Address PRICE BAKING POWDER FACTORY 1001 Independence Boulevard CHICAGO
Recipes of Universal Appeal
In presenting these recipes great care has been exercised to select only those that will be popular in every home, in order that the new Dr. Price Cook Book will be useful every meal every day the year through.
Herein will be found many famous recipes, made more appealing than ever by the use of Dr. Price's Phosphate Baking Powder—recipes that meet present-day conditions by economizing in eggs and other expensive ingredients.
Here also are many new and unusual recipes, easily prepared by the beginner but so excellent that they will add new laurels even to the reputation of the expert, if perfection is maintained by the use of Dr. Price's Phosphate Baking Powder.
Copyright 1921, by Royal Baking Powder Co.
The New Dr. Price Cook Book
Albuminized Orange, 46
Almonds, Salted, 45
Angel Cake, 11
Apple Cake, 22
Apple Dressing, 35
Apple Dumplings, 22
Apple Fritters, 9
Apple Pie, 26
Apple Roll, 23
Asparagus, 40, 48
Baking Powder Bread, 2
Banana Cake with Jelly Sauce, 23
Banana Fritters, 9
Barley Water, 46
Beans, 48
Bean Soup, 29
Beef, Dried with Eggs, 37
Beef, Scraped, 46
Beef Tea, 46
Berries, Canned, 48
Berry Pies, 27
Beverages, 43
Biscuits, 5
Blueberry Cake, 24
Blueberry Muffins, 6
Boiling and Stewing, 32
Boston Baked Beans, 38
Boston Brown Bread, 2
Boston Cream Pie, 23
Bran Biscuits, 5
Bread Crumb Fritters, 9
Bread Dressing, 35
Breads, Biscuits and Rolls, 2
Bride's Cake, 10
Broiling, 32
Brussels Sprouts, 40
Buckwheat Cakes, 8
Buns, Brown Sugar, 4
Butter Scotch, 43
Butterscotch Icing and Filling, 18
Butterscotch Layer Cake, 16
Butter Taffy, 43
Cabbage, Boiled, 40
Cake, 10
Candies, 43
Canning, 47
Caramel Sauce, 25
Carrots, Creamed, 40
Cauliflower, 40
Cereal Muffins, 6
Cereals, 45
Charlotte Russe, 23
Cheese Biscuits, 5
Cheese in Scallop Shells or Ramekins, 38
Cheese Souffle, 39
Cheese Straws, 39
Cherries, Canned, 48
Cherry Tarts, 27
Chicken Croquettes, 37
Chicken Fricassee, 35
Chicken, Fried, 34
Chicken Patties, 38
Chicken Pie, 35
Chicken Salad, 41
Chili Sauce, 49
Chocolate, 43
Chocolate Blanc Mange, 23
Chocolate Cake, 11
Chocolate Caramels, 44
Chocolate Filling and Icing, 13, 17
Chocolate Ice Cream, 28
Chocolate Layer Cake, 13
Chocolate Sauce, 25
Chow Chow, 49
Chowder, Fish, 31
Christmas Plum Pudding, 25
Cinnamon Buns, 4
Clam Chowder, 31
Clam Fritters, 9
Cocoa, 43
Cocoa Cookies, 20
Cocoa Cream Candy, 44
Cocoa Drop Cakes, 18
Cocoa Icing, 18
Cocoa Syrup, 43
Cocoanut Cake, 12-13
Cocoanut Cookies, 20
Cocoanut Cream Candy, 44
Cocoanut Filling and Icing, 15
Cocoanut Layer Cake, 15
Codfish Balls, 30
Coffee, 43
Coffee Cakes, 4
Coffee, French or Drip, 43
Coffee Fruit Cake, 12
Coffee Ice Cream, 28
Coffee Ring, 5
Coffee Spice Cake with Mocha Filling, 14
Cold Slaw, 40
Cookies and Small Cakes, 18-20
Corn, Boiled, 40
Corn Bread, 2
Corn, Canned, 48
Corn Fritters, 9
Corn Meal Griddle Cakes, 8
Corn Meal Muffins, 6
Corn Pudding, 39
Cottage Pudding, 22
Crabs, Boiled, 31
Cranberry Sauce, 36
Cream Filling, 15, 23, 24
Cream Layer Cake, 15
Cream Puffs, 24
Cream Sauce, 35
Cream Soups, 29
Creole Soup, 29
Croquettes, 37
Crullers, 10
Currant Jelly Meringue, 18
Currant Jelly Sauce, 35
Currant Tea Cakes, 7
Custard, Baked, 22
Custard Pie, 27
Date Bread, 3
Date Loaf Cake, 12
Date Muffins, 6
Date Pudding, 24
Dates, Stuffed, 45
Devils Food Cake, 14
Doughnuts, 9
Dumplings, Apple and Peach, 22
Dumplings, Stew, 32
Eggs, 36
Egg Biscuits, 5
Eggless, Milkless, Butterless Cake, 10
Egg Sauce (For Fish), 35
Emergency or Drop Biscuits, 5
English Muffins, 6
Fig Envelopes, 7
Fig Pudding, 24
Filled Cookies, 20
Fireless Cookery, 45
Fish, 30
Fish, Meat and Vegetable Sauces, 35
Fish Salad, 42
Floating Island, 24
Foamy Sauce, 25
French Dressing, 42
French Fried Potatoes, 40
French Toast, 39
Fritter Batter, 9
Fritters, Doughnuts and Crullers, 8
Frosting, 16
Frozen Desserts, 28
Frozen Pudding, 28
Fruit Filling, 15, 17
Fruit Fritters, 9
Fruit Layer Cake, 15
Fruit Salad, 41
Fruit Sauce, 25
Fruit Shortcakes, 21
Fudge, 44
Fudge Squares, 21
Gems, Green Corn, 7
Giblet Gravy, 34
Gluten Muffins, 46
Graham Bread, 2
Graham Gems, 7
Grape Sherbet, 28
Griddle Cakes and Waffles, 7, 8
Hard Sauce, 25
Hermits, 21
Hickory Nut Candy, 45
Hollandaise Sauce, 36
Honey Drop Cakes, 19
Horse-Radish Sauce, 36
Huckleberry Float, 24
Icings and Fillings, 16
Invalids, Suggestions for, 46
Jams, 49
Jellies, 49
Jelly Meringue, 18
Jelly Roll, 25
Jelly Sauce, 23, 35
Kidney Beans with Bacon, 39
Kohl-Rabi, 41
Lady Baltimore Cake, 15
Layer Cakes, 14 to 16
Lemon Jelly, 24
Lemon Meringue Pie, 26
Lemon or Orange Sauce, 25
Lemon Sherbet, 28
Lima Beans, 41
Loaf Cake, Cream, 12
Lobster Salad, 42
Lobsters, Boiled, 31
Luncheon and Other Dishes, 38
Macaroni with Cheese, 38
Maple Icing I-II, 17
Maple Nut Cake, 13
Maple Sauce, 25
Marble Cake I-II, 13
Marquise Salad, 41
Marshmallow Cookies, 20
Marshmallow Icing, 14, 17
Mayonnaise I-II, 42
Meats, 32
Meringues, 23
Milk Sponge Cake, 16
Mince Meat, 27
Mince Pie, 27
Mint Sauce, 36
Mocha Icing and Filling, 14
Molasses Cakes, 12, 19
Molasses Candy, Pulled, 44
Mousse, Strawberry, 29
Muffins, Gems, etc., 5
Nut & Potato Croquettes, 38
Nut and Raisin Rolls, 3
Nut Bars, 20
Nut or Raisin Bread, 2
Nuts, Creamed, 44
Oatmeal Macaroons, 21
Old-Fashioned Chocolate Filling, 17
Old-Fashioned Shortcake, 21
Omelets, 37
Orange Cakes, 19
Orange Cream Layer Cake, 14
Orange Frosting, 14
Orange Icing, 18
Orange Water Ice, 28
Ornamental Frosting, 16
Oyster Dressing, 34
Oysters, 31
Pan Broiling or Frying, 32
Pancakes, French, 8
Parker House Rolls, 4
Parsnips, Browned, 41
Pastry, 26-35
Patty Shells, 38
Peaches, Canned, 48
Peaches, Pickled, 49
Peanut Brittle, 43
Peanut Butter Bread, 3
Pears, Canned, 48
Penuche, 44
Pickled Beets, 40
Pickles, 49
Pineapple Juice, 46
Plum Conserve, 49
Plum Pudding, 25
Popcorn, Candied, 44
Popovers, 6
Pork, Roast, 33
Potatoes an Gratin, 40
Potatoes, Stuffed, 40
Potato Rolls, 3
Potato Salad, 42
Pot Roasting, 32
Pot Roast of Beef with Browned Potatoes, 33
Poultry, 34
Pound Cake, 11
Preserving and Canning, 47
Prune or Date Bread, 3
Prune Puff, 24
Prunes, Stuffed, 45
Puddings and Other Desserts, 22
Pudding Sauces, 25
Pumpkin Pie, 26
Raisin Bread, 2
Raisin Drop Cakes, 18
Raisin Rolls, 3
Raspberry Jam, 49
Rhubarb Pie, 27
Rice Griddle Cakes, 8
Rice Muffins, 6
Rice Pudding, 22
Roast Meats, 32, 46
Rolls, Luncheon or Sandwich, 3
Rusks, 4
Russian Dressing, 42
Rye Rolls, 3
Salads and Salad Dressings, 41
Scones, 7
Scrambled Eggs, 37
Sea Foam Icing, 18
Seven Minute Icing, 17
Shell Fish, 31
Soups, 29, 45
Soup Stock, Brown, 29
Spanish Cake, 10
Spanish Cream, 46
Spice Cakes, 19
Spinach, 40
Sponge Cake, 16
Steamed Fig or Date Pudding, 24
Strawberry Cake, 21
Strawberry Icing, 18
Strawberry Mousse, 29
Strawberry Pie, 27
Strawberry Shortcake, 21
Sunshine Cake, 11
Sweetbreads, Creamed, 33
Sweet Potatoes, Candied, 41
Tapioca Pudding, 22
Tartare Sauce, 36
Tea, 43
Three-Egg Angel Cake, 11
Time Table, Canning, 47
Time Table, Vegetables, 39
Tomato Pickles, 49
Tomato Sauce, 37
Veal Cutlet, 33
Vegetables, 39-46
Vegetable Salad, 42
Waffles, 8
Wedding Cake, 12
Whole Wheat Hot Cakes, 8
Whole Wheat Raisin Biscuits, 5
Where shortening is mentioned in the recipes it is understood that butter or lard, or an equivalent quantity of butter substitute or vegetable oil may be used.
