16mo. Per vol., 50 cents.
* * * * *
There appears to be, from year to year, a growing popular taste for quaint and curious reminiscences of "Ye Olden Time," and to meet this, Mr. Henry M. Brooks has prepared a series of interesting handbooks. The materials have been gleaned chiefly from old newspapers of Boston and Salem, sources not easily accessible, and while not professing to be history, the volumes contain much material for history, so combined and presented as to be both amusing and instructive. The titles of some of the volumes indicate their scope and their promise of entertainment:—
* * * * *
"It has been the good fortune of the writer to be allowed a peep at the manuscript for this series, and he can assure the lovers of the historical and the quaint in literature that something both valuable and pleasant is in store for them. In the specialties treated of in these books Mr. Brooks has been for many years a careful collector and student, and it is gratifying to learn that the material is to be committed to book form."—Salem Gazette.
* * * * *
For sale by all Booksellers. Sent, post-paid, upon receipt of price. Catalogues of our books mailed free.
* * * * *
Advertisements are sometimes very amusing. They give insights into the manners of the times no less interesting than authentic. Suppose the ancients had possessed a press, and that a volume of a Roman Post or Chronicle had been dug up at Herculaneum, with what curiosity should we not contemplate the millinery of the Roman ladies, or, "Wanted, a Gladiator to fight the last new lion;" or, "Next Ides of November will be published the new poem of Quintus Horatius Flaccus"!—LEIGH HUNT.
* * * * *
Quaint and Curious Advertisements
"Old and new make the warp and woof of every moment. There is no thread that is not a twist of these two strands. By necessity, by proclivity, and by delight, we all quote."—EMERSON
Copyright, 1886,
All rights reserved.
University Press:
ABRAHAM, NATHANIEL 30 Adams, John 73 Allen, Jolley 40 Allen, Thomas 27 Amberson, William 105 Amory, John & Thomas, & Co. 126 Amory, Jonathan & John 29 Andrews, William, jr. 140 Appleton, John 46 Aspinwalle, G. & T. 91
BAILS, JAMES 137 Baker, John 21 Baker, Mr. 8 Ball, John 12 Barclay, Andrew 38 Barnard, Thomas, D.D. 45, 48 Barnum, P.T. 120 Bartlett, Keziah 136, 137 Bartlett, W.P. 59 Bathrick, Samuel 141 Bell, Robert 54 Belcher & Armstrong 91 Belknap, Jeremy, D.D. 44 Bernard, Governor Francis 14, 15 Billings, Mary 18, 19 Blake, Increase 11 Blanchard & Hancock 35 Bois, John 17 Bolles, E.C., D.D. 117 Boutineau, Deacon 3 Bowen, Mr. 55, 68, 92 Bowes, Nicholas 24 Bowles, William Augustus 104 Boyer, Daniel 31 Bray, George 11, 12 Brazer, Samuel 98, 99 Brewer, Jonathan 106 Brewer, Thomas 67 Briggs, Enos 70, 72, 73, 75 Brooks, Sarah 61 Brown, Charles 127 Brown, Mr. 120 Brown, William 82 Buffum, James R. 145 Bulfinch, Jeremiah 136 Burnham, Nathan 140
CABOT, FRANCIS 48 Cabot, Joseph 9, 10 Caines, Thomas 137 Callender, Joseph 35 Campbell, Elizabeth 3 Carleton, Osgood 54, 55 Cato 100 Chapman, Moses 119 Chase & Speakman 40 Chase, T. 40 Chase, Thomas 17 Choate, Thomas 140 Chesterfield, Lord 23 Clark, Dr. 20 Clark, W. Gaylord 7 Coffin, Ebenezer 34 Copley, John S. 69 Courtney, Elizabeth 8 Courtney, Mr. 9 Craigie, Andrew 25 Crandel, Mr. 121 Crombie, Mr. 145 Crosby, John 42 Curwen, George R. 117 Curwen, Samuel 45 Cushing & Appleton 78, 124
DABNEY, NATHANIEL 48 Daland, Benjamin 112 Dalgleish, Andrew 48 Dana, Rev. Samuel 50, 51 Daniell, Jesse 137 Davis, Caleb 17 Davis, Israel 127 Derby, E.H. 74 Derby, Richard, jr. 49 Dodd, Rev. Dr. William 23, 24 Dodge, John T., jr. 142 Don Vincent, Folch, St. Col. 104 Dorr, Harbottle 44 Dow, Enoch 89 Draper, Mr. 97 Duncan, Robert 32 Dupee, Isaac 25
EDES & GILL 13, 17, 19, 33 Elliot, Robert 105 Ellson, Mr. 17 Emerson, Bulkeley 17 Erving, Mr. 63
FAIRFIELD, WILLIAM 106 Felt, George W. 88 Flagg, Josiah, jr. 58 Franklin, Benjamin 115 Franklin, Mr. 121 Franklin, Samuel 38 Franklin, William Temple 116 Freeman, Philip 28 Forrest, Edwin 149 Foster, Hopestill 97 Foster, Susannah 27 Fowle, Daniel 17 Fowle, J. 50
GARDNER, SAMUEL 9, 10 Gay, Martin 44 Gray & Carter 139 Gray, Hon. William 74, 138 Gibson, Deacon 11 Gilbert, Mr. 67 Gillespie, Andrew 17 Glover, Jonathan 50 Goldthwaite, Ezekiel 6 Goodale, Nathan 48 Goodhue, William 54 Green & Russell 19 Greenleaf, J. 124, 125 Greenough, David S. 52 Greenwood, Isaac 107, 108 Greenwood, Isaac, jr. 53 Gridley, Richard 70 Griswold, Ezra 83
HACKET, COLONEL 73 Hamilton, Alexander 65 Hardy, Charles 82 Hawthorne, Nathaniel 112 Hendry, Widow 12 Hepburn, Thomas 57 Hewes, Daniel 109 Hewes, Shubael 20 Hodgdon, Colonel 91 Holden, Nathaniel J. 117 Holker, John 143 Holman, Samuel 46 Holyoke, Dr. E.A. 45, 48 Hook, E. & G., & Hastings 148 Hook, Elias 148 Hopkins, Daniel, D.D. 45 Hunt, Thomas F. 117 Hunt, William 30, 100 Hutchinson, Governor Thomas 46, 48, 49 Hudson & Goodwin 80
IRWIN, JOHN 105 Ives, John M. 125, 149
JACKSON, MARY & SON 42 Jenks, John 72 Johnston & Co., Nicholas 104 Jones, Daniel 36 Jones, Thomas 102 Jordis, Frederick 61, 62
KEITH, JOHN H. 75, 76 King, Major 131, 132 Kingsbury, Ezekiel, jr. 97 Kneeland, S. 44 Knox, Henry 24
LANG, Mr. 88 Lang, William 46 Leech, Asa 86 Leverett, Thomas 24 Lewis, Thomas 143 Lindal, Timothy 29 Loring, John 27 Lowell, Rev. Charles 143 Lynde, Chief Justice Benjamin 45 Lynde, Madam 45
MCALPINE, W. 2 McDaniel, B.F. 117 Mansfield, J. 3d. 64 Marshall, Captain 31 Mason, James 36 Mason, Jonathan 37 Matthews, John L. 103 Matthis, Edmond 106, 107 Mein & Flemming 42 Metcalf, Joseph 85 Moore, Rosanna 39 Morgan, Theodore 119 Morris, Robert 102 Morris, York 102 Morse, Edward S. 118 Mylod, Samuel 83
NAZRO, Mr. 149 Newell, Joseph 136 Newhall, J. & I. 99 Northey, William 46 Nutting, John 48
OLIVER, ANDREW 15 Oliver, Daniel 77 Osgood, Nathaniel 101 Otis, Samuel Allyne 45
PACKARD, ALPHEUS S. 118 Paddock, Adino 34 Paddock, Captain 40 Paff, Mr. 92 Paget, Henry 19 Palfrey, William 31, 32 Palmer, Joseph & Co. 35 Parker, Daniel 26 Payson, Jonathan 12, 13 Peale, Charles W. 116 Peck, Thomas Handasyd 28 Peck, William Augustus 10 Peters, Hugh 81 Peters, John 81 Phillips, Deacon 34 Phillips, Margaret 137 Pickman, Benjamin 45 Pickman, C. Gayton 48 Pickman, William 48 Pinchbeck, Mr. 86 Pollard, A. 123 Pousland, T.D. 142 Preble, Captain 75 Prentice, John 49, 50 Prince, Samuel 130 Procter, Martha 83 Purcell, Mary 3, 4 Putnam, Ebenezer 48 Putnam, Frederick W. 118 Pynchon, William 48
RANDALL, JOSEPH 23 Randall, Susannah 23 Remond, C. Lenox 151 Remond, John 129, 150, 151, 152, 153 Rengill, Emanuel 104 Revere, Paul 20, 77 Rice, Lemuel 76 Richards, Giles & Co. 43 Richardson, F.P. 117 Robinson, J. 79 Robinson, John 117, 118 Rogers, James 106 Ropes, Judge Nathaniel 46 Rose, Samuel 21 Russell, Benjamin 34, 35 Rust, John 89
SALISBURY, AMBROSE 150 Sancho 90 Sargent, Ignatius 91 Sargent, Winthrop 90, 91 Scott, Captain 35 Silhouette, M. 119 Skillings, Captain 32 Smith, Samuel 15, 16 Sparhawk, N. 48 Stetson, Prince 138 Stevenson, John & Thomas 29 Stewart, Mr. 121 Stickney, M.A. 117 Stone, John 101 Street & Grose 133 Sylvester, Richard 41 Symmes, John 32
TALLEYRAND 71 Tannebill, A. 105 Thaxter, Samuel 43 Thomas, Isaiah, jr. 84, 85 Tisdall, Thomas 80, 81 Todd, Sarah 3, 4 Townley, John 33 Trask, Jonathan 97 Tromelle & Girard 144 Tucker & Thayer 65 Tucker, Mr. 145 Turner, John 48 Turner, Mr. 18 Tyler, Joseph 98 Tyler, Thomas 25
WALLACE, GEORGE 105 Waters, H.F. 117 Watt, Captain 38 Wheatland, Henry 118 Whipple, Henry 103 Whitaker, Nathaniel, D.D. 45 Whitwell, William 26 Wilkins, J. jr. 105 Williams, Jonathan 36 Williams, Mr. 17 Williams, Thomas 73 Woodbury, Josiah 22
AMONG the mass of advertisements that have appeared from time to time in newspapers are to be found some which are very quaint and curious. Such are not, in all cases, intended by the writers to be so; but they sound so, especially to those persons who have an ear for strange or humorous things. Sometimes, indeed, it is the intention of the writers to attract particular notice by the wording of the advertisement. Oftentimes the matter may have been dictated by illiterate persons. Frequently the nature of the subject is itself sufficient to excite our humorous feelings. But whatever may be the object of the advertiser, these productions are often amusing and interesting enough to be reproduced for the benefit of those who cannot conveniently read the originals.
In 1767 "the Prince of the Power of the Air reigned with almost uncontrouled Restraint," according to a book published.
