The nest is placed on some large tree, I do not think the bird has any special preference, and is a moderately deep purse or pocket, suspended between some slender fork towards the extremity of one of the higher boughs. From below it looks like a round ball of grass wedged into the fork, and the sitting bird is completely hidden within it; but when in the hand it proves to be a most beautifully woven purse, shallower or deeper as the case may be, hung from the fork of two twigs, made of fine grass and slender strips of some tenacious bark and bound round and round the twigs, and secured to them much as a prawn-net is to its wooden framework. Some nests contain no extraneous matters, but others have all kinds of odds and ends—scraps of newspaper or cloth, shavings, rags, snake-skins, thread, &c.—interwoven in the exterior. The interior is always neatly lined with fine grass-stems.
Very commonly the bird so selects the site for its nest that the leaves of the twigs it uses as a framework form more or less of a shady canopy overhead; in fact, as a rule, it is from very few points of view that even a passing bird of prey can catch sight of the female on her eggs. Possibly the brilliant plumage of the bird (which has endowed it amongst the natives with the name of Peeluk, or "The Yellow One") may have had something to do with the concealment it so generally affects.
The nests vary a good deal in size. I have seen one with an internal cavity 31/2 inches in diameter and over 21/2 deep. I have seen others scarcely over 21/2 inches in diameter and not 2 in depth, which you could have put bodily, twigs and all, inside the former. As a rule, the purse is strong and compact, the material closely matted and firmly bound together; but I have seen very flimsy structures, through which it was quite possible to see the eggs.
Four is the greatest number of eggs I have ever found in one nest, but it is quite common to find only three well-incubated ones.
Colonel C.H.T. Marshall reports having found several nests of this species about Murree at low elevations.
Mr. W. Blewitt tells me that he obtained two nests near Hansie on the 1st and 14th July respectively. The nests (which he kindly sent) were of the usual type, and were placed, the one on an acacia, the other on a loquat tree, at heights of 10 and 12 feet from the ground. Each contained three eggs, the one clutch much incubated, the other perfectly fresh.
Dr. Scully writes:—"The Indian Oriole is a seasonal visitant to the valley of Nepal, arriving about the 1st of April and departing in August. It frequents some of the central woods, gardens, and groves, and breeds in May and June."
Colonel J. Biddulph remarks regarding the nidification of this Oriole in Gilgit:—"A summer visitant and common. Appears about the 1st of May. Nest with three eggs hard-set, taken 8th of June; several other nests taken later on."
Writing from near Rohtuk, Mr. F.R. Blewitt says:—"The breeding-season is from the middle of May to July. The nest is made on large trees, and always suspended between the fork of a branch. I have certainly obtained more nests from the tamarind than any other kind of tree.
"The nest is cup-shaped, light, neat, and compact. The average outer diameter is 4.8 inches; the inner or cup-cavity about 3.6. Hemp-like fibre is almost exclusively used in the exterior structure of the nest, and by this it is firmly secured to the two limbs of the fork. Cleverly indeed is this work performed, the hemp being well wrapped round the stems and then brought again into the outer framework. Occasionally bits of cloth, thread pieces, vegetable fibres, &c. are introduced. On one occasion I got a nest with a cast-off snake-skin neatly worked into the outer material.
"The lining of the egg-cavity is simply fine grass, if we except the occasional capricious addition of a feather or two, an odd piece of cotton or rag, &c. Three appears to be the regular number of eggs. This bird is to be found in small numbers all over the country here; its habits are well described by Jerdon. It is, as I have observed, hard to please in its choice of a nest site. I have watched it for days going backwards and forwards, from tree to tree and from fork to fork, before it made up its mind where to commence work."
Capt. Hutton records that "this is a common bird in the Dhoon, and arrives at Jerripanee, elevation 4500 feet, in the summer months to breed. Its beautiful cradle-like nest was taken in the Dhoon on the 29th of May, at which time it contained three pure white eggs, sparingly sprinkled over with variously sized spots of deep purplish-brown, giving the egg the appearance of having been splashed with dark mud. The spots are chiefly at the larger end, but there is no indication of a ring. The nest is a slight, somewhat cup-shaped cradle, rather longer than wide, and is so placed, between the fork of a thin branch, as to be suspended between the limbs by having the materials of the two sides bound round them. It is composed of fine dry grasses, both blade and stalk, intermixed with silky and cottony seed-down, especially at that part where the materials are wound round the two supporting twigs; and in the specimen before me there are several small silky cocoons of a diminutive Bombyx attached to the outside, the silk of which has been interwoven with the fibres of the external nest. It is so slightly constructed as to be seen through, and it appears quite surprising that so large a bird, to say nothing of the weight of the three or four young ones, does not entirely destroy it."
From Futtehgurh, the late Mr. A. Anderson remarked:—"The nest and eggs of this bird so closely resemble those of its European congener (O. galbula) that little or no description is necessary. The Mango-bird lays throughout the rains, July being the principal month. One very beautifully constructed nest was taken by me on the 9th July, 1872, containing four eggs, which, according to my experience, is in excess of the number usually laid. I have frequently taken only a pair of well-incubated eggs.
"Two of the four eggs above alluded to were quite fresh, while the other two were tolerably well incubated. The nest is fitted outwardly with tow, which I have never before seen. One of the pieces of cloth used in the construction of this nest was 6 inches long."
"At Lucknow," writes Mr. R.M. Adam, "I found this species on the 20th May building a nest in a neem-tree, and on the 24th I took two eggs from the nest. On the 10th June I saw another pair, only making love, so they probably did not lay till the end of that month."
Dr. Jerdon notes that he "procured a nest at Saugor from a high branch of a banian tree in cantonments. It was situated between the forks of a branch, made of fine roots and grass, with some hair and a feather or two internally, and suspended by a long roll of cloth about three quarters of an inch wide, which it must have pilfered from a neighbouring verandah where a tailor worked. This strip was wound round each limb of the fork, then passed round the nest beneath, fixed to the other limb, and again brought round the nest to the opposite side; there were four or five of these supports on either side. It was indeed a most curious nest, and so securely fixed that it could not have been removed till the supporting bands had been cut or rotted away. The eggs were white, with a few dark claret-coloured spots."
Major Wardlaw Ramsay says, writing from Afghanistan:—"At Shalofyan, in the Kurrum valley, in June, I found them in great numbers: some were breeding; but as I saw quite young birds, it is probable that the nesting-season was nearly over."
Colonel Butler contributes the following note:—"The Indian Oriole breeds in the neighbourhood of Deesa in the months of May, June, and July. I took nests on the following dates:—
"24th May, 1876. A nest containing 1 fresh egg. 29th " " " " 3 fresh eggs. 12th June " " " 2 much incubated eggs. 12th " " " " 3 fresh eggs. 13th " " " " 2 " 19th " " " " 3 " 29th " " " " 2 " 29th " " " " 2 " 29th " " " " 3 " 3rd July " " " 2 " 6th " " " " 3 " 30th " " " " 2 "
"The nest found on the 24th May was suspended from a small fork of a neem-tree about ten feet from the ground, and was very neatly built of dry grass (fine interiorly, coarse exteriorly), old rags, and cotton (woven, not raw). The rim was firmly bound to the branches of the fork with rags and coarse blades of dry grass. It is an easy nest to find when the birds are building, as both birds are always together and keep constantly flying to and from the nest with materials for building. The cock, as before mentioned, always accompanies the hen to and from the nest whilst she is building; but I do not think he assists in its construction, as I never saw him carrying any of the materials, neither have I ever seen him on the nest. On the contrary, whilst the hen is at the nest building he is generally waiting for her, either on the same tree or else on another close by, occasionally uttering his well-known rich mellow note. On the 29th May I sent a boy up a tree to examine a nest. The hen bird had been sitting for a week, and was on the nest when the boy ascended the tree. The cock bird flew past, and being a brilliant specimen I shot him, thinking of course that the nest contained a full complement of eggs. To my astonishment, however, though the hen bird sat very close, there were no eggs in the nest, and although she returned to it once or twice afterwards, she eventually forsook it without laying. Possibly she may have laid, and that the eggs were destroyed by Crows. In addition to the materials already mentioned, this nest was also composed of tow, string, and strips of paper, all neatly woven into the exterior, and many of the other nests mentioned were exactly similar; sometimes I have found pieces of snake-skin woven into the exterior.
"On the 9th of July I observed a pair of Orioles building on a neem-tree in one of the compounds in Deesa. When the nest was nearly finished a gale of wind rose one night and scattered it all over the bough it was fixed to. The birds at once commenced to remove it, and in a couple of days carried off: every particle of it to another tree about 100 yards off, upon which they built a new nest of the materials they had removed from the other tree. I ascended the tree on the 17th of July, and found it contained three fresh eggs.
"The eggs are pure white, sparingly spotted with moderately-sized blackish-looking spots, if washed the spots run. They vary a good deal in shape and size, some being very perfect ovals, others greatly elongated, &c."
Major C.T. Bingham writes:—"The Indian Oriole builds at Allahabad and at Delhi from the beginning of April to the end of July. In the cold weather this bird seems to migrate more or less, as but few are seen and none heard during that season. The nests are built generally at the top of mango-trees and well concealed; they are constructed of fine grass, beautifully soft, mixed with strips of plaintain-bark, with which, or with strips of cotton cloth purloined from somewhere, the nest is usually bound to a fork in the branch. The egg-cavity is pretty deep, that is to say from 11/2 to 3 inches."
Mr. George Reid records the following note from Lucknow:—"The Mango-bird, or Indian Oriole, though a permanent resident, is never so abundant during the cold weather as it is during the hot and rainy seasons from about the time the mango-trees begin to bloom to the end of September. It frequents gardens, avenues, mango-topes, and is frequently seen in open country, taking long flights between trees, principally the banian and other Fici, upon the berries and buds of which it feeds. I have the following record of its nests:—
"June 16th. Nest and no eggs (building). July 2nd. 2 eggs (fresh). July 2nd. 1 egg (fresh). July 5th. 3 eggs (fresh). July 25th. 3 young (just hatched). August 5th. 2 young (fledged)."
Messrs. Davidson and Wenden, writing of this bird in the Deccan, say:—"Common, and breeds in June and July."
Colonel A.C. McMaster informs us that he "found several nests of this bird at Kamptee during June and July; they corresponded exactly with Jerdon's admirable description. Has any writer mentioned that this bird has a faint, but very sweet and plaintive song, which he continues for a considerable time? I have only heard it when a family, old and young, were together, i.e. at the close of the breeding-season."
