The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English
by R. V. Pierce
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All appreciate the discomfort that results from this malady and earnestly seek for permanent relief.

Headaches may be divided in two classes: (1) those due to the presence of poisons in the blood, and (2) those due to irritation of various organs, as of the eyes, stomach, liver, and intestines.

Of the first form, or variety, of headache, influenza, or grip, and acute "cold in the head," are the most common causes. These give rise to most excruciating pain. There is congestion, followed by inflammation in the nasal passages and cavities communicating therewith. The membranes of these passages throw out a thin, watery, irritating discharge, which gradually thickens and becomes pus-like and offensive in character, if the disease continues.

Poisonous matters are absorbed from the affected surfaces into the blood. These poisons, circulating in the blood, produce great irritation of the nerve cells, so much so, that the severity of the attack is felt in the nervous centres, the brain and spinal cord, with pain varying from the most acute and sharp, to a dull, numb ache. The temples, eyes, neck and small of the back, are in their order, the usual locations of greatest pain. Such attacks vary in frequency and severity. One attack is usually followed by an early recurrence, which may be more or less severe, while the period of active pain varies from a few hours to several days. Such attacks leave an exhausted state of the nerve centres and general weakness of the system that often lasts for weeks and may permanently impair the system, except such results be prevented by appropriate treatment. Every recurrence of the attack leaves the system in a worse condition, until profound nervous prostration; ensues.

Malarial headache, sometimes termed "brow ague," is a common form of the malady with those residing in malarial regions. The pain rapidly develops, usually over one eye. It lasts from five to ten hours, and is often of frightful intensity.

Other forms are rheumatic and gouty headache; usually a heavy aching pain appearing on the approach of storms, but at times almost continuous, made worse by improper diet.

Uraemic headache is due to kidney disease, and alcoholic to direct irritation of the brain membranes from the use of alcoholic beverages. The latter is accompanied with much irritation of the stomach and intestines.

Headaches of a similar character result from the presence in the blood of an excess of the active principles of coffee and tea.

Overindulgence in these agents, as with alcohol, affects the nerve cells and membranes, often causing severe attacks of headache.

Nervous headache is another common affliction. This seems to arise from several causes, such as impoverished blood and exhaustion from overwork of the brain. Hysterical headache is not uncommon. There is a severe kind of headache, the attacks of which appear first at early puberty and continue at intervals more or less frequent in women up to the change of life and in men to about the fortieth year.

The periodical headache is usually preceded by yawning, chilliness, languid, exhausted feelings, in others by peculiar emotional or mental activity. This is followed by unusual drowsiness, in which the night's rest is broken by dreams, and from which the patient awakes tired. Gradually, during the day, the headache develops, beginning in the eyes or bones over them. It gets more and more severe, shooting into the jaws and neck or extending to the back of the head and spine. As the pains get most severe, nausea or vomiting, often repeated, follow, in which the contents of the stomach, with mucus and bile, is ejected. The whole paroxysm lasts from five hours to two or even three days.

NEURALGIC HEADACHE is a common variety; often the pain is not confined to the head, in fact neuralgia may affect almost any part of the system.


Neuralgia is an affection of the nerves, of which the chief symptom is pain. This is of variable intensity and character. It follows the course of the affected nerve and its branches, and occurs in paroxysms, of agonizing pain with periods of intermission during which the pain may be very slight, and cause but little discomfort.

The severe pain is described as lancinating, cutting, tearing, burning, boring and pressing. Patients use different words in describing the attacks, and there is probably a difference in the character of the pain, though in a severe paroxysm one is scarcely able to make a very nice distinction. We have known cases in which the pain occurred suddenly and overwhelmed the patient's fortitude by its severity and unexpected onset. Between the paroxysms there may be less severe pain, which is then more frequently of an aching, burning or pricking character. In some, paroxysm after paroxysm succeed each other with almost lightening-like rapidity, and even in the intervals the pain is very intense. At another time there is only one sharp sting of pain, which attacks recur several times an hour or day, or may be absent for days or months. An extended freedom from all pain is rare in a patient very much affected. The first attacks in all forms of neuralgia are often comparatively light, and the severity of the pain gradually increases as the attacks multiply. We have frequently had patients unacquainted with anatomy, map out the distribution of a nerve very perfectly, simply describing the portion of the body in which the pain was experienced. For convenience, the neuralgia has been named with reference to the nerve most seriously attacked; lumbago to the spasms of pain affecting the small of the back; tic-douloureux is a term applied to neuralgia of the fifth nerve, that supplying the side of the face, with branches to the eyes, jaw, and teeth. Neuralgia of the testicles, ovaries, stomach, heart, are frequently met with. That affecting the large nerve supplying the thigh and leg is termed sciatica. These nerve affections often prove a most grave disorder, rendering the life of the sufferer a burden.

TREATMENT. Contrary to opinions frequently expressed by members of the medical profession, we find that most cases present some removable, or remediable, cause for attacks of headache and neuralgia. The temporary relief that is obtained by the use of "headache powders," various bromide combinations, caffeine and other anodyne and narcotic medicines, is sometimes necessary in order that the excruciating sufferings may be borne for the time, but as a rule such remedies only react unfavorably by interfering still further with the natural restoration of the affected organs, or protract the removal of the cause of the disease. Hence, the next attack is usually earlier in its appearance and more severe and lasting when such agents are employed.

The great majority of headaches and neuralgias are due to the presence of poisons in the blood. This may be due to affections of the blood-making, or blood-purifying organs.

For the correction of inactive blood-making glands, or a lack of purification of the blood, due to such cause, the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is particularly beneficial. It has no equal in its direct effect upon the liver, the great purifying organ of the body. Through this natural gateway, it removes from the system poisonous materials which are the waste from the nerve cells. The accumulation of these waste materials irritates the cells and causes them to cry out with pain. The blood, being properly purified by the use of "Golden Medical Discovery" supplies to the nerves, and to the nerve cells, what they crave—a healthy and rich blood that furnishes proper nourishment. Hence the headache disappears, and the neuralgic pains are overcome.

When the liver is engorged and torpid, the intestines become overloaded with fecal matters that putrefy and give rise to gases and consequent distention. Deleterious poisons are formed and absorbed by the blood from such hardened and irritating lumps in the intestines. When the bowels are thus constipated, Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are necessary as an adjunct to the "Golden Medical Discovery." The "Pellets" remove from the intestinal canal all irritating materials and thus enhance the alterative, or blood-cleansing, action of the "Golden Medical Discovery."

In women, when there is a nervous affection, dependent upon some unnatural state of the ovaries or uterus, and complicated with an imperfect or unnatural circulation in those parts, we have noted that most satisfactory results invariably follow the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. This agent improves the tone of the nervous system, and by its direct restorative tonic effects, lessens, or overcomes, any congestion of the womb or its appendages, regulates menstruation and promotes a condition of health and vigor.

In a vast experience, our specialists have thoroughly tested a great many specific remedies which we prescribe for home-treatment, sending the necessary remedies to our patients by express or mail, carefully adapting them to each individual case. Many sufferers have been, by a brief course of our home-treatment, relieved permanently from excruciating sufferings that had been a source of annoyance and loss of time for many years prior to the use of our remedies.

Our treatment is intended to effect permanent cures. We do not use those narcotics and compounds of antipyrine and other similar agents which are very depressing in their effects, and, like morphine and other preparations of opium, give only temporary relief, and interfere with the action of the heart, but we use treatment that builds up the system, removes the cause of the difficulty and restores the nervous system and all the organs of the body to a normal and healthful condition.

In some cases we advise treatment in our Institution, where we have every facility in the way of electrical appliances and many other aids that can only be employed by the personal attention of a skillful physician. These aids are more fully described under the head of nervous exhaustion and a reference is also suggested to what we have to say under the heads of paralysis and locomotor ataxia.

Headaches or neuralgic pains, due to local irritations, as uterine disease, stricture, neurotic or nerve tumors, pressure of trusses, eye strain from weakened eye muscles, or lenses that need the help of proper spectacles, require for a permanent cure the removal of the cause. Sciatic neuralgia, one of the most common and painful forms of nerve irritation, is particularly amenable to treatment by the modern means of cure used in our practice at the Invalids' Hotel.

We find, as a rule, that severe headaches and neuralgias are but the forerunners of more serious conditions, and are therefore deserving of special attention. They should be corrected as early as possible, before any organic changes have occurred.

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Paralysis is an affection characterized by loss of muscular power or by the sense of touch, taste, sight or smell becoming impaired from injury to a nerve by accident or disease.

The disease is sometimes due to simple lack of nerve force or power. This may come from interference with the blood supply of the nerve centres, as in hysterical palsy and reflex paralysis. Frequently the power of speech is affected in this way, ability to remember and difficulty in pronunciation of certain words being the most common. Certain affections of the womb and its appendages, in women, and, in men, stricture of the urethra, adherent prepuce, or foreskin, with wounds and injuries, many times of nerves and organs remote from the paralyzed points, cause the loss of power.

