A return dated six months later shows that there were 23 merchant vessels owned, or constantly employed, in the colony, of a total tonnage of 660 tons, carrying crews numbering altogether 117. The vessels varied in size from the King George, of 185 tons and 25 men, to the Margaret, of 7 tons and 2 men.
In the year 1898 the royal naval forces in Australian waters make a squadron, under the command of a rear-admiral, consisting of 17 ships. Of these 15 (including 3 surveying vessels at present attached to the Australian station) are in commission, and 2 in reserve. The total tonnage of the vessels in commission and in reserve amounts to 31,795 tons, armed with the most modern weapons, and carrying crews numbering in the aggregate about 3000, while the naval establishment at Garden Island (so called because about a hundred and twenty years ago it was used as a vegetable garden for the crew of the Sirius) is now one of the most important British naval stations.
Seven of these war vessels belong to a special squadron, the maintenance of which is partially paid for by the colonial governments; and, by agreement with the Imperial Government, the ships are to be employed in Australasian waters solely for the defence of Australia and New Zealand. Besides this force, most of the colonial governments maintain a naval reserve of their own, highly efficient, perhaps, as a land force, but, owing to the lack of vessels and of money, scarcely to be considered seriously of value as a naval defence force.
The merchant shipping trade of Australia, measured by the entering and clearing returns from all Australian ports, now reaches about 18,000,000 tons annually, of which about one-third is entered or cleared from the ports of the mother-colony. The returns do not separate purely local tonnage from the other shipping of the British empire, but out of the above 18,000,000 tons some 16,000,000 tons are classed as British, and Australia as a whole contributes no mean proportion of that amount.
Here ends this account of the naval pioneers of Australia. We have already said that this work is biographical rather than historical. All that we have attempted is not to sketch the progress of the colony—as a colony, for the first twenty years of its existence, no element of progress was in it—but to show how certain naval officers, in spite of the difficulties of the penal settlement days, in spite very often of their own unfitness for this to them strange service, did their work well, not perhaps always governing wisely, but holding to ground won in such circumstances and by such poor means as men with more brains and less "grit" would have abandoned as untenable.
Arthur Phillip landed in a desert, obtained a footing on the land, and when he left it, left behind him a habitable country; Hunter and King followed him and held the country, though nearly every man's hand was against them, and the industrious and the virtuous among their people could be numbered by the fingers of the hand. Yet these men and their officers dotted the coast-line with their discoveries, and by what they wrought in the direction of sea exploration more than made up for what they lacked in the art of civil governing. Bligh honestly endeavoured in a blundering way to accomplish that which only the sharp lesson of his mistake made possible; Macquarie, backed by a regiment, began his administration with concessions, and continued for many years to govern the colony, chiefly for the benefit of the emancipists instead of for its officials. Whatever evils may have come of his methods, it has been said of him that "he found a garrison and a gaol, and left the broad and deep foundations of an empire." Such foundation was really laid by his successors, who encouraged the emigration of free men who presently demanded that Australia should no longer be used as a place of punishment, and its lands as a reward for felons; that it must be a British colony in the fullest and freest sense. It is to these men, marching forward upon ways cut for them by the naval pioneers, we owe the fulfilment of Phillip's prediction that "this would be the most valuable acquisition England ever made."
Abbott, Captain, 144, 147, 257. Abrolhos, 11, 15, 17, 38. Adamant, H.M.S., 288. Adams, John, 234, 240. Addison's Arithmetical Navigation, 35. Admiralty Islands, 51. Adventure Bay, 223. Alexander, 247. All Saints, Bay of, 34. Amazon, 142. Anson, 51. Apia Harbour, 32. Apollo, 287. Arauco, 241. Ariadne, 76, 137. Armstrong Channel, 170. Arnhem's Land, 184; discovery of, 9, 16. Arnhem, 9. Ascension, 39. Assistance, 229. Astrolabe, 138. Atkin, Mr., 199, 203, 212. Atkins, Judge-Advocate, 261. Australia, 59; belief in the existence, 2; the Spanish voyages, 4; the Dutch, 6; discovery of the south coast, in 1627, 9; the first English naval expedition, 23; first use of the name, 184; condition of the navy in 1804, 293; in 1898, 294; merchant shipping trade, 295.