Lieut. H.E. Barnes, writing of Rajpootana in general, tells us that this Oriole breeds during July and August.
Mr. C.J.W. Taylor, speaking of Manzeerabad in Mysore, says:—"Abundant in the plains. Rare in the higher portions of the district. Breeding in June and July."
The eggs are typically a moderately elongated oval, tapering a good deal towards one end, but they vary much in shape as well as size. Some are pyriform, and some very long and cylindrical, quite the shape of the egg of a Cormorant or Solan Goose, or that of a Diver. They are always of a pure excessively glossy china-white, which, when they are fresh and unblown, appears suffused with a delicate salmon-pink, caused by the partial translucency of the shell. Well-defined spots and specks, typically black, are more or less thinly sprinkled over the surface of the egg, chiefly at the large end. Normally, as I said, the spots are black and sharply defined, and there are neither blotches nor splashes, but numerous variations occur. Sometimes, as in an egg sent me by Mr. Nunn, all the spots are pale yellowish brown. Sometimes, as in an egg I took at Bareilly, a few spots of this colour are mingled with the black ones. Deep reddish brown often takes the place of the typical black, and the spots are not very unfrequently surrounded by a more or less extensive brownish-pink nimbus, which in one egg I have is so extensive that the ground-colour of the whole of the large end appears to be a delicate pink. Occasionally several of the clear-cut spots appear to run together and form a coarse irregular blotch, and one egg I possess exhibits on one side a large splash. The eggs as a body, as might have been expected, closely resemble those of the Golden Oriole, to which the bird itself is so nearly related; and as observed by Professor Newton in regard to the eggs of that species, so in my large series, the prevalence of greatly elongated examples is remarkable.
The eggs vary in length from 1.03 to 1.32, and from 0.75 to 0.87 in breadth; but the average of fifty eggs measured was 1.11 by 0.81.
521. Oriolus melanocephalus(Linn.). The Indian Black-headed Oriole.
Oriolus melanocephalus, Linn., Jerd. B. Ind. ii, p. 110; Hume, Rough Draft N. & E no. 472. Oriolus ceylonensis, Bonap., Jerd. B. Ind. ii, p. 111.
I have already noticed ('Stray Feathers,' vol. i, p. 439) how impossible it is to draw any hard-and-fast line, in practice, between this the so-called "Bengal Black-headed Oriole" and the supposed distinct southern species, O. ceylonensis, Bp.
The present species certainly breeds in suitable (i.e. well-wooded and not too bare or arid) localities throughout Northern and Central India, Assam, and Burma, and I have specimens from Mahableshwar, from the Nilgiris, and even Anjango, that are nearer to typical O. melanocephalus than to typical O. ceylonensis. Of its nidification southwards I know nothing. I have only myself taken its eggs in the neighbourhood of Calcutta.
It appears to lay from April to the end of August. The nest of this species, though perhaps slightly deeper, is very much like that of O. kundoo; it is a deep cup, carefully suspended between two twigs, and is composed chiefly of tow-like vegetable fibres, thin slips of bark and the like, and is internally lined with very fine tamarisk twigs or fine grass, and is externally generally more or less covered over with odds and ends, bits of lichen, thin flakes of bark, &c. It is slightly smaller than the average run of the nests of O. kundoo. The egg-cavity measures about 3 inches in diameter and nearly 2 inches in depth. I myself have never found more than three eggs, but I daresay that, like O. kundoo, it may not unfrequently lay four.
The late Captain Beavan writes:—"A nest with three eggs, brought to me in Manbhoom on 5th April, 1865, is cup-shaped; interior diameter 3.5, depth inside 2 inches. It is composed outside of woolly fibres, flax, and bits of dried leaves, and inside of bents and small dried twigs, the whole compact and neat. The eggs are of a light pink ground (almost flesh-coloured), with a few scattered spots of brownish pink, darker and more numerous at the blunt end. They measure 1.125 by barely 0.8."
From Raipoor, Mr. F.R. Blewitt remarks:—"Oriolus melanocephalus indiscriminately selects the mango, mowah, or any other kind of large tree for its nest, which is invariably firmly attached to the extreme terminal twigs of an upper horizontal branch, varying from 20 to 35 feet from the ground. Owing to the position it selects for the safety of its nest, it sometimes happens that the latter cannot be secured without the destruction of the eggs. It nidificates in June and July, and it would appear that both the birds, male and female, engage in the construction of the nest. Three is the normal number of the eggs, though on one occasion my shikaree found four in a nest."
Buchanan Hamilton tells us that this species "frequents the groves and gardens of Bengal during the whole year, and builds a very rude nest of bamboo-leaves and the fibres that invest the top of the cocoanut or other palms. In March I found a nest with the young unfledged."
I confess that I believe this to be a mistake: neither season nor nest correspond with what I have myself seen about Calcutta. The nests, so far from being rude, are very neat.
Mr. J.R. Cripps writes from Furreedpore in Eastern Bengal:—"Very common, and a permanent resident. On the 20th April I found a nest containing two half-fledged young ones; in the garden was a clump of mango-trees, and attached to one of the outer twigs, but overhung by a lot of leaves, and about 12 feet from the ground, hung the nest, of the usual type."
Mr. J. Davidson met with this Oriole on the Kondabhari Ghat in Khandeish. On the 16th August he saw a brood, while on an adjoining tree there was a nest with two slightly-set eggs. He says:—"It was a very deep cup on the end of a thin branch, and though in cutting the branch to get at the nest, it got turned at right angles to its proper position, the eggs were uninjured. I do not think this nest belonged to the same pair as that which had young ones flying.
"These Orioles are very common here, and I found three nests: one was new and empty; from another the birds had just flown; while the remaining one contained one fresh egg. The bird would no doubt have laid more; but to get at the nest I had to cut the branch off, and it was only then I discovered that only one egg had been laid."
Major C.T. Bingham says:—"Plentiful at Allahabad across the Ganges, notwithstanding which I only found one nest, and that I have no note about, but I remember it was some time in June, and contained four half-fledged young ones; the materials of the nest were the same as those used by O. kundoo."
Writing of his experience in Tenasserim he adds:—"On the 5th March I found a nest of this bird in a small tree near the village of Hpamee. It, however, contained three unfledged young, so I left it alone.
"On the 21st April I found a second nest suspended from the tip of a bamboo that overhung the path from Shwaobah village to Hpamee. This contained two awfully hard-set eggs, white, with a few dark purple blotches and spots at the larger ends. Nest made of grass and dry bamboo-leaves, lined with the dry midribs of leaves, and firmly bound on to the fork of the bamboo with a strip of some bark."
Mr. Oates writes from Pegu:—"My nests of this Oriole have been found in March, April, and May, but I have no doubt they also breed in June. No details appear necessary."
Typically the eggs are somewhat elongated ovals, only slightly compressed towards one end, but pyriform as well as more pointed varieties may be met with. The shell is very fine and moderately glossy. The ground-colour varies from a creamy or pinky white to a decided but very pale salmon-colour. They are sparingly spotted and streaked with dark brown and pale inky purple. In most eggs the markings are more numerous towards the large end. Some have no markings elsewhere. The dark spots, especially towards the large end, are not unfrequently more or less enveloped in a reddish-pink nimbus. Though much larger and much more glossy, some of the eggs, so far as shape, colour, and markings go, exactly resemble some of the eggs of Dicrurus ater. The eggs of O. kundoo are typically excessively glossy china-white, with few well-defined black spots. The eggs of O. melanocephalus are typically somewhat less glossy, with a pinky ground and more numerous and less defined brownish-purple spots and streaks. I have not yet seen one egg of either species that could be mistaken for one of the other, although of course abnormal varieties of each approach each other more closely than do the typical forms.
The dozen eggs that I possess of this species vary from 1.1 to 1.2 in length, and from 0.78 to 0.87 in breadth, and the average is 1.14 by 0.82. Although the average is somewhat larger than that of the preceding species, and although none of the eggs are quite as small as many of those of O. kundoo, still none are nearly so large as the finest specimens of the latter's egg. Probably had I an equally large series of the eggs of the present species, we should find that as regards size there was no perceptible difference between the two.
522. Oriolus traillii (Vigors). The Maroon Oriole.
Oriolus traillii (Vig.), Jerd. B. Ind. ii, p. 112; Hume, cat. no. 474.
From Sikhim Mr. Gammie writes:—"I took a nest of this Oriole on the 24th April, at an elevation of about 2500 feet. It was suspended, within ten feet of the ground, from an outer fork of a branch of a small leafy tree, which grew in a patch of low dense jangle. It is a neat cup, composed of fibrous bark and strips of the outer part of dry grass-stems, intermixed with skeletonized leaves and green moss, and lined with fine grass. Besides being firmly bound by the rim of the cup to the horizontal forking branches by fibrous barks, several strings extended from one branch to the other, both under and in front of the nest, while other strings from the body of the nest were fastened to an upright twig that rose immediately behind the fork, thus most securely retaining it in its position.
"Externally the nest measured 5 inches wide by 2.75 in height; internally 3.25 wide by 2 deep. It contained three fresh eggs.
"The female came quite close, making loud complaints against the robbing of her nest."
The nest is that of a typical Oriole, usually very firmly and substantially built, and of course always suspended at a fork between two twigs. A nest taken by Mr. Gammie in Sikhim on the 20th April, at an elevation of about 2500 feet, is a deep substantial cup, nearly 4 inches in diameter and 21/2 in depth internally. It is everywhere nearly an inch in thickness. The suspensory portion composed of vegetable fibres; towards the exterior dead leaves, bamboo-sheaths, green moss, and tendrils of creeping plants are profusely intermingled; interiorly, it is closely and regularly lined with very fine grass.
A nest sent me by Mr. Mandelli was found on the 3rd April at Namtchu, and contained three fresh eggs. It is precisely similar to the one above described, except that in the lining roots are mingled with the fine grass, and that instead of being suspended in a fork, it was partly wedged into and partly rested on a fork.
As a rule, however, as I know from other nests subsequently obtained, the nests are always suspended like those of the Common Oriole.
Two eggs of this species obtained by Mr. Gammie closely resemble those of O. melanocephalus. In shape they are regular moderately elongated ovals; the shell is strong, firm, and moderately glossy. The ground is white with a creamy or brownish-pink tinge; the markings are blackish-brown spots and specks, almost confined to a zone about the large end, where they are all more or less enveloped in a brownish-red haze or nimbus. In length they measure 1.12 by 0.82, and 1.14 by 0.83.
