The General Conference of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ, at its session in May, 1886, ordered,—
"That a small hymnal, adapted to general church purposes, be published soon."
The General Conference of 1889 ordered the publication of a hymnal that should be fully adapted to the needs of our church. In compliance with these instructions, the publishing agent, Rev. W.J. Shuey, arranged for its issue. Rev. E.S. Lorenz, well and favorably known throughout the Church, was asked to edit it, and, with the assistance of a thoroughly competent committee, has accomplished his task. I have carefully examined it in every part, and cannot see where any improvement can be made. It is pre-eminently a United Brethren Hymn-Book, providing as it does for every phase of our characteristic church life. It combines the solidity and stateliness of the standard hymns of the ages, with the life and sprightliness of the modern gospel song. The most recent songs are here for the young people, while the older members of the Church will hail with delight the reappearance of old songs dear to the hearts of many of us, because they are precious and good, and because our mothers sang them. Meeting every need of the public service, revival and social meetings, the Sunday-school, and the family, I can most cheerfully recommend this collection of hymns to our people, and trust that it will speedily be permitted to bring its help and blessing into every United Brethren church in our broad land, and beyond the seas, and that it will prove one of the many tender ties that unite our widely scattered members.
A. WEAVER, Senior Bishop. DAYTON, OHIO, April 9, 1890.
To he useful, a hymnal must express the peculiar type of Christian life characterizing the denomination it is to serve. The Church of the United Brethren in Christ emphasizes the necessity of Christian experience—experimental religion, the fathers would have phrased it—and recognises revival effort as the characteristic phase of its church activity; hence, its hymnal must furnish ample expression for its full and varied Christian experience and large facilities for revival work. In attempting to do this, the other phases of church life, which it has in common with other denominations, have not been forgotten or ignored, and it is hoped this collection of hymns and songs will be found as full and symmetrical as the church life it seeks to express.
In order to meet the needs of the many stages of literary and musical culture, hymns and tunes of the highest artistic merit stand side by side with songs whose practical value and spiritual purpose must atone for lack of literary and musical grace.
Doubtless many favorites will be missed from these pages, but the body of popular sacred songs is so large and rich that it was impossible to include everything desirable in so small a volume.
To the many brethren, whose number makes personal mention impossible, who kindly responded to a call for suggestions and advice, the thanks of the editor are due. While all could not be accepted, they have been very helpful, and have had large influence in giving character to the book. The valuable assistance furnished by the Advisory Committee deserves most kindly and hearty recognition. The owners of the many valuable copyright songs, in connection with which their names severally appear, will accept thanks for the kindness which so greatly enriches these pages.
That this volume will prove an effective instrument in the hands of the workers of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ for the accomplishment of great and lasting good, and bring to many hearts the same comfort and joy which its preparation brought to that of the editor, is his earnest hope and prayer. E.S.L.
DAYTON OHIO, April 15, 1890. (Otterbein Hymnal.)
WORSHIP: NOS. General Praise 1-29 Sanctuary 30-42 Sabbath Day 43-51 Morning and Evening 52-61 HOLY SCRIPTURES 62-71 GOD, BEING AND ATTRIBUTES 72-93 CHRIST: Incarnation and Birth 91-103 Life and Character 104-116 Suffering and Death 117-140 Resurrection and Ascension 141-153 Exaltation and Reign 154-163 HOLY SPIRIT 164-177 MAN'S LOST ESTATE: Man a Sinner 178-185 Atonement Provided 186-201 Invitation 202-225 Warning 226-231 Repentance 232-241 THE CHRISTIAN LIFE: Conversion 242-255 Consecration 256-285 Love and Praise to Christ 286-329 Graces and Privileges 330-354 Faith and Trust 355-378 Affliction 379-383 Prayer 384-399 Christian Activity 400-422 Christian Warfare 423-433 THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH: Security and Success 434-444 Missions 445-459 Ministry 460-465 Church Fellowship 466-473 Ordinances 474-483 THE LIFE BEYOND: Death 484-505 Judgment 506-509 Eternity and Heaven 510-531 MISCELLANEOUS 532-548
1 Gloria Patri.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, and to the Holy Ghost, As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end, world without end. Amen.
2 Gloria Patri.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
3 Old Hundred. L.M.
Psalm 100. (1)
Before Jehovah's awful throne, Ye nations, bow with sacred joy; Know that the Lord is God alone; He can create, and he destroy.
2 His sovereign power, without our aid, Made us of clay, and formed us men; And when like wandering sheep we strayed, He brought us to his fold again.
3 We are his people, we his care— Our souls, and all our mortal frame; What lasting honors shall we rear, Almighty Maker, to thy name?
4 We'll crowd thy gates with thankful songs, High as the heavens our voices raise; And earth, with her ten thousand tongues, Shall fill thy courts with sounding praise.
5 Wide as the world is thy command; Vast as eternity thy love; Firm as a rock thy truth shall stand, When rolling years shall cease to move.
Isaac Watts.
4 Old Hundred. L.M.
All Men Invited to Praise God. (3)
From all that dwell below the skies Let the Creator's praise arise; Let the Redeemer's name be sung, Through every land, by every tongue.
2 Eternal are thy mercies, Lord; Eternal truth attends thy word; Thy praise shall sound from shore to shore, Till suns shall rise and set no more.
3 Your lofty themes, ye mortals, bring, In songs of praise divinely sing: The great salvation loud proclaim, And shout for joy the Savior's name.
4 In every land begin the song; To every land the strains belong; In cheerful sounds all voices raise, And till the world with loudest praise.
Isaac Watts, 1713.
5 Old Hundred. L.M.
Psalm 103. (6)
Awake, my soul, awake my tongue, My God demands the grateful song; Let all my inmost powers record The wondrous mercy of the Lord.
2 Divinely free his mercy flows, Forgives my sins, allays my woes, And bids approaching death remove, And crowns me with indulgent love.
3 His mercy, with unchanging rays, Forever shines, while time decays; And children's children shall record The truth and goodness of the Lord.
4 While all his works his praise proclaim And men and angels bless his name, Oh, let my heart, my life, my tongue Attend, and join the blissful song!
Anne Steele, 1760.
6 Old Hundred. L.M.
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise him, all creatures here below; Praise him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
Thos. Ken.
7 Lord of All Being. L.M.
Omnipresence. (17)
Lord of all being! throned afar, Thy glory flames from sun and star; Center and soul of ev'ry sphere, Yet to each loving heart how near!
2 Sun of our life! thy quick'ning ray Sheds on our path the glow of day; Star of our hope! thy softened light Cheers the long watches of the night.
3 Our midnight is thy smile withdrawn; Our noontide is thy gracious dawn; Our rainbow arch thy mercy's sign; All, save the clouds of sin, are thine.
4 Grant us thy truth to make us free, And kindling hearts that burnt for thee, Till all thy living altars claim One holy light, one heavenly flame.
Oliver Wendell Holmes, 1848.
8 Duke Street. L.M.
The Majesty of God. (7)
Come, oh, my soul, in sacred lays, Attempt thy great Creator's praise; But oh! what tongue can speak his fame? What mortal verse can reach the theme?
2 Enthroned amidst the radiant spheres, He glory like a garment wears; To form a robe of light divine, Ten thousand suns around him shine.
3 In all our Master's grand designs, Omnipotence with wisdom shines; His works, through all this wondrous frame, Bear the great impress of his name.
4 Raised on Devotion's lofty wing, Do thou, my soul! his glories sing; And let his praise employ thy tongue, Till listening worlds applaud the song.
Thomas Blacklock, 1754.
9 Rockingham. L.M.
Life-long Praise. (12)
God of my life! through all my days My grateful powers shall sound my praise; The song shall wake with opening light, And warble to the silent night.
2 When anxious cares would break my rest, And griefs would tear my throbbing breast, Thy tuneful praises, raised on high, Shall check the murmur and the sigh.
3 When death o'er nature shall prevail, And all its powers of language fail, Joy thro' my swimming eyes shall break, And mean the thanks I cannot speak.
4 Soon shall I learn th' exalted strains, Which echo o'er the heavenly plains, And emulate, with joy unknown, The growing seraphs round thy throne.
Philip Doddridge, 1740.
10 Rockingham. L.M.
Psalm 106. (15)
Oh, render thanks to God above, The fountain of eternal love; Whose mercy firm, through ages past, Hath stood, and shall forever last.
2 Who can his mighty deeds express, Not only vast—but numberless? What mortal eloquence can raise His tribute of immortal praise?
3 Extend to me that favor, Lord, Thou to thy chosen dost afford; When thou return'st to set them free. Let thy salvation visit me.
11 Rockingham. L.M.
God Revealed in Christ. (600)
Now to the Lord, a noble song! Awake, my soul! awake, my tongue, Hosanna to th' eternal name, And all his boundless love proclaim.
2 See where it shines in Jesus' face,— The brightest image of his grace! God, in the person of his Son, Has all his mightiest works outdone.
3 Grace!—'tis a sweet, a charming theme; My thoughts rejoice at Jesus' name: Ye angels! dwell upon the sound; Ye heavens! reflect it to the ground.
4 Oh! may I live to reach the place, Where he unveils his lovely face, Where all his beauties you behold, And sing his name to harps of gold.
Isaac Watts, 1707.
12 Rockingham. L.M.
Unceasing Praise. (13)
My God! my King! thy various praise Shall fill the remnant of my days; Thy grace employ my humble tongue, Till death and glory raise the song.
2 The wings of every hour shall bear Some thankful tribute to thine ear; And every setting sun shall see New works of duty, done for thee.
3 But who can speak thy wondrous deeds? Thy greatness all our thoughts exceeds; Vast and unsearchable thy ways— Vast and immortal be thy praise.
Isaac Watts, 1719.
13 Otterbein. L.M.
Psalm 95. (4)
Oh, come, loud anthems let us sing, Loud thanks to our Almighty King! For we our voices high should raise, When our salvation's Rock we praise.
2 Into his presence let us haste, To thank him for his favors past; To him address, in joyful songs, The praise that to his name belongs.
3 Oh, let us to his courts repair, And bow with adoration there; Down on our knees, devoutly, all Before the Lord, our Maker, fall.
Nahum Tate, 1696.
14 Park Street. L.M.
Joining in Praise. (75)
Sweet is the work, my God! my King! To praise thy name, give thanks and sing; To show thy love by morning light, And talk of all thy truth at night.
2 Sweet is the day of sacred rest; No mortal care shall seize my breast; O may my heart in tune be found, Like David's harp of solemn sound.
3 My heart shall triumph in the Lord, And bless his works, and bless his word; Thy works of grace, how bright they shine! How deep thy counsels! how divine!
Isaac Watts.
15 Harvey's Chant. C. M.
The Goodness of God in His Works. (26)
Hail! great Creator, wise and good! To thee our songs we raise; Nature, through all her various scenes, Invites us to thy praise.
