As the people of Tara were thus, they saw the consecrated Easter fire at a distance which Patrick had lighted. It illuminated all Magh-Bregh. Then the king said: "That is a violation of my prohibition and law; and do you ascertain who did it." "We see the fire," said the druids, "and we know the night in which it is made. If it is not extinguished before morning," added they, "it will never be extinguished. The man who lighted it will surpass the kings and princes, unless he is prevented." When the king heard this thing, he was much infuriated. Then the king said: "That is not how it shall be; but we will go," said he, "until we slay the man who lighted the fire." His chariot and horses were yoked for the king, and they went, in the end of the night, to Ferta-fer-fec. "You must take care," said the druids, "that you go not to the place where the fire was made, lest you worship the man who lighted it; but stay outside, and let him be called out to you, that he may know you to be a king, and himself a subject; and we will argue in your presence." "It is good counsel," said the king; "it shall be done as you say." They proceeded afterwards until they unyoked their horses and chariots in front of the Ferta. Patrick was "whispered" out to them; and it was commanded by them that no one should rise up before him, lest he should believe in him. Patrick rose and went out; and when he saw the chariots and horses unyoked, he sang the prophetic stanza:
"Hi in curribus et hi in eorus (equis), Nos autem, in nomine Domini Dei nostri ma."
They were then before him, and the rims of their shields against their chins; and none of them rose up before him, except one man alone, in whom was a figure from God—i.e., Ere, son of Dega. He is the Bishop Ere who is [commemorated] in Slaine of Magh-Bregh to-day. Patrick blessed him, and he believed in God, and confessed the Catholic faith, and was baptized; and Patrick said to him: "Your seat (cathair, chair or city) on earth shall be noble"; and Patrick's (comarb) successor is bound to bend the knee before his comarb in consideration of his submission.
Each then questioned the other—viz., Patrick and Laeghaire. Lochru went fiercely, enviously, with contention and questions, against Patrick; and then he began to denounce the Trinity and the Catholic faith. Patrick looked severely at him, and cried out to God with a loud voice, and he said: "Domine qui omnia potes et in tua potestate consistit quidquid est, quique nos misisti huc ad nomen tuum gentibus praedicandum hic impius qui blasphemat nomen tuum, elevatur nunc foras, et cito moriatur. Et his dictis elevatus est magus in aera et iterum desuper cito dejectus sparso ad lapidem cerebro comminutus et mortus fuerat coram eis." The pagans became afraid at this. But the king was much infuriated against Patrick, and he determined to kill him. He told his people to slay the cleric. When Patrick observed this thing—the rising up against him of the pagans—he cried out with a loud voice, and said: "Et exurget Deus et dissipentur inimici ejus, et fugiant qui oderunt eum a facie ejus, sicut defecit fumus deficit sic deficiant sicut fluit caera a facie ignis; sic pereint peccatorus facie Domini." Immediately darkness went over the sun, and great shaking and trembling of the earth occurred. They thought it was heaven that fell upon the earth; and the horses started off, frightened, and the wind blew the chariots across the plains, and all rose against each other in the assembly; and they were all attacking each other, so that fifty men of them fell in this commotion through Patrick's malediction. The Gentiles fled in all directions, so that only three remained—viz., Laeghaire, and his queen, and a man of his people; et timuerunt valde, veniensque regina ad Patricium (i.e., Angass, daughter of Tassagh, son of Liathan), dixit: "Ei homo juste et potens ne perdas regem. The king will go to thee, and will submit to thee, and will kneel, and will believe in God." Laeghaire went then, and knelt before Patrick, and gave him a "false peace." Not long after this, the king beckoned Patrick aside, and what he meditated was to kill him; but this happened not, because God had manifested this intention to Patrick. Laeghaire said to Patrick, "Come after me, O cleric! to Tara, that I may believe in thee before the men of Erinn"; and he then placed men in ambush before Patrick in every pass from Ferta-fer-fec to Tara, that they might kill him. But God did not permit it. Patrick went, accompanied by eight young clerics (maccleirech), and Benen as a gilla, along with them; and Patrick blessed them before going, and a dicheltair (garment of invisibility) went over them, so that not one of them was seen. The Gentiles who were in the ambuscades, however, saw eight wild deer going past them along the mountain, and a young fawn after them, and a pouch on his shoulder—viz., Patrick, and his eight [clerics], and Benen after them, and his (Patrick's) polaire (satchel, or epistolary) on his back.
Laeghaire went afterwards, about twilight, to Tara, in sorrow and shame, with the few persons who escaped in his company. On the day succeeding Easter Sunday the men of Erinn went to Tara to drink the feast; for the Fes of Tara was a principal day with them. When they were banqueting, and thinking of the conflict they waged the day before, they saw Patrick, who arrived in the middle of Tara, januis clausis ut Christus in cennaculum; because Patrick meditated: "I will go," said he, "so that my readiness may be manifested before the men of Erinn. I shall not make a candle under a bushel of myself. I will see," said he, "who will believe me, and who will not believe me." No one rose up before him inside but Dubhtach Mac Ua Lugair alone, the king's royal poet, and a tender youth of his people (viz., his name was Fiacc; it is he who is [commemorated] in Slebhte to-day). This Dubhtach, truly, was the first man who believed that day in Tara. Patrick blessed him and his seed. Patrick was then called to the king's bed, that he might eat food, and to prove him in prophecy (i.e., in Venturis rebus). Patrick did not refuse this, because he knew what would come of it. The druid Luchat Mael went to drink with him, for he wished to revenge on Patrick what he had done to his (the druid's) companion the day before. The druid Luchat Mael put a drop of poison into the goblet which was beside Patrick, that he might see what Patrick would do in regard to it. Patrick observed this act, and he blessed the goblet, and the ale adhered to it, and he turned the goblet upside-down afterwards, and the poison which the druid put into it fell out of it. Patrick blessed the goblet again, and the ale changed into its natural state. The names of God and Patrick were magnified thereby. The hosts then went and took up their station outside Tara. "Let us work miracles," said Luchat Mael, "before the multitude in this great plain." Patrick asked; "What are they?" The druid said: "Let us bring snow upon the plain, so that the plain may be white before us." Patrick said to him: "I do not wish to go against the will of God." The druid said: "I will bring the snow upon the plain, though you like it not." He then began the druidic poetry and the demoniacal arts until the snow fell so that it would reach the girdles of men; and all saw and wondered greatly. Patrick said: "We see this; send it away, if you can." The druid answered: "I cannot do that thing until this time to-morrow." "By my debhro," said Patrick, "in evil is thy power, and not in good." Patrick blessed the plain before him, towards the four points, and the snow immediately disappeared, without rain, without sun, without wind, at Patrick's word. Darkness afterwards went over the face of the earth, through the incantations of the druid. The multitudes cried out thereat. Patrick said: "Expelli tenebras." The druid answered: "I am not able to-day." Patrick prayed the Lord, and blessed the plain, and the darkness was expelled, and the sun shone out, and all gave thanks. They were for a long time contending thus before the king—i.e., as Nero said to Simon and Peter—et ait rex ad illos, "Libros vestros in aqua mittite, et ilium cujus libri illesi evaserint adorabimus." Respondit Patricius: "Faciam ego"; et dixit magus: "Nolo ego ad judicium ire aquae cum ipso; aquam etiam Deum habet"; because he heard that it was through water Patrick used to baptize. Et respondit rex: "Mittite igitur in igne"; et ait Patricius: "Promptus sum;" at magus nolens dixit; "Hic homo versa vice in alternos annos nunc aquam nunc ignem deum veneratur." "It is not this that shall be done," said Patrick; "for since you say that it is the fire I adore, go you, if you wish, into a house apart, and well closed, and a student of my people along with you, and let my casula be about you, and your druidic tunic about my student (mac cleirech); and fire will be applied to the house, that God may decide between you there." This counsel was agreed to by the men of Erinn, including Laeghaire. The house was then made, one-half of dry faggots, and the other half of fresh materials. The druid was put into the fresh part, and Patrick's casula about him. Benen, however, was put into the dry part, with the druid's tunic about him. The house was afterwards closed and fastened on the outside, before the multitude, and fire was applied to it. A great prodigy occurred there through Patrick's prayers. The fresh part of the house was burned, as well as the druid under the casula, and not a bit of the casula was destroyed. The dry portion, in which was Benen, however, was not burned, and God preserved Benen under the druid's tunic, and the tunic was burned, so that it was reduced to ashes. The king was greatly enraged against Patrick for the killing of his druid. He arose, and would like to slay Patrick; but God did not permit it, through the intercession of Patrick. The anger of God fell afterwards on the impious multitude, so that great numbers of them died—viz., twelve thousand in one day. Patrick said to Laeghaire: "If you do not believe now, you shall die quickly; for the anger of God will come upon your head." When the king heard these words, he was seized with great fear. The king went into a house afterwards to take counsel with his people. "It is better for me," said he, "to believe in God than [to suffer] what is threatened to me—my death." It was after this that Laeghaire knelt to Patrick, and believed in God, and many thousands believed in that day.
Then it was that Patrick said to Laeghaire: "Since you have believed in God, and have submitted to me, length of life in thy sovereignty will be given thee. As a reward for thy disobedience some time ago, however, there will be no king nor roydamhna from thee for ever, except Lughaidh," the son of Laeghaire; for his mother implored Patrick that he would not curse the infant that was in her womb, when Patrick said: "I will not, until he comes against me." Lughaidh then assumed the sovereignty; and he went to Achadh-farcha. There he said: "Is not that the church of the cleric who said that there would be neither king nor roydamhna from Laeghaire?" After this, darts of lightning descended from the heavens on his head, which killed him, and hence is [the name] Achadh-farcha. These miracles live to this day. These are the miracles the divines of Erinn knew, and through which they put a thread of narration. Columcille, son of Fedhlidhmidh, Ultan, the grand-son of Conchobhar, Adamnan, the grandson of Tinne, Eleran the Wise, Ciaran of Belach-duin, Cruimther Collait from Druim-Railgech, knew Patrick's miracles in the first place, and composed them.
