TABLE XXII TABLE XXII [b]WORKING UNIT-STRESSES FOR STRUCTURAL TIMBER[c] EXPRESSED IN POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH (From Manual of the American Railway Engineering Assn., 1911, p. 153) NOTE. The working unit-stresses given in the table are intended for railroad bridges and trestles. For highway bridges and trestles the unit-stresses may be increased twenty-five (25) per cent. For buildings and similar structures, in which the timber is protected from the weather and practically free from impact, the unit-stresses may be increased fifty (50) per cent. To compute the deflection of a beam under long-continued loading instead of that when the load is first applied, only fifty (50) per cent of the corresponding modulus of elasticity given in the table is to be employed. BENDING SHEARING COMPRESSION -+ -+ - Ratio Extreme Modulus of Parallel to Longitudinal Perpendicular Parallel to For Formulae for of fibre elasticity the grain shear in to the grain the grain columns working stress in length KIND OF stress beams under 15 long columns over of TIMBER + + + + + diameters 15 diameters stringer Average Working Average Working Elastic Working Elastic Working Average Working working to ultimate stress Average ultimate stress limit stress limit stress ultimate stress stress depth -+ + -+ + + -+ + -+ + -+ + -+ -+ -+ Douglas fir 6100 1200 1,510,000 690 170 270 110 630 310 3600 1200 900 1200(1-l/60d) 10 -+ + -+ + + -+ + -+ + -+ + -+ -+ -+ Longleaf pine 6500 1300 1,610,000 720 180 300 120 520 260 3800 1300 980 1300(1-l/60d) 10 -+ + -+ + + -+ + -+ + -+ + -+ -+ -+ Shortleaf pine 5600 1100 1,480,000 710 170 330 130 340 170 3400 1100 830 1100(1-l/60d) 10 -+ + -+ + + -+ + -+ + -+ + -+ -+ -+ White pine 4400 900 1,130,000 400 100 180 70 290 150 3000 1000 750 1000(1-l/60d) 10 -+ + -+ + + -+ + -+ + -+ + -+ -+ -+ Spruce 4800 1000 1,310,000 600 150 170 70 370 180 3200 1100 830 1100(1-l/60d) -+ + -+ + + -+ + -+ + -+ + -+ -+ -+ Norway pine 4200 800 1,190,000 590[d] 130 250 100 150 2600[d] 800 600 800(1-l/60d) -+ + -+ + + -+ + -+ + -+ + -+ -+ -+ Tamarack 4600 900 1,220,000 670 170 260 100 220 3200[d] 1000 750 1000(1-l/60d) -+ + -+ + + -+ + -+ + -+ + -+ -+ -+ Western hemlock 5800 1100 1,480,000 630 160 270[d] 100 440 220 3500 1200 900 1200(1-l/60d) -+ + -+ + + -+ + -+ + -+ + -+ -+ -+ Redwood 5000 900 800,000 300 80 400 150 3300 900 680 900(1-l/60d) -+ + -+ + + -+ + -+ + -+ + -+ -+ -+ Bald cypress 4800 900 1,150,000 500 120 340 170 3900 1100 830 1100(1-l/60d) -+ + -+ + + -+ + -+ + -+ + -+ -+ -+ Red cedar 4200 800 800,000 470 230 2800 900 680 900(1-l/60d) -+ + -+ + + -+ + -+ + -+ + -+ -+ -+ White oak 5700 1100 1,150,000 840 210 270 110 920 450 3500 1300 980 1300(1-l/60d) 12 These unit-stresses are for a green condition of timber and are l = Length in inches. to be used without increasing the live load stresses for impact. d = Least side in inches. [Footnote b: Adopted, Vol. 1909, pp. 537, 564, 609-611.] [Footnote c: Green timber in exposed work.] [Footnote d: Partially air-dry]
Part I: Some general works on mechanics, materials of construction, and testing of materials.
Part II: Publications and articles on the mechanical properties of wood, and timber testing.
Part III: Publications of the U.S. Government on the mechanical properties of wood, and timber testing.
ALLAN, WILLIAM: Strength of beams under transverse loads. New York, 1893.
ANDERSON, SIR JOHN: The strength of materials and structures. London, 1902.
BARLOW, PETER: Strength of materials, 1st ed. 1817; rev. 1867.
BURR, WILLIAM H.: The elasticity and resistance of the materials of engineering. New York, 1911.
CHURCH, IRVING P.: Mechanics of engineering. New York, 1911.
HATFIELD, R.G.: Theory of transverse strain. 1877.
HATT, W.K., and SCOFIELD, H.H.: Laboratory manual of testing materials. New York, 1913.
JAMESON, J.M.: Exercises in mechanics. (Wiley technical series.) New York, 1913.
JAMIESON, ANDREW: Strength of materials. (Applied mechanics and mechanical engineering, Vol. II.) London, 1911.
JOHNSON, J.B.: The materials of construction. New York, 1910.
KENT, WILLIAM: The strength of materials. New York, 1890.
