Bacchus, work divine of Vulcan's hand. Within that vase, Achilles, treasured lie Thine and the bones of thy departed friend Patroclus, but a sep'rate urn we gave 90 To those of brave Antilochus, who most Of all thy friends at Ilium shared thy love And thy respect, thy friend Patroclus slain. Around both urns we piled a noble tomb, (We warriors of the sacred Argive host) On a tall promontory shooting far Into the spacious Hellespont, that all Who live, and who shall yet be born, may view Thy record, even from the distant waves. Then, by permission from the Gods obtain'd, 100 To the Achaian Chiefs in circus met Thetis appointed games. I have beheld The burial rites of many an Hero bold, When, on the death of some great Chief, the youths Girding their loins anticipate the prize, But sight of those with wonder fill'd me most, So glorious past all others were the games By silver-footed Thetis giv'n for thee, For thou wast ever favour'd of the Gods. Thus, hast thou not, Achilles! although dead, 110 Foregone thy glory, but thy fair report Is universal among all mankind; But, as for me, what recompense had I, My warfare closed? for whom, at my return, Jove framed such dire destruction by the hands Of fell AEgisthus and my murth'ress wife. Thus, mutual, they conferr'd; meantime approach'd, Swift messenger of heav'n, the Argicide, Conducting thither all the shades of those Slain by Ulysses. At that sight amazed 120 Both moved toward them. Agamemnon's shade Knew well Amphimedon, for he had been Erewhile his father's guest in Ithaca, And thus the spirit of Atreus' son began. Amphimedon! by what disastrous chance, Cooevals as ye seem, and of an air Distinguish'd all, descend ye to the Deeps? For not the chosen youths of a whole town Should form a nobler band. Perish'd ye sunk Amid vast billows and rude tempests raised 130 By Neptune's pow'r? or on dry land through force Of hostile multitudes, while cutting off Beeves from the herd, or driving flocks away? Or fighting for your city and your wives? Resolve me? I was once a guest of yours. Remember'st not what time at your abode With godlike Menelaus I arrived, That we might win Ulysses with his fleet To follow us to Troy? scarce we prevail'd At last to gain the city-waster Chief, 140 And, after all, consumed a whole month more The wide sea traversing from side to side. To whom the spirit of Amphimedon. Illustrious Agamemnon, King of men! All this I bear in mind, and will rehearse The manner of our most disastrous end. Believing brave Ulysses lost, we woo'd Meantime his wife; she our detested suit Would neither ratify nor yet refuse, But, planning for us a tremendous death, 150 This novel stratagem, at last, devised. Beginning, in her own recess, a web Of slend'rest thread, and of a length and breadth Unusual, thus the suitors she address'd. Princes, my suitors! since the noble Chief Ulysses is no more, enforce not yet My nuptials; wait till I shall finish first A fun'ral robe (lest all my threads decay) Which for the ancient Hero I prepare, Laertes, looking for the mournful hour 160 When fate shall snatch him to eternal rest; Else, I the censure dread of all my sex, Should he so wealthy, want at last a shroud. So spake the Queen; we, unsuspicious all, With her request complied. Thenceforth, all day She wove the ample web, and by the aid Of torches ravell'd it again at night. Three years she thus by artifice our suit Eluded safe, but when the fourth arrived, And the same season, after many moons 170 And fleeting days, return'd, a damsel then Of her attendants, conscious of the fraud, Reveal'd it, and we found her pulling loose The splendid web. Thus, through constraint, at length, She finish'd it, and in her own despight. But when the Queen produced, at length, her work Finish'd, new-blanch'd, bright as the sun or moon, Then came Ulysses, by some adverse God Conducted, to a cottage on the verge Of his own fields, in which his swine-herd dwells; 180 There also the illustrious Hero's son Arrived soon after, in his sable bark From sandy Pylus borne; they, plotting both A dreadful death for all the suitors, sought Our glorious city, but Ulysses last, And first Telemachus. The father came Conducted by his swine-herd, and attired In tatters foul; a mendicant he seem'd, Time-worn, and halted on a staff. So clad, And ent'ring on the sudden, he escaped 190 All knowledge even of our eldest there, And we reviled and smote him; he although Beneath his own roof smitten and reproach'd, With patience suffer'd it awhile, but roused By inspiration of Jove AEgis-arm'd At length, in concert with his son convey'd To his own chamber his resplendent arms, There lodg'd them safe, and barr'd the massy doors Then, in his subtlety he bade the Queen A contest institute with bow and rings 200 Between the hapless suitors, whence ensued Slaughter to all. No suitor there had pow'r To overcome the stubborn bow that mock'd All our attempts; and when the weapon huge At length was offer'd to Ulysses' hands, With clamour'd menaces we bade the swain Withhold it from him, plead he as he might; Telemachus alone with loud command, Bade give it him, and the illustrious Chief Receiving in his hand the bow, with ease 210 Bent it, and sped a shaft through all the rings. Then, springing to the portal steps, he pour'd The arrows forth, peer'd terrible around, Pierced King Antinoues, and, aiming sure His deadly darts, pierced others after him, Till in one common carnage heap'd we lay. Some God, as plain appear'd, vouchsafed them aid, Such ardour urged them, and with such dispatch They slew us on all sides; hideous were heard The groans of dying men fell'd to the earth 220 With head-strokes rude, and the floor swam with blood. Such, royal Agamemnon! was the fate By which we perish'd, all whose bodies lie Unburied still, and in Ulysses' house, For tidings none have yet our friends alarm'd And kindred, who might cleanse from sable gore Our clotted wounds, and mourn us on the bier, Which are the rightful privilege of the dead. Him answer'd, then, the shade of Atreus' son. Oh happy offspring of Laertes! shrewd 230 Ulysses! matchless valour thou hast shewn Recov'ring thus thy wife; nor less appears The virtue of Icarius' daughter wise, The chaste Penelope, so faithful found To her Ulysses, husband of her youth. His glory, by superior merit earn'd, Shall never die, and the immortal Gods Shall make Penelope a theme of song Delightful in the ears of all mankind. Not such was Clytemnestra, daughter vile 240 Of Tyndarus; she shed her husband's blood, And shall be chronicled in song a wife Of hateful memory, by