The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English
by R. V. Pierce
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Although I can now claim, if any one can, that I have a cast iron stomach, I always keep your "Golden Medical Discovery" and the "Pellets" on hand when settling down from an active summer's vacation, to quiet student life.

I heartily recommend these medicines to every one whose suffering is of the nature that mine was.

Yours truly, ERVIN DIETERLY, Gettysburgh, Pa.



Gentlemen—Words fail to describe my sufferings before I took your "Golden Medical Discovery" and "Favorite Prescription." I could not walk across the room without great suffering, but now I am able to do my own work, thanks to your wonderful medicines, I am a well woman. I suffered all the time with a weight in the bottom of my stomach, and the most severe bearing-down pains, low down, across me, with every step I attempted to take. I also suffered intense pain in my back and right hip. At times I could not turn myself in bed. My complexion was yellow, my eyes blood-shot, and my whole system was a complete wreck. I suffered greatly from headaches, and the thought of food would sicken me. Now I can eat anything, and at anytime. My friends are all surprised at the great change in me. Every one thought I would not live through the month of August. Two of my neighbors are using your medicines, and say they feel like new beings.

Truly yours, MRS. ANNIE HUTCHINSON, Cambridge, Dorchester Co, Md.



Gentlemen—I am a woman of fifty-six years of age. Had been troubled with Indigestion for three years, which, I think, resulted from "change of life" and overwork. An eminent physician informed me I had no organic disease. But I had distress after eating and was troubled with gas in parts affected, an unpleasant taste in my mouth in the morning. I was weak and nervous and had to live on a very light diet. After taking your "Golden Medical Discovery" I was relieved of these symptoms. I believe the results warrant me in recommending it to others.

Yours respectfully, MRS. CHARLES LIVINGSTON, Livingston, Grant Co., Wis.



Gentlemen—I can heartily recommend your "Golden Medical Discovery" to any one who is troubled with indigestion and torpid liver; I was that bad it was about chronic with me. All the other medicines could give me no relief; but at last, what came to my relief was that wonderful medicine, the "Golden Medical Discovery." I could scarcely eat anything—it would put me in terrible distress in my stomach; I had a dull aching and grinding pain in my stomach with pain in my right side and back, and headache, bad taste in my mouth; at night I was feverish and the soles of my feet burned.

I took four bottles of the "Discovery" and two vials of the "Pellets." I am well and hearty and can eat as well as any body can,—thanks to your "Discovery."

Yours truly, E.M. SEAVOLT, No. 427 Sandusky St., Mount Vernon, Knox Co., Ohio.



Gentlemen—Yours of the 4th instant was duly received. I take great pleasure in recommending to the public your system of home-treatment for chronic diseases. I am thankful to say I am in perfect health and have worked every day since I last wrote to you and have not taken a particle of medicine of any kind and am weighing about one hundred and eighty pounds. I have taken your "Golden Medical Discovery" with very satisfactory results, and "Pleasant Pellets" also.

Yours respectfully, ARTHUR LEWIS, Schoharie, Schoharie Co., N.Y.




Gentlemen—In the fall of last year I suffered from rheumatism in my left shoulder and elbow. I tried a great many remedies, recommended to me by friends, but they all failed to afford relief. From that time I began Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, until I felt that I was cured, was a period covering four or five months. While the attack lasted, I suffered a great deal, and could not dress or undress myself. Although I am 73 years old, I now regard my health as splendid. I had spent a great deal of money previously, in various kinds of medicine, but the "Discovery," from the day I commenced until I was well, cost only FOUR DOLLARS.

Accept my gratitude, and I beg to subscribe myself,

Sincerely yours, Rev. WILSON WILLIAMS, Trinity Station, Morgan Co., Ala.



Gentlemen—I suffered from loss of appetite, constipation, neuralgia, and great weakness, and had terrible attacks of sick headache very frequently; also nose bleed. My health was so poor that I was not able to go to school for two years. I took Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets and "Golden Medical Discovery," and in a short time I was strong and well. Many friends are taking your medicines seeing what they have done for me.

Respectfully yours, Miss BERTHA WOLFE, Markham, Cattaraugus Co., N.Y.




There is nothing that can compare with Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, as Liver Pills, They have done me more good than any other medicine I have ever taken.

Respectfully yours, SAMUEL BAKER, No. 161 Summit Ave., Phillipsburg. N.J.




Gentlemen—My friends said I would never be any better, for I had ulceration of the bowels. By the time I had taken a bottle and a half of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, the bleeding had almost stopped. My appetite was good, nothing seemed to hurt me that I ate. My improvement was wonderful. Several years have passed and my cure is permanent.

Yours respectfully, Mrs. AURELIA VANZILE, Hamilton, Ind.



Gentlemen—Nine years ago I was taken with severe pains in my stomach and bowels which the usual home remedies failed to relieve; after several days it passed off, leaving me very sore and weak but in the course of a few weeks it came on again. I called in a doctor—he treated me for biliousness; I occasionally went several months without any attack and then it would come more severe than ever; I could scarcely bear the weight of my clothes on my stomach and bowels. I grew thin, weak and despondent,—could do no work without bringing on terrible pain. Doctors treated me for catarrh of the head and stomach, indigestion, dyspepsia, but all was of no avail; the suffering gradually increased in severity and I despaired of any relief.

In 1892 I had a spell that was so severe I cramped from feet to neck. The Doctor said I must die—he couldn't do any thing for me. After about five weeks in bed I could again sit up, but the pain had settled in my right groin and limb. Relatives persuaded me to try "Golden Medical Discovery." Two thirds of the bottle was gone when I felt a change for the better; I had one very light attack after the first bottle; that has been seventeen months ago and I have had no more trouble. I have taken ten bottles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and I am now well and able to support my family.

To any one with stomach and bowel trouble I will recommend Dr. Pierce's Medicine. I am never without it in the house.

I remain, yours, I.C. SEELY, Lindsborg, McPherson Co., Kans.



Gentlemen—Three years ago I was suffering from constipation, distress in the stomach, bowels, feet and ankles bloated, kidney and heart trouble, loss of appetite, bad taste in the mouth, sour risings in the stomach, and indigestion. I was under the treatment of three physicians seven months. One gave me up to die. This was my condition when I was prevailed upon to take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and "Pleasant Pellets." I am well, your medicines have cured me permanently. Had I the power and language to herald to the whole world the good qualities of your medicines, I would most gladly do so, as they have saved my life and brought health and happiness to me.

Yours most sincerely, MRS. A.L. PIERCE, Stillwater, Penobscot Co., Me.


CHAS. KELLOGG TURNEY, ESQ., a prominent contractor and builder, also well known as one of the accomplished singers at the Chautauqua Assembly, and who does business at Room 6, Bernard Block, Collinwood, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, writes:

"I was troubled with little watery blisters which would form on the under side of my tongue, and which proved very sore and troublesome. Becoming alarmed at the frequency of their appearance, and having much faith in Dr. Pierce and his associates, I wrote to them for advice. They recommended me to take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, which I did, and after using two bottles my trouble entirely disappeared."



Gentlemen—Two years ago I was pale and emaciated, food fermented in my stomach. A physician pronounced my case "Catarrh of the Stomach," but he could not help me. I lived a month without solid food and when I tried to eat I would vomit. At this time I began taking Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, and in two weeks I was decidedly better. I am now in good health, and never felt better in my life. I have a better color, eat more, and have no distress after eating—having gained thirteen pounds since I began taking them.

Yours respectfully, MRS. MARY POWELL, Glen Eaton, Marshall Co., W. Va.


THOMAS L. HALL, of Creek, Westmoreland County, Pa., had chronic diarrhea, which his physician called dysentery. He had been troubled more or less for five years; had very severe attack fifteen months before writing us; had not been able to work steadily for twelve months. Food sometimes passed undigested; some days had three to six passages; had watery and sour risings from the stomach; backache; was drowsy upon rising in the morning; pain about the heart; itching all over body and limbs. He had three months' treatment at home—the special medicines being sent him by express. He writes that he "was greatly benefited by first week's treatment," but continued and "in three months was entirely well."



