Your treatment, which I received, cured me in a short time, and I am just as good as ever. I come before the public to advise anyone in need of treatment to give you the first chance, and he will find relief for I believe that nowhere can one obtain more skillful care or more kindly attention. Hoping that success will crown your business, I am,
Very truly yours, CHARLES GAUL, Muskegon, Muskegon Co., Mich, care of "Warwick House."
Mr. J.T. TOWNSEND, of Noah, Coffee County, Tenn., consulted us by letter. He was suffering from great nervous prostration; could not walk without tottering: was troubled greatly with inability to sleep; poor appetite; did not relish food; suffered much pain and stiffness in the joints; was overcome with heat working on a thresher, followed by persistent nausea, confusion of ideas, his memory being very defective.
After taking a single course of treatment, the medicines being sent by express, he writes as follows: "The medicine you sent me lasted me five weeks, and proved very beneficial indeed. I believe it, under God, was the means of saving me from a premature grave. When I received the medicine, I had just gotten rid of an attack of bilious fever, which left me in a deplorable condition. I was very week and nervous, but my improvement commenced with the first dose of your medicine, so by the time my medicine was out felt better than I had for years, and now have no indication of a return of my trouble." A month later he writes: "I continue to enjoy the most perfect health. Every organ of my body, and every faculty of my mind, is in splendid condition, which makes life worth living. I have gained twenty-one pounds since I have been able to attend to business. Please accept my profound thanks for your promptness in sending me my medicines."
Gentlemen—It gives me pleasure to testify to your skill in the treatment of my case. When I applied to you last June, I was suffering all the horrors of nervous prostration, which was brought on by over-work and constant anxiety. I had no energy and no interest in business; rather an aversion to anything like work. My appetite was poor, indeed food seemed to distress rather than nourish. I felt tired and drowsy mornings; irritable and despondent; suspicious of every body and everything. After two months' treatment these unpleasant symptoms disappeared, and my health is better than it has been for twenty years.
I can never express to you my gratitude for your kindness, and would cheerfully recommend your Institution to all sufferers.
Yours truly, GEORGE W. COLQUITT, Palmetto, Campbell Co., Ga.
Gentlemen—It is with pleasure that I write to let you know the great benefit I have received from your medicines and self-treatment at home, which you kindly sent me, advising me to take your Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and "Pleasant Pellets" and "Golden Medical Discovery" for my troubles. I did take your advice as near as I could; when I wrote my first letter to you, I had been treated by different doctors for twelve months and received but very little or no benefit, but had spent one hundred dollars for treatment and medicines.
My husband, and little boy twelve years old, did all the family sewing and washing and work in general, and I could not walk across the room without help or stand on my feet one minute at a time; at night I could not sleep, nor day time either; nothing I ate tasted well—I had no desire to eat anything; my bowels were costive all the time, and after following your advice and using about fourteen dollars worth of your medicines altogether, I now feel like a new person. I am not bothered with that nervousness, where it used to be that I could not stand a sudden rush of horses feet, or a quick halloo from one's boys, or a sudden sound of anything would cause me to take sudden nervous spells of some kind, as if I were smothering or dying, or something of the kind—I can't tell just how I did feel. Now I do all my washing, sewing and house work in general for a family of seven—five children, my husband and self, and help my husband in the field some besides. I can truthfully say, ii it had not been for Dr. Pierce's medicines and the kind advice to me, with self-treatment at home, I would have been dead long ago, and I never can feel that I can say enough for his skill and medicine nor thank him enough for the good he has done me.
I use no other medicines in my family but these and never will, for they do all that is claimed for them and more too. I have one of the "Advisers," and I would not be without it for fifty times its cost. May God be with you throughout your life is my prayer.
Respectfully yours, MRS. ADDIE GLASS, Bandera, Bandera Co., Texas.
Gentlemen—In January of '90 I took the "grippe," went to work before I was well, was caught in a rain which gave me a very bad relapse, resulting in lung fever and complete prostration; was on my bed two months, and when I did get out, the strength to walk any more than just a few rods did not come back. My family doctor and two prominent physicians of Sioux City, did me no good. Late in the fall I got a bottle of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, which quieted my trembling nerves and gave me an appetite to eat. I then concluded to try the Doctor, personally. Up to this time I was in a pitiable condition. Sometimes I could not sleep until I felt almost wild, then sleep so much I would be stupefied. I could not digest any food and my whole system was wasting and failing fast. I doubt if any one who saw me expected me to get well. I took the treatment sent me by the World's Dispensary Medical Association for more than a year. The medicine never gave me any distress as other medicines had done before. I began to improve from the start, but the change from one extreme to the other was like the growth of a child.
To any one suffering from nervous prostration I would say, "don't be impatient." It takes a long time for weakened nerves to grow strong. I have at last become strong and well, thanks to the Giver of all good and the grand Institution at Buffalo. I have since married a noble-hearted young woman, and when I am playing with our sweet, healthy, baby girl, I give way to the thought that at last the long, sad chapter of my life is ended; at such times her merry laugh sounds like a song of triumph of life over death.
Gratefully yours, W.S. NICHOLSON, Willow Creek, Clay Co., Iowa.
Gentlemen—Having been a patient in your Invalids' Hotel for several weeks, I take great pleasure in telling other sufferers of my treatment which I received under your efficient staff of physicians, surgeons and nurses, and I will say with clear conscience that every care and comfort was given me that I wished for. I am sure that your Institution is far in advance of the age, and would wish that every invalid could avail himself of the treatment that I received in your most, excellently kept Invalids' Hotel. I cheerfully give this as my testimonial to individuals, friends and sufferers. My health is so fully restored that I look upon life with pleasure and comfort, whereas before I was a suffering nervous invalid, unable to sleep and much of the time in torment. Wishing you success I am your friend and well wisher,
M. MANHEIM, Georgetown, S.C.
Gentlemen—I was troubled with nervous exhaustion; my legs and back ached, and I could not sleep hardly any, and could not rest at night for about three months, and, reading in one of your Memorandum Books a case that suited mine and having taken medicines without any good results, I concluded to try your medicines. I explained my case carefully and got one month's medicines, of which I did not take all as I thought I did not need it, as I felt like another man—could sleep well and work without having that "all-gone feeling."
Yours respectfully, A.D. CHRISTIE, Maple Creek, Forest Co., Penn.
Gentlemen—Six years ago I had an attack of measles, which left my health in a precarious condition. I was placed under the treatment of a good physician who did all in his power to restore my health, but all in vain. I had dyspepsia and could not eat meat, vegetables nor fruit of any kind. I suffered alternately from cold and heat. At times my feet and knees would feel like ice to the touch, and at other times I would suffer the most excruciating torture, seeming as though every nerve in my body was being seared with a hot iron. My left hip and knee would become so affected that I could scarcely walk across the room. I slept very little. On one occasion I remained awake four days and four nights, and then was put to sleep by repeated doses of morphine. My nervous system became so shattered that words spoken by any person in my room fell like pebbles on my brain; and nights I would often have to be raised in bed to prevent smothering to death. It is impossible for me to describe my sufferings at that time but I know that if it had not been for Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription I would to-day have been in my grave.
I began the use of the "Favorite Prescription" in March—three years ago, as well as I can remember. Continued till summer when I wrote to you—received your advice and a few simple prescriptions which I had filled at the drug store. I also began the use of the "Golden Medical Discovery." My nerves became quiet: I slept well; my stomach began to heal; my strength returned and I began to feel like a new person. And, to-day, while I am not as strong as the strongest, I can do any kind of work that other women do, and each season I can say I am stronger than I was the last. I used thirty bottles of your medicines. Some may say that was a great deal, but I will never regret the money and patience it took to cure me. It has enabled me to once more enter school where I am trying to make up for those lost years of my life, and as I join the girls in their romps, I can say that "life is now sweet."
Any one desiring particulars may address me.
Respectfully, MISS LUCY MOYERS, Kelso, Lincoln Co., Tenn.
Gentlemen—I was thought to be beyond all help and had but very little hope myself, but at the urgent entreaty of my wife I let her write to you for me and began taking special treatment from you. I could eat but very little and could keep nothing on my stomach, and was vomiting up bile once or twice every day; muscles all gone and too weak to get about. But to-day I think I am a sound healthy man. I owe it all to your treatment, and a loving Saviour who blessed the means in your hands to the healing of this body of mine. And I gladly recommend the sick and suffering to try Dr. Pierce, and pray God to bless you and your work.
Yours respectfully, W.H. KEESLER, P.O. Box 185, Harriman, Roane Co., Tenn.
Farina, Fayette Co., Ill.