KOTTCAMP, J.P.: Exercises for the applied mechanics laboratory. (Wiley technical series.) New York, 1913.
LANZA, GAETANO: Applied mechanics. New York, 1901.
MERRIMAN, MANSFIELD: Mechanics of materials. New York, 1912.
MURDOCK, H.E.: Strength of materials. New York, 1911.
RANKINE, WILLIAM J.M.: A manual of applied mechanics. London, 1901.
THIL, A.: Conclusion de l'etude presentee a la Commission des methodes d'essai des materiaux de construction. Paris, 1900.
THURSTON, ROBERT H.: A treatise on non-metallic materials of engineering: stone, timber, fuel, lubricants, etc. (Materials of engineering, Part I.) New York, 1899.
UNWIN, WILLIAM C.: The testing of materials of construction. London, 1899.
WATERBURY, L.A.: Laboratory manual for testing materials of construction. New York, 1912.
WOOD, DEVOLSON: A treatise on the resistance of materials. New York, 1897.
ABBOT, ARTHUR V.: Testing machines, their history, construction and use. Van Nostrand's Eng. Mag., Vol. XXX, 1884, pp. 204-214; 325-344; 382-397; 477-490.
ADAMS, E.E.: Tests to determine the strength of bolted timber joints. Cal. Jour, of Technology, Sept., 1904.
ALVAREZ, ARTHUR C.: The strength of long seasoned Douglas fir and redwood. Univ. of Cal. Pub. in Eng., Vol. I, No. 2, Berkeley, 1913, pp. 11-20.
BARLOW, PETER: An essay on the strength and stress of timber. London, 1817; 3d ed., 1826.
——: Experiments on the strength of different kinds of wood made in the carriage department, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich. Jour. Franklin Inst., Vol. X, 1832, pp. 49-52. Reprinted from Philosophical Mag. and Annals of Philos., No. 63, Mch., 1832.
BATES, ONWARD: Pine stringers and floorbeams for bridges. Trans. Am. Soc. C.E., Vol. XXIII.
BAUSCHINGER, JOHANN: Untersuchungen ueber die Elasticitaet und Festigkeit von Fichten- und Kiefernbauhoelzern. Mitt. a. d. mech.-tech. Laboratorium d. k. techn. Hochschule in Muenchen, 9. Hft., Muenchen, 1883.
——: Verhandlungen der Muenchener Conferenz und der von ihr gewaehlten staendigen Commission zur Vereinbarung einheitlicher Pruefungsmethoden fuer Bau- und Constructions-material. Ibid., 14. Hft., 1886.
——: Untersuchungen ueber die Elasticitaet und Festigkeit verschiedener Nadelhoelzer. Ibid., 16. Hft., 1887.
BEARE, T. HUDSON: Timber: its strength and how to test it. Engineering, London, Dec. 9, 1904.
BEAUVERIE, J.: Le bois. I. Paris, 1905, pp. 105-185.
——: Les bois industriels. Paris, 1910, pp. 55-77. Bending tests with wood, executed at the Danish State Testing Laboratory, Copenhagen. Proc. Int. Assn. Test. Mat., 1912, XXIII_{2}, pp. 17. See also Eng. Record, Vol. LXVI, 1912, p. 269.
BERG, WALTER G.: Berg's complete timber test record. Chicago, 1899. Reprint from Am. By. Bridges and Buildings. BOULGER, G.S.: Wood. London, 1908, pp. 112-121.
BOUNICEAU,—: Note et experiences sur la torsion des bois. [N.p., n.d.]
BOVEY, HENRY T.: Results of experiments at McGill University, Montreal, on the strength of Canadian Douglas fir, red pine, white pine, and spruce. Trans. Can. Soc. C.E., Vol. IX, Part I, 1895, pp. 69-236.
BREUIL, M. PIERRE: Contribution to the discussion on the testing of wood. Proc. Int. Assn. Test. Mat., 1906, Disc, 1e, pp. 2.
BROWN, T.S.: An Account of some experiments made by order of Col. Totten, at Fort Adams, Newport, R.I., to ascertain the relative stiffness and strength of the following kinds of timber, viz.: white pine (Pinus strobus), spruce (Abies nigra), and southern pine (Pinus australis), also called long-leaved pine. Jour. Franklin Inst., Vol. VII (n.s.), 1831, pp. 230-238.
BUCHANAN, C.P.: Some tests of old timber. Eng. News, Vol. LXIV, No. 23, 1910, p. 67.
BUSGEN, M.: Zur Bestimmung der Holzhaerten. Zeitschrift f. Forst- und Jagdwesen. Berlin, 1904, pp. 543-562.
CHEVANDIER, E., et WERTHEIM, G.: Memoire sur les proprietes mecaniques du bois. Paris, 1846.
CIESLAR, A.: Studien ueber die Qualitaet rasch erwachsenen Fichtenholzes. Centralblatt f. d. ges. Forstwesen, Wien, 1902, pp. 337-403.
CLINE, McGARVEY: Forest Service investigations of American woods with special reference to investigations of mechanical properties. Proc. Int. Assn. Test. Mat., 1912, XXIII_{5}, pp. 17.
