Rachel and Leah, the two wives of Jacob, are the real source of the separation of the Ten Tribes of Israel from Judah. Each wife sought to have her son as a leader. Thus between Judah and Joseph began the spirit of rivalry. Ephraim took up the cause of Rachel. David and Saul's bitterness lies here. David stood for Leah, and Saul for Rachel. The descendants of the North of Ireland, being from the Tribe of Dan, have ever been distinct from the rest of the Irish in features, enterprise, spirit and religion; for the others are the Canaanites of old, the Philistines.
Who do the thirteen enemies stand for to-day? Let me answer you briefly. Gog stands for the Caucasians or mountain tribes of Caucasus. Magog covers the inhabitants and country North of the Caucasian mountains, and they are known as Tartars. Rosh, or Roosh, means the real Russians. Their ruler is called by the Prophet Ezekiel Nasi Roosh. We translate it the chief prince of Meshech. This portion, or people of Russia, are the old Babylonians, hence the hate and rivalry between England and that nation. Meshech means the Muscovites, who made Moscow what it is. Tubal is found in the Siberians. Meshech and Tubal are generally mentioned together in the Scriptures, and, strange to say, they are found together in history to-day. Moscow is the capital of Meshech, for though to the world St. Petersburgh seems to be, yet every imperial document is signed and dated Moscow. Tobolski is the capital of Tubal or Siberia. Persia still retains its ancient name, and will be easily recognised. Also the same with Ethiopia. Libya takes in a portion of the African race. Gomer stands for the Germans in part, for those who descended from Gomer. From this word Gomer is Gomeron, Gemren, and the country Germia, hence, Germany and Germans. Togarmah includes the people of Independent Tartary. The Dragon includes China. The Beast, the Jesuits and their followers, which will take in France, Spain, Italy, and South America; and at first divide even England, especially Ireland, and the United States. Anti-Christ will be chiefly sustained by the Jews, who will have been settled in Palestine.
The four opposing forces led by England: Sheba represents India, who is already training for this time of battle. Dedan embraces Arabia, especially that part occupied by the Sultan of Muscat. Merchants of Tarshish and all the young lions, means England and her colonies, in which is embraced the United States. Manasseh will have to stretch out a helping hand to Jacob in the time of his trouble, for she cannot allow liberty to be enslaved, and freedom of worship and conscience to be trampled under foot. The plague will come here sooner than we think, by a civil and internal division among ourselves, which will force us to take part. The Jews that are not carried away with Anti-Christ will join with their brethren of Israel. The called, the chosen, and the faithful, will be one party, and they will be on the Lord's side.
If during the late Turkish war we could have had our despatches agreeable to ancient names of people and country, they would have sounded queer. Instead of reading of the Russians passing the Caucasus, and moving upon Erzeroum by way of Kars, we should have read: Rapid advance of the Babylonians under the chief prince of Meshech. Successful passage of the Pison. The whole land of Havilah occupied. The men of Togarmah rally at Gihon. Fierce fighting in Eden. The invaders defeated in the mountains of Ararat. For according to ancient names of people and country, such was the fact. It is comforting to all God's people to know from His Word that there is a time of peace; that there is a golden age in the near future. Dr. McKay has the Christian idea in his poem:
"There is a good time coming, boys, Wait a little longer; Let us aid it all we can, Every woman, every man, The good time coming."
When will the 1,335 days of years, spoken of in the text, end? We answer, About the year 1957. And why that year? Because these days evidently date there, beginning from the time the daily sacrifice is taken away and the city trodden under foot. The little goat horn of Daniel viii. 9 stands, we have before shown you, for Turkey. "And out of one of them came forth a little horn, which waxed exceeding great toward the South, and toward the East, and toward the pleasant land." It stands for Mahommedanism, which was to overturn Christianity for a given period, a time, times, and a half time, or in figures, 1260. Now Mahommed was accepted and crowned at Mecca in the year 622. If we add 1260 and 622, we have 1882—a time that is very plainly pointed out in the Pyramid. Daniel says, "Seventy weeks are determined upon Thy people and upon Thy holy city," Jerusalem. These weeks put into prophetic years make 490, which, of course, brings us to the time when Jerusalem was destroyed by Titus. Daniel asked how long the vision concerning the daily sacrifice and transgression of desolation to give the sanctuary and people to be trodden down? The answer was, Unto 2,300 days, taking a day for a year. Jerusalem was destroyed in the year 70. Take this from 490 and we have 420. Now these 420 years taken from 2,300 will bring 1880. Then the sanctuary is to be cleansed—that is, Jerusalem will be in the possession of England. She now is.
From about 1880, or 1882, England will possess Jerusalem. In the twelfth chapter of Daniel, eleventh verse, we find thirty days added to the 1,200, making 1,290; these added thirty years denote the time England will have to contend for her right to Palestine. It will finally be acknowledged, however, by all nations. In 1935 the battle of Armageddon will end, but Palestine will not be fully settled down to a peaceful possession till 1957. Then the government will be fully established and acknowledged all over the world. The kings and Gentile nations will have gone up to Jerusalem and given in their adherence. Then all the world will be federated to David's throne. The year 1957 I arrive at by the same rule as the other—1,335 when added to 622, makes 1,957. "Blessed," says Daniel, "are they who see that time."
The world is to undergo some marvellous changes these next few years—mechanically, politically, socially, and morally; the telephone, the phonograph, the microphone, the telemachole and coming improvements will transform our modes of labour and learning beyond our present conception. God times inventions and improvements to the advancement of His kingdom.
I do not regard inventions as mere accidents, but as the outcoming of a Divine intent through human agencies. Watts and Wesley both did good service for the Church and the world. Edison and others of kindred minds are scientific prophets. "The earth is the Lord's and the fulness thereof." All is made subservient to the progress of the kingdom of heaven. The doctrine of the evolution of man as taught by Darwin is neither complimentary to man or God; but the doctrine of devolution is. Man is a developing creature; a creature who takes centuries to grow in. The devolution of God is through man by means of all the increasing facilities and agencies that make man stronger, wiser, and better. The secret powers and forces of nature are revealed to man in the ratio of his ability to apply them, on the same scale as we instruct our children.
In the latter days, or the period spoken of by Daniel, nature will be Divinely prompted with an impulse of generosity not now known, for then men will be wise enough, strong enough, and good enough, to use the same and not abuse. The prophetic teachings glow with promises of regaling plenty, peace and good will in those days. "I will multiply upon you man and beasts; and they shall increase and bring fruit; and I will settle you after your old estates, and will do better unto you than at your beginnings; and ye shall know that I am the Lord" (Ezek. xxxvi. 11). Again: "I will multiply the fruit of the tree, and the increase of the field, that ye receive no more reproach of famine, among the heathen." I submit and believe that all this God will do by what men are pleased to call natural law. The Divine will not rudely break in upon His own established laws.
Sin impairs the energy and growth of man, and so infringes upon Nature. As man frees himself from the bondage and sequences of sin, he will rise higher and higher in his command and authority over Nature's forces. Three several times the earth has been cursed, which curse is gradually removed as man returns unto his God in loving and obedient service. "And now art thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand. When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength" (Gen. iv. 11). The secret of a world's wealth and peace lies here, and it were well if reformers and agitators understood this. For they work best who work in harmony with God and His laws.
[Picture: Pyramid picture]
"In that day there shall be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar at the border thereof to the Lord; and it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the Lord of hosts in the land of Egypt."—Isaiah xix. 19.
