The Otterbein Hymnal - For Use in Public and Social Worship
by Edmund S. Lorenz
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Rev. John Atkinson.

525 Deliverance Will Come. 7s & 6s.

The Conquering Pilgrim.

I saw a way-worn trav'ler, In tattered garments clad, And struggling up the mountain, It seemed that he was sad; His back was laden heavy, His strength was almost gone, Yet he shouted as he journeyed, Deliverance will come.

Ref.—Then palms of victory, crowns of glory, Palms of victory I shall wear.

2 The summer sun was shining, The sweat was on his brow, His garments worn and dusty, His step seemed very slow; But he kept pressing onward, For he was wending home; Still shouting as he journeyed, Deliverance will come.

3 The songsters in the arbor That stood beside the way Attracted his attention, Inviting his delay; His watchword being "Onward," He stopped his ears and run, Still shouting as he journeyed, Deliverance will come.

4 I saw him in the evening, The sun was bending low, He'd overtopped the mountain And reached the vale below; He saw the golden city,— His everlasting home,— And shouted loud, Hosanna, Deliverance will come!

5 While gazing on that city, Just o'er the narrow flood, A band of holy angels Came from the throne of God; They bore him on their pinions Safe o'er the dashing foam, And joined him in his triumph,— Deliverance has come!

6 I heard the song of triumph They sang upon that shore, Saying, Jesus has redeemed us To suffer nevermore: Then, casting his eyes backward On the race which he had run, He shouted loud, Hosanna, Deliverance has come!

J.B. Matthias.

526 Home of the Soul. P.M.

The Beautiful Land.

I will sing you a song of that beautiful land, The far away home of the soul; Where no storms ever beat on the glittering strand, While the years of eternity roll.

2 Oh, that home of the soul, in my visions and dreams Its bright jasper walls I can see; Till I fancy but thinly the veil intervenes Between the fair city and me.

3 That unchangeable home is for you and for me, Where Jesus of Nazareth stands, The King of all kingdoms forever is he, And he holdeth our crowns in his hands.

4 Oh, how sweet it will be in that beautiful land, So free from all sorrow and pain; With songs on our lips and with harps in our hands, To meet one another again.

Mrs. Ellen H. Gates.

527 Forever with the Lord. S.M.D.

Eternal Blessedness. (1134)

"Forever with the Lord!" Amen, so let it be; Life from the dead is in that word, 'Tis immortality. Here in the body pent, Absent from him I roam, Yet nightly pitch my moving tent A day's march nearer home; Nearer home, nearer home, A day's march nearer home.

2 My Father's house on high, Home of my soul, how near, At times, to faith's aspiring eye Thy golden gates appear. Ah! then my spirit faints To reach the land I love; The bright inheritance of saints— Jerusalem above; Home above, home above, Jerusalem above.

3 Yet doubts still intervene, And all my comfort flies; Like Noah's dove, I flit between Rough seas and stormy skies. Anon the clouds depart, The wind and waters cease, While sweetly o'er my gladdened heart Expands the bow of peace; Bow of peace, bow of peace, Expands the bow of peace.

James Montgomery, 1835.

528 On Jordan's Stormy Banks. C.M.

The Pleasing Prospect. (1117)

On Jordan's stormy banks I stand, And cast a wishful eye To Canaan's fair and happy land, Where my possessions lie.

Cho.—We will rest in the fair and happy land, Just across on the evergreen shore, Sing the song of Moses and the Lamb, by and by, And dwell with Jesus evermore.

2 O'er all those wide-extended plains Shines one eternal day; There God the Son forever reigns And scatters night away.

3 When shall I reach that happy place, And be forever blest? When shall I see my Father's face, And in his bosom rest?

4 Filled with delight, my raptured soul Would here no longer stay; Tho' Jordan's waves around me roll, Fearless I'd launch away.

Samuel Stennett, 1787.

529 Shall We Gather. 8s & 7s.

The River of Life.

Shall we gather at the river Where bright angel feet have trod; With its crystal tide forever Flowing by the throne of God.

Cho.—Yes, we'll gather at the river, The beautiful, the beautiful river,— Gather with the saints at the river That flows by the throne of God.

2 On the margin of the river Washing up its silver spray, We will walk and worship ever, All the happy, golden day.

3 Ere we reach the shining river Lay we ev'ry burden down; Grace our spirits will deliver, And provide a robe and crown.

4 At the smiling of the river Mirror of the Savior's face, Saints whom death will never sever Lift their songs of saving grace.

5 Soon we'll reach the silver river, Soon our pilgrimage will cease; Soon our happy hearts will quiver With the melody of peace.

Robert Lowry.

530 The Future. 8s & 7s. D.

The Future in God's Hands.

Oh, I often sit and ponder, When the sun is sinking low, Where shall yonder future find me? Does but God in heaven know? Shall I be among the living? Shall I be among the free? Wheresoe'er my path be leading, Savior, keep my heart with thee.

