Greeks, the, beliefs of, 302
Greenlanders, the, 144, 182
Gregory, Dr., cited, 86
Griesinger, Dr., cited, 132
Grinnell, Mr., on Pawnee beliefs, 234-237
Guiana Indians, religious beliefs of, 202-206, 256
Guinea, North and South, religious beliefs in, 220
Gurney, Mr., his experiments in hypnotism, 85, 86 cited, 107, 114, 117
Guyau, M., cited, 12, 24, 25
Hallucinations. See Anthropology and Hallucinations
Hamilton, Sir William, cited, 12
Hammond, Dr., on demoniacal possession, 131
Harteville, Madame, case of, 26
Hearne, on the Aurora Borealis, 3 on cure by suggestion, 21, 22
Hebrews. See Israelites
Hegel, cited, 30-34, 50, 56, 58, 78, 111, 152
Higgs, Police Constable, statement of, on the disturbances at Mr. White's house, 326-328
Highland second-sight, 143-145
Hodgson, Dr., report on Mrs. Piper, 137, 140, 141 cited, 135, 325
Home, David Dunglas, his powers as a medium, 324, 325, 334-339
Howitt, Mr., cited, 128, 177-182
Hume, David, attitude towards miracles, 16 definition of a miracle, 16 self-contradictions, 17 refuses to examine miracle of the Abbe Paris, 18, 19, 22-25 alternative definition of a miracle, 25 cited, 297
Huxley, Professor, on savage religious cults, 42, 43, 48, 162, 163, 171, 176, 177, 182 on the evolution of Jehovah, 270, 271, 277, 279, 282, 286 cited, 17 note, 296, 324
Hypnotism, 6, 24, 29, 32, 34, 35, 37, 75, 76
Iamblichus, cited, 14, 336, 337, 339
Ibn Khaldoun, cited, 341
Im Thurn, on the religious ideas of the Indians of Guiana, 50, 160, 202-207, 256, 298
Incas, the, 85, 240-247, 258
Iroquois, the, 84, 85
Islam, influence of, on African beliefs, 221
Israelites, development of their religious ideas, 258, 260, 268-284, 302
James, Professor William, quoted, 23, 59, 73, 107, 110, 132, 137, 156, 294
Janet, Dr. Pierre, on 'willing' sleep, 36 on demoniacal possession, 134, 135 cited, 73, 294, 340, 341
Jeanne d'Arc, 34, 73, 115, 128, 276
Jehovah, theories of, 258, 260, 268 as a Moral Supreme Being, 268 anthropological theory of the origin of Jehovah-worship, 270 absence of ancestor-worship from the Hebrew tradition, 270-273 alleged evidence for ancestor-worship in Israel, 273-277 evolution from ghost-cult to the cult of Jehovah, 277 the term Elohim, 277 human shape assumed, 278 considered as a ghost-god, 279 sacrifices to, 280 suggestion of a Being not yet named Jehovah, 281 traditional emergence of Jehovah as the god of Israel, 281 as a deified ancestor, 282 moral element in the idea of Jehovah, 282, 286 a mere tribal god, 283 a Kenite god, 283, 284 inconsistencies of theorists concerning, 285 the moral element a survival of primitive ethics in the savage ancestors of the Israelites, 287 verity of the Biblical account, 287 cited, 299
Jeraeil, mysteries of the Kurnai, 180
Jevons, Mr., cited, 186, 255, 300, 302
Jugglery, Pawnee, 235
Jung-Stilling, cited, 30, 63
Kaloc, Fijian name for gods, 200, 201
Kamschatkans, 166
Kant, inquires into Swedenborg's visions, 26, 59 disappointed with Swedenborg's 'Arcana Coelestia', 26, 27 on the metaphysics of 'spirits,' 27 discusses the subconscious, 28 cited, 125
Karens, beliefs of, 60, 73, 151
Karr, Alphonse, cited, 336
