The Olden Time Series, Vol. 3: New-England Sunday - Gleanings Chiefly From Old Newspapers Of Boston And Salem, Massachusetts
by Henry M. Brooks
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HARRIS'S (JOEL CHANDLER) Mingo, and other Sketches in Black and White. 16mo. $1.25.

—— Nights with Uncle Remus. Illustrated. $1.50.

HARTING'S (JAMES EDMUND, F.L.S., F.Z.S.) British Animals Extinct within Historic Times. With some Account of British Wild White Cattle. Illustrated. 8vo. Gilt top. $4.50.

HARTT'S (PROFESSOR C.F.) Geology and Physical Geography of Brazil. In preparation.

HASSARD'S (J.R.G.) A Pickwickian Pilgrimage. 16mo. $1.00.

HATTON'S (JOSEPH) Henry Irving's Impressions of America. 1 vol. 12mo. $1.50.

HAWTHORNE'S (JULIAN) Nathaniel Hawthorne and his Wife. A Biography. With New Portraits on Steel, and Etched Vignettes. 2 vols. 12mo. $5.00. Half-morocco or half-calf, $9.00. Edition de luxe. $12.00.

—— Love—or a Name. 12mo. $1.50.

—— Beatrix Randolph. 12mo. $1.50.

—— Fortune's Fool. 12mo. $1.50.

HAWTHORNE'S (NATHANIEL) Dr. Grimshawe's Secret. 12mo. $1.50. Library edition. Gilt top. $2.00.

HAYES'S (HENRY) The Story of Margaret Kent. $1.50.

HAYWARD'S (ALMIRA L.) The Illustrated Birthday Book of American Poets. Revised and enlarged edition, with index for names, and portraits of thirteen great American poets. 1 vol. 18mo. $1.00. Half-calf, $2.25. Flexible morocco, seal or calf, $3.00.

HAZEN'S (GEN. W.B.) A Narrative of Military Service. 8vo. With Maps, Plans, and Illustrations. $3.00.

HEARN'S (LAFCADIO) Stray Leaves from Strange Literature. Stories reconstructed from the Anvari-Soheili, Baital-Pachisi, Mahabharata, Gulistan, etc. 1 vol. 16mo. $1.50.

HENDERSON'S (ISAAC). The Prelate. A Novel. 1 vol. 12mo. With covers designed by Elihu Vedder. $1.50.

HINSDALE'S (BURKE A.) President Garfield and Education. Portraits of Gen. Garfield, Mrs. Garfield, etc. 12mo. $1.50. Half-calf, $3.00. Morocco antique, $4.00.

—— Schools and Studies. 16mo. $1.50.

HIS SECOND CAMPAIGN. Vol. XVI. of the Round-Robin Series of novels. 16mo. $1.00. In paper covers, 50 cents.

HOME-BOOK OF ART (THE). Heliotype Plates after One Hundred Classical and Popular Pictures by the most famous Artists of the World. With descriptions. Twenty-five parts at one dollar each. Or all bound in 1 vol. Cloth, $28.00. Half morocco, $31.00. Full morocco, $33.00. By subscription only.

HOMOSELLE. Vol. V. of the Round-Robin Series of novels. 16mo. $1.00. In paper covers, 50 cents.

HOSMER'S (G.W.) The People and Politics. 8vo. $3.00.

HOWARD'S (BLANCHE W.) Aulnay Tower. 12mo. $1.50.

—— Aunt Serena. A Novel. 16mo. Thirteenth edition. $1.25.

—— Guenn. 12mo. Fifth edition. $1.50.

HOWE'S (E.W.) The Mystery of the Locks. 12mo. $1.50.

—— The Story of a Country Town. 12mo. Fourth edition. $1.50.

HOWELLS'S (W.D.) Tuscan Cities. With many fine Illustrations, by JOSEPH PENNELL. Richly bound, full gilt edges, in box, $5.00. In tree-calf, or antique morocco, $10.00.

—— Indian Summer. 12mo. $1.50.

—— The Rise of Silas Lapham. 12mo. $1.50.

—— A Fearful Responsibility. 12mo. $1.50.

—— A Modern Instance. 12mo. $1.50.

—— A Woman's Reason. 12mo. $1.50.

—— Dr. Breen's Practice. 12mo. $1.50.

HOWELLS'S (W.D.) The Elevator. 32mo. 50 cents.

