Now, dear Doctors, permit me to ask your kind advice as to what means are to be taken. I have tried numerous remedies for more than a year, but to no effect. My suffering grows severer. Please reply as speedily as you may be able. If you be so kind as to honor me with an answer, please state the amount of money needed for your services, which shall be forwarded at once. Please find inclosed one dollar, remuneration for your kind services.
Very respectfully, M., Wheeling, Cook Co., Ill.
(At the close of treatment.)
WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Gentlemen—I have finished the eight months' treatment; had I been able to follow the directions more closely, three months' treatment would have effected a permanent cure of my case. Now I am well, body strengthened, mind invigorated, memory revived, energy to work restored, cheerfulness and bright hopes, once altogether lost, are now fully regained. Indeed, I feel like a new being. And now, dear Doctors, in closing our important correspondence, permit me to render my heart-felt thanks for your kindness to me, and for the benefit received from your invaluable treatment. Adieu; may God grant you a long life, that you may benefit many an afflicted one.
Very truly yours, M., Wheeling, Cook Co., Ill
WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Gentlemen—After three months of your treatment, I find myself cured of one of the worst habits that it has ever been the lot of man to fall into. My whole system is invigorated; I have no more weak back nor legs; no more emissions; my strength is greatly increased, and my weight is more than it has ever been before. The dull, heavy feeling in my head is entirely past, and I can truly say that I feel like a new man. Hoping you will do as much good in the future as you have in the past, is the wish of, Yours truly, B., Holyoke, Mass.
WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Buffalo, N.Y.: Gentlemen—I have taken seven months' treatment from you, and to-day I am a well man. My friends are surprised at the great change which has taken place in me. The emissions have ceased entirely, and I am strong and well. I am a thousand times obliged to you for the good your treatment has done for me.
Respectfully yours, U., Topeka, Kansas.
WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Gentlemen—Having waited several weeks after finishing the last medicine, to see if there would be any relapse, I now send you a report of treatment. I believe I am thoroughly cured, not only of poor health, but of all desire to abuse myself. I have regained health, spirits, and confidence. Am married, something I have long desired, but never before dared to attempt. Please accept my sincere thanks, gentlemen. Your medicine has saved me from a suicide's grave.
H., Denver, Col.
A case of anal fistula that had been unsuccessfully treated by Prof. ——, of Nashville, who had operated with the knife. He had also been unsuccessfully treated by several home physicians who stated that his symptoms of spermatorrhea were all that could be described, and more too. The sensations of crawling and itching in the rectum were very severe, and as a result of weakness there was a serious palpitation of the heart, and general debility. The generative organs were unduly excitable and weak. He complained of weakness in the rectum and loins, with irregularity of the bowels, trembling and weakness of the entire system. There was profuse discharge from the fistula and also from the urethra. We undertook his case without making any promises of a radical cure, as it seemed that the disease had progressed so that it would be impossible to effect more than satisfactory improvement in his general condition, and a palliation of the symptoms of disease. At the end of seven months' treatment he writes as follows:
WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Gentlemen—The result of the treatment you have sent me is a permanent cure of the fistula beyond a doubt, and in a magical manner. My heart is very much improved, so that it does not trouble me in the least. My health is perfect in every way. It is unnecessary for me to order any more medicines, but should I think at any time that a little is required to keep me in good health, I will order at once. I think that I am entirely through with the fistula and sympathetic weakness, and I can truly say that your remedies delivered me from the jaws of death. With sincere thanks to you, I am, yours for ever. D.
The following long-standing and aggravated case of seminal debility began to yield at once under the specific influence of our medicines. Frequent nocturnal emissions were present, and the semen also passed off, unobserved and unsuspected, in the urine; of course a ceaseless vital drain of this character began quickly and profoundly to impress the constitution, so that when the patient under consideration applied to us for relief, the most unmistakable symptoms of commencing organic disease of the heart and lungs had plainly declared themselves to be present. Like many hundreds, of similar cases which we cure annually, the disease yielded promptly and perfectly to the well-directed efforts of our specialist in this important branch of practice; indeed, so easy, swift and perfect was the cure that the patient failed to realize the necessity of continuing the treatment a few weeks in order to insure himself against the possibility of a relapse, and discontinued his correspondence with us, whereas it is in precisely such cases that we recommend the treatment to be not too abruptly discontinued.
WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Buffalo, N.Y.: Gentlemen—Your kind favor, thoughtfully inquiring after my health, came duly to hand. In answer, permit me to say that it was not my intention to take further treatment as I considered my cure to be perfect, all local and general symptoms having wholly subsided before I had finished the month's course, and thus far manifesting no disposition to return. However, in the light of your wisdom and experience, I have reconsidered the matter and now believe with you that another month's course of treatment is advisable, in order effectually to guard against the possibility of a relapse. I accordingly inclose you the price of the additional month's course. The second morning after commencing the use of your medicines I awoke refreshed in body and mind, and this experience has been repeated every morning since. The emissions were arrested at once, and I have not had a single unnatural discharge since, except once when I experienced a slight nocturnal emission, which, however, was followed by no depressing after-effects, but altogether the reverse. I feel so much stronger and better in all respects that It is a positive pleasure for me to do a hard day's work now.
Respectfully, B., Crystal Lake, Wis.
CASE 86,291.
This gentleman had suffered during eleven years from seminal weakness as the result of indiscretions in youth; nocturnal emissions were present, and there was also a seminal loss with the urine, and at stool; the patient's memory was greatly impaired and his mind otherwise affected from the vital drain; he was dyspeptic, his bowels were costive, and threatening symptoms of consumption had already begun to manifest themselves when he came under our care. Two months of our special treatment, at the patient's home, effected a perfect and permanent cure, and completely arrested all abnormal seminal losses. The following grateful letter is from the gentleman in question:
Gentlemen—Permit me to say that, six months after having discontinued your treatment, my cure remains perfect. This great permanent and enduring benefit was secured to me through only two months of your skillful treatment and careful management of my case. Your medicines had a wonderful control over my disease, driving away its terrible symptoms as if by magic; they imparted to me a new power, filled my body and mind with unusual vigor, and transformed me from one racked with pain and living death or worse, to a full measure of health and happiness. I feel that if I had not been opportunely and successfully treated by you, that my life would have been permanently blighted, and that the happy and contented mind that now inspires these lines would ere this have been dethroned of reason. I feel that you have been my savior. I have not had a single nocturnal emission since leaving your treatment, six months ago. Thanking you, gentlemen, from the depths of a grateful heart, I remain.
Your obedient servant, G., Cayuta, Schuyler Co., N.Y.
* * * * *
Did the interest of our readers demand it, we could add to the preceding list an almost endless number of extracts from letters written by grateful patients, expressing their heart-felt thanks for having been cured of spermatorrhea and impotency by our treatment. But we have we trust given sufficient to illustrate our great success in dealing with these maladies.
A CAUTION TO THE AFFLICTED. We are daily consulted by persons suffering from spermatorrhea and impotency who have been victimized by ignorant charlatans. Some seek to dupe and swindle the unwary by claiming to have themselves been cured of spermatorrhea or impotency by some prescription, which they offer to send free to any sufferer. When the prescription is obtained it is found to consist of a few articles well-known to every druggist, coupled with certain arbitrary and fictitious terms, unknown to everybody and not to be found in any medical work extant. Following the prescription is a modest suggestion that if it cannot be filled by the home druggist, the benevolently-disposed party furnishing the prescription will be pleased to send the medicine, already prepared, for from three to five dollars. Of course, the whole scheme from beginning to end being a swindle, when the "medicine" is obtained and taken it proves entirely useless. Skill and genuine merit do not go begging. Men who spend hundreds of dollars for the publication of advertisements offering to give away valuable information can always be safely set down as swindlers.
In the public prints will be found advertised various ready prepared, "put-up," or proprietary, so-called "remedies," "Specifics," "Boluses," "Pastiles," "Rectal Pearls," "Urethral Crayons," "Voltaic Belts," "Galvanic Belts," "Batteries," and "Pads," all recommended as infallible remedies for spermatorrhea and impotency.