THE CAUSES OF PARALYSIS are very numerous. Whatever destroys, or impairs the natural structure of nervous matter, or whatever interferes materially with the conducting power of nerve-fibre, or the generating power of the nerve-centres, will produce a paralysis, the extent of which will depend upon the amount of nervous matter affected. Thus paralysis may be due to disease of the brain arising from apoplexy; to abscess, softening, syphilitic or other tumors, or epilepsy; to disease of the spinal cord, or marrow; to disease of the structures which surround the spinal cord, producing pressure upon it; to injury or compression of a nerve, by which its conducting power it impaired; to the effects of diphtheria, hysteria, or rheumatism. It may also be due to poisoning of nervous matter with opium, lead, arsenic, or mercury; or to the retention of poisonous substances which are generated in the living body and which should pass off through the excretory organs, as the elements of the urine and bile.

Members of consumptive families are very prone to paralysis.

We also find that the disease is often the result of some nervous strain, or over excitement The over indulgence of the passions is particularly a fruitful source of injury to the brain and spinal centres. An angry man or woman uses up more nerve energy in a few minutes than would be sufficient to serve the muscles with stimulus through hours of toil.

The young, in unnatural indulgence of the sexual passions, waste the vigor and energy of maturity. Sexual excesses must be put down as among the most prolific causes of this terrible malady. Ignorance shields no one from the consequences of violations of the laws of health.

The passion for wealth with its ceaseless toil, continuous strain, and rapid exhaustion of the nerve forces, usually brings its devotee into the same condition of discord as does the abuse of a stimulant. For a time the system will repair and bolster up the weakness, but the longer the day of reckoning is postponed, the more serious and terrible is the collapse.

Such individuals need only an exposure to cold, or an over indulgence of some kind, to suddenly precipitate a paralysis.

GENERAL PARALYSIS. This term is applied to paralysis affecting the arms and legs. In this form of paralysis there is generally more loss of motion than of sensation, and the mind is usually more or less affected.

HEMIPLEGIA, or paralysis of one side of the body, is generally spoken of as a "stroke of palsy." Sometimes only one extremity, the arm, is affected. Only occasionally is the face involved. In the majority of cases the mind is affected, the memory being poor, the sufferer becoming melancholy, peevish, and fretful.

In paralysis of the right side, there is sometimes a curious forgetfulness or misplacement of language, the patient being unable to think of words to express his thoughts. This condition is called aphasia. It is usually the result of some injury or disease of the brain, almost invariably the side of the brain opposite the affected half of the body. In some cases it is due to a wasting, or softening, of the brain substance, on account of insufficient nourishment, a deficient supply of blood; whilst in others, it is due to just the opposite condition, an excess of blood, producing rupture of some blood-vessel, transudations, and pressure.

PARAPLEGIA, or paralysis of the lower half of the body, is the result of disease of the spinal marrow. The paralysis may occur suddenly, but, in the majority of cases, it comes on slowly and insidiously, with weakness and numbness of the feet and legs, or with tingling and a sensation resembling that produced by ants creeping on the surface of the skin. By degrees the weakness increases, until there is complete loss of both motion and sensation in the feet and legs. The lower bowel and bladder are generally involved, and as a result, the patient suffers from constipation, and retention and dribbling of urine. Although completely paralyzed, the patient is often tormented with involuntary movements and cramps in the affected muscles.

Paraplegia may be caused by various injuries of the spinal cord; by congestion, degeneration, or hemorrhage; by pressure from thickening of the sheath of the cord, or from tumors, or from disease of the bones and cartilages of the spinal column. Paraplegia may also be produced through reflex action, by an irritation, or injury to some organ or part of the body distant from the spinal cord; thus, irritation of the skin, or of the bowels from the presence of worms, or disease of the bladder or of the womb, may produce paraplegia.


Locomotor ataxia, or creeping palsy, is also called progressive paralysis. This affection consists of a disease of the nervous matter in the posterior columns of the spinal cord. It usually affects first the lower part of the cord, and those portions of the nerve matter that supply the muscles of the legs. In other cases it first affects the portions of the spinal cord that supply the arms. In most cases of this disease there is an early stage in which the patient suffers from "lightning pains," as they are called. These are of a severe, stabbing, boring character, very sudden in their onset, and at times so serious as to have induced suicide. These paroxysms, in the milder form of the disease, are not so severe, and are readily controlled by anodynes. They may affect the stomach, and be mistaken for dyspepsia, or the rectum, and be taken for fissure or piles. At times they affect the bladder, when the symptoms are not unlike those of stone or cancer. In many cases we find the patient has been treated for a long period of years for rheumatism, sciatica, or neuralgia, when the real disease has been this progressive paralysis in its earlier stage. Sometimes the disease takes the form of spermatorrhea or impotency; in other cases it is manifested in weak eyes, disturbances of vision, or cross-eyes. Sooner or later, there appears the peculiar paralysis of the disease, which consists of more or less numbness of the feet and legs, and, in the later stages, of the hands and arms, sometimes of the face. As a rule, however, the patient finds difficulty in properly maintaining his balance, and in walking his movements are tottering, like a man partially intoxicated. It is difficult for him to maintain his balance and walk with his eyes closed. If the arms are affected, their movements are uncertain. In guiding a needle or in buttoning or unbuttoning the clothing, there is an inability to move the hand with rapidity and certainty, or to any portion of the face or body if the eyes be closed. The eyes and attention must be constantly directed to the motion that is about to be performed, or it is imperfectly done. The brain centres in this case supply the weakened action of the spinal cord, and the stimulus to the muscles is directed by the intelligence instead of being automatic, as in health, and due to spinal action. Still later, the voluntary movements become spasmodic or jerking. The neuralgic pains often become very distressing; there is often a sense of constriction around the limbs or body, as if they were encircled with tight cords. In extreme cases locomotion becomes impossible, the patient is unable to bring the hand to the mouth, and the speech may become impaired, articulation being difficult and imperfect. In all cases there is more or less loss of sensation in the lower limbs, the patient generally being usable to distinguish between two points and one, even when the two, are a considerable distance apart. The inability to feel the contact of the ground or floor with the feet occasions the difficulty in walking. THE CAUSES of this disease are somewhat obscure, but unquestionably exposure to cold and dampness, and over-mental work, are largely instrumental in its production. Scrofula and syphilis favor its development, while abuse of the nervous system, such as results from over-indulgence of the animal and reproductive instincts, are frequent sources of the nervous changes that lead to ataxia.


Shaking Palsy, or Paralysis Agitans, is an affection dependent upon degenerative changes in the nervous centres. It is characterized by a tremulous agitation, or continual shaking, beginning in the hands, arms or head, and gradually extending itself over the entire body. The disease progresses slowly, but when far advanced the agitation is violent, and the patient swallows and masticates his food with great difficulty. In an advanced stage of the disease, the body becomes bent forward, and the chin almost touches the breast-bone. The tremor, which early in the disease only occurred during the time the patient was awake, now continues during sleep, and not infrequently the agitation becomes so violent as to waken the sufferer.


The indications of treatment for the various forms of paralysis are to remove the causes, if these can be determined, and rouse the functions of the paralyzed parts. Measures should be adopted to remedy the morbid conditions upon which this affection depends. Keep the skin clean and healthy, promote the circulation of the blood, especially in the paralyzed limbs, and encourage healthy nutrition. These ends may be best attained by the daily employment of stimulating baths and frictions upon the surface. As much regular exercise as the patient can bear without fatigue should be taken in order to favor the preservation of the appetite and strength. Care should also be taken that the bowels are evacuated regularly every day. The circulation through, and consequently the nutrition of, the palsied muscles may be aided by having a strong healthy person knead and manipulate them. These manual movements upon the surface of the body will often excite muscular sensibility, similar to that awakened by a weak Faradic current. The internal medicines should be such as to regulate the general functions of the system. The use of these remedies must be directed by the skill and experience of those who are professionally qualified to administer hem.

When the patient has been able to be under our personal care at the Invalids' Hotel, we have found the employment of mechanical movements and manipulations, applied by means of a variety of machinery, employed in this Institution, together with the use of the equalizer, or large dry cupping, or vacuum apparatus, to be of the greatest benefit. These several machines and apparatus furnish a perfect system of physical training, thus rendering valuable aid in the cure of many forms of obstinate chronic diseases. A few of these machines are shown in Figs. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14; also see page 32 of Appendix.

The general practitioner often endeavors to overcome the inertia of the nerve-centers and nerves by means of specific irritants, with the view of exciting the power-producing function, of compelling the weakened and disabled centers to evolve more power. By such stimulation and forcing, he places a burden on the weakest parts. The compulsory and ineffectual endeavor of the weak parts to act in response to such stimulation is very liable to make undue drafts upon the capacity to act, which only end in exhaustion of the little remaining power instead of its re-enforcement. Cases which were previously curable by direct and appropriate means, are thus forever placed beyond the reach of remedies. No powerful stimulating or depressing medicines are indicated in any of the various forms of the affection. In paralysis it should be our aim to improve local and general nutrition, to relieve local congestions and inflammations, to produce absorption of deposited matters, and to force an abundance of blood through palsied muscles, from which they may derive a proper supply of nutriment, and to which they may give up the products of waste. All this can be accomplished by massage, mechanical movements, regulation of the atmospheric pressure on the body, baths, and proper physical culture.