A man of truth, indeed, was this man, with purity of mind like the Patriarchs; a true pilgrim like Abraham; gentle and forgiving of heart like Moses; a praise-singing psalmist like David; a shrine of wisdom like Solomon; a chosen vessel for proclaiming truth like Paul the Apostle; a man full of grace and knowledge of the Holy Ghost like John; the root of a holy herb-garden towards the children of faith; a vine branch with fruitfulness; a sparkling fire, with power to heat and warm the sons of life, in founding and dispensing charity. A lion in strength and might; a dove in gentleness and humility. A serpent in wisdom and cunning in regard to good; gentle, humble, mild, towards sons of life; dark, ungentle, towards sons of death. A slave in work and labor for Christ; a king in dignity and power, for binding and releasing, for enslaving and freeing, for killing and reviving. Appropinquante autem hora obitus sui, sacrificium ab Episcopo Tassach sumpsit quod viaticum vitae aeternae ex consilio Victoris acceperat, et deinceps post mortuos suscitatos, post multum populum ad Deum conversum, et post Episcopos et presbyteros in ecclesiis ordinatos, et toto ordine Ecclesiastico conversa tota Scotia ad fidem Christi, anno aetatis suae cxii. obdormivit in vitam aeternam.
Euntes ergo docete omnes gentes baptizantes eos in nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti, docentes eos observare omnia quaecumque mandavi vobis, etc.
When Patrick came with his fleet to Erinn, to preach to the Gaeidhel, and went to Tara, he left Lomman in Inbher-Boinne, to take care of his ships, during the forty nights of the Lent. Patrick commanded him to row his vessel against the [current of the] Boyne, until he would arrive at the place were to-day Ath-Truim [Trim] is—at that time the dun of Fedhlimidh, where he (Lomman) found the son of Laeghaire MacNeill—i.e., at Ath-Truim. And in the morning, Fortchern, Fedhlimidh's son, went and found Lomman, and his gospels before him. He wondered at the precepts he heard. He believed, and was baptized by Lomman. And Fortchern was listening to the instruction, until his mother went to seek him. She welcomed the clerics, for she was of the Britons, viz.: Scoth, daughter of the king of Britain. Fedhlimidh himself came to converse with Lomman; and he believed, and presented Ath-Truim to God and Patrick, and to Lomman, and to Fortchern. Patrick himself went and founded Ath-Truim [Trim], twenty-five years before the foundation of Ard-Macha. Of the Britons, moreover, was the origin of Lomman, and his mother was the sister of Patrick.
Lomman's brethren were, moreover, Bishop Munis in Forgnidhe in Cuircne—i.e., in the north of Meath, to the south of the Ethne (Inny); Broccaidh in Imlech-Achaidh, in Ciarraighe of Connacht; Broccan in Brechmagh, in Ui-Dorthain; Mughenoc in Cill-Dumagloin, in the south of Bregia. They were the relatives, moreover, who were dear to Patrick by consanguinity, and faith, and baptism, and instruction; and they presented to Patrick whatever they possessed, land and churches, for ever. But, after some time, when Lomman's death drew nigh, Lomman and his foster-son, i.e., Fortchern, went to converse with his brother, i.e., Broccaid, and he committed his church to Patrick and Fortchern; and Fortchern opposed it, that he might not inherit his father's possessions, who gave the place to God and Patrick. But Lomman said, "You shall not receive my benediction unless you assume the abbacy of my church." Fortchern took upon him the abbacy after the death of Lomman, for three days, when he went to Trim; and afterwards gave his church to Cathlai, a pilgrim. These are the offerings of Fedhlimidh, son of Laeghaire, to St. Patrick, and to Lomman, and to Fortchern, viz., Ath-Truim, in the territory of Laeghaire of Bregia, and Imghae, in the territory of Laeghaire of Meath. The way in which all these offerings were presented to Patrick, and to Lomman, and to Fortchernd, per (sic) omnibus regibus majoribus et minoribus usque indiem judicii. Prima feria venit Patricius ad Taltenam, where the regal assembly was, to Cairpre, the son of Niall. It was he who desired the murder of Patrick, and who drove Patrick's people into the river Sele, wherefore Patrick called him the enemy of God, and said to him, "Thy seed shall serve thy brother's seed," and there shall not be salmon in that river, through Patrick's malediction. Patrick went afterwards to Conall, the son of Niall, whose residence was where Donagh-Patrick is this day, who received him with great joy; and Patrick baptized him, and confirmed his royal seat for ever. And Patrick said to him: "Thy brother's seed shall serve thy seed for ever; and strive to exercise charity towards my successors after me, and the sons of thy sons, that they may be perpetual subjects to my sons of faith." Then it was that Conall measured a church for God and Patrick, sixty feet in extent; and Patrick said: "Whichsoever of your race diminishes this church shall not have a long reign, and he shall not be prosperous." They went early on Sunday morning to Rath-Airthir, Cinaed and Dubhdaleithe, the two sons of Cerbhall, son of Maelodhra, son of Aedh-Slaine, when they saw a young man lying down—i.e., the son of Bresal. One of them plunged a sword into him, and then throttled him. The murderer then went past Tailten, up, on his straight road, and the other went to Domnach-Patrick. It was then that Patrick blessed that part of the plain of Tailte, so that dead bodies are never borne off from it.
[A few lines of the MS. at this place are damaged.]
The Pasch being therefore finished, on the next day Patrick came to vadum duarum forcarum (Ath-da-laarg, near Kells; county Meath), and founded a church there, and left the three brothers there with their sister, viz., Cathaceus, and Cathurus, and Catnean; and Catnea, the sister, who used to milk the deer. He went afterwards to Druim Corcortri, and founded a church there, and he left in it Diarmaid, son of Restitutus.
When Patrick was going eastwards to Tara, to Laeghaire (for they had formed a friendship), from Domhnach-Patrick, he blessed Conall, son of Niall. When he was going away, he threw his flagstone (lec) behind him eastwards into the hill, i.e., where . . . . . .
[A folio of the original MS. is missing here.]
And Maine knelt to Patrick and performed penance, and Patrick said, "Rex non erit qui te non habebit; and thy injunctions shall be the longest that will live in Erinn. The person whom I have blessed also shall be a king, i.e., Tuathal [Maelgarbh]." And he [Tuathal] assumed the sovereignty afterwards, and banished Diarmaid MacCerbhaill, so that he was on Loch-Ri, and on Derg-Derc, and on Luimnech.
One day as Diarmaid went in his boat past the shore of Cluainmic-Nois, Ciaran heard the noise and motion of the craft, and called him ashore, and Ciaran said, "Come to me, for thou art a king's son, and mark out the Redes [a church] and the Eclais-bec [a little church], and grant the place to me." He said, "I am not a king." To whom Ciaran said, "You will be a king to-morrow." In that day, the king, Tuathal, came with great bands to banish Diarmaid, when Maelmor (of the Conaille), Diarmaid's foster-brother, killed him; and Maelmor was immediately slain. Hence the old saying, "the feat of Maelmor." Diarmaid afterwards assumed the sovereignty of Erinn, through Ciaran's blessing when Diarmaid was marking the site of Eclais-bec, and bowed down thrice. He went to Tara, and gave Ciaran an offering for every tairlim, along with Druimraithe. Ocurrit nobis hic virtus etsi per ancificatione [recte anticipationein].
Another time Patrick heard, through the malice of the vulgar, that Bishop Mel had sinned with his sister, for they were wont to be in the same house, praying to the Lord. When Bishop Mel saw Patrick coming towards him to Ard-Achadh [Ardagh] to reprove him, Bishop Mel went out to a hill to fish in the pools and furrows. When it was told to Patrick that he had caught a salmon in this way, Patrick uttered the famous saying: "Seorsim viri et seorsim foeminae ne occasionem dare intirmis inveniantur et ne nomen Domini per nos blasphemetur, quid absit a nobis," for God does not assist any unjust, false man; i.e., non temptabis Dominum Deum tuum. Bishop Mel's sister then went with fire in her casula, Patrick then knew there was no sin between them, dicens, "Seorsum feminis ne occasione dare infirmis inveniamur et ne non Domini per nos blasfemaretur quod absit a nobis, et sic reliquit eos," i.e., Bri-Leith between them: she in Druim-Cheu to the west of Bri-Leith; he (Bishop Mel) to the east of it, in Ard-Achadh.