A vast experience in the treatment of these affections has satisfied us that each case must be studied and treated according to the symptoms manifested, and that medicines that are adapted to one stage of the disease are entirely unsuited to other stages of the same case. No "Pad" or "Battery and Pad," "Galvanic" or "Voltaic Belts," "Battery," "Bolus," or "Soluble Crayon," ever did or can help a case of this disease, except it be in the imagination. Although the proprietors of the most popular proprietary medicines in the market, medicines carefully adapted to the cure of the diseases for which they are recommended, yet, should we attempt to get up a general remedy to cure spermatorrhea and kindred maladies, we are certain it would be an utter failure, and this is entirely true of all such preparations now and heretofore offered for sale, and, from the very nature of the diseases they are recommended to cure, ever must be. Each case must have medicines carefully prepared to meet the conditions present, and when these conditions, from the effects of treatment or other causes, change, the treatment must be varied accordingly.
POSITIVE INJURY instead of benefit often results from the employment of some of the nostrums advertised for the cure of spermatorrhea, impotency and kindred affections. Especially have we found that the use of "Soluble Urethral Crayons," "Boluses," "Pastiles", and kindred contrivances, which are so extensively advertised, are exceedingly injurious, and often render otherwise moderate and simple cases, complicated and incurable.
Although of pretended French origin, they are evidently the invention of an ignoramus, who knows nothing of the delicate anatomy of the generative organs or of the proper treatment of the diseases incident thereto, for none other would have thought of such a preposterous plan of treatment. No man should insert such absurdly devised and mischief breeding contrivances into his urethra (urinary canal), for thereby he is almost sure to do himself a permanent injury. So far from having been invented by an eminent French surgeon, as claimed, such treatment is entirely unknown in France, and ever has been, as the writer well knows from personal observation and enquiry while sojourning in that country and visiting its most noted hospitals and medical institutions.
All the various "Troches," "Boluses," "Wafers," "Suppositories," "Pearls," "Rectal Pearls," "Rectal Capsules," and other contrivances which are recommended for the cure of Spermatorrhea and kindred weaknesses, and which are designed to be employed by inserting them into the lower bowel (rectum), and there permitting them to dissolve, are only so many irrational and filthy devices for duping the ignorant and innocent sufferers from these maladies.
AN ALLURING SWINDLE. A still more enticing, and hence more dangerous, device for swindling unfortunate sufferers, is the widely advertised "Vacuum Treatment" or "appliance" so loudly and plausibly recommended for "Developing weak and wasted organs." A simple, little, brass air pump, connected with a glass tube, or cylinder, fitted with a valve at one end, which costs not to exceed one dollar and a half, is the worthless device palmed off on the confiding ones at from fifteen to thirty dollars. This is done under the false pretense that its daily use to pump blood into the weak or wasted organs, will cause their development and growth.
Thousands have invested their hard earned cash in this worse than worthless, injurious, contrivance. In fact the head of the concern putting out this alluring device is said to have amassed a fortune out of the nefarious business.
So far from benefiting any one, out of several hundreds of cases that have come under our personal observation, in which this apparatus has been faithfully used for a long period of time, we have never met with a single case that had derived the slightest benefit therefrom. On the contrary, we have been called upon to examine many who had been seriously injured by its use.
The sudden congestion or filling and over-distention of the delicate blood-vessels of the organ operated upon, caused by placing it in a vacuum, is liable to rupture these minute vessels, causing the infiltration of blood into the tissues and giving rise to inflammation, and in some cases, to suppuration, mortification, sloughing and death.
In other cases, the blood-vessels of the organ and adjacent parts are so weakened by the strain put upon them as to induce varicocele and other diseased conditions. In spermatorrhea, it is the worst possible thing that can be applied, for by forcing an undue amount of blood into the part the sensitiveness of the organ is increased, irritation is set up in the deep urethra, and the emissions are increased in frequency. In this, and other ways, hundreds of men but slightly out of health have been permanently injured.
But this is only a small part of the story connected with the reprehensible business of palming off "The Vacuum Developing and Strengthening Appliance." The precious rascals, not content with making from a thousand to fifteen hundred per cent. profit on the miserable device furnished, while advertising fifteen dollars ($15.00) as the price of the "appliance" and "accompanying preparations," for "ordinary cases," make a general practice, when they have secured the fifteen dollars ($15.00), of sending it by express with a bill to be collected on delivery FOR FIFTEEN DOLLARS ($15.00) MORE. With this bill they send an explanation, that "on re-examining the case" they "found it necessary, or thought it advisable, to send their stronger and more expensive preparations and appliances for the worst cases AND SO HAVE CHARGED FIFTEEN DOLLARS ($15.00) MORE TO COVER THE EXTRA EXPENSE."
It is astonishing that there are those who can be induced to part with their money for such claptrap devices, and still more so that having been duped and swindled out of their hard earned money through false pretenses and promises of benefit held out to them, they should submit quietly to such extortion and not have the swindlers arrested and prosecuted for obtaining money under false pretenses as they richly deserve. For what crime can be more deserving of punishment than the holding out of false hopes and pretenses to the unfortunate? Employing the United States mails for swindling is a pretty dangerous business, and sooner or later these rascals will, we predict, find it out to their sorrow. They are pretty sure to get hold of some men, ere long, who will invoke the aid of the United States District Attorney to bring them to justice.
YOUNG MAN, if you have, through ignorance, fallen into practices that have arrested your physical growth and development in any of your organs or parts, shun all such unscientific and worse than worthless contrivances as you would shun a pestilence. No matter how plausible the web of arguments woven to entrap you, be assured, they are the utterance of knaves who care not what false hopes they encourage so they secure your money.
Consult only those whose well known skill, experience and integrity will insure honest dealings and the most scientific treatment known to the "healing art," and who supply the latter at reasonable cost.
Be assured also, that when, through proper treatment, your weakness and functional derangements are overcome, the parts that have suffered therefrom, will regain all the strength and development possible to impart to them through the aid of the physician's skill. Nature often accomplishes wonders in this direction, when aided by the skillful practitioner.
* * * * *
Probably no affection of the generative organs has been given more attention by surgeons than this. Its great frequency, being present in about one-third of all cases of spermatorrhea, and its disposition to result in impotency and wasting away of the testicles, bring it constantly before the profession.
CAUSES.—Varicocele commonly results from long continued fatiguing exercise, in the upright position, heavy lifting, jumping, straining, severe constipation, injuries from horseback riding, bicycle riding, especially the latter, or any obstruction or obstacle to the free return of blood through the spermatic veins. Self abuse and excessive sexual indulgence are also prolific causes of varicocele.
When the spermatic veins are over-distended to such an extent that their tonicity is impaired, they gradually lose their capacity for transmitting the blood, and a slowly increasing enlargement and tortuously of veins results. This goes on, becoming steadily more marked, until the pressure of the engorged vessels upon the spermatic cord impedes the full circulation of blood in the testicle and causes a wasting and softening of this gland. A loss of sexual power and increasing weakness of the generative organs generally follow this gradual destruction of the testicle, and sometimes total and incurable impotency results.
This affection is also designated by the terms circocele and spermatocele. It consists of an enlargement or varicose condition of the veins of the scrotum or spermatic cord, and affects the left side more frequently than the right. This is due to the fact that the spermatic veins of that side are longer, more dependent and tortuous, and, consequently, support a greater column of blood than the other side. The enlarged veins feel like a bundle of earth-worms. The knotty and tortuous vessels sometimes form quite a large tumor, which is, now ever, but rarely sensitive to the touch, yet sometimes causes a feeling of weight in the scrotum and loins, and sometimes produces a sensation of numbness in the thighs.
When varicocele of an aggravated or largely developed type is present, associated with any weakness of the generative organs, as spermatorrhea or impotency, it must be cured before the organs can regain a healthy condition, as by the constant pressure of the abnormal quantity of blood and enlarged veins upon the spermatic cord, arteries, and testicles, the irritability, weakness, and wasting, are increased. The use of suspensory bandages, with strongly astringent lotions, will, in mild cases, produce relief and many times cure. Except in the worst cases, it is well to try these means before resort is had to operative surgical treatment, unless the patient is anxious to be cured in a more speedy manner. The treatment by suspensory bandage and lotions is necessarily somewhat slow in producing remedial results; yet, many quite well marked cases have, in our experience, been cured by such means perseveringly applied. Although many who have been unable to come to us for an operation, have been cured by suspensory bandages and our improved lotions applied to the affected parts, in all cases in which the veins are very much enlarged, we recommend the sufferers to come here and undergo our surgical treatment, which is painless in its execution and radical in its results.