Baffin's Bay, 65. Bahio de todos los Santos, or the Bay of All Saints, 34. Ball, Lieutenant, 77, 140, 279. Banjoewangi, 39. Banks, Sir Joseph, 53, 67, 73, 149, 154, 158, 168, 182, 208, 222, 223, 249, 251, 252; on establishing a penal colony at Botany Bay, 74; letters from Captain Flinders, 204-206, 212, 213; to Governor King, 209; to Captain Flinders, 210. Barham, Lord, 211. Barrallier, Francis Louis, 279, 280. Barrier Reef, 60, 63, 184, 227, 284. Barrington, George, 164. Barrow, Sir John, his Mutiny of the "Bounty," 218, 231, 232, 238, 245. Barton, Mr. G.B., his History of Australia, 2; History of New South Wales from the Records, 87. Barwell, 106. Bashee Islands, 19. Basilisk, 75. Bass, George, 95, 105, 279; his work of surveying, 167; early career, 169; appointed surgeon to the Reliance, 169; discovers the coalfields of New South Wales, 172; explorations, 172-175, 177; sails in the Venus, 179; last news, 179; appearance, 181; mysterious fate, 181; various reports, 181. Bass' Straits, 170, 178, 281, 285. Batavia, 11, 58, 64, 100, 141. Batavia, Wreck of the, 10. Bath, 89. Bathampton Church, 89. Bathurst, 292. Baudin, M., 157, 286; his expedition to New South Wales, 158; letter to Captain King, 160. Baye du Cap, 198, 201. Beagle, 291. Bee, 282. Belcher, Lady, Mutineers of the Bounty, 218, 238. Bellerophon, 169. Bellona, 66. Benevideis, General, 241. Bennilong Point, 283. Bergeret, Captain, 199, 212. Bermudas, 134. Berwick, 77. Besant, Sir Walter, 45. Bishop, Charles, 179. Blackwood, 291. Blaxland, George, 291. Blenheim, 233. Bligh, Captain, 100, 163, 169, 211, 277, 279; Governor of New South Wales, 218, 247, 252; his first visit to the South Seas, 221; in command of the Bounty, 222; outbreak of the mutiny, 224; cast adrift, 225; his courage and endurance, 226, 246; reaches Timor, 228; England, 229; in command of the Providence, 229; his version of the mutiny, 242; responsibility for it, 245; defence of his conduct, 248-250; instructions, 252; administration, 254, 296; dispute with MacArthur, 256; prohibits the distillation of spirits, 257; proceedings against MacArthur, 259; surrenders to Major Johnston, 267; Rear-Admiral, 270. Bligh's Passage, 227. Blue Mountains, 82, 157, 279, 292. Bonaparte, 133, note. Bootie, 65. Botany Bay, 57, 58, 94; proposal to establish a penal colony at, 74; arrival of the fleet, 78; its unsuitability, 81; state of society, 271. Bougainville, 51. Bounty, Mutiny of the, 218; various books on, 218, 219; sails for Tahiti, 222; fittings, 222; crew, 223; outbreak of the mutiny, 224; trial of the mutineers, 232; sole survivor, 233; beached and burnt, 234. Boussole, 138. Bowen, Lieutenant, 285; forms a settlement at Derwent, 289. Bowles, Captain, 240. Bowrey, Captain, 37. Brazils, Viceroy of the, treatment of Captain Cook, 55. Bremen, Jan de, 15. Bremer, Sir Gordon, 291. Breton, Cape, 125. Bridgewater, 186, 188; escapes being wrecked, 189; deserts the ships, 190. Britannia, 144. Briton, 233. Britton, Mr., 124. Broken Bay, 94, 174. Broome, 39. Brown, 183, 234. Buccaneer Archipelago, 20. Buchan, 53. Buffalo, 105, 293. Bunker, Mr., 242. Bunker's Hill, Battle of, 119, 124. Burney, Charles, 92. Burney, extract from his Voyages, 5. Byron, Mr., 51, 66, 137; discovers the Falkland Islands, 50. Byron, his poem of "The Island," 219.
