The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English
by R. V. Pierce
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In some cases, the digestive fluids are weak and fermentation results, giving rise to flatulency and belching. An antiseptic, which may be prepared by mixing a teaspoonful of hydrochloric acid with four ounces of water, of which a teaspoonful may be taken after each meal, will prove beneficial to check the fermentation and aid digestion. The addition of one or two drops of a mixture of one part of carbolic acid and six of glycerine, to the above solution of hydrochloric acid improves its antiseptic properties. Or, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will stop undue fermentation, and from its tonic and invigorating effect upon the lining membranes of the stomach will generally overcome the indigestion. Some people are afraid to take it, when suffering from indigestion, because it has a sweet taste. But the sweet is not saccharine, or sugar sweet, but an entirely different sweet principle which prevents fermentation instead of promoting it.

Acidity of the stomach and the attendant irritation may be allayed by the following mixture: Calcined magnesia, one drachm; refined sugar, one drachm; subnitrate of bismuth, one-half drachm; oil of cajeput, ten drops. The dose is half a teaspoonful an hour after every meal. Any dispensing druggist can put it up.

It is frequently difficult to prevent the patient from over-distending the stomach, and thus impairing the tone of the muscular coats and prolonging the process of digestion.

In consequence of debility, over-exertion, anxiety, or chronic inflammation of the stomach, there is not a proper secretion, in quantity or quality, of digestive solvents, and it matters not whether it be a deficiency of the fluids of the stomach, or of the intestines, or of the pancreas and liver, the result is indigestion. The question of what important agent is lacking, naturally presents itself to the physician. Is it pepsin, the active principle of the gastric juice, which converts proteids into peptone, that is wanting, or is there a deficiency of pancreatin? Of course the principle which is lacking should be supplied; but has the physician the remedial agents properly prepared, and ready for prescribing? The specialist, having more cases of dyspepsia to treat than the general practitioner, is more likely to have the latest and most approved remedies applicable to loss of appetite, indigestion, impoverished blood, imperfect assimilation, and all diseases arising from faulty nutrition. In ordinary practice, the physician's time is divided in his consideration of acute, chronic, surgical, and obstetrical cases; in fact, much of it is occupied in riding to reach his patients. His attention is continually diverted from one class of cases to another, effectually preventing investigation in any particular direction. His patronage does not warrant him in the outlay of time required for the investigation of particular diseases, and the expense necessary to obtain the latest and best remedial agents for their treatment. In the multiplicity of his cares and arduous duties by night and by day, obstinate chronic cases become an annoyance to him, and whenever he can be otherwise professionally employed, he avoids them, disliking to undertake their treatment.

With plenty of time for scientific investigation, ample facilities to meet the demands upon his skill, and each succeeding case presenting some new phase, the treatment becomes a matter of absorbing interest to the specialist, and each success inspires greater confidence. We not only use in the treatment of indigestion, solvent remedies, like pepsin, which act only upon proteids, but also other remedies of recent discovery, which exert a remarkable curative influence in diseases of the digestive organs.

The chemistry of digestion and of life is becoming better understood. Any of the free acids may serve to dissolve a precipitated phosphate; but it is only the investigating therapeutist and experienced practitioner who understands which of them is the most and which is the least efficacious. Alkalies may dissolve lithic deposits, but who, unless he be an experienced physician, can detect the fault of nutrition which leads to their formation, or rightly interpret the symptoms indicating it? These simple illustrations of the complications which attend dyspepsia, are mentioned merely to show that they must be anticipated and taken into account in the treatment.

The number of cases of dyspeptic invalids treated by the staff of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute within file past few years, is so large as scarcely to be credited by those unacquainted with the prevalence of this disease. For this reason we have taken unusual pains to investigate the causes of the disease, and have spared no expense to provide the most approved digestive solvents, and stomachic tonics, which invigorate the mucous membrane of the stomach, and materially assist in reducing the food to a liquid condition. Some of these, without being purgative, increase the activity of the liver, and stimulate the intestinal secretions, two very important indications which should be fulfilled by remedies which cause no real depression. The recent important discoveries made in obtaining the active principles from indigenous plants, has opened the way to the use of a few of the most important of these remedial agents, hitherto almost wholly unknown to the medical profession, and the encouraging results attending our practice have amply repaid us for the investigation and originality in our treatment of this affection.

A careful chemical and microscopical examination of the urine often discloses the actual morbid conditions which perpetuate this functional disease.


On account of the frequency and importance of chronic diarrhea, we deem it worthy of special consideration. It is frequently the sequel of the acute form of the affection. The urgent and severe symptoms of acute diarrhea are often abated, but the disease is not completely cured. The bowels are left in an irritable condition, perhaps in a state of chronic ulceration, which perpetuates morbid discharges.

The most noticeable symptom is the tendency to frequent and unhealthy discharges from the intestines. The evacuated matter varies much in appearance and character in different cases. The precise location of the morbid conditions which give rise to the discharges, as well as to their extent, modifies the color, consistency, and ingredients of the stools. Most frequently they are dark colored and of very offensive odor. They are of a more liquid character than is natural, except when, as is sometimes the case, periods of constipation alternate with periods of unnatural looseness. Tormina, or griping, is usually present, but not so severe as in the acute affection. Tenesmus, or straining, often accompanies it. The appetite is impaired, there is general debility, and the patient is nervous and irritable. The complexion becomes sallow, the skin dry and rough, the tongue dark colored, and the body emaciated.

The affection may be the sequel of neglected or badly treated acute diarrhea, may arise from the injudicious use of powerful purgative medicines, may result from dissipation, unwholesome food, bad air, absence of light, long continued exposure to dampness and cold, overwork, and extreme mental anxiety. Sometimes it is associated with other diseases, such as Bright's disease of the kidneys, scurvy, or some of the various forms of scrofulous disease.

The more prominent symptoms are so apparent and so characteristic that the most unskilled may be able to decide whether the patient has chronic diarrhea; but to determine in what portion of the intestinal canal the affection is chiefly seated, to decide upon the extent of its ravages, to ascertain what peculiar shade or type the affection has taken on, to investigate its complications and modifications, to ferret out its producing or aggravating causes, and above all, to nicely and skillfully adjust remedies to meet the depraved conditions, is by no means an easy task, even for the educated and experienced physician. It should be borne in mind that this is a dangerous malady, and one which should not be trifled with or neglected. Its tendency is to corrode and destroy the bowels, a process which if unchecked, must sooner or latter result in death. There is little tendency to spontaneous recovery, nor is a removal of the exciting cause often followed by recovery. The disease becomes so firmly seated, and the powers of life so debilitated, that nature cannot rally.

TREATMENT. A warm, salt bath, several times a week, taken at bed-time, is beneficial. Flannel should be worn next to the skin, and the sleeping-room should be warm and well ventilated.

As will be seen from testimonials hereinafter inserted, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery has achieved great success in curing chronic diarrhea. Its use should be persisted in for a considerable time to strengthen and tone up the bowels. To relieve the discharges, take Dr. Pierce's Compound Extract of Smart Weed, as needed from time to time.



This is what is ordinarily termed liver complaint, torpid liver, and bilious disorder.

Under this head may be considered all those chronic affections known as congestion, induration, and enlargement of the liver, and which result in deficient action, functional derangement, morbid secretion of bile, and various chronic affections.

SYMPTOMS. Owing to the liability of other organs to become diseased during the progress of chronic affections of the liver, great precision in diagnosis is required to determine, by the symptoms, the organ which is primarily diseased and those secondarily affected. This requires not only familiarity with the signs of a complicated disease, but also thorough anatomical knowledge of the diseased organ, of the morbid changes which occur in its structure, and their influence on its own functions, as well as on those of other organs.

The symptoms may differ according to the circumstances, temperament, sex, age, or constitution of the individual, and the complications of the disease. The local indications are fullness of the right side, thus denoting congestion of the liver; a dull, heavy pain, which is increased by pressure or by lying on the left side; a sense of fullness, weight, and oppression about the stomach; an aching in the right shoulder-blade; a dull, disagreeable pain in the shoulder-joint, which may extend down the arm, and which is sometimes felt in the wrist and joints of the hand Not unfrequently the complexion becomes pale and sallow, and there is puffiness under the eye, headache, a bitter taste in the mouth, tongue coated white or covered with a brown fur, and hardness of the gums; there is frequent sighing, a hacking cough, fever, restlessness, and loss of sleep; sometimes an unnatural, greasy appearance of the skin, at others, it is dry and harsh, has scaly or branny eruptions, pimples, dark blotches, and troublesome itching. The urine is frequently scanty and high-colored, but variable as to quantity and appearance; it often produces a scalding sensation when voided, and, if allowed to stand, deposits a sediment which sometimes contains albumen. The pulse is very slow, particularly when the elements of the bile are not eliminated from the blood. The pulsations of the heart are easily quickened, and palpitation is excited if the subject be low and anaemic. There is depression of spirits, and a decided tendency to be discouraged and despondent. The functional powers of the stomach are impaired; there is loss of appetite, or it becomes capricious; uneasiness is felt in the region of the stomach, oppression, sometimes nausea and water-brash, or there is indigestion, flatulency, and acid eructations; the bowels become irregular, usually constipated, and occasionally subject to obstinate diarrhea attended with colicky pains; the stools are of a light clay color, sometimes hard and dark, again thin and very offensive, and occasionally green or black. As the disease progresses, during the day the circulation is sluggish, the feet and hands are cold, but at night the pulse is accelerated, and a burning sensation is felt in the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet.