2 At morning, noon, and evening mild, Fresh wonders strike our view; And, while we gaze, our hearts exult With transports ever new.
3 Thy glory beams in every star, Which gilds the gloom of night; And decks the smiling face of morn With rays of cheerful light.
4 And while, in all thy wondrous ways, Thy varied love we see; Oh, may our hearts, great God, be led Through all thy works to thee.
Anon. 1795.
16 Harvey's Chant. C.M.
Praise at all Times. (27)
My soul shall praise thee, O my God Through all my mortal days, And in eternity prolong Thy vast, thy boundless praise.
2 In every smiling, happy hour, Be this my sweet employ; Thy praise refines my earthly bliss, And heightens all my joy.
3 When anxious grief and gloomy care Afflict my throbbing breast, My tongue shall learn to speak thy praise, And lull each pain to rest.
4 Nor shall my tongue alone proclaim The honors of my God; My life, with all its active powers, Shall spread thy praise abroad.
5 And when these lips shall cease to move, When death shall close these eyes, My soul shall then to nobler heights Of joy and transport rise.
O. Heigenbotham.
17 Harvey's Chant. C.M.
Psalm 66. (24)
Lift up to God the voice of praise, Whose breath our souls inspired; Loud, and more loud the anthem raise, With grateful ardor fired.
2 Lift up to God the voice of praise, Whose goodness, passing thought, Loads every minute as it flies, With benefits unsought.
3 Lift up to God the voice of praise From whom salvation flows, Who sent his Son, our souls to save From everlasting woes.
4 Lift up to God the voice of praise, For hope's transporting ray, Which lights, through darkest shades of death, To realms of endless day.
Ralph Wardlaw, 1803.
18 Nicaea 11s, 12s, & 10s.
Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty! Early in the morning our song shall rise to thee; Holy, holy, holy! merciful and mighty! God over all and blest eternally.
2 Holy, holy, holy! all saints adore thee, Casting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea; Cherubim and seraphim falling down before thee, Who wast, and art, and evermore shall be.
3 Holy, holy, holy! tho' the darkness hide thee, Though the eye of sinful man thy glory may not see; Only thou art holy, there is none beside thee; Perfect in power, in love, and purity.
4 Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty! All thy works shall praise thy name in earth, and sky, and sea; Holy, holy, holy, merciful and mighty! God over all, and blest eternally.
Reginald Heber—alt.
19 Nicaea 11s, 12s, & 10s.
Psalm 95. (18)
Sing to the Lord Jehovah's name, And in his strength rejoice; When his salvation is our theme, Exalted be our voice.
2 With thanks approach his awful sight, And psalms of honor sing; The Lord's a God of boundless might— The whole creation's King.
3 Come, and with humble souls adore; Come, kneel before his face; Oh, may the creatures of his power Be children of his grace.
4 Now is the time—he bends his ear, And waits for your request; Come, lest he rouse his wrath, and swear, "Ye shall not see my rest."
Isaac Watts, 1719.
20 St. Thomas. S.M.
Bless the Lord. (29)
Oh, bless the Lord, my soul! Let all within me join, And aid my tongue to bless his name, Whose favors are divine.
2 Oh, bless the Lord, my soul, Nor let his mercies lie Forgotten in unthankfulness, And without praises die.
3 'Tis he forgives thy sins— 'Tis he relieves thy pain— 'Tis he that heals thy sicknesses, And gives thee strength again.
4 He crowns thy life with love, When ransomed from the grave; He who redeemed my soul from hell, Hath sovereign power to save.
Isaac Watts.
21 Silver Street. S.M.
Psalm 103. (34)
Come, sound his praise abroad, And hymns of glory sing; Jehovah is the sov'reign God, The universal king.
2 He formed the deeps unknown; He gave the seas their bound; The watery worlds are all his own, And all the solid ground.
3 Come, worship at his throne; Come, bow before the Lord; We are his works, and not our own; He formed us by his word.
4 To-day attend his voice, Nor dare provoke his rod; Come, like the people of his choice, And own your gracious God.
Isaac Watts, 1719.
22 Gates of Praise.
Gates of Praise.
Lift up the Gates of Praise, That we may enter in, And o'er salvation's walls proclaim That Christ redeems from sin.
Cho.—The stars may praise the hand That decks the sky above, But man alone can tell the pow'r Of Christ's redeeming love.
2 God's works reveal his might, His majesty and grace; But not the tender Father's love That saves a dying race.
3 Then let the voice of praise To heavenly courts ascend, Till with the songs the angels sing Our hallelujahs blend.
4 To him that hath redeemed Our souls from sin's dark maze; The Hope and Savior of mankind, Be everlasting praise.
M. E. Servoss.
23 Leighton. S.M.
Exhortation to Praise. (32)
Stand up, and bless the Lord, Ye people of his choice! Stand up, and bless the Lord, your God,. With heart, and soul, and voice.
2 Though high above all praise, Above all blessing high, Who would not fear his holy name, And laud and magnify?
3 Oh, for the living flame From his own altar brought, To touch our lips, our minds inspire, And wing to heaven our thought!
4 God is our strength and song, And his salvation ours; Then be his love in Christ proclaimed, With all our ransomed powers.
James Montgomery, 1825.
24 Wilmot. 8s & 7s.
Psalm 148. (53)
Praise the Lord, ye heavens! adore him; Praise him, angels in the height! Sun and moon! rejoice before him; Praise him, all ye stars of light!
2 Praise the Lord, for he hath spoken; Worlds his mighty voice obeyed; Laws, which never shall be broken, For their guidance he hath made.
3 Praise the Lord, for he is glorious; Never shall his promise fail; God hath made his saints victorious; Sin and death shall not prevail.
4 Praise the God of our salvation, Hosts on high! his power proclaim Heaven and earth, and all creation! Laud and magnify his name.
John Kempthorne, 1810.
25 Horton. 7s.
Psalm 107. (50)
Thank and praise Jehovah's name; For his mercies, firm and sure, From eternity the same To eternity endure.
2 Let the ransomed thus rejoice, Gathered out of every land; As the people of his choice, Plucked from the destroyer's hand.
3 Praise him, ye who know his love; Praise him from the depths beneath; Praise him in the heights above; Praise your Maker all that breathe.
4 For his truth and mercy stand, Past, and present, and to be, Like the years of his right hand— Like his own eternity.
James Montgomery, 1822.
26 Hallelujah! 8s & 7s.
Praise the Lord.
Hallelujah! song of gladness; Song of everlasting joy; Hallelujah! song the sweetest That can angel hosts employ.
Cho.—Praise ye the Lord! sing Hallelujah! Praise ye the Lord! sing Hallelujah! Praise ye the Lord! sing Hallelujah! Praise ye the Lord!
2 Hallelujah! Church victorious, Thou mayst lift this joyful strain; Hallelujah! songs of triumph, Well befit the ransomed train.
3 Hallelujah! let our voices Rise to heav'n with full accord; Hallelujah! ev'ry moment Brings us nearer to the Lord.
4 But our earnest supplication, Holy God, we raise to thee; Bring us to thy blissful presence. Let us all thy glory see.
27 Let Us Praise Him To-day. 8s & 7s.
The Universal Song.
Praise to thee, thou great Creator! Praise to thee from ev'ry tongue; Join, my soul, with ev'ry creature, Join the universal song.
Cho.—Glory to the Father and the Son, Glory to the Spirit! three in one! Let us praise him, let us praise him, let us praise him to-day, And sing his loving kindness on our way.
2 Father! source of all compassion! Pure, unbounded grace is thine; Hail the Lord of our salvation! Praise him for his love divine.
3 For ten thousand blessings given, For the hope of future joy, Sound his praise thro' earth and heaven, Sound Jehovah's praise on high.
4 Praise to God, our great Creator! Father, Son, and Holy Ghost; Praise him, ev'ry living creature, Earth and heav'n's united host.
J. W. Fawcett, 1767.
28 Lyons. 10s & 11s.
Praise of Divine Love.
O worship the King, all-glorious above, And gratefully sing his wonderful love; Our Shield and Defender, the Ancient of days, Pavilioned in splendor and girdled with praise.
2 Thy bountiful care, what tongue can recite? It breathes in the air, it shines in the light; It streams from the hills, it descends to the plain, And sweetly distills in the dew and the rain.
3 Frail children of dust, and feeble as frail, In thee do we trust, nor find thee to fail; Thy mercies, how tender! how firm to the end, Our Maker, Defender, Redeemer, and Friend!
4 Our Father and God, how faithful thy love! While angels delight to hymn thee above, The humbler creation, though feeble their lays. With true adoration shall lisp to thy praise.
Sir Robert Grant, 1839.
29 Lyons. 10s & 11s.
Salvation to God.
Ye servants of God, your Master proclaim, And publish abroad his wonderful name. The name, all-victorious, of Jesus extol; His kingdom is glorious, and rules over all.
2 God ruleth on high, almighty to save; And still he is nigh, his presence we have; The great congregation his triumph shall sing, Ascribing salvation to Jesus our King.
3 "Salvation to God, who sits on the throne," Let all cry aloud, and honor the Son; Our Savior's high praises the angels proclaim,— Fall down on their faces, and worship the Lamb.
C. Wesley, 1744.
30 Gerar. S.M.
The Glories of the Sanctuary. (128)
How charming is the place Where my Redeemer God Unveils the glories of his face, And sheds his love abroad!
2 Here, on the mercy seat, With radiant glory crowned, Our joyful eyes behold him sit, And smile on all around.
3 To him their prayers and cries, Each contrite soul presents; And while he hears their humble sighs He grants them all their wants.
4 Give me, O Lord, a place Within thy blest abode; Among the children of thy grace, The servants of my God.
S. Stennett.
31 Hendon. 7s.
A Blessing Implored. (134)
Lord! we come before thee now; At thy feet we humbly bow; Oh, do not our suit disdain; Shall we seek thee, Lord, in vain?
2 Send some message from thy word, That may joy and peace afford; Let thy Spirit now impart Full salvation to each heart.
3 Comfort those who weep and mourn; Let the time of joy return; Those that are cast down lift up, Strong in faith, in love, and hope.
4 Grant that those who seek may find Thee, a God sincere and kind; Heal the sick, the captive free, Let us all rejoice in thee.
William Hammond, 1745.
32 Sicily. 8s, 7s, & 4s.
Opening of Service. (137)
In thy name, O Lord! assembling, We, thy people, now draw near; Teach us to rejoice with trembling; Speak, and let thy servants hear— Hear with meekness— Hear thy word with godly fear.
2 While our days on earth are lengthened, May we give them, Lord, to thee; Cheered by hope, and daily strengthened, May we run, nor weary be, Till thy glory Without clouds in heaven we see.
3 There, in worship, purer, sweeter, Thee thy people shall adore; Tasting of enjoyment greater Far than thought conceived before; Full enjoyment, Full, unmixed, and evermore.