—— The Sleeping-Car. 32mo. 50 cents.

—— The Parlor Car. 32mo. 50 cents.

—— The Register. 32mo. 50 cents.

—— Three Villages. Little-Classic size. $1.25.

—— Poems. New revised edition. 1 vol. 12mo. In box. Printed on fine hand-made paper. Parchment covers. $2.00.

—— A Counterfeit Presentment. A Comedy. Little-Classic size. $1.25.

—— Out of the Question. A Comedy. Little-Classic size. $1.25.

—— A Little Girl among the Old Masters. Being her own Compositions and Inventions in Sacred and Legendary Art. With Introduction and Commentary by W.D. Howells. Oblong. Fifty-four Illustrations. $2.00.

—— Choice Autobiographies. A collection of the most entertaining autobiographies, carefully edited, and with preliminary Critical and Biographical Essays. Little-Classic size. 8 vols. Each, $1.25.

I., II. Memoirs of Frederica Sophia Wilhelmina, Margravine of Baireuth. III. Lord Herbert of Cherbury, and Thomas Ellwood. IV. Vittorio Alfieri. V. Carlo Goldoni. VI. Edward Gibbon. VII., VIII. Francois Marmontel.

HUBBARD'S (LUCIUS L.) Woods and Lakes of Maine. A Trip from Moosehead Lake to New Brunswick in a Birch-Bark Canoe. With Indian place-names and their meanings. 1 vol. 8vo. With Illustrations, and a large map. $3.00. Half-calf, $5.50. Tree-calf, or antique morocco, $8.00.

HUNNEWELL'S (JAMES F.) The Historical Monuments of France. 1 vol. 8vo. Illustrated. $3.50.

—— Bibliography of Charlestown, Mass., and Bunker Hill. 1 vol. 8vo. Illustrated. $2.00.

HUTCHINSON'S (ELLEN M.) Songs and Lyrics. 16mo. With Frontispiece. $1.25.

HUTTON'S (LAURENCE) Literary Landmarks of London. 1 vol. 12mo. $1.50.


JAMES (HENRY, SR.), The Literary Remains of. Edited by WILLIAM JAMES. 1 vol. 12mo. With Portrait. $2.00.

JAMES'S (HENRY) The Author of Beltraffio; Pandora; Georgina's Reasons; The Path of Duty; Four Meetings. 12mo. $1.50.

—— The Siege of London; The Pension Beaurepas; and The Point of View. 12mo. $1.50.

JAMES'S (HENRY) Tales of Three Cities (The Impressions of a Cousin; Lady Barberina; A New-England Winter). 12mo. $1.50.

—— A Little Tour in France. 12mo. $1.50.

—— Portraits of Places. 12mo. $1.50.

—— Daisy Miller: A Comedy. 12mo. $1.50.

JOHNSON'S (ROSSITER) Idler and Poet. 16mo. $1.25.

JOHNSTON'S (ELIZABETH BRYANT) Original Portraits of Washington. Sixty Portraits, from paintings, sculptures, etc. With descriptive text. 1 vol. 4to. $15.00. Half morocco, $20.00. By subscription only.

KEENE'S (CHARLES) Our People. Four Hundred Pictures from Punch. 4to. $5.00.

KENDRICK'S (PROFESSOR A.C.) Our Poetical Favorites. Three volumes in one. Illustrated. 8vo. Full gilt. $3.50.

KING'S (CLARENCE) Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada. 12mo. With Maps. Eighth edition. $2.00.

KING'S (EDWARD) The Golden Spike. 12mo. $1.50.

—— The Gentle Savage. 12mo. $2.00.

KIRK'S (MRS. ELLEN OLNEY) A Midsummer Madness. A Novel. 1 vol. 16mo. $1.25.

LEONE. Vol. XII. of the Round-Robin Series of novels. 16mo. $1.00. In paper covers, 50 cents.

LEOPARDI'S (G.) Essays and Dialogues. 8vo. $3.00.

LESSON IN LOVE (A). Vol. II. of the Round-Robin Series of novels. 16mo. $1.00. In paper covers, 50 cents.

LIEBER, The Life and Letters of Francis. Edited by Thomas Sergeant Perry. 8vo. With Portrait. $3.00. Half-calf, $5.50

LIGHT ON THE HIDDEN WAY. With Introduction by JAMES FREEMAN CLARKE. 1 vol. 16mo. $1.00.