The foregoing symptoms are not all present in one case, nor are any two cases alike in every respect. They vary according to the organs most implicated in the hepatic derangement. Thus, when chronic inflammation of the liver is associated with heart disease, the subject may have palpitation, excessive or defective action of the heart, attended with more or less pain and shortness of breath. If the lungs be specially influenced, then, in addition to the ordinary hepatic symptoms, there may be a dry cough, asthma, hurried respiration, bronchitis, hoarseness, and pain in the chest. If the stomach be the sympathizing organ, the tongue is coated white or brown, there is nausea, loss of appetite, flatulency, acidity, dyspepsia, fullness, and oppression, amounting, sometimes, to pain in the stomach after taking food; the food ferments and gives rise to eructations and various other manifestations of disorder. If the bowels are morbidly influenced by this affection, there is constipation or diarrhea, griping pain, distension of the abdomen, piles, and pain just within the points of the hips, thus indicating irritation of The colon. If the brain or nervous system sensitively responds, there is headache, dizziness, disturbed sleep, depression of spirits, peevishness, capriciousness, lack of energy, irritability, and congestive symptoms. When the skin is involved the surface is dry, harsh, and scaly, displaying dark "moth-spots," blotches, or numerous little sores, and the countenance has a dull, tawny look. If the kidneys be disturbed by it, there may be pain and a sensation of weight in the back, while the urine may be scanty and high-colored, or abundant, pale, and limpid, frequently charged with sedimentary products of disease, and voided with difficulty. If the womb be implicated in this chronic affection, the menstrual function may be deranged, and result in an excessive or a deficient monthly flow, and be followed by profuse leucorrhea.

The preceding allusion to the complications of chronic inflammation of the liver shows the necessity of clearly distinguishing between the symptoms of this disorder and those reflected by the organs which sympathetically respond. To discriminate more effectually, and place the correctness of the diagnosis beyond doubt, we make a chemical and microscopical examination of the urine, and thereby detect the morbid products which it contains, and direct our attention to the diseased organs furnishing them. These examinations together with a complete history of the case, enable us to make a correct and definite diagnosis of the disease, and the extent to which it has affected the other organs.

Before entering upon the consideration of treatment, let us briefly enumerate the functions of the liver: First, it removes matter, which, if allowed to remain in the blood, would become noxious and unfit it for the further support of the body. Secondly, by secreting bile, it furnishes to the digestive organs a fluid which assists in converting the food into chyle, stimulates the intestine to action, and then is itself transformed and absorbed with the chylous products, after which it circulates with the blood and assists in nutrition until, becoming injurious and pernicious, it is re-secreted and re-elaborated to serve again, as described.

For its growth and nourishment, the liver is furnished with blood by the hepatic artery; but for the purpose of secretion and depuration, it is abundantly supplied with venous blood by the portal system, which is made up of veins from the spleen, stomach, pancreas, and intestines. This impure, venous blood, surcharged with biliary elements, which must be withdrawn from it, is freely poured into the minute network of this glandular organ. In a healthy condition of the liver, the carbonaceous elements of the blood are converted into sugar, and the constituents of the bile are liberated by the liver, and set apart for further duties. When it fails to eliminate these noxious elements from the blood, it is itself thoroughly vitiated by them.

TREATMENT. Food must be rich in carbon in order that it may build up the tissues and keep the body warm, but carbonic acid, the result of the combustion, must be removed from the blood, or death will ensue. So bile is necessary to digestion, nutrition, and life; yet, if it be not separated from the blood by the secreting action of the liver, it will as surely poison the system and destroy life as carbonic acid. Although the constituents of the bile exist in the blood, they must be removed in order that the blood may be rendered more fit to support the body, while the secreted bile is destined to assist in digestion, and the mysterious process of nutrition. Therefore, we should induce a secretion of bile, and restore the normal activity of the liver. This should be done, not by administering stimulants, but by relieving it of all contingent embarrassments as far as possible. Would any one think of giving to a weak, debilitated man large portions of brandy to enable him to work? Does not every one know that, when the unnatural stimulus is removed, he fails? Apply this principle in the treatment of the liver. When harsh, unnatural stimulants and "bile-driving" medicines are administered for a time and then withheld, the liver relapses into a more torpid and debilitated condition than before treatment was begun. Is not this true of nine-tenths of all who suffer from this malady, and have recourse to this class of remedies?

Then how can we remedially fulfill the preceding indications? We answer in the language of a distinguished author and standard medical writer, "by using a class of agents which should never be overlooked in the treatment of long-standing liver diseases, chiefly addressed to the blood and denominated 'alteratives.'"

Alteratives, tonics, and restorative catalytics are required not only in diseases of the liver, but in a large number of ailments in which the blood becomes charged with morbid materials. The active remedial properties of the most efficient agents of the above classes of medicine now known, are scientifically combined in the "Golden Medical Discovery," which acts especially upon the blood, and hence influences the system generally. It is also powerful in eliminating those morbid humors which are afterwards subjected to excretion through various organs.

Its action is radically different from most medicines employed in chronic diseases, for the reason, that what is usually prescribed, is something corrosive. Unless the disease be temporary, it may return with increased violence.

We have been very minute in the description of the remedial properties of the "Golden Medical Discovery," and have relied upon the reason and intelligence of our patrons, believing that they can, in a degree, understand why we deem it so applicable to the system. It does not debilitate the liver by over-stimulation, nor irritate the stomach and bowels by disturbing the delicate processes of digestion, neither does it act with severity upon the blood, but it operates so gently, insensibly, and yet with so much certainty, that it excites the surprise and admiration of the patient.

From the careful detail of its various properties, there is abundant reason for its favorable action upon all of the excretory organs, which co-operate in the removal of morbid materials from the system. If, however, the bowels are unusually sluggish or obstinately constipated, it is advisable, in conjunction with the "Golden Medical Discovery," to use the "Pleasant Pellets," which are also powerfully alterative, besides being mild and unirritating in their operation. They are the natural assistants of the "Discovery," working harmoniously together. They should be taken in small doses, and their use perseveringly followed, until the bowels are properly regulated by the use of the "Discovery" alone.

It has been customary to resort to powerful drastic cathartics, followed by bitters prepared in dilute alcohol. The habit is unscientific, for it is well known that alcohol deranges the functions of the digestive organs and depraves the blood, besides creating a morbid appetite. It has been repeatedly demonstrated that the use of such bitters has led to a life of drunkenness, with all the woe and untold misery which attend it.

Medicines to be strictly remedial, should exert a tonic influence upon all the vital processes. Those organs which are contiguous to the liver, or connected by sympathy with it, should be assisted in the performance of their functions. Persons who are habitually subject to "bilious" attacks are pleased to find that the use of the "Discovery" and "Pellets" furnishes immunity from such onsets, and prevents their usual recurrence. Thus these remedies are preventive as well as curative.

What we have thus far recommended for the treatment of this chronic affection is within the reach of every family. Patients laboring under this disease, when complicated with other affections, require special consideration and treatment, and all such are counseled to employ only those physicians whose experience and success entitle them to confidence. Health is one of the greatest of blessings, and how to restore it when lost, is a question of vital importance.

Having successfully treated thousands of invalids who have suffered from this chronic affection, we possess abundant evidence of the curability of the disease, but we have only space to publish a few letters from persons who have been under our care, or who have used our medicines, purchased from druggists.


Health depends very largely upon the regularity of the bowels. There should be proper alvine evacuations every day. There are few persons who have not suffered at some period of their lives from constipation of the bowels. Inattentive to the calls of nature, or a neglect to regularly attend to this important duty, sooner or later, produces disastrous results. Furthermore, it is essential to the comfort of every individual, for, when this function is not performed, there is derangement of the mental as well as of the bodily organs.

Constipation, or costiveness, as it is sometimes termed, is a functional derangement of the large intestine. This intestine is about five feet in length, and consists of the caecum, colon, and rectum. It serves as a temporary reservoir for the excrementitial residue of alimentary matter, and for the effete materials excreted by the glands contained in its mucous coats. It is distinguished as the large intestine, because of its great size.

Habitual constipation produces many derangements, resulting from sympathy, irritation, or mechanical obstruction. By referring to Figs. 4 and 9, the reader may observe the anatomical relations which the large intestine sustains to the other abdominal organs. The ascending colon arises in the caecum (Fig. 4), at the lower part of the abdomen, and passes over the kidney on the right side, where it begins a circuitous route around the abdominal cavity, comes in contact with the inferior surface of the liver, proceeds behind and below the large curvature of the stomach, emerges on the left side, and passes downward in front of the left kidney, where it dips into the pelvic cavity, and ends in the rectum.