Gentlemen—It gives me great pleasure to add my testimony to that of many others in behalf of the great success of your Institution. I had been breaking in general health for years and had got so that I could not properly attend to my business. Was very forgetful and easily irritated and excited, and was unable to attend to my business a good part of my time. I doctored with country and city M.D.'s., and took patent medicine, but without any permanent good. I was induced to write to you, which resulted in my taking about one and one-half months' treatment from you, when I felt so much better that I discontinued the treatment. For the last six months I have felt like my old natural self again, and am able to attend strictly to business all the time for which I am very thankful.
Yours truly, C.H. West.
Gentlemen—Having spent four weeks in your Institution, it gives me great pleasure to state that during that time I received the most courteous and faithful care and treatment, and I bear willing testimony to the skill and ability of the surgeons and the faithful care of the nurses.
Wishing you continued success, I recommend all persons suffering from chronic diseases to give you a trial.
Respectfully yours, JOHN HURST, Marquette, Bighorn Co., Wyo.
Gentlemen—I am happy to say that your valuable medicine has been a great benefit to me. I was suffering from general debility, malaria and nervous sick headaches, and after my third child was born (a beautiful baby boy of ten pounds) I only recovered after a long illness; I barely gained strength enough in two years time so that I was able to crawl about to accomplish the little housework that I had, by lying down to read many times each day; had sick headaches very often; and many pains and aches, all the time complaining of getting no better. I finally asked my husband to get a bottle of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, which he promptly did. After I had taken one bottle I could see a great change in my strength, and fewer sick headaches.
I continued taking the medicine until I had taken eight bottles—seven of the "Favorite Prescription" and one of the "Golden Medical Discovery." For some time past I have not used it, but I am now able to do the housework for myself, husband and two children (aged nine and five years). I also take in dressmaking, and enjoy walking a mile at a time, and I think it Is all due to the medicine, for I know I was only failing fast before I commenced to take it. I take great pleasure in recommending the "Favorite Prescription" to all women who suffer from debility and sick headache.
Respectfully yours, MRS. J.H. LANSING, Fort Edward, Washington Co., N.Y.
Gentlemen—I have used your medicines for a number of years, and know that they do for me all that is claimed for them. I am employed mostly at my desk, and not infrequently have an attack of the headache. It usually comes on in the forenoon. At my dinner I eat my regular meal, and take one or two of Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets immediately after, and in the course of an hour my headache is cured and no bad effects. I feel better every way for having taken them—not worse, as is usual after taking other kinds of pills. Your "Pleasant Pellets" are worth more than their weight in gold, if for nothing else than to cure headache.
Very respectfully, E. VARGASON, Otter Lake, Lapeer Co., Mich.
Gentlemen—I suffered from loss of appetite, constipation, neuralgia, and great weakness, and had terrible attacks of sick headache very frequently; also nose bleed. My health was so poor that I was not able to go to school for two years. I took Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets and "Golden Medical Discovery," and in a short time I was strong and well. Many friends are taking your medicines seeing what they have done for me.
Respectfully yours, Miss BERTHA WOLFE, Markham, Cattaraugus Co., N.Y.
Gentlemen—When I commenced taking your medicine I was very sickly. I had frequent spells of fainting, terrible pain in my head, and life was a burden to me. I was attended by one of the best physicians in our town, but with no good results. At last a neighbor advised me to try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, which I did, and after taking one bottle I felt greatly benefited. I would advise all ladies similarly afflicted to try "Favorite Prescription."
Yours truly, MRS. SAMUEL A. JACOBS, Mechanicsburgh, Cumberland Co., Penn.
Gentlemen—I was troubled with boils for thirty years. Four years ago I was so afflicted with them that I could not walk. I bought Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, and took one "Pellet" after each meal. The boils soon disappeared and have had none since. I have also been troubled with sick headache. When I feel the headache coming on, I take one or two "Pellets," and am relieved of it.
Respectfully yours, WILLIAM RAMICH, Minden, Kearney Co., Neb.
Gentlemen—Having suffered several years with very bad bilious attacks and all kinds of headaches, I tried different kinds of medicines but found nothing to cure me. Having read about Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, I commenced taking them. Before I had finished one phial I found benefit; they have done me great good. I have recommended them to all my friends and will continue to do so where I have the chance.
Yours truly, MRS. JAMES BAKER, Furneaux, Pelham, Nr. Buntingford, Herts.
Gentlemen—This is to certify that I had the neuralgia several years, and was not able to perform labor nor attend to business. I was induced to try your medicines, which I took and they effected a permanent cure. I am now well and hearty, and able to do a good day's work, and weigh one hundred and eighty pounds,—and thanks to you for it. I used your medicines three months and was cured.
Yours truly, AUGUST HABENICHT, Fort Pierce, Brevard Co., Fla.
Gentlemen—I will say that your Institute is all that you claim for it, and more too. The Doctors are courteous gentlemen and the best Physicians I have ever met with in my life. My treatment while at the Institute did me more good in one month than all the doctors everywhere else combined. My ailment was Paralysis and Female Weakness. Your treatment did me good while at the Institute, and I have also been greatly benefited by the home-treatment I have received from you since. I am much better than I was; I am able to do considerable work now. When I came to you I could not do anything.
I herewith send you my heartfelt thanks for all you have done for me, and should I need more treatment I will write you as before. I would advise all people who have chronic diseases to go to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute for help, for it is a grand place and prices are reasonable. We use your Family Medicines—your "Pellets" and Golden Medical Discovery—and find they are all you claim for them.
Again I thank you and remain, your friend,
MRS. S.B. MANN, Sutton, Clay Co., Neb.
Buffalo, La Rue County, Ky.
Gentlemen—I am still having very good health. I value Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and his "Favorite Prescription" very highly and often recommend them to others. I do not think I would ever have got well if it had not been for your medicines. I was in a sad condition. My bowels and half of my body (the left side), was nearly paralyzed, besides nearly my whole system was out of order. I suffered all the time; but after taking six bottles of "Golden Medical Discovery" and the same of "Favorite Prescription," and using two bottles of Sage's Catarrh Remedy as an injection, I felt like a new person. I have never seen anyone suffering in the same way as I did. If anyone with female trouble of any kind will use your medicines I am satisfied they will help them.
Yours truly, Mary A. Sallee.
WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Ltd., No. 3 New Oxford Street, London, W.C.:
Gentlemen—In the latter part of 1890, I was struck down with that terrible—and by many members of the medical profession pronounced to be, incurable disease, locomotor ataxia. My family doctor declared that nothing could be done for me, but for the sake of satisfaction advised me to go to London, and see an expert, whom he named. I did so, with the result of being told as above. This was in November, 1890. The symptoms were first numbness in hands and feet, which soon extended as far as the thighs, joined with the most intense feeling of cold that it can be possible to imagine. For six months I felt as though I had stood in ice up to my thighs. I soon became unable to walk or to stand, and crawled up stairs on my hands and knees, I thought for the last time, as I then thought I should die. Stomach troubles then set in, and for more than three months, I endured the utmost agony. Night and day sweats absorbed my little remaining strength, and I became helpless. I had taken leave of my family, not expecting to last the day out, when I was seen by a young doctor, who is fast becoming an eminent man, who said he thought he could alleviate my sufferings—though he did not expect to cure me. He commenced to treat me, and in about one month I began to improve, though very slowly. This was in February, 1891, and before the end of the year I was able to walk down stairs again. It was in March, 1892, that I began taking Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, and on sending to you for a bottle in reply to your inquiry, I began your special treatment, with the happy result that I gradually improved in health and strength; and on the 26th of October, 1892, I was able to call on you in London, and you advised me to continue your treatment, and use a battery as well, which I did until April, 1893, when I could walk about quite nicely, and I now enjoy better health than for the past eight years. I am thankful too, that my eldest daughter has derived the greatest benefit from Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. She took it for painful menstruation, and is now well and healthy. I am
Yours very truly, C.F. GOODWIN CASTLEMAN, Bursledon, Southampton, England.
From the records of the WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Buffalo, N.Y.:
This gentlemen had a severe attack of grip in January, 1890. His health gradually declined until June, at which time he was taken very much worse. Had nervous shocks three or four times a day. Slight paralysis of lower limbs. Respiration and pulse slow and irregular. Bowels constipated and tongue coated. Indigestion. Ringing in the ears. Legs wasting. Dimness of vision. Lost flesh rapidly and reduced to "skin I and bones." Chills and sweats; dizzy. Had great distress in bowels. Pain about the heart. Had been confined to his bed 46 days, at the time the case was submitted to us. We sent only one month's course of special medicines. He writes us afterwards:
"I am at regular farm work, after my doctor here having told me that I must die and that Dr. Pierce was a gigantic humbug."
Yours truly, F.M. BRASHER, Homer, Logan Co., Ky.
Gentlemen—My daughter, Sadie, is eighteen years old; has been afflicted with that dreaded disease, Epilepsy, for fourteen years. She received treatment from seven different doctors without any material benefit. She has only had one spasm after commencing with your treatment, now almost two years. Three boxes of epilepsy medicine, followed up with your "Favorite Prescription" cured her. She took about six months' treatment in all.