Caen, General de, 199, 201; his treatment of Captain Flinders, 198, 202; his report, 207. Calcutta, 242. Calcutta, 289. Callao, 4, 241, 242. Calliope, 32. Camden, Lord, 252. Campbell, Captain, 181. Campbell, Mr., 201. Campeachy, Bay of, 19. Camperdown, Battle of, 248. Canada, 247. Canterbury, 40. Carnarvon, 39. Carpentaria, Gulf of, 16, 184. Carteret, Captain, 100; in command of the Swallow, 50; his discoveries, 51. Cascade Bay, 123. Castle Hill, 152. Castlereagh, Lord, 250. Cato, 186, 293; wreck of the, 188-192. Cavendish, 24. Celebes, 20. Chappell, Captain, 217. Charles II., 37. Charnock, his Marine Architecture, 23; illustration of a sixth-rate vessel, 26; a man-of-war, 27; his scale of provisions, 30; dress of sailors, 31. Chart-making, the work of, 278. Chastleton, 247. Chili, 180. Christian, Fletcher, 224, 225, 234, 242, 244, 250; mystery of his death, 235; accounts of his revolt, 236, 238. Cinque Ports, 42. Circassian, 242. Clarke, 92. Clarke Island, 170. Clerke, Charles, 65; his career, 66; captain of the Discovery, 66; extracts from his letters, 67-71. Coalcliff, 172. Cochrane, Lord, 241. Coker, East, 19. Cole, Mr., 244. Collins, Arthur, 119. Collins, General Arthur Tooker, 119. Collins, Lieut.-Colonel, on the result of the first voyage to Botany Bay, 78; the second voyage, 79; on the settlers of New South Wales, 83; his history of it, 118; career, 119; appointed Judge-Advocate, 119; Governor of Van Diemen's Land, 120; appearance, 120; character, 121; in command of the expedition to colonize Port Phillip, 289. Colnett, Captain, 164. Convicts, mutiny, 152. Cook, Captain James, 221, 249; his early years, 45; appointed master of the Mercury, 45; marine surveyor of Newfoundland, 46; in command of the expedition to the Pacific, 46; object of his voyage, 52; commander of the Endeavour, 52, 53; his ship's company, 53; food supply, 54; order on the treatment of scurvy, 54; treatment by the Viceroy of the Brazils, 55; at Point Hicks, 57; Botany Bay, 57; discovers and surveys the east coast, 58; sails through Torres Strait, 58; takes possession of the continent, 58; his difficulties, 60; extracts from his entries, 60-63; on the number of deaths at Batavia, 64; logs of his officers, 65; accidental discovery of Australia, 71; discovers Norfolk Island, 139; report, 139. Coombes, Miss, 165. Cooper-King, Colonel C, on the punishment of marines, 122. Copenhagen, 142; battle of, 249. Cornelis, Jerome, the mutiny of, 11-15. Coupang, 198, 231. Courageux, 66, 119. Crescent, 241. Crossley, 183. Cumberland, 159, 194, 196, 201, 293. Cunningham, James, 140. Curtis, Sir Roger, 287, 288. Cygnet, 19. Cygnet Bay, 20.
Daedalus, 144. Daily Graphic, 247; extract from, 248-250. Dalrymple, 6, 52; his jealousy of Captain Cook, 52, 56; Historical Collection of Voyages, 56. Dalrymple Port, 271. Dampier, Captain, 8, 17, 51; his voyages, 19; slave "Joey," 20; observations on the natives, 21; in command of the Roebuck, 23; account of his travels, 28; dedication to the Hon. C. Mountague, 28; his pay, 29; ill-disciplined crew, 34; scientific results of the voyage, 35; on Tasman's draught of the coast, 36; in Sharks' Bay, 38; at New Guinea, 39; foundering of his ship, 39; personality, 40; summary of his work, 41; dedication to the Earl of Pembroke, 42; in command of a privateering expedition, 42; sails as pilot, 43; obscure death, 43; his Voyage, 56. Dampier's Monument, 21. Davies, Lieutenant, 152. Davies, John, 24; his work on navigation, 35. Dawes, 118, 279; Battery, 118; Point, 283. De Quiros discovers various islands, 4. Denmark, Matilda, Queen of, 119. Deptford, 53. Derwent, settlement at, 289; River, 268. Dewar, Mr. W., 70. Director, 248. Dirk Hartog's Road, 38. Discovery, 66, 68. Dixon, Mr., 153. Doggerbank, 249. Dolphin, 50, 51, 66, 137. Donington, 168. Duckett, 59. Duff, 133. Duke, 288. Duncan, Admiral, 248. Duncan, 214. Dunton, John, A New Discovery of Terra Incognita Australis, or the Southern World, by James Sadeur, a Frenchman, 37. Dusky Bay, 179. Dutch, their voyages to Australia, 6; East India Company, establishment of the, 7. Duyphen Point, 8. Duyphen, its voyages to New Guinea, 7.