Kelvin, Lord, on hypnotism, 37
Kenites, the, 284
Kingsley, Miss, cited, 175, 211, 220, 328
Kirk, cited, 144
Kohl, cited, 148
Kulin, Australian tribe, 49
Kurnai, Australian tribe, their religious conceptions, 49, 180, 181, 187, 215, 262, 263, 287, 291
Laing, Mr. Samuel, cited, 12 note
Langlois, M., the case of, 75, 76
Lapps, beliefs of, 58, 71, 81
Latukas, the, 42
Laverterus, telepathic hypothesis of, 15
Le Loyer, cited, 15
Leaf, Mr., cited, 112 note
Leeward Isles, ideas of a god in, 251
Lefebure, M., cited, 84, 149, 341
Legge, Dr., on the teaching of Confucius, 290
Lejean, M., on the Dinkas, 212
Lejeaune, Pere, cited, 74, 83
Leng, Mr., cited, 133
Leon, Cieza de, cited, 241, 244
Leonie, the case of her hypnotisation, 75, 76
Leslie, David, on Zulu clairvoyance, 68 on ghosts, 128
Levitation, 334
Littre, M., cited, 136
Livingstone, Dr., cited, 6, 135, 170
Lloyd, Dr., cited, 327, 328
Loan-god, a, Tshi theory of, 222-229
Lourdes, cures at, 19
Lubbock, Sir John, cited, 42
Macalister, Professor, his opinion of Mrs. Piper, 140
MacCulloch, Dr., on second-sight, 58
Macdonald, Duff, cited, 150, 213, 215, 218
Macgregor, Dr. Alastair, gives instances of second-sight, 79-81
Madagascar, 84
Magnetism, 29, 34, 35
Malagasies, beliefs of, 84
Malays of Keeling Island, fetishism in, 141
Man, Mr., on Andamanese religion and mythology, 194, 195
Mans, magical rapport, 199, 200
Mandans, the, 188
Manganjah, practice of sorcery in, 149
Manning, Mr., cited, 146
Maoris, religious beliefs of, 83, 113-115, 118, 119, 150, 166, 188
Marawa, Banks Islands deity, 198, 199
Mariner, cited, 278
Markham, Mr., cited, 243, 246
Marson, Madame, case of, 71
Mason, Dr., on familiar spirits, 130
Mather, Cotton, cited, 16, 55
Maudsloy, Dr., cited, 23 note
Mani, Maori deity, 166, 188
Mayo, Dr., cited, 86
Medici, Catherine de', cited, 66
Medicine-men, 84
Mediums, 324-339
Melanesians, religious beliefs of, 150, 169, 189, 197, 199, 200
Menestrier, le Pere, uses the divining-rod, 154
Menzies, Professor, cited, 257
Mesmer, his theory of magnetism, 29, 34
Millar, cited, 40, 41
Miracles, regarded from the standpoint of science, 14 early tests, 14 and more modern research, 15 witchcraft, 15, 16 Hume's essay on, 16 and his definitions of a miracle, 16, 25 cures at the tomb of the Abbe Paris, 18-20, 23 Binet and Fere's explanation of these cures, 20 cures by suggestion, 20, 21 Dr. Charcot's views, 20 faith cures, 20-22 science opposed to systematic negation, 22 refusal to examine evidence, 23-25 'marvellous facts,' 24 suggestion a distance, 24 Kant's researches, 26-29 Swedenborg's clairvoyance, 26, 27 thought-transference and hypnotic sleep, 29, 30, 32, 35 water-finding, 39 phenomena of clairvoyance, 31 Hegel's 'magic tie,' 31 Dr. Max Dessoir's views, 31, 32 hallucinations, 32 animal magnetism, 34 hypnotism, 35 'willing,' 36 facts and phenomena confronting science, 37
'Miss X,' on crystal-gazing, 87, 315, 316, 340, 341
Mlungu, Central African deity, 213-218
Molina, Christoval de, on Inca beliefs, 242, 243
Moll, Herr, cited, 314
Montgeron, M., cited, 19, 20
More, Henry, cited, 15
Moses, founder of the Hebrew religion, 283-286