This places us under a world of obligation to you as the instrument of our great relief under a kind Providence. Should there be any signs of it returning we would with unshaken faith send for more medicine. You can use her or my signature as you wish.
Yours truly, GEORGE SWINEHART, Lake, Stark Co., Ohio.
Gentlemen—I have great pleasure in announcing to you my heartfelt thanks for the benefit derived from your treatment, having suffered from epileptic fits for six years. I have experienced as many as five and seven fits a day, some lasting two hours at a time. I am glad to say since trying your medicine which is now five months, I have not had one. Thanking you for your kindness.
Gratefully yours, GEO. HERBERT PLUMSTEAD, 67 Fishgate Street, St. Edmunds, Norwich, England.
Gentlemen—I desire to express my gratitude for the wonderful results of your treatment with my little son John. He was very bad, as we thought, for the physician could do nothing for him any more, and I got discouraged and went to my daughter, Mrs. D.T. Knappenberger, of Jeannette, Pa., (who has been a terrible invalid and was cured at your Institute), for advice. 'Oh, father,' she said, 'don't doctor here, but go to Dr. Pierce. So the result was I gave her money and she sent for medicines. You sent two bottles of medicine and he never has taken a drop since and is perfectly well and never had a spell since. I do not know what you call the disease, but we called it spasms or fits. With my experience I can heartily recommend the Invalids' Hotel, and think if a case can be cured at all, you can cure it. And unless they can cure or greatly benefit the patient, they will not undertake it; this is my experience with the World's Dispensary. My daughter, Mrs. D.T. Knappenberger, and my son Johnnie, feel very grateful toward the Dispensary for their cure.
Yours truly, D.A. MAXWELL, Greensburgh, Westmorland Co., Pa.
Gentlemen—My little girl was delicate from birth, nervous and irritable. When three and one-half years old we discovered she had that terrible disease "epilepsy," inherited from her father's family; she had spasms or fits once in two or three days, and grew worse so rapidly that in four months she had from four to eight fits in twenty-four hours. Home physicians did no good, and just then one of your little pamphlets came to me as they had come often before. As my need was great I wrote a description of her case, and though your answer did not seem very encouraging, I did not dare to lose any chance of saving my child, so I commenced the treatment. On November 6, 1891, she had seven fits; November 7th gave her your medicines; she had four fits that day, and never one since. She took your medicines less than four months. She is nearly six years old, a strong, hearty, bright child, attending school every day.
What more can I say than that I thank Dr. Pierce and the Faculty of the World's Dispensary Medical Association for having saved the life of my child, and I thank God that he gave them the knowledge and skill to do so.
Respectfully yours, MRS. J. MCCARTY, Gouldsville, Washington Co., Vt.
Gentlemen—My boy had been in bad health for a long time. We called our home doctor, but he got no better. Finally he had the St. Vitus's Dance, and our doctor did not know what to do. So I wrote to you and did as you told me; I got two bottles of your "Favorite Prescription," and one bottle and a half did the work all right. At that time, eighteen months ago, his weight was 85 pounds, now it is 135 to 140; he is fourteen years old.
Yours truly, JEREMIAH PONSLER, Zenas, Jennings County, Ind.
Gentlemen—My daughter, Josephine E. Thulin, is now six and a half years old. She had been afflicted with epilepsy for three and a half years, and received treatment from three different doctors, and from one especially, for the space of two years steady, without any benefit. Before taking your treatment she had as many as six or seven spells a day. The child could not have stood it much longer. After taking your treatment one month the spells stopped. With four months' special treatment from you, and two months' use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription she was entirely cured. In one year and three months she has not had a drop of medicine, and she is in the best of health and vigor.
I would say to any sufferer from obstinate or chronic disease, and especially epilepsy, that we have a living witness. You can come and see for yourself that the doctors connected with the World's Dispensary Medical Association do understand how to prescribe.
You can use this as a testimonial from me, of what you have done for us. I remain,
Yours truly, JOHN THULIN, (for daughter,) Kearney, Buffalo Co., Nebr.
To whom it may concern:
This is to certify that I took treatment at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N.Y., and I was cured of a chronic trouble that had been maltreated by other physicians. While there I saw a man who had been cured by the specialists, who had before been given up to die by the best doctors in Troy, N.Y. Of course, the case must have been a very stubborn one. I afterwards saw a man here, in Georgia, die, who, if he had been in Pierce's Surgical Institute under the treatment and care of his skilled doctors and nurses, I know would have most assuredly got well. Why? Because it was only a case of stone in the bladder, and they are easily cured at Dr. Pierce's Surgical Institute. I think almost any chronic disease can be cured there, if taken in time, judging from my observations while an inmate of that Institution.
H.E. BANKSTON, Barnesville, Pike Co., Ga.
Without solicitude or hope of pecuniary reward, with heart-felt gratitude and a desire to aid my fellow-man to health and happiness, allow me to state, that as an inmate for more than a month of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute at No. 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N.Y., I feel warranted in its highest recommendation. While there I saw and talked with a groat number of people who came there as a last resort, to be cured of almost every chronic disease to which flesh is heir, and they were unanimous in their praise of the Institution and the skilled specialists who constitute its professional staff.
ANDREW HOLES, Moorhead, Minn.
* * * * *
The above cut is introduced here to assist in conveying a correct idea of the Urinary and Generative Organs of Woman, their form and relative positions, together with the bones, muscles and other tissues forming the cavity of the pelvis in which the organs rest, and by which they are protected. By dividing that portion of the body directly through the middle from before backward, we first cut through the cushion of fat (mons veneris) covering the pubic bone, then in succession the bone, bladder, womb, vagina, rectum, front half of spine, spinal marrow, rear half of spine, and lastly the muscles and skin. Just underneath the bone in front is revealed that sensitive organ, the clitoris, a facsimile of the male organ in miniature, the head of which protrudes, while the body is covered with tissue, but is readily traced with the finger. Further back is the urethra, or water passage, which is one and a half inches long. Next is the vagina. When closed, its mucous lining is folded in upon itself, and requires dilating in order to be cleansed and to apply remedies. On the vagina rests the hollow, pear-shaped womb, the small end of which protrudes into the vagina, and in which is a small opening, leading through the neck into the cavity of the organ. On either side of the womb, near its top, are the Fallopian tubes leading to the ovaries, situated between the womb and hip bones. At every menstruation these organs throw off a germ-cell, which passes through the Fallopian tubes into the uterine cavity.]
The fear of pain and the dangers of childbirth fill many a woman's breast with dismay. In the olden days of leeches and witchcraft, it was considered sacrilegious to lessen the pains of labor. Latterly, anaesthetics have been used at the time of parturition, and now people are beginning to find out that pain and danger can be almost wholly avoided.
Proper preparation during gestation will make both as rare as they used to be common. There is no reason why childbirth should be fraught with danger and distress. It is a perfectly natural function, and should be performed in a natural way without undue suffering. Nature never intended that women should be tortured when doing the one thing which makes them wholly womanly. The perversion of nature's laws has brought this suffering about, and a return to right living will stop it.
Nine out of ten women are troubled more or less by weakness and diseases peculiar to their sex. It is so because they do not take proper care of themselves—because they neglect little ills and little precautions. A woman in perfectly hearty health goes through her time of trial with comparative ease. The thing to do then, is to make all pregnant women healthy—to strengthen them generally and locally. The medicine and tonic to do it with is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
It is a powerful invigorant and nervine. It soothes and strengthens the nerves and acts directly on the feminine organism in a way which fits it for the proper and regular performance of all its functions at ill times.
Taken during gestation it robs childbirth of its dangers to both mother and child, by preparing the system for delivery, thereby shortening labor, lessening pain and abbreviating the period of confinement. The Favorite Prescription also promotes the secretion of an abundance of nourishment for the child, if taken after confinement, besides building up the mother's strength and making her recovery more perfect.
The term abortion is used to denote the premature expulsion of the foetus. If the expulsion takes place within four months after impregnation, it is termed abortion; if between the fourth and seventh month, miscarriage; if after the seventh month, but before the completion of the full period of gestation, premature labor.
Abortion may be due to those agents which act directly upon the uterus and cause the expulsion of the foetus; to those which occasion the death of the foetus, thereby effecting its ejection; and it may be criminal, that is, produced intentionally by direct agencies intended for that purpose.
SYMPTOMS. The premonitory symptoms are pain in the loins and lower part of the back, a dull pain in the abdomen and thighs, nausea, chills, and palpitation. The membranes and blood-vessels of the uterus become lacerated, causing profuse hemorrhage. The discharge of blood from the vagina is sometimes attended with excessive pain.