THIS DAY PUBLISHED, An ADDRESS to PERSONS of FASHION, Concerning frequenting of PLAYS, BALLS, ASSEMBLIES, CARD-TABLES, &c. In which is introduced the Character of LUCINDA. Printed & Sold by W. McAlpine, in Marlboro'-street.
*** A Pamphlet worthy the serious Attention of every Christian, especially at a Time when Vice and Immorality seems to have an Ascendency over Religion, and the Prince of the Power of the Air reigns with almost an uncontrouled Restraint.
Boston Gazette, May 21, 1767.
* * * * *
In the year 1759 competition in trade had not reached the proportions that it has since assumed, for the "ill-natured opposition" which two women met with according to the "Boston Gazette" of August 13, that year, was probably nothing more or less than the treatment of some competitor in the same line,—perhaps a man mean enough to undersell. Such things have frequently occurred in our day,—some mammoth establishment cutting prices purposely, to drive some poor woman out of business whose sole dependence is in a small shop selling cotton, pins, needles, etc., barely making a living at it. "Rule or ruin" is the motto of too many in these days; and such men are called "smart," and if they get rich are fairly worshipped for their enterprise.
Sarah Todd and Mary Purcell
Hereby inform the Publick that (notwithstanding the ill-natur'd Opposition they have met with, though not from the Landlord, who has fulfill'd his Engagement to them) they have remov'd their Shop from opposite the Old-Brick Meeting-House in Cornhill to the House lately occupied by Mrs. Elizabeth Campbell, next Door to Deacon Boutineau's in Cornhill, Boston, where they hope their Friends and others will favour them with their Custom, and whom they engage to supply with the following Articles at the lowest Rate that any fair Trader can afford them for Cash. VIZ.
India Taffities, Grograms, Persians, black and colour'd Sattins, Silk, Callamancoe, Tammie, and Horse Hair quilted Petticoats, a Variety of the newest fashion'd Prussian Cloaks and Hatts, with figur'd Silk and Trimming for ditto, 6-4 and yard-wide Muslin, Long Lawn, Cambrick, clear and flower'd Lawns, Cyprus, Gauze, Tandem Holland, Damask Table Cloths, India Ginghams, white Callico, Cap Lace, black Bone Lace, and Trolly ditto, white and colour'd Blond Lace, Stone sett in Silver Shoe Buckles, Sleeve Buttons, Stock Tape, Sattin Jockeys with Feathers for Boys, brocaded silk, black Sattin and Russel Shoes, black Sattin Bonnetts and Hatts, Pastboard Stomachers, Cotton, Thread and Worsted Mens and Womens Hose, a great Variety of Ribbons, Necklaces and Earings, black and white Silk Mitts, Kid and Lamb Gloves and Mitts, French ditto, Cotton, Cambrick and Scotch Threads, with a great Variety of Millenary Goods, too many to enumerate. —> The said Todd and Purcell having spare Room in said House, can accommodate young Ladies with Board and Lodging at a reasonable Rate.
* * * * *
In 1760 the town clerk of Boston issued a notice to the public in reference to persons forestalling the market by falsely representing to farmers and others that the small-pox was prevalent in the town, which had so frightened the market-men that they were glad to sell outside the town and at lower prices than they otherwise would have done.
Boston, February 13, 1760.
WHEREAS sundry evil minded Persons in some of the neighbouring Towns, to discourage the Market-People coming into this Town with their Provisions, and that they may have an Opportunity to purchase at low Rates, and sell them here at an exorbitant Price, have industriously reported that the Small-Pox for some Time past has been in this Town, and now prevails here:
THESE are to Inform the Public, that for near two Years past, there has been only one Person taken down in this Town with the Small-Pox, which is upwards of a Month past, who upon discovery of it was immediately removed to the Hospital, and there died, and no other Person has had it, or any Symptoms of it since.—That Yesterday there was a general Visitation of the Town by the Justices of the Peace, Selectmen and Overseers of the Poor, and upon their Report last Evening of the State and Circumstances of the Inhabitants, I hereby Certify that there is not an Infectious Distemper of any Sort, known to be in Town.—AND as the above false Reports have been Propagated to the great Prejudice of this Town by those who employ themselves in Engrossing Provisions and Forestalling the Market, (many of whom are known to the Selectmen:) They are hereby particularly Notified, That unless they desist from such wicked and abusive Practices, they will be prosecuted on the Act of the Province, for making and publishing such Lyes and false Reports.——By Order of the Selectmen,
Ezekiel Goldthwait, Town Clerk.
Many Country-People have imagined by seeing Silks hanging on Poles, that the Small-Pox is in such Houses; but their Surmises are entirely groundless, they being hung out at the Silk Dyers for drying.
Boston Gazette.
* * * * *
In 1760 the Committee of Tradesmen advise voters to "put on Sabbath Day Clothes" and "wash their Hands and Faces" before going to town meeting the next day. They also speak of the "New and Grand Corcas," meaning probably caucus. This is from the "Boston Gazette," May 12.
THE Committee of Tradesmen hereby advise their Constituents and others to set apart a decent Portion of Time (at least one Hour) previous to the Opening of the Town-Meeting To-Morrow to shift themselves and put on their Sabbath Day Clothes, also to wash their Hands and Faces, that they may appear neat and cleanly; Inasmuch as it hath been reported to said Committee of Tradesmen that Votes are to be GIVEN AWAY by the delicate Hands of the New and Grand Corcas; and they would have no Offence given to Turk or Jew, much less to Gentlemen who attend upon so charitable a design.—Nothing of the least Significancy was transacted at a late Meeting of the said new and grand Corcas to require any further Attention of said Committee.
Boston Gazette, May 12, 1760.
* * * * *
Some one is "desired to refresh his memory" in 1767. Such mistakes remind us of Willis Gaylord Clark's account of an announcement he once heard at a revival meeting somewhere in New York State. The minister said: "I would adnounce to this codingregation [through his nose] that, prebably by mistake, there was left at this house of prayer this morning a small cotting umbrella, very much worn and of an exceedinglie pale blue color; in the place whereof was taken one that was new and of great beauty. I say, brethren and sisters, that it was prebably by mistake that of these two articles the one was taken and the other left; but it was a very improper mistake, and should be discountenanced if possible. Blunders of this sort are getting to be a leetle too common."
Taken (as is supposed by Mistake) last Wednesday from the Representatives Chamber in Boston, a long Camblet Cloak, lin'd with red Baize: Whoever has taken the same is desired to refresh his Memory, and return it to Mr. Baker, Keeper of the Court-House. Sept. 5, 1767.
* * * * *
By an advertisement in the "Boston Gazette," Oct. 19, 1767, we learn that the young ladies of Boston had an opportunity to learn to paint on "gauze and catgut," which we suppose at that time was considered "high art."
To the Young Ladies of Boston.
ELIZABETH COURTNEY, as several Ladies has signified of having a desire to learn that most ingenious art of Painting on Gauze & Catgut, proposes to open a School, and that her business may be a public good, designs to teach the making all sorts of French Trimmings, Flowers, and Feather Muffs and Tippets. And as those arts above mentioned (the Flowers excepted) are entirely unknown on the Continent, she flatters herself to meet with all due encouragement; and more so, as every Lady may have a power of serving herself of what she is now obliged to send to England for, as the whole process is attended with little or no expence. The Conditions are Five Dollars at entrance, to be confin'd to no particular hours or time: And if they apply constant, may be compleat in six weeks. And when she has fifty subscribers, school will be open'd, as not being designed to open a school under that number, her proposals being to each person so easy, but to return to those who have subscrib'd their money again, and keep the business to herself.
N.B. Feather Muffs and Tippets to be had; and Gauze wash'd to look as well as new.
Please to inquire at Mr. Courtney's, Taylor, four Doors below the Mill-Bridge, North-End.
* * * * *
Sept 14, 1761, Samuel Gardner and Joseph Cabot of Salem offer a "snow" (two-masted vessel) for sale, that "goeth well."
TO BE SOLD, by Samuel Gardner, Francis and Joseph Cabot of Salem, on reasonable Terms; a SNOW burthened about One hundred and seventy Tons, well built and fitted, goeth well; She has 10 Carriage and 6 Swivel Guns, belonging to her.
* * * * *
In June, 1762, "gentleman seamen" were offered a chance to ship. "Post-Boy."
Now bound on a CRUIZE of Six Months, Against his Majesty's Enemies, The Brigantine Tartar, A prime Sailer, mounting Fourteen Six Pounders, Twenty Co-horns, and will carry One Hundred and Twenty Men, Commanded by William Augustus Peck.
ALL Gentlemen SEAMEN and able bodied LANDMEN, who have a Mind to make their Fortunes, and are inclined to take a Cruize in said Vessel, by applying to the KING's-HEAD Tavern at the North-End may view the Articles, which are more advantageous to the Ship's Company than ever were before offered in this Place.
Boston, June 28, 1762.
In 1762 the front part of a house is to be let near the "Orange-Tree" in Boston. The "Orange-Tree" was a tavern.
TO be LETT, The front Part of the House that Deacon Gibson formerly liv'd in, a little below the Orange-Tree; for further Information, inquire of Mr. Increase Blake, living in the back Part of said House and know further.
* * * * *
In September, 1767, those persons who were indebted to Mr. George Bray and who did not wish to be waited upon by a "monitor"—otherwise a constable—were reminded of their duty in the following quaint notice from the "Boston Gazette:"—
IF those who are indebted to Mr. George Bray will pay what they owe him to me his Attorney on or before the 26th Day of next Month, they will save me the Trouble of sending, and themselves of paying a MONITOR, who will at least remind them that in ancient Times People were desired to "OWE NO MAN ANY THING, BUT TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER": Which I believe is as obligatory, I am sure as necessary, to be observed now as it was then; especially considering Mr. Bray's repeated Losses by Fire, his having a large Family to maintain, and also being a long Time out of Business.
Boston, Sept. 26, 1767. JOHN BALL.
N.B. Beware of suing, for no further Warning will be given. J.B.
* * * * *
In 1767 Widow Hendry had "a very chargeable family," and had suffered by a recent fire in "Paddy's Alley."
THIS is to give notice that the Widow Hendry, having had her Workshop destroyed in the late Fire in Paddy's Alley, carries on the Farrier's Business on Scarlet's Wharf, at the North End, where she hopes her Customers will continue their Favors to her, in her deplorable Circumstances, having a very chargeable Family, and met with very heavy Losses by the said Fire.
* * * * *
After the same fire Jonathan Payson missed a pair of "Brass Doggs" (andirons), etc.
Sundry Things missing after the late Fire, viz. One Pair of Brass Doggs, cast solid, very heavy and large; 22 yards of Hamburgh Sheeting; one Bell metal Skillet, and one Silver Spoon—The Persons that took them in not knowing who they may belong to, I take this Method to inform them that they belong to the Subscriber.
* * * * *
Lead sashes in use in 1767.
A Number of Windows, set in Lead. Inquire of the Printers.
BOSTON, Printed by Edes and Gill, 1767.