Cho.—Oh, the future lies before me, And I know not where I'll be; But where'er my path be leading, Savior, keep my heart with thee.

2 Shall I be at work, for Jesus, Whilst he leads me by the hand, And to those around be saying, Come and join this happy band? Come, for all things now are ready, Come, his faithful foll'wer be; Oh, where'er my path be leading, Savior, keep my heart with thee.

3 But perhaps my work for Jesus Soon in future may be done, All my earthly trials ended, And my crown in heaven won; Then forever with the ransomed Thro' eternity I'd be Chanting hymns to him who bo't me With his blood, shed on a tree.

Miss Jennie Stout.

531 Going Home at Last. 7s & 6s.

The Aged Christian's Delight.

The evening shades are falling, The sun is sinking fast; The Holy One is calling, We're going home at last.

Cho.—Going home at last; Going home at last; The march will soon be over, We're going home at last.

2 The road's been long and dreary, The toils came thick and fast; In body weak and weary, Were going home at last.

3 We now are nearing heaven, And soon shall be at rest; Our crowns will soon be given, We're going home at last.

4 Oh, praise the Lord forever, Our sorrows are all past; We'll part no more, no, never; We are at home at last.

Rev. W. Gossett.

532 The Sweet Story. P.M.

Christ's Delight in Children.

I think when I read that sweet story of old, When Jesus was here among men, How he called little children as lambs to his fold, I should like to have been with them then.

Ref.—I should like to have been with them then; I should like to have been with them then; How he called little children as lambs to his fold, I should like to have been with them then.

2 I wish that his hands had been placed on my head, His arms had been thrown around me, And that I might have seen his kind look when he said, "Let the little ones come unto me."

Ref.—"Let the little ones come unto me," "Let the little ones come unto me," And that I might have seen his kind look when he said, "Let the little ones come unto me."

3 Yet still to his footstool in prayer I may go, And ask for a share in his love; And if I now earnestly seek him below, I shall see him and hear him above.

Ref.—I shall see him and hear him above, I shall see him and hear him above, And if I now earnestly seek him below, I shall see him and hear him above.

Mrs. Jemima Luke, 1841.

533 Siloam. C.M.

Childhood Piety. (1180)

By cool Siloam's shady rill, How fair the lily grows! How sweet the breath, beneath the hill, Of Sharon's dewy rose!

2 Lo! such the child whose early feet The paths of peace have trod, Whose secret heart, with influence sweet, Is upward drawn to God.

3 By cool Siloam's shady rill The lily must decay; The rose that blooms beneath the hill Must shortly fade away.

4 And soon, too soon, the wintry hour Of man's maturer age Will shake the soul with sorrow's pow'r. And stormy passions rage.

Reginald Heber, 1812.

534 Swanwick. C.M.

A New House of Worship. (1176)

God of the universe! to thee This sacred house we rear, And now, with songs and bended knee, Invoke thy presence here.

2 Long may this echoing dome resound The praises of thy name, These hallowed walls to all around The Triune God proclaim.

3 Here let thy love, thy presence dwell; Thy glory here make known; Thy people's home, oh! come and fill, And seal it as thine own.

4 And, when the last long Sabbath morn Upon the just shall rise, May all who own thee here be borne To mansions in the skies.

Miss Mary O——, 1841.

535 Swanwick. C.M.

Church Opening.

Arise, O King of grace, arise, And enter to thy rest; Lo! thy church waits, with longing eyes, Thus to be owned and blest.

2 Enter with all thy glorious train. Thy Spirit and thy word; All that the ark did once contain Could no such grace afford.

3 Here, mighty God, accept our vows, Here let thy praise be spread; Bless the provisions of thy house And fill thy poor with bread.

4 Here let the Son of David reign, Let God's Anointed shine; Justice and truth his court maintain With love and power divine.

5 Here let him hold a lasting throne, And as his kingdom grows, Fresh honors shall adorn his crown. And shame confound his foes.

Isaac Watts.

536 Swanwick. C.M.

Temperance Meeting. (1186)

'Tis thine alone, almighty Name, To raise the dead to life, The lost inebriate to reclaim From passion's fearful strife.

2 What ruin hath intemperance wrought, How widely roll its waves! How many myriads hath it brought To fill dishonored graves!

3 And see, O Lord! what numbers still Are maddened by the bowl, Led captive at the tyrant's will, In bondage heart and soul!

4 Stretch forth thy hand, O God, our King! And break the galling chain; Deliverance to the captive bring, And end th' usurper's reign.

5 The cause of Temperance is thine own, Our plans and efforts bless; We trust, O Lord! in thee alone To crown them with success.

Edwin F. Hatfield, 1872.

537 Let Us Arise. P.M.

Moral Reforms.

Do you slumber in your tent, Christian soldier, While the foe is spreading woe thro' the land? Do you note his rising pow'r, Growing bolder ev'ry hour? Will he not our land devour while you stand?