Gentlemen—Three years ago I commenced taking Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery; I weighed 140 pounds, and now I weigh 175 pounds, so you see how I have gained in health and weight. Dr. Pierce's Pellets are the best pills I ever took for the liver. All my friends say they do them the most good.

Respectfully yours, ROBERT MANSON, West Rye, Rockingham Co., N.H.


Mrs. LUKE COOK, of Grove, Newaygo Co., Michigan, writes:

"I had been ill for five years. My symptoms were pain in the stomach and bowels; could eat nothing but stale bread and tea or coffee. Meat and vegetables passed through the bowels undigested in about two hours, causing great pain. I was all "run-down." Tongue looked like a piece of raw meat. One doctor pronounced my case cancer of the stomach. I took treatment from five different physicians with but very little benefit—only temporary relief. I got so weak I could scarcely walk around, and suffered terrible agony. After taking fifteen bottles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, I am well and able to do my own work, and frequently walk two miles and back the same day. I am now sixty-eight years old."



Gentlemen—For a long time I was suffering from indigestion, catarrh and nervousness. I was so run down that I could not go to school, and, as the various remedies I tried did me no good, I applied to you, and was advised to try a course of special treatment. After taking only two months' medicines from your noble institution, I feel perfectly restored to health. I have, moreover, recovered my lost flesh, and I am pleased to say need no further medicines.

Yours truly, E.A. BALDWIN, Proctorsville, Windsor Co., Vermont.



Gentlemen—I am happy to say that your valuable medicine has been a great benefit to me. I was suffering from general debility, malaria and nervous sick headaches, and after my third child was born (a beautiful baby boy of ten pounds) I only recovered after a long illness; I barely gained strength enough in two years' time so that I was able to crawl about to accomplish the little housework that I had, by lying down to read many times each day; had sick headaches very often; and many pains and aches, all the time complaining of getting no better. I finally asked my husband to get a bottle of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, which he promptly did. After I had taken one bottle I could see a great change in my strength, and fewer sick headaches.

I continued taking the medicine until I had taken eight bottles—seven of the "Favorite Prescription" and one of the "Golden Medical Discovery." For some time past I have not used it, but I am now able to do the housework for myself, husband and two children (aged nine and five years). I also take in dressmaking, and enjoy walking a mile at a time, and I think it is all due to the medicine, for I know I was only failing fast before I commenced to take it. I take great pleasure in recommending the "Favorite Prescription" to all women who suffer from debility and sick headache.

Respectfully yours, MRS. J.H. LANSING, Fort Edward, Washington Co., N.Y.



Gentlemen—My little girl, eleven years old, took malarial fever and lay 22 days in fever. Our family doctor was tending her twice a day; she got no better; I sent unbeknown to the doctor and got one bottle of Dr. Pierce's Pellets, and one bottle of his "Golden Medical Discovery," and commenced to give them to her as directed; after taking the medicine three days, the fever began to go down, and the doctor came in and said: "what's the matter?" "Ida, you have no fever this morning," and laughed. Then I told him I had been giving Dr. Pierce's medicines. He didn't say a word—he was beaten. My oldest daughter is improving by taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription.

Yours respectfully, MRS. ELIZABETH McCONELL, Payne, Paulding Co., O.




Gentlemen—I wish to acknowledge that you have cured me of the worst dropsy that ever came within my knowledge, it having afflicted me twenty-two years. After I had suffered much from other surgeons without any cure being effected, and with only relief for a short time, you performed a not only painless but very scientific operation, and with medicine completed the cure. It is now five years since you treated me and no symptoms of the disease have shown themselves. I will also add that while with you at the Invalids' Hotel I received the best of care and attention from the well trained nurses in your employ, for all of which I feel grateful.

With respect and best wishes, EDWIN L. WATERS, ATHOL CENTRE, MASS.




Gentlemen—To all sufferers from chronic diseases I want to say that I suffered for six years, and was under fourteen different doctors in city and country. They could not reach my case; I was given up to die; my sufferings were indescribable; I could not retain food on my stomach; could not control my bowels at times; suffered great pain; could not sleep at night; I was reduced to a skeleton; in health I weighed 180; then only 111; I now weigh as much as I did before I was sick. I am sixty years old, but feel young and active; I owe it to the medicines you sent to me. After taking it two months I was out of bed attending to my work; my friends could hardly believe it was I when they would meet me out away from home. I consider my cure as almost miraculous.

Respectfully, JOS. T. YERBY, White Stone, Lancaster Co., Va.



Gentlemen—It is now nine years since I was afflicted with the above disease, which reduced me to a mere skeleton, and my friends had very little hope of my recovery. After trying different doctors, and many other remedies for a year, from which I received little or no benefit, I was advised to try Dr. Pierce's special treatment, which I did, and after two months I was a well, strong, healthy man, and have been ever since.

Yours, etc., ISAAC G. HAMILTON, Baie Verte, Westmoreland Co., N.H.



The following is from the widely-known and popular proprietor of the Kingsley House at Ashuelot, N.H.: "It may seem useless to add testimony to the overwhelming mass already given of the many remarkable cures performed at your Institution, but I deem it a pleasure and a duty to add mine to your long list as very remarkable. I had a rupture of twenty-seven years' standing, with hemorrhage of the kidney for six months, preceding my visit to your Institute, and was also troubled badly with indigestion, all of which ailments had reduced me in strength and flesh to a mere skeleton. Had been treated by many local physicians, who failed to do me any good. I could walk but a very short distance when I left my home on the 8th of July, 1892, for treatment at your Institution, with but little faith or hope of ever being any better. But through your skillful treatment I was able to return to my home on the 9th of August, 1892, and consider myself permanently cured, having had to take no medicine since. Considering my case almost a miracle, I cannot speak too highly of your Institute and skillful treatment, to which I feel that I am indebted for my continued existence. You are at liberty to refer to me, and to use this as you see fit.

Very respectfully, A.N. KINGSLEY, Ashuelot, Cheshire Co., N.H."


Mr. J.T. TOWNSEND, of Noah, Coffee County, Tenn., consulted us by letter. He was suffering from great nervous prostration; could not walk without tottering; was troubled greatly with inability to sleep; poor appetite; did not relish food; suffered much pain and stiffness in the joints; was overcome with neat working on a thresher, followed by persistent nausea, confusion of ideas, his memory being very defective.

After taking a single course of treatment, the medicines being sent by express, he writes as follows: "The medicine you sent me lasted me five weeks, and proved very beneficial indeed. I believe it, under God, was the means of saving me from a premature grave. When I received the medicine, I had just gotten rid of an attack of bilious fever, which left me in a deplorable condition. I was very week and nervous, but my improvement commenced with the first dose of your medicine, so by the time my medicine was out I felt better than I had for years, and now have no indication of a return of my trouble." A month later he writes: "I continue to enjoy the most perfect health. Every organ of my body, and every faculty of my mind, is in splendid condition, which makes life worth living. I have gained twenty-one pounds since I have been able to attend to business. Please accept my profound thanks for your promptness in sending me my medicines."




Gentlemen—The effect of your remedies is little short of a miracle. My general make-up and appearance are astonishing; my cheeks rosy, eyes bright, circles nearly all gone from under eyes; am fleshier, stronger, more active, and an entirely different man. No piles, catarrh, heart trouble; no chills and fever; no despondency, no anything.

Yours truly, JOHN TALBOTT, Pennsylvania Agricultural Works, York, York Co., Penn.




Gentlemen—I am happy to inform you that my catarrh and dyspeptic symptoms have all vanished. I am no longer troubled with headache and stoppage of the nose, my stomach is in good order, and I enjoy three hearty meals daily without any bad feelings.

I have gained in almost every respect, particularly in weight and strength, since beginning the use of your specially prepared medicines. By continuing to follow your special hygienic rules, I believe no relapse will occur.

Yours respectfully, BERTHOLD EBERHARDT, N.E. Cor. 10th, and Callowhill Streets, Philadelphia, Pa.



