When Patrick went on Monday across the ford southwards, the Ui-Lilaigh went with fifty horsemen upon the ford after him to slay him. Patrick turned towards them upon the bank to the south of the ford, and he raised his left hand, and said: "You shall neither come out of the ford here nor go the other way; but you shall be in that water for ever." The water immediately went over them. Ath-O'Lilaigh is the name of the ford for ever, and the stone lumps are at Enach-Conglaise, in commemoration of the miracle, to this present day.
He afterwards went to Rath-Cuile, where he blessed the Fera-Cuile—i.e., the Ui-Seghain. He went to Bile-Tortan after that, and constructed a church for Presbyter Justin near Bile-Tortan, which is near the community of Ard-Breccan. When Patrick was journeying to the territory of Leinster from Domhnach-Tortan, he remained a night at Drum-Urchaille. Patrick went afterwards to Naas. The site of his tent is in the green of the fort, to the east of the road, and his well is to the north of the fort (dun), where he baptized Dunlaing's two sons, Ailill and Illann, and where he baptized Ailill's two daughters, Moghain and Feidelm. And their father dedicated them to God and Patrick, from their consecrated virginity, and he (Patrick) blessed the veil on their heads.
Messengers went from Patrick to call the steward of the fort of Naas—i.e., Fallen. He avoided Patrick; and he pretended to be asleep, through enmity and ridicule of Patrick. And Patrick was told that the steward was asleep. "My debroth," said Patrick, "I should not be surprised if it were his last sleep." His people went to awake him, and they found him dead, through the disobedience he showed to Patrick. And hence is the proverb amongst the Irish: "Fallen's sleep in the fort of Naas."
Dricriu was the King of Ui-Garchon at Patrick's coming, and the daughter of Laeghaire Mac Neill was his wife. And he refused Patrick regarding his feast at Rath-Inbhir, on Laeghaire's account. But Cilline gave him welcome, and killed his own cow for him, and gave to Patrick the quantity of flour that he brought for his support from the king's house, whereupon he (Patrick) prophesied that Cilline's son should be king of Ui-Garchon.
He went afterwards to Magh-Life, and founded cells and houses there; and he left Usail in Cill-Usaille, and Iserninus and Mac Tail in Cella-Cuilinn, and other saints. On his going into Western Life, the sons of Laighis prepared water-pits in the way before him, and a covering over them. "For God's sake," said the little boys, "drive on your horses." "Drive on, then, for God's sake, your horses," said Patrick. But no injury was done to them; and he cursed Laighis (i.e., Laighis, son of Find) where Moin-Choluim is to-day; and Patrick said that there would be neither a king nor a bishop from them, and that a foreign lord should be over them for ever.
Brig, the daughter of Fergnad, son of Cobtach, of the Ui-Ercain, went to report to Patrick the enmity that was in store for him. Patrick blessed her, and her father, and her brothers, and the Ui-Ercain altogether, and he said that they would never be without distinguished laics and clerics of them.
Then Patrick alighted on the hillock which was then called Bile-Mac-Cruaich; to-day, however, it is called Forrach-Patrick; and he said that there would never be a foreign king or steward over them; and when the King of Leinster would be distributing the feast in his royal house, he would have one shin (of beef), and the King of Ui-Ercan the other; they should have Patrick's respect, Patrick's forrach (seat), the dignity of laics and clerics, wealth, and immortality. Eight princes they had up to the reign of Conchobhar, son of Donnchadh, in Tara. Laighis, moreover, was the tribe-name of the youths who committed the misdeed; and neither king nor bishop shall be from them, but strange lords shall govern them, and they shall never have rest from persecution and complaints.
Patrick went from Tara until he met Dubhtach Mac Ui-Lugair at Domhnach-mor of Magh-Criathar, in Ui-Cinnse-laigh, who believed for Patrick. Patrick requested from him a handsome youth who would not be of low family—a man of one wife, for whom but one son was born. "Hem," said Dubhtach, "that is Fiacc, son of Ere, I am afraid—the man of those qualities, who went from me to the territory of Connacht with poems for the kings." At these words he (Fiacc) came. "What are you considering?" asked Fiacc. "Dubhtach for the crozier," said Patrick. "That will be a blemish to many, indeed," said Fiacc; "why should not I be taken in place of him?" "You will be received, indeed," said Patrick. He was tonsured, baptized, an alphabet was written for him, and he read his psalms in one day, as has been related to me. He was ordained in the grade of bishop, and the bishopric of Leinster was given to him by Patrick; and his only son, Fiachra, was also ordained. This Fiacc was, therefore, the first bishop ordained in Leinster. Patrick gave Fiacc a case—viz., a bell, a reliquary, a crozier, and a book-satchel; and he left seven of his people with him—viz., Mochatoc of Inis-Fail, Augustin of Inis-Bec, Tecan, and Diarmait, and Nainnid, Paul, and Fedilmidh.
He (Fiacc) afterwards resided in Domnach-Feic, and he was there until threescore of his people died with him. Then the angel went to him, and said to him: "It is on the west of the river (Barrow) thy (place of) resurrection is, in Cul-maighe"; and he said that where they would meet a boar, there they should build their refectory; but where they would meet a hind, there they should place the church. Fiacc said to the angel that he would not go until Patrick would come to mark out the boundary of his place, and to consecrate it, and that he might get the place from him. Patrick went then to Fiacc, and marked out his place with him, and fixed his site. And Crimthan presented that place to Patrick, for it was Patrick that baptized him; and it is in Sleibhte he is buried. It was there, afterwards, Fiacc was ordained.
They (the Ui-Ercan) were at that time persecuted by the King of Leinster, Crimthann, son of Enna Ceinnselach, so that they went into exile. Of them are the manachs in Hy-Crimthann, and the manachs in Ulster, and Cenel-Enna in Munster. Of them is Fiacc, of whom we have spoken before. Fiacc, Aengus, Ailill Mar, Conall, and Etirscel were five brothers. Their father was the son of Ere.
Through the action of Patrick, the king granted him (Fiacc) land, the fifth part of his father's possessions, and thereon it was that he built Sleibhte.
The Aengus in question afterwards killed the king, Crimthann, son of Enna Ceinnselach, to avenge his exile. In thirties and forties are the churches which he gave to Patrick in the east of Leinster, and in Ui-Cennselaigh, including Domnach-mor of Magh-Criathar and Inis-Fail, where Mochonoc and Mochatoc are, and Erdit and Augustin in the smaller island (but their shrines are in Sleibhte, since the place was occupied by Gentiles); Domnach-mor of Magh-Reta. Patrick was a Sunday here (i.e., in Domnach-mor of Magh-Reta), and they were on that Sunday building Rath-Baccain, the royal fort of the district. Patrick sent to prevent this, but no notice was taken thereof. Patrick said, "Its building shall be troublesome, unless 'offering' is done there every day." He also said that the fort would not be inhabited until the wind (gaeth) would come from the lower part of hell. This was Gaithini, son of Cinaed, who rebuilt the fort in the time of Fedhlimidh, and of Conchobhar in Tara.
After that Patrick had founded churches and establishments in Leinster, moreover, he left a blessing upon Ui-Cennselaigh, and upon the Leinstermen all; and he afterwards ordained Fiacc Find in Sleibhte, as bishop of the province.
He then went along Bealach-Gabhran, into the district of Ossory, and founded churches and establishments there; and he said that distinguished laics and clerics should be of them, and that no province should have command over them, whilst they remained obedient to Patrick. Patrick took leave of them afterwards, and he left the relics of holy men with them, and some of his people, in the place where Martar-tech is this day in Magh-Roighne. At Druim-Conchind, in Mairge, the cross-beam of Patrick's chariot broke when he was going to Munster. He made another of the wood of the druim. It broke immediately. He made one again, and it broke also. Patrick said that there should never be any implement made of the timber of that wood, which has been fulfilled, for even a pin is not made of it. Patrick's Disert is there, but it is waste.
Patrick went afterwards to the territory of Munster, to Cashel of the Kings. When Aengus, son of Nadfraech, got up in the morning, all their idols were prostrate; and Patrick and his people came to the side of the fort, and he (Aengus) bade them welcome, and took them into the fort to the place where Lee-Patrick is to-day. And Patrick after that baptized the sons of Nedfraech, and the men of Munster besides, and left a blessing and prosperity upon them. And he blessed the fort—i.e., Cashel—and said that only one race should be there for ever. And he was seven years in Munster. The learned calculate that he made an offering on every seventh ridge that he traversed in Munster.
When Patrick was baptizing Aengus, the point of the crozier went through Aengus's foot. Patrick asked, "Why was it that you did not tell me?" "Because," said he, "I thought it was the rule of the faith." "You shall have its reward," said Patrick; "your successors from this day forth shall not die of wounds." No one is King of Cashel until Patrick's comarb ordains him and imposes the grade on him. Patrick said:
"The sons of Nadfraech, of sounding fame, Of them shall be kings and chieftains; Aengus, from the lands of Feimhen, And Ailill, his brother."