523. Eulabes religiosa (Linn.). Jerd. B. Southern Grackle.
Eulabes religiosa (Linn.), Jerd. B. Ind. ii, p. 337; Hume, Rough Draft N. & E. no. 692.
The Southern Grackle breeds in Southern India and Ceylon from March to October.
Mr. Frank Bourdillon, writing from Travancore, gives me the following account of the eggs. He says:—"This bird, an abundant resident, lays a blue egg pretty evenly marked with brown spots, some light and some darkish, in a nest of straw and feathers in a hole of a tree generally a considerable height from the ground.
"I have only taken one nest, which contained a single egg slightly set, on 23rd March, 1873, the egg measuring 1.37 long and 0.87 broad."
Later Mr. Bourdillon says:—"Since writing the foregoing I took on 21st April two fresh eggs from the nest of a Southern Hill-Mynah (Eulabes religiosa). The nest was of grass, feathers, and odds and ends in a hole in a nanga (Mesua coromandeliana) stump, about 25 feet from the ground. The eggs of this Mynah are blue, with purplish and more decided brown spots.
"I am positive as to the identity of the egg. Both the eggs taken last year and the two taken the other day were obtained under my personal supervision. In both instances I watched the birds building, and when we robbed the nests saw the female fly off them."
These two eggs sent me by Mr. Bourdillon are very beautiful. In shape they are very gracefully elongated ovals; the shell is very fine and smooth, but has only a rather faint gloss. The ground-colour is a delicate pale sea-green or greenish blue, and the eggs are more or less profusely spotted or splashed with purplish, or, in some spots, chocolate-brown and a very pale purple, which looks more like the stain that might be supposed to be left by one of the more decided coloured markings that had been partially washed out than anything else.
The eggs measure 1.37 by 0.9 and 1.35 by 0.87.
Mr. J. Darling, junior, writes:—"The Southern Grackle breeds in the S. Wynaad rather plentifully, and I have had numbers of tame ones brought up from the nest, but have never succeeded in getting a perfect egg owing to my having found all the nests in very hard places to get at.
"I cut down a tree containing a nest and broke all the eggs, which must have been very pretty—blue ground, very regularly marked with purplish-brown spots. The nest was composed of sticks, twigs, feathers, and some snake-skin. I have found them in March, April, September, and October. I hope this year to get a number of eggs, as Culputty is a very good place for them."
Mr. C J.W. Taylor notes from Manzeerabad in Mysore:—
"Common up in the wooded portions of the district. Breeding in April and May."
Mr. T. Fulton Bourdillon, speaking of this Grackle in Travancore, says:—"This bird lays one or two light blue eggs beautifully blotched with purple in the holes of trees. It does not like heavy jungle, but after a clearing has been felled and burnt it is sure to appear. During the fine weather it is very abundant on the hills, descending to the low country at the foot when the rains have fairly set in. The nest scarcely deserves the name, being only a few dead leaves or some powdered wood at the bottom of the hole, and there about the end of March the egg or eggs are laid. The young birds, which can be taught to speak and become very tame, are often taken by the natives, as they can sell them in the low country. I have obtained on the following dates eggs and young birds:—
"March 29th. One egg slightly set. April 20th. Two young birds. April 22nd. " " April 25th. Two eggs slightly set. May 2nd. One young bird.
"I also had three eggs, slightly set, brought me on May 21. They are rather smaller and a deeper blue than the ones obtained before, being 1.25 x 1, 1.19 x .95, 1.21 x .97 inch. They were all out of the same nest, so that the bird sometimes lays three eggs, though the usual number is two."
Colonel Legge writes in the 'Birds of Ceylon':—"The Black Myna was breeding in the Pasdun Korale on the occasion of a visit I made to that part in August, but I did not procure its eggs."
Other eggs subsequently sent me by Mr. Bourdillon from Mynall, in Southern Travancore, taken on the 9th and 13th April, 1875, are precisely similar to those already described. The eggs that I have measured have only varied from 1.22 to 1.37 in length, and from 0.86 to 0.9 in width.
524. Eulabes intermedia[A] (A. Hay). The Indian Grackle.
[Footnote A: Mr. Hume does not recognize E. javanensis and E. intermedia as distinct. The following account refers to the nidification of the latter, except perhaps Major Bingham's later note, in which he states that he procured two distinct sizes of eggs in the Meplay valley (Thoungyeen). It is very probable that Major Bingham found the nests of both species on this occasion. I have seen no specimen of E. javanensis from the Thoungyeen valley, but at Malewun, further south, it occurs along with E. intermedia.—ED.]
Eulabes intermedia (A. Hay), Jerd. B. Ind. ii, p. 339. Eulabes javanensis (Osbeck), Hume, Rough Draft N. & E. no. 693.
The Indian Grackle, under which name I include E. andamanensis, Tytler, breeds, I know, in the Nepal Terai and in the Kumaon Bhabur; and many are the young birds that I have seen extracted by the natives out of holes, high up in large trees, in the old anti-mutiny days when we used to go tiger-shooting in these grand jungles. I never saw the eggs however, which, I think, must have all been hatched off in May, when we used to be out.
"In the Andamans," writes Davison, "they breed in April and May, building a nest of grass, dried leaves, &c. in holes of trees." He also, however, never took the eggs.
Mr. J.R. Cripps tells us that this species is "common during March to October in Dibrugarh, after which it retires to the hills which border the east and south of the district. About the tea-gardens of Dibrugarh there are always a number of dead trees standing, and in these the Grackles nest, choosing those that are rotten, in which they excavate a hole. I have seen numbers of nests, but as these were so high up and the tree so long dead and rotten, no native would risk going up."
Mr. J. Inglis notes from Cachar:—"This Hill-Mynah is common in the hilly district. It breeds in the holes of trees during April, May, and June."
Major C.T. Bingham writes from Tenasserim:—"I saw several nest-holes of this bird, which was very common in the Reserve, but none of them were accessible; and it wasn't till the 18th April that I chanced on one in a low tree, the nest being in the hollow of a stump of a broken branch. It was composed and loosely put together of grass, leaves, and twigs, and contained three half-fledged young and one addled egg of a light blue colour, spotted, chiefly at the large end with purplish brown."
The eggs very similar to those of E. religiosa, but, what is very surprising, it is very considerably smaller.
Of E. religiosa the eggs vary from 1.2 to 1.37 in length, and from 0.86 to 0.9 in breadth, and the average of eight is 1.31 by 0.88.
This present egg only measures 1.12 by 0.8, and it must, I should fancy, be abnormally small.
In shape it is an extremely regular oval. The ground is a pale greenish blue, and it is spotted and blotched pretty thickly at the large end (where all the larger markings are) and very thinly at the smaller end with purple and two shades (a darker and lighter one) of chocolate-brown, the latter colour much predominating. The shell is very fine and close, but has but little gloss.
And later on Major Bingham again wrote:—"One of the commonest and most widely spread birds in the province. The following is an account of its nidification:—
"This bird lays two distinct sizes of eggs, all, however, of the same type and coloration. Out of holes in neighbouring trees, on the bank of the Meplay, on the 13th March, 1880, I took two nests, one containing three, and the other two eggs. The first lot of eggs measured respectively 1.15 x 0.77, 1.15 x 0.80, and 1.16 x 0.79 inch; while those in the second nest 1.30 x 0.95, and 1.27 x 0.93 inch respectively. All the eggs, however, are a pale blue, spotted chiefly at the larger end with light chocolate. The nests were in natural hollows in the trees, and lined with grass and leaves loosely put together."
The eggs apparently vary extraordinarily in size; they are generally more or less elongated ovals, some slightly pyriform and slightly obtuse at both ends, some rather pointed towards the small end. The shell in all is very fine and compact and smooth, but some have scarcely any appreciable gloss, while others have a really fine gloss. The ground-colour is pretty uniform in all, a delicate pale greenish blue. The markings are always chiefly confined to one end, usually the broad end; even about the large end they are never very dense, and elsewhere they are commonly very sparse or almost or altogether wanting. In some eggs the markings are pretty large irregular blotches mingled with small spots and specks, but in many eggs again the largest spot does not exceed one twelfth of an inch in diameter. In colour these markings are normally a chocolate, often with more or less of a brown tinge, in some of the small spots so thickly laid on as to be almost black, in many of the larger blotches becoming only a pale reddish purple, or here and there a pale purplish grey. In some eggs all the markings are pale and washed out, in others all are sharply defined and intense in colour. Occasionally some of the smaller spots become almost a yellowish brown.
526. Eulabes ptilogenys (Blyth). The Ceylon Grackle.
Eulabes ptilogenys (Bl.), Hume, cat. no. 693 bis.
Colonel Legge writes in his 'Birds of Ceylon':—"This species breeds in June, July, and August, laying its eggs in a hole of a tree, or in one which has been previously excavated by the Yellow-fronted Barbet or Red Woodpecker. It often nests in the sugar- or kitool-palm, and in one of these trees in the Peak forest I took its eggs in the month of August. There was an absence of all nest or lining at the bottom of the hole, the eggs, which were two in number, being deposited on the bare wood. The female was sitting at the time, and was being brought fruit and berries by the male bird. While the eggs were being taken the birds flew round repeatedly, and settled on an adjacent tree, keeping up a loud whistling. The eggs are obtuse-ended ovals, of a pale greenish-blue ground-colour (one being much paler than the other), sparingly spotted with large and small spots of lilac-grey, and blotched over this with a few neutral-brown and sepia blots. They measure from 1.3 to 1.32 inch in length by 0.96 to 0.99 in breadth."
527. Calornis chalybeius (Horsf.). The Glossy Calornis.
Calornis chalybaeus[A] (Horsf.), Hume, cat. no. 690 bis.
[Footnote A: Mr. Hume considers the Andaman Calornis distinct from the Calornis inhabiting Cachar, Tenasserim, &c. I have united them in the 'Birds of India.'—Ed.]
Of the Glossy Calornis Mr. Davison remarks that "it is a permanent resident at the Nicobars, breeding in holes in trees and in the decayed stumps of old cocoanut-palms, apparently from December to March. At the Andamans it is much less numerous, and is only met with in pairs or in small parties, frequenting the same situations as it does in the Nicobars."
Mr. J. Inglis writes from Cachar:—"This Tree-Stare is rather rare. It breeds about April in the holes of dead trees; when the young are able to fly it departs. It again returns about the middle of February."