* * * * *
In July, 1761, among the rough element, there seems to have been a "boom" in breaking windows and throwing stones. This state of things reached such a pitch that the Governor was forced to issue a Proclamation offering a reward for the detection of the offenders.
Captain-General and Governor in Chief, in and over His Majesty's Province of the Massachusetts Bay, in New-England, and Vice-Admiral of the same.
WHEREAS certain Persons, who remain hitherto undiscovered, have of late committed great Disorders in the Night-Time, within several Towns in this Province, and particularly have broke the Windows of some Meeting Houses, and of the Dwelling-Houses of several Persons, by flinging thereinto great Stones and Bricks, thereby indangering the Lives of the Inhabitants, as well as injuring their Houses, against the Peace of our Sovereign Lord the King, and in Contempt of his Laws:
I HAVE therefore thought fit, with the Advice of His Majesty's Council, to issue this Proclamation, requiring all Justices of the Peace, Sheriffs, Constables, and all other Officers whom it may concern, and also recommending it to all other His Majesty's good Subjects within this Province, to use their utmost Endeavours for discovering and bringing to Justice all Persons concerned in such disorderly and riotous Practices.
AND I do hereby promise, that whosoever shall discover and detect all or any of the Persons concerned therein, so that they or any of them may be lawfully convicted of any such Offences, shall receive out of the Public Treasury of this Province the Sum of TEN POUNDS Lawful Money, as a Reward to be paid upon the Conviction of such Offender or Offenders.
GIVEN at the Council-Chamber in Boston, the Seventh Day of July, 1761, in the First Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE the Third, by the Grace of GOD, of Great-Britain, France, and Ireland, KING, Defender of the Faith, &c.
Fr. Bernard.
By His Excellency's Command, A. OLIVER, Secr. GOD Save the KING.
* * * * *
In the "Boston Gazette," this same year, August 10, Samuel Smith objected to people reporting that he "was run away."
WHEREAS it has been falsely reported by some ill minded litigious Persons that I, the Subscriber, was run away, THIS is to inform the Public, and especially those that it doth concern, That I have been no further than Philadelphia, a Trading, with a Design to return Home in about two Months, but return'd Home one Week sooner; and be it KNOWN notwithstanding all the false Reports about me, I am to be spoke with at my Dwelling-House at the North End, or upon 'Change, every Day in the Week.
Samuel Smith.
N.B. Said Smith has a House at the North End of the Town to Lett; also two Rooms in another House in said Part of the Town; he has likewise another House in said Part of the Town, which he would be willing to exchange for one further Southward.
* * * * *
Quaint advertisement of a paper-maker in the "Boston Gazette," Nov. 23, 1767.
The Manufacturers of PAPER at Milton beg the Favor of the Public to furnish them with what Linnen Rags they can spare, for which the greatest possible Allowance will be given.—All Persons dispos'd in this Way to encourage so useful a Manufacture, are hereby acquainted that Linnen Rags and old Paper (to be kept separate from each other) will be receiv'd at the following Places, viz.
In Boston, at Mr. Caleb Davis's Shop near the Fortification, Mr. Thomas Chase near Liberty-Tree, Mr. Andrew Gillespie, Tobacconist, in Fore-Street, Mr. John Bois's House in Long-Lane, and at Edes & Gill's Printing-Office in Queen-Street.——At Mr. Ellson's Master of the Workhouse in Salem; at Mr. Williams's Master of the Workhouse in Marblehead, to each of whom we have been already much oblig'd.——At Mr. Bulkeley Emerson Stationer in Newbury-Port, and at Mr. Daniel Fowle's, Printer in Portsmouth.——If any Person will favor us in this Way, who live near Winnisimet-Ferry, or in Black Horse Lane in Boston, or in the Center of the Town of Charlestown, they are desir'd to send their Names to Edes and Gill's Printing-Office.——As large Quantities of Paper fortunately arriv'd from Europe before the Duties could be demanded, it is hoped before that can be consum'd, there will be sufficient of this Country Manufacture for future Use.
* * * * *
THE PRINTERS of this Paper beg Leave to Advertise their Customers, that they have lately purchas'd a new Set of TYPES, at a very great Expence, which will be improved for the Entertainment and Instruction of the Public. They only desire that those Gentlemen who are in Arrears for more than a Twelvemonth, wou'd be kind enough for their Encouragement to pay off their respective Balances, as soon as may be, in Cash, or good clean Linnen Rags, the latter of which they prefer.
*** Choice WRITING PAPER, manufactured at Milton, to be Sold by the Printers hereof.
* * * * *
As Mr. Turner, the dancing-master, had "suffered much by booking," we infer that some people had "danced without paying the fiddler."
MR. TURNER informs the Ladies and Gentlemen in town and country, that he has reduced his price for teaching, from Six Dollars entrance to One Guinea, and from Four Dollars per month to Three. Those Ladies and Gentlemen who propose sending their children to be taught, will notice, that no books will be kept, as Mr. T. has suffered much by booking. The pupils must pay monthly, if they are desirous the School should continue.
Boston, March 29, 1788.
* * * * *
Mary Billings, opposite the Governor's, sold lottery tickets in 1761. (December 7.)
Which will certainly commence Drawing on the 22d of this Month, may be had of the Managers in Sudbury or of Edes and Gill and Green and Russell, Printers in Queen-Street Boston.
SCHEME 1 of 500 Dollars. 180 of 10 Dollars. 15 of 100 80 of 8 20 of 50 51 of 6 20 of 40 1315 of 4 10 of 20
To be Sold by Mary Billings, opposite the GOVERNOR'S—Cardinal Silks and Trimmings, with many other Articles, cheap for Cash.
* * * * *
From "Boston Gazette," Sept. 8, 1760:
TO be Sold by Henry Paget, of Providence, a Tract of Land, partly improved, lying in Weyer River Parish, being the North Part of said Parish, and joins to Greenwich and Hardwick, containing about 2400 Acres—laid out in 100 Acre Lotts; to be Sold together, or in Lots. Said Land will be Sold reasonable for prompt Pay; or if the Purchaser can't pay the whole, good Security will be taken.
N.B. There's a settled Minister in said Parish much approved of.
* * * * *
Sporting in Boston, in 1790. From the "Massachusetts Centinel," May 1.
WHEREAS great danger daily arises to the Inhabitants, from the frequency of persons gunning or shooting birds, at various parts of the town, in direct violation of the law; the Selectmen would now acquaint the inhabitants, that they have appointed Mr. SHUBAEL HEWES to take notice of all such persons, who may be found shooting within the limits of the town in future, and prosecute them, without exception, to the utmost extent of the law.
* * * * *
In the "Boston Gazette," Dec. 19, 1768, appears the following curious advertisement:
WHEREAS many Persons are so unfortunate as to lose their Fore-Teeth by Accident, and otherways, to their great Detriment, not only in Looks, but speaking both in Public and Private:—This is to inform all such, that they may have them re-placed with artificial Ones, that looks as well as the Natural, & answers the End of Speaking to all Intents, by PAUL REVERE, Goldsmith, near the Head of Dr. Clarke's Wharf, Boston.
*** All Persons who have had false Teeth fixt by Mr. John Baker, Surgeon-Dentist, and they have got loose (as they will in Time) may have them fastened by the above, who learnt the Method of fixing them from Mr. Baker.
* * * * *
Escape of a negro man slave who "can play on a Fiddle, and loves strong Drink."
RAN-away from his Master the 25th Day of November last, at North-Kingston, in the Colony of Rhode-Island, a well-set Negro Man Slave, named Isaac, about 5 Feet 6 or 7 Inches high, with a Scar on his Forehead, between 30 and 40 Years old, thick Beard, can play on a Fiddle, and loves strong Drink; had on and carried with him a lightish-colour'd Thick-set Coat, a blue Ratteen Jacket with Cuffs to the Sleeves, a blue Broad Cloth Jacket without Sleeves, Flannel Shirt, stript Flannel Trowsers, grey yarn Stockings, and single Channel Pumps. Whoever will secure said Slave in any of his Majesty's Goals, or deliver him to the Subscriber, his Master, shall have FIVE DOLLARS Reward, and necessary Charges paid.
Masters of Vessels, and others, are hereby forbid carrying off or securing said Slave, as they would avoid the Penalty of the Law. December 5, 1768.
Boston Gazette.
* * * * *
The town of Beverly has always been noted for beans, and it will be seen that as early as 1771 Josiah Woodbury offered two bushels as a reward to any person who would keep his "House Plague," who had run away from him. The question naturally arises, Was "Old Moll" Mr. Woodbury's wife?
Beverly, Sept. 16, 1771.
RAN-AWAY from Josiah Woodbury, Cooper, his House Plague for 7 long Years, Masury Old Moll, alias Trial of Vengeance. He that lost will never seek her; he that shall keep her, I will give two Bushel of Beans. I forewarn all Persons in Town or Country from trusting said Trial of Vengeance. I have hove all the old Shoes I can find for Joy; and all my Neighbours rejoice with me. A good Riddance of bad Ware. Amen.
Josiah Woodbury.
Essex Gazette, Sept. 17, 1771.
* * * * *
A woman advertises and describes a run-away husband.
Copied from a late Hartford Paper.
RAN away from the subscriber, on the 13th of May, one Joseph Randall, a tall, trim-built fellow: Had on, when he went away, a blue coat, velvet waistcoat and breeches, mixt coloured stockings, and wore away two felt hats; he rode away a black horse, and led a sorrel horse; he is supposed to be lurking in the south part of Scantick after a strumpet that he has spent the most of his time with for three years past. Whoever will take up said Randall, and return him to me, shall have 3 coppers reward; but whoever will take the trouble to keep him away shall have ten dollars reward, and all necessary charges paid by me.
N.B. All persons are forbid harbouring him, for I am determined to maintain him no longer.
Salem Mercury, July 1, 1785.
* * * * *
In the "Massachusetts Gazette," Feb. 3, 1774, is advertised a book by the notorious Dr. Dodd, who was executed for the forgery of Lord Chesterfield's name. This book is said to be "extremely proper to be given at Funerals."
A Book which upon perusal recommends itself, and which it is only necessary to read to approve; extremely proper to be given at Funerals or any other solemn Occasion: being written expressly with that intention.
(Price 2s. Lawful Money single and 1/8. the doz.) By THOMAS LEVERETT, NICHOLAS BOWES and HENRY KNOX in Cornhill,
Prebendary of Brecon and Chaplain in Ordinary to His MAJESTY.
A desire of extending the very laudable Practice of giving Books at Funerals, and the great propriety of the present Work for that Purpose, have induced the Editors to put this valuable Performance one Third cheaper than the London Edition, although it is by no Means Inferior in point of Elegance.
* * * * *
Some of the business localities of Boston in the last century were known by names which now strike us as very queer or quaint. We select a number of advertisements from the "Gazette," "Post-Boy," and "Chronicle."
Dec. 10, 1759.
Imported in the last Ships from LONDON.
By Andrew Craigie,
And to be Sold at his Shop, right against the Old South Meeting-House: by Wholesale & Retail, English Goods, suitable for the Season, too many to be enumerated, At the lowest Rate, for Cash, or short Credit.