If fecal matters are retained until they are decomposed, great injury follows, since the fluid portions are absorbed, conveyed into the blood, and, of necessity, corrupt it with their impurities. In this way, constipation may be the source of general derangement, but such disorder is seldom attributed to the torpid state of this intestine. There is little doubt but that it thereby imposes a great tax upon the functions of the liver, and, frequently, the fault is attributed to that organ instead of the large intestine. Sometimes the blood becomes so charged with fecal matter that its odor can be detected in the breath of the subject.

An overloaded condition of the large intestine may cause inflammation of the liver or dropsy of the abdomen. When the colon is distended, it becomes a mechanical impediment to the free circulation of the blood in other organs, and causes congestion of the portal system, predisposing to chronic inflammation or cirrhosis of the liver. This latter is a structural affection, and may, in turn, give rise to abdominal dropsy. In a word, the accumulation of feces in the colon irritates both the large and small intestines, thus causing congestion of the bowels, liver, or stomach.

The protracted presence of feculent matter deadens the sensibility of the intestine, so that great stimulation is required to provoke it to action. The contents become dry, solid, knotty, and hard, and very difficult to evacuate. If drastic, irritating physic be taken, only temporary relief is afforded, and it must be repeatedly resorted to, and the dose increased, to obtain the desired effect.

SYMPTOMS. One diagnostic symptom of a loaded state of the colon, is an abundant secretion of urine, as limpid as water. The direct symptoms relate to the hardness of the feces and the great difficulty of voiding them. The influence of constipation upon the functions of the liver, is indicated by the sympathy displayed between that organ and the mind. The patient manifests apprehension, mental depression, taciturnity, and melancholy, all indicative of hypochondriac dejection, induced by constipation.

We have treated patients, who, from this cause, had renounced their bright hopes, lost their buoyant spirits, and, becoming subject to superstitious fears, had given themselves up, night and day, to devotions and penance. It often happens that the victims of this deep dejection and morbid feeling of self-abasement, are persons not only of good moral character, but of high religious attainments, and their painful exhibitions of fear, distrust, and gloom, originate in physical rather than in spiritual causes. It is interesting to witness this strange perversion of the imagination, this morbid debasement of the religious faculties, and dejection of mind, due to causes disturbing the functions of the liver and other vital organs.

Young girls, as they approach the age of puberty, seem possessed with the idea that the unfrequent action of the bowels is a desirable habit. They do not associate with the duty a proper regard for health, but consider it as an inelegant and repugnant practice. The consequence is, that at this susceptible period, constipation, induced by neglect, arouses a latent hepatic or pulmonary disease which has been lurking in the system.

How many girls illustrate the truth of this statement by their complaints of dizziness, throbbing pain in the forehead and temples, flushing of the face, transient flushes of heat over the body, while at the same time the extremities are cold. At other times, they manifest the evils of such a course by their stupor, drowsiness, and deep sleep, although upon arising in the morning, they are still tired and unrefreshed.

The constipated condition of the bowels, often leads to congestion of the uterus and leucorrhea, followed by uterine debility, prolapsus, excessive menstruation, anteversion or retroversion of that organ. The infrequency of the habit, incorrectly supposed to be desirable by a young woman, becomes nearly, if not quite disastrous to all her desires and bright prospects. Complications arise, and neither the inexperienced girl nor her solicitous and afflicted parents know where to look for remedial aid. If they seek an asylum from these sufferings, they find many private institutions, where flattering expectations of speedy recovery are aroused. At such institutions, these uterine disorders are generally treated merely as local diseases, while the causes are overlooked, and, consequently, a permanent cure is not effected. Having spent nearly all the money at her command, the patient returns home utterly disheartened. After such failures, many of these unfortunate individuals have applied to us and received treatment, and by persistently following our directions, have in due time been restored to health, amid all the comforts of home, and among friends, who rejoiced with them in the unexpectedly favorable turn of affairs, accomplished at a comparatively trifling expense.

We have seen infants, and also young children, in whom constipation was obstinate. It therefore seems that it is often hereditary. In some persons, this affection continues from childhood, with but little variation, until bleeding pile tumors are developed. Habitual constipation of the bowels for a long period of years will generate a class of diseases, which are often very serious in their results.

CAUSES. We have already alluded to a sense of false modesty which prevents a response to the calls of nature, and we may mention other reasons, equally trifling, which deter many from fulfilling its demands. Some are in the habit of temporarily postponing their visits to the water closet, until, when they do go, they find themselves unable to evacuate the bowels. Sometimes the closet is a damp, uncomfortable out-house, situated at a distance from the dwelling, or the access is too public, and, hence, there is an unwillingness to visit it at the proper time. Some appear to be too indolent to attend to this duty. Others are too energetic, and think they cannot take the time, until they have finished some self-imposed task or attended to a pressing engagement.

Inactive life and sedentary occupations are also causes of constipation. Active exercise promotes all the bodily functions, and helps to regulate the bowels. Those who are engaged in literary pursuits, find that mental occupation determines the blood to the brain, thus drawing it from the extremities; the temperature falls below the natural standard, and there is almost invariably congestion of the bowels. The inmates of boarding-schools, factory girls, seamstresses, milliners, employes in manufacturing establishments, and all who sit and toil almost unremittingly twelve hours in the day, do not get sufficient exercise of all the muscles of the body, and are often troubled with obstinate constipation.

Food prepared according to the modern modes of cookery, is one of the causes which favors the developement of this derangement. People live too exclusively upon bolted wheat flour. The branny portion of a kernel of wheat consists of various nutritive elements, with more than five times the amount of phosphate of lime contained in fine bolted flour. Those who daily use boiled cracked wheat are not troubled by constipation. There is no dryness or hardness of the feces, and the bowels are evacuated without discomfort.

TREATMENT. Prevention is always better than cure; hence, a few hygienic directions may not be amiss. Do not disregard the intimations of nature, but promptly respond to her calls. If there is constipation, overcome it by establishing the habit of making daily efforts to effect a movement of the bowels. Taking regular exercise by walking, and lightly percussing or kneading the bowels for five minutes daily, help to increase their activity. The habit of early rising favors the natural action of the bowels. Drinking a glass of water on rising exerts a beneficial influence. The food should be such as will excite the mucous secretion of the large intestines, and arouse its muscles to action. For this purpose, there is no one article that excels coarsely-cracked boiled wheat. Graham bread, mush, cakes, gems, and all articles of diet made from unbolted wheat flour are valuable auxiliaries, and may be prepared to suit the taste. Take the meals at stated hours; be punctual in attendance, regular in eating, and thoroughly masticate your food. Irregularity in the intervals between eating, disturbs the functions of the intestine. The use of ripe fruits, such as apples, pears, grapes, figs, and prunes, in proper quantities, is sometimes very beneficial. Trivial or unimportant as these hygienic suggestions may appear, yet were they observed, constipation, as well as most of the diseases incident to it, would be obviated. A large proportion of the cases will yield to the foregoing hygienic treatment without the employment of medicines. Should it be necessary, however, to employ an aperient to relieve the constipation, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will act most congenially, and will be followed by no constipating reaction, which invariably occurs when drastic cathartics are employed. Its operation is mild, bringing about a healthy action by promoting the biliary and other secretions, thus aiding nature in establishing normal functional activity in the bowels. Recourse should be had to it before employing any thing more strongly cathartic. However, should it prove too mild in its aperient effects, small doses of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets may be employed daily to assist it. Unlike other cathartics, they produce a secondary tonic effect upon the bowels, which renders their influence more lasting than that of other purgatives. We cannot too strongly discourage the injurious custom which many people have of frequently scouring out their bowels with strong cathartics. It is a bad practice, and cannot fail to do injury. The greatest benefit is derived, not from cathartic doses, but from taking only one or two of the "Pellets" per day, or enough to keep the bowels regular, and continuing their use for several weeks, in connection with Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, strictly carrying out the hygienic treatment heretofore advised.

The medical treatment of individual cases sometimes involves many considerations relative to the particular circumstances and complications presented. The peculiar susceptibility of the constitution, as well as the diseases incident to constipation, must be taken into account. Symptomatic derangement should not be treated as primary, although it is by inexperienced physicians. If the patient be afflicted with uterine disease, piles, nervous affections, falling of the lower bowel, or fistula, they should be treated in connection with this disease. For these reasons, we would advise our readers to submit all complicated cases, or those that do not yield to the course heretofore advised, to a physician of large experience in the management of chronic diseases, and not assume the great responsibility and the dire consequences which are very liable to arise from the improper treatment of such cases. We have been called upon to treat thousands of cases of this troublesome affection, and as a result of our vast experience, and in consequence of our original and improved methods of diagnosis, it is not generally necessary that we should see and examine the patient in person. We can almost always determine the exact nature of the patient's malady, and its stage of advancement, without seeing the subject in person.


There are few maladies more common than this, and few which are more annoying. Piles consist of tumors formed within the rectum and about the anus, by dilatation of the hemorrhoidal veins and thickening of their walls. Sometimes, when attended by considerable inflammation, or when the attacks are very frequent, there is thickening of the adjacent cellular and mucous tissues.