whose offence Even the virtuous of her sex are shamed. Thus they, beneath the vaulted roof obscure Of Pluto's house, conferring mutual stood. Meantime, descending from the city-gates, Ulysses, by his son and by his swains Follow'd, arrived at the delightful farm Which old Laertes had with strenuous toil 250 Himself long since acquired. There stood his house Encompass'd by a bow'r in which the hinds Who served and pleased him, ate, and sat, and slept. An ancient woman, a Sicilian, dwelt There also, who in that sequester'd spot Attended diligent her aged Lord. Then thus Ulysses to his followers spake. Haste now, and, ent'ring, slay ye of the swine The best for our regale; myself, the while, Will prove my father, if his eye hath still 260 Discernment of me, or if absence long Have worn the knowledge of me from his mind. He said, and gave into his servants' care His arms; they swift proceeded to the house, And to the fruitful grove himself as swift To prove his father. Down he went at once Into the spacious garden-plot, but found Nor Dolius there, nor any of his sons Or servants; they were occupied elsewhere, And, with the ancient hind himself, employ'd 270 Collecting thorns with which to fence the grove. In that umbrageous spot he found alone Laertes, with his hoe clearing a plant; Sordid his tunic was, with many a patch Mended unseemly; leathern were his greaves, Thong-tied and also patch'd, a frail defence Against sharp thorns, while gloves secured his hands From briar-points, and on his head he bore A goat-skin casque, nourishing hopeless woe. No sooner then the Hero toil-inured 280 Saw him age-worn and wretched, than he paused Beneath a lofty pear-tree's shade to weep. There standing much he mused, whether, at once, Kissing and clasping in his arms his sire, To tell him all, by what means he had reach'd His native country, or to prove him first. At length, he chose as his best course, with words Of seeming strangeness to accost his ear, And, with that purpose, moved direct toward him. He, stooping low, loosen'd the earth around 290 A garden-plant, when his illustrious son Now, standing close beside him, thus began. Old sir! thou art no novice in these toils Of culture, but thy garden thrives; I mark In all thy ground no plant, fig, olive, vine, Pear-tree or flow'r-bed suff'ring through neglect. But let it not offend thee if I say That thou neglect'st thyself, at the same time Oppress'd with age, sun-parch'd and ill-attired. Not for thy inactivity, methinks, 300 Thy master slights thee thus, nor speaks thy form Or thy surpassing stature servile aught In thee, but thou resemblest more a King. Yes—thou resemblest one who, bathed and fed, Should softly sleep; such is the claim of age. But tell me true—for whom labourest thou, And whose this garden? answer me beside, For I would learn; have I indeed arrived In Ithaca, as one whom here I met Ev'n now assured me, but who seem'd a man 310 Not overwise, refusing both to hear My questions, and to answer when I ask'd Concerning one in other days my guest And friend, if he have still his being here, Or have deceas'd and journey'd to the shades. For I will tell thee; therefore mark. Long since A stranger reach'd my house in my own land, Whom I with hospitality receiv'd, Nor ever sojourn'd foreigner with me Whom I lov'd more. He was by birth, he said, 320 Ithacan, and Laertes claim'd his sire, Son of Arcesias. Introducing him Beneath my roof, I entertain'd him well, And proved by gifts his welcome at my board. I gave him seven talents of wrought gold, A goblet, argent all, with flow'rs emboss'd, Twelve single cloaks, twelve carpets, mantles twelve Of brightest lustre, with as many vests, And added four fair damsels, whom he chose Himself, well born and well accomplish'd all. 330 Then thus his ancient sire weeping replied. Stranger! thou hast in truth attain'd the isle Of thy enquiry, but it is possess'd By a rude race, and lawless. Vain, alas! Were all thy num'rous gifts; yet hadst thou found Him living here in Ithaca, with gifts Reciprocated he had sent thee hence, Requiting honourably in his turn Thy hospitality. But give me quick Answer and true. How many have been the years 340 Since thy reception of that hapless guest My son? for mine, my own dear son was he. But him, far distant both from friends and home, Either the fishes of the unknown Deep Have eaten, or wild beasts and fowls of prey, Nor I, or she who bare him, was ordain'd To bathe his shrouded body with our tears, Nor his chaste wife, well-dow'r'd Penelope To close her husband's eyes, and to deplore His doom, which is the privilege of the dead. 350 But tell me also thou, for I would learn, Who art thou? whence? where born? and sprung from whom? The bark in which thou and thy godlike friends Arrived, where is she anchor'd on our coast? Or cam'st thou only passenger on board Another's bark, who landed thee and went? To whom Ulysses, ever-wise, replied. I will with all simplicity relate What thou hast ask'd. Of Alybas am I, Where in much state I dwell, son of the rich 360 Apheidas royal Polypemon's son, And I am named Eperitus; by storms Driven from Sicily I have arrived, And yonder, on the margin of the field That skirts your city, I have moor'd my bark. Five years have pass'd since thy Ulysses left, Unhappy Chief! my country; yet the birds At his departure hovered on the right, And in that sign rejoicing, I dismiss'd Him thence rejoicing also, for we hoped 370 To mix in social intercourse again, And to exchange once more pledges of love. He spake; then sorrow as a sable cloud Involved Laertes; gath'ring with both hands The dust, he pour'd it on his rev'rend head With many a piteous groan. Ulysses' heart Commotion felt, and his stretch'd nostrils throbb'd With agony close-pent, while fixt he eyed His father; with a sudden force he sprang Toward him, clasp'd, and kiss'd him, and exclaim'd. 380 My father! I am he. Thou seest thy son Absent these twenty years at last return'd. But bid thy sorrow cease; suspend henceforth All lamentation; for I tell thee true, (And the occasion bids me briefly tell thee) I have slain all the suitors at my home, And all their taunts and injuries avenged. Then answer thus Laertes quick return'd. If thou hast come again, and art indeed My son Ulysses, give me then the proof 390 Indubitable, that I may believe. To whom Ulysses, ever-wise, replied. View, first, the scar which with his iv'ry tusk A wild boar gave me, when at thy command And at my mother's, to Autolycus Her father, on Parnassus, I repair'd Seeking the gifts which, while a guest of yours, He