The Nervous Child
by Hector Charles Cameron
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Into their school life we need not follow the children. Happily the time is past when schoolmasters and schoolmistresses were incapable of understanding their charges, and confounded nervous exhaustion with stupidity or timidity with incapacity.

And so we come back to the point from which we started:

The nervous infant, restless, wriggling, and constantly crying! The nervous child, unstable, suggestible, passionate, and full of nameless fears! The nervous schoolboy or schoolgirl prone to self-analysis, subject-conscious, and easily exhausted! And how many and how various are the manifestations of this temperament! Refusal of food, refusal of sleep, negativism, irritability, and violent fits of temper, vomiting, diarrhoea, morbid flushing and blushing, habit spasms, phobias—all controlled not by reproof or by medicine, but by good management and a clear understanding of their nature.

The hygiene of the child's mind is as important as the hygiene of his body, and both are studies proper for the doctor. Neuropathy and an unsound, nervous organisation are often enough legacies from the nervous disorders of childhood.


Abdomen, prominent

Abdominal symptoms of neurosis

Accent, local, facility with which acquired

Acetone, in breath and urine during cyclic vomiting

Acidosis, accompanying cyclic vomiting

Action, imitativeness of liberty of, in early childhood

Activities in the nursery not to be restrained without intervention of grown-up people wonderful nature of

Adenoid vegetations, night-terrors aggravated by removal of, in treatment of enuresis

Adolescence, and education on sexual matters

Adults, child in relation to the society of

AEsthetic sense, in early childhood

Affection, in the child

Air hunger, in cyclic vomiting

Air swallowing, habitual action of

Albuminuria, associated with faulty posture cause of, in neuropaths

Allimentary disturbances, symptom of

Alkali, in treatment of cyclic vomiting

Anaemia, of neuropaths

Anorexia nervosa A case illustrating

Apnoea, fatal cases of following burst of crying twitching of facial muscles in

Appetite, emotional states affecting loss of, case illustrating causes and characteristics treatment means of stimulating nature of the sensation of

Apprehension, causes of growth of neuroses in atmosphere of

Artificial feeding


Asthma, treatment of

Attention, child's love of attracting examples of

Authority, delight in defying over-exercise of, by parents, results of

Babies. See Newborn Baby

Backward development signs of

"Bad form"

Bad habits

Bath, baby's first experience of

Bed, dislike of how overcome efforts to resist preparation for

Bedroom, airing and temperature of

Bedtime management at

Bed wetting. See Enuresis

Behaviour. See Conduct

Bladder, hydrostatic distension of, for enuresis

Boarding-schools, object of

Bodily ailments, and instability of nervous control, connection between See also Disorders

Body, and mind, development of development of environment influencing effect of mind on gradual alterations in the shape of infantile characteristics in later childhood

Bone, and muscle, changes in, in infantile children

Books, child's attitude towards educative value of kinds most suitable

Brachial nerve, pressure causing tetany

Breast-feeding, best time for causes of failure in observations on See also Lactation

Breath-holding action during fatal cases of phenomena of

Bromides, administration of to newborn baby

Cajoling, futility of

Calcium bromide, in treatment of spasms

Calcium metabolism, disturbance of

Care, ill effects of excess of

Carpo-pedal spasm

Catarrhal infections connection of rheumatism with, 155

Cerebral anaemia

Cerebral circulation, stagnation of

Cerebral exhaustion. See Mental Exhaustion

Cerebral functions, rapid growth of unstable in the child See also Mental

Character, formation of during school life home influence in the development of ideals of, how inculcated

Children's parties, disadvantages of

Chloral, administration of to newborn baby in treatment of spasms

Chorea, and rheumatism, association between symptom of cerebral irritability treatment of

Chvostek's sign, characteristics and nature of

Circulation, cerebral, stagnation of nervous control of


Clothing, kind suitable new, child's delight in

Coaxing, futility of

Cold douches, improving vasomotor tone

Coldness of extremities

Conduct, control of, factors in errors of, and sexual instincts control of correction of due to faults of management in neuropathic children excessive introspection influencing ideals of, how inculcated influence of environment on influenced by suggestion mother's influence on of neuropaths perverse suggestion in the control of