Eagle, 45, 93. East Indies, 71. Edwards, Captain, 229, 245; his treatment of the mutineers of the Bounty, 230-232. Ellis, Mr. W., 70. Elphinstone, 229. Encounter Bay, 184. Endeavour, 48, 52, 179; sketch of the vessel, 53; its condition, 60; goes ashore on the Barrier Reef, 60. Endeavour River, 63. Endragt, 8. England, state of the navy, 22. Esmeralda, 241. Etheridge, Mr., 166. Europe, 76, 137. Evans, 292. Evelyn, John, extract from, on Captain Dampier, 18. Everard, Cape, 57. Everett, Captain Michael, 75. Exmouth Gulf, 16.
Falconer, 92. Falkland Islands, discovery of, 50. Fish, Rev. Lancelot J., 90. Fitzmaurice, Lieutenant, 181. Fitzroy, 291. Flattery, Cape, 63. Flinders, Matthew, 59, 105, 279, 284, 286; his work of surveying, 167; early career, 168; joins the Reliance, 169; discoveries, 170, 176, 177, 178, 184; in command of the Norfolk, 177; return to England, 178, 182; on the circumnavigation of Van Diemen's Land, 182; in command of the Investigator, 182; charts of the coast, 184; on board the Porpoise, 186; wrecked, 187-192; reaches Sydney, 192; at Wreck Reef, 196; his description of the Cumberland, 197; letter to Governor King on being taken prisoner, 198-201; tyranny of General de Caen, 202; imprisonment, 203; letters to Sir J. Banks, 204-206, 212, 213; to General de Caen, 208, 209; obtains his freedom, 215; arrives in England, 216; Account of a Voyage to Terra Australia, 216; his daughter, 217. Flinders, Samuel, 169, 183. Flinders, Mrs., 210. Fly, 291. Folger, Matthew, 233. Forwood, 65. Foveaux, Lieutenant-Colonel, 268. Fowler, Lieutenant, 186, 189. Francis, 176, 194, 196, 197, 293. Franklin, John, 183. Frazer, Harriet, 119. Freycinet, De, 8. Frobisher, extract from, on Australia, 3. Fryer, John, 223, 224, 225, 243. Funnel, in command of the Cinque Ports, 43. Furneaux, Captain, 173, 174. Furneaux group, 177.
Gambia, 241. Garden Island, 294. Gascoyne division, 38. George, St., 42. George, III., anniversary of his birthday, 283. Geographe, 160, 200, 286. Gerald, 165. Gilbert, Captain, his duel with Lieutenant MacArthur, 125. Glatton, H.M.S., 163, 244, note, 249. Good Hope, Cape of, 68, 71, 95, 102, 105, 216. Gorgon, 143. Grampus, 92. Grant, Lieutenant James, 280; in command of the Lady Nelson, 281; his Narrative of a Voyage of Discovery, 281; instructions, 281; survey of the coast, 282. Green, 53, 65. Green Cape, 177. Gregory, Rev. William, 133. Grey, Sir George, 291. Grimes, Surveyor, 286. Grose, Francis, 124. Grose, Major, 102; his method of governing New South Wales, 103; offers to form a corps, 123; manner of raising, 126; his career, 124; grants of land to officers, 130; in temporary command, 143; cause of offence against Governor King, 145. Guardian, wreck of the, 142. Gulde Zeepard, 10. Guns, table of, 25. Gunter, 35.