And twenty-eight kings, of the race of Ailill and Aengus, reigned in Cashel, ordained with the crozier, until the time of Cenngegan.
Patrick went after this to Muscraidhe-Breogain, and founded churches and establishments there.
One day he was washing his hands at a ford there, when a tooth fell out of his mouth into the ford. Patrick went upon the hillock to the north of the ford; and persons went from him to look for the tooth, and forthwith the tooth glistened in the ford like a sun; and Ath-fiaclai is the name of the ford, and Cill-fiacia is the name of the church where Patrick left the tooth and four of his people—viz., Cuircthe and Loscan, Cailech and Bedan. He bade them (i.e., the Muscraidhe) farewell, and left them a blessing.
He went afterwards to Aradha-Cliach until he was in Iochtar-Cuillenn in Ui-Cuanach; and Ailill, son of Cathbadh, son of Lughaidh, of the Eoghanacht of Airther-Cliach, met him. His wife went on the hillock where they (the clerics) were, and said: "The pigs have eaten our son Ailill through savageness," said she. And Ailill said: "I will believe if you resuscitate my son for me." Patrick commanded the boy's bones to be collected, and he directed a Cele-De of his people—i.e., Malach Britt—to resuscitate him. "I will not offend the Lord," said he. (He was seized with doubt.) Patrick said: "That is pitiful, O Malach! thy house on earth shall not be high; thy house shall be the house of one man." His house is in the northeastern angle of the southern Deise; its name is Cill-Malaich. Five persons can never be supported there.
Patrick afterwards commanded Bishops Ibar and Ailbhe to resuscitate the boy; and he prayed the Lord with them. The boy was afterwards resuscitated through Patrick's prayers. The boy subsequently preached to the hosts and multitudes in Patrick's presence. Ailill and his wife thereupon believed; and all the Ui-Cuanach believed, and were baptized in that place. And the seat of the four—i.e., of Patrick, Ailbhe, Bishop Ibar, and the young boy—is in the place where the boy was resuscitated. His father said: "God cures by the hand of the physician." Four persons stole Patrick's horses southwards. Patrick forgave it. One of them was a leech, whose name was Caencomhrac; another was a carpenter; another was a bondman; but the fourth was a groom, whose name was Aedh. Patrick called the latter, and blessed his hands, and told him that his name should be Lamaedh from that day; and from him are the Lamhraighe.
It was then that disease seized Ailill's wife, who was enciente, so that death was nigh unto her. Patrick asked what was the matter. The woman answered: "An herb I saw in the air, and I saw not the like of it on the earth; and I shall die, or the being in my womb shall die, or we shall both die, unless I taste that herb." Patrick asked her of what kind was the herb. "Like rushes," said the woman. Patrick thereupon blessed rushes, so that they were apparently the same. The woman then ate them, and was forthwith whole; and after some time she gave birth to a son, and blessed Patrick; and it is reported that Patrick said that all women who should eat of this herb would be healed.
He desired to remain by the side of Clar, at the fort of Coirpre and Brocan, but he was not permitted; and Patrick said that there never would be a king or bishop of the race of Colman, who opposed him. He also said that the place would belong to himself afterwards, and left a man of his people there, after a long period—i.e., Caemhan of Cill-Rath.
Ibar then selected a place of residence in Grian, in Aradha-Cliach. Dola opposed him. Patrick said that there would not be a house of his (Dola's) there, or, if there should be, it would be only for (the lives of) two or three. This was fulfilled. They (Dola's descendants) removed to Airther-Cliach, and Dal-Modola is their name until this day.
Nena went to him (Patrick), who refused to receive him, and said that he would not be prosperous. No successors of his occupied the place there since, but they are enslaved by Muscraighe-Mittine. "Menraighe" they are called.
As Patrick was leaving this place, the women of Grian came to bewail his departure from them. Patrick blessed them, and said that the children they would bear to extern tribes would be illustrious.
Patrick was in Aradha-Cliach, at Tedil (the name of a hill). When he was bidding farewell, two of his people remained behind. They were sent for, and found asleep under a bush there. This was told to Patrick. "Here their resurrection will be," said he; which is true. Muin and Lomchu [who are] in Cill-Tidil [were left there] by Patrick.
He went after this to Hy-Fidhgente, where Lonan, son of Mac Eire, provided a banquet for him. Mullach-Cae, over against Carn-Feradhaigh on the south; and a man of Patrick's people was preparing the banquet along with the king—i.e., Deacon Mantan. A band of artists came up to Patrick to solicit food, and would have no excuse. "Go to Lonan and to Deacon Mantan, that they may relieve me," said Patrick. Who answered, "No, until our banquet is blessed." Then Patrick said:
"The youth who comes from the north, To him is vouchsafed the triumph; To Cothraige he comes, With his little wether on his back."
At that very time came another youth, attended by his mother, carrying on her back a cooked wether to the king's supper. Patrick begged of him to give him the wether to save his honor. The son at once gave it cheerfully, though the mother was unwilling to do so, through fear of the king. Patrick gave the food to the players; and immediately the earth swallowed them. Derc, son of Scirire, of the southern Desi, was their chief; and Patrick said there would not be a king, or heir apparent, or bishop of his family of Lonan for ever; and he assured Mantan, the deacon, that his church would not be exalted on earth, but should be the abode of the dregs of the people, and that swine and sheep would trample on his own remains; but to Nessan, who had saved his honor, he promised that he should be honored among the nations. And he baptized him, ordained him deacon, and founded for him a church—i.e., Mungarit. His mother excused herself, and he said she should not be buried in her son's church. This came to pass, for her grave is to the west of Mungarit, and the bell of the great church is not heard in that place; they are almost together, only separated by a wall.
The men of North Munster, to the north of Luimnech, went in fleets of boats to meet Patrick southwards as far as Domhnach-mor of Magh-Aine—i.e., to Dun-Nocfene, then and now so called; and he baptized them in Tir-glass, to the southeast of it. He afterwards went to Finnine, to the northwest of Domhnach-mor, a hill from which he could see the country to the north of Luimnech, when he gave a blessing to the men of North Munster, who had gone with a profusion of gifts to meet Patrick.
Cairthend, son of Blat, the senior of the Clann-Toirdhelb-haigh, believed in the Lord, and Patrick baptized him at Sangul (i.e., a different angel that went to converse with him that day, and not Victor). No children were born to Cairthenn, except deformities, up to that time. It was then that Eochu Ballderg was born to Cairthenn. Patrick that procured this; and he formed a clot of gore, which was on his (Eochu's) body, as a sign of that miracle. Patrick himself did not go into the country, but he saw from him about Luimnech to the west and to the north; and he blessed the district and its islands, and prophesied of the saints who would appear in them, of their names, and the time in which they would come. "The green island in the west," said Patrick, "in the mouth of the sea; the lamp of the people of God shall come into it, who will be the head of counsel to this district—i.e., Senan of Inis-Cathaigh—six score years from this." (Senan, son of Gerrgenn, son of Dubhthach.) He did not go across Luachair, indeed, into West Munster. He prophesied of Brenainn, son of Ua-Altae, who was to be born 120 years after, which was fulfilled.
Patrick then went into the southern Desi, and set about building a church in Ard Patrick; and Lec-Patrick (Patrick's flag) is there, and the limits of his church. Derball, son of Aedh, opposed him. Derball said to Patrick: "If you would remove that mountain there, so that I could see Loch-Lunga across it to the south, in Fera-Maighe-Feine, I would believe." Cenn-Abhrat is the name of the mountain, and Belach-Legtha (melted pass) is the name of the pass which was melted there. When the mountain began to dissolve, Derball said that whatever he (Patrick) did would be of no use. Patrick said to Derball: "There shall be no king nor bishop of your family, and it will be allowable to the men of Munster to plunder you all every seventh year for ever as bare as a leek."
As Patrick was in the district of the Desi, awaiting the king of the country—i.e., Fergair, son of Rossa—Patrick said to him, after his arrival: "How slowly you come!" "The country is rough" [said he]. "True indeed," said Patrick. "There shall be no king from you for ever. What delayed you to-day?" asked Patrick. "The rain delayed us," said the king. "Your meetings shall be showery for ever," said Patrick. Patrick's well is there, and also the church of Mac Clairidh, one of Patrick's people. And assemblies are not held by the Desi except at night, because Patrick left that sentence upon them, for it was towards night they went to him. Patrick then cursed the streams of that place, because his books were drowned in them, and the fishermen gave his people a refusal. Patrick said that they would not be fruitful, and that there would never be any mills upon them, except the mills of strangers, notwithstanding their great profusion up to that time. He blessed the Suir, moreover, and the country around; and it is fruitful in fish, except the places where those streams (glaise) flow into it.