Constipation, mental causes of negativism in perversion of suggestion a common cause of suggestion in relation to

Constitution, delicacy of

Convulsions, fatal cases of generalised

Convulsive disorders

Cough, nervous

Counter-opposition, child's opposition growing with

Crying, constant formation of habit of in emotional and excitable children management of mechanism of phenomena of purposeful

Cyclic or periodic vomiting. See Vomiting

Day-dreams, indicating nervous temperament


Defaecation, inhibition of painful

Delicacy of constitution

Delirium, tendency to

Depolarisation of ideas

Depression, recurrence of periods of

Dexterity, lack of manual, advantages of toys developing

Diaphragm, spasm of

Diarrhoea, mucous

Diet, likes and dislikes for articles of opposition to of newborn child, changes in See also Food

Digestion, emotional states affecting

Digestive disorders, mental causes of

Digestive neuroses

Digestive system, symptoms of extreme sensibility of

Dirt eating

Discipline in later childhood in the school misdirected efforts at enforcing severe, effects of


Disobedience, growth of habit of personality and perverse attitude of reproof and coaxing causing

Disorders, aetiology of associated with neurosis common environment as cause and cure of of neuropaths treatment of trifling

Diuresis, excessive

Doll, child's care of, an example of imitativeness educative value of

Douches, cold, improving vasomotor tone

Dover's powder

Dreams, nature of, indicating nature of mental unrest

Drugs, in sleeplessness

Ductless glands, in relation to infantile characteristics


Dyspepsia, complications of course and effects of mental aspects of nervous symptoms of symptoms in newborn infant treatment

Early childhood, care during impulse of opposition in love of power in

Early childhood, nervousness in reasoning power in three common neuroses of toys, books, and amusements in See also Newborn Baby

Education, aim of by games and toys on sexual matters

Educative value, of books, games, and toys

Emotional states, appetite affected by causing spasm management of of neurotics, exaggeration of physical disturbances due to producing laryngismus stridulus

Emotional storms

Endocrine glands

Enuresis, causal factors in characteristics and peculiarities of condition of urine during mental aspects of mistakes in treatment of perversion of suggestion as cause of removal of tonsils in treatment, essentials in hypnotic suggestion in methods of

Environment, body moulded and shaped by change of, beneficial effects of effect in developing child's powers effect on common disorders errors of, and neuropathic children essentials of faulty contact with, in neuropathic children for neuropaths influence on conduct in later childhood influence on mental processes influence on personality irritating nature of the adult mind in of the home, reflected in the child of school life stimulus of susceptibility to influences of

Epilepsy, cyclical character of

Evil, inborn disposition to

Excitable children, management of

Exercise, sleep in relation to

Exhaustion. See Mental Exhaustion

Expostulation, frequent, bad effects of See also Reproof

Expressions, to attract attention

Facial muscles, twitching of associated with apnoea

Faeces, incontinence of

Fainting fits, cause and characteristics control of of neuropaths

Fatigue, mental, physical, and visceral

Fats, lowered tolerance to

Faults, correction of not corrected by too frequent reproof

Fear, causes of phenomena of prominent psychical symptom of neuropathic children treatment of

Feeding, artificial factors in of newborn infant, regularity in

Fertilisation, method of imparting knowledge of

Food, force of suggestion in relation to healthy desire for likes and dislikes for how overcome phenomena of the desire of refusal of nervous causes of persistent, factors encouraging suggestion in relation to treatment of

Force and cajoling, futility of

Freud, teaching of

Functional disturbances, in combination with organic disease

Gait, peculiarity of

Games, educative value of

Gastric disturbances

Gastric juice, psychic secretion of

Gastric symptoms, of neurosis

Gastro-intestinal derangement, causes of environment as cause and cure of

Gentleness, inculcation of

Girls' schools

Glottis, spasm of, strong emotion causing

"Good form"

Grasping habit, reproof in relation to

Growing pains

Habit spasms, age of appearance of cause of definition of examples of spread of suggestion in relation to treatment of