Hacking, Quartermaster, 279. Hackney Churchyard, 113. Hadley, his quadrant, 35; sextant, 50. Hallett, 243. Halley, 52. Hamelin, Captain, of the Naturaliste, 8. Hamilton, Mr., 176. Harriet, 215. Harrington, 181. Harrison, his chronometer, 50. Hartog, Dirk, in command of the Endragt, 8. Hawke, Lord, 52. Hawkesbury, River, 94, 254. Hawkesworth, Dr., 45, 58, 60, 81. Hayes, Sir Henry Browne, 164. Helena, St., 64, 101. Henriques, Don, 236. Henry VIII., 22. Herbert, Captain, 75. Heywood, 219, 229, 238, 242, 250; imprisoned on the Pandora, 230; trial, 232; pardoned, 233. Hicks, Lieutenant, 64, 65. Hicks, Point, 57. Hobart, Lord, 160, 290; recalls Captain King, 162. Hobart, 271, 290. Hodmadods, (Hottentots) of Monomatapa, 21. Hodson, 291. Hogan, Mr., 290. Hollandia Nova, 16. Holt, memoirs of, 118, 156. Hope, The 192. Horn, Cape, 71, 101. Houtman's Abrolhos, 10. Howe, Cape, 171. Howe, Lord, 76, 93, 94, 102, 119, 169, 249. Humes, 292. Hunter, John, 279, 296; early years, 91; at school, 92; various appointments, 93; in command of the Sirius, 93; his charts and land maps, 94; sent to obtain supplies, 95; character, 95; shipwrecked, 96-98; account of his voyage home, 99-101; appointed governor of New South Wales, 102; interest in exploration, 105; good-nature, 107; quarrel with Captain MacArthur, 108; charges against him, 109; letters from the Duke of Portland, 109, 110; recalled, 111, 149; indignation, 111; in command of the Venerable, 113; death, 113; on the explorations of Bass and Flinders, 172-176. Hunter, William, 92. Hunter River, 284.
Indefatigable, 240. Integrity, 293. Investigator, 182, 284, 293; its condition, 185. Ipswich, 118. Isle of France, 199, 209.
Jackson, Sir George, 59. James II., 22. James' Naval History, 23, 24. Jamison, Thomas, 140. Jarvis' Bay, 173. "Jeoey, Painted Prince," 20. Johnson, 106. Johnston, Major, 127, 256, 264; his report of the convict mutiny, 152-154; demands release of MacArthur, 265; assumes the government, 267; court-martial on, 270, 275; cashiered, 270, 276; defence, 275. Jorgenson, the "King of Iceland," 290. Juan Fernandez, 43, 236.
Kemp, Captain, 262. Kent, Captain, 105, 185. Keppel, Admiral, 124. Kew, 186. Kimberley, West, 20. King, Philip Gidley, 111, 136, 280, 286; governor of Norfolk Island, 122, 140; extract from his journal on establishing martial law, 123; statement of his services, 137; administration, 141; voyage to England, 141; recognition of his services, 143; marriage, 143, 165; return to Norfolk Island, 143; accompanies the Maoris to New Zealand, 144; gives offence to Major Grose, 145; suppression of a mutiny, 146-148; governor of New South Wales, 149; administration, 149, 296; on the corps, 150; his indulgences to political prisoners, 151; revolt of convicts, 152-154; on M. Baudin's visit, 158-160; the treatment of the officers, 161; lampoon, 162; recalled, 163; defence of his conduct, 163; famous prisoners, 164; his son, 165; on the work of Flinders, 185; assistance to him, 194; proclamation, 283; opinion of Grant, 283; on his stolen despatches, 285; sends an expedition to colonize Derwent, 289; his report on the navy, 293. King, Phillip Parker, 165; his voyages round the Australian coast, 290. King, Mr., 71. King George, 294. King's Island, 159. King's Sound, 21. Kite, 137. Klencke, of Amsterdam, 37. Knowles, Sir Charles, 93.
Labillardiere, his Voyage in Search of La Perouse, 243. Ladrones, 19. Lady Nelson, 183, 184, 280, 281, 283, 284, 285, 289, 293; destroyed by Maoris, 290. Lady Shore, mutiny on board, 132. Lancaster, H.M.S., 288. Lang, Dr., his History of New South Wales, 107, 154, 250, 254, 273. Larcom, Thomas, 288. Lawrence, St., 46. Lawson, William, 291. Laycock, Quartermaster, 152, 153. Ledward, 224. Leeuwin, Cape, 10, 184. Leith, 91. Lima, 181. Linois, Admiral, 200. Lion, 65. Lipari Islands, 241. Liverpool, 137. Longnose Bay, 173. Lord Howe Island, 140. Louisiade Archipelago, 4. Lumsdine, Captain, 287.