In paralysis, there is a diminution or total loss of the contractile property of the muscles to which the affected nerve fibers are distributed; consequently the capillaries and small veins are not compressed, as in health, and the blood is not forced on through them towards the heart; hence there is a backing-up of the circulation, passive congestion, and all the evils incident to that condition ensue.

Mechanical movements properly applied to the affected limbs, or parts of the body, accomplish the same results as contraction of the muscles. They compress the capillaries and veins and thus force the blood on through these vessels towards the heart. There is a constant pressure in the arteries, hence the flow of blood in the capillaries is always towards the veins, and, when it gets into the veins, it is prevented from flowing back by the valves in those vessels.

A proper circulation of the blood through the disordered parts is thus effected, and, as the result, they receive an abundance of nutriment, and their waste products are promptly carried away to the excretory organs, by which they are separated from the body; the deposits of fatty matter between the muscular fibers are absorbed, and the agglutinated fibers are separated.

As proof of these statements, it has been found by experiment and observation that there is an increase of temperature in the parts subjected to this action, which must be due mainly to an increase in the chemico-vital changes that are superinduced by the nutritious elements of the arterial blood, particularly that element which is supplied to it by the inspired air, oxygen. All the products of waste are increased. The skin becomes more soft and moist, showing that the amount of matter eliminated by it is increased. The urine becomes more abundant, and the relative amount of urea, its most important constituent, becomes greatly increased. The amount of carbonic acid gas exhaled is increased, and further evidence in the same direction is furnished by the very marked increase in the inspiratory acts, necessitated by the increased demands for oxygen.

The local increase of the circulation incident to properly applied mechanical movements, must produce a corresponding diminution of blood in other, even in remote, regions of the body. Thus this treatment, by its revulsive effects, is capable of relieving various disorders of the head, chest, digestive organs, and pelvis. Nowhere, however, is the effect more satisfactory than in affections of the brain and spinal cord, whether characterized by loss of power, of sensation, or by neuralgic pain. Any portion of these nerve centres suffering from congestion, will find prompt relief in mechanical vibratory movements.

THE MOVEMENT CURE which we advocate is not a "Swedish Movement Cure," nor anything akin to it. It is the application of remedial forces by complex structures, which combine a variety of mechanical powers. The inventions are solely American.

By means of this machinery, which is driven by steam power with great velocity, we are able to apply soft, pleasant, rapid vibrating movements over the surface of the body, and thereby increase the circulation of blood through the parts, raise the temperature, and excite pleasant sensations. The movements can be applied by our ingeniously-devised machinery to any part of the body through the clothing and without the least exposure of the person. They can be administered in a great variety of ways, by light, quiet persuasions, by gentle frictions, by rubbing, by oscillations, by kneadings, by circular movements, in fact, by an almost endless variety of reciprocating and alternating motions, which, if described, would convey to the mind of the reader but a faint conception of their remedial value.

VIBRATORY MOTION not only establishes activity of the circulation through the skin and muscles, but it also affects profoundly the circulation in the important and vital organs of the body; it is thus capable of overcoming torpidity or congestion of the liver, spleen, and other deep-seated organs, without the depressing effects which sometimes follow the administration of powerful medicines.

It has not been our purpose to literally explain, in detail, the methods of applying vibratory motion in the treatment of paralysis for popular experiment, since to be successful one should become an expert, not only in this mechanical treatment, but also in the diagnosis of the various forms of paralysis, as well as familiar with their causes, pathology, and remedial requirements. Thus, to be successful in the treatment of paralysis and other nervous diseases, by the application of motor forces with our ingeniously-contrived machinery, the cost of which is beyond the means of most invalids, one must exercise great discretion.

GRATIFYING SUCCESS. Not only is vibratory motion as a remedial agent rational and philosophical, but our experience has fully demonstrated its marvelous effects in the treatment of paralysis in its various forms, and also in the cure of other chronic diseases. We have cured cases of infantile paralysis which had resisted the skill of the most renowned physicians in our country. We have treated those who could not stand or bear the weight of the body, but who have been so far restored as to be able to walk and run without assistance. Writer's and telegraph operator's paralysis, or cramp, we have cured in a few weeks' time. Club-feet, spinal curvature, and other deformities resulting from paralysis, have been successfully treated in our Institution. In short, our success has been most flattering in all curable cases of paralysis, and it is such experience that induces us to hold out encouragement to those who are afflicted with paralysis and other nervous affections.

Vibratory motion is a desideratum of priceless value to those who are afflicted with diseases of the nervous system, as well as to all others who need a gentle stimulus to call forth their latent energies and improve their physical condition.


Motion, properly transmitted to the human system by mechanical apparatus, is transformed into other forms of force identical with vital energy, by which the ordinary processes of the system are greatly promoted.

It increases animal heat and nervous and muscular power to the normal standard.

It removes engorgement or local impediments to the circulation.

The electrical induction produced, renders it a most efficacious remedy for paralysis of all kinds.

It removes interstitial fluids and causes rapid absorption and disappearance of solid and fluid accumulations.

It is a powerful alterative, or blood-purifier, increasing oxidation and stimulating excretion.

It diminishes chronic nervous irritability and promotes sleep.

It hardens the flesh by increasing muscular development and improves digestion and nutrition.


The use of animal, nerve and gland extracts has proven of surprising efficiency in the treatment of paralysis and locomotor ataxia. They furnish a pabulum in concentrated form for the nourishment and restoration of the weakened nerve cells and fibres.

In the vast majority of cases, we have been able, by the use of these recently discovered curative agents, when assisted by other means at our command at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, to arrest the progress of these nervous affections, hitherto so generally considered incurable, and bring about restoration of the paralysed functions and a renewal of lost power.

These comparatively new remedial agents have been very thoroughly tested by us. Their merits are more fully considered in a preceding chapter of this treatise, under the head of treatment for Nervous Exhaustion, or Debility.

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Epilepsy, or falling sickness, is a disease which is characterized by attacks of sudden loss of consciousness, together with convulsive movements of the muscles. The paroxysms occur at irregular intervals, the periods between them, in some cases, being only a few minutes or hours, while in others, several months elapse.

There are two classes of Epilepsy: 1st. The general form, with a convulsion that usually involves all the muscles of the body simultaneously. It begins suddenly with little or no warning, commonly with a cry or scream. The convulsion may last several minutes and is followed by a deep sleep for some hours.

2nd. The local or Jacksonian form in which the attack begins with a peculiar sensation in some particular region of the body, either in one extremity or one half of the face. This sensation is followed by a twitching of the muscles of the part. The sensation and spasm extend or advance gradually to other parts. Consciousness is not usually lost, though it may be when the spasms culminate in a general convulsion.

Great weakness generally follows in the parts convulsed, gradually passing away. When the attack begins on the right side of the face it is associated with an immediate inability to speak.

SYMPTOMS. In the severe forms of the disease, the subject suddenly loses consciousness and falls; there is rigidity of the muscles, which causes a twitching of the face and limbs; the eyes are turned up, and there is foaming at the mouth. In the severe form of the disease, the respiration is arrested, while in the milder attacks, the breathing is difficult, slow, deep, and snoring. With the commencement of the spasm, the tongue is sometimes caught between the teeth and severely bitten. During the paroxysm, the countenance changes from a livid hue to dark purple. The convulsion continues from one to three minutes, and is followed by a deep, sighing inspiration; the subject then sinks into a deep sleep, which continues for half an hour or longer. When consciousness is first regained, the subject appears confused, stupid, and usually complains of headache. He has no recollection of what has occurred during the attack, he pronounces words indistinctly, and if he attempts to walk, he staggers like a drunken man. Sometimes, several attacks occur so closely together that there is no interval of consciousness between them.

In some cases, there are premonitory symptoms, such as giddiness, drowsiness, headache, and irritability of temper, which warn the subject of an approaching paroxysm. Occasionally, a wave of cold commencing at the feet and proceeding to the head, is experienced. This is called an aura. When it reaches the brain, the subject becomes unconscious, falls, and the convulsion commences. If the disease be allowed to proceed unchecked, it almost invariably leads to great impairment of mind, insanity, or paralysis.

CAUSES. The predisposing causes are an hereditary tendency to the disease, and everything which impairs the constitution and produces nervous prostration and irritability. Syphilis, phimosis, sexual abuses, uterine disease, and the use of alcoholic liquors are prominent predisposing causes. Many of the causes treated by us have been brought on by masturbation. Others are the results of injury to the head. Often fracture of the skull is followed by epileptic attacks.

The exciting causes include everything which disturbs the equilibrium of the nervous system. Indigestible articles of food, intestinal worms, loss of sleep, great exhaustion, grief, anger, constipation of the bowels, piles, and uterine irritation may be enumerated among such causes. Convulsions of an epileptic character may also be induced by a poisoned condition of the blood, from malaria and disease of the kidneys or liver.