It has been recognized by physicians and surgeons for over a century, that in bad cases of varicocele a cure can only be certainly and permanently effected by operation. Many have been the methods of operation advanced by the prominent surgeons of every age, but all have met with such an alarming mortality, that they have been one by one abandoned, except as a last resort in extremely bad cases. A late author gives the percentage of deaths from the various old operations, now in general use throughout this country and Europe, as varying from seven to fifteen per cent. of all cases. In contrast to this, we point with pride to our records, by which we are shown to have operated upon over a thousand cases by our original method, obtaining in each and every instance a perfect cure, without a single alarming symptom or a death ensuing. This we think is sufficient evidence of the perfect safety of the operation and its superiority over every other method. So every sufferer with the disease, we would recommend it as a positive means of securing a permanent cure. Various worse than useless devices are advertised by quacks, who, as a class, are afraid to undertake surgical treatment for the cure of varicocele. One has what he calls a "varix clamp," or "clasp," to be worn upon the enlarged veins. Many "compressors" and other equally useless devices are advertised and sold for the same purpose. These are not only perfectly worthless, but positively dangerous in their application. The pressure they make upon the spermatic cord, nerves, and artery, is very apt to result in impotency and a rapid wasting away of the testicles. Patients should avoid all the catch-penny devices recommended for varicocele, as none of them are worth a moment's consideration.
Even a moderate degree of morbid enlargement of the spermatic veins will sometimes cause such engorgement and obstruction to the free circulation of the blood in the testicle, as to cause gradual wasting or shriveling of that organ. In some cases the morbid condition will give rise to seminal weakness, or spermatorrhea. Many of these cases that can only be cured by surgery, are trifled with by quacks, who attribute the spermatorrhea, or loss of semen, to everything else than its true cause—varicocele.
To illustrate, Mr. B., of Colorado, applied at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, a few years ago, and said he had for five years been troubled with nightly emissions of semen and his testicles were gradually wasting away. He had been under the treatment of men making great pretensions as specialists, to whom he had paid several hundred dollars in the vain hope of getting cured of spermatorrhea. They treated him with medicines only, and did him no good whatever. On examination, we found a very varicose or enlarged condition of the left spermatic veins, and gave it as our opinion that the seminal loss was wholly due to this abnormal condition and could only be cured by an operation that would remove the varicocele. The operation was promptly performed. In two days he was able to leave his bed, and in a week started home to Colorado. Some months thereafter we received a letter from him wherein he said: "The enlarged veins continued to absorb and grow less and less, until, in a few weeks' time, all unnatural enlargement had disappeared. With a steady improvement in the condition of the veins, I experienced corresponding improvement in my general health, and the seminal losses grew less and less, and finally, long ago, disappeared entirely. I feel that my manhood, with all the powers that should belong thereto, are mine to enjoy. In other words, my restoration to health is complete. Had I saved the large amount of money that I fooled away on those quacks, and given it all to you, I feel that you would then have been only fairly paid for the great good you have done me."
The foregoing is but a fair sample of letters that we are almost constantly receiving from those who have pursued useless treatment for spermatorrhea, dependent upon varicocele, and have been speedily cured by our never-failing operation for this malady. Among the great variety of operations in surgery for various diseased conditions, performed by our surgeons, none have been attended with more uniform satisfaction, and perfect success, than has our operation for varicocele.
By the injection of a few drops of a medicated solution under the skin, at the point where the incision is to be made, we are now able to produce such complete local anaesthesia as to render the operation entirely painless without the administration of either chloroform or ether. This is an important consideration, as many are averse to taking chloroform or ether, and now that we are possessed of an agent that produces, locally, complete insensibility to pain, we are very glad to be able to dispense with their use in all such minor operations. Many examinations heretofore very painful, as of the bladder for stone, and of the deep urethra for strictures, are now rendered entirely painless by the use of this wonderful agent.
A great variety of surgical operations are now performed by our surgeon specialists, without any suffering on the part of our patients, by the local use of an anaesthetic solution injected into the parts to be operated upon. Formerly we were obliged either to administer chloroform or ether, or subject our patients to a great deal of suffering. Our specialists were among the first surgeons in this country to employ local anaesthesia successfully. We regard it as a great boon to our patients, and never withhold it in any case where it can be employed to prevent suffering, its use being attended with no danger and followed by no bad or disagreeable results.
Having operated with unvarying success, during the past twenty-five years, upon several thousand cases of varicocele, at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, we now invite special attention to the results of our peculiar operation, which is neither severe nor dangerous, and from which the patient makes a much more rapid, and in every respect more satisfactory, recovery than from other operations in use by surgeons generally. In our practice we have never failed to secure the happiest results from our operation. The saving of time is also of importance to the laboring man as well as to the millionaire. Instead of being confined to his bed for ten to twenty days, and to his room for a month or more, as is the case following other operations, the patient is not confined to bed at all, and can generally return home in a week or ten days at the longest. The only precaution necessary is that he should, for a reasonable time after the operation, wear a well-fitting suspensory bandage. This can, in a little time, be entirely dispensed with. When we contrast these results with those obtained from ligation, graduated pressure by "clamps," suture pins, or the slicing off of a part of the scrotum, and suturing, or stitching, the wide gaping wound so caused, as is practiced to-day by other surgeons, the marked superiority of the results obtained, through our superior method of operating on this affection, must be apparent.
A very large part of those cured by our treatment have previously spent far more money for worthless "electric suspensories," "equable scrotal compressors," "scrotal clamps," various "rings," and other "jim cracks," than was paid us for a radical and permanent cure. Some of these instruments are so formidable as to suggest the racks and thumbscrews of the middle ages. Such useless appliances often weaken the scrotal muscles by the unnatural compression which they produce and make the discomfort far worse when they are discontinued than before their use.
For such cases as cannot come to us at once for an immediate and perfect cure, we have a common sense method of treatment, comparatively inexpensive, that gives relief and comfort in all cases, and in mild cases often effects a complete cure. This treatment leaves the scrotum and its contents in an improved, strengthened and more healthful state.
* * * * *
If the following letters had been written by your nearest, most respected and trustworthy neighbors, they could not be entitled to more confidence than they now are, coming, as they do, from intelligent citizens, each one of whom, in his own neighborhood, enjoys the full confidence of all his acquaintances. These letters are taken at random from among hundreds of similar ones, received from former patients of ours, residing in all parts of the United States and Canada, and if it would add anything to the endorsement in the way of giving greater confidence in our ability to treat successfully the malady under consideration, we could multiply the letters which we here introduce many times over. To publish more, however, would seem to be tedious repetition, for there necessarily must be a sameness in all such letters testifying to our skill, and we must, therefore, be content to rest our case with the limited number of endorsements which we have room for only in this volume.
Gentlemen—I suffered with varicocele at the age of nine years, caused by a fall, and doctored for same about fifteen years, and obtained no relief. Renowned surgeons of Pittsburgh, New York, and other cities pronounced my case incurable.
I heard of the Invalids' Hotel, No. 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N.Y., and entered it as a last resource. On the third day after entering the Institution I was treated, and during the operation (which was a painless one), I smoked a cigar and talked with the operating surgeons, feeling no pain whatever. I remained in the Hotel one week, and during that time I never once was unable to walk to the elevator and have my meals in the dining room. The tables were laden with the best the country can produce. It is truly "The Invalids' Hotel" (or rather home), as the clerks and nurses are very kind, attentive and social.
Will add, that I am permanently cured, and advise any person thus afflicted not to hesitate entering the Invalids' Hotel for treatment.
Respectfully, A.J. SETH, Lucinda, Clarion Co., Penna.
Fair View, Sanpete Co., Utah.
Gentlemen—I feel it my duty to thank you for the benefit I received at your Institution during the month of December, 1892.
I was afflicted with varicocele on the left side, which caused me a great deal of trouble and almost made me feel at times that I did not want to live any longer if I could not be restored to soundness again. Hearing of your skill in the treatment of varicocele I determined to give you a trial, which I accordingly did, and with gratifying results for now I am as sound and well as a gold dollar.
