* * * * *
Editor Mayflower:
Let me give you a peep at my flowers this cold day in January, with the mercury so far below zero as not to be neighborly and the wind blowing and snow flying as only new hampshire snows do fly, making necessary constant intercourse with the stove, to replenish fuel, as on farms wood is used for that purpose and farmers have no dread of a "coal famine." A very large De Lesseps Begonia is loaded with immense clusters of white waxy flowers; a Woodstock Begonia is brilliant with large panicles of red blossoms, also Otto Hacker and Wetsteinii well filled with buds. I also have in blossom an Abutilon and three Obconica Primulas. I have six varieties of Rex Begonias, a magnificent boston fern, and an immense acacia which, although two years old, has never blossomed, though the foliage is lovely; can any one tell me why? through the columns of THE MAYFLOWER, where we find so much help in plant culture.—Sunie Mar.
Editor Mayflower:
Last spring I planted two bunches of the roots of Rudbeckia or Golden Glow. although it is what some might call a coarse flower yet its color is fine and very showy, and i know of no plant that blossoms so continuously as the Golden Glow, and it is a plant that never tires of growing and sending out new blossoms from early summer until autumn. They grow to be six feet high and must be staked otherwise the plant will topple over. But the glory of my small flower garden was a bed of Zinnias as they represented every known color, and was one blaze of color from midsummer until autumn, when Jack Frost closed the scene.—Mrs. A. C. Buck.
Editor Mayflower:
The best time for pruning Hybrid Perpetual Roses is in January or early February. Select the strong, well-matured, young shoots at sufficient distance apart to allow a free circulation of air and cut back to one and one-half to two feet, leaving from four to five canes. If, however, the Rose is an unusually strong grower it can be left from three to three and one-half feet. Even when left this way it will sometimes be found necessary to thin out the young shoots, for if they grow too close to each other they are liable to mildew. Tea Roses can he pruned during the same season with good results, though they do not require so severe a trimming down as the Hybrid Perpetuals. With the teas the important part is the cutting back and removing of all old and weak wood, dead twigs and unhealthy limbs. Spraying should be done just after the winter pruning, just before growth begins in the early spring. A careful spray at these times will remove all danger from insects and disease, mildew and black spot. The best spray can be made by taking four ounces of copper sulphate, four ounces of unslaked lime, and three gallons of water. For the green aphis, which attacks the young and tender shoots, spraying with quassia is the most beneficial as well as least harmful to the plant, using four ounces to one gallon of water, either soaking it over night or boiling for about 10 minutes.—Dennis H. Stovall.
* * * * *
Fifty Dollars in Gold for Three Cents.
Send us on a postal card the address of ten farmers. We will send each a copy of the "Agricultural Epitomist" and solicit their subscription. We will send you the paper three months free for your trouble.
To the person sending the best list of names we will present $25.00 in gold; 2nd best $15.00; 3rd best $10.00.
We will keep an accurate record of the number of subscribers we secure out of each list and the persons from whose list we secure the greatest number of subscribers by March 15, 1905, will receive the above Prizes. In case three or more lists produce equal results we reserve the right to divide the fifty dollars equally between them.
Remember—Send just ten names from one P. O. do not send names of children or people not interested in farming. We give away the $50.00 in order to get select lists and you cannot get your share of it unless you choose the names carefully.
The "Agricultural Epitomist" is the only agricultural paper edited and printed on a farm. Our six hundred and fifty acres are devoted to practical agriculture and fine stock and we are offering hundreds of thoroughbred pigs and fancy poultry as premiums for subscription work. A pig or a trio of poultry easy to get under our plan. Write for particulars.
* * * * *
Do not trifle with so serious a matter. With our improved apparatus, sent FREE upon request, you can EASILY test your own eyes. If they require attention we will fit them to meet your INDIVIDUAL NEEDS by the latest scientific method known to expert oculists. Our system secures you the services of Chicago's most skilled opticians at less than one-fourth the usual charge. Thousands suffer from headache, derangements of the stomach and many other ailments caused by impaired eyesight and do not realize the cause of their trouble. Write to us at once for immediate relief and certain cure.
