85. Binet, A., et Simon, Th. "Le developpement de l'intelligence chez les enfants"; in Annee psychologique (1908), vol. 14, pp. 1-94.
86. Binet, A., et Simon, Th. "Langage et pensee"; in Annee psychologique (1908), vol. 14, pp. 284-339.
87. Binet, A., et Simon, Th. "L'intelligence des imbeciles"; in Annee psychologique (1909), vol. 15, pp. 1-147.
88. Binet, A., et Simon, Th. "Nouvelle theorie psychologique et clinique de la demence"; in Annee psychologique (1909), vol. 15, pp. 168-272.
89. Binet, A., et Simon, Th. La mesure du developpement de l'intelligence chez les jeunes enfants. Bulletin de la Societe libre pour l'etude psychologique de l'enfant (1911), no. 11, pp. 187-256.
Ayres, L. P. Laggards in our Schools. The Russell Sage Foundation. (1909.) 236 pages.
Treats the amount and causes of school retardation.
Binet, A., and Simon, Th. Mentally Defective Children. Translated from the French by W. B. Drummond. Longmans, Green & Co. (1914.) 171 pages.
Discusses the psychology, pedagogy and medical examination of defectives.
Binet, A., and Simon, Th. A Method of Measuring the Development of Intelligence in Young Children. Chicago Medical Book Company. (1915.) 82 pages.
Authorized translation of Binet's final instructions for giving the tests.
Goddard, H. H. Feeble-Mindedness; Its Causes and Consequences. The Macmillan Company. (1913.) 599 pages.
The most important single volume on the subject.
Goddard, H. H. The Kallikak Family. The Macmillan Company. (1914.) 121 pages.
A study of the hereditary transmission of mental deficiency in one family.
Goddard, H. H. School Training of Defective Children. World Book Company. (1914.) 97 pages.
Admirable treatment of the entire subject.
Goddard, H. H. The Criminal Imbecile. The Macmillan Company. (1915.) 157 pages.
An analysis of three murderers of borderline intelligence.
Holmes, Arthur. The Conservation of the Child. J. B. Lippincott Company. (1912.) 345 pages.
Methods of examination and treatment of defective children.
Holmes, Arthur. The Backward Child. The Bobbs-Merrill Co. (1915.)
A popular treatment of the subject.
Holmes, W. H. School Organization and the Individual Child. The Davis Press, Worcester, Massachusetts. (1912) 211 pages.
A comprehensive account of methods of adjusting school work to the capacity of the individual child.
Huey, E. B. Backward and Feeble-Minded Children. Warwick & York. (1912.) 221 pages.
Clinical studies of borderline cases.
Kelynack, T. N. (Editor). Defective Children. John Bale, Sons, and Daniellson, London. (1915.) 447 pages.
Written by many authors and devoted to all kinds of physical and mental defects.
Kuhlmann, F. "A Revision of the Binet-Simon System for Measuring the Intelligence of Children." Monograph Supplement of Journal of Psycho-Asthenics. (1912.) 41 pages.
Contains instructions for use of the Kuhlmann revision.
Stern, W. The Psychological Method of Measuring Intelligence. Translated from the German by G. M. Whipple. Warwick & York. (1913.) 160 pages.
Terman, Lyman, Ordahl, Galbreath, and Talbert. The Stanford Revision and Extension of the Binet-Simon Scale for Measuring Intelligence. (1916.)
Extended analysis of 1000 tests. Data on the relation of intelligence to school success, social status, etc.
Terman, Lewis M. The Hygiene of the School Child. Houghton Mifflin Company. (1914.) 417 pages.
Devoted to the physical defects of school children.
Tredgold, A. F. Mental Deficiency (Amentia). Bailliere, Tindall & Cox, London. (1914.) 491 pages.
The best medical treatment of the subject.
Whipple, G. M. Manual of Mental and Physical Tests. Warwick & York. Vol. I (1914), 365 pages; vol. II (1915), 336 pages.
The best treatment of mental tests other than those of the Binet system.
Witmer, L. The Special Class for Backward Children. The Psychological Clinic Press, Philadelphia. (1911.) 275 pages.
Problems encountered in connection with the special class.
The Training School Bulletin. Published monthly by the Training School, Vineland, New Jersey. Edited by H. H. Goddard and E. R. Johnstone.
The Psychological Clinic. Published monthly by the Psychological Clinic Press, Philadelphia. Edited by Lightner Witmer.
The Journal of Delinquency. Published bi-monthly by the Whittier State School, Whittier, California. Edited by Williams, Goddard, Terman, and others.