THE CAUSES which act directly upon the uterus to produce abortion may be violent exercise, lifting, accidents, or injuries from blows or falls. Nervous susceptibilities, a plethoric condition of the system, anaemia, exhaustive discharges, use of improper food, uterine displacements, congestion caused by excessive sexual excitement, general debility or muscular irritability, which is sometimes so great as to produce contractility of the uterus before the term of pregnancy is completed, inflammation of the cervix, ulcerations of the uterus, or any previously existing disease may produce abortion. When it has once taken place, it is apt to recur at about the same time in subsequent pregnancies.
The death of the foetus may be occasioned by a diseased condition of the embryo, amnion, or placenta, and also by convulsions or peritoneal inflammation.
CRIMINAL ABORTION is secretly practiced by women who desire to rid themselves of the evidence of immorality, and by those in wedlock who wish to avoid the care and responsibility of rearing offspring. Statistics show that it is very prevalent, undermining the health of women and corrupting the morals of society. We cannot pass over this subject in silence. Those who frustrate the processes of nature by violating the laws of life incur just penalties. All the functions of life and body are vitally concerned in reproduction. Any infraction of the Divine law, "Thou shalt not kill," is inevitably followed by punishment. The obligations to nature cannot be evaded without inevitable penal effects. Furthermore, all such transgressors carry with them the consciousness of guilt and the feeling of secret woe.
"O God! that horrid, horrid dream Besets me now awake! Again, again, with dizzy brain. The human life I take, And my red right hand grows raging hot, Like Cranmer's at the stake."—HOOD.
What shall we say concerning abortionists, men and women who are willing to engage in the murder of innocents for pay? True, there may be circumstances in which it is not right to continue in the pregnant condition, such as when the children of an unfortunate marriage are idiots, or the pelvis of the woman is so deformed that she cannot bear a living child. All such cases should be submitted to the family physician, who ought to be made acquainted with all the circumstances and facts relating to the case, when he can summon other physicians for counsel, and their deliberations may determine the propriety or necessity of bringing on an abortion.
Parties have written to us and others have made personal application under circumstances when it might have been right for their family physician to have induced abortion. We wish to have it distinctly understood that we will not under any circumstances prescribe medicines or perform any operation to relieve women of pregnancy.
Mechanical means are resorted to by abortionists, and many women produce abortion upon themselves. It always terminates in lasting injury and sometimes in speedy death. Certain medicines will sometimes produce abortion but they are very unsafe. An opinion is very prevalent that if abortion be produced before the movements of the foetus are felt, there is no crime committed. It should be remembered that life begins with conception, and, at whatever period of pregnancy abortion is committed, life is destroyed. Whoever disobeys the Divine injunction cannot escape his own consciousness of the deed, and the anguish and bitter remorse which ever after disturb the soul.
TREATMENT. In threatened abortion, there is pain in the back or lower part of the abdomen, and later some flow of blood. The first object is to obtain perfect rest and quiet, and assume the recumbent position. By lying down, the blood will be more easily diverted to the surface of the body. Gallic acid, in doses of five grains every two or three hours, is often a valuable agent to arrest the hemorrhage, but opium in some form should be relied upon principally. A Dover's powder, ten grains, may be administered, to assist in determining the blood to the surface and extremities of the body and to allay irritation. The room should be cool, the patient should lie on a hard bed, and all company should be avoided, for excitement favors abortion. If the flow of blood equals a gill in amount, there is little hope of preventing abortion, and the treatment of the case should be entrusted to the family physician.
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An imaginative poet avers that woman is the link connecting Heaven and earth. True it is, we see in her the embodiment of purity and heavenly graces, the most perfect combination of modesty, devotion, patience, affection, gratitude and loveliness, and the perfection of physical beauty. We watch with deep interest the steady and gradual development from girlhood to womanhood, when the whole person improves in grace and elegance, the voice becomes more sonorous and melodious, and the angles and curvatures of her contour become more rounded and amplified, preparatory for her high and holy mission.
The uterus, or womb, and ovaries, with which her whole system is in intimate sympathy, render her doubly susceptible to injurious influences and a resulting series of diseases, from which the other sex is entirely exempt. By their sympathetic connections they wield a modifying influence over all the other functions of the system. Physically and mentally, woman is man modified, perfected,—the last and crowning handiwork of God. When, therefore, this structure so wonderfully endowed, so exquisitely wrought, and performing the most delicate and sacred functions which God has ever entrusted to a created being, is disturbed by disease, when the nicely-adjusted balance of her complex nature deviates from its true and intended poise, the most efficient aid should be extended, in order that the normal equilibrium may be regained, her health restored, and her divine mission, on which human welfare so largely depends, be fulfilled. Its importance should elicit the best efforts of the highest type of mind, the ripe development of genius, and the most scientific administration of the choicest, rarest, and purest medicinal elements in the whole range of nature.
A VAST EXPERIENCE. As the remedial management of diseases of women has, for many years, entered very largely into our practice at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, located at 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N.Y., comprising the treatment of many thousands of cases annually, we have been afforded great experience in perfecting and adapting remedies for their cure, enabling us to meet their requirements with increased certainty and exactness.
TREATING THE WRONG DISEASE. Our improved and perfected system of diagnosing, or determining, the exact nature and extent of chronic affections, which, in most cases, we are able to do at a distance, and without a personal examination of the patient, as will be more particularly explained in the appendix, or latter part of this little book, has enabled us to avoid the blunders so often committed by the general practitioner, who not infrequently treats those afflicted with chronic ailments peculiar to women, for long weeks, and perhaps months, without ever discovering their real and true disease, or condition. Thus, invalid women are often uselessly subjected to treatment for dyspepsia, heart disease, liver or kidney affections, sick headaches, and various aches and pains, as if they were primary diseases, when in reality, they are only so many local manifestations, or symptoms, of some overlooked derangement, or disease, of the womb. For, as we have already intimated, every organ of the system is in intimate sympathy with the uterus, or womb. Any disease, either functional or organic, of this organ, is at once manifest through several, if not all, the sympathizing organs of the system. When we receive a sharp blow upon the elbow, the pain is felt most keenly in our little finger. Just so in diseases of the womb; often the most distress is felt in organs or parts of the system quite distant from the real seat of disease. On this account, thoughtless, easy-going and ignorant physicians are misled, and very commonly mistake the invalid's disease for some affection of the stomach, heart, liver, kidneys, or other organ, when really it is located in the uterus. Cure the disease of the womb, and all these disagreeable manifestations, or symptoms, vanish. Their cause being removed, the various dependent derangements, and disagreeable nervous sensations and sufferings rapidly give way, and vigorous health is firmly re-established.
TIME AND PERSEVERANCE IN TREATMENT REQUIRED TO CURE. Most chronic diseases of women are slow in their inception, or development, and their removal or cure must necessarily be gradual. Disease that has been progressing and becoming more firmly established for months, or perhaps years, cannot, except in rare cases, be hastily dislodged, and the system restored to perfect health. The process of cure, like the development and progress of the disease, must be a gradual one, accomplished step by step. Often, too, the use of medicines that, if persisted in, will prove beneficial and curative, will, for a considerable time, arouse in the system very disagreeable sensations, and many times this leads unthinking persons to become frightened or discouraged, and to quit the treatment best adapted to their cases if only faithfully carried out. In many forms of womb disease, their are organic lesions or changes, that can be repaired only by a gradual process, just as an external wound would heal,—not suddenly, but by a constant, slow filling in and building up, or by the gradual development or growth of one cell upon another. Just as a great breach in a wall would be repaired by filling in brick upon brick, until the defect is effaced, so must these lesion's be removed by gradual processes. When fully repaired, the dependent, sympathetic derangements, disagreeable sensations, and all the long train of consequential symptoms are, one by one, abolished.
NOT LIMITED IN OUR REMEDIAL RESOURCES. It should be borne in mind that, while we recommend, in this little volume, certain courses of treatment for ordinary cases, the remedies mentioned do not by any means embrace all our resources in the way of medicines and other curative agencies, especially for complicated, difficult, or very obstinate cases. In many of the latter class we can send medicines that are exactly adapted to the case, if the invalid will fill out one of our "Applications for Treatment," which may be found folded in the latter part of this book, or which will be sent to any address, on application, by mail. In most womb diseases, the chemical and microscopical examination of the urine also furnishes valuable aid in determining the exact condition of the patient, as well as the precise stage of the local organic disease. Full directions for putting up and sending such samples may be found in the "Appendix" of this little volume. Every case submitted to us, either by letter or in person, receives the careful and deliberate consideration of a full Council of specialists before a decision as to the nature of the malady, or the proper course of treatment to be employed, is determined upon. The great advantage of this system of practice must be obvious to every intelligent, thoughtful person. No experimenting is ever resorted to. The treatment is specially and exactly adapted to each individual case, which requires such judgment, skill, and nicety of discrimination, as has only been acquired by our specialists through long and diligent study, and an experience embracing the treatment annually of many thousands of cases of those chronic diseases which are peculiar to women.