Gentlemen—Some months ago I consulted your specialist concerning my health, which had at that time become very much impaired from the effects of uterine disease, indigestion and chronic constipation. I was also troubled with frequent attacks of nervous headache which rendered me very miserable.

A line of treatment was outlined by your specialist, which I followed closely, and I immediately began to improve under the use of the medicine advised. The benefits wore so marked that within two or three months I was able to discontinue the use of the medicine, and have since that time been enjoying good health. I attribute my cure to the use of your medicines, and I heartily thank you for the benefits received, as well as for the kind attention given me by your specialist.

Respectfully yours, IDA M. JOSLYN, Groton, Conn.



Gentlemen—Several years ago I spent many dollars for medicine, but in vain, and expected to die with consumption. But hearing of your Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, I visited you.

To your advice and treatment I owe my life and present good health.

Hoping-that you and your eminent faculty may be spared many years to cure the afflicted, I send you my best wishes.

Yours truly, ALBERT ROSENBERGER, La Otto, Noble Co., Ind.




Gentlemen—Fifteen years ago I felt the first effect of a diseased stomach. It was very light at first, but as time went on it gradually grew worse. I did not suffer much at first—say for the first five years; but after that it was continual suffering all the time (and growing worse all the time), until just two years ago, when I completely collapsed, and had to give up all thoughts of work. I have not done a day's work since, but am now ready to go to work again. During the last five years I have been doctoring with as many as six different doctors here and in San Francisco. I was with one specialist here in my city five months, but none of the doctors gave me even temporary relief. The main symptoms of my disease were that my food would sour on my stomach and give me an awful heart-burn. I would bloat and have sour risings, and an awful burning sensation in my chest which would bring the tears. I have felt many times that I would like to leave this world. In looking over the ads. in the San Francisco Examiner, I ran across yours—stating that any one who would send twenty-one one-cent stamps to the address given would receive The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser I did as requested, and read a copy, and I now owe my life and present good health to Dr. Pierce and his noble staff of physicians. I have now taken fourteen bottles of the "Golden Medical Discovery" and four bottles of the "Pleasant Pellets," and will say that I am entirely well of all my stomach troubles. Can sleep nine hours every night.

A word to those who are taking or contemplating taking this grand remedy. Do not give up with one or two bottles, but continue on, and it will cure you as sure as the sun shines above.

Gratefully yours, J.L. WARNER, 1005 Fourth Street, Sacramento, Cal.



Gentlemen—For over twelve years I was a great sufferer from nervous indigestion and acidity of the stomach. I tried some of the best doctors, both in England and this country, but did not find permanent relief until I went to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute. The medicine prepared for me by the specialist at this famous institution was so effectual that I feel that I am perfectly cured.

I cannot speak in too high praise of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute. The Staff of Physicians is skillful and of large experience, and the institution itself, in all its appointments, excellent and in advance of the age. I highly recommend it to all the afflicted, feeling confident that all the benefit to be derived from medical or surgical treatment can be had at that institution.

JOSEPH SMITH, No. 200 Eighth Street, Olean, N.Y.



Mrs. JOHANNA JOHNSON, of Big Springs, Union Co., South Dak., forty-six years old. A pain began in the stomach, a sort of cramp; extended to the chest, shoulders and arms, also affecting the spinal column opposite the location of pain; had a hard lump that felt like lead in the pit of her stomach. Pain was brought on sometimes by eating something that at other times she could eat with impunity. Attacks of pain lasted usually about three days. After the pain would leave, she was weak and sore. Sometimes attacks would come on every day.

Had two months' special treatment.

Reports five months afterwards as follows: "Since taking your medicine, I am a new person; at least I feel so. I have used only one-half of the last set of medicines, and think I will not need to continue. A lady similarly afflicted is trying some of my medicine, and will order from you direct. I am glad to know where to direct the sick, and where the most good can be had for one's money. I am feeling well, and can work as formerly."



Gentlemen—I was troubled with chronic indigestion and constipation. Had to be constantly taking physic, and finally was compelled to resort to hot water injections regularly to move my bowels. This got to be a great drudge to me. I took treatment from the leading physicians of this part of the country for my stomach and bowel troubles, and spent over one hundred dollars in this way, but they did me no good whatever. I got so bad that I began to think my time on earth was short, and did not care if I lived or died. I had to stop work; everything was a burden to me, until at last I tried your Institution. I went there, and you said you could help me, and those words sounded so good to me, as I thought I never could get well again. After taking your special home-treatment for five months, I was in the enjoyment of perfect health. This was two years ago, and ever since my bowels have moved regularly, and I have not taken any medicine to make them move. I cannot find words in which to express my sincere thanks for the almost immediate relief. I received from your specialists, and will say I am now enjoying the very best of health.

Yours with respect, ORWIG F. SINIGAR, No. 71 Feather St., Canton, Ohio.



Gentlemen—For more than twelve years I have been a sufferer with a complication of rectal troubles; pile tumors, prolapsus and fistula in Ano. I have been under the treatment of our most skilled practitioners, by ligature, carbolic acid, constitutional treatment, change of climate and the celebrated Brinkerhoff treatment, and also tried all of the local guaranteed nostrums, from all of which I have been only temporarily relieved. The old troubles would in a short time return, and with seemingly renewed vigor. With fast failing health and terrible nerve prostration, I left home the 1st day of October last, to take a two weeks' trip, hoping for some temporary relief. On the trip I stopped over at Buffalo, and having several years before been in correspondence with the Infirmary, concluded to consult you. I did so with little hope of a beneficial result. From the manner in which I was received and the satisfactory diagnosis of my case, I placed myself under your treatment. On the 16th day of October you operated upon me with such complete and satisfactory success, that I am now a sound and happy man, and am confident that had I been treated by you ten years ago that I would now be twenty years younger in feeling and thousands of dollars better off. It affords me pleasure, doctors, to recommend the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute to all of the afflicted, and to assure them of the most skillful treatment, honest and polite attention, and with the assurance of my kindest and most grateful remembrance,

I am, Yours truly, N.T. ROBERTS, Pine Bluff, Ark.



Gentlemen—Having been a great sufferer for years and receiving little or no benefit from other physicians, I determined to try your Institution, and with grateful results.

Having a successful operation for a fistula (of five years' standing) without the knife, while other home-physicians advised me there were no other means. And my troubles are yielding slowly but surely; my general health is better than for twelve years—all of which I owe to Dr. Pierce, and his skillful physicians and surgeons.

Please accept my sincere thanks for the kindness shown me while an inmate by all connected with the Invalids' Hotel. I shall heartily recommend your Institution to all sufferers.

Yours gratefully, MRS. M.B. LOTHROP, Villa Park, Orange Co., Cal.




To whom it may concern—I was greatly afflicted with Uterine and Rectal disease. My disease was of very long standing and had baffled the skill of our home physicians. I went to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, and received treatment of their specialist. Under his skillful care and kind attention I soon regained my strength and felt that my former life and ambition were again restored to me. I cannot speak in too high praise of this famous Institution; the rooms are large and cheerful, the food of the very best, the nurses kind and attentive, and the staff of physicians and surgeons skillful and of large experience.

Yours respectfully, MRS. CHAS. CLAWSON, Middlesex, Yates Co, N.Y.




It is with pleasure that I testify to the cure of the Fistula, for which you treated me. I had suffered from it for a long time, and felt that it was likely to seriously undermine my health and poison my system. I had deterred having it treated from the fears of the cutting operation in common use by physicians in the large hospitals and by surgeons in general practice. My fears were grounded on the fatal results that had followed in cases in my knowledge. I am thankful that I placed my case in the hands of your experienced specialists for treatment. The result has been a perfect cure. The treatment of the blood-poison that you gave me was successful in eliminating it all from my system, and I have since enjoyed perfect health, and no recurrence whatever of the fistula. It has been now many years since I was cured, and I thank you most sincerely for the good results that were brought about in my case.

I can recommend your institution as one in which all the requirements of an invalid are fully met.

Yours truly, J.F. EATON, Auburn, Mo., Box 806.