Habits, regulation of suggestion in relation to

Habitual actions, infant's pleasure in mental unrest in relation to of the parent, reproduction in the child varieties and characteristics

Habitual wakefulness

Hands, control of movement of expressionless

Happiness and contentment, of child when playing alone

Headache, periodic. See Migraine

Heat and cold, newborn baby in relation to

Heat and flushing, sudden sensations of

Heredity, and temperament and type of child nervous disorders in relation to

Home influence, in development of character reflected in the child

Hunger, of the newborn baby

Hypnotic suggestion, in treatment of enuresis


Hysteria, age of appearance of suggestion in relation to symptoms of

Hysterical girls, characteristics of

Ideals, inculcation of

Ideas, polarisation and depolarisation of

Illness. See Sickness

Imagination, abnormal, correction of child's stories and tales in relation to developed by toys

Imitativeness, age at which apparent extent of illustration of lack of of action of speech tell-tale child an illustration of

Incontinence of urine

Incorrigible children

Infantile characteristics, ductless glands in relation to nervous system in relation to

Infective disorders, convalescence from producing nervous symptoms relation of neurosis to

Inflammatory reactions

Insomnia. See Sleeplessness

Intellect, compared with physique

Intelligence, in early childhood

Intestinal disturbance of neurosis symptom of

Intoxications, violent reaction to

Introspection, and neuropathic children excessive, evidences of influencing conduct

Irritation, child to be free from

Joint pains

Kindergarten school, artificial symbolism of

Kindness, inculcation of

Lactation, care of child during care of mother during causes of failure in establishment of tongue-tie in relation to

Laryngismus stridulus. See Breath-holding

Later childhood, infantile characteristics in management in mental backwardness in

Likes and dislikes

Lordosis and neurosis producing albuminuria

Manual dexterity, advantages of

Massage, improving tone of muscles

Medicines, sensitiveness to

Melancholy children

Mental aspects, of digestive disorders of enuresis of management in early childhood

Mental backwardness, and infantile characteristics in later childhood

Mental disturbances, cyclical character of indicating neuropathic tendencies irregularities of sleep due to psycho-analysis of

Mental exhaustion, during convalescence from infective disorders easily produced in nervous children

Mental irritability, chorea a symptom of

Mental life of the child

Mental power, active before beginning of speech in early childhood

Mental processes, development of age at which most apparent in later childhood effect of unconscious suggestions on heredity in relation to influence of environment on

Mental training compared with physical training objects and advantages of

Mental unrest, avoidance of crying in relation to digestive disturbances due to growth of neuroses in atmosphere of habitual actions in relation to in the adult in the child negativism due to of newborn infant, effects of See also Nervous Unrest

Micturition, functional disorder of negativism in regulation of See also Enuresis

Migraine, periodic vomiting associated with symptom of nervous exhaustion

Mind, and body, development of effect on the body vigour of, in relation to that of body

Money, theft of

Montessori system of training

Moral degeneracy

Moral standard of school life

Moral training importance and effects of negative virtues and objects and advantages of parents' responsibilities in

Morals, public opinion forming code of

Morbid introspection

Mothers, ability and inability to manage children attitude in regard to temperament of child care of, during lactation conduct of child influenced by inability to understand nature of child's disorders influence of, on tone and manner of speech mental environment of child created by personality of relation to the child

Motionless children

Mouth, habit of conveying everything to, cause of

Movements, precision of purposive, development of self-command of

Muscular atrophy, and neurosis

Muscular system, changes in infantile children weak development of

Muscular tone, how improved

Myopathy, primary

Nasal obstruction and failure of lactation night-terrors aggravated by

Natural history, sexual matters taught by

Naughtiness, child's delight in

Naughty, use of the term

Negative virtues, and moral training

Negativism, cause of characteristics factors developing in constipation in micturition spirit of treatment of want of sleep depending on

Nerve centres, controlling movement, development of

Nervous control, instability of, connection between bodily ailments and

Nervous cough

Nervous disorders, and psycho-analysis common, causes, characteristics, and treatment frequency of