LINCOLN'S (MRS. JEANIE GOULD) Her Washington Season. A Novel. 12mo. $1.50.

LONGFELLOW'S (SAMUEL) Life of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. With extracts from his Journals and Correspondence. Crown 8vo. 2 vols. With Steel Portraits, Engravings on wood, fac-similies, etc. $6.00; half-calf, with marbled edges, $11.00; half-morocco, with gilt top and rough edges, $11.00.

*Also, Edition de Luxe, with Proof Portraits.

LOWELL'S (PERCIVAL) Chosoen: The Land of the Morning Calm. A Sketch of Korea. 1 vol. 8vo. Illustrated. $5.00.

MACHIAVELLI (NICCOLO), The Historical, Political, and Diplomatic Works of. Translated by Christian E. Detmold. 4 vols. 8vo, with Steel Frontispieces, in a box. $15. Half-calf, $30.

MADAME LUCAS. Vol. VIII. of the Round-Robin Series of novels. 16mo. $1.00. In paper covers, 50 cents.

MADDEN'S (F.W.) The Coins of the Jews. 4to. $12.00.

MEREDITH'S (OWEN) Lucile, Illustrated. Holiday Edition. With 160 new Illustrations. Elegantly bound, with full gilt edges, in box, $6.00. Tree-calf or antique morocco, $10.00. Calf or morocco, inlaid mosaic, $12.50. Crushed levant, silk linings, $25.00.

—— Lucile. Tremont Edition. 1 vol. 16mo. Beautifully illustrated. With red lines and gilt edges, $2.50. Half-calf, $4.00. Antique morocco, tree-calf, flexible calf, or seal, $6.00.

—— Lucile. Pocket Edition. 1 vol. Little-Classic size. Thirty Illustrations. Elegantly bound, $1.00. Half-calf, $2.25. Antique morocco, flexible calf, or seal, $3.00. Tree-calf, $3.50.


No. 1. Harvard Law School. H.H. Richardson, architect. 18 Plates (Gelatine, from nature), 13 x 16. In portfolio. $5.00.

No. 2. The State Capitol, at Hartford, Conn., Richard M. Upjohn, architect. 22 Plates (Gelatine, from nature), 13 x 16. $6.00.

MORSE'S (EDWARD S., PH.D.) Japanese Homes and their Surroundings. 8vo. With 300 Illustrations. $5.00; half-calf, $9.00.

NAMELESS NOBLEMAN (A). Vol. I. of the Round-Robin Series of novels. 16mo. $1.00. In paper covers, 50 cents.

NELSON'S (HENRY L.) John Rantoul. 12mo. $1.50.

NORTON'S (GEN. C.B.) American Inventions in Breech-loading Small Arms, Heavy Ordnance, etc. 4to. 250 Engravings. $10.00.

OWEN'S (WILLIAM MILLER) In Camp and Battle with the Washington Artillery of New Orleans. Illustrated with Maps and Engravings. 1 vol. 8vo. $3.00.

PALFREY'S (JOHN GORHAM) A Compendious History of New England. 4 vols. 12mo. With new Index. In a box. $6.00. Half-calf, $12.00.

PATTY'S PERVERSITIES. Vol. IV. of the Round-Robin Series of novels. 16mo. $1.00. In paper covers, 50 cents.

PEIRCE'S (MRS. MELUSINA FAY) Co-operative House-keeping. Square 16mo. 60 cents.

PENINSULAR CAMPAIGN (THE) of General McClellan in 1862. (Vol. I., Papers of the Military Historical Society of Massachusetts.) 8vo. With Maps. $3.00.

PERRY'S (NORA) For a Woman. 16mo. $1.00.

—— A Book of Love Stories. 16mo. $1.00.

PERRY'S (THOMAS SERGEANT) From Opitz to Lessing. 1 vol. 16mo. $1.25.

PICTURESQUE SKETCHES. Statues, Monuments, Fountains, Cathedrals, Towers, etc. 1 vol. Oblong folio $1.50.

PLYMPTON'S (MISS A.G.) The Glad Year Round. Square 8vo. $2.50.

POETS AND ETCHERS. Twenty full-page etchings, by James D. Smillie, Samuel Colman, A.F. Bellows. H. Farrer, R. Swain Gifford, illustrating poems by Longfellow, Whittier, Bryant, Aldrich, etc. 4to. $10.00. Also limited editions on China and Japan paper.