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The function of the ovaries is to furnish ova or germs, and the functions of the uterus or womb are to secrete mucus; to exude the menses; to secrete the decidua; to contain and nourish the foetus and to effect its expulsion.
Menstruation, or the menses, monthly visitation, catamenia, menstrual flow, courses, or periods, usually makes its appearance in the female between the twelfth and fifteenth years, at which time the reproductive system undergoes remarkable changes. A marked characteristic of menstruation is its regular return about every twenty-eight days. The menstrual flow usually continues from three to six days, and the discharge seems to be ordinary blood, which, during its vaginal passage, becomes mixed with mucus, and is thereby deprived of the power of coagulation. The quantity exuded varies from two to eight ounces, but the amount consistent with the health of one person, may be excessive and weakening in another. This function is regarded as "being regular when its effect upon the system is favorable, for whatever organic process directly contributes to the health should be considered as normal. It occurs at regular intervals for about thirty years, when menstruation and the aptitude for conception simultaneously cease.
The departures from healthy menstruation are numerous. The most important of these are amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, and menorrhagia.
The term amenorrhea signifies the absence of menstruation when it should occur. It may be considered under two general heads: when it fails to be established at the proper age, and when, after having made its appearance, it ceases to return at the usual periods. The term retention has been applied to the first, and that of suppression to the latter. Menstruation may fail to be established in consequence of organic defects, or from some abnormal condition of the blood and nervous system.
MALFORMATION OF THE VAGINA. Retention of the menses may result from malformation of the vaginal canal, which sometimes terminates before it reaches the womb, being simply a short, closed sac. If the uterus and ovaries are perfect, all the feminine characteristics are manifest, and a vaginal exploration discloses the nature of the difficulty. If, however, the sides of this passage adhere in consequence of previous inflammation, they may be carefully separated by a surgical operation, and this function restored.
ABSENCE OR MALFORMATION OF THE WOMB. The uterus may be deformed or entirely absent, and yet there be an inclination, or symptoms indicative of an effort, to establish this function. The individual may be delicate in organization, graceful in bearing, refined and attractive in all feminine ways, and yet this organ may be so defective as to preclude the establishment of the menstrual function. Sometimes there is merely an occlusion of the mouth of the uterus, the perforation of which removes all difficulty. In others, the neck of the womb is filled with a morbid growth, or the walls of its canal are adherent, as the result of inflammation, and may be separated by a small silver or ivory probe, and the menses be thus liberated.
IMPERFORATE HYMEN. The hymen is a circular, or semilunar membrane, which imperfectly closes the outer orifice of the vagina in the virgin. When of a semilunar shape, it usually occupies the lower or posterior portion of the canal, leaving an opening in the upper or anterior portion, varying from the size of a quill to that of a thimble, through which the menstrual fluid exudes. This membrane is usually ruptured and destroyed by the first sexual intercourse, and, hence, its presence has been considered evidence of virginity. Its absence, however, must not be considered a conclusive evidence of sexual intercourse, for, as Dr. Dunglison says, "many circumstances of an innocent character may occasion a rupture or destruction of this membrane. It is often absent in children soon after birth; while it may remain entire after copulation. Hence, the presence of the hymen does not absolutely prove virginity; nor does its absence prove incontinence, although its presence would be prima facie evidence of continence."
Sometimes this membrane, when not imperforate, is so thick and strong as to render sexual intercourse impossible, and requires a cutting operation to open the vagina. Several such cases have been operated upon at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute.
It occasionally happens that the hymen is entire, or imperforate, at birth. This may not be discovered before puberty. But when this period arrives and the menstrual discharge takes place into the vagina, the female will suffer from the retention and accumulation of this secretion, and ultimately a tumor or a protrusion of the membrane which closes the vagina will occur, giving rise to severe pain and other serious symptoms. The retained menstrual fluid, increasing in quantity at every monthly period, dilates the womb as well as the vagina, and even the Fallopian tubes become distended, presenting at length an urgent necessity for relief.
TREATMENT. This condition admits of relief only by operative surgery. The operation consists in dividing the hymen by a crucial incision, thus allowing the accumulated fluid to be discharged, after which the vagina is cleansed by syringing it with warm water.
ABSENCE OF THE OVARIES. Let us suppose the case of a young woman who has fully reached the period of puberty without having menstruated. All the organs which we have described, are manifestly developed, she is healthy, vigorous, robust, and able to exercise freely or to engage in laborious occupations. But we notice that her voice is not sweetly feminine, nor is her presence timid, tender, and winning; there is wanting that diffident sexual consciousness, which gently woos, and, at the same time, modestly repels, and tends to awaken interest, curiosity, and desire. Considering also that she has never manifested any inclination to menstruate, we are irresistibly led to the conclusion that the ovaries are wanting; the delicate mustache upon the upper lip, the undeveloped breasts, the coarse features, and her taste for masculine pursuits, all concur in this diagnosis. Thus we account for the harshness of the voice, fitted for command rather than to express the mellow, persuasive cadences of love. Such a malformation cannot be remedied.
RETENTION AND SUPPRESSION FROM MORBID CONDITIONS OF THE BLOOD. Non-appearance, as well as suppression of the menses, may result from an abnormal state of the blood. The first condition which demands our attention under this head is plethora. In robust, plethoric females the menses are sometimes very tardy in their appearance, and every month the attempt to establish this function is attended with pain in the head, loins, and back, chilliness, nausea, and bloating of the abdomen. Sometimes there is intolerance of light or sound, and cerebral congestion, amounting almost to apoplectic symptoms. The pulse is full and strong, the blood abundant and surcharged with red corpuscles. Such persons may be accustomed to luxurious living, and there is evidently a predisposition to abnormal activity of the alimentary functions.
TREATMENT. We may briefly suggest that such subjects should engage in laborious physical exercise in order to expend the surplus of vitality, and should lessen the daily amount of food taken, and use that which is light and unstimulating. We should also prevent the determination of blood to the head, by keeping it cool and the feet warm, and by increasing the flow of blood to the extremities. The volume of the circulation may be diminished by acting upon the natural outlets, such as the skin, kidneys, and bowels. The proper means and appliances for quickening the circulation of the blood are indicated, and friction upon the surface, bathing, the daily use of such cathartics as Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, and, finally, the use of some general uterine stimulant, such as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, will generally prove successful in cases of amenorrhea resulting from plethora.
RETENTION AND SUPPRESSION FROM ANAEMIA. To describe the condition of the patient whose blood is low and deprived of the richness, warmth, and bloom, it once possessed when it kindled admiration and enthusiasm in others, is but to give a picture of a numerous class of female invalids. It is sad to see beauty fading, vigor waning, and Bright's disease or consumption slowly wasting the blood and consuming the vital cells, until the spirit can no longer dwell in its earthly abode and death claims the skeleton for dust.
CHRONIC DECLINE, with its attendant anaemia, may be induced by bad habits, destitution, or constitutional depravity. Sickly forms, wrecks of health, address our senses on every side. All these subjects evidently once had a capital in life, sufficient, if properly and carefully husbanded, to comfortably afford them vital stamina and length of days. Alas! they have squandered their estate, perchance in idleness and luxurious living, or have wasted it in vanities or misdirected ambition. Having become bankrupts in health, there is necessarily a failure of the menstrual function, and then follows a panic. All the blame of the insolvency and general derangement, is unjustly attributed to the non-performance of the duties of the uterus. Thus, this organ is altogether dependent Upon the general health for its functional ability, yet frequently treatment is instituted to compel menstruation, regardless of the condition of the system. Thus the enfeebled uterus is wrongfully held responsible for general disorder, because it ceases to act, when by acting it would further deplete the blood and thus materially contribute to the already existing chronic decline.
No matter what are the causes of this decline, whether they are the follies of fashion, the effect of indolence, debility in consequence of insufficient food, perversion of nutrition by irregular habits, lack of exercise, or the taking of drastic medicines, the result is anaemia and amenorrhea.
TREATMENT. We would suggest in such cases a nutritious diet, increased exercise, cleanliness, regular habits, hard beds, and useful employment. The diet may be improved by animal broths, roasted meats, fresh beef, mutton, chicken, or eggs, and the dress should be comfortable, warm, and permit freedom of motion. The patient should indulge in amusing exercises, walking, swinging, riding, games of croquet, traveling, singing, percussing the expanded chest, or engage in healthful calisthenic exercises. The hygienic treatment of this form of amenorrhea, then, consists in physical culture, regular bathing, and the regulation of the bowels, if constipated, as suggested in this volume under the head of constipation.