Cho.—Let us arise, all unite! Let us arise in our might! Let us arise! speak for God and the right. Tho' our numbers may be few, God will lead us grandly thro' And our arms with strength endue by his might.

2 Can you sleep while homes are rent, Christian soldier? Are not heavens turned to hells by his pow'r? Mark you not the mother's sigh? Hear you not the children's cry? See you not their loved ones die ev'ry hour?

3 Can you linger in your tent, Christian soldier? Satan's smiling o'er your idle delay. Thousands perish while you wait, While you counsel and debate; Heed you not their awful fate as they stray?

4 Let us rise in holy wrath, Christian soldiers, Crush the evil 'neath the heel of our might! Counting cost, no longer wait; Forward, manhood of the state! For in God your strength is great for the right.

E.S. Lorenz.

588 Webb. 7s & 6s. D.

The Temperance Banner. (1192)

Unfurl the Temp'rance Banner And fling it to the breeze, And let the glad hosanna Sweep over land and seas; To God be all the glory For what we now behold— Oh, let the cheering story In every ear be told.

2 The drunkard shall not perish In Alcohol's dire chain, But wife and children cherish Within his home again; And sobered men, repenting, Will bow at Jesus' feet, Their thankful hearts relenting Before the mercy-seat.

3 A new-waked zeal is burning In this and every land, And thousands now are turning To join our temp'rance band; The light of truth is shining In many a darkened soul; Ere long its rays combining Will blaze from pole to pole.

539 Webb. 7s & 6s. D.

The Crystal Fountain. (1193)

From brightest crystal fountain That flows in beauty free, By shady hill and mountain Fill high the cup for me! Sing of the sparkling waters, Sing of the cooling spring— Let freedom's sons and daughters Their joyous tribute bring.

2 From many a happy dwelling, Late misery's dark abode, The joyous peal is swelling— The hymn of praise to God, Glad songs are now ascending From many a thankful heart, Hope, Joy, and Peace are blending, And each their aid impart.

3 We'll join the tuneful chorus And raise our song on high! The cheering view before us Delights the raptured eye; The glorious cause is gaining New strength from day to day, The drunkard host is waning Before cold water's sway.

540 Hebron. L.M.

Corner-Stone Laying. (1178)

An earthly temple here we raise, Lord God, our Savior! to thy praise; Oh! make thy gracious presence known, While now we lay its corner-stone.

2 Within the house thy servants rear, Deign by thy Spirit to appear; On all its walls salvation write, From corner-stone to topmost height.

3 And when this temple, "made with hands," Upon its firm foundation stands, Oh! may we all with loving heart, In nobler building bear a part,

4 Where every polished stone shall be A human soul won back to thee; All resting upon Christ alone,— The chief and precious Corner-Stone.

Mrs. Catherine H. Johnson, 1866.

541 Chesterfield. C.M.

Prayer for the Nation. (1217)

Lord! while for all mankind we pray, Of ev'ry clime and coast, Oh! hear us for our native land,— The land we love the most.

2 Oh! guard our shore from ev'ry foe, With peace our borders bless, With prosperous times our cities crown, Our fields with plenteousness.

3 Unite us in the sacred love Of knowledge, truth, and thee; And let our hills and valleys shout The songs of liberty.

4 Lord of the nations! thus to thee Our country we commend; Be thou her Refuge and her Trust, Her everlasting Friend.

John Reynell Wreford, 1837.

542 America. 6s & 4s.

America. (1226)

My country! 'tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing: Land where my fathers died! Land of the pilgrim's pride! From ev'ry mountain side Let freedom ring!

2 My native country, thee,— Land of the noble, free,— Thy name—I love; I love thy rocks and rills, Thy woods and templed hills; My heart with rapture thrills Like that above.

3 Let music swell the breeze, And ring, from all the trees, Sweet freedom's song; Let mortal tongues awake; Let all that breathe partake; Let rocks their silence break,— The sound prolong.

4 Our fathers' God! to thee, Author of liberty, To thee we sing; Long may our land be bright With freedom's holy light; Protect us, by thy might, Great God, our King!

Samuel F. Smith, 1832.

543 America. 6s & 4s.

Our Native Land. (1227)

God bless our native land! Firm may she ever stand, Through storm and night; When the wild tempests rave, Ruler of winds and wave! Do thou our country save, By thy great might.

2 For her our prayer shall rise To God above the skies; On him we wait; Thou, who art ever nigh, Guardian with watchful eye! To thee aloud we cry,— God save the state!

John S. Dwight, 1844.

544 America. 6s & 4s.

The Poor.

Lord, from thy blessed throne, Sorrow look down upon! God save the poor! Teach them true liberty, Make them from tyrants free, Let their homes happy be! God save the poor!

2 The arms of wicked men Do thou with might restrain— God save the poor! Raise thou their lowliness, Succor thou their distress, Thou whom the meanest bless! God save the poor!

3 Give them stanch honesty, Let their pride manly be— God save the poor! Help them to hold the right, Give them both truth and might, Lord of all life and light! God save the poor!