Patrick went afterwards into northern Tethbha, i.e., to the territory of Cairbre, where Granard was presented to him by the sons of Cairbre, and he left there Bishop Guessacht, son of Milchu, his foster-brother, and the two sisters Emir, who first put up at Cluain-Bronaigh; and this is the reason why the sides of the churches are joined to each other; and it is the airchinnech (superior) of Granard that always ordains the head nun in Cluain-Bronaigh. The moment that Patrick blessed the veil on the aforesaid virgins, their four feet sank into the rock, and the traces exist in it always. Patrick went afterwards across the water to Magh-Slechta, where the arch-idol of Erinn was, i.e., Cenn Cruach, made of gold and silver, surrounded by twelve other idols formed of bronze. When Patrick saw the idols from the waters called Guthard (i.e., he raised his voice—guth, voice; ard, high), and when he approached it, he lifted his hand to lay the Bachall-Isa on it; but he could not, as the idol inclined over to its right side (for towards the south its face was turned), and the mark of the bachall lives yet in its left side, although the bachall did not leave Patrick's hand. And the ground swallowed the other twelve idols as far as their heads; and they are in that condition in commemoration of the prodigy. And he cursed the demon (idol), and banished him to hell; and he called all the people, with king Laeghaire, who worshipped the idols; and all saw him (the demon), and feared death unless Patrick would banish him to hell. His graif (fibula) fell from Patrick's garment whilst maintaining the conflict and valor against the idol. He cut away all the heath in the place until he found his graif, and no heath grows in that place, nor in the plain besides. And he founded a church in that place, i.e., Domhnach-Maighe-Slecht, and left there Mabran Barbarus, Patrick's relative and prophet, and Patrick's well is there, ubi baptizavit multos. Patrick went afterwards into the territory of Connacht, over Snamhda-en, across the Shannon, where he found a ford, viz.: the land (bed of the river) rose up under Patrick in the ford, and the learned will yet find that esker. And Patrick landed (i.e., on the Connacht side of the Shannon) immediately, and then it was that Buadmael, Patrick's charioteer, died, and was buried there. Cill-Buaidhmael is the name (of the church), and it is appropriate to Patrick. When Laeghaire Mac Neill's druids (i.e., Mael and Caplait, two brothers, who had fostered Laeghaire's two daughters, Ethne the Fair, and Feidelm the Red) heard all that Patrick had done, they brought thick darkness over all Magh-Nai, through the power of the demon, for the space of three days and three nights. Patrick thereupon prayed to God, and bent his knees, and blessed the plain, so that there was darkness for the druids, and light for all others. And he gave thanks to God, and all the darkness was banished from Magh-Ai. And they went past the Shannon to Duma-graidh, where he ordained Ailbhe, a noble priest, who is [commemorated] in Senchua in Ui-Ailella; and Patrick instructed him regarding a stone altar [which was] in the mountain of Ui-Ailella, underground, and four glass Chalices at its four corners: et dixit cavendum ne frangerantur orae fossurae. Inter nepotes etiam Ailello fuit, et baptizavit Maineum sanctum quem ordinavit Episcopus Bronus filius Iccni qui est i Caisel-Irra, servus Dei socius Patricii. Patrick went to Magh-glas, where he founded Cill-mor of Magh-glas; and he left two of his people there, viz., Conleng and Ercleng. Deinde venit in fines Corcu-Achland, to the south of Ui-Ailella, and to the north of Badhghna. There were two brothers there, viz., Id and Hono, who were druids. Hono asked Patrick, "What will you give me for this land?" Patrick answered "Eternity." Hono said, "You possess gold: give it to me for it." Patrick replied, "I have given much, but God will give more." He afterwards found a mass of gold in the place where the pigs had been rooting, and Patrick gave the mass of gold to him (i.e., to Hono) for his land. Tir-in-brotha is its name now. Dixit Patricius, "Nec rex eris nec de semine tuo regnabit in aeternum." Illius vero lacrimis misertus est Patricius, dicens, "Non erit rex quem tua progenies non jurabit," etc., quod impletur. Cenel Maic Erce is the strongest and most powerful [sept] in Connacht, but they do not govern like high-kings. Ona, son of Aengus, son of Ere Derg (Ere the Red), son of Brian, de quo Ui-Honach, presented his house to Patrick; and Imlech-Onon was its name at that time: Ailfinn, moreover, [is its name] this day; from the ail (rock) taken out of the well which was made by Patrick in the fair green, and which is on the brink of the well, the place has been named. Et dixit illi Patricius: "Thy seed shall be blessed, and the palm of laics and clerics shall be of thee for ever, and the inheritance of this place shall belong to them." Et posuit ibi Assicum et Bite filium fratris Assicus (Assici?) et Cipiam matrem Bitei. Episcopus Assicus sanctus episcopus, faber aereus Patricii: and he made altars, and four-cornered book-cases, and four-cornered dishes, in honor of Patrick; and a four-cornered dish of them was in Ard-Macha, and another in Ailfinn, and another in Domnach-mor of Magli-Seola, on the altar of the holy bishop Felanus in Ui-Briuin-Seola, far westwards from Ailfinn. Assicus, however, fled northwards to Sliabh-Liag, in Tir-Boghaine, where he was on an island for seven years. And his monks sought him, and found him, after much trouble, in the mountain glens; and they brought him away with them; and Assicus died with them in the desert, and they buried him in Rath-Cunga, in Seirthe. And the king of that county gave to him, and to his monks after his death, the pasture of one hundred cows with their calves, and twenty oxen, as a perpetual offering; for he said that he would not again go to Magh-Ai, on account of the falsehood which had been said there of him. His remains are in Rath-Cunga, and to Patrick belongs the church, upon which the people of Colum-Cilleand of Ard-Sratha have encroached. Patrick went from Elphin to Dumacha (the mounds) of Ui-Ailella, and built a church there, i.e., Senchell-Dumaighe, and he left Machet in it, and Cetchen, and Rodan, a noble priest, and Mathona, Benen's sister, who received the veil from Patrick and from Rodan, and who was a servitor to them.
When Patrick was at Dumha-graidh, ordaining the great multitude, he smiled. "What is that?" asked Benen. "Bron, and the monk Olcan," said Patrick, "who came towards me along Traig-Eothaili, and my foster-son, Mac-Erca, with them; a wave of the sea made a great dash, and tried to carry off the youth." This was a prophecy. He (Patrick) went through the territory of Ui-Oilella, and founded the church eastwards in Tamhnagh, and it was built by God and men: et ipsa fecit amicitiam ad reliquias Assici Rodani; et successores eorum epulabantur invicem. Post hoc autem possuerunt episcopum Cairellum juxta sanctam Ecclesiam in Tamhnagh, quem ordinaverunt Episcopum Patricii, viz., Bronus et Biteus. Patrick went afterwards to the fountain, i.e., Clibech, on the slopes of Cruachan, at sunrise. The clerics sat down at the fountain. Laeghaire Mac Neill's two daughters, viz., Eithne the Fair, and Feidelm the Red, went early to the fountain to wash their hands, as they were wont to do, when they found the synod of clerics at the well, with white garments, and their books, before them. They wondered at the appearance of the clerics, and imagined they were fir-sidhe, or phantoms. They questioned Patrick. "Whence are you, and whither have you come? Is it from the sidhe? Are you gods?" Patrick said to them, "It would be better for you to believe in God than to ask regarding our race." The elder daughter said, "Who is your God, and in what place is he, in heaven or in earth? is it under the earth, or on the earth, or in seas, or in streams, or in hills, or in valleys? Has He sons and daughters? has He gold and silver? Is there a profusion of every good in his kingdom? Tell us plainly how we shall see Him, and how is He to be loved, and how is He to be found. Is He young or old? or is He ever-living? Is He beautiful, or have many fostered His son, or is His daughter handsome, and dear to men of the world?" St. Patrick, full of the Holy Spirit, responded, "Our God is the God of all, the God of heaven and earth, the God of the seas and rivers, the God of the sun and moon, and all the other planets; the God of the high hills and low valleys; God over heaven, in heaven, and under heaven; and He has a mansion, i.e., heaven, and the earth, and the sea, and all things that are in them. He inspireth all things. He quickeneth all things. He enkindleth all things. He giveth light to the sun, and to the moon. He created fountains in the dry land, and placed dry islands in the sea, and stars to minister to the greater lights. He hath a Son, coeternal and coequal with Himself; and the Son is not younger than the Father, nor is the Father older than the Son. And the Holy Ghost breatheth in them. And the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost are not divided. I desire, moreover, to unite you to the Son of the heavenly king, for ye are daughters of an earthly king." And the daughters said, as if with one mouth and one heart, "How shall we come to believe in that king? Teach us duly, that we may see the Lord face to face—teach us, and we will do as you will say to us." Et dixit Patrici: "Do you believe that through baptism the sin of your mother and of your father shall be put away from you?" They answered, "We believe." "Do you believe in repentance after sin?" "Yes." And they were baptized. And Patrick blessed a white veil upon their heads; and they desired to see Christ face to face. And Patrick said to them: "You cannot see Christ except that you first taste death, and unless you receive the body of Christ and His blood." And the daughters replied, saying: "Give us the Communion, that we may be able to see the Prophesied One." And they after this received the Communion, and fell asleep in death, and Patrick placed them under covering, and in one bed [grave]; and their friends made a great lamentation over them. The druids then entered into conflict with Patrick, on account of the daughters having believed, and having gone to heaven, i.e., Mael and Caplait. Caplait came crying against Patrick, for it was he [Caplait] who fostered the second daughter. Patrick preached to him, and he believed, and he cut off his hair. After this the other druid came, i.e., Mael, and said to Patrick: "My brother has believed for thee," said he; "it shall not serve nor strengthen him," said he; "I will again lead him into paganism." And he was thus insulting Patrick; but Patrick preached to him, and the druid believed in God and Patrick. And Patrick shaved him; and hence "Mael is like Caplait" is a proverb; for it was together that they believed. And the day of weeping was finished, and the maidens were interred there; and Sen-Donahnagh of Magh-Ai was presented to Patrick for ever. And others say the relics of the maidens were brought to Ard-Macha, where they await the resurrection.
Patrick went afterwards to Tir-Caireda, and he founded a church at Ard-lice, i.e., Sen-Domhnach, and he left Deacon Caeman in it. And Patrick erected Ard-Senlis, ubi posuit Lalloc sanctam et tenuit locum in Campo Nento; and they went with Bishop Cethech to his country. Of the race of Ailill was his mother; of Cenel-Sai [nigh] of Cinacht, from Domhnach-Sairigi at Damhliac-Cianain; and it was Bishop Cethech's custom to celebrate the great pasch in Domhnach-Sairigi; and in Ath-da-lorg, in Kells, he celebrated the little pasch, with Comgilla; for Cethech's people used to say that Comgilla was Cethech's servitor. Patrick went afterwards to the territory of Ui-Maine, and he left there an arch-priest (or deacon) of his people, i.e., Deacon Juis, and he erected Fidharta; and Patrick left his books of orders and baptism with him; and he baptized the Ui-Maine; and Deacon Juis, in his old age, baptized Ciaran mac-int-sair, from Patrick's book, quia cxl anni fuit quando Ciaran baptizavit, ut aiunt peritissimi. Patrick's Franks, moreover, left him, viz., fifteen brothers and one sister, viz., Bernicius and Hibernicius, and Hernicus, etc., and Nitria, the sister. And many places were given to them. One of these is Imgoe of Baislic, between Hy-Maine and Magh-Nai. Patrick described to them the likeness of the place with his finger, from Cill-Garad, quia venerunt ad Patricium ut obteret illis de locis quos invenerent. Patrick also founded Cill-Garad, where Cethech [was left], and Ferta-gethich together. Then it was that Patrick made the well which is called Uaran-garad, and he loved this water very much, ut ipse dixit:
"Uaran-gar—[Uaran-gar]— O well! which I have loved, which loved me; Alas! my cry, O dear God! That my drink is not from the pure well."