The operation which was performed on me at your Institution for the permanent cure of varicocele was, to my great surprise, entirely painless and performed in a much briefer time than I expected. I only remained at your noble Institution ten days after the operation, at the end of which time I returned to my home at Chatham Hill, Smyth Co., Va. When I got home I experienced very little soreness from the operation and I felt that I could enjoy life fully. About six months after, I got married and came to Utah where I now reside, and I am very much pleased to say that I am now as sound and well as ever, and very happy in my married state.
When I went to your Institution I was surprised to see such a great number of young men from almost every State in the Union, who had come there to be operated upon for varicocele; and they all told me that the operation was painless to them, as it also was to me, and they said they were fast improving and were glad they had come there for treatment. I never experienced such great and unprecedented kindness as I did during the ten days I was at the "Invalids' Hotel." I had an excellent room—well furnished, plenty to eat, and was treated with the kindness of a mother by the nurses and attending physician.
I advise all who are afflicted with varicocele to go to your Institution at once for an operation, which I assure them they will never regret. Trusting that those who require an operation of any kind, or who are afflicted in any way, may go to your Institution and be restored to health, and again thanking you for my restoration to health and YOUR great kindness and good treatment of me while I was with you, I remain,
Yours very truly, William F. Petts
P.S.—My sister's life was saved by your "Favorite Prescription," W.F.P.
Gentlemen—It is with great pleasure I recommend those suffering from varicocele to your skillful hands. I suffered with varicocele for seven years, caused by standing behind the counter at business from seven in the morning until ten and twelve o'clock at night.
In 1888 a friend gave me a copy of your Common Sense Medical Adviser. After perusing its pages I was convinced of the genuineness of its doctrine. I immediately started for Buffalo—a distance of 1,900 miles. During my stay of ten days at your Institution I was treated with the utmost kindness by the nurses and surgeons, all of whom are expert specialists.
The equipment of the Institution is something immense. I often think of the appetite those healthy exercises in the treatment room gave me when dinner time came.
After being in the Institution three days I underwent an operation for varicocele—an injection of medicine locally making the operation absolutely free from pain. The operation was performed in about thirty minutes, immediately after which I could walk to my room, and, after resting an hour, descended to the dining room and took my dinner as usual.
While at the Institution I met numerous persons suffering from varicocele, and it was quite pleasing to contrast their happy looks as they wished you "goodbye" with the haggard appearance they had upon entering.
After leaving the Institution I traveled about 1,400 miles by rail and 500 miles by water without the least inconvenience, which I consider a fair test of the operation.
Five years have passed since that time, and I now feel as sound as it is possible to feel.
In conclusion, let me say to those suffering from varicocele that it is impossible for them to do better than follow my example.
Respectfully yours, ARTHUR EBSARY, (Care of Hon. Jas. Baird.) Water Street, St. John's, Newfoundland.
Gentlemen—I am a carpenter and some years ago, I fell from a scaffold which in time almost killed me. I wasn't hurt very much at the time, but a dull aching pain seemed to take me in the left side of the scrotum, and after I could stand it no longer, I went to my doctor. He said that I had a rupture of the blood veins of the left testicle, and it was incurable. I gave up in despair; but at last, a friend handed me some of your advertising papers, and I saw the Common Sense Medical Adviser advertised and sent for the book and studied its contents carefully, and came to the conclusion that I was suffering from varicocele. I found on consulting you that my suspicions were right. I at once wrote you for particulars, and in less than a week I was at the Invalids' Hotel for treatment. At that time no one knows how I suffered; but I hadn't long to suffer. In ten days after an entirely painless operation I was a well man and returned home.
I cannot say too much in regard to the treatment and care from both Surgeons and Nurses. Nothing was left undone to promote comfort and good care. It is the only place on earth that I would feel safe to trust my life for a severe operation. There were, I think, over 100 patients at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, at the time I was there, and as I had a good chance to be with them, I found that they were all doing remarkably well.
At the date of my operation which was the 7th of March, 1893, I weighed just 165 pounds; to-day I weigh 189. I have gained in health, strength and vigor every day, I believe.
I would just say, in conclusion, that I can give my word as an honest man to any sufferer that I believe he can be cured of almost any chronic malady at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute.
Respectfully yours, F.H. JENKINS, (Box 13), Ascot Corner, Sherbrooke Co., P.Q., Canada.
Gentlemen—Having been operated upon at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute. Buffalo, N.Y., for the radical cure of a varicocele of the left side from which I had suffered for four years, I take pleasure in certifying to the speedy and certain relief afforded me, and the painless nature of the operation, as performed by the surgeons of the World's Dispensary Medical Association. Fourteen days from the time of the operation I returned home cured, and went to work. I desire to express my thanks to the Medical Staff for their skill and attention. I met several patients while at the Sanitarium, and they all reported as getting along favorably and well. Respectfully,
R.C. MARTIN, Gambril, Scott Co., Iowa.
Gentlemen—I can heartily say that the operation was a great success. I had rupture of the veins, or Varicocele, ten years. I never thought that I could be cured so easily. The operation was entirely painless, and I was only nine days away from home. I am now as well as ever and I recommend the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute to any one who is suffering from any chronic disease. Yours,
CHARLES DOVE, 33 John St., Wilkes Barre, Pa.
Gentlemen—I was successfully treated for varicocele at the Invalids' Hotel. The operation was made painless by local application, previously applied, which made the parts insensible, and I returned home the ninth day. While there I met with patients from all parts of the country, and all spoke in the highest terms of the treatment received from the surgeons and nurses and all connected with the Institution.
Yours respectfully, J.F. SINGREY, Maryville, Nodaway Co., Mo.
Gentlemen—I feel very thankful to the Association for the benefit received—due to an operation performed for the cure of a varicocele of many years' standing. All traces of the disease have disappeared. I was surprised to know that so little pain was connected with the operation.
Will say to those who think of visiting the Invalids' Hotel, that they will be treated well, and their visit will be made as pleasant as possible during their stay.
Yours respectfully, HENRY P. SMITH, Warren, Huntington Co., Ind.
Gentlemen—Having been operated upon at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N.Y., for varicocele of ten years' standing, I take pleasure in certifying to a speedy and perfect cure. The operation was made painless by local applications previously applied, which made the parts insensible to such a degree that the operation was performed without any suffering on my part. Time of stay, after operation, was ten days. I cannot speak too highly of the care and attention I received from the surgeons and nurses while there; everything that was provided was of the best—the best of food, clean apartments and pleasant rooms.
I would recommend your Institution to any one suffering from any kind of chronic or surgical disease; and if they will only go to your Institution, they will meet with patients cured and others on the way to recovery from the same difficulty they have themselves—no matter what it is, if curable at all. I wish you success,
Yours truly, GEORGE R. SOUTHERN, Morris, Otsego Co., N.Y.
Gentlemen—It is with pleasure that I certify to the success of the operation performed upon me for varicocele at your Institution some months ago. This operation was performed by one of your specialists in a skillful and painless manner.
I found the Invalids' Hotel just what it is represented to be, and all patients who were there were well satisfied with the treatment.
I was not confined to bed at all after the operation, and was able to leave at the end of ten days in an excellent condition.
I am unable to express the great relief which your treatment has given me and I cannot say too much in praise of your Institution.
I take great pleasure in recommending you whenever I get a chance, and cannot thank you enough for what you have done for me. With kindest regards,
I am sincerely yours, B.T. STONE, Fellowsville, Preston Co., W. Va.
Gentlemen—It gives me much pleasure to state that during my stay at your Sanitarium I was treated with the utmost kindness, and found everything there just as represented in your pamphlet, if not indeed better. Your Institution is the best of the kind that I have ever seen and if it is possible for a person to be cured your specialists will accomplish it. A visit there convinced me that you do not make promises which you do not fulfill. After being there and having a surgical operation successfully performed, I heartily recommend all invalids to give your place a trial. Much to my surprise the operation which was performed was perfectly painless, no anaesthetic was given, and I was not confined to my bed for an hour. I was able to leave your Institution at the end of ten days completely cured. I can heartily commend your efforts in the cause of suffering humanity, and shall be pleased to offer my personal testimony at any time. With best wishes to the World's Dispensary Medical Association, I am,
Sincerely yours, C.W. KELLY, Riverside, Riverside Co., Cal.