545 Our Glad Jubilee. P.M.

Thanksgiving Anniversary.

Wake, wake the song! our glad jubilee Once more we hail with sweet melody, Bringing our hymns of praise unto thee, O most holy Lord! Praise for thy care by day and by night, Praise for the homes by love made so bright; Thanks for the pure and soul-cheering light Beaming from thy word. Then wake, wake the song! our glad jubilee Once more we hail with sweet melody, Bringing our hymns of praise unto thee, O most holy Lord!

2 Marching to Zion, dear blessed home! Lord! by thy mercy hither we come; Guide us, we pray, where'er we may roam, Keep us in thy fear; Fill ev'ry soul with love all divine, Now cause thy face upon us to shine; Grant that our hearts may be truly thine All the coming year. Then wake, wake the song! our glad jubilee Once more we hail with sweet melody, Bringing our hymns of praise unto thee, O most holy Lord!

3 Yet once again the anthem repeat, Join ev'ry voice the Master to greet; Love's sacrifice we lay at his feet, In his temple now. Jesus accept the offering we bring, Blending with song the odors of spring; Still of thy wondrous love we will sing, Till in heaven we bow. Then wake, wake the song! our glad jubilee Once more we hail with sweet melody, Bringing our hymns of praise unto thee, O most holy Lord!

W.F. Sherwin.

546 Laudo. 7s.

Thanksgiving. (1223)

Praise to God! immortal praise, For the love that crowns our days; Bounteous Source of ev'ry joy, Let thy praise our tongues employ.

2 For the flocks that roam the plain, Yellow sheaves of ripened grain, Clouds that drop their fatt'ning dews, Suns that temp'rate warmth diffuse;

3 All that spring with bounteous hand, Scatters o'er the smiling land, All that lib'ral autumn pours From her rich o'erflowing stores;

4 Lord, for these our souls shall raise Grateful vows and solemn praise; And when ev'ry blessing's flown, Love thee for thyself alone.

Mrs. Anna L. Barbauld, 1772.

547 Seasons. L.M.

At Sea. (1197)

Rocked in the cradle of the deep, I lay me down in peace to sleep; Secure I rest upon the wave, For thou, O Lord, hast power to save.

2 I know thou wilt not slight my call, For thou dost mark the sparrows fall; And calm and peaceful is my sleep, Rocked in the cradle of the deep.

3 And such the trust that still were mine, Though stormy winds swept o'er the brine; Or though the tempest's fiery breath Roused me from sleep to wreck and death.

4 In ocean cave still safe with thee, The germ of immortality; And calm and peaceful is my sleep, Rocked in the cradle of the deep.

Mrs. Willard.

548 Let Us Anew. P.M.

New Year.

Come, let us anew Our journey pursue— Roll round with the year, And never stand still till the Master appear; His adorable will Let us gladly fulfill, And our talents improve By the patience of hope and the labor of love.

2 Our life is a dream, Our time, as a stream, Glides swiftly away, And the fugitive moment refuses to stay; The arrow is flown, The moment is gone; The millenial year Rushes on to our view, and eternity's near.

3 Oh, that each, in the day Of his coming, may say, "I have fought my way through; I have finished the work thou didst give me to do;" Oh, that each from his Lord May receive the glad word, "Well and faithfully done; Enter into my joy and sit down on my throne"

Charles Wesley. 1752.


Abide with me, fast falls the eventide, 56 A charge to keep I have, 403 A few more years shall roll, 486 Again our earthly cares we leave, 40 Ah! how shall fallen man, 178 Alas! and did my Savior bleed, 121 All hail the power of Jesus' name, 154 "Almost persuaded," now to believe, 221 Amazing grace! how sweet the sound, 332 Am I a soldier of the cross, 426 Amid the trials which I meet, 353 And are we yet alive, 473 And can I yet delay, 236 And let our bodies part, 472 And let this feeble body fail, 494 And must I be to judgment brought, 509 An earthly temple here we raise, 540 Angel, roll the rock away, 144 Angels rejoiced and sweetly song, 102 A pilgrim through this lonely world, 107 Approach my soul the mercy seat, 240 Are there no wounds for me, 127 Are you Christ's light-bearer, 421 Are you weary, are you heavy hearted, 399 Arise, my soul, arise, 196 Arise, O King of grace, arise, 535 Arise, ye saints, arise, 425 Arm of the Lord, awake, awake, 450 Ascend thy throne, almighty King, 449 As fade the stars at morn away, 504 Ask ye, what great thing I know, 313 Asleep in Jesus! blessed sleep, 489 As pants the hart for cooling stream, 349 Astonished and distressed, 179 A throne of grace! then let us go, 392 Awake and sing the song, 301 Awake, awake, the sacred song, 290 Awake, my soul, and with the sun, 52 Awake, my soul, awake, my tongue, 5 Awake, my soul, stretch every nerve, 401 Awake, my soul, to joyful lays, 319