The wonderful discourses of the Rev. Dr. Wild, of Brooklyn, were continued last Sunday evening, before a thronged congregation in Elm Place Church. Under the organ gallery, behind the pulpit, was a representation of the Pyramid, or as the learned doctor terms it, "the stone Bible," its massive rectangular dark stone foundation and some of the most interesting of its interior passages, chambers, and mysteries. All eyes were fastened in scrutiny upon it, well knowing that some revelation of unusual Christian interest would be made by the Doctor from it as soon as his lecture commenced. The preliminary exercises of singing by a well-trained choir and prayer were therefore impatiently listened to by many whose thoughts were concentrated on the wonders of the Pyramid and its astounding confirmation of the prophetic Scriptures. Dr. Wild read a lesson from Job xxxviii., remarking that the author of that book was also the engineering director or architectural author of the Pyramid and identical with Shem and Melchisedec. The book of Job is the oldest book in the world by 200 or 300 years. Shem, or Job, was ninety-eight years old when he entered the ark, and he lived thirty years after Abraham, with whom therefore he shook hands, as well as with Methuselah, who shook hands with Adam. Only one man, therefore, stood between Adam and Shem, and only two, or not quite two, between Adam and Abraham. The book of Berosus, of Babylon, is the only one that compares with Job in antiquity. This was the age of tradition before Moses compiled the first portions of it. In the days of Abraham, Shem was the patriarch, or oldest, of his family; and it was therefore to him he did homage, according to the patriarchal custom, under the name of Melchisedec, when returning from the slaughter of the kings. Shem had brought with him from the days before the flood much of the knowledge and wisdom which had been accumulated in the earth during the 2,000 years previous to that event, and which was swept away when only eight persons were saved in the ark. We have been told that the human race has gradually improved, and that our ancestors in far off ages were monkeys, or something of that sort, but the remains of the ruins and knowledge of antiquity show everything the reverse of this to be the truth. Look at that Pyramid. We could not build it to-day, with all our boasted science. It will bear in every respect the closest scientific scrutiny. Our greatest scientists are only beginning to comprehend the depths of its mysteries, yet it is over 4,000 years old. The capstone on top of it is a Pyramid in itself, in miniature, unlike anything of the kind or any other building on the earth. The reverend gentleman then continued to read from Job xxxviii., and shew that the writer of it was master of astronomical and geographical science and the builder of the Pyramid, which is a miniature of the measurement of the earth and indicates the history of the human race. After this preliminary dissertation he took for his text Isaiah xxviii. 29: "This also cometh forth from the Lord of hosts, which is wonderful in counsel, and excellent in working."
The Bible is a growing book, being more read and better understood as the years pass by; and as men shall increase in knowledge and power, so the Bible will gain in influence and authority. Opposition to its teaching, and vaunting denial of its authority, shall be made subservient to its interests by goading on the Church to a wiser and more noble defence and exposition of the same. No theology can levy upon the well-defined facts of science in confirmation of the sublime teachings of inspiration. The Christian student need not hold himself in timid dread for fear the scientist will discover aught in the realms of nature that will contradict the Word of God: for as sure as God is the Author of both, so surely shall we find an agreement between revelation and science at every point truly understood—increased light means increased evidence. Nations and men, nature and Providence, are united witnesses for God, and the Scriptures, and the more we know of the past, the better shall we understand the present and forecast the future. Let us recognise the future. Let us recognise the important difference between the Bible subjectively and objectively—that is, between what the Bible really is and what men think it is. Let us be free enough, bold enough, and wise enough, to claim the Bible itself. Let us unyoke it from tradition, which claims to be superior, or even equal. Let us divorce it from councils, from creeds, from sects and denominations; let us lift it up out of the ecclesiastical rut of ages. Let us with a commendable pride count ourselves worthy and able to formulate our own creeds, make our own prayers and confessions, accounting that the liberties of our fathers have been bequeathed to their children, and that the same God who gave them liberty and power is no less gracious to us, their offsprings. Traditions, councils, creeds, and degrees are worth much unto us as aids to a higher life, and a nobler civilisation. The Christian fathers, the Luthers, Calvins, Knoxes, Wesleys, and others, were our servants, as we will be the servants of coming generations. They worked grandly, they wrought well, they procured for us a goodly heritage; to them we are indebted. Yet it was not their purpose nor the design of Providence to enslave us, or to stereotype the Church for the ages to come. Increased light is increased evidence, enabling us the better to understand the Word of God. When a publisher has stereotyped a book, he is naturally loath to make any change or correction; so Churches who have stereotyped the Bible are very unwilling to change, to receive light. Hence, they are sometimes found opposing the march of a better civilisation, proving and sustaining all manner of institutions and tyrannies: the torturing and terrible Inquisition of Spain, the punishment and hanging of supposed witches by England and New England, the bondage and slavery of the South. So, to prove their creeds and systems correct, they each have a mode of their own, Catholic, Episcopalian, Baptist, Congregational, Methodist, &c. So also, theologians have often been impatient to reconcile the Scriptures with history, even to suggest mistakes in the sacred record. Instance Daniel being made the THIRD RULER. They supposed it meant second, but later researches show that Babylon had two rulers at that time—namely, Nebuchadnezzar and Belshazzar—so Daniel was made a third. See the remains of Borsippia, near Babylon (Dan. v. 29). Now we know that both Daniel and Berosus, the old Babylonian historians, were right, and the Bible was right in using the word third. God in His revelation has always been equal to man's need. Tradition—Abraham saw Shem, for Shem lived some thirty years after Abraham's death. Shem, and Melchisedek, and Job, are likely the same person. Certainly, Shem and Melchisedek are the same, and by Egyptian historians called Philitis. This Philitis was the builder of the Great Pyramid. Now Shem saw Methuselah and Methuselah Adam. Thus, then, tradition would be sufficient. As tradition failed, the written Word began. There is little doubt now but that Shem, called also Melchisedek, was the builder of the Pyramid, being instructed of God, as his father Noah had been in building the ark, and as Moses with the tabernacle, and Solomon with the temple, as the prophet in the text and context shows that the wisdom of the man is often the gift of God. See Moses also. "And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying: See, I have called by name Bezaleel, the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the Tribe of Judah; and I have filled him with the Spirit of God, in wisdom, and in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship: to devise cunning works, to work in gold, and in silver, and in brass, and in cutting of stones, to set them, and in carving of timber, to work in all manner of workmanship. And, behold, I have given him Aholiab, the son of Ahisamach, of the Tribe of Dan; and in the hearts of all that are wise-hearted I have put wisdom that they may make all that I have commanded thee" (Exodus xxxi. 1-6).
Let us look at this building, for it is a special revelation for these times. For this precise and scientific day God has provided. Science and the Bible are interlocked in this building; they agree, they testify for the same God, yet they witness to the same Christ, the Providence and history of His chosen people. This stone book could not be read till now; it even takes the most precise scientific men of the day to read it. For thousands of years there has been no one in the court of the world able to question and interpret this witness of the Lord in Egypt. The scientists have been asking for some other revelation than the Bible, for the supernatural in a scientific form, for something beyond man, for something all could see, for something that would answer to pure science, for something that could be seen, handled, measured, tested, and amenable to mathematics; something superhuman, for something in which the human and the Divine blend. Thank Heaven, all they ask is granted in this stone monument. Here we have science forecast for thousands of years; here we have the grandest of problems in science solved, and the sublimest phenomena of religion and science crystalised, symbolising and teaching the most marvellous facts in religion, sociology, and astronomy. It is not a tomb, nor granary, nor temple, but a pillar and witness unto the Lord of hosts. Think of a few facts. 1. Its location, the centre of the land surface of the whole earth. Hence the best zero point on earth for meridianal and latitudinal calculations. Central to clime—here is no rust, moss, nor frosts to destroy, nor earthquake—a well-chosen spot for such a pillar. 2. Its form and size—symbolising the earth quantity in its weight of five millions of tons—the freight of 1,250 of the largest steamers leaving New York. Its shape, or inclination from base to apex, the same as from the pole to the equator. To express this the builder sloped in ten feet for every nine in height. On this building the sun can shine upon the whole of it twice a year without a shadow. This building is the most correctly orient of any structure on the earth. It is the highest, largest, and oldest building on earth, rising to the height of 486 feet and a fraction, which height if multiplied by ten nine times gives the distance of the earth from the sun; or pile a thousand million pyramids one on the other, and the last would touch the sun. As it stood perfect it was the circle squared; for the height is the radius of a circle, whose circumference, if divided into four equal parts, each part would equal one of the surface sides of the base—closer in approximation than Walli's Indivisibles, or Newton's Fluxions, or Liebnitz's Calculus. The door of entrance was some forty-nine feet from its base, and 300 inches East of the centre, so as at once to express the tilt of the earth's axis from the plane of its orbit, and by its height from the ground express the Precession of the Equinoxes. What a witness outwardly, when complete, of polished marble, covering some thirteen and a half acres, within and without clean and free from idolatrous marks. But God foretold the place and purpose of this huge pile through the prophet Isaiah (xix. 19, 20): "In that day shall there be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar at the border thereof to the Lord. And it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the Lord of hosts in the land of Egypt." Here we see the altar and pillar are one and the same, and a scientific fact is expressed when the prophet says it shall be in the midst and on the border. The position of the Pyramid is such, being at the sector point of Upper and Lower Egypt, thus being on the border of both, yet in the midst. The sector point of the arm is where the wrist joins the hand. The spreading hand represents Lower, and the arm Upper Egypt. (See on frontispiece the sector plate.)
