Pinzon, Vicente Yanez, 108 n.; at Guanahani, 110; at Espanola, 207; disaffection, 216; quoted, 235; charts route, 237; voyage, 360 n., 373, 416 n.
Plata, Monte de, 220.
Plata, Puerto de, 220 n., 296 n., 346.
Playa, Punta de la, 333.
Pliny, quoted, 324, 348, 353.
Polo, Marco, 364, 393 n., 406 n., 426 n.
Porras, Diego de, report of fourth voyage of Columbus, 388, 407 n.
Port Clarence, Long Island, 120 n.
Porto Rico, 223, 225; reports of gold, 225; copper reported, 226; location, 230; Columbus at, 294-295; mentioned, 321, 338, 359, 408.
Portugal, relations with Spain, 246. Columbus received in, 253-256; and Demarcation Line, 323, 416 n., 430; and treaty of Tordesillas, 430.
Pozas, Isla de las, 408.
Principe, Puerto del, 148; Columbus leaves, 150; Columbus returns towards, 151.
Ptolemy, geographical system, 329 n., 396-397.
Puerto Sancto, Columbus at, 320.
Puerto Santo, in Cuba, Columbus at, 162-166; natives, 164-165.
Punta Santa, 196, 199.
Queen's Garden, islands, 391, 405 n.
Quinsay, and Columbus's belief in Asian landfall, 126, 136 n., 406 n.
Quintero, Cristobal, and the Pinta, 92.
Rascon, Gomes, and the Pinta, 92.
Rastelo, Columbus passes, 251; ship of King of Portugal near, 252.
Ratos, Isla de, 198 n.
Redondo, Cabo, 220.
Retrete, harbor, 399, 405 n.
Reyniness, Thorfinn Karlsefni in, 43.
Ricchieri, Ludovico, Antiquarum Lectionum Libri XVI., 329 n.
Rico, Cabo, 356.
Roca, Cabo de la, 220 n.
Roja, Punta, 217.
Roldan, the pilot, 235; charts route, 237.
Roldan, Francisco, revolt, 360, 366, 373-374; and Bobadilla, 376.
Romero, El, island, 356.
Ross, conquered by Thorstein the Red and Earl Sigurd the Mighty, 14.
Rucia, Punta, 213 n.
Ruiz, Sancho, charts route, 237.
Rum Cay, 115.
Sabeta, 345.
Sabor, Cabo de, 356.
Sacro, Puerto, 221.
Saga-age, in Iceland, 7.
St. Martin, island, 291 n.
St. Nicholas Mole, Hayti, 168 n.
St. Ursula, island, 294 n.
Sal, La, island, Columbus near, 324.
Saltes, bar of, 91; Columbus crosses, 257.
Samana, Bay of, described, 221; Columbus leaves, 228; mentioned, 295 n.
Samana, peninsula, 221 n.
Samaot, 119, 120, 122.
San Honorato, 196 n.
San Juan, see Porto Rico.
San Juan River, Nicaragua, 393 n.
San Miguel, Columbus approaches, 247.
San Nicolas, Puerto de, described, 169-170.
San Salvador, name given by Columbus to landfall, 114, 115, 151, 263; natives, 116-117.
San Salvador, name given by Columbus to river and port in Cuba, 131, 133.
San Theramo, Cape, 229.
Sanchez, Rodrigo, 109; at Guanahani, 110; in Cuba, 140.
Sancta Ana, Cape, 327.
Santa Catalina, harbor, 156.
Santa Catherina, island, 322, 365.
Santa Cruz, island, 293 n.; reported proximity of mainland, 359.
Santa Maria de la Concepcion, discovered, 115, 263; mentioned, 117; Columbus sails from, 118.
Santa Maria, Azores, Columbus reaches, 236; attempted seizure of Columbus at, 245-249; mentioned, 250.
Santangel, Luis de, Columbus's letter to, 243 n., 252 n., 259-272, 369.
Santo Domingo, 321-322, 365; Columbus's arrival, 366; revolts, 369; Bobadilla's arrival, 375-383; departure of Columbus, 391 n.