promis'd should be mine. Accept beside This proof. I will enum'rate all the trees Which, walking with thee in this cultured spot 400 (Boy then) I begg'd, and thou confirm'dst my own. We paced between them, and thou mad'st me learn The name of each. Thou gav'st me thirteen pears,[113] Ten apples,[113] thirty figs,[113] and fifty ranks Didst promise me of vines, their alleys all Corn-cropp'd between. There, oft as sent from Jove The influences of the year descend, Grapes of all hues and flavours clust'ring hang. He said; Laertes, conscious of the proofs Indubitable by Ulysses giv'n, 410 With fault'ring knees and fault'ring heart both arms Around him threw. The Hero toil-inured Drew to his bosom close his fainting sire, Who, breath recov'ring, and his scatter'd pow'rs Of intellect, at length thus spake aloud. Ye Gods! oh then your residence is still On the Olympian heights, if punishment At last hath seized on those flagitious men. But terrour shakes me, lest, incensed, ere long All Ithaca flock hither, and dispatch 420 Swift messengers with these dread tidings charged To ev'ry Cephallenian state around. Him answer'd then Ulysses ever-wise. Courage! fear nought, but let us to the house Beside the garden, whither I have sent Telemachus, the herdsman, and the good Eumaeus to prepare us quick repast. So they conferr'd, and to Laertes' house Pass'd on together; there arrived, they found Those three preparing now their plenteous feast, 430 And mingling sable wine; then, by the hands Of his Sicilian matron, the old King Was bathed, anointed, and attired afresh, And Pallas, drawing nigh, dilated more His limbs, and gave his whole majestic form Encrease of amplitude. He left the bath. His son, amazed as he had seen a God Alighted newly from the skies, exclaim'd. My father! doubtless some immortal Pow'r Hath clothed thy form with dignity divine. 440 Then thus replied his venerable sire. Jove! Pallas! Phoebus! oh that I possess'd Such vigour now, as when in arms I took Nericus, continental city fair, With my brave Cephallenians! oh that such And arm'd as then, I yesterday had stood Beside thee in thy palace, combating Those suitors proud, then had I strew'd the floor With num'rous slain, to thy exceeding joy. Such was their conference; and now, the task 450 Of preparation ended, and the feast Set forth, on couches and on thrones they sat, And, ranged in order due, took each his share. Then, ancient Dolius, and with him, his sons Arrived toil-worn, by the Sicilian dame Summon'd, their cat'ress, and their father's kind Attendant ever in his eve of life. They, seeing and recalling soon to mind Ulysses, in the middle mansion stood Wond'ring, when thus Ulysses with a voice 460 Of some reproof, but gentle, them bespake. Old servant, sit and eat, banishing fear And mute amazement; for, although provoked By appetite, we have long time abstain'd, Expecting ev'ry moment thy return. He said; then Dolius with expanded arms Sprang right toward Ulysses, seized his hand, Kiss'd it, and in wing'd accents thus replied. Oh master ever dear! since thee the Gods Themselves in answer to our warm desires, 470 Have, unexpectedly, at length restored, Hail, and be happy, and heav'n make thee such! But say, and truly; knows the prudent Queen Already thy return, or shall we send Ourselves an herald with the joyful news? To whom Ulysses, ever-wise, replied. My ancient friend, thou may'st release thy mind From that solicitude; she knows it well. So he; then Dolius to his glossy seat Return'd, and all his sons gath'ring around 480 Ulysses, welcom'd him and grasp'd his hand, Then sat beside their father; thus beneath Laertes' roof they, joyful, took repast. But Fame with rapid haste the city roam'd In ev'ry part, promulging in all ears The suitors' horrid fate. No sooner heard The multitude that tale, than one and all Groaning they met and murmuring before Ulysses' gates. Bringing the bodies forth, They buried each his friend, but gave the dead 490 Of other cities to be ferried home By fishermen on board their rapid barks. All hasted then to council; sorrow wrung Their hearts, and, the assembly now convened, Arising first Eupithes spake, for grief Sat heavy on his soul, grief for the loss Of his Antinoues by Ulysses slain Foremost of all, whom mourning, thus he said. My friends! no trivial fruits the Greecians reap Of this man's doings. Those he took with him 500 On board his barks, a num'rous train and bold, Then lost his barks, lost all his num'rous train, And these, our noblest, slew at his return. Come therefore—ere he yet escape by flight To Pylus or to noble Elis, realm Of the Epeans, follow him; else shame Attends us and indelible reproach. If we avenge not on these men the blood Of our own sons and brothers, farewell then All that makes life desirable; my wish 510 Henceforth shall be to mingle with the shades. Oh then pursue and seize them ere they fly. Thus he with tears, and pity moved in all. Then, Medon and the sacred bard whom sleep Had lately left, arriving from the house Of Laertiades, approach'd; amid The throng they stood; all wonder'd seeing them, And Medon, prudent senior, thus began. Hear me, my countrymen! Ulysses plann'd With no disapprobation of the Gods 520 The deed that ye deplore. I saw, myself, A Pow'r immortal at the Hero's side, In semblance just of Mentor; now the God, In front apparent, led him on, and now, From side to side of all the palace, urged To flight the suitors; heaps on heaps they fell. He said; then terrour wan seiz'd ev'ry cheek, And Halitherses, Hero old, the son Of Mastor, who alone among them all Knew past, and future, prudent, thus began. 