Patrick went into Muscraighe-thire, and to preach and plant the faith there. He met three brothers of that nation, men of power—Furic and Muinnech and Mechar, the sons of Forat, son of Conla. Muinnech believed at once, and Patrick baptized and blessed him, and said that illustrious heroes and clerics should descend from him for ever; and that the chief kingship of his country should be [filled up] from him for ever, as the poet said:
"Muinnech the Great believes In Patrick, before all; That there might be over his country Chieftains of his race for ever.
"Mechair believed, For he was a true, just man. Patrick gave him a lasting blessing— The companionship of a king.
"Fuirec, the furious man, Opposed, though he was hoary and old; His ultimate fate, after this world, Is not to be deplored.
"When Cothraige imposed A tribute (cain) upon noble Eri, On the host of this island He conferred a lasting blessing.
"Choice was this blessing Which he conferred seven-fold On each one who would observe His plain rule, his law.
"Whoever would disobey The noble, just rule, Should not see him, he said, In the region of the saints.
"Patrick's cain in great Munster Was imposed on each family, Until Dungalach violated it, [Who was] of the race of Failbhe Flann.
"Dungalach, son of Faelghus, Grandson of just Nadfraech, Was the first who transgressed Patrick's cain from the beginning.
"It is related in histories, All ages know it, That his successorship is not found In Cashel of the Kings.
"There is not of his progeny (Though he won battles) A noble bishop or herenagh, A prince or a sage.
"Saergus the Young, also— * * * * * Violated the cain he had adopted, For the vehement Dungalach.
"It is seen that illustrious men Are not of his wondrous family; If there are now, they will not Be found till judgment comes."
Now, after that Patrick had founded cells and churches in Munster, and had ordained persons for every grade, and healed all sick persons, and resuscitated the dead, he bade them farewell, and left his blessing with them. He then went to Brosnacha, and the men of Munster followed after him, as if with one accord; and their households (hillocks? telcha) followed them, to go after Patrick. Patrick thereupon blessed the households (hillocks?), and they remained in their places.
Where the men of Munster overtook Patrick, men, youths, and women, was at Brosnacha, when they raised great shouts of joy at seeing him; hence it is called Brosnacha. It was here Patrick resuscitated Fot, son of Derad, a Munsterman, who had been twenty-seven years dead. It was here, too, he blessed the banquet of the youth at Craibhecha, with Bishop Trian, a pilgrim of the Romans, by which the men of Munster were satisfied, and the saints of Eri besides. He again bade farewell to the men of Munster, and gave them his blessing, saying:
"A blessing on the men of Munaani Men, sons, women. A blessing on the land That gives them food. A blessing on all treasures Produced upon the plains. A blessing upon Munster. A blessing on their woods And on their sloping plains. A blessing on their glens. A blessing on their hills. As the sands of the seas under ships— So numerous be their homesteads, In slopes, in plains, In mountains, in peaks, A blessing."
Patrick afterwards went to the territory of Hy-Failge, and Foilge Berrad boasted that, if he met Patrick, he would kill him, in revenge of the idol Cenn Cruach; for it was this that was a god to Foilge. This boast of Foilge was kept back from Patrick by his people. One day Odran, his charioteer, said to Patrick: "Since I have been a long time driving for you, O Patrick! let me take the chief seat for this day. Be you the charioteer, O father!" Patrick did so. After this Foilge came, who dealt a thrust through Odran, in the guise of Patrick. "My curse," said Patrick. "Upon the tree of Bridam," said Odran. "Be it so," replied Patrick. Foilge died at once, and went to hell. As to Foilge Ross, indeed, it is his children who are in the district at this day; and Patrick blessed him, and from him is the sovereignty of the district filled for ever.
On one occasion, as Patrick was going the way of Midluachair, in order to come to Uladh, he met carpenters cutting down trunks of yew. Patrick saw their blood ooze from their palms in the operation. "Whence are ye?" said Patrick. "We are slaves belonging to Trian, son of Fiac, son of Amalgad—i.e., brother to Trichem—who are in subjection and affliction, so much so that we are not allowed to sharpen our axes (irons), in order that our work may be the heavier and more difficult, so that blood flows from our hands." Patrick blessed the irons, so that they could easily cut with them; and he went to the king, to Trian's fort. Patrick fasts on him. He disobeyed. He returns on the morrow from the fort. He spat on the rock which was there on his way, so that it broke into three pieces; one third part was cast to a distance of one thousand paces. Patrick said: "Two-thirds of the fast on the rock, another third on the fort and king, and on the district. There will not be a king nor roydamhna of the children of Trian. He shall die prematurely himself, and shall go down to a bitter hell." The wife of the king came, following Patrick. She performed penance, and knelt. Patrick blessed her womb and the beings in it—i.e., Setna, son of Trian, and Iarlaid, son of Trian. Sechnall that baptized Setna, Patrick that baptized Iarlaid, and Patrick said that he would be his successor afterwards. Trian himself proceeded to bind and maltreat the slaves who reported him. His horses bore him off in the chariot, and his driver, so that they went into the lake. Loch-Trena is its name. This was his last fall. He will not arise out of the lake till the vespers of judgment; and it will not be to happiness even then. There was a certain wicked man in the country of Uladh—i.e., Magh-Inis—at that time, an impious man, and a son of death—i.e., Mac Cuill—who was plundering and killing the people. On one occasion Patrick and his companions passed by him a certain day, and he desired to kill Patrick. This is what he (Mac Cuill) said to his followers: "Behold the tailcenn and false prophet, who is deceiving every one; let us arise and make an attack on him, to see if perhaps his God will assist him." This is what they planned afterwards: to bring one of their people on a bier, as if dead, to be resuscitated by Patrick, and to deceive Patrick; and they threw a cover over his body and over his face. "Cure," said they to Patrick, "our companion for us, and beseech your God to awake him from death." "My debroth," said Patrick, "I would not wonder if he were dead." Garban was the name of the man; and it is of him Patrick said: "The covering of Garban shall be the covering of a dead body; but I shall tell you more: it is Garban who will be under it." His friends removed the covering from his face, so that they found it so. They afterwards became mute, and then said: "Truly this is a man of God." They all believed at once. Mac Cuill believed also; and he went on sea in a cot of one hide, by the command of Patrick. Garban was awakened from death through the prayers of Patrick. Mac Cuill, however, went that very day on sea, and his right hand towards Magh-Inis, until he reached Manann; and he found two venerable persons before him on the island. It was they who preached the word of God in Manann, and it is through their teaching that the people of that island were baptized and believed; their names are Coninnri and Romael. When those men saw Mac Cuill in his cot, they took him off the sea; they received him kindly; and he learned the divine knowledge with them, and spent his whole time with them, until he got the episcopacy of the place after them. This is Mac Cuill, of Mann, famous bishop and abbot. May his holy favor assist us!
One time Patrick slept on a Sunday, on a hill over the sea, at Drombo, when he heard the noise of Gentiles digging a rath on the Sabbath. He called them, and told them to cease. They heeded him not, but began to mock him. And Patrick said: "My debroth, your labor shall not profit you." This was fulfilled; for on the following night a great tempest arose and destroyed their work, according to the word of Patrick.