Patrick went afterwards to Magh-Selcae, i.e., to Dumha-Selca, where there were young men, the six sons of Brian, viz., Bolcderc, Derthacht, Echen, Cremthann, Caelcharna, Echuid; and Patrick wrote three names there in three stones, viz., Jesus, Soter, Salvator. Patrick blessed the Ui-Briuin from Dumha-Selca, and Patrick's seat is there between the stones in quibus scripsit literas, et nona (sic) episcoporum cum illo illic fuerunt, viz., Bronus of Caisel-Irra, Sachelus of Baislic-mor in Ciarraighe, Brocaid of Imlech-ech (brother to Lomman of Ath-truim), Bronachus, presbyter, Rodan, Cassan, Benen, comarb of Patrick, and Benen, brother of Cethech, Felartus, bishop, and his sister, a nun there, and another sister, quae sit insola in mari Conmaicne, i.e., Croch-Cuile-Conmaicne. And he founded a church on Loch-Selca, i.e., Domhnach-mor of Magh-Selca, in quo baptizavit Ui-Briuin et benedixit. Patrick went to Gregraidhe of Loch-Techet, and founded a church there in Drumma, and dug a well thereat, and no stream went into or came out of it, but it was always full, and its name is Bithlan (i.e., ever full). He afterwards founded Cill-Atrachta in Gregraidhe, and [left] Talan's daughter in it, who received a veil from Patrick's hand. And he left a teisc and chalice with Atracht, the daughter of Talan, son of Cathbadh, of the Gregraidhe of Loch-Teched, sister of Caemhan of Airdne-Caemhain. Patrick blessed a veil on her head. Drummana was the name of the place in which they were; Machaire is its name to-day. A casula was sent down from heaven on Patrick's breast. "You shall have this casula, O nun!" said Patrick. "No," said she, "not to me was it given, but to thyself."
He then went to the sons of Erc; they carried off Patrick's horses, and Patrick cursed them, saying: "Your seed shall serve the seed of your brother for ever." Patrick went into Magh-Airtich, and blessed a place,;i.e., Ailech-Airtigh, in Telach-na-cloch. And he went afterwards into Drummut of Ciarraighe-Airtigh, where he found two brothers fighting regarding the father's land after his death, viz, Bibar and Lochru, Tamanchend's two sons. Patrick stretched out his arms, and their hands became fixed to the swords, so that they were not able to lift or lower them, "Sit ye," said Patrick; and he blessed them, and made peace between them. And they gave the land to Patrick, for their father's soul. And Patrick founded a church there, where Conu the artifex is, the brother of Bishop Sechnall. Patrick went subsequently to Ciarraighe-Airne, where he met Ernaisc and his son Loarn under a tree, and Patrick wrote an alphabet for him, and stayed a week with them, with his twelve men. And Patrick founded a church there, et tenuit ilium abbatem (sic), et fuit quidem spiritu sancto plenus.
And Patrick went to Tobar-Mucno, and advanced to Senchill et fuit Secundinus solus sub ulmo frondosa separatim, et est signum crucis in eo loco usque in hunc diem. And he afterwards went into the country of Conmaicne, into Cuil-Tolaigh, and he founded four-cornered churches in that place. One of these is Ard-Uscon, etc. He went to Magh-Cera, and stopped at Cuil-Corra, and founded a church in that place, et baptizavit multos.
Afterwards Patrick proceeded to Magh-Foimsen, where he met two brothers, viz., Luchtae and Derclam. Derclam sent his servant to kill Patrick, but Luchtse prevented him, to whom Patrick said: "There shall be priests and bishops of thy seed, and the race of thy brother shall be cursed, and shall be few." And he left in that place Cruimther-Conan, and went afterwards to Tobar-Stringle in the desert, and he was two Sundays [living] on that well.
Patrick went to the men of Umhall, to Achadh-Fobhair where Bishop Senach was ordained. The name Patrick conferred on him was "Agnus Dei." And he it was who asked the three requests of Patrick—viz., that he should not oppose him as regards orders, that the place should not be called after him, and that what was wanting to complete his age should be added to the age of Mac Aenghusa. It was for him (Mac Aenghusa) that Patrick wrote an alphabet the day that Bishop Senach was ordained. Patrick desired truly to erect a see at Achadh-Fobhair, when he said: "I would remain here, on a small plot of land, after circumambulating churches and fastnesses; for I am infirm, I would not go." The angel said to Patrick:
"Everything you select shall be yours— Every land, whether plain or rough, Both hills and churches, Both glens and woods, After circumambulating churches and fastnesses Though infirm, that you shall select."
Then Patrick left two trout alive in the well, and they will be there for ever, as he said:
"The two inseparable trout, Which would advance against perpetual streams, Without obligation, without transgression— Angels will be along with them in it."
Patrick went to Cruachan-Aighle on the Saturday of Whitsuntide. The angel went to converse with him, and said to him: "God will not give thee what thou demandest; for He thinks the demands weighty and immense and great." "Is that His decision?" said Patrick. "It is," answered the angel. "This is my decision, then," said Patrick: "I shall not leave this Cruachan until I die or all the demands shall be given." Patrick was afterwards with illness of mind in Cruachan, without drink or food, from Shrove Saturday to Easter Saturday, just like Moses, son of Amra; for they were alike in many things. God accosted them both out of the fire; six score years was the age of each; the place of sepulture of both is uncertain. At the end of those forty nights and forty days the mountain around him was filled with black birds, so that he could see neither heaven nor earth. He sang cursing psalms at them, but they went not away from him. He then became angry with them; he rang his bell at them, so that the men of Erinn heard its sound. And he flung it at them, so that a gap was broken out of it, and that [bell] is Bernan-Brighte.
Patrick afterwards cried until his face and the front of his casula (cowl) were wet. No demon came after this to Erinn for the space of seven years, and seven months, and seven days, and seven nights.
The angel subsequently went to protect Patrick, and he cleaned his casula, and brought white birds about the Cruachan; and they used to chant sweet melodies for him. "I will bring so many souls from pain," said the angel, "and as many as would cover as far as your eye could reach on the sea." "That is no great boon for me," said Patrick; "not far can my eye reach over the sea." "You shall have between sea and land, then," added the angel. "Is there anything more granted to me besides that?" asked Patrick. "There is," said the angel; "you can bring seven every Saturday from the pains of hell for ever." "If anything be granted to me," observed Patrick, ["let me have] my twelve men." "You shall have it," said the angel; "and depart from Cruachan." "I shall not depart," said Patrick, "because I have been tormented, until I am recompensed. Is there anything else, then, to be granted to me?" asked Patrick. "Yes," said the angel; "you shall have seven every Thursday, and twelve every Saturday, from pains; and depart from Cruachan." "I will not depart," answered Patrick, "because I have been tormented, until I am recompensed. Is there anything else granted to me?" asked Patrick. "There is," answered the angel; "the great sea to come over Erinn seven years before the Judgment; and depart from the Cruachan."
"I will not depart," said Patrick, "since I have been tormented, until I am gratified." "Is there anything more you demand?" asked the angel. "There is," answered Patrick; "that Saxons may not occupy Eriu, by consent or force, whilst I shall be in heaven." "It shall be granted thee," said the angel; "and depart from Cruachan." "I will not depart," said Patrick, "since I have been tormented, until I am gratified. Is there anything more granted to me?" asked Patrick. "There is," said the angel; "every one who repeats thy hymn from one day to the other shall not suffer pains." "The hymn is long and difficult," said Patrick. "Every one who repeats from Crist illum" (recte Crist lim, "Christ with me") "to the end, and every one who repeats the name, and every one who observes penitence in Eriu, their souls shall not go to hell; and depart from Cruachan" [said the angel].
"I will not depart," said Patrick, "for I have been tormented, until I am gratified. Is there anything more?" asked Patrick. "Yes," said the angel; "you shall have one man for every hair in your casula from pains on the Day of Judgment." "Which of the other saints who labor for God," said Patrick, "that would not bring that number to heaven? I shall not accept that," said Patrick.
"What will you accept, then?" asked the angel. "Here it is," said Patrick: "that I should bring from hell on the Day of Judgment seven persons for every hair in this casula." "It shall be granted to you," said the angel; "and depart from this Cruachan." "I will not depart," said Patrick, "for I have been tormented, until I am gratified." "Is there anything else you demand?" asked the angel. "There is," said Patrick: "the day that the twelve royal seats shall be on the Mount, and when the four rivers of fire shall be about the Mount, and when the three peoples shall be there—viz., the people of heaven, the people of earth, and the people of hell—that I myself may be judge over the men of Eriu on that day." "This thing cannot be obtained from the Lord," said the angel. "Unless this is obtained from Him, I will not consent to leave this Cruachan from this day for ever; and even after my death there shall be a caretaker from me there," answered Patrick.
The angel went to heaven. Patrick went to his offering. The angel came in the evening. "How now?" asked Patrick. "Thus," answered the angel: "all the creatures, visible and invisible, including the twelve apostles, entreated, and they have obtained. The Lord said that there came not, and would not come, after the apostles, a man more illustrious, were it not for the hardness of the request which is granted thee. Strike thy bell," said the angel; "thou art commanded from heaven to fall on thy knees, that it may be a blessing to the people of all Eriu, both living and dead." "A blessing on the bountiful king that gave," said Patrick; "the Cruachan shall be left."
Patrick proceeded afterwards until he was in Achadhfobhair, where he celebrated the ordo at Easter. There are, moreover, "keepers" of Patrick's people in Eriu living still. There is a man from him in Cruachan-Aigle. The sound of his bell is heard, but it [the bell] is not found. And there is a man from him in Gulban-Guirt; and the third man from him is to the east of Cluain-Iraird, together with his wife. Both entertained Patrick in the reign of Laeghaire Mac Neill, and they are, and will be for ever, the same age. There is a man from him in Dromanna-Bregh; there is another man from him in Sliabh-Slainge—i.e., Domangart, son of Eochaidh. It is he that will raise Patrick's relics a little before the Judgment. His cell is Rath-Murbhuilg, at the side of Sliabh-Slainge; and there is always a shin (of beef), with its accessories, and a pitcher of ale, before him every Easter, which is given to Mass people on Easter Monday always. Patrick's charioteer died, moreover, and was buried between Cruachan and the sea. Patrick went afterwards into the country of the Corco-Themne, and baptized many thousand persons there, and he founded four churches there, viz., in the three Tuagha.