Santo Tomas, island, 187, 188, 189, 198, 199, 208.
Sao Thiago, Columbus at, 324 n., 325-326.
Saometo, see Isabella, island.
Saona, 322.
Sara, Punta, 349.
Scotland, and Thorstein the Red, 14.
Seca, Punta, 220, 349.
Sera, distance from Cape St. Vincent, estimated by Ptolemy, 397 n.
Sesua, Punta, 220 n.
Seven Cities, myth, and John Cabot's voyage, 425.
Seville, letter of Dr. Chanca to Cabildo of, 280-313.
Sierpe, Boca de la, named, 340; mentioned, 354.
Sierpe, Cabo de, 211.
Siete Hermanos, Los, 212 n.
Sigrid, wife of Thorstein of Lysufirth, death, 27, 28.
Sigurd the Mighty, Earl, 14.
Skagafirth, Karlsefni arrives at, 65.
Skalholt, Bishop of, ordered to inquire into affairs of Gardar bishopric, 73.
Skalholt annals, extract, 69.
Skrellings, 11; appearance, 36; trade with Northmen, 37; attack Northmen, 38-39; of Markland, 41; attack Thorvald, 55; trade with Thorfinn Karlsefni, 60; attack Thorfinn Karlsefni, 61-62.
Slave-trade, Indian, 378.
Slavery, Indian, and Columbus, 344.
Snaefell, Eric sails to, 17, 46.
Snaefells-iokul, Eric sails from, 17, 46.
Snaefellsness, 18.
Snorri, son of Thorfinn Karlsefni, 41, 43, 60, 66.
Snorri, Thorbrand's son, 30; accompanies Thorfinn Karlsefni to Greenland, 30; accompanies Thorfinn Karlsefni to Vinland, 31, 35-36, 38-39.
Snorri Thorbrandsson, saga of Thorfinn Karlsefni and, see Eric the Red, saga of.
Social life in Greenland in tenth century, soothsaying, 21-23; Yule feast, 31.
Sol, Rio del, 143.
Solvi, settles in Greenland, 47.
Soncino, Raimondo de, first letter to Duke of Milan, 424-425; second letter, 425-429.
Soothsaying, an exhibition in Greenland, 21-23.
South America, Columbus on coast, 331-363; explorations of Hojeda and Pinzon, 360 n.; Earthly Paradise, 364-365; first settlement of Spaniards, 403 n.; and Asia, 397 n.
Spain, Columbus's suggestions of colonial policy for, 160, 273-277; and Demarcation Line, 323, 416 n., 430; and Columbus's discoveries, 351, 352, 360-361, 363-364, 390.
Spice Islands, Cipango confused by Cabot with, 427 n.
Spice trade of the East, 427 n.
Stokkaness, Thorbiorn settles at, 23.
Straumey, 33.
Straumfiord, 34. See Streamfirth.
Streamfirth, arrival of Thorfinn Karlsefni and Snorri, 39; Thorfinn Karlsefni in, 41; arrival of ship from Greenland, 69.
Styr Thorgrimsson, 16, 45; accompanies Eric on voyage, 45.
Sudrey, 16.
Sutherland, conquered by Thorstein the Red and Earl Sigurd the Mighty, 14.
Svend Estridson, king of Denmark, 67, 68.
Tajado, Cabo, 220.
Tanais, country of, 426.
Tapion, Rio, 212 n.
Taxamo, Puerto de, 147 n.
Tello, Gomez, appointed receiver of royal dues, 275 n.
Tenerife, Columbus near, 93.
Terceira, Pedro Alonso Nino near, 236.
Testigos, Los, discovered, 356.
Thiodhild, see Thorhild.
Thorbiorg, called Little Sibyl, prophesies, 21-23.
Thorbiorn, Vifil's son, 15, 16; gives feasts, 19, 20; goes to Greenland, 20; sails to Brattahlid, 23; mentioned, 26, 27, 45; death, 29.
Thorbiorn Gleamer, settles in Greenland, 47.
Thorbrand, of Alptafirth, sons of, 16.