530 Now, O ye men of Ithaca! my words Attentive hear! by your own fault, my friends, This deed hath been perform'd; for when myself And noble Mentor counsell'd you to check The sin and folly of your sons, ye would not. Great was their wickedness, and flagrant wrong They wrought, the wealth devouring and the wife Dishonouring of an illustrious Chief Whom they deem'd destined never to return. But hear my counsel. Go not, lest ye draw 540 Disaster down and woe on your own heads. He ended; then with boist'rous roar (although Part kept their seats) upsprang the multitude, For Halitherses pleased them not, they chose Eupithes' counsel rather; all at once To arms they flew, and clad in dazzling brass Before the city form'd their dense array. Leader infatuate at their head appear'd Eupithes, hoping to avenge his son Antinoues, but was himself ordain'd 550 To meet his doom, and to return no more. Then thus Minerva to Saturnian Jove. Oh father! son of Saturn! Jove supreme! Declare the purpose hidden in thy breast. Wilt thou that this hostility proceed, Or wilt thou grant them amity again? To whom the cloud-assembler God replied. Why asks my daughter? didst thou not design Thyself, that brave Ulysses coming home Should slay those profligates? act as thou wilt, 560 But thus I counsel, since the noble Chief Hath slain the suitors, now let peace ensue Oath-bound, and reign Ulysses evermore! The slaughter of their brethren and their sons To strike from their remembrance, shall be ours. Let mutual amity, as at the first, Unite them, and let wealth and peace abound. So saying, he animated to her task Minerva prompt before, and from the heights Olympian down to Ithaca she flew. 570 Meantime Ulysses (for their hunger now And thirst were sated) thus address'd his hinds. Look ye abroad, lest haply they approach. He said, and at his word, forth went a son Of Dolius; at the gate he stood, and thence Beholding all that multitude at hand, In accents wing'd thus to Ulysses spake. They come—they are already arrived—arm all! Then, all arising, put their armour on, Ulysses with his three, and the six sons 580 Of Dolius; Dolius also with the rest, Arm'd and Laertes, although silver-hair'd, Warriors perforce. When all were clad alike In radiant armour, throwing wide the gates They sallied, and Ulysses led the way. Then Jove's own daughter Pallas, in the form And with the voice of Mentor, came in view, Whom seeing Laertiades rejoiced, And thus Telemachus, his son, bespake. Now, oh my son! thou shalt observe, untold 590 By me, where fight the bravest. Oh shame not Thine ancestry, who have in all the earth Proof given of valour in all ages past. To whom Telemachus, discrete, replied. My father! if thou wish that spectacle, Thou shalt behold thy son, as thou hast said, In nought dishonouring his noble race. Then was Laertes joyful, and exclaim'd, What sun hath ris'n to-day?[114] oh blessed Gods! My son and grandson emulous dispute 600 The prize of glory, and my soul exults. He ended, and Minerva drawing nigh To the old King, thus counsell'd him. Oh friend Whom most I love, son of Arcesias! pray'r Preferring to the virgin azure-eyed, And to her father Jove, delay not, shake Thy lance in air, and give it instant flight. So saying, the Goddess nerved his arm anew. He sought in pray'r the daughter dread of Jove, And, brandishing it, hurl'd his lance; it struck 610 Eupithes, pierced his helmet brazen-cheek'd That stay'd it not, but forth it sprang beyond, And with loud clangor of his arms he fell. Then flew Ulysses and his noble son With faulchion and with spear of double edge To the assault, and of them all had left None living, none had to his home return'd, But that Jove's virgin daughter with a voice Of loud authority thus quell'd them all. Peace, O ye men of Ithaca! while yet 620 The field remains undeluged with your blood. So she, and fear at once paled ev'ry cheek. All trembled at the voice divine; their arms Escaping from the grasp fell to the earth, And, covetous of longer life, each fled Back to the city. Then Ulysses sent His voice abroad, and with an eagle's force Sprang on the people; but Saturnian Jove, Cast down, incontinent, his smouldring bolt At Pallas' feet, and thus the Goddess spake. 630 Laertes' noble son, for wiles renown'd! Forbear; abstain from slaughter; lest thyself Incur the anger of high thund'ring Jove. So Pallas, whom Ulysses, glad, obey'd. Then faithful covenants of peace between Both sides ensued, ratified in the sight Of Pallas progeny of Jove, who seem'd, In voice and form, the Mentor known to all.
[111] Trizousai—tetriguiai—the ghosts Did squeak and gibber in the Roman streets.
[112] —Behemoth, biggest born of earth, Upheav'd his vastness.
[113] The fruit is here used for the tree that bore it, as it is in the Greek; the Latins used the same mode of expression, neither is it uncommon in our own language.
[114] Tis nu moi hemere hede?—So Cicero, who seems to translate it—Proh dii immortales! Quis hic illuxit dies! See Clarke in loco.
Bk. x. l. 101-106 (Hom. x. l. 81-86).—It is held now that this passage should be explained by the supposition that the Homeric bards had heard tales of northern latitudes, where, in summer-time, the darkness was so short that evening was followed almost at once by morning. Thus the herdsman coming home in the twilight at one day's close might meet and hail the shepherd who was starting betimes for the next day's work.
Line 86 in the Greek ought probably to be translated, "For the paths of night and day are close together," i.e., the entrance of day follows hard on the entrance of night.
Bk. xi. l. 162, 163 (Hom. xi. l. 134, 135).—
thanatos de toi ex halos autoi ablechros mala toios eleusetai.
Others translate, "And from the sea shall thy own death come," suggesting that Ulysses after all was lost at sea. This is the rendering followed by Tennyson in his poem "Ulysses" (and see Dante, Inferno, Canto xxvi.). It is a more natural translation of the Greek, and gives a far more wonderful vista for the close of the Wanderer's life.
Bk. xix. l. 712 (Hom. xix. l. 573).—The word pelekeas, for which Cowper gives as a paraphrase "spikes, crested with a ring," elsewhere means axes, and ought so to be translated here. For since Cowper's day an axe-head of the Mycenaean period has been discovered with the blade pierced so as to form a hole through which an arrow could pass. (See Tsountas and Manatt, The Mycenaean Age.) Axes of this type were not known to Cowper, and hence the hypothesis in his text. He realised correctly the essential conditions of the feat proposed: the axes must have been set up, one behind the other, in the way he suggested for his ringed stakes.
Bk. xxii. l. 139-162 (Hom. xxii. l. 126-143).—How Melanthius got out of the hall remains a puzzle. Cowper assumes a second postern, but there is no evidence for this, and l. 139 ff. (l. 126 ff. in the Greek) suggest rather strongly that there was only one. Unfortunately, the crucial word rhoges which occurs in the line describing Melanthius' exit is not found elsewhere. "He went up," the poet says, "through the rhoges of the hall." Merry suggests that "he scrambled up to the loopholes that were pierced in the wall." Others suppose that there was a ladder at the inner end of the hall leading to the upper story, and on through passages to the armoury.
In l. 141 (l. 128 in the Greek) the word translated "street" by Cowper is usually rendered "corridor."
F. M. S.
Anonymous works are given under titles. Anthologies, etc., are arranged at the end of the list.