——: Forest Service tests to determine the influence of different methods and rates of loading on the strength and stiffness of timber. Proc. Am. Soc. Test. Mat., Vol. VIII, 1908, pp. 535-540.
——: The Forest Products Laboratory: its purpose and work. Proc. Am. Soc. Test. Mat., Vol. X, 1910, pp. 477-489.
——: Specifications and grading rules for Douglas fir timber: an analysis of Forest Service tests on structural timbers. Proc. Am. Soc. Test. Mat., Vol. XI, 1911, pp. 744-766.
Comparative strength and resistance of various tie timbers. Elec. Traction Weekly, Chicago, June 15, 1912.
DAY, FRANK M.: Microscopic examination of timber with regard to its strength. 1883, pp. 6.
DEWELL, H.D.: Tests of some joints used in heavy timber framing. Eng. News, Mch. 19, 1914, pp. 594-598; et seq.
DOeRR, KARL: Die Festigkeit von Fichten- und Kiefernholz. Deutsche Bauzeitung, Berlin, Aug. 17, 1910. See also Zeitschrift d. ver. deutsch. Ing., Bd. 54, Nr. 36, 1910, p. 1503.
DUPIN, CHARLES: Experiences sur la flexibilite, la force, et l'elasticite des bois. Jour, de l'Ecole Polytechnique, Vol. X, 1815.
DUPONT, ADOLPHE, et BOUQUET DE LA GRYE: Les bois indigenes et etrangers. Paris, 1875, pp. 273-352.
ESTRADA, ESTEBAN DUQUE: On the strength and other properties of Cuban woods. Van Nostrand's Eng. Mag., Vol. XXIX, 1883, pp. 417-426; 443-449.
EVERETT, W.H.: Memorandum on mechanical tests of some Indian timbers. Govt. Bul. No. 6 (o.s.), Calcutta.
EXNER, WILHELM FRANZ: Die mechanische Technologie des Holzes. Wien, 1871. (A translation and revision of Chevandier and Wertheim's Memoire sur les proprietes mecaniques du bois.)
——: Die technischen Eigenschaften der Hoelzer. Lorey's Handbuch der Forstwissenschaft, II. Bd., 6. Kap., Tuebingen, 1903.
FERNOW, B.E.: Scientific timber testing. Digest of Physical Tests, Vol. I, No. 2, 1896, pp. 87-95.
FOWKE, FRANCIS: Experiments on British colonial and other woods. 1867.
GARDNER, ROLAND: I. Mechanical tests, properties, and uses of thirty Philippine woods. II. Philippine sawmills, lumber market and prices. Bul. 4, Bu. For., P.I., 1906. (2d ed., 1907, contains tests of 34 woods.)
GAYER, KARL: Forest utilization. (Vol. V, Schlich's Manual of Forestry. Translation of Die Forstbenutzung, Berlin, 1894.) London, 1908.
GOLLNER, H.: Ueber die Festigkeit des Schwarzfoehrenholzes. Mitt. a. d. forstl. Versuchswesen Oesterreichs. II. Bd., 3. Hft., Wien, 1881.
GOTTGETREU, RUDOLPH: Physische und chemische Beschaffenheit der Baumaterialien. 3d ed., Berlin, 1880.
GREEN, A.O.: Tasmanian timbers: their qualities and uses. Hobart, Tasmania, 1903, pp. 63.
GREGORY, W.B.: Tests of creosoted timber. Trans. Am. Soc. C.E., Vol. LXXVI, 1913, pp. 1192-1203. See also ibid., Vol. LXX, p. 37.
GRISARD, JULES, et VANDENBERGHE, MAXIMILIEN: Les bois industriels, indigenes et exotiques; synonymie et description des especes, proprietes physiques des bois, qualites, defauts, usages et emplois. Paris, 189-. From Bul. de la Societe nationale d'acclimatation de France, Vols. XXXVIII-XL.
Hardwoods of Western Australia. Engineering, Vol. LXXXIII, Jan. 11, 1907, pp. 35-37.
HATT, WILLIAM KENDRICK: A Preliminary program for the timber test work to be undertaken by the Bureau of Forestry, United States Department of Agriculture. Proc. Am. Soc. Test. Mat., Vol. III, 1903, pp. 308-343. Appendix I: Method of determining the effect of the rate of application of load on the strength of timber, pp. 325-327; App. II: A discussion on the effect of moisture on strength and stiffness of timber, together with a plan of procedure for future tests, pp. 328-334.
HATT, WILLIAM KENDRICK: Relation of timber tests to forest products. Proc. Int. Assn. Test. Mat., 1906, C 2 e, pp. 6.
——: Structural timber. Proc. Western Ry. Club, St. Louis, Mch. 17, 1908.
——: Abstract of report on the present status of timber tests in the Forest Service, United States Department of Agriculture. Proc. Int. Assn. Test. Mat., 1909, XVL, pp. 10.