Thomas Kelly, 1809.
33 Sicily. 8s, 7s, & 4s.
Close of Service. (141)
Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing, Fill our hearts with joy and peace; Let us each, thy love possessing, Triumph in redeeming grace; Oh! refresh us, Traveling through this wilderness.
2 Thanks we give and adoration, For thy gospel's joyful sound; May the fruits of thy salvation In our hearts and lives abound; May thy presence With us, evermore, be found.
3 So, whene'er the signal's given, Us from earth to call away, Borne on angel's wings to heaven, Glad the summons to obey, We shall surely Reign with Christ in endless day.
Walter Shirley, 1774.
34 Sicily. 8s, 7s, & 4s.
Plea for Parting Blessing. (139)
God of our salvation! hear us; Bless, oh, bless us, ere we go; When we join the world, be near us, Lest we cold and careless grow. Savior! keep us; Keep us safe from every foe.
2 As our steps are drawing nearer To our everlasting home, May our view of heaven grow clearer, Hope more bright of joys to come; And, when dying, May thy presence cheer the gloom.
Thomas Kelly, 1809.
35 Mendon. L.M.
Psalm 84. (119)
Great God! attend while Zion sings The joy that from thy presence springs; To spend one day with thee on earth Exceeds a thousand days of mirth.
2 Might I enjoy the meanest place Within thy house, O God of grace! Not tents of ease, nor thrones of power, Should tempt my feet to leave thy door.
3 God is our sun, he makes our day; God is our shield, he guards our way From all th' assaults of hell and sin, From foes without and foes within.
4 All needful grace will God bestow, And crown that grace with glory too; He gives us all things, and withholds No real good from upright souls.
5 O God, our King! whose sovereign sway The glorious hosts of heaven obey, And devils at thy presence flee; Blest is the man that trusts in thee!
Isaac Watts, 1719.
36 Mendon L.M.
The Presence of Christ. (124)
How sweet to leave the world awhile, And seek the presence of our Lord! Dear Savior! on thy people smile, And come, according to thy word.
2 From busy scenes we now retreat, That we may here converse with thee: Ah! Lord! behold us at thy feet;— Let this the gate of heaven be.
3 Chief of ten thousand! now appear, That we by faith may see thy face; Oh! speak, that we thy voice may hear And let thy presence fill this place.
Thomas Kelly, 1809.
37 Mendon. L.M.
Psalm 84. (127)
How pleasant, how divinely fair, O Lord of hosts, thy dwellings are! With long desire my spirit faints, To meet the assemblies of thy saints.
2 My flesh would rest in thine abode; My panting heart cries out for God; My God! my King! why should I be So far from all my joys and thee?
3 Blest are the souls who find a place Within the temple of thy grace; There they behold thy gentler rays, And seek thy face and learn thy praise.
4 Blest are the men whose hearts are set To find the way to Zion's gate; God is their strength, and through the road They lean upon their helper, God.
5 Cheerful they walk with growing strength, Till all shall meet in heaven at length; Till all before thy face appear, And join in nobler worship there.
Isaac Watts, 1719
38 Ward. L.M.
Before Sermon. (122)
Thy presence, gracious God! afford: Prepare us to receive thy word; Now let thy voice engage our ear, And faith be mixed with what we hear.
2 Distracting thoughts and cares remove, And fix our hearts and hopes above; With food divine may we be fed And satisfied with living bread.
3 To us thy sacred word apply, With sovereign power and energy; And may we, in thy faith and fear, Reduce to practice what we hear.
4 Father, in us thy Son reveal; Teach us to know and do thy will; Thy saving power and love display. And guide us to the realms of day.
John Fawcett. 1782.
39 Migdol. L.M.
Acts 2:1. (792)
Command thy blessing from above O God, on all assembled here; Behold us with a Father's love, While we look up with filial fear.
2 Command thy blessing, Jesus, Lord! May we thy true disciples be; Speak to each heart the mighty word— Say to the weakest, follow me.
3 Command thy blessing in this hour, Spirit of truth! and till the place With wounding and with healing power, With quickening and confirming grace.
4 Oh, thou, our Maker, Savior, Guide, One true, eternal God confessed; Whom thou hast joined none may divide, None dare to curse whom thou hast blest.
James Montgomery
40 Mear. C.M.
God's Presence in Sanctuary. (111)
Again our earthly cares we leave, And in thy courts appear; Again, with joyful feet, we come To meet our Savior here.
2 Within those walls let holy peace. And love, and concord dwell; Here give the troubled conscience ease— The wounded spirit heal.
3 The feeling heart, the melting eye. The humble mind bestow; And shine upon us from on high, To make our graces grow.
4 May we in faith receive thy word, In faith present our prayers; And in the presence of our Lord, Unbosom all our cares.
5 Shew us some token of thy love, Our fainting hope to raise; And pour thy blessing from above, That we may render praise.
John Newton, 1779, a.
41 Mear. C.M.
Dedication. (1175)
Oh, thou, whose own vast temple stands, Built over earth and sea! Accept the walls that human hands Have raised to worship thee.
2 Lord! from thine inmost glory send, Within these walls t' abide, The peace that dwelleth without end Serenely by thy side!
3 May erring minds, that worship here, Be taught the better way; And they who mourn, and they who fear, Be strengthened as they pray.
4 May faith grow firm, and love grow warm, And pure devotion rise, While, round these hallowed walls, the storm Of earth-born passion dies.
William C. Bryant, 1835
42 Mear. C.M.
Psalm 122. (106)
How did my heart rejoice to hear My friends devoutly say— "In Zion let us all appear— And keep the solemn day!"
2 I love her gates, I love the road; The church, adorned with grace, Stands like a palace, built for God To show his milder face.
3 Up to her courts, with joys unknown, The holy tribes repair; The Son of David holds his throne, And sits in judgment there.
4 He hears our praises and complaints; And, while his awful voice Divides the sinners from the saints, We tremble and rejoice.
5 Peace be within this sacred place, And joy a constant guest! With holy gifts and heavenly grace By her attendants blest!
6 My soul shall pray for Zion still, While life or breath remains; There my best friends, my kindred, dwell, There God, my Saviour, reigns.
Isaac Watts, 1719
43 Lisbon. S.M.
The Sabbath Welcomed. (81)
Welcome! sweet day of rest, That saw the Lord arise! Welcome to this reviving breast, And these rejoicing eyes!
2 The King himself comes near, And feasts his saints to-day; Here we may sit and see him here, And love, and praise, and pray.
3 One day in such a place, Where thou, my God, art seen, Is sweeter than ten thousand days Of pleasurable sin.
4 My willing soul would stay In such a frame as this, And sit and sing herself away To everlasting bliss.
Isaac Watts, 1707
44 Mendebras. 7s & 6s. D.
The Sabbath Holy.
O day of rest and gladness, O day of joy and light! O balm of care and sadness, Most beautiful, most bright! On thee, the high and lowly, Before th' eternal throne, Sing Holy! Holy! Holy! To the great Three in One.
2 On thee, at the creation. The light first had its birth; On thee for our salvation, Christ rose from depths of earth. On thee, our Lord, victorious, The Spirit sent from heaven, And thus on thee, most glorious, A triple light was given.
3 New graces ever gaining From this our day of rest, We reach the rest remaining To spirits of the blest; To Holy Ghost be praises, To Father and to Son; The church her voice upraises To thee, blest Three in One.
Christopher Wordsworth, 1858.
45 Auburn. C.M.
Sweet Day of Rest. (66)
Come, dearest Lord, and feed thy sheep, On this sweet day of rest; Oh, bless this flock, and make this fold Enjoy a heavenly rest.
2 Welcome, and precious to my soul Are these sweet days of love; But what a Sabbath shall I keep When I shall rest above!
3 I come, I wait, I hear, I pray; Thy footsteps. Lord. I trace; Here, in thine own appointed way, I wait to see thy face.
4 Those are the sweet and precious days On which my Lord I've seen; And oft, when feasting on his word, In raptures I have been.
5 Oh, if my soul, when death appears. In this sweet frame be found, I'll clasp my Savior in mine arms, And leave this earthly ground.
John Mason, 1683.
46 Auburn. C.M.
Sabbath Morn. (60)
How sweetly breaks the Sabbath dawn Along the eastern skies! So, when the night of time hath gone, Eternity shall rise.
2 How softly spreads the Sabbath light! How soon the gloom hath fled! So o'er the new created sight Celestial bliss is spread.
3 What quiet reigns o'er earth and sea, Through all the stilly air! So calm may we this Sabbath be, And free from worldly care.
4 Thus let thy peace, O Lord! pervade Our bosoms all our days; And let each passing hour be made A herald of thy praise.
5 This peace of God—how full! how sweet It flows from Jesus' breast; It makes our bliss on earth complete, It brings eternal rest.
Edwin F. Hatfield, 1840
47 Auburn. C.M.
The Lord's Day Morning. (65)
When the worn spirit wants repose, And sighs her God to seek, How sweet to hail the evening's close That ends the weary week!
2 How sweet to hail the early dawn That opens on the sight, When first that soul-reviving morn Sheds forth new rays of light!
3 Sweet day! thine hours too soon will cease; Yet, while they gently roll, Breathe, heavenly Spirit, source of peace, A Sabbath o'er my soul.
4 When will my pilgrimage be done, The world's long week be o'er, That Sabbath dawn which needs no sun, That day which fades no more?
James Edmeston, 1820.
48 Sabbath. 7s, 6 or 8 lines.
Blessing of the Sabbath. (94)
Safely thro' another week, God has bro't us on our way; Let us now a blessing seek, Waiting in his courts to-day; Day of all the week the best, Emblem of eternal rest.
2 While we seek supplies of grace Through the dear Redeemer's name, Show thy reconciling face; Take away our sin and shame; From our worldly cares set free; May we rest, this day, in thee.
3 May the gospel's joyful sound Conquer sinners, comfort saints, Make the fruits of grace abound, Bring relief from all complaints; Thus let all our Sabbaths prove, Till we join the church above.
John Newton, 1779. a.
49 Lischer. (German.) H.M.
Rejoicing in the Sabbath. (98)
Welcome, delightful morn! Thou day of sacred rest; I hail thy kind return; Lord, make these moments blest; From the low train of mortal toys I soar to reach immortal joys.
2 Now may the King descend, And fill his throne of grace; Thy scepter, Lord, extend, While saints address thy face! Let sinners feel thy quickening word, And learn to know and fear the Lord.
3 Descend, celestial Dove, With all thy quickening powers; Disclose a Savior's love, And bless the sacred hours; Then shall my soul new life obtain, Nor Sabbaths be indulged in vain.
Hayward, 1806.
50 Spanish Hymn, 7s, 8.
The Day of Rest. (91)
Welcome, sacred day of rest! Sweet repose from worldly care; Day above all days the best, When our souls for heav'n prepare; Day, when our Redeemer rose, Victor o'er the hosts of hell; Thus he vanquished all our foes; Let our lips his glory tell.