Patrick went then to Tobar-Finnmaighe—i.e., a well. It was told to Patrick that the pagans honored this well as a god. The well was four-cornered, and there was a four-cornered stone over its mouth, and the foolish people believed that a certain dead prophet made it, bibliothecam sibi in aqua sub petra ut dealbaret ossa sua semper, quia timuit ignem, et zelavit Pat. de Deo vivo, dicens non vere dicitis quia rex aquarum fons erat hoc necnon cum eis habuit rex aquarum, et dixit Patricius petram elivari et non potuerunt elevavit autem eam petram; Cainnech, que, baptizavit Patricius, et dixit erit semen tuum benedictum in secula. Cill-Tog, in the territory of Corco-Themne—it was this church that Bishop Cainnech, Patrick's monk, founded. One time, as Patrick was travelling in the plains of Mac-Ercae—i.e., in Dichuil and Erchuil—he saw a large sepulchre there, viz., 120 feet in length. The brothers desiring that the dead man might be resuscitated, Patrick thereupon "awoke" the dead man who was in the sepulchre, and questioned him quando, et quomodo, et quo genere, et quo nomine esset. Respondit sibi, dicens, "Ego sum Cass, filius of Glassi, qui fui subulcus Lugair Iruatae, and Mac Conn's fiann killed me in the reign of Cairpre Niafer, in the hundredth year. I am here until to-day." Patrick baptized him, and he went again into his sepulchre.
Quis comprehendere valet modi (sic) diligentise orationis ejus omnes, namque psalmos, et ymnos et Apocalipsi, ac omnia cantica spiritualia scripturarum cotidie (quotidie) decantabat seu in uno loco seu in itinere gradiens. From vespers on Sunday night until tierce on Monday Patrick would not come from the place where he might be.
One Sunday Patrick was in a cold, damp place, when great rain fell on the earth, but it rained not in the spot where Patrick was, sicut in concha et vellere Gideoni accederat. It was a custom with Patrick to place the cross of Christ over himself one hundred times each day and night; and he would go aside from his path, even though the cross were one thousand paces away, provided that he saw it or knew it to be in his vicinity; whether he was in a chariot or on a horse, he would proceed to each cross. One day Patrick omitted to visit a cross which was on his way, but he knew not that it was there. His charioteer said to him in the evening: "You left a cross which was on your way to-day without visiting." Patrick left his guest-house and his dinner, and went back to the cross. When Patrick was praying at the cross, "This is a sepulchre," said Patrick; "who was buried here?" A voice answered out of the sepulchre: "I am a poor pagan," it said, "and I was buried here; whilst living, I was injuring my soul until I died; and I was buried here afterwards." "What was the reason," asked Patrick, "that the sign of Christianity—i.e., the cross—was placed over thy grave?" "This," answered the voice: "a certain woman that was in foreign lands, and her son was buried here in this country in her absence; and she came from foreign lands, and placed this cross over my grave. She thought it was over the grave of her son it was placed; for she was not able through grief to recognize her son's grave." "This is the reason that I missed the cross," said Patrick—"i.e., its being over the grave of a pagan." The cross was afterwards raised by Patrick over the Christian's grave.
One time Patrick's charioteer wanted his horses; he could not find them, owing to the darkness of the night. Patrick lifted up his hand; his five fingers illuminated all the place as if they were five torches, and the horses were immediately found.
Patrick went across the Muaidh to Hy-Amhalghaidh; the twelve sons of Amhalgaidh, son of Fiachra, son of Eochaidh, came to meet him, viz., Aengus, Fergus, Fedhlimidh, Enna Crom, Enna Cullom, Connac, Cairbre, Echui Dianimh, Oena, Eoghan Coir, Dubchonall, Ailill of the rough face. The sons of Amhalghaidh were disputing about the sovereignty: twenty-four tribes (i.e., old tribes) that were in the country; and they objected that they would not admit any man asking over them with an additional [nick] name. Aengus then imposed additional names upon his brothers. This Aengus was the proudest of Amhalghaidh's sons. Laeghaire, son of Niall, son of Eochaidh, King of Tara, and his brother Eoghan, son of Niall, decided the dispute. The sons of Amhalghaidh went to Tara in twelve chariots, sicut in libris Patricii inventus, quod exirent in judicium tamen vii fratres de eis. They were welcomed by the king at Tara. Aengus was foster-son to Laeghaire. He got a special welcome there. Aengus prayed the door-keepers that they would not admit Conall, the son of his brother—i.e., the son of Enna Crom—into the fort; for Aengus feared his wisdom in arguing his right. Aengus obtained this request from the door-keepers. As Conall was outside the lis, he heard the sound of Patrick's bell from Tobar-Patrick at the fort. Conall went to him and saluted him. "O cleric!" said he, "do you know this expression which I have in commemoration—i.e., 'Hibernenses omnes clamant ad te pueri,' etc.—which two girls uttered in their mother's womb in our country?" "I am he whom that refers to," said Patrick; "and I heard it when I was in the islands of the Tyrrhene Sea, et nescivi utrum in meam vel extra locuta sunt verba, et ibo tecum in regionem tuam baptizare, docere, evangelizare." Interrogat autem Patricius qua causa venit Conall, and Conall related the reason to Patrick, and he said that he was not allowed to enter Tara; to whom Patrick said: "Go in now, as the doors are open; and go to my faithful friend, Eoghan Mac Neill, who will assist you, if you lay hold, secretly, of the finger next his little finger, which is always a sign between us." And so it was done.
"Welcome," said Eoghan. "What is Patrick's wish?" Conall said: "That you assist me." Conall afterwards observed: "If it is according to youth precedence in a king's house or land is to be given, I am the youngest; if according to mother's age, Enna Cromm is the oldest." To which Laeghaire replied: "Honor to the senior, truly," said he, "and converse with the learned; but if jewels and treasures are given to any one, however, I will not deprive him of them." They came away, and Patrick with them, and Patrick gave his chariot to Conall, so that it was the thirteenth charlot. They went their way afterwards, and there was not good-will with Aengus for his brother's son and for Patrick. He told his two brothers—viz., Fergus and Fedhlimidh—to kill Patrick and Conall, as he had agreed on parting Laeghaire, after Laeghaire had instigated him thereto. They went northwards towards their country. The place which Aengus had fixed upon for the fratricide was in Corann. Fergus simulated sleep. His brothers refused what they had promised. "We will not kill the innocent," said they, "and will not commit murder upon our brother." Aengus went towards him (Patrick) to kill him, accompanied by two bands and two druids—-viz., Reon and Rechred, of the race of Faelan the warrior. It is not more than a mile from the place whence Patrick saw the enemies, from the cross to the west of Cross-Patrick, to Cill-Forclann. Reon said that the ground would swallow Patrick on the place where he would see him. This was related to Patrick. "It is I who shall see him first," said Patrick. When Patrick saw him, the ground swallowed him up. "I will believe," said he, "if I am rescued." The ground flung him up until he was above the winds, and he fell down half alive. He believed, and was baptized. Rechred was also lifted up and let down until his head was broken against the rock, and fire from heaven burned him. The druid's rock is there. There is a church there. Cross-Patrick is its name, to the east of Coill-Fochlaidh. Telach-na-Druadh is the name of the place where the pagans were, to the west of Cross-Patrick. Glas-Conaigh is between them. Aengus said: "I will believe if my sister is resuscitated"—i.e., Feidelm, daughter of Amhalgaidh, who died long before.
One time a blind man went to meet Patrick; he went in haste with the desire of being healed. One of Patrick's people laughed at him. "My debroth," said Patrick, "it would be fit that you were the blind person." The blind man was healed, and the hale was made blind, quod utrimque factum est. Mignae is the name of the person who was blinded; and he is the second man of Patrick's people who remained in Disert-Patrick, which is near the well at Cross-Patrick, and Donnmall was the other. Ruan, son of Cucnamha, Amhalgaidh's charioteer, that was healed there. Roi-Ruain is the name of the place where the blind was healed, and it belonged to Patrick afterwards. He met two bacachs in Ochtar-Caerthin. They complained to him of their infirmity, for they found it difficult to proceed through mountain or plain. What more shall I say? They were healed. He went to Domhnach-Mor, where Bishop Mucna is. He went afterwards to Cross-Patrick, where Aedh Fota, son of Eochaidh, son of Oengus, came to him; and he healed him from lameness at the fountain to the west of Cross-Patrick; and he (Aedh) presented to him a plot of land there, where he founded a residence, and he left two of his family there—viz., Teloc and Nemnall. Enna saw the druids (magi) wishing to kill Patrick, and he said to his son Conall, "Go and protect Patrick, that the magi may not kill him." Patrick perceived them, and ethereal fire burned them, to the number of nine.
He then founded Cill-Alaidh, and he left an illustrious man of his family there—i.e., Bishop Muiredhach. Patrick baptized women—viz., Crebriu and Lesru, the two daughters of Glerann, son of Cummen. It was they that called upon Patrick from their mother's womb when he was in the islands of the Tyrrhene Sea. They are patronesses of Cill-Forglainn, in Hy-Amhalghaidh or Tirawley, to the west of Muaidh.
He went to Forrach-mac-Amalghaidh. Seven sons of Amalgaidh believed, including Enna and the king. It was then he baptized the pregnant woman and her offspring, and resuscitated another. Patrick and Conall went to the grave where the dead pregnant woman was, by the lower road to Cill-Alaidh. Aengus, however, went by the upper road. They reached the grave, and Patrick resuscitated the woman, and her son in her womb; and both were baptized in the well Aen-adharcae (from the little hillock of land that is near it the well was named). Being resuscitated, she preached to the multitudes of the pains of hell and the rewards of heaven, and with tears prayed her brother that he would believe for God and Patrick, which was done, and he was baptized. And in that day twelve thousand were baptized in the well of Aen-adharcae, ut dicitur: "On one day were baptized six great thousands, with the seven sons of Amhalgaidh. This was the number." Twelve thousand, truly, that believed for Patrick in Ui-Amhalghadha, and of those of Caille-Fochladh. And Patrick left Magister Manchen with them. He went southwards to the ford of Loch-Daela. The place was the property of Aengus. Patrick intended to found a residence for himself there. Aengus came quickly when he saw him (Patrick), for it was not from his heart that he believed when he was baptized and confessed the faith. "My debroth," said Patrick, "'twere right that thy houses should not be exalted, nor thy descendants after thee. Thy successors shall be seldom just, and there shall be fratricide through it."