All measurements for all materials called for in the recipes in this book are level.
The standard measuring cup holds one-half pint and is divided into fourths and thirds.
To make level measurements fill cup or spoon and scrape off excess with back of knife.
One-half spoon is measured lengthwise of spoon.
Sift flour before measuring.
Much depends upon the baking. Many a cake otherwise perfectly prepared is spoiled because the oven is too hot or not hot enough. Regulate the oven carefully before mixing the ingredients.
When a cake is thoroughly baked it shrinks from the sides of the pan. A light touch with the finger which leaves no mark is another indication that the cake is baked.
1 saltspoon = 1/4 teaspoon 3 teaspoons = 1 tablespoon 16 tablespoons = 1 cup 2 cups = 1 pint 2 pints = 1 quart 4 cups = 1 quart 2 cups granulated sugar = 1 pound 4 cups flour = 1 pound 2 cups butter = 1 pound 2 tablespoons butter = 1 ounce 2 tablespoons liquid = 1 ounce 4 tablespoons flour = 1 ounce 1 square unsweetened chocolate = 1 ounce 3-1/2 tablespoons cocoa = 1 ounce
Dr. Price's Baking Powder may be used instead of yeast to leaven bread. It does precisely the same work; that is, raises the dough, making it porous and spongy. The great advantage of bread made by this method is in time saved, as it can be mixed and baked in less than two hours. Milk bread needs little or no shortening, and less flour is required than when water is used. Sift flour before measuring, and use level measurements for all materials.
4 cups flour 1 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon sugar 7 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1 medium-sized, cold, boiled potato Milk (water may be used)
Sift thoroughly together flour, salt, sugar and baking powder, rub in potato; add sufficient liquid to mix rapidly and smoothly into soft dough. This will require about one pint of liquid. Turn at once into greased loaf pan, smooth top with knife dipped in melted butter, and allow to stand in warm place about 30 minutes. Bake in moderate oven about one hour. When done take from pan, moisten top slightly with cold water and allow to cool before putting away.
1 cup entire wheat or graham flour 1 cup corn meal 1 cup rye meal or ground rolled oats 1 teaspoon salt 5 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 3/4 cup molasses 1-1/3 cups milk
Mix thoroughly dry ingredients; add molasses to milk, and add; beat thoroughly and put into greased moulds 2/3 full. Steam 3-1/2 hours; remove covers and bake until top is dry.
1 cup corn meal 1 cup flour 4 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 3 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon salt 1-1/2 cups milk 1 egg 2 tablespoons shortening
Mix and sift dry ingredients; add milk, beaten egg, and melted shortening; beat well and pour into greased shallow pan. Bake in hot oven about 25 minutes.
1 egg 1-3/4 cups milk 2 tablespoons sugar 1 cup corn meal 1/3 cup flour 1 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1 tablespoon shortening
Beat egg and add one cup milk; stir in sugar, corn meal, flour, salt and baking powder which have been sifted together; turn into frying pan in which shortening has been melted; pour on remainder of milk, but do not stir. Bake about 25 minutes in hot oven. There should be a line of creamy custard through the bread. Cut into triangles and serve.
1-1/2 cups flour 1-1/2 cups graham flour 4 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon shortening 1 egg 1-1/2 cups liquid (1/2 water and 1/2 milk) 2 tablespoons sugar or molasses
Mix flour, graham flour, baking powder and salt together; rub in shortening; beat egg and add with sugar or molasses to liquid; stir into dry mixture and beat well; add more milk if necessary to make a drop batter. Put into greased loaf pan, smooth with knife dipped in cold water. Bake about one hour in moderate oven.
2-1/2 cups flour 1/2 cup graham flour 1/4 cup sugar 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup walnuts or raisins 4 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1 egg 1-1/2 cups milk
Sift dry ingredients together. Add raisins or nuts chopped not too fine; add beaten egg to milk and add to dry ingredients to make a soft dough. Put into greased loaf pan. Allow to stand about 30 minutes. Bake in moderate oven from 45 to 60 minutes.
2 cups flour 4 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup sugar 1 cup milk 2/3 cup peanut butter or 1/2 cup finely ground peanuts
Sift flour, baking powder, salt and sugar together. Add milk to peanut butter or peanuts, blend well and add to dry ingredients; mix thoroughly. Bake in greased loaf pan in slow oven 45 to 50 minutes. This is best when a day old. It makes delicious sandwiches cut in thin slices and filled with either cream cheese or lettuce and mayonnaise.
1 cup prunes or dates 2-1/2 a cups graham flour; or 1 cup flour and 1-1/2 cups graham flour 1/4 cup sugar 1 teaspoon salt 4 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1 cup milk 1 tablespoon shortening
Wash prunes, soak several hours, drain, stone and chop, or use dates stoned and chopped. Mix flour, sugar, salt and baking powder; add milk to make soft dough and beat well; add fruit and melted shortening. Put into greased bread pan; allow to stand about 30 minutes in warm place. Bake in moderate oven one hour.
4 cups flour 1 teaspoon salt 6 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1 tablespoon shortening 1-1/2 cups milk
Sift together flour, salt and baking powder; rub in shortening; add milk, and mix with spoon to smooth dough easy to handle on floured board. Turn out dough; knead quickly a few times to impart smoothness; divide into small pieces: form each by hand into short, rather thick tapering rolls; place on greased pans and allow to stand in warm place 15 to 20 minutes; brush with milk. Bake in very hot oven. When almost baked brush again with melted butter. Bake 10 minutes longer and serve hot. If a glazed finish is desired, before taking from oven brush over with yolk of egg which has been mixed, with a little cold water.
These rolls make excellent sandwiches, using for fillings either lettuce and mayonnaise, sliced or chopped ham, chopped seasoned cucumbers, egg and mayonnaise with a very little chopped onion and parsley, or other filling desired.
4 cups rye flour 1 teaspoon salt 6 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1-1/2 cups milk 1 tablespoon shortening
Sift together dry ingredients; add milk and melted shortening. Knead on floured board; shape into rolls. Put into greased pans and allow to stand in warm place 20 minutes. Bake in moderate oven 25 to 30 minutes.
4 cups flour 1 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon sugar 7 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 2 medium sized cold boiled potatoes Water or milk or equal quantities of each
Sift thoroughly together flour, salt, sugar and baking powder; rub in potatoes or add after putting through ricer; add sufficient liquid to mix smoothly into a stiff batter or soft dough. This will require about one and one-half cups. Divide into small pieces; knead each and shape into small rolls; place on greased pan and brush with melted shortening and allow to stand in warm place 15 to 20 minutes. Bake in hot oven and when nearly done, brush again with melted shortening.
2-1/2 cups flour 4 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon sugar 5 tablespoons shortening 1 egg 2/3 cup milk Butter Raisins Chopped nuts 1/2 cup sugar
Sift flour, baking powder, salt and sugar together. Add melted shortening and beaten egg to milk and add to dry ingredients, mixing well. Turn out on floured board and knead lightly. Roll out very thin. Spread with butter and sprinkle with raisins, chopped nuts and small amount of granulated sugar. Cut into about 4-inch squares. Roll up each as for jelly roll. Press edges together. Brush over with yolk of egg mixed with a little cold water and sprinkle with nuts and sugar, and allow to stand in greased pan about 15 minutes. Bake in moderate oven from 20 to 25 minutes.
4 cups flour 1 teaspoon salt 6 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 2 to 4 tablespoons shortening 1-1/2 cups milk
Sift flour, salt and baking powder together. Add melted shortening to milk and add slowly to dry ingredients stirring until smooth. Knead lightly on floured board and roll out one-half inch thick. Cut with biscuit cutter. Crease each circle with back of knife one side of center. Butter the small section and fold larger part well over the small. Place one inch apart in greased pan. Allow to stand 15 minutes in warm place. Brush each with melted butter and bake in moderate oven 15 to 20 minutes.
2-1/4 cups flour 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons maple or brown sugar 4 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg 3/4 teaspoon cinnamon 2 tablespoons shortening 1/3 to 2/3 cup water 1 egg
Sift together flour, salt, sugar, baking powder, and spice; add melted shortening to beaten egg and water to make soft dough and mix well. Turn out on floured board; with floured hands shape into small rolls; place on greased shallow pan close together; allow to stand 10 to 15 minutes before baking; brush with milk and sprinkle with a little maple or brown sugar. Bake in moderate oven 20 to 30 minutes.
For hot cross buns, with sharp knife make deep cross cuts; brush with butter, sprinkle with sugar and bake.
2-1/4 cups flour 1 teaspoon salt 4 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 2 tablespoons shortening 1 egg 1/2 cup water 1/2 cup sugar 2 teaspoons cinnamon 4 tablespoons seeded raisins
Sift 2 tablespoons of measured sugar with flour, salt and baking powder; rub shortening in lightly; add beaten egg to water and add slowly. Roll out 1/3 inch thick on floured board; brush with melted butter, sprinkle with sugar, cinnamon and raisins. Roll as for jelly roll; cut into 1-1/2 inch pieces; place with cut edges up on well greased pan; sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon. Bake in moderate oven 30 to 45 minutes; remove from pan at once.
2 cups flour 4 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon shortening 1/2 cup milk 1 tablespoon butter 1 cup brown sugar
Sift together flour, baking powder and salt; add shortening and rub in very lightly; add milk slowly to make a soft dough; roll out 1/4 inch thick. Have butter soft and spread over dough; cover with brown sugar. Roll same as jelly roll; cut into 2-inch pieces; and place with cut edges up on well greased pan. Bake in moderate oven about 30 minutes; remove from pan at once.