There are two general forms of this disease, the external or blind piles, in which the tumors are outside the anus, and the internal or bleeding piles, in which the tumors are formed within the sphincters, although after their formation they may protrude. The external piles are commonly made up of thick tissues; upon one side, the skin forms the covering, while on the inner surface is the mucous membrane of the bowel. It is this surface which is most tender and irritable and liable to inflammation. The internal form of the disease is situated from a half an inch to two and a half inches above the sphincter muscle of the anus. The tumors are usually round, oval or cylindrical in form. They may be scattered over the surface of the bowel, or clustered together. The illustrations (Figs. 1 and 2) show the two forms of the disease. The two protruding tumors in Fig. 2, illustrate the usual form of prolapsing internal piles, whilst the one highest up in the bowel shows the form most commonly met with. It is seldom that one pile tumor is found alone, there usually being two or three, and sometimes as many as five or six, in a cluster. Fig. 3 shows the manner of distribution of the veins in the rectal region. The small venous loops, or bulb-like terminations of the veins H. i., are the points at which the piles most frequently occur.

CAUSES. Whatever tends to favor an undue accumulation of blood in the hemorrhoidal veins predisposes to piles. For this reason the affection is frequently a result of diseases of the heart and liver, which cause an obstruction in the circulation of the blood through the portal vein. Mechanical pressure from tumors in the abdomen, pregnancy, or an enlarged or misplaced uterus, is not infrequently a cause of the disease, by keeping the hemorrhoidal veins over-distended. Those diseases which provoke much straining, as stricture, inflammation or enlargement of the prostate gland, and stone in the bladder are also active causative agents. The most common cause of all, however, is constipation; and persons of indolent, sedentary and luxurious habits of life are the ones most frequently affected with this derangement. The following are also prolific causes of piles, viz.: pelvic tumors, violent horseback exercise, indigestion, pregnancy, habitual use of drastic cathartics, diarrhea, dysentery, sitting on heated cushions, long-continued standing posture, diseases of the liver, worms, the wearing of tight corsets, eating highly seasoned or indigestible food, and the use of alcoholic stimulants. No age is exempt from piles, nor is the disease peculiar to either sex. Aside from the serious inconvenience and pain which are experienced with most forms of piles, there is a tendency to fistula, and to cancer in the rectal region. It is important, therefore, that the disease should not be allowed to run on unchecked.

SYMPTOMS. The most common symptoms at first are slight uneasiness, such as a little soreness or itching at the verge of the anus, and at times lancinating pains. These sensations are more severe as a rule if the bowels are constipated. If the piles are external they frequently become inflamed, swollen and painful, and in some instances they suppurate, which usually results in relief. When internal piles have increased to any considerable extent, or have become inflamed, they produce not only itching at the extremity of the bowel, pain in the back, etc., but also a sensation of fullness in the rectum, as though some foreign body were present, and, on action of the bowels, there is a sensation as though a portion of the faeces had not been expelled. When the internal piles become large, they frequently come down with faecal matter from the bowel, as illustrated in Fig. 2, and this prolapsus becomes more and more marked with the progress of the disease, until, in many cases, the tumors are forced down at each action of the bowels, causing excruciating pain until they are properly replaced. Usually, in the early stages, they recede spontaneously; however, after a time it becomes necessary for the sufferer to press them back, but in some instances this is impossible. Frequently during the protrusion one of the hemorrhoidal veins gives away, and this is followed by a free escape of blood, and ulceration may ensue. Not infrequently with this disease the patient loses strength and flesh, and the face becomes pale and puffy, assuming a waxy appearance. Many times there is nausea, with vertigo. Is consequence of the relaxation, the bowel may descend when on the feet, or with some extra muscular effort, especially when stooping. These symptoms may not all be present in one person, and, indeed, sometimes are somewhat obscure; when such is the case, an examination by a competent physician will always determine the true character of the complaint at once.

TREATMENT. Notwithstanding the well established fact that piles are readily cured by the appropriate treatment, hundreds of thousands of people suffer untold tortures from them because of the popular impression that they cannot be cured. All cases are not, however, amenable to the same form of treatment, for various unhealthy conditions of the system are often concerned in their production and perpetuation, and must, of necessity, be remedied by appropriate treatment, before a cure of the piles can be expected. It will, therefore, become apparent that the avoidance of causes is of paramount importance. Some of these causes are external, and wholly under the control of the patient, while others depend upon diseases that are curable; it frequently happens that while other diseases are being remedied, the piles disappear Without any special attention.

Diseases of the urinary apparatus, as stricture of the urethra, enlargement of the prostate gland, and stone in the bladder, dysentery, diarrhea, and constipation,—all cause piles, by the irritation, and determination of blood, which they induce; these difficulties must be removed by appropriate treatment.

Some years since, we ascertained that we were using in our practice remedies which, in addition to other virtues, possessed a direct specific influence upon the vessels concerned in the formation of piles. These agents enter into the composition of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, which, consequently, will be found exceedingly efficacious in the treatment of this disease. This remedy, therefore, in removing the disease upon which the piles depend, as a congested or torpid liver, constipation, etc., and in exciting a direct curative control over the piles themselves, exerts a double influence. It may be aided, when the bowels are badly constipated, by the use of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, taken in the morning, to secure a regular and easy evacuation of the bowels each day. All stimulating food and alcoholic drinks should be abstained from. The cold bath is beneficial in these cases, provided there is not great debility. The affected parts should be bathed frequently with cold water, and, if prolapsus exists, it is well to inject a little cool water into the rectum, and allow it to remain a few minutes. As a soothing, astringing and healing application to the affected parts we prepare an Ointment that has acquired great fame for the prompt relief which it affords in all ordinary cases. This we do not sell through druggists but can send by mail, on receipt of price, $1.00 per large box, postage prepaid. The persistent use of this Ointment, at the same time keeping the bowels regular by the use of "Golden Medical Discovery," with an occasional laxative dose of "Pellets," will generally cure all ordinary cases of piles.

THE RADICAL CURE OF LARGE PILE TUMORS. In cases in which the tumors have become indurated and very large it is impossible to effect cures by the foregoing or any other medical treatment. Various methods have been in use by the profession for the relief of the most severe cases. The most common is excision with the knife or scissors. Reference to the large vessels, shown in Fig. 3, which are affected in this disease, will at once show the sufferer the dangers of this method. The sudden removal of a tumor, which is connected with one or more of the large hemorrhoidal veins, is sure to be followed by severe hemorrhage, and many times painful ulceration, and a fatal result. To avoid this it has been the practice of many physicians to apply caustics or to burn off the base of the tumors with a red-hot iron. A more barbarous and painful method could not be devised. When it is considered that in many cases, this severe and painful treatment is followed by ulceration, and occasionally by the developement of cancer, the matter should be carefully weighed before any such dangerous procedure is attempted. Another common method of treatment is to crush the base of the pile with a clamp, and then cut off the tumors with scissors. After this it is also necessary to apply the hot iron to prevent hemorrhage. Formerly, applications of nitric acid were in common use by physicians as a means of cure, but it was found that while this treatment would give temporary relief, yet in no severe case would it effect a cure. By what we term palliative treatment alone more cures are effected than by the old process of treatment with nitric acid. Still another form of treatment is strangulation of the pile by means of a ligature, and this is often more painful than the application of hot irons, inasmuch as in cutting off the return flow of blood from the piles, a large tumor is left for days fully distended and extremely painful. It does not slough off for a considerable time, and we have seen the strongest men suffer intensely, to whom the use of scissors in removing the tumors was a positive relief in comparison with the torture of the ligature. A treatment that has been highly recommended by some physicians and condemned by others, is the process of injection with carbolic acid. This method of treatment is not very painful but, unfortunately, it is dangerous. The injection of the tumors with a fluid which causes coagulation of the blood, and which does not completely shut off the return current of the circulation through the tumors, has proved fatal in a small percentage of cases. The clots which are formed by this treatment become detached and are carried into the general circulation and conveyed to the liver, lungs and even to the brain, where, by plugging up the vessels of those organs, they cause abscesses which terminate life. Serious inflammation of the veins is another accident which often follows the injection of carbolic acid. This treatment is, therefore, now seldom resorted to except by physicians who do not appreciate its dangers.

A MORE SUCCESSFUL METHOD. Fortunately for suffering humanity, a method of treatment has been perfected and thoroughly tested in our institution, in which all such trouble and danger as above described are avoided. This consists in bringing down the tumors, cleansing them and making application, of certain chemical preparations, that cause the tumors to speedily shrivel up, and in a very short time, say ten to fourteen days, disappear entirely. These treatments and applications cause no pain whatever, for by first applying a weak solution of cocaine to the parts they are speedily rendered entirely insensible, so that the most sensitive, nervous lady experiences not the slightest suffering from the application of our remedies.

Having now at our command means so positively certain in their action upon pile tumors, we do not hesitate to say that the very worst cases, no matter of how long standing, can be promptly cured, if we can only have the patient for a few days under our personal care. Considering the very distressing character of pile tumors, it is a great boon that we have at last found safe, painless, and positively certain means for their cure. The news will be hailed with joy by a large class of sufferers.