He went to the east, to Lec-finn, where Patrick made the cross in the stone over Cill-mor-uachtair-Muaidh, to the west. But Lia-na-manach is its name at this day—i.e. Cruimther Monach's, or Olcan's church; but there was no church there at that time. And he baptized Eochaidh, son of Nathi, son of Fiachra, and resuscitated his wife Echtra, at Ath-Echtra, the little stream at the very door of Cill-mor. And Echtra's grave is on the margin of the ford. It is a sign of knowledge with them in their history to remember this grave. He (Patrick) sent Bishop Olcan to build where the church is to-day. Thus he came with an axe on his back, and Patrick told him that he should put up at the place where the axe would fall off his back; quod factum est where Cill-mor-uachtair-Muaidh is. He went afterwards to the north, to Lec-Balbeni, where he found and blessed the sons of Amhalgaidh; and he went out of the country from [the western] Bertlacha to the eastern Bertlacha, and passed it eastwards to the estuary of the Muaidh, towards the mouth of the sea. A young woman was drowned there before him; and he blessed the place, and said that no person should be drowned there for evermore. Patrick prophesied that the eastern Bertlacha should be with him, as it is in their history; and in the day of war the king of that region will be victorious, if true to Patrick. It was there, at the stream, the Gregraighe flung stones at Patrick and his people. "My debroth," said Patrick, "you shall be beaten in every conflict in which you may be; and you shall be subject to insult and contumely in every assembly in which you may be." "Arise, O Conall!" said Patrick, "that you may assume the bachall." Conall said, "If it please thee, I shall do so." "That shall not be," said Patrick; "but I will support thy valor, and will give comarbs to thy race, and thou shall be the Conall Sciath-bachall. The palm of laics and clerics shall be from thee; and every one of thy descendants in whose shield the sign of my bachall shall be will not be subdued."
All this Patrick did to him. He went eastwards into the territory of Hy-Fiachrach, by the sea. A water opposed his passage—i.e., there was an unusually large rock in it—and he cursed it. On the water there is a place, Buaile-Patrick is its name—i.e., a little mound—with a cross there, where Patrick rested a short time. Then the holy bishop, Bron of Caisel-Irra, and the holy Mac Rime of Cill-Corcaraidhe; and there he wrote an alphabet for him; and I have heard from another that in the said place he gave a tooth from his jaw to Bishop Bron, for he was dear to Patrick. Immediately on coming from the west, across the Muaidh, into Gregraighe, he met three virulent druids at Rath-Righbhaird, who were able to do nothing to him; and he said that there never would be wanting of this people a man of such magical knowledge.
Mac Erca, the son of Draighen, who is in Cill-roe-mor, in the territory of Hy-Amhalgadha. Patrick baptized the seven sons of Draighen, and he selected of them Mac Erca, and gave him to Bishop Bron to be fostered; for it would not be easy to take him far away, in consequence of the love of his father for him.
Patrick marked out the site of Caisel-Irra, and the flag on which Patrick's tooth fell is in the middle of the lis. Bishop Bron founded the place, and Patrick prophesied that the place would be deserted by Gentiles, quod factum est.
Then Patrick desired the fishermen to set their nets for him in the river—i.e., in Sligech. They said to him, "A salmon is not taken in this period of the winter; but as you desire it, however," said the fishermen, "we will do so." They placed their nets, and caught large salmon; and they gave them to Patrick; and he blessed the river, so that Sligech is the most fruitful river of Erinn, for fish is caught in it every quarter (of the year).
Bishop Rodan, the herd—Patrick left him in Muirisk, in Cill-espuig-Rodain. His calves would only do what he counselled; wherefore the harpers and musicians had a proverb. The Callraighe of Cul-Cernadhan were in a secret place before Patrick, and they brought their spears close to their shields to assault Patrick and his people. "My debroth," said Patrick, "what you did is not good. Every battle and every conflict which you wage, and your children after you, will be gained over you." They forthwith knelt to Patrick, except five. Patrick said: "In any battle that may be won against you, though all Connacht be after you, no greater number than five shall fall of you." And so is it observed.
One time he was after going by Bernas-Ui-Oilella to go to Magh-Luirg, when he fell into water—i.e., a river that goes into (recte, from) Loch-Techet. Ath-carpait is the name of the ford, near to Ess-mic-Eirc. Patrick cursed the eastern half of the water. "And the half from the ford westwards, why do you spare it?" asked his people. "A son of life will come who will set up there hereafter," said Patrick, "who will like fruitful water at his place"—i.e., Colum-Cille, son of Fedhlimidh, at Ess-mic-Eirc. From the ford up to the lake the best fishing in Erinn is found there by all. From the ford down not much is taken there.
Patrick went afterwards into the territory of Magh-Luirg, when his horses were carried off by Cenel-Mic-Erca. And Patrick cursed the people of that country; but Bishop Maine of the Hy-Ailella, who prayed Patrick regarding forgiveness for his kinsmen, and Patrick modified the malediction. And Bishop Maine washed Patrick's feet with his hair and tears, and drove the horses into a meadow, and cleaned their hoofs in honor of Patrick. And Patrick said, "There shall be weeping, and wailing, and mourning with the inhabitants of that country; and there will not be neighborship there in saecula saeculorum"; ut impletur. And Patrick also said that a great part of that country should afterwards belong to him; which was fulfilled in the case of Nodain of Loch-Uama. Bishop Maine is also of Patrick's people, and Geintene in Echainech in Hy-Ailella.
Patrick went after that into the territory of Callraidhe to Druim-dara, where Druim-lias is to-day. It was then he baptized Mac Caerthinn; and that place was presented to Patrick for ever. Patrick afterwards established himself on the offering in Druim-dara, Druim-lias to-day—i.e., from Patrick's seats and from the sheds it was named. Patrick left his dalta Benen there in abbotship during the space of twenty years. He journeyed into the glens eastward, where Cenel-Muinremur is to-day. His two nostrils bled on the way. Patrick's flag (Lee-Patrick) is there, and Patrick's hazel (Coll-Patrick), a little distance to the west of the church. He put up there. Srath-Patrick it is named this day; Domhnach-Patrick was its former name. Patrick remained there one Sunday; et hoec est una ecclesia illius regionis. Patrick went afterwards past Druim-cliabh, from Caisel-Irra, by the Rosses eastwards, along Magh-Eni, and founded Domhnach-mor of Magh-Eni. Then it was that he cursed the Dubh River for the refusal which the fishermen gave him. He blessed Drobhais, however, on account of the kindness which the little boys who were fishing there did to him.
Thrice Patrick went across the Shannon into the land of Connacht. Fifty bells, and fifty altar chalices, and fifty altar cloths he left in the land of Connacht, each of them in his church. Seven years was he preaching to the men of Connacht; and he left them a blessing, and bade them farewell.
Patrick went to Es-Ruaidh. He desired to establish himself there, where Disert-Patrick is, and Lec-Patrick. Cairbre opposed him, and sent two of his people, whose names were Carbacc and Cuangus, to seize his hands. "Not good is what you do," said Patrick; "if I were permitted to found a place here, the second to Rome of Letha, with its Tiber running through it, would be my establishment with its Es-Ruaidh through it; and your descendants would be comarbs in it." Cairbre declined then, as Patrick had foretold. Thereupon Cairbre incited a dog to attack Patrick. Cuangus struck the dog with a rod. Patrick said that Cairbre's race should not exceed a small band, and that the palm of laics or clerics would not be from him, quod impletur. But as to Cuangus, since he agreed to seize Patrick's hands for Cairbre, Patrick said that his race should not be more numerous than a company, and that illustrious men would be of them, quod impletum est. Cairbre promised to Cuangus, for seizing Patrick's hands, as much as he could see to the north of Sliabh-Cise. When he turned to take a view about him, a dark cloud closed around Cuangus, so that he only saw to the sea westwards, and to the ash eastwards. "This river, which God gave you, Cairbre," said Patrick, "your share of it shall not be fruitful as regards fish" (i.e., the northern half of the river in length was Cairbre's share—i.e., the half next to Cenel-Conaill—for Crich-Conaill belonged to Cairbre at that time as far as Rath-Cunga); "but Conall's share (the southern half) will be fruitful"; sic impletum est, until Murghins, son of Maelduin, son of Scannal, an illustrious king of Cairbre's race, presented the unfruitful part to Colum-Cille; and it is now fruitful with Colum-Cille.
He (Patrick) went afterwards between Es-Ruaidh and the sea into Crich-Conaill, where Rath-Chunga is at this day. He fixed a stake there, and said that it would be an abode and establishment for seven bishops; and there Bite is now, the brother's son of Aisicus from Elphin.
It was then also that he foretold of Domhnall, son of Aedh, son of Ainmire—viz., he fixed a pole in Ard-fothaidh, and on the morrow it was bent; and Patrick said that the place would be the seat of a king, which was fulfilled in Domhnall. On Sith-Aedha Patrick blessed Conall Mac Neill, when Patrick's hands would fall on the head of Fergus. Conall wondered at this thing, when Patrick said:
"A youth (i.e., Colum-Cille) shall be born of his tribe, Who will be a sage, a prophet, and poet, A glorious, bright, clear light, Who will not utter falsehood."
After Patrick had blessed the Cenel-Conaill, and had left a blessing on their forts and rivers and churches, he went into the country of Eoghan, the son of Niall, across Bernas of Tir-Aedha into Magh-Itha, and to Domhnachmor of Magh-Itha, where he left Dudubae, son of Corcan, of his people. And Patrick said to his people: "Take care that you meet not with the lion, Eoghan, son of Niall." Muiredhach, the son of Eoghan, who was in the front of the youths, met on the way Sechnall, who was in the rear of the host of clerics. Sechnall said to Muiredhach: "You would have a reward from me, if you would persuade your father to believe." "What reward?" asked he. "The sovereignty of thy tribe shall for ever belong to thy heirs," said Sechnall. "I will," answered Muiredhach. In Fidhmor it was that Eoghan met with Patrick, where the flag (lec) is. "If you would believe in your country," said Patrick, "the hostages of the Gaedhil would come to you."
"I am not good-looking," said Eoghan; "my brother precedes me on account of my ugliness." "What form do you desire?" asked Patrick. "The form of the young man who is under (i.e.., who is bearing) your satchel—i.e., Rioc of Inis-bo-finde," said Eoghan. Patrick covered them over with the same garment, the hands of each being clasped round the other. They slept thus, and afterwards awoke in the same form, with the difference of the tonsure. "I don't like my height," said Eoghan. "What size do you desire to be?" asked Patrick. Eoghan reached up his hand with his sword. "I should like this height," said he; and he immediately grew to that height. Patrick afterwards blessed Eoghan, with his sons. "Which of your sons is dearest to you?" asked Patrick. "Muiredhach," said he. "Sovereignty from him for ever," said Patrick. "And next to him?" asked Patrick. "Fergus," answered he. "Dignity from him," said Patrick. "And after him?" asked Patrick. "Eocha Bindech," said Eoghan. "Warriors from him," said Patrick. "And after him?" asked Patrick. "They are all alike to me," answered Eoghan. "They shall have united love," said Patrick.