2 Gracious Lord! we love this day, When we hear thy holy word; When we sing thy praise, and pray, Earth can no such joys afford; But a better rest remains, Heav'nly Sabbaths, happier days, Rest from sin, and rest from pains, Endless joys and endless praise.
William Brown, 1822.
51 Last Hope. 7s.
Sabbath Evening. (93)
Softly fades the twilight ray Of the holy Sabbath day; Gently as life's setting sun, When the Christian's course is run.
2 Night her solemn mantle spreads O'er the earth as daylight fades; All things tell of calm repose At the holy Sabbath's close.
3 Peace is on the world abroad; 'Tis the holy peace of God— Symbol of the peace within, When the spirit rests from sin.
4 Savior, may our Sabbaths be Days of peace and joy in thee, Till in heav'n our souls repose, Where the Sabbath ne'er shall close.
Samuel F. Smith, 1843.
52 Lowry. L.M.
Morning Praise.
Awake, my soul, and with the sun Thy daily stage of duty run; Shake off dull sloth, and joyful rise To pay thy morning sacrifice.
2 Awake, lift up thyself, my heart, And with the angels bear thy part, Who all night long unwearied sing High praises to th' eternal King.
3 Glory to thee, who safe hast kept, And hast refreshed me when I slept; Grant, Lord, when I from death shall wake, I may of endless life partake.
4 Lord, I my vows to thee renew; Scatter my sins as morning dew; Guard my first springs of thought and will, And with thyself my spirit fill.
Bp. Ken, 1709.
53 Vigil. S.M.
Morning Song. (1169)
See how the morning sun Pursues his shining way; And wide proclaims his Maker's praise, With ev'ry bright'ning ray.
2 Thus would my rising soul Its heavenly Parent sing, And to its great Original The humble tribute bring.
3 Serene I laid me down, Beneath his guardian care; I slept, and I awoke, and found My kind Preserver near.
4 My life I would anew Devote, O Lord, to thee; And in thy service I would spend A long eternity.
T. Scott.
54 Evening Prayer. 8s & 7s.
Evening Blessing Desired. (1171)
Savior, breathe an evening blessing, E'er repose our spirits seal; Sin and want we come confessing, Thou canst save and thou canst heal.
2 Though destruction walk around us, Though the arrows past us fly; Angel guards from thee surround us, We are safe if thou art nigh.
3 Though the night be dark and dreary, Darkness cannot hide from thee; Thou art he who, never weary, Watchest where thy people be.
4 Should swift death this night o'ertake us, And our couch become our tomb, May the morn in heaven awake us, Clad in bright and deathless bloom.
James Edmeston, 1820.
55 Hursley. L.M.
Evening Hymn. (1165)
Sun of my soul, thou Savior dear, It is not night if thou be near; Oh, may no earth-born cloud arise To hide thee from thy servant's eyes.
2 When the soft dews of kindly sleep My weary eye-lids gently steep, Be my last thought, how sweet to rest Forever on my Savior's breast.
3 Abide with me from morn till eve, For without thee I cannot live; Abide with me when night is nigh, For without thee I dare not die.
4 Come near and bless us when we wake, Ere thro' the world our way we take, Till in the ocean of thy love We lose ourselves in heaven above.
Rev. J. Keble, 1827.
56 Eventide. 10s.
Evening of the Day.
Abide with me: fast falls the eventide; The darkness deepens; Lord, with me abide! When other helpers fail, and comforts flee, Help of the helpless, oh, abide with me!
2 Not a brief glance I beg, a passing word, But as thou dwell'st with thy disciples, Lord, Familiar, condescending, patient, free, Come, not to sojourn, but abide with me.
3 I need thy presence every passing hour; What but thy grace can foil the tempter's power? Who like thyself my guide and stay can be? Thro' cloud and sunshine, oh, abide with me!
4 Swift to its close ebbs out life's little day; Earth's joys grow dim, its glories pass away: Change and decay in all around I see; O thou, who changest not, abide with me!
Henry Francis Lyte, 1847.
57 Eventide. 10s.
Closing Hymn.
Savior, again to thy dear name we raise With one accord our parting hymn of praise; We rise to bless thee ere our worship cease, And now, departing, wait thy word of peace.
2 Grant us thy peace upon our homeward way; With thee begun, with thee shall end the day; Guard thou the lips from sin, the hearts from shame, That in this house have called upon thy name.
3 Grant us thy peace, Lord, through the coming night; Turn thou for us its darkness into light; From harm and danger keep thy children free, For dark and light are both alike to thee.
John Ellerton, 1868.
58 Seymour, 7s.
Evening Devotion.
Softly now the light of day Fades upon my sight away; Free from care, from labor free, Lord, I would commune with thee.
2 Thou whose all pervading eye Naught escapes without, within, Pardon each infirmity, Open fault, and secret sin.
3 Soon, for me, the light of day Shall forever pass away; Then, from sin and sorrow free, Take me, Lord, to dwell with thee.
4 Thou who, sinless, yet hast known All of man's infirmity; Then from thine eternal throne, Jesus, look with pitying eye.
G.W. Doane, 1824.
59 Stockwell. 8s & 7s.
Evening Meditations.
Silently the shades of evening Gather round my lowly door; Silently they bring before me Faces I shall see no more.
2 O the lost, the unforgotten, Tho' the world be oft forgot! O the shrouded and the lonely! In our hearts they perish not.
3 Living in the silent hours, Where our spirits only blend— They, unlinked with earthly trouble; We, still hoping for its end.
4 How such holy memories cluster, Like the stars when storms are past; Pointing up to that far heaven We may hope to gain at last.
C.C. Cox
60 Fading, Still Fading P.M., with Refrain.
Evening Prayer.
Fading, still fading, the last beam is shining; Father in heaven, the day is declining; Safety and innocence flee with the light, Temptation and danger walk forth with the night. From the fall of the shade till the morning bells chime, Shield us from danger, keep us from crime.
Ref.—Father, have mercy, Father, have mercy, Father, have mercy, thro' Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
2 Father in heaven, O hear when we call; Hear, for Christ's sake, who is Savior of all. Feeble and fainting, we trust in thy might; In doubting and darkness thy love be our light; Let us sleep on thy breast while the night taper burns, Wake in thine arms when morning returns.
Selina Huntingdon
61 God Be With You. P.M.
Parting Blessing.
God be with you till we meet again, By his counsels guide, uphold you, With his sheep securely fold you, God be with you till we meet again
Cho.—Till we meet, till we meet, Till we meet at Jesus' feet; Till we meet, till we meet, God be with you till we meet again.
2 God be with you till we meet again, 'Neath his wings securely hide you, Daily manna still provide you, God be with you till we meet again.
3 God be with you till we meet again, When life's perils thick confound you, Put his arms unfailing round you, God be with you till we meet again.
4 God be with you till we meet again, Keep love's banner floating o'er you, Smite death's threat'ning wave before you, God be with you till we meet again.
J.E. Rankin D.D.
62 Wonderful Words. P.M.
Words of Life.
Sing them over again to me, Wonderful words of life, Let me more of their beauty see, Wonderful words of life, Words of life and beauty, Teach me faith and duty.
Cho.—Beautiful words, wonderful words, Wonderful words of life, Beautiful words, wonderful words, Wonderful words of life.
2 Christ the blessed One gives to all Wonderful words of life; Sinner, list to the loving call, Wonderful words of life; All so freely given, Wooing us to heaven.
3 Sweetly echo the gospel call, Wonderful words of life; Offer pardon and peace to all, Wonderful words of life; Jesus, only Savior, Sanctify forever.
P.P. Bliss.
63 Give Me the Bible. P.M.
The Bible Desired.
Give me the Bible, star of gladness gleaming, To cheer the wand'rer lone and tempest-tossed; No storm can hide that radiance peaceful beaming, Since Jesus came to seek and save the lost.
Cho.—Give me the Bible! holy message shining, Thy light shall guide me in the narrow way. Precept and promise, law and love combining, Till night shall vanish in eternal day.
2 Give me the Bible, when my heart is broken, When sin and grief have filled my soul with fear; Give me the precious words by Jesus spoken, Hold up faith's lamp to show my Savior near.
3 Give me the Bible, all my steps enlighten, Teach me the danger of these realms below; That lamp of safety, o'er the gloom shall brighten, That light alone the path of peace can show.
4 Give me the Bible, lamp of life immortal, Hold up that splendor by the open grave; Show me the light from heaven's shining portal, Show me the glory gilding Jordan's wave.
Priscilla J. Owens.
64 Shirland. S.M.
Psalm 119. (170)
Behold! the morning sun Begins his glorious way; His beams thro' all the nations run, And life and light convey.
2 But, where the gospel comes, It spreads diviner light; It calls dead sinners from the tombs And gives the blind their sight.
3 How perfect is thy word! And all thy judgments just; Forever sure thy promise, Lord! And men securely trust.
4 My gracious God! how plain Are thy directions given! Oh! may I never read in vain, But find the path to heaven.
Isaac Watts, 1719.
65 Dallas. 7s.
Book Divine.
Holy Bible, book divine, Precious treasure, thou art mine; Mine to tell me whence I came; Mine to teach me what I am.
2 Mine to chide me when I rove; Mine to show a Savior's love; Mine thou art to guide and guard; Mine to punish or reward.
3 Mine to comfort in distress, Suffering in this wilderness; Mine to show, by living faith, Man can triumph over death.
4 Mine to tell of joys to come, And the rebel sinner's doom; O thou holy book divine, Precious treasure, thou art mine.
John Burton, 1805.
66 Evan. C.M.
Psalm 119. (155)
Lord! I have made thy word my choice, My lasting heritage; There shall my noblest powers rejoice, My warmest thoughts engage.
2 I'll read the histories of thy love, And keep thy laws in sight, While through the promises I rove, With ever fresh delight.
3 'Tis a broad land of wealth unknown Where springs of life arise; Seeds of immortal bliss are sown, And hidden, glory lies.
4 The best relief that mourners have— It makes our sorrows blest; Our fairest hope, beyond the grave, And our eternal rest.
Isaac Watts, 1719.
67 Evan. C.M.
The Latter Day. (1018)
Lord! send thy word, and let it fly, Armed with thy Spirit's power; Ten thousands shall confess its sway, And bless the saving hour.
2 Beneath the influence of its grace, The barren wastes shall rise, With sudden flowers and fruits arrayed,— A blooming paradise.
3 Peace, with her olives crowned, shall stretch Her wings from shore to shore; No trump shall rouse the rage of war, Nor murderous cannon roar.
4 Lord! for these days we wait;—these days Are in thy word foretold; Fly swifter, sun and stars! and bring This promised age of gold.
5 Amen!—with joy divine, let earth's Unnumbered myriads cry; Amen!—with joy divine, let heaven's Unnumbered choirs reply.
Thomas Gibbons, 1769.