Probably no other discovery in modern science is destined to be the means of conferring greater blessings on a large class of sufferers than that of a painless and positive method of curing the largest pile tumors in the brief time required by our system of treating them.

It seems to us that there is no longer an excuse for any one to endure the tortures inflicted by pile tumors, provided the afflicted one can command the little time and moderate amount of means necessary to secure the treatment indicated. Piles are not only in and of themselves very painful and annoying, but often greatly aggravate and even cause other grave and painful affections, and should, therefore, not be neglected. When large, they never get well without proper treatment. We have seen many cases in which the long train of diverse and distressing symptoms caused by piles led the sufferer, and even the family physician, to suppose that other diseases existed, but all of which annoying symptoms were speedily dispelled by the cure of the piles. We have no doubt that neglected piles, fistulae, and other morbid conditions of the lower bowels, frequently degenerate into cancerous disease. We have the eminent authority of J. Hughes Bennett, of Edinburg, and many other close observers, for saying that benign or ordinary tumors often degenerate into real cancerous disease, and our own extensive observation convinces us that this is not infrequently a result of neglected rectal disease, as piles, fistulae and fissures. How important, then, to give prompt attention and skillful treatment to disease of these parts. When the ordinary palliative treatment, with ointments and with laxative agents to keep the bowels soluble, does not completely and perfectly subdue the malady, lose no time in securing the most skillful appliances, that every vestige of the affection may be promptly removed. We have treated many thousands of cases with uniform success, and our patients write to us expressing the greatest degree of satisfaction, and recommending our method most highly.

Reports of a few cases, selected at random from the large number which we have cured, are given below to illustrate our success in curing them.


This disease is more dangerous than piles, though, after once formed, not so painful. It sometimes commences with intense itching about the anus, accompanied with a little discharge; or the first symptom may be a painful abscess, like a boil, which finally breaks. The soreness then in a measure subsides, leaving a fistulous opening, with a continuous discharge of matter. This unnatural opening, with its constant drain upon the system, sooner or later is certain to ruin the health or develop consumption or other maladies, and destroy life.

Fistula in Ano may exist in three conditions: First, complete fistula—when the opening is continuous from the cavity of the rectum or bowel to the surface of the skin, so that liquids, gases, etc., escape; secondly, internal incomplete fistula, when the opening extends from the inside of the rectum into the tissues surrounding it, but not through the skin. A few cases of this kind exist, while the sufferers are unconscious of the nature of the difficulty, supposing it to be piles or some trouble—they know not what. Thirdly, external, incomplete fistula, when the opening extends through the skin into the tissues around the rectum, but does not enter the bowel.

Other complications, such as pendulous tits or projections, from one-fourth to one and a half inches in length, are attendant upon fistula. Two or more openings may appear in the skin, all communicating with the same sinus, or opening into the rectum. Sometimes only a small external opening is seen, while a large abscess exists internally. In any case, the discharge is not only reducing to the system, but it is disgusting and offensive.

CAUSES The causes are a constitutional predisposition, constipation, piles, or the presence of foreign bodies in the rectum, causing an abscess or ulcer. Some authors have contended that fistula always originates from an ulcer in the rectum, which gradually makes its way through the cellular tissue to the surface. Others contend that the cause of this disease consists in an abscess, which burrows in the tissues and makes its exit into the rectum, or through the skin, or both. No doubt it may originate in both ways. It can readily be seen that when an internal opening is once established, the foeces which enter into it must sooner or later work their way to the surface, burrowing through those parts which offer the least resistance, until a place of exit is reached.

DIAGNOSIS. The disease may be suspected, if there has been an abscess in the parts involved, or if the patient has been subject to pain in the rectum, and the parts are tender, tumid, or indurated. When the fistula opens externally, the linen will be moistened and soiled with pus, or a bloody fluid, and when the tract is large, the foeces may pass through it. A careful exploration with a probe, passed into the external opening while the finger is in the rectum, generally reveals the direction of the tract; but, sometimes, in consequence of the tortuous course of the canal, the probe cannot he made to follow it. When the fistula is incomplete, and opens internally, the probe is passed into the rectum and directed outwards, when it may be felt externally. In such cases, a tumor, caused by the contents of the fistula, may generally be seen protruding near the anus, and the pain will be considerably increased during defecation, by the foeces passing into it and disturbing its walls. The examination should be made with the greatest possible care, for it is attended with more or less pain.

TREATMENT. When constitutional derangement exists, it must be rectified, or any treatment will be liable to result in failure. The comfort of the patient may be greatly promoted by attention to the bowels, keeping their contents in a soluble condition, and the liver active, so as to prevent congestion of the rectum and adjacent structures. This can best be done by careful attention to hygiene, and the use of "Golden Medical Discovery" and "Pellets," in sufficient quantities to produce the above named effects.

A radical cure, however, cannot be accomplished except by surgical means, for which we have the knife, ligature, caustic, stimulating injections, etc., which may be varied to suit the emergency, but which should never be employed except by a competent surgeon. Constitutional conditions materially influence the cure, no matter what procedure is adopted; the greater the constitutional derangement and the poorer the general health, the longer is the cure delayed. The great secret of our success in treating this disease consists in applying appropriate constitutional treatment at the same time.

The use of the knife is becoming obsolete, and has, to a great extent, given way to other measures which are equally successful. Indeed, other means will succeed in cases in which the knife fails or is for any reason inapplicable. One great objection to the knife is not only the dread which patients entertain of it, but the great liability of its use to result in paralysis of the sphincters of the anus, the consequence of which is loss of control over the bowels; and another is that it sometimes entirely fails to result in cure. By the means which we employ, these objections are entirely overcome, and, while the general system is being renovated, the fistula is healed, without any complications.

Fistula is much more common than has generally been supposed. It is apt to be associated with pulmonary diseases. Heretofore, it has been supposed that to heal the fistula, during the progress of the lung affection, would result in fatal consequences, and the patient has been left to suffer and die under the combined influence, of the two diseases. Observation, based upon an extensive experience in the management of such diseases, has proved that supposition to be fallacious in every respect, and we would urge all persons afflicted with fistula to have the affliction cured, no matter what complications may exist. The fact underlying this erroneous opinion is, that when grave constitutional troubles have co-existed the use of the knife has resulted in failure, and the fistula has refused to heal.

Having had ample facilities for observing the relative merits of the various methods of treating this complaint, in hundreds of eases, in our own practice and that of others, we feel justified in saying that the plan which we have adopted is far superior to that in general use. The local treatment which we employ depends upon the nature of the fistula; in some instances the ligature is best, in others caustics, and again injection, etc., while still others require a combination of two or more methods, or a modification of them.

In cases in which it is impossible for the patient to come to our hotel for a radical and speedy cure of the fistula, we employ constitutional treatment, with, the use of a medicated crayon, which is similar in shape to a small slate pencil. This crayon is made of gelatine with the remedial agents thoroughly incorporated through it, and in an easily soluble form. They are very flexible and readily used, and where the fistulous track is sufficiently large to admit of their insertion, the most decided improvement invariable follows their application. One is oiled and gently introduced into the track every two or three days, and by its solution the unhealthy tissues which line the track are removed. They are thrown off, and a healthy action is induced. With careful constitutional treatment, decided improvement soon follows, and the discharge is gradually lessened. The most satisfactory improvement occurs in the general health and strength of the patient, and gradually the fistula closes. Sometimes it is necessary to pursue this course of treatment for many months, but the result obtained is sufficient reward for the trouble. A large percentage of cures follow this treatment, and we recommend it when it is impossible for the patient to leave home, or when the general health is greatly reduced by severe constitutional disease.

* * * * *


While we have a great cloud of witnesses testifying to the efficacy of our treatment of the diseases described in this volume, yet for lack of space we can here introduce only the few following:



Gentlemen—In the year 1889 I was taken with disease which the doctors called "liver complaint." I tried three different doctors. They did me no good. They tried about one year; I was not able to work for two years. At last I thought I would try Dr. Pierce's medicines, and I wrote to Dr. Pierce, and he wrote to me to take his "Golden Medical Discovery," and I bought two bottles, and when I took it, I saw it was improving me, and I got five more, and before I had taken all I was well, and I haven't felt the symptoms since. I had a continued hurting in my bowels for about two years. I feel as if the cure is worth thousands of dollars to me.

Yours truly, J.H. MAY, Potts' Station, Pope Co., Ark.



Dear Sirs—When first taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription I was nervous and would have sour stomach and distress after eating, and when I would rise after stooping over everything would turn dark before me and I would feel dizzy. I suffered a great deal of pain at each monthly period. I took one bottle and a half of the "Favorite Prescription," one teaspoonful three times a day, and the "Pellets" as directions called for. I gained in health and strength so rapidly that I have been able to work very hard the past summer, and my back never troubles me; and when I have my monthly periods I never feel the least bit of pain. In fact I consider myself in excellent health.

Very truly yours, MRS. INEZ V. CARR RANSOM, Panama, Chaut. Co., N.Y.



