, 705 Vaginitis, 702 Valerian, 320 Valeriana Officinalis, 320 Value of Animal Food, 241 Value of Mechanical Movements, 371 Valve, Mitral, 57 Valve, Tricuspid, 57 Valves, Semilunar, 58 Valvulae Conniventes, 40 Valvular Lesions, 549 Vapor-Bath, 358 Vapor-Bath, Spirit 362 Vapor-Bath, Sulphur 368 Varicella, 412 Varicocele, 803 Varicose Ulcer, 455 Variety of Food necessary, 239 Variola, 410 Varioloid, 411 Vascular System, 56 Veins, 59 Veins, Enlarged Spermatic, 803 Veins of the Portal System, 60 Veins, Pulmonary, 60 Veins, Systemic, 60 Vena Cava, 56,60 Ventilation of Dwellings, 226 Ventilation of Factories, 226 Ventilation of School Rooms, 225 Ventilation of Workshops, 226 Ventricle, 57 Veratrum Viride, 347 Vermifuge, 313 Versions of the Uterus or Womb, 709, 714 Vertebrae, 23 Vesical Calculi, 838 Vestibule, 110 Viburnin, 320 Viburnum Opulus, 320 Villus, 41,48 Virginia Snake-root, 333 Visiting the Sick, 383 Vital Principle, 15 Vital Properties of the Blood, 53 Vitreous Humor, 107 Vitriol, Elixir of, 310 Vitriol, White 818 Volitive Faculties 129 Volitive Temperament 171 Voluntary Muscles 31 Voluntary Pollution 772 Vomer 22 Vomit, Black 883 Vulvitis 702
Wafer-ash 351 Wakefulness 623 Warm Bath 357 Warmth 379 Water 248 Water-bugle 323 Water-hoarhound 323 Water, How to use 252 Water-melon Seeds 338 Water, Organic Impurities in 251 Water-pink 336 Water, Purification of 252 Waters, Chalybeate 250 Waters, Saline 250 Waters, Sulphurous 250 Welfare of Society 193 Wet Sheet Pack 368 White Hellebore 347 White Poplar 350 White Swelling 452 White Vitriol 318 White-root 332 Whitewood 350 Whites 702 Whooping-cough 880 Wild Chamomile 334 Wild Indigo 318 Wild Yam 320 Willow 351 Windpipe 63 Wintergreen 325 Witch-hazel 321 Woman and her Diseases 684 Womb, Absence of the 687 Womb, Displacements of the 713 Womb, Elongation of the Neck of the 709 Womb, Flexions of the 709, 714 Womb, Malformation of the 687 Womb, Versions of the 709, 714 Workshops, Ventilation of 226 Worms, Intestinal 561 Wounds 889
Xanthoxylin 349 Xanthoxylum Fraxineum 349
Yam, Wild 320 Yeast 317, 335 Yellow Dock 304 Yellow Jessamine 319, 348 Yellow Lady's-slipper 320, 345 Yellow Subsulphate of Mercury 339
Zinci Sulphas 318, 339 Zinc, Sulphate of 318, 339 Zingiber Officinalis 325, 335
* * * * *
Advantages Offered to Invalids 951 Advantages of Location 948 Advantages of Specialties 950, 956 Advertising 958 Affidavit 905 Aids, In valuable, in Urinary Diseases 964 Amusements 932 Analysis of Urine 962, 967 Appendix 905
Bath Department 931 Beecher on Advertising 959 Board and Treatment, Terms for 970 Buffalo Outranks all in Healthfulness 946
Cause of Female Weakness 919 Caution 936 Charges Must be Prepaid 968 Chemical Laboratory 940 Chronic Diseases, Mechanical Aids in the Cure of 906 Chronic Diseases, Treatment of 954 Climate 944 Common Sense View, A 934 Consultation, Free 968 Consultations by Letter 968 Consultations with Physicians 971 Counter-Irritation 916 Cure of Deformities 917 Cure of Neuralgia 916 Cure of Paralysis 917 Cure of Swellings 915 Cure of Tumors 917
Deformities, Cure of 917 Disease Has Certain Unmistakable Signs 943 Diseases of Women 918 Division of Labor 949, 954
Eminent Medical Authorities 967 Endorsement, President Garfield's 973 Equability of Climate 945, 947 Evidence of Health Statistics 945 Extreme Healthfulness of Buffalo 944
Facilities of Treatment 949 Facts of Science 946 Fair and Business-like Offer 953 Fees, Why Required in Advance 969 Female Weakness, Cause of 919 Fire-Proof Vaults 930 Free Consultation 968
General Considerations 940 Genuine Home, A 948 Good Order 932