U. S. OPTICAL CO., Dept. 20, Chicago.
* * * * *
Editor Mayflower:
We are trying to grow the giant white Narcissus in the house this winter, and they are doing nicely so far, having buds ready to bloom now. Are these bulbs like the Chinese Sacred Lilies, worthless after being once forced? We also have the Sacred Lilies in bloom with two pots coming on for a succession of blossoming. The latter are so easy to grow and are so beautiful with their sweet fragrance, that more people should grow them. We have also two pots of Hyacinths with 3 bulbs in each pot, which have just been brought up from the cellar, and are now beginning to show growth.—Miss M. A. Graber.
Editor Mayflower:
I usually keep but one plant of a kind, and in order to keep that one blooming at its best I have been in the habit of keeping the withered flowers cut off, and not allowing them to ripen seed, but there are many possibilities in this way of increasing plants. By exchanges with friends last fall I received several varieties of Geraniums, that were new to me. Among them was one named Albert Delarix; the flower is bright pink, shaded deeper in the centre, and plentifully dotted over with darker spots; it is very delicate and very beautiful. Another was Souvenir de Mirande, that reminds one of a cluster of Apple blossoms. Now one word about two flowers I received from Floral Park in May. Amaryllis Formosissima was in bloom in one week after I planted the bulb. It was just like the picture in the catalogue. Ismene Calathena bloomed in one month after planting. I have never seen any description of this plant that does it justice. I bought one on the recommendation that "it was sure to give satisfaction," and I can cheerfully recommend it where a white Amaryllis is desired. It is a flower not easy to describe.—Mrs. M. C. Marshall.
* * * * *
SEEDS $1.50 worth to Test Free to Everybody.
I want every reader of this paper who plants a garden to send for my Free Trial Complete Garden Collection, consisting of the following 15 Grand New Varieties of Seed.
Beet, Perfected Red Turnip, earliest, sweetest, best.
Carrot, Yellow Giant, monstrous size, great cropper.
Cabbage, July Wonder, wonderful early, solid heads.
Cabbage, Winter Header, large, fine, sure to head.
Celery, Winter Giant, large, crisp, finest winter sort.
Cucumber, Family Favorite, best for eating or pickling.
Lettuce, Crisp as Ice, early, tender, heads finely.
Musk Melon, Luscious Gem, fine flavor, best known.
Onion, Prizetaker, wt. 3 lbs., 1,000 bush, per acre.
Parsnip, White Sugar, sweet, long, smooth roots.
Radish, Striped Triumph, handsome, early, crisp.
Tomato, Early Tree, early, large, red, tree shaped.
Turnip, Sweetest German, large, sweet, keeps well.
Sweet Peas, 1-2 oz. California Giants Mixed, grand colors.
Flower Seeds, large packet, 500 sorts mixed together.
I WISH to give you the above 15 packets as a Free Trial of my superior Seeds, believing that after one trial you will always buy of me. To prevent people sending who have no use for seeds, I ask you to enclose 10cts. as a guarantee that you will plant seeds and when received show collection to your friends. I will promptly mail the 15 packets (well worth $1.50) and enclose a due bill for the 10c., which you can return to me at any time with an order for 25c. or over of seeds, and get your selection of 10c. worth free. Thus this trial is absolutely free. Catalogue free. All warranted, tested seeds supplied at about wholesale prices.
J. J. BELL, Deposit, N.Y.
* * * * *
Editor Mayflower:
During the hot months here in Central Texas we pass a great deal of our time on the gallery, which is a very necessary part of a Southern home. If it faces a public road it has its drawbacks, and sometimes, by reason of arid soil or large trees near the house, vines will not flourish. To such a gallery one or two movable screens will be of great use. Mine, last year, was made of a rather deep, narrow, long box, about 18 inches deep, 12 inches wide and 36 inches long. Can be mounted on casters or not. If hard winds prevail, two short cross strips on the ends of the box will prevent tipping over. My screen was four feet square, made of a light frame work of narrow laths and wire netting, fastened securely to the box. The box was planted with Madeira Vine tubers, and was ready for use in six weeks. I kept it clipped all summer to induce new growth. It was very pretty, and behind the green bank I sewed or read, secure from the public gaze. Behind this screen I placed my afternoon tea table, and sometimes in the cool of the afternoon enjoyed a social chat. This year I shall make one of blooming vines, to stay out of doors till buds set. I have a two year old Empress of China Rose I expect to use the same way.—Mrs. W. J. Standlee.