Gentlemen—I was taken sick with inflammation of the liver and could get no relief from the doctors of this place—Randolph, N.Y. I was induced to use Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, and "Pleasant Pellets," and after using five bottles of the medicine, I regained my health, and now I am a well man. I weighed 185 pounds before taken sick, and I was reduced to 135 pounds in sixty days' time. I suffered greatly from headache, pain in my right shoulder, poor appetite, constipation and a sleepy feeling all the time. My health is now very good, and I weigh 170 pounds, and I am able to do a good day's work without any trouble at all. Thanks to these valuable medicines.

Yours truly, THOMAS J. BENTLEY, Randolph, Catt. Co., N.Y.



Dear Sirs—I am enjoying excellent health. After taking a bottle of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and several bottles of "Pellets," I am a different person. Only weighed 119 pounds when I began taking your medicine, now weigh 160. My symptoms were pain under the left shoulder, distress after eating, headache, dizziness, constipation, and, in fact, my system was "out of sorts generally." I tell every one your medicine has done more for me than any other.

I remain, yours truly, MRS. CHARLES H. HART, San Ardo, Monterey Co., California.


Dear Sirs—After suffering for several years with nasal catarrh and liver complaint, and having become greatly reduced in health, as a last resort I placed myself in your hands for treatment. My improvement began almost immediately after entering your institution. I was enabled to leave at the end of one month, having experienced great benefit. The treatment was continued at home for a few months, after which my cure was complete. At the present time, I am able for office work, and feel that I am completely cured of the catarrh and have but little if any trouble with my liver. I shall lose no opportunity to recommend your institution or your medicines to the afflicted. I do most unhesitatingly recommend chronic sufferers to visit your institution or take your remedies at home.

Sincerely yours, WILLIAM KING, Rose Bud, Pope Co., Ills.


Dear Sirs—Some six years ago I was taken sick with chills; I would have a very bad chill and then I would begin to sweat and vomit; I had no appetite; I had the catarrh very bad; I had inward troubles of different kinds; my back ached all the time; I had sores gather and break inside; I had a lung trouble; I was very bad off; I could sit up only long enough to have my bed made; my husband sent for our family doctor; he came three times a week for three months; I was not so well at the end of three months as when he first came, but kept growing worse; he gave me up to die, and said I had consumption. I had heard of Dr. Pierce's medicines doing a good deal of good, so I made up my mind to try them. I sent and got one bottle of "Favorite Prescription" and one bottle of "Golden Medical Discovery"; also one bottle of "Pellets," and commenced taking them. In a few days I commenced to gain, and In two weeks' time I could sit up most all day, and in five weeks' time I could do my work with the help of two small girls. After taking four bottles of "Favorite Prescription," six bottles of "Discovery," and three of "Pellets," I was well enough to get along without any medicine. I can do a good day's work, and I owe my life to Dr. Pierce. With God's will and the use of Dr. Pierce's medicine I am still alive and well.

Yours respectfully, Mrs. CLARA A. RADEMAKER, Addison Point, Washington Co., Me.



Gentlemen—About two years ago I was confined to my bed for several weeks with liver complaint. I became dropsical, my limbs swelled to twice their usual size and I could scarcely move them. I commenced using Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery; one bottle helped me so I could sit up; two bottles gave me strength enough to be able to do part of my household work; six bottles cured me, and to-day I am enjoying good health. The "Medical Discovery" should be in every household, and in gratitude for what it has done for me I have recommended it to many friends. For nine years I have suffered from deafness, and while taking the "Discovery" my hearing became much improved.

Very truly yours, MRS. I.C. DENNIS, Burson. Calaveras Co., Cal.



Dear Sirs—In regard to my condition of health, will say, although I am not entirely well, yet I have received much and lasting good from your treatment. My digestion was improved greatly, so that little trouble is experienced after eating; my liver seems to act reasonable well, and my bowels are much better. My varicocele I consider entirely cured, as I have not used the bandage for one half day for more than six months, and do not experience any inconvenience from that source.

Yours truly, HARLAN HODGES, Keota, Keokuk Co., Is.


At the time the case was first submitted to us the bowels were moving six or eight times a day. In addition to the diarrhea, the patient had suffered from indigestion and womb trouble for eight years. There was almost continual pain from the top of the head to the hips and through the shoulders. There was weakness, soreness and numbness in the arms, hands, back and hips; the bladder was irritable, urine being passed frequently, or occasionally scanty, dark, thick, with a brick-dust deposit. There was a dragging sensation in the region of the womb. Menstruation was irregular, and she had frequent trembling spells lasting for hours. There was difficulty in fixing the attention, even for a sufficient length of time to write a brief letter. In fact, she was so weak and nervous she could scarcely write at all. Sleeplessness was a prominent feature of the case. The principal diet consisted of light bread and hot milk; could not use Graham bread. A course of special treatment was supplied to her about the first of January, 1890, but soon after commencing the treatment she had an attack of pneumonia. In due time the treatment was resumed, and then followed an attack of the epidemic influenza, or grip, so that, although the treatment was carried on at intervals during a year, there were but few occasions when our specialist had what he considered full control of the case. A year after the case was discharged the following communication was received:

February 15, 1893.


Gentlemen—I should have written sooner, but I waited to see if there would be any return of my old disease. After suffering over eight years with severe chronic diarrhea, you have cured me; I have had no return of it for over a year. It is with gratitude I write to you to tell you the great good you have done me, for I am sure I would have been in my grave before this had it not been for your treatment; My stomach troubles me very little any more. Occasionally I use a bottle of "Golden Medical Discovery" and a bottle of "Pellets." Hoping that the kind Father may spare your lives for many years to do good to suffering humanity,

I am, Very gratefully yours, MRS. R.S. GWIN, Peck's Run, Upshur Co., W. Va.



Received his first disability in the war; complains of getting very weak; bowels move only in three or tour days; stomach so painful that nothing passes through it digested; back so weak cannot sit up; had the first attack of dyspepsia fifteen years ago, and has spent hundreds of dollars trying to get well; kidneys badly affected, urine highly colored, and burns in passing; has pains around the heart and fluttering sensations at times, says: "I am not able to travel; all the doctors have given me up as beyond medical aid.

Reports after two months' treatment: "I am happy to say that I am almost well; suffer with no pain in my stomach after eating; my appetite is good; my bowels move once a day and very often twice a day, and the urine is natural; do not have that dizziness in the head any more: rest well at night and feel rested in the morning Have gained flesh all the time; weigh 178 pounds, and work every day on the farm. Have taken no medicine from any other physician, and give you and your medicine all the credit for the health I now enjoy. My wife has taken your "Golden Medical Discovery" for goitre (thick neck). She has taken it for about six weeks and she is getting better."

JOHN FLEENER, Brooklyn, Indiana.



Gentlemen—Your letter was received, and I am glad to say that I am perfectly well, and have been since I took your last medicine. I think I am better than I ever was, if such a thing could be. I am twenty pounds heavier than I ever was before, weighing 155 pounds. I have not had a pain or an ache since, for which fact I am thankful to you for looking after my case as promptly as you did, as, in looking over your catalogue of diseases, I thought that I had every thing ailing me that was in the book. I have told dozens if they were sick to call on you. With my best wishes, and hoping that all of your patients will receive as much benefit as I did, I remain,

Very truly yours, GEORGE R. KENYON Batavia, Ill.



Gentlemen—"A few of my symptoms were: Heartburn and fullness after eating, sometimes pain in my bowels, headache, poor appetite and bad taste in my mouth. At night I was feverish, with hot flushes over skin. After taking Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery I was relieved of all these symptoms, and I feel perfectly well to-day."

Very truly yours, J.P. MCADAMS, Elon College, North Carolina.



Gentlemen—Yours of July 12th to hand. I am only too glad to comply with your request. Having suffered for many years with a complication of diseases and feeling conscious that they were rapidly making serious inroads upon my constitution, and that I was speedily becoming unable and incapacitated to attend to my ordinary business. I resolved, after reading a number of testimonials from your patients, to place myself under your treatment at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute. With heart-felt gratitude I can truthfully say I am relieved of my trouble. I most cheerfully and earnestly recommend this Institution to all who are afflicted with chronic and painful diseases, no matter of what nature. During my stay there I saw some wonderful cures and surgical operations.

Yours truly, JOHN H. SMITH, Deckertown, Sussex Co., N.J.


Without solicitude or hope of pecuniary reward, with heart-felt gratitude and a desire to aid my fellow-man to health and happiness, allow me to state, that as an inmate for more than a month of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute at No. 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N.Y., I feel warranted in its highest recommendation. While there I saw and talked with a great number of people who came there as a last resort, to be cured of almost every chronic disease to which flesh is heir, and they were unanimous in their praise of the Institution and the skilled specialists who constitute its professional staff.

ANDREW HOLES, Moorhead, Minn.



Gentlemen—I take pleasure in informing you that the treatment you gave me for the relief of an affection of the spine and nervous system, disease of the digestive organs, kidneys and liver, has been entirely successful. I had feared that my health was gradually being undermined, prior to entering your institution, and I can testify to the perfect appointment that you have, the excellent apparatus for the administration of electrical and other massage treatment and baths. My relief was most satisfactory, and the cure has remained permanent.