Patrick said to Eochaidh, son of Muiredach that there should never be a king from him, nor enough of his race to constitute an assembly or army in Ulster, but that his tribe would be scattered and dispersed, that his own life would be short, and that he would meet a tragic fate. This was the cause Patrick had against Eochaidh, as the learned say: Two virgins, who had offered their virginity to the Lord, he bound and sent on the waves to be drowned, as they refused to adore idols and to marry. When Patrick heard this, he besought the king regarding them, but in vain. "Your brother Cairell has got thy luck, since he granted me a good request," said Patrick, "and you have lost it through your disobedience. He (Cairell) shall be a king, and there shall be kings and chiefs of his race over your children and over all Ulster"; so that of him sprang the race of kings, and of his son Deman, son of Cairell, son of Muiredhach, according to the words of Patrick. Eochaidh's wife cast herself at the feet of Patrick. He baptized her, and blessed the child in her womb—i.e., the excellent and illustrious son, Domangart, the son of Eochaidh. He it was whom Patrick left in his body, and he will be there for ever. He turned back to the Fera-Ross, and commenced a church in Druim-Mor, in the territory of Ross, over Cluain-Cain. It was here the angel went to him and said: "It is not here you have been destined to stay." "Where shall I go?" said Patrick. "Pass on to Macha northwards," said the angel. "The cluain below is fairer," replied Patrick. "Be its name Cluain-Cain" (fair cluain), answered the angel. "A pilgrim of the Britons shall come and occupy there, and it shall be yours afterwards." "Deo gratias ago," said Patrick. Where Patrick went then was to Ard-Phadraig, on the east of Lughmadh, and he proposed to build an establishment there. The Dal-Runter went after him to keep him, as one presented him to another. He blessed them afterwards, and prophesied that distinguished chiefs and clerics should be of them, and that they should have possessions outside their territory, because they went forth out of their own country after him. Patrick used to come every day from the east, from Ard-Phadraig, and Mochta used to come from the west, from Lughmadh, that they might converse together every day at Leac-Moctae. One day the angel placed an epistle between them. Patrick read the epistle, and what was in it was: "Mochta, the devoted, the believing, let him be in the place he has taken." Patrick goes, by the order of his king, to smooth Macha, and he assigned the twelve lepers left in Ard-Phadraig to Mochta, and their food used to be given to them each night by Mochta. Patrick went afterwards to the macha, by order of the angel, to a place where Rath-Daire is this day. There was a certain prosperous and venerable person there. Daire was his name—i.e., Daire, son of Finchad, son of Eogan, son of Niallan. Patrick asked for a site for his regles from him. Daire answered: "What place do you desire?" "In this great hillock below," says Patrick, where Ardmacha is to-day. "I will not give it," said Daire, "but I will give you a site for your regles in the strong rath below," where the ferta are to-day. Patrick founded a church there, and remained a long time. One day two steeds of Daire's were brought to him, to his regles, for the relig was grassy. Patrick became very angry. The horses died at once. His servant told this to Daire, saying: "That Christian," said he, "killed your steeds, because they ate the grass that was in his regles." Daire was angry at this, and ordered his servants to plunder the cleric, and expel him from his place—i.e., the ferta. A colic seized on Daire immediately, so that death was near him. His wife recalled the plunder of Patrick, and told Daire that the cause of his death was the attack on Patrick. She sent messengers to beg prayer-water for Daire from Patrick. Patrick said: "Only for what the woman has done, there would never be any resurrection from death for Daire." Patrick blessed the water, and gave it to the servants, with orders to have it sprinkled over the horses and over Daire. They did so, and immediately they all returned from death. A brazen caldron was brought to Patrick as an offering from Daire. "Deo gratias," said Patrick. Daire asked his servants what Patrick said. They answered, "Gratzicum." "This is little reward for a good offering and a good caldron," said Daire. He ordered his cauldron to be brought to him. "Deo gratias," said Patrick. Daire asked what Patrick said when they were bringing the caldron from him. The servants answered: "It was the same thing he said when we were bringing it away from him—Gratzicum." "This is a good word with them, this Gratzicum," said Daire; "Gratzicum when giving it to him, and Gratzicum when taking it away from him." Daire and his wife then went with his submission to Patrick, and gave Patrick the caldron willingly back again, and the hill which he before asked; and Patrick accepted and blessed them, and founded a church in that place called Ard-Macha. Patrick and his divines, and Daire, with the nobles of Airther besides, came to the hill to mark out its boundaries, and to bless it, and consecrate it. They found a doe, with its fawn, in the place where the Sabhall is to-day, and his people went to kill it. Prohibuit Patricius, et dixit, "Serviat sibi postea," and sent it out of the hill northward, to the place where Telac-na-licce is to-day, ibi magna mirabilia fecit.
Daire's daughter loved the person Benen; sweet to her was the sound of his voice in chanting. Disease seized her, so that she died of it. Benen carried cretra to her from Patrick, and she suddenly afterwards arose alive, and loved him spiritually. She is Ercnait, the daughter of Daire, who is in Tamlaght-bo.
One time there came nine daughters of the King of the Longbards and the daughter of the King of Britain on a pilgrimage to Patrick; they stopped at the east side of Ard-Macha, where Coll-na-ningean is to-day. There came messengers from them to Patrick to know if they should proceed to him. Patrick said to the messengers that three of the maidens would go to heaven, and in that place (i.e., Coll-na-ningean) their sepulchre is. "And let the other maidens go to Druim-fenneda, and let one of them proceed as far as that hill in the east." And so it was done.
Cruimthir went afterwards, and occupied Cengobd; and Benen used to carry fragments of food to her every night from Patrick. And Patrick planted an apple-tree in Achadh-na-elti, which he took from the fort, in the north of the place—i.e., Cengoba; and hence the place is called Abhall-Patrick, in Cengoba. It was the milk of this doe, moreover, that used to be given to the lap-dog that was near the maiden—i.e., Cruimthir.
Another time, when Patrick was at rest in the end of night, at Tiprad-Cernai, in Tir-Tipraid, the angel went to him and awoke him. Patrick said to him: "Is there anything in which I have offended God, or is His anger upon me?" "No," said the angel; "and you are informed from God," added the angel, "if it is it you desire, that there shall be no share for any else in Eriu, but for you alone. And the extent of the termon of your see from God is to Droma-Bregh, and to Sliabh-Mis, and to Bri-Airghi." Patrick replied: "My debroth, truly," said Patrick, "sons of life will come after me, and I wish they may have honor from God in the country after me." The angel responded: "That is manifest. And God gave all Eriu to you," said the angel, "and every noble that will be in Eriu shall belong to you." "Deo gratias," said Patrick.
Patrick was enraged against his sister—i.e., Lupait—for committing the sin of adultery, so that she was pregnant in consequence. When Patrick came into the church from the eastern side, Lupait went to meet him, until she prostrated herself before the chariot, in the place where the cross is in Both-Archall. "The chariot over her," said Patrick. The chariot passed over her thrice, for she used still to come in front of it; so that where she went to heaven was at the Ferta; and she was buried by Patrick, and her ecnaire (requiem) was sung. Colman, grandson of Ailill, of the Ui-Bresail, that fixed his attention on Lupait at Imduail. Aedan, son of Colman, saint of Inis-Lothair, was the son of Lupait and Colman. Lupait implored of Patrick that he would not take away heaven from Colman with his progeny. Patrick did not take it away; but he said they would be sickly. Of the children of this Colman, moreover, are the Ui-Faelain and Ui-Dubhdara.
One time Patrick's people were cutting corn in Trian-Conchobhair. They were seized with great thirst, whereupon a vessel of whey was taken to them from Patrick, who persuaded them to observe abstinence from tierce to vesper time. It happened that one of them died; and he was the first man that was buried by Patrick—i.e., Colman Itadach, at the cross by the door of Patrick's house. What Patrick said when it was told to him was: "My debroth, there will be abundance of food and ale and prosperity in this city after us."
Once the angels went, and took from off the road the stone which was before the chariot, and its name is Lec-na-naingel. It was from that place—i.e., from Druim-Chaile—that Patrick with his two hands blessed the macha. The way in which Patrick measured the rath—i.e., the angel before him, and Patrick behind, with his people, and with the holy men of Eriu, and the Bachall Isa in Patrick's hand. And he said that great would be the crime of any one who would transgress in it, as the reward would be great of such as fulfilled the will of God in it.
The way in which Patrick measured the ferta was thus, viz., one hundred and forty feet in the lis, and twenty feet in the great house, and seventeen feet in the kitchen, and seven feet in the chamber; and it was thus he always constructed the establishment.
The angel went to Patrick in Ard-Macha. "This day," said he, "the relics of the apostles are distributed in Rome throughout the four parts of the globe; and it would be becoming in you that you should go there." And the angel bore Patrick in the air. At the southern cross, in Aenach-Macha, it was that four chariots were brought to Patrick; at the northern cross, moreover, it was that God manifested to him the form he will have in the Day of Judgment. And he went in one day to Comur-tri-nuisce. He left Sechnall in the episcopacy with the men of Eriu until the ship would come which would bear him from the shore of Letha.
Patrick went subsequently, and arrived at Rome; and sleep came over the inhabitants of Rome, so that Patrick brought away a sufficiency of the relics. These relics were afterwards taken to Ard-Macha with the consent of God and with the consent of the men of Eriu.
What was brought were the relics of three hundred and sixty-five martyrs, and the relics of Peter and Paul, and Lawrence, and Stephen, and of many more; and a cloth in which was the blood of Christ and the hair of the Virgin Mary. Patrick left this collection in Armagh, according to the will of God, of the angel, and of the men of Eriu.
His relics—the relics of Letha—were stolen from Patrick. Messengers went from him to the Abbot of Rome. They brought an epistle from him, directing that they should watch the relics with lamps and torches by night for ever, and with Mass and psalmody by day, and prayers by night, and that they should elevate them every year (for multitudes desired to see them).
Two brothers of the Ulstermen, Dubhan and Dubhaedh, stole Patrick's two garrons from the land (tir) to the east of the Nemhed (Tir-suidhe-Patrick is its name). They carried them off into the moor to the south. Dubhan said; "I will not take what belongs to the tailcenn." "I will take what comes to me," said Dubhaedh. Dubhan went and did penance. "Your comrade's journey is not a good one," said Patrick. He got a fall, so that his head was broken, and he died. Dubhan became a disciple, and was ordained; and Patrick said: "Here thy resurrection shall be." Another time, in carrying a bag of wheat from Setna, son of Dallan, to Patrick, the manna which dropped from heaven, in a desert place, over Druim-mic-Ublae, Patrick's horse [fell] under it. A grain of the wheat dropped out of the bag, and the horse could not rise until there came from Patrick. "This is the reason," said Patrick through prophecy, "a grain of wheat that fell out of the sack, in the spot where the cross is on the way southwards to the Nemhed." "Nenihed then will be the name of the place where the horse stopped," said Patrick; and so it is.