2 cups flour 1/2 teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons sugar 4 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 2 tablespoons shortening 1 cup milk
Mix and sift dry ingredients; add melted shortening and enough milk to make stiff batter. Spread 1/2 inch thick in greased pan; add top mixture. Bake about 30 minutes in moderate oven.
TOP MIXTURE /$ 2 tablespoons flour 1 tablespoon cinnamon 3 tablespoons sugar 3 tablespoons shortening $/
Mix dry ingredients; rub in shortening and spread thickly over top of dough before baking.
2 cups flour 3/4 teaspoon salt 4 tablespoons sugar 3 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 4 tablespoons shortening 1 egg 1/2 cup milk
Sift dry ingredients together; rub in shortening lightly with finger tips; add beaten egg to milk and add to dry ingredients to make soft dough; divide the dough into six long narrow pieces; with hands roll out on board each piece very long and thin; spread with butter; cut each in two and beginning in center twist two pieces together and bring ends, around to form crescent. Put into greased pan; sprinkle with chopped nuts. Bake in hot oven 15 to 20 minutes. While hot, brush over with thin icing made with 1/2 cup confectioner's sugar moistened with 1 tablespoon hot water.
3 cups flour 5 tablespoons sugar 4 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1 teaspoon salt 3/4 cup milk 1 cup raisins, washed, drained and floured 3 tablespoons shortening 1 egg 1/2 cup chopped nuts
Sift dry ingredients together; add raisins; to milk add melted shortening and beaten egg; mix thoroughly and add to the dry ingredients; add more milk if necessary, to make a soft dough; roll out lightly about 1/2 inch thick, divide into two long strips and twist together to form a ring; put into greased pan and sprinkle with a little sugar and nuts; allow to stand about 20 minutes. Bake in moderate oven 20 to 25 minutes.
2 cups flour 4 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons shortening 3/4 cup milk or half milk and half water
Sift together flour, baking powder and salt, add shortening and rub in very lightly; add liquid slowly to make soft dough; roll or pat out on floured board to about one-half inch in thickness handling as little as possible; cut with biscuit cutter. Bake in hot oven 15 to 20 minutes.
Same as recipe for biscuits with the addition of more milk to make stiff batter. Drop by spoonfuls on greased pan and bake in hot oven 15 to 20 minutes.
2 cups whole wheat flour 3/4 teaspoon salt 4 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 2 teaspoons shortening 1 cup milk 4 tablespoons cut raisins
Mix well flour, salt and baking powder, or sift through coarse strainer; add shortening and rub in very lightly; add milk; mix to soft dough, add raisins. Drop with tablespoon quite far apart on greased baking tin or in greased muffin tins. Bake in moderate oven about 25 minutes.
1/2 cup bran 1-1/2 cups flour 5 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 3/4 teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons sugar 1/2 cup water 2 tablespoons shortening
Mix thoroughly bran, flour, baking powder, salt, sugar; add sufficient water to make soft dough; add melted shortening; roll out lightly to about 1/4 inch thick on floured board; cut with biscuit cutter. Bake in hot oven 12 to 15 minutes.
1-1/2 cups flour 2 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon shortening 6 tablespoons grated cheese 5/8 cup milk
Sift together flour, baking powder and salt; add shortening and cheese; rub in very lightly; add milk slowly, just enough to hold dough together. Turn out on floured board and roll about 1/2 inch thick; cut with small biscuit cutter. Bake in hot oven 12 to 15 minutes.
2 cups flour 3 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon sugar 1 egg 2 tablespoons shortening 1/3 cup water
Sift together flour, baking powder, salt and sugar; add well beaten egg and melted shortening to water and add to dry ingredients to make soft dough. Roll out on floured board to about 1/2 inch thick; cut with biscuit cutter. Bake in moderate oven about 25 minutes.
2 cups flour 3 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1 tablespoon sugar 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 cup milk 2 eggs 1 tablespoon shortening
Sift together floor, baking powder, sugar and salt; add milk, well-beaten eggs and melted shortening; mix well. Half fill greased muffin tins with batter and bake in hot oven 20 to 25 minutes.
2 cups flour 4 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 3/4 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon sugar 1-1/4 cups milk
Sift together dry ingredients. Mix in gradually milk to make soft dough. Half fill greased muffin rings placed on hot greased griddle or shaped lightly with floured hands into flat round cakes: Bake on griddle or frying pan turning until brown and cooked through, about 15 minutes. Split and serve hot with butter.
2 cups flour 3 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon sugar 3/4 cup milk 2 eggs 1 tablespoon shortening 1 cup berries
Sift together flour, baking powder, salt and sugar; add milk slowly, well-beaten eggs and melted shortening; mix well and add berries, which have been carefully picked over and floured. Grease muffin tins; drop one spoonful into each. Bake about 30 minutes in moderate oven.
1/2 cup cooked hominy, oatmeal or other cereal 1/2 teaspoon salt 1-1/2 tablespoons shortening 1 egg 1/2 cup milk 1 cup flour 1/2 cup corn meal 4 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder
Mix together cereal, salt, melted shortening, beaten egg and milk. Add flour and corn meal which have been sifted with baking powder; beat well. Bake in greased muffin tins or shallow pan in hot oven 25 to 30 minutes.
3/4 cup corn meal 1-1/4 cups flour 4 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons sugar 1 cup milk 2 tablespoons shortening 1 egg
Sift together corn meal, flour, baking powder, salt and sugar; add milk, melted shortening and well-beaten egg; mix well. Half fill greased muffin tins with batter and bake about 35 minutes in hot oven.
2 cups stale bread crumbs 1-1/4 cups milk 1 cup flour 2 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 eggs 1 tablespoon shortening
Soak bread crumbs in cold milk 10 minutes; add flour, baking powder and salt which have been sifted together; add well-beaten eggs and melted shortening; mix well. Half fill greased muffin tins with batter and bake 20 to 25 minutes in hot oven.
1 cup flour 2 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon sugar 2/3 cup milk 1 egg 1 tablespoon shortening 1 cup cold boiled rice
Sift together flour, baking powder, salt and sugar; add milk slowly; then well-beaten egg and melted shortening; add rice and mix well. Half fill greased muffin tins with batter and bake 20 to 30 minutes in hot oven.
1/3 cup butter 1 egg 2 cups flour 2 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 3/4 cup milk 1/2 lb. dates
Cream butter, add beaten egg, flour in which baking powder and salt have been sifted, and milk. Stir in dates which have been pitted and cut into small pieces. Bake about 25 minutes in greased gem pans in hot oven.
For sweet muffins sift 1/4 cup sugar with dry ingredients.
2 cups flour 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 eggs 2 cups milk
Sift together flour and salt. Make a well in flour, break eggs into well, add milk and stir from center until all flour is mixed in and until smooth. Pour into hot greased gem pans and bake 25 to 35 minutes in very hot oven. If taken out of oven too soon they will fall.
1 cup flour 1 cup graham flour 3/4 teaspoon salt 4 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1 cup milk 1 egg 2 tablespoons molasses or sugar 3 tablespoons shortening
Mix together dry ingredients. Add milk, beaten egg, molasses and melted shortening. Stir until smooth. Bake in greased gem pans in hot oven about 25 minutes.
2 cups green corn put through food chopper 1/4 cup milk or 1/2 cup if corn is dry 2 eggs 2 cups flour 3 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon pepper
To the corn add milk and well-beaten eggs; add flour, baking powder, salt and pepper which have been sifted together; mix well. Drop into hot greased gem pans. Bake in hot oven 20 to 25 minutes.
2 cups flour 3 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons sugar 2 tablespoons shortening 2 eggs 1/3 to 1/2 cup milk
Sift together flour, baking powder, salt and sugar; add shortening and rub in very lightly. Beat eggs until light; add milk to eggs and add slowly to mixture to make soft dough. Roll out 1/2 inch thick on floured board; cut into pieces 3 inches square and fold over, making them three-cornered; brush with milk; sprinkle with sugar. Bake about 25 minutes in hot oven.
2 cups flour 3 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1/2 cup sugar 3/4 teaspoon salt 1 cup milk 1 egg 2 tablespoons shortening 1/2 cup currants
Sift together flour, baking powder, sugar and salt; add milk, well-beaten egg and melted shortening; add currants which have been washed, dried and floured and mix well. The batter should be stiff. Half fill greased hot muffin tins and bake about 20 minutes in hot oven.
2 cups flour 3 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons sugar 2 teaspoons shortening 2/3 cup milk 1 cup chopped figs 1 egg
Sift together flour, baking powder, salt and sugar; add shortening and rub in very lightly; add slowly enough milk to form stiff dough. Roll out 1/4 inch thick on floured board, handling as little as possible; cut into squares and on each piece put one tablespoon of fig; brush edges of dough with cold milk; fold like envelope and press edges together; brush tops with egg beaten with one tablespoon milk and one teaspoon sugar. Bake about 20 minutes in hot oven.
2 cups flour 3 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon sugar 3/4 cup milk 2 eggs 2 tablespoons shortening
Sift together flour, baking powder, salt and sugar; add milk, well-beaten eggs and melted shortening; mix well. Bake in greased shallow pan in moderate oven about 25 minutes.
Eggs add to the richness of griddle cakes, but are not essential. The batter must be thin and the cake not too large when baked. An iron frying pan may be used instead of griddle. In any case grease only enough to keep the cakes from sticking and have very hot before baking. Cakes should be turned only once.
2 cups flour 1/2 teaspoon salt 4 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 2 cups milk 2 tablespoons shortening
Mix and sift dry ingredients; add milk and melted shortening; beat well. Bake on slightly greased hot griddle, turning only once. Serve immediately with butter and syrup.
1-3/4 cups flour 1/2 teaspoon salt 3 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 2 eggs 1-1/2 cups milk 1 tablespoon shortening
Mix and sift dry ingredients; add beaten eggs, milk and melted shortening; mix well. Bake on hot slightly greased griddle and serve immediately with butter and syrup.
1 cup flour 2 cups buckwheat flour 6 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1-1/2 teaspoons salt 2-1/2 cups milk or milk and water 1 tablespoon molasses 1 tablespoon shortening
Sift together flours, baking powder and salt; add liquid, molasses, and melted shortening; beat three minutes. Bake on hot greased griddle and serve immediately with butter and syrup.