Before Jehovah's awful throne, 3 Begin, my tongue, some heavenly theme, 72 Behold a stranger at the door, 202 Behold! the blind their sight receive, 111 Behold the heathen waits to know, 451 Behold! the morning sun, 64 Behold the throne of grace, 398 Behold what wondrous grace, 337 Behold where, in the Friend of man, 115 Beneath thy cross I lay me down, 139 Blessed be thy love, dear Lord, 302 Blest be the Father and his love, 76 Blest be the tie that binds, 471 Blest is the man whose heart doth move, 410 Blest is the man, whose softening heart, 402 Blow ye the trumpet, blow, 195 Bread of heaven, on thee we feed, 477 Broad is the road that leads to death, 227 Buried in shadows of the night, 184 By cool Siloam's shady rill, 533 By thy birth, and by thy tears, 130

Called to the feast by the King are we, 230 Calm on the listening ear of night, 97 Cast thy burden on the Lord, 380 Cast thy burden on the Lord, 366 Children of the heavenly King, 298 Christ has for sin atonement made, 199 Christ the Lord is risen to-day, 143 Church of the ever-living God, 434 Come at the morning hour, 397 Come, dearest Lord, and feed thy sheep, 45 Come, every soul, by sin oppressed, 246 Come, Holy Ghost, in love, 164 Come, Holy Spirit, come, 174 Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove, 166 Come, humble sinner, in whose breast, 211 Come in, beloved of the Lord, 469 Come in, thou blessed of the Lord, 467 Come, let us all unite to praise, 289 Come, let us all unite to sing, 93 Come, let us anew, 548 Come, let us join the songs of praise, 155 Come, let us sing the song of songs, 306 Come, my soul, thy suit prepare, 394 Come, oh, my soul, in sacred lays, 8 Come, says Jesus' sacred voice, 206 Come, sound his praise abroad, 21 Come, thou Almighty King, 75 Come, thou Fount of every blessing, 338 Come, thou long-expected Jesus, 159 Come to Jesus, come to Jesus, 218 Come to the cross where the Savior, 135 Come to the blood-stained tree, 198 Come, we that love the Lord, 415 Come, ye disconsolate, where'er ye, 374 Come, ye sinners, poor and needy, 223 Come ye that know and fear the Lord, 91 Command thy blessing from above, 39 Complete in thee! no work of mine, 344 Crown him with many crowns, 300 Crown his head with endless blessing, 162

Daughter of Zion, from the dust, 433 Days and moments quickly flying, 487 Deep in our hearts let us record, 138 Delay not, delay not; oh sinner, 216 Depth of mercy! can there be, 194 Did Christ o'er sinners weep, 128 Do not I love thee, oh, my Lord, 293 Do you hear the Savior calling, 237 Do you slumber in your tent, 537 Down at the cross where my Savior died, 329 Down in the valley with my Savior, 375 Drooping souls! no longer mourn, 225

Earth has nothing sweet or fair, 299 Ere mountains reared their forms, 84 Eternal Spirit! by whose power, 170 Eternal Wisdom, thee we praise, 89 Ever would I fain be reading, 114

Fade, fade, each earthly joy, 312 Fading, still fading, the last beam, 60 Faith is a living pow'r from heav'n, 357 Father, I stretch my hands to thee, 238 Father of mercies, in thy word, 68 Father, whate'er of earthly bliss, 365 Fling out the banner! let it float, 452 Forever here my rest shall be, 256 Forever with the Lord, 527 For thee, O dear, dear country, 511 From all that dwell below the skies, 4 From brightest crystal fountain, 539 From Calvary a cry was heard, 118 From every stormy wind that blows, 384 From Greenland's icy mountains, 455 From the cross uplifted high, 208

Give me the Bible, star of gladness, 63 Give to the winds thy fears, 363 Glorious things of thee are spoken, 443 Glory be to the Father, 1-2 God be with you till we meet again, 61 God bless our native land, 543 God is love, his mercy brightens, 87 God is my strong salvation, 429 God is the refuge of his saints, 356 God moves in a mysterious way, 81 God of my life! through all my days, 9 God of our salvation! hear us, 34 God of the universe, to thee, 534 Go, labor on, spend and be spent, 406 Go, labor on, while it is day, 409 Go, messenger of peace and love, 448 Go, preach the blest salvation, 458 Grace! 'tis a charming sound, 336 Gracious Spirit, love divine, 172 Great God! attend while Zion sings, 35 Great God, how infinite art thou, 74 Great God, when I approach thy throne, 122 Great God, whose universal sway, 454 Great Spirit, by whose mighty pow'r, 167 Guide me, O thou great Jehovah, 362

