Perhaps the "Spirits" resented being abandoned by her in summary fashion; perhaps she had overtaxed her energies addressing outdoor meetings in all weathers. At any rate, and whatever the cause, while she was travelling in the country during the winter of 1860, Lola Montez was suddenly stricken down by a mysterious illness. As it baffled the hospital doctors, she had to be taken back to New York. There, instead of getting better, she gradually got worse, developing consumption, followed by partial paralysis.
"What a study for the thoughtless; what a sermon on the inevitable result of human vanity!" was the ghoulish comment of a scribbler.
Rufus Blake, an entrepreneur, under whose banner she had once starred, has some reminiscences of her at this period. "She lived," he says, "in strict retirement, reading religious books, and steadily, calmly, hopefully preparing for death, fully convinced that consumption had snapped the pillars of her life and that she was soon to make her final exit."
After an interval, word of Lola's collapse reached England by means of a cutting in a theatrical paper. There it appears to have touched a long slumbering maternal chord. "Mrs. Craigie," says a paragraphist, "suddenly arrived in America, anxious, as next of kin, to secure her daughter's property. On discovering, however, that none existed, she hurried back again, leaving behind her a sum of three pounds for medicine and other necessities."
Cast off by her fair-weather friends, bereft of her looks, poverty-stricken, and ravaged by an insidious illness, the situation of Lola Montez was, during that winter of 1860, one to excite pity among the most severe of judges. Under duress, even her new found trust in Providence began to falter. Was prayer, she wondered forlornly, to fail her like everything else? Suddenly, however, and when things were at their darkest, a helping hand was offered. One bitter evening, as she sat brooding in the miserable lodging where she had secured temporary shelter, she was visited by a Mrs. Buchanan, claiming her as a friend of the long distant past. The years fell back; and, with an effort, Lola recognised in the visitor a girl, now a mature matron, whom she had last met in Montrose.
The sympathy of Mrs. Buchanan, shared to the full by her husband, a prosperous merchant, was of a practical description. Although familiar with the many lapses in Lola's career, they counted for nothing beside the fact that she was in sore need. Bygones were bygones. Insisting that the stricken woman should leave her wretched surroundings, Mrs. Buchanan took her into her own well-appointed house, provided doctors and nurses, and did all that was possible to smooth her path. Deeply religious herself, she soon won back her faltering faith, and summoned a clergyman, the Rev. Dr. Hawks, to prepare her for the inevitable and rapidly approaching end.
A smug little booklet, The Story of a Penitent: Lola Montez, published under the auspices of the "Protestant Society for the Promotion of Evangelical Knowledge," was afterwards written by this shepherd. Since his name did not appear on the title page, he was able to make several unctuous references to himself.
"Most acceptable," he says in one characteristic passage, "were his ministrations. Refreshing, too, to his own spirit were his interviews with her."
"It was," he continues, "in the latter part of 1860 that I received a message from the unhappy woman so well known to the public under the name of Lola Montez, earnestly requesting me to visit her and minister to her spiritual wants. She had been stricken down by a paralysis of her left side. For some days she was unconscious, and her death seemed to be at hand. She had, however, rallied, and a most benevolent Christian female, who had been her schoolmate in Scotland in the days of her girlhood, and knew her well, had stepped forward and provided for the temporal comfort of the afflicted companion of her childhood. The real name of Lola Montez was Eliza G., and she was of respectable family in Ireland, where she was born."
But neither the Rev. Mr. Hawks, with his oiliness and smug piety, nor Mrs. Buchanan, with her true womanly sympathy and understanding, could bring Lola Montez back to health, any more than—for all their pills and purges—could the doctors and nurses round her bed. She lay there, day after day, aware of their presence, but unable to move or speak. Yet, able to think. Thoughts crowded upon her in a series of flashing pictures; a bewildering phantasmagoria, coming out of the shadows, and beckoning to her. Childhood's memories of India; hot suns, marching men, palanquins and elephants; Montrose and a dour Calvinism; Bath and Sir Jasper Nicolls; love's young dream; Lieutenant James and the runaway marriage in Dublin; another experience of India's coral strand; kind-hearted Captain Craigie and hard-hearted George Lennox; the Consistory Court proceedings; fiasco at Her Majesty's Theatre; Ranelagh and Lumley; wanderjahre and odyssey; Paris and Dujarier; Ludwig and the steps of a throne; passion and poetry; intrigues and liaisons; Cornet Heald and Patrick Hull; voyages from the old world to the new; mining camps and backwoods; palaces and conventicles; glittering triumphs and abject failures. And now, gasping and struggling for breath, the end.
The sands were running out. The days slipped away, and, with them, the last vitality of the woman who had once been so full of life and the joy of living.
The doctors did what they could. But it was very little, for Lola Montez was beyond their help. The end was fast at hand. It came with merciful swiftness. On January 17, 1861, she turned her face to the wall and drew a last shuddering breath.
"I am very tired," she whispered.
The funeral took place two days later. "Accompanied by some of our most respected citizens and their families," says an eye-witness, "the cortege left the house of Mrs. Buchanan for Green-Wood cemetery."
"The Rev. Dr. Hawks," adds a second account, "was constantly at the bedside of Lola Montez, and gave her the benefit of his pastoral care as freely as if she had been a member of his own flock. He conducted her obsequies in an impressive fashion; and Mr. Brown, his assistant, who had himself attended so many funerals and weddings in his day, was seen to wipe the tears from his eyes, as he heard the reverend gentleman remark to Mrs. Buchanan that he had never met with an example of more genuine penitence."
"Is not this a brand plucked from the burning?" enquired the Rev. Mr. Hawks, as he stood addressing the company assembled round the grave. He himself was assured that the description was thoroughly applicable to the woman lying there.
"I never saw," he declared, "a more humble penitent. When I prayed with her, nothing could exceed the fervour of her devotion; and never have I had a more watchful and attentive hearer when I read the Scriptures.... If ever a repentant soul loathed past sin, I believe hers did."
Possibly, since it could scarcely have been Mrs. Buchanan, it was this clerical busybody who was responsible for the inscription on Lola's headstone:
JANUARY 17, 1861.
An odd mask under which to shelter the identity of the gifted woman who, given in baptism the names Marie Dolores Eliza Rosanna, had flashed across three continents as Lola Montez, Countess of Landsfeld.
Misrepresented as she had been in her life, Lola Montez was even more misrepresented after her death. The breath was scarcely out of her body, when a flood of cowardly scurrilities was poured from the gutter press. Her good deeds were forgotten; only her derelictions were remembered.
One such obituary notice began:
"A woman who, in the full light of the nineteenth century, renewed all the scandals that disgraced the Middle Ages, and, with an audacity that is almost unparalleled, seated herself upon the steps of a throne, is worthy of mention; if only to show to what extent vice can sometimes triumph, and to what a fall it can eventually come."
An editorial, which was published in one of the New York papers, contained some odd passages:
"Among the most ardent admirers of Lola Montez was a young Scotsman, a member of the illustrious house of Lennox, who was with difficulty restrained by his family from offering her his hand. In London the deceased led a gay life, being courted by the Earl of Malmesbury and other distinguished noblemen. Wherever she went, she was the observed of all observers, conquering the hearts of men of all countries by her beauty and blandishments, and their admiration by her unflinching independence of character and superior intellectual endowments."
The death of Lola Montez did not pass without comment in England. The Athenaeum necrologist accorded her half a column of obituary, in which she was described as "this pretty, picaroon woman, whose name can never be omitted from any chronicle of Bavaria."
A Grub Street hack, employed by the curiously named Gentleman's Magazine, slung together a column of abuse and lies, founded on tap-room gossip:
"When not yet sixteen, she ran away from a school near Cork with a young officer of the Bengal Army, Lieutenant Gilbert (sic), who married her and took her to India. In consequence of her bad conduct there, he was soon obliged to send her back to Europe. She first tried the stage as a profession, but, failing at it, she eventually adopted a career of infamy."
A writer in Temple Bar has endeavoured, and, on the whole, with fair measure of success, to preserve the balance:
"With more of the good and more of the evil in her composition than in that of most of her sisters, Lola Montez made a wreck of her life by giving reins to the latter; and she stands out as a prominent example of the impossibility of a woman breaking away from the responsibilities of her sex with any permanent gain, either to herself or to society. Her passionate, enthusiastic and loving nature was her strength which, by fascinating all who came into contact with her, was also her weakness."
Cameron Rogers, writing on "Gay and Gallant Ladies," sums up the career of Lola Montez in deft fashion:
"Thus passed one who has been called the Cleopatra and the Aspasia of the nineteenth century. A very gallant and courageous lady, certainly; and, though she used her beauty and her mind not in accordance with the Decalogue, yet worthy to be remembered as much for the excellent vigour of the latter as for the perfection of the former. Individual damnation or salvation in such a case as hers are matters of strict opinion; but for Lola's brief to the last judgment there is an ancient tag that might never be more aptly appended. Like the moral of her life, it is exceedingly trite—Quia multum amavit."
This is well put.
Even after she was in it, and might, one would think, have been left there in peace, the dead woman was not allowed to rest quietly in her grave. Some years later her mantle was impudently assumed by an alleged actress, who, dubbing herself "Countess of Landsfeld," undertook a lecture tour in America. If she had no other gift, this one certainly had that of imagination. "I was born," she said to a reporter, "in Florence, and my mother, Lola Montez, was really married to the King Ludwig of Bavaria. This marriage was strictly valid, and my mother's title of countess was afterwards conferred on myself. The earliest recollections I have are of being brought up by some nuns in a convent in the Black Forest. But for the help of the good Dr. Doellinger, who assisted me to escape, I should still have been kept there, a victim of political interests."