POOLE'S (W.F., LL.D.) An Index to Periodical Literature. 1 vol. Royal 8vo. $15.00. Sheep, $17.00. Half-morocco, $18.00. Half-morocco, extra. Gilt top. Uncut edges, $19.00.

POPE in 1862, The Virginia Campaign of General. Vol. II. of Papers read before the Military Historical Society of Massachusetts. 8vo. With Maps and Plans. $3.00.

PORTER'S (ROBERT P.) Protection and Free Trade To-Day: At Home and Abroad. 16mo. Paper covers, 10 cents.

PREBLE'S (ADMIRAL GEORGE H.) History of the Flag of the United States of America, etc. Third Revised Edition. 240 Illustrations, many of them in colors. 1 vol. Royal quarto. $7.50.

PRESTON'S (MISS H.W.) The Georgics of Vergil. 18mo. $1.00

—— The Georgics of Vergil. Holiday Edition. Four full-page Illustrations. 1 vol. Small 4to. Full gilt. $2.00.

PUTNAM'S (J. PICKERING) The Open Fire-Place in all Ages. With 300 Illustrations, 53 full-page. 12mo. $4.00.

—— Lectures on the Principles of House Drainage. With Plates and Diagrams. 16mo. 75 cents.

QUINCY'S (EDMUND) The Haunted Adjutant; and other Stories. Edited by his son, EDMUND QUINCY. 1 vol. 12mo. $1.50.

—— Wensley; and other Stories. Edited by his son, EDMUND QUINCY. 1 vol. 12mo. $1.50.

RACHEL'S SHARE OF THE ROAD. Vol. XVI. of the Round-Robin Series of novels. $1.00. In paper covers, 50 cents.

REVEREND IDOL (A). A Novel. 12mo. Twelfth edition. $1.50.

RICHARDSON'S (ABBY SAGE) Abelard and Heloise. 1 vol. Little-Classic size. $1.00.

—— Old Love-Letters; or, Letters of Sentiment. Written by persons eminent in English Literature and History. 1 vol. Little-Classic size. $1.25.

ROCKHILL'S (W. WOODVILLE) The Life of the Buddha, and the Early History of his Order. 1 vol. 12mo. Gilt top. $3.00.

ROLFE'S (WILLIAM J.) Scott's The Lady of the Lake, etc. See Scott.

—— The Princess, etc. See TENNYSON.

ROSEMARY AND RUE. Vol. VII. of the Round-Robin Series of novels. 16mo. $1.00. In paper covers, 50 cents.

ROUND-ROBIN SERIES (THE). A series of original novels by the best writers. Each is complete in 1 vol. 16mo. $1.00. Also, new popular edition, in paper covers, each, 50 cents.

A Nameless Nobleman. A Lesson in Love. The Georgians. Patty's Perversities. Homoselle. Damen's Ghost. Rosemary and Rue. Madame Lucas. A Tallahassee Girl. Dorothea. The Desmond Hundred. Leone. Doctor Ben. Rachel's Share of the Road. Fanchette. His Second Campaign.


SANBORN'S (KATE) A Year of Sunshine. Comprising cheerful selections for every day in the year. 1 vol. 16mo. $1.00.

—— Grandma's Garden. Leaflets, with illuminated covers, $1.25.

—— Purple and Gold. Choice Poems. Leaflets, with illuminated covers by ROSINA EMMET. $1.25.

—— Round-Table Series of Literature Lessons. Printed separately on sheets. Twenty-five authors. Price for each author, enclosed in envelope, 25 cents.

SANGSTER'S (MARGARET E.) Poems of the Household. 1 vol. 16mo. $1.50.

SCHIEFNERS (PROFESSOR) Tibetan Tales. Translated by W.R.S. RALSTON, M.A. $5.00.

SCHOPENHAUER'S (ARTHUR) The World as Will and Idea. Translated from the German by R.B. HALDANE. M.A., and JOHN KEMP, M.A. 3 vols. 8vo. Vol. 1. $5.00.

SCOTT'S (SIR WALTER) Marmion. Holiday Edition. Over 100 new Illustrations by famous artists. Elegantly bound. Full gilt edges. In box, $6.00. Tree-calf, or antique morocco, $10.00. Crushed levant, with silk linings, $25.00.