68 Evan. C.M.
The Incomparable Richness of God's Word. (150)
Father of mercies, in thy word What endless glory shines! Forever be thy name adored For these celestial lines.
2 Here may the wretched sons of want Exhaustless riches find— Riches above what earth can grant, And lasting as the mind.
3 Here the fair tree of knowledge grows, And yields a free repast; Sublimer sweets than nature knows Invite the longing taste.
4 Here the Redeemer's welcome voice Spreads heavenly peace around; And life and everlasting joys Attend the blissful sound.
5 Oh, may these heavenly pages be My ever dear delight; And still new beauties may I see And still increasing light.
Anne Steele, 1760.
69 Devizes. C.M.
The Bible Our Light. (149)
How precious is the book divine, By inspiration given! Bright as a lamp its doctrines shine, To guide our souls to heaven.
2 Its light, descending from above, Our gloomy world to cheer, Displays a Savior's boundless love, And brings his glories near.
3 It sweetly cheers our drooping hearts, In this dark vale of tears; Life, light, and joy it still imparts, And quells our rising fears.
4 This lamp, through all the tedious night Of life, shall guide our way, Till we behold the clearer light Of an eternal day.
John Fawcett, 1782.
70 Devizes. C.M.
Psalm 119. (158)
How shall the young secure their hearts, And guard their lives from sin? Thy word the choicest rules imparts To keep the conscience clean.
2 'Tis like the sun, a heavenly light, That guides us all the day; And, through the dangers of the night, A lamp to lead our way.
3 Thy precepts make me truly wise; I hate the sinners' road; I hate my own vain thoughts that rise But love thy law, my God!
4 Thy word is everlasting truth; How pure is every page! That holy book shall guide our youth, And well support our age.
Isaac Watts, 1719.
71 Devizes. C.M.
Perfection of the Law and Testimony. (154)
Thy law is perfect, Lord of light; Thy testimonies sure; The statutes of thy realm are right, And thy commandments pure.
2 Let these, O God, my soul convert, And make thy servant wise; Let those be gladness to my ears— The dayspring to mine eyes.
3 By these may I be warned betimes; Who knows the guile within? Lord, save me from presumptuous crimes; Cleanse me from secret sin.
4 So may the words my lips express— The thoughts that throng my mind— O Lord, my strength and righteousness, With thee acceptance find.
C. Wesley.
72 Manoah. C.M.
Begin, my tongue, some heavenly theme, And speak some boundless thing; The mighty works or mightier name Of our eternal King.
2 Tell of his wondrous faithfulness, And sound his power abroad; Sing the sweet promise of his grace, And the performing God.
3 His very word of grace is strong, As that which built the skies; The voice that rolls the stars along, Speaks all the promises.
4 Oh, might I hear thy heavenly tongue But whisper, "Thou art mine!" Those gentle words should raise my song To notes almost divine.
Isaac Watts.
73 Manoah. C.M.
The Lord, our God, is full of might, The winds obey his will; He speaks,—and, in his heavenly height, The rolling sun stands still.
2 Rebel, ye waves, and o'er the land With threatening aspect roar; The Lord uplifts his awful hand, And chains you to the shore.
3 Howl, winds of night, your force combine; Without his high behest, Ye shall not, in the mountain pine, Disturb the sparrow's nest.
4 His voice sublime is heard afar, In distant peals it dies; He yokes the whirlwind to his car, And sweeps the howling skies.
5 Ye nations bend—in reverence bend; Ye monarchs, wait his nod, And bid the choral song ascend To celebrate your God.
H. Kirke White.
74 Manoah. C.M.
Great God! how infinite art thou! What worthless worms are we! Let the whole race of creatures bow, And pay their praise to thee.
2 Thy throne eternal ages stood, Ere seas or stars were made: Thou art the ever-living God, Were all the nations dead.
3 Eternity, with all its years, Stands present in thy view; To thee there's nothing old appears— Great God! there's nothing new.
4 Our lives through various scenes are drawn, And vexed with trifling cares; While thine eternal thought moves on Thine undisturbed affairs.
5 Great God! how infinite art thou! What worthless worms are we! Let the whole race of creatures bow. And pay their praise to thee.
Isaac Watts.
75 Italy. 6s & 4s.
The Trinity Adored. (394)
Come, thou Almighty King! Help us thy name to sing, Help us to praise; Father all glorious! O'er all victorious, Come and reign over us, Ancient of days!
2 Come, thou incarnate Word! Gird on thy mighty sword; Our prayer attend: Come, and thy people bless, And give thy word success; Spirit of holiness, On us descend.
3 Come, holy Comforter! Thy sacred witness bear In this glad hour: Thou who almighty art, Now rule in every heart, And ne'er from us depart, Spirit of power!
4 To the great One in Three, The highest praises be, Hence, evermore! His sovereign majesty May we in glory see, And to eternity Love and adore.
Charles Wesley, 1757.
76 All Saints. L.M.
Praise to the Trinity (391)
Blest be the Father and his love, To whose celestial source we owe Rivers of endless joy above, And rills of comfort here below.
2 Glory to thee, great Son of God! From whose dear, wounded body rolls A precious stream of vital blood— Pardon and life for dying souls
3 We give the sacred Spirit praise, Who, in our hearts of sin and woe, Makes living springs of grace arise, And into boundless glory flow.
4 Thus, God, the Father, God, the Son, And God, the Spirit, we adore; That sea of life and love unknown, Without a bottom or a shore.
Isaac Watts, 1709.
77 Elizabethtown. C.M.
God Incomprehensible. (844)
Thy way, O God! is in the sea, Thy paths I cannot trace; Nor comprehend the mystery Of thine unbounded grace.
2 'Tis but in part I know thy will; I bless thee for the sight; When will thy love the rest reveal, In glory's clearer light?
3 Here the dark veils of flesh and sense My captive soul surround; Mysterious deeps of providence My wondering thoughts confound.
4 As through a glass I dimly see The wonders of thy love; How little do I know of thee, Or of the joys above!
5 With rapture I shall soon survey Thy providence and grace; And spend an everlasting day In wonder, love, and praise.
John Fawcett, 1782.
78 Elizabethtown. C.M.
Eternity of God. (1071)
O God! our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come; Our shelter from the stormy blast, And our eternal home.
2 Under the shadow of thy throne, Still may we dwell secure; Sufficient is thine arm alone, And our defense is sure.
3 Before the hills in order stood, Or earth received her frame, From everlasting thou art God, To endless years the same.
4 A thousand ages in thy sight Are like an evening gone; Short as the watch that ends the night, Before the rising sun.
5 The busy tribes of flesh and blood, With all their cares and fears, Are carried downward by the flood, And lost in following years.
Isaac Watts, 1719.
79 Elizabethtown. C.M.
Divine Perfections. (182)
I sing th' almighty power of God, That made the mountains rise, That spread the flowing seas abroad, And built the lofty skies.
2 I sing the wisdom that ordained The sun to rule the day; The moon shines full at his command, And all the stars obey.
3 I sing the goodness of the Lord, That filled the earth with food; He formed the creatures with his word, And then pronounced them good.
4 Lord! how thy wonders are displayed Where'er I turn mine eye! If I survey the ground I tread, Or gaze upon the sky.
Isaac Watts.
80 Dundee. C.M.
Our Heavenly Father. (21)
My God how wonderful thou art! Thy majesty how bright! How beautiful thy mercy seat, In depths of burning light.
2 How dread are thine eternal years, Oh, everlasting Lord! By prostrate spirits day and night, Incessantly adored.
3 Oh, how I fear thee, living God! With deepest, tenderest fears, And worship thee with trembling hope, And penitential tears.
4 Yet I may love thee, too, O Lord! Almighty as thou art, For thou hast stooped to ask of me The love of this poor heart.
5 No earthly father loves like thee, No mother, half so mild, Bears and forbears as thou hast done With me, thy sinful child.
6 Father of Jesus! love's reward! What rapture will it be, Prostrate before thy throne to lie, And gaze and gaze on thee.
Frederick Wm. Faber, 1849.
81 Dundee. C.M.
God's Ways Not Understood. (848)
God moves in a mysterious way, His wonders to perform; He plants his footsteps in the sea, And rides upon the storm.
2 Deep in unfathomable mines Of never-failing skill, He treasures up his bright designs, And works his sovereign will.
3 Ye fearful saints! fresh courage take; The clouds ye so much dread, Are big with mercy, and shall break In blessings on your head.
4 Judge not the Lord by feeble sense, But trust him for his grace; Behind a frowning providence, He hides a smiling face.
5 His purposes will ripen fast, Unfolding every hour; The bud may have a bitter taste, But sweet will be the flower.
6 Blind unbelief is sure to err, And scan his work in vain; God is his own interpreter, And he will make it plain.
William Cowper, 1772.
82 Dundee. C.M.
Majesty. Ps. 18.
The Lord descended from above, And bowed the heavens most high; And underneath his feet he cast The darkness of the sky.
2 On cherub and on cherubim Full royally he rode; And on the wings of mighty winds Came flying all abroad.
3 He sat serene upon the floods, Their fury to restrain; And he, as sovereign Lord and King, Forevermore shall reign.
Thomas Sternhold, d. 1549.
83 Triumph. L.M.
The Goodness of God. (176)
Yes, God is good; in earth and sky, From ocean depths and spreading wood, Ten thousand voices seem to cry, "God made us all, and God is good."
2 The sun that keeps his trackless way, And downward pours his golden flood, Night's sparkling hosts all seem to sky, In accents clear, that God is good.
3 Yes, God is good, all Nature says, By God's own hand with speech endued; And man, in louder notes of praise, Should sing for joy that God is good.
4 For all thy gifts, we bless thee, Lord; But chiefly for our heavenly food, Thy pardoning grace, thy quickening word; These prompt our song that God is good.
John H. Gurney.
84 Triumph. L.M.
The Eternity of God. (179)
Ere mountains reared their forms sublime, Or heaven and earth in order stood, Before the birth of ancient time, From everlasting thou art God.
2 A thousand ages in their flight With thee are as a fleeting day; Past, present, future, to thy sight At once their various scenes display.
3 But our brief life's a shadowy dream— A passing thought, that soon is o'er; That fades with morning's earliest beam, And fills the musing mind no more.
4 To us, O Lord, the wisdom give, Each passing moment so to spend, That we at length with thee may live Where life and bliss shall never end.
Isaac Watts.
85 Triumph. L.M.
God Seen in nature. (178)
There is a God—all nature speaks, Through earth, and air, and sea, and skies; See, from the clouds his glory breaks, When earliest beams of morning rise.
2 The rising sun, serenely bright, Throughout the world's extended frame, Inscribes in characters of light His mighty Maker's glorious name.
3 Ye curious minds, who roam abroad, And trace creation's wonders o'er, Confess the footsteps of your God— Bow down before him and adore.