Editor Mayflower:
What Emma Odell says in the October issue of the Mississippi negro is equally true of his brother, or rather sister, in Virginia. Poor as this shiftless class usually is, many a cabin of rude logs nestles amid dainty trailing vines and bright hued blossoms, well worthy to adorn a far more pretentious mansion. I never knew any member of the colored race here to boast a pit or greenhouse.—doubtless because they can usually beg enough cuttings of tender plants from white neighbors in the spring to fill their tin cans. Little care they for flower pots; any old broken pitcher, rusty bucket, water pail or teapot, it matters not, so it will hold dirt. It is the plant they are after, not a pretty pot to hold it. Their "luck" with Chrysanthemums amounts almost to magic sometimes. They can make almost any plant thrive and blossom, though seemingly in their daily round of toil they have but scant time to work over their flowers.—Roe Ann Oke.
* * * * * Free
Don't Pay $30
for a talking machine when you can get one FREE for introducing our wonderful fast-selling SKALPO, a combination Shampoo, Dandruff, Germ destroyer and Hair tonic in concentrated powder form, from the formula of an eminent scalp specialist. We spare no expense to introduce SKALPO in every home. Send us your name and address TO-DAY and we will mail you postpaid and TRUST YOU with 30 packets of SKALPO. Sell them at 10c. each. When sold send us the $3.00, and we will send you the same day we receive the money, absolutely FREE and without charge for boxing, packing, etc., a high grade talking-machine with 1 comic record and 25 points, or any of the numerous valuable presents such as Cameras, Watches, Clocks, Dolls, Toilet Sets, etc., etc., described in our premium list which will be sent you on receipt of your name and address. Write us NOW and earn a valuable present WITHOUT COST TO YOU. THE SKALPO CO., Dept. 23, 194 B'way, N.Y.
(Management established 12 years on Broadway)
One or more packets of SKALPO at 10 cents each will be sent on receipt of price in cash or stamps.
I have a truss that's cured hundreds of ruptures. It's safe sure and easy as an old stocking. No elastic or steel bands around the body or between the legs. Holds any rupture. To introduce it every sufferer who answers this ad. can get one free. The U. S. Government has granted me a patent. ALEX. SPIERS, 733 Main St., Westbrook. Maine.
* * * * *
Cured by New
I gladly send it to all who answer this advertisement to
Try FREE—Pay When Satisfied
I want every one who has catarrh, bronchitis, a cough, "lingering cold," or any other of the symptoms of deadly Consumption, to send me his or her name. I will send by return mail my new Ozonized Lung Developer, together with my new 3-fold Rational System of Treatment, which is producing such marvelous results in checking and repairing the ravages of pulmonary diseases and building up wasted tissues. If you are fully satisfied with the benefit from this treatment, send me five dollars; if not, don't send me a cent. You decide.
Dr Hill's Ozonized Lung Developer.
This remarkable Developer enables you not only to build new cell tissue by systematic exercise of the lungs, but also to send oxonized air into lung cells not now used. The effect is immediate—the pulse is quickened, the nerves reinforced, the appetite increased.
If you have the hacking cough or any of the throat and lung weaknesses that are the sure signs of Tuberculosis, or if there is a record of Consumption in your family history, don't delay, but send your name to-day to Dr. J. Lawrence Hill, 133 Hill Apartments, Jackson, Mich. A splendid book (in colors) on pulmonary diseases comes free with the treatment. If you enclose 15 cents I will also prepay all express charges. Write now—there's risk in delay.
In writing please mention The Mayflower.
* * * * *
Editor Mayflower:
It is only an old paint keg, but it contains things of beauty, which are "a joy forever." In December, the weather being unusually mild, with no snow on the ground, I visited the woods on the last botanizing expedition of the year. Most of the plants were curled up for their winter sleep, but a little search brought to light undeveloped Ferns of some species and others that were still green with last season's growth. They were carefully taken up and set out, and have been kept in a northeast window through the winter. Now they are rested and for several weeks have been waking up. Let me tell you what spring reveals in that limited space, as some unlooked-for plants were hidden under the moss and Ferns. Above all the rest rise delicate fronds of the Maiden Hair and more of the reddish crooks are unfolding. The common Polypodium shows both the fruited fronds of last year and the lighter green of recent growth. Rarest of all is the Walking Leaf, also fruited, with its long feet reaching nearly across the keg. They will find a foothold, and so form new plants. The tiny Asplenium Trichomanes, which has never before flourished when transplanted by me, is sending up fresh fronds, already fruiting. A few fronds each of the Buck Fern and Cystoptiris or Bladder Fern, with at least three kinds of moss complete the list of "Flowerless Plants." Three little clumps of Violets are sending out new leaves. There are a few leaves of Partridge-berry vine, a yellow Oxalis, an Orchid called Rattlesnake-Plantain, having lovely velvety leaves veined with white, a few sprigs of Mouse-ear Chickweed, and, last of all, a leaf of a Jack-in-the-Pulpit plant, the corm of which was doubtless hidden among the roots of the Ferns. So, while the cold winds are blowing, snow is yet on the ground, and the thermometer registers several degrees lower than the freezing point, I have a little bit of summer where, at my leisure, I may study the development of fifteen species of plants, at the same time admiring their delicate beauty and inhaling the odor of the woods.—M. A. L.