The Journal of Psycho-Asthenics. Published quarterly at Faribault, Minnesota. Organ of the American Association for the Study of the Feeble-Minded. Edited by A. C. Rogers and F. Kuhlmann.
The Journal of Educational Psychology. Published by Warwick & York, Baltimore. Edited by J. Carleton Bell.
Abstract thought, tests of, 344.
Absurdities, 255 ff.
Adolescence, and variability in intelligence, 67.
Adult intelligence, 54.
Adults, how to find I Q of adults, 140.
AEsthetic comparison, 165 ff.
Age, test of giving age, 173 ff.
Age standards, 40.
Alternative tests, 136.
Amateur testing, 107 ff.
Apperception, 169.
Arithmetical reasoning, 319 ff.
Association processes, 274.
Attention, during the test, 121.
Attitude of the subject, 109.
Auto-criticism, 156, 171, 195.
Average intelligence, 94 ff.
Ball and field test, 210 ff., 286.
Berry, C. S., 114.
Binet, on how teachers judge intelligence, 28 ff.; Binet's conception of intelligence, 44 ff., 123, 149, 151, 154, 156, 159, 165, 171, 173, 180, 181, 183, 185, 186, 190, 196, 203, 205, 217, 231, 232, 234, 247, 251, 252, 254, 258, 260, 261, 264, 276, 285, 289, 315, 322, 327, 333, 339, 345.
Binet-Simon method, nature and derivation of the scale, 36 ff., 47 ff.; limitations of, 48 ff.
Bloch, 203.
Bluemel, C. S., 107.
Bobertag, Otto, 106, 113, 176, 178, 180, 181, 185, 188, 190, 203, 206, 232, 237, 240, 252, 275, 285, 318.
Borderline intelligence, 79, 87 ff.
Bow-knot, test of tying, 196 ff.
Brigham, 165, 166.
Change, test of making change, 240 ff.
Childs, H. G., 231, 298.
Coaching, 110 ff.
Code test, 330 ff.
Color naming, 163 ff.
Combination method, 171. See also Completion test.
Commissions, 172 ff.
Comparison of lines, 151 ff.
Completion test, 179, 246, 289.
Comprehension questions, 157 ff., 181 ff., 215 ff., 268 ff.
Conditions favorable to testing, 121 ff.
Counting, four pennies, 154; thirteen pennies, 180; counting backwards, 213.
Crime, relation to feeble-mindedness, 8 ff.; cost of, 12.
Cuneo, Irene, 51.
Davenport, C. B., 10.
Definitions, in terms of use, 167; superior to use, 221; of abstract words, 281 ff., and 324 ff. See also Vocabulary tests.
"Degenerate" families, 9 ff.
Delinquency, relation to feeble-mindedness, 7 ff.
Diamond, test of copying diamond, 204.
Differences, test of finding, 199, 313 ff.
Digits. See Memory for digits.
Discrimination of forms, 152 ff.
Dissected sentences, 286 ff.
Distribution of intelligence, 65 ff., 78 ff.
Dougherty, 165, 166, 203.
Drawing, 156, 204, 260.
Dull normals, 92 ff.
Dumville, 165, 166.
Ebbinghaus, 289, 318.
Emotion, 49.
Enclosed boxes, 327 ff.
Endowment, 4, 19 ff.
Environment, influence on test, 114 ff.
Eugenics, 9 ff.
Examination, duration of, 127 ff.
Examiner, qualifications of, 124 ff.
Fables, interpretation of, 290 ff.
Fatigue, influence of, on test, 126 ff.
Feeble-minded, proportion of school-children feeble-minded, 6.
Feeble-mindedness, value of tests for, 5 ff.; psychological analysis, 23; definition, 80; examples, 82 ff.
Fernald, G. G., 8.
Fernald, Grace, 56, 278, 280, 332.
Fingers, test of giving number of, 189 ff.
Freeman, Frank N., 280.
Functions, tested by Binet scale, 42 ff.
Galbreath, Neva, 51.
Galton, 328.
General intelligence, 42 ff.
Generalization, tests of, 298.
Genius. See Superior intelligence.
Goddard, H. H., 8, 106, 112, 154, 156, 165, 173, 185, 190, 196, 203, 206, 213, 234, 245, 251, 252, 259, 264, 276, 285, 289, 319, 322, 323, 332, 333, 339, 345.
Grading, value of intelligence tests in, 16.
Hall, Gertrude, 280.
Healy-Fernald, 56, 278, 280, 332.
Heredity, use of tests in the study of, 19.
Hill folk, 10.
Hollingworth, Leta S., 71.
Huey, E. B., 197, 217, 234.
