Hamilton Hamilton, Secretary Paul Hampton, General Wade Hampton Roads Hanahett, Captain Hardy, Captain Hardy, Sir Thomas Harrison, General Hart, Midshipman Havannah Hawkins, Captain Richard Hayes, Captain John Head, Captain Michael Hebrus Hector Henderson, Captain Henly, Captain J.D. Henly, Captain Robert Hermes Hicks, Lieutenant William Highflyer Hilyar, Captain James Hinn, Mr. Hislop, Lieutenant General History of the British Navy History of the U.S. Navy Hoffman, Lieutenant B.F. Holdup, Lieutenant Hollaway, Captain Holmes, Captain Honduras Hood, Sir Samuel Hope, Captain Henry Hope, Lieutenant David Hornet Horseshoe Bend Howe, James Hughes, Sit Edward Hull, General Isaac Humbert, General Humble, James Hunt, William H. Hunter Hurlburt, Mr. Hutchinson, Lieutenant William
Icarus impressment Indefatigable Independence Indian Ocean Indians Inglis, Lieutenant George Ingram, Lieutenant William Insurgente Irvine, Lieutenant Isle-au-noix Italy Izard, General
Jackson, General Andrew Jamaica Plate James, William Jasseur Java Jefferson Jefferson, Thomas John Adams John, Lieutenant Colonel Johnson, Lieutenant Robert Johnson, Sailing-master Johnston, Sailing-master Jones Jones, Captain Jacob Jones, Lieutenant Thomas Catesby Julia Junon
Keane, General Kearney. Captain Palmer Kent, Lieutenant Bartholomew Kentucky Kerr, Captain Robert King, Captain King, Lieutenant Kingston Klaeson, Captain
LaColle Mill La Diane Lady Gore Lady Murray Lady of the Lake Lady Prevost Lafitte Lake Borgne Lake Champlain Lake Erie Lake Huron Lake Ontario Lamb, Midshipman Lambert, Captain Lambert, General Landon, Captain H. Landrail Lang, Jack Laugharne, T.L.O. Lawrence Lawrence, Captain Leander Lejoille Leopard Les Petites Coquilles Levant Linnet Little Belt Lockyer, Captain Loire London Naval Chronicle Long Island Sound Losack, Captain Woodley Lottery Louisiana Low. Lieutenant Ludlow Ludlow, Lieutenant A. Lumly, Captain Lundy's Lane Lynx
McCall, Lieutenant Edward McClintock, Midshipman McClure, General McCreery, Lieutenant David McDonald, Lieutenant Macdonough, Commodore Macedonia McGhie, Lieutenant James McGowan, Midshipman McKay, Charles McKeever, Lieutenant Isaac McKnight, Lieutenant Decatur Macomb, General McPherson, Lieutenant Madison Madison, James Magnet Maine Maitland, Captain Majestic Manly Manners, Captain William Maples, Captain John F Marblehead, Massachusetts Mars Marshall, Lieutenant John Martin Mary Maryland Matterface, Lieutenant William Meduse Medway Melville Menelaus Mensing, Commander Adolf Merrimac Meteor Mexico Milan Milbrook Miller, Captain Mills, Colonel Milne, Captain Mindham, William Minerva Minerve Mississippi River Mitchell, Colonel Mix, Sailing-master Mobile Point Mohawk Moltke Monk, Sailing-master James Montagu Montgomery Montreal Montresor, Captain Morgan, General Morgan, Major Morris, Captain Charles Moselle Muir, Captain Mulcaster, Captain William Howe, Murray, Colonel J.