To the afflicted public:

It becomes my pleasant duty to recommend the Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N.Y., as an Institution for the successful treatment of surgical cases and chronic ailments of every description. It is with especial pleasure that I recommend the surgeon-in-chief of the Hotel, who is a skilled surgeon, one who stands at the head of the profession. The appointments of the Hotel are excellent. I was afflicted with an Anal Fistula (a very bad one it proved to be). I went to the Invalids' Hotel for treatment. Was placed under the care of your surgeon, who treated my case with such skill, that the parts are healed soundly. I recommended a friend of mine, who had a rupture, to go to you for treatment. He did so and was soundly healed of his trouble. I will cheerfully answer all communications relative to my stay at the Invalids' Hotel, provided a stamp is enclosed for return postage.

Yours truly, M.L. STIGERS, Menlo, Iowa.




Gentlemen—I feel that it is my duty to suffering humanity to let them know of your great success with me. I had a chronic disease that I had suffered with for sixteen years, and last November, owing to a fall, the disease doubled on me. I was confined to my bed for months, and the best surgeons of our city attended me daily. I continually grew worse. After consultation they decided that the knife must be used, which is attended with great pain and danger. I wrote you and stated my case; you said you could entirely cure me without pain, also without the use of the knife. I determined to go to Buffalo. Arrived there the 18th of March, and on the 20th of April I was at home entirely cured, and have enjoyed better health than for years. You also treated my wife for heart trouble, and greatly benefited her. The thoroughness of your methods, preparing the system, etc., greatly adds to your success, as well as your skillful treatment. I shall ever hold the surgeons at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute as a green spot in my memory.

Yours respectfully, N.S. JOHNSON, Bloomfield, Iowa.



Gentlemen—I have been successfully treated at your institution for piles and also rupture of the left side.

Your institution is all it claims to be, and the treatment of my case was accomplished without pain and apparently any risk. Your method of using locally cocaine as an anaesthetic is such a decided improvement. I did not have to take any dangerous ether or chloroform, but had a small quantity of medicine injected that made the operation as painless as though it was being done on some one else. At the same time I knew everything and could see what was being done.

You have my kindest thanks for the good care and many attentions given me. Your nurses and physicians all give kind and skillful care.

Yours very truly, J.J. APP, Bolivar, Tuscarawas Co., Ohio.



Gentlemen—I was afflicted with piles for many years, brought on by heavy lifting during the war. My suffering was extreme, and the pile tumors gradually increased in size, notwithstanding the fact that I tried many different kinds of treatment. After becoming physically incapacitated and unable to do any work at all, and after much hesitation, I visited your institution as the last resort. I am happy to state that my visit there has resulted in a complete and permanent cure. A year or more has now elapsed since I placed myself under the care of your specialist, and I wish to thank you most heartily, for the attention which I received while there, and for the cure which has been accomplished in my case. I cannot say enough in favor of you and your staff of physicians who gave every attention, and whose treatment has been so successful. All suffering has entirely vanished, and I have gained about 35 pounds in flesh.

Respectfully yours, J.C. BAGLEY, Watts Flats, Chaut. Co., N.Y.



I was troubled with piles for thirty years. These were very mild at first but gradually increased in severity, and I was unable to get anything which would relieve them. They gradually increased in size, and for a good many years past have caused me a great amount of pain. The tumors became of large size and protruded whenever I lifted anything heavy or strained in the least; also bled copiously at times. This, together with chronic inflammation of the bladder, with which I have also suffered for some years, rendered my life miserable. Physicians at home gave up my case as hopeless, and said that they did not think I could be benefited, and certainly not cured. I visited your Institution, hoping to obtain relief, but with very little faith, and am happy to say that the treatment which I obtained there has resulted in a permanent cure of the piles, and the inflammation of the bladder has been so greatly relieved that at present I have no suffering of any kind. The cure is complete and I feel like a new person. In fact I have not experienced such comfort in many years. I shall always appreciate the kindness and attention shown me by your staff of physicians, and also by the nurses in your Institution, and shall advise my afflicted friends to make you a visit.

Very respectfully, PETER CRUMP, Dennison, Goodhue Co., Minn.



Since the spring of 1872, I have been troubled with pains in head, the result of sun-stroke while in the U.S. army, and pile tumor growth. For the last named disease I was treated at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, in June of 1887, and the growth, as I believe, is killed, and the result has been a great benefit to my general health. I am quite comfortable and with strength to look after my little work and superintend the same, much better than before treatment, for which benefit please accept my thanks.

Yours respectfully, S.H. CROSBY, Manito, Mason Co., Ill.



Gentlemen—I received a few days ago a communication from you requesting a photo, of myself. I will say that I am sorry, but I have had no photograph of myself taken since I was a child, but will gladly give you a testimonial and I will answer by letter any skeptical ones that you refer to me, provided they send a return addressed and stamped envelope for reply.

Just one year ago, I was suffering untold agonies from internal piles and prolapsus of the rectum: my bodily pain was so great that the mental strain was almost more than I could stand. I was useless to myself and family and had about persuaded myself it would be better to take my life, and I think I should have done so had not a copy of the Common Sense Medical Adviser happened to fall into my hands. I was not certain just what my trouble was, at least what to call it. I began the Chapter treating on Pile Tumors, and then I realized just what my trouble was. I wrote you and received encouragement. I sent for a month's treatment and it was certainly the best investment I ever made. I received the medicines at noon—read the directions carefully and commenced at once to carry them out. I seemed better the next day. I suffered less, and in a few days there was a decided change for the better. I continued the medicine until I had taken all of it; I have not taken any since, except occasionally a few of Dr. Pierce's Pellets, just enough to act as a mild laxative. I am perfectly well. I was always more or less constipated all my life. I now understand that by keeping the bowels open and in good order, I could have avoided all of the suffering that I have gone through; my friends all think my recovery almost a miracle. I feel, Oh, so grateful to you, I shall never fail to speak a word in your favor to suffering humanity.

Respectfully, Mrs. J.W. Heist Fayette, Howard Co., Mo.


DR. R.V. PIERCE, Buffalo, N.Y.:

Dear Sir—I was a great sufferer for thirty years from piles, and take great pleasure in bearing testimony to the fact, that since you treated me, seven years since, I have not had a symptom of piles.

At the above stated period I had also been a sufferer from diarrhea, in its most aggravating form, for three and a half years, and I was completely and radically cured of that, also.

I beg to assure you, and your noble associates, of my lasting gratitude, and feel no hesitancy in expressing the opinion that but for your great skill in treating me, I should have been in my grave. I state for the benefit of all those who may be similarly afflicted that if they will place themselves in your hands, you will goon effect radical cures.

JOHN J. BRADFORD, Augusta, Perry Co., Miss.



Gentlemen—Allow me to thank you for the kind attention and skillful treatment I received while at your Institution for five weeks' treatment. I cannot speak too favorably of your Institution.

You have my best wishes for your continued success.

Respectfully yours, L.H. ESTEY, Hinsdale, Cheshire Co., N.H.



Gentlemen—I have used your medicines for a number of years, and know that they do for me all that is claimed for them. I am employed mostly at my desk, and not infrequently have an attack of the headache. It usually comes on in the forenoon. At my dinner I eat my regular meal, and take one or two of Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets immediately after, and in the course of an hour my headache is cured and no bad effects. I feel better every way for having taken them—not worse, as is usual after taking other kinds of pills. Your "Pleasant Pellets" are worth more than their weight in gold, if for nothing else than to cure headache.

Very respectfully, E. VARGASON, Otter Lake, Lapeer Co., Mich.



Gentlemen—Before using your medicines, my food would not digest; then neuralgia set in, and I suffered severe pain through my sides, shoulders, breast and stomach. Bilious attacks were frequent; then my flesh began stinging and my heart began beating badly and making me so that I could not lift a chair, and all together threw me into a cramp and a numbness, and the family thought I was dying, and sent for another doctor who said it was hard to do anything for me; he visited me almost six years and did not help me; the pain was so great I had to scream; I said to my doctor, "can you give me something" and he said, "yes, but it will not do you any good." I told him he had not done me any good in six years, and I would quit him. I saw I was almost gone, very pale and weak and did not eat anything.