This nonsense was eagerly swallowed; and for some time the pseudo-"Countess" attracted a following and reaped a rich harvest. It was not until diplomatic representations were made that her career was checked.
On Christmas Day, 1898, a New York obituary announced the death of a woman, Alice Devereux, the wife of a carpenter in poor circumstances. It further declared that she was the "daughter of the notorious Lola Montez, and may well have been the grand-daughter of Lord Byron." To this it added: "Society has maintained a studious and charitable reserve as to the parentage of Lola Montez. All that is definitely known on the subject is that a fox-hunting Irish squire, Sir Edward Gilbert, was the husband of her mother." Thus is "history" written.
Nor would the "Spirits" leave poor Lola in peace. In the year 1888 a woman "medium," calling herself Madam Anna O'Delia Diss DeBar (but, under pressure, admitting to several aliases) claimed to be a daughter of Lola Montez. As such, she conducted a number of seances, and, in return for cash down, evoked the spirit of her alleged mother. Some of the cash was extracted from the pocket of a credulous lawyer, one Luther Marsh. Thinking he had not had fair value for his dollars, he eventually prosecuted Madam for fraud, and had her sent to prison.
She was not disturbed again until the winter of 1929, when an Austrian "medium," Rudi Schneider, with, to adopt the jargon of his craft, a "trance-personality" called Olga (who professed to be an incarnation of Lola Montez), gave some seances in London. The extinguishing of the lights and the wheezing of a gramophone were followed by the usual "manifestations." Thus, curtains flapped, books fell off chairs, tambourines rattled in locked cupboards, and bells jangled, etc. But Lola Montez herself was too bashful to appear. None the less, a number of "scientists" (all un-named) afterwards announced that "everything was very satisfactory."
Thinking that these claims to get into touch with the dead should be subjected to a more adequate test, Mr. Harry Price, director of the National Laboratory of Psychical Research, arranged for Rudi Schneider to give a sample of his powers to a committee of experts. As a convincing test, Major Hervey de Montmorency (a nephew of the Mr. Francis Leigh with whom Lola had once lived in Paris) suggested that the accomplished "Olga" should be asked the name of his uncle (which was different from his own) and the circumstances under which they had parted. This was done, and "Olga" promised to give full details at the next sitting. But the promise was not kept. "She conveniently shelved every question," says the official report. Altogether, Rudi Schneider's stock fell.
The body of Lola Montez, Countess of Landsfeld, and Canoness of the Order of St. Therese, has now been crumbling in the dust of a distant grave, far from her own kith and kindred, for upwards of seventy years. Her name, however, will still be remembered when that of other women who have filled a niche in history will have been forgotten.
Lola Montez was no common adventuress. By her beauty and intelligence and magnetism she weaved a spell on well nigh all who came within her radius. Never any member of her sex quite like this one. Had she been born in the Middle Ages, superstition would have had it that Venus herself was revisiting the haunts of men in fresh guise. But she would then probably have perished at the stake, accused of witchcraft by her political opponents. As it was, even in the year 1848 a sovereign demanded that a professional exorcist should "drive the devil out of her."
To present Lola Montez at her true worth, to adjust the balance between her merits and her demerits, is a difficult task. A woman of a hundred opposing facets; of rare culture and charm, and of whims and fancies and strange enthusiasms each battling with the other. Thus, by turns tender and callous, hot-tempered and soft-hearted; childishly simple in some things, and amazingly shrewd in others; trusting and suspicious; arrogant and humble, yet supremely indifferent to public opinion; grateful for kindness and loyal to her friends, but neither forgetting nor forgiving an injury. Men had treated her worse than she had treated them.
For the rest, a flashing, vivid personality, full of resource and high courage, and always meeting hard knocks and buffets with equanimity. Lola Montez had lived every moment of her life. In the course of their career, few women could have cut a wider swath, or one more colourful and glamorous. She had beauty and intelligence much above the average. All the world had been her stage; and she had played many parts on it. Some of them she had played better than others; but all of them she had played with distinction. She had boxed the compass as no woman had ever yet boxed it. From adventuress to evangelist; coryphee, courtesan, and convert, each in turn. At the start a mixture of Cleopatra and Aspasia; and at the finish a feminine Pelagian. Equally at home in the company of princes and poets and diplomats and demireps, during the twenty years she was before the public she had scaled heights and sunk to depths. Thus, she had queened it in palaces and in camps; danced in opera houses and acted in booths; she had bent monarchs and politicians to her will; she had stood on the steps of a throne, and in the curb of a gutter; she had known pomp and power, riches and poverty, dazzling successes and abject failures; she had conducted amours and liaisons and intrigues by the dozen; she had made history in two hemispheres; a king had given up his crown for her; men had lived for her; and men had died for her.
As with the rest of us, Lola Montez had her faults. Full measure of them. But she also had her virtues. She was gallant and generous and charitable. At the worst, her heart ruled her head; and if she did many a foolish thing, she never did a mean one.
* * * * *
In the final analysis, when the last balance is struck, this will surely be placed to her credit.
* * * * *
If it be true "that the face is the index of the mind," the recipe for a beautiful face must be something that reaches the soul. What can be done for a human face that has a sluggish, sullen, arrogant, angry mind looking out of every feature? An habitually ill-natured, discontented mind ploughs the face with inevitable marks of its own vice. However well shaped, or however bright its complexion, no such face can ever become really beautiful. If a woman's soul is without cultivation, without taste, without refinement, without the sweetness of a happy mind, not all the mysteries of art can ever make her face beautiful. And, on the other hand, it is impossible to dim the brightness of an elegant and polished intellect. The radiance of a charming mind strikes through all deformity of features, and still asserts its sway over the world of the affections. It has been my privilege to see the most celebrated beauties that shine in all the gilded courts of fashion throughout the world, from St. James's to St. Petersburgh, from Paris to Hindostan, and yet I have found no art which can atone for an unpolished mind, and an unlovely heart. That chastened and delightful activity of soul, that spiritual energy which gives animation, grace, and living light to the animal frame, is, after all, the real source of beauty in a woman. It is that which gives eloquence to the language of her eyes, which sends the sweetest vermilion mantling to the cheek, and lights up the whole personnel as if her very body thought. That, ladies, is the ensign of beauty, and the herald of charms, which are sure to fill the beholder with answering emotion and irrepressible delight.
If Satan has ever had any direct agency in inducing woman to spoil or deform her own beauty, it must have been in tempting her to use paints and enamelling. Nothing so effectually writes memento mori! on the cheek of beauty as this ridiculous and culpable practice. Ladies ought to know that it is a sure spoiler of the skin, and good taste ought to teach them that it is a frightful distorter and deformer of the natural beauty of the "human face divine." The greatest charm of beauty is in the expression of a lovely face; in those divine flashes of joy, and good-nature, and love, which beam in the human countenance. But what expression can there be in a face bedaubed with white paint and enamelled? No flush of pleasure, no thrill of hope, no light of love can shine through the incrusted mould. Her face is as expressionless as that of a painted mummy. And let no woman imagine that the men do not readily detect this poisonous mask upon the skin. Many a time have I seen a gentleman shrink from saluting a brilliant lady, as though it was a death's head he were compelled to kiss. The secret was that her face and lips were bedaubed with paints.
A violently rouged woman is a disgusting sight. The excessive red on the face gives a coarseness to every feature, and a general fierceness to the countenance, which transforms the elegant lady of fashion into a vulgar harridan. But, in no case, can even rouge be used by ladies who have passed the age of life when roses are natural to the cheek. A rouged old woman is a horrible sight—a distortion of nature's harmony!
Paints are not only destructive to the skin, but they are ruinous to the health. I have known paralytic affections and premature death to be traced to their use. But alas! I am afraid that there never was a time when many of the gay and fashionable of my sex did not make themselves both contemptible and ridiculous by this disgusting trick.
Let every woman at once understand that paint can do nothing for the mouth and lips. The advantage gained by the artificial red is a thousand times more than lost by the sure destruction of that delicate charm associated with the idea of "nature's dewy lip." There can be no dew on a painted lip. And there is no man who does not shrink back with disgust from the idea of kissing a pair of painted lips. Nor let any woman deceive herself with the idea that the men do not instantly detect paint on the lips.
I am aware that this is a subject which must be handled with great delicacy; but my book would be incomplete without some notice of this "greatest claim of lovely woman." And, besides, it is undoubtedly true that a proper discussion of this subject will seem peculiar only to the most vulgar minded of both sexes. If it be true, as the old poet sung, that
"Heaven rests on those two heaving hills of snow,"
why should not a woman be suitably instructed in the right management of such extraordinary charms?
The first thing to be impressed upon the mind of a lady is that very low-necked dresses are in exceeding bad taste, and are quite sure to leave upon the mind of a gentleman an equivocal idea, to say the least. A word to the wise on this subject is sufficient. If a young lady has no father, or brother, or husband to direct her taste in this matter, she will do well to sit down and commit the above statement to memory. It is a charm which a woman, who understands herself, will leave not to the public eye of man, but to his imagination. She knows that modesty is the divine spell that binds the heart of man to her forever. But my observation has taught me that few women are well informed as to the physical management of this part of their bodies. The bosom, which nature has formed with exquisite symmetry in itself, and admirable adaptation to the parts of the figure to which it is united, is often transformed into a shape, and transplanted to a place which deprives it of its original beauty and harmony with the rest of the person. This deforming metamorphosis is effected by means of stiff stays, or corsets, which force the part out of its natural position, and destroy the natural tension and firmness in which so much of its beauty consists. A young lady should be instructed that she is not to allow even her own hand to press it too roughly. But, above all things, to avoid, especially when young, the constant pressure of such hard substances as whalebone and steel; for, besides the destruction to beauty, they are liable to produce all the terrible consequences of abscesses and cancers. Even the padding which ladies use to give a full appearance, where there is a deficient bosom, is sure in a little time to entirely destroy all the natural beauty of the parts. As soon as it becomes apparent that the bosom lacks the rounded fullness due to the rest of her form, instead of trying to repair the deficiency with artificial padding, it should be clothed as loosely as possible, so as to avoid the least artificial pressure. Not only its growth is stopped, but its complexion is spoiled by these tricks. Let the growth of this beautiful part be left as unconfined as the young cedar, or as the lily of the field.