Nervous exhaustion, cyclic vomiting and migraine symptoms of

Nervous instability, stigma of

Nervous system, abnormal in children in relation to cyclic vomiting increased irritability of infantile characteristics of

Nervous unrest, environment in relation to factors increasing manifestations of recurrence of periods of symptoms of See also Mental Unrest

Nervous vomiting. See Vomiting

Nervousness, and digestive disorders and neuropathy in early infancy in older children parents' attitude causing



Neuropathic children, common symptoms of conduct of faulty contact with environment in fear the prominent symptom of introspection and self-consciousness of management of training of

Neuropathic tendencies, evidence of, in older children

Neuropaths, adult faulty management in child life leading to phenomena of phobias of selection of suitable environment for symptoms of

Neuroses, and psycho-analysis association of albuminuria with constipation frequently due to examination of growth in atmosphere of unrest and apprehension relation of, to infection of the body treatment of

Neurotics, and physique characteristics exaggeration of emotions of

Newborn baby, administration of sedatives to artificial feeding of breast feeding of case of effect of mental unrest on first impressions of formation of habits of sleep and crying in heat and cold in relation to hunger of induction of the sucking movements of of nervous inheritance personality of prevention of restlessness and crying reduction of sense stimuli in reflex action of sucking in sense of taste of symptoms of dyspepsia in times of feeding weaning of

Night-terrors, aggravation of, causes of of neuropathic children

Nursery, activities in, child's interest in importance of child's being alone in observations in

Nursery life, advantages of

Nursery psycho-therapeutics

Nurses, ability and inability to manage children influence of, on tone and manner of speech mental environment of child created by personality of

Nursing, during sickness of the newborn infant

Obedience and perverse pleasure growth of

Obsession of bed wetting

Opposition and counter-opposition during sickness force of, factors influencing development habit of impulse of love of, in early childhood to food

Organic disturbance, in combination with functional trouble

Pain, frequent loss of sense of, in neuropaths

Pallor sudden attacks of

Palpitation, example of visceral fatigue

Parathyroid glands, function of

Parents, and children, conflict between and silence on sexual matters habitual actions of, reproduced in the child mental attitude of, in relation to conduct over-exercise of authority by, results of responsibilities in moral training of child suggestions unconsciously conveyed by, evil results of

Parties, disadvantages of

Patient, temperament of, physician in relation to

Pelvis, development of

Peripheral nerves, increase in irritability and conductivity of

Personal adornment, delight in

Personality, and disobedience child's own conception of environment influencing in early childhood of newborn baby

Perspiration, abundant, sudden attacks of, 141

Phobias, characteristics and varieties frequency of treatment of

Physical defects, accompanying neurosis

Physical disturbances, due to emotion

Physical exercise, lack of, causing want of sleep

Physical fatigue, easily produced in nervous children

Physical phenomena of neuropaths

Physical training, objects and advantages of

Physician, and the temperament of his patient examination by diagnosis by difficulties of

Physique, intellect compared with

Pica and dirt eating

Picture books, educative value of kinds most suitable

Play, happiness of child during in the nursery with grown-up persons

Pleasure, sense of, in early childhood

Polarisation of ideas

Postural albuminuria

Posture, faulty prevention of

Power, child's love of

Precision of movement, development of

Psycho-analysis, dangers of observations on

Public schools, character and effects of

Punishment, deserved and undeserved frequent, disadvantages of observations on

Purity, inculcation of high ideals of,

Purposive movements, earliest, cause of encouragement of

Pyloric spasm

Pyrexia, organic disease in relation to

Rational hygiene

Reasoning power, active before advent of speech factors influencing development of

Regulation of habits

Repression, by older children of younger

Reproduction, method of imparting knowledge of

Reproof, cases in which useless causing disobedience effects of extreme sensitiveness to perverse pleasure of too frequent repetition of, futility of

Restlessness, during sickness

Rewards, use and dangers of

Rheumatism, and chorea, association between characteristics in childhood subacute treatment of

Rickets, mental and intellectual condition in in infantile children occurrence with spasmophilia

Right and wrong, appreciation of, in early childhood

Round shoulders

St. Vitus's dance

Salts, excretion of

School life, and sexual matters moral standard of moral training and moulding of character during of boys of girls