Gentlemen—Nine years ago I was struck with a springing pole, causing the spermatic cord to swell badly. I applied for medical aid and was told that no harm would result. But I grew worse, and spent over one hundred dollars with quacks and received no help.
Four years ago while reading a chapter in Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, I noticed that no hesitation was made in stating that a permanent and radical cure of varicocele could be made at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute. I went to the Hotel and the result was I returned home in eleven days permanently cured. I cannot speak in too high praise of the surgeon, and his delicacy and kindness in performing a painless operation; or of the nurses, who almost hourly visit the invalids and minister to their comfort. The Institution is fully equipped and nothing is left undone that can relieve suffering. I conversed with a great many patients while at the Invalids' Hotel and language could not express their delight at their treatment there.
I earnestly urge all invalids to save time and suffering by being treated at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute where the latest and most improved methods are used, and operations are made painless and where everything is delightful and comfortable. I owe my life to the tenderness and skill of the surgeon and nurses at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute.
Very truly yours, CLARENCE F.L. DEHAVEN, Haynes, Hocking Co., Ohio.
Gentlemen—I can say that while in your Institution I received the best of care and attention both by doctors and nurses; that your operation was almost entirely without pain; that my virility has increased since then as well as the tone of my general health; that your Institution is as commodious and cheerful as one could wish. Your patients with whom I became acquainted while there nearly all seemed to be well pleased with the ease and comfort of their surroundings as well as the manner in which they were treated for varicocele.
Respectfully, FLAVIUS BROOKS, Sinnamahoning, Cameron Co., Pa.
Gentlemen—I take pleasure in recommending your Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute as first-class in every respect. Some four years ago I was there and had an operation performed on me for a very bad varicocele with which I had been troubled some 15 or 20 years. The operation was made painless by the use of local applications. After staying at your place about twenty days (longer than is generally necessary) I was able to make my long trip home. The operation was a very successful one, considering the long time my trouble had been neglected, as I have suffered little or no inconvenience since. I saw a very large number of patients at the Invalids' Hotel from all parts of the United States and Canada, and all of them seemed to have a very high opinion of the treatment they were receiving from your Specialists, and I know personally, of several remarkably successful operations performed by your skillful surgeons while I was there.
Respectfully, D.E. MOOREFIEID, Nathalie, Halifax Co., Va.
Gentlemen—Having been operated upon at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute for the cure of Varicocele, which was caused from heavy lifting, I take pleasure in informing you that it is entirely cured; it was a varicocele of a number of years' standing and a bad case. It has been three years since I was operated upon and I have not experienced any trouble from it since; in fact, I feel that I am now entirely cured. The operation is painless and gives entire satisfaction in every respect.
I advise all who are suffering from this or any other chronic disease to take treatment at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute and they will be well rewarded by so doing.
Yours respectfully, DAVID H. MILLER, Markle, Huntington Co., Ind.
Gentlemen—I can bear testimony to the removal of the difficulty for which you treated me, for I had been to experts in Philadelphia and they did not know how to perform the operation, and said I could not be cured. I was treated by experts in Albany and other cities, but all for no use. I went to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute and was operated upon and find I am cured. The treatment in every other respect was good; everything was done to make patients happy and pleasant; the best of care and attention was paid to all.
Yours truly, W. McGOWAN, Orbisonia, Huntingdon Co., Pa.
Gentlemen—Having been operated upon at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N.Y., for the radical cure of a Varicocele of the left side, from which I had suffered for twelve years, I take pleasure in certifying to the speedy and certain relief afforded, and the painless nature of the operation as performed by the surgeon of the World's Dispensary Medical Association. Ten days from the time of the operation, I returned home radically and permanently cured. I desire to express my thanks to the medical staff for their skill and attention.
Gratefully yours, N.H. SHARITZ, Box 22. Rural Retreat, Wythae Co., Va.
Gentlemen—I am unable to find words to express my feelings of gratefulness and gratitude that I owe to your Institution, for the able and gentlemanly treatment that I was favored with during my stay with you, by officials and attendants in their respective capacities, in every department. Nothing was left undone that could possibly be of benefit to me or add to my comfort, and to your Institution, your treatment, which in my own experience I have found to be marvelously wonderful, I feel to-day as if I owe my health, my strength, my life; for I firmly believe if it had not been for your timely and painless treatment, instead of writing to you at this time, being in the enjoyment of health and strength, I would be filling a place in an insane asylum or an invalid's grave. And it may not be more than just to your wonderful treatment to say that the Varicocele and resultant weaknesses was of about fifteen years' standing, during which time I had spent time and money with both physicians and quacks, without any result for the better, and when my life blood was daily wasting away, and the powers of manly strength and vigor were completely gone, by an act of Providence I went to your Institution as a last resort, for life or death. I was painlessly operated upon by you for my complaint, from which time I have steadily improved in health, strength, weight and vigor, until I have gone from 135 pounds, my weight when operated upon, to 174, at which I tip the balance as I write to you to-day. If the afflicted everywhere could only realize that so many lives may be spared by your wonderful treatment, none would stay away.
You are at liberty to give my testimony to the world in whatever way it may be of most benefit to you. I also enclose a photograph of myself that has been taken since the effects of your treatment have been shown. With feelings of much gratefulness, I am,
Very truly yours, ROBERT B. WILLS, No. 23 Elizabeth St., Hagerstown, Md.
The Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute is an Institution first-class in every respect, presided over by a capable, honest and pleasant lot of medical experts who certainly know their business. I cannot speak of it too highly.
I was treated there in the summer of 1887, for Rupture of the Spermatic Veins, previous to which I had been operated on two different times, with no relief, by a doctor here in this place cracked up to be one of the best in Northern Illinois, and an officer of the Chicago Eye and Ear Infirmary. The operation at the Invalids' Hotel was perfectly painless, did not have to take any anaesthetic, neither was I confined to my bed at all, and the result a perfect success; while in the two previous operations I had here at home, I was confined to my bed a week each time and another week scarcely able to move about, be sides getting worse each time with pain enough to drive one crazy. But the half has not been told. About two and a half years after I had been cured of my difficulty at Buffalo, I commenced having terrible pains in my leg and abdomen, for which I could not account, and after standing it until it seemed as though I would be glad to die, I again consulted the Invalids' Hotel; after a thorough investigation they operated on me where my pain seemed the most apparent, and dug out a piece of a surgeon's needle something over half an inch in length, that had been broken off in the first operation I had by the doctor here at home, and so admitted by him when confronted with it. I have spent lots of money and nearly six years of the worst pain man ever stood getting relief, while had I known of this place on the start, an operation with no pain whatever and scarcely more discomfort than a sore mouth after having a tooth removed, would have ended it all.
In conclusion, I will say to any poor sufferer, don't do as I did and put your trust in the would-be greatest doctor you have at home, but go to this place at Buffalo, where you will have proof of their ability, and where you will surely meet patients about to leave, cured; others on their way to recovery for the same difficulty you may have yourself, no matter what it is, if curable at all; a place where you will have the kindest of attention, the best of medical and surgical skill, and where you can see sufferers going away every day with hearts full of gratitude and happy.
Respectfully, CHAS. P. MORSE, 311 North Avon St., Rockford, Ills.
Gentlemen—In the year 1866, sometime in July, I jumped from a load of lumber to the ground, and at once felt a sharp severe pain along the spermatic cord of left side of scrotum, preventing my walking to the house without help. The veins near the cord filled to such extent that they seemed solid, and could not be reduced for some time. I went to a good doctor and by him was advised to "pay no attention to it, it will not amount to much." From that time I suffered continually, and will not try to describe what I endured until I was relieved by a surgical operation performed on me by the surgeon-specialist of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N.Y. After working-hard for several years my suffering increased and I was advised to consult Prof. L., of Chicago Hahnemann College (of Homeopathic School) and by him was informed an operation of tieing the veins (choking them off) could be performed but 90 per cent (if I remember rightly) of the operations proved fatal. I decided not to try it. By accident I learned of your great skill, and though my case was of twenty-one years' time, and my health and strength gone, I considered the method plausible and reasonably safe. I had the operation performed, and now after six years have passed, I can say with satisfaction, there is little to be noticed or remind me of the past years of misery. The parts are of healthy-color. Urine has assumed a natural appearance, both sides of scrotum seem in size alike. No bandage is worn and for two years has been discarded. My weight increased and for two years prior to the taking of my photo, I did the work of handling a third-class post office, doing a money order business of $50,000, not losing a day in that time, and at the present time in this hot climate, I have been doing outdoor work, some of it hard, and with mercury at 100 degrees. I have worked and found no need of a bandage; and no unnatural relaxation of the scrotum or veins is noticed.