I began your "Golden Medical Discovery," and one-half bottle helped me so much I began work and improved fast; it helped me so I got 10 bottles. While using them my friends said when I quit I would be just as bad as ever. It has been five years and no need of a doctor yet, and I will say that I think it cannot be beat, and I will still believe in it, for if it had not been for the "Golden Medical Discovery" I would have been in my grave. Your medicines have helped my brother, and father is using it now and it is helping him.

I remain. Your true friend, Miss C.B. GWIN, Cowardin, Bath Co., Va.



Gentlemen—My son, aged fourteen years, was taken with bloating of the abdomen; this would go down leaving the parts so sore he could scarcely stand. We had three different doctors to treat him, but he grew steadily worse. We then commenced giving him Dr. Pierre's Golden Medical Discovery, and after using it three days he commenced to improve. Last summer he had so fully recovered his health as to make a full hand in the harvest field. He took, in all, only six bottles of the "Golden Medical Discovery," and it saved his life.

Respectfully yours, J.B. WATRING, Lead Mine, Tucker Co., W. Va.



Gentlemen—I had nervous dyspepsia for twenty years, followed by uterine and spinal weakness with irritation of the same. In the Spring of 1890 I became so exhausted that I was compelled to keep to my bed with symptoms of paralysis in the lower limbs, and many other distressing symptoms. I accidentally obtained one of Dr. Pierce's Medical Advisers from a friend, and finding my ailments so well described therein, I wrote to Dr. Pierce for his advice, which he sent by return mail. For my recovery he requested me to use his "Golden Medical Discovery," his "Favorite Prescription," and his "Pleasant Pellets." He also gave me some directions for every-day living. These means accomplished my complete cure. I am thankful that we can have such reliable medicines brought into our homes without great expense.

Yours truly, MRS. AMERICA NAY, Volga, Jefferson Co., Ind.


DR. R.V. PIERCE: Dear Sir—When I commenced your medicines, had headache all the time, indigestion, pain in my back and loins, soreness and stiffness in my joints, my limbs ached so I could not sleep at night: I could not lie in bed more than two or three hours any night; when I would lie my head on the pillow I would have to rise immediately to get breath, sit up and walk the floor very near all night. I could not eat anything that would digest; I would do the cooking for the family, but I was in so much pain the tears were in my eyes all the time I would get a meal ready. I would take one mouthful of bread and then go off and sit down and cry with hunger, but dare not eat any more, and then would have to vomit from that one mouthful of bread—I would have such weak spells I could not stand on my feet.

I had tried five doctors, they had done me no good; I had given up—never to take anything more, only to lull the pain. I had given up to die when I received a pamphlet and some papers from you. I decided to try once more and I have been improving ever since I commenced your treatment; my health is better than it has been for fifteen years; I weighed one hundred pounds when I began taking your medicines; now I weigh one hundred and thirty, as much as I ever weighed. I have taken ten bottles of "Favorite Prescription" and still more of "Golden Medical Discovery," and several vials of the "Pellets."

Your sincere friend, MRS. M.H. O'BANNON, Lameta, Leake Co., Miss.

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The nerves of the human body are not unlike the vast telegraph system of this continent.

The millions of nerve filaments are similar to the network of wires that keep all the cities in close sympathy and communion. The nerves have to deal with organs instead of villages, and with cells in place of individuals.

Commerce is regulated and train loads of food supplies dispatched here and there by telegraph, while in the body the nerves send their analogue, increased blood and nourishment, where it is required.

The various organs of sense receive manifold impressions of conditions to be met, food required and dangers to be avoided and the nerves transmit these impressions telegraphically to the brain.

The structure of the brain, spinal cord and sympathetic nerves, is not unlike a gigantic and complicated galvanic battery. The number of cells in the brain and spine are more numerous, by many millions, than those supplying any telegraph system.

As the blood supplies each cell with its necessary nourishment and removes its used up or waste materials, so does the workman give each cell of his battery fresh chemicals from time to time, and removes the used up waste.

The wires that lead from this battery to every part of the country are like the nerve filaments that go to each part of the human body and make them all—no matter how minute—perform their functions in a proper manner, and, when done, permit them to retire to rest.

With the complicated human structure, when disease takes hold, we have the same troubles that would be presented were the telegraph operators suddenly to become ill. What confusion and discord would prevail! If the sickness is severe enough to cause delirium, it would be as though madmen were at the telegraph keys dispatching trains of passenger cars which could hardly fail to bring injury and destruction to unwary travelers.

In health, we are unaware of the work of the nerves. The wheels of life move without noise. Few realize that the cavities of the heart (auricles and ventricles) are contracting steadily and alternately under the guidance of nerve cells. By this means the stream of blood, laden with nourishment, is sent to every part of the body.

Silently the stomach pours out, under nerve influence, its juices that dissolve and change parts of the food, that it may pass into the blood in condition to nourish. In a similar way, the pancreas pours out a fluid that digests the fats.

The muscular fibres of the intestines are caused to contract rhythmically and force along the bolus of digested food, so that its soluble parts may be taken up by the minute absorbent vessels to enrich the blood.

All these things of most vital importance we know least about. They go on, from day to day, without our being aware of the work done.

Let something interfere with the process, and how quickly is the sensation changed. Few there are who have not felt the agony of colic pain, due to stoppage of digestion. What suffering is greater than the sense of awful suffocation from a heart that is not acting well?

These are only familiar illustrations of a thousand and one distressing derangements and symptoms that come from exhaustion and prostration of the nervous system.

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This affection, also popularly known as Nervous Prostration, or Nervous Weakness, and, to the medical profession, as Neurasthenia, or Nervous Asthenia, is becoming alarmingly prevalent.

The wear, tear and strain of modern life are concentrated upon the nervous system. The care and consequent fret, worry and labor of this age are greater than ever before known.

The result of this extreme activity, is exhaustion and weakness. Physical bankruptcy is the result of drawing incessantly upon the reserve capital of nerve force.

We extract the following from an article which recently appeared In the New York Tribune:


The stone age, the bronze age and the iron age, we have heard of; likewise of the Dark Ages, and other self-marking eras in human history. As for the present, it might with fitness be known as the age of engineering, or of electricity, both of which proud titles it has won by its achievements. Yet there is also a less roseate view to be taken of it, and another title to be given to it, based upon its too-evident frailties; namely, that it is an age of nervousness.

Such is the view taken by the famous psychologist, Dr. William Erb, of the University of Heidelberg. Nervousness, he says, meaning nervous excitement, nervous weakness, is the growing malady of the day, the physiological feature of the age. Hysteria, hypochondria and neurasthenia are increasing with fearful rapidity among both sexes. They begin in childhood, if not indeed inherited. Minds are overburdened in school, with too much teaching or misdirected teaching. The pleasures of social life follow, overexerting the already enfeebled nervous system. Business life is made up of hurry and worry and shocks and excitements. Society, science, business, art, literature, even religion, are all pervaded by a spirit of unrest, and by a competitive zeal which urges its victims on remorselessly. No man knows repose. The result is, wreckage. The pharmacopoeia is overcrowded with nerve tonics, nerve stimulants, nerve sedatives. The medical profession devotes its best energies to the treatment of neuropaths. And as a people we are, or are becoming, excitable, irritable, morbid, prone to sudden collapse through snapping of the overtense chord of the nervous vitality.

Nowhere are the rush and hurry and overstrain of life more marked than in this much-achieving Nation. The comparative youth and freshness and vigor of the American people enable them to do and to endure what would be beyond the power of an older and more worn-out community. Yet there is no disguising the fact that the pace tells even here, and often tells to kill. True, all the tendencies of the age are in that direction. Inventions, discoveries, achievements of science, all add to the sum of that which is to be learned, and widen the field in which there is work to be done. What we need to learn is, however, that all these things are for man, not man for them. If knowledge has increased, we should take more time for acquiring it, knowing that, with the consequent increase of power, we shall be able to achieve as much afterward in the shorter time as our predecessors did in the longer time their briefer study afforded. Greater ability should mean not only greater results wrought, but fuller repose as well. For it would be a sorry ending of this splendid age of learning and of labor to be known as an age of unsettled brains and shattered nerves.