TREATMENT. When the time of an expected paroxysm approaches, great care should be exercised that the patient be not suddenly attacked while carrying a lighted lamp, or that he does not fall in some dangerous place, strike upon a heated stove, or in some similar way inflict great injury. If there be warning symptoms before the attack, the subject should carry a vial of the nitrite of amyl in the pocket, and, when the premonitory symptoms are felt, two or three drops should be poured on a handkerchief and held about an inch from the nose and inhaled, until flushing is produced, or a burning sensation is felt in the face.

During the paroxysm, the subject should be laid on the back, with the head slightly elevated, and the clothing about the neck and waist, if tight, should be loosened. If there be sufficient warning, a folded napkin, or a soft pine stick covered with a handkerchief or cloth, should be placed between the double teeth, to prevent the tongue from being bitten. During the fit, the head may be bathed with cold water.

A person who suffers from this disease should avoid everything which tends to excite the nervous system, or increase to any great extent the action of the heart. The sufferer should go to bed at regular hours, and take at least eight hours sleep. The sleeping-room should be large and well ventilated, and the patient should lie with the head elevated. All indigestible articles of food should be avoided and the diet should consist principally of bread, vegetables, milk, and fruits. Meat should be taken but once a day, and then in very small quantities. The use of alcoholic liquors and coffee should be avoided, and tea only taken in small quantities. The bowels should be regulated with Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets and injections, if necessary. A thorough bath should be taken once or twice a week. If the attacks occur at night, the body should be sponged before going to bed with tepid water, to which should be added sufficient tincture or infusion of capsicum, or red-pepper, to render it stimulating to the skin.

The causes, if they can be determined, should be removed, and those remedies administered which relieve nervous irritability and cerebral congestion. If due to worms, the proper remedies should be given; if to phimosis, the subject should be circumcised; if to pressure on the brain, from fracture of the skull, trephining should be practiced, and the depressed bone raised. There are no specifics for this disease; each individual case must be treated according to the condition presented. The nostrums advertised extensively over the country as specifics for this disease, while they may, in some instances, prevent the attacks for a short time, irritate the stomach, impair digestion, lower vitality, and permanently injure the system, often rendering the disease incurable. They deceive the sufferer, leading him to think that his disease is being cured, until it progresses so far that he is beyond the reach of any treatment. As a rule, the longer the disease progresses, the more difficult it is to cure.

Epilepsy has by many physicians been regarded as incurable, but our extensive experience has convinced us that by an appropriate course of treatment, the vast majority of cases can be cured. The animal extracts, or juices, herein more fully described under the head of treatment for Nervous Exhaustion, have proven curative in some cases that have resisted other remedies. This treatment requires the personal attention of a physician skilled in its employment. It is also of first importance that the extracts be properly made. We have discovered several new remedies, which undoubtedly exert a powerful curative influence over this disease, but it is necessary to vary the treatment so much in different cases, that it would be useless to enter further into details in this treatise.

SURGICAL TREATMENT. A considerable proportion of those cases of epilepsy, termed Jacksonian, have been found to be caused by new growth upon, or in, the substance of the brain. Sometimes cysts form as a result of small hemorrhages, or of spots of softening from clots in the cerebral arteries. Other cases are due to a small spot of hardened tissue or an inflamed centre of irritation in the outer gray matter of the brain.

The majority of these forms of disease can be exactly localized in a small area of the brain, and may usually be traced to a blow or fall on the head, or to fracture of the skull without depression. The discovery of the fact that such results of injury will produce localized spasm has naturally lead to the conclusion that similar products anywhere in the brain may give rise to epilepsy. In these cases trephining of the skull and the removal of irritation from the brain has been followed by the most successful results. It is seldom a serious or dangerous operation, but very few deaths having resulted in the practice of good surgeons in many hundreds of cases, and these were individuals who were not favorable for operation, and in whom it was undertaken as a last resort

In these cases of epilepsy, due to injury, the operation is fairly safe, and in carefully selected cases that have not been allowed to run so long as to bring upon the brain a general epileptic tendency, the results of operation are good and the procedure warrantable.


* * * * *


This disease is an affection of the nervous system, which is characterized by spasmodic contractions of certain muscles. It may affect the entire body, although it is usually confined to the left side, or to a special group of muscles.

SYMPTOMS. Twitchings of the muscles of the face are the most conspicuous symptoms. They are at first comparatively slight, but as the disease progresses, these spasms become more decided, and the face is twisted into various shapes and forms. The head, in some cases, is constantly jerking. It is with great difficulty that the tongue is thrust out of the mouth, and then, with a sudden jerk, it is quickly withdrawn.

These spasms or contortions, may affect the extremities in a similar manner, the hands and arms cannot be kept quiet, the gait may be unsteady, and one foot is merely dragged after the other. If one limb be forcibly held, to keep it quiet, some other limb will involuntarily move. Strange as it may appear, these contractions, which cannot be controlled by the will during wakefulness, are very much lessened or arrested by sleep.

Prior to the development of the spasmodic affection, there is usually a period in which the sufferer notes a want of appetite, languidness, with disinclination towards mental or bodily pursuits, headache, restlessness, pains in the limbs and joints, with irritable temper and weakness of memory. There are many other symptoms in special cases. As the disease develops, the patient gradually begins to exhibit an awkwardness of movement in the extremities, and objects frequently fall from the grasp. Children thus afflicted, spill their food while eating, and it becomes difficult for them to stand still. Attempts to write, sew, or draw are imperfectly performed. Such children are very often punished for supposed ill-behavior or careless habits. Later on the symptoms become more unmistakable, and the presence of the disease is readily recognized. The patient may become incapable of dressing, and the limbs and face are no longer under the control of the will. Uncontrollable movements of the fingers, hands, shrugging of the shoulders, dancing of the legs, grimaces of the face, and distortions of the body, become more or less constant. Speech and swallowing may be seriously embarrassed. Any unusual excitement of the mind or body is apt to intensify the muscular twitchings. Severe mental application, the reading of exciting books, the witnessing of entertainments, and excessive indulgence in sports, have to be discontinued.

THE MOST COMMON CAUSES seem to be exhaustion of the nerve centres, due to the appearance of the second teeth in children and the development common to the age of puberty. Other causes may be briefly mentioned as follows: rheumatic affections, constipation, a morbid state of the blood, suppression of the menstrual function, uterine difficulties, masturbation, or self-abuse, blows, injuries, or any cause which would give rise to nervous debility. Sometimes it is caused by obstruction in the alimentary canal, or by intestinal worms.

TREATMENT. The disease is one in which there is a debility of the nerve centres, complicated with a lack of assimilation and digestion. There is no affection more amenable to treatment in its early stages than this. We are daily in receipt of correspondence from sufferers, or their parents, or friends, in which the most gratifying relief and a cure has resulted from the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription used in conjunction with Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. These two remedies should be used alternately, the dose being suited to the age of the patient.

A large majority of the cases of chorea occur in females and at the period of life when the nervous system is subjected to unusual requirements. In these cases the "Favorite Prescription" effects a gradual restoration of nervous energy, and improvement in the tone of the nerve centres, and by its direct effect upon the circulation in the ovarian region, eliminates the most potent causes of debility. In young people, we usually advise a dose of three drops for each year of the age. For instance, children of eight years of age should take twenty-four drops; those of twelve, thirty-six drops; those of fifteen, forty-five drops, which is about two-thirds of a teaspoonful. A similar dose of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery should be administered, taking it before meals, and the "Prescription" after meals. Under their administration the patient will rapidly improve in health and strength; the circulation is materially bettered, the blood is purified, enriched, vitalized. The remedies effect a complete removal, from the blood, of the impurities that represent nerve waste, and as a consequence the nerve cells are properly nourished. The disease is gradually controlled, and when the favorable influences of quiet, nourishing food, with plenty of outdoor air, and not too active exercise is added, the progress is most gratifying. The patients, in a few weeks, are able to control much of the spasmodic movements, and gradually their restoration to a normal condition is accomplished.

In occasional cases, where there is some complication, as rheumatism or other severe affection, complicating and preventing their recovery, special treatment is required. We are always ready to advise in regard to such cases when consulted either by mail or in person.

* * * * *


If the following letters had been written by your best known and most esteemed neighbors they could be no more worthy of your confidence than they are now, coming, as they do, from well known, intelligent and trustworthy citizens, who, in their several neighborhoods, enjoy the fullest confidence and respect of all who know them.

Out of thousands of similar letters received from former patrons, we have selected these few at random, and have to regret that we can find room only for this comparatively small number in this volume.



Gentlemen—I am thankful to-day that I can honestly say, that as a result of your few weeks' treatment, I feel better now in both body and mind than I have for fifteen years. Before I consulted you I felt more like taking my own life to end my miserable feelings than I felt like living; I had given up all hopes of ever being any good to myself or anybody else, but, thank God, your encouragement, and kind words, and skillful treatment have made a different man of me.