Another time Sechnall went to Armagh, and Patrick was not there. He saw before him two of Patrick's horses unyoked, and he said: "It were fitter to send those horses to the bishop—i.e., to Fiacc." When Patrick returned, this thing was told to him. The chariot was attached to the horses; and he sent them on without a man with them until they were in the disert with Mochta. They went right-hand-wise on the morrow to Domhnach-Sechnaill. They then went eastwardly to Cill-Auxili. They went afterwards to Cill-monach; then, after that, to Fiacc to Sleibhte. The reason for giving the chariot to Fiacc was because he used to go every Whit-Saturday as far as the hill of Druim-Coblai, where he had a cave. Five cakes with him, as report says. On Easter-Saturday he used to come to Sleibhte, and used to bring with him a bit of his five cakes. The cause of giving the chariot to Fiacc was that a chafer had gnawed his leg, so that death was nigh unto him.
Sechnall said to Patrick: "When shall I make a hymn of praise for thee?" "You are not required," observed Patrick. "I have not said to thee, 'Shall it be done?'" said Sechnall, "for it will be done, truly." "My debroth," said Patrick, "it is time it were finished now"; for Patrick knew that it would not be long until Sechnall's time [arrived], for he was the first bishop who went under the clay of Eriu.
When he was composing the hymn, they were holding an assembly near him. It was commanded to them from him that they should go away from the place. They began to mock him. He told them that the ground would swallow them; and it swallowed twelve chariots of them at once. Sechnall said to Patrick's people at Ferta-Marta: "A good man is Patrick, but for one thing." When he heard these words with his people, he asked Sechnall for the previous message, and Sechnall said; "O my lord! the reason I have said it is because little do you preach of charity." "Young man," said Patrick, "it is for charity that I preach not charity; for if I did preach it, I would not leave a stud of two chariot horses to any of the saints, present or future, in this island; for all belong to me and them."
Sechnall went with his hymn to Patrick, and Patrick went along Belach-Midhluachra into the territory of Conaille. He returned along the mountain westwards. He met Sechnall. They saluted one another. "I should like that you would hear a [hymn of] praise which I have made for a certain man of God," said Sechnall. "The praise of the people of God is welcome," answered Patrick. Sechnall thereupon began "Beata Christi custodit," fearing that Patrick would prohibit him at once if he heard his name. When he sang "Maximus namque," Patrick arose. The place where he sang so far is called Elda. "Wait," said Sechnall, "until we reach a secret place which is near us; it is there the remainder will be recited." Patrick enquired on the way how "Maximus in regno coelorum" could be said of a man. Sechnall replied: "It [maximus] is put for the positive [magnus]," or because he excelled the men of his race of the Britons or Scoti. They came then to a place called Dal-Muine, where he, Patrick, prayed and sat; and Sechnall afterwards sang the remainder of the hymn; and Patrick heard his name, and thereupon thanked him. Three pieces of cheese, and butter, were brought up to him from a religious couple—viz., Berach and Brig. "Here is for the young men," said the woman. "Good," said Patrick. A druid came there, whose name was Gall-drui ("foreign druid"), who said: "I will believe in you if you convert the pieces of cheese into stones"; which God performed through Patrick. "Again convert them into cheese"; and he did. "Convert them into stones again"; and he did. "Convert them again." Patrick said: "No, but they will be as they are, in commemoration, until the servant of God, who is Dicuill of the Ernaidhe, shall come here." The druid (magus) believed.
Patrick flung his little bell under a dense bush there. A birch grew through its handle. This it was that Dicuill found, the betechan, Patrick's bell—a little iron bell—which is in the Ernaidhe of Dicuill. And two of the stones made of the cheese are there; the third one was, moreover, carried by Dicuill to Lughmagh when he was abbot there. It is to-day in Gort-Conaidh.
Sechnall asked something for the hymn. "As many as there are hairs in your casula," said Patrick, "if they are pupils of yours, and violate not rules, shall be saved. The clay of your abode has also been sanctified by God," said Patrick. "That will be received," said Sechnall. "Whosoever of the men of Eriu," said Patrick, "shall recite the three last chapters, or the three last lines, or the three last words, just before death, with pure mind, his soul will be saved." "Deo gratias ago," said Sechnall. Colman Ela recited it in his refectory thrice. Patrick stood in the middle of the house, when a certain plebeian asked, "Have we no other prayer that we could recite except this?" And Patrick went out afterwards. Cainnech, on the sea, in the south, saw the black cloud of devils passing over him. "Come here on your way," said Cainnech. The demons subsequently came, stating, "We went to meet the soul of a certain rich rustic observing the festival of Patrick; but his sons and people ate, and he sang two or three chapters of the hymn of Patrick; and, by your dignity, we thought it more a satire than praise of Patrick as they sang it; but by it we have been vanquished."
The miracles of Patrick are these—viz.: The hound in the territory of Gailenga, at Telach-Maine; the buck speaking out of the bodies of the thieves in the territory of Ui-Meith; the travelling of the garron without any guide to Druimmic-Ublae, when he lay down beside the grain of wheat; the chariot, without a charioteer, [going] from Armagh to Sleibhte; the appearance of the King of Britain in the form of a fox in his country, an ever-living miracle; a part of Aenach-Tailten, from which nothing dead is taken; the King of Cashel not to be killed by wounding, provided that he be of the race of Aenghus, son of Nad-fraech; these bare residences not to lie demolished—viz., Rath-Airthir, and Sen-domhnach of Magh-Ai ("Eccor Sen-domhnaigh" is an old saying); Dun-Sobhairce charmed to the herenaghs—viz., an altar-sop with the Forbraige; and the dominica of Naas, and Magh-itir-da-glas in Macha; the navigation from Bertlach to Bertlach of Calry-Cuile-Cernadha; the streams which the gilla blessed at Drob-hais; the take [of fish] at Eastern Bann; the take at Sligo every quarter [of the year]; the Samer, which goes from the loughs of Erne to the sea—its eastern half, against Cenel-Conaill, is fruitful; its western part, towards Cenel-Cairbre, is unfruitful, through Patrick's word; Finn-glas, at the martyr-house of Druim-Cain, and Druim-Cruachni; the taking of his kingship from Laeghaire, from Cairbre, from Fiacha, from Maine; the grant of his kingship to Eoghan, to Conall, to Crimthann, to Conall Erball; the smiths making the bells—i.e., Mac Cecht, and Cuana, and Mac Tail; the artificers making the dishes and reliquaries and the altar chalices—viz., Tassach, and Essa, and Bitiu; the nuns making the altar-cloths—viz., Cochnass, and Tigris, and Lupait, and Darerca.
After these great miracles, however, the day of Patrick's death and of his going to heaven approached. What he began to do was to go to Armagh, that it might be there his resurrection would be. The angel Victor came to him. What he said to Patrick was: "It is not there thy resurrection has been decreed; go back to the place from whence you came (i.e., to the Sabhall), for it is there God has decreed that you shall die—not in Macha. God has granted thee," said the angel, "that thy dignity and rule, thy devotion and teaching, shall be in Ard-Macha, as if thou thyself wert alive there."
The angel left advice with Patrick as to how he would be buried, saying: "Let two young, active oxen be brought," said he, "of the herds of Conall, from Finnabndir—i.e., from Clochar; and let your body be placed in a wagon after them; and what way soever these young oxen go by themselves, and the place where they will stop, let it be there your interment shall be; and let there be a man's cubit in your grave, that your remains be not taken out of it." It was so done after his death. The oxen carried him to the place where to-day is Dun-da-leth-glas; and he was buried there with all honor and respect. And for a space of twelve nights—i.e., whilst the divines were waking him with hymns and psalms and canticles—there was no night in Magh-inis, but angelic light there; and some say there was light in Magh-inis for the space of a year after Patrick's death, quia nulli adanti viri meritum declarandum accidisse dubium est, et ita non visa nox in tota ilia regione in tempore luctus Patricii, qualiter Ezechiae langenti in horologio Achaz demonstrato sanitatis indicio, sol per xv lineas reversus est, et sic sol contra Gabon, et luna contra vallem Achilon stetit.
In the first night the angels of the Lord of the elements were watching Patrick's body with spiritual chants. The fragrant odors of the divine grace which issued from the holy body, and the music of the angels, gave tranquillity and joy to the chief clerics of the men of Erin who were watching the body on the nights following; so that the blessing of Jacob to his son was kept regarding him—i.e., "Ecce odor filii mei sicut odor agri pleni, quem benedixit dicens," etc.