—— and TURNER, W.P.: The Purdue University impact machine. Proc. Am. Soc. Test. Mat., Vol. VI, 1906, pp. 462-475.
HAUPT, HERMAN: formulae for the strain upon timber. Center of gravity of an ungula and semi-cylinder. Jour. Franklin Inst., Vol. XIX, 3d series, 1850, pp. 408-413.
HEARDING, W.H.: Report upon experiments ... upon the compressive power of pine and hemlock timber. Washington, 1872, pp. 12.
HOWE, MALVERD A.: Wood in compression; bearing values for inclined cuts. Eng. News, Vol. LXVIII, 1912, pp. 190-191.
HOYER, EGBERT: Lehrbuch der vergleichenden mechanischen Technologie. 1878.
IHLSENG, MANGUS C.: On the modulus of elasticity of some American woods as determined by vibration. Van Nostrand's Eng. Mag., Vol. XIX, 1878, pp. 8-9.
——: On a mode of measuring the velocity of sounds in woods. Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts, Vol. XVII, 1879.
JACCARD, P.: Etude anatomique des bois comprimes. Mitt. d. Schw. Centralanstalt f. d. forst. Versuchswesen. X. Bd., 1. Hft., Zurich, 1910, pp. 53-101.
JANKA, GABRIEL: Untersuchungen ueber die Elasticitaet und Festigkeit der oesterreichischen Bauhoelzer. I. Fichte Suedtirols; II. Fichte von Nordtirol vom Wienerwalde und Erzgebirge; III. Fichte aus den Karpaten, aus dem Boehmerwalde, Ternovanerwalde und den Zentralalpen. Technische Qualitaet des Fichtenholzes im allgemeinen; IV. Laerche aus dem Wienerwalde, aus Schlesien, Nord- und Suedtirol. Mitt. a. d. forst. Untersuchungswesen Oesterreichs, Wien, 1900-13.
——: Untersuchungen ueber Holzqualitaet. Centralblatt f. d. ges. Forstwesen. Wien, 1904, pp. 95-115.
——: Ueber neuere holztechnologische Untersuchungen. Oesterr. Vierteljahresschrift fuer Forstwesen, Wien, 1906, pp. 248-269.
——: Die Haerte des Holzes. Centralblatt f. d. ges. Forstwesen, Wien, 1906, pp. 193-202; 241-260.
JANKA, GABRIEL: Die Einwirkung von Suess- und Salzwaessern auf die gewerblichen Eigenschaften der Hauptholzarten. I. Teil. Untersuchungen u. Ergebnisse in mechanisch-technischer Hinsicht. Mitt. a. d. forst. Versuchswesen Oesterreichs, 33. Hft., Wien, 1907.
——: Results of trials with timber carried out at the Austrian forestry testing-station at Mariabrunn. Proc. Int. Assn. Test. Mat., 1906, Disc. 2 e, pp. 7.
——: Ueber die an der k. k. forstlichen Versuchsanstalt Mariabrunnen gewonnenen Resultate der Holzfestigkeitspruefungen. Zeitschrift d. Oesterr. Ing. u. Arch. Ver., Wien, Aug. 9, 1907.
——: Ueber Holzhaerteprufueng. Centralblatt f. d. ges. Forstwesen, Wien, 1908, pp. 443-456.
——: Testing the hardness of wood by means of the ball test. Proc. Int. Assn. Test. Mat., 1912, XXIII_{3}.
JENNY, K.: Untersuchungen ueber die Festigkeit der Hoelzer aus den Laendern der ungarischen Krone. Budapest, 1873.
JOHNSON, J.B.: Time tests of timber in endwise compression. Paper before Section D, Am. Assn. for Adv. of Sci., Aug., 1898.
JOHNSON, WALTER B.: Experiments on the adhesion of iron spikes of various forms when driven into different species of timbers. Jour. Franklin Inst., Vol. XIX (n.s.), 1837, pp. 281-292.
JULIUS, G.A.: Western Australia timber tests, 1906. The physical characteristics of the hardwoods of Western Australia. Perth, 1906, pp. 36.
——: Supplement to the Western Australia timber tests, 1906. The hardwoods of Australia. Perth, 1907, pp. 6.
KARMARSH, CARL: Handbuch der mechanischen Technologie. I. Aufl., 1837; V. Aufl., 1875; verm. von H. Fisher, 1888.
KIDDER, F.E.: Experiments on the transverse strength of southern and white pine. Van Nostrand's Eng. Mag., Vol. XXII, 1880, pp. 166-168.
——: Experiments on the strength and stiffness of small spruce beams. Ibid., Vol. XXIV, 1881, pp. 473-477.
——: Experiments on the fatigue of small spruce beams. Jour. Franklin Inst., Vol. CXIV, 1882, pp. 261-279.
KIDWELL, EDGAR: The efficiency of built-up wooden beams. Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Eng., Feb., June, 1898.
KIRKALDY, WM. G.: Illustrations of David Kirkaldy's system of mechanical testing. London, 1891.