In Tenasserim this species was observed nesting by Mr. J. Darling, junior, who says:—"22nd March. Noticed several pairs of Calornis, with nests, in the big wooden bridge over the Kyouk-tyne Creek about 11/2 mile out of Tavoy, and also a great number of their nests in the old wooden posts of an old bridge further down the Creek."
Mr. W. Davison, when in the Malay peninsula, took the eggs of this bird. He remarks:—"I found a few pairs frequenting some areca-palms at Laugat, and breeding in them, but only one nest contained eggs, three in number. The nest was a loose structure almost globular, but open at the top, composed externally of very coarse dry grass (lallung or elephant-grass), and lined with green durian leaves cut into small bits. The nest was too lightly put together to preserve. This nest and several other empty ones were placed at the base of the leaves where they meet the trunk.
"The three eggs obtained were slightly set, so that three is probably the normal number laid.
"I noticed several other pairs breeding at the same time in holes of a huge dead tree on Jugra Hill at Laugat, but I was unable to get at the nests."
The eggs are quite of the Eulabes type, moderately broad ovals, more or less compressed towards the small end, occasionally pyriform. The shell firm and strong, though fine, smooth to the touch in some cases, with but little, but generally with a fair amount of gloss. The ground is a very pale greenish blue. A number of fairly large spots and blotches, intermingled with smaller specks and spots, are scattered about the large end, often forming an imperfect irregular zone, and a few similar specks and spots are scattered thinly about the central portion of the egg, occasionally extending to the small end. The colour of these spots varies; they are generally a brownish-reddish purple and a paler greyer purple, but in some eggs the spots are so thick in colour that they seem almost black. In some they are almost purely reddish brown without any purplish tinge, and some again, lying deep in the shell, are pale grey.
Six eggs measure from 0.92 to 1.1 in length, and from 0.71 to 0.76 in breadth, but the average of six eggs is 1 by 0.74.
528. Pastor roseus (Linn.). The Rose-coloured Starling.
Pastor roseus (Linn.), Jerd. B. Ind. ii, p. 333; Hume, cat. no. 690.
The Rose-coloured Starling has not yet been discovered breeding in India, but Mr. Doig has written the following note on the subject, which is one of great interest. He writes from the Eastern Narra, in Sind:—
"Though I have not as yet discovered the breeding-place of this bird, I think it as well to put on record what little I have noticed, in the hope that it may be of assistance in eventually finding out where it goes to breed. I began watching the birds in the middle of April, and every week shot one or two and dissected them, but did not perceive any decisive signs of their breeding until the 10th May, when I shot two males, both of which showed signs of being about to breed at an early date. Again, on the 15th May, out of seven that I shot in a flock, six were males with the generative organs fully developed; the seventh was a young female in immature plumage, the ovaries being quite undeveloped. The birds were feeding in the bed of a dried-up swamp, along with flocks of Sturnus minor, and were constantly flying in flocks, backwards and forwards, in one direction. Unfortunately, important work called me to another part of the district, and when I returned in a fortnight's time I could not see one. Where can they have gone? And they remain away such a short time! I have seen the old birds return as early as the 7th July, accompanied by young birds barely fledged, and I should not be at all surprised if these birds are found to breed in some of the Native States on the east of Sind. That they could find time to migrate to the Caspian Sea and Central Asia to breed, and return again by the middle of July, I cannot believe, especially after having found them so thoroughly in breeding-time, while still in the east of Sind. Another suspicious circumstance is the absence of females in the flocks I met with. Perhaps some of my readers may have an opportunity of finding out whether Pastor roseus occurs in the districts lying to the east of Sind in the month of June, as there is no doubt that the breeding-time lies between the 20th May and the commencement of July."
529. Sturnus humii, Brooks. The Himalayan Starling.
Sturnus unicolor, Marm., apud Jerd. B. Ind. ii, p. 322. Sturnus nitens, Hume; Hume, Rough Draft N. & E. no. 682.
The Himalayan Starling breeds in Candahar, Cashmere, and the extreme north-west of the Punjab. It is the bird which Dr. Jerdon includes in his work as S. unicolor (a very different bird, which does not occur within our limits), and which Mr. Theobald referred to as breeding in Cashmere as Sturnus vulgaris, which bird does not, as far as I can learn, occur in the Valley of Cashmere, though it may in Yarkand.
This Starling lays towards the end of April at Peshawur, where I found it nesting in holes in willow-trees in the cantonment compounds. In Candahar it lays somewhat earlier, and in the Valley of Cashmere somewhat later, viz. in the month of May.
It builds in holes of trees, in river-banks, and in old buildings and bridges, constructing a loose nest of grass and grass-roots, with sometimes a few thin sticks; it is perhaps more of a lining to the hole than a true nest. It lays five or six eggs.
Mr. Brooks says:—"It is like S. unicolor, but smaller, with shorter wing and more beautiful reflections. It is excessively abundant in Cashmere, at moderate elevations, and in the Valley, and breeds in holes of trees and in river-banks. The eggs are like those of S. vulgaris, but rather smaller. The latter bird[A] occurs plentifully in the plains of India in the cold weather, and is as profusely spotted as English specimens. The bills vary in length, and are not longer, as a rule, than those of British birds. I did not meet with S. vulgaris in Cashmere. It appears to migrate more to the west, for it is said to be common in Afghanistan. S. nitens also occurs in the plains in the cold season. I have Etawah specimens. They are at that time slightly spotted, but can always be very easily distinguished from S. vulgaris."
[Footnote A: Mr. Brooks here refers to S. menzbieri.—ED.]
Mr. W. Theobald makes the following remark on its nidification in the Valley of Cashmere:—"Lays in the second and third weeks of May; eggs ovato-pyriform; size 1.15 by 0.85; colour, pale clear bluish green; valley generally, in holes of bridges, tall trees, &c., in company with Corvus monedula."
Captain Hutton records that "S. vulgaris remains only during the coldest months, and departs as spring approaches: whereas the present species builds in the spring at Candahar, laying seven or eight blue eggs, and the young are fledged about the first week in May."
The eggs of this species are generally somewhat elongated ovals, a good deal compressed towards one end, and not uncommonly more or less pyriform. They are glossy, but in a good light have the surface a good deal pitted. They are entirely devoid of markings, and seem to have the ground one uniform very pale sea-greenish blue. They appear to vary very little in colour, and to average generally a good deal smaller than those of the Common Starling.
They vary in length from 1.02 to 1.19, and in breadth from 0.78 to 0.87; but the average of twenty eggs is 1.13 by 0.83.[A]
[Footnote A: STURNUS PORPHYRONOTUS, Sharpe. The Central-Asian Starling.
This species breeds in Kashgharia, and visits India in winter. Dr. Scully writes:—"This Starling breeds in May and June, making its nest in the holes of trees and walls, and in gourds and pots placed near houses by the Yarkandis for the purpose. It seems to make only a simple lining for its hole, composed of grass and fibres. The eggs vary in shape from a broadish oval to an elongated oval compressed at one end; they are glossy and, in a strong light, the surface looks pitted. The eggs are quite spotless, but the colour seems also to vary a good deal—from a deep greenish blue to a very pale light sea-blue. In size they vary from 1.1 to 1.22 in length, and from 0.80 to 0.86 in breadth; but the average of nine eggs is 1.19 by 0.83."]
531. Sturnus minor, Hume. The Small Indian Starling.
Sturnus minor, Hume; Hume, cat. no. 681 bis.
Mr. Scrope Doig furnishes us with the following interesting note on the breeding of S. minor in Sindh:—
"Last year I mentioned to my friend, Captain Butler, that I had noticed Starlings going in and out of holes in trees along the 'Narra' in the month of March, and that I thought they must be breeding there; he said that I must be mistaken, as S. vulgaris never bred so far south. As it happens we were both correct—he in saying S. vulgaris did not breed here, and I in saying that Starlings did. My Starling turns out to be the species originally described from Sindh as Sturnus minor by Mr. Hume; and as I have now sent Mr. Hume a series of skins and eggs, I trust he will give us a note on the subject of our Indian Starlings. In February I shot one of these birds, and on dissection found that they were beginning to breed; later on, early in March, I again dissected one and found that there was no doubt on the subject, and so began to look for their nests; these I found in holes in kundy trees growing along the banks of the Narra, and also situated in the middle of swamps. The eggs were laid on a pad of feathers of Platalea leucorodia and Tantalus leucocephalus, which were breeding on the same trees, the young birds being nearly fledged; the greatest number of eggs in any one nest was five. The first date on which I took eggs was the 13th March, and the last was on the 15th May.
"The eggs are oval, broad at one end and elongated at the other; the texture is rather waxy, with a fine gloss, and they are of a pale delicate sea-green colour.
"The birds during the breeding-time confine themselves closely to their breeding-ground, so much so, that except when close to their haunts none are ever seen.
"The size of the eggs varies from 1.00 to 1.10 in length, and from .70 to .80 in breadth. The average of twelve eggs is 1.03 in length and .79 in breadth."
He subsequently wrote:—"I first noticed this bird breeding on the 11th March; on the 10th, while marching, I saw some on the side of the road and shot one, and on opening it found it was breeding. Accordingly on the 11th, on searching, I found their breeding-ground, which was in the middle of a Dhund thickly studded over with kundy trees, in the holes of which they had their nests. The nest lay at the bottom of the hole, which was generally some 18 inches deep, and consists of a few bits of coarse sedge-grass and feathers of T. leucocephalus and P. leucorodia (which were breeding close by). Five was the maximum number of eggs, but four was the normal number in each nest.
"I afterwards found these birds breeding in great numbers all along the Eastern Narra wherever there were suitable trees (kundy trees). At the place I first found them in, the young ones are now many of them fledged and flying about, while in other places they are just beginning to lay.
"The total length of their breeding-ground in any district must be close on 200 miles, but entirely confined to the banks of the river. If you looked four miles from, the river, one side or the other, you would not see one. Can Pastor roseus breed in India in some similar secluded spot? I have been rather unlucky in getting their eggs, as at each place which I visited personally the birds had either young ones or were just going to lay."
The eggs of this species are moderately broad ovals, sometimes slightly elongated, always more or less appreciably pointed towards the small end. The shell is extremely smooth and has a fine gloss. The colour, which is extremely uniform in all the specimens, is an excessively delicate pale blue with a faint greenish tinge, a very beautiful colour. They vary from 1 to 1.18 in length, and from 0.71 to 0.82 in breadth.
537. Sturnia blythii (Jerdon). Blyth's Myna.
Temenuchus blythii (Jerd.), Jerd. B. Ind. ii, p. 331. Sturnia blythii (Jerd.), Hume, cat. no. 689.