Patrick went to Ailech of the kings, when he blessed the fort and left his flag there; and he prophesied that kingship and pre-eminence should be over Erinn from Ailech. "When you lift your foot out of your bed to approach it, and your successor after you," said Patrick, "the men of Erinn shall tremble before you."
He blessed the whole island (Inis-Eoghain) from Belach-ratha; and he gave a blessing of valor to Eoghan. Then it was that Patrick said:
"My blessing on the tuatha (territories) I give from Belach-ratha, On you, you descendants of Eoghan, Until the day of judgment.
"Whilst plains are under crops, The palm of battle shall be on their men. The armies of Fail (Ireland) shall not be over your plains; You shall attack every telach (tribe).
"The race of Eoghan, son of Niall, Bless, O fair Brigid! Provided they do good, Government shall be from them for ever.
"The blessing of us both Upon Eoghan Mac Neill, On all who may be born from him, Provided they are obedient."
Eochaidh, son of Fiachra, son of Eoghan, was baptized with Eoghan, and Patrick's covenant was made between them; and whosoever transgresses it shall not have children born to him, and his body will not rot in the clay.
Where Patrick went after this was into Daigurt in Magh-Dula. He built seven Domhnachs (churches) about Fochaine (i.e., flumen), namely, Domhnach-Dola, Domhnach-Seinlis, Domhnach-Dara, Domhnach-Senchua, Domhnach-Minchluane, Domhnach-Catte, Both-Domhnaigh.
Patrick proceeded into Tir-Eoghain of the Islands—namely, into the territory governed by Fergus—and he took to build a disert at a certain place; Achadh-Driman was the proper name of the land in which he built it. But Coelbhadh, son of Eoghan, drove him from thence, and Patrick said that in consequence thereof his race should never have a goodly house there. Quod probatum est super by Comman, son of Algasach, of the race of Coelbhadh, who was at Eas-nac-Eire, who made a house there, but, before he had the roof on it, it was broken down by a young cleric of the family of Domhnach-mor-Maighe Tochair.
"Thou shalt receive welcome from me," said Aedh, son of Fergus. There is neither bank nor wall between him and the aforesaid, and it was there that he erected Domhnach-mor-Maighe-Tochair, ribi xl, dubas mansit et Mac Cairthin reliquit.
Patrick proceeded from Domhnach-mor-Maighe-Tochair into Bredach, and there he met the three Deachans, the sons of Patrick's sister, in the country of Ailell, son of Eoghan, and he ordained Oengus, the son of Ailell, in that place, and he remained there on Sunday; Domhnach-Bile is its name.
When Patrick was at Ailech-Airtich in Sonnacht, in Cinel-Enda, Enda came to him. "Da mihi hunc locum," said Patrick. "Quasi non babussemus clericos," said Enda. On the morrow venit Enda et suus filius secum, Echu Caech. Patrick had turned off to pray, and his people to baptize, to confer orders, and to propagate the faith. The two Maccairthinns were there at the time, namely, qui est at Clochar et qui est at Domhnach-mor-Maighe-Tochair. "Confer ye the degree of bishop upon my son," said Enda. "Let Patrick be consulted," said Patrick's champion, Maccairthinn of Clochar. "It is our duty," said the other; "I will confer the order." When Patrick, he said, "Ye have conferred orders in my absence on the son of the Wolf; there shall be strife in the church of the one for ever; there shall be poverty in the church of the other." Quod impletur: strife at Clochar; Domhnach-mor-Maighe-Tochair, poverty is there. "The son upon whom the degree was conferred, two persons, after committing murder, shall profane his relics. One hundred and twenty years until a son shall be born in the southern parts [who shall reconsecrate his church], and it shall be restored to me again." Quod totum impletum est. The first place where his relics were was a high and beautiful spot, but they were carried thence after a short time to a lower place; and the first place where they were is deserted, and robbers and murderers are accustomed to dwell there, through Patrick's curse. And his church was ceded to Ciaran Mac-an-tsair, but was restored to Patrick again. This Echu, son of Enda, is at this day called Bishop Echan.
As Patrick was in Tir-Enda-Airtich at Tulach-liag, in Leitir, he stuck [wattles for] a church there, which afterwards became a bush. After this he went to the Lei, on the east of the Bann, ubi non capiebant homines pieces nisi in nocte usque ad illud tempus. Deinde imperavit eis Patricius ut in die caperent, et sic erit in finem seculi.
Patrick went afterwards into Dal-Araidhe and Dal-Riada. Then he proceeded to Ror to Carn-Setna, southwards, where he heard the screams of an infant from out of the ground. The carn was demolished, the sepulchre was laid bare, and a smell of wine arose around them out of the sepulchre. They saw the living child with the dead mother. A woman that died of ague; she was brought across the sea to Eriu, and the child was born after death; and seven days, it is said, it lived in the tumulus. "That is bad (olc)," said the king. "That shall be his name (Olcan)" said the druid. Patrick baptized him; and he is Bishop Olcan, of the community of Airther-Maighe, in the district of Dal-Riada. And Mac Nisse; of Condere, read his psalms with Patrick. . . .
Patrick received welcome in the district from Erc's twelve sons. And Fergus Mor Mac Erca said to Patrick: "If I am preferred before my brothers in the division of our land, I will offer some to you." And Patrick gave to Bishop Olcan this part—i.e., Airther-Maighe. Patrick said to Fergus: "Though thy esteem with thy brothers is not great to-day, it is thou that shall be king. The kings of this land and of Fortren shall be from thee for ever"; and this is what was fulfilled in Aedan Mac Gabhrain, who possessed Alba by force. Patrick left many cells and establishments in the territory of Dal-Riada.
He founded Fothraidh, and left two of his people in it—viz., Presbyter Cathbadh, and the monk Dimman; and he founded Rath-Mudhain, and left Presbyter Erclach in it; he left Bishop Nem in Telach-Ceniul-Aenghusa; Dachen-nindan in Domhnach-Cainri, in Cothraighe; Enan in Druim-Indich; and Bishop Fiachra in Cuil-Echirainn. And Patrick blessed Dun-Sobhairce; and Patrick's well is there, and he left a blessing upon it.
He went afterwards to Dal-Araidhe. He found Caelbadh's twelve sons before him. He proposed to found a place where Cill-glas is. He was repelled from it; and it belongs to him yet; and he left two of his people there—viz., Glaisiuc and Presbyter Libur. And he determined that he would found a place where Lathrach-Patraic is. It is there Daniel, Patrick's angel and dwarf, is. It is there Patrick's well is—Slan is its name—which Patrick discovered there. Saran, the son of Caelbad, seized his hand to expel him; and Patrick took heaven and land from him. Connia, the son of Caelbadh, however, received Patrick with humility, and gave him Domhnach-Combair; and Patrick blessed him, and declared that kings and chieftains should be of his race for ever. And he founded many churches in Dal-Araidhe—viz., Domhnach-mor of Magh-Damhairne, and Rath-Sithe (and he left two of his people there), and Telach-Conadain, and Gluaire in Latharna (and Mac Laisre is in it). He founded Glenn-indechta, and Imlech-[c]luana, in Semhne (where Caemhan was left), and Rath-Escuip-Indich, in the territory of Ui-Erca-chein.
After some time the aforesaid Saran bore off some men in captivity from the district of Dal-Riada. Bishop Olcan met him, and the poor people were grievously complaining to him. Olcan interceded, but it was of no avail, unless he would assure heaven to Saran. "I cannot do so, indeed," said he, "for Patrick has deprived thee of it." "I will kill thy people about thee but thee alone," said he, "and I will slay all these captives; and wherever I shall find a priest (tailcend), I shall bring him under the edge of the sword."
Whereupon Bishop Olcan promised him heaven. He came afterwards from the north to offer submission to Patrick. It was reported to Patrick that Bishop Olcan had promised baptism and heaven to the person to whom he had denied them. They met to the north of Cluain-Fiachna, on the way, going different directions. "The chariot over him," said Patrick. "It is not allowable," said the charioteer, "that it should go over a bishop." He told him (Bishop Olcan) that his establishment on earth would not be high, and that it would be thrice destroyed; as was afterwards fulfilled, for it was ruined by Scandal, King of Dal-Araidhe, and by Cucuaran, and by fire also. "Laech-dich, son of Bresal, and his land, shall belong to the young boy bearing the satchel," said Patrick, "one of thy own people—i.e., Mac Nisse of Condere—and to one not born yet—i.e., Senan of Inis-Altich. Thy merit in heaven will be illustrious."
Saran's guilt it was that was here laid upon Bishop Olcan. Saran's brother, Nadsluagh, was submissive to Patrick; and he was in captivity on Patrick's arrival. "You shall have from me," said he, "the site of your regles." "Where will you give it me?" asked Patrick. "On the brink of the Bann, in the west," said Nadsluagh, "where the boys are burning the ratha (ferns)." "It shall be mine, truly," said Patrick; "a descendant of mine and thine shall be there"—i.e., Bishop Coirpre, son of Deggell, son of Nadsluagh; it is he that is in Cul-rathain, on the eastern brink of the Bann. Bishop Brugach, who is in Ratha-Maighe-Aenaigh, in Crich-Conaill, it was that conferred orders on Bishop Coirpre. Patrick, also, it was that conferred orders on Bishop Brugach; so that he (Bishop Coirpre) is a descendant of Patrick in this wise. Patrick gave no malediction to any of the twelve sons of Caelbad, except to the king alone—i.e., Saran. It was he that had acted disobediently to him. It was on this occasion that Patrick brought with him Bishop Guasacht, son of Milchu, from the territory of Dal-Araidhe; it was he whom Patrick left in Granard, and the two Emirs also, Milchu's two daughters; it is they that are in Cluam-Bronaigh, ut diximus.