Anne Steele
86 Triumph. L.M.
The Lord God Omnipotent. (14)
The Lord is King; child of the dust! The Judge of all the earth is just; Holy and true are all his ways; Let every creature speak his praise.
2 The Lord is King! lift up thy voice, Oh, earth! and all ye heavens! rejoice; From world to world the joy shall ring— The Lord omnipotent is King.
3 The Lord is King! who then shall dare Resist his will, distrust his care, Or murmur at his wise decrees, Or doubt his royal promises?
4 Oh, when his wisdom can mistake, His might decay, his love forsake, Then may his children cease to sing— The Lord omnipotent is King.
Josiah Conder.
87 Faben. 8s & 7s. D.
God is Love.
God is love; his mercy brightens All the path in which we rove; Bliss he wakes, and woe he lightens: God is wisdom, God is love. Chance and change are busy ever; Man decays and ages move; But his mercy waneth never; God is wisdom, God is love.
2 E'en the hour the darkest seemeth Will his changeless goodness prove; From the gloom his brightness streameth: God is wisdom, God is love. He with earthly cares entwineth Hope and comfort from above; Everywhere his glory shineth: God is wisdom, God is love.
Sir John Bowring, 1825.
88 Mannheim. 8s & 7s.
The Divine Glory. (56)
Lord! thy glory fills the heaven; Earth is with its fullness stored; Unto thee be glory given, Holy, holy, holy Lord.
2 Heaven is still with glory ringing, Earth takes up the angels' cry— "Holy, holy, holy!" singing, "Lord of hosts! the Lord most high!"
3 Ever thus in God's high praises, Brethren! let our tongues unite; Chief the heart when duty raises God-ward at his mystic rite.
Richard Mant, 1828.
89 Azmon. C.M.
Creating Wisdom. (184)
Eternal Wisdom! thee we praise, Thee the creation sings; With thy loved name, rocks, hills, and seas, And heaven's high palace rings.
2 Thy hand, how wide it spread the sky! How glorious to behold! Tinged with a blue of heavenly dye, And starred with sparkling gold.
3 Infinite strength and equal skill Shine through the worlds abroad; Our souls with vast amazement fill, And speak the builder—God.
4 But the sweet beauties of thy grace Our softer passions move; Pity divine, in Jesus' face, We see, adore, and love.
Isaac Watts, 1705.
90 Azmon. C.M.
The Trinity. (388)
Hail! holy, holy, holy, Lord, Whom One in Three we know; By all thy heavenly host adored, By all thy Church below.
2 One undivided Trinity With triumph we proclaim; The universe is full of thee, And speaks thy glorious name.
3 Thee, holy Father, we confess; Thee, holy Son, adore; And thee, the Holy Ghost, we bless, And worship evermore.
4 Hail! holy, holy, holy Lord, Our heavenly song shall be Supreme, Essential One, adored In co-eternal Thee!
C. Wesley, 1767.
91 Azmon. C.M.
God is Love. (183)
Come, ye that know and fear the Lord, And lift your souls above; Let every heart and voice accord, To sing that—God is love.
2 This precious truth his word declares, And all his mercies prove; Jesus, the Gift of gifts, appears, To show that—God is love.
3 Behold his patience lengthened out To those who from him rove, And calls effectual reach their hearts, To teach them—God is love.
4 The work begun is carried on By power from heaven above; And every step from first to last, Declares that—God is love.
George Burder, 1784.
92 Azmon. C.M.
God's Constant Goodness. (179)
Jehovah God! thy gracious power On every hand we see; Oh, may the blessings of each hour Lead all our thoughts to thee.
2 Thy power is in the ocean deeps, And reaches to the skies; Thine eye of mercy never sleeps, Thy goodness never dies.
3 In all the varying scenes of time, On thee our hopes depend; In every age, in every clime, Our Father and our Friend.
John Thompson, 1810
93 God is Love. P.M.
Praise for God's Love.
Come, let us all unite to sing, God is love; Let heav'n and earth their praises bring, God is love; Let every soul from sin awake, Each in his heart sweet music make, And sing with us for Jesus' sake, For God is love.
Ref.—God is love, God is love. Come, let us all unite to sing That God is love.
2 Oh, tell us to earth's remotest bound, God is love; In Christ we have redemption found, God is love; His blood has washed our sins away, His Spirit turned our night to day, And now we can rejoice to say That God is love.
3 How happy is our portion here, God is love; His promises our spirits cheer, God is love; He is our sun and shield by day, Our help, our hope, our strength, and stay; He will be with us all the way; Our God is love.
94 Carol. C.M.D.
The Angels' Song. (206)
It came upon the midnight clear, That glorious song of old, From angels bending near the earth, To touch their harps of gold; "Peace to the earth, good-will to men, From heaven's all gracious King:" The earth in solemn stillness lay, To hear the angels sing.
2 Still through the cloven skies they come, With peaceful wings unfurled; And still celestial music floats O'er all the weary world; Above its sad and lowly plains They bend on heavenly wing, And ever o'er its Babel sounds, The blessed angels sing.
3 O ye, beneath life's crushing load, Whose forms are bending low, Who toil along the climbing way, With painful steps and slow;— Look up! for glad and golden hours Come swiftly on the wing; Oh, rest beside the weary road, And hear the angels sing!
4 For lo! the days are hastening on, By prophet-bards foretold, When with the ever-circling years Comes round the age of gold! When peace shall over all the earth Its final splendors fling, And the whole world send back the song Which now the angels sing!
E.H. Sears, 1850.
95 Carol. C.M.D.
A Light to Lighten the Gentiles. (203)
The race that long in darkness pine Have seen a glorious light; The people dwell in day who dwelt In death's surrounding night. To hail thy rise, thou better Sun, The gathering nations come, With joy, as when the reapers bear The harvest treasures home.
2 To us a child of hope is born; To us a Son is given; And him shall all the earth obey, And all the hosts of heaven. His name shall be the Prince of Peace, Forevermore adored, The Wonderful, the Counselor, The great and mighty Lord.
John Morrison, 1781.
96 Christmas. C.M.
The Angel's Message (208)
While shepherds watched their flocks by night, All seated on the ground, The angel of the Lord came down, And glory shone around.
2 "Fear not," said he,—for mighty dread Had seized their troubled mind,— "Glad tidings of great joy I bring To you and all mankind.
3 "To you, in David's town, this day, Is born of David's line, The Savior, who is Christ, the Lord; And this shall be the sign:
4 "The heavenly babe you there shall find To human view displayed, All meanly wrapped in swathing bands, And in a manger laid."
5 Thus spake the seraph; and forthwith Appeared a shining throng Of angels, praising God, and thus Addressed their joyful song:
6 "All glory be to God on high, And to the earth be peace: Good-will henceforth from heaven to men Begin and never cease!"
Nahum Tate, 1696.
97 Zerah. C.M.
The Chorus of Angels. (210)
Calm on the listening ear of night Come heaven's melodious strains, Where wild Judea stretches far Her silver-mantled plains.
2 Celestial choirs, from courts above, Shed sacred glories there, And angels, with their sparkling lyres, Make music on the air.
3 The answering hills of Palestine Send back the glad reply, And greet, from all their holy heights, The day-spring from on high.
4 "Glory to God!" the sounding skies Loud with their anthems ring— "Peace to the earth, good-will to men, From heaven's eternal King."
Edmund H. Sears, 1835.
98 Antioch. C.M.
Psalm 98. (200)
Joy to the world! the Lord is come: Let earth receive her King; Let every heart prepare him room, And heaven and nature sing.
2 Joy to the earth! the Savior reigns: Let men their songs employ; While fields and floods, rocks, hills, and plains, Repeat the sounding joy.
3 No more let sins and sorrows grow, Nor thorns infest the ground; He comes to make his blessings flow, Far as the curse is found.
4 He rules the world with truth and grace, And makes the nations prove The glories of his righteousness, And wonders of his love.
Isaac Watts, 1709.
99 Antioch. C.M.
Christ's Mission. (202)
Hark the glad sound! the Savior comes— The Savior promised long; Let every heart prepare a throne, And every voice a song.
2 He comes, the prisoners to release, In Satan's bondage held; The gates of brass before him burst, The iron fetters yield.
3 He comes, the broken heart to bind, The bleeding soul to cure; And, with the treasures of his grace, T' enrich the humble poor.
4 Our glad hosannas, Prince of Peace, Thy welcome shall proclaim; And heaven's eternal arches ring With thy beloved name.
Philip Doddridge, 1735.
100 Antioch. C.M.
Jesus is God. (195)
Jesus is God! the glorious bands Of holy angels sing Songs of adoring praise to him, Their Maker and their King.
2 He was true God in Bethlehem's crib, On Calvary's cross, true God; He who, in heaven, eternal reigned, In time, on earth abode.
3 Jesus is God! there never was A time when he was not; Boundless, eternal, merciful, The Word the Sire begot.
4 Backward our thoughts through ages stretch, Onward through endless bliss; For there are two eternities, And both alike are his.
5 Jesus is God! oh, could I now, But compass land and sea, To teach and tell this single truth, How happy should I be!
6 Oh, had I but an angel's voice, I would proclaim so loud, Jesus, the Good, the Beautiful, Is everlasting God.
Frederick Wm. Faber, 1862.
101 Herald Angels. 7s D.
Hark! the herald angels sing, "Glory to the new-born King! Peace on earth, and mercy mild, God and sinners reconciled." Joyful all ye nations, rise; Join the triumph of the skies! With the angelic host proclaim, Christ is born in Bethlehem.
2 See, he lays his glory by, Born that man no more may die; Born to raise the sons of earth, Born to give them second birth. Veiled in flesh the Godhead see; Hail the incarnate Deity. Pleased as man with men to dwell, Jesus, our Immanuel.
3 Hail the heaven-born Prince of Peace! Hail the Sun of Righteousness; Light and life to all he brings, Risen with healing in his wings. Let us, then, with angels sing, "Glory to the new-born King! Peace on earth, and mercy mild, God and sinners reconciled."
C. Wesley, 1759
102 Herald Angels. 7s D.
Glory to God. (204)
Angels rejoiced and sweetly sung At our Redeemer's birth; Mortals! awake: let every tongue Proclaim his matchless worth.
2 Glory to God, who dwells on high, And sent his only Son To take a servant's form, and die, For evils we had done!
3 Good-will to men; ye fallen race! Arise, and shout for joy; He comes, with rich abounding grace To save and not destroy.
4 Lord! send the gracious tidings forth, And fill the world with light, That Jew and Gentile, through the earth, May know thy saving might.
William Hurn, 1813.
1O3 Salvation Morning, 7s & 6s.
God's Salvation Morning.
What means this glorious radiance Across Judea's plain? Those white-winged angels singing In such exultant strain?
Cho.—The King of glory cometh, Earth's broken hearts to bind, And God's salvation morning Hath dawned for all mankind.