Imagery, 195, 209, 321, 339.
Induction test, 310 ff.
Ingenuity test, 346.
Intelligence, analysis of, see remarks under instructions for each test; superior, 12 ff., 95 ff., teachers' estimates of, 13, 24, 26, 28, 75; general, 42 ff.; definitions of, 44 ff.
Intelligence quotient, 53, 55, 63, 65 ff.; validity of, 68; classification and significance, 79 ff., 140 ff.
Jukes family, 10.
Kallikak family, 9.
Knollin, H. E., 18, 51, 54, 63.
Kohs, S. C., 107 ff.
Kuhlmann, F., 56, 105, 153, 154, 156, 165, 173, 185, 190, 193, 196, 206, 214, 217, 234, 247, 251, 252, 259, 264, 276, 280, 285, 289, 315, 319, 322, 323, 327, 333, 339, 345.
Language comprehension, 143, 144.
Limitations of the Binet scale, 48 ff.
Lombroso, 7.
Lyman, Grace, 51.
Mason, Otis, 347.
Masselon, 245.
Material used in the tests, 141.
Memory, for sentences, 149 ff., 160, 185, 332; for passages, 340; for designs, 260; for digits, 150, 159, 193, 207, 242, 277, 301, 322, 329, 340, 345.
Mental age, 39 ff.; effect of Stanford revision on, 62; how to calculate, 137 ff.
Mental deficiency. See Feeble-mindedness.
Meumann, Ernst, 46, 106, 245, 318.
Moral development, dependence of, on intelligence, 11 ff.
Nam family, 10.
Name, test of giving name, 147 ff.
Naming coins, 184 ff., 231.
Naming familiar objects, 143 ff.
Normals, dull, 92 ff.
Ordahl, Dr. George, 8.
Ordahl, Louise Ellison, 8.
Paper-cutting test, 338.
Physical defects, effects of, on intelligence, 19.
Physical relations, comprehension of, 333 ff.
Physicians, as Binet testers, 34.
Pictures, enumeration of objects in, 145; description of, 190 ff.; interpretation of, 302; finding omissions in, 178.
Pointing to parts of body, 142 ff.
Practical judgment, 212.
President and king, giving differences between, 313.
Problem questions, 315 ff.
Procedure, necessity of uniformity in, 32 ff., 131 ff.
Promotions, on basis of intelligence tests, 16 ff.
Race differences, 91.
Range of testing, 129.
Rapport, 124 ff.
Reading, test of reading for memories, 262.
Record booklet, 128.
Recording responses, 133 ff.
Reliability of the scale, 76 ff., 105 ff.
Repeated tests, 112 ff.
Retardation, cost of, 1, 13 ff.; training of retarded children, 4 ff., 24 ff., 73 ff.
Reversing hands of clock, 321 ff.
Rhymes, test of finding, 248.
Right and left, 175 ff.
Rowe, E. P., 165, 166, 277.
Rowland, Eleanor, 18.
Scattering of successes, 134 ff.
School success and intelligence, 73 ff.
Scoring, 132. See also instructions for scoring each test.
Seclusion during test, 122.
Sex, test of giving, 146 ff.
Sex differences in intelligence, 68 ff.
Similarities, test of finding, 217 ff., 306 ff.
Sixty words, 272 ff.
Social class and intelligence, 72 ff., 114 ff.
Spearman, C., definition of intelligence, 46.
Special classes, 5.
Square, test of copying, 155 ff.
Stamps, test of counting value of, 252.
Standardization, value of, 30.
Stanford revision of the Binet scale, 51 ff.
Stereotypy, 203.
Stern, W., 46, 106, 118.
Stigmata, 7.
Structural psychology, 43.
Superior intelligence, tests of superior children, 12 ff., 95 ff.
Supplementary information, 135.
Teachers' estimates of intelligence, 13, 24, 26, 28, 75.
Terman, Lewis M., 63, 267, 298.
Three words, test of using, in a sentence, 242 ff.
Time orientation, forenoon and afternoon, 187 ff.; days of the week, 205 ff.; giving date, 234 ff.; naming months, 251 ff.
Unemployment, relation of, to intelligence, 18.
Validity of the tests, 76 ff.
Vocabulary tests, 224, 255, 281, 310, 324, 338.
Vocational guidance, use of intelligence tests in, 17, 49.
Volition, 49.
Waddle, Charles, 52.
Wallin, 237.
Weights, comparison of, 161, 236 ff.
Williams, Dr. J. Harold, 9, 54.
Winch, W. H., 165, 166.
Writing from dictation, 231 ff.
Yerkes, R. M., 70.