1-1/3 cups corn meal 1-1/2 cups boiling water 3/4 cup milk 1 tablespoon shortening 1 tablespoon molasses 2/3 cup flour 1 teaspoon salt 4 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder
Scald corn meal with boiling water; add milk, melted shortening and molasses; add flour, salt and baking powder which have been sifted together. Mix well and bake on hot greased griddle until brown and serve immediately with butter and syrup.
1 cup boiled rice 1 cup milk 1 tablespoon shortening 1 teaspoon salt 1 egg 1 cup flour 2 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder
Mix rice, milk, melted shortening, salt and well-beaten egg; stir in flour and baking powder which have been sifted together; mix well. Bake on hot greased griddle and serve immediately with butter and syrup.
1 cup flour 2 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 eggs 1 tablespoon sugar 2 cups milk 1/4 cup cream Jam Powdered sugar
Sift together flour, baking powder and salt. Beat eggs with sugar and add milk and cream. Mix slowly with dry ingredients to prevent lumping. Batter should be very thin. Heat small frying pan which has been slightly greased. Pour in just sufficient batter to cover bottom of pan. Cook over hot fire. Turn and brown other side. Spread with jam or preserves and roll up. Sprinkle with powdered sugar, and serve hot. Makes 12 large pancakes.
2 cups whole wheat flour 4 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 1-3/4 cups milk 2 eggs 1 tablespoon shortening 1 teaspoon molasses
Sift together flour, baking powder and salt; add milk, beaten eggs, melted shortening and molasses and mix well. Bake on hot greased griddle and serve immediately with butter and syrup.
2 cups flour 4 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 3/4 teaspoon salt 1-3/4 cups milk 2 eggs 1 tablespoon melted shortening
Sift flour, baking powder and salt together; add milk to yolks of eggs; mix thoroughly and add to dry ingredients; add melted shortening and fold in beaten whites of eggs. Bake in well greased hot waffle iron until brown. Serve immediately with butter and syrup.
Fritters are served as an entree, a vegetable or a sweet, according to the ingredients used. The foundation batter is much the same for all fritters, and, with some additions the first recipe given can be used for many varieties.
Fritters and doughnuts should be fried in kettle of deep fat, hot enough to brown a piece of bread in 60 seconds. Drain on unglazed paper. Sprinkle fruit fritters, doughnuts and crullers with powdered sugar.
1 cup flour 1-1/2 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 egg 2/3 cup milk
Sift dry ingredients together; add beaten egg and milk; beat until smooth.
4 large apples 2 tablespoons powdered sugar 1 tablespoon lemon juice
Peel and core apples and cut into slices; add sugar and lemon juice. Dip each slice in plain fritter batter. Fry to light brown in deep fat. Drain and sprinkle with powdered sugar.
1 cup flour 2 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1 tablespoon powdered sugar 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 egg 1/4 cup milk 1 tablespoon lemon juice 3 bananas
Mix and sift dry ingredients. Add others in order. Force bananas through a sieve before adding. Beat thoroughly. Drop by spoonfuls into hot fat. Drain and sprinkle with powdered sugar and few drops of lemon juice.
1 cup flour 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1 cup fine bread crumbs 1-1/2 cups milk 1 egg 1 tablespoon butter 1 tablespoon molasses
Sift together flour, salt and baking powder; add bread crumbs, then the milk slowly; add well-beaten egg, butter, and molasses. Fry in deep hot fat. Serve hot with powdered sugar and lemon juice or hard sauce.
1/2 cup milk 2 cups cooked corn 1-1/2 cups flour 1 teaspoon salt 1/3 teaspoon pepper 2 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1 tablespoon shortening 2 eggs
Add milk to corn; add flour sifted with salt, pepper and baking powder; add melted shortening and beaten eggs; beat well. Fry by spoonfuls on hot greased griddle or iron frying pan.
For corn fritters that are to be fried in deep fat make batter stiffer by adding 1/2 cup flour and 1 teaspoon baking powder.
1-1/2 cups flour 2 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon pepper 1/8 teaspoon paprika 1/2 cup milk or clam juice 2 eggs 1-1/2 teaspoons grated onion 1 teaspoon shortening 10 clams
Sift together flour, baking powder, salt, pepper and paprika; add liquid, well-beaten eggs, onion, and melted shortening; rinse clams, put through meat chopper and add to batter. Fry on hot greased griddle, taking one spoonful batter for each fritter, or fry in deep hot fat.
Use fresh fruit coarsely chopped or canned whole fruits drained from syrup. Stir into plain fritter batter, and drop by spoonfuls into deep hot fat, turning gently until brown. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve hot.
3 tablespoons shortening 2/3 cup sugar 1 egg 2/3 cup milk 1 teaspoon nutmeg 3/4 teaspoon salt 3 cups flour 4 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder
Cream shortening; add sugar and well-beaten egg; stir in milk; add nutmeg, salt, flour and baking powder which have been sifted together and enough additional flour to make dough stiff enough to roll. Roll out on floured board to about 1/4-inch thick; cut out. Fry in deep fat hot enough to brown a piece of bread in 60 seconds. Drain on unglazed paper and sprinkle with powdered sugar.
2 eggs 6 tablespoons sugar 3/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon grated nutmeg 2 tablespoons melted shortening 6 tablespoons milk 2 cups flour 3 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder
Beat eggs until very light; add sugar, salt, nutmeg and shortening; add milk, and flour and baking powder which have been sifted together; mix well. Drop by teaspoonfuls into deep hot fat and fry until brown. Drain well on unglazed paper and sprinkle with powdered sugar.
4 tablespoons shortening 1 cup sugar 2 eggs 3 cups flour 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon salt 3 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 5/8 cup milk
Cream shortening; add sugar gradually and beaten eggs; sift together flour, cinnamon, salt and baking powder; add one-half and mix well; add milk and remainder of dry ingredients to make soft dough. Roll out on floured board to about 1/4-inch thick and cut into strips about 4 inches long and 1/2-inch wide; roll in hands and twist each strip and bring ends together. Fry in deep hot fat Drain and roll in powdered sugar.
The baking of cake is of primary importance. Regulate the oven before putting materials together. When a cake is baked it shrinks from the sides of the pan. A light touch with the finger which leaves no mark is another indication that the cake is baked. Small and layer cakes require a hotter oven than loaf cakes.
Where fewer eggs than called for are used, increase the amount of Dr. Price's Baking Powder about one teaspoon for each egg omitted.
If an unsalted shortening is used take slightly less and add a small quantity of salt.
Sift flour before measuring and use level measurements for all materials.
1/4 cup shortening 1 cup sugar 1 egg 1 teaspoon vanilla extract or other flavoring 2 cups flour 3 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 cup milk
Cream shortening; add sugar slowly; add well-beaten egg and flavoring; sift together flour, baking powder and salt and add to mixture, a little at a time, alternately with milk. Bake in greased loaf, layer or patty pans in moderate oven. May also be used for cottage pudding served hot with hard or soft sauce.
If baked in layers a middle layer of chocolate can be made by adding 1 oz. melted unsweetened chocolate to one-third of the batter.
1/2 cup shortening 1 cup sugar 2 eggs 1-3/4 cups flour 3 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1/2 cup milk
Cream shortening; add sugar and yolks of eggs; beat well; sift together flour, baking powder and cinnamon and add alternately with milk; fold in beaten whites of eggs. Bake in greased pan in moderate oven 35 to 40 minutes. Cover with boiled icing page 16.
1 cup shortening 2 cups sugar 1 teaspoon almond or vanilla extract 3/4 cup milk 3-1/2 cups flour 3 teaspoons Dr Price's Baking Powder Whites of six eggs
Beat shortening to a cream, adding sugar gradually; add flavoring and beat until smooth. Add alternately a little at a time milk and flour which has been sifted three times with baking powder. Beat whites of eggs until dry, and add to batter, folding in very lightly without beating. Bake in large greased loaf pan in moderate oven about one hour.
1 cup brown sugar 1-1/4 cups water 1 cup seeded raisins 2 ounces citron, cut fine 1/3 cup shortening 1 teaspoon nutmeg 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 cups flour 5 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder
Boil sugar, water, fruit, shortening, spices and salt together in saucepan 3 minutes; when cool, add flour and baking powder which have been sifted together; mix well. Bake in greased loaf pan in moderate oven about 45 minutes.
3 squares grated unsweetened chocolate 2 tablespoons sugar 1-1/2 tablespoons milk 4 tablespoons shortening 1 cup sugar 2 eggs 2/3 cup milk 1-1/3 cups flour 2 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1/8 teaspoon salt
Cook slowly together until smooth, chocolate, 2 tablespoons sugar and 1-1/2 tablespoons milk. Cream butter; add sugar and beat well. Add yolks of eggs and beat again. Stir in chocolate mixture. Sift together flour, baking powder and salt and add alternately, a little at a time with the milk to the first mixture. Fold in beaten whites of eggs. Bake in greased loaf pan in moderate oven 50 to 60 minutes. Cover with white or chocolate icing page 17.
3 tablespoons shortening 3/4 cup sugar Yolks of 3 eggs 1 teaspoon flavoring extract 1/2 cup milk 1-1/2 cups flour 3 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder
Cream shortening; add sugar gradually, and yolks of eggs which have been beaten until thick; add flavoring; sift together flour and baking powder and add alternately, a little at a time, with the milk to first mixture. Bake in greased loaf pan in moderate oven 35 to 45 minutes. Cover with white icing page 17.
NOTE—This is an excellent cake to make in combination with the following Three-Egg Angel Cake. Only three eggs are required for both.
1 cup sugar 1-1/3 cups flour 1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar 3 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1/3 teaspoon salt 2/3 cup scalded milk 1 teaspoon almond or vanilla extract Whites of 3 eggs
Method I
Mix and sift first five ingredients four times. Add milk, cooled slightly, very slowly, beating continually; add flavoring; mix well and fold in beaten whites of eggs. Turn into ungreased angel cake tin and bake in very slow oven about 45 minutes. Remove from oven; invert pan and allow to stand until cold. Cover top and sides with either white or chocolate icing page 17.