Hail! great Creator, wise and good, 15 Hail! holy, holy, holy Lord, 90 Hail! morning known among the blest, 148 Hail, my ever blessed Jesus, 163 Hallelujah! song of gladness, 26 Hark! ten thousand harps and voices, 151 Hark the glad sound! the Savior comes, 99 Hark, the herald angels sing, 101 Hasten, sinner! to be wise, 205 Have you been to Jesus for the, 282 He knows the bitter, weary way, 379 He leadeth me! oh, blessed tho't, 371 Here I can firmly rest, 361 He wills that I should holy be, 263 Holy Bible, book divine, 65 Holy Ghost, dispel our sadness, 177 Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty, 18 Holy Spirit, faithful Guide, 171 Holy Spirit, Fount of blessing, 176 Hosanna to the Prince of light, 142 Hover o'er me, Holy Spirit, 175 How beauteous on the mountains, 460 How blest the hour when first we gave, 474 How blest the righteous when he dies, 490 How charming is the place, 30 How did my heart rejoice to hear, 42 How firm a foundation, ye saints, 369 How gentle God's commands, 335 How beauteous were the marks divine, 108 How heavy is the night, 180 How helpless guilty nature lies, 181 How pleasant, how divinely fair, 37 How precious is the book divine, 69 How sad it would be, if when thou, 229 How sad our state by nature is, 182 How shall the young secure their hearts, 70 How solemn are the words, 250 How sweet, how heavenly is the sight, 468 How sweetly breaks the Sabbath dawn, 46 How sweetly flowed the gospel's sound, 109 How sweet the name of Jesus, 295 How sweet to leave the world awhile, 36 How tedious and tasteless the hours, 324 How tender is thy hand, 383 How vast, how full, how free, 189

I am coming to the cross, 274 I am dwelling on the mountain, 285 I am thine, O Lord, I have heard, 280 I cannot always trace the way, 355 I cannot do without thee, 272 I gave my life for thee, 134 I have found a friend in Jesus, 328 I have found redemption, 245 I have found repose for my weary soul, 373 I heard the voice of Jesus say, 334 I hear the Savior say, 197 I hear thy welcome voice, 317 I know that my Redeemer lives, 149 I love to steal awhile away, 388 I love to tell the story, 419 I love thy kingdom, Lord, 435 I need thee every hour, 326 I saw a way-worn, trav'ler, 525 I sing th' almighty pow'r of God, 79 I stand, but not as once I did, 243 I think when I read that sweet story, 532 I want to be a worker for the Lord, 413 I will sing you a song of that beautiful, 526 I would not live alway; I ask not to stay, 496 In God I have found a retreat, 378 In heavenly love abiding, 345 In some way or other, 367 In stature grows the heavenly child, 106 In the cross of Christ I glory, 131 In the Christian's home in glory, 519 In thy cleft, O Rock of Ages, 350 In thy name, O Lord! assembling, 32 In thy service will I ever, 268 In vain in high and holy lays, 116 It came upon the midnight clear, 94 It is not death to die, 484 I've found the pearl of greatest price, 287 I've reached the land of corn and wine, 284

Jehovah God! thy gracious pow'r, 92 Jerusalem, my glorious home, 516 Jerusalem, the glorious, 513 Jerusalem, the golden, 510 Jesus, and shall it ever be, 304 Jesus comes, his conflict over, 152 Jesus, I my cross have taken, 266 Jesus is God! the glorious bands, 100 Jesus is tenderly calling thee home, 214 Jesus, keep me near the cross, 136 Jesus, Lover of my soul, 340 Jesus, my all, to heaven is gone, 264 Jesus, my heart within me burns, 305 Jesus, my Lord, to thee I cry, 241 Jesus, my Savior, to Bethlehem came, 201 Jesus, my truth, my way, 318 Jesus, Savior, pilot me, 341 Jesus shall reign where'er the sun, 437 Jesus, the very thought of thee, 291 Jesus, thou art the sinner's Friend, 239 Jesus, thou joy of loving hearts, 476 Jesus, thy church with longing eyes, 161 Jesus, thy name I love, 308 Jesus, while our hearts are bleeding, 488 Joy to the world! the Lord is come, 98 Just as I am, without one plea, 235 Just as thou art, without one trace, 213

Lead, kindly light, amid the encircling, 381 Lift up the Gates of Praise, 22 Lift up to God the voice of praise, 17 Light after darkness, 418 Like Noah's weary dove, 192 Listen, sinner! mercy hails you, 224 Look from thy sphere of endless day, 447 Lo! on a narrow neck of land, 507 Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing, 33 Lord, from thy blessed throne, 544 Lord, I am thine, entirely thine, 265 Lord, I believe a rest remains, 257 Lord, I care not for riches, 247 Lord, I have made thy word my choice, 66 Lord, I hear of showers of blessing, 269 Lord, I know thy grace is nigh me, 253 Lord Jesus, I long to be perfectly whole, 281 Lord of all being! throned afar, 7 Lord, send thy word, and let it fly, 67 Lord, teach us how to pray aright, 389 Lord, thy glory fills the heaven, 88 Lord, weak and impotent I stand, 278 Lord, we come before thee now, 31 Lord, while for all mankind we pray, 541 Love divine, all love excelling, 267