May we ask what the pillar and witness—the Pyramid—has to say on the Jewish question, for it has not left this fact unnoticed? At the junction of the first ascending passage with the Grand Gallery, on the left-hand side, or East, there is a horizontal passage-way leading to what is called the Queen's Chamber. This chamber is on the twenty-fifth course of masonry. Now, it is allowed, the Grand Gallery expresses the time of Christ's advent and fulness of time—enlarged liberty. The ascending passage being only four feet high, men were cramped in passing up, but on reaching the Grand Gallery they were free, for it is twenty-eight feet high.
The passage to the Queen's Chamber is only four feet, and is it not strange that it is altogether Jewish? This low horizontal passage terminates in a grand Sabbatic room, which symbolises the Jewish Sabbath-week, feasts, and time periods.
From this passage we learn that the Jews rejected Christ, and went off by themselves, refusing the liberty of Christ. So as truly as the coming of Christ had been forecast in this Pyramid, so had His rejection by the Jews.
The very mortar in this chamber is mixed with salt. The chamber is seven-sided. The last seventh of the passage-way sinks down, giving more room to move in. Salt was an article used freely with the Jews in sacrificing. Seven was a sacred number. The sinking of the last seventh part of the passageway floor may mean the enlarging privilege of the Jews in this latter day. Of the civilised nations, only Russia and Spain forbid them citizenship. Even Turkey admits them now as citizens.
The Jews have been represented as being blind in part. The passage-way and chamber have been difficult to explore because of foul air, there being no ventilating tubes as in the King's Chamber.
But, strange to say, a gentleman exploring this chamber a short time ago, found two tubes by an accident in striking the side wall with a hammer. The tubes had been left entirely closed over with a thin unbroken scale. These tubes extended inward through the masonry, and into the stones forming the walls of the room, all nicely cut, but for about one inch they were not cut through into the room itself. Thus the whole was designed is evident. This thin scale no doubt symbolises the condition of the Jew. His eyes are now open, the time of his wandering nearly spent, as told by this Pyramid.
The curses foretold upon the Jews have been terribly fulfilled. So shall the blessings foretold now in reserve. It was foretold that he would reject Christ; so he did. But it is also foretold that he will yet look upon Him whom he pierced, and mourn and repent, and accept the true Messiah. Lo-ruhamah represents Lost Israel; Lo-Ammi represents cursed Judah; Ruhamah represents Israel found; Ammi represents the curse removed from the Jews. So now we must say, as the prophet Hosea long ago instructed us—we Saxons—"Say ye unto your brother, Ammi," and you Jews, "say to your sisters, Ruhamah."
We have esteemed the Jews as cursed; we will soon esteem them blest. The Jews have never thought we were their brethren, the descendants of Abraham. But God is revealing in this latter day His own great plan; and Christ will be the Saviour of both.
"In His days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely. Therefore, behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that they shall no more say, The Lord liveth, which brought up the children of Israel out of Egypt; but, The Lord liveth, which brought up, and which led the seed of the House of Israel out of the North country, and from all countries whither I had driven them; and they shall dwell in their own land" (Jer. xxiii. 6-8).
Glorious times are near at hand for the Church and the world. Great things hath God promised, all of which He will in His own good time bring to pass.
The very dimensions of the doorway are of thrilling import, expressing in square inches the time of the Adamic world, which, when added to other figures, forecast the time of the end, or the 6,000 years, and point out the date of the beginning of the Millennium morn, or Sabbath of the earth—the period spoken of by Daniel when he says, "Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days." This period we approximated in our last Discourse, and made it out to be about 1,957. The door-way in square inches is 1,949; take these inches for years, and we have, before the building of the Pyramid, of years 1949 A.M., time of building 2170 B.C., and length of Grand Gallery, 1,882, and we get a total of 6,001. This is indeed a close approximation.
"The great, the mighty God, the Lord of hosts, is His name. Great in counsel, and mighty in work; for Thine eyes are open upon all the ways of the sons of men; to give every one according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings; which has set signs and wonders in the land of Egypt, even unto this day."—Jer. xxxii. 18-20.
Egypt is intimately connected with Palestine in providential history, both past, present, and future. No student can have a proper knowledge of the Jewish and Israelitish nation unless he be familiar with the early civilisation and power of Egypt. From this land went forth the Caphtorim to settle Palestine, led forth by the great and good Melchisedek, after he had built the Pyramid. Under his reign they first settled Palestine, built and made Jerusalem their capital. On the death of Melchisedek they lost their allegiance to God, they became an idolatrous people, and were rejected by Jehovah as His special agents. They are known in after history under the name of Philistines, which simply means the followers or subjects of Philitis—a name which the early historians of Egypt gave to the builder of the Pyramid, which was none other person than Melchisedek. By the Israelites they were driven out of Palestine, and finally settled in the South of Ireland, as Irish historians allow.
Another member of the family of Shem was called—namely, Abraham, from whom came God's chosen people—Israel and the Jews. They also had to sojourn in Egypt, and they, too, were sent to Palestine, and graffed on to the purpose of God, where the Philistines had been broken off.
"Have not I brought up Israel out of the land of Egypt, and the Philistines from Caphtor?" (Amos ix. 7).
Egypt has played a noble part in the providence of God through Melchisedek, Abraham, Joseph, and Moses. Even the blessed Jesus is said to be called from this land. "Out of Egypt have I called My Son." The Egyptians gave to the world the first translation of the Hebrew Bible, and it was for centuries the stronghold of Christianity after the destruction of Jerusalem. The best of the Christian fathers were Egyptians, and in the coming struggle, the great war, which will begin about 1882, again Egypt will become conspicuous with England and Prussia. For the Prussians are the Assyrians as the English art the Lost Tribes of Israel. Bismarck may manoeuvre as he please, and be as pro-Russian as Dr. Storrs, yet when the time comes he and his people will fall in with the providential purpose, and become an ally with Israel-England; and timid and bankrupt Egypt will then come forth to take her place once more among the nations of the earth as an independent Power. Hear what the prophet Isaiah says in chap. xix.: "And the Lord shall smite Egypt, He shall smite and heal it, and they shall return even to the Lord, and He shall be entreated of them, and shall heal them. In that day shall there be a highway out of Egypt to Assyria, and the Assyrians shall come into Egypt and the Egyptians into Assyria, and the Egyptians shall serve with the Assyrians. In that day shall Israel be the third with Egypt and with Assyria, even a blessing in the midst of the land, whom the Lord of hosts shall bless, saying, Blessed be Egypt My people, and Assyria the work of My hands, and Israel Mine inheritance."
"In that day" refers to this day, now at hand. To this the Great Pyramid is witness. For in verses 19 and 20 of this chapter we read: "In that day shall there be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar at the border thereof to the Lord. And IT shall be for a SIGN and for a WITNESS unto the Lord of hosts in the land of Egypt."
The word translated pillar is from the Hebrew word Matzaybhah, and means a large structure—some monument that is pre-eminent. The Hebrew word Ammood is translated pillar also, and corresponds to the English word pillar much better.
The word altar, in Hebrew, means lion, carrying with it the same meaning as pre-eminence. And is not this Pyramid preeminent? and is it not the lion of monuments, pre-eminent as being the oldest, pre-eminent as being the highest, pre-eminent as being the largest, pre-eminent in location—being central to all the land surface of the earth, pre-eminent in construction, unlike any other buildings, except such as have been modelled after it, pre-eminent in orientation—that is, being exactly East, North, West and South.
Perfect orientation men in past ages and countries have tried to express in temples, churches, observatories, and monuments, yet none have succeeded so well as the Pyramid builders.