KUMMER, FREDERICK A.: The effects of preservative treatment on the strength of timber. Proc. Am. Soc. Test. Mat., Vol. IV, 1904, pp. 434-438.
LABORDERE, P., and ANSTETT, F.: Contribution to the study of means for improving the strength of wood for pavements. Proc. Int. Assn. Test. Mat., 1912, XXIII_{4}, pp. 12.
LANZA, GAETANO: An account of certain tests on the transverse strength and stiffness of large spruce beams. Trans. Am. Soc. Mech. Eng., Vol. IV, 1882, pp. 119-135. See also Jour. Franklin Inst., Vol. XCV, 1883, pp. 81-94.
LASLETT, T.: Properties and characteristics of timber. Chatham, 1867.
——: Timber and timber trees, native and foreign. (2d ed. revised and enlarged by H. Marshall Ward.) London and New York, 1894.
LEA, W.: Tables of strength and deflection of timber. London, 1861.
LEDEBUR, A.: Die Verarbeitung des Holzes auf mechanischem Wege. 1881.
LORENZ, N. VON: Analytische Untersuchung des Begriffes der Holzhaerte. Centralblatt f. d. ges. Forstwesen, Wien, 1909, pp. 348-387.
LUDWIG, PAUL: Die Regelprobe. Ein neues Verfahren zur Haertebestimmung von Materialien. Berlin. 1908.
MACFARLAND, H.B.: Tests of longleaf pine bridge timbers. Bul. 149, Am. Ry. Eng. Assn., Sept., 1912. See also Eng. News, Dec. 12, 1912, p. 1035.
McKAY, DONALD: On the weight and strength of American ship-timber. Jour. Franklin Inst., Vol. XXXIX (3d series), 1860, p. 322.
MALETTE, J.: Essais des bois de construction. Revue Technique, Apr. 25, 1905.
MANN, JAMES: Australian timber: its strength, durability, and identification. Melbourne, 1900.
MARTIN, CLARENCE A.: Tests on the relation between cross-bending and direct compressive strength in timber. Railroad Gazette, Mch. 13, 1903.
Methods of testing metals and alloys ... Recommended by the Fourth Congress of the International Association for Testing Materials, held at Brussels, Sept. 3-6, 1906. London, 1907, pp. 54. Methods of testing wood, pp. 39-49.
MIKOLASCHEK, CARL: Untersuchungen ueber die Elasticitaet und Festigkeit der wichtigsten Bau- und Nutzhoelzer. Mitt. a. d. forstl. Versuchswesen Oesterreiches, II. Bd., 1. Hft., Wien, 1879.
MOELLER, JOSEPH: Die Rohstoffe des Tischler- und Drechslergewerbes. I. Theil: Das Holz. Kassel, 1883, pp. 68-122.
MOLESWORTH, G.L.: Graphic diagrams of strength of teak beams. Roorke, 1881.
MORGAN, J.J.: Bending strength of yellow pine timber. Eng. Record, Vol. LXVII, 1913, pp. 608-609.
MOROTO, K.: Untersuchungen ueber die Biegungselasticitaet und -Festigkeit der japanischen Bauhoelzer. Centralblatt f. d. ges. Forstwesen, Wien, 1908, pp. 346-355.
NORDLINGER, H.: Die technischen Eigenschaften der Hoelzer fuer Forst- und Baubeamte, Technologen und Gewerbetreibende. Stuttgart, 1860.
——: Druckfestigkeit des Holzes. 1882.
——: Die gewerblichen Eigenschaften der Hoelzer. Stuttgart, 1890.
NORTH, A.T.: The grading of timber on the strength basis. Address before Western Society of Engineers. Lumber World Review, May 25, 1914, pp. 27-29.
NORTON, W.A.: Results of experiments on the set of bars of wood, iron, and steel, after a transverse stress. Van Nostrand's Eng. Mag., Vol. XVII, 1877, pp. 531-535.
PACCINOTTI E PERI: [Investigations into the elasticity of timbers.] Il Cimento, Vol. LVIII, 1845.
PALACIO, E.: Tensile tests of timber. La Ingenieria, Buenos Aires, May 31, 1903, et seq.
PARENT,—: Experiences sur la resistance des bois de chene et de sapin. Memoires de l'Academie des Sciences, 1707-08.
Propositions relatives a l'etablissement d'un precede uniforme pour l'essai des qualites techniques des bois. Proc. Int. Assn. Test. Mat., 1901, Annexe, pp. 13-28.
ROGERS, CHARLES G.: A manual of forest engineering for India. Vol. I, Calcutta, 1900, pp. 50-91.
RUDELOFF, M.: Der heutige Stand der Holzuntersuchungen. Mitt. a. d. koeniglichen tech. Versuchsanstalt, Berlin, IV, 1899.
——: Principles of a standard method of testing wood. Proc. Int. Assn. Test. Mat., 1906, 23 C, pp. 16.
——: Large _vs._ small test-pieces in testing wood. Proc. Int. Soc. Test. Mat., 1912, XXIII_{1}, pp. 7.