It is essential that every lady should understand that the most beautiful and well-dressed woman will fail to be charming unless all her other attractions are set off with a graceful and fascinating deportment. A pretty face may be seen everywhere, beautiful and gorgeous dresses are common enough, but how seldom do we meet with a really beautiful and enchanting demeanour! It was this charm of deportment which suggested to the French cardinal the expression of "the native paradise of angels." The first thing to be said on the art of deportment is that what is becoming at one age would be most improper and ridiculous at another. For a young girl, for instance, to sit as grave and stiff as "her grandmother cut in alabaster" would be ridiculous enough, but not so much so, as for an old woman to assume the romping merriment of girlhood. She would deservedly draw only contempt and laughter upon herself.
Indeed a modest mien always makes a woman charming. Modesty is to woman what the mantle of green is to nature—its ornament and highest beauty. What a miracle-working charm there is in a blush—what softness and majesty in natural simplicity, without which pomp is contemptible, and elegance itself ungraceful.
There can be no doubt that the highest incitement to love is in modesty. So well do wise women of the world know this, that they take infinite pains to learn to wear the semblance of it, with the same tact, and with the same motive that they array themselves in attractive apparel. They have taken a lesson from Sir Joshua Reynolds, who says: "men are like certain animals who will feed only when there is but little provender, and that got at with difficulty through the bars of a rack; but refuse to touch it when there is an abundance before them." It is certainly important that all women should understand this; and it is no more than fair that they should practise upon it, since men always treat them with disingenuous untruthfulness in this matter. Men may amuse themselves with a noisy, loud-laughing, loquacious girl; it is the quiet, subdued, modest, and seeming bashful deportment which is the one that stands the fairest chance of carrying off their hearts.
* * * * *
The last and most difficult office imposed on Psyche was to descend to the lower regions and bring back a portion of Proserpine's beauty in a box. The too inquisitive goddess, impelled by curiosity or perhaps by a desire to add to her own charms, raised the lid, and behold there issued forth—a vapour I which was all there was of that wondrous beauty.
In attempting to give a definition of beauty, I have painfully felt the force of this classic parable. If I settle upon a standard of beauty in Paris, I find it will not do when I get to Constantinople. Personal qualities, the most opposite imaginable, are each looked upon as beautiful in different countries, and even by different people of the same country. That which is deformity in New York may be beauty in Pekin. At one place the sighing lover sees "Helen" in an Egyptian brow. In China, black teeth, painted eyelids, and plucked eyebrows are beautiful; and should a woman's feet be large enough to walk upon, their owners are looked upon as monsters of ugliness.
With the modern Greeks and other nations on the shores of the Mediterranean, corpulency is the perfection of form in a woman; the very attributes which disgust the western European form the highest attractions of an Oriental fair. It was from the common and admired shape of his countrywomen that Reubens, in his pictures, delights in a vulgar and almost odious plumpness. He seems to have no idea of beauty under two hundred pounds. His very Graces are all fat.
Hair is a beautiful ornament of woman, but it has always been a disputed point as to what colour it shall be. I believe that most people nowadays look upon a red head with disfavour—but in the times of Queen Elizabeth it was in fashion. Mary of Scotland, though she had exquisite hair of her own, wore red fronts out of compliment to fashion and the red-headed Queen of England.
That famous beauty, Cleopatra, was red-haired also; and the Venetian ladies to this day counterfeit yellow hair.
Yellow hair has a higher authority still. THE ORDER OF THE GOLDEN FLEECE, instituted by Philip, Duke of Burgundy, was in honour of a frail beauty whose hair was yellow.
So, ladies and gentlemen, this thing of beauty which I come to talk about, has a somewhat migratory and fickle standard of its own. All the lovers of the world will have their own idea of the thing in spite of me.
But where are we to detect this especial source of power? Often forsooth in a dimple, sometimes beneath the shade of an eyelid or perhaps among the tresses of a little fantastic curl!
I once knew a nobleman who used to try to make himself wise, and to emancipate his heart from its thraldom to a celebrated beauty of the court, by continually repeating to himself: "But it is short-lived," "It won't last—it won't last!"
Ah, me! that is too true—it won't last. Beauty has its date, and it is the penalty of nature that girls must fade and become wizened as their grandmothers have done before them.
In teaching a young lady to dress elegantly we must first impress upon her mind that symmetry of figure ought ever to be accompanied by harmony of dress, and that there is a certain propriety in habiliment, adapted to form, complexion, and age. To preserve the health of the human form is the first object of consideration, for without that you can neither maintain its symmetry nor improve its beauty. But the foundation of a just proportion must be laid in infancy. "As the twig is bent the tree's inclined." A light dress, which gives freedom to the functions of life, is indispensable to an unobstructed growth. If the young fibres are uninterrupted by obstacles of art, they will shoot harmoniously into the form which nature drew. The garb of childhood should in all respects be easy—not to impede its movements by ligatures on the chest, the loins, the legs, or the arms. By this liberty we shall see the muscles of the limbs gradually assume the fine swell and insertion which only unconstrained exercise can produce. The chest will sway gracefully on the firmly poised waist, swelling in noble and healthy expanse, and the whole figure will start forward at the blooming age of youth, and early ripen to the maturity of beauty.
The lovely form of women, thus educated, or rather thus left to its natural growth, assumes a variety of charming characters. In one youthful figure, we see the lineaments of a wood nymph, a form slight and elastic in all its parts. The shape:
"Small by degrees, and beautifully less, From the soft bosom to the slender waist!"
A foot as light as that of her whose flying step scarcely brushed the "unbending corn," and limbs whose agile grace moved in harmony with the curves of her swan-like neck, and the beams of her sparkling eyes.
To repair these ravages, comes the aid of padding to give shape where there is none, stays to compress into form the swelling chaos of flesh, and paints of all hues to rectify the dingy complexion; but useless are these attempts—for, if dissipation, late hours, immoderation, and carelessness have wrecked the loveliness of female charms, it is not in the power of Esculapius himself to refit the shattered bark, or of the Syrens, with all their songs and wiles, to save its battered sides from the rocks, and make it ride the sea in gallant trim again. The fair lady who cannot so moderate her pursuit of pleasure that the feast, the midnight hour, the dance, shall not recur too frequently, must relinquish the hope of preserving her charms till the time of nature's own decay. After this moderation in the indulgence of pleasure, the next specific for the preservation of beauty which I shall give, is that of gentle and daily exercise in the open air. Nature teaches us, in the gambols and sportiveness of the lower animals, that bodily exertion is necessary for the growth, vigour, and symmetry of the animal frame; while the too studious scholar and the indolent man of luxury exhibit in themselves the pernicious consequences of the want of exercise.
Many a rich lady would give thousands of dollars for that full rounded arm, and that peach bloom on the cheek, possessed by her kitchen-maid. Well, might she not have had both, by the same amount of exercise and simple living?
But I weary of this subject of cosmetics, as every woman of sense will at last weary of the use of them. It is a lesson which is sure to come; but, in the lives of most fashionable ladies, it has small chance of being needed until that unmentionable time, when men shall cease to make baubles and playthings of them. It takes most women two-thirds of their lifetime to discover that men may be amused by, without respecting, them; and every woman may make up her mind that to be really respected she must possess merit; she must have accomplishments of mind and heart, and there can be no real beauty without these. If the soul is without cultivation, without refinement, without taste, without the sweetness of affection, not all the mysteries of art can make the face beautiful; and, on the other hand, it is impossible to dim the brightness of an elegant and polished mind; its radiance strikes through the encasements of deformity, and asserts its sway over the world of the affections.
A history of the beginning of the reign of gallantry would carry us back to the creation of the world; for I believe that about the first thing that man began to do after he was created, was to make love to woman.
There was no discussion, then, about "woman's rights," or "woman's influence"—woman had whatever her soul desired, and her will was the watchword for battle or peace. Love was as marked a feature in the chivalric character as valour; and he who understood how to break a lance, and did not understand how to win a lady, was held to be but half a man. He fought to gain her smiles—he lived to be worthy of her love.
In those days, to be "a servant of the ladies" was no mere figure of the imagination—and to be in love was no idle pastime; but to be profoundly, furiously, almost ridiculously in earnest. In the mind of the cavalier, woman was a being of mystic power. As in the old forests of Germany, she had been listened to like a spirit of the woods, melodious, solemn and oracular. So when chivalry became an institution, the same idea of something supernaturally beautiful in her character threw a shadow over her life, and she was not only loved but revered. And never were men more constant to their fair ladies than in the proudest days of chivalry.
There is no such thing as genuine gallantry either in France or England. In France the relation between the sexes is too fickle, variable, and insincere, for any nearer approach to gallantry than flirtation; while in England the aristocracy, which is the only class in that country that could have the genuine feeling of gallantry, are turned shop-owners and tradesmen. The Smiths and the Joneses who figure on the signboards have the nobility standing behind them as silent partners. The business habits of the United States and the examples of rapid fortunes in this country have quite turned the head of John Bull, and he is very fast becoming a sharp, thrifty, money-getting Yankee. A business and commercial people have no leisure for the cultivation of that feeling and romance which is the foundation of gallantry. The activities of human nature seek other more practical and more useful channels of excitement. Instead of devoting a life to the worship and service of the fair ladies, they are building telegraphs, railroads, steamboats, constructing schemes of finance, and enlarging the area of practical civilization.