2 What means this wondrous story The holy angels tell? Of one who reigned in heaven, And now on earth would dwell?
3 Why bend these Eastern sages To one of lowly birth? What means this heav'nly message Of love and peace on earth?
4 Ye wand'rers in earth's darkness, On ocean deep and land, Hail! hail! the joyful tidings, The morning is at hand.
M. E. Servoss.
104 Invitation. C.M.
The Forgiving One. (232)
What grace, O Lord! and beauty shone Around thy steps below! What patient love was seen in all Thy life and death of woe!
2 Thy foes might hate, despise, revile, Thy friends unfaithful prove; Unwearied in forgiveness still, Thy heart could only love.
3 Oh, give us hearts to love like thee; Like thee, O Lord! to grieve Far more for others' sins, than all The wrongs that we receive.
4 One with thyself, may every eye, In us, thy brethren, see That gentleness and grace that springs From union, Lord, with thee.
Edward Denny, 1839.
105 Invitation. C.M.
The True Test.
We may not climb the heavenly steeps To bring the Lord Christ down; In vain we search the lowest deeps, For him no depths can drown.
2 But warm, sweet, tender, even yet A present help is he; And faith has yet its Olivet, And love its Galilee.
3 The healing of the seamless dress Is by our beds of pain; We touch him in life's throng and press, And we are whole again.
4 Through him the first fond prayers are said Our lips of childhood frame; The last low whispers of our dead Are burdened with his name.
5 O Lord and Master of us all, Whate'er our name or sign, We own thy sway, we hear thy call, We test our lives by thine!
J. G. Whittier.
106 Invitation. C.M.
Childhood of Jesus. (228)
In stature grows the heavenly Child, With death before his eyes; A Lamb unblemished, meek and mild, Prepared for sacrifice.
2 The Son of God his glory hides With parents mean and poor; And he who made the heavens abides In dwelling-place obscure.
3 Those mighty hands that stay the sky No earthly toil refuse; And he who set the stars on high A humble trade pursues.
4 He before whom the angels stand. At whose behest they fly, Now yields himself to man's command, And lays his glory by.
5 The Father's name we loudly raise, The Son we all adore, The Holy Ghost, One God, we praise, Both now and evermore.
107 Invitation. C.M.
A Man of Sorrow. (229)
A pilgrim through this lonely world, The blessed Savior passed; A mourner all his life was he, A dying Lamb at last
2 That tender heart which felt for all, For us its life-blood gave; It found on earth no resting-place. Save only in the grave.
3 Such was our Lord; and shall we fear The cross with all its scorn? Or love a faithless, evil world That wreathed his brow with thorn?
4 No, facing all its frowns or smiles, Like him obedient still, We homeward press, through storm or calm, To Zion's blessed hill.
H. Bonar.
108 Olivet. L.M.
The Meekness of Jesus. (242)
How beauteous were the marks divine, That in thy meekness used to shine; That lit thy lonely pathway, trod In wondrous love, O Son of God!
2 Oh, who, like thee, so calm, so bright, Thou God of God, thou Light of Light! Oh, who, like thee, did ever go So patient through a world of woe?
3 Oh, who, like thee, so humbly bore The scorn, the scoffs of men before? So meek, forgiving, godlike, high, So glorious in humility?
4 E'en death, which sets the prisoner free, Was pang, and scoff, and scorn to thee; Yet love, through all thy torture glowed, And mercy with thy life-blood flowed.
5 Oh, in thy light, be mine to go, Illuming all my way of woe! And give me ever on the road To trace thy footsteps, Son of God!
Arthur Cleveland Coxe, 1838.
109 Olivet. L.M.
The Teaching of Jesus. (243)
How sweetly flowed the gospel's sound From lips of gentleness and grace, When listening thousands gathered round, And joy and reverence filled the place!
2 From heaven he came, of heaven he spoke; To heaven he led his followers' way; Dark clouds of gloomy night he broke, Unveiling an immortal day.
3 "Come, wanderers, to my Father's home; Come, all ye weary ones, and rest;" Yes, sacred Teacher, we will come, Obey thee, love thee, and be blest.
John Bowring, 1823.
110 Olivet. L.M.
Christ's Example. (239)
My dear Redeemer and my Lord, I read my duty in thy Word; But in thy life the law appears, Drawn out in living characters.
2 Such was thy truth, and such thy zeal, Such deference to thy Father's will, Such love and meekness so divine, I would transcribe and make them mine.
3 Cold mountains and the midnight air Witnessed the fervor of thy prayer; The desert thy temptations knew; Thy conflict and thy victory too.
4 Be thou my pattern, make me bear More of thy gracious image here; Then God, the Judge, shall own my name Among the followers of the Lamb.
Isaac Watts, 1709.
111 Overberg. L.M.
The Miracles of Christ. (247)
Behold! the blind their sight receive; Behold! the dead awake and live; The dumb speak wonders, and the lame Leap, like the hart, and bless his name.
2 Thus doth th' eternal Spirit own And seal the mission of the Son; The Father vindicates his cause, While he hangs bleeding on the cross.
3 He dies! the heavens in mourning stood; He rises, the triumphant God! Behold the Lord ascending high, No more to bleed, no more to die.
4 Hence, and forever, from my heart, I bid my doubts and fears depart; And to those hands my soul resign, Which bear credentials so divine.
Isaac Watts, 1709.
113 Overberg. L.M.
Entry into Jerusalem. (248)
Ride on! ride on in majesty! Hark! all the tribes Hosanna cry; O Savior meek, pursue thy road With palms and scattered garments strowed.
2 Bide on! ride on in majesty! In lowly pomp ride on to die; O Christ, thy triumphs now begin O'er captive death and conquered sin.
3 Ride on! ride on in majesty! The angel armies of the sky Look down with sad and wondering eyes To see the approaching sacrifice.
4 Ride on! ride on in majesty! The last and fiercest strife is nigh; The Father on his sapphire throne Awaits his own anointed Son.
5 Ride on! ride on in majesty! In lowly pomp, ride on to die; Bow thy meek head to mortal pain, Then take, O God, thy power and reign.
Henry Hart Milman, 1827.
113 Overberg. L.M.
The Transfiguration. (245)
Oh, wondrous type, oh, vision fair, Of glory that the church shall share, Which Christ upon the mountain shows, Where brighter than the sun he glows!
2 From age to age the tale declare, How with the three disciples there, Where Moses and Elias meet, The Lord holds converse high and sweet.
3 The law and prophets there have place, Two chosen witnesses of grace; The Father's voice from out the cloud Proclaimed his only Son aloud.
4 With shining face and bright array Christ deigns to manifest to-day, What glory shall be theirs above Who joy in God with perfect love.
Latin. Tr. by J.M. Neale, 1851.
114 Bavaria. 8s & 7s D.
Christ Our Example. (251)
Ever would I fain be reading, In the ancient holy Book, Of my Savior's gentle pleading, Truth in ev'ry word and look. How to all the sick and tearful Help was ever gladly shown; How he sought the poor and fearful, Called them brothers and his own.
2 How no contrite soul e'er sought him, And was bidden to depart; How, with gentle words he taught him, Took the death from out his heart. Still I read the ancient story,— And my joy is ever new,— How for us he left his glory, How he still is kind and true.
3 How the flock he gently leadeth, Whom his Father gave him here; How his arms he widely spreadeth, To his heart to draw us near. Let me kneel, my Lord! before thee, Let my heart in tears o'erflow, Melted by thy love adore thee, Blessed in thee, mid joy or woe.
Ger., Louisa Hensel, 1829. Tr., Catherine Winkworth, 1858
115 Heber. C.M.
The Example of Christ. (236)
Behold where, in the Friend of man, Appears each grace divine! The virtues all in Jesus meet, With mildest radiance shine.
2 To spread the rays of heavenly light, To give the mourner joy, To preach glad tidings to the poor, Was his divine employ.
3 In the last hour of deep distress, Before his Father's throne, With soul resigned, he bowed, and said, "Thy will, not mine, be done!"
4 Be Christ our pattern and our guide, His image may we bear; Oh, may we tread his sacred steps, And his bright glories share.
William Endfield, 1802.
116 Wonderful Love of Jesus. P.M.
Christ's Love.
In vain in high and holy lays My soul her grateful voice would raise; For who can sing the worthy praise Of the wonderful love of Jesus?
Cho.—Wonderful love! wonderful love! Wonderful love of Jesus! Wonderful love! wonderful love! Wonderful love of Jesus!
2 A joy by day, a peace by night, In storms a calm, in darkness light; In pain a balm, in weakness might, Is the wonderful love of Jesus.
3 My hope for pardon when I call, My trust for lifting when I fall; In life, in death, my all in all, Is the wonderful love of Jesus.
E.S. Lorenz.
117 Olive's Brow. L.M.
Christ in Gethsemane. (253)
'Tis midnight; and on Olive's brow The star is dimmed that lately shone; 'Tis midnight; in the garden, now, The suffering Savior prays alone.
2 'Tis midnight; and, from all removed, The Savior wrestles lone with fears; E'en that disciple whom he loved Heeds not his Master's grief and tears.
3 'Tis midnight; and for others' guilt The man of sorrows weeps in blood; Yet he that hath in anguish knelt Is not forsaken by his God.
4 'Tis midnight; and from ether plains Is borne the song that angels know; Unheard by mortals are the strains That sweetly soothe the Savior's woe.
W.B. Tappan, 1822.
118 Windham. L.M.
"Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?" (256)
From Calvary a cry was heard— A bitter and heart-rending cry; My Savior! ev'ry mournful word Bespoke thy soul's deep agony
2 A horror of great darkness fell On thee, thou spotless holy One! And all the eager hosts of hell Conspired to tempt God's only Son.
3 The scourge, the thorns, the deep disgrace, These thou could'st bear, nor once repine; But when Jehovah veiled his face, Unutterable pangs were thine.
4 Let the dumb world its silence break; Let pealing anthems rend the sky; Awake, my sluggish soul, awake! He died that we might never die.
John W. Cunningham, 1820.
119 Zephyr. L.M.
Consecration in View of the Cross. (261)
When I survey the wondrous cross, On which the Prince of Glory died, My richest gain I count but loss, And pour contempt on all my pride.
2 Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast, Save in the death of Christ, my God; All the vain things that charm me most, I sacrifice them to his blood.
3 See, from his head, his hands, his feet Sorrow and love flow mingled down; Did e'er such love and sorrow meet, Or thorns compose so rich a crown?
4 Were all the realms of nature mine, That were a present far too small; Love so amazing, so divine. Demands my soul, my life, my all.
Isaac Watts, 1707.
120 Miriam, 7s & 6s. Double.
O sacred head, now wounded! With grief and shame weighed down, Now scornfully surrounded With thorns, thine only crown; O sacred head, what glory, What bliss, till now, was thine! Yet tho' despised and gory, I joy to call thee mine.