Abbott's Rollo at Work, etc., 275
Addison's Spectator, 164-167
AEschylus' Lyrical Dramas, 62
AEsop's and Other Fables, 657
Aimard's The Indian Scout, 428
Ainsworth's Tower of London, 400 " Old St. Paul's, 522 " Windsor Castle, 709 " The Admirable Crichton, 804
A'Kempis' Imitation of Christ, 484
Alcott's Little Women, and Good Wives, 248 " Little Men, 512
Alpine Club. Peaks, Passes and Glaciers, 778
Andersen's Fairy Tales, 4
Anglo-Saxon Poetry, 794
Anson's Voyages, 510
Aristophanes' The Acharnians, etc., 344 " The Frogs, etc., 516
Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, 547 " Politics, 605
Armour's Fall of the Nibelung, 312
Arnold's (Matthew) Essays, 115 " Poems, 334 " Study of Celtic Literature, etc., 458
Aucassin and Nicolette, 497
Augustine's (Saint) Confessions, 200
Aurelius' (Marcus) Golden Book, 9
Austen's (Jane) Sense and Sensibility, 21 " Pride and Prejudice, 22 " Mansfield Park, 23 " Emma, 24 " Northanger Abbey, and Persuasion, 25
Bacon's Essays, 10 " Advancement of Learning, 719
Bagehot's Literary Studies, 520, 521
Baker's (Sir S. W.) Cast up by the Sea, 539
Ballantyne's Coral Island, 245 " Martin Rattler, 246 " Ungava, 276
Balzac's Wild Ass's Skin, 26 " Eugenie Grandet, 169 " Old Goriot, 170 " Atheist's Mass, etc., 229 " Christ in Flanders, etc., 284 " The Chouans, 285 " Quest of the Absolute, 286 " Cat and Racket, etc., 349 " Catherine de Medici, 419 " Cousin Pons, 463 " The Country Doctor, 520 " Rise and Fall of Cesar Birotteau, 596 " Lost Illusions, 656 " The Country Parson, 686 " Ursule Mirouet, 733
Barbusse's Under Fire, 798
Barca's (Mme. C. de la) Life in Mexico, 664
Bates' Naturalist on the Amazons, 446
Beaumont and Fletcher's Select Plays, 506
Beaumont's (Mary) Joan Seaton, 597
Bede's Ecclesiastical History, etc., 479
Belt's The Naturalist in Nicaragua, 561
Berkeley's (Bishop) Principles of Human Knowledge, New Theory of Vision, etc., 483
Berlioz (Hector), Life of, 602
Binns' Life of Abraham Lincoln, 783
Bjoernson's Plays, 625, 696
Blackmore's Lorna Doone, 304 " Springhaven, 350
Blackwell's Pioneer Work for Women, 667
Blake's Poems and Prophecies, 792
Boehme's The Signature of All Things, etc., 569
Bonaventura's The Little Flowers, The Life of St. Francis, etc., 485
Borrow's Wild Wales, 49 " Lavengro, 119 " Romany Rye, 120 " Bible in Spain, 151 " Gypsies in Spain, 697
Boswell's Life of Johnson, 1, 2 " Tour in the Hebrides, etc., 387
Boult's Asgard and Norse Heroes, 689
Boyle's The Sceptical Chymist, 559
Bright's (John) Speeches, 252
Bronte's (A.) The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, 685
Bronte's (C.) Jane Eyre, 287 " Shirley, 288 " Villette, 351 " The Professor, 417
Bronte's (E.) Wuthering Heights, 243
Brooke's (Stopford A.) Theology in the English Poets, 493
Brown's (Dr. John) Rab and His Friends, etc., 116
Browne's (Frances) Grannie's Wonderful Chair, 112
Browne's (Sir Thos.) Religio Medici, etc., 92
Browning's Poems, 1833-1844, 41 " " 1844-1864, 42 " The Ring and the Book, 502
Buchanan's Life and Adventures of Audubon, 601
Bulfinch's The Age of Fable, 472 " Legends of Charlemagne, 556
Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, 204
Burke's American Speeches and Letters, 340 " Reflections on the French Revolution, etc., 460
Burnet's History of His Own Times, 85
Burney's Evelina, 352
Burns' Poems and Songs, 94
Burrell's Volume of Heroic Verse, 574
Burton's East Africa, 500
Butler's Analogy of Religion, 90
Buxton's Memoirs, 773
Byron's Complete Poetical and Dramatic Works, 486-488
Caesar's Gallic War, etc., 702
Canton's Child's Book of Saints, 61
Canton's Invisible Playmate, etc., 566
Carlyle's French Revolution, 31, 32 " Letters, etc., of Cromwell, 266-268 " Sartor Resartus, 278 " Past and Present, 608 " Essays, 703, 704
Castiglione's The Courtier, 807
Cellini's Autobiography, 51
Cervantes' Don Quixote, 385, 386
Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, 307
Chretien de Troyes' Eric and Enid, 698
Cibber's Apology for his Life, 668
Cicero's Select Letters and Orations, 345
Clarke's Tales from Chaucer, 537 " Shakespeare's Heroines, 109-111
Cobbett's Rural Rides, 638, 639
Coleridge's Biographia, 11 " Golden Book, 43 " Lectures on Shakespeare, 162
Collins' Woman in White, 464
Collodi's Pinocchio, 538
Converse's Long Will, 328
Cook's Voyages, 99
Cooper's The Deerslayer, 77 " The Pathfinder, 78 " Last of the Mohicans, 79 " The Pioneer, 171 " The Prairie, 172
Cousin's Biographical Dictionary of English Literature, 449
Cowper's Letters, 774
Cox's Tales of Ancient Greece, 721
Craik's Manual of English Literature, 346
Craik (Mrs.). See Mulock.
Creasy's Fifteen Decisive Battles, 300
Crevecoeur's Letters from an American Farmer, 640
Curtis's Prue and I, and Lotus, 418
Curtis and Robinson's Fairy Tales from the Arabian Nights, 249
Dana's Two Years Before the Mast, 588
Dante's Divine Comedy, 308
Darwin's Origin of Species, 811
Darwin's Voyage of the Beagle, 104
Dasent's The Story of Burnt Njal, 558
Daudet's Tartarin of Tarascon, 423
Defoe's Robinson Crusoe, 59 " Captain Singleton, 74 " Memoirs of a Cavalier, 283 " Journal of Plague, 289
De Joinville's Memoirs of the Crusades, 333
Demosthenes' Select Orations, 546
Dennis' Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria, 183, 184
De Quincey's Lake Poets, 163 " Opium-Eater, 223 " English Mail Coach, etc., 609
De Retz (Cardinal), Memoirs of, 735, 736
Descartes' Discourse on Method, 570
Dickens' Barnaby Rudge, 76 " Tale of Two Cities, 102 " Old Curiosity Shop, 173 " Oliver Twist, 233 " Great Expectations, 234 " Pickwick Papers, 235 " Bleak House, 236 " Sketches by Boz, 237 " Nicholas Nickleby, 238 " Christmas Books, 239 " Dombey & Son, 240 " Martin Chuzzlewit, 241 " David Copperfield, 242 " American Notes, 290 " Child's History of England, 291 " Hard Times, 292 " Little Dorrit, 293 " Our Mutual Friend, 294 " Christmas Stories, 414 " Uncommercial Traveller, 536 " Edwin Drood, 725 " Reprinted Pieces, 744