The famous Uranibourg Observatory, built by aid of the European Governments, under the skilful supervision of the learned Tycho Brahe, was found to be five minutes of a degree askew in its orientation when finished.
A few years ago our Government determined to have one perfect point of orientation, fixing upon Mount Agamenticus in the State of Maine. They, at a great cost, and time, and labour, concluded their work, and found they were in error somewhere about the four-hundredth part of a second; although they tried to solve the problem by three distinct processes—namely, differences of zenith distance, absolute zenith distances, and by transits in prime vertical.
How then came these ancient architects so early in the world's history and progress to build so skilfully? How were they able some 4,000 years ago to find the poles, and determine the latitude and longitude so precisely? Answer, ye godless scientists, and tell us how these monkey-men were so skilled. How did they know without your instruments and instruction which parallel of latitude to choose so as to be on that line which would mark the half-way of the world's surface between the equator and the poles?
And why did they lay bare and make smooth the lime-stone table rock on which they built close to its Northern edge? Why press so closely to the brink of the hill on the North side when there was plenty of room on the South side?
Truly this witness of God is against you. In this building are "signs and wonders" even to this day, and as surely also are the eyes of Jehovah open upon all the ways of the children of men.
Know ye not that the accumulated forces and results of centuries have been bequeathed to the present generation as a legal heritage for culture and profit?
Happily for us God has not left Himself without witnesses. Long before God made bare His arm through Moses, and wrought miracles to convince Pharaoh and the Egyptians, He had wrought one miracle, a miracle which would cover the ages; not to be seen by a few only, or last for a day, but to be seen by the millions and last for centuries.
In this Pyramid we have a valuable inheritance. Its finish, its beauty, its magnitude provokes our criticism, and yet must command our admiration. This watchman on the walls of time, this sentinel in charge of the secrets and treasures of the sires of long ago, this prophet in the wilderness in rugged garb, proclaiming the will of Heaven, as then made known, and now manifest, this Daniel who can interpret for us the future, this mile-stone of the ages, we do revere.
By it we are enabled to adjust our chronological dates, rectify history in some of its most important points, and judge more correctly of the attainments of our ancestors; nay, more and better, to form a truer estimate of ourselves and discern the finger of God in the manipulations of men, and an overruling Providence in the rise and fall of nations.
These signs and wonders confirm God's Word, for they prove inspiration a fact; inspiration of a kind and in the very manner demanded by the unbelieving scientists. Here is a building superhuman, and of course in part supernatural, like the Bible. In this building the human and the Divine blend.
If any deny this, it remains with them to account for it, and show how a people so far back in the world's history could be so wise and learned; how they could embody so much of the sciences. One thing is certain, if the Divine had nothing to do with this building, then we are left to the conclusion that man was much superior to what the Darwinian theory admits. If void of the Divine, then the development theory is destroyed. If we admit the Divine, then it follows that inspiration is a fact.
The building is there, and it was there in the day of Egypt's oldest historians. It has been counted as one of the seven wonders of the world.
It did not embody the ideas of the Egyptians in science, astronomy, meteorology, or religion. As their historians allow, it was built by foreigners which they hated.
Nothing idolatrous was carved on it, within or without. It was a witness pure and clean. The Egyptians proclaimed and believed the earth to be square—this building proclaimed the earth round. The builders bevelled the face of the rock in a ratio of eight inches to the mile—the very quantity that science to-day admits to be the curviture of the earth—and accepts in surveying. It was their knowledge of this fact that kept the building sound, without the cracking of a joint, through centuries, though so high. The Egyptians did not use the sacred amma, or cubit, which is about twenty-five of our inches. They used a profane cubit, as Sir Isaac Newton shows.
This sacred cubit was a well and easily established proportion of the earth's diameter—the very standard now used by the English Government in surveying.
The stones of the Pyramid were twelve feet long, eight feet broad, and five deep, making twenty-five total. The building itself was a five-faced figure. The Egyptians hated five. No wonder that Moses harnessed the Israelites in fives as they left Egypt, or that he should divide his book into five parts.
No wonder that the Queen's Chamber should be on the twenty-fifth course of masonry, and the King's Chamber on the fiftieth course, which is the year of jubilee, or deliverance—which year, as indicated in the Pyramid, is the year 1935.
The Egyptians calculated from the moon in their chronology. But this building takes its calculations from the sun circle. The Egyptian year was 354 days, with an intercalary month of thirty-three days added every three years.
The year embodied in the Pyramid was 365 days, five hours, forty-eight minutes, forty-seven and seven-tenths seconds. If a person took a rod of a cubit length, and measured one of the base sides of the Pyramid, he would find this twenty-five inch measure to be contained as often as there are days in the year, with the same fraction in inches as the hours, minutes, and seconds.
Is it impious to ask how these builders knew the solar year so completely? They knew the sun's circle of 448 years, which completes a circle of time without any excess or deficiency. This they ran into weights and measures as God's religion does.
The Pyramid, having four sides, would divide this circle into four parts, which make 112 pounds, or a hundred-weight; or, if multiplied by five, the faces of the Pyramid, 448 would give 2,240, or a ton.
In the descending and ascending passages a person must stoop to pass through them, but when the Grand Gallery is reached, they can stand upright, for this gallery enlarges seven times the proportions of the others. The first passages are only four feet high; this is twenty-eight.
The first ascending passage is 1,542 inches in length—the time, taking inches for years, from the exodus of Israel from Egypt to Christ.
Christ brings enlarged liberty. He was symbolised by the ton—the end of weight scale. "When the fulness of time was come, God sent forth His Son."
Again, thirty-three inches in this gallery is an open sepulchre with fifty-six empty graves in miniature, carved out, telling, again, by a strange coincident, the life years of the Saviour and His resurrection; also the number of those who rose immediately after. For "the graves were opened, and many bodies of the saints which slept arose and came out of the graves after His resurrection" (Matt. xxvii. 52).
Another remarkable feature is, that at the end of this gallery, the wall bulges forward about four inches, as if it were going to fall in. This gallery, on the floor is 1,882 inches; on the roof, 1,878 inches. This explains to us our very times. The shadow of war—Russia and England appearing as if they would fight every day. But they know not the counsels of God, nor His sublime purpose. Surely, as the text declares, "Our God is great in counsel and mighty in work; and His eyes are open upon all the ways of the sons of men." More next Sunday evening, God willing, about His own marvellous witnesses. Let us praise and adore Him.
"And the remnant of Jacob shall be among the Gentiles, in the midst of many people as a LION among the beasts of the forest, as a YOUNG LION among the flocks of sheep: who, if he go through, both treadeth down and teareth in pieces, and none can deliver."—Micah v. 7.
[Picture: Coat of Arms with Lion and Unicorn]
"His glory is like the firstling of his bullock, and his horns like the HORNS OF UNICORNS: with them he shall push the people together to the ENDS of the EARTH."—Deut. xxxiii. 17.
"I will overturn, overturn, overturn it; and it shall be no more, until He comes whose right it is; and I will give it Him."—Ezekiel xxi. 27.
The closing of the famous European Congress will now freely permit us to canvass the work and results of the same, and to compare the sequences with the teachings of the prophets and intentions of Providence. The results of the Congress have taken the world by surprise. The very fact that one should have been held under the enforced conditions of the crownless king, Disraeli, was a wonder in itself. But the wonder is not confined to the meeting and work of the Congress, for outside of, and in spite of the Congress, a treaty has been made which converts wonder into amazement. Back in the middle of last May (1878), England and Turkey formed an alliance, offensive and defensive. Nay, more, for Turkey cedes to England the fruitful and strategic island of Cyprus. What a triangle of strongholds—Cyprus, Malta, and Gibraltar! Shades of Bonaparte! Where is France in these days? She is renewing her strength, and is wisely standing aside so as not to oppose Providence. In all this there is nothing new or strange to the prophetic student. For long ago it was written of Israel that she should be a company of nations, and possess the gates of her enemies.