—— Marmion. Tremont Edition. 1 vol. 16mo. Beautifully illustrated. With red lines, bevelled boards, and gilt edges, $2.50. Half-calf, $4.00. Antique morocco, flexible calf, flexible seal or tree-calf, $6.00.

—— Marmion. Pocket Edition, 1 vol. Little-Classic size. With thirty Illustrations. Elegantly bound, $1.00. Half-calf, $2.25. Antique morocco, or flexible calf or seal, $3.00. Tree-calf, $3.50.

—— Marmion. Students' Edition. Edited, with Notes and Introduction, by W.J. ROLFE. 12mo. Illustrated. 75 cents.

—— The Lady of the Lake. Holiday Edition. 1 vol. 8vo. In box. 120 Illustrations. $6.00. Tree-calf or antique morocco, $10.00. Calf or morocco, inlaid mosaic, $12.50. Crushed levant, with silk linings, $25.00.

—— The Lady of the Lake. Tremont Edition. 16mo. Beautifully illustrated. Red lines. $2.50. Half-calf, $4.00. Tree-calf, antique morocco, flexible calf or seal, $6.00.

SCOTT'S (SIR WALTER) The Lady of the Lake. Pocket Edition. 1 vol. Little-Classic size. 30 Illustrations. $1.00. Half-calf, $2.25. Antique morocco, flexible calf, or seal, $3.00. Tree-calf, $3.50.

—— The Lady of the Lake. Students' Edition. Edited, with Notes and Introduction, by W.J. ROLFE. 1 vol. 12mo. Beautifully illustrated. 75 cents.

SENSIER'S (ALFRED) Jean-Francois Millet: Peasant and Painter. Translated by HELENA DE KAY. With Illustrations. $3.00.

SHALER'S (PROFESSOR N.S.) and DAVIS'S (WILLIAM M.) Illustrations of the Earth's Surface. Part I. Glaciers. Copiously illustrated. Large folio. $10.00.

SHEDD'S (MRS. JULIA A.) Famous Painters and Paintings. Revised edition. With 13 Heliotypes. 1 vol. 12mo. $3.00 Half-calf, $5.00. Tree-calf, $7.00.

—— Famous Sculptors and Sculpture. With thirteen Heliotype Engravings. 12mo. $3.00. Half-calf, $5.00. Tree-calf, $7.00.

—— Raphael: His Madonnas and Holy Families. Illustrated with 22 full-page Heliotypes. 1 vol. 4to. Full gilt. $7.50.

SHERIDAN'S (RICHARD BRINSLEY) Comedies: The Rivals, and the School for Scandal. Edited, with Biography and Notes and Introduction, by BRANDER MATTHEWS. Illustrated. 1 vol. 8vo. $3.00.

SHERRATT'S (R.J.) The Elements of Hand-Railing. 38 Plates. Small folio. $2.00.

SIKES'S (WIRT) British Goblins. Welsh Folk-Lore, Fairy Mythology, and Traditions. Illustrated. 8vo. Gilt top. $4.00.

SNIDER'S (DENTON J.) Agamemnon's Daughter. A poem. 1 vol. Square 16mo. Fine laid paper. $1.50.

—— A Walk in Hellas. 1 vol. 8vo. $2.50.

SPOONER'S (SAMUEL) and CLEMENT'S (MRS. CLARA E.) A Biographical History of the Fine Arts. In preparation.

STANWOOD'S (EDWARD) A History of Presidential Elections. 1 vol. 12mo. $1.50.

STERNBERG'S (GEORGE M., M.D.) Photo-Micrographs, and How to Make them. Illustrated by 47 Photographs of Microscopic Objects, reproduced by the Heliotype process. 1 vol. 8vo. $3.00.

STEVENSON'S (ALEXANDER F.) The Battle of Stone River, near Murfreesboro', Tenn., December 30, 1862, to January 3, 1863. 1 vol. 8vo. With Maps. $3.00.

STILLMAN'S (DR. J.D.B.) The Horse in Motion, as Shown in a Series of Views by Instantaneous Photography, and Anatomical Illustrations in Chromo, after Drawings by WILLIAM HAHN. With a Preface by LELAND STANFORD. 1 vol. Royal quarto. Fully illustrated. $10.00.

STIRLING'S (A.) At Daybreak. A Novel. 16mo. $1.25.

STODDARD'S (JOHN L.) Red-Letter Days Abroad. 8vo. With 130 fine Illustrations. Richly bound, full gilt edges, in box. $5.00 In tree-calf or antique morocco, $10.00. In mosaic inlaid, calf, $12.50.