SARGENT, CHARLES SPRAGUE: Woods of the United States, with an account of their structure, qualities, and uses. New York, 1885.
SCHNEIDER, A.: Zusammengesetzte Traeger. Zeitschrift d. Oesterr. Ing. u. Arch. Ver., Nov. 24; Dec. 9, 1899.
SCHWAPPACH, A.F.: Beitraege zur Kenntniss der Qualitaet des Rotbuchenholzes. Zeitschrift f. Forst- und Jagdwesen, Berlin, 1894, pp. 513-539.
——: Untersuchungen ueber Raumgewicht und Druckfestigkeit des Holzes wichtiger Waldbaeume. Berlin, 1897-98.
——: Etablissement de methodes uniformes pour l'essai a la compression des bois. Proc. Int. Assn. Test. Mat., 1901, Rapport 23, pp. 28.
SEBERT, H.: Notice sur les bois de la Nouvelle Caledonie suivie de considerations generates sur les proprietes mecaniques des bois et sur les precedes employes pour les mesurer. Paris.
SHERMAN, EDWARD C.: Crushing tests on water-soaked timbers. Eng. News, Vol. LXII, 1909, p. 22.
SNOW, CHARLES H.: The principal species of wood: their characteristic properties. New York, 1908.
STAUFFER, OTTMAR: Untersuchungen ueber specifisches Trockengewicht, sowie anatomisches Verhalten des Holzes der Birke. Muenchen, 1892.
STENS, D.: Ueber die Eigenschaftenimpraegnierter Grubenholzer, insbesondere ueber ihre Festigkeit. Glueckauf, Essen, Mch. 6, 1907.
Strength of wood for pavements. Can. Eng., Toronto, Sept. 12, 1912.
STUeBSCHEN-KISCHNER: Karmarsch-Heerins technisches Wroeterbuch. 3. Aufl., 1886.
TALBOT, ARTHUR N.: Tests of timber beams. Bul. 41, Eng. Exp. Sta., Univ. of Ill., Urbana, 1910.
Tests of wooden beams made at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology on spruce, white pine, yellow pine, and oak beams of commercial sizes. Technology Quarterly, Boston, Vol. VII, 1894.
TETMAJER, L. v.: Zur Frage der Knickungsfestigkeit der Bauhoelzer. Schweizerische Bauzeitung, Bd. 11, Nr. 17.
——: Methoden und Resultate der Pruefung der schweizerischen Bauhoelzer. Mitt. d. Anstalt z. Pruefung v. Baumaterialien am eidgenoessischen Polytechnicum in Zuerich. 2. Hft., 1884.
——: Methoden und Resultate der Pruefung der schweizerischen Bauhoelzer. Mitt. d. Materialpruefungs-Anstalt am Schweiz. Polytechnikum in Zuerich. Landesaustellungs-Ausgabe, 2. Hft., Zuerich, 1896.
THELEN, ROLF: The structural timbers of the Pacific Coast. Proc. Am. Soc. Test. Mat., Vol. VIII, 1908, pp. 558-567.
THURSTON, R.H.: Torsional resistance of materials determined by a new apparatus with automatic registry. Jour. Franklin Inst., Vol. LXV, 1873, pp. 254-260.
——: On the strength of American timber. Ibid., Vol. LXXVIII, 1879, pp. 217-235.
——: Experiments on the strength of yellow pine. Ibid., Vol. LXXIX, 1880, pp. 157-163.
——: Influence of time on bending strength and elasticity. Proc. Am. Assn. for Adv. Sci., 1881. Also Proc. Inst. C.E., Vol. LXXI.
——: On the effect of prolonged stress upon the strength and elasticity of pine timber. Jour. Franklin Inst., Vol. LXXX, 1881, pp. 161-169. THURSTON, R.H.: On Flint's investigations of Nicaraguan woods. Ibid., Vol. XCIV, 1887, pp. 289-315.
TIEMANN, HARRY DONALD: The effect of moisture and other extrinsic factors upon the strength of wood. Proc. Am. Soc. Test. Mat., Vol. VII, 1907, pp. 582-594.
——: The effect of the speed of testing upon the strength of wood and the standardization of tests for speed. Ibid., Vol. VIII, 1908, pp. 541-557.
——: The theory of impact and its application to testing materials. Jour. Franklin Inst., Vol. CLXVIII, 1909, pp. 235-259; 336-364.
——: Some results of dead load bending tests of timber by means of a recording deflectometer. Proc. Am. Soc. Test. Mat., Vol. IX, 1909, pp. 534-548.
TJADEN, M.E.H.: Het Indrukken van Paalkoppen in Kespen. De Ingenieur, Sept. 11, 1909.
——: Weerstand van Hout loodrecht op de Vezelrichting. Ibid., May, 1911.
——: Buigvastheid van Hout. Ibid., May 31, 1913.
TRAUTWINE, JOHN C.: Shearing strength of some American woods. Jour. Franklin Inst., Vol. CIX, 1880, pp. 105-106.
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TURNBULL, W.: A practical treatise on the strength and stiffness of timber. London, 1833.