Mr. Iver Macpherson sent me from Mysore three eggs and a skin of a Myna, which latter, although in very bad order, is undoubtedly S. Blythii. He says:—"It is very possible that the bird now sent is S. malabarica, and it is such a bad specimen that I fear it will not be of much use to you for the purpose of identification. I think it is Sturnia blythii, as Jerdon says that S. malabarica is only a cold-weather visitant in the south of India.
"I will, however, try and procure you a good specimen of the bird. It is only found in our forests bordering the Wynaad, and as it is far from common, I am not well acquainted with it.
"I am also inclined to think that it is not a permanent resident with us, but that a few couples come to these forests only to breed.
"The only nest I have ever found was taken on the 24th April, 1880, and was in a hole of a dry standing tree in a clearing made for a teak plantation and contained three fresh eggs.
"A few days subsequently I saw a brood of young ones flying about a dry tree in the forest, so probably the breeding-season here extends through April and May."
The eggs are very similar to those of Sturnia malabarica and S. nemoricola, but perhaps slightly larger. They are moderately elongated ovals, generally decidedly pointed towards the small end. The shell is very fine and smooth, and has a fair amount of gloss. In colour they are a very delicate pale greenish blue. They measure 0.99 and 1 in length by 0.71 in breadth.
538. Sturnia malabarica (Gm.). The Grey-headed Myna.
Temenuchus malabaricus (Gm.), Jerd. B. Ind. ii, p. 330; Hume, Rough Draft N. & E. no. 688.
I have never met with the nest of the Grey-headed Myna myself, but am indebted to Mr. Gammie for its eggs and nest. That gentleman says:—"I obtained a nest of this species near Mongphoo (14 miles from Darjeeling), at an elevation of about 3400 feet. The nest was in the hollow of a tree, and was a shallow pad of fine twigs, with long strips of bark intermingled in the base of the structure, and thinly lined with very fine grass-stems. The nest was about 4 inches in diameter and less than 11/2 inch in height exteriorly, and interiorly the depression was perhaps half an inch deep. It contained four hard-set eggs."
This year he writes to me:—"The Grey-headed Myna breeds about Mongphoo, laying in May and June. I have taken several nests now, and I found that they prefer cleared tracts where only a few trees have been left standing here and there, especially on low but breezy ridges, at elevations of from 2500 to 4000 feet. They always nest in natural holes of trees both dead and living, and at any height from 20 to 50 feet from the ground. The nest is shallow, principally composed of twigs put roughly together in the bottom of the hole. They lay four or five eggs.
"The Grey-headed Myna is not a winter resident in the hills. It arrives in early spring and leaves in autumn. It is very abundant on the outer ranges of the Teesta Valley, and is generally found in those places frequented by Artamus fuscus. It feeds about equally on trees and on the ground, and a flock of 40 or 50 feeding on the ground in the early morning is no unusual sight."
Mr. J.R. Cripps, writing from Fureedpore, Eastern Bengal, says:—"Very common from the end of April to October, after which a few birds may be seen at times. I cannot call to mind ever having seen these birds descend to the ground. They must nest here, though I failed to find one. In front of my verandah was a large Poinciana regia, in the trunk of which, and at about seven feet from the ground, was an old nest-hole of Xantholaema which a pair of these birds widened out. During all May and June I watched these birds pecking away at the rotten wood and throwing the bits out. They generally used to engage in this work during the heat of the day; and, although I several times searched the hole, no eggs were found; the pair were not pecking at the decayed wood for insects, for I watched them through a glass. Had I remained another month at the factory most likely they would have laid during that time; it was on this account their lives were spared. This species associates with its congeners on the peepul trees when they are in fruit, which they eat greedily."
Subsequently detailing his experiences at Dibrugarh in Assam, he adds:—"On the 27th May I found a nest with three callow young and one fresh egg. The birds had excavated a hole in a rotten and dead tree about 18 feet from the ground, and had placed a pad of leaves only at the bottom of the hole. They build both in forest as well as the open cultivated parts of the country."
Mr. Oates remarks:—"This Myna lays in Pegu in holes of trees at all heights above 20 feet. It selects a hole which is difficult of access, and I have only been able to take one nest. This was on the 13th May. This nest, a small pad of grass and leaves, contained three eggs, which were slightly incubated. They measured 0.86 by 0.7, 0.8 by 0.7, and 0.83 by 0.72."
Major C.T. Bingham writes from Tenasserim:—"I shot a Myna as she flew out of a hole in a zimbun tree (Dillenia pentagyna). I had nearly a fortnight before seen the birds; there was a pair of them, busy taking straw and grass-roots into the hole; and so on the 18th April, when I shot the birds, I made sure of finding the full complement of eggs, but to my regret on opening the hollow, I only found one egg resting in a loose and irregularly formed nest of roots and leaves. This solitary egg is of a pale blue colour."
The eggs vary a good deal in shape: some are broad and some are elongated ovals, but all are more or less pointed towards the small end; the shell is very fine and delicate, and rather glossy; the colour is a very delicate pale sea-green, without any markings of any kind. They vary from 0.89 to 1.0 in length, and from 0.69 to 0.72 in breadth; but the average of ten eggs is 0.93 by 0.7.
539. Sturnia nemoricola, Jerdon. The White-winged Myna.
Sturnia nemoricola, Jerd., Hume, cat. no. 688 bis.
Mr. Gates writes from Lower Pegu:—"Of S. nemoricola I have taken two sets of eggs: one set of two eggs fresh, and one of three on the point of being hatched; the former on 12th May, the latter on 6th June. In size the two clutches vary extraordinarily. The first two eggs measure .82 x .62 and .85 x .63; the second lot measure 1.01 x .7, 1.0 x .7, and 1.0 x .7.
"The eggs are very glossy, and the colour is a uniform dark greenish blue, of much the same tint as the egg of Acridotheres tristis."
543. Ampeliceps coronatus, Blyth. The Gold-crest Myna.
Ampeliceps coronatus, Bl., Hume, Rough Draft N. & E. no. 693 sex; id. cat. no. 693 ter.
Of the nidification of this beautiful species, the Gold-crest Myna, we possess but little information. My friend Mr. Davison, who has secured many specimens of the bird, writes:—"On the 13th April, 1874, two miles from the town of Tavoy, on a low range of hills about 200 feet above the sea-level, I found a nest of the Gold-crest Grakle. The nest was about 20 feet from the ground in a hole in the branch of a large tree. It was composed entirely of coarse dry grass, mixed with dried leaves, twigs, and bits of bark, but contained no feathers, rags, or such substances as are usually found in the nests of the other Mynas. The nest contained three young ones only a day or two old."
544. Temenuchus pagodarum (Gm.). The Black-headed Myna.
Temenuchus pagodarum (Gm.), Jerd. B. Ind. ii, p. 329; Hume, Rough Draft N. & E. no. 687.
The Pagoda or Black-headed Myna breeds throughout the more open, dry, and well-wooded or cultivated portions of India. In Sindh and in the more arid and barren parts of the Punjab and Rajpootana on the one hand, or in the more humid and jungly localities of Lower Bengal on the other, it occurs, if at all, merely as a seasonal straggler. How Adams, quoted by Jerdon (vol. ii, p. 330), could say that he never saw it in the plains of the North-West Provinces (where, as a matter of fact, it is one of our commonest resident species), altogether puzzles me.
Neither in the north nor in the south does it appear to ascend the hills or breed in them at any elevations exceeding 3000 or 4000 feet.
The breeding-season lasts from May to August, but in Upper India the great majority lay in June.
According to my experience in Northern India it nests exclusively in holes in trees. Dr. Jerdon says that "at Madras it breeds about large buildings, pagodas, houses, &c." This is doubtless correct, but has not been confirmed as yet by any of my Southern Indian correspondents, who all talk of finding its nest in holes of trees.
The whole is thinly lined with a few dead leaves, a little grass, and a few feathers, and occasionally with a few small scraps of some other soft material.
They lay from three to five eggs.
From Hansie Mr. W. Blewitt writes:—"During June and the early part of July I found numerous nests of this species in holes of shishum, peepul, neem, and siriss trees situated on the bank of the Hissar Canal. The holes where at heights of from 12 to 15 feet from the ground, and in each a few leaves or feathers were laid under the eggs. Five was the greatest number found in any one hole."
Recording his experience in the Delhi, Jhansi, and Saugor Divisions, Mr. F.R. Blewitt tells us that the Pagoda Myna breeds from May to July, building its nest in holes of trees, selecting where possible those most inaccessible. I have always found the nest in the holes of mango, tamarind, and high-growing jamun trees. Feathers and grass, sometimes an odd piece of rag, are loosely placed at the bottom of the hole, and on these the eggs repose.
"The eggs are pale bluish green, and from four to five form the regular number. I may add that only on one occasion did I obtain five eggs in a nest."
"In Oudh," writes Mr. R.M. Adam, "I took one nest of this species, in a hole in a mango-tree, on the 5th May, containing five eggs."
Major C.T. Bingham remarks:—"All nests I have found at Allahabad and Delhi have been in holes in trees, in the end of May, June, and July. Nest strictly speaking there is none, but the holes are lined with feathers and straw, in which the eggs, four in number, are generally half buried."
Lieut. H.E. Barnes tells us that this Myna breeds in Rajputana in June, and that he found one nest in that month in a hole of a tree with three eggs.
Colonel E.A. Butler records the following notes:—"The Black-headed Myna breeds plentifully in the neighbourhood of Deesa in June, July, and August, but somehow or other I was unlucky this year (1876) in procuring eggs. On the 30th July I found a nest containing four young birds and another containing four eggs about to hatch. On the 2nd of August I found three nests, all containing young birds. On the 20th August I found four more nests; three contained young birds and the fourth four fresh eggs. All of these nests were in holes of trees, in most instances only just large enough at the entrance for the bird to pass through. In some cases there was no lining at all except wood dust, in others a small quantity of dry grass and a few feathers. The average height from the ground was about 8 or 10 feet; some nests were, however, not more than 4 or 5 feet high.
"Belgaum, 21st May, 1879.—A nest in the roof of a house under the tiles; three fresh eggs. Another nest on the same date in a hole of a tree, containing one fresh egg. The hole appeared to be an old nest-hole of a Barbet. Other nests observed later on, in June and July, in the roofs of houses under the tiles. Another nest in the hole of a tree, 27th April, containing four fresh eggs. Three more nests, 4th May, containing three incubated eggs, three fresh eggs, and three young birds respectively. Two of the nests were in the nest-holes of Barbets, from which I had taken eggs the month previous. 7th May, another nest containing four fresh eggs.