Before I consulted you, I took no interest in business nor any thing else in the world, which the wise Creator has placed in this world for all mankind to enjoy; but now my mind is clear, and I take an interest in business and enjoy life better than I ever did before.

Now, may God bless you for your good and skillful treatment of me; and, also, may this be the means of inducing others who are to-day suffering from the same complaint to at once consult you, as I can assure them that they will receive full benefit of your kind attention, for moderate charges.

Yours respectfully, T.M. CARSON, P.O. Box 145, Swissvale, Allegheny Co., Pa.




Gentlemen—I now write to describe the benefit which I have received from your treatment. For some time I had been suffering from nervous debility, and before placing myself under your treatment my trouble was very severe; and not understanding the nature of my disease, I did not know what to do until I saw a few testimonials of your wonderful cures, when I was led to at once communicate with you; and after two months' special treatment from you, I was greatly relieved, and was advised to then use Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, which I did for a time, and am happy to say that I now feel like another man, and am troubled no longer with the old symptoms, and I thank God, and also the kind gentlemen that have been conducting my case, for the treatment and advice which I have received. I also think the "Golden Medical Discovery" is a most wonderful medicine, and I shall feel it my duty to speak well of your medicines and treatment to all fellow sufferers I may meet. I am,

Yours truly, F. MACEY, Faversham, Kent, England.



Gentlemen—Two and a half years ago, after seeking in vain for health at the hands of local doctors, I began treatment with you for "Nervous Debility of a complicated nature. Ag a result thereof I now give this testimonial, having been changed from a person of rapidly declining health—often despondent and with no inclination to work of any kind, to one of sound constitution who enjoys life and is once more able to battle his way to success in life; and it is now about two years since the change occurred, showing it to be permanent.

I cannot say too much in praise of your methods, and careful, courteous attention which myself and others have enjoyed at your hands; and that the good work may go on to an unlimited extent is my earnest wish.

Yours sincerely. A.E. NORCROSS, (General Delivery), Detroit, Mich.



Gentlemen—I feel very grateful to you, and to our all-wise Creator for restoring my health. When I first wrote to you I was a miserable sufferer with nervous debility, dyspepsia, heart disease, also female weakness. I was so nervous and low-spirited I could not sleep, in fact I was just about as weak and low as I could be, and could scarcely drag around; but, after persevering for about twelve months, occasionally with the help of your kind treatment and advice, I once more begin to feel like myself again. Words cannot tell how I do appreciate my health.

Thank you, gentlemen! I shall never forget the kind business-like manner in which you have treated me. May God bless you, inasmuch as your heart's desire is to do good to suffering humanity.

Very truly, Miss K. GREENWELL, No. 253 Twenty-second St., Ogden, Utah.



Gentlemen—For the last year and a half I was troubled with Nervous Debility. I tried some medicine that I bought from the druggist, which did me little or no good; so, hearing of the World's Dispensary Medical Association, of Buffalo, I wrote them about my case, and in reply, they said they were sure they could cure me. At that time I was weak in my arms and legs, had poor sight and, worst of all, I was very nervous and bashful. I could not sleep at night and feel refreshed in the morning. I could not look any one in the eye without feeling ashamed.

I have now taken two months' treatment and I feel sound in mind and body; but to be sure I am going to take another month's treatment from these same doctors in Buffalo.

I recommend all men who are afflicted with any disease similar to the one of which I have just been cured to apply to the World's Dispensary Medical Association, and if they take treatment from these doctors they will surely be cured. I cannot praise them too much for what they have done for me.

Yours truly, C.H. GOODSELL, No. 151 S.W. Temple St. Salt Lake City, Utah.



Gentlemen—I had been out of health for a period of about three years. Suffered with pains in the head, catarrh, chills, fever, nervousness, and general debility. Spent about all the money I had in order to obtain relief, but received little, if any good. I was scarcely able to work, when in July, 1887, I wrote to your Association, describing my case. You replied, advising me, and prescribing a course of treatment, which you sent to me. After taking but a part of these medicines I began to feel a great deal better; could sleep very much better and was able to resume work as usual, but still suffered some pain in head, and my buck was lame and weak. I continued treatment for some three or four months, until all remaining symptoms of distress and weakness had disappeared. At the end of about eight months I found I felt as well as I ever did. My weight had increased fully twenty pounds, and I could safely say that you had effected a perfect cure in my case.

Respectfully yours, THOMAS WESLEY KNAPP, Myhart, Allen Co., Ind.



Gentlemen—I was sick for over three years with nervous complaint, with blind dizzy spells, palpitation of the heart, pain in the back and head, and at times would have such a weak tired feeling when I first got up in the morning, and at times nervous chills. At other times, I would feel as if there were a tight bandage around my forehead.

The first physician I went to said I had nervous dyspepsia; the next one did not say what he thought ailed me; the third said I had dyspepsia, but none of them did me any good. As soon as I commenced taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, I began to get better; could sleep well nights, and that bad nervous feeling and the pain in my back soon left me. I can walk several miles without getting tired. I took in all, three bottles of the "Favorite Prescription" and two of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery.

Yours truly, MRS. JENNIE WILLIAMS, Mohawk, Lane Co., Oregon.



Gentlemen—When I applied to you for medical treatment I was in a very bad state. Your suggestion that I use Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery was followed with good results, and I can say I felt the effects of it before the first bottle was finished. The dull pains in my back were leaving me very fast. I used three bottles of the "Golden Medical Discovery." I had a dull pain in the back, restless sleep followed by very trying dreams, appetite poor, weakness, consequently very easily tired. Now I can go about my work, walk twelve or fifteen miles a day and not feel tired. When I commenced to use your "Golden Medical Discovery" I only weighed 125 pounds; now have increased to 150.

Yours respectfully, W.C. DILLON, Box 63, Woburn, Middlesex Co., Mara.



Gentlemen—I had been ailing for months and did not know what was the matter. I had a heavy and languid feeling; dimness of sight, spots and flashes before my eyes; an "all gone" feeling in my stomach as if the bottom had fallen out; was nervous and irritable and felt like sinking down when at work. I could hardly get up in the morning; it seemed as if I were more tired then I was when I went to bed. My appetite at times was ravenous, and at other times the smell of food made me sick; I would often go from the dinner table and vomit. I would have spells when it seemed that every man was my foe and would be melancholy, and think that something was going to happen to me; was easily upset, could not get my mind to stay on anything long at a time. When I read about your remedies, I made up my mind to try them. After taking one month's treatment I felt better, and kept on until I had taken three months' treatment and was made a new man. I would advise any one who is in bad health to do the same, and will assure them that Dr. Pierce is a gentleman, and will do Just what he says, as he did in my case.

Yours truly, MARIS H. MOORE, Ocean City, Cape May Co., N.J.


Dr. R.V. PIERCE, Buffalo, N.Y.:

Dear Sir—My case was a complication of diseases—a general break-down, lasting three years. I placed myself under the treatment of four different physicians. At last, giving up all hope of recovery at home, I was making arrangements to go to a Sanitarium in Michigan for special treatment. One of your small books with blank enclosed was handed to me; I filled out the blank, and thought I would try rather than leave home and little ones,—"Happy decision;" two months' special treatment and I was well and happy, and to-day, I have the very best of health.

Yours respectfully, MRS. LOMA LINN, Ladoga, Montgomery Co., Ind.



Gentlemen—Had vertigo, or dizziness. Pain over right eye. Vomiting sometimes, severe pains in arms, from elbows to shoulders, pain in left side. Numbness of the fingers. His home physician said "will run into paralysis." Analysis of the urine shows phosphatic deposits. Began treatment with specialists of Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, in August, '87; used the remedies interruptedly for about six months. Writes May 11th, '89, "have not had a dizzy spell for a year." In October,'90, writes, "the dizzy spells have gone for good, I hope." November 9th, '93, reports, "I most willingly recommend your medicines for they cured me of those dizzy spells of long standing, after four doctors in this county had treated my case for three years, without benefit."

Respectfully yours, JASPER THOMAS, Alamosa, Conejos Co., Col.



Mr. C. Allison Roberts, of Cassville, White Co., Tenn., suffered a great deal from rheumatism, he says: "Legs ached more like toothache than anything I can think of, the thigh bones throbbing and paining; had pains in hips, back, arms and shoulders." His symptoms also showed that the heart was affected. Had chills, headache often and sometimes sick headache. Bowels were costive and irregular. Food distressed and could not eat meat; urine milky; coughed in early part of night, and feet and legs would become numb. Had difficulty in getting to sleep before midnight, and was restless through the night and dreamed much. Had sinking spells which lasted for thirty minutes. Turned pale, became trembly and sometimes vomited his food.

Almost immediately after beginning the use of the "Golden Medical Discovery" the headache ceased. After using four bottles, reported that he had been benefited by the remedy. Later he reported: "I have been in reasonable health for some time. I took six bottles of the 'Golden Medical Discovery' and it cured the rheumatism entirely. I had suffered with it for several years and found no relief until I used your medicine. Have no weak nor nervous symptoms now, and no spells of turning sick at the stomach, or of bad action of the heart, palpitation, etc."