* * * * *
Send us your name and address, we will mail you postpaid and TRUST YOU with 20 of our fast-selling jewelry novelties to be sold at 10c. each: send us the $2.00 and we will send you the same day FREE AND WITHOUT CHARGE an AMERICAN camera with complete developing and toning outfit. This camera is made by the well-known firm The American Co., N. Y., and every camera delivered by them is guaranteed to take a perfect picture. This is an honest advertisement. We forfeit $100.00 to anyone who sends us $2.00 and can prove we do not send the Camera and outfit.
GEM JEWELRY CO., Dept. 11, No. 196 Broadway, N. Y.
In writing please mention The Mayflower.
* * * * *
Through the Feet
Thousands Are Being Cured at
Home Every Month by This
New Discovery, Which is
Sent to Everybody to
Don't neglect rheumatism. The Acid poisons accumulate day by day until joints become solidified in horribly distorted shapes and relief from the indescribable suffering is beyond the power of man to give.
Heed the warning pains of rheumatism and rid your system of the cause while you can by wearing Magic Foot Drafts. Don't take harmful medicine. The Drafts draw out the acid poisons through the great pores of the feet, where the capillary and nerve systems are most susceptible, reaching and curing rheumatism in every part of the body.
If you have rheumatism send your name to-day to the Magic Foot Draft Co., 134N. Oliver Bldg. Jackson, Mich. You will get by return mail a pair of the celebrated Magic Foot Drafts, which have made a record of curing nine out of ten cases in Jackson, where the discoverer lives, and have already become a household remedy all over the world. No other remedy ever cured so many cases considered incurable. That is why the makers can send them on approval. You risk nothing. If you are satisfied with the benefit received, send one dollar. If not, send nothing. A fine booklet in colors and many testimonials comes free with the drafts. Write to-day,
In writing please mention The Mayflower.
* * * * *
Editor Mayflower:
I ordered all my flowers from Floral Park and my flower garden is lovely. Every one who sees it wonders how I can have such nice flowers when the soil is so poor and the season so dry; but almost any one, who loves flowers as I do, can have a nice garden with a little work and seeds from Floral Park. Will some one please tell me if English Ivy can be started from slips? I have been trying for some time to start one from a slip a lady sent me, but for some reason it does not seem to take root, but stays just as green as the day it was cut. [It may be rooted in a bottle of water.—Ed.] I bought, from a neighbor's little boy, a package of mixed seed and among them was only one nice flower, but I do not know what it is, and no one around here knows what it is, or have ever seen any flower like it before. I planted the seed last year and when the flowers were good size I found this plant almost in bloom, so I took it up and planted it over near the house. Then before the frost came it had forty blossoms and a lot of buds, so I potted it for the house, where it bloomed until it froze down while I was away from home but I had saved some of the seed, which I planted this spring and had sixteen healthy plants. But it seems they are hard to raise for now I have one left, which will soon bloom. The flowers are light pink when they first come out, but the longer they are bloomed the brighter they get. Does any one know what it is? The leaves are smooth and long in shape, while the stock is a dull red and grows from two to three feet high; the blooms are something like the Rambler Rose but not quite so large. I have been a subscriber only a short time but could not be without THE MAYFLOWER now; it has helped me in many ways, and the cooking recipes are fine.—Mrs. A. E. W.
* * * * *
Beautiful Hair
No Longer Any Excuse for Dandruff, Falling Hair, Gray Hair or Baldness.