In attempting to give a definition of strong-minded women, I find it necessary to distinguish between just ideas of strength and what is so considered by the modern woman's rights' movement.
A very estimable woman by the name of Mrs. Bloomer obtained the reputation of being strong-minded by curtailing her skirts six inches, a compliment which certainly excites no envious feeling in my heart; for I am philosophically puzzled to know how cutting six inches off a woman's dress can possibly add anything to the height of her head.
One or two hundred women getting together in convention and resolving that they are an abused community, and that all the men are great tyrants and rascals, proves plainly enough that they—the women—are somehow discontented, and that they have, perhaps, a certain amount of courage, but I cannot see that it proves them to have any remarkable strength of mind.
Really strong-minded women are not women of words, but of deeds; not of resolutions, but of actions. History does not teach me that they have ever consumed much time in conventions and in passing resolutions about their rights; but they have been very prompt to assert their rights, and to defend them too, and to take the consequences of defeat.
Thus all history is full of startling examples of female heroism, which prove that woman's heart is made of as stout a stuff and of as brave a mettle as that which beats within the ribs of the coarser sex. And if we were permitted to descend from this high plane of public history into the private homes of the world, in which sex, think you, should we there find the purest spirit of heroism? Who suffers sorrow and pain with the most heroism of heart? Who, in the midst of poverty, neglect and crushing despair, holds on most bravely through the terrible struggle, and never yields even to the fearful demands of necessity until death wrests the last weapon of defence from her hands? Ah, if all this unwritten heroism of woman could be brought to the light, even man himself would cast his proud wreath of fame at her feet!
Rousseau asserts that "all great revolutions were owing to women." The French Revolution, the last great and stirring event upon which the world looks back, arose, as Burke ill-naturedly expresses it, "amidst the yells and violence of women." We accept the compliment which Burke here pays to the power of woman, and attribute the coarseness of his language to the bitter repugnance which every Englishman of that day had to everything that was French. No, Mr. Burke, it was not by "yells and violence" that the great women of France helped on that mighty revolution—it was by the combined power of intellect and beauty. Nor will women who get together in conventions for the purpose of berating men, ever accomplish anything. They can effect legislation only by quiet and judicious counsel, with such means as control the judgment and the heart of legislators. And the experience of the world has pretty well proved that a man's judgment is pretty easily controlled when his heart is once persuaded.
My subject to-night is the comic aspect of love. No doubt most of you have had some little experience, at least in the sentimental and sighing side of the tender passion; and what I propose to do is to give you the humorous or comic side. Perhaps I ought to begin by begging pardon of the ladies for treating so sacred a thing as love in a comic way, or for turning the ludicrous side of so charming a thing as they find love to be, to the gaze of men—but I wish to premise that I shall not so treat sensible or rational love. Of that beautiful feeling, less warm than passion, yet more tender than friendship, I shall not for a moment speak irreverently; of that pure disinterested affection—as charming as it is reasonable, which one sex feels for the other, I cannot speak lightly. But there is a certain romantic senseless kind of love, such as poets sometimes celebrate, and men and women feign, which is a legitimate target for ridicule. This kind of love is fanciful and foolish; it is not the offspring of the heart, but of the imagination. I know that generous deeds and contempt of death have sometimes covered this folly with a veil. The arts have twined for it a fantastic wreath, and the Muses have decked it with the sweetest flowers: but this makes it none the less ridiculous nor dangerous. Love of this romantic sort is an abstraction much too light and subtle to sustain a tangible existence in the midst of the jostling relations of this busy world. It is a mere bubble thrown to the surface by the passions and fancies of men, and soon breaks by contact with the hard facts of daily life. It is a thing which bears but little handling. The German Wieland, who was a great disciple of love, was of opinion that "its metaphysical effects began with the first sigh, and ended with the first kiss!" Plato was not far out of the way when he called it "a great devil"; and the man or woman who is really possessed of it will find it a very hard one to cast out.
Of the refinements of love the great mass of men can know nothing. The truth is that sentimental love is so much a matter of the imagination that the uncultivated have no natural field for its display. In America you can hardly realise the full force of this truth, because the distinctions of class are happily nearly obliterated. Here intellectual culture seems to be about equally divided among all classes. I suppose it is not singular in this country to find the poorest cobbler, whose little shanty is next to the proud mansion of some millionaire, a man of really more mental attainments than his rich and haughty neighbour; in which case the millionaire will do well to look to it that the cobbler does not make love to his wife; and if he does, nobody need care much, for the millionaire will be quite sure to reciprocate.
The great statute, "tit-for-tat," is, I believe, equally the law of all nations; besides, love is a great leveller of distinction, and it is in this levelling mission that it performs some of its most ridiculous antics. When a rich man's daughter runs off with her father's coachman, as occasionally happens, the whole country is in a roar of laughter about it. There is an innate, popular perception of the ridiculous, but everybody sees and feels that in such cases it is misplaced and grotesque. Everyone perceives that the woman's heart has taken the bit in its mouth, and run away with her brains. But, as comedy is often nearly allied to tragedy, so sorrow is sure to come as soon as the little honeymoon is over. This romantic love cannot flourish in the soil of poverty and want. Indeed, all the stimulants which pride and luxury can administer to it can hardly keep it alive. The rich miss who runs away with a man far beneath her in education and refinement must inevitably awake, after a brief dream, to a state of things which have made her unfortunate for life; and he, poor man, will not be less wretched, unless she has brought him sufficient money to give him leisure and opportunity to indulge his fancies with that society which is on a level with his own tastes and education.
The French wits tell a laughable story of an untravelled Englishman who, on landing at Calais, was received by a sulky red-haired hostess, when he instantly wrote down in his note-book: "All French women are sulky and red-haired."
We never heard whether this Englishman afterwards corrected his first impressions of French women, but quite likely he never did, for there is nothing so difficult on earth as for an Englishman to get over first impressions, and especially is this the case in relation to everything in France. An aristocratic Englishman may live years in Paris without really knowing anything about it. In the first place, he goes there with letters of introduction to the Faubourg St. Germain, where he finds only the fossil remains of the old noblesse, intermixed with a slight proportion of the actual intelligence of the country, and here he moves round in the stagnant circles of historical France, and it is a wonder if he gets so much as a glimpse of the living progressive Paris. There is nothing on earth, unless it be a three-thousand-year-old mummy, that is so grim and stiff and shrivelled, as the pure old French nobility. France is at present the possessor of three separate and opposing nobilities. First, there is the nobility of the Empire, the Napoleonic nobility, which is based on military and civil genius; second, there is the Orleans nobility, the family of the late Louis-Philippe, represented in the person of the young Comte de Paris; third, the Legitimists, or the old aristocracy of the Bourbon stock, represented in the person of Henry V, Duc de Bordeaux, now some fifty years old, and laid snugly away in exile in Italy.
No description which I can give can convey a just idea of the fascination of society among such wits as Dejazet; and nowhere do you find that kind of society so complete as in Paris. Nowhere else do you find so many women of wit and genius mingling in the assemblies and festive occasions of literary men; and I may add that in no part of the world is literary society so refined, so brilliant, and charmingly intellectual as in Paris. It is a great contrast to literary society in London or America. Listen to the following confession of Lord Byron: "I have left an assembly filled with all the great names of haut-ton in London, and where little but names were to be found, to seek relief from the ennui that overpowered me, in a cider cellar! and have found there more food for speculation than in the vapid circles of glittering dullness I had left."
One of the most remarkable and the most noted persons to be met with in Paris is Madame Dudevant, commonly known as Georges Sand. She is now about fifty years of age (it is no crime to speak of the age of a woman of her genius), a large, masculine, coarse-featured woman, but with fine eyes, and open, easy, frank, and hearty in her manner to friends. To a discerning mind her writings will convey a correct idea of the woman. You meet her everywhere dressed in men's clothes—a custom which she adopts from no mere caprice or waywardness of character, but for the reason that in this garb she is enabled to go where she pleases without exciting curiosity, and seeing and hearing what is most useful and essential for her in writing her books. She is undoubtedly the most masculine mind of France at the present day. Through the folly of her relations she was early married to a fool, but she soon left him in disgust, and afterwards formed a friendship with Jules Sandeau, a novelist and clever critic. It was he who discovered her genius, and first caused her to write. It was the name of this author, Jules Sandeau, that she altered into Georges Sand—a name which she has made immortal.
Georges Sand in company is silent, and except when the conversation touches a sympathetic chord in her nature, little given to demonstration. Then she will talk earnestly on great matters, generally on philosophy or theology, but in vain will you seek to draw her into conversation on the little matters of ordinary chit-chat. She lives in a small circle of friends, where she can say and do as she pleases. Her son is a poor, weak-brained creature, perpetually annoying the whole neighbourhood by beating on a huge drum night and day. She has a daughter married to Chlessindur, the celebrated sculptor, but who resembles but little her talented mother. Madame Georges Sand has had a life of wild storms, with few rays of sunshine to brighten her pathway; and like most of the reformers of the present day, especially if it is her misfortune to be a woman, is a target to be placed in a conspicuous position, to be shot at by all dark, unenlightened human beings who may have peculiar motives for restraining the progress of mind; but it is as absurd in this glorious nineteenth century to attempt to destroy freedom of thought and the sovereignty of the individual, as it is to stop the falls of Niagara.