A distinguished medical authority says:

"It is proved beyond any dispute that nervousness is the characteristic malady of the American Nation, growing upon them in a frightfully accelerated ratio every year, and threatening them with disasters at no distant date which the mind shrinks from contemplating."

He continues as follows: "The number of deaths from this cause is already appalling and is steadily and rapidly increasing. In some of the busy centres the tables of mortality show that the proportion of nerve deaths has multiplied more than twenty times in the last forty years, and that now the nerve deaths number more than one-fourth of all the deaths recorded. What is most shocking in these returns, this fearful loss of life occurs mainly among young people of both sexes."

"This means that the Americans are fast becoming a very short-lived people; and that if they were shut in on themselves for only a few years, without any influx of vitality by immigration, the publication of the census would send a pang of horror and alarm throughout the land."

The annual report of the State Board of Charities of the State of New York for 1894, shows that while the increase in the State's population from 1880 to 1892 was 28 per cent., the increase of the insane in State institutions for the same period was 83 per cent.!

The enjoyment of the fruits of fortune, earned at the expense of the nerve cells, is an impossibility. The quiet and harmony of the nerve centres and nervous system are gone. Rest is impossible, continuance of work only causes increased jarring and discord of that many stringed and wonderful mechanism.

SYMPTOMS. It is well nigh impossible to give the symptoms of this disease in an orderly manner, as the affection gives rise to a thousand and one varying and ofttimes vague symptoms. The particular part of the nervous system affected, and also the cause and character of the attacks modify the symptoms. The eminent Dr. Wood says: "Nervous exhaustion may, in the beginning, affect the whole of the nervous system, or it may be at first purely local, and co-exist with lack of general nervous strength."

SPERMATORRHEA furnishes many examples of the local form of neurasthenia, or exhaustion, the sexual centres being primarily affected. In these cases, however, sooner or later, the whole nervous system becomes Involved. So in other forms of the disorder, the exhaustion at first local, finally, if neglected, implicates the whole organism. Often, in brain exhaustion, the symptoms are at first purely local. Almost always the cause of a local neurasthenia, or exhaustion, is excessive use of the part. Thus, cerebral or brain exhaustion, or debility, is usually the result of mental overwork, while sexual asthenia, or weakness is generally due to abuse of the sexual organs or to sexual excesses. When to the brain fatigue, or exhaustion, are added the depressing effects of excessive anxiety, or allied emotions, the symptoms from the first are more general, and the exhaustion may effect chiefly a single function of the brain. In pure brain exhaustion, the loss of a disposition to work, is usually the first symptom, the sufferer finding that it constantly requires a more and more painful effort of the will to perform the allotted task. At first, there is loss of the power of fixing the attention, and this, by and by, is accompanied by a weakness of the memory; disturbances of sleep are frequent; various abnormal sensations in the head are complained of. In most cases there is not absolute headache, but a feeling of weight or fullness, or an indescribable distress, usually aggravated by mental effort. It is true that in some cases of very dangerous brain tire, mental labor is performed with extraordinary vigor and ease; the power of work, is, for the time, markedly increased, and even the quality of the product may be raised. The patient may glory in a wild intellectual exaltation, a sense of mental power, with an almost uncontrollable brain activity. It is probable, however, that these cases are not instances of pure neurasthenia, or brain exhaustion, but that there is active congestion of the gray matter of the brain. In these cases the disease is very prone to end in serious organic affection of the brain.

Severe brain exhaustion may be associated with good spirits, but usually there is marked depression, and this perversion of function generally goes on, if the disease be not checked, to decided melancholy. The will power, like all the other functional activities of the brain, is prone to be weakened, morbid fears may finally develop, and at last, that which was at the beginning a single brain exhaustion, may end in persistent hypochondria, followed by insanity.

Peculiar sensations are common in neurasthenia, such as chilliness, unnatural itching, a feeling as though ants or other insects were crawling on the skin. Eruptions are common. Attacks of neuralgia are often frequent and sometimes severe, being usually worse in those persons of nervous ancestry. In some cases there is a lack of proper sensation, in others an unnatural sensitiveness. There is also in many cases a peculiar tenderness over some portion of the spinal column, especially in women.

IN WOMEN, with nervous disturbance of the sexual organs, there is frequently great pain felt during menstruation; in others, ovarian irritation and a so-called "irritable," or sensitive uterus, giving rise to manifold nervous and hysterical symptoms, sometimes culminating in convulsions or "fits." In not a small proportion of the uterine diseases which are generally only locally treated by physicians, the local disease is largely and sometimes solely the expression of a general weakness of nervous origin.


It is well known that Onanism, or masturbation, as well as sexual excesses, produce an exhaustion of the nerve centres presiding over the sexual functions. This is the common history of spermatorrhea or loss of the virile fluid by nightly emissions, accompanied by lascivious dreams.

GENERAL NEURASTHENIA, or nervous exhaustion, may also produce a local weakness of the sexual centres of the brain and spinal cord, with symptoms at least resembling those of partial impotency and great irritability of the sexual organs, or a complete impotence, with premature seminal discharge whenever coition is attempted. Many times this condition results from excessive intellectual labor, even with no sexual excesses or abuses. Nocturnal, or nightly emissions, are not always experienced in these cases. When they do occur, the debilitating losses of vital fluid react upon the brain, robbing the victim of courage and manliness and exciting various phases of morbid fear and sensitiveness.

Many cases of nervous debility, or exhaustion, are the result of long continued malarial poisoning, diarrhea, Bright's disease, exhausting fevers or other debilitating affections. Numerous are the cases in which the patient is able to trace the origin of the malady back to an attack of influenza, or grip. An epidemic of the latter disease is sure to be followed by numerous cases of nervous prostration, or exhaustion.


In all cases, it is necessary to make careful examinations in order to detect any obscure chronic disease which may exist. In women, nervous prostration often develops without perceptible cause at the age of puberty or at the "change of life." Overwork, especially overwork combined with worry, are fruitful causes of nervous exhaustion in both sexes.


is always an exhausted nervous system. The nerve cells have been robbed of their vital forces. All the nutritive organs of the body suffer from the lack of nerve control, and the blood-vessels that supply the nerve centres are not in proper tone. Hence the supply of blood and the action of the heart are greatly interfered with. Many times, the most troublesome symptom, early in the disease, is an excessive perspiration of the hands and feet.


A badly nourished nervous system is irritable. Many of the symptoms of weakness and lack of nutrition resemble those found in congestion, or stimulation from excess of blood. Then, too, we find sometimes that poor, thin, watery blood, not suitable for nourishment although sent in large amount to the brain, does not properly nourish that organ. There will still be brain exhaustion, as the nervous structures have lost their power of absorbing the nutrient materials from the blood which, being poor in quality, does not vitalize and strengthen the nerve centres as it should. In such cases thought is an effort and sustained mental exertion is impossible; the memory is uncertain, and the patient drowsy. Occasionally, after rest, there may be flashes of brilliancy, but generally they are brief.


The patient often learns that a small amount of wine or spirits is a temporary aid, and sometimes its habitual use is begun in this way. Stimulants only make a bad matter worse when their use is continued for any considerable length of time. The sufferer becomes more and more dependent upon them and the nervous exhaustion is much aggravated as large quantities are taken to satisfy the morbid craving that has been acquired.

WAKEFULNESS, OR INSOMNIA, is present in many cases; in others, there is unusual drowsiness but sleep gives neither rest nor strength; often it is disturbed by dreams that exhaust the vitality and leave the patient more tired than when rest was sought.

HEADACHE is one of the most annoying symptoms and sometimes is very persistent. It may incapacitate the patient for the ordinary duties of life. After laying down awhile and being quiet, the headache may be relieved, but recurs on attempting to go about.