Thorbrand, son of Snorri, 38.
Thord of Hoefdi, descendants, 30.
Thord the Yeller, sons of, 16, 45.
Thorfinn Karlsefni, and Hauk's book, 5; and North America, 11; date of voyages, 12, 43 n.; in Greenland, 30-31; marries Gudrid, 31, 59; voyage, 31-42, 59-62; in Norway, 65; in Iceland, 43, 65; descendants, 43-44, 66.
Thorfinn Karlsefni, saga of, see Eric the Red, saga of.
Thorgeir of Hitardal, 16, 45.
Thorgeir of Thorgeirsfell, 18.
Thorgeir, Vifil's son, in Iceland, 15; marriage, 18.
Thorgest, quarrels with Eric the Red, 16, 45; defeats Eric, 17.
Thorgils, son of Leif, 24.
Thorgunna, 24.
Thorhall the Huntsman, 30; accompanies expedition of Thorfinn Karlsefni, 32; asks aid of Thor, 34; sails in search of Vinland, 34-35; fate, 35; Thorstein Karlsefni goes in search of, 39.
Thorhild, wife of Eric, 15, 23, 45; embraces Christianity, 26.
Thori Eastman, in Greenland, 54; death, 54.
Thorkel, entertains Thorbiorn, 20-21.
Thorlak, Bishop, 43 n.
Thorsnessthing, 16, 45.
Thorstein Ericson, 23; leads expedition towards land discovered by Leif, 26, 56; failure, 27, 56-57; weds Gudrid, 27, 56; in Western Settlement, 27, 57; death, 28-58; prophecy of Gudrid's fate, 29, 58, 59; mentioned, 48.
Thorstein of Lysufirth, entertains Thorstein Ericson and Gudrid, 27-28, 57-58; accompanies Gudrid to Ericsfirth, 59.
Thorstein the Red, and Scots, 14.
Thorvald, father of Eric, goes to Iceland, 15, 45.
Thorvald, son of Eric, and the Uniped, 40; mentioned, 48; voyage to Wineland, 54-56; death, 56.
Thorvald Kodransson, 46.
Thorvard, accompanies expedition of Karlsefni, 32; marriage, 48; and death of Helgi and Finnbogi, 64.
Thurid, daughter of Eyvind Easterling, 14.
Thurid, daughter of Thorbiorn Vifilson, see Gudrid.
Tobacco-smoking, earliest reference, 141 n.
Tordesillas, Treaty of, 323 n., 326 n., 430.
Torres, Antonio de, sent back to Spain, 312 n.; mentioned, 369; and Columbus's letter to sovereigns concerning Demarcation Line, 382.
Torres, Dona Juana de, Columbus's letter to, 369-383.
Torres, Luis de, sent ashore at Cuba, 136.
Torres, Cabo de, 187, 188.
Tortuga Island, 168, 172, 174; Columbus reaches, 178; described, 179; natives, 180, 183; reports of gold, 184.
Toscanelli map, 101 n.
Tradir, Eric at, 16.
Tramontana, La, island, 348, 349.
Triana, Rodrigo de, sights land, 109.
Trinidad, discovered, 331; Columbus seeks harbor, 333; size, 334, 340; Columbus's crew lands, 335; Indians, 335-336; climate, 337; fruits, 338; animals, 338-339.
Trivigliano, Angelo, letters of, mentioned, 318.
Trujillo, Columbus near, 391 n., 392 n.
Turuqueira, 290.
Tyrker, accompanies Leif on voyage of discovery, 50; in Vinland, 52-53.
"Uniped" episode, 40.
Uvaegi, 41.
Vaetilldi, 41.
Valldidida, reported to be a king of the Skrellings, 41.
Valle del Paraiso, 180.
Valparaiso, Portugal, Columbus at, 254.
Valthiof, and Eric the Red, 16.
Valthiofsstadir, landslide caused by Eric's thralls at, 15.
Vatnshorn, 15, 16, 45.