Gentlemen—My health was utterly gone. Was suffering from nervousness, female troubles and nasal catarrh; life was almost a burden to me, but a glorious change came, due solely to Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. I have suffered more than tongue can ever tell. I have been treated by good physicians but they only help me temporarily. I have taken a great many patent medicines with the same result. In 1890, I began taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, which gave me immediate relief and a permanent cure.

Respectfully, MRS. BELLE SANDERSON, Sprout, Nicholas Co., Ky.



Gentlemen—It is now about six months since I discontinued your treatment, and as I have had no return of the old symptoms, I consider it unnecessary to take more medicine. When I visited your Institution some two years ago, I had but faint hopes of ever being restored to health, as I was suffering from a complication of diseases. My case was an unusually obstinate one, yet I am satisfied that a cure could have been accomplished in half the time, had I been able to follow your directions in regard to diet more closely. I hereby tender you my sincerest thanks for the kind treatment received while at your Institution. Those days will always be the happiest in my memory. I will close by giving your faculty my sincere thanks, and hope success will crown your business.

Yours very gratefully, J.F. RITTER, Medford, Jackson Co., Oreg.



Dear Sirs—In reply to your kind inquiries regarding my health, I am only too glad to say that I am better than I ever was. Before taking your medicines, I experienced great nervousness, loss of appetite, restless nights, taking no interest in my work; had pale complexion, with hollow checks, sunken eyes and loss of memory. I only took your special treatment for about two months, and received great benefit from taking it, but still go on taking your "Pellets" when required. I am sorry to say that I have not got a photograph before taking your medicines, or I should have been glad to send it to let you have seen them both before taking your medicines and after. I remain

Yours sincerely, W. TRUMBETTA, 84, Essex Street, South Heigham, Norwich, Eng.



Gentlemen—It is now sixteen years since I suffered from that terrible disease, nervous prostration. I suffered untold agony and thought I would go insane. Had a terrible burning sensation across my shoulders, and my head felt large as two, and as if there was a hole from one ear to the other and all sounds passed right through. I could not see, nor sleep, nor scarcely eat, and was that nervous the least thing made me angry. I was treated by our home physician and given up as incurable. At that time I saw your Memorandum Book and thought I would write you, and the result of it was you took my case.

After one month of your valuable remedies I felt like a new person, and after six months was restored to good health again after suffering nearly one year of untold agony.

I would heartily recommend all and every one suffering from any chronic disease to place their case in the hands of the World's Dispensary Medical Association, of Buffalo, N.Y., as I cannot praise your treatment too highly. Words are inadequate to express the gratitude I owe you in so successfully treating my case.

Respectfully yours, MRS. E.A. NORTHROP, South Main Street, Newark, Wayne Co., N.Y.



My Dear Sirs—I believe that I am free from all the troubles that you have been treating me for. The pain in my back is gone—my digestion is good. In all truth I can say I am a man again!

I can stoop without pain—can labor without that weak and tired feeling. I am truly grateful to you for the good that you have done me, and may you reap a rich reward for the good you have done for suffering humanity, is my sincere wish.

Truly yours, J.W. STOCKING, Panama. Lancaster County, Nebr.



Gentlemen—I commenced treatment, I think, in July or August, of 1888, and continued four months. My case was nervous debility of fifteen years' standing.

I tried home doctors but found they were only aggravating my case. I also tried the Remedy Company, then of St. Louis, who claimed to perform wonderful cures with their "Pastiles," but they proved utterly worthless. Having come in possession of Dr. Pierce's little book and circulars, a perusal of the same convinced me that my health would not be trifled with at his Institution.

I was a poor man and could not afford much experimenting. I ordered one month's treatment, and at the end of this first month, I found, to my surprise, that I was feeling different. The second month, still more surprised at my returning health. Third month thought I was cured, and engaged myself to a young lady, and wrote you to that effect, and you advised me with your congratulations to marry, and to order another month's treatment; and at the end of the fourth month I was a man, something I did not know what it would be like to be before.

I have now been married five years, and have two healthy children—a boy and a girl. I would never have dared to marry had it not been for your medicines. I must add that during this treatment I was troubled with varicocele on left side. I wrote you this at third month of treatment, and you sent without extra charge, a Suspensory and Lotion, and two months' treatment cured me sound and well of this distressing malady; I have not felt the least symptoms of its return.

I want the world to know what a competent and honorable firm the World's Dispensary Medical Association is. I would love to shake you by the hand. May God let you continue to be a help to mankind is my prayer.

Yours truly, D.A. WALTON, Marion, Grant County, Ind.



Gentlemen—I can bear testimony to the removal of varicocele, for which you treated me. I had been in the habit of getting out with the boys and trying to see which could kick the highest with one foot on the ground, and it caused me to have varicocele. I went to my home doctor and he treated me with no success. It was getting worse all the time and I got out of shape all over. My health got bad and I thought my case hopeless. I had tried two doctors and received no benefit.

I had one of your little Memorandum Books in my pocket, and one day, looking through it I saw you treated such cases, and wrote you and received word in a few days that you would treat me, so I sent off for one month's treatment; and in five months I had gained my weight back, and that was eight years ago and I feel sound and well and my health has been good ever since.

You are at liberty to use my testimony in whatever way it may be of most benefit to you.

I also enclose a photograph of myself that was taken soon after your treatment.

With feelings of much gratefulness, I am.

Very truly yours, J.L. RIDINGS, Clarence, Shelby County, Missouri.



Gentlemen—It is now about thirteen months since I discontinued your treatment, and I have no return of the old symptoms, I consider it unnecessary to continue treatment. When I commenced taking your medicine I was suffering from nervous debility, indigestion, dyspepsia, etc. After using your medicine one month I am perfectly healthy, and cheerfully recommend your Institution to suffering humanity.

Yours truly, R.M. BASCOM, Sunfield, Eaton County, Mich.



Gentlemen—It is now about five years since I received a two months' treatment for my case and I have had no return of the symptoms, I consider it unnecessary to take more medicines because I am gaining strength every day. I am healthier than I have been in fifteen years, and I thank you for the kind favor you have done me in my case, and I wish that all sufferers would send to you for treatment.

Yours respectfully, FRANKLIN ZERBE, De Turksville, Schuylkill Co., Penna.


Blackstone, Nottoway Co., Va.


Gentlemen—Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and "Pleasant Pellets" made a perfect cure of me. I increased in weight from 120 pounds to 150 pounds and my strength increased in proportion. It improved me so rapidly that my friends inquired what produced such a change in my general appearance and health. Some accused me of dissipation. When I told them it was your medicine, the drug stores found a ready market for it, and continue to sell it with increased sales.

Yours truly, R.E. Jones



Gentlemen—I was a great sufferer from nervous and general debility. I applied to you by letter for advice and received from you medical treatment for three months, which completely restored me to health; the course of treatment did not interfere with my usual vocation and was not difficult to follow. I am a well man to-day and take pleasure in advising all the afflicted to consult you at once, and feel sure they will, like myself, be well pleased with your treatment.

Yours truly, O.A. CONKLIN, Ravenna, Muskegon Co., Mich.



Gentlemen—After taking the two months' treatment which you sent me by mail for that broken-down condition, usually styled "Nervous Debility," attended by the usual symptoms such as headache, sleeplessness, confusion of ideas, etc., the above symptoms have so entirely disappeared that I do not consider it necessary to continue the treatment longer. I would say further that I am satisfied that you understand your business, and would advise anybody suffering from any chronic disease to avail themselves of your skill in preference to resorting to any other source known to me.

Yours respectfully, HERMAN CULVER, Port Angeles, Clallam Co., Wash.



Gentlemen—I am very thankful for what you have done for me. The treatment which you furnished me a year ago gave me great relief. I had been suffering for many months with general and nervous debility, with headache, languor, sleeplessness, indigestion, constipation, etc., which were increasing upon me. One month's treatment gave me perfect relief, and I am now like a new person. I can heartily recommend all young men to consult your staff when in need of medical advice.

Respectfully yours, WM. H. COON, Medina, N.Y.


Big Piney, Pulaski Co., Mo.


Gentlemen—I was treated by you eleven years ago for nervous debility and chronic catarrh of eight years' standing and of a very aggravated nature. I was considered near my grave by many of my friends when I commenced treatment.

I used eight months' special treatment, after which I used some 13 or 15 bottles of your Sage's Catarrh Remedy, and have had excellent health ever since.

Yours truely B.P. Dake.



Gentlemen—For about five years I was troubled with Nervous Debility. I was weak and nervous, and my appetite poor. I saw your advertisement in a newspaper and concluded to write to you. I took your medicine for nine months, and at the end of that time, I had gained thirteen pounds, was much stronger, my nervousness had left me and I felt well and strong. I am sincerely thankful for the great help I received from you.

Yours very truly, GEORGE RANKIN, New Castle, Lawrence Co., Pa.


Richville, St. Lawrence Co., N.Y.


Gentlemen—After two years of perfect health I write to you thanking you for your treatment.