It is not by might, nor power of human origin, that these events must be judged, or that they come to pass. But surely by the Spirit of God. "There is a spirit in man, and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth it understanding." Here Job gives us the key to unlock the mysteries of the crownless king and his success. The apothegm of Bonaparte is as false as he was unsuccessful—namely, that Providence is always on the side of the strongest battalions. In Israel, in time of old, this was seldom true. In fact, it was not true in the experience and campaigns of Bonaparte. The logic of such a faith has been the ruin of lovely France more than once, and will be again. For it must needs be that France break her alliance with England, though now they are friends. France in a few years will ally with the Beast, the Roman Church, in its last struggle for rule and supremacy; and she will join hands with Anti-Christ. France will repeat the follies of '93. She will again seek to dethrone Religion, and enthrone Reason. Her Marats, Desmoulens, Herberts, Clootzes, and Robespierres are at hand ready to overturn. And the Church of her choice is patiently waiting to re-enact the scenes of blood and terror of St. Bartholomew. Her time of opportunity will appear to have come in a few years. Bismarck and Kaiser William will be out of the way, and Germany will languish for want of two equal successors. And France will not forget to pay back the debt of revenge she owes to Germany, and seek to reclaim her prestige in councils, and especially to restore her lost influence over Egypt, Turkey, and the Mediterranean.
Last year it would not have been so easy to see how France and England were to become once again enemies. This Cyprus wedge has cleft open a little farther the dark and mysterious way.
Last Monday we received the astounding telegram of the treaty between England and Turkey. It evidently was a surprise, we have no doubt, even to Rev. Dr. Storrs, and the New York Herald, as well as to many others who could see nothing but defeat and shame for Israel-England. From Dr. Storrs we have not heard what he now thinks of his child of promise, Russia. From the Herald we did hear, for, by the way, the Herald is one of our morning papers. By an editorial of a column and a half the Herald struggled nobly to wriggle out of the tight corner in which its sympathies for Russia had crowded it. We like and admire the Herald, because of its tact and ingenuity in getting news first from any part of the world. Still this time she was behind time. Two years ago, from this pulpit, we announced the exciting facts of the past week. Last Sunday evening we closed our discourse in these words: "Now, again, England pledges herself a Continental Power, nay, more, an Asiatic Power. She will come forth from the Congress the virtual ruler of Turkey, the owner of Palestine."
If the Saxons be the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel—and most certainly they respond to all the features that were to distinctly mark them when found, as written in the Bible—then the English throne is a continuation of David's throne, and the seed on it must be the seed of David, and the inference is clear—namely, that all the blessings attaching by holy promise to David's throne must belong to England. This is the key that unravels and makes plain the marvellous and sublime history of the English nation and throne. We know many scout the idea of the Lost Tribes ever being found, although over thirty times God declares by the prophets that they must return; surely before they return they must be found. God has not cast away His people for ever. No, no. He declares Israel to be His inheritance, and that this people He had formed for Himself.
The Two Tribes forming the Jews of to-day are said by the best calculation to number about nine millions. If, then, the Two Tribes number nine millions, how many ought we to expect the Ten Tribes to number? If the Two Tribes have stood and survived the shock and persecution of centuries when known, and therefore open to assault, is it not reasonable to suppose that the Ten Tribes will be in existence, a numerous and powerful people, for they have been hid, and thus have they evaded the persecution that a knowledge of their nationality would have entailed upon them from the Gentile and Pagan nations?
Some, indeed, persist in looking for God's chosen seed—His people, His inheritance—among the bushmen of Africa, the Indians of America; indeed wherever they can find a people mean, and few, and very low in the scale of civilisation. They overlook the fact that Israel, not the Jews, were to be the most powerful and prolific people on the face of the earth, to be as sands of the sea, as the stars of heaven. Especially were these promises to be true in the latter day—for then God promises to multiply them, men, beasts, and the fruits of the field. This is one of the signs of the times, and it is a remarkable one. See our harvest, see our cattle, and see the Saxon race—doubling, at least, every forty years. No other nation is doubling at that rate. Germany comes the nearest, and both in Prussia and Austria they only double every one hundred years. In one hundred years from to-day the Saxons will control the world for peace and Christ.
To this end God is overturning, and will overturn until the whole world shall be federated around one throne, and that throne is David's—the only throne God ever directly established, and the only one He has promised perpetuity to. God has a land—Palestine. He has a people—Israel. He has a throne—David's, and for that throne He has a seed, just as the seed of Levi was selected for Temple service.
This kingdom is the fifth kingdom, to be set up in the latter days of those kings, says Daniel. The kingdom was never to be left unto other people. It is typified by the stone cut out of the mountain that is to fill the world. Why then stand amazed at the cession of Cyprus to England, if she be Israel. To her was promised the isles of the sea, the coasts of the earth, the waste and desolate places—the heathen and uttermost parts of the earth, as a possession. Already out of the fifty-one million square miles which composes the earth, England, including the United States, now owns about fourteen millions, or say one-fourth. She bears rule over one-third of the people of the earth; she adds a colony every four years on an average. At the present rate it will not be long before the kingdoms of this world will be given to the saints of the Most High. It is no marvel in the light and instruction of prophecy that this throne and people should be so stable and prosperous.
Turn your attention to the founding of this throne of David. You will find the throne and seed unconditionally federated, the place and measure of prosperity conditioned on the obedience of the people and throne to God. "The Lord has sworn in truth unto David; He will not turn from it; of the fruit of thy body will I set upon thy throne" (Psalm cxxxii. 11). Again, "I have sworn unto David, thy seed I will establish for ever, and build up thy throne to all generations" (Psalm lxxxix. 3, 4). This promise is to all generations—not a part, nor simply for sixty years. For the kingdom was rent in twain when Rehoboam, the grandson of David, began to reign. The throne of David would be about the poorest type of Christ's throne and rule, and reign, if we can only see it in Palestine. There it was soon divided, very corrupt. "If ye can break My covenant of the day and night in their season, then may also My covenant be broken with David My servant, that he should not have a son to reign upon his throne . . . Thus saith the Lord: If My covenant be not with day and night, and if I have not appointed the ordinances of heaven and earth, then will I cast away the seed of Jacob and David My servant, so that I will not take any of his seed to be rulers over the seed of Abraham" (Jer. xxxiii. 25, 26). Let anybody of the same mind read the seventh chapter of the second book of Samuel, and they will see that God promised to David that his house and kingdom should be established for ever, and that God would set up the seed of David after him. Well might David exclaim when he sat before the Lord, "Who am I, O Lord God, and what is my house, that Thou hast brought me hitherto? And this was yet a small thing in Thy sight, O Lord God; but Thou hast spoken also of Thy servant's house for a great while yet to come." It is a pity men will not take and interpret the Bible by the rules of common sense.
David at this time was king over all the Tribes and was at peace, and settled and prospered. But God told him that "He would appoint a place for My people Israel, and will plant them that they may dwell in a place of their own and move no more." This promise was to Israel. If the promises of the multitudinous seed were to be fulfilled to Israel, then it would be necessary to find them another place, for Palestine wouldn't hold them. So God has planted them. God never promised to find the Jews another country; Palestine is specially reserved for them. They have been without country, king, or government. In the year 725 B.C. the Jews and Israelites were separated, and since that time they have never been united. But the day is coming, says the prophet, when they shall dwell together and appoint one head over them. The Israelites are only to return to Palestine representatively (Jer. iii. 14).
When Nebuchadnezzar carried the Jews captive, he took the king, Zedekiah, with him, and destroyed all his family, and all the real royal seed of David. Zedekiah died in Babylon. He placed upon the throne of David, Gedaliah. Now Gedaliah was not of the seed royal: but God was displeased and permitted the crown to go to others. Ezekiel was taken captive to Babylon in the reign of Jehoiachim, the father of Zedekiah. The prophecy of the text was written in Babylon, and refers to Zedekiah, whom Ezekiel calls the "wicked prince of Israel, whose day is come, iniquity shall have an end. Thus saith the Lord God, Remove the diadem and take off the crown, this shall not be the same; exalt him that is low, and abase him that is high. I will overturn, overturn, overturn it, and it shall be no more until He comes whose right it is; and I will give it to Him."