MacArthur, Captain John, 107, 150; character, 108; quarrel with Captain Hunter, 108; his duels with Captain Gilbert, 125; with Lieut.-Colonel Paterson, 151; successful wool-growing, 157; dispute with Captain Bligh, 256; seizure of his stills, 258; proceedings against him, 259; indictment, 261; objects to be tried by Judge-Advocate Atkins, 262; lodged in gaol, 263; released, 265; acquitted, 267; his return in 1817, 270. Macassar, Strait of, 100. Macquarie, Governor, his administration of New South Wales, 269, 296. Magellan Straits, 51. Major, R.H., Early Voyages to Australia, 2, 6, 11-15, 37. Manly, Captain, 287. Margaret, 294. Margarot, 165. Marines, expedition to New South Wales, 114; petition for liquor, 115; officers, 116, 118; severity of the punishments, 122; granted discharges, 127; privileges of re-enlistment, 127. Marquis de Seignelay, 93. Marsden, 106. Marshall, Captain, 80. Marshall, Mr., 119. Martin, 234. Matavai Bay, 223, 229. Matra, Jean Maria, 74. Mauritius, 142, 198. Maxwell, Lieutenant George William, 100. McBride, Admiral, 119. McBride, Dr., his method of treating scurvy, 54. McClure, 279. McCoy, 234, 235. McFarland, Judge, his book on The Mutiny of the "Bounty," 219. Mercator, Gerald, his chart, 35. Mercury, 46. Messina, 241. Middleton, Sir Charles, 211. Mills, 234. Mindanao, 20, 101. Missionaries, on the condition of New South Wales, 105. Molineux, Robert, 65. Monistrol, Colonel, 203, 207. Monson, Sir William, Naval Tracts, 25. Monte Video, 133. Moore, Thomas, letter from, 182. Morley, Roger, 140. Morrison, 232, 233. Mosse Island, 134. Motham, J., 288. Motherbank, 76. Moulter, James, 231. Mountague, Hon. Charles, 28. Muir, 165. Mulgrave, Lord, 119. Murray, Lieutenant, 285, 286; certificate of his services, 287. Murray, Rear-Admiral, 240. Murray, Rev. T.B., extract from, on Mr. Nobbs, 240-242. Muspratt, 233.
Naples, 241. Naturaliste, 8, 160, 200, 286. Nautical Almanac, first number of the, 50. Nautilus, 177. Naval Chronicle, 92, 94. Navigation aux Terres Australes, Histoire des, 57. Navy, condition of the, in 1688, 22; in 1769, 48; in 1804, 293; in 1898, 294; officers, 29; scale of provisions, 30; dress of sailors, 31; life on board ship, 32; improvement in the class of seamen, 48; food and accommodation, 49; changes in the uniform of officers, 55. Nelson, Lord, 46, 142, 244, 249. Nelson, the botanist, 224, 228. Nepean, Captain, 145. Nepean, Evan, 125. Nepean, Nicholas, 124. Nepean River, 125, 254. Neptune, 80, 125. New Britain, 39, 100. New Caledonia, 100. New Guinea, 4, 7, 9, 39, 51, 58, 63. New Hebrides, or Tierra Australis del Espiritu Santo, 4. New Holland, 16, 20, 50, 59, 71, 95. New Ireland, 51, 100. New South Wales, 58; scheme for colonizing, 74; opinions on the country, 82; agricultural returns, 83; convict population, 84; administration of Captain Phillip, 85; Captain Hunter, 102; the military, 102; state of disorder, 103; the corps, 103; bushrangers, 105; the marines, 114; officers, 116, 118; formation of the corps, 123; manner of raising, 126; maximum strength, 127; marines granted discharges, 127; privileges of re-enlistment, 127; emigrants, 128; emancipated convicts, 128; the first cargo of rum, 131; character of the corps, 131; breaches of discipline, 132; number of companies, 134; the veteran, 134; abolished, 135, 269; revolt of convicts, 152; the first newspaper, 157; administration of Capt. King, 136; discovery of coalfields, 172; Captain Bligh, 218; under martial law, 267; population, 271; condition of the colony, 271; Governor Macquarie, 269. New South Wales Records, 67. New Zealand, 7, 57, 71, 143. Newcastle, 105; town of, founded, 157. Newfoundland, 46. Nicobar Islands, 20. Nobbs, Rev. George H., his history, 240-242. Norfolk, 177, 178, 183. Norfolk Island, 96, 99, 128, 235; establishment of martial law, 122; discovery of, 139; colonization, 140; population, 140; mutiny, 146-148. Norton, Sir Fletcher, 67. Nutting, Mary, letter from, on Captain Bligh, 248-250. Nuyts Archipelago, 10. Nuyts, Peter, 10.