The medical treatment should be directed to enriching the blood, improving nutrition, toning up the generative organs, and the health of the whole system. This requires the employment of uterine and general tonics, and Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, which is sold by druggists, happily combines the properties required. It improves digestion, enriches the blood, exercises a tonic and gently stimulating effect upon the uterus and ovaries, and thus promotes the function of menstruation. It is not a strong emmenagogue, but operates slowly, yet surely, and in accordance with physiological laws, being eminently congenial in its effects upon the female system, and, hence, not liable to do harm. There is danger in employing active driving medicines, besides, no emmenagogue, however powerful, can establish the menstrual function so long as the system is in a debilitated condition and the blood reduced. The restorative effects of the "Favorite Prescription" should be secured by administering it regularly, in from one to two teaspoonful doses, three or four times a day, for several weeks, and as the system is built up and those symptoms appear which indicate a return of the menses, their visitation may be encouraged by the use of hot foot and sitz-baths, and free doses of Dr. Pierce's Compound Extract of Smart-weed. But the latter should only be used when symptoms of approaching menstruation are manifested. By following out this course of treatment, a soft flush will gradually take the place of the pallor of the cheeks, the appetite will return and the health will be restored.
ACUTE SUPPRESSION OF THE MENSES may be caused by strong emotions, as excessive joy, or by violent excitement of the propensities, as intense anger, sudden fright, fear, or anxiety. Suppression may result from sudden exposure to cold, immersion of the hands or feet in cold water, drinking cold water when the body is heated, sitting on the cold ground or damp grass, or from a burn or wound. It is not uncommon for women to labor in the heated wash-room, pounding, rubbing, and wringing soiled linen, thereby overtaxing the delicate physical system. While feeling tired and jaded, all reeking in perspiration, they rinse and wring the clothes out of cold water and hang them upon the line with arms bare, when the atmosphere is so freezing that the garments stiffen before they finish this part of the task. Is it any wonder that acute suppressions occur or that inflammations set in?
The symptoms which naturally follow are a quick pulse, hot skin, thirst, fever, headache, and dizziness, and the inflammation may locate in the ovaries, uterus, lungs, bowels, brain, or other parts. No matter what organs are attacked the menses are suppressed. The suppression can generally be attributed to an adequate cause, resulting in constitutional disturbance. The severity and duration of the attack and the power of the constitution to resist it, must determine the gravity of the consequences.
TREATMENT. As acute suppression of the menses is due to derangement of the circulation of the blood, caused by taking cold, by violent excitement of the propensities or excessively strong emotional experience, the prominent indication is to secure its speedy equalization. Give a hot foot, a warm sitz, or the spirit vapor-bath and administer full doses of Dr. Pierce's Compound Extract of Smart-weed, to produce free perspiration. Dr. Eberle, a very celebrated medical author, says that he used the Extract of Smart-weed in twenty cases of amenorrhea, and affirms, "with no other remedy or mode of treatment have I been so successful as with this." Our experience in the use of the Extract has been equally satisfactory. Should this treatment not establish the function, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription should be given three times a day until the system is invigorated, say for twenty-eight days, when the above course may be repeated, and generally with success. Should the case be complicated with inflammation of the lungs, brain, or other vital organs, manifesting alarming symptoms, the family physician should be called. The treatment should be active and suited to the indications of each particular case. When the disease becomes chronic, the active stage of symptoms having passed, and it continues to linger without making the desired improvement, all the means suggested for the treatment of suppression from anaemia should be employed. Their use will be followed by the most gratifying results. It should be borne in mind, however, that when we have suggested any treatment in this volume, it is generally such as the family may institute and apply, and does not, by any means, represent the variety or extent of the remedial resources which we employ when consulted in person or by letter. We refer our readers to only a few of the safe and reliable remedies which we have prepared and placed within their reach, and give them just such hygienic advice as we think will best serve their interests.
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Dysmenorrhea, from its Greek derivation, signifies a difficult monthly flow, and is applied to menstruation when that function becomes painful and difficult. Menstruation, like other healthy operations of the body, should be painless, but too frequently it is the case, that discomfort and distress commence twenty-four hours before the flow appears, and continue with increasing pain, sickness at the stomach, and vomiting, until the patient has to take to the bed. When the discharge does occur, speedy relief is sometimes obtained, and the patient suffers no more during that menstrual period. With others, the commencement of the function is painless, but from six to twenty-four hours after, the flow is arrested and the patient then experiences acute suffering. Pain may be felt in the back, loins, and down the thighs. Sometimes it is of a lancinating, neuralgic kind, at others, it is more like colic. Frequently the distress causes lassitude, fever, general uneasiness, and a sense of lethargy. There are those who suffer more or less during the entire period of the flow, while the distress of others terminates at the time when a membranous cast is expelled. For convenience of description, dysmenorrhea has been divided into the following varieties: neuralgic, congestive, inflammatory, membranous, and obstructive.
The neuralgic variety of dysmenorrhea, sometimes called spasmodic or idiopathic, occurs when there is excessive sensibility of the ovaries and uterine nerves, which sympathetically respond, especially to cutaneous, biliary, and sexual irritation, and when ovarian or uterine irritation is communicated to distant nerve-centres. In the first class, usually comprising lean persons of an encephalic temperament, whatever disorders the functions of the general system, instantaneously reflects upon the ovaries and uterine nerves, and the menstrual function Is correspondingly disturbed, and, instead of being painless, the flow becomes spasmodic, with paroxysms of distress. In the second class, which includes those persons who are plethoric, the ovarian and uterine nerves seem to be the origin and centre of irritation, which is sometimes so severe as to cause indescribable pain. We have known women who affirmed that the severity of labor pains was not so great as that from this cause. In one instance, the subject suffered thus for eleven years, and then became a mother, and has ever asserted that her periodic suffering was far more intense than the pain experienced during her confinement. These neuralgic pains fly along the tracks of nerves to different organs, and capriciously dart from point to point with marvelous celerity, producing nausea, headache, and sometimes delirium.
IN THE CONGESTIVE VARIETY of dysmenorrhea, the menstrual period may be ushered in without pain; after a few hours, the pulse becomes stronger and more rapid, the skin grows hot and dry, the menses stop, there is uneasiness, restlessness, and severe pelvic pains. Evidently, the mucous membranes of the Fallopian tubes and uterus have become congested, and the pain results from the arrest of the functional process, the exudation of blood.
THE CAUSES are plethora, exposure to cold, excitement of the emotions or passions, and a morbid condition of the blood. Sometimes congestion arises in consequence of a displacement of the uterus.
IN THE INFLAMMATORY VARIETY, the mucous membrane of the uterus is the seat of irritation. The blood flows into the capillary vessels in greater abundance than is natural, and those vessels become over-dilated and enfeebled and so altered in their sensibility as to produce local excitement and pain. It may be associated with inflammation of the ovaries, peritoneum, or bladder. Upon the return of the menses, there is a dull, heavy, fixed pain in the pelvis, which continues until the period is completed. There is generally tenderness of the uterus, and also leucorrhea during the intervals between each monthly flow.
IN THE MEMBRANOUS VARIETY of dysmenorrhea, the entire mucous membrane which lines the cavity of the uterus, in consequence of some morbid process, is gradually detached and expelled at the menstrual period.
SYMPTOMS. There are steady pains at the commencement of the menstrual flow, and they increase in violence and become decidedly expulsive. The mouth of the uterus gradually dilates, and finally, the membrane is forced out of the uterus, attended with a slight flow of blood and an entire subsidence of the pain.
THE TREATMENT, in all the preceding varieties of dysmenorrhea, should consist of measures to determine the circulation of the blood to the surface, and increase the perspiratory functions. Congestion and inflammation of the internal organs are generally induced by exposure to cold or from insufficient clothing. Sometimes they follow from neglect of the skin, which is not kept clean and its excretory function encouraged by warm clothing. The domestic treatment at the monthly crisis should be commenced by the administration of hot foot, and sitz-baths, after which the patient should be warmly covered in bed, and bottles of hot water applied to the extremities, back, and thighs. Dr. Pierce's Compound Extract of Smart-weed should be given in full doses, frequently repeated, to secure its diaphoretic, emmenagogue, and anodyne effects, which, for this painful affection, is unsurpassed. For the radical cure of this disease, whether of a congestive, inflammatory, or neuralgic character, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, which is sold by druggists, is a pleasant and specific remedy, which will most speedily correct the abnormal condition that produces the trouble, and thereby obviate the necessity of passing this terrible ordeal at every monthly period. The patient should take two teaspoonfuls of the medicine three times a day, and keep up its use in these doses for weeks. Frequently, one month will suffice to cure, but in most cases, a longer season is required. In the end, the suffering patient will not be disappointed, but will become a new being, ready for the enjoyment and duties of life. The bowels should be kept regular throughout the treatment by the use of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, if necessary. A hand or sponge-bath should be used daily to keep the skin active, and be followed by a brisk rubbing of the surface with a rough towel or flesh-brush. A wet sheet pack will cleanse the pores of the skin and invite the blood into the minute capillaries of the surface, and thus prove of great benefit. It should be repeated after an interval of seven days, but ought to be omitted if near the approach of a menstrual period. The clothing should be warm, to protect the system against changes of temperature; especially should every precaution be taken to keep the feet dry and warm. The patient should walk in the open air, and the distance should be regularly lengthened at each succeeding walk. If the course of treatment which we have suggested be faithfully pursued, a permanent cure will be effected.