Now all this is plain if we keep in mind that Zedekiah was the last prince of the House of David that ever reigned in Palestine. God removed the diadem. But in the course of time a lawful heir of the seed of David shall appear, and the throne and the seed will be established again in Jerusalem. It is to this end Providence is overturning Turkey to make way for this seed royal. But where is this seed royal? Answer: It is on the English throne. Listen carefully to the following:
Jeremiah tells us that with him he had the daughters of Zedekiah, who had by some means escaped the destroying edicts of Nebuchadnezzar (Jer. xliii. 6). And from Jer. xliv. 14, we learn that they visited Egypt, and from Jer. xliv. 28, we learn that a small number escaped. Now Jeremiah, being the only prophet in Judah at that time, had a right to take charge of the royal seed. He could not stay in Egypt, nor in Palestine, nor would he go to Babylon. Where, then, did the prophet go? He no doubt took ship with the Danites, and sailed for Cornwall, in England, for this place was called Tarshish. We learn from Ezekiel the ships of Dan traded in tin, and other things. History and tradition both agree that there landed on the coast of Ireland in the North, a divine man and a princess. God had promised to Jeremiah his life wherever he went. "But thy life will I give thee for a prey in all places whither thou goest" (Jer. xlv. 5).
[Picture: Jacob's Stone]
The North of Ireland had been settled with the Tribe of Dan; they at once understood who their visitor was. They called him Olam Folla, meaning a Divine man or teacher. The princess was called Tea Tephi, the beautiful one from the East. This princess was married to Heremon, of Ulster, the king of Lothair Croffin, for such was the name of the city of Tara. This word Tara is Arat spelled backward. The Hebrew reads from right to left; English left to right. Lothair Croffin was changed into Tara at the time of the wedding. Tara means law. Thus began the seed of David to take root, and from there it spread over all Ireland, then to Scotland, thence to England, and Jacob's Stone in Westminster Abbey marks the journey of David's throne, and has always kept with the seed, and they have been always crowned on it. Ezekiel's riddle is at once solved. The tender twigs were Zedekiah's daughters. One of these twigs was planted by the great waters in a land of traffic. Our Episcopalian friends intended by their beautiful service to aid the members of their communion to read in order, and through the Bible, or a given portion of each chapter, once per year. But strange to say, this 17th chapter of Ezekiel, they have left out both of the Old and New Lectionary. It is itself a riddle, why this should so happen, that the only two chapters of the Bible left out or proscribed are the 17th and 21st of Ezekiel. Surely blindness in part has happened to Israel, and what we esteemed as accidental in the increased light of Revelation, stands to view as the ordered purposes of an all-seeing God.
The royal standard of England has nine lions on it and a unicorn. Let anyone set this standard before him as a map, the right hand will represent East, the top North, left West, the bottom South. The unicorn comes from the East, it has a chain round its neck. So the Tribe of Benjamin came that way, and, as Normans, were finally attached to the throne. The big lion comes from the West, so it did from Ireland to Scotland and London. On the top we have a crown, and on the top of this we have a lion. On the first quarter are three lions, second quarter one, on the third a stringed harp with an angel's head, and on the fourth three lions, the total of lions nine, and an unicorn. The fact is, this standard, had we time, teaches a world of history, and with the Psalmist we may say: "Thou hast given a banner to them that fear Thee; that it may be displayed because of the truth" (Psalm lx. 4). The genealogy and descent of Queen Victoria from Zedekiah we will furnish you. This genealogy has been got up by the faithful and very persevering labours of Rev. F. R. A. Glover, M.A., and Rev. A. B. Grimaldi, M.A., two Episcopalian clergymen of England. The chart is supposed to be as near perfect as any such thing can be. If any of you find any defect be kind enough and let me know. In the following genealogy those who reigned have K. prefixed—the dates after private names refer to their birth and death, those after Sovereign's names to their accession and death.
1. Adam (B.C. 4000-3070), Eve.
2. Seth (B.C. 3873-2978).
3. Enos (B.C. 3765-2860).
4. Cainan (B.C. 3675-2765).
5. Mahalaleel (B.C. 3605-2710).
6. Jared (B.C. 3540-2578).
7. Enoch (B.C. 3378-3013).
8. Methuselah (B.C. 3313-2344).
9. Lamech (B.C. 3126-2344).
10. Noah (B.C. 2944-2006), Naamah.
11. Shem (B.C. 2442-2158).
12. Arphaxad (B.C. 2342-1904).
13. Salah (B.C. 2307-2126).
14.. Heber (B.C. 2277-2187).