Nancy Nantucket Napoleon Narcissus Nautilus Naval Chronicle Naval Gunnery Naval History of Great Britain Naval History of the United States Naval Occurrences Navy Department Nayaden Nazer, Lieutenant Kelly Neale, Lieutenant Nelson, Lord Nereide Nereyda Netly Nettle Neufchatel New Hampshire New Jersey New Orleans New York New York Newark Newcastle Newfoundland Niagara Niagara Nicholson, Lieutenant N.J. Nile's Register Nocton Nonsuch Norman, Lieutenant Charles R. North Point Norwich Nymphe
O'Brien, Mr. O'Connor, Captain Odenheimer, Lieutenant Ogdensburg Ohio Oliver, Captain R.D. Oneida Ontario Ordronaux, Captain Orpheus Osgood, Lieutenant Oswego
Packenham, General Edward Packet, Lieutenant John H. Paine, Sailing-master Thomas Palunure Palmer, Captain Parker, Captain Parker, George Parker, Lieutenant Parker, Sir Peter Pasley Patterson, Captain Patuxent River Paulding, Admiral Paulding, Midshipman Hiram Peacock Peacock (British) Peake, William Pechell, Captain Pelican Pendleton, Thomas M. Penguin Perry Perry, Captain Oliver H. Pert Peterel Pettigrew, Lieutenant Pettipauge Philadelphia Phillot, Captain Phoebe Phoenix Pictou Piedmontaise Pigot, Captain Pike Pike, Brigadier General Pilot Pique Plantagenet Plattsburg Poictiers Polkinghorne, Lieutenant James Pomona Pomone Popham, Captain Porcupine Porter, Captain David Porto Praya Porto Rico Portsmouth, New Hampshire Portugal Potomac River Powell, H.T. Pratt, Lieutenant Preble President Presque Isle Prevost, Sir George, Primrose Prince Regent Princess Charlotte Pring, Captain Daniel privateers Proctor, Colonel Prometheus Prosperous Prudente Psyche
Quasi-War (1799-1800) Queen Charlotte Queenstown Quidproquo
Racer Radchffe, Lieutenant Raderhurst, Lieutenant Rainbow Raleigh Ramillies Rattlesnake Rattray, Captain James Raven Rawle, Lieutenant Richard Read, George Campbell Reade, Colonel Ready, Lieutenant Henry Red House Reid, Captain Samuel C. Reindeer Rennie, Colonel Renshaw, Lieutenant Commander, Resolution Riall, General Rifleman Ripley, Mr. Rivoli Roach, Lieutenant Isaac Roberts, Captain Robinson, Batty Rodgers, Commodore John, Rodney Rolette, Lieutenant Ross, General Rota Rouvier, Charles Royal George Russia Sackett's Harbor St. Lawrence St. Lawrence Salamanca Samwell, Midshipman San Domingo San Florenzo San Salvador San Sebastian Sanders, Captain Sandy Creek Sandy Hook, New Jersey Sappho Saranac Saratoga Saunders, Lieutenant Sawyer, Vice Admiral Schooner Scott, Colonel Scott, General Scott, Robert Scorpion Scourge Sea Horse Seine Seneca Seringapatam Severn Shannon Sheafe, Major General Shelburne Sherbroke, Lieutenant General Sherriff, Captain Shields, Thomas Shubrick, Lieutenant J.T. Sigourney, Mr. Simco Simmons, Captain T.F. Sisson, Sailing-master Sinclair, Captain Arthur Smith, Lieutenant Sydney Smith, Midshipman Sohomberg, Solcy, J. Russell, Somers, Somerville, Captain Philip Sorel River Soult South Carolina Southampton Southcombe, Captain Spain Spark Speedy Spilsbury, Captain, Spitfire Speddes, Lieutenant Robert Squaw Island Star Statira Stephens, John Stewart, Captain George Stoddart, Benjamin Stokes, Lieutenant Thomas Stone, Major-General Stuart, Lord Superb Superior Suret Surveyor Swallow Sybille Sydney Smith Sykes, Lieutenant Sylph Syren
Tagus Tarbell, Captain Tartarus Tattnall. Lieutenant Taylor, Captain John Taylor, Major-General Tecumseh Tenedos Tennessee Terror Thalia Thames River Thorn Thornton, Colone Ticonderoga Tigress Tigris Tom Bowline Tompkins tonnage, Tonnant Torch Toronto (see York) Torpedo Toulouse Townsend, Captain Lord James Towson, Captain N. Trafalgar Trant. Sailing-master Travis. William S. Trent Tripoli Trippe Tromp Troude Truxtun, Commodore Tucker, Captain Thomas Tudor Tucker, General Turkey Turner, Lieutenant Daniel Tyler, Vice Admiral
Ulrick, Sailing-master George United States Upton. Captain
Valparaiso Van Horne, Colonel Van Rensselaer. General Vashon. Captain Vaughan, Sailing-master Vengeance Vermont Vestale Victorious Victory Villeneuve. M. Vincent. General Viper Virgin Virginia Vixen Volcano
Wadsworth, Colonel Wales. Captain War Department Ward, Commander J.H. Wareham Warren, Admiral Sir John. Warrington, Master Commandant Lewis. Washington Washington, D.C. Wasp Waters, Midshipman Kervin Watson, Lieutenant Watt, Lieutenant Watts, George Weasel Wellington, Duke of Wells, Lieutenant Henry West Indies Westphal, Lieutenant Philip Whinyates, Captain Thomas Wilkes, Commodore Wilkinson, General William Williams, Lieutenant Alexander D. Wilmer Wilmer, Lieutenant Winchester Winder, General Wintle, Lieutenant Wise, George S. Wolfe Wood, Lieutenant Peter V. Woodbridge Woolsey, Captain M.T. Worsely, Lieutenant Worth, Lieutenant Frederick A. Wragg, Midshipman Wright, Lieutenant
Yarnall, Lieutenant Yeo, Sir James Lucas York (Toronto) York Bay Young Wasp