IN THE OBSTRUCTIVE VARIETY of dysmenorrhea, some organic impediment hinders the exit of the menstrual blood from the uterus, which, consequently, becomes distended and painful. The pain may be constant, but is most acute when the uterus makes spasmodic efforts to discharge the menstrual blood. If these efforts prove successful, there is an interval of relief. Flexion or version of the womb may produce partial occlusion of the canal of the neck of the uterus, thus preventing the free flow of the menstrual fluid through it. Tumors located in the body or neck of the uterus often cause obstruction to the free discharge of the menses. Imperforate hymen and vaginal stricture also sometimes cause obstruction and give rise to painful menstruation. As these several abnormal conditions and diseases will be treated of elsewhere in this volume, we omit their further consideration here.
Partial adhesion of the walls of the neck of the womb may result from inflammation of the mucous lining, and prevent a free and easy exit of the menstrual fluid. In many cases, the contracted and narrowed condition of the canal of the cervix seems to be a congenital deformity, for we can trace it to no perceptible cause. It is also true that contraction and partial, or even complete, stricture of the cervix, or neck of the womb, often results from the improper application of strong caustics to this passage by incompetent and ignorant surgeons. Every person has observed the contraction of tissue caused by a severe burn, which often produces such a distortion of the injured part as to disfigure the body for life. A similar result is produced when the neck of the womb is burned with strong caustics. The tissues are destroyed, and, as the parts heal, the deeper-seated tissues firmly contract, forming a hard, unyielding cicatrix, thus constricting the neck of the womb, through which the menses pass into the vagina.
TREATMENT. From the nature of this malady, it will readily be seen that no medical treatment can effect a radical cure. We must therefore resort to surgery. In a small proportion of cases, the stricture may be cured by repeated dilations of the constricted part of the cervical canal. This may be accomplished by using a very smooth probe which is fine at the point, but increases in size, so that its introduction will widen and expand the orifice and canal. The stricture may be overcome in many cases by using different sized probes. In some instances, we have employed the uterine dilator, represented by Fig. 3. We have also introduced sea-tangle and sponge tents into the neck of the womb, and allowed them to remain until they expanded by absorbing moisture from the surrounding tissues. The latter process is simple, and in many cases preferable. By means of a speculum (see Figs. 15 and 16), the mouth of the womb is brought into view, and the surgeon seizes a small tent with a pair of forceps and gently presses it into the neck of the womb, where it is left to expand and thus dilate the passage. If there seems to be a persistent disposition of the circular fibers of the cervix to contract, and thus close the canal, a surgical operation will be necessary to insure permanent relief. In performing this operation, we use a cutting instrument called the hysterotome (see Figs. 4 and 5). By the use of this instrument, the cervical canal is enlarged by an incision on either side. The operation is but slightly painful, and, in the hands of a competent surgeon, is perfectly safe. We have operated in a very large number of cases and have never known any alarming or dangerous symptoms to result. After the incision, a small roll of cotton, thoroughly saturated with glycerine, is applied to the incised parts, and a larger roll is introduced into the vagina. The second day after the operation, the cotton is removed, the edges of the wound separated by a uterine sound or probe, and a cotton tent introduced into the cervix, and allowed to remain, so that it will expand and thus open the wound to its full extent. This treatment must be thoroughly applied, and repeated every alternate day, until the incised parts are perfectly healed.
Many times patients cannot understand why it is that the operation of cutting the constricted cervix causes no pain; they often being entirely unconscious of the making of the incision. The explanation is easy. The cervix uteri, or neck of the womb, is supplied with but few nerves of sensation, and is almost as destitute of sensation as the finger or toe nails, the paring of which causes not the slightest pain. On this account we never find it necessary to administer chloroform or any other anaesthetic when undertaking this operation. If the patient be extremely sensitive the application to the cervix of a weak solution of cocaine is quite sufficient to completely benumb or anesthetize the parts so as to entirely avoid all pain from the operation.
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The word Menorrhagia, which is of Greek derivation, literally means monthly breaking away, and is employed to designate profuse menstruation. This disorder must not be confounded with those hemorrhages which are not periodical, and which are due to other causes. The term menhorrhagia is restricted to an immoderate monthly flow. The menstrual flow may occur too often, continue too long, or be too profuse. It induces a feeble pulse, cold extremities, weak respiration, general debility, and may occur in opposite states of the system, i.e., in women who have a plethoric and robust habit, or in those of flaccid muscles and bloodless features. When the menstrual discharge is natural, it is so gradual that by mixing with the vaginal secretions it is prevented from coagulating, while in this disease, clots are often formed.
SYMPTOMS. In women of a plethoric habit, it is ushered in by itching and heat in the vagina, pain and a feeling of weight in the loins and lower part of the abdomen, and, at times, the breasts become hot and painful. There is considerable thirst, headache, and giddiness. At last, the blood appears and flows profusely, and all the violent symptoms at once subside. The rest of the period is marked by an inordinate flow, leaving the system weak from the loss of blood. It oftener occurs, however, in persons who are naturally weak and delicate, in which case the periods are more frequent and continue longer, and after a time they are renewed by any bodily exertion or mental emotion, so that a constant drain exists. If the flow of blood is not continuous, leucorrhea intervenes. The patient gradually loses strength and becomes languid, her face is pale and usually bloated, livid circles appear around the eyes, the appetite is impaired, the bowels are constipated, and the feet and ankles swollen. Lack of blood in the brain is indicated by headache, ringing in the ears, and dizziness. The patient is nervous and irritable, being disturbed by the slightest noise, and the heart palpitates after the least exertion.
CAUSES. The first form is caused by eating too much rich and highly-seasoned food, drinking wine, porter, ale, or beer, want of exercise, in brief, whatever induces plethora; the second results from an insufficient or poor diet, leucorrhea, frequent abortions, want of ventilation, inherent feebleness, and whatever depresses the vital powers. Either form may be due to syphilitic taints, excessive sexual indulgence, accidents of pregnancy, or organic diseases of the womb. The morbid affections of the womb most likely to induce menorrhagia, are granular ulceration of its mouth and neck, fungous degeneration of its lining membrane, and tumors within that organ. As these subjects will be severally considered hereafter, we shall here dismiss them with this brief notice.
Profuse menstruation is very prone to occur in young women of a lymphatic temperament, whose organs are sleazy in texture.
TREATMENT. To control the excessive flow, the patient should remain in her bed, and assume the recumbent position until the period is passed. If circumstances prevent strict compliance with this rule, it should be observed as nearly as possible. Warmth should be applied to the feet, and cold cloths, which ought to be removed as soon as they become warm by the heat of the body, should be repeatedly placed upon the back and abdomen. A strong tea made from cinnamon bark, or witch-hazel leaves or bark, taken freely, will prove very efficacious in checking the flow. The fluid extract of ergot, in doses of from half a teaspoonful to a teaspoonful, in a little water or cinnamon tea, is one of the most effectual remedies in this affection. Another valuable remedy for arresting menorrhagia is an infusion of Canada fleabane; or the oil of this plant may be administered in doses of from five to ten drops on sugar. Gallic acid is also a good styptic to employ in these cases. If there is febrile excitement, a hard pulse, frequent and throbbing, and if there is headache, thirst, parched lips, hot and dry skin, as is sometimes the case, then menorrhagia is due to an augmented action of the heart and arteries, and the indication of treatment is to diminish vascular action. This may be temporarily accomplished by the use of veratrum viride, which should be continued until the flow is sufficiently diminished.
The means already suggested will generally prove effective in controlling the inordinate flow at the time. Treatment that will produce permanent relief should then be adopted. The condition of the skin, kidneys, and bowels, requires attention for noxious elements should not be retained in the system. To give tone to weakened pelvic organs we know of nothing more specific in its effects than Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, which is sold by druggists. It should be taken continuously for weeks, in order to fully correct the extremely weakened condition of that organ. It also aids nutrition, and thus tones up the general system, so that in the form of profuse menstruation, resulting from debility, the patient is strengthened, her blood enriched, and her nervousness quieted, which constitutes the necessary treatment to make the cure permanent.
As women approach the critical age, and menstruation ceases, if they are anaemic, their condition is pitiable. This period is popularly denominated the turn of life. Under favorable circumstances, the vitality is decidedly enhanced, and the decline of this function is attended with a revival of the bodily powers. But when this crisis has been preceded by excessive labor, when intemperance or excesses of any kind have deranged the bodily functions and perverted nutrition, when the mind has been long and deeply depressed, or when the insidious progress of disease of the heart, liver, or other Important organs, occurs in consequence of irregularities of living, then there is danger of congestion of the uterus and a protracted and profuse menstrual flow, which favors a decline.