15. Peleg (B.C. 2243-2004).
16. Reu (B.C. 2213-2026).
17. Serug (B.C. 2181-2049).
18. Nahor (B.C. 2052-2003).
19. Terah (B.C. 2122-2083), Amtheta.
20. Abraham (B.C. 1992-1817), Sarah.
21. Isaac (B.C. 1896-1716), Rebekah.
22. Jacob (B.C. 1837-1690), Leah.
23. Judah (b. B.C. 1753), Tamar.
24. Hezron.
25. Aram.
26. Aminadab.
27. Naashon.
28. Salmon.
29. Boaz (B.C. 1312), Ruth.
30. Obed.
31. Jesse.
32. K. David (B.C. 1085-1015), Bathsheba.
33. K. Solomon (B.C. 1033-975), Naamah.
34. K. Rehoboam (B.C. b. 1016, d. 958), Maacah.
35. K. Abijam (B.C. 958-955).
36. K. Asa (B.C. 955-914), Azubah.
37. K. Jehoshaphat (B.C. 914-889).
38. K. Jehoram (B.C. 889-885), Athaliah.
39. K. Ahaziah (B.C. 906-884), Zibiah.
40. K. Joash (B.C. 885-839), Jehoaddan.
41. K. Amaziah (B.C. b. 864, d. 810), Jecholiah.
42. K. Uzziah (B.C. b. 826, d. 758), Jerushah.
43. K. Jotham (B.C. b. 783, d. 742).
44. K. Ahaz (B.C. b. 787, d. 726), Abi.
45. K. Hezekiah (B.C. b. 751, d. 698), Hephzibah.
46. K. Manasseh (B.C. b. 710, d. 643), Meshullemeth.
47. K. Amon (B.C. b. 621, d. 641), Jedediah.
48. K. Josiah (B.C. b. 649, d. 610), Hamutah.
49. K. Zedekiah (B.C. 599-578).
50. K. Heremon fl. (B.C. 580), Q. T. Tephi. She was Zedekiah's daughter. Reigned 15 years.
51. K. Irial Faidh (reigned 10 years).
52. K. Eithriall (reigned 20 years).
53. Follian.
54. K. Tighernmas (reigned 50 years).
55. Eanbotha.
56. Smoirguil.
57. K. Fiachadh Labhriane (reigned 24 years).
58. K. Aongus Ollmuchaidh (reigned 27 years).
59. Maoin.
60. K. Rotheachta (reigned 25 years).
61. Dein.
62. K. Siorna Saoghalach (reigned 21 years).
63. Oliolla Olchaoin.
64. K. Giallchadh (reigned 9 years).
65. K. Aodhain Glas (reigned 20 years).
66. K. Simeon Breac (reigned 6 years).
67. K. Muireadach Bolgrach (reigned 4 years).
68. K. Fiachadh Tolgrach (reigned 7 years).
69. K. Duach Laidhrach (reigned 10 years).
70. Eochaidh Buaigllcry.
71. K. Ugaine More the Great (reigned 30 years).
72. R. Cobhthach Coalbreag (reigned 30 years).
73. Meilage.
74. K. Jaran Gleofathach (reigned 7 years).
75. K. Conla Cruaidh Cealgach (reigned 4 years).
76. K. Oiloilla Caisfhiaclach (reigned 25 years).
77. K. Eochaidh Foltlenthan (reigned 11 years).
78. K. Aongus Tuirmheach Teamharch (reigned 30 years).
79. K. Eana Aighneach (reigned 28 years).
80. Labhra Luirc.
81. Blathuchta.
82. Easamhuin Eamhna.
83. Roighnein Ruadh.
84. Finlogha.
85. Fian.
86. K. Eodchaidh Feidhlioch (reigned 12 years).
87. Fineamhnas.
88. K. Lughaidh Raidhdearg.
89. K. Criomhthan Niadhnar (reigned 16 years).
90. Fearaidhach Fion Feachtnuigh.
91. K. Fiachadh Fionoluidh (reigned 20 years).
92. K. Tuathal Teachtmar (reigned 30 years).
93. K. Conn Ceadchathach (reigned 20 years).
94. K. Art Aonfhir (reigned 30 years).
95. K. Cormc Usada (reigned 40 years).
96. K. Caibre Liffeachair (reigned 27 years).
97. K. Fiachadh Sreabthuine (reigned 30 years).
98. K. Muireadhach Tireach (reigned 30 years).
99. K. Eochaidh Moigmeodhin (reigned 7 years).
100. K. Nail of the Nine Hostages.
101. Eogan.
102. K. Murireadhach.
103. Earca.
104. K. Feargus More Mac Earca (A.D. 487).
105. K. Dongard (d. 457).
106. K. Conrad (d. 535).
107. K. Aidan (d. 604).
108. K. Eugene IV. (d. 622).
109. K. Donald IV. (d. 650).
110. Dongard.
111. K. Eugene V. (d. A.D. 692).
112. Findan.
113. K. Eugene VII. (d. A.D. 721), Spondan.
114. K. Etfinus (d. A.D. 761), Fergina.
115. K. Achaius (d. A.D. 819), Fergusia.
116. K. Alpin (d. A.D. 834).
117. K. Kenneth II. (d. A.D. 854).
118. K. Constantin II. (d. A.D. 774).
119. K. Donald VI. (d. A.D. 903).
120. K. Malcolm I. (d. A.D. 958).
121. K. Kenneth III. (d. A.D. 994).
122. K. Malcolm II. (d. A.D. 1003).
123. Beatrix m. Thane Albanach.
124. K. Dunkan I. (d. A.D. 1040).
125. K. Malcolm III. Canmore (A.D. 1055-1093), Margaret of England.
126. K. David I. (d. A.D. 1153), Maud of Northumberland.
127. Prince Henry (d. A.D. 1152), Adama of Surrey.
128. Earl David (d. A.D. 1219), Maud of Chester.
129. Isobel m. Robert Bruce III.
130. Robert Bruce IV. m. Isobel of Gloucester.
131. Robert Bruce V. m. Martha of Carrick.
132. King Robert I. Bruce (A.D. 1305-1329), Mary of Burke.
133. Margery Bruce m. Walter Stewart (I.).
134. K. Robert II. (d. A.D. 1390), Euphemia of Ross (d. A.D. 1376).
135. K. Robert III. (d. A.D. 1406), Arabella Drummond (d. A.D. 1401).
136. K. James I. (A.D. 1424-1437), Joan Beaufort.
137. K. James II. (d. A.D. 1360), Margaret of Gueldres (d. A.D. 1463).
138. K. James III. (d. A.D. 1488), Margaret of Denmark (d. A.D. 1484).
139. K. James IV. (d. A.D. 1543), Margaret of England (d. A.D. 1539).
140. K. James V. (d. A.D. 1542), Mary of Lorraine (d. A.D. 1560).
141. Q. Mary (d. A.D. 1587), Lord Henry Darnley.
142. K. James VI. and I. (A.D. 1603-1625), Ann of Denmark.
143. Princess Elizabeth (1596-1613), K. Frederick of Bohemia.
144. Princess Sophia m. Duke Ernest of Brunswick.
145. K. George I. (1698-1727), Sophia Dorothea Zelle (1667-1726).
146. K. George II. (1727-1760), Princess Caroline of Auspach (1683-1737).
147. Prince Frederick of Wales (1707-1751), Princess Augusta of Saxe-Gotha.
148. K. George III. (1760-1830), Princess Sophia of Mecklenburgh Strelitz (1744-1818).
149. Duke Edward of Kent (1767-1820), Princess Victoria of Leiningen.
150. Q. Victoria (b. 1819, cr. 1838), Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg.
Thus do we see how God has kept His word to David, and with this view, English and American history are at once understandable. The future is assuring and grand. God will assuredly overturn till His throne once more is planted in Jerusalem.
"See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant."—Jer. i. 10.
In these words we have set forth the Divine commission given to the prophet Jeremiah. Never before, or since, was such a commission given to mortal man. It is not that Jeremiah is constituted a prophet for his own people, or over his own nation, and country, but he was Divinely appointed and set over the nations and kingdoms of the earth, with an authority "to root out, pull down, destroy, and throw down." Surely he was rightly named, for the word Jeremiah means the exalted, or appointed one of the Lord. By common consent, the Jews gave him the first place and name among the prophets. Up to the time of the Babylonian captivity he was second, Isaiah being first. But after the captivity, on the re-arrangement of the holy canon, his name was put first, and ever after he was regarded and accepted as the patron saint of Judea. He was born of a priestly family, about 641 B.C., in the priestly town of Anathoth, which was situated a few miles North of Jerusalem, in the territory of Benjamin. His work and commission awaited him, because they antedated his birth, for he says (chap. i. 4), "Then the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations." Jeremiah's life-work, extent, and devotion, can only find a parallel in the majesty and compass of his commission. It is the extent of this commission that I wish you would specially notice, for it is neither tribal nor national in its limitations. He was ordained a prophet unto the nations. Hear the voice of his wailing (chapter xv. 10), "Woe is me, my mother, that thou hast borne me a man of strife and a man of contention to the whole earth."
Consistent with the vastness of this commission is the recorded fact that he was forbidden to marry in his own land, for "the Word of the Lord came unto me, saying, Thou shalt not take thee a wife, neither shalt thou have sons and daughters in this place" (Jeremiah xvi. 2). The claims of a wife and cares of a family could only have been harshly fitted on to such a work and commission. Indeed, every peculiar fact in the life of Jeremiah may be best accounted for by taking into consideration the greatness of his commission. To discard this is simply to invite confusion, and yet, strange to say, many prefer confusion rather than admit that he performed the role assigned him of Heaven. For this very reason writers, even Jewish historians, are at a loss to account for the latter half of the prophet's life. They do not seem to know where he spent his last days; they know not the time, manner, nor place of his death. And why, you ask? We answer, Because they selfishly and persistently limited his life and labours to his own land. They have not been willing to allow that he was set as a prophet over nations and kingdoms. Then again, they have been willing to allow him to be a puller down and destroyer, but not a builder and planter. To grant that he was a builder and planter, would have obliged them to have found the place of his building and the objects of his planting. These they well knew could not be found in Palestine, and they were as loath as many are unwilling to-day to permit Jeremiah to leave his own land. A man who would be equal to the Bible must be large-hearted, generous, and free, not fettered and bound by the errors of youthful training, the selfishness of sectarianism, the bigotry of orthodoxy, or the indifference of infidelity, but seek the truth, no matter from whence, or what it upsets or overturns of preconceived ideas. The command is, "Prove all things, and hold fast that which is good." To hear some people talk and lament, you would think that the command was, Prove nothing, but hold hard on to what you have got.
Try now, and reasonably and patiently follow me while I trace the wanderings of Jeremiah to Old Ireland. You will be surprised to find how intimate Irishology and theology are.
Ireland and the Tribe of Dan have a peculiar history, which history only can be made plain by reference to the Bible. Ireland has had much to undergo, yet of it God says, "To the islands He will repay recompense: so shall they fear the name of the Lord from the West."
Ireland's first name was Scuite's Land, or the Island of the Wanderers. Her second name was Scotia Major, and Scotland was Scotia Minor, and England was Tarshish, and Dannoii and Baratamac, or Land of Tin. Yar in Eirin means the land of the setting sun. Hibernia is an Hebrew word, and means from beyond the river of waters.
Two colonies settled in Ireland; the first, the Phoenicians, who were the Philistines or ancient Canaanites; the second settlers were the Tuath de Danan, meaning the Tribe of Dan. The words are Hebrew, yet in Irish. For further information let any one read "Pinnock's Catechism on Ireland." The Phoenicians were a sea-faring people; pressed by Israel, Egypt, and Assyria, they finally left Canaan, and settled in Ireland. We find nine-tenths of Irish historians agreeing on this. Then the monuments teach the same—ancient inscriptions, one of which written was, "We are Canaanites who have fled from Joshua, the son of Nun, the robber." The people who show tourists the seven churches of Glendenlough, say they are Hittites and Hivites. Again, ruins of Baal temples, Cromlechs, round towers, go to confirm the same. Customs—Baal fires, on May eve, in Irish Ninna-baal-tinne; funeral wakes, or cup of consolation, forbidden to Israel when they sought to copy after the Philistines. "Neither shall men give them the cup of consolation to drink for father or mother" (Jer. xvi. 7). The Irish language came from the Phoenician, the alphabet of both being composed of sixteen letters originally, the only alphabet in the world so agreeing. From the Irish came the Gaelic, Welsh, Cornwall, and the Manx from them all.