Disraeli's Coningsby, 535
Dixon's Fairy Tales from Arabian Nights, 249
Dodge's Hans Brinker, or the Silver Skates, 620
Dostoieffsky's Crime and Punishment, 501 " The House of the Dead, or Prison Life in Siberia, 533 " Letters from the Underworld, etc., 654 " The Idiot, 682 " Poor Folk, and the Gambler, 711 " The Brothers Karamazov, 802, 803
Dowden's Life of R. Browning, 701
Dryden's Dramatic Essays, 568
Dufferin's Letters from High Latitudes, 499
Dumas' The Three Musketeers, 81 " The Black Tulip, 174 " Twenty Years After, 175 " Marguerite de Valois, 326 " The Count of Monte Cristo, 393, 394 " The Forty-Five, 420 " Chicot the Jester, 421 " Vicomte de Bragelonne, 593-595
Dumas' Le Chevalier de Maison Rouge, 614
Duruy's History of France, 737, 738
Edgar's Cressy and Poictiers, 17 " Runnymede and Lincoln Fair, 320 " Heroes of England, 471
Edgeworth's Castle Rackrent, etc., 410
Edwardes and Spence's Dictionary of Non-Classical Mythology, 632
Eliot's Adam Bede, 27 " Silas Marner, 121 " Romola, 231 " Mill on the Floss, 325 " Felix Holt, 353 " Scenes of Clerical Life, 468
Elizabethan Drama (Minor), 491, 492
Elyot's Gouernour, 227
Emerson's Essays, 12 " Representative Men, 279 " Nature, Conduct of Life, etc., 322 " Society and Solitude, etc., 567 " Poems, 715
Epictetus' Moral Discourses, etc., 404
Erckmann-Chatrian's The Conscript and Waterloo, 354 " Story of a Peasant, 706, 707
Euripides' Plays, 63, 271
Evans' Holy Graal, 445
Evelyn's Diary, 220, 221
Everyman, and Other Interludes, 381
Ewing's (Mrs.) Mrs. Overtheway's Remembrances, and other Stories, 730 " Jackanapes, Daddy Darwin's Dovecot, and The Story of a Short Life, 731
Faraday's Experimental Researches in Electricity, 576
Fielding's Tom Jones, 355, 356 " Joseph Andrews, 467
Finlay's Byzantine Empire, 33 " Greece under the Romans, 185
Flaubert's Madame Bovary, 808
Fletcher's (Beaumont and) Select Plays, 506
Ford's Gatherings from Spain, 152
Forster's Life of Dickens, 781, 782
Fox's Journal, 754
Fox's Selected Speeches, 759
Francis' (Saint), The Little Flowers, etc., 485
Franklin's Journey to Polar Sea, 447
Freeman's Old English History for Children, 540
Froissart's Chronicles, 57
Froude's Short Studies, 13, 705 " Henry VIII., 372-374 " Edward VI., 375 " Mary Tudor, 477 " History of Queen Elizabeth's Reign, 583-587 " Life of Benjamin Disraeli, Lord Beaconsfield, 666
Gait's Annals of the Parish, 427
Galton's Inquiries into Human Faculty, 263
Gaskell's Cranford, 83 " Charlotte Bronte, 318 " Sylvia's Lovers, 524 " Mary Barton, 598 " Cousin Phillis, etc., 615 " North and South, 680
Gatty's Parables from Nature, 158
Geoffrey of Monmouth's Histories of the Kings of Britain, 577
George's Progress and Poverty, 560
Gibbon's Roman Empire, 434-436, 474-476 " Autobiography, 511
Gilfillan's Literary Portraits, 348
Giraldus Cambrensis, 272
Gleig's Life of Wellington, 341 " The Subaltern, 708
Goethe's Faust (Parts I. and II.), 335 " Wilhelm Meister, 599, 600
Gogol's Dead Souls, 726 " Taras Bulba, 740
Goldsmith's Vicar of Wakefield, 295 " Poems and Plays, 415
Gorki's Through Russia, 741
Gotthelf's Ulric the Farm Servant, 228
Gray's Poems and Letters, 628
Green's Short History of the English People, 727, 728. The cloth edition is in 2 vols. or 1 vol. All other editions are in 1 vol.
Grettir Saga, 699
Grimms' Fairy Tales, 56
Grote's History of Greece, 186-197
Guest's (Lady) Mabinogion, 97
Hahnemann's The Organon of the Rational Art of Healing, 663
Hakluyt's Voyages, 264, 265, 313, 314, 338, 339, 388, 389
Hallam's Constitutional History, 621-623
Hamilton's The Federalist, 519
Harte's Luck of Roaring Camp, 681
Harvey's Circulation of Blood, 262
Hawthorne's Wonder Book, 5 " The Scarlet Letter, 122 " House of Seven Gables, 176 " The Marble Faun, 424 " Twice Told Tales, 531 " Blithedale Romance, 592
Hazlitt's Shakespeare's Characters, 65 " Table Talk, 321 " Lectures, 411 " Spirit of the Age and Lectures on English Poets, 459
Hebbel's Plays, 694
Heimskringla, 717
Helps' (Sir Arthur) Life of Columbus, 332
Herbert's Temple, 309
Herodotus (Rawlinson's), 405, 406
Herrick's Hesperides, 310
Hobbes' Leviathan, 691
Holinshed's Chronicle, 800
Holmes' Life of Mozart, 564
Holmes' (O. W.) Autocrat, 66 " Professor, 67 " Poet, 68
Homer's Iliad, 453 " Odyssey, 454
Hooker's Ecclesiastical Polity, 201, 202
Horace's Complete Poetical Works, 515
Houghton's Life and Letters of Keats, 801
Hughes' Tom Brown's Schooldays, 58
Hugo's (Victor) Les Miserables, 363, 364 " Notre Dame, 422 " Toilers of the Sea, 509
Hume's Treatise of Human Nature, etc., 548, 549
Hutchinson's (Col.) Memoirs, 317
Hutchinson's (W. M. L.) Muses' Pageant, 581, 606, 671
Huxley's Man's Place in Nature, 47 " Select Lectures and Lay Sermons, 498
Ibsen's The Doll's House, etc., 494 " Ghosts, etc., 552 " Pretenders, Pillars of Society, etc., 659 " Brand, 716 " Lady Inger, etc., 729 " Peer Gynt, 747
Ingelow's Mopsa the Fairy, 619
Ingram's Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 624
Irving's Sketch Book, 117 " Conquest of Granada, 478 " Life of Mahomet, 513
James' (G. P. R.) Richelieu, 357
James (Wm.), Selections from, 739
Johnson's (Dr.) Lives of the Poets, 770-771
Johnson's (R. B.) Book of English Ballads, 572
Jonson's (Ben) Plays, 489, 490
Josephus' Wars of the Jews, 712
Kalidasa's Shakuntala, 629
Keats' Poems, 101
Keble's Christian Year, 690
King's Life of Mazzini, 562
Kinglake's Eothen, 337
Kingsley's (Chas.) Westward Ho!, 20 " Heroes, 113 " Hypatia, 230 " Water Babies and Glaucus, 277 " Hereward the Wake, 296 " Alton Locke, 462 " Yeast, 611 " Madam How and Lady Why, 777 " Poems, 793