Home, A Genuine 948 Home, Remedial 942 How to Avoid Swindlers 990
Important Announcement 921 Invalids, Advantages Offered to 951 Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute 922, 924, 941 Invaluable Aids in Urinary Diseases 964
Joints, Stiffened 951
Kneader 914
Liberality 934 Location, Advantages of 948
Manipulator 908 Map of Buffalo 992 Mechanical Aids in the Cure of Chronic Diseases 906 Medical Authorities, Eminent 967 Medicine, Progress of 950 Medicines, Our 971 Moderate, Terms 949
Neuralgia, Cure of 916 Not Confined in Prescribing 972 Notices of the Press 974
Offer, Fair and Business-like 953 Our Medicines Prepared with the Greatest Care 972 Our Physicians and Surgeons 935 Our Remedies 931
Paralysis, Cure of 917 Patient's Room 945 Patients, Treating at a Distance 960, 971 Physicians and Surgeons, Staff of 925 Physicians, Consultation with 971 President Garfield's Endorsement 973 Press Notices 974 Printing Department 939 Progress in Medicine 950
Rational Treatment 919 Recapitulation 920 Regulation of Diet 931 Reliable Medicines 969 Remedial Home, 942 Revulsion 916
Signs, Urinary 962 Specialties, Advantages of 950, 956 Staff of Physicians and Surgeons 925 Statistics, Evidence of Health 945 Steam Passenger Elevator 930 Surgical Department 931 Swellings, Cure of 915 Swindlers, How to Avoid 935, 990
Terms for Board and Treatment 970 Terms for Treatment 969 Trained Attendants 932 Treating Patients at their Homes 942 Treatment, Facilities of 949 Treatment of Chronic Diseases 954 Tumors, Cure of 915 Turkish Bath 931
Unparalleled Success 933 Urinary Signs 962
Vibrator 911 Visiting Patients who Reside at a Distance 971 Vocabulary 979
World's Dispensary 937 World's Dispensary Medical Association 921
* * * * *
Footnote 1: Darwin.
Footnote 2: The males of Cryptophialus and Alcippe, species of marine animals, are apparent exceptions to this rule. They are parasitic, possess neither mouth, stomach, thorax, nor abdomen, and are, necessarily, short-lived.
Footnote 3: Dalton—Human Physiology.
Footnote 4: In the use of the terms psychical and psychological, we have observed the distinction which metaphysicians have recently made. They employ the term psychical to indicate the relation of the human soul to sense, appetite, propensity, etc., and psychological, as indicating the ultimates of spiritual being. In this manner we use the word psychical as describing the relationship of the soul to animal experiences and being, and psychological as referring to the spiritual potencies of the soul. The distinction being introduced, we continue its use rather then coin new words.
Footnote 5: Certain disturbances of the bodily organs excite fear. The apprehension of danger, or simply mental excitement, does not explain what is called "water fright," "stage fright," terror excited by the raging of a storm, or the rocking of a boat. In such instances the heart may beat heavily, the respiration be irregular and attended by precordial oppression, giddiness, weakness, and physical inability to articulate a word or recall a thought. These bodily conditions are not subject to the control of the will, but arise when individuals are perfectly assured that no danger threatens. At other times, as in a fearful tempest upon the sea, although the danger be imminent, if the bodily functions are not disturbed, there is not the least manifestation of fear.
Footnote 6: A placebo is a harmless and valueless prescription, which physicians sometimes make merely to gratify the patient, as a dose of "bread pills," etc.