FRETFULNESS. Sometimes, owing to the discomfort experienced, there is likely to be a change of disposition, irritability of temper, fretfulness and peevishness; a tendency to an irascibility all out of proportion to the real provocation. In many cases there is dizziness, and frequently noises in the head, ringing in the ears, spots before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eyelids or eye muscles, and at times dimness of vision, or sudden spells when the sight is not satisfactory. At times there is a feeling of discomfort, as if the quantity of good air were not sufficient to aerate the blood, and there is sighing or a desire to sit in an open window, or a strong desire to be fanned. The pulse and temperature are usually normal, or a little below, but may rise if any local irritation exists. At times the face is flushed and at others pale. The skin may be dry, or in other cases bathed in perspiration on slight exertion or mental worry. When there is weakness of the nervous system, the disease manifests itself through various organs. Hence, the palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia or acute attacks of indigestion, with colicky pains and heaviness after meals, with eructations or belchings of gas, or local discomfort and unnatural action affecting, at different times, almost every organ of the body. It is well known that insanity may result from the loss of sleep and constant brooding over the symptoms that the patient fails to properly understand.


In no class of diseases is greater care, scientific knowledge and skill more necessary than in the treatment of nervous affections. Almost every case is a law unto itself, and must receive careful consideration, pains-taking advice and specially prescribed treatment suited to the peculiarities of the individual. Hereditary influences, causes of the disease and constitutional peculiarities of the patient must all be taken into account.


Only through extensive experience can the medical practitioner become expert at detecting and successfully meeting, by rational scientific and carefully adapted treatment, the many phases and complications incident to the different forms and stages of this very prevalent malady.

For more than a quarter of a century, the Specialists of the Invalids Hotel and Surgical Institute having charge of this department of practice, have been actively engaged battling with diseases of the nervous system. As a result of this long time and vast experience, they have naturally developed and thoroughly tested many valuable remedial agencies for the relief and cure of this class of sufferers. Many of these can be successfully prescribed and used at the patients' homes without a personal consultation; while others can only be brought into use at our Institution.


Many cases, especially when the exciting cause of the malady can be easily ascertained, as in spermatorrhea from self-abuse, or sexual excesses, or in women when arising from uterine affections, can be very successfully managed and cured at home. This is also true when the disease is due to the excessive use of tobacco, opium and other narcotics.


The patient has thought over his symptoms hundreds of times. The location of every discomfort has been carefully noted. These matters are stated with accuracy, common sense and good judgment when writing to us. The people are far more intelligent in these matters than physicians are generally willing to admit. A patient is often confused while being personally examined by a physician and gives imperfect or incorrect answers. After he has left the presence of the physician, he finds that he has failed to enumerate many of the most important symptoms. In consulting by letter, the patient is not embarrassed, states the exact symptoms and carefully reads over the letter, to see if it is a complete and accurate description of his sufferings. In this way he often conveys a much better idea of the case than if present in person, and subject to the most thorough questioning and "cross-examination." The timid lady and nervous young man write just as they feel and one reason why we have had such success in treating intricate and delicate diseases, is because we have obtained such true and natural statements of the cases from these letters, many of which are perfect pen pictures of disease. As bank tellers and cashiers, who daily handle large quantities of currency, can unmistakably detect spurious money by a glance at the engraving or touch of the paper, so the experienced physician, by his great familiarity with disease, becomes equally skilled in detecting the nature and extent of a chronic malady, from a written description of its symptoms. To aid the patient in giving a clear and intelligible history of his case we send, when requested, a very complete question blank.


A careful, microscopical examination and chemical analysis of the urine is a valuable aid in determining the nature of these diseases of the nervous system. This important fact is not overlooked at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, where experienced chemists are employed to make such examinations and report the result to the attending physicians. Persons consulting us and desiring to avail themselves of the advantages afforded by these examinations, can send a sample of their urine by express. The bottle should be thoroughly cleansed and should contain from two to four ounces of that first passed after arising in the morning. It should be carefully packed in saw-dust or paper and inclosed in a light wooden box. All express charges must be prepaid through and a complete history of the case, including the age and sex of the patient, should accompany every package, or it will receive no attention. This saves valuable time by directing the examination into the channels indicated and thus avoiding a lengthy series of experiments. As we are daily receiving numerous bottles of urine, every sample, to prevent confusion, should be labeled with the patient's name. By the postal regulations, all liquids are excluded from the mails, unless packed in accordance with our printed directions, which will be sent free on request being received for them.


not merely to palliate as is so often done by practitioners in dealing with these distressing maladies. We do not prescribe coca mixtures, whiskey, malt extracts, so-called celery compounds or other nerve stimulants, which only spur the already weakened nervous system on as a man would urge his jaded horse to renewed efforts when the animal should be refreshed by proper food and rest. Neither have we any faith, in lasting good resulting from prescribing such nerve sedatives as put the nerves to sleep and so, by simply blunting sensibility, delude the patient into the false belief that he is being benefited.

To effect a radical cure of the weakness, the nerve centres must be restored to a normal condition by improving the nutrition of the nerve cells. To do this the causes of the difficulty must be understood and any local weakness or disease of any organ, be it the liver, kidneys, lungs, stomach, rectum, bladder, or generative organs, must be understood, properly treated and overcome. The desire for alcoholic stimulants is a most common and dangerous tendency of the disease. To gratify the morbid appetite for stimulants is to do the patient lasting injury.


In some cases the nervous affection is the result of an impure, or impoverished, condition of the blood. In such cases the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery has, in the great majority of cases, resulted in an immediate benefit and gradually in a permanent restoration of the nerve centres to a normal condition. This remedy, particularly if assisted by the use of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, when constipation is present, unloads the liver, and their combined action tends to remove from the blood the poisons which it is the function of the liver to take from that fluid. The cells of the brain, after performing their function, throw into the blood certain poisonous materials which it is the function of the liver to remove. If this is not done, the cells become clogged, and can only be restored to a natural and healthful condition by increasing the activity of the liver. This treatment gives rise to an immediate improvement, and a continuance of the remedies results in a gradual toning up of the nervous system and relief from the unpleasant symptoms.


Many women suffer from nervous prostration, or exhaustion, owing to congestion of the uterus and ovaries, caused by over-indulgence; again by overwork, the strain of too many household cares, or too frequent childbirths. In these cases, the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is of the greatest benefit, tending to restore the uterus and ovaries to a normal condition. Its wonderful restorative effects, tonic and nerve invigorating properties, especially adapt it to the cure of these cases. Digestion and assimilation of food are promoted by its use. When the liver or blood is not in healthful condition, as previously referred to, the "Golden Medical Discovery" should be used in conjunction with the "Prescription." If menstruation be scanty, Dr. Pierce's Pellets will have a beneficial influence in increasing the flow, and overcoming the headache and congestion of internal organs that is the result of scanty menstruation, especially if their use be accompanied with full doses of Dr. Pierce's Compound Extract of Smart-Weed.


In the great majority of cases, when nervous prostration has made its appearance at intervals, with periods of prolonged good health intervening, but in which, as a rule, slight excesses, over-exertion or the attacks of some acute disease, produces a nervous exhaustion, we have found that local derangement is the cause of the whole trouble. This cause may often be readily removed and a perfect and permanent restoration of the health will follow.

IN MEN, we have often found a varicocele to be the cause of nervous prostration. In others rupture, or urethral stricture, sometimes of a character so mild as hardly to give serious inconvenience, has been the cause.

IN WOMEN,, ulceration of the uterus, stricture of the cervix, congestion or other diseases of the ovaries, such as cysts, abscesses, etc., inflammation of the Fallopian tubes, characterized with more or less periodical discomfort and attacks of leucorrhea, or "whites," are common causes.

In all cases in which the nervous disease depends upon local causes, we find that the relief of the local source of irritation, which tends to reduce the general health and interfere with perfect nervous tone, is all that is necessary to give the invalid a perfect restoration to health, vigor and activity. It is like removing the burden from a tired horse who has fallen prostrate under an excessive load. The removal of the burden puts the individual under a favorable condition for the immediate restoration to health and strength, and permanent relief is only a matter of a few days' or weeks' time, with appropriate nourishment and restorative nerve tonics.


affect different individuals according to their several susceptibilities. Some are able to withstand, with apparent impunity, an amount of these that can not be tolerated by others without great injury. No one, however, is wholly proof against these unwholesome agents which are in such common use. The sad results of their excessive use are seen in thousands of cases of shattered nerves and wasted vigor. The excessive use of tea and coffee is also a prolific cause of nervous affections.