* * * * *
Feb. 23, 1761.
Isaac Dupee, Carver,
ADVERTISES his Customers and others that since the late Fire (on Dock Square) he has opened a Shop the North Side of the Swing-Bridge, opposite to Thomas Tyler's, Esq.; where Business will be carried on as usual with Fidelity and Dispatch.
* * * * *
Imported in the Neptune, Capt. Binney, and to be Sold by
Daniel Parker, Goldsmith,
At his Shop near the Golden-Ball, Boston.
AN Assortment of Articles in the Goldsmith's and Jeweller's Way, viz. brilliant and cypher'd Button and Earing Stones of all Sorts, Locket Stones, cypher'd Ring Stones, Brilliant Ring Sparks, Buckle Stones, Garnetts, Emethysts, Topaz and Saphire Ring Stones, neat Stone Rings sett in Gold, some with Diamond Sparks, Stone Buttons in Silver, by the Card, black ditto in Silver, best Sword Blades, Shoe and Knee Chapes of all Sizes, Files of all Sorts, freezing Punches, Turkey Oyl Stones, red and white Foyl, moulding Sand, Borax, Saltpetre, Crucibles and Black Led Potts, Money Scales, large ditto to weigh Silver, Piles of Ounce Weights, Penny Weights & Grains, Coral Beeds, Stick ditto for Whistles, Forgeing Anvils, Spoon Teats, plain ditto, small raizing Anvils for Cream Potts, fine Lancashire Watch Plyers, Shears and Nippers, Birmingham ditto, with sundry other Articles, cheap for Cash.
* * * * *
CHOICE Muscovado best Powder and brown Sugars, by the Hogshead or Barrel, to be Sold by WILLIAM WHITWELL, at the Seven Stars near the Draw-Bridge, Boston. Also choice new Raisins by the Cask, Philadelphia Flour and Bar Iron per Quantity, Coffee by the Barrel or Hundred, Bohea Tea, &c., cheap for Cash or short Credit.
* * * * *
Sept. 8, 1760.
John Loring,
At his Shop near The Great Trees.
A Fresh and General Assortment of Medecines both Chemical and Galenical—Spices of all Sorts—Likewise Redwood, Logwood, Allum, Copperas, Brimstone, &c.——N.B. True Lockyer's Pills, Bateman's Drops, Stoughton's and Duffy's Elixer, &c. &c.
* * * * *
Susannah Foster
HEREBY informs her Customers, That she has removed from Queen Street to Fore-Street, next Door to the Sign of the Cross, where they may be supplied as usual with all Kinds of Groceries at the cheapest Rates.
* * * * *
Feb. 23, 1761.
Imported in the last Ship from London, and to be Sold
By Thomas Allen.
Near Bromfield's Lane, BOSTON.
Cardinal Silks and Trimmings, Prussian Cloaks, Muffs and Tippets, Callimanco and Tammy quilted Coats, Irish Linens, Mens & Womens cotton, thread and worsted Hose; a neat Assortment of Millenary Goods, &c. cheap for Cash.—
ALSO a great Variety of Paper Hangings.
* * * * *
Imported in Captains Hulme and Binney from London,
By Thomas Handasyd Peck,
And Sold by him at the Hatt & Beaver, Merchant's Row.
A Fresh Assortment of Linnen Linings, suitable for Beaver, Beaverett, Castor and Felt Hatts, Tabby ditto, Mohair Lupings, Silk Braid ditto, flatt and round Silk Lace and Frogs for Button Lupes, plain and sash Bands, workt & plain Buttons, black Thread, Gold and Silver Chain, yellow and white Buttons, hard and light Brushes, Velures, Cards, large and small Bowstrings, Looping Needles, Verdigrees and Coperas, a good Assortment of Mens and Boys Felt Hatts, Castor ditto.——He likewise sells Logwood.
Missing since the late Fire, when the Market-House was burnt, a large Folio of Mr. Clarkson's Works, and twenty yards of Gold and Silver Chain. If any Person has the Book or Chain, they are desir'd to inform said Peck.
* * * * *
May 11, 1761.
A few Firkins of Choice Butter, to be Sold by PHILIP FREEMAN, at the Blue Glove, facing the Sign of the Cornfields.
* * * * *
May 11, 1761.
Jonathan & John Amory
In King-Street, just below the Town-House in Boston, and at Salem, in the House where the Honourable Timothy Lindal, Esq; deceas'd, lately dwelt, near the Friends Meeting House, Have lately open'd a very large Assortment of English Goods, of almost every Kind, for Men's and Women's wear, consisting of too many Articles to be compriz'd in an Advertisement, which they will sell at either Place, by Wholesale or Retail, at very low Prices for Cash or Treasurer's Notes, and allow the Interest thereon.
* * * * *
May 11, 1761.
Imported by
John and Thomas Stevenson, And to be Sold at their Shop, at the Sign of the Stays, opposite the South Side of the Town-House, Boston, at the very lowest Prices, Viz.
Lawns of all Sorts, strip'd and flower'd kenting Handkerchiefs; cotton and linnen ditto; silk and gause ditto; Cambricks, Calicoes and printed Linnens—white and colour'd Threads;—silk, worsted, cotton and thread Stockings—Women's silk and worsted Mitts—Broad-Cloths; German Serges—Thicksets; Fustians; Jeans; Pillows and Dimities—Broglios; Dorsateens; Venetian Poplins; flower'd and plain Damasks; Prussianets; Serpentines; Tammies; strip'd Stuffs; Camblets; Callimancoes; Shalloons and Buckrams,—worsted Caps; Garters; Needles and Pins—white, brown and striped Hollands—white and check'd Linnen; Diaper; Bed-Ticks; Tartans; Plaids; Breeches and Jacket Stocking Patterns; cotton & silk and cotton Gowns—Stock Tapes—Leather Breeches; Men's and Women's Leather Shoes, &c. &c.
N. B. Kippen's and Tilloch's Snuff; Scotch Barley and Carpeting and Porter by the Dozen; With a great Number of other Articles.
* * * * *
Jan. 9, 1764.
A Few Hogsheads of choice Barbadoes RUM to be sold: Inquire Nathaniel Abraham, at the Golden Key.
* * * * *
And enter'd upon the 25th of March, in good tenable Repair.
The Five Grist-Mills at the North Part of the Town of Boston, with Stabling for Horses, Stores for Grain, &c. Any Person inclining to Hire, may apply to William Hunt, in Hanover-Street, whom the Proprietors hath empowered to Let the same. Feb. 23, 1767.
* * * * *
May 4, 1767.
Just Imported from London, and to be Sold by Daniel Boyer, Jeweller, At his Shop opposite the Governor's in Boston,
Best Brilliant and * Binding Wire Cypher Earing & Button * Brass and Iron ditto Stones * Brass stamps Brilliant & cypher ring * Buckle & ring brushes stones * Money scales & weights Garnets, amethysts, and * Small sheers & plyers topaz * Screw dividers Ring and buckle sparks * Blow pipes Locket stones & cyphers * Draw plates Ruby and white foyle * Moulding sand Coral beeds * Crucibles & black pots Coral for whistles * Borax & Salt-Petre Shoe and knee chapes * Pommice and Rottenstone, Rough and smooth files * &c.
Where also may be had, most sorts of Jewellers and Goldsmith Work, cheap for Cash.
* * * * *
William Palfrey
HEREBY informs his Customers and others, That he has just opened a fresh Assortment of Goods suitable for the Season, which were imported in the Ship Boston-Packet, Capt. Marshall.
ALSO, A Variety of Stone, China and Glass Ware, which will be sold very low at his Shop next Door North of the Heart and Crown in Cornhill, Boston.
* * * * *
Imported in Captain Skillings from London, and to be Sold
By John Symmes, Goldsmith,
Near the Golden Ball, Boston, viz.
BEST Shoe and Knee Buckles Fluke and Tongs, ruff and smooth Files, Bone Buckle Brushes, Freezing Punches, Binding Wire, Steel Top Thimbles, Cypher and Brilliant Button Stones, Cypher and Brilliant Ring Stones, Ring Sparks, Motto Ring Stones, Amethysts, Garnetts, Brilliant and Cypher Earing Stones, Amethysts Foyle, red & white do. Stone Bosom Buckles, Crusables, and Black Lead Melting Pots, &c. all cheap for Cash.
* * * * *
November, 1767.
Robert Duncan
Begs Leave to inform his Customers and Others, That he has removed from the Store on the Town Dock to the Shop lately improved by Mr. William Palfrey, next Door Northward of the Sign of the HEART and CROWN in Cornhill.
* * * * *
A House to Lett in Hawkins's-Street, near the Sign of the Parrot. Inquire of Edes and Gill.
* * * * *
No. 1. A House at the North-End of the Town, the Corner of Winnisimett Ferry.
* * * * *
No. 4. One large double House at New-Boston, near the Sign of the Ship. Boston, 21st Nov. 1767.
* * * * *
Aug. 13, 1759.
Imported in the last Ships from London, and to be Sold
By John Townley,
At the Sign of the Wheat Sheaff, the Corner of Wing's Lane, very cheap for Cash;
BROAD cloths, Yorkshire plains, cotton velvets and cut-velvet shapes, thicksetts, fustians, white jeans, figured and corded dimothys, silk and cotton gowns, stript linnens, Manchester checks, ruffells, calimancoes, tammys, durants, yard wide & prussian poplins, cross-bar'd stuffs, rich brunets, broglios, stript & plain camblets & cambleteens, lastings of all colours, bombazine, a fine assortment of Irish linnens, English oznabrigs.
* * * * *
Imported in the last Ships from LONDON, by
Ebenezer Coffin,
And to be Sold at the Crown and Bee-Hive, opposite Deacon Phillips's in Cornhill, Boston, very cheap for ready Cash, or on short Credit,
A Large assortment of best london, hard-metal and common pewter dishes, plates, basons, porringers, quart-pots, tankards, soup-kettles, communion flaggons and cups, christening basons, tea-pots and spoons, bed and close stool pans, measures, &c.
* * * * *
Aug. 27, 1759.
Adino Paddock Chaise-Maker, near the Granary, has six second-hand Chaises to sell; and as they take up much Storage, he will sell them under their Value.
* * * * *
Aug. 22, 1763.
Benjamin Russell
INFORMS his Customers and others, that he Undertakes PAPERING ROOMS and Stair-Cases in the best Manner, at a reasonable Rate.—Any Gentleman that has a mind to Employ him in the neighbouring Towns, may be serv'd by him (paying his Travelling Charges) at the same Rate as those in Boston.—Said Russell has a number of Window SASHES 10 by 8, 24 Lights in a Window, to Sell reasonably for Cash,—they are made of the best of PINE.
—> Said Russell lives the North-side of Bacon-Hill in Boston, opposite to Mr. Joseph Callender's, Baker.
* * * * *
Jan. 12, 1767.
Joseph Palmer & Co.,
At their Store on Minot's T,
Spermaceti Candles, warranted Pure—Spermaceti in Cakes—Strain'd Spermaceti Oyl, by the Quantity or Cask—Philadelphia Flour—English Duck, Cordage, &c.