Mtanga, African deity, 213-217
Mueller, Max, cited, 41, 43, 46, 265, 266, 289
Mungan-ngaur, Kurnai Supreme Being, 181, 188, 190, 205, 217, 259
Mwetyi, Shekuni Great Spirit, 220
Myers, Frederic, on hypnotic slumber, 30, 33 cited, 15 note
Nana Nyankupon, Gold Coast Supreme Being, 225-228, 232, 280
Na-pi, American Indian deity, 237-239, 241
Ndengei, Fijian Supreme Being, 200-202, 228, 248
Nevius, Dr., on demoniacal possession, 131-135
Newbold, Professor W. Romaine, 135
Nezahuati, erects a bloodless fane to the Unknown God, 258
Nicaraguans, the, 60
North, Major, on Pawnee jugglery, 235, 236
Nzambi Mpungu, Bantu Supreme Being, 226, 228, 242
Okeus (Oki), American Indian deity, 231, 232
Okey, the sisters, case of, 37 note
Ombwiri, South Guinea god, 220
Orpen, Mr., cited, 193
Oxford, Rev. A.W., on ancient Israel, 275-277, 283-285
Pachacamac, Inca, Supreme Being, 230, 239-247, 258
Pachayachachi, Inca god, 242, 246
Paladino, Eusapia, case of, 325
Palmer, Mr., cited, 179
Paris, Abbe miracles wrought at his tomb, 18-20, 23
Parish, Herr, criticism of his reply to the arguments for telepathy, 307-323 cited, 8, 86, 107
Park, Mungo, on African beliefs, 221, 223
Pawnees, religious beliefs and practices of, 212, 224, 230, 233-236, 263
Payne, Mr., cited, 160, 161, 246
Peden, Rev. Mr., cited, 66
Pelippa, Captain, cited, 173
Pendulum experiment, a form of the, 151
Pepys, cited, 15
Peruvians, religious ideas and practices of, 75, 239-247
Phantasms of the Dead, 128
Phinuit, Dr. See Mrs. Piper
Piper, Mrs., the case of, 132, 136-141
Pliny, cited, 15
Plotinus, cited, 66
Plutarch, cited, 15
Podmore, Mr., on psychical research, 111, 325, 326, 328, 330-336, 338, 339
Poltergeist, the, and his explainers, 334-339
Polynesians, religious beliefs of, 7, 83, 251, 252, 256
Polytheism, 289, 291, 303
Porphyry, cited, 14
Powhattan, Virginian chief, 231, 232
Puluga, Andamanese Supreme Being, 195, 205, 228, 258, 262
Pundjel, Australian god, 258, 261, 262
Puysegur, de, his discovery of hypnotic sleep, 29, cited, 76
Qat, Banks Islands deity, 189, 198, 199
Qing, Bushman, his ideas of the god Cang, 193, 196
Ravenwood, Master of, instanced, 126
Red Indians, beliefs and practices of, 3, 5, 6, 21, 22, 83, 104 note, 128, 142, 143, 203
Regnard, M., cited, 71
Renan, M., cited, 285
Revillo, M., cited, 291, 293
Reynolds, Dr. Russell, cited, 22
Rhombos, use of the, 84
Ribot, M., cited, 132
Richet, Professor Charles, hypnotises Leonie, 75, 76 cited, 64, 73, 82, 154, 294
Ritter, Dr., believes in Siderism, 29
Romans, religious ideas of, 302
'Rose, Miss,' her experience of crystal-gazing, 90,91
Rose, Eliza, the case of, 326-330
Roskoff, cited, 42
Rowley, Mr., cited, 149
Russegger, cited, 212
Salcamayhua, cited, 246
Samoyeds, 58, 72
Sand, George, cited, 86
Santos, cited, 214
Saul and the Witch of Endor, 14
Scheffer, cited, 66, 70, 71, 81
Schoolcraft, Mr., cited, 236
Schrenck-Notzing, von, cited, 55 note
Scot, Reginald, cited, 15
Scott, Rev. David Clement, cited, 49 note, 106, 217, 218
Scott, Sir Walter, his attitude towards clairvoyance, 27 cited, 121, 126
Sebituane, case of, 135, 136
Second-sight, 56, 66, 78-81
Seer-binding, 143
Seers, 72