Method II
Boil sugar with cold milk until thick and pour very slowly over whites of eggs which have been beaten light with a wire whip. Fold in flour, cream of tartar, salt and baking powder which have been sifted together four times. With whip beat mixture with long strokes until very light; add flavoring; put into ungreased angel cake tin in cold oven, turn on heat and bake at very low temperature for 25 minutes. Raise temperature slightly and bake 30 minutes longer or until thoroughly baked. Remove from oven, invert pan and allow to stand until cold. Cover with white or chocolate icing page 17.
Whites of 8 eggs 1 teaspoon cream of tartar 3/4 cup granulated sugar 3/4 cup flour 1 teaspoon Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Whip whites of eggs to firm, stiff froth; add cream of tartar; fold sugar in lightly; fold in flour which has been sifted four times with baking powder and salt; add vanilla. Pour into ungreased pan and bake 45 to 50 minutes in moderate oven. Remove from oven; invert pan and allow to stand until cold. Ice with either chocolate or white icing page 17.
1 cup butter 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 teaspoon lemon extract 5 eggs 2 cups flour 1 teaspoon Dr. Price's Baking Powder
Reserve two egg whites for icing. Cream butter, add sugar slowly, beating well. Add flavoring and yolks of eggs which have been beaten until pale yellow. Beat three egg whites until light and add alternately a little at a time with the flour which has been sifted with the baking powder. Mix well and bake in greased loaf pan in moderate oven about one hour. Cover with ornamental frosting page 16 made with the two remaining egg whites.
2 cups shortening 2 cups sugar 6 eggs 4 cups seeded raisins 4 cups currants 1 cup shelled almonds 2 tablespoons chopped orange peel 2 tablespoons chopped lemon peel 2 cups sliced citron 1 cup grape juice 4 cups flour 2 teaspoons cinnamon 4 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1/2 teaspoon grated nutmeg 1/2 teaspoon ground mace 1/4 teaspoon allspice 1/4 teaspoon cloves 1/2 teaspoon salt
Cream shortening and sugar together; add beaten yolks of eggs; add raisins and currants, which have been washed and dried and over which a half cup of flour has been sifted; blanch almonds and put through food chopper with lemon and orange peel and add; slice citron very fine and add; stir in grape juice and half of stiffly beaten whites of eggs; sift together flour, baking powder, spices and salt and add; mix well and fold in remainder of beaten whites; pour into two 12-inch loaf pans which have been greased and lined with four layers of brown paper and bake in moderate oven one hour; then cover with double layer of brown paper, put asbestos plates underneath and continue baking about two hours longer.
1/2 cup shortening 1 cup light brown sugar 2 eggs 1/4 cup strong coffee 1/3 cup rich milk or cream 1-3/4 cups flour 3 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1/2 lb. raisins, cut into small pieces 1/8 lb. slice citron 1/4 lb. figs, cut in strips
Cream shortening; add sugar; add yolks of eggs, coffee and milk; sift together flour and baking powder and add slowly; add fruit, which has been slightly floured, and fold in beaten whites of eggs. Bake in greased loaf pan in moderate oven from one to one and one-half hours.
1 cup boiling water 1 lb. stoned and cut dates 3/4 cup brown sugar 2 tablespoons shortening 1 ounce melted chocolate 1 egg 2 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1/4 teaspoon salt 1-3/4 coups flour 3/4 cup chopped pecan nuts
Pour boiling water over dates. Cream sugar and shortening; add melted chocolate and well beaten egg; mix well and add dates and water; sift together baking powder, salt and flour; add gradually with pecan nuts. Mix well and put into greased loaf pan and bake in slow oven for one and a half hours.
1/2 cup shortening 1 cup sugar 2 eggs 1 teaspoon lemon extract 1/2 cup rich milk or thin cream 1 cup flour 1/2 cup cornstarch 3 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder
Cream shortening well; add sugar slowly; add beaten yolks of eggs; add flavoring; add milk a very little at a time; sift flour, cornstarch and baking powder together and add; fold in beaten whites of eggs. Bake in greased loaf pan in moderate oven 35 to 45 minutes, and cover with frosting page 16.
1/2 cup shortening 2/3 cup brown sugar 1 egg 1/2 cup molasses 2 cups flour 1/2 teaspoon salt 3 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1/2 teaspoon allspice 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon 2/3 cup milk
Cream shortening. Add sugar slowly, beating continually; add beaten egg; beat well and add molasses; add half of flour, baking powder, salt and spices which have been sifted together; add milk and remainder of dry ingredients. Mix well. Bake in greased shallow pan in moderate oven about 40 minutes. Serve hot with butter.
2 cups flour 2 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1/2 cup shortening 1-1/4 cups sugar 1/2 cup milk 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 3 eggs 1/2 cup fresh grated cocoanut
Sift flour and baking powder three times; beat shortening and sugar to a cream; add milk and vanilla, then flour and baking powder, a little at a time; beat until smooth; add eggs one at a time, stirring and beating batter well after each egg is put in. Bake in greased loaf pan in moderate oven one hour. Cover with boiled icing page 16 and sprinkle with chopped cocoanut.
3 tablespoons shortening 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 teaspoon lemon extract 1/2 cup milk 1 cup flour 2 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1/4 teaspoon salt White of 1 egg
Cream shortening; add sugar slowly; add flavoring and milk. Beat well and add flour which has been sifted with baking powder and salt. Mix in beaten white of egg.
3 tablespoons shortening 1/2 cup sugar Yolk of one egg 1/2 cup milk 1 cup flour 2 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon cloves 1/2 teaspoon allspice 1 teaspoon cinnamon 6 teaspoons cocoa
Cream shortening; add sugar slowly; add egg yolk and mix well. Mix in milk; add flour, baking powder, salt, spices and cocoa which have been sifted together. Put this batter by spoonfuls and the same amount of white batter alternately into greased loaf pan but do not mix. Bake in moderate oven about 45 minutes. Cover with white icing page 17.
Make plain cake page 10, saving out one-third of batter and adding to it 1-1/2 ounces melted unsweetened chocolate. This chocolate batter is then dropped by spoonfuls into the white batter after it is put into the pan.
1-1/2 cups flour 7/8 cup sugar 2 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 2 tablespoons shortening 1 egg 1/2 cup milk 1 teaspoon lemon extract 1/2 cup fresh grated cocoanut
Sift flour, sugar and baking powder into bowl. Add melted shortening and beaten egg to milk and add to dry ingredients. Mix well, add flavoring and cocoanut and bake in greased loaf pan in moderate oven 35 to 45 minutes. Before serving, sprinkle with a little powdered sugar, or if desired, ice with white icing with grated cocoanut sprinkled on top.
1/3 cup shortening 1 cup light brown sugar 2 eggs 1/2 cup milk 1-1/2 cups flour 1/4 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1 cup chopped nuts—preferably pecans 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Cream shortening, add sugar slowly and yolks of eggs and milk and beat well; add flour, salt and baking powder which have been sifted together; add nuts and fold in beaten whites of eggs; add flavoring. Bake in well greased loaf pan in moderate oven 35 to 45 minutes. Cover with maple icing page 17 and while still soft sprinkle with chopped nuts.
1/3 cup shortening 1 cup sugar 1 egg 1 cup milk 1-3/4 cups flour 4 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Cream shortening; add sugar gradually, beating well; add beaten egg, one half the milk and mix well; add one half the flour which has been sifted with salt and baking powder; add remainder of milk, then remainder of flour and flavoring; beat after each addition. Bake in greased layer cake tins in moderate oven 15 to 20 minutes. Put together with
3 cups confectioners' sugar Boiling water 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 ounces (2 squares) unsweetened chocolate 1/2 teaspoon grated orange peel
To sugar add boiling water very slowly to make a smooth paste; add vanilla, melted chocolate and orange peel. Spread between layers and on top of cake.
This makes a delicious dessert if baked in two layers, iced, and spread with slightly sweetened whipped cream.
1/2 cup shortening 1 cup sugar 2 eggs 1/2 cup strong coffee 2 cups flour 3 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1/8 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons mixed spices
Cream shortening and sugar until light; add well beaten yolks of eggs; add coffee slowly; add half of flour sifted with baking powder, salt and spices; mix and add well beaten whites of eggs; add remainder of flour and mix lightly. Pour into two large greased layer cake tins and bake in moderate oven 45 to 50 minutes. Spread between layers and cover top with
1 tablespoon butter 1 cup confectioners' sugar 1 tablespoon cocoa 2 tablespoons strong coffee 1/4 teaspoon salt
Cream butter and sugar; add cocoa, coffee and salt and stir until smooth. If too dry add more coffee.
1/3 cup shortening 1 cup sugar 1 egg 1 cup milk 1-3/4 cups flour 1/4 teaspoon salt 4 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 cup sweetened flavored whipped cream
Cream shortening; add sugar gradually, beating well; add beaten egg, one half the milk, and mix well; add one half the flour, which has been sifted with salt and baking powder; add remainder of milk, then remainder of flour and flavoring; beat after each addition. Bake in two greased layer cake tins in moderate oven 15 to 20 minutes. Spread the whipped cream thickly between the layers. Cover top with
1 tablespoon cream 1 cup confectioners' sugar Pulp and grated rind of 1 orange 1/2 teaspoon orange extract 1 tablespoon melted butter
To the cream add the sugar slowly. Add orange pulp, rind, extract and melted butter. Beat until smooth and spread on top of cake.
1/2 cup shortening 1 cup granulated sugar 1/2 cup cold water 2 cups flour 2 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder Whites of 3 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla or almond extract
Cream shortening and sugar together until very light; add water slowly, almost drop by drop, and beat constantly; stir in flour and baking powder which have been sifted together twice; add flavoring; fold in whites of eggs which have been beaten until stiff and dry, pour into two greased layer cake tins. Bake in moderate oven 20 to 25 minutes. Put together with fresh strawberry icing page 18 or maple icing page 17.