The way Patrick went was into the territory of Dal-Araidhe, across Fertais-Tuama, to Ui-Tuirtre. He was forty nights in Finnobair, and determined to build a city there for its suitability—Loch-Nechach being on one side of it, and Sliabh-Calland on the other. Cairthen Mor, king of the country, went to him, and ordered him off. He (Patrick) deprived him and his children of the sovereignty. Patrick afterwards gave the sovereignty to Cairthend Beg, who was in exile from his brother; and Patrick baptized him, and blessed his wife and the being that was in her womb. "My debroth," said Patrick, "the being that is in thy womb shall be full of the grace of God; and it is I that twill bless a veil upon her head." The woman was Mogan, daughter of Fergus Mor Mac Nissi, King of Dal-Riada; and Trea, daughter of Cairthend, was the daughter who was in her womb; and it was Patrick who blessed a veil on her head, as he prophesied. The angels, moreover, that brought the veil from heaven, and placed it on her head, down over her eyes; and Patrick began to raise it up. "Why is it not good to leave it as it was placed?" asked Trea. "It is good indeed," answered Patrick. She never saw anything during her life except what she saw through that veil.
Patrick had seven Domhnachs in Ui-Tuirtre—viz., Domhnach-Fainre, Domhnach-Riascad, Domhnach-Fothirbe, Domhnach-Righduinn, Domhnach-Brain, Domhnach-Maelain, Domhnach-Libuir.
Where Patrick went afterwards was to Feara-Gabrae, and they were not obedient to him. Patrick said that they would go afterwards with tribute to his church in winter-time, and that extern tribes would get their country; quod impletum est. Patrick went afterwards to Fera-Imchlair, and he baptized and blessed them; and he left with them Cruimther Colum, and Patrick's book of orations, and his bell therewith; they are miraculous things unto this day.
When Patrick concluded his triumphant career in the present life, as the Apostle Paul said, "I have fought the good fight; I have finished my course; I have kept the faith; as to the rest, there is laid up for me a crown of justice, which the Lord the just judge will render to me in that day," he received communion and sacrifice from Bishop Tassach. His remains and relics are here regarded with honor and veneration by the earthly church. Though great his honor and veneration on the earth, greater still will they be in the Day of Judgment, when the fruit of his preaching will be committed to him as to each other high apostle, with the apostles and disciples of Jesus, in the union of the nine choirs of angels, in the union of the Divinity and the Humanity of the Son of God, in the unity which is nobler than all unity—in the unity of the Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I beseech mercy through the intercession of Patrick. We ask that we may all ourselves obtain this union in soecula soeculorum. Amen.
[It should be observed that, at the commencement of each of the three parts of the Tripartite Life, there are several pages of Latin, which were intended by the author as a sort of introduction or preface to what follows in each part. They are made up principally of Scriptural quotations strung loosely together. These quotations have general reference to the establishment of Christ's kingdom upon earth, and are obviously intended to bear upon the happy introduction of Christianity into Ireland through the labors of our glorious apostle. At the end of each of the parts, in like manner, are some paragraphs, by way of peroration, devoted chiefly to the praises of the great saint, who dedicated the greater part of an unusually long life to the service of God, by the regeneration of our pagan ancestors. The language of both prefaces and perorations, whether corrupted by the copyists in transcription, or originally so written, is a most barbarous Latin. For the reasons indicated it has been deemed better to omit the pages alluded to, merely giving a few words of the commencement of each. In the Irish original, also, as was usual in early Irish manuscripts, there are a considerable number of Latin quotations or sentences, which in some cases have been translated, and in others given as they stood, without any attempt to correct the style.]
Mirabilis Deus in sanctis suis. Spiritus Sanctus, a quo omne donum, et gratiarum charismata utrique, et novi et veteris Testamenti Ecclesias, data, haec protulit per os Regii Psalmistae Davidis filii, etc.
Patrick left Presbyter Conaedh in Domnach-Airther-Maighe, in the territory of Hy-Briuin of the north. He rested there on Sunday, and then went after Patrick from that place as far eastwards as the wood. "What brought you?" asked Patrick. "I cannot bear your absence, holy man," said he. "No wonder," observed Patrick; "the place around thee is not the place of a son of life, but a place for pig-eaters; the soil of the place shall never be reddened" (which we have proved when Connacan, son of Colman, son of Niall Frossach, went into the district with an army, nine men moved off from a tree which Artifex, a pilgrim, selected. He was beheaded; eight were liberated, however, in his land).
Patrick went afterwards to Telach-Maine, and received a welcome from Maine, son of Conlaedh, who humbled himself to him; and Patrick blessed him, and blessed his wife, so that she was fruitful, and brought forth two daughters. Patrick baptized them, and blessed veils on their heads, and left a senior with them to instruct them.
Patrick did not visit Ard-Macha on that occasion, but went into the territory of Hy-Cremthand, where he founded churches and residences. One time, as Patrick was coming from Clochar, from the north, his strong man—i.e., Bishop Mac Carthend—carried him across a difficult place; and after lifting up Patrick, he said: "Uch, uch." "My debroth," said Patrick, "you were not accustomed to say that word." "I am old and infirm," said Bishop Mac Carthend, "and you have left all my early companions in churches, whilst I am still on the road." "I will leave thee in a church," said Patrick, "that shall not be too near us for familiarity, that shall not be too distant for intercourse between us." And Patrick afterwards left Bishop Mac Carthend in Clochar, and the Domhnach-Airgid with him, which was sent to Patrick from heaven when he was on the sea coming to Erinn.
Patrick went after that to Lemhuin. Finnabhair is the name of the hill on which Patrick preached. Three days and three nights was he at the preaching, and each day did not seem to them longer than one hour. Then it was that Brigid slept at the preaching, and Patrick did not allow her to be awakened. Patrick asked her afterwards what she had seen. She said: "I saw fair synods and white oxen and fair cornfields; behind them spotted oxen, and black oxen after these. I afterwards saw sheep and pigs, and dogs and wolves, fighting amongst themselves. I saw subsequently two stones, one little and the other big. A drop was shed on each of them. The little stone increased at the 'drop,' and silvery sparks burst from it. The large stone withered, moreover." "They were the two sons of Eochaidh, son of Crimthann," said Patrick. Cairpre Damhairgit believed, and Patrick blessed him, and blessed his seed. Bresal, moreover, refused, and Patrick cursed him. Patrick also explained the whole vision of Brigid in an admirable manner.
He resuscitated Eochaidh, son of Crimthann, from death. Eochaidh possessed a daughter—i.e., Cinnu—whom her father wished to marry to a man of noble family—i.e., to the son of Cormac, son of Cairpre Mac Neill; she, walking along, met Patrick with his companions on the way. Patrick preached to her that she unite herself to the spiritual prophet; and she believed, and Patrick instructed her, and baptized her, afterwards. When her father was subsequently seeking for her, to give her to her man, she and Patrick went to converse with him. Patrick requested that he would permit her to wed the Eternal Spouse; Eochaidh agreed to this, if heaven would be given to him therefor, and he himself not be compelled to be baptized. Patrick then promised these two conditions, though he thought it hard. The king afterwards consented that his daughter—i.e., Cinnu—should be united to Christ, and Patrick made her a female disciple to him, and commanded a certain virgin to instruct her i.e., Cechtumbar of Druim-Dubhain, in which place both virgins rest.
After many years, moreover, the aforesaid Eochaidh reached the end of his life; and when his friends would remain by him, he said: "Let me not be buried," said he, "until Patrick comes." And when Eochaidh finished these words, his spirit departed. Patrick, moreover, was at this time in Ulster, at Sabhall-Patrick; and the death of Eochaidh was manifested to him, and he decided on going to Clochar-mac-Daimhin, where he found Eochaidh, who had been inanimate twenty-four hours. When Patrick went into the house where the body was, he sent out the persons who were about the body. He bent his knees to the Lord, and shed tears; and he prayed, and said in a clear voice: "Rise, O King Eochaidh! in the name of Almighty God"; and immediately, at the voice of the servant of God, he arose. When he had composed himself, he spoke, and the grief and lamentations of the people were changed to joy. And forthwith Patrick instructed the king in the rule of faith, and baptized him. He also commanded him, before the people, that he would describe the pains of the impious and the joy of the saints, and that he would speak to the people, that they might believe all that is said of the pains of hell and the joys of the blest to be true. And he spoke of these things, as he was commanded. And Patrick offered him a choice—i.e. fifteen years in the chief kingship of his country, if he would live piously and truthfully, or to go to heaven, if he preferred it. But the king said: "Though the sovereignty of the entire globe were given to me, and though I might live for many years, I would count it all as nothing in comparison with the good shown to me. Hence it is that I pray more and more that I may be freed from the miseries of the present life, and sent to the eternal joys exhibited to me." To whom Patrick said, "Go in peace, and journey to the Lord." Echu (or Eochaidh) gave thanks to God in the presence of his people, and he commended his soul to the Lord and Patrick, and his spirit departed to heaven.
Where Patrick went afterwards was to the territory of Ui-Meith-Tire, to Tech-Thalain; and he left Bishop Cilline there, and other holy men of his people, and the relics of saints which he brought with him across the sea from the east. Then it was that three robbers of Ui-Meith-Tire carried off the second goat that was wont to be bringing water, and they came to swear falsely to Patrick respecting him, but the goat cried from the bodies of the three who had acted treacherously. "My debroth," said Patrick, "the goat himself announces you as thieves. From this day forth goats shall stick to your children and kindred"; which has been fulfilled.
Eoghan, son of Brian, son of Muiredach, son of Imchadh, son of Colla-fo-Crich, was King of Ui-Meith when the people believed, and he (Patrick) blessed them. Eoghan besought Patrick to resuscitate his grandfather, i.e., Muiredach. Patrick afterwards resuscitated him, and buried him again in the Erende, on the borders of Mughorna and Ui-Meith; but the place belongs to Mughorna. Then Patrick went into the district of Mughorna, to Domhnach-Maighen especially. When Victor, who was in that place, heard that Patrick had come to it, Victor went, to avoid Patrick, from the residence to a thorny brake at the side of the town. God performed a prodigy for Patrick. He lighted up the brake in the dark night, so that everything therein was visible. Victor went afterwards to Patrick, and gave him his submission; and Patrick gave him the church, and imposed the degree of bishop on Victor, and left him in Domhnach-Maighen. And Patrick blessed Mudhorna, and said that the most illustrious of laics and clerics should be of them. And he bade farewell to them, and left a blessing with them. Afterwards Patrick went to Fera-Ros, to Enach-Conglais, where he remained a Sunday. There it was that the Ui-Lilaigh gave the poison to Patrick in the lumps of curds. Patrick blessed the pieces, and made stones of them. |