"I can confirm Dr. Jerdon's statement, quoted in the Rough Draft of 'Nests and Eggs of Indian Birds,' relative to this species breeding in large buildings, having observed several nests myself this season at Belgaum on the roofs of bungalows. In one bungalow, the mess-house of the 83rd Regt., there were no less than three nests at one time built under the eaves of the roof."
Messrs. Davidson and Wenden, writing of the Deccan, say:—"Not quite so common as Acridotheres tristis. Breeds at Satara in May."
Mr. Benjamin Aitken remarks:—"In Nests and Eggs, p. 433, you write:—'Dr. Jerdon says that at Madras it breeds about large buildings, pagodas, houses, &c.' This is doubtless correct, but has not been confirmed as yet by any of my Southern Indian correspondents, who all talk of finding its nest in holes of trees.' On the 29th June last year I was at the Anniversary Meeting of the Medical College, and the proceedings were disturbed by the incessant clatter of two broods of young of this species. The nests were in holes in the wall near the roof, and the two pairs of old birds, which were feeding their young, kept coming and going the whole time, flying in at the windows and popping into the holes over the peoples' heads. In the following month a nest of young were taken out of a hole in the outer wall of a house I was staying at, and the birds laid again and hatched another brood.
"I very rarely saw the Black-headed Myna in Bombay, Poona, or Berar, but here, in Madras, it is, if anything, commoner than A. tristis."
And Mr. J. Davidson, writing from Mysore, also confirms Jerdon's statement; he says:—"T. pagodarum breeds here in holes in the roofs of houses as well as in trees."
Of the breeding of this Myna in Ceylon, Colonel Legge says:—"In the northern part of Ceylon this Myna breeds in July and August, and nests, I am informed, in the holes of trees."
Mr. A.G.R. Theobald notes that "early in August I found a nest of T. pagodarum at Ahtoor, the hill-station of the Shevaroys. It was down in the inside of a partly hollow nut-tree log, attached to a scaffolding, about 2 1/2 feet down and, say, 35 feet from the ground, and was composed of dry leaves and a few feathers. It contained three fresh eggs."
The eggs of this Myna are, of course, glossy and spotless, and the colour varies from very pale bluish white to pale blue or greenish blue. I have never seen an egg of this species of the full clear sky-blue often exhibited by those of A. tristis, S. contra, and A. giuginianus.
The eggs vary in length from 0.86 to 1.15, and in breadth from 0.66 to 0.8; but the average of fifty-four eggs is 0.97 by 0.75.
546. Graculipica nigricollis (Payk.). The Black-necked Myna.
All that we know of the nidification of this species is contained in the following brief note by Dr. John Anderson:—
"It has much the same habits as Sturnopastor contra var. superciliaris. I found it breeding in the month of May in one of the few clumps of trees at Muangla."
Muangla lies to the east of Bhamo.
549. Acridotheres tristis (Linn.). The Common Myna.
Acridotheres tristis (Linn.), Jerd. B. Ind. ii, p. 325; Hume, Rough Draft N. & E. no. 684.
The Common Myna breeds throughout the Indian Empire, alike in the plains and in the hills. A pair breed yearly in the roof of my verandah at Simla, at an elevation of 7800 feet.
They are very domestic birds, and greatly affect the habitations of man and their immediate neighbourhood. They build in roofs of houses, holes in walls, trees, and even old wells, in the earthen chatties that in some parts the natives hang out for their use (as the Americans hang boxes for the Purple Martin), and, though very rarely, once in a way on the branches of trees.
Captain Hutton says:—"This is a summer visitor in the hills, and arrives at Mussoorie with the A. fuscus, Wagl. It builds in the hole of a tree, which is lined with dry grass and feathers, and on no occasion have I ever seen a nest made on the branches of a tree composed of twigs and grass as stated by Captain Tickell."
But in this instance Captain Tickell may have been right, for I have once seen such a nest myself, and Mr. H.M. Adam writes:—"Near Sambhur, on the 7th July, I saw a pair of this species building a large cup-shaped nest in a babool tree;" while Colonel G.F.L. Marshall affirms that this species "frequently lays in cup-shaped nests of sticks placed in trees, like small Crows' nests." And he subsequently writes:—"I can distinctly reaffirm, what I said as to this species building a nest in the fork of a tree. In the compound of Kalunder gari choki, in the Bolundshahr district, I found no less than five of these nests on one day; the compound is densely planted with sheeshum trees, which were there about twenty feet high, and the nests were near the tops of these trees. I found several other similar nests on the canal-bank, one with young on the 11th September."
Also writing in this connection from Allahabad, Major C.T. Bingham says:—
"Twice I have found the nest of this bird in trees, but it generally builds in holes, both in trees and walls, and commonly in the thatch of houses. Once I got a couple of eggs from a nest made amidst a thick-growing creeper."
Neglecting exceptional cases like these, the nest is a shapeless but warm lining to the hole, composed chiefly of straw and feathers, but in which fine twigs, bits of cotton, strips of rags, bits of old rope, and all kinds of odds and ends may at times be found incorporated.
The normal breeding-season lasts from June to August, during which period they rear two broods; but in Ross Island (Andamans), where they were introduced some years ago, they seem to breed all-through the year. Captain Wimberley, who sent me some of their eggs thence, remarks:—"The bird is now very common here. As soon as it has cleared out one young brood, it commences building and laying again. This continues all the year round."
I think this great prolificness may be connected with the uniformly warm temperature of these islands and the great heat of the sun there all through the year rendering much incubation unnecessary. Even in the plains of Northern India in the hot weather when they breed these birds do not sit close, and since at the Andamans the weather is such all the year round that the eggs almost hatch themselves this may be partly the reason why these birds have so many more broods there than with us, where, for at least half the year, constant incubation would be necessary. I particularly noticed when at Bareilly how very little trouble these Mynas sometimes took in hatching their eggs, and I may quote what I then recorded about the matter:—
"In a nest in the wall of our verandah we found four young ones. This was particularly noteworthy, because from my study-window the pair had been watched for the last month, first courting, then flitting in and out of the hole with straws and feathers, ever and anon clinging to the mouth of the aperture, and laboriously dislodging some projecting point of mortar; then marching up and down on the ground, the male screeching out his harsh love-song, bowing and swelling out his throat all the while, and then rushing after and soundly thrashing any chance Crow (four times his weight at least) that inadvertently passed too near him; never during the whole time had either bird been long absent, and both had been seen together daily at all hours. I made certain that they had not even begun to sit, and behold there were four fine young ones a full week old chirping in the nest! Clearly these birds are not close sitters down here; but I well remember a pair at Mussoorie, some 6000 feet above the level of the sea, the most exemplary parents, one or other being on the eggs at all hours of the day and night. The morning's sun beats full upon the wall in the inner side of which the entrance to the nest is; the nest itself is within 4 inches of the exterior surface; at 11 o'clock the thermometer gave 98 deg. as its temperature. I have often observed in the river Terns (Seena aurantia, Rhynchops albicollis, Sterna javanica) and Pratincoles (Glareola lactea) who lay their eggs in the bare white glittering river-sands, that so long as the sun is high and the sand hot they rarely sit upon their eggs, though one or other of the parents constantly remains beside or hovering near and over them, but in the early morning, in somewhat cold and cloudy days, and as the night draws on, they are all close sitters. I suspect that instinct teaches the birds that, when the natural temperature of the nest reaches a certain point, any addition of their body-heat is unnecessary, and this may explain why during the hot days (when we alone noticed them), in this very hot hole, the parent Mynas spent so little of their time in the nest whilst the process of hatching was going on."
They lay indifferently four or five eggs. I have just as often found the former as the latter number, but I have never yet met with more.
From Lucknow Mr. G. Reid tells us:—"Generally speaking the Common Myna, like the Crow (Corvus splendens) commences to breed with the first fall of rain in June—early or late as the case may be—and has done breeding by the middle of September. It nests indiscriminately in old ruins, verandahs, walls of houses, &c., but preferentially, I think, in holes of trees, laying generally four, but sometimes five eggs."
Colonel E.A. Butler writes:—"In Karachi Mynas begin to lay at the end of April. The Common Myna breeds in the neighbourhood of Deesa during the monsoon, principally in the months of July and August, at which season every pair seems to be engaged in nidification. I have taken nests containing fresh eggs during the first week of September; and birds that have had their first nests robbed or young destroyed probably lay even later still."
Lieut. H.E. Barnes informs us that this Myna breeds in Rajputana during June and July.
Mr. Benjamin Aitken has furnished me with the following interesting note:—"A pair of Mynas clung tenaciously for two years, from June 1863 to August 1865, to a hole in some matting in the upper verandah of a house in Bombay. During this period they hatched six broods, one of which I took and another was destroyed, by rats perhaps. I had a strong suspicion that more than one set of eggs were destroyed besides.
"The remarkable thing I wish to note is that every alternate brood of young contained an albino, pure white and with pink eyes; being three in all. Every time a new set of eggs was to be laid, a new nest was built on the top of the old one. I once tore down the whole pile, as it was infested with vermin, and found that seven nests had been made, one upon another, showing that the Mynas must have occupied the hole long before I noticed them. Each nest was complete in itself and well lined, and as Mynas are not sparing of their materials, the accumulated heap was nearly two feet deep. Every separate nest contained a piece of a snake's skin, and with reference to your remark on this point I may say that every Myna's nest that I have ever examined has had a piece of snake-skin in it. This may, I think, be simply accounted for by the fact of snake-skin lying about plentifully in those places where Mynas mostly pick up their building-materials. The breeding-season extends into September in Bombay; and though it usually begins in June, I found a nest of half-fledged young at Khandalla on the 31st May, 1871.
"With reference to your remarks in 'Nests and Eggs,' that you have never met with more than five eggs in a nest, I would mention that I took six eggs from a nest in the roof of a house I occupied at Akola, on the 20th June, 1870.
"At the same station in August 1869 a nest of young Mynas was reared above the hinge of the semaphore signal at the railway-station. One or other arm of the signal must have risen and fallen every time a train passed, but the motion neither alarmed the birds nor disarranged the nest."
Messrs. Davidson and Wenden remark of this Myna in the Deccan:—"Common, and breeds in May and June."
Mr. J. Inglis, writing from Cachar, says:—"The commonest of all birds here. Breeds throughout the summer months. It makes its nest generally in the roofs of houses or in holes in trees. It lays about five eggs of a very pale blue colour."