Oakes, Francis, 260. Ocean, 289. Oceani, 242. Otaheite, 237. Oxford, Earl of, 29. Oxley, 292.
Palliser, Sir Hugh, 46. Palmer, 165. Palmerston, Lord, 86. Pandora frigate, 229; wrecked, 231. Pandora's Reef, 231. Paramour, 52. Paris, Peace of, 93. Parker, Admiral, 249. Parramatta, 83, 128, 152. Pascoe, Lieutenant, 47. Pasley, 169. Paterson, Lieut.-Colonel, 103, 104, 125, 268, 280; his duel with Captain MacArthur, 151. Peckover, William, 224. Pellew, Sir Edward, 213, 214. Pelsart, Francis, in command of the Batavia, 10. Pembroke, Earl of, 42. Pepy's Diary, 18, 22, 31, 32. Perouse, La, 8, 66, 139, 243. Peru, 181. Pesa, 9. Petit, Mr., 161. Petril, Mrs. Annie, 217. Philip III. of Spain, 6. Philippines, The, 20. Phillip, Captain Arthur, 139, 166, 270, 279; his early career, 75; in command of the first fleet to New South Wales, 76; number of vessels, 77; his good management, 79; Governor-in-Chief and Captain-General, 80; on the unsuitability of Botany Bay, 80; explores the coast, 81; founds Sydney, 81; administration, 84, 296; qualifications, 87; resignation, 89; promotions and death, 89. Pickersgill, 65; Commander of the Lion, 65. Pindar, Peter, 74. Pitcairn Island, 51, 233; character of its population, 234. Pitcairne, Major, 119. Pitt, William, 164. Plymouth, 125, 221. Polyphemus, 287. Porpoise, 159, 186, 197, 285, 287, 293; wreck of the, 187-192. Port Bowen, 187. Port King, 286. Port Jackson, 59, 81, 94, 142. Port Louis, 142, 198, 201. Port Phillip, 157, 160, 184; discovery of, 285; attempt to colonize, 271, 289. Port Royal, 52. Port Stephens, 59. Portland, Duke of, 107, 148, 150, 172; extract of his letters to Captain Hunter, 109-111. Portland, 64. Possession Island, 58. Preservation Island, 170, 177. Princess, 137. Providence, 100, 169, 229, 249. Providential Channel, 63. Prudent, 137. Purchas, extract from, on Australia, 3. Putland, Mrs., 266.
Quebec, 93; siege of, 46. Queen Charlotte, 102. Quintall, 234, 235. Rattlesnake, H.M.S., 288, 291. Reliance, 168, 169, 178. Renown, 137. Resolution, 65, 66, 221, 230, 249. Resource, 197, 293. Restoration Island, 227. Rio de Janeiro, 132. Riou, Captain, 142. Robinson, Commander C.N., The British Fleet, 28, 31. Rochefort, 93. Rochester, 119. Rodney, Sir George, 93. Rodriguez, Island of, 233 Roebuck, H.M.S., 23, 240; a sixth-rate vessel, 24; guns, 26; officers, 29; scale of provisions, 30; dress of the sailors, 31; founders, 39. Roebuck Bay, 39. Roeburne, 39. Rogers, Woodes, 43. Rolla, 194, 196, 197. Rosemary Isles, 39, 213. Ross, Major, 96; on the attempt to colonize New South Wales, 82; commandant and lieutenant-governor, 116; character, 117; return to England, 117; establishes martial law at Norfolk Island, 122; in temporary command, 143. Ross Point, 97. Royal George, 92. Royal Prince, 19. Russell, Mr. Clark, his sketch of Dampier, 40.