Schools, public, character and effects of

Scoliosis, prevention of

Secretions, anomalies of

Self, child's conception of

Self-conscious children, complaints of

Self-consciousness, of neuropathic children

Self-discipline, development of

Self-education, in the nursery


Self-preservation, morbid instinct of

Self-sacrifice, not to be expected in early childhood

Sensations, acuteness of bodily, of neuropaths

Sense perception, of neuropaths

Sense stimuli, cultivation of perception of in newborn babies

Sexual matters, education on method of errors of conduct and parents' silence in regard to psycho-analysis in relation to school life in relation to

Sickness evil effects of suggestions unconsciously conveyed by parents during management during nurse and mother during opposition during temperature during therapeutic measures in therapeutic procedures concentrating child's mind on his symptoms

Sleep, estimation of the amount of force of suggestion in relation to formation of habit of light and broken, cause of of newborn infant sound, beneficial effects of

Sleeping attire

Sleeplessness, breaking of the habit of causes and characteristics drugs in in older children lack of physical exercise causing suggestion in relation to treatment of


Snatching, habit of

Spasmophilia aetiology of drugs in treatment of occurrence of rickets with

Spasms, control of fatal

Speech, beginnings of facility with which local accent is acquired imitativeness of infant's reasoning power present before advent of influence of nurses and mothers on tone and manner of

Spinal deformity, prevention of

Spinal muscles, atrophy of

Spoon feeding

Status catarrhalis

Status lymphaticus


Sucking movements, of newborn child, induction of see also Lactation

Suggestion, and habit spasms appetite in relation to bed wetting in relation to bodily habits in relation to characteristics conduct influenced by constipation in relation to effect on mental processes food in relation to force of, on child's mind hysteria in relation to perverse influence of bad habits due to causing constipation want of sleep depending upon refusal of food in relation to sleep in relation to susceptibility to unconsciously conveyed by parents, evil results of


Suspicions, aroused in the child

Syncopal attacks, causes and characteristics

Tactile sensation. See Touch

Taste, perversion of sensations of how controlled sense of, in newborn infant

Teething convulsions

Tell-tale child, characteristics

Temperament, diversity of heredity and mother's attitude in relation to of the patient, physician in relation to

Temperature, during sickness inexplicable rises in

Terror, causes, of

Tetany, liability to, in increased irritability of nervous system pressure to brachial nerve causing

Theatres, disadvantages of


Therapeutic conversation

Thigh rubbing, avoidance of characteristics habitual action of

Thorax, development of

Thumb sucking persistence of the habit

Tongue-tie, in relation to lactation


Tonsils, removal of, in treatment of enuresis

Touch, sense of, cultivation of early development of organs with greatest development of

Toys, child's interest in educative value of kind most suitable

Training, early, importance and object of

Trousseau's sign, nature and production of

Truthfulness inculcation of

Twitching of facial muscles

Tyranny of tears

Unkindness, habitual, of children to others

Untruthfulness over-exercise of authority encouraging

Urine, condition in enuresis incontinence of, methods of treatment See also Enuresis increased secretion of irritation of

Vasomotor instability conditions indicating in neuropaths

Vasomotor tone, how improved

Virtuous, definition of the term

Visceral fatigue, easily produced in nervous children


Voice, tone of

Voluntary movements, development of cerebral centres controlling

Vomiting, cyclic aetiology of age at which it occurs case illustrating causes and characteristics class of child affected by condition of the child during frequency of attacks migraine in association with nervous system in relation to treatment of

Waking states

Weaning, difficulty in

Will, strength of, absence in childhood

Work and play, differentiation between

Writing, correct posture during

Transcriber's Notes

The following typographical errors were corrected: Page 4: 'sensisive' changed to 'sensitive'. Page 48: 'self-abnegnatio'n changed to 'self-abnegation'. page 61: Fixed 'and and'. Page 125: 'acount' changed to 'account'. First page of index (191): 'ullimentary' changed to 'Allimentary'; also 'ilstrating' channged to 'illustrating'.


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