A grand discovery has been made that quickly removes dandruff, makes hair grow long and beautiful even on heads that have been bald for years, and at the same time restores it to its natural color. The proprietors will mail to anyone who sends name and address, a free trial package of the remedy so that all may test it for themselves. As it is a pure vegetable product you need have no hesitancy in using it freely, as it cannot harm the most tender scalp. Write to-day to the Altenheim Medical Dispensary, 3156 Foso Building, Cincinnati, Ohio, enclosing a 2-cent stamp to cover postage, and they will forward the free trial package at once.
* * * * *
A Message of Hope to the Blind
I want every one who has any form of eye trouble to have my book.
A postal card will get it free of charge.
It illustrates and describes a majority of Eye Diseases and gives valuable advice on the care of the eyes.
Tells how to diet, bathe, exercise, etc.
It tells all about the Oneal Dissolvent Method and what I have been able to do in the most serious, chronic eye troubles.
It tells how you can cure yourself in your own home easily and at small expense.
I WILL also diagnose your case, and advise you free of charge. I am interested in every case of eye disease.
I often receive letters from people who have been cured by following my advice and instructions given in my book which did not cost them one penny.
If I can cure you without expense I will gladly do so.
My treatment is harmless and painless; my patients treat themselves in their own homes.
ALL Eye Diseases are dangerous. No matter how slight or insignificant your eye trouble may seem.
It may result in blindness unless treated now.
Don't neglect your eyes a moment if they are bothering you in the least.
Consult a competent oculist at once.
Do not be like thousands of others who have failed to heed this warning till too late.
I have restored sight to thousands of people in all parts of the world who sought my aid as a last resort.
Many of them had been given up as hopelessly "incurable" by others yet I cured them.
I can do as much for you.
The publisher of this paper will vouch for my entire reliability.
THESE people wrote me as I am asking you to do, treated themselves at home under my direction and were cured.
Most of them had been given up as "hopelessly incurable" by other oculists:
"Though I am 81 years old you cured me of cataracts in three months after I had been afflicted for years."—Col. J. O. Hudnutt, Station F., Grand Rapids, Mich.
"At 70 I had been practically blind with cataracts for years. You cured me in three months."—Mrs. A. P. Rifle, 78 Niagara St., Buffalo, N. Y.
"Blind 20 years from cataracts caused by a shell explosion during the civil war cured by you in three months. It's marvelous,"—Albert J. Staley, Hynes, Cal.
"I suffered everything with optic nerve paresis and granulated lids for 22 years, tried everything in vain, wrote to you as a last resort and was cured in two months."—Mrs. E. I. Carter, Tenstrike, Minn.
"Almost blind for 10 years with cataracts: cured by the Oneal Dissolvent Method in two months. Thank God I heard of you."—Mrs. H. S. Spencer, Northport, Mich.
"Dr. Oneal cured me of glaucoma in two months after New York oculists had failed to help me."—Washington Irving, Box 183, New Paltz, N. Y.
"You cured me of a bad case of cataracts in two months."—F. H. Nye, 247 Columbus Av., Suite 9, Boston, Mass.
My book and advice will in no way obligate you to take my treatment, nor cost you one penny. Address
OREN ONEAL, M. D., Suite 954, 52 Dearborn St., CHICAGO, U. S. A.
* * * * *
Husband and Wife Both Benefited.
Bryan, Okla.
The Doctor said I had Kidney and Bladder trouble, and it was with me for four years. I took lots of medicine of different kinds, but got no relief until I obtained and used Vitae-Ore. I had lost all hope of being cured, rented my farm and given up. But thanks to Vitae-Ore I now feel like a new man. My wife has been troubled with Rheumatism for several years, and when she saw what Vitae-Ore had done for me she commenced its use also with very satisfactory results. B. T. Conley.
* * * * *
Don't Pour Oil on the Fire!
to attempt to quench the fires of disease to check its onward spread, by using a stimulant, a medicine preparation, tonic or treatment that depends for its effects upon an artificial stimulant, either from alcohol or other drugs, as it is foolish and fool-hardy to pour coal oil upon a fire to quench the flames. You wouldn't be so foolish—you would pity a person who would—yet that is just what you and thousands of others are doing every day that you pour into your stomachs, that you put into your system, the drugs, tonics, tablets, powders and compounds, made to sell, and to sell only. They only serve to feed the fires, not to quench them.