Majestic sweetness sits enthroned, 286 Mercy, oh, thou Son of David, 254 Mid scenes of confusion and creature, 523 Midst sorrow and care, 505 Mine eyes and my desire, 273 More love to thee, O Christ, 310 Must Jesus bear the cross alone, 400 My country! 'tis of thee, 542 My days are gliding swiftly by, 498 My dear Redeemer and my Lord, 110 My faith looks up to thee, 307 My Father is rich in houses and lands, 352 My God! accept my heart this day, 261 My God and is thy table spread, 475 My God, how wonderful thou art, 80 My God, I know, I feel thee mine, 260 My God, is any hour so sweet, 386 My God, my Father, while I stray, 358 My God! my King! thy various praise, 12 My gracious Lord, I own thy right, 262 My gracious Redeemer I love, 327 My heavenly home is bright and fair, 522 My hope is built on nothing less, 321 My Jesus, as thou wilt, 372 My life, my love, I give to thee, 275 My Savior, whom absent I love, 325 My soul, be on thy guard, 423 My soul shall praise thee, O my God, 16

Nearer, my God, to thee, 311 Not all the blood of beasts, 190 Now for a tune of lofty praise, 146 Now to the Lord a noble song, 11

Oh, bless the Lord, my soul, 20 Oh, bliss of the purified! bliss of the, 348 Oh, come, loud anthems let us sing, 13 Oh! could I find from day to day, 258 Oh, could I speak the matchless worth, 303 O day of rest and gladness, 44 Oh, do not let the word depart, 203 Oh, eyes that are weary and hearts, 368 Oh, for a closer walk with God, 330 Oh, for a faith that will not shrink, 364 Oh, for a heart to praise my God, 331 Oh, for a thousand tongues to sing, 288 O God, our help in ages past, 78 Oh, happy day, that fixed my choice, 466 O Holy Savior, Friend unseen, 279 Oh, how happy are they, 248 O, I often sit and ponder, 530 O Jesus full of grace, 271 O, Jesus, Jesus, dearest Lord, 292 O Jesus! sweet the tears I shed, 123 O Lord, how full of sweet content, 343 O Love I who gav'st thy life for me, 140 Oh, now I see the cleansing wave, 283 Oh, render thanks to God above, 10 O, sacred head, now wounded, 120 Oh, scatter seeds of loving deeds, 414 Oh, still in accents sweet, 463 Oh, that I could forever dwell, 314 Oh, that my load of sin were gone, 232 Oh, the peace that fills my soul, 255 O, think of the home over there, 517 O thou, in whose presence my soul, 323 Oh, Thou, the contrite sinner's Friend, 354 Oh thou, whose own vast temple stands, 41 Oh, turn ye, oh turn ye, for why, 215 Oh, weary pilgrim, lift your head, 382 Oh, what if we are Christ's, 359 O when shall I see Jesus, 296 On! where are kings and empires, 432 Oh, where shall rest be found, 228 Oh, wondrous, deep, unbounded love, 244 Oh, wondrous type, oh, vision fair, 113 O worship the King, all-glorious above, 28 Of him who did salvation bring, 320 One sweetly solemn thought, 500 On Jordan's stormy bank I stand, 528 Only a word for Jesus, 420 On the mountain's top appearing, 441 Onward, onward, men of heaven, 445 Oppressed with noonday's scorching, 124 Our children, Lord, in faith and prayer, 483 Our country's voice is pleading, 456 Our Father who art in heaven, 396 Our Lord is now rejected, 160 Our sins on Christ were laid, 126

Peace be still! In this night of sorrow, 502 Pour out thy Spirit from on high, 464 Praise God from whom all blessings flow, 6 Praise the Lord; ye heavens adore him, 24 Praise to God, immortal praise, 546 Praise to thee, thou great Creator, 27 Prayer is appointed to convey, 385 Prayer is the soul's sincere desire, 391

Rejoice and be glad, the Redeemer has, 316 Rescue the perishing, 411 Rest, weary pilgrim, thy journey is o'er, 503 Revive thy work, O Lord, 436 Ride on! ride on in majesty, 112 Rise, glorious Conqueror, rise, 150 Rocked in the cradle of the deep, 547 Rock of Ages, cleft for me, 129