Happily, we have now at our command remedies which exercise a most potent controlling influence over the acquired, morbid appetite for these narcotics and stimulants. Of course we have to depend, to some extent, upon the will power of the patient, but where this is not wholly lost, we have in all our later experience, been able to realize a degree of success which has been alike gratifying to both physician and patient.


Private institutions, well supplied with the numerous and costly aids to the work of the specialist treating nervous diseases, are now a recognized necessity. Physicians and sufferers alike appreciate this fact.

Public hospitals do not answer this purpose, owing to the fact that they are more especially intended for the alleviation of the sufferings of the poor, and the greater part of the work done is in affording relief from acute diseases and emergencies requiring surgical aid. Attention is thus detracted from delicate nervous affections and is almost wholly engrossed in caring for sufferers from other diseases and injuries. Besides, association with the charity cases that abound in such places and the evidences of suffering present on every hand, are enough to prevent all improvement in sensitive and sympathetic invalids.

Perfect equipment is an important part of the battle in the cure of nervous affections.


Electrical applications, to be beneficial, require, on the part of the attendant, a technical knowledge of the highest character with costly apparatus and special appliances. There can be little doubt that electricity is convertible into nerve force.

In treating cases in the Invalids' Hotel, a large variety of batteries, dynamos and other electrical appliances are brought into use. These consist of cell batteries, such as is illustrated by Fig. 4, dynamos, operated by power, Franklin, or static electrical machines illustrated in Fig. 5, and other electrical apparatus, the choice of the particular machine or battery being determined by the nature of the case.


Electricity, like other powerful agencies, in order to prove remedial must be used of proper strength and in proper quantity. The potential, or strength, as well as the volume, or amount, of current has to be carefully measured for that purpose. To accomplish this, we employ an instrument called a galvanometer, or amperemeter, illustrated in Fig. 6, which indicates the exact amount of current being applied. For the want of such instruments to measure the current, physicians often fail to get beneficial results, as they are not able to administer either the proper quantity or quality of current. Ofttimes, for like reasons, their hap-hazard way of employing this powerful agent does positive injury to the patient.

Of course, in treating cases at a distance, we cannot avail ourselves of all the great variety of apparatus brought into use at our Invalids Hotel, yet we have some forms of machines well adapted for home use, and so simple that, by sending plain printed directions with the machines, our patients are able to use them effectively without the aid of the physician. Especially is this true in the milder forms of nervous disease, and when great exactness and nicety of application is not so important. We show in Fig. 7 and Fig. 8, two forms of such batteries which are often furnished our patients for use at their homes. Many times, after cases are under treatment here for a while, we are able to educate them in the use of the battery so that by taking one of these home with them they can continue the treatment with good results after leaving the Institution.


The experience of Pasteur, Brown-Sequard, and our own specialists, in the use of extracts of nerve substance and of certain glands and organs by hypodermic or subcutaneous injection of these fluids, has, in a vast number of cases, been most gratifying to both physicians and patients. Many wonderful cures have thus been obtained. Injected subcutaneously these animal extracts are immediately assimilated and we are often able to stop, at once, the progress of disease and turn the tide towards recovery. Thus the cells receive the special stimulants upon which their life and activity depend.

The animal extracts employed in our Institution are all scientifically and carefully produced in our chemical laboratory under the direct supervision of an experienced chemist, and are believed to be superior in quality. They are turned out fresh, as wanted, which is important, as all such preparations, no matter how carefully made and put up, deteriorate with age.

These extracts are made from the glands and organs of the lower animals, as from the brain, spinal cord, heart, testicles, ovaries and some other organs and parts of bullocks, rabbits, guinea pigs and other animals. That they possess properties which exert most potent tonic, or invigorating, influences upon those organs and parts of the human system corresponding to the organs and parts of the lower animals from which they have been extracted, no longer admits of doubt. In cases of partial and even complete impotency, especially in elderly men, attended with nervous exhaustion, most astonishingly favorable results are obtained by our specialists through the administration of our extracts obtained from the nerve tissue of the spinal cord, associated with the use of the expressed juices from animal testes. We do not, however, prescribe these extracts to the exclusion of other well tested remedial agents, but do regard them, especially in the more confirmed and obstinate cases, as among our most positive curative agents.

We must confess that when first proclaimed by Brown-Sequard as Valuable remedial agents, we regarded the use of these extracts with good deal of skepticism, but experience is, after all, the best teacher and we were forced, after numerous successful tests, to admit their great efficacy. We have always endeavored to keep up with the vanguard of the army of medical reform, and so took early occasion to introduce these agents into our practice and made preparations to produce them in our laboratory.

From an article written by an eminent specialist in nervous diseases, and recently published in the New York Medical Journal, we extract the following:

"Organic beings possess the power of assimilating from the nutritious matters they absorb the peculiar pabulum which each organ of the body demands for the development and sustenance. The brain, for instance, selects that part which it requires, the heart the material necessary for its growth and preservation, and so on with the liver, the lungs, the muscles, and the various other organs of the body. No mistake is ever committed. The brain never takes liver nutriment, nor the liver brain nutriment; but each selects that which it requires. There are, however, diseased conditions of the various organs in which this power is lost or impaired, and, as a consequence, disturbance of function, or even death itself, is the result."

"Now, if we can obtain the peculiar matter that an organ of the body requires and inject it directly into the blood, we do away with the performance of many vital processes which are accomplished only by the expenditure of a large amount of vital force."

"Let us suppose a person suffering from an exhausted brain, the result of excessive brain-work. Three hearty meals are eaten every day, but, no matter how judiciously the food may be arranged, the condition continues. Now, if we inject into that person's blood a concentrated extract of the brain of a healthy animal, we supply at once the pabulum which the organ requires. Then, if under this treatment the morbid symptoms disappear, we are justified in concluding that we have successfully aided Nature in doing that which, unassisted, she could not accomplish."

"That is the system. I believe it is applicable not only to the brain, but to all the other organs of the body."

The writer of the above is, very probably, a little over sanguine in his opinion that the plan of treatment will prove efficacious in all organic diseases, but certainly, from our experience, we can endorse his belief as to its great efficacy in many forms of organic weakness, especially those of the generative organs, nervous system, heart and some other parts of the body. We believe that we are placing a conservative estimate upon the remedial value of these animal juices, or extracts, when we say that they are destined to fill an important place in the curative resources of the specialist in chronic diseases.

Under the head of epilepsy, also in connection with our consideration of locomotor ataxia, we shall have occasion to refer to the use of these extracts as applicable to the cure of those maladies.

Most cases of nervous diseases that come to us, for examination and treatment, do so after having tried, without success, treatment by baths, enforced seclusion, as well as unskillfully applied electrical treatment and massage. Prolonged medication has frequently aroused digestive disorders and made the patient hate the sight of the medicine bottle. In such cases our improved methods, as applied in the Institution and also prescribed for patients at a distance, enable our specialists to give relief and effect cures with a minimum of medicine. They also enable us to treat many cases of nervous diseases heretofore regarded as almost hopeless, such as locomotor ataxia, paralysis, epilepsy and spinal affections, with a degree of success which has been very gratifying alike to physicians and patients.

* * * * *


There is no ill to which flesh is heir that is the source of a greater degree of discomfort to the human race than headache. The farmer, housewife, banker, merchant and laborer seem to be equally prone to the affliction and all who suffer have a great number of days rendered uncomfortable and unhappy by the presence of this most unpleasant affection. Pain is the warning finger of disease—the threatening indication of coming trouble. In headache, we have an indication that the system is subjected to some strain or injurious impression. It may be that the eyes have been overworked or the brain unnaturally taxed; or that the nervous and physical systems have not been properly refreshed by sufficient sleep, and have used up the residue of reserve power. Many suffer from headache only after they have been subjected to sudden changes of temperature and have taken cold; others only when the bowels have become inactive, the liver torpid and the blood vitiated with retained poisons.

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