There was a gifted and fashionable lady (the Countess of Agoult), herself an accomplished authoress, concerning whom and Georges Sand a curious story is told. They were great friends, and the celebrated pianist Liszt was the admirer of both. Things went on smoothly for some time, all couleur de rose, when one fine day Lizst and Georges Sand disappeared suddenly from Paris, having taken it into their heads to make the tour of Switzerland for the summer together. Great was the indignation of the fair countess at this double desertion; and when they returned to Paris, Madame d'Agoult went to Georges Sand, and immediately challenged the great writer to a duel, the weapons to be finger-nails, etc. Poor Lizst ran out of the room, and locked himself up in a dark closet till the deadly affray was ended, and then made his body over in charge to a friend, to be preserved, as he said, for the remaining assailant. Madame d'Agoult was married to an old man, a book-worm, who cared for nought else but his library; he did not know even the number of children he possessed, and so little the old philosopher cared about the matter that when a stranger came to the house, he invariably, at the appearance of the family, said: "Allow me to present to you my wife's children"; all this with the blandest smile and most contented air.
I know not that history has anything more wonderful to show than the part which the Catholic Church has borne in the various civilizations of the world.
What a marvellous structure it is, with its hierarchy ranging through long centuries almost from apostolic days to our own; living side by side with forms of civilisation and uncivilisation, the most diverse and the most contradictory, through all the fifteen hundred years and more of its existence; asserting an effective control over opinions and institutions; with its pontificate (as is claimed) dating from the fisherman of Galilee, and still reigning there in the city that heard Saint Peter preach, and whom it saw martyred; impiously pretending to sit in his chair and to bear his keys; shaken, exiled, broken again and again by schism, by Lutheran revolts and French revolutions; yet always righting itself and reasserting a vitality that neither force nor opinion has yet been able to extinguish. Once with its foot on the neck of kings, and having the fate of empires in its hands, and even yet superintending the grandest ecclesiastical mechanism that man ever saw; ordering fast days and feast days, and regulating with omnipotent fiat the very diet of millions of people; having countless bands of religious soldiery trained, organized, and officered as such a soldiery never was before nor since; and backed by an infallibility that defies reason, an inquisition to bend or break the will, and a confessional to unlock all hearts and master the profoundest secrets of all consciences. Such has been the mighty Church of Rome, and there it is still, cast down, to be sure, from what it once was, but not yet destroyed; perplexed by the variousness and freedom of an intellectual civilisation, which it hates and vainly tries to crush; laboriously trying to adapt itself to the Europe of the nineteenth century, as it once did to the Europe of the twelfth; lengthening its cords and strengthening its stakes, enlarging the place of its tent, and stretching forth the curtains of its habitations, even to this Republic of the New World.
The only wonder is that such a church should be able to push its fortunes so far into the centre of modern civilization, with which it can feel no sympathy, and which it only embraces to destroy. I confess I find it difficult to believe that a total lie could administer comfort and aid to so many millions of souls; and the explanation is, no doubt, that it is all not a total lie; for even its worse doctrines are founded on certain great truths which are accepted by the common heart of humanity.
There is such a thing as universal truth, and there is such a thing as apostolic succession, made not by edicts, bulls, and church canons, but by an interior life divine and true. But all these Rome has perverted, by hardening the diffusive spirit of truth into so much mechanism cast into a mould in which it has been forcibly kept; and by getting progressively falser and falser as the world has got older and wiser, till the universality became only another name for a narrow and intolerant sectism, while the infallibility committed itself to absurdity, and which reason turns giddy, and faith has no resource but to shut her eyes; and the apostolic succession became narrowed down into a mere dynasty of priests and pontiffs. A hierarchy of magicians, saving souls by machinery, opening and shutting the kingdom of heaven by a "sesame" of incantations which it would have been the labour of a lifetime to make so much as intelligible to St. Peter or St. Paul.
Now who shall compute the stupefying and brutalising effects of such a religion? Who will dare say that a principle which so debases reason is not like bands of iron around the expanding heart and struggling limbs of modern freedom?
Who will dare tell me that this terrible Church does not lie upon the bosom of the present time like a vast unwieldy and offensive corpse, crushing the life-blood out of the body of modern civilization? It is not as a religious creed that we are looking at this thing; it is not for its theological sins that we are here to condemn it; but it is its effect upon political and social freedom that we are discussing. What must be the ultimate political and social freedom that we are discussing? What must be the ultimate political night that settles upon a people who are without individuality of opinions and independence of will, and whose brains are made tools of in the hands of a clan or an order? Look out there into that sad Europe, and see it all! See, there, how the Catholic element everywhere marks itself with night, and drags the soul, and energies, and freedom of the people backwards and downwards into political and social inaction—into unfathomable quagmires of death!
* * * * *
Abel, Carl von, 115,120,126,129,143,149
Abrahamowicz, Colonel, 68, 69
Academie, Royale, 65-67
Acton, 168
Adelaide, Queen Dowager, 51
Adelaide, Australia, 223
Adelbert, Prince, 160
Adventuresses and Adventurous Ladies, 15
"Affair of Honour," 80-81
Afghan Campaign, 30, 32
Agra, 33
Albany Museum, 193
Albert, Madame, 76
Alexander I, 95, 105
Alexandra, Princess, 105
Alemannia Corps, 116, 121, 128, 140, 144, 147, 148, 152, 204
Alhambra Theatre, 243
Allegemeine Zeitung, 124, 143
Almanach de Gotha, 91
"Andalusian Woman," 138
Anderson, Professor, 190, 212
Andrews, Stephen, 253
Annual Register, 149
Anstruther, Sir John, 158
Antony and Cleopatra, 223
Archives de la Danse, 8
Aretz, Gertrude, 7, 113
Argonaut Publishing Company, 8
"Army of the Indus," 30
Arts of Beauty, 234-239, 267
Aschaffensberg, 132
Assaye, Battle of, 18
Assemblee Nationale, 179
Astley's Theatre, 243
Athenaeum, 94, 250, 262
Athens, 95
Auckland House, 35
Auckland, Lord, 30-32
Augsburg, Bishop of, 119
Augsburger Zeitung, 129
Australia, 203, 211
Austrian Legation, 141
Autobiography of Lola Montez, 230, 231
Azan, Dr., 241
Bac, Ferdinand, 6, 7, 91
Baden, 91
Baker, Mrs. Charles, 7
Balaclava, 213
Ballantine, Serjeant, 164, 176
Ballarat, Lola Montez in, 221-227
"Ballarat Reform League," 222
Ballarat Star, 223, 226
Ballarat Times, 225, 226
Balzac, Honore de, 75, 81
Bamberg, 125
Barcelona, 178, 179
Bareilly, 33
Barerstrasse, Lola's house in, 106, 107, 113, 138, 141, 151
Barlow, Lucy, 156