Finally, Mr. Oates writes from Pegu:—"Commences making nest about 15th March. I have taken eggs as late as 17th July, but in this case the previous brood had been destroyed. Normally no eggs are to be found after June."
The eggs, which are larger than those of either Sturnopastor contra or A. ginginianus, in other respects resemble these eggs greatly, but when fresh are, I think, on the whole of a slightly darker colour. They are rather long, oval, often pear-shaped, eggs, spotless and brilliantly glossy, varying from very pale blue to pure sky- or greenish blue.
In length they vary from 1.05 to 1.28, and in breadth from 0.8 to 0.95; but the average of ninety-seven eggs is 1.19 by 0.86.
550. Acridotheres melanosternus, Legge. The Common Ceylon Myna.
Acridotheres melanosternus, Legge, Hume, cat. no. 684 bis.
Colonel Legge tells us, in his 'Birds of Ceylon,' that "this species breeds in Ceylon from February until May, nesting perhaps more in the month of March than in any other. It builds in holes of trees, often choosing a cocoanut-palm which has been hollowed out by a Woodpecker, and in the cavity thus formed makes a nest of grass, fibres, and roots. I once found a nest in the end of a hollow areca-palm which was the cross beam of a swing used by the children of the Orphan School, Bonavista, and the noise of whose play and mirth seemed to be viewed by the birds with the utmost unconcern. The eggs are from three to five in number; they are broad ovals, somewhat pointed towards the small end, and are uniform, unspotted, pale bluish or ethereal green. They vary in length from 1.07 to 1.2 inch and in breadth from 0.85 to 0.92 inch.
"Layard styles the eggs 'light blue, much resembling those of the European Starling in shape, but rather darker in colour.'"
551. Acridotheres ginginianus (Lath.). The Bank Myna.
Acridotheres ginginianus (Lath.), Jerd. B. Ind. ii, p. 326; Hume, Rough Draft N. & E. no. 685.
The Bank Myna breeds throughout the North-West Provinces and Oudh, Behar, and Central Bengal, the greater portion of the Central Provinces, and the Punjab and Sindh. Adams says it does not occur in the Punjab; but, as Colonel C.H.T. Marshall correctly pointed out to me years ago, and I have verified the facts, it breeds about Lahore and many other places, and in the high banks of the Beas, the Sutlej, the Jhelum, and the Indus, congregating in large numbers on these rivers just as it does on the Jumna or the Ganges.
It builds exclusively, so far as my experience goes, in earthen banks and cliffs, in holes which it excavates for itself, always, I think, in close proximity to water, and by preference in places overhanging or overlooking running water.
The breeding-season lasts from the middle of April to the middle of July, but I have found more eggs in May than in any other month.
Four is the usual number of the eggs; I have found five, but never more. If Theobald got seven or eight, they belonged to two pairs; and the nests so run into each other that this is a mistake that might easily be made, even where coolies were digging into the bank before one.
There is really no variety in their nesting arrangements, and a note I recorded in regard to one colony that I robbed will, I think, sufficiently illustrate the subject. All that can be said is that very commonly they nest low down in earthy cliffs, where it is next to impossible to explore thoroughly their workings, while in the instance referred to these were very accessible:—
"One morning, driving out near Bareilly, we found that a colony of the Bank Myna had taken possession of some fresh excavations on the banks of a small stream. The excavation was about 10 feet deep, and in its face, in a band of softer and sandier earth than the rest of the bank, about a foot below the surface of the ground, these Mynas had bored innumerable holes. They had taken no notice of the workman who had been continuously employed within a few yards of them, and who informed us that the Mynas had first made their appearance there only a month previously. On digging into the bank we found the holes all connected with each other, in one place or another, so that apparently every Myna could get into or out from its nest by any one of the hundred odd holes in the face of the excavation. The holes averaged about 3 inches in diameter, and twisted and turned up and down, right and left, in a wonderful manner; each hole terminated in a more or less well-marked bulb (if I may use the term), or egg-chamber, situated from 4 to 7 feet from the face of the bank. The egg-chamber was floored with a loose nest of grass, a few feathers, and, in many instances, scraps of snake-skins.
"Are birds superstitious, I wonder? Do they believe in charms? If not what induces so many birds that build in holes in banks to select out of the infinite variety of things, organic or inorganic, pieces of snake-skin for their nests? They are at best harsh, unmanageable things, neither so warm as feathers, which are ten times more numerous, nor so soft as cotton or old rags, which lie about broadcast, nor so cleanly as dry twigs and grass. Can it be that snakes have any repugnance to their 'worn out weeds,' that they dislike these mementos of their fall[A], and that birds which breed in holes into which snakes are likely to come by instinct select these exuviae as scare-snakes?
[Footnote A: "When the snake," says an Arabic commentator, "tempted Adam it was a winged animal. To punish its misdeeds the Almighty deprived it of wings, and condemned it thereafter to creep for ever on its belly, adding, as a perpetual reminder to it of its trespass, a command for it to cast its skin yearly."]
"In some of the nests we found three or four callow young ones, but in the majority of the terminal chambers were four, more or less, incubated eggs.
"I noticed that the tops of all the mud-pillars (which had been left standing to measure the work by) had been drilled through, and through by the Mynas, obviously not for nesting-purposes, as not one of them contained the vestige of a nest, but either for amusement or to afford pleasant sitting-places for the birds not engaged in incubation. Whilst we were robbing the nests, the whole colony kept screaming and flying in and out of these holes in the various pillar-tops in a very remarkable manner, and it may be that, after the fashion of Lapwings, they thought to lead us away from their eggs and induce a belief that their real homes were in the pillar tops."
Colonel G.F.L. Marshall remarks:—"This species breeds in the Bolundshahr District in June and July. It makes its nest in a hole in a bank, but more often in the side of a kucha or earthen well. A number of birds generally breed in company. The nest is formed by lining the cavity with a little grass and roots and a few feathers. On the 8th July I found a colony breeding in a well near Khoorjah, and took a dozen fresh eggs."
Writing from Lucknow, Mr. G. Reid says:—"During the breeding season it associates in large flocks along the banks of the Groomti, where it nidificates in colonies in holes in the banks of the river. From some of these holes I took a few fresh eggs on the 15th May, and again on the 30th June on revisiting the spot. In the district it breeds in old irrigation-wells and occasionally in ravines with good steep banks."
Major C.T. Bingham, writing from Allahabad, says:—"Breeds in June, July, and August in holes in sandy banks of rivers and nullahs. Eggs, five in number, laid on a lining of straw and feathers."
Colonel E.A. Butler notes:—"The Bank Myna lays about Deesa in June and July. On the 26th June I lowered a man down several wells, finding nests containing eggs and nests containing young ones, some nearly fledged. The nests are generally in holes in the brickwork, often further in than a man can reach, and several pairs of birds usually occupy the same well. The eggs vary much in shape and number. In some nests I found as many as five, in others only two or three. In colour they closely resemble the eggs of A. tristis, but they are slightly smaller, the tint is of a decidedly deeper shade, and the shell more glossy. July 5th, several nests, some containing eggs, others young ones. July 13th, numerous nests in wells and banks, some containing fresh, others incubated eggs, and others young birds of all sizes. The eggs varied in number from two to five. I took twenty-six fresh eggs and then discontinued."
Lieut. H.E. Barnes informs us that in Rajputana this Myna breeds about May.
The eggs are typically, I think, shorter and proportionally broader than those of other kindred species already described; very pyriform varieties are, however, common. They are as usual spotless, very glossy, and of different shades of very pale sky- and greenish blue. Although, when a large series of the eggs of this and each of the preceding species are grouped together, a certain difference is observable, individual eggs can by no means be discriminated, and it is only by taking the eggs with one's own hand that one can feel certain of their authenticity.
In length they vary from 0.95 to 1.16, and in breadth from 0.72 to 0.87; but the average of forty-seven eggs is 1.05 by 0.82.
552. Aethiopsar fuscus (Wagl.). The Jungle Myna.
Acridotheres fuscus (Wagl.) Jerd. B. Ind. ii, p. 327; Hume, Rough Draft N. & E. no. 686.
The Jungle Myna eschews the open cultivated plains of Upper, Central, and Western India. It breeds throughout the Himalayas, at any elevations up to 7000 feet, where the hills are not bare, and in some places in the sub-Himalayan jungles. It breeds in the plains country of Lower Bengal, and in both plains and hills of Assam, Cachar, and Burma, and also in great numbers in the Nilgiris and all the wooded ranges and hilly country of the Peninsula. The breeding-season lasts from March to July, but the majority lay everywhere, I think, in April, except in the extreme north-west, where they are later.
Normally, they build in holes of trees, and are more or less social in their nidification. As a rule, if you find one nest you will find a dozen within a radius of 100 yards, and not unfrequently within one of ten yards. But, besides trees, they readily build in holes in temples and old ruins, in any large stone wall, in the thatch of old houses, and even in their chimneys.
The nest is a mere lining for the hole they select, and varies in size and shape with this latter; fine twigs, dry grass, and feathers are the materials most commonly used, the feathers being chiefly gathered together to form a bed for the eggs; but moss, moss and fern roots, flocks of wool, lichen, and down may often be found in greater or less quantities intermingled with the grass and straw which forms the main body, or with the feathers that constitute the lining, of the nest. I have never found more than five eggs, but Miss Cockburn says that they sometimes lay six.
From Murree, Colonel C.H.T. Marshall writes:—"This Myna, which takes the place of A. tristis in the higher hills, breeds always in holes in trees. We found five or six nests in June and early in July."
They breed near Solan, below Kussowlee, and close to Jerripani, Captain Hutton's place below Mussoorie, in both which localities I have taken their nests myself.
Captain Hutton remarks:—"This is a summer visitant in the hills, and is common at Mussoorie during that season; but it does not appear to visit Simla, although it is to be found in some of the valleys below it to the south. It breeds at Mussoorie in May and June, selecting holes in the forest trees, generally large oaks, which it lines with dry grass and feathers. The eggs are from three to five, of a pale greenish blue, shape ordinary, but somewhat inclined to taper to the smaller end. This species usually arrives from the valleys of the Dhoon about the middle of March; and, until they begin to sit on their eggs, they congregate every morning and evening into small flocks, and roost together in trees near houses; in the morning they separate for the day into pairs, and proceed with the building of nests or laying of eggs. After the young are hatched and well able to fly, all betake themselves to the Dhoon in July."