1/4 cup shortening 1 cup sugar 2-1/2 ounces chocolate 1/2 cup mashed potatoes 1 egg 3/8 cup milk 1-1/4 cups flour 2 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1/2 cup chopped nuts 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
Cream shortening; add sugar, melted chocolate and mashed potatoes; mix well; add yolk of egg, milk, and flour and baking powder which have been sifted together; beat well; add nuts, vanilla and beaten white of egg; mix thoroughly. Bake in greased shallow pan in moderate oven 25 to 35 minutes. Cover with
3/4 cup granulated sugar 1/3 cup water 6 or 8 marshmallows White of 1 egg Few drops vanilla extract
Boil sugar and water without stirring until syrup spins a thread; melt marshmallows in syrup; pour slowly over beaten white of egg; add flavoring and spread very thickly over cake. Melt 2 ounces unsweetened chocolate with one half teaspoon butter and spread thin coating over icing when cool.
1/2 cup shortening 1 cup sugar 2 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/2 cup milk 2 cups flour 3 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1/4 teaspoon salt
Cream shortening and sugar together until light; add yolks of eggs and flavoring, and milk slowly; sift flour and salt; add half, then half of stiffly beaten whites of eggs and remainder of flour sifted with baking powder; stir after each addition; fold in remaining whites of eggs. Bake in greased layer cake tins in moderate oven 15 to 20 minutes. Put together with cream filling and cover top and sides with white icing page 17.
1 cup milk 2 tablespoons cornstarch 1/4 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons sugar 1 egg 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Put milk on to scald. Mix cornstarch, salt and sugar with a little cold milk; add to well-beaten egg; then add slowly to hot milk. Cook about three minutes or until thick and smooth; add flavoring and spread between layers.
1/4 cup shortening 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 egg 1 cup milk 2 cups flour 1/8 teaspoon salt 3 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder
Cream shortening, add sugar slowly, add flavoring and well-beaten egg; add milk; mix well; then add flour, salt and baking powder which have been sifted together. Bake in three greased layer cake tins in moderate oven 12 to 15 minutes.
1-1/2 cups granulated sugar 1/2 cup water 2 egg whites 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 teaspoon lemon juice 1 cup fresh grated cocoanut
Cook sugar and water over slow fire without stirring until syrup spins a thread; pour slowly over egg whites which have been beaten until stiff; beat until thick enough to spread; add flavoring. Spread between layers and on top of cake. While icing is still soft sprinkle thickly with cocoanut.
1/3 cup shortening 1 cup sugar 1 egg 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 cup milk 2 cups flour 4 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1/8 teaspoon salt
Cream shortening well; add sugar; add yolk of egg and vanilla; mix well; add milk, then flour and baking powder and salt which have been sifted together; mix in beaten white of egg. Bake in three greased layer tins in quick oven about 15 minutes. Put cake together with fruit filling and cover with white icing page 17.
1/2 cup fruit jelly 1 cup water 1/2 cup chopped raisins 1/4 lb. chopped figs 1/4 cup sugar 2 tablespoons cornstarch 1/2 cup chopped blanched almonds or walnuts juice of 1/2 lemon
Cook jelly with water, fruit and sugar; add cornstarch which has been mixed with a little cold water. Cook slowly until thick, remove from fire; add nuts and lemon juice. Cool and spread between layers of cake.
1/2 cup shortening 1 cup sugar whites of 3 eggs 1/2 cup milk 1 teaspoon vanilla extract or 1/2 teaspoon almond extract 1-3/4 cups flour 2 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder
Cream shortening; add sugar and unbeaten white of one egg; add the milk very slowly, beating between each addition; add flavoring; add the flour which has been sifted with the baking powder; lastly fold in the beaten whites of 2 eggs. Bake in square or round greased layer tins in hot oven about 15 minutes. Use the following filling and cover the top and sides of cake with white icing page 17.
1-1/2 cups sugar 1/2 cup water whites of 2 eggs 1/2 cup chopped seeded raisins 1/2 cup chopped figs 1 cup blanched almonds or pecan nuts
Boil sugar and water without stirring until syrup spins a thread. Pour syrup slowly over beaten eggs. Mix in fruit and nuts. Spread between layers of cake.
1/2 cup butter 1 cup sugar 2 eggs 2/3 cup milk 2 cups flour 3 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Cream shortening well, add sugar slowly and the yolks of eggs, beating well. Add milk, a very little at a time. Sift flour, baking powder and salt together and mix in with the first ingredients. Add flavoring and fold in the beaten whites of eggs. Bake in two greased layer tins in moderate oven about 25 minutes. Put Butterscotch Filling page 18 between layers and on top of cake.
6 eggs 1 cup granulated sugar Rind of half a lemon 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 cup flour 1 teaspoon Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1/2 teaspoon salt
Beat egg yolks with wire whip until thick; add gradually sugar which has been sifted, then grated lemon rind, lemon juice and 1/2 beaten whites; mix well; carefully fold in flour which has been sifted with baking powder and salt; mix in remainder of egg whites. Bake in ungreased tube pan in moderate oven 35 to 45 minutes. When cake shrinks from pan remove from oven and turn upside down on cake cooler. It will gradually come out of pan.
1 cup sugar 1 cup water 3 eggs 1 cup flour 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1/8 cup cold water 1 teaspoon vanilla extract or other flavoring
Boil sugar and water until syrup spins a thread; add slowly to stiffly beaten whites of eggs, beating until mixture is cold; sift together three times, flour, salt and baking powder; beat yolks of eggs until thick; add a little at a time, flour mixture and egg yolks, alternately to white of egg mixture; stirring after each addition; add one-eighth cup cold water and flavoring; mix lightly. Bake in ungreased tube pan in moderate oven about one hour or shallow tin about thirty-five minutes.
2 eggs 1 cup sugar 6 tablespoons hot milk 1 teaspoon vanilla or lemon extract 1 cup flour 1/8 teaspoon salt 1-1/2 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder
Beat yolks of eggs until thick; add half of sugar slowly, beating continually; add hot milk, remainder of sugar and whites of eggs beaten until stiff; add flavoring; add flour, salt and baking powder which have been sifted together. Bake in ungreased tube pan in moderate oven about 25 minutes.
1 cup granulated sugar 1/2 cup water 1/2 teaspoon Dr. Price's Baking Powder White of 1 egg 1/2 teaspoon flavoring extract
Boil sugar and water until syrup spins a thread; pour very slowly into stiffly beaten white of egg and beat until smooth; add baking powder and flavoring and mix well. Allow to stand about ten minutes and spread on cake.
1 unbeaten egg white 1-1/2 cups confectioners' sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Put egg white into shallow dish; add sugar gradually beating with wire whip until of right consistency to spread; add vanilla and spread on cake.
1-1/2 cups granulated sugar 1/2 cup water 2 egg whites 1 teaspoon flavoring extract 1 teaspoon Dr. Price's Baking Powder
Boil sugar and water without stirring until syrup spins a thread; add very slowly to beaten whites of eggs; add flavoring and baking powder and beat until smooth and stiff enough to spread. Put over boiling water, stirring continually until the icing grates slightly on bottom of bowl. Spread on cake saving a small portion of the icing to ornament the edge of cake. This can be forced through a pastry tube, or through a cornucopia, made from ordinary white letter paper.
1/2 teaspoon butter 2 tablespoons hot milk 1-1/2 cups confectioners' sugar 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/2 teaspoon Dr. Price's Baking Powder
Add butter to hot milk; add sugar slowly to make right consistency to spread; add baking powder and vanilla. Spread on top and sides of cake.
If pink icing is desired add one tablespoon strawberry or other fruit juice. For yellow icing add one teaspoon egg yolk and flavor with orange rind and one teaspoon lemon juice.
1 unbeaten egg white 3 tablespoons cold water 7/8 cup granulated sugar
Place all ingredients in top of double boiler. Place over boiling water and beat with dover beater for seven minutes; add 1 teaspoon vanilla extract and spread on top and sides of cake.
For Chocolate Icing use above, adding 1-1/2 ounces melted unsweetened chocolate or 4-1/2 tablespoons cocoa after removing from fire.
For Coffee Icing use 3 tablespoons cold boiled coffee in place of water.
Whites of 2 eggs 2 cups confectioners' sugar 1/2 teaspoon Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1-1/2 tablespoons milk 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 4 ounces chocolate 1 teaspoon butter
Beat whites until stiff; add sugar and baking powder slowly, beating continually; add milk, vanilla and chocolate which has been melted with butter; mix until smooth. Spread on cake.
3 ounces melted chocolate 3 tablespoons cream 1 egg 3/4 cup powdered sugar 1 tablespoon cornstarch 1/8 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Add melted chocolate and cream to beaten egg; mix in powdered sugar gradually; add cornstarch which has been mixed with a little cold water; cook in top of double boiler, stirring constantly until smooth and thick; add salt and vanilla. Spread between layers of cake.
1-3/4 cups sugar 1/8 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup water 1/2 cup marshmallows Whites of 3 eggs 1/2 teaspoon Dr. Price's Baking Powder
Mix sugar, salt and water; add marshmallows and boil without stirring until syrup spins a thread; then add slowly to beaten egg whites; add baking powder and beat until firm enough to spread.
1/2 teaspoon butter, 2 tablespoons hot milk 1-1/2 cups confectioners' sugar 1/2 teaspoon Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1/2 teaspoon maple flavoring
Add butter to hot milk; add sugar slowly to make paste of the right consistency to spread; add baking powder and flavoring and spread on top and sides of cake.
1 cup maple syrup Whites of 2 eggs
Boil syrup without stirring until it spins a thread; add very slowly to stiffly beaten whites of eggs; beat well with wire whip, preferably on a platter until stiff enough to spread.
2 cups granulated sugar 2/3 cup boiling water Whites of 2 eggs 1/4 cup chopped nuts 1 cup mixed figs, raisins, citron, cherries and pineapple, cut fine
Boil sugar and water without stirring until syrup spins a thread; beat whites until dry; add syrup gradually, beating constantly; when cool add nuts and fruit. Spread between layers and on top of cake.
rind of 1 orange 2 teaspoons lemon juice 1 cup confectioners' or powdered sugar white of 1 egg
Grate orange rind and allow gratings to soak for some time in lemon juice; stir juice, sugar and egg together and beat thoroughly. Spread on warm cake.
white of 1 egg 1/2 cup currant or other jelly
Put unbeaten egg white and jelly together into bowl and beat with egg beater or wire whip until stiff. Spread between layers or on top of cake.