Barnum, Phineas, 188, 242
Bath, Lecture at, 242
Bath in the 'Thirties, 19-21
Bauer, Captain, 140
Bavaria, Kingdom of, 94
Bayersdorf Palace, 100
Bayonne, 228
Beaconsfield, Earl of, 169
Beauchene, Atala, 75
Beaujon Villa, 184
"Beautiful for Ever!", 248
"Beautiful Women," Lecture on, 237, 244-248, 271-273
Beauvallon, Rosemond de, 75-90
Beauvoir, Roger de, 75, 79, 87, 184, 249
Bedford, Earl of, 168
Beethoven Festival, 82
Belgium, Lola Montez in, 61
Bendigo, Theatre at, 227
Beneden, Johann, 6
Bengal Artillery, 29
Bengal Native Infantry, 27
Benkendorff, Count, 73
Berkeley, Colonel, 156
Berks, Herr, 116, 144, 149
Berlin, Lola Montez at, 7, 61, 62, 73
Berlin, Royalty at, 61
Berne, 152
Bernhard, Gustav, 6
Bernstorff, Count, 110, 134, 135
Bernstorff, Countess, 135
Berri, Duchesse de, 20
Bertrand, Arthur, 77, 89
Berryer, Maitre, 84, 87
Berrymead Priory, 168, 180
Best, Captain, 158
"Betsy Watson," 123, 124
"Betsy James," 54
Bhurtpore, Battle of, 18
Bibliotheque d'Arsenal, 8
Bingham, Peregrine, 172-175
Bishop of London, 245
Bismarck, Prince, 120
Black Book of British Aristocracy, 153, 170
Black Forest, 263
Blake, Rufus, 257
Blanchard, Edward, 46
Blessington, Countess of, 20, 245
Bloomer, Mrs., 191, 250, 274
Bloque, M., 133
Blot-Lequesne, M., 186
Blum, Hans, 6
Bluthenberg, 142
Bodkin, William, 172, 175
Boignes, Charles de, 77-79, 81, 84
Bois de Boulogne, 80
Bonaparte, 14, 253
Bonn, 63-82
Bonny, King of, 245
Booth, Edwin, 200
Bordeaux, 185
Borrodaile, Mrs., 56
Boston, Lola Montez in, 193
Boston Public Library, 8
Boston Transcript, 193
Bright, John, 241
Brighton, 159, 171, 242
Bristol, Lecture at, 242
"British Raj," 30
Brooks, Preston, 205
Brougham, Lady, 51
Brougham, Lord, 51, 165, 173
Brown, Mrs. General, 17
Browning, Robert, 250, 253
Bruce, General, 251
Bruckenau Castle, 108
Brussels, 61, 120
Buchanan, Mrs., 258, 259, 260, 261
Buckingham Palace, 166
Buffalo, 194
Buelow, Prince von, 122
Bulwer, Edward, 168
Burns, Robert, 104
Burr, Rev. Chauncey, 6, 194, 230, 237, 248
Byron, Lord, 5, 20, 264, 277
Cafe Anglais, 139
Calcutta, 5, 16, 29, 38, 42, 72, 174, 213
Calcutta, Bishop of, 17
Calcutta Englishman, 31
Calcutta, Government House, 22
California in the 'Fifties, 192-210
California Chronicle, 206
Californian, 201
Californian Pioneers, Library of, 8
Californian State Library, 8
Calvinism, 19, 21, 260
Cambridge, Duke of, 56
Canitz, Freiherr zu, 119, 122
Cannibal Islands, King of, 5
Canning, Sir Stratford, 63, 246
Cape of Good Hope, 29
Capon, Victorine, 75
Cardigan, Earl of, 89
Carl, Prince, 160
Carlos, Don, 123
Carlsbad, 94
Caroline-Augusta, Queen, 112
Cassagnac, Granier de, 77, 83, 88
Castle Oliver, 14
Castlereagh, Lord, 158
Catalini, Angelica, 20
Cavendish, Frederick, 143
Cayley, Edward, 151
Cerito, Mlle, 65-66
Champs Elysees, 182
Chanoines de St. Therese, 102, 265
Charles X, 20
Chartist Riots, 163
Chase, Lewis, 8
Chatham, 16
Chester Cathedral, Visit to, 242
Chevalier, Emile, 236
Cholera at Dinapore, 16, 17
Chudleigh, Elizabeth, 168
Churchill, Arabella, 156
Claggett, Horace, 158
Clarence, Duke of, 156
Clark, Mary Anne, 156
Clarkson, William, 172-176
Claudin, Gustave, 71, 72
Clayton, Henry, 199
Clutton, Colonel, 168
Coates, "Romeo," 20
Cole, Henry, 158
Cologne Gazette, 125
Combermere, Lord, 97
Comedie Francaise, 356
"Comic Aspects of Love," Lecture on, 250, 275-277
Conciergerie Prison, 90
Congress of London, 95
Consistory Court, Action in, 43, 176
Constantinople, 16, 63, 246
"Corinthians," 46, 52
Corneille, Pierre, 86
Costa, Michael, 54
Cotta, Baron, 97
Coules, M., 53
"Countess for an Hour," 153
Covent Garden Hotel, 41
Covent Garden Opera House, 54, 60, 163
Cowell, Sam, 252
Coyne, Stirling, 165
Craigie, David, 39, 41
Craigie, Misses, 19
Craigie, Mrs., marries Ensign Gilbert, 14; early widowhood, 17; marries Patrick Craigie, 17; returns to England, 23; collapse of ambitious schemes, 24; quarrels with Lola, 26; partial reconciliation, 34; visit to New York, 258
Craigie, Patrick, 17, 19, 23, 39, 40, 43, 260
Cremorne Gardens, 243
"Crim. con" action, 42
Crimean Campaign, 213
Crosby, Henry, 227
Crosby, Mrs., 227
Cumberland, Duke of, 156
Cuyla, Madame de, 156
Dacca, 17
D'Agoult, Madame, 64, 117, 278
Daily Alta, 198
Daly, Joseph, 194
Dancing Times, 7
"Daniel Stern," 64, 117
Daughrity, Professor, 8
D'Auvergne, Edmund, 7, 15
Davenport Brothers, 252
Dawson, Nancy, 168
"Day of Humiliation," 119
DeBar, Anna, 264
D'Ecquevillez, Vicomte, 77, 83-85, 90
Delta State Teachers' College, 8
Denman, Lord, 42
Derby, Countess of, 250
Deschler, Johann, 6
Desmaret, Maitre, 186
"Desperado in Dimity," 234
Deutsche Zeitung, 154
Devereux, Alice, 264
Devismes, M., 83, 85
Devonshire, Duke of, 156
Die Deutsche Revolution, 6
Diepenbrock, Archbishop, 111, 119
Dinapore, Cholera at, 16
Disraeli, Benjamin, 167
Disraeli, Sarah, 167
Doellinger, Dr., 130, 144, 162, 263
Dost Muhammed, 30
"Down Under," 211-227
Dresden, 62-63
Drury Lane Theatre, 46, 163, 243
Dublin, 16, 27, 124, 240, 241
Dublin Daily Express, 241
Dujarier, Charles, lover of Lola Montez, 71; restaurant brawl, 76, 77; fatal duel with de Beauvallon, 80, 81; burial at Montmartre, 82
Dumas, Alexandra, 71, 78, 81, 86, 91, 209, 249
Dumas fils, 183
Dumilatre, Adele, 65
Durand, Colonel, 33
Duval, M., 84, 88, 89
East India Company, 18
East India Voyage, 28
Ebersdorf, 91
Ecclesiastical Court, proceedings of, 173
Eden, Hon. Emily, 31, 32, 34
El Oleano, 51-53, 60
Elegant Woman, 7, 113
Elephant and Castle Theatre, 243
Ellenborough, Lady, 106
Ellenborough, Lord, 32, 33
"Elopement in High Life," 26
Elphinstone, Lord, 40
Elssler, Fanny, 54, 65, 73, 190
Elysium Hill, 35
Englischer Garten, 104
Enriques, Don, 181
Era, Criticism in, 247, 248
Erdmann, Dr. Paul, 6
Erskine, Lady Jane, 106
Estafette, 227
Examiner, Comment in, 58, 121
"Eton Boy," 221, 229
Eugenie, Empress, 245
Ezterhazy, Count, 51
"Fair Impure," 93, 114
Falk, Bernard, 7
Fane, Sir Henry, 32
Fay, Amy, 183
Feldberg, 131
Fenton, Frank, 8
Fiddes, Josephine, 211
Field, Kate, Letter from, 194
Fitzball, Edward, Benefit Performance, 59-60
"Flare of the Footlights," 49
Flaubert, Gustave, 84
Flers, Comte de, 77, 84
Folkestone, 180
Follard, Charles, 217
Follett, Sir William, 42
"Follies of a Night," 229
Fontblanque, Albany, 168
Foote, Maria, 156
"Fops' Alley," 52
Foreign Office, 151
Forster, John, 168
Fort William, 16
Forty-Fourth Foot, Regiment, 16
Fox Sisters, 252
Frankfort, Rothschilds' Bank at, 154
Frays, Herr, 98, 101
Frederick William III, 63, 126
Frederick William IV, 61, 134
Frenzal, Fraeulein, 98, 101
Freres-Provencaux Restaurant, 75
Fuchs, Eduard, 6, 103
Fulda Forest, 108
"Gallantry," Lecture on, 237, 238
"Gallery of Beauties," 105
Garsia, Manuel, 20
Gautier, Mlle, 256, 257
Gautier, Theophile, 66, 71
Gay and Gallant Ladies, 263
Geelong, 221
Geneva, 5, 152
Gentleman's Magazine, 180, 262
George IV, 62,156
Georges, Mlle, 156
Gilbert, Ensign, runaway marriage, 14; service in India, 16; death from cholera, 17
Gilbert, Mrs., 15, 17
Gillingham, Harold, 8
Gillis, Mabel, 7
Girardin, Emile de, 81, 181, 227
Giuglini, Antonio, 243
Globe, 171
Glyptothek Gallery, 96
"Golden West," 196
Goodrich, Peter, 187
Goerres, Joseph, 109, 137, 162
Gougaud, Dom, 144
Granada, 47
Granby, Marchioness of, 51
Granby, Marquess of, 51
"Grand Sebastopol Matinee," 213
Granville, Earl, 164
Grass Valley, Life in, 201-210
Grass Valley Telegraph, 210
Graves v. Graves, Divorce action, 43
Gray, Police-sergeant, 173
Great Exhibition of 1851, 179
Green, Miss, 157
Green-Wood cemetery, 260
Grisi, Carlotta, 55
Guadaloupe, 75, 90
"Guermann Regnier," 64
Gueronniere, de la, M., 231
Guillen, Manuel, 204
Guise, Dr. de, 80, 81
Guizot, M., 71