* * * * *
A few Firkins of choice good Irish BUTTER, to be Sold by BLANCHARD & HANCOCK, opposite the Conduit.——Likewise a large and good assortment of Ironmongery, Cutlery and Pewter Wares, just imported in the Lydia, Captain Scott, from London—Also, Philadelphia and Russia Barr Iron, &c. all at the very lowest Rates for Cash.
* * * * *
June 14, 1762.
GOOD CYDER to be Sold by the Barrel, or otherwise, at the Black Boy & But, by JONATHAN WILLIAMS.
* * * * *
Daniel Jones,
At the HAT and HELMIT, South-End, BOSTON, MAKES Beaver and Beaveret HATS; has also English Beaveret & Castor, English and French Felt Hats, Hat Trimmings; an Assortment of English GOODS suitable for all Seasons of the Year; a few Boxes of Looking-Glasses; which he will sell by Wholesale or Retail at a moderate Rate for Cash, Treasurer's Notes, or short Credit.
N.B. Said Jones desires those Persons who have far exceeded their Contracts either on Book or Notes of Hand, to be very speedy in settling the same, or they will oblige him to the disagreeable Necessity of putting them to Trouble.
* * * * *
ALL Persons that are indebted to the Estate of James Mason, late of Boston, Merchant, Deceas'd, are desired to Pay the same without Delay to Jonathan Mason, Executor to his Will;—and those who have any Demands on said Estate, are desired to bring in their Accompts to said Executor, who has to Sell at his House next Door to the Sign of the Three Kings in Cornhill, the following GOODS belonging to the Estate of the Deceased, which will be Sold at the first Cost and Charges, Viz.
Broad Cloths, German Serges, Bearskins, Beaver Coating, Half-Thick, red Shagg, Bayes, 8 qr. and 9 qr. Blankets, Shalloons, Tammies, Durants, Calimancoes, worsted Damasks, strip'd and plain Camblets, strip'd Swanskins, Flannell, Manchester Velvet, Womens ditto, Bombazeen, Allopeen, colour'd Ruffells, Hungarians, Dimothy, Crimson and green China, 7-8th, yard wide and 6 qr. cotton Check, worsted and Hair Plush, Men's and Women's Hose, worsted Caps, mill'd ditto, black Tiffany, Women's and Children's Stays, cotton Romalls, printed Linnen Handkerchiefs, black Gauze ditto, Bandanoes, Silk Lungee Romalls, Cambricks, Lawns, Muslins, Callicoes, Chints, Buckrams, Gulick Irish and Tandem Holland, Mens and Womens Kid and Lamb Gloves, black and white Bone Lace, Capuchin Silk, and Fringe, Gartering, Silk and Cotton Laces, stript Gingham, yellow Canvas, Diaper, Damask Table Cloths and Napkins, Bedtick, 7-8th Garlix, Soletare Necklaces and Earings, Tapes, Womens Russel Shoes, sewing Silk, Nutmegs, Pepper, Looking Glasses, Ticklinburg, English and Russia Duck, Allum, Copperas and Brimstone, German Steel, Bar Lead, English and India Taffety, Grograms, English and India Damasks, Padusoys, Lutestrings, black and white Sattin, rich Brocade, Gauze Caps, and Ruffles, Shades and handsome Silk Cloaks, &.c. &c. &c.
* * * * *
Aug. 22, 1763.
Andrew Barclay,
AT his House opposite the Golden Cock in Marlborough-Street, Boston, Binds Books of all kinds, Gilt and Plain, in the neatest and best Manner. Gentlemen in Town or Country may depend upon having their Work done with Fidelity and Dispatch.
* * * * *
1768. Nov. 21.——Nov. 28.
Just imported in the Ship Thames, Captain Watt, from London, by
Samuel Franklin,
At the Sign of the Crown and Razor, South-End, Boston:
BEST Razors, Pen-knives, scissars, shears, shoe-knives, shoe tacks and stampt awl blades, teeth instruments, lancets, white and yellow swords, and sword belts; case-knives and forks; ink powder and sealing-wax, files and rasps; horse sleams; hones and curling tongs; brass ink-pots, horn and ivory combs; white, yellow and steel shoe and knee buckles; gilt, lackered and plated coat and breast buttons, snuff boxes, and a few second hand hats, &c. all very cheap.
N.B. Razors, penknives and scissars ground, scabbards made for swords and bayonets, caseknife and fork blades made at said Shop.
Boston Chronicle.
* * * * *
1769. June 1.——June 5.
WINE TO BE SOLD by ROSANNA MOORE, By wholesale and retail, at her WINE CELLAR near LIBERTY TREE, Boston, viz.
OLD Sterling MADEIRA, LISBON, Teneriff, Claret, Port, Canary, Malaga, Tent, sweet and other WINES, all in their original purity, and as cheap as any in town.
Boston Chronicle, June 1, 1769.
* * * * *
Just imported from LONDON, by
Jolley Allen,
At his Shop about Midway between the Governor's and the Town-House, and almost Opposite the Heart and Crown in Cornhill,
A very large Assortment of English and India GOODS, fit for all Seasons, too many to be enumerated separately in an Advertisement.——
Boston Gazette, Feb. 20, 1767.
* * * * *
WHEREAS the CO-PARTNERSHIP of Chase & Speakman is mutually dissolved, this is to desire all persons who are indebted to them to make speedy payment, and likewise all those who have any demands on said company, to call and receive their respective dues of T. Chase, at the venerable LIBERTY-ELM.
Boston Chronicle, May 22, 1769
* * * * *
This morning arrived here Captain Paddock, in a schooner from London, after a long passage.
***The BOSTONIAN came too late for this day's Paper.
* * * * *
FROM the side of the house, belonging to Richard Silvester, now the Sign of the
Newbury street, Boston, about half an hour past one o'clock in the morning of the 24th ult.
A Black and White Horse, with a Bridle, without a Saddle.——The Persons concerned in this Frolick, who were seen and known, are desired to replace the said Horse, in the manner and form they found him. And it is hoped, as he is a young creature, they will not corrupt his morals, by teaching him any of their bad tricks, but return him soon, as the owner will not allow any thing for his keeping.
N.B. If he should bite or kick any that have him in possession; his former master now declares, he will not be answerable for the damages.——He was not imported from England, but manufactured in this land of liberty.
Query. Whether the persons who knocked at said SILVESTER'S door, past three o'clock the same morning, in their return home, and cried THIEVES, were not accomplices in this glorious exploit.
Boston Chronicle, March 1, 1770.
* * * * *
TO BE SOLD By Mary Jackson & Son, At the Brazen-Head in Cornhill, A few Firkins of good Butter, at 4s. 6d. per Pound; also choice Connecticut Pork, Hogs Fat, and Cheese.
N.B. All Kind of Braziers, Cutlers, Pewterers and Ironmongery Goods, Wholesale and Retail.
July 13, 1761.
* * * * *
WANTED for a HOUSE-KEEPER, A Discreet elderly WOMAN that can be well recommended, who understands dressing victuals, and the oeconomy of a large family where there are no children.—Such a person will meet with good encouragement, by applying to MEIN and FLEEMING.
Boston Chronicle, Dec. 19, 1768.
* * * * *
To be SOLD by JOHN CROSBY, LEMMON-TRADER, at the Sign of the Basket of LEMMONS, at the South-End, Choice good and fresh LISBON LEMMONS, equal to any in Town for goodness, and as large in general as Lemmons commonly are, at Four Pounds O.T. per Hundred, and Ten Shillings per single Dozen.
Dec. 19, 1768.
* * * * *
TO BE LET, A Handsome square SHOP, in Marshall's-Lane, near Boston-stone, suitable either for a Grocery, West-India or Dry-Goods Shop—it will also accommodate any person in the Mechanical Line. Inquire of the Printer, or of GILES RICHARDS and Co. near the Mill-Bridge.
March 12, 1791.
* * * * *
Picture of a Boston mariner in 1799.
By Samuel Thaxter, MATHEMATICAL Instrument Maker, No. 49 STATE-STREET, 1 best brass Sextant, latest improvement; Hadley's Quadrants, Davis' do. Brass Azimuth Amplitude and Steering Compas; Brass Surveying Compas, Wood, do. Spy Glasses; Sea Books, and Charts; Scales and Dividers; Surveying Chains, &c.
N.B. Quadrants and Compasses carefully repaired;—where Gentlemen may depend on reasonableness and punctuality.
March 30.
* * * * *
A Small HOUSE-LOT, in Sisters-lane, very near the Rev. Dr. Belknap's Meeting-house. Inquire of the Printer. March 30. 1799.
* * * * *
Just Imported, and to be Sold by Harbottle Dorr, At his Shop (adjoining to the House of Mr. Martin Gay) almost opposite to the Cornfields in Union-Street, Boston,
A Fine Assortment of Braziery, Ironmongery, and Cutlery Ware, by Wholesale or Retail, cheap for Cash.
Boston Gazette, July 13, 1767.
* * * * *
A sermon suitable to distribute among tenants and servants:—
THIS DAY PUBLISHED, (And Sold by S. Kneeland, in Queen-Street;) THE CARE of the SOUL, urged as the ONE THING NEEDFUL. A SERMON first preached at the Funeral of a young Person, and afterwards before some worthy and excellent Persons, who desired some printed Copies of it, to disperse among their Tenants and Servants.
Boston Gazette, Nov. 2, 1761.
* * * * *
Goods exchanged for New England rum.
Barbados Rum, Russia Duck and Sugars by the Pitch, Tar, Hogshead or Barrel, and Bohea Tea, Cordage. Cotton Wool by the Bag, Long & short Pipes. New Flour, Sole Leather. Indigo. English Steel. > Dumb FISH. With,
A General Assortment of English Goods and Hard Ware.
Many of the above Articles will be Exchang'd for New England Rum,
By Samuel Allyne Otis,
At Store No. 5, South-Side of the Town-Dock.
Boston Gazette, Sept. 22, 1767.
* * * * *
Wigs advertised in Salem, suitable to "grace and become Judges, Divines, Lawyers, or Physicians," and "Rolls to raise the Heads" of ladies "to any Pitch they desire." This shop was probably patronized by Judge and Madam Lynde, Colonel Pickman, Dr. Holyoke, Dr. Barnard, Dr. Hopkins, Dr. Whitaker, Samuel Curwen, Judge Ropes, John Appleton, Deacon Holman, Friend Northey, and others.
William Lang,
Wig-Maker and Hair-Dresser,
HEREBY informs the Public, that he has hired a Person from EUROPE, by whose Assistance he is now enabled, in the several Branches of his Business, to serve his good Customers, and all others, in the most genteel and polite Tastes that are at present in Fashion in England and America.——In particular, WIGS made in any Mode whatever, such as may grace and become the most important Heads, whether those of Judges, Divines, Lawyers or Physicians; together with all those of an inferior Kind, so as exactly to suit their respective Occupations and Inclinations.——HAIR-DRESSING, for Ladies and Gentlemen, performed in the most elegant and newest Taste.——Ladies, in a particular Manner, shall be attended to, in the nice, easy, genteel and polite Construction of ROLLS, such as may tend to raise their Heads to any Pitch they desire,——also French Curls, made in the neatest Manner. He gives Cash for Hair.