The treatment of this form of menorrhagia does not differ from that already suggested. The diet should be light and nourishing, and daily exercise, such as walking, riding, change of air and scenery, all will contribute to restoration. Especial attention should be directed to the condition of the bowels and liver. If the latter be deranged, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will be a most efficacious remedy. When there is a diminution of vital force, resulting in impaired nutrition and disorders of blood, an alterative is required which will insensibly and gradually restore activity by removing the causes of derangement. Impairment of nutrition is very frequently associated with functional or organic disease of the liver, and curative measures consist of the use of alteratives, friction baths, exercise, nutritive diet, and diversion of the mind. Whenever innutrition depends upon deprivation of the blood or torpor of any of the secretory organs, the "Golden Medical Discovery" will prove to be an invaluable remedial agent, for it is an alterative and at the same time a blood restorative. If the bowels be costive small laxative doses of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets should be employed. The "Favorite Prescription" regulates the menstrual function by toning up the tissues of the uterus and restraining the escape of the menses from the orifices of the blood-vessels. While the diet should be nourishing, consisting of wild game, mutton, chicken, and wine, the patient ought not to debilitate the stomach by the use of strong tea or coffee. The circulation of the blood should be quickened by riding, walking, exposure to sunlight, and fresh air. The patient ought to engage in some light occupation, in which the mind will be constantly as well as agreeably employed, but not overtaxed. By pursuing the course of treatment, invalids suffering from menorrhagia may be permanently restored to health.
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Menstruation commonly occurs at regular monthly intervals, during a period of about thirty years. The time for its cessation depends somewhat upon the date of its first appearance. In the temperate zones it commences at about the fifteenth year, and, consequently should terminate at the forty-fifth year. Instances are common, however, in which it has been prolonged until the fiftieth and even to the fifty-fifth year. In warm climates it commences and terminates at an earlier age.
As women approach the critical period of life, if the general health and habits be good, the discharge may gradually diminish, and, at length, totally disappear, without producing any particular inconvenience, but this seldom happens. More frequently, the discharge is entirely absent for six or seven weeks, and when it does return, it is more copious than usual. In some cases, the flow is not only too profuse, but too frequent. Many months may elapse before the menses return, and, even then, they are apt to be very pale and deficient in quantity.
The fluctuations of this function occasion irregularities and disturbances of the general health. When the flow of blood is diverted from the uterus, it is liable to be directed to the head or some other part of the body. In fact, there appears to be constitutional agitation, and disorders of all the organs. Perhaps one reason for calling this a critical period is, that if there is a morbid tendency in the system, a disposition to develop tumors of the breast or uterus, these are very liable to make rapid progress at this time, since they are not relieved by the customary, local exudation of blood. It is a time favorable to the awakening of latent disorder and morbid growths, for, at the decline of the menstrual function, the uterus is not so capable of resisting vitiating influences.
There is greater liability to irritation of the bladder and rectum, and the menstrual flow may be superseded by a white, acrid discharge, caused by an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the vagina. Even if the system be not enfeebled by excessive losses of blood, debility may result from a continued irritation of the uterine organs, and cause the morbid discharge. The nervous system sympathetically responds, becoming exceedingly irritable, and thus implicating in this derangement every bodily organ. In some constitutions, the change of any habit is almost impossible, particularly if it is improperly acquired, or detrimental to health; and so we have sometimes thought respecting this function, that the more it has been abused and perverted during the time of Its natural activity, the greater is the disturbance occasioned when it ceases.
TREATMENT. There should be regularity in all the habits of life. Women are too apt to approach this important period without due care and consideration. When the physical system is about to suspend a function, it is folly to endeavor to perform the labor or assume the responsibilities which were permissible when the constitution was more robust.
How the duties of each day and hour weigh upon the energies of the mother! What intense solicitude and yearning she experiences! How unselfish is that mother who each day works steadily and faithfully for others, and who is conscious of the hidden dangers that lurk around her pathway! With confiding faith and love, she commends the interests of her children to Him who doeth all things well. She anticipates the wants of her family and strives to supply the desired comforts, thus wasting her strength in the labors prompted by her loving nature. Would it not be a greater comfort to those children to have the counsel of their dear mother in later years, than to have the bitter reflection that she sacrificed her health and life for their gratification?
Unconsciously, perhaps, but none the less certainly, do women enter upon this period regardless of the care they ought to bestow upon themselves. Without sufficient forethought or an understanding of the functional changes taking place, they over-tax their strength, until, by continuous exertion, they break down under those labors which, to persons of their age, are excessive and injurious. Is it strange, when woman has thus exhausted her energies, when her body trembles with fatigue and her mind is agitated with responsibilities, that the menses capriciously return, or the uterus is unable to withstand congestion, and capillary hemorrhage becomes excessive? If the physical system had not been thus exhausted, it would have exercised its powers for the conservation of health and strength. It is better to be forewarned of the ills to which we are liable, and fortify ourselves against them, rather than squander the strength intended for personal preservation. Let every woman, and especially every mother, consider her situation and properly prepare for that grand climacteric, which so materially influences her future health and life.
The general health should be carefully preserved by those exercises which will equalize the circulation of the blood, and the regular action of the bowels should be promoted by the use of those articles of diet which contribute to this end. Relieve the mind of responsibility, keep the skin clean, and enrich the blood with tonics and alteratives. For the latter purpose, use Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and "Golden Medical Discovery." If these remedies fail, seek professional advice. A careful regulation of the habits, strict attention to the requirements of the system, and the use of tonic medicines, will very frequently render the employment of a physician unnecessary
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Leucorrhea is the symptomatic manifestation of some uterine or vaginal affection, vulgarly called "whites." We say symptomatic, for the white or yellowish discharge, which we term leucorrhea, is not a disease, but a symptom of some uterine or vaginal disorder. We call it a white discharge to distinguish it from the menses and uterine hemorrhages. It varies, however, in color and consistency from a white, glairy mucus to a yellow or greenish, purulent, fetid matter. Sometimes it has a curdled appearance, at others, it is of the consistency of cream. Leucorrhea is the most common symptom of uterine derangement, and there are few females who are not affected by it at some period of life. It may originate either in the vagina or uterus, and it is accordingly termed either vaginal or uterine leucorrhea. The nature of leucorrhea is analogous to that of nasal catarrh. In a healthy state, the lining membrane of the genital organs secretes sufficient mucus to moisten them; but, if the mucous membrane is temporarily congested or inflamed, the secretion becomes profuse, irritating, and offensive. Vaginal and uterine leucorrhea are essentially different in character, the former being an acid, and the latter an alkaline secretion, and, while the first is a creamy, purulent fluid, the latter is thick and ropy, like the white of an egg. In fact, the latter discharge is rich in albuminous matter and blood-corpuscles, hence, its great debilitating effect upon the system, and, if not promptly arrested it is likely to produce vaginitis, pruritus vulvce, or vulvitis.
VAGINITIS is indicated by intense inflammation of the mucous membrane of the vagina. When this affection is present the patient experiences a sense of burning heat, aching and weight in the region of the vagina, violent and throbbing pains in the pelvis, and the discharge is profuse and very offensive. There is also a frequent desire to urinate, and the passage of the urine causes a sensation of scalding.
PRURITUS VULVAE. The discharge irritates the nerves of the external genital parts, thus producing an almost unendurable itching. Scratching or rubbing the parts only aggravates the affection. The patient is tormented night and day, is deprived of sleep, and naturally becomes despondent. Pruritus vulvae, in its severest forms, is often developed when the discharge is scarcely noticeable. It is the most common result or accompaniment of leucorrhea.
VULVITIS. This term indicates an inflammation of the lining membrane of the external genital parts. Sometimes the inflammation extends to the deeper tissues, causing great pain, and even suppuration, resulting in the formation of an abscess. The attack is indicated by redness, swelling, and a feverish state of the affected parts, which is quickly followed by a profuse flow of yellow pus, and, in some instances, small ulcers are formed on the affected parts.
SYMPTOMS. The sufferer from leucorrhea becomes pale and emaciated, the eyes dull and heavy, the functions of the skin, stomach and bowels become deranged, more or less pain in the head is experienced, sometimes accompanied with dizziness, palpitation is common, and, as the disease progresses, the blood becomes impoverished, the feet and ankles are swollen, the mind is apprehensive and melancholy, and very frequently the function of generation is injured, resulting in complete sterility. Exercise produces pain in the small of the back and the lower portion of the spine, and, owing to a relation of the vaginal walls, the womb falls far below its natural position, or turns in various directions, according to the manner in which the weight above rests upon it. Ulcers are apt to appear upon the mouth of the womb, the matter from which tinges the discharge and stains the linen. Hysteria is often an attendant of this disease. |