Safely thro' another week, 48 Safe in the arms of Jesus, 370 Salvation! oh, the joyful sound, 188 Savior, again to thy dear name we raise, 57 Savior, breathe an evening blessing, 54 Savior, more than life to me, 309 Savior! teach me, day by day, 342 Savior, visit thy plantation, 442 Saw ye my Savior, 137 Say, sinner, hath a voice within, 212 See how the morning sun, 53 See, the Conqueror mounts in triumph, 153 See the flag of Jesus, 459 Servant of God, well done, 485 Shall we gather at the river, 529 Show pity, Lord, O Lord, forgive, 233 Silently the shades of evening, 59 Simply trusting every day, 376 Sing them over again to me, 62 Sing to the Lord Jehovah's name, 19 Sinners Jesus will receive, 193 Sinners, this solemn truth regard, 183 Sinners, turn; why will ye die, 204 So fades the lovely, blooming flower, 492 Softly fades the twilight ray, 51 Softly now the light of day, 58 Soldiers of Christ are we, 427 Soldiers of Christ! arise, 424 Soldiers of the cross! arise, 461 So let our lips and lives express, 407 Sometimes a light surprises, 346 Soon may the last glad song arise, 439 Soon the evening shadows falling, 226 So tender, so precious, 322 Sowing in the morning, 417 Sow in the morn thy seed, 404 Spirit Divine! attend our prayers, 168 Spirit of power, and truth and love, 173 Stand up, and bless the Lord, 23 Stand up, stand up for Jesus, 428 Stay, thou insulted Spirit, stay, 234 Sun of my soul, thou Savior dear, 55 Sweet hour of prayer, 387 Sweet is the work, my God! my King, 14 Sweet the moments rich in blessing, 132

Take me, oh, my Father, take me, 270 Take my heart, dear Jesus, 276 Take my life and let it be, 277 Talk with us, Lord, thyself reveal, 393 Thank and praise Jehovah's name, 25 That awful day will surely come, 508 That dreadful night, before his death, 480 The cross, the cross, the blood-stained cross, 125 The door of salvation is open wide, 231 The evening shades are falling, 531 The head, that once was crowned with thorns, 156 The heathen perish; day by day, 446 The Lord descended from above, 82 The Lord is King! child of the dust, 86 The Lord is now rejected, 160 The Lord is risen indeed, 145 The Lord my Shepherd is, 360 The Lord, our God, is full of might, 73 The Lord's our Rock, in him we hide, 377 The morning kindles all the sky, 147 The morning light is breaking, 457 The morning purples all the sky, 141 The pity of the Lord, 339 The race that long in darkness pine, 95 There are lonely hearts to cherish, 412 There is a fountain filled with blood, 186 There is a God—all nature speaks, 85 There is a land of pure delight, 514 There is a line by us unseen, 210 There is a name I love to hear, 294 There is an hour of peaceful rest, 521 There is a spot to me more dear, 249 There is no flock, however watched, 501 There's a glorious kingdom waiting, 158 There's a land that is fairer than day, 518 There's a stranger at the door, 220 There's a wideness in God's mercy, 217 There shall be showers of blessing, 347 The sands of time are wasting, 512 The Savior bids thee watch and pray, 390 The solemn service now is done, 465 This is not my place of resting, 520 Thou! whose almighty word, 165 Thy law is perfect, Lord of light, 71 Thy way, O God, is in the sea, 77 Thy presence, gracious God, afford, 38 Thy will be done! In devious way, 497 Till he come! oh, let the word, 481 'Tis grace, 'tis grace, 'tis wonderful grace, 200 'Tis midnight; and on Olive's brow, 117 'Tis the promise of God, 252 'Tis thine alone, almighty name, 536 To-day the Savior calls, 222 To thee, my God and Savior, 297 Triumphant Zion! lift thy head, 438 'Twas on that dark, that dreadful night, 478

Unfurl the Temperance Banner, 538 Unveil thy bosom, faithful tomb, 491

Vain are the hopes the sons of men, 185

Wake, wake the song! our glad, 545 Walk in the light! so shall thou know, 351 Wayfarers in the wilderness, 499 We are living, we are dwelling, 408 We bless thee for thy peace, O God, 333 We give thee but thine own, 405 We have heard the joyful sound, 191 We long to move and breathe in thee, 482 We may not climb the heavenly steeps, 105 We praise thee, O God, for the Son, 315 We shall meet beyond the river, 524 Welcome, delightful morn, 49 Welcome, O Savior! to my heart, 259 Welcome, sacred day of rest, 50 Welcome! sweet day of rest, 43 What a Friend we have in Jesus, 395 What grace, O Lord, and beauty, shone, 104 What means this glorious radiance, 103 When I can read my title clear, 515 When I view my Savior bleeding, 133 When I survey the wondrous cross, 119 When Jesus comes to reward his, 422 When peace like a river, 251 When the worn spirit wants repose, 47 When thou, my righteous Judge, shalt, 506 When wounded sore, the stricken soul, 187 While in sweet communion feeding, 479 While shepherds watched their flocks, 96 Who'll be the next to follow Jesus, 219 Why do we mourn departing friends, 493 Why do you wait, dear brother, 207 Why should our tears in sorrow flow, 495 Why should the children of a King, 169 With joy we mediate the grace, 157 With stately towers and bulwarks, 431 With thine own pity Savior, see, 462 Witness, ye men and angels! now, 470 Work, for the night is coming, 416 Would you lose your load of sin, 242

Ye servants of God, your Master proclaim, 29 Yes, God is good; in earth and sky, 83 Yes, we trust the day is breaking, 453 Ye wretched, hungry, starving poor, 209 Yield not to temptation, 430

Zion, dreary and in anguish, 444 Zion stands with hills surrounded, 440


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