If anyone wishes to write me, they are at liberty to do so. If my experience can be of benefit to any, I will answer all enquiries, and in a general way will now say no one should delay attending to such difficulty, for if the blood is in a reasonably healthy condition your surgeon will operate in such a way that the result will be all right in time. I send photo taken in 1891.
Respectfully, GEORGE W. McCOLLOM, Monrovia, Los Angeles Co., Cal.
Sanborn, Barnes Co., N. Dak., Aug. 9th, 1895.
Dear Sir—Having been afflicted with varicocele and loss of manhood and having heard so much of the cure for these troubles at the Invalids' Hotel. Buffalo. N.Y., I went there and was operated upon. The operation itself is nothing to bear. It is painless and the result is a radical cure. For this you have my sincere thanks. I take pleasure in recommending your Institution to all sufferers and know that it is in every respect just as claimed to be. I would say to all who suffer from this trouble: go to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, at Buffalo, N.Y., and you will get relief. You will receive kind attention from all.
Very truly yours, George Bignall.
Gentlemen—I can bear testimony to the removal of varicocele, for which you treated me. I had been in the habit of getting out with the boys and trying to see which could kick the highest with one foot on the ground, and it caused me to have varicocele. I went to my home doctor and he treated me with no success. It was getting worse all the time and I got out of shape all over. My health got bad and I thought my case hopeless. I had tried two doctors and received no benefit.
I had one of your little Memorandum Books in my pocket, and one day, looking through it I saw you treated such cases, and wrote you and received word in a few days that you would treat me, so I sent off for one month's treatment; and in five months I had gained my weight back, and that was eight years ago and I feel sound and well and my health has been good ever since.
You are at liberty to use my testimony in whatever way if may be of most benefit to you.
I also enclose a photograph of myself that was taken soon after your treatment.
With feelings of much gratefulness, I am,
Very truly yours, J.L. RIDINGS, Clarence, Shelby County, Missouri.
Gentlemen—I commenced treatment, I think, in July or August, of 1888, and continued four months. My case was nervous debility of fifteen years' standing.
I tried home doctors but found they were only aggravating my case. I also tried the Remedy Company, then of St. Louis, who claimed to perform wonderful cures with their "Pastiles," but they proved utterly worthless. Having come in possession of Dr. Pierce's little book and circulars, a perusal of the same convinced me that my health would not be trifled with at his Institution.
I was a poor man and could not afford much experimenting. I ordered one month's treatment, and at the end of this first month, I found, to my surprise, that I was feeling different. The second month, still more surprised at my returning health. Third month thought I was cured, and engaged myself to a young lady, and wrote you to that effect, and you advised me with your congratulations to marry, and to order another month's treatment; and at the end of the fourth month I was a man, something I did not know what it would be like to be before.
I have now been married five years, and have two healthy children—a boy and a girl. I would never have dared to marry had it not been for your medicines. I must add that during this treatment I was troubled with varicocele on left side. I wrote you this at third month of treatment, and you sent without extra charge, a Suspensory and Lotion, and two months' treatment cured me sound and well of this distressing malady; I have not felt the least symptoms of its return.
I want the world to know what a competent and honorable firm the World's Dispensary Medical Association is. I would love to shake you by the hand. May God let you continue to be a help to mankind is my prayer.
Yours truly, D.A. WALTON, Marion, Grant County, Ind.
Gentlemen—I feel many obligations to your noble skill, as physicians. I was treated with much kindness by physicians and nurses. I was surprised to find such a speedy cure of such a bad case of varicocele of long standing; the operation was entirely painless and I felt a great change in myself, as a result of it. Am so glad to tell any sufferer of that terrible disease to apply to you at once and be cured, for I am sure I could not have lived long as the pressure and burden was so great I could scarcely be on my feet at all; any work in an upright position was impossible.
Now it has been five years since I was operated upon and I feel well of that disease—varicocele attended with impotency or weakness of the generative organs, caused by varicocele.
Thanks to the good physician who relieved me—hope he may live long and be able to relieve all that submit themselves to him for treatment, as I did. I found everything that had been described to be just so in regard to the Staff and Institution.
Gratefully yours, J.M. ELAM, Flat Rock, Scott Co., Va.
Gentlemen—I have taken treatment from you for several months for nervous debility, and although I am not quite fully cured as yet, I have been greatly benefited, and believe, if I had come to you before I was duped and swindled by different quacks and was more dead than alive, I would to-day be a thoroughly well man.
I have also been to your Institute twice for surgical operations, and cannot too highly praise the Hotel, or the skill and care of the attending surgeons and nurses. They are gentlemen in every way and the Invalids' Hotel is just as represented.
I shall advise all suffering from chronic diseases to go to you for relief, as I have never seen any one there who was not cured or greatly benefited.
Very truly yours, CHRISTIAN HANSON, Austin, Mower Co., Minn.
Dear Sirs—In regard to my condition of health, will say, although I am not entirely well, yet I have received much and lasting good from your treatment. My digestion was improved greatly, so that little trouble is experienced after eating; my liver seems to act reasonably well, and my bowels are much better. My varicocele I consider entirely cured, as I have not used the bandage for one half day for more than six months, and do not experience any inconvenience from that source.
Yours truly, HARLAN HODGES, Keota, Keokuk Co., Ia.
Gentlemen—Having been operated upon at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute for the radical cure of a bad varicocele, from which I had suffered for eight years, I desire to express my thanks to you for your kindness and skill. And I would advise all persons, needing surgical or medical treatment, to go to the World's Dispensary Medical Association.
Respectfully yours, WILLIAM H. DELLINGER, Vincennes, Knox Co., Ind.
Cambridge, Furnas Co., Nebr.
Gentlemen—With great gratitude toward your most valuable Institute, I feel indebted to you for the cure of varicocele. I was troubled ten years with this annoying disease, caused, I think, by being thrown from a horse. My case was of a very obstinate character. I was treated by a leading specialist of Omaha, Nebr., without success and without being in the least benefited. I expended the neat little sum of $500, and then sank back in despair, losing all hopes of a cure. I had previous to my treatment in Omaha noticed a little hand or Memorandum Book of the World's Dispensary, and again one came to my notice. I mustered up courage to write to you, and in June, 1892, I visited your Institute for treatment. I was treated by the best skilled surgeons and given best attention by experienced nurses. I met a number of patients while under treatment troubled with various and complex diseases, who expressed their gratitude to the Faculty of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute. The operation performed was rendered painless, owing to local applications previously applied. After the operation, which was about 11 o'clock, A.M., I rested until 12, noon, and responded to the dinner call as usual. I was required to remain but ten days, then returned home, a distance of some twelve hundred miles. I wore a neat fitting support for about six months, and then abandoned it and have gone as nature created me. Oh, what a relief. I had worn a "suspensory" for about six years. I have had no return of former trouble, it being now about two years since the operation.
To any suffering with varicocele I must say, "don't delay, but place yourself under treatment at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N.Y., and you will say as I do, 'The half has never been told.'" With earnest wishes for your future success, I am,
Yours truly, E.L. Brown
Gentlemen—I wish to inform you of the success of your treatment of me for varicocele on the left side and its attendant weakness, etc. I am now happy to say that through the agency of your surgical skill and the efficacy of your medicine, I am healthy, strong, and a perfect man. I suffered for about two years previous to the operation with acute pain in the parts, and continued mental anxiety. I desire to express my entire satisfaction that, during the ten days that I remained in the Invalids' Hotel, I never experienced such uniform kindness and attention as I did from the attending surgeon and from all the attachees, and that I recommend all persons similarly afflicted to consult you, and they can be sure to find the way to happiness.
Respectfully yours, D.E. RIGHETTI, Cayucos, San Luis Obispo Co., Cal.