Essex Gazette, Feb. 9, 1773.
* * * * *
On the departure of Governor Hutchinson from the Province of Massachusetts in 1774, a hundred and twenty-three citizens of Boston, together with sundry citizens of Salem, Marblehead, and other places, signed a complimentary address to him, "lamenting the loss of so good a Governor," and praising him for his character and conduct. Most of these persons belonged to the better classes; but their action was judged to be, to say the least, hasty. Shortly after this, these "addressors" were "hauled over the coals" by the patriots and forced to retract. The following cards from some of these gentlemen we take from the "Essex Gazette," a newspaper circulating in Salem and Cambridge. From the known character and standing of many of these persons, it is believed that they were glad of an opportunity of thus expressing their patriotism. The first blood of the Revolution had not been shed when they signed this address to the Governor, who they had hoped would be able to influence the British ministry so that war could be averted. But after the battles of Lexington and Concord there was no longer any hope of a reconciliation, and the "Committee of Safety," naturally wishing to be sure as to who were friends and who were enemies, took this method of ascertaining the fact and thereby satisfying the community.
Salem, May 30, 1775.
Whereas we the Subscribers did some time since sign an Address to Governor Hutchinson, which, though prompted to by the best Intentions, has nevertheless given great Offence to our Country; We do now declare that we were so far from designing by that Action to show our Acquiescence in those Acts of Parliament so universally and justly odious to all America, that on the contrary we hoped we might in that Way contribute to their Repeal, though now to our sorrow we find ourselves mistaken.—And we do now further declare that we never intended the Offense which this Address has occasioned, that if we had foreseen such an Event, we should never have signed it; as it always has been and now is our Wish to live in Harmony with our Neighbors, and our serious Determination to promote to the utmost of our Power, the Liberty, the Welfare and Happiness of our Country, which is inseparably connected with our own.
In Committee of Safety, Salem, 30th May, 1775.
The Declaration of which the above is a copy, being presented and read, it was voted unanimously that the same was satisfactory, and that the said Gentlemen ought to be received and treated as real Friends to this Country.
By order of the Committee, RICHARD DERBY, jun., Chairman.
* * * * *
Whereas I the Subscriber was so unfortunate (some Time since) as to sign an Address to the late Governor Hutchinson, so universally, and so justly, deemed an Enemy to American Liberty and Freedom, I hereby in this public Manner declare that at the Time I signed the said Address, I intended the Good of my Country, and that only; but finding in my Sorrow it had not that but quite a contrary Effect, I hereby renounce the same Address in every Part, and hope my injured and afflicted Fellow-Countrymen will overlook my past Misconduct, as I am ready to assist them in their Struggles for Liberty and Freedom in whatever Way I shall be called upon by them.
Londonderry, June 6, 1775. JOHN PRENTICE.
* * * * *
To the Publick:
Whereas I the Subscriber signed an Address to the late Governor Hutchinson, upon his leaving this Province: I now declare my doing so was without any View of injuring the Liberties of my Country, which I ever held sacred; nor had I the least Design of giving Offence to any Individual within the Circle of my Acquaintance, and had I conceived such an Address would have been so generally disapproved of, I should by no Means have signed it; and hope the Publick will freely forgive this Error in their humble Servant. JONATHAN GLOVER.
* * * * *
Whereas I, the Subscriber, signed an Address to the late Governor Hutchinson,—I wish the Devil had had said Address before I had seen it.
Marblehead, October 24, 1774. J. FOWLE.
John Prentice, of Marblehead, signed a similar card the same day.
* * * * *
We have room but for one more of these political cards. The Rev. Samuel Dana, of Groton, appears to have been suspected of "Toryism," and prints the following in the "Essex Gazette":—
"I, the Subscriber, being deeply affected with the Miseries bro't on this Country by a horrid Thirst for ill-got Wealth and unconstitutional Power,—and lamenting my Unhappiness in being left to adopt Principles in Politics different from the Generality of my Countrymen; and thence to conduct in a Manner that has but too justly excited the Jealousy and Resentment of the true Sons of Liberty against me, earnestly desirous, at the same Time, to give them all the Satisfaction in my Power; do hereby Sincerely ask Forgiveness of all such for whatever I have said or done, that had the least Tendency to the Injury of my Country, assuring them that it is my full Purpose, in my proper Sphere, to unite with them in all those laudable and fit Measures that have been recommended by the Continental and Provincial Congresses for the Salvation of this Country, hoping my future Conversation and Conduct will fully prove the up-rightness of my present Professions.
Groton, May 22, 1775. SAMUEL DANA.
The town of Groton voted that the above was satisfactory to the inhabitants, and that Mr. Dana "ought to enjoy the Privileges of Society," etc.
* * * * *
East Boston, to be let, in the year 1800.
Noddle's Island.
TO BE LET, (for the term of one or more years, and entered upon, the 25th March next,)
THAT valuable Estate in the Harbour of Boston, known by the name of NODDLE'S Island. The advantages of its situation, soil, &c. &c. are so well known, as to render a detail thereof unnecessary.—For particulars, inquire of the Printer, or of DAVID S. GREENOUGH, at Roxbury.
Feb. 15.
Columbian Centinel.
* * * * *
ISAAC GREENWOOD, jun., takes this opportunity to inform you, that at his Shop opposite the Town-House, in Salem, Gentlemen may be supplyed with neat walking Sticks; and Ladies with Umbrellas, neater and cheaper than those imported: He makes and mends Umbrella Sticks in the best Manner.
He earnestly wishes, for his Profit and their Good, that they would apply to him for Teeth-Brushes, and Teeth-Powder, which when used will recommend itself.
Said Greenwood performs all kinds of turned Work, in Silver, such as Tankards, Cans, &c. also in Brass, Iron, Ivory, Turtle-Shell, Bone, Horn, and Wood of any sort or bigness. Repairs Violins; makes Flutes, Fifes, Hoboys, Clarinets, Chaise-Whips, Tea-Boards, Bottle-Stands, Tamboy Frames, Back-Gammon Boxes Men and Dies, Chess men, Billiard-Balls, Maces, Lemon Squeezers, Serenges, Hydrometers, Shaving Boxes and Brushes, Buckle-Brushes, Ink-Stands, Paper-Folders, Sand-Boxes, Bannisters for Stair-Cases, &c. &c. &c.
Salem Gazette, July 3, 1781.
* * * * *
An appeal to "the Sentimentalists of the Town of Salem," from the "Gazette" of June 19, 1781. "Sentimentalists" would in these days be called book-buyers.
THE Sentimentalists of the Town of Salem, and all Voluntiers, who are pleased to encourage the extensive Propagation of polite Literature, by the Business of Book Auctioniering, which in all free States hath always been highly favoured with peculiar Privileges, because it is the sublimest Auxiliary which Science, Commerce, and Arts either has, or perhaps ever will possess, are requested to observe, that On Thursday Evening June 21st, 1781, and for two more Evenings successively, The following curious Collection of valuable and scarce BOOKS, containing History, Biography, Voyages, Travels, Philosophy, Mathematics, Periodical Papers, Letters, Essays, Arts, Sciences, Novels and Adventures, with Poetic and Dramatic Entertainment, by the most celebrated ancient and modern Authors, who have explored, investigated, and attempted to illuminate the human Understanding with the god-like Attribute of knowledge,
Will be exhibited by AUCTION, at Mr. GOODHUE'S Tavern in the Town of SALEM,
By ROBERT BELL, Bookseller, Provedore to the Sentimentalists, and Professor of Book-Auctioniering, who is just arrived from Philadelphia, and will return thither in a few days.
Hours of Exhibition by Auction from Six to Ten each Evening; when the Jewels and Diamonds will, instantaneously, either be sold or sacrificed, according to the Taste of the Company.
Printed CATALOGUES of the Books to be had at the Time and Place.
N.B. On Tuesday, or Wednesday next Week, the Book-Auctionier intends also to exhibit a Collection of Books by Auction in the town of Newbury-Port; and sometime in the Week after, he intends to exhibit another Collection of Books by Auction in the Town of Portsmouth, the Capital of the State of New-Hampshire.
* * * * *
In the "Herald of Freedom," published in Boston, is the following singular notice from Osgood Carleton:—
Osgood Carleton,
HAVING been frequently applied to for a decision of disputes, and sometimes wagers,[A] respecting the place of his nativity, and finding they sometimes operate to his disadvantage: Begs leave to give this public information—that he was born in Nottingham-west, in the State of New-Hampshire—in which state he resided until sixteen years old; after which time, he traveled by sea and land to various parts, and being (while young) mostly conversant with the English, he lost some of the country dialect, which gives rise to the above disputes.
[A] Several Englishmen have disputed his being born in America.
BOSTON, AUGUST 20, 1790.
* * * * *
The singular taste for wax-work exhibitions which used formerly to prevail is shown in the following announcement from the "Salem Gazette," Oct. 18, 1791:—
RESPECTFULLY acquaints the Ladies and Gentlemen of Salem and its vicinity, that he has removed his Exhibition from Boston, where it met with universal applause.
To-Morrow Evening at 7 o'clock the door will be opened, and commence one of the most pleasing & innocent amusements,
At the Assembly Room, Salem.
The numerous attractions of this admired Collection having lately been increased by adding several excellent new Figures, it is recommended to be worthy of the patronage and attention of a liberal public. Mr. BOWEN, wishing immediately to gratify the inhabitants of this town and vicinity, begs leave to inform them that his residence here will be but a few days.
It would be unnecessary to give a particular description of all the Figures in this large Exhibition; but among the most admired, we may enumerate, an excellent likeness of the PRESIDENT of the United States and his amiable Lady, with a representation of the President supporting the Union of Liberty, Justice, Peace, and Plenty. His Excellency Gov. HANCOCK, who was one of the first of the patriotic members that signed the Declaration of American Independence—a sincere Friend to his Country. The celebrated Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury of the United States. Three beautiful female Figures, representing a Boston, Rhodeisland, and Philadelphia Beauty. The unfortunate Baron TRENCK in real chains. Doctor FRANKLIN, dressed in a suit of his own clothes, with about Twenty other Figures in full stature.
The Exhibition will be open every day (except Saturday evenings and Sundays) from 10 o'clock in the morning until 9 in the evening.
—> Tickets of admission, at one shilling and six pence for Ladies and Gentlemen, and nine-pence for Children under 10 years of age, may be had at the door.
No reduction of the price will take place.
* * * * *
Wine advertised in a Baltimore paper in 1788.
"—> In good Wine there is truth."
"THE ROSY GOD, ever attentive to the wants and wishes of his votaries here below, has for their use deposited in the hands of the subscriber (one of his oldest Tapsters) some of his CHOICEST GIFTS, the best Produce of various Vintages. Such exhilarating Beverage as, of old, cheered the Hearts of GODS and Men.—A strict Observance of the Seventh Commandment is enjoined in the Distribution. The Fiat shall be obeyed, by the Publick's most obliged and devoted Servant,
"THOMAS HEPBURN. "Baltimore, April 11, 1788."