I take pleasure in recommending your institution to the afflicted, believing that you have the very best treatment for chronic diseases known, and I have had an opportunity to satisfy myself, from conversation with other invalids in your Institution, of the care and skillful treatment that you administer, and its excellent effects. I believe that it is fully abreast of the times, and equal to any institution in the world. With many good wishes and thanks for my cure, I remain,

Yours truly, B.V. WRIGHT, Graniteville, Middlesex Co., Mass.




Dear Doctors—It is with the greatest pleasure that I add my own experience to that of the many that you have cured. I am now seventy-three years of age, and enjoy very good health for my years, and as you can see by the photograph I send you, time has dealt very considerately with me so far as my activity and enjoyment of life are concerned. To this I feel that in large measure my thanks are due to you, for eleven years ago when I was sixty-two years of age you treated the pile tumors so successfully. They had been the source of greatest discomfort. I think that they were caused first by chronic diarrhea, which had troubled me many years prior to their appearance. I was also afflicted with asthma, torpid liver and constipation. These conditions produced in time some pile tumors that were the source of much suffering, and seemed to continually annoy me. As is usual with such difficulties, I believe, I would be free from discomfort for a time, and then the piles would get sensitive and irritable, come down at stool, and gave rise to severe pain that seemed to affect my general health. The nervous symptoms that resulted from their presence were such as to lead me to fear that I would break down in health unless they were relieved. From information obtained from others who had been relieved at your hands, I applied to your institution, and can thankfully assert that the tumors were permanently cured, as it has been eleven years since your specialist treated me, and I have had no trouble of the kind, and for an old lady I am pretty well. I had such good treatment and nice care at your institution that I cannot express in my testimony the thanks that I owe you. Wishing you every success in the treatment of others, and that you may be able to relieve the sufferings of many hundreds as you have mine,

I remain. Very respectfully and thankfully yours, MRS. MOSES PLUMMER, Groton, Caledonia Co., Vt.



Gentlemen—Some twenty-five years since I was feeling very miserable all summer; I was very bilious; sometimes my bowels would not move once in sixty to seventy hours, and then almost impossible. I would take some bitters, which would help to move the matter, but as soon as the bitters were gone, I had to buy more or I would be as bad as before, and sometimes worse; but none of them appeared to do me any good except to move the bowels, until thirty years since a druggist called my attention to your "Golden Medical Discovery," and before I had taken half a bottle of the "Golden Medical Discovery," I felt much better, and by the time I had taken all, I could eat three hearty meals per day and had not felt so well for a long time. Soon after I was called to do a job some miles from home, and one night the old lady there was speaking about her daughter (Mrs. Brooks) who had been under the doctor's care for about five months and did not get any better, and I learned by asking a few questions that she had no appetite and no ambition to do anything. Then I told her what the "Golden Medical Discovery" had done for me. The next day the old lady drove down to her daughter's and got Mr. Brooks to send to Rutland, ten miles away, for two bottles of the "Golden Medical Discovery," and the next day when the doctor came and was about to take his leave, Mr. Brooks told the doctor he did not want him any more at present, and would send for him, if necessary. I saw the old lady about ten days later and her daughter was improving, and Mr. Brooks had great faith in the "Golden Medical Discovery," and had not sent for the doctor, but had gone to Rutland for more of the "Golden Medical Discovery." When I commenced taking the "Golden Medical Discovery" I thought I was going into consumption, as I had a cough for three years or more and my weight decreasing. My weight before taking the "Golden Medical Discovery" was 133 pounds; last March it was 147 pounds, and I give the credit to the "Discovery,"

GEORGE I. WILDER, East Wallingford, Rutland Co., Vt.



Gentlemen—I suffered greatly for thirteen years. Not one moment during that time had I rest from pain or weakness. I consulted six of our best physicians, taking medicines from each for a good long time. I became completely discouraged, as I had been many times before. A letter from the World's Dispensary Medical Association with questions to be answered, fell into my hands; these I carefully answered. As soon as a letter could go and come I received another saying I had the Liver Disease. I could hardly believe it, for it had never entered my mind that that was my trouble. I read the pamphlet sent me in the next mail, describing my feelings much better than I could myself. I accepted their advice, strictly followed it. I found complete relief in taking the "Golden Medical Discovery." For years I could not ride a mile nor walk to my nearest neighbor's without feeling worse for it, and most of the time could not go at all. The day this picture was taken I rode eighteen miles, walking up and down two long hills. To the afflicted and discouraged I would say consult the World's Dispensary Medical Association; accept their advice, strictly follow it, and if there be help for you I believe you will find it in so doing.

Respectfully yours, MRS. HELEN C. BOSWORTH, Money Creek, Houston Co., Minn.




Gentlemen—In reply to yours of the 7th instant, I would say that I can cheerfully recommend your medicines, as I have tried them and found them just as represented. I am enjoying splendid health at the present time.

Yours truly, STEPHEN OGDEN, Twin Mound, Douglas Co., Kansas.



Gentlemen—I have been troubled with dyspepsia and constipation for the last six years, and have tried all medicines that I could think of; and I got so low in health that I thought I would once more try the "Golden Medical Discovery" and Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. After taking it for three months I began to feel better, especially the gas and sour rising off my stomach at night. Formerly it was a terrible distressed feeling, could not rest nor sleep. I am very thankful to the World's Dispensary Medical Association, and thankful to God who put the great power in your medicine that cured me. I will say a good word for your medicines to all friends I meet. With many thanks, I remain,

Respectfully. Miss M.A. ELIZABETH HELFER, Moreton Farm, Monroe Co., N.Y.




Gentlemen—Having been in your Institution as a sufferer from two distinct chronic diseases of years' standing, and having been placed under the charge of your specialists, I was speedily relieved of my afflictions. The Invalids' Hotel is a place as much like home as it is possible for such an institution to be. The physicians and surgeons are all expert specialists and thoroughly efficient; the nurses are very competent, attentive and kind; and, in fact, the whole personnel of the Invalids' Hotel endeavor to do their best to make the patients feel like being at home. I always felt while there as if I was one of the family. I gladly recommend your Institution to all persons who are afflicted with any kind of chronic disease, for from my own experience I know the professional staff will do all which they promise to do. Please accept my thanks for the speedy benefits and perfect cure of my diseases, and I think your Institution is worthy of the highest endorsement.

Yours truly, WILLIAM HENKEL, No. 1917 Congress Street, St. Louis, Mo.



Gentlemen—Having suffered for a number of years with dyspepsia, torpid liver and general debility, and having tried several physicians with little or no benefit, I resolved, as a last resort, to consult your specialists at the World's Dispensary. Being advised by them to use Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, I did so, and after using several bottles, I feel entirely restored to health. Now, I take great pleasure in recommending your medicines to suffering humanity everywhere.

Yours very gratefully, REV. A.H. MEVS, Friar's Point, Coahoma Co., Mississippi.



Gentlemen—When I commenced taking "Golden Medical Discovery," I was suffering badly from "Liver Complaint." I had been out of health for three years. I suffered terribly from "heart-burn," had bad coat on tongue, and was often troubled with diarrhea. Three bottles of the "Discovery" cured me. Had I not commenced taking it when I did, I should have been dead long ago. You have my heartfelt gratitude for my cure.

Yours truly, JAMES GAUGHAN, Braidwood, Will Co., Ill.

P.S.—There are lots of people here whom I have recommended to use your Golden Medical Discovery," and each and every one says it is a good medicine. One woman in particular, told me she was getting better every day by the use of your medicines.




Gentlemen—I had a dead aching in my head and down the back of my neck and in my left ear, and my tongue was so stiff at night and dry, and I had no taste, or appetite to eat anything. I also had such a dead aching in the small of my back; it just felt as if I would break, and such aching between my hips. I had been having the "change of life," and if I worked hard I got a pain between my shoulders and a kind of aching in the abdomen. I doctored a good deal and never got any relief. I was very nervous. I took two bottles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and two of his "Favorite Prescription," and I am perfectly cured.

MRS. ELLEN TAYLOR, Clarion, Clarion Co., Pennsylvania.



Dear Sirs—I was a great sufferer from dyspepsia, and I had suffered so long that I was a wreck; life was rendered undesirable and it seemed death was near! but I came in contact with Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and "Pellets." I took twelve bottles of the "Discovery," and several bottles of the "Pellets," and followed the hygienic advice of Dr. Pierce, and I am happy to say it was indeed a cure, for life is worth living now. A thousand thanks for your treatment. I enclose my photo.

Yours respectfully, REV. CHAS. PROSSER, Mount Carmel, Northumberland Co. Pa.