Gentlemen—I take great pleasure in recommending the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute. After trying my home physicians without obtaining any permanent relief, and growing constantly worse, I went to this famous Institution and submitted to an operation for varicocele. This was a perfect success, and soon I felt like a new man, and as strong as I ever did. I feel that nothing I could say would do justice to this renowned Institution. In every way, it is kept in advance of the age. The staff of physicians and nurses spare no pains to make the visit of every one pleasant as well as beneficial in the highest degree. I would urge all sufferers afflicted as I was, or with any chronic disease, to avail themselves, without delay, of the skillful treatment to be obtained of the specialists of the World's Dispensary Medical Association, for I am confident that they will receive all the benefit that can be obtained from medical or surgical treatment and care.
Yours truly, CHAS. H. BOYLE, Fort Benton, Choteau Co., Montana.
Bryson, Jack Co., Texas.
Gentlemen—I had been troubled with varicocele for nine years, and had given up ever being cured. After spending $500.00, with medical quacks I then went to the World's Dispensary Medical Association as a last resort. One of their skillful surgeons performed an operation upon me which was entirely painless. I conversed with several other patients, who had the same disease. They seemed happy to know that there was such an Institution that could relieve suffering humanity. The surgeons and nurses were so good and kind to us and gave us the best of attention and even the patients had a very fraternal feeling toward each other.
Your Institution is finely equipped and has the best of accommodations. Accept my thanks.
Yours truly, A.D. Bryson
Gentlemen—I have been cured of an almost life-long difficulty by the skill of your specialist, and heartily thank you for the successful manner in which the operation was performed in my case. The result is complete and perfect relief, and as time advances I can each day more fully appreciate the value of your Institution. The time spent there I shall never forget, as it was a time of extreme pleasure to me. The operation was perfectly painless and did not confine me to my bed, and this taken with the extreme kindness of every one connected with the Institution, made the time pass in a very happy manner.
I consider your Hotel first-class in every respect, and would heartily advise all sufferers from chronic ailments to visit you before giving up their cases as hopeless.
Respectfully yours, H.C. DECKER, Dresbach, Winona Co., Minn.
Montague, Sussex Co., N.J.
Gentlemen—In reply to your inquiry concerning my treatment, I cheerfully give you the following testimonial: "I was troubled for many years with a very bad varicocele, which I received when a boy while jumping. The complaint troubled me exceedingly. I tried almost every known means to effect a cure, but with no avail, for the more I doctored the more aggravated became the disease. After thus suffering for many years and knowing of the fame your Institution had attained in curing such diseases, I at last consulted your specialist in that class of diseases—was operated upon and returned home in ten days, a sound and well man. I can recommend your Institution to all suffering humanity as the most home-like, your nurses the most attentive and specialists the most skillful the world can offer. May you long be the benefactors of mankind."
Yours truly, F.L. Van Etten
Gentlemen—The result of your operation, performed one year and a half ago for a case of varicocele of twelve years' standing, and which had troubled me very much, has cured me entirely. I am thankful to God that He put it into my mind to visit your Surgical Institute. I cannot recommend your skill too highly.
Yours truly, ED. H. MAHNKEN, Smithton, Pettis Co., Mo.
Medora, Billings Co., N. Dak.
Gentlemen—Having been operated upon at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N.Y., for the radical cure of a varicocele on the left side from which I suffered four years, I take pleasure in certifying to the speedy and certain relief afforded, and the painless operation, as performed by the surgeon of the World's Dispensary Medical Association. Ten days from the time of the operation I returned home permanently cured.
I desire to express my thanks to the Medical Staff for their skill and attention.
Gratefully yours, Geo. O. Reid
To whom it may concern:
This is to certify that I took treatment at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N.Y., and I was cured of a chronic trouble that had been maltreated by other physicians. While there I saw a man who had been cured by the specialists, who had before been given up to die by the best doctors in Troy, N.Y. Of course, the case must have been a very stubborn one. I afterwards saw a man here, in Georgia, die, who, if he had been in Pierce's Surgical Institute under the treatment and care of his skilled doctors and nurses, I know would have most assuredly got well. Why? Because it was only a cage of stone in the bladder, and they are easily cured at Dr. Pierce's Surgical Institute. I think almost any chronic disease can be cured there, if taken in time, judging from my observations while an inmate of that Institution.
H.E. BANKSTON, Barnesville, Pike Co., Ga.
* * * * *
This malady consists of a collection of water in the tunica vaginalis, or membranous sac which contains the testicles. It may affect either one or both sides. In health the sac-like covering, or investing membrane, of the testicle secretes a limpid fluid which lubricates its inner surface. When secreted in excess, it accumulates and constitutes hydrocele.
The tumor commences at the bottom of the scrotum and grows very gradually, while hernia, or rupture, with which it is often confounded, progresses from above downwards and makes its appearance suddenly.
We were recently consulted by an aged gentlemen, whose disease a distinguished surgeon had pronounced double hernia. On examining the enlargement, we found the disease to be dropsy of the scrotum, complicated with varicocele.
CAUSES. Injuries from blows or bruises are among the most common causes of this disease. It may also result from inflammation of the testicle or from excited action in those parts. It has been known to result from stricture of the urethra, or water-passage, and also from local irritation along that passage.
Dear Sirs—In answer to inquiries will say, that any person afflicted as I was, I would advise them not to listen to any ordinary doctor, but leave at once for the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N.Y., where he could get the best of treatment and attendance that money could procure. The table also is loaded with the best of fruits, vegetables, and the finest meats of the markets.
Respectfully, H.H. WILLIAMS, St. Augustine, Florida.
Gentlemen—Without solicitation, but simply to aid suffering humanity, I take pleasure in recommending your place to any suffering from Hydrocele.
I was cured in a short time, after having the Hydrocele for eighteen years. Your new process is painless, no knife being used and is certain, sure and safe. With many good wishes of success, I am,
Yours truly, DAVID FLYNN, (Engineer, S.F. & W. Ry.,) Way Cross, Ware Co., Ga.
Gentlemen—I was afflicted with Hematocele of large size, caused by an injury, for which home-treatment gave me no relief.
Hearing of your Invalids' Hotel I went there and had an operation performed for its cure. I have the greatest confidence in your Specialists, as the operation was a perfect success. It was perfectly painless, and I was able to go home in less than two weeks with the cure complete. I take pleasure in certifying to the good work you are doing.
With the best of feeling toward the Invalids' Hotel, I am,
Yours truly, DON PARKER, P.O. Box 155, Oakfield, Genesee Co., N.T.
Gentlemen—About five years ago, having been a patient at, the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute and undergone a painless operation for the cure of hydrocele and varicocele—which was performed to my entire satisfaction. I desire to express my thanks to the Medical Stuff for their skillful treatment of my case. Two weeks from the time of the operation I returned home, radically and permanently cured.
I recommend all similarly afflicted to consult the World's Dispensary Medical Association.
Yours truly, DANIEL HUNTINGTON, Huron, Beadle Co., So. Dak.
Gentlemen—I wish to acknowledge that you have cured me of the worst case that ever came within my knowledge, it having afflicted me twenty-two years. After I had suffered much from other surgeons without any cure being effected, and with only relief for a short time, you performed a not only painless but very scientific operation, and with medicine completed the cure. It is now five years since you treated me and no symptoms of the disease have shown themselves. I will also add that while with you at the Invalids' Hotel I received the best of care and attention from the well trained nurses in your employ, for all of which I feel grateful.
With respect and best wishes, EDWIN L. WATERS, Athol Centre, Mass.
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By reference to Fig. 1 the reader will get a good understanding of the relative positions of the kidneys, bladder, and adjacent organs.
It is hardly necessary to discuss the minute structure of these organs in a book intended for the non-professional reader.
The function of the kidneys is to remove certain waste materials from the blood. As fast as excreted by the kidneys, the urine passes through the ureters, of which there are two,—one leading from each kidney, into the bladder. The ureters are lined with a continuation of the mucous membrane, reflected from the bladder upwards, and this lining also extends to the cavities of the kidneys.