STONE'S (CHARLES J., F.R.S.L., F.R.Hist.C.) Christianity before Christ; or, Prototypes of our Faith and Culture. Crown 8vo. $3.00.

SWEETSER'S (M.F.) Artist-Biographies. With twelve Heliotypes in each volume. 5 vols. 16mo. Cloth. Each, $1.50.

Vol. I. Raphael, Leonardo, Angelo. Vol. II. Titian, Guido, Claude. Vol. III. Reynolds, Turner, Landseer. Vol. IV. Duerer, Rembrandt, Van Dyck. Vol. V. Angelico, Murillo, Allston.

The set, in box, 5 vols. $7.50. Half-calf, $15.00. Tree-calf, $25.00. Flexible calf, elegant leather case, $28.00.

TALLAHASSEE GIRL (A). Vol. IX. of the Round-Robin Series of novels. 16mo. $1.00. In paper covers, 50 cents.

TENNYSON'S (LORD) A Dream of Fair Women. Forty Illustrations. 4to. $5.00. In morocco antique or tree-calf, $9.00.

—— The Princess. Holiday Edition. 120 Illustrations, Rich binding. In a box. 8vo. $6.00. Morocco antique or tree-calf, $10.00. Crushed levant, with silk linings, $25.00.

—— The Princess. Tremont Edition. 1 vol. 16mo. Beautifully illustrated. With red lines, bevelled boards, and gilt edges, $2.50. Half-calf, $4.00. Antique morocco, flexible calf, flexible seal or tree-calf, $6.00.

—— The Princess. Pocket Edition. 1 vol. Little-Classic size. With 30 Illustrations. Elegantly bound, $1.00. Half-calf, $2.25. Antique morocco, or flexible calf or seal, $3.00. Tree-calf, $3.50.

—— The Princess. Students' Edition. Edited, with Notes and Introduction, by W.J. ROLFE. 12mo. Illustrated. 75 cents.

—— Select Poems. Students' Edition. Edited, with Notes and Introduction, by W.J. ROLFE. Beautifully illustrated, 1 vol. 12mo. 75 cents.

THACKERAY (WILLIAM M.), The Ballads of. Complete illustrated edition. Small quarto. Handsomely bound. $1.50.

THOMAS A KEMPIS'S The Imitation of Christ. 16mo. Red edges. 300 cuts. $1.50. Flexible calf or morocco, $4.00.

Pocket edition. Round corners. $1.00. Flexible calf, $3.00.

Edition de luxe. 8vo. Many full-page etchings, red ruling, etc. Full leather binding, $9.00. In parchment covers, $5.00.

THOMPSON'S (MAURICE) Songs of Fair Weather. $1.50.

TICKNOR'S AMERICAN GUIDE-BOOKS: Newly revised and Augmented Editions.

New England. With nineteen Maps and Plans. Ninth edition. 16mo. $1.50.

The Maritime Provinces. With ten Maps and Plans. Fifth edition. 16mo. $1.50.

The White Mountains. With six Maps and six Panoramas. Seventh edition. 16mo. $1.50.

The Middle States. With twenty-two Maps and Plans. 16mo. Seventh Edition in preparation.

TICKNOR'S COMPLETE POCKET GUIDE TO EUROPE. Revised edition. With six Maps. 32mo. $1.50.

TOWLE'S (GEORGE MAKEPEACE) England and Russia in Central Asia, No. 1, Timely-Topics Series. 1 vol. 16mo. With Maps. 50 cents.

—— England in Egypt. No. 2, Timely-Topics Series. 1 vol. 16mo. With Maps. 50 cents.

TOWNSEND'S (MARY ASHLEY) Down the Bayou. A volume of Poems. 12mo. $1.50.

TOWNSEND'S (S. NUGENT) Our Indian Summer in the Far West. With full-page Photographs of Scenes in Kansas, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, etc. 4to. $20.00.

UNDERWOOD'S (FRANCIS H.) John Greenleaf Whittier. A Biography. 1 vol. 12mo. Illustrated. $1.50.

—— Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. 12mo. Illustrated. $1.50.

—— James Russell Lowell. A Biographical Sketch. 1 vol. Small quarto. 6 Heliotypes. $1.50.