* * * * *
In the "Boston Columbian Centinel" Josiah Flagg, jun., advertises for "live teeth."
CONTINUES his practise with useful improvements. Assistance to the poor gratis.
—> CASH given for live Teeth, and Gold Cobbs, or Dust. May 26, 1792.
* * * * *
It is curious to see how in "old times" things "got mixed up." The incongruity of putting together whalebone, Bibles, and chip hats is only exceeded by a later advertisement we have seen of Scott's Bible sold at a lottery-office. This is from the "Salem Mercury" of 1788:—
NEXT FRIDAY, AT W.P. Bartlett's Office, Will be Sold at Publick Auction, A variety of Shop Goods and other articles:
Among which are,
A Few pieces best India BANDANNOES——BROADCLOTHS in patterns—twill'd & plain CORDUROY—few doz. purple & white SHAWLS—Hair Ribbons—coloured Threads—N^o 4 Pins—Irish LINENS—yellow SERGE—black LASTINGS—WHALEBONE—large and small BIBLES—Chip Hats—Watch Chains—Bottled Mustard—Playing Cards—Green Chairs—few pounds of NUTMEGS—Men's Worsted STOCKINGS, &c.—Sale to begin at 11 o'clock, A.M.
* * * * *
The following notice of the Bradford Academy from the "Salem Gazette" reminds us of the days of small prices,—"Tuition $3," or "$3.50 to those who paint and embroider"!
Bradford Academy.
THE Female Apartment in Bradford Academy, half a mile from Haverhill Bridge, will be opened the first Wednesday in May, under the direction of approved instructors. The Male Apartment will be continued as usual. Young Masters and Misses will be instructed by such as are assigned to their respective Apartments, in all the branches hitherto taught in that or in any other Academy. The preceptor will spend less time than usual in the female apartment, and the preceptress will have an assistant. The price of tuition, except those who paint and embroider, will be three dollars a quarter. To those who paint and embroider, three dollars and fifty cents. Very particular attention will be paid to inculcate virtuous sentiments and preserve the moral character of the scholars.
Bradford, April 9, 1805.
* * * * *
Husbands often advertise wives, but it is seldom that a wife publicly refuses to pay her husband's debts, as according to the following announcement from the "Salem Gazette," Mistress Sarah Brooks did. This was before the days of "women's rights," too.
THE Subscriber being apprehensive that her Husband, JOHN BROOKS, will contract debts on her account—this is to forbid any person trusting him on her account, as she will not satisfy any debt so contracted after this date—altho my compassion for him is such, that he shall not want for any thing I can help him to—knowing him to be a poor, forlorn young man. I cannot but pity his condition, and sincerely hope he will alter his way of life for the better—tear jealousy from his heart—bury in oblivion his unhappy temper—and take up a firm resolution, that he will turn from the error of his ways, to a better course of life, become a good citizen, a friend to his wife and children, and not hearken any more to his supposed friends (tho greatest enemies)—this is the sincere wish of the Subscriber.
Marblehead, March 27, 1793.
* * * * *
In the "Salem Gazette," Oct. 8, 1793, Frederick Jordis complains of "a certain greedy worshipper of Plutus."
WHEREAS a certain greedy worshipper of Plutus has attempted (canker worm like) to blast the tender bloom of my reputation, by misrepresenting an occurrence that took place between us on the third inst.—I take this method, as the most salutary remedy, to put a stop to its dangerous ravages. I will confess candidly every particular. Sometime since, this man came to me with an account I had in vain demanded of him 4 months ago for horse-hire; having compared it with my own memorandum, I found three charges over and above what I owed him, and the remainder a third higher than usual; finding him unwilling to diminish his unjust claim, I repaired to his house last Thursday to settle with him, and paid him in full the amount of his bill, subtraction made of his three charges: Perceiving his intention was to make me pay them again, I pocketed the bill; his pugilistick arguments to get it back again made me obstinately refuse it; and thanks to a gentleman then present, I escaped his dirty hands. Unwilling to enter the field of Themis with such an antagonist, I will place his receipted account into any impartial man's hands, and submit cheerfully to his decision.
* * * * *
To show how factories were supplied with operatives in the early days of manufacturing in New England, we copy an advertisement from the "Columbian Centinel," March 4, 1795. This is addressed especially to those parents "who can ill afford to maintain their children." How much better off our manufacturing towns would be if such a system were practicable now!
An exceeding good opportunity for parents (in these very expensive times for every necessary of life) to provide their children with good and comfortable maintenance, cloathing, schooling, and a trade, but little known and understood in this country.
MR. ERVING proposes to receive as Apprentices to the Cotton & Woolen Manufactory (now going on at New-Haven) any number of Boys or Girls, from the age of ten to fourteen. They will be instructed in all the various branches of the factory, well cloathed and fed, and taught to read, write and cypher; and parents may be assured that the most particular attention will be paid to the morals, as well as to the education, of their children.
Those who can but ill afford to maintain their children, have now an opportunity of binding them to a trade which must, in a few years, be peculiarly beneficial to them and advantageous to their country.
MR. ERVING will thank those that have an inclination to put their children out, to call on him, at his house, No. 42 Marlborough-street, Boston, where they can be more particularly informed of the nature of the factory, and the advantages which must eventually accrue to their children from a general knowledge of this useful branch of business.
March 4, 1795.
* * * * *
THE following lines were written in the Shop of the Subscriber, by a son of St. Crispin, viewing with contempt the tyrannical and oppressive disposition of a Man who has threat'ned vengeance on his neighbour's business, because the article he deals in is SHOES.
Salem, 9th Mo. 6th, 1801.
Oh Shame! that Man a Dog should imitate, And only live, his fellow Man to hate. An envious Dog, once in a manger lay, And starv'd himself, to keep an Ox from hay, Altho' thereof he could not eat— Yet if the Ox was starv'd, to him 'twas sweet. His neighbor's comfort thus for to annoy, Altho' thereby he did his own destroy. Oh! Man, such actions from the page erase, And from thy breast malicious envy CHACE.
—>Twenty per Cent was struck off at one clip, from those kind of Shoes, which are mostly worn. It is fifteen months since the Shoe War commenced.
A general Assortment of Shoes for Sale as usual, at a living profit.
Salem Register.
* * * * *
Appropriate Mourning.
IN consequence of the late afflicting event of the death of the much lamented General Hamilton, TUCKER & THAYER will sell their black ITALIAN CRAPE at the reduced price of one dollar per yard 4-4 wide:—
"GOD takes the Good, too good on earth to stay, "And leaves the Bad, too bad to take away!"
Columbian Centinel, July 25, 1804.
* * * * *
Bad effects of the abolition of slavery in Providence, R.I.
From the Providence Gazette.
Messrs. Printers,
You will oblige a number of your customers, by publishing the following advertisement in the next Gazette.
Five Hundred Dollars Reward.
Was mislaid, or taken away by mistake (soon after the formation of the Abolition Society) from the Servant Girls of this town, all inclination to do any kind of work;—and left in lieu thereof, an impudent appearance, a strong and continued thirst for high wages, a gossiping disposition for all sorts of amusement, a leering and hankering after persons of the other sex, a desire of finery and fashion, a never ceasing trot after new places more advantageous for stealing—with number of contingent accomplishments that do not suit the wearers. Now if any person or persons will restore to the owners that degree of Honesty and Industry, which has been for some time missing, he or they shall receive the reward of Five Hundred Dollars, beside the warmest blessings of many abused and insulted
HOUSEHOLDERS. Providence, Oct. 14, 1796.
* * * * *
Parents in Boston cautioned against thorn-apples in "Columbian Centinel," Oct. 26, 1793.
THE Inspector of Police, respectfully makes known to Parents and others, that of late, several children have very much injured themselves, by eating the seeds of Stramonium, or Thorn-Apple, commonly called Devil's Apple; who must inevitably have died, had they not been speedily relieved by Emetics, &c. As those bushes are in several parts of the town, it would be well, if they were destroyed.
* * * * *
Rabbits a curiosity in 1798.
Curious Living Animals.
MR. GILBERT informs the Public that he has purchased, at considerable expense, a Collection of Living Animals, harmless and playful.
A large Baboon, which is allowed to be the most curious Animal of its kind, ever seen in America.
A Porcupine, Bear, Rackoon and Rabbit, which are also very great curiosities.
—> The Collection may be seen every day (except Sundays) from 4 o'clock in the afternoon until sunset, at the Granary, head of the Mall, Boston. Admittance Nine Pence for Ladies and Gentlemen, and half price for Children.
May 12. Columbian Centinel.
* * * * *
Mourning badge for Washington.
A very ingenious and elegant mourning Vignette, stamped on sattin ribbon, for the purpose of being worn by the Ladies on public occasions, is for sale at Mr. Thomas Brewer's shop in Cornhill. The device contains a profile bust of the deceased WASHINGTON in an obelisk, with the trophies of war, and the arms of the U.S.; round the monument are nymphs in the posture of mourning; and on the base are inscribed in legible characters the initials of his name, and the date of his birth and death.
E. Russell's Gazette, Jan. 16, 1800.
* * * * *
Temple of Fame in Boston, with a real eagle, in 1800.
Temple of Fame.
MR. Bowen respectfully informs the public that the MUSEUM is again opened, with additions and improvements. An excellent figure of GEN. WASHINGTON will appear in a Temple of Fame, expressive of the late melancholy event.—The Young Ladies which represent the Sister States (with a real Eagle hovering over) will be seen with suitable alterations:—with a variety of rural decorations of Groves and Forests.
Jan. 2. Boston Gazette.
* * * * *
Families used to live in State Street, Boston, in 1796.
—> A Family in State-street, that does not make a business of keeping boarders, will accommodate a couple of gentlemen, who are disposed to make themselves agreeable in a private family. Apply at the office of the Daily Advertiser.
Daily Advertiser and Polar Star, Dec. 22.
* * * * *
Copley's paintings at auction in 1790.
THIS DAY, (At TEN in the Morning,) Will be sold by PUBLIC VENDUE at Russell & Clap's Auction-Room, COURT STREET,
A Variety of elegant paintings, &c.—principally by the ingenious MR. COPLEY.—ALSO, an Electrical Machine, a glass Case for a shop, &c.
Columbian Centinel, Aug. 31.
* * * * *
The way they compromised with creditors in 1806.
To the Public.
WHEREAS by misfortunes, together with expenses of law suits, with honest pride I acknowledge I am not worth one cent in the world, and of course cannot pay my debts. But through the assistance of friends, I am now accommodated with a Shop, and necessary Tools to carry on my business, in Cambridge-Port; where I shall be happy to execute any kind of work for those I am indebted to, at the lowest cash price, on this condition—that I am paid one half of what the work comes to, in cash, when delivered. But if my creditors will allow me time, and my health is spared, I have no doubt I shall soon be able to pay twenty shillings on the pound to them, in cash.
To those gentlemen I am not indebted to, I solicit of them a share of their work, assuring them, that whatever engagements I make, shall be executed punctually, and in a workmanlike manner, by their humble servant,
RICHARD GRIDLEY. Cambridge-Port, sept. 10, 1806.