Sadeur, James, 37. Sailors, dress of, 31; life on board ship, 32; compared with the modern, 32, 33; improvement in the class, 48; food and accommodation, 49. Sandwich Islands, 51. Sandwich, Lord, 67, 68. Sandy Hook, 93. Santham, Mr. G., 70. Sardam, the frigate, 14. Saunders, Sir Charles, 93. Scarborough, 80. Schanck, Cape, 281; Mount, 281. Schanck, Captain, 280. Scilly Isles, 247. Scipio, 169. Scott, Captain, 287. Selkirk, Alexander, 43. Semple, Major, 132. Shark's Bay, 8, 36, 38. Shortland, 105. Shortlands, 279. Sierra Leone, 241. Simon's Bay, 223, 288. Sirius, 77, 82, 93, 137, 140, 143; wreck of the, 96-98. Skirving, 165. Sleaford, 169. Smith, 234; his work at Pitcairn, 234. Smollett, Roderick Random, 31. Solander, Dr., 53, 70. South Sea Islands, 179. Southwell, extracts from his letters, 95, 96-98. Spanish, voyages to Australia, 4. Spencer, Lord, 211. Spithead, 76, 222, 232. Spragge, Captain Sir Edward, 19. Stephens, Mr. Philip, 59. Sterling, 291. Stewart, 229; imprisoned on the Pandora, 230; drowned, 231. Stingray Bay, 57. Stirling Castle, 75. Stokes, 291. Storm Bay Passage, 159. Success, 291. Sunda, Strait of, 242. Supply, 77, 96, 140, 141, 143. Sutherland, Forby, 57. Swallow, 50, 51, 100, 137. Swan, Captain, 19. Swan Point, 21. Swiftsure, 89. Sydney, 59; harbour, 81, 184. Sydney Cove, wreck of the, 170, 176. Sydney Gazette, the first paper, 157. Sydney, Lord, 76.
Table Bay, 101. Tagus, 233. Tahiti, 50, 52, 105, 169, 222, 223, 229, 234. Tamar, 50, 291. Tasman, Commander Abel Janszoon, his voyages and discoveries, 7, 15, 37; death at Batavia, 16; draught of the coast of Australia, 36. Tasmania, 170; capital of, 290. Tench, Captain, 137, 279; his history of New South Wales, 82, 118, 138. Teneriffe, 78, 223. Therenot, extract from his Recueil de Voyages Curieux, 11-15. Therry, Judge, his reminiscences of New South Wales, 154; on the revolt against Captain Bligh, 273, 274. Thompson, 257. Timor, 20, 39, 198, 226, 228, 249. Tofoa, 224, 226, 228. Tom Thumb, 170. Topaz, 239. Torbay, 113. Torres, Luis Vaez de, his explorations, 4. Torres Straits, 6, 8, 16, 58, 184, 227. Trafalgar, battle of, 214. Transportation, commission of enquiry, 73. Tribulation, Cape, 61. True Briton, The, extract from, 236. Tubuai, 234.
Valparaiso, 181, 241, 242. Van Diemen, Antonio, Governor-General of Batavia, 7. Van Diemen's Land, 7, 95, 120, 177, 182, 223; settlement at, 157. Vancouver, 279; expedition under, 143. Venerable, 113. Venus, 178. Vessel, a sixth-rate, 26. Victoria, 57, 171. Victoria, sailors of the, 33. Victory, 93; launched in 1765, 48. Vigo, 66. Virginia, 137. Vryheid, 248.
Waaksamheyd, 99, 101. Wager, loss of the, 33; crew, 49. Wallis, 51, 65; in command of the Dolphin, 50. Warrior, 247. Waterhouse, Captain, 179. Wattamolla Harbour, 171. Wentworth, William Charles, 291. West, Dr., extract from, on Governor Bligh, 274. Westall, 183. Weybehays, 12. White, on the colony of New South Wales, 83. Wickham, 291. Wilkinson, 65. William III., 23, 29. Williams, 234. Wilson's Promontory, 282, 283. Windmill Hills, 283. Wouterlos, 14. Wreck Island, 194, 197. Wright, Edward, 35.
Xenophon, 183.
York, Cape, 5, 8, 58. York, Duke of, 22. Young, Admiral Sir George, 74. Young, 234, 235.
Zeewigk, 17.