1 cup brown sugar 1/3 cup water white of 1 egg 1 teaspoon Dr. Price's Baking Powder
Boil sugar and water without stirring until syrup spins a thread; add hot syrup slowly to beaten egg white, beating continually, preferably on platter with wire whip. Add baking powder, when icing foams put between layers and on top of cake.
1 cup confectioners' sugar 4 tablespoons cocoa white of 1 egg 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 teaspoon melted butter 1 tablespoon cream
Add sugar and cocoa slowly to beaten egg white. Then add vanilla, melted butter and cream to make soft enough to spread on cake.
Crush ten strawberries with a little sugar and a few drops lemon juice and let stand until juicy; then mix in gradually three cups of confectioners' sugar or sufficient to spread easily. Put between layers and on top of cake.
3 cups brown sugar 1 cup milk 1 tablespoon butter 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Cook sugar, milk and butter together until it forms a soft ball when tested in cold water; add vanilla. Beat until thick and spread on cake.
2 cups light syrup 1/2 cup butter 1/2 cup milk
Boil syrup, butter and milk together until it forms a soft ball when tested in cold water. Cool slightly without stirring and pour while warm on cake.
Chopped nuts may be added while icing is still soft.
4 tablespoons shortening 1 cup sugar 1 egg 1/2 cup milk 1-3/4 cups flour 3 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1/2 cup cocoa 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Cream shortening; add sugar and beaten egg; beat well and add milk slowly; sift flour, baking powder, cocoa and salt into mixture; stir until smooth; add vanilla. Half fill greased muffin tins with batter and bake in moderate oven about 20 minutes. Cover with boiled icing page 16.
Or bake in shallow pan; cool, and before removing cut across diagonally to make diamond-shaped pieces; cover with icing.
4 tablespoons shortening 1 cup sugar 1 egg 2/3 cup milk 1-3/4 cups flour 3 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1/8 teaspoon salt 1 cup raisins 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Cream shortening; add sugar; add beaten egg and milk slowly; add flour, baking powder and salt which have been sifted together; add raisins which have been washed, drained and floured slightly; add flavoring; mix well. Put a small amount of mixture into greased individual cake tins and bake in hot oven 15 to 20 minutes. Sprinkle with powdered sugar, or cover with icing.
4 tablespoons shortening 1 cup sugar 2/3 cup milk 1 egg 2 cups flour 3 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1/8 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon orange extract Grated rind of 1 orange
Cream shortening; add sugar slowly beating well; add milk a little at a time; then add beaten egg; sift flour, baking powder and salt together and add to mixture; add flavoring and orange rind; mix well. Bake in greased shallow tin, or individual cake tins, in hot oven 15 to 20 minutes. When cool cover with orange icing page 18.
1 cup molasses 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 cup melted shortening 1/2 cup boiling water 3 cups flour 3 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon soda 2 teaspoons cinnamon 1 teaspoon nutmeg 1 teaspoon cloves 1 cup stale bread crumbs
Mix molasses, sugar, shortening and boiling water together; add flour, baking powder, salt, soda and spices which have been sifted together; add bread crumbs; mix well. Drop by spoonfuls on greased baking sheet and bake in moderate oven 10 to 12 minutes.
1/2 cup shortening 1 cup granulated or powdered sugar yolks of 3 eggs 1/2 cup milk 2 cups flour 2 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder
Cream shortening, add sugar slowly and beat well; add beaten egg yolks; add milk a little at a time and flour which has been sifted with baking powder; divide batter in half and add to one-half one teaspoon lemon juice and the grated rind of half a lemon; to the other half of batter add two ounces unsweetened melted chocolate, one teaspoon vanilla. Bake in shallow greased pan or in very small individual tins in hot oven about 15 minutes. If a large pan in used, when cool cut cakes into fancy shapes. Cakes should be less than an inch thick when baked. Spread with colored or marshmallow icing page 17.
1/2 cup shortening 1 cup granulated sugar 2/3 cup water 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 cups flour 1/4 teaspoon salt 3 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder whites of 3 eggs
Cream shortening and sugar together until very light; add water very slowly beating constantly; add flavoring; stir in the flour, salt and baking powder which have been sifted together twice; mix in beaten egg whites. Put about a teaspoonful of batter into each small individual cake tin and bake in hot oven 10 to 15 minutes, or bake in shallow pan and cut as in above recipe or diagonally across making small diamond shaped pieces. Spread with any icing desired.
1/2 cup shortening 1 cup brown sugar 1 egg 1-3/4 cups flour 3 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg 1/4 teaspoon cloves 1/2 cup milk 1 cup chopped raisins
Cream shortening, add sugar and beaten egg; add flour, baking powder and spices which have been sifted together; add milk and mix well; mix in raisins which have been slightly floured. Bake in small greased tins in moderate oven about 25 minutes.
1/3 cup shortening 1/4 cup sugar 1/2 cup honey 1 egg 1/2 tablespoon lemon juice 1-1/2 cups flour 1-1/2 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder
Cream shortening and add sugar slowly; add honey, beaten egg yolk and lemon juice; mix well and add flour and baking powder which have been sifted together; fold in beaten egg white. Put into greased individual tins or drop from tip of spoon on greased baking sheet and bake in hot oven 10 to 15 minutes.
3/4 cup shortening 2 cups sugar 2 eggs 1/4 teaspoon grated nutmeg 1 teaspoon vanilla extract or grated rind of 1 lemon 4 cups flour 3 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder
Cream shortening and sugar together; add milk to beaten eggs and beat again; add slowly to creamed shortening and sugar; add nutmeg and flavoring; add 2 cups flour sifted with baking powder; add enough more flour to make stiff dough. Roll out very thin on floured board; cut with cookie cutter; sprinkle with sugar; put a raisin or a piece of walnut in the center of each. Bake about 12 minutes in hot oven.
4 tablespoons shortening 1 cup sugar 1/4 cup milk 1 egg 2 cups flour 3 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup cocoa
Cream shortening and sugar together; add milk and beaten egg; mix well; sift flour, baking powder, cocoa and salt together and add. Roll out 1/4-inch thick on floured board; cut with cookie cutter. Bake in hot oven about 12 minutes.
1/3 cup shortening 1 cup sugar 1 egg 1/2 cup milk 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 3-1/2 cups flour 4 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder
Cream shortening; add sugar, beaten egg, milk and vanilla; add flour, salt and baking powder, which have been sifted together. Roll out thin on slightly floured board and cut with cookie cutter. Place one teaspoonful of filling on each cookie, cover with another cookie, press edges together. Bake in moderate oven 12 to 15 minutes.
2 teaspoons flour 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 cup water 1/2 cup chopped raisins 1/2 cup chopped figs
Mix flour and sugar together; add water and fruit. Cook until thick, being very careful not to burn.
Follow recipe for cookies. Roll slightly thicker. After removing from oven, cover with marshmallow icing page 17.
1/2 cup shortening 1-1/2 cups sugar 2 eggs 4 tablespoons milk 4 cups flour 3 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1/8 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup blanched almonds
Reserve 1 egg yolk for top. Cream shortening and sugar together; add slowly beaten yolk and whites of two eggs and three tablespoons milk; mix well together. Sift together flour, baking powder and salt and add, mixing well. Roll half dough at a time 1/4-inch thick on floured board; cut into bars 1 by 3 inches. Brush with yolk of remaining egg mixed with one tablespoon milk and sprinkle with chopped nuts. Bake in moderate oven about 15 minutes.
1/4 cup shortening 1/2 cup sugar 1 egg 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice or extract 1/2 cup milk 1-1/2 cups flour 3 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1/8 teaspoon salt 2 cups fresh grated cocoanut
Cream shortening; add sugar, beaten egg and lemon juice; mix in milk slowly; add flour, baking powder and salt which have been sifted together; add cocoanut. The batter should be quite stiff. Drop by small spoonfuls on greased pan. Do not smooth over, but allow space for spreading. Bake in moderate oven 15 to 20 minutes.
3 tablespoons shortening 1 cup sugar 1 egg 2 ounces unsweetened chocolate 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/3 cup milk 1 cup flour 1 teaspoon Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1/2 cup nut meats chopped—not too fine
Melt shortening; add sugar and unbeaten egg; mix well; add chocolate which has been melted; vanilla and milk; add flour which has been sifted with the baking powder; add nut meats and mix well. Spread very thinly on greased shallow cake pan, and bake in slow oven from 20 to 30 minutes. Cut into 2-inch squares while still warm and before removing from pan.
2 eggs 1 cup sugar 1 tablespoon melted shortening 3/4 teaspoon salt 2-1/2 cups rolled oats 2 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Beat egg yolks and whites separately; cream sugar with shortening; add egg yolks, salt and rolled oats; add baking powder, egg whites and vanilla; mix thoroughly. Drop on greased tins about half teaspoon to each macaroon allowing space for spreading. Bake about ten minutes in moderate oven.
6 tablespoons shortening 1 cup brown sugar 1 egg 1/2 cup milk 1-1/2 cups flour 2 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon cloves 1 teaspoon allspice 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 cup seeded raisins 2 tablespoons cut citron
Cream shortening, add sugar and beaten egg; mix well; add milk very slowly; sift flour, baking powder, salt and spices together and add slowly; chop fruit; dredge with flour and add. Drop from spoon on greased tins and bake in moderate oven 15 minutes.
Although strawberries are more commonly used, other fruits such as raspberries, blackberries, loganberries, peaches, bananas, and oranges, and even stewed, dried or canned fruits can be substituted and make delicious shortcakes.
2 cups flour 1/2 teaspoon salt 4 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 2 tablespoons sugar 3 tablespoons shortening 3/4 cup milk 1 quart berries
Sift dry ingredients; cut in shortening; add milk to make soft dough; smooth out lightly. Bake in greased deep layer cake tin in hot oven 20 to 25 minutes. Split while hot and spread between layers with crushed and sweetened berries or other fruit.
2 cups flour 1/2 teaspoon salt 4 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 2 tablespoons sugar 3 tablespoons shortening 1 egg 1/2 cup milk
Sift dry ingredients, cut in shortening; add beaten egg to milk and add to dry ingredients to make soft dough. Divide dough in half. Take one half, pat out lightly and put into greased deep layer tin; spread with butter; cover with other half of dough which has also been patted out to fit pan. Bake in hot oven 20 to 25 minutes. Split while hot and spread crushed and sweetened berries and whipped cream between layers; cover top with whipped cream and whole berries. Dust with powdered sugar and serve.