Calculi or gravel, and stones, forming, as they sometimes do, in the kidneys, and passing down through these delicate and sensitive canals, cause excruciating pain. The symptoms of renal calculi passing from a kidney to the bladder are, as already indicated, severe cutting pain in the loins, and along the ureter, attended with considerable fever. A very rough stone, such, for instance, as a mulberry calculus, passes with considerable difficulty, and the patient is often suddenly seized with excruciating agony in the loins and in the groin, the pain also shooting down into the testicle of the corresponding side, often causing it to retract. There is usually, also, sympathetic pain shooting down the thigh. We have seen patients roll on the floor in the greatest agony, cold sweat meanwhile pouring down their faces, when thus suffering. The patient may also vomit violently, through nervous sympathy. The urine is apt to be bloody, and there is a constant desire to pass it. There is pain in the end of the penis, and also in the lower portion of the abdomen.
This is a sac, or reservoir, to receive and hold the urine as it comes from the kidneys through the ureters. Its walls are partly composed of muscle, and partly of a lining mucous membrane. The muscular coating is external, and it is by its contraction that the urine is expelled. When empty, the bladder shrinks down to a small size, as compared with its distended condition. When filled, it is capable of holding about one pint. If it is distended by the retention of urine much beyond this capacity, the muscular coats lose their force, and often the urine cannot be passed naturally. In health, when the bladder becomes filled and distended, there is a consequent desire to empty it by passing water.
The voiding of the urine should not be attended with the slightest pain or disagreeable sensations, and the desire to pass it should not be frequent. When there is frequent desire to pass it, or when its passage is attended with pain, there is irritation, or inflammation, in the coats of the bladder, or in the urethra. This may arise from an excessively acid or irritating condition of the urine, as well as from various other causes. Gonorrhea, or clap; stricture of the urethra, which impedes the free flow of the urine; enlargement or inflammation of the prostate gland; gravel, and stone in the bladder, are all capable of creating a frequent desire to pass water. Whatever the unhealthy condition may be which gives rise to this troublesome symptom, it calls for prompt and skillful treatment, for the most trivial affections of these organs often pass into those that are exceedingly intractable, if not incurable.
THE EXAMINATION OF THE URINE. The urine itself, when subjected to microscopical or chemical examination, as we shall hereafter more fully explain, offers the best means of determining the exact nature of these distressing affections. When normal, the urine is of a pale straw-color, and throws down no deposits on cooling. In passing it no difficulty or pain should be experienced, and it should spurt from the urethra in a full, round, and regular stream, until the bladder is entirely emptied. If the stream is forked, checked, or interrupted in any way before the bladder is completely emptied, it is evidence that something is wrong. Stricture of the urethra, prostatic disease, and gravel, or stone in the bladder, are all capable of producing obstruction to the free flow of the urine.
HOW SLIGHT AILMENTS BECOME DANGEROUS DISEASES. As we have before stated, the mucous membrane lining the bladder is reflected upwards into the ureters, lining these canals. By reason of this continuity of mucous surfaces, patients suffering from urethral, prostatic, and bladder affections, often die from disease of the kidneys. It must not be supposed that because stricture of the urethra does not co-exist with Brights disease, that the latter may not have been caused by the obstruction in the urethra due to stricture. Pulmonary consumption, for instance, often begins in the form of nasal catarrh, but, by the continuity of the mucous membrane, it travels, so to speak, into the throat, or pharnyx; from the pharnyx into the larnyx, and then into the lung structure itself. The disease is transferred from the nose into the lung tissue. What occurs in the nasal, laryngeal, and pulmonary tract of mucous membrane, happens, also, in the urinary tract. A gonorrhea, which is a specific acute inflammation of the urethral canal, leaves behind it a slight gleet, or chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane of the urethra. This may give little inconvenience for a number of years, but gradually it culminates in a stricture, or, implicating the prostatic portion of the urethra, occasions inflammation of the prostate gland, and, perhaps, enlargement of this organ. This gradually gives rise to cystitis, or inflammation of the bladder. From the bladder, the disease travels up the ureters into the kidneys, and finally Brights disease is established in these organs.
The mucous membrane lining the bladder also extends through the urethra. Throughout the interior of the body, whether it be in the stomach, lungs, or other parts, this lining mucous membrane serves as a protection to the parts beneath, just as the skin on the exterior of the body serves as a protection to the sensitive true skin and the tissues underneath it.
THE CAUSE OF CERTAIN DISTRESSING SYMPTOMS. Close to the neck of the bladder is a triangular space, on which the mucous membrane is smoother, and devoid of folds, or rugae, and which is far more sensitive and vascular than other portions of the mucous membrane lining this organ. It is called the trigone vesical. This trigone is the most depending part of the bladder. If there be stone in the bladder, it naturally gravitates and rests on this sensitive space, so that, when the bladder is empty, the foreign body occasions inconvenience, until the urine, trickling down through the ureters, and intervening between the mucous membrane and the stone, serves as a temporary protection to the mucous surface. Hence the pain becomes less as the urine is secreted, until the water is again passed, and the intervening fluid thereby removed, when the stone again presses upon, and irritates, the sensitive trigone, by coming into more immediate contact with it. The greater ease with patients afflicted with stone experience in a recumbent position in bed, or on a sofa, compared with being in an erect posture, is easily explained. The foreign body, when the patient is standing, walking, or riding, falls by its own gravity on this sensitive spot; when in a recumbent position, it rolls away from this sensitive trigone into the back part of the bladder, where the mucous membrane is less sensitive; consequently, the patient suffering from stone in the bladder is more easy at night, whereas, one suffering from prostatic disease, whether it be inflammation of the prostate gland, or enlargement of that organ, is usually worse in bed.
HOW BLADDER DISEASES COME TO BE CONFOUNDED WITH OTHER DISEASES. The bladder is largely supplied with blood-vessels, lymphatics, and nerves, given off from the same systems that supply the rectum or lower bowel, and in females the uterus or womb, and the ovaries. This accounts, in a great measure, for the symptoms of bladder disease in those afflicted with piles, or other diseases of the lower bowel, or of diseases of the uterus or womb in the female. We have frequently been consulted by patients who had erroneously supposed themselves to be suffering from disease of the bladder, or of the prostate gland, but whom we found, on examination, to be suffering from hemorrhoids, or piles. In these cases, by removal of the pile tumors, the frequent desire to urinate, and all pain in the region of the bladder, are promptly relieved. Sometimes, ulcers located in the rectum, give very little unpleasant sensation in the bowel, but produce pain in the bladder, with frequent desire to urinate. Enlargement of the uterus, the womb, or displacements of that organ, as prolapsus, or anteversion, and all capable of producing symptoms of bladder disease. A frequent desire to urinate and more or less sharp pain in the region of the bladder are usually experienced in these cases. Disease of the bladder, in like manner, often produces an apparent disease of other organs through sympathy, and without great care in diagnosticating each case, the effect may be taken for the cause, and the patient treated for a disease which does not really exist.
The urethra, in the male, is the canal extending from the bladder to the end of the penis, through which the urine is passed. This canal starts from the base of the bladder, passes through the prostate gland, and, entering the penis, continues of about uniform size along the under part of the penis until it reaches the glans, or head of that organ, where it expands somewhat into a bulb-like fossa, or cavity, and becomes reduced again at the orifice. At a short distance from the bladder it receives the outlets of the seminal ducts. The urethra is a most delicate and sensitive canal, and is surrounded by tissues of like delicacy, and is lined with a mucous membrane which is highly vascular, and filled with sensitive nerves. The introduction of any instrument into this canal is to be undertaken only when absolutely required, and when necessary. It should be so skillfully and carefully effected that no pain or irritation can result. The slightest awkwardness is liable to cause an unnoticeable injury, which may result in a false passage, or an effusion of plastic lymph around the canal, which, organizing, forms the most troublesome kind of organic structure. By proper and early treatment all danger and pain is avoided, and a cure effected in a very short time. In an extensive practice, in which we yearly treat thousands of cases, we have never yet failed to give perfect and permanent relief from stricture, or disease of the prostrate gland, without the necessity of using cutting instruments of any kind, when we have been consulted before injury to the urethra has been produced by the improper use of instruments. Having specialists who devote their entire time and attention to the study of these diseases, we are able to relieve and cure a large number painlessly and speedily, in which the awkward manipulations of physicians or surgeons, whose hands, untrained by constant and skillful use, not only fail to effect any benefit, but set up new, or aggravate existing, disease. |