—> The Printers of Newspapers in Boston are requested to publish the above, provided they will receive their pay in Smith's work.
Columbian Centinel.
* * * * *
On the 11th of January, 1799, Mr. Briggs advertises in the "Salem Gazette" and thanks "the good people of the County of Essex for their spirited exertions in bringing down the trees of the forest for building the frigate. In the short space of four weeks, the full complement of timber has been furnished." He ends by saying:—
"Next September is the time When we'll launch her from the strand, And our cannon load and prime With tribute due to Talleyrand."
* * * * *
The following advertisement appeared in the papers in 1798, in reference to the building of the frigate "Essex":—
The Salem Frigate.
YE Sons of Freedom! all true lovers of the Liberty of your Country! step forth, and give your assistance in building the Frigate, to oppose French insolence and piracy. Let every man in possession of a White Oak Tree, be ambitious to be foremost in hurrying down the timber to Salem, and fill the complement wanting, where the noble structure is to be fabricated, to maintain your rights upon the Seas, and make the name of America respected among the nations of the world. Your largest and longest trees are wanted, and the arms of them for Knees and Rising Timber. Four trees are wanted for the Keel, which all together will measure 146 feet in length, and hew 16 inches square. Please to call on the Subscriber, who wants to make contracts for large or small quantities, as may suit best, and will pay the READY CASH.
ENOS BRIGGS. SALEM, Nov. 23, 1798.
* * * * *
ONE ton COPPER, in pigs, or old COPPER—10 tons best old Sable or Swedes IRON. Apply to the Subscriber.
A Blacksmith, to contract for doing all the IRON WORK of the
*** Proposals therefor, will be received from any Smith, sealed and directed to
JOHN JENKS. Salem, Nov. 21.
* * * * *
In the "Gazette" of Oct. 1, 1799, appears the following brief account of the launching of the "Essex;" also a communication in reference to the frigate.
Yesterday the FRIGATE ESSEX, of 32 guns, was launched from the stocks, in this town. She went into the water with the most easy and graceful motion, amidst the acclamations of thousands of spectators, and a federal salute from her guns on the hill, returned by an armed ship in the harbour, commanded by Capt. Thomas Williams. The Committee acting for the subscribers, Col. Hacket, the superintendant, and Mr. Briggs, the master builder, have thus the satisfaction of producing to their country as fine a ship, of her size, as graces the American Navy. It is not yet known who will command her; but it is on all hands agreed that she is well calculated to do essential service to her country.
* * * * *
And ADAMS said, "LET THERE BE A NAVY!" and there was a Navy.
To build a Navy was the advice of our venerable sage. How far it has been adhered to, is demonstrated by almost every town in the United States, that is capable of floating a galley or a gun boat.
Salem has not been backward in this laudable design. Impressed with a due sense of the importance of a Navy, the patriotic citizens of this town put out a subscription, and thereby obtained an equivalent for building a vessel of force. Among the foremost in this good work were Messrs. DERBY and GRAY, who set the example by subscribing TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS each. But alas! the former is no more—we trust his good deeds follow him.
Such was the patriotic zeal with which our citizens were impressed, that in the short space of SIX MONTHS they contracted for the materials and equipment of a Frigate of 32 guns, and had her completed yesterday for launching. The chief part of the timber was standing but six months ago—and in a moment, as it were, "every Grove descended," to put in force the patriotic intentions of those at whose expense she was built.
Yesterday the Stars and Stripes were unfurled on board the Frigate ESSEX, and at 12 o'clock she made a majestic movement into her destined element, there to join her sister craft in repelling foreign aggressions, and maintaining the Rights and Liberties of a "GREAT, FREE, POWERFUL & INDEPENDENT NATION."
The concourse of spectators was immense; and the averted face of jacobinism was not seen depicted on the countenance of a single one;—but on the contrary, the heart-felt satisfaction of the beholders of this magnificent spectacle, was evinced by the concording shouts and huzzas of thousands, which reiterated from every quarter.
The unremitting zeal of Mr. BRIGGS, the Architect of this beautiful ship, cannot be too highly applauded. His assiduity, in bringing her into a state of such perfection, in so short a time, entitles him to the grateful thanks of his country; and we fondly hope that his labours have not been spent in vain, for we may truly say that he has not given rest to the sole of his foot, since her keel was first laid.
* * * * *
The "Massachusetts Mercury," Dec. 27, 1799, says:—
The frigate Essex, of 32 guns, capt. PREBBLE, sailed from Salem on Sunday morning last for Newport. She saluted Fort Pickering, which returned the salute. She sails remarkably well.
* * * * *
At "No. 1, Honesty Side," Salem, dry goods were to be had in 1807.
John H. Keith
Informs the inhabitants of Salem and its environs, that on the 15th day of April next ensuing, he intends opening a Shop for the purpose of vending
Dry Goods,
No 1, Honesty Side.
Constantly for Sale, American, French, English, Italian, Dutch and India manufactures, from the coarse Tow Cloth to the fine Cobweb Muslin.—Said Keith will attend personally from the sun's oriental ascension to its occidental declination.—To prevent a superfluity of words, he observes that there will be only one price for his goods at retail, and another for wholesale, and that cash will be the staple commodity receivable at his bank. Bills of any of the States will be received, provided the stockholders are known to be good and responsible men. March 24.
Salem Gazette, April 3.
* * * * *
The "Worcester Spy" in 1797 had the following quaint advertisement:—
Honesty is the best Policy.
THE Gentleman Night Walker, alias Night Villain, who of late has frequented the SLAUGHTER HOUSE of LEMUEL RICE, and taken therefrom a considerable quantity of FRESH BEEF, is informed, that if he comes forward, in a gentleman like manner, and settles for the same, his name shall not be exposed; but, if he neglects this friendly hint, he must shortly expect to be complimented by a WARRANT, which will give him that reward his LABORS justly merit.
Worcester, April 5th, 1797.
* * * * *
The "Grand Lodge." Paul Revere, master, has the following notice in the "Massachusetts Centinel:"—
Grand Lodge.
THE OFFICERS and MEMBERS of the GRAND LODGE, and the Representatives of Lodges, are hereby requested to attend a Quarterly Communication at Concert-Hall in Boston, on the evening of Monday, the 9th March, at 7 o'clock.
By order of the Most Worshipful
DANIEL OLIVER, G. Secretary.
Boston, Feb. 28, 5795.
* * * * *
A remarkable dog is on exhibition in Salem, March 24, 1807.
The extraordinary sagacity of this Animal, supercedes the necessity of puffing advertisements or exaggerated bills—that the Sapient Dog is a great curiosity, the Proprietor feels no hesitation in affirming, that his feats of activity are more various and pleasing than any preceding exhibition of a similar nature, all of which will be made manifest to every spectator, by his dexterity and precision in exhibiting the following performances—viz.
He illuminates the Exhibition Room, himself, by Lighting his own Lamps. By means of Typographical Cards, (in the same manner as a Printer composes,) He Spells, and Reads Print or Writing. By any person's watch in the company, Tells the time of the Day, Both the hour and minutes—the date of the year, day of the month, and week, and distinguishes colours.
As an Arithmetician, He Adds, Subtracts, Divides and Multiplies, Tells how many persons there are present, Discharges a loaded Cannon, and jumps through a Hoop.
To conclude—the proprietor will suffer any Lady or Gentleman in the company, to make choice of a card, and the Dog, notwithstanding the face of both packs are concealed from him, will discover the card so drawn.
—> Tickets at 25 cents, to be sold at Cushing & Appleton's Book-Store, children half price.—No money received at the door.
* * * * *
The "Shaksperian Society" of Boston has "new revised" articles in 1795, according to the following notice to members:—
Shaksperian Society.
TAKE NOTICE—All persons who have regularly been balloted for, as Members of the above Society, who have not yet signed the Articles, since their being new revised, must attend this Evening, and execute the same, or they will not be admitted as Members thereof. Members of the above society are requested to attend early on particular business. By Order, March 7, 1795. J. ROBINSON, Sec'y.
* * * * *
Connecticut "Election Goods."
THE Subscriber refers the generous Public to his late advertisements to be informed of the articles he still continues to sell by wholesale and retail; and also respectfully informs them, that he has just come to hand, a fresh assortment of Chintzes and Callicoes, Gentlemen's fancy Waistcoating, silk Romal, buff and other Shawls, printed Jeans, cotton and linen Handkerchiefs, a variety of Ribbons, all of a late importation; Nankeens of a superior quality, and cheaper by nine pence in the single piece than can be purchased in New-York by the quantity. Among his fancy patterns for ladies are, the Covent Garden Cross-bar, the Renelagh full moon, the Prussian stormont, Harlequin's motto, and an olive check inclosing four lions rampant and three flours de Luce; and for gentlemen's waistcoating, the Sportsman's fancy, the Prince of Wales's New-Market jockey, and the modest pale blue. He doubts not in the least, but that among the great variety of figures he has, every fancy may be suited; and as for the prices, he makes not the least hesitation to assert, they will be approved.—He also has taken the greatest pains to procure for young masters and misses such cloths and figures as will be durable, pleasing, and well suited to the approaching general election.
N.B. A few pair of gentlemen's doe skin hunting Gloves, and choice old Spirits by the gallon; a little of which may be used as a cordial. 9
Hartford, next door south of Mess. Hudson } and Goodwin's Printing-Office, 1788. }
The crooked Staff of Life.
PURE, mild and unadulterated St. CROIX RUM, to be sold by the hogshead, barrel or lesser quantity, on pleasing terms, for one of the great essentials, Solid Coin, by the public's very humble servant, next door to Hudson and Goodwin's Printing-Office.
THOMAS TISDALE. Connecticut Courant, May 19, 1788.
* * * * *
Republican BEEF.
THE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Hartford, that he has purchased the fattest OX and COW perhaps in Connecticut, which will be killed and ready for sale for the ensuing Election, at a low price for the times. Those who wish to purchase real good Beef, will please to apply to
WILLIAM BROWN. April 28, 1794. Connecticut Courant.
* * * * *
Nantucket wit and humor on the 4th of July, in the year 1829.
A GRAND TOUCH. The last Nantucket Inquirer contains the following advertisement:—
At the sign of the Eastern Pine, Where the red and the white combine.
JOHN PETERS, a descendant of the famous English Divine, Hugh Peters, informs all the tidy citizens of Nantucket, that Apollo and the Graces came over in the last packet, and have taken up their abode at the corner of Pearl and Water streets. He officiates as high Priest in their temple, where it is his delightful task to adorn the outward man, to shave off excrescences, and trim into proportion the shrubbery which nature has reared around the headpieces of mankind.—By a judicious application of the scissors of discrimination, the soap of good nature, the brush of reform, and the razor of decision, he expects to bring about results which, like powers of the Steam Engine are, as yet, only dreamed of. The grace of the Athenian beau and the dignity of the Roman senator shall be so intermingled in the grand contour of all who submit to his touch, that the toute ensemble cannot fail to kindle love and command respect. |