2 What thou, my Lord! hast suffered Was all for sinners' gain; Mine, mine was the transgression, But thine the deadly pain; Lo! here I fall, my Savior! 'Tis I deserve thy place; Look on me with thy favor; Vouchsafe to me thy grace.
3 The joy can ne'er be spoken, Above all joys beside, When in thy body broken, I thus with safety hide; My Lord of life! desiring Thy glory now to see, Beside thy cross expiring, I'd breathe my soul to thee.
Paul Gerhardt, 1659.
121 Avon. C.M.
Before the Cross. (281)
Alas! and did my Savior bleed? And did my Sovereign die? Would he devote that sacred head For such a worm as I?
2 Was it for crimes that I have done He groaned upon the tree? Amazing pity! grace unknown! And love beyond degree!
3 Well might the sun in darkness hide, And shut his glories in, When Christ, the mighty Maker, died For man, the creature's sin!
4 Thus might I hide my blushing face While his dear cross appears; Dissolve my heart in thankfulness, And melt mine eyes to tears.
5 But drops of grief can ne'er repay The debt of love I owe; Here, Lord, I give myself away; 'Tis all that I can do.
Isaac Watts, 1709.
Cho.—Jesus died for you, And Jesus died for me, Yes, Jesus died for all mankind; Bless God, salvation's free.
Cho.—Help me, dear Savior, thee to own, And ever faithful be; And when thou sittest on thy throne. O Lord, remember me.
122 Avon. C.M.
Jesus Died for Me.
Great God, when I approach thy throne And all thy glory see; This is my stay, and this alone, That Jesus died for me.
2 How can a soul condemned to die, Escape the just decree? Helpless and full of sin am I, But Jesus died for me.
3 Burdened with sin's oppressive chain, Oh, how can I get free? No peace can all my efforts gain, But Jesus died for me.
4 And, Lord, when I behold thy face, This must be all my plea; Save me by thy almighty grace, For Jesus died for me.
W.B. Bathurst, d. 1877.
123 Cowper. C.M.
Contrition at the Cross. (283)
O Jesus! sweet the tears I shed, While at thy cross I kneel, Gaze on thy wounded, fainting head, And all thy sorrows feel.
2 My heart dissolves to see thee bleed, This heart so hard before; I hear thee for the guilty plead, And grief o'erflows the more.
3 'Twas for the sinful thou didst die, And I a sinner stand; What love speaks from thy dying eye, And from each pierced hand!
4 I know this cleansing blood of thine Was shed, dear Lord, for me; For me, for all—oh, grace divine!— Who look by faith on thee.
Ray Palmer, 1867.
124 Cowper. C.M.
Resting Beneath the Cross. (277)
Oppressed with noon-day's scorching heat, To yonder cross I flee; Beneath its shelter take my seat: No shade like this for me!
2 Beneath that cross clear waters burst, A fountain sparkling free; And there I quench my desert thirst: No spring like this for me!
3 A stranger here, I pitch my tent Beneath this spreading tree; Here shall my pilgrim life be spent: No home like this for me!
4 For burdened ones a resting-place Beside that cross I see; Here I cast off my weariness: No rest like this for me!
H. Bonar, 1857.
125 The Cross. C.M.
The Precious Love. (530)
The cross, the cross, the blood-stained cross! The hallowed cross I see; Reminding me of precious blood That once was shed for me.
Cho.—Oh, the blood, the precious blood, That Jesus shed for me; Upon the cross, in crimson flood, Just now by faith I see.
2 The cross, the cross, that heavy cross, My Savior bore for me; It bowed him to the earth with grief On sad Mount Calvary
3 The wounds, the wounds, those painful wounds; Oh, they were made for me! His hands and feet, his holy head, All pierced and torn I see.
4 The death, the death, the awful death! That Jesus died for me; I heard his groans, his prayer, "Forgive," His bleeding side I see.
5 The love, the love, the matchless love, That bled upon the tree! It melts my heart, it wins my love, It brings me, Lord, to thee.
J.H. Stockton.
126 Gorton. S.M.
Our Ransom Paid. (296)
Our sins on Christ were laid; He bore the mighty load; Our ransom price he fully paid In groans, and tears, and blood.
2 To save a world he dies; Sinners, behold the Lamb! To him lift up your longing eyes; Seek mercy in his name.
3 Pardon and peace abound; He will your sins forgive; Salvation in his name is found,— He bids the sinner live.
4 Jesus, we look to thee;— Where else can sinners go? Thy boundless love shall set us free From wretchedness and woe.
J. Fawcett, 1760.
127 Gorton. S.M.
For Me He Died. (300)
Are there no wounds for me? Hast thou received them all? How can I, Lord, the anguish see, Beneath which thou didst fall?
2 'Tis over now, I know,— That suffering life of thine; Thy precious blood has ceased to flow, Thou wear'st thy crown divine;
3 But yet, I weeping see The thorns which pierced thy head; Thou faint'st beneath thy cross for me, For me to death thou'rt led!
4 Meekly, with love divine, Thy holy head is bent, And streams of blood, for sins of mine, Flow where thy side is rent.
5 Beneath this sacred flood I bow my sinful soul; Dear Savior, let thy precious blood Wash me and make me whole.
Mrs. Grace Webster Hinsdale, 1868.
128 Owen. S.M.
The Savior's Tears. (298)
Did Christ o'er sinners weep, And shall our cheeks be dry? Let floods of penitential grief Burst forth from every eye.
2 The Son of God in tears— The wondering angels see! Be thou astonished, O my soul! He shed those tears for thee.
3 He wept—that we might weep— Each sin demands a tear; In heaven alone no sin is found, And there's no weeping there.
Benjamin Beddome, 1787.
129 Toplady. 7s, 6.
Rock of Ages. (515)
Rock of ages, cleft for me! Let me hide myself in thee: Let the water and the blood, From thy side a healing flood, Be of sin the double cure; Save from wrath and make me pure.
2 Should my tears forever flow, Should my zeal no languor know, All for sin could not atone; Thou must save, and thou alone; In my hand no price I bring; Simply to thy cross I cling.
3 While I draw this fleeting breath, When mine eyelids close in death, When I rise to worlds unknown, See thee on thy judgment throne— Rock of Ages cleft for me, Let me hide myself in thee.
Augustus M. Toplady, 1776.
Cho.—Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in thee, Let me hide myself in thee.
130 Salvator Mundi. 7s. D.
The Litany. (513)
By thy birth, and by thy tears; By thy human griefs and fears; By thy conflict in the hour Of the subtle tempter's power— Savior, look with pitying eye; Savior, help me, or I die.
2 By the tenderness that wept O'er the grave where Laz'rus slept; By the bitter tears that flow'd Over Salem's lost abode— Savior, look with thy pitying eye; Savior, help me, or I die.
3 By thy lonely hour of prayer; By the fearful conflict there; By thy cross and dying cries; By thy one great sacrifice,— Savior, look with pitying eye; Savior, help me, or I die.
4 By thy triumph o'er the grave; By thy power the lost to save; By thy high, majestic throne; By the empire all thine own,— Savior, look with pitying eye; Savior, help me, or I die.
Sir Robert Grant, 1815.
131 Rathbun. 8s &7s.
Glorying in the Cross. (979)
In the cross of Christ I glory, Towering o'er the wrecks of time; All the light of sacred story Gathers round its head sublime.
2 When the woes of life o'ertake me, Hopes deceive, and fears annoy, Never shall the cross forsake me; Lo! it glows with peace and joy.
3 When the sun of bliss is beaming Light and love upon my way, From the cross the radiance streaming Adds more luster to the day.
4 Bane and blessing, pain and pleasure By the cross are sanctified; Peace is there, that knows no measure, Joys that through all time abide.
Sir John Bowring, 1825.
132 Rathbun. 8s & 7s.
Looking to the Cross. (980)
Sweet the moments, rich in blessing, Which before the cross I spend, Life, and health, and peace possessing, From the sinner's dying Friend!
2 Here I'll sit, forever viewing Mercy's streams in streams of blood: Precious drops, my soul bedewing, Plead, and claim my peace, with God.
3 Truly blessed is this station, Low before the cross to lie, While I see divine compassion Floating in his languid eye.
4 Here it is I find my heaven, While upon the Lamb I gaze; Love I much?—I've much forgiven,— I'm a miracle of grace.
5 Love and grief my heart dividing, With my tears his feet I'll bathe; Constant still in faith abiding,— Life deriving from his death.
James Allen, 1761. Altered by Walter Shirley, 1176.
133 Rathbun. 8s & 7s.
The Price of Salvation.
When I view my Savior bleeding, For my sins upon the tree; Oh, how wondrous!—how exceeding Great his love appears to me!
2 Floods of deep distress and anguish. To impede his labors, came; Yet they all could not extinguish Love's eternal, burning flame.
3 Now redemption is completed, Full salvation is procured; Death and Satan are defeated, By the sufferings he endured.
4 Now the gracious Mediator, Risen to the courts of bliss, Claims for me, a sinful creature, Pardon, righteousness, and peace!
5 Sure, such infinite affection Lays the highest claims to mine; All my powers, without exception, Should in fervent praises join.
6 Jesus, fit me for thy service; Form me for thyself alone; I am thy most costly purchase,— Take possession of thine own.
R. Lee.
134 What Hast Thou Done for Me? P.M.
Return for Christ's Sufferings.
I gave my life for thee, My precious blood I shed, That thou mightst ransomed be, And quickened from the dead; I gave, I gave my life for thee, What hast thou given for me?
2 My Father's house of light, My glory-circled throne, I left for earthly night, For wand'rings sad and lone; I left, I left it all for thee, Hast thou left aught for me?
3 I suffered much for thee, More than thy tongue can tell, Of bitterest agony, To rescue thee from hell; I've borne, I've borne it all for thee, What hast thou borne for me?
4 And I have brought to thee, Down from my home above, Salvation full and free, My pardon and my love; I bring, I bring rich gifts to thee, What hast thou brought to me?
Frances R. Havergal.
135 Come to the Cross. P.M.
Blessing at the Cross.
Come to the cross, where the Savior died, Look to the Lamb that was crucified; Turn to the mournful and tragic scene, Gaze on the suffering Nazarene.
Cho.—Look at the Crucified, look and live! Look, for eternal life he will give. Come to the cross, where the Savior died, Look to the Lamb that was crucified.
2 Fall at the feet of the dying One, Trust in the name of the Father's Son; Wash in the fountain of Jesus' blood, Seek for thy cure in the healing flood.
3 Fly to the arms of his pard'ning love, Cherish the hope of a crown above; Taste of the sweetness of sins forgiven, Lean on the promise of rest in heaven.
Rev. J.H. Martin.
136 Near the Cross. P.M.
Near the Cross.
Jesus, keep me near the cross There a precious fountain Free to all—a healing stream, Flows from Calvary's mountain.
Cho.—In the cross, in the cross, Be my glory ever, Till my raptured soul shall find Rest beyond the river. |