In Kumaon I found them breeding near the Ramghur Ironworks, and, writing from Nynee Tal, Colonel G.F.L. Marshall says that they "breed very commonly at Bheem Tal (4000 feet), but I have not noticed them at Nynee Tal. I took a great many eggs; they were all laid in holes in rotten trees at a height of 2 to 8 feet from the ground; they average much smaller than the eggs of A. tristis, but are similar in colour."
Writing from Nepal, Dr. Scully says:—"This species is common and a permanent resident in the Valley of Nepal, but does not occur in such great numbers as A. tristis. It is also found in tolerable abundance in the Nawakot district and the Hetoura Dun in winter. It breeds in the Valley in May and June, laying in holes in trees or walls; the eggs are very like those of A. tristis, but smaller—not so broad. I noticed on two or three occasions an albino of this species, which was greatly persecuted by the Crows."
Mr. G. Vidal remarks of this bird in the South Konkan:—"Exceedingly common. Breeds in May. The irides of all I have seen were pale slate-blue."
"In the Nilgiris," writes Mr. Wait, "the Jungle Myna's eggs may be found at any time from the end of February to the beginning of July. They nest in chimneys, hollow trees, holes in stone walls, &c., filling in the hole with hay, straw, moss, and twigs, and lining the cavity with feathers. They lay from three to five long, oval, greenish-blue eggs, a shade darker than those of the English Starling."
From Kotagherry Miss Cockburn tells us that "these Mynas breed in the months of March and April, and construct their nests (which consist of a few straws, sticks, and feathers put carelessly together) in the holes of trees and old thatched houses. They lay five or six eggs of a beautiful light blue, and are extremely careful of their young. The nests of these birds are so common in the months above mentioned that herd-boys have brought me more than fifty eggs at a time.
"About a year ago a pair took up their abode in my pigeon-cot, and although the eggs were often destroyed they would not leave the place, but continued to lay in the same nest. At last one of them was caught; the other went away, but returned the next day accompanied by a new mate. At length the hole was shut up, as they committed great depredations in the garden, and were useful only in giving a sudden sharp cry of alarm when the Mhorunghee Hawk-Eagle, a terrible enemy to Pigeons, made its appearance, thus enabling the gardeners to balk him of his intended victim."
Dr. Jerdon states that "it is most abundant on the Nilgiris, where it is a permanent resident, breeding in holes in trees, making a large nest of moss and feathers, and laying three to five eggs of a pale greenish-blue colour."
Mr. C.J.W. Taylor informs us that at Manzeerabad, in Mysore, this Myna is common everywhere, and breeds in April and May.
Captain Horace Terry notes that in the Pulney hills the Jungle Myna nests in April.
Mr. Rhodes W. Morgan, writing from South India, says in 'The Ibis':—"It breeds on the Neilgherries in holes of trees. The hole is filled up with sticks to within about a foot of the entrance, and a smooth lining of paper, rags, feathers, &c. laid down, on which are deposited from two to six light blue eggs. The young are fed on small frogs, grasshoppers, and fruit. An egg measured 1.2 inch by .88. Breeds in May."
At Dacca Colonel Tytler found them nesting in temples and houses about the sepoy lines.
Mr. J.R. Cripps tells us that at Furreedpore, in Bengal, this species is "pretty common, and a permanent resident. This species associates with A. tristis, but is seen on trees away from villages, which the latter never is. Prefers well-wooded country, whereas A. tristis never goes into jungle. On the 29th of June, 1877, I found a nest in a hole of a tree, about 12 feet off the ground. The diameter of the entrance-hole was two and a half inches, and inside it widened to six inches and about twenty inches in depth. The nest was a mere pad of grass and feathers, and contained four very slightly incubated eggs. And again on the 17th July, seeing the hole occupied, I again sent up a boy, who found another four fresh eggs. The tree formed one of an avenue leading from the house to the vats, and as men were always going along the road it surprised me to find these birds laying there; the hole had been caused by the heart of the tree rotting,"
Mr. Gates remarks of this Myna in Pegu:—"This bird does not appear to lay till about the 15th April. I have taken the eggs, and I have seen numerous nests with young ones of various ages in the middle of May. They breed by preference in holes of trees and occasionally in the high roofs of monastic buildings."
The eggs of this species, which I have from Mussoorie, Dacca, Kumaon, and the Nilgiris, approximate closer to those of Acridotheres tristis than to those of A. ginginianus. They are rather long ovals, somewhat pointed usually, but often pyriform. They are perhaps, as a rule, somewhat paler than those of either of the above-named species, and are of the usual spotless glossy type, varying in colour from that of skimmed milk to pale blue or greenish, blue. Typically, I think, they are proportionally more elongated and attenuated than those either of A. tristis, A. ginginianus or S. contra.
In length they vary from 1.03 to 1.31, and in breadth from 0.78 to 0.9; but the average of forty eggs is 1.19 by 0.83.
555. Sturnopastor contra (Linn.). The Pied Myna.
Sturnopastor contra (Linn.), Jerd. B. Ind. ii, p. 323; Hume, Rough Draft N. & E. no. 683.
The Pied Pastor, or Myna, breeds throughout the North-Western Provinces and Oudh, Bengal, the eastern portions of the Punjab and Rajpootana (it does not extend to the western portions nor to Sindh), the Central Provinces, and Central India.
The breeding-season lasts from May to August, but the majority of the birds lay in June and July. It builds in trees, at heights of from 10 to 30 feet, usually towards the extremities of lateral branches, constructing a huge clumsy nest of straw, grass, twigs, roots, and rags, with a deep cavity lined as a rule with quantities of feathers. Occasionally, but very rarely, it places its nest in some huge hole in a great arm of a mango-tree. I have seen many hundreds of their nests, but only two thus situated.
As a rule these birds do not build in society, but at times, especially in Lower Bengal, I have seen a dozen of their nests on a single tree.
The nest is usually a shapeless mass of rubbish loosely put together, rough and ragged.
A note I recorded on one taken at Bareilly will illustrate sufficiently the kind of thing:—
"At the extremity of one of the branches of these same mango-trees, a small truss of hay, as it seemed, at once caught every eye. This was one of the huge nests of the Pied Pastor, and proved to be some 2 feet in length and 18 inches in diameter, composed chiefly of dry grass, but with a few twigs, many feathers, and a strip or two of rags intermingled in the mass. The materials were loosely put together, and the nest was placed high up in a fork near the extremity of a branch. In the centre was a well-like cavity some 9 inches deep by 31/2 inches in diameter, at the bottom of which, amongst many feathers, lay four fresh eggs."
Five is the full complement of eggs, but they very often lay only four, and once in a hundred times six are met with.
From Hansie Mr. W. Blewitt writes that he "found numerous nests during May and June. They were all placed all keekur-trees, at heights of from 10 to 15 feet from the ground, the trees for the most part being situated on the banks of a canal or in the Dhana Beerh, a sort of jungle preserve.
"The nests were densely built of keekur and zizyphus twigs, and thickly lined with rags, leaves, and straw. Five was the greatest number of eggs that I found in any one nest."
Writing of his experience in the Delhi and Jhansi Divisions, Mr. F.R. Blewitt remarks that "the Pied Pastor breeds from June to August, making its nests between the outer branchlets of the larger lateral branches of trees, without special choice for any one kind. The nest is altogether roughly made, though some ingenuity is evinced in putting all the material of which it is composed together. Twigs, grasses, rags, feathers, &c. are all brought into requisition to form the large-made structure, which I have found, though less commonly, at a higher altitude from the ground than the 8 or 10 feet Jerdon speaks of."
Major C.T. Bingham writes:—"Breeds in Allahabad in June, July, and August; and at Delhi in May, June, and July. The nest is a large shapeless mass of straw, feathers, and rags, having a deep cavity for the eggs, which are generally five in number. The nest is almost always placed at the extreme tip of some slender branch, and there is no attempt at concealment."
Mr. J.E. Cripps tells us that at Furreedpore, in Bengal, this Myna is "very common, and a permanent resident. They eat fruit as well as insects. Lay in May and June, building their huge nests at various heights from the ground, and in any tree that comes in handy. I have generally found the nests lined with the white feathers of the paddy-birds; some of the feathers being as much as six and seven inches in length. The nests were composed principally of doob-grass; three to four eggs in each nest."
From Cachar Mr. J. Inglis writes:—"The Pied Pastor is very common all the year. It breeds during March, April, May, and June, making its nest on any sort of tree about 15 feet or more from the ground; about 100 nests may often be seen together. It prefers nesting on trees on the open fields. I do not know the number of its eggs."
The eggs are typically moderately broad ovals, a good deal pointed towards one end, but pyriform and elongated examples occur; in fact, a great number of the eggs are more or less pear-shaped. Like those of all the members of this subfamily, the eggs are blue, spotless, and commonly brilliantly glossy. In shade they vary from a delicate bluish white to a pure, though somewhat pale, sky-blue, and not uncommonly are more or less tinged with green. They vary in length from 0.95 to 1.25, and in breadth from 0.75 to 0.9; but the average of one hundred eggs is 1.11 by 0.82 nearly.
556. Sturnopastor superciliaris, Blyth. The Burmese Pied Myna.
Sturnopastor superciliaris, Bl., Hume, Rough Draft N. & E. no. 683 bis.
Of the Burmese Pied Pastor, or Myna, Mr. Eugene Oates says that it is common and resident throughout the plains of Pegu. Writing from Wau he says:—
"On the 28th of April, having a spare morning, I took a very large number of nests and eggs. The eggs were in various stages of incubation, but the majority were freshly laid. On May 7th I took another nest with two eggs. These were quite fresh.
"The nest is a huge cylindrical structure, about 18 inches long and a foot in diameter, composed of straw, leaves, and feathers. It is placed at a height of from 10 to 25 feet from the ground, in a most conspicuous situation, generally at the end of a branch, which has been broken off and where a few leaves are struggling to come out. A bamboo-bush is also a favourite site. This Myna will, by preference, build near houses, but in no case in a house; it must have a tree."
The eggs, which I owe to Mr. Oates, are, as might be expected, very similar indeed to those of our Common Pied Pastor, but they seem to average somewhat smaller.
They are moderately broad ovals, a good deal pointed towards one end, and in some cases more or less compressed there, and slightly pyriform.
The specimens sent are only moderately glossy. In colour they vary from very pale bluish green to a moderately dark greenish blue, but the great majority are pale.
In length they vary from 1.0 to 1.1, and in breadth from 0.73 to 0.82; but the average of fifteen eggs is 1.04 by 0.77. |