I had suffered several years from Nervous Debility, and had tried various remedies, and been treated by different physicians, but received no benefit from them. I ventured to write to you, and after taking a month's treatment and following your Hygienic rules, I am now fully recovered and never felt better in my life.

May God spare you for many more years, for the sake of suffering humanity.

Yours respectfully, Evan P. Jones.



Gentlemen—In 1887, I had occasion to visit your Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute for a course of treatment. I am happy to state that my case was cured to my entire satisfaction, and that I always think with gratitude of the kind treatment received from the hands of doctors and nurses. While there I became acquainted with many undergoing treatment for various chronic and surgical diseases, and all were unanimous in their praise of the Institution.

Respectfully yours, EDWARD UELBRICK, White Oaks, N.M.


Colebrook, Litchneld Co., Ct.


Gentlemen—I desire to express my heartfelt thanks for the great benefit you have done me. About ten years ago I contracted rheumatism, from which I suffered dreadfully at times. Was also troubled with chronic constipation; had been from boyhood. Had doctored more or less for years without any great benefit until I consulted you and commenced taking your Special Remedies. After taking three courses of your medicines I was so far improved in health and strength that I considered it unnecessary to continue it longer.

Wishing you much success in your great work.

Yours truly, W.H. LOVELAND



Gentlemen—So much of my good health is due to the excellent treatment I received from the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, that I take the greatest pleasure in recommending all the afflicted to this famous Institution.

I was run down and a great sufferer from nervous debility. The remedies put up by the specialist of this Institute so suited my case, and so improved my health, that I soon felt like a new man. My gratitude is so heartfelt that I cannot speak to my friends and to all the afflicted in too high praise of the skill of the physicians of the World's Dispensary Medical Association and of the great benefit to be derived from their treatment.

Yours, truly, LEVI RAKES, Plattemouth, Cans Co., Neb.



Gentlemen—I was suffering with a very severe nervous debility and general weakness, and after using your splendid treatment for four months, I find myself perfectly cured.

Respectfully yours, T.J. CARDER, Pacific Grove, Monterey Co., Cal.


Severe Palpitation of the Heart.


Gentlemen—I am feeling quite well. I have taken Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and "Pellets," and I can truly say they have done me more good than anything I have ever taken. I keep the "Pellets" in the house all the time.

Respectfully, MRS. LAURA E. MOORE, Wolfborough, Carroll County, N.H.



Gentlemen—My health had been gradually failing for years. I could not sleep nights and was very nervous, and I was depressed in spirits and was entirely unfit for business. The principal cause was over-work. Through the influence of friends I began your treatment and continued it three months, and at the end of that time I felt so much better that I did not continue it longer.

And I can cheerfully recommend your mode of treatment to every sufferer.

Sincerely yours, GEORGE POSSON, Middleburgh, Schobarie Co., N.Y.



Gentlemen—I have enjoyed good health since I took your treatment I suffered intense agony for five months, and after taking one month's medicine I found very much relief—so much I was surprised.

Many thanks for the good your medicines have done me, and my prayers are that God may help you in your good work, and that you may live long and prosper.

Yours respectfully, MRS. ALICE HOFFMAN, Box 183, Clarksville, Butler Co., Iowa.




Gentlemen—About six years ago, I had tried all the doctors in my part of the country with no satisfactory benefit. They did not understand my case.

I was a nervous wreck—unable to sleep—could not eat, and underwent the usual horrors that one endures where there is loss of control of the nerves. A few months more would have made me insane.

My cure has remained permanent. The relief was something that I cannot describe. It has enabled me to pursue my work steadily ever since, and I am more than happy to testify to the excellent skill and honorable dealings of your faculty and the fine appointments of your Institution.

Respectfully yours, FAYETTE MOFFATT, Hendrum, Norman Co., Minn.



Elstonville, Lancaster Co., Pa.


Gentlemen—I am not able to express my thanks to you for the benefit of your special treatment. I had no hope of ever being restored to health again, having tried several home physicians, and having found no relief. I had little faith of ever being relieved of the dizzy spells and black spots before my eyes. Some of my friends told me it was nothing but a fake and a humbug. Thank God I did not listen to them. The first month's special treatment gave me such relief that I continued five months, and to-day can do heavy work without that troublesome pain in my back, and can stoop down without dizziness in my head. I would advise any one that is afflicted with any of these diseases to at once consult the practical and skillful physicians at the World's Dispensary Medical Association, at Buffalo, N.Y. I cannot think of words that will half express my gratitude. Thanks to God that he has granted you such skill. I am.

Yours truly, John M. Ellinger.




Gentlemen—After being a sufferer from debility and general weakness for fifteen years, I found a radical cure in the treatment I received from you at my own home. The first supply of medicine seemed to start me on the road, and the wheel was kept turning till I reached the happy condition of health.

I hope this will meet the eyes of some of my old comrades, who have been to the eastern countries, and there lost their health, as I did, and as many others do.

Gentlemen, I wish again to thank you most kindly for your good treatment and thoughtful attention. I will enclose my photograph. I am,

Yours truly, G.W. WHITROD, Rockland, St. Andrews, Attleboro, Norfolk, Eng.



Gentlemen—About a year ago I found myself a victim of Nervous Debility. For some time I hardly knew what course to pursue, nearly every paper I might pick up contained some advertisement that would cure me. But believing in the old adage, "never expect to get something for nothing," I decided to write to an Association that I knew was reliable.

Acting accordingly, I took a course of four months' treatment, which I am pleased to state has given me in return a perfect cure. Thanks to the medical skill of your Faculty.

Yours truly, C.M. GATES, Girard, Macoupin Co., Ill.



Gentlemen—After taking your second months' treatment I feel as though I am entirely cured. The trouble with my back is entirely removed; have gained in strength right along and have been working hard for the last two months. I cannot fully express my appreciation of your kindness and beneficial treatment.

Yours truly, A. CROWL, Oneida Mills, Carroll Co., Ohio.



Gentlemen—Your letter inquiring about my health, came duly to hand a few days ago. In answer permit me to say that the three months' course of treatment effected a cure. Now my general health is good, body strengthened, mind clear, memory revived, and energy to work restored; cheerfulness and bright hopes, once lost, are now fully regained. My case was a complicated one of Liver disease and general effects of bad habits and usage, yet I was not too far gone to be restored by your wonderful treatment. My prayer is that you will ever prove a blessing to mankind.

Yours respectfully, T.M. HUTCHISON, Forest Hill, Summers Co., W. Va.




Gentlemen—The effect of your remedies is little short of a miracle. My general make-up and appearance are astonishing; my cheeks rosy, eyes bright, circles nearly all gone from under eyes; am fleshier, stronger, more active, and an entirely different man. No piles, catarrh, heart trouble; no chills and fever; no despondency, no anything.

Yours truly, JOHN TALBOTT, Pennsylvania Agricultural Works, York, York Co., Pens.




Gentlemen—I take pleasure in saying that the Invalids' Hotel is the best institution in the world for the cure and treatment of all kinds of chronic diseases. I was afflicted for a long time before I went to your Institution for treatment, and I tried many doctors, but without avail. After being in your Institution two months, I was restored to health, and I am a well man to-day, and take pleasure in giving you many thanks. My difficulty was the result of injury received early in life, and it has been permanently and perfectly cured. With many good wishes and highest recommendations.

Respectfully yours, GEORGE W. BENHAM, P.O. Box 227, Seymour, Conn.



Gentlemen—I am now through with your last month's treatment. I have taken in all three months' treatment. When I first wrote to you I thought I was gone beyond the reach of recovery, but, thanks to God, I am to-day a sound man, heartier than I have been for years, and your Institution deserves the credit of it. I will forever remember you, and want you to publish this testimonial for the benefit of others, as there are thousands in the same fix that I was in.

Yours truly, D.H. POFF, Raleigh, Raleigh Co., W. Va.


Everson, Whatcom Co., Wash.


Gentlemen—As regards your medicines I can truthfully say that I consider them good. Three years ago, I was much run-down with indigestion and nervous prostration. I purchased about four bottles of "Golden Medical Discovery" and "Favorite Prescription," and after taking them along with the "Pellets", I felt much improved. Indeed, my friends told me I looked like another woman.

Yours truly, Mrs. Rob't Burns



Gentlemen—I am pleased to send you a testimonial regarding the perfect and permanent cure which you have effected in my case.

I suffered from Nervous Debility. The symptoms were prostration, sleeplessness, exhaustion, over-fatigue from mental trouble, overstudy and anxiety, indigestion, dyspepsia, constipation, headache, inability to concentrate the mind, general lassitude, melancholia, backache and pains from the top of my head to the sole of my feet. You treated me about twelve months and effected a perfect cure.

Yours respectfully, WILLIAM SLATTERY, Garden City, Finney Co., Kan.



Gentlemen—I take greatest pleasure in making public the most wonderful cure I received at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute of Buffalo.

I had suffered severely for eight years with a left inguinal hernia; had tried many physicians and medicines, but found only temporary relief. I was greatly run-down, and my nervous system considerably shattered. My friends persuaded me to go to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute. While there I was operated on by their specialist, and in a few weeks began to gain strength and energy so that I could return home, and have since felt entirely well.