Vitae-Ore. Nature's own remedy, offered on thirty days' trial to every reader of this paper, is not a compound, not a drug, not a stimulant! It is manufactured in a laboratory, man neither controls nor directs—Nature's Laboratory—under the supervision of THE MASTER CHEMIST—Nature. It was and is intended by her for the stomachs of men, to cure all the ills of mankind. It does not depend for its power upon a stimulating ingredient—does not build up temporarily, and then, when its effects are worn out and off, leave the system worse off, more a-fire than before. It builds up a permanent cure by first laying a permanent foundation, and then adding to it, building upon it stone after stone, layer upon layer, until the structure is complete and the body is delivered over to the owner's possession—firm, sound and hearty in every muscle, vein and fiber. It's the way all permanent structures are built; it's the only right way. Produced by the same immutable, unchangeable, natural law that produced the human organism itself, it supplies to that organism those elements which in poor health are lacking, elements that must be placed and retained in the system if permanent good health is to be enjoyed, and Vitae-Ore and Vitae-Ore only can put and retain them there.
If you are sick and ailing, if you are all run down, if your organs, your blood, your stomach, your heart, your kidneys, are not working right, if you are sick and do not know what is the matter with you, if the doctors cannot and do not tell you, cannot and do not help you, you ought to give this wonderful, natural, mineral remedy a trial and the chance it needs to prove all this to you. It won't cost you a penny! The owners take all the risk! What doctor, what hospital, what sanitarium, has ever offered to treat you this way? What other medicine has ever been so offered? You are to be both judge and jury, to pass upon it. You have the entire say-so. If it helps you, you pay for it—if it does not help you, you do not pay for it. One package, ENOUGH for a month's trial, is all that is necessary to convince you. How can you refuse? If you need it and do not send for it, what is your excuse? You are to be the judge.
WE WILL SEND to every sick and ailing person who writes us, mentioning THE MAYFLOWER, a full-sized One Dollar package of VITAE-ORE, by mail, postpaid, sufficient for one month's treatment, to be paid for within one month's time after receipt, if the receiver can truthfully say that its use has done him or her more good than all the drugs and dopes of quacks or good doctors or patent medicines he or she has ever used. Read this over again carefully, and understand that we ask our pay only when it has done you good, not before. We take all the risk; you have nothing to lose. If it does not benefit you, you pay us nothing. Vitae-Ore is a natural, hard, adamantine rock-like substance—mineral—Ore—mined from the ground like gold and silver, and requires about twenty years for oxidization. It contains free iron, free sulphur and magnesium, and one package will equal in medicinal strength and curative value 800 gallons of the most powerful efficacious mineral water drunk fresh at the springs. It is a geological discovery, to which there is nothing added or taken from. It is the marvel of the century for curing such diseases as—Rheumatism, Bright's Disease, Blood Poisoning, Heart Trouble, Dropsy, Catarrh and Throat Affections, Liver, Kidney and Bladder Ailments, Stomach and Female Disorders, La Grippe, Malarial Fever, Nervous Prostration and General Debility as thousands testify, and as no one, answering this, writing for a package, will deny after using. Vitae-Ore has cured more chronic, obstinate, pronounced incurable cases than any other known medicine, and will reach every case with a more rapid and powerful curative action than any medicine, combination of medicines, or doctor's prescriptions which it is possible to procure.
Vitae-Ore will do the same for you as it has for hundreds of readers of THE MAYFLOWER, if you will give it a trial. Send for a $1. package at our risk. You have nothing to lose but the stamp to answer this announcement. We want no one's money whom Vitae-Ore cannot benefit. You are to be the judge! Can anything be more fair? What sensible person, no matter how prejudiced he or she may be, who desires a cure and is willing to pay for it, would hesitate to try Vitae-Ore on this liberal offer? One package is usually sufficient to cure ordinary cases; two or three for chronic, obstinate cases. We mean just what we say in this announcement and will do just as we agree. Write to-day for a package at our risk and expense, giving your age and ailments, and mention THE MAYFLOWER, so we may know that you are entitled to this liberal offer.
This offer will challenge the attention and consideration, and afterwards the gratitude of every living person who desires better health or who suffers pains, ills, and diseases which have defied the medical world and grown worse with age. We care not for your skepticism, but ask only your investigation and at our expense, regardless of what ills you have, by sending to us for a package, Address
M. G. Dept. Vitae-Ore Building,