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Verfahren zur Pruefung v. Metallen und Legierungen, von hydraulischen Bindemitteln, von Holz, von Ton-, Steinzeug- und Zementroehren. Empfohlen v. dem in Bruessel v. 3-6, IX, 1906, abgeh. IV. Kongress des internationalen Verbandes f. die Materialpruefungen der Technik. Wien, 1907.
WARREN, W.H.: Australian timbers. Sydney, 1892.
——: The strength, elasticity, and other properties of New South Wales hardwood timbers. Sydney, 1911.
——: The strength, elasticity, and other properties of New South Wales hardwood timbers. Proc. Int. Assn. Test. Mat., 1912, XXIII_{6}, pp. 9.
——: The properties of New South Wales hardwood timbers. Builder, London, Nov. 1, 1912.
——: The hardwood timbers of New South Wales, Australia. Jour. Soc. of Arts, London, Dec. 6, 1912.
WELLINGTON, A.M.: Experiments on impregnated timber. Railroad Gazette, 1880.
WIJKANDER, ——: Untersuchung der Festigkeitseigenschaften schwedischer Holzarten in der Materialpruefungsanstalt des Chalmers'schen Institutes ausgefuehrt. 1897.
WING, CHARLES B.: Transverse strength of the Douglas fir. Eng. News, Vol. XXXIII, Mch. 14, 1895.
House Misc. Doc. 42, pt. 9, 47th Cong., 2d sess., 1884. (Vol. IX, Tenth Census report.) Report on the forests of North America (exclusive of Mexico). Part II, The Woods of the United States.
House Report No. 1442, 53d Cong., 2d sess. Investigations and tests of American timber. 1894, pp. 4.
War Dept. Doc. 1. Resolutions of the conventions held at Munich, Dresden, Berlin, and Vienna, for the purpose of adopting uniform methods for testing construction materials with regard to their mechanical properties. By J. Bauschinger. Translated by O.M. Carter and E.A. Gieseler. 1896, pp. 44.
War Dept. Doc. 11. On tests of construction materials. Translations from the French and from the German. By O.M. Carter and E.A. Gieseler. 1896, pp. 84.
House Doc. No. 181, 55th Cong., 3d sess. Report upon the forestry investigations of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1877-1898. By B.E. Fernow, 1899, pp. 401. Contains chapter on The work in timber physics in the Division of Forestry, by Filibert Roth, pp. 330-395.
Cir. 7—The Government timber tests [189-], pp. 4.
Cir. 8—Strength of "boxed" or "turpentine" timber. 1892, pp. 4.
Bul. 6—Timber Physics. Pt. I. Preliminary report. 1. Need of the investigation. 2. Scope and historical development of the science of "timber physics." 3. Organization and methods of timber examinations in the Division of Forestry. By B.E. Fernow, 1892, pp. 57.
Unnumbered Cir.—Instructions for the collection of test pieces of pines for timber investigations [1893], pp. 4.
Cir. 9—Effect of turpentine gathering on the timber of longleaf pine. By B.E. Fernow [1893], p. 1.
Bul. 8—Timber physics. Pt. II. Progress report. Results of investigations on longleaf pine. 1893, pp. 92.
Bul. 10—Timber: an elementary discussion of the characteristics and properties of wood. By Filibert Roth. 1895, pp. 88.
Bul. 12—Economical designing of timber trestle bridges. By A.L. Johnson, 1896, pp. 57.
Cir. 12—Southern pine, mechanical and physical properties. 1896, pp. 12.
Cir. 15—Summary of mechanical tests on thirty-two species of American woods. 1897, pp. 12.
Cir. 18—Progress in timber physics. 1898, pp. 20.
Cir. 19—Progress in timber physics: Bald cypress (Taxodium distichum). By Filibert Roth, 1898, pp. 24.
Y.B. Extr. 288—Tests on the physical properties of woods. By F.E. Olmstead, 1902, pp. 533-538.
Unnumbered Cir.—Timber tests. [1903], pp. 15.
Unnumbered Cir.—Timber preservation and timber testing at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. 1904, pp. 6.
Cir. 32—Progress report on the strength of structural timber. By W.K. Hatt, 1904, pp. 28.
Bul. 58—The red gum. By Alfred Chittenden. Includes a discussion of The mechanical properties of red gum wood, by W.K. Hatt. 1905, pp. 56.
Cir. 38—Instructions to engineers of timber tests. By W.K. Hatt, 1906, pp. 55. Revised edition, 1909, pp. 56.
Cir. 39—Experiments on the strength of treated timber. By W.K. Hatt, 1906, pp. 31. Revised edition, 1908.
Bul. 70—Effect of moisture upon the strength and stiffness of wood. By H.D. Tiemann, 1906, pp. 144.
Cir. 46—Holding force of railroad spikes in wooden ties. By W.K. Hatt, 1906, pp. 7.
Cir. 47—Strength of packing boxes of various woods. By W.K. Hatt, 1906, pp. 7.