Shang-ti, Chinese Supreme Being, 245, 290, 291
Shortland, Mr., quoted, 113
Sidgwick, Professor, cited, 318, 332
Sioux, the, 236
Skidi or Wolf Pawnees, the, 233, 234
Smith, Mrs. Erminie, on crystal-gazing, 84
Smith, historian of Virginia, cited, 231, 232
Smith, Robertson, cited, 259, 261, 262, 281 note, 298
Smyth, Brough, cited, 42, 178, 182, 293
Society for Psychical Research, 116, 118
Spencer, Herbert, on early religious ideas, 42, 43 ghosts, 47 Animism, 48 note, 53, 54 limits of savage language, 49 the Fuegian Big Man, 174 Australian marriage customs, 175 Australian religion, 182 men-gods, 186 religion of Bushmen, 193 ancestor-worship, 212, 213, 271-273 cited, 162, 167, 170, 216, 218, 292
Spiritualism, 324-339. See Fetishism
Stade, Herr, cited, 276, 284, 285
Stanley, Hans, cited, 12
Starr, cited, 104 note
Stoll, cited, 72
Strachey, William, cited, 229-232
Suetonius, cited, 15
Sully, Mr., cited. 295
Sun-worship, 238-245
Supreme Beings of savages, regarded as eternal, moral, and powerful, 193 Cagn, the Bushman god, 193 Puluga, the Andamanese god, 195 savage mysteries and rites, 196 alliance of ethics with religion, 196 the Banks Islanders' belief in Tamate (ghosts) and Vui (Beings who never had been human), 197 corporeal and incorporeal Vuis, 198 sacrificial offerings to ghosts and spirits, 199 the soul the complex of real bodiless after-images, 200 Fijian belief, 200 Ndengei, the Fijian chief god, 200, 201 the idea of primeval Eternal Beings, 202 the Great Spirit of North American tribes, 203 dream origin of the ghost theory, 203 Guiana Indian names indicating a belief in a Great Spirit, 203-206 the God-cult abandoned for the Ghost-cult, 205 Unkulunkulu, the Zulu Creator, 207-210 the notion of a dead Maker, 208 preference for serviceable family spirits, 209 the Dinka Creator, 211 African ancestor-worship, 212 Mlungu, a deity formed by aggregation of departed spirits, 213 ethical element in religious mysteries, 215 the position of Mtanga, 216 religious beliefs in the Blantyre region, 217, 218 negro tendency to monotheism, 218 beliefs in North and South Guinea, 220 Mungo Park's observation of African beliefs, 221 Islamic influence, 221 the Tshi theory of a loan-god,' borrowed from Europeans, 222-228 varieties of Tshi gods, 224, 225 fetishes, 225 Nana Nyankupon, the 'God of the Christians,' 225-229 American Creators (see under), 230-252 the Polynesian cult, 251, 252 Chinese conceptions, 290-292
Swedenborg, Emanuel, visions of, 26 recovers Mme. Harteville's receipt, 26 his 'Arcana Coelestia,' 27 noticed by Kant, 28, 29, 59
Taa-Roa, Polynesian deity, 251, 252, 256, 280, 308
Table-turning, 151
Tahitians, 251
Taine, M., cited, 57
Ta-li-y-Tooboo, Tongan deity, 278, 279, 282
Tamate, Banks Islands ghosts, 197-199
Tamoi, the 'ancient of heaven,' 188
Tando, Gold Coast god, 225
Tanner, John, case of, 57, 128
Teed, Esther, the Amherst mystery, 333
Telepathy, oppositions of science to, 307 hallucination of memory, 307 presentiments, 308 dreams, 308, 309, 312 veridical hallucinations, 309, 311 coincidence in S.P.R.'s Census cases, 310 non-coincidental cases, 311 condition to beget hallucination, 312 hallucinations mere dreams, 312 crystal-gazing, 314-316 number of coincidences no proof, 316 association of ideas, 316 coincidental collective hallucinations, 317-323 See Crystal visions