Kingsley's (Henry) Ravenshoe, 28 " Geoffrey Hamlyn, 416
Kingston's Peter the Whaler, 6 " Three Midshipmen, 7
Kirby's Kalevala, 259-60
Koran, 380
Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare, 8 " Essays of Elia, 14 " Letters, 342, 343
Lane's Modern Egyptians, 315
Langland's Piers Plowman, 571
Latimer's Sermons, 40
Law's Serious Call, 91
Layamon's (Wace and) Arthurian Chronicles, 578
Lear (and others), A Book of Nonsense, 806
Le Sage's Gil Blas, 437, 438
Leslie's Memoirs of John Constable, 563
Lever's Harry Lorrequer, 177
Lewes' Life of Goethe, 269
Lincoln's Speeches, etc., 206
Livy's History of Rome, 603, 669, 670, 749, 755, 756
Locke's Civil Government, 751
Lockhart's Life of Napoleon, 3 " Life of Scott, 55 " Burns, 156
Longfellow's Poems, 382
Loennrott's Kalevala, 259, 260
Lover's Handy Andy, 178
Lowell's Among My Books, 607
Lucretius: Of the Nature of Things, 750
Luetzow's History of Bohemia, 432
Lyell's Antiquity of Man, 700
Lytton's Harold, 15 " Last of the Barons, 18 " Last Days of Pompeii, 80 " Pilgrims of the Rhine, 390 " Rienzi, 532
Macaulay's England, 34-36 " Essays, 225, 226 " Speeches on Politics, etc., 399 " Miscellaneous Essays, 439
MacDonald's Sir Gibbie, 678 " Phantastes, 732
Machiavelli's Prince, 280 " Florence, 376
Maine's Ancient Law, 734
Malory's Le Morte D'Arthur, 45, 46
Malthus on the Principles of Population, 692, 693
Mandeville's Travels, 812
Manning's Sir Thomas More, 19 " Mary Powell, and Deborah's Diary, 324
Marcus Aurelius' Golden Book, 9
Marlowe's Plays and Poems, 383
Marryat's Mr. Midshipman Easy, 82 " Little Savage, 159 " Masterman Ready, 160 " Peter Simple, 232 " Children of New Forest, 247 " Percival Keene, 358 " Settlers in Canada, 370 " King's Own, 580
Marryat's Jacob Faithful, 618
Martineau's Feats on the Fjords, 429
Martinengo-Cesaresco's Folk-Lore and Other Essays, 673
Mason's French Mediaeval Romances, 557
Maurice's Kingdom of Christ, 146, 147
Mazzini's Duties of Man, etc., 224
Melville's Moby Dick, 179 " Typee, 180 " Omoo, 297
Merivale's History of Rome, 433
Mignet's French Revolution, 713
Mill's Utilitarianism, Liberty, Representative Government, 482
Miller's Old Red Sandstone, 103
Milman's History of the Jews, 377, 378
Milton's Areopagitica and other Prose Works, 795
Milton's Poems, 384
Mommsen's History of Rome, 542-545
Montagu's (Lady) Letters, 69
Montaigne, Florio's, 440-442
More's Utopia, and Dialogue of Comfort against Tribulation, 461
Morier's Hajji Baba, 679
Morris' (Wm.) Early Romances, 261 " Life and Death of Jason, 575
Motley's Dutch Republic, 86-88
Mulock's John Halifax, 123
Neale's Fall of Constantinople, 655
Newcastle's (Margaret, Duchess of) Life of the First Duke of Newcastle, etc., 722
Newman's Apologia Pro Vita Sua, 636 " On the Scope and Nature of University Education, and a Paper on Christianity and Scientific Investigation, 723
Oliphant's Salem Chapel, 244
Osborne (Dorothy), Letters of, 674
Owen's A New View of Society, etc., 799
Paine's Rights of Man, 718
Palgrave's Golden Treasury, 96
Paltock's Peter Wilkins, 676
Park (Mungo), Travels of, 205
Parkman's Conspiracy of Pontiac, 302, 303
Parry's Letters of Dorothy Osborne, 674
Paston Letters, 752, 753
Paton's Two Morte D'Arthur Romances, 634
Peacock's Headlong Hall, 327
Penn's The Peace of Europe, Some Fruits of Solitude, etc., 724
Pepys' Diary, 53, 54
Percy's Reliques, 148, 149
Pitt's Orations, 145
Plato's Republic, 64 " Dialogues, 456, 457
Plutarch's Lives, 407-409 " Moralia, 565
Poe's Tales of Mystery and Imagination, 336
Poe's Poems and Essays, 791
Polo's (Marco) Travels, 306
Pope's Complete Poetical Works, 760
Prescott's Conquest of Peru, 301 " Conquest of Mexico, 397, 398
Procter's Legends and Lyrics, 150
Ramayana and Mahabharata, 403
Rawlinson's Herodotus, 405, 406
Reade's The Cloister and the Hearth, 29 " Peg Woffington, 299
Reid's (Mayne) Boy Hunters of the Mississippi, 582 " The Boy Slaves, 797
Renan's Life of Jesus, 805
Restoration Plays, 604
Reynolds' Discourses, 118
Rhys' Fairy Gold, 157 " New Golden Treasury, 695 " Anthology of British Historical Speeches and Orations, 714 " Political Liberty, 745 " Golden Treasury of Longer Poems, 746 " Prelude to Poetry, 789 " Mother Goose, 473
Ricardo's Principles of Political Economy and Taxation, 590
Richardson's Pamela, 683, 684
Roberts' (Morley) Western Avernus, 762
Robertson's Religion and Life, 37 " Christian Doctrine, 38 " Bible Subjects, 39
Robinson's (Wade) Sermons, 637
Roget's Thesaurus, 630, 631
Rossetti's (D. G.) Poems, 627
Rousseau's Emile, 518 " Social Contract and Other Essays, 660
Ruskin's Seven Lamps of Architecture, 207 " Modern Painters, 208-212 " Stones of Venice, 213-215 " Unto this Last, etc., 216 " Elements of Drawing, etc., 217 " Pre-Raphaelitism, etc., 218 " Sesame and Lilies, 219 " Ethics of the Dust, 282 " Crown of Wild Olive, and Cestus of Aglaia, 323 " Time and Tide, with other Essays, 450 " The Two Boyhoods, 688
Russell's Life of Gladstone, 661
Russian Short Stories, 758
Sand's (George) The Devil's Pool, and Francois the Waif, 534
Scheffel's Ekkehard: A Tale of the 10th Century, 529
Scott's (M.) Tom Cringle's Log, 710
Scott's (Sir W.) Ivanhoe, 16 " Fortunes of Nigel, 71 " Woodstock, 72 " Waverley, 75 " The Abbot, 124 " Anne of Geierstein, 125 " The Antiquary, 126 " Highland Widow, and Betrothed, 127 " Black Dwarf, Legend of Montrose, 128 " Bride of Lammermoor, 129 " Castle Dangerous, Surgeon's Daughter, 130 " Robert of Paris, 131 " Fair Maid of Perth, 132 " Guy Mannering, 133 " Heart of Midlothian, 134 " Kenilworth, 135 " The Monastery, 136 " Old Mortality, 137 " Peveril of the Peak, 138 " The Pirate, 139 " Quentin Durward, 140, " Redgauntlet, 141 " Rob Roy, 142 " St. Ronan's Well, 143 " The Talisman, 144 " Lives of the Novelists, 331 " Poems and Plays, 550, 551