Gumpenberg, Colonel von, 128
Hagen, Charlotte, 105
Halevy, Jacques, 65
Half Moon Street, 164, 173
Hall, Mrs. Lillian, 81
Hamon and Company, 133
Hanover, King of, 51
"Hans Breitmann," 114
Hardwick, William, 175
Harre, T. Everett, 38, 120
Harrington, Countess of, 157
Harte, Bret, 203
Harvard Theatre Collection, 8
Harvard University, 253
Hastings, Lord, 18
Hastings, Warren, 16
Haussmann, Baron, 70
Hawks, Rev. Francis, 259, 260, 261
Hayden, Mrs., 252
Hayes, Catherine, 212
Haymarket Theatre, 153, 165
Hayward, Abraham, 168
Heald, George, 169
Heald, George Trafford, Cornet of Horse, 166; bigamous marriage with Lola Montez, 167; deprived of commission, 170; family interference, 171; police-court proceedings, 172-176; matrimonial jars, 178; separation, 178; death, 180
Heald, Susannah, 171, 173, 174
Heavenly Sinner, 38
Heber, Bishop, 17
Heenan, John Camel, 251
Heine, Heinrich, 97
Henry LXXII, Prince of Reuss, 91, 94, 105
Her Majesty's Theatre, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 243, 260
"Heroines of History," 237, 249, 274-275
Hesse-Darmstadt, 94
Hirschberg, Count von, 116, 140, 152
History of Theatre in America, 7
Hodgson, Miss D. M., 15
Hof Theatre, Munich, 98, 100, 161
Holden, W. Sprague, 8
Holland, Canon Scott, 111
Homburg, 94
Home, Daniel Dunglas, 252
"Hooking a Prince," 91, 104
Hope Chapel, Lecture at, 234
Hornblow, Arthur, 7
Home, R. H., 218, 220
Horse Guards, 169
Hotel Maulich, 102
Hotham, Sir Charles, 218
Household Cavalry, 166, 169
Howells, W. Dean, 192
Hugo, Victor, 202, 205
Hull, Patrick, 198, 204, 210, 260
Huneker, James, 63
Il Barbiere di Seviglia, 49
Il Lazzarone, 65
Imperial Hotel, 41, 44
India, Garrison life in, 30-38
India, Voyage to, 28, 29
Inferiority-complex, 254
Ingram, Captain, 45, 174
Ingram, Mrs., 45
Ireland, 26-28, 240, 241
Irish Ecclesiastical Record, 144
Irving, Washington, 238
Jacguand, Claudius, 179
James, Rev. John, 27
James, Lieutenant Thomas, accompanies Mrs. Craigie to England, 24; runaway marriage with Lola Montez, 26; garrison life in Dublin, 27; service in India, 28; drink and gambling, 37; crim. con. action, 42; judicial separation, 43; police-court proceedings, 174
James v. James, Consistory Court Trial, 43
James v. Lennox, 42
Janin, Jules, 66, 249
Jesuits, Activity of, 114, 122, 141, 231
Joan of Arc, 234
Jobson, Henry, 232, 233
John Bull, 172
"John Bull at Home," Lecture on, 251
John, Cecile, guest at tragic supper party 75; evidence at Rouen trial, 85
"John Company," India under, 18, 37
Joly, Antenon, 231
Journal des Debats, 66
Judd, Dr., 192
"Judge and Jury Club," 244
Judicial Separation, 43, 45
Justinian, Emperor, 120, 257
"Just and Persevering," 162
Karr, Alphonse, 75
Kean, Mrs. Charles, 165
Kean, Edmund, 20
Keane, Sir John, 32
Keeley, Mrs., 165
"Keepsake Annuals," 20
Kelly, Fanny, 47
Kelly, William, 227
Kemble, Fanny, 20
Kemble, John Philip, 20
Kerner, Justinus, 147
Khelat, Khan of, 32
King of Sardinia, 200
Kingsley, Charles, 250
Kingston, Duchess of, 168
Kingston, Duke of, 168
Kirke, Baron, 204, 205
Klein, Dr. Tim von, 147
Knapp, Mrs. Dora, 197, 203, 206
Kobell, Luise von, 6, 99, 100
Kossuth, Louis, 188
Kruedener, Baroness, 105, 119
Kurnaul, 29, 36, 37
La Biche au Bois, 74
La Presse, 71, 77, 227, 228
"Lady of the Camelias," 71, 183
Lahore, 30
Lamartine, de M., 231
Lamb, Charles, 47
"Lamentation," 148
Landon, Letitia, 168
Landsfeld, Countess of, 131
Landshut, 116, 131
Larousse, Pierre, 77
Lasaulx, Professor, 109, 121, 123
Lavalliere, Eve, 257
Lawrence, Henry, 29
Lawrence, Sir Walter, 40
Le Constitutionnel, 66
Lecouvreur, Adrienne, 204
Le d'Hoefer, 256
Le Droit, 83
L'Estafette, 227
Le Figaro, 231
Le Globe, 77
Le Pays, 185, 230
Lectures of Lola Montez, 250
"Left-handed Marriage," 167
Legge, Professor J. G., 92
Leigh, Francis, 70, 134, 265
Leiningen, Prince, 116
Leland, Charles Godfrey, 114, 239
Leningrad, 7
Lennox, Captain, 40-44, 56, 58, 260
Leen, Don Diego, 48
Les Contemporains, 232
Les Debats, 66
Lesniowski, M., 69
Letters from Up-Country, 34-37
Lever, Charles, 16
Leveson-Gower, Hon. Frederick, 164
"Liberation of Greece," 96
Lichenthaler, Herr, 112
Lievenne, Anais, 75-76, 85
Life Guards, 166, 170
Limerick, 5, 14, 15, 72
Lind, Jenny, 110
Lindeau, Flight to, 142
"Lion of the Punjaub," 30
Lisbon, 179
Lister, Lady Theresa, 35
Liverpool, Lecture at, 241
Liszt, Abbe, liaison with Lola Montez, 62-65; Opera House, Dresden, 63; life in Paris, 71, 183; visit to Bonn, 63; correspondence with Madame d'Agoult, 117
Loeb, Herr, 151
"Lola in Bavaria," 194, 211, 229
Lomer, Adjutant, 38
Lomer, Mrs., 38, 45
London, Lola Montez in, 41-47, 49-60, 163-177, 242-250
Londonderry, Marquess of, 169, 171
Lord Chamberlain, 153, 166
Lord Milton, 8
Louis XV, 156
Louis Napoleon, 163, 198, 244
Louis-Philippe, 70, 82, 159
Lovell, John, 236
Lucerne, 16
Lucknow, 29
Ludwig I, architectural aspirations, 96; lured by Lola Montez, 99-148; poetry and passion, 101, 105, 137; dissentions with Cabinet, 120, 127-129, 149, 159; abdication, 160; death and burial, 162
Ludwig II, 6
Luitpold, Prince, 146, 160
Lumley, Sir Abraham, 22, 24, 25
Lumley, Benjamin, 49-55, 58, 65, 260
Lushington, Dr., 43
Luther, Martin, 96
Lyceum Theatre, 243
Lytton, Lord, 168
Macaulay, Lord, 30
Macready, W. C., 20, 190
Madeira, 29
Madras, 40, 42, 45
Madrid, 14, 47
Maga, 162
Magdalen Asylum, 256
Mahmood, Sultan, 33
"Maidens, Beware!" 221
"Maitresse du Roi," 118
Malmesbury, Earl of, 46, 48, 49, 59, 262
Maltitz, Baron, 94
Manchester, Free Trade Hall, 241
Mangnall, Mrs., 20
Marden, Caroline, 45
Marie-Antoinette, 94, 95
Marlborough Street police court, 171-177
"Married in Haste," 27
Marseilles, 177, 227
Marsh, Luther, 264
Martin, Mrs., 44
Marysville, 202
Marysville Herald, 207, 208
Mathews, Charles, 243
Mathews, Mrs., 157
Mauclerc, M., 220
Maurer, Georg von, 128,129
Maurice, Edward, 151
McMichael, Captain, 199
McMullen, Major, 43
McNaghten, Mrs., 30
Maximilian, Prince, 160
Max Joseph, Prince, 94
Mazzini, 151
Melanie, Princess, 112, 136
Melbourne, 214, 216-221
Melbourne Argus, 216, 218, 219
Melbourne Herald, 217, 219, 220
Melbourne, Theatre, 217, 220
Mellen, Ida M., 8
Memoires de M. Montholon, 76
Menken, Adah Isaacs, 6, 165, 211
Mery, Joseph, 71, 81, 86, 209
Mes Souvenirs, 72
Metternich, Prince, 120, 159, 163
Metzger, Herr, 106
Milbanke, Sir John, 141
Milbanke, Lady, 106
Milnes, Menckton, 250
Milton, Dr., 219
"Ministry of Dawn," 149
Minto, Earl of, 18
Mirecourt, Eugene de, 20, 65, 67, 179, 231, 232
Mission Dolores, Church of, 198, 199
Moliere, Jean Baptiste, 88
Moller, Baron, 154
Monmouth, Duke of, 156
Montalva, Oliverres de, 14
Montez, Francisco, 14
Montez, Jean Francois, 46, 61, 197
Montez, Lola, birth and parentage, 15; childhood in India, 19; sent to Montrose and Bath, 19, 20; "Love's Young Dream," 25; runaway marriage, 26; garrison life in Dublin, 27; return to India, 29; liaison with Captain Lennox, 41; Consistory Court proceedings, 43; disastrous debut at Her Majesty's, 54; Continental wanderings, 61; liaison with Liszt, 62; fiasco at Academie Royale, 66; mistress of Dujarier, 71; evidence at Rouen trial, 87; "hooking a prince," 91-93; career in Munich, 98-152; "Maitresse du Roi," 118-135; created Countess of Landsfeld, 131; expelled from Bavaria, 150; adventures in Switzerland, 152-155; bigamous union with Cornet Heald, 167; prosecution for bigamy, 171-177; life in Paris, 181-187; theatrical career in America, 187; marriage with Patrick Hull, 198; life in California, 197-210; theatrical tour in Australia, 211-227; returns to America, 229; from stage to platform, 234-239; lectures in London, 244-250; returns to America, 251; new role as "Repentant Magdalen," 255; illness and death, 257-260; funeral at Green-Wood Cemetery, 260; obituary notices, 261-263