There was, moreover, a great attempt at conflict and battle between the provinces of Erin—viz., the Ulidians and the Ui-Neill and Airghialla—contending for Patrick's body. The Airghialla and Ui-Neill were trying to take it to Ard-Macha; the Ulidians were for keeping it with themselves. Then the Ui-Neill went to a certain water [river] there, when the river rose against them through the power of God. When the flood left the river, the hosts proceeded to quarrel—viz., the Ui-Neill and the Ulidians. It appeared then to each party of them that they were bringing the body to their own country, so that God separated them in this wise through the grace of Patrick.
The miracles so far shall be unto to-day. They are the miracles which the divines of Eriu heard, and which they put into order of narration. Colum-Cille, the son of Fedhlimidh, firstly, narrated and compiled the miracles of Patrick; Ultan, the descendant of Conchobhar; Adamnan, the grandson of Atinne; Eleran the wise; Ciaran of Belach-Duin; Bishop Ermedach of Clogher; Colman Uamach; and Cruimther Collaith of Druim-Roilgech.
A just man, indeed, was this man; with purity of nature like the patriarchs; a true pilgrim like Abraham; gentle and forgiving of heart like Moses; a praiseworthy psalmist like David; an emulator of wisdom like Solomon; a chosen vessel for proclaiming truth like the Apostle Paul. A man full of grace and of the knowledge of the Holy Ghost like the beloved John. A fair flower-garden to children of grace; a fruitful vine-branch. A sparkling fire, with force of warmth and heat to the sons of life, for instituting and illustrating charity. A lion in strength and power; a dove in gentleness and humility. A serpent in wisdom and cunning to do good. Gentle, humble, merciful towards sons of life; dark, ungentle towards sons of death. A servant of labor and service of Christ. A king in dignity and power for binding and loosening, for liberating and convicting, for killing and giving life.
After these great miracles, therefore—i.e., after resuscitating the dead; after healing lepers, and the blind, and the deaf, and the lame, and all diseases; after ordaining bishops, and priests, and deacons, and people of all orders in the Church; after teaching the men of Eriu, and after baptizing them; after founding churches and monasteries; after destroying idols and images and druidical arts—the hour of death of St. Patrick approached. He received the Body of Christ from the bishop, from Tassach, according to the advice of the angel Victor. He resigned his spirit afterwards to heaven, in the one hundred and twentieth year of his age. His body is here still in the earth, with honor and reverence. Though great his honor here, greater honor which will be to him in the Day of Judgment, when judgment will be given on the fruits of his teaching, like every great apostle, in the union of the apostles and disciples of Jesus; in the union of the nine orders of angels, which cannot be surpassed; in the union of the divinity and humanity of the Son of God; in the union which is higher than all unions—in the union of the Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. I beseech mercy through the intercession of Patrick. May we all arrive at that union; may we enjoy it for ever and ever. Amen.
These miracles, then, which we have related, the Lord performed for Patrick. Though one should attempt to recount them, he could not. Nevertheless, they are but a few of many related in commemoration; for there is no one who could remember them all. And there is no writer who could write all the prodigies and miracles he wrought in the countries he reached.
After the foundation, then, of numerous churches; after the consecration of monasteries; after baptizing the men of Eriu; after great abstinence and great labor; after destroying idols and images; after degrading numerous kings who would not obey him, and raising up those who obeyed him; and after he had three hundred and fifty or three hundred and seventy bishops; and after ordaining three thousand priests and persons of all other orders in the Church; after fasting and prayer; after showing mercy and mildness; after gentleness and sweetness towards sons of life; after the love of God and his neighbor, he received the body of Christ from the bishop, from Tassach; and he afterwards resigned his spirit to heaven. His body, lowever, is here on earth still, with honor and reverence. And though great his honor here, his honor will be greater in the Day of Judgment, when he will shine like a sun in heaven, and when judgment will be given regarding the fruit of his teaching, like Peter or Paul. He will be afterwards in the union of the patriarchs and prophets; in the union of the saints and virgins of the world; in the union of the apostles and disciples of Jesus Christ; in the union of the Church, both of heaven and earth; in the union of the nine orders of heaven, which cannot be surpassed; in the union of the divinity and humanity of the Son of God; in the union which excels every union—in the union of the Trinity, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost, for ever and ever. Amen. I beseech the mercy of God, through the intercession of Patrick. May we all reach that union; may we deserve it; may we inhabit it for ever and ever.
These are the four-and-twenty who were in orders with Patrick—viz., Sechnall, his bishop; Mochta, his priest; Bishop Ere, his brehon; Bishop MacCairthen, his strong man; Benen, his psalmist; Caemhan of Cill-Ruada, his youth; Sinell, from Cill-Daresis, his bell-ringer; Athgein of Both-Domhnach, his cook; Cruimther Mescan, from Domhnach-Mescan at Fochan, his brewer; Cruimther Bescna, from Domhnach-Dala, his mass-priest; Cruimther Catan and Cruimther Ocan, his two waiters; Odhran, from Disert-Odhran in Hy-Failghe, his charioteer; Cruimther Manach, his wood-man; Rodan, his shepherd; his three smiths, MacCecht, Laeban from Domhnach-Laebhan (who made the Findfaithnech), and Fortchern in Rath-Adine. Essa and Bite and Tassach were his three artists. His three embroiderers were Lupait, and Ere, daughter of Daire, and Cruimthiris in Cenn-Gobha. And this is the number that were in the company of Joseph; and it is the number that is allowed at the table of the King of Cashel, down from the time of Fedhlimidh, son of Crimthann—i.e., the king of the two provinces of Munster, etc.
The Annals of the Lord Jesus Christ, the year this Life of St. Patrick was written, 1477; and to-morrow will be Lammas Night. And in Baile-in-Mionin, in the house of O'Troightigh, this was written by Domhnall Albanach O'Troightigh; et Deo gratias Jesu.
It has been, from ancient times, the object and the design of most writers to perpetuate, with a pen worthy of their virtues, the lives of holy men, that the fervor of sanctity so deserving our veneration might not be buried in oblivion, but rather that it might shine before all as in a glass, to the end that posterity might imitate its brightness—as was commanded from above, that in the breast-plate of the chief priest the names of the twelve patriarchs, the sons of Israel, should be engraven on twelve precious stones, so that by the sight thereof the faithful might be moved to imitate the acts of the holy fathers; for it is most fitting that of those in whose titles we glory, in whose praises we delight, by whose patronage we are protected, we should endeavor to conform to the manners, and be confirmed by the examples; but since the dearth of literature has so much increased, and the slothfulness to learning so much abounded, very many, fools and ignorant persons, have ofttimes, lest they should perish from the memory of the faithful, written the lives of the saints, certainly with a pious intent, but in a most unhandsome style. Wherefore, in reading the lives and acts of the saints composed in a rude manner or barbarous dialect, disgust is often excited, and not seldom tardiness of belief. And hence it is that the life of the most glorious priest Patrick, the patron and apostle of Ireland, so illustrious in signs and miracles, being frequently written by illiterate persons, through the confusion and obscurity of the style, is by most people neither liked nor understood, but is held in weariness and contempt. Charity therefore urging us, we will endeavor, by reducing them to order, to collect what are confused, when collected to compose them into a volume, and, when composed, to season them, if not with all the excellence of our language, at least with some of its elegance. To this our endeavor the instruction of the threefold instrument which is described to belong to the candlestick of the tabernacle giveth aid; for we find therein the tongs, the extinguisher, and the oil-cruse, which we must properly use, if, in describing the lives of the saints, who shone in their conversation and example like the candlestick before the Lord, we should labor to clear away the superfluous, extinguish the false, and illuminate the obscure, which, though by the devotion we have toward St. Patrick we are bound to do, yet are we thereto enjoined by the commands of the most reverend Thomas, Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of all Ireland, and of Malachy, the Bishop of Down; and to these are added the request of John de Courcy, the most illustrious Prince of Ulidia, who is known to be the most especial admirer and honorer of St. Patrick, and whom we think it most becoming to obey. But if any snake in the way, or serpent in the path, watching our steps, shall rashly accuse us herein of presumption, and shall attack our hand with viper tooth, yet do we, with the blessed Paul, collect the vine-twigs for the fire, and cast the viper into the flame. Wherefore, in describing the saints that sleep, which were the branches of the true vine, so that the minds of the faithful may be inflamed toward the love and belief of Christ, we little regard the tongue of the scorner and of the slanderer; for if we are to be judged of such, with the apostle setting them at small account, we commit all to the divine judgment.