Seebohm's Oxford Reformers, 665
Seeley's Ecce Homo, 305
Sewell's (Anna) Black Beauty, 748
Shakespeare's Comedies, 153 " Histories, etc., 154 " Tragedies, 155
Shelley's Poetical Works, 257, 258
Shelley's (Mrs.) Frankenstein, 616
Sheppard's Charles Auchester, 505
Sheridan's Plays, 95
Sismondi's Italian Republics, 250
Smeaton's Life of Shakespeare, 514
Smith's Wealth of Nations, 412, 413
Smith's (George) Life of Wm. Carey, 395
Smith's (Sir Wm.) Smaller Classical Dictionary, 495
Smollett's Roderick Random, 790
Sophocles, Young's, 114
Southey's Life of Nelson, 52
Speke's Source of the Nile, 50
Spence's Dictionary of Non-Classical Mythology, 632
Spencer's (Herbert) Essays on Education, 504
Spenser's Faerie Queene, 443, 444
Spinoza's Ethics, etc., 481
Spyri's Heidi, 431
Stanley's Memorials of Canterbury, 89 " Eastern Church, 251
Steele's The Spectator, 164-167
Sterne's Tristram Shandy, 617
Sterne's Sentimental Journey and Journal to Eliza, 796
Stevenson's Treasure Island and Kidnapped, 763 " Master of Ballantrae and The Black Arrow, 764 " Virginibus Puerisque and Familiar Studies of Men and Books, 765 " An Inland Voyage, Travels with a Donkey, and Silverado Squatters, 766 " Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, The Merry Men, etc., 767 " Poems, 768 " In the South Seas and Island Nights' Entertainments, 769
St. Francis, The Little Flowers of, etc., 485
Stopford Brooke's Theology in the English Poets, 493
Stow's Survey of London, 589
Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin, 371
Strickland's Queen Elizabeth, 100
Swedenborg's Heaven and Hell, 379 " Divine Love and Wisdom, 635 " Divine Providence, 658
Swift's Gulliver's Travels, 60 " Journal to Stella, 757 " Tale of a Tub, etc., 347
Swiss Family Robinson, 430
Tacitus' Annals, 273 " Agricola and Germania,274
Taylor's Words and Places, 517
Tennyson's Poems, 44, 626
Thackeray's Esmond, 73 " Vanity Fair, 298 " Christmas Books, 359 " Pendennis, 425, 426 " Newcomes, 465, 466 " The Virginians, 507, 508 " English Humorists, and The Four Georges, 610 " Roundabout Papers, 687
Thierry's Norman Conquest, 198, 199
Thoreau's Walden, 281
Thucydides' Peloponnesian War, 455
Tolstoy's Master and Man, and Other Parables and Tales, 469 " War and Peace, 525-527 " Childhood, Boyhood and Youth, 591 " Anna Karenina, 612, 613
Trench's On the Study of Words and English Past and Present, 788
Trollope's Barchester Towers, 30 " Framley Parsonage, 181 " Golden Lion of Granpere, 701 " The Warden, 182 " Dr. Thorne, 360 " Small House at Allington, 361 " Last Chronicles of Barset, 391, 392
Trotter's The Bayard of India, 396 " Hodson, of Hodson's Horse, 401 " Warren Hastings, 452
Turgeniev's Virgin Soil, 528 " Liza, 677 " Fathers and Sons, 742
Tyndall's Glaciers of the Alps, 98
Tytler's Principles of Translation, 168
Vasari's Lives of the Painters, 784-7
Verne's (Jules) Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea, 319 " Dropped from the Clouds, 367 " Abandoned, 368 " The Secret of the Island, 369 " Five Weeks in a Balloon and Around the World in Eighty Days, 779
Virgil's AEneid, 161 " Eclogues and Georgics, 222
Voltaire's Life of Charles XII., 270 " Age of Louis XIV., 780
Wace and Layamon's Arthurian Chronicles, 578
Walpole's Letters, 775
Walton's Compleat Angler, 70
Waterton's Wanderings in South America, 772
Wesley's Journal, 105-108
White's Selborne, 48
Whitman's Leaves of Grass (I.) and Democratic Vistas, etc., 573
Whyte-Melville's Gladiators, 523
Wood's (Mrs. Henry) The Channings, 84
Woolman's Journal, etc., 402
Wordsworth's Shorter Poems, 203 " Longer Poems, 311
Wright's An Encyclopaedia of Gardening, 555
Xenophon's Cyropaedia, 672
Yellow Book, 503
Yonge's The Dove in the Eagle's Nest, 329 " The Book of Golden Deeds, 330 " The Heir of Redclyffe, 362 " The Little Duke, 470 " The Lances of Lynwood, 579
Young's (Arthur) Travels in France and Italy, 720
Young's (Sir George) Sophocles, 114
A Century of Essays. An Anthology, 653
A Dictionary of Dates, 554
A Dictionary of Quotations and Proverbs, 809-810
An Anthology of English Prose: From Bede to Stevenson, 675
Ancient Hebrew Literature, 4 vols., 253-256
Annals of Fairyland, 365, 366, 541
Atlas of Classical Geography, 451
English Short Stories. An Anthology, 743
Everyman's English Dictionary, 776
Literary and Historical Atlases: Europe, 496; America, 553; Asia, 633; Africa and Australasia, 662
The New Testament, 93
1st and 2nd Prayer Books of King Edward VI., 448
* * * * *
NOTE—The following numbers are at present out of print: 110, 111, 146, 228, 244, 275, 390, 418, 597
{Transcriber's note:
The spelling and hyphenation in the original are inconsistent, and have not been changed. A few obvious typographical errors have been corrected, as listed below.
Book III, line 447. "My frend's own son" no change made.
Book IV, line 454. "thou must be ideot born" no change made.
Book VII, line 294. "Saidst not" no change made.
Book IX, Argument. "binds him while he sleeps" changed to "blinds him while he sleeps".
Book IX, line 428, footnote. "It is certian" changed to "It is certain".
Book XV, line 276. Footnote marker missing from original.
Book XVII, line 378. "in one moment thou shouldst" no change made.
Book XVII, line 508. "(whencesoe'er they came" closing bracket added.
Book XVII, line 616. "thou shouldst hear" no change made.
Book XIX, line 317. "(with these hands" closing bracket added.
Book XXI, line 468. "and re-entring fill'd" no change made.
Book XXIII, line 209. "with his own bands" changed to "with his own hands".
Book XXIV, line 629. "his smouldring bolt" no change made.