1 cup sugar 4 tablespoons shortening 1 egg 2 cups flour 3 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1/8 teaspoon salt 1 cup milk 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/2 pint heavy cream 1 quart strawberries
Cream sugar and shortening together; add beaten egg; add part of flour, baking powder and salt which have been sifted together, then part of milk; mix well and add remainder of flour; mix in remainder of milk and flavoring. Bake in shallow greased pan in moderate oven 20 to 30 minutes. When cold split in half and spread whipped cream and crushed sweetened strawberries between layers. Cover top with whipped cream and whole strawberries.
4 eggs 1/2 cup sugar 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 quart milk
Beat eggs, sugar, salt and vanilla together; scald milk and add very slowly, stirring constantly. Put into greased baking dish or small molds; place in pan of water in slow oven and bake 30 to 40 minutes. Test with knife which will come out clean when custard is baked. For caramel custard add to eggs 4 tablespoons caramel sauce page 25.
1 cup rice 1-1/2 quarts milk 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup sugar Grated orange rind 1 cup seeded raisins
Wash rice with several waters; put into pudding dish; add milk, salt, sugar, orange rind and bake in slow oven about 1-1/2 hours or until thick, stirring several times during baking; add raisins, and bake 20 minutes longer.
1 cup flour 2 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1/2 cup sugar 1/8 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup milk 1 egg 2 tablespoons shortening
Sift together flour, baking powder, sugar and salt; add milk, beaten egg and melted shortening; beat 2 minutes. Pour into greased shallow pan and bake in hot oven about 20 minutes. Serve with lemon, chocolate or other sauce.
1/2 cup chopped suet 1/2 cup seeded raisins 1/2 cup currants 1-1/2 cups grated bread 1 cup flour 2 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1/2 cup brown sugar 2 cups milk
Mix ingredients in order given; beat well. Put into greased mold; place in covered saucepan with boiling water half way up sides of mold. Steam 2 hours. Turn out carefully. Serve with hard or other sauce page 25.
1/2 cup pearl tapioca or 3 tablespoons minute tapioca 1 quart milk 1 teaspoon melted butter 6 tablespoons sugar 1/4 teaspoon salt 2 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla or lemon extract
Soak tapioca in cold water one hour; drain; add milk and butter, and cook in double boiler until tapioca is transparent. Add sugar and salt to beaten eggs and combine by pouring hot mixture slowly on eggs. Return to double boiler and cook just until it thickens. Add flavoring and serve hot or cold with cream.
1-1/2 cups flour 3 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons shortening 1/2 cup milk 4 or 5 apples 1/2 cup sugar 1 teaspoon cinnamon
Sift together flour, baking powder and salt; add shortening and rub in very lightly; add milk slowly to make soft dough and mix. Place on floured board and roll out 1/2-inch thick. Put into shallow greased pan. Wash, pare, core and cut apples into sections; press them into dough, sprinkle with sugar and dust with cinnamon. Bake in moderate oven 30 minutes or until apples are tender and brown. Serve warm with milk or cream.
1 cup flour 2 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons shortening 1/2 cup milk 4 apples 4 tablespoons sugar 2 teaspoons butter
Sift together flour, baking powder and salt; rub shortening in lightly; add just enough milk to make soft dough. Roll out 1/8-inch thick on floured board; divide into four parts; lay on each part an apple which has been washed, pared, cored and sliced; add one teaspoon sugar and 1/2 teaspoon butter to each; wet edges of dough with cold water and fold around apple pressing tightly together. Place in greased pan. Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon and put little butter on each dumpling. Bake 40 minutes in moderate oven. Serve with hard sauce page 25.
Peach dumplings may be made in the same way.
4 medium sized apples 1-1/2 cups sugar 2 cups water
Peel, core and chop apples fine. Cook sugar and water in baking pan over slow fire. While cooking make rich biscuit dough (see strawberry shortcake page 21). Roll out about 1/2 inch thick, spread with apples and roll into a long roll; cut into pieces about 1/2 or 2 inches long; place with cut side down in hot syrup, put small piece of butter on top and sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar. Bake in hot oven until apples are done and crust golden brown. Turn out on platter; add syrup and serve with plain or whipped cream. Peaches or other fruit may be used in place of apples.
whites of 3 eggs 1-1/4 cups granulated sugar 3 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
Beat whites of eggs until stiff and dry; add gradually two-thirds of sugar and continue beating until mixture holds shape; fold in remaining sugar sifted with baking powder; add vanilla. Drop by spoonfuls on unglazed paper and bake in slow oven 30 minutes. Remove any soft part from center of meringues and return to oven to dry out after turning off heat. Use two meringues for each serving and put together with sweetened whipped cream and crushed raspberries or strawberries or ice cream.
1 cup flour 2 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 2 tablespoons sugar 1/4 teaspoon salt 3/4 cup milk 1 egg 4 bananas
Sift flour, baking powder, sugar and salt into bowl; add milk and beaten eggs; mix well. Peel and scrape the bananas; cut in halves, lengthwise, then across. Pour batter into greased shallow pan, place bananas on top and sprinkle with sugar. Bake in moderate oven 15 minutes. Serve hot with jelly sauce.
1 cup water 2 tablespoons jelly 1 tablespoon sugar 1 teaspoon cornstarch
Put water into saucepan; bring to a boil; add jelly and sugar; stir until dissolved; add cornstarch mixed with a little cold water; boil 3 minutes.
1 pint cream 1/4 cup powdered sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Mix ingredients. Have very cold and whip to stiff froth. Line dish with sponge cake or lady fingers; fill with whipped cream and serve cold.
2 eggs 1 cup flour 1-1/2 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 3/4 cup sugar 1/8 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup boiling milk 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
Add beaten egg yolks to stiffly beaten whites and gradually add flour, baking powder, sugar and salt which have been sifted together four times; add hot milk very slowly; add vanilla. Bake in deep layer cake tin in moderate oven about 35 minutes. When cool, split and put between layers the following cream filling. Sprinkle cake with powdered sugar.
1/2 cup sugar 2 tablespoons cornstarch 1/8 teaspoon salt 2 eggs 1 cup scalded milk 1 teaspoon butter 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
Mix sugar, cornstarch, salt and beaten eggs; add gradually scalded milk; add butter; cook in double boiler until thick and smooth, stirring constantly; add flavoring; cool and put between layers of cake.
4 tablespoons cornstarch 3/4 cup sugar 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 quart milk 3 ounces unsweetened chocolate or 9 tablespoons cocoa 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Mix cornstarch, sugar and salt and cocoa if used together with a little of the cold milk. Put remainder of milk on to scald with chocolate which has been cut into small pieces. As soon as chocolate is dissolved, stir in the cornstarch mixture. Cook until thick and smooth—stirring constantly. Set over hot water and cook about twenty minutes longer. Add flavoring; pour into mold which has been wet in cold water. Chill and serve cold with sweetened whipped cream.
1 quart milk 4 eggs 4 tablespoons sugar 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup currant jelly 2 teaspoons vanilla or almond extract
Scald milk; beat egg yolks; stir in sugar and salt; add hot milk gradually, mixing well. Cook slowly until mixture begins to thicken, stirring continually. Cool, flavor and put into dish. Put on top meringue of whites whipped until dry, and into which jelly has been beaten, a teaspoon at a time, or drop meringue by spoonfuls on top of custard and put small pieces of jelly in center of each. Chill and serve.
1 cup berries 3 tablespoons sugar 1 cup flour 2 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon shortening 1/2 cup milk
Pick over and wash berries; put into small saucepan with half cup of water, and bring quickly to boil; add sugar and boil 5 minutes. Sift together flour, baking powder and salt; mix in shortening very lightly; add milk slowly. Take a teaspoonful at a time in floured hands and roll into balls. Place on floured pie tin; bake about 12 minutes in hot oven. While warm break in half; butter each biscuit; put into dish and pour berries over. Serve hot with hard sauce.
3 tablespoons shortening 1 cup sugar 1 egg 3/4 cup milk 1-3/4 cups flour 2 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1/2 cups floured blueberries
Cream shortening; add sugar, beaten egg and milk; sift flour and baking powder and add; stir in blueberries. Bake in shallow greased pan in moderate oven 25 to 30 minutes. Serve hot with or without butter.
4 eggs 1/2 cup powdered sugar 1 cup cooked prunes
Whip egg whites to stiff froth; add sugar slowly, beating continually; add prunes which have been stoned and chopped; whip until very light. Bake in pudding dish in moderate oven about 10 minutes. Serve cold with whipped cream or soft custard made from yolks of eggs (see recipe for Floating Island).
1 cup sugar 1-1/2 cups water 1 tablespoon granulated gelatine 1/4 cup lemon juice
Boil sugar and water two or three minutes; add gelatine which has been soaked in two tablespoons cold water, stirring constantly; add lemon juice. Chill in mold which has been dipped in cold water and serve.
Fruit may be molded in the jelly by chilling part of mixture, adding fruit, then jelly; chilling and so on until mold is filled.
1/4 cup shortening 1 cup sugar 1 egg 1 cup milk 2 cups flour 4 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1/8 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon vanilla or lemon extract 1-1/2 cups chopped figs or dates
Cream shortening; add sugar slowly and beaten egg; add milk; mix well; add flour, baking powder and salt, which have been sifted together; add flavoring and fruit. Pour into greased pudding mold and steam for two hours. Serve with foamy sauce.
1 cup boiling water 1/2 cup shortening 1 cup flour 1/8 teaspoon salt 3 eggs 2 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder
Heat water and shortening in sauce pan until it boils up well; add all at once flour sifted with salt and stir vigorously. Remove from fire as soon as mixed, cool, and mix in unbeaten eggs, one at a time; add baking powder; mix and drop by spoonfuls 1-1/2 inches apart on greased tin shaping into circular form with spoon but keeping mixture higher in center. Bake about 30 minutes in hot oven. Cut with sharp knife near base to admit filling. |