There was once a man named Calphurnius, the son of Potitus, a presbyter, by nation a Briton, living in the village Taburnia (that is, the field of the tents, for that the Roman army had there pitched their tents), near the town of Empthor, and his habitation was nigh unto the Irish Sea. This man married a French damsel named Conchessa, niece of the blessed Martin, Archbishop of Tours; and the damsel was elegant in her form and in her manners, for, having been brought from France with her elder sister into the northern parts of Britain, and there sold at the command of her father, Calphurnius, being pleased with her manners, charmed with her attentions, and attracted with her beauty, very much loved her, and, from the state of a serving-maid in his household, raised her to be his companion in wedlock. And her sister, having been delivered unto another man, lived in the aforementioned town of Empthor.
And Calphurnius and his wife were both just before God, walking without offence in the justifications of the Lord; and they were eminent in their birth, and in their faith, and in their hope, and in their religion. And though in their outward habit and abiding they seemed to serve under the yoke of Babylon, yet did they in their acts and in their conversation show themselves to be citizens of Jerusalem. Therefore, out of the earth of their flesh, being freed from the tares of sin and from the noxious weeds of vice by the ploughshare of evangelic and apostolic learning, and being fruitful in the growth of all virtues, did they, as the best and richest fruit, bring forth a son, whom, when he had at the holy font put off the old man, they caused to be named Patricius, as being the future father and patron of many nations; of whom, even at his baptism, the God which is three in one was pleased, by the sign of a threefold miracle, to declare how pure a vessel of election should he prove, and how devoted a worshipper of the Holy Trinity. But after a little while, this happy birth being completed, they vowed themselves by mutual consent unto chastity, and with an holy end rested in the Lord. But Calphurnius first served God a long time in the deaconship, and at length closed his days in the priesthood.
How a Fountain burst forth, and how Sight and Learning were given to the Blind.
A certain man named Gormas, who had been blind even from his mother's womb, heard in a dream a voice commanding him that he should take the hand of the boy Patrick, then lately baptized, and make on the ground the sign of the cross—adding that at the touch a new fountain would burst forth, with the water whereof, if he bathed his eyes, he would forthwith receive his sight. And the blind man, instructed by the divine oracle, went to the little boy, made with his right hand on the ground the sign of salvation, and immediately did a new fountain burst forth. And his darkened eyes, being bathed with this healing stream, perceived the day poured in, and the virtue of Siloe renewed; and, that the mercies of the Lord might be acknowledged, and the wonders that he doeth for the children of men, while the outward blindness of Gormas was enlightened, his inward sight received the revealing gift of science; and he who was before unlearned, having experienced the power of the Lord, read and understood the Scriptures, and as by the outward mercy from being blind he became able to see, so by the inward grace from unlearned he became learned. But the fountain flowing forward with a more abundant stream, even unto this day pouring forth its clear waters, sweet to the draught and wholesome to the taste, is honored with the name of Saint Patrick, and, as is said, gives health or relief to many laboring with divers diseases; and it rises near the seaside, and over it the devotion of posterity has erected an oratory, with an altar built in the form of a cross.
Of the Stone of Saint Patrick.
Near this place is a stone which the inhabitants call Saint Patrick's Rock; for some believe that he was born thereon, and others that on it he celebrated Mass. As often as any controversy arises between the villagers or the neighbors which is thought fit to be determined by an oath, it is brought to this stone, and there, the sacrament being taken, the cause is decided. But if any perjurer or false witness laid his hand thereon, immediately it was wont to pour forth water, and the holiness of Patrick openly showed unto all how accursed was the crime of perjury or of false testimony; yet at any other time it did not use to exude one drop, but always remained in its natural dryness. Which opinion of the people, however, as to this stone, is the more probable, we know not, though the latter may seem the nearer unto the truth. Let it suffice, therefore, to record the miracle which the Bishop Saint Mel testifies that he had oftentimes beheld.
Of the Well dried up.
As he grew in age, he was seen also to grow in grace, and, as from the full store of divine ointment flowing within him, he perfumed all around with the abundance of his manifold miracles. And Patrick, the child of the Lord, was then nursed in the town of Empthor, in the house of his mother's sister, with his own sister Lupita. And it came to pass in the winter season, the ice being thawed, that a well overflowed and threatened to overturn many houses in the town; and the rising of the waters filled the mansion wherein Patrick abided, and overturned all the household stuff, and caused all the vessels to swim. And the little boy, being an hungered, asked in his infantine manner for bread; yet found he not any who would break bread for him, but jeeringly was he answered that he was nearer to being drowned than fed. When the boy dipped three of his fingers into the swelling water, and, standing on a dry place, he thrice sprinkled the water in the form of a cross, and in the name of the Holy Trinity commanded the well that forthwith it should subside. And behold a miracle! Immediately all the flood retired with a refluent course, and the dryness returned, nor was there hurt or damage seen in the vessels or in the furniture of his dwelling. And they who looked on saw that sparks of fire instead of drops of water were sprinkled from the fingers of the holy child, and that the waters were licked up and absorbed thereby; and the Lord, "who collects the waters as in a heap, and lays up the depths in his treasury," who had worked such great works through his beloved child Patrick, is praised of all; and the child also is magnified who was so powerful in Him, great and worthy of all praise.
How he produced Fire from Ice.
Though Saint Patrick, in his childish years, sometimes thought as a child and acted as a child, yet do his illustrious works declare how precious was he in the eyes of Him who was for us born a child. And on a certain day, the winter then freezing everything, the boy Patrick, being engaged in their sports with boys of his own age, gathered many pieces of ice in his bosom, and bore them home, and cast them down in the court-yard; but his nurse, seeing this, said to him that it were better he had collected wood for the hearth than have played with pieces of ice. And the boy, speaking with the tongue of an aged man, answered unto her: "It is easy for the Lord, who created all things, even from these to supply the hearth; and at His nod, so that faith be not wanting, it is easy for fire to prevail over water; and that thou mayest know," said he, "how possible are all things to them who believe, thy faith shall be an eye-witness of that which I say unto thee." And he heaped together the pieces of ice, like brands for the fire, and he prayed, and, making the sign of the cross, he breathed on them, and immediately fire went forth, and, lighting the ice, produced long streams of flame; yet not only did the hearth give warmth to all who came near, but it ministered much cause of admiration, for out of the mouth of the boy Patrick was seen to issue flame instead of breath, that he might plainly appear to be illuminated within by the infinite light of the divine grace. Nor does this miracle much fall short of that ancient miracle which the Scripture records to have been performed by Nehemias; for when he brought back into the land of Juda the people of the Hebrews after their long captivity, restored to freedom by Cyrus, the King of Persia, he commanded the place to be searched out wherein their fathers had hidden the fire of the sacrifice; in which, when discovered, the fire was not found, but thick water; the which Nehemias commanded to be brought, and the sacrifice to be sprinkled therewith; and immediately a great fire was kindled, and it consumed the holocaust and burned the hard stones. So was the congealed water burned up by the power of the same fire which, proceeding from water, did burn to ashes the sacrifice and the stones of the altar. Therefore is the strangeness of this miracle to be admired, the holiness of Patrick to be venerated, and in all these things the power of the omnipotent God to be adored; and herein by a most evident sign did the Lord illustrate Saint Patrick, whose preaching afterward inflamed many that had been frozen in unbelief with the fire of faith and of the charity of God.
How the Sister of St. Patrick was healed.
On a certain day the sister of Saint Patrick, the aforementioned Lupita, being then of good stature, had run about the field, at the command of her aunt, to separate the lambs from the ewes, for it was then weaning time, when her foot slipped, and she fell down and smote her head against a sharp flint, and her forehead was struck with a grievous wound, and she lay even as dead; and many of the household ran up, and her kindred and her friends gathered together to comfort the maiden wounded and afflicted; and her brother came with the rest, compassionating his sister, but confiding in the divine medicine; for, drawing near, he raised her, and, touching with his spittle the thumb of his right hand, he imprinted on her forehead, stained with blood, the sign of the cross, and forthwith he healed her; yet the scar of the wound remained as a sign, I think, of the miracle that was performed, and a proof of the holiness of him who, by his faith in the cross of Christ, had done this thing.
How he restored to Life his Foster-Father.
The husband of Saint Patrick's nurse, who had often-times borne him an infant in his arms, being seized with a sudden death, expired. And his wife, with many others of the household, ran thither, and to Patrick, who was standing nigh, bursting into tears, she thus spake: "Behold, O Patrick! thy foster-father, the bearer of thine infancy, lieth dead; show now, therefore, on him thine enlivening virtue, even that which hath been wont to heal others!" And the boy of holy disposition, compassionating the tears of his nurse and the miserable state of his foster-father, approached him lying there lifeless, and he prayed over him and blessed him, and signed him on his head and on his breast with the sign of life, and he embraced him, and raised him up, and restored him unto her alive and safe. And all who beheld this miracle gave praise to God, who worked such works in Patrick.
Of the Sheep released from the Wolf.