VIOLLET-LE-DUC'S (E.E.) Discourses on Architecture. Vol. I. Translated by HENRY VAN BRUNT. With 18 large Plates and 110 Woodcuts. 8vo. $5.00.

VIOLLET-LE-DUC (E.E.) The Same. Vol. II. With Steel Plates, Chromos, and Woodcuts. 8vo. $5.00.

WALLACE'S (SUSAN E.) The Storied Sea. 1 vol. Little-Classic size. $1.00.

WARE'S (PROFESSOR WILLIAM R.) Modern Perspective. A Treatise upon the Principles and Practice of Plane and Cylindrical Perspective. 1 vol. 12mo. With Portfolio of 27 Plates. $5.00.

WARING'S (COL. GEORGE E., JR.) Whip and Spur. Little-Classic size. $1.25.

—— Village Improvements and Farm Villages. Little-Classic size. Illustrated. 75 cents.

—— The Bride of the Rhine. Two Hundred Miles in a Mosel Row-Boat. To which is added a paper on the Latin poet Ausonius and his poem "Mosella," by Rev. CHARLES T. BROOKS. 1 vol. Square 16mo. Fully illustrated. $1.50.

—— Vix. No. 1 of Waring's Horse-Stories. 10 cents.

—— Ruby. No. 2 of Waring's Horse-Stories. 10 cents.

WARNER'S (CHARLES DUDLEY) The American Newspaper. 32mo. 25 cents.

WARREN'S (JOSEPH H., M.D.) A Plea for the Cure of Rupture. 12mo. In cloth, $1.25. In parchment paper covers, $1.00.

—— A Practical Treatise on Hernia. 8vo. $5.00. Sheep. $6.50.

WEDGWOOD'S (HENSLEIGH) Contested Etymologies in the Dictionary of the Rev. W.W. SKEAT. 1 vol. 12mo. $2.00.

WEEKS'S (LYMAN H.) Among the Azores. 1 vol. Square 16mo. With Map and 25 Illustrations. $1.50.

WELLS'S (KATE GANNETT) About People. A volume of Essays. Little-Classic size. $1.25.

WENDELL'S (BARRETT) The Duchess Emilia. 1 vol. 16mo. $1.00.

WHEELER'S (CHARLES GARDNER) The Course of Empire; Being Outlines of the Chief Political Changes in the History of the World. 1 vol. 8vo. With 25 colored Maps. $3.00. Half-calf, $5.50.

WHEELER'S (WILLIAM A. and CHARLES G.) Familiar Allusions: A Handbook of Miscellaneous Information. 12mo. $3.00. Half-calf, $5.50.

WHIST, American or Standard. By G.W.P. Sixth edition. Revised and enlarged, 16mo. $1.00.

WILLIAMS'S (ALFRED M.) The Poets and Poetry of Ireland. With Critical Essays and Notes. 1 vol. 12mo. $2.00.

WINCKELMANN'S (JOHN) The History of Ancient Art. Translated by Dr. G.H. LODGE. With 78 copperplate Engravings. 2 vols. 8vo. $9.00. Half-calf, $18.00. Morocco antique or tree-calf, $25.00.

WINTER'S (WILLIAM) English Rambles, and other Fugitive Pieces in Prose and Verse. 1 vol. 12mo. $1.50.

—— Poems. New revised edition. 1 vol. 16mo. Cloth, $1.50. Half-calf, $3.00. Morocco antique or tree-calf, $4.00.

—— The Trip to England. With Illustrations by JOSEPH JEFFERSON. 16mo. $2.00. Half-calf, $4.00. Morocco antique or tree-calf, $5.00.

WOODS'S (REV. LEONARD) History of the Andover Theological Seminary. 1 vol. 8vo. $3.50.

* * * * *


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Out of the Question. A Counterfeit Presentment.

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This is a revised version of the greater part of the author's "Hand-book of Legendary Art,"—of which seventeen large editions have been exhausted. The clear and beautiful explanation of the expressive symbols by which men's minds are helped to reverent contemplation of the mysteries of revealed religion, leaves nothing to be desired. The "Stories of the Saints" will be illustrated by numerous full page engravings from the rarest and finest works of the great masters of Christian Art—prominence being given to scenes from the life of the Blessed Virgin, and pictures of the Evangelists, and the Founders and notable Saints of the Religious Orders.