Dear Sirs—It is with pleasure that I tell you what your "Discovery" has done for my mother. She was in poor health for a long time, coughing and weak, and thought she had consumption; she had such palpitation of the heart and could not rest at night because of the palpitation sometimes, and then the right arm pained her so at times that she hardly knew what to do; If we would put on hot applications, it would drive it to the heart, and the doctor did her no good; so finally, as a last resort, we happened to get hold of some of Dr. Pierce's pamphlets and were constrained to write to him and send a small bottle of urine for examination. He immediately wrote back, saying it was liver trouble, and to take the "Golden Medical Discovery" according to directions. She took it for two months, when the pain in her arm gradually left her and she could comb her own hair, and began to be more cheerful, for she was melancholy before. The palpitation grew less and less, and she rested at night, and is now doing her own work for a family of five, and is sixty-one years old.

I have taken delight in recommending to others this wonderful medicine for heart and liver trouble; she took a dozen bottles to effect the desired end.

Respectfully yours, Miss LU WINTER, Dakota, Winona Co., Minn.



Gentlemen—I had suffered so much for years from "Liver Complaint" that I did not care whether I got well or not, but my husband urged me to take your "Golden Medical Discovery." I had not had my courses for six months; after I had taken your medicine about two months, I was well.

When one of my daughters with a baby two weeks old was in so much pain that she could not rest day or night, I went to her as quickly as I could, and commenced giving her your "Favorite Prescription." The next morning the pains were all gone. She said, "oh, mother, I would have died if you had not come. I do feel so good." Your medicine makes people feel like they wanted to live. There is a woman at Verdi who had several children who died with consumption of the bowels and chronic diarrhea. She had another one who was going the same way. The doctor said it was bound to die. I went there and gave it five drops of Dr. Pierce's Extract of Smart-Weed, and increased the dose every time its bowels moved, until I got to a half teaspoonful. The next morning the child was almost well. That woman says I saved her baby's life.

I could write a week and not tell half the good your medicines have done through my hands. Two weeks ago, a young man at my house was taken with cholera morbus. He thought he was surely going to die, but as quickly as I could get some hot water, I put hot applications on his stomach and bowels, and gave him a few doses of your Extract of Smart-Weed. He got well immediately. MRS. MARY ISABELL FITZGERALD. Reno, Washoe Co., Nev.



Gentlemen—I was weak, nervous, dizzy, with a fainting sensation when walking; could not walk any distance, always feeling hungry but always felt bad; after eating felt as though my victuals were sticking in my throat; could not rest well at night; I was not well all winter. In 1891 took sick and quit work; in March doctored with three different doctors with very little benefit for a good deal over a year, then began taking your "Golden Medical Discovery." Took ten bottles of that, and one bottle of your "Pleasant Pellets," and steadily improved all the time I was taking your medicine and have worked all this summer; did not work for two years.

My case was liver disease and nervous dyspepsia of which your medicine has cured me, for which receive my sincere thanks.

Respectfully yours, ISRAEL RHUE, Morrisdale Mines, Clearfleld Co., Pa.



Gentlemen—From early childhood I have suffered from a sluggish liver with all the disorders accompanying such a condition. Doctors' prescriptions and patent medicines I have used in abundance; they only afforded temporary relief. I was recommended to try Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. I did so, taking three at night and two after dinner every day for two weeks. I then reduced the dose to one 'Pellet' every day and continued this practice for two months. I have in six months increased in solid flesh, twenty-six pounds. I am in better health than I have been since childhood. Drowsiness and unpleasant feelings after meals have completely disappeared.

Respectfully yours, U.S. Inspector of Immigration, Buffalo, N.Y. John H.M. Berry


DR. R.V. PIERCE, Buffalo, N.Y.:

Dear Sir—I enclose you my photograph as you requested; also, state that I have taken your "Pellets" and "Golden Medical Discovery" for chronic "liver complaint" attended with constipation of the bowels, and after using six bottles of "Discovery" and same of "Pellets," I am greatly benefited. You can use my name in advertising your medicines and I can warrant them to do all you claim for them.

Respectfully yours, Mrs. M.F. McDANIEL, Bee Branch, Van Buren Co., Ark.



Dear Sirs—Having suffered severely, for a long time, from a torpid liver, indigestion, constipation, nervousness and general debility, and finding no relief in my efforts to regain my health, I was induced to try your "Golden Medical Discovery" and "Pleasant Pellets."

Under this treatment I improved very much, and in a few months was able to attend to my professional duties.

I now feel very grateful for the benefits I have received from the use of your valuable medicines, and recommended them to many of my friends and neighbors.

Respectfully yours, J.F. HUDSON, Witcherville, Sebastian Co., Ark.



Gentlemen—After using five bottles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, four bottles of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, and about half-a-dozen packages of his "Pellets," I am convinced that I am thoroughly cured of that dread disease, known as dyspepsia, and other troublesome complaints.

Very sincerely yours, MISS HATTIE L. CHENEY, Sac City, Sac County, Iowa.



Gentlemen—Your kindness to me I can never forget, I cannot express half my feelings of gratefulness to you. I had despaired of ever getting well.

I had been in bad health twenty years—liver and kidneys, all out of order and aches all through me; numb hands and cold feet. Everything I ate distressed me, bowels constipated, was very nervous, depressed and despondent; in fact I can't express half my bad feelings to you. When I first wrote to you, I thought I would not live to get an answer from you.

I have taken twenty bottles of "Golden Medical Discovery" and "Pellets." My health is now very good. You have my honest recommendations to all sufferers.

Thankfully yours, MRS. REBECCA RAY, DeAnn, Hempstead Co., Ark.



Gentlemen—I was for years hardly able to go about. I suffered from liver and kidney trouble, six different Doctors treated me during that time but could do me no good. I give your "Medical Discovery" the praise for my cure.

Then, too, my wife had a bad case of Asthma which was cured by the use of that wonderful blood-purifier.

Yours truly, GEO. W. SWEENEY, Haydentown, Pa.



Gentlemen—I can truthfully say that I believe your "Golden Medical Discovery" saved my life. When I began your treatment two years ago, I had been given up by the Doctor, and my friends had lost all hope of my recovery. I had suffered for years with torpid liver; I had chronic pleurisy and catarrh in a very bad form, attended with hemorrhages—was confined to my bed two months. In a few days after beginning your medicine I could perceive a slight change for the better; in three months I felt almost like a new person.

Yours very gratefully, MRS. MAGGIE E. BRANSFORD, Williamsburg, W. Va.


MRS. J.A. MARTIN, of Cleburne, Texas, had not had good health since the birth of her child, eight years before; had a headache with burning and throbbing sensations; and a hurting in her stomach; there was a dead aching and gnawing or drawing of the stomach as she described it; sharp pain in the stomach extending to her right breast and shoulder. Weighed in health 125 pounds, but was reduced to 95 pounds; was weak; could scarcely walk at all, was sick at stomach a great deal; when her monthly sickness came on had much pain and the sickness of the stomach remained until menstruation stopped. She writes:


Gentlemen—"I have taken about six bottles of your 'Golden Medical Discovery' and 'Favorite Prescription,' and am glad to say that I feel better and stouter than I have felt in a long time. I can work all day now and not be tired at night. My head don't trouble me now. When I commenced the use of the medicine I weighed 89 pounds, and to-day I weigh 98 pounds. I feel better than I have for months."


DR. R.V. PIERCE, Buffalo, N.Y.:

Dear Sir—I was not able to do my work for nearly two years, and I tried four different doctors and grew worse all the time. Then I began on your medicine and took twelve bottles of "Golden Medical Discovery" and one of "Favorite Prescription," and am able to do my work and feel as well as I have felt in years. Physicians called my disease Dyspepsia and Consumption.

Respectfully yours, MRS. R. FERGUSON, Ink. Shannon Co., Mo.



Gentlemen—I suffered a great deal with headache and dizziness in my head and costiveness. My food would sour on my stomach and I would spit it up. I also suffered with my back a great deal; in fact, I was entirely broken down. Had different doctors but none seemed to do me any good and I began to take your medicine—the "Golden Medical Discovery."

I have been enjoying better health since I have taken your medicine than I had for years before. I have recommended it to my friends; I believe it to be the best medicine in the world. My sister has taken more of your medicine than I have; her husband has also taken it; she thinks there is no medicine in the world so good as Dr. Pierce's.

Yours truly, MRS. MAGGIE WICKLINE, Box 95, Pulaski City, Pulaski Co., Va.



Gentlemen—Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and "Favorite Prescription" cured me of dyspepsia after fifteen years' suffering. I doctored a great deal without receiving any benefit. About four years ago my attention was called to Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, which was highly recommended for dyspepsia and I used three bottles of "Prescription" and eight bottles of "Golden Medical Discovery," and they have done me more good than all other medicines I ever used.

Yours truly, MRS. ANGELINE STRAWDERMAN, Philippi, Barbour Co., W. Va.



Gentlemen—I was in bad health when I commenced your treatment; I was troubled with my stomach, and with shortness of breath. Everything I ate distressed me. I lost flesh and strength and became very nervous and despondent. I took eight bottles of "Golden Medical Discovery," and six bottles of "Pellets," and they cured me.

I would advise all suffering people to go under your treatment.

Respectfully yours, WRIGHT GOODWIN, Gaylord, Beaufort Co., N.C.



Gentlemen—Only those who have had dyspepsia in its worst forms know what it really can be. What such a case needs I have found in your kindly encouragement, and your "Golden Medical Discovery."

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