Thomson, Basil, cited, 200 note, 248, 249, 339
Thought-transference, 4, 29-32, 35 illustrative cases, 88-103
Thouvenel, M., cited, 152
Thyraeus on ghosts, 15
Tien, Chinese heaven, 290, 291
Ti-ra-wa, American Indian god, 234-236, 239
Tlapane, African wizard, 135
Tongans, religious beliefs of, 278-280
Tonkaways, American tribe, 233
Torfaeus, cited, 71
Totemism, 239, 241, 262, 263, 269, 270, 276
Tregear, Mr., on Maori ghost-seeing, 113
Tshi theory of a loan-god, 223-227
Tuckey, Dr. Lloyd, cited, 36
Tui Laga, Fijian deity, 249
Tundun, ancestor of the Kurnai, 181
Tylor, Mr., his test of recurrence, 41 on anthropological origin of religion, 43 on savage philosophy of super-normal phenomena, 45, 53 disproves the assertion about 'godless' tribes, 47 his term Animism, 48, 49 theory of metaphysical genius in low savages, 51 ghost-seers, 54 on psychical conditions of contemporary savages, 54-56 on the influence of Swedenborg, 59 savage names for the ghost-soul, 60 second-sight, 66 mediums, 73 dreams, 106 hallucinations, 110-113, 117, 118 demoniacal possession, 131 fetishism, 148, 149, 165 divining-rod, 153 evolution of gods from ghosts, 163, 164 fetish deities, 165 dualistic idea, 166 Supreme Being of savage creeds, 166, 167 the degeneration theory, 170, 254 confusion of thought upon religion, 182 list of first ancestors deified, 188 savage mysteries, 201 savage Animism, 204 Okeus and his rites, 231 Pachacamac, 245 Confucius's teaching, 290 the mystagogue Home, 325 levitation, 334 cited, 50, 52, 53, 58, 59, 61-63, 78, 151, 161, 162, 170, 173, 184, 185, 203, 231, 232, 246, 257, 293, 297
Tyndall, Professor, cited, 324
Uiracocha, Inca Creator, 242-246
Umabakulists, diviners by sticks, 151
Unkulunkulu, Zulu mythical first ancestor, 164, 168, 188, 202, 207, 220
Vincent, Mr., 29 on clairvoyance, 34, 36, 37
Virchow, cited, 19
Vui, non-ghost gods, 169, 197-200
Wabose, Catherine, Red Indian seeress, experience of, 73, 74
Waltz, cited, 177, 194 note, 218-220, 222, 243
Wallace, Alfred Basset, on Hume's theory of 'miracles,' 17, 18 on Ritter, 29 on clairvoyance, 31
Wayao, Supreme Being of the, 213, 214
Wellhausen, cited, 277, 283, 285, 286, 298
Welton, Thomas, on the divining-rod, 154
Wesley, John, cited, 16
White, Joseph, spirit manifestations at his house, 326-331
Wierus, cited, 15
Williams, Mr., cited, 201, 248
Wilson, Mr., cited, 50, 219, 220
Windward Isles, ideas of a God in, 251
Witch of Endor, the, 14, 277, 278
Witchcraft, 14-16
Wodrow, Mr., cited, 16
Wolf tribes, 233
Wynne, Captain, cited, 335
Yama, Vedic-Aryan ghost-god, 188
Yaos, religious beliefs of, 150, 213, 214-216
Yerri Yuppon, good spirit of the Chonos, 175
York, a Fuegian, cited, 174
Yuncus, a Peruvian race, worship of, 240, 246
Zarate, Augustin de, cited, 240
Zoller, M., disturbances in the house of, 156, 157
Zulus, religious beliefs and customs of, 65, 66, 68, 70, 72, 85, 128, 141, 142, 150, 152, 207-210
Zunis, hymns of the, 248, 251