While Saint Patrick was a little boy, his aunt entrusted him with the care of the sheep, and to these he diligently attended with his aforementioned sister. For in that age no reproach was attached to such employments when the sons of the chief men discharged the duties of a shepherd; as the patriarch Jacob and his sons truly declared before Pharao, that they, like their forefathers, were keepers of sheep; and as the lawgiver Moses and the illustrious King David long time labored in the shepherd's occupation. But as the boy Patrick was one day in the fields with his flock, a wolf, rushing from the neighboring wood, caught up a ewe-lamb, and carried it away. Returning home at evening from the fold, his aunt chided the boy for negligence or for sloth; yet he, though blushing at the reproof, patiently bore all her anger, and poured forth his prayers for the restoration of the ewe-lamb. In the next morning, when he brought the flock to the pasture, the wolf ran up, carrying the lamb in his mouth, laid it at Patrick's feet, and instantly returned to the wood. And the boy gave thanks to the Lord, who, as he preserved Daniel from the hungry lions, so now for his comfort had saved his lamb uninjured from the jaws of the wolf.
Of the Cow freed from an Evil Spirit, and Five other Cows restored to Health.
The aunt who had nursed Saint Patrick had many cows, one of which was tormented with an evil spirit; and immediately the cow became mad, and tore with her feet, and butted with her horns, and wounded five other cows, and dispersed the rest of the herd. And the owners of the herd lamented the mishap, and the cattle fled from her fury as from the face of a lion. But the boy Patrick, being armed with faith, went forward, and, making the sign of the cross, freed the cow from the vexation of the evil spirit; then drawing near to the wounded and prostrate cows, having first prayed, he blessed them and restored them all even to their former health. And the cow, being released from the evil spirit, well knowing her deliverer, approached with bended head, licking the feet and the hands of the boy, and turned every beholder to the praise of God and the veneration of Patrick.
Of the Water turned into Honey, and of his Nurse restored to Health.
The nurse of Saint Patrick, being oppressed with illness, longed much for honey, by the taste whereof she trusted that her health might be restored. It was sought by all who stood round her, but obtained not; and when she was told thereof, she longed so much the more earnestly for that which she could not have, and complained that she was remembered and assisted of none. But her young charge, the illustrious boy Patrick, was grieved for her, and, putting his trust in the Lord, he commanded that a vessel might be filled with fresh water from the fountain, and brought unto him; and he bended his knees in prayer, and, rising, blessed it with the sign of the cross, and gave it to the woman desiring honey. And immediately the water was changed into the best honey; and the woman tasted, and her soul was satisfied, and she was relieved from her infirmity. Thus did Patrick change water into honey in the name of Him who, at Cana in Galilee, changed water into wine.
How the Fort was Cleansed.
On a certain promontory overhanging the aforementioned town of Empthor was erected a fort, the ruins of whose walls may yet be traced. And the governor thereof had reduced the nurse of Saint Patrick under the yoke of slavery, and compelled her to be a servant unto him. And among other servile works enjoined to her, he had commanded her to clean with shovels all the offices within the fort, and to carry forth the soil from the stables. But the woman, having an ingenuous mind, and understanding that all power was from God, and that all things were ordained of God, made of her necessity a virtue, and patiently bore the servitude imposed on her. Then the boy Patrick, compassionating his nurse's affliction, besought the Lord that he would vouchsafe to set her free from the labor of this servile work; and behold, as he prayed, all the dwelling-places therein were cleansed without an human hand, and neither within nor without could any remains of the soil be found. And the governor and all who saw or heard this miracle marvelled; and the nurse was released from slavery through the merits of her foster-child. Nor is this miracle beheld only at stated seasons, or once in every year; for even to this day does it appear to be continued. And the dwellers and the neighbors bear witness that if within the precincts of the fort as many cattle as the place could hold were gathered to abide there together, not even the least portion of soil could therein be found. And the place, being in the Valley of Clud, is called in the language of that people Dunbreatan—that is, the Mountain of the Britons; and the miracle cannot be unknown to those who desire to be informed thereof, inasmuch as so often it is published abroad by all the dwellers in that country.
Of the Religious Conversation of Saint Patrick.
And the boy Patrick grew up precious in the sight of the Lord, in the old age of wisdom, and in the ripeness of virtue. And the number of his merits multiplied beyond the number of his years; the affluence of all holy charities overflowed in the breast of the boy, and all the virtues met together made their dwelling in his youthful body. Entering, therefore, and going forward in the slippery paths of youth, he held his feet from falling, and the garment that nature had woven for him, unknowing of a stain, he preserved whole, abiding a virgin in the flesh and in the spirit. And although the divine unction had taught him above all, the fit time being now come, he was sent from his parents to be instructed in sacred learning. Therefore he applied his mind to the study of letters, but chiefly to psalms and to hymns and to spiritual songs, and retaining them in his memory, and continually singing them to the Lord; so that even from the flower of his first youth he was daily wont to sing devoutly unto God the whole psaltery, and from the vial of his most pure heart to pour forth the odor of many prayers. Thus wearing out his tender body in fastings, in many watchings, and in the pious exercise of holy labors, he offered up himself a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God; and thus passing his days in the flesh, against the flesh, and above the flesh, in his conversation he represented an angel.
How Saint Patrick was Carried into Ireland.
As, according to the testimony of Holy Writ, the furnace tries gold and the fire of tribulation proves the just, so did the hour of his trial draw near to Patrick, that he might the more provedly receive the crown of life. For when the illustrious boy had perlustrated three lustres, already attaining his sixteenth year, he was, with many of his countrymen, seized by the pirates who were ravaging those borders, and was made captive and carried into Ireland, and was there sold as a slave to a certain pagan prince named Milcho, who reigned in the northern part of the island, even at the same age in which Joseph is recorded to have been sold into Egypt. But Joseph, being sold as a slave, and being after his humiliation exalted, received power and dominion over all Egypt. Patrick, after his servitude and his affliction, obtained the primacy of the especial and spiritual dominion of Ireland. Joseph refreshed with corn the Egyptians oppressed by famine; Patrick, in process of time, fed with the salutary food of the Christian faith the Irish perishing under idolatry. To each was affliction sent for the profit of his soul, as is the flail to the grain, the furnace to the gold, the file to the iron, the wine-press to the grape, and the oil-press to the olive. Therefore it was that Patrick, at the command of the forementioned prince, was appointed to the care of the swine, and under his care the herd became fruitful and exceedingly multiplied. From whence it may well be learned that as the master's substance is often increased and improved by the attention of a diligent and fortunate servant or steward, so, on the other hand, is it reduced and injured under an idle or unprosperous hand. But the holy youth, heartily embracing in his soul the judgments of the Lord, made of his necessity a virtue, and, having in his office of a swineherd obtained solitude, worked out his own salvation. For he abode in the mountains, and in the woods, and in the caves of the wilderness, and having leisure for prayer, and knowing how kind was the Lord, freely and more freely did he pour forth the incense of his supplications in the presence of the Most High; and an hundred times in the day and an hundred times in the night did he on his bended knees adore his Creator, and often did he pray for a long time fasting, and, nourishing himself with the roots of herbs and with the lightest food, did he mortify his members which were stretched upon the earth. Nor him could heat, nor cold, nor snow, nor hail, nor ice, nor any other inclemency of the air compel from his spiritual exercises. Therefore went he forward daily increasing and confirming himself more strong in the faith and love of Christ Jesus; and the more weak and infirm he appeared, so much the steadier and more powerful was he in fulfilling the commands of the Lord.
Of Milcho's Dream, and of its Interpretation.
And Milcho beheld a vision in the night; and behold, Patrick entered his palace as all on fire, and the flames issuing from his mouth, and from his nose, and from his eyes, and from his ears, seemed to burn him. But Milcho repelled from himself the flaming hair of the boy, nor did it prevail to touch him any nearer; but the flame, being spread, turned aside to the right, and, catching on his two little daughters who were lying in one bed, burned them even to ashes; then the south wind, blowing strongly, dispersed their ashes over many parts of Ireland. And Milcho, awaking, meditated with himself on his couch what prodigy might this remote vision portend. On the morrow, Patrick being called before him, he declared unto him his dream, entreating and abjuring him that if he knew he would unfold its interpretation. And Patrick, being filled with the grace of the Holy Spirit, answered unto Milcho: "The fire which thou sawest to issue from me is the faith of the Holy Trinity, with which I am entirely illumined, and which I shall endeavor to preach unto thee; but my speech will find in thee no place, for thou wilt, in the blindness of thine heart, repel from thee the light of the divine grace, and thou wilt die in the darkness of thy unbelief; but thy daughters shall at my preaching believe in the true God, and, all the days of their lives serving God in holiness and in justice, shall, in a pious end, rest in the Lord; and their ashes, that is, their relics, the Lord revealing them and making of them signs, shall be carried into many places through Ireland, and shall give the blessing of health to many who are infirm; and thy dream is true, and its interpretation is true, and all shall be fulfilled in due time." Thus having said, Patrick departed to his accustomed labor; and all these things happened unto Milcho and unto his daughters even as Patrick had foretold. |