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The remarkable success of the first Monograph shows the demand existing for artistic work of this high grade; and an equal sale may be predicted for the portfolio that illustrates the beautiful marble Gothic building of the Connecticut State Capitol. This possesses perhaps even a higher interest than the Harvard Law School, because it is a great public building, and not an appendage of an institution.

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There appears to be, from year to year, a growing popular taste for quaint and curious reminiscences of "Ye Olden Time," and to meet this, Mr. Henry M. Brooks has prepared a series of interesting handbooks. The materials have been gleaned chiefly from old newspapers of Boston and Salem, sources not easily accessible, and while not professing to be history, the volumes will contain much material for history, so combined and presented as to be both amusing and instructive. The titles of some of the volumes indicate their scope and their promise of entertainment:—"Curiosities of the Old Lottery," "Days of the Spinning Wheel," "Some Strange and Curious Punishments," "Quaint and Curious Advertisements," "Literary Curiosities," "New-England Sunday," etc.


This admirable and impressive work is a companion to the same author's well-known "Historical Monuments of France," and contains a vivid record of the life of Merrie England, as exemplified by her august castles and palaces, abbeys and cathedrals.


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MEN, WOMEN, AND THINGS. Revised and augmented.

The whole in four 12mo. volumes, tastefully bound, forming a beautiful, uniform set of the selected works, together with the memorial biography of this popular and lamented writer.


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"Uncle Remus's" legends have created a strong demand for his songs, which will be eagerly welcomed.

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One of the choicest gems of art in illustration, consisting of illuminated pages, in beautiful designs, illustrating some of the finest verses of the great English poet.

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This volume of short stories, reprinted from the author's contributions to the Atlantic, Harpers, The Galaxy, &c., will be found like "Somebody's Neighbors," to show "that profound insight into Puritan character, and that remarkable command of Yankee dialect, in which Mrs. Cooke has but one equal, and no superior. These exquisite chronicles are full of high local color, pathos and piquancy, and their perusal is attended with alternate tears and smiles. Their narration is vigorous and spirited, sparkling in all points, and outlined with rare dramatic skill."

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The biography of the foremost American poet, written by his brother, is probably the most important work of the kind brought out in the United States for years. It is rich in domestic, personal, and family interest, anecdotes, reminiscences, and other thoroughly charming memorabilia.


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An Illustrated Weekly Journal of Architecture and the Building Trades

Each number is accompanied by six fine quarto illustrations, while illustrative cuts are liberally used in the text. Although the paper addresses itself primarily to architects and builders, by its discussions upon matters of interest common to those engaged in building pursuits, it is the object of the editors to make it acceptable and necessary to that large portion of the educated classes who are interested in and appreciate the importance of good architectural surroundings, to civil and sanitary engineers, draughtsmen, antiquaries, craftsmen of all kinds, and all intelligent readers.

As an indication of the feeling with which this journal is regarded by the profession, we quote the following extract from a report of a committee of the American Institute of Architects upon "American Architectural Journals":—

"At Boston, Mass., is issued the AMERICAN ARCHITECT AND BUILDING NEWS, a weekly of the first class, and, it must be acknowledged, the only journal in this country that can compare favorably with the great London architectural publications. It is very liberally illustrated with full-page lithographic impressions of the latest designs of our most noted architects, and with occasional views of celebrated European buildings. Once a month a fine gelatine print is issued in a special edition. Its editorial department is conducted in a scholarly, courteous, and, at the same time, independent tone, and its selections made with excellent judgment. It is the accepted exemplar of American architectural practice, and is found in the office of almost every architect in the Union."—April 15, 1885.

Subscription Prices. (In Advance.)

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IMPERIAL EDITION (the same as the regular edition, but including 40 Gelatine Prints, and 36 additional double-page Photo-Lithographic Prints).—$10.00 year; $6.00 per half year.

MONTHLY EDITION (identical with the first weekly issue for each month, but containing no Gelatine Prints).—$1.75 per year; $1.00 per half year.

Bound volumes for 1876, 1877, 1878, 1879, 1880, 1881, $10.50; 1882, 1883, 1884, and 1885, $9.00 each.

Bound volume (Gelatine edition) for 1885, $10.00.

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Transcriber's notes:

Footnotes represented by Numbers are part of New-England Sunday text Footnotes represented by Letters are footnotes from quoted sources. Punctuation standardised. Hand symbol replaced by [—>] in txt version. $1, changed to $1.00. In Advertisement section * * * used to represent Inverted Asterism in txt version.


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