Cir. 108—The strength of wood as influenced by moisture. By H.D. Tiemann, 1907, pp. 42.
Cir. 115—Second progress report on the strength of structural timber. By W.K. Hatt, 1907, pp. 39.
Cir. 142—Tests of vehicle and implement woods. By H.B. Holroyd and H.S. Betts, 1908, pp. 29.
Cir. 146—Experiments with railway cross-ties. By H.B. Eastman, 1908, pp. 32.
Cir. 179—Utilization of California eucalypts. By H.S. Betts and C. Stowell Smith, 1910, pp. 30.
Bul. 75—California tanbark oak. Part II, Utilization of the wood of tanbark oak, by H.S. Betts, 1911, pp. 24-32.
Bul. 88—Properties and uses of Douglas fir. By McGarvey Cline and J.B. Knapp, 1911, pp. 75.
Cir. 189—Strength values for structural timbers. By McGarvey Cline, 1912, pp. 8.
Cir. 193—Mechanical properties of redwood. By A.L. Heim, 1912, pp. 32.
Bul. 108—Tests of structural timbers. By McGarvey Cline and A.L. Heim, 1912, pp. 1231.
Bul. 112—Fire-killed Douglas fir: a study of its rate of deterioration, usability, and strength. By J.B. Knapp, 1912, pp. 18.
Bul. 115—Mechanical properties of western hemlock. By O.P.M. Goss, 1913, pp. 45.
Bul. 122—Mechanical properties of western larch. By O.P.M. Goss, 1913, pp. 45.
Cir. 213—Mechanical properties of woods grown in the United States. 1913, pp. 4.
Cir. 214—Tests of packing boxes of various forms. By John A. Newlin, 1913, pp. 23.
Review Forest Service Investigations. 1913. [Outline of investigations.] Vol. I, pp. 17-21. A microscopic study of the mechanical failure of wood, by Warren D. Brush. Vol. II, pp. 33-38.
Bul. 67, U.S.D.A.—Tests of Rocky Mountain woods for telephone poles. By Norman deW. Betts and A.L. Heim, 1914, pp. 28.
Bul. 77, U.S.D.A.—Rocky Mountain mine timbers. By Norman deW. Betts, 1914, pp. 34.
Bul. 86, U.S.D.A.—Tests of wooden barrels. By J.A. Newlin, 1914, pp. 12.
House Ex. Doc. No. 12, 47th Cong., 1st sess., 1882. Strength of wood grown on the Pacific slope, pp. 19-93.
Senate Ex. Doc. No. 1, 47th Cong., 2d sess., 1883. Resistance of white and yellow pines to forces of compression in the direction of the fibers, as used for columns, or posts, pp. 239-395.
Senate Ex. Doc. No. 5, 48th Cong., 1st sess., 1884. Tests of California laurel wood by compression, indentation, shearing, transverse tension, pp. 223-236. Tests of North American woods (under supervision of Prof. C.S. Sargent in charge of the forestry division of the Tenth Census), with 16 photographs of fractures of American woods, pp. 237-347.
Senate Ex. Doc. No. 35, 49th Cong., 1st sess., 1885. Adhesion of nails, spikes, and screws in various woods. Experiments on the resistance of cut nails, wire nails (steel), wood screws, lag screws in white pine, yellow pine, chestnut, white oak, and laurel, pp. 448-471.
House Ex. Doc. No. 14, 51st Cong., 1st sess., 1890. Adhesion of spikes and bolts in railroad ties, pp. 595-617.
House Ex. Doc. No. 161, 52d Cong., 1st sess., 1892. Adhesion of nails in wood, pp. 744-745.
House Ex. Doc. No. 92, 53d Cong., 3d sess., 1895. Woods—compression tests (endwise compression), pp. 471-476.
House Doc. No. 54, 54th Cong., 1st sess., 1896. Compression tests on Douglas fir wood, pp. 536-563. Expansion and contraction of oak and pine wood, pp. 567-574.
House Doc. No. 164, 55th Cong., 2d sess., 1898. Compression tests of timber posts, pp. 405-411. New posts of yellow pine and spruce, pp. 413-450; Old yellow pine posts from Boston Fire Brick Co. building, No. 394 Federal St., Boston, Mass., pp. 451-473.
House Doc. No. 143, 55th Cong., 3d sess., 1899. Fire-proofed wood (endwise and transverse tests), pp. 676-681.
House Doc. No. 190, 56th Cong., 2d sess., 1901. Cypress wood for United States Engineer Corps; compression and transverse tests, pp. 1121-1126. Old white pine and red oak from roof trusses of Old South Church, Boston, Mass., pp. 1127-1130. Compression of rubber, balata, and wood buffers, pp. 1149-1158.
House Doc. No. 335, 57th Cong., 2d sess., 1903. Douglas fir and white oak woods. Transverse and shearing tests; also observations on heat conductivity of sticks over wood fires and a stick exposed to low temperature. Expansion crosswise the grain of wood after submersion, pp. 519-561. Adhesion of lag screws and bolts in wood, pp. 563-578.