Veragua, report of mines, 394; Columbus reaches, 400-401; explored, 401; mines found, 401; natives, 401-402; signs of gold, 411; advantages for settlement, 411-412; and Columbus's mythological geography, 413; gold of Quibian, 414; official appointments, 415.
Verde, Cabo, 129.
Verde, Simone, letter of, mentioned, 318.
Vespucci, Amerigo, and naming of America, 359 n.
Vifil, freed by Aud, 15.
Vifilsdal, given by Aud to Vifil, 15.
Vinland, and Northmen, sources, 3-13; verity of tradition, 4, 7-8, 11, 13; location, 10, 37 n., 67 n.; natives, 10-11; chronology of voyages, 12, 43 n.; Leif's discovery, 25, 50-54; Thorstein Ericson's attempt, 26-27; voyage of Biarni Herjulfson, 47-49; Thorvald's voyage, 54-56; Thorfinn Karlsefni's expedition, 31-42, 59-62; expedition of Finnbogi and Freydis, 62-64; described by Adam of Bremen, 67; Bishop Eric's expedition, 69.
Voyages, Gunnbiorn, 16, 46; Eric the Red, 16-17, 45-46; Leif Ericson, 25, 50-54; Thorstein Ericson, 26-27; Biarni Herjulfson, 47-49; Thorvald, 54-56; Thorfinn Karlsefni, 31-42, 59-62; Finnbogi and Freydis, 62-64; Bishop Eric, 69; Columbus's first, 89-258, 263-272; second, 278-313; third, 314-366; fourth, 389-418; John Cabot (1497), 423-424.
Watling Island, 110 n.
Wonder-strands, 33, 34, 35.
Xamana, 295, 297.
Xaragua, 345; and Adrian de Muxica's revolt, 374, 375.
Yamaye, see Jamaica.
Yaqui River, 216 n., 298 n.
Yaquino, port, 365, 391 n.
Yazual, Isla, see Padre y Hijo, Cabo de.
Yebra, river, 401 n.
Ysabeta, island, 347, 349, 350.
Yucatan, and the Mayas, 215 n., 410 n.
Yuyapari, 334, 339, 340, 349, 350, 353.
Zayto, and Columbus's belief that he had reached Asia, 136.
Zuruquia, 297.
Transcriber's Note:
The following typographical errors have been maintained in this version of the text:
Note Page Error TN-1 101 "certainis lands" for "certain islands" TN-2 173 'circumference of 200 leagues. All .... like a people at war."' Close quotes misplaced, should follow "200 leagues" TN-3 221, fn. 5 A . was omitted after "by Columbus" TN-4 229, fn. 2 "Cabod el Engano" should read "Cabo del Engano" (258) TN-5 268, fn. 2 "Historia de las Reyes Catolicos" should read "Historia de los Reyes Catolicos" TN-6 295, fn. 6 "October 21. and note" should have a comma after 21 TN-7 329, fn. 6 Columbiana for Colombiana TN-8 359, fn. 2 "et seq." for "et seqq." TN-9 373, fn. 4 "III. 23-42 He was" Period missing after 42 TN-10 411 "during fours years" for "during four years"
The following words were inconsistently spelled:
Acul / Acul Arna-Magnaean / Arne-Magnaean Christobal / Cristobal Encyclopaedia / Encyclopaedia Ericson / Ericsson Guacanagari / Guacanagari Maici / Maici mother-of-pearl / mother-o'-pearl Pinzon / Pinzon Santa Maria / Santa Maria Skalholt / Skalholt Snaefell / Snaefell Tenerife / Teneriffe Xaragua / Xaragua Yuyapari / Yuyapari
The following words had inconsistent hyphenation:
bedchamber / bed-chamber crossbow / cross-bow flood tide / flood-tide highborn / high-born Horsehead / Horse-head housewife / house-wife landslide / land-slide lookout / look-out nightfall / night-fall northeast / north-east northwest / north-west sandbanks / sand-banks sawmills / saw-mills shipmates / ship-mates shipworm / ship-worm southwest / south-west stockfish / stock-fish Streamfirth / Stream-firth Thorsnessthing / Thorsness-thing Wonderstrands / Wonder-strands