Words could not do justice to my feeling in regard to this institution. There is no place like it for medical aid, and I would urge all invalids to go there, feeling confident that they could no where receive more skillful treatment or more kind attention and care.

Respectfully, A.J. KIDDER, North Yam Hill, Yamhill Co., Oreg.



Miss ELLA A. HOUGHTON, of Theresa, Jefferson Co., N.Y., was cured of Thick Neck, Nervous Prostration, Weakness and a complication of ailments by Dr. Pierce's '"Discovery" and "Favorite Prescription." She says: "My health is now as good as it was before I was sick. The swelling (goitre) has all gone from my neck. I don't have any bad feelings. My gratitude for the benefit I have received from your treatment has induced me to recommend you to all whom I know to be sick." "I have known of two or three middle aged ladies residing near here, who have been cured by your 'Favorite Prescription.'"




Dear Sirs—It is now over two years since I first began to feel something the matter with me. I gradually got worse, with a nervous and despondent feeling. I went to a doctor, who said I was suffering from debility and ordered me away. I got a little better and returned to work, but only to get worse again. I then had very restless nights with terrible dreams, and would wake up all in a perspiration. I often wished I was dead. At last, I had to give up work again, and thought that I should never return to it. I was then under several doctors, but they did me no good. I then came across a little book from your Association, and seeing cases like mine cured, I determined to come to London and see you. I was then under your treatment for three months at my home, taking your medicines and adhering to your rules. I felt a change the first week, and after three months' treatment I was restored to health. It is now four months since I took any of your medicine, and have not had any symptoms return. I am now at work again, and enjoying life the same as anyone else. I thank you very much for your kind attention. I remain,

Yours truly, G. DANCY, 25, Merton Road, Stanford Road, Kensington, W. London.




Gentlemen—For several years I was a sufferer from some constitutional disease, or combination of diseases, which rendered life miserable at times. Dyspepsia, headache, dizziness, irritability and gloomy forebodings were among the symptoms I suffered. By chance, one of the pamphlets you publish fell into my hands, and I was induced to write you, describing my condition as best I could, and consequently I was treated by your Specialists.

When I had been treated for two months I felt so well and the symptoms were so far gone that I felt I was cured and quit taking medicine. As this was more than two years ago time has proved that I was correct, for I am a healthy, robust man to-day—thanks to you and to your associates in the noble Institution which you have established for suffering humanity.

Yours respectfully, J.W. DURHAM, Parkland, Jefferson County, Ky.



Gentlemen—It is with pleasure that I add my testimony to your list, hoping it may contribute to your success and induce others to avail themselves of the benefit of your invaluable medicines. In June, 1890, I took typhoid fever of malignant type; for two months I hovered between life and death; at length the fever left me in a prostrated condition. Then I was taken with a severe pain in my back and general nervous prostration; could not move myself in bed nor bear to be moved by the most careful nurses without experiencing excruciating pain. I had the best medical attention in the community, but they failed to give relief. My friends wrote to Dr. Pierce, stating my condition and requesting treatment for me. He treated me for two months; by that time I had so much improved that I did not think it worth while to continue the treatment longer, and my health has been such that I have not had occasion to lie in bed two days together since. I feel under lasting obligations to Dr. Pierce, and thank God for blessing the world with so able a physician.

Very respectfully, MISS MAGNOLIA MORRISON, Abernethy, Iredell Co., N.C.



Gentlemen—For a long time I was suffering from indigestion, catarrh and nervousness. I was so run down that I could not go to school, and, as the various remedies I tried did me no good, I applied to you, and was advised to try a course of special treatment. After taking only two months' medicines from your noble institution, I feel perfectly restored to health. I have, moreover, recovered my lost flesh, and I am pleased to say need no further medicines.

Yours truly, E.A. BALDWIN, Proctorsville, Windsor Co., Vermont.




Gentlemen—I was run down entirely, losing my flesh and getting weak and nervous, and had hard work to draw a long breath; could hardly breathe at all, and came nearly dying once or twice. Had tried many kinds of patent medicines—many doctors, all in vain.

One day I saw an advertisement in a newspaper, about "If you are run down and losing flesh, use 'Golden Medical Discovery.'" I, like a drowning man, would grab at anything on sight. So I went to my druggist and asked him for "Golden Medical Discovery," and he had it and I bought one bottle and followed the directions and it did me good at first start; so I bought two bottles every month until I had used about six bottles, then I had my strength back and could draw my breath and felt like a new man.

Yours truly, CHARLES HOLMSTEDT, Newtonville, Baraga County, Mich.




Gentlemen—One could scarcely discharge a more pleasant duty to a suffering fellow being than to direct them to a place of relief. Hence, I desire to state that a short time ago, life was almost a burden to mo until I began taking treatment for nervous exhaustion from Dr. Pierce of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, at Buffalo, N.Y., and can conscientiously say at the end of six weeks, I feel like another being.

I have also consulted Dr. Pierce on numerous occasions during the past eight years, and at no time whatever have I known his remedies to fail, more especially, his "Favorite Prescription," (which I have used in my practice), and the "Golden Medical Discovery," when taken according to directions.

These remedies will in no event disappoint. I am now In the enjoyment of perfect health—a blessing which I attribute to the kind Providence which directed me to the World's Dispensary Medical Association.

Yours gratefully, SARAH BARNHARDT, Grand Rapids, Mich.



Gentlemen—It is over a year now since I applied to you for help and it is more than six months since I reported myself as well. I have worked very hard since then, and still have continued well all the time.

When I called upon you for treatment I was in a terrible condition. I was subject to severe headaches; was troubled with a tired, an almost lifeless feeling, and although I slept, I could not get rest. I was nervous and fretful, and could not do as much work as I wanted to do. To tell it all in a few words I was all run down. I had never wholly recovered from the grip, which left me in a very poor condition; and that, together with over-work and insufficient physical exercise, had put me in such a condition that I was almost unfit to teach my school.

After five months' treatment (one month intervening in which I received none) I considered myself well, and I think that I was right. I feel very grateful to you for your treatment of me, and shall ever be willing to speak a good word for you.

Yours respectfully, WILLIAM E. DIXON, Harwich Port, Barnstable County, Mass.


DR. R.V. PIERCE, Buffalo, N.Y.:

Dear Sir—After being troubled with my head for two years and taking treatment with ten different doctors and getting no help, I started for your city, but allowed myself to be talked out of seeing you by a man on the train; stopped off at Lancaster and saw Dr. ——, took one month's treatment with no benefit—grew worse.

After that, started once more, did not tell where I was going. I was a complete wreck—had to be helped on board of the cars. You looked me over carefully—you seemed to know just what the trouble was. Gave me medicine for a month's treatment. I came back homo and took the medicine. Well, I was surprised the first week and have been ever since—gained right along. Have been well ever since and all for one month's treatment, for which I thank you very much.

Respectfully, GEO. S. WILSON, Perry, Wyoming Co., N.Y.


Cayuga, Vermilion Co., Ind.


Gentlemen—It is now about eighteen months since I discontinued the use of your medicines. I can truly say I feel like a new man. I have none of that wakefulness at night, or the tired feeling when I get up of a morning. Now, I can work hard all day, go to bed at night tired, wake up the next morning rested and refreshed, though I took but two months' treatment; its value to me I am not able to estimate; before and during treatment I weighed about 160 pounds, and now I weigh 185 pounds. With many thanks and good wishes, I am,

Yours truly, Geo. F. Howard




Gentlemen—About eighteen years ago, after the birth of one of my children I was left in a weak, run-down condition; it seemed to me that my nerves were unstrung very bad: I did not suffer much pain, but I think I suffered everything any one could suffer with nervousness; my life was a misery to me. I doctored with seven different doctors and got no relief; then I took almost all kinds of patent medicines and got no relief from them, but got worse all the time, when I chanced to get one of your little pamphlets.

I thought I would write to you, and waited as I thought to hear that there was no help for me; when my answer came and you said you could cure me great was my joy. I had taken your medicine about a month when I began to improve and in a few months was entirely cured.

My recovery was like coming out of the dark into the light, so great was the change. I will advise all sufferers to go to you for relief—I don't think they will be disappointed. When I commenced taking your medicine I weighed 94 pounds, now I weigh 125 pounds.

I do not know how to thank you for all the good your remedies did me, With heart-felt thanks I am.

Sincerely yours, MRS. AMANDA C. AUSTIN, Burden, Cowley Co., Kansas.

P.S.—I have a lady friend who is taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription now, and last summer every one thought she was going with consumption; four of her father's family had died with it in five years: she has taken one bottle of "Favorite Prescription," and now she is better in health than she has been in three years. Her address is Mrs. Laura Paugh, Burden, Cowley Co., Kas. A.C.A.



Gentlemen—For the last five years I have tried many leading doctors in this country but without avail. I gave up every hope. Your advertisement fell into my hands; at the time I did not know what to do because all my money had gone for medicine, but money was no object to me. I could not rest till I was cured.

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