"Montez the Magdalen," 255
Montmartre Cemetery, 81
Montmorency, Major de, 265
Montrose, 5, 18, 21, 22, 115, 258, 260
"Morning Call," 223
Morning Herald, 53
Morning Star, 246
Morrison, Colonel, 16
Morton, Savile, 184
Moscheles, Ignatz, 63
Mulgrave, Earl of, 27
Munich, Ludwig I, maker of, 94; Lola Montez in, 94-250; Hof Theatre, 98; public buildings, 96; Residenz Palace, 98, 105; revolution in, 160; flight from, by Lola Montez, 151; funeral of Ludwig I at, 162
Music Study in Germany, 183
Naked Lady, 7
Napier, Sir Charles, 30
Naples, 177
Naussbaum, Lieutenant, 152
"Necrology of the Year," 13
Nelida, 64
Nesselrode, Karl, 95
Nevada City, 202
Newcastle, Duke of, 168
New York, 187-193, 209-240, 251-262
New York Herald, 188
New York Times, 208
New York Tribune, 234
Niagara, 194
Nice, hiding at, 161,
Nicholas I, 61, 67, 73, 95
Nicolls, Fanny, 19, 20, 231
Nicolls, Sir Jasper, 19, 20, 22, 25, 260
Niendorf, Emma, 147
Nightingale, Florence, 213, 249
Nilgiri Hills, 38
Normanby, Marquess of, 27
Norton, Hon. Mrs., 20
Nuremberg, 125
Nussbaum, Lieutenant, 152
Nymphenburg Park, 104, 108
Ole Bull, 200
Olga, Princess, 94
Olridge, Mrs., 232
Opserman, Herr, 101
Osborne, Bernal, 27
Osborne, Hon. William, 31
Otto, King of Greece, 95
Osy, Alice, 75
Palatia Corps, 116, 138
Palmerston, Viscount, 95, 111, 120, 141, 143, 151
Papon, Auguste, 102, 106, 152, 154-158
Paris, 7, 14, 20, 21, 65-70, 181-187
Parthenon, 95
Pas de Fascination, 165
Paskievich, Prince, 68, 69
Patna, Cantonments at, 16
Pavestra de, Marquise, 231
"Pea Green Hayne," 157
Pechman, Baron, 109, 111
Peel, Robert, 153
Peissner, Fritz, 114, 116, 147, 152, 204
Pennsylvania Historical Society, 8
Perth, 39
Petersham, Lord, 157
Pfaff's Restaurant, 192, 193
Philadelphia, 193
Phoenix Park, 27
Pillet, Leon, 65, 67
Pinakothek Gallery, Munich, 96
Pitti Palace, 96
Plessis, Alphonsine, 71, 183
Poland, Lola Montez in, 67, 68
Porte St. Martin Theatre, 74, 133, 140
Potsdam, 61
Pourtales, Guy de, 64
Preysing, Countess, 142
Price, Harry, 7, 264
Prince Consort, 63, 153, 169
Prince of Wales, 251, 252
Princess Victoria, 20
Prussia, Queen of, 110
Psychical Investigation, Council for, 7
Punch, References to Lola Montez, 102, 132
Punjaub, Garrison life in, 37
Queen Victoria, 62, 63, 97, 153, 169
Queen's Bench Division, Court of, 42
Questions for the Use of Young People, 20
Rachel, Madame, 56, 248
Rae, Mrs., 44
"Raffaelo, the Reprobate," 223
Raglan, Lord, 213
Ranelagh, Viscount, 52, 54-56, 260
Ranjeet Sing, 30, 31
Rathbiggon, 27
Ratisbon, 96
Rechberg, Count von, 98, 99, 136
Reisach, Count, 118
Reminiscences of the Opera, 58
Residenz Palace, 98, 105, 121, 138, 152
Reuss-Lobenstein-Ebersdorf, Principality of, 91
Rhyme and Revolution in Germany, 92
Richardson, Philip, 7
Richter, Jean Paul, 162
Rieff, M., 84
Rienzi, 63
Rio, Madame, 144
Roberts, Browne, 43
Roberts, Emma, 28, 29
Rogers, Cameron, 263
"Romanism," Lecture on, 237, 238, 279, 280
Rothmanner, Herr, 140
Rothschild, Baroness de, 51
Rotterdam, Embarkation of Prince Metternich at, 163
Rouen, Assize Court, 83-90
Rourke, Constance, 7
Roux, M., 185-187
Ruff's Guide, 178
Russell, W. H., 196, 197
Russia, 67, 69, 70
Sacramento City, 199
Sacramento Union, 207
"Sahib Log," 30
Saint-Agnan, M. de, 75, 76
Sala, George Augustus, 6, 164, 247
Sale, Mrs. Robert, 30
Salveton, M., 86
Salzburg, 94
San Francisco, 197-199
San Francisco Alta, 198, 200
San Francisco Whig, 198
Sand, George, 183, 250, 277
Sandeau, Jules, 278
Sandhurst, 227
Satirist, 163, 166, 170
Saunders, Beverley, 199
Saxe, Marshal, 256
Saxe-Weimar, Prince Edward of, 51
Sayers, Tom, 209
"Scarlet Woman," 115
Schoenheitengalerie, 105
Schneider, Rudi, 264, 265
Schrenck, Count von, 128
Schroeder, Fraeulein, 161
Schulkoski, Prince, 73
Schwab, Sophie, 148
Schwanthaler, Franz, 162
Second Empire, 70
Sedley, Katherine, 156
Seekamp, Henry, 225, 226
Senfft, Count, 112, 129
Seinsheim, Herr von, 128
Seville, 5, 14, 50, 51, 53, 57, 61, 72, 123
Shah Shuja, 30
Sheridan, Francis, 27
Shipley, Henley, 207, 209
Shore, Jane, 118
Sicklen, Mrs. Putnam van, 8
Simla, 31, 34, 36
Sister Augustine, 257
Sketches by Boz, 20
"Sludge, the Medium," 252
Smith, E. T., 242-244
Somnauth, Temple of, 32
"Song of Walhalla," 108
Sophie, Archduchess, 105
Sorel, Agnes, 118
Soule, Frank, 207
Southampton, 48
Southern Lights and Shadows, 212, 213
Spence, Lady Theresa, 106
"Spider Dance," 209, 218, 219, 223
Spiritualism, 252, 253, 264
"Spittalsfield Weaver," 223
Spurgeon, Charles Haddon, 254
Stael, Madame de, 238
Stahl, Dr., 141
Standard, 169
Stanford University, 8
Stanhope, Colonel, 157
Starenberg, 148
Stedman, Edmund Clarence, 252
Steinberg, Otto von, 126
Steinkeller, Mme, 68
Stewart, William, 202, 206
Stieler, Josef, 105
Stocqueler, J., 33
Story of a Penitent, 259
Stowe, Mrs. Harriet Beecher, 222
Stubenrauch, Amalia, 94
Sturgis, Mrs., 40, 41
Stuttgart, 94
St. George's, Hanover Square, 167
St. Helena, 14, 29
St. James's Hall, 244
St. Jean de Luz, 228
St. Louis, 193, 194
St. Petersburg, 60, 61, 67, 69, 72, 246
Sue, Eugene, 71, 194, 249
Sultan of Turkey, 5, 63, 246
Sumner, Charles, 230
Sunday Times, 243
Sutherland, Duchess of, 245
"Swedish Nightingale," 165
Swiss Guards, 141
Sydney Herald, 212
Sydney, social life in, 212
Sydney, Victoria Theatre, 211, 212
Taglioni, Marie, 54, 65, 73
Talleyrand, Baron, 51
Temple Bar, 262
Tennyson, Alfred, 97, 184
Thackeray, W. M., 184, 190, 192
Theatiner Church, 141
Theatrical Museum, Munich, 8
Theodora, Empress, 120, 257
Theresa of Saxe-Hildburghausen, Princess, 95
Thesiger, Frederick, 42
Thiersch, Friedrich, 139, 162
Thirsch, Wilhelm, 162
Thirty-eighth Native Infantry, 17
Thompson, Edward, 32
Thynne, Lord Edward, 158
Tichatschek, Josef, 63
Times, 43, 122, 123, 177
Titiens, Teresa, 243
Tom Thumb, General, 190
Tourville, Letendre de, 84-86
Treitschke, Heinrich von, 6, 103, 143
Troupers of the Gold Coast, 7
"Trousers for Women," 191
Troy Budget, 194
Tugal, M. Pierre, 8
Tupper, Martin, 97
Twenty-fifth Foot, Regiment, 16
Tyree, Mrs. Annette, 8
Ulner Chronik, 127
Ultramontane Policy, 115, 121, 126, 127, 143
Uncle Tom's Cabin, 243
"Uncrowned Queen of Bavaria," 120
University, Munich, 116, 121, 130, 139, 145
University Students at Munich, 114, 116, 121, 129, 138, 144, 145
Up the Country, 34
Valley, Count Arco, 142, 143
Vandam, Albert, 84, 182, 183
Vanderbilt, Commodore, 192
Vanity Fair, 192
Varietes Theatre, St. Louis, 194
Vaubernier, Jeanne, 232
Vaudeville Theatre, 186
Vestris, Madame, 51, 157, 158
Victoria Theatre, Ballarat, 222
Vienna, 112, 117, 143, 159
Villa-Palava, Marquise, 231
Vine Street Police Station, 174
Vrede, Prince, 140
Wagner, Martin, 96
Wagner, Richard, 63, 162
Wainwright, Governor, 199
Walhalla's Genossen, 97
Walkinshaw, Mrs., 156
Wallerstein, Prince, 140, 141, 144, 150
Wallinger, Antoinette, 105
Walters, Mrs., 44
Ware, C. P. T., 194
Warsaw, 7, 67, 68
Warsaw Gazette, 69
Washington, George, 57
Waterloo, Battle of, 14
Watson, Mrs., 26, 44
Weimar, 71
Weinsberg, 147, 148
Welcome Guest, 250
Wellington, Duchess of, 51, 245
Wellington, Duke of, 51, 169, 213
"Whiff of Grapeshot," 140
Whitbread, Samuel, 243
Whitman, Walt, 193
Wilberforce, Edward, 101
William I, of Germany, 91
William IV, 20
Willis, N. P., 187
Willis, Richard Storrs, 187
Wills, Judge, 199
Wilson, Rev. John, 209
Windischmann, Dr., 118
Windsor Castle, 62
"Wits and Women of Paris," 237, 249, 277-279
Wittelsbach, House of, 96
"Woman of Spain," 105
Wurtemburg, 94
Wuerzburg, Bishop of, 141
Ziegler, Rudolph, 6
"Zoyara the Hermaphrodite," 200
Zu Rhein, Freiherr, 128
* * * * *