The second settlement of Ireland is what puzzles historians of to-day—not the old historians, for they, nine out of ten, admit that the Formorians, Firbolgs, and Tuath de Danans, were one and the same people. They were a divine folk. The Tribe of Dan was a sea-faring Tribe, trading from Tyre to Tarshish for tin, and so became acquainted with the British Isles, and during Ahab's persecution many of them fled; so of the Simeonites who settled in Wales. This shows us why the North and South of Ireland should be so distinct to this day in religion, enterprise, and general characteristics. When the Tribe of Dan finally left Palestine, they with the other Nine Tribes went North, settling in Denmark, as in the North of Ireland, leaving their names on rivers, hills, cities, and things.
It is this that accounts for so many words of an Hebrew origin being found in the Irish language. General Vallancy has compared thousands and finds them thus related to the Hebrew. Instance: Jobhan-Moran, Chief Justice; Rectaire, Judge; Mur-Ollam, School of the Prophets; Ollam-Folla, Divine Teacher; Mergech, a Depository; Tara, Law; Tephi, Prince of the East; Lia-Fail, Stone of Destiny; Eden Gedoulah, Precious Stone.
If to Irish history we join Bible history, all is plain. God promised David repeatedly that he should always have his throne and on it his seed. The permanence of David's throne makes it a fit type of Christ's. Now, Jeremiah took charge of Zedekiah's daughter when Nebuchadnezzar took the Jews captive. He went to Egypt, then escaped, God promising to keep him whithersoever he went. So he disappears. No account of his death in the Bible. He had charge of the ark of the covenant, royal seed and Jacob's pillow—the stone of Israel. Irish histories, some twenty of which we find agree, say that about 585 B.C., a divine man landed in Ulster, having with him the king's daughter, stone of destiny, and ark, and many other wonderful things. The people of Ulster, of Dan, understood the old adventurer. Jeremiah married Tephi, Zedekiah's daughter, to Eoiacaid, who agreed to abandon Baal worship and build a school for the prophets. So he did. He then assumed the title of Heremon of Tara. From Tara, which was changed from Lothair Croffin into Tara. From Tephi comes our goddess of Liberty, on old coins, sitting on a lion. Now, at Tara, Jeremiah buried the ark of the covenant, tables of law, &c., and instituted the nine-arch degree of Masonry, to keep in mind its hiding-place,—so all may understand Jer. iii. 16: "And it shall come to pass, when ye be multiplied and increased in the land, in those days, saith the Lord, they shall say no more, The ark of the covenant of the Lord; neither shall it come to mind; neither shall they remember it; neither shall they visit it; neither shall that be done any more." This means that when the ark is found the ceremony will end; for the ark has to be found and go before the Jews when they return to their own land. Jeremiah was the first Grand Master. He, too, is the real St. Patrick—simply the Patriarchal Saint, which became St. Patriarch, then St. Patrick. The Roman Church introduced St. Patrick to offset the St. Patriarch.
Jeremiah well knew where the Tribes of Israel were in his day. He knew that Judah, Levi, and Benjamin, were in Babylon, filling in the seventy years of captivity, and the small remnant that Nebuchadnezzar left of them in Judah were scattered hither and thither. The Nine Tribes, or Israel, were settled in Central Asia, and were spreading Northward and Westward. This he knew, as easily as Peter did centuries after, when he wrote his epistle to the brethren, scattered abroad in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, and Asia; or as James, who dedicated his epistle to the Twelve Tribes which were scattered abroad; or as the Blessed Master who commissioned and sent His disciples after the lost sheep of the House of Israel. The place and locality of the Nine Tribes were known to the Jewish nation in the time of Josephus, the historian, for he speaks of them, and gives them a fraternal letter which the House of Judah sent unto the House of Israel. You are to keep in mind that it is after this the Tribes of Israel are to be lost. All prophecies after 700 B.C., up to this, our day, and till about 1882 A.D., that had reference to Israel, plainly mark out the dwelling-place of these Tribes, and yet these prophecies not being understood, till these latter days, Israel was as actually lost as if there had been no such prophecies. These prophecies were first sent North, then West, and then to the "isles of the sea." The law of the Gospel of Jesus would be sent to these Tribes; till then the "isles had to wait for the law." In due time this law was carried to them by the missionary Tribe of Benjamin. This very thing and time the prophet had foretold, for he says: "Wherefore glorify ye the Lord by the Urim; the name of the Lord God of Israel in the islands of the Western sea." How true, indeed "the isles of the sea saw it and feared." Jeremiah knew that the Tribe of Dan were a seafaring people, and in their trading they had become acquainted with Northern Europe and the British Isles. During the persecutions of Ahab thousands of them had left Palestine, settling in Denmark—this word Denmark means the circle of Dan. In course of time they crossed the sea and took possession of the North of Ireland, settling in the province of Ulster. The Tribe of Simeon, that had ever cast its lot with Dan, left Palestine and settled in Wales. Read the prophetic benedictions of the patriarch Jacob in the light of these historical facts, and they will stand out in sunlight brightness. "Dan shall judge his people as one of the Tribes of Israel." In his oneness, all alone he shall go out first, mark out and prepare the way of the other Tribes; and the royal seed, the ruling power, shall hide itself in him. "Dan shall be a serpent by the way; an adder in the path that biteth the horses' heels so that his rider shall fall backward." Yes, Dan will be hid among the Gentiles. He will bite them, sting them, frustrating their purposes. Then exclaims Jacob: "I have waited for Thy salvation, O Lord." Dan did wait, until the prophet Jeremiah landed in his midst with Tea Tephi, the daughter of Zedekiah, the royal seed, with the ark of the covenant, the tables of the law, the Urim and Thummim, which would enable Dan to judge his people, with the stone of Jacob, the pillar witness, which is now in the royal chair in Westminster Abbey; and also with the standard of Judah. Thus the prophet, who was the rightful custodian of all these things, carefully cared for the same, leaving them in charge of Dan. All but the stone have been concealed till the latter day. For on this stone have been crowned all the kings and queens of David's line.
Now just here we must take up history—especially Irish history—for in this matter and at this very point, you will find profane and sacred histories agreeing. One will beautifully explain the other; nor can anybody understand Irish history unless they get the key from sacred history. To take this key later writers have been unwilling, and, therefore, they have been unable to solve the problem embodied in this race and nation. No people on the face of the earth have been less understood and more misrepresented. The real allophyllians of Ireland—that is, the first native settlers—are unknown. The present inhabitants are not autochthonal, no more than we are the first settlers of this country. On one point all old historians are agreed—namely, that Ireland has been settled by two distinct colonies of people; and from these two colonies came the present Irish race. These two colonies were distinct in features, manners, customs, enterprise, and religion, and after all these centuries have passed away, these differences are discernable in some degree, especially so in enterprise and religion. And though, of course, in these latter years, they have become considerably mixed, yet an appeal on either of these points will mark out the Danite from the Phoenician. From the loud boasting of the Phoenician Irishman in Ireland, when speaking of America, you would think that he would pluck out his eyes and give them for a gift if need be. Well, a few years ago, Chicago was bitterly scourged with a fire. The need and distress thus caused appealed to the nations of the earth for help. The response was grand and glorious. Even hateful old John Bull did well. But what did Ireland do? Take two of her leading cities as an example; one in the North, the other in the South. Belfast in the North, of the Tribe of Dan; Dublin in the South, of the Phoenicians. Belfast sent 36,000 dols.; Dublin, 2,000 dols. Why this difference? We answer, Forsooth, the people of Belfast are Danites; they of Dublin are Phoenicians.
The Phoenicians, or Philistines, were the ancient Canaanites. They took early possession of Ireland. On this point the old as well as the new historians generally agree. But there was another early settlement in the North of Ireland whom the historians called Tuath de Danan, which simply means the folks of the Tribe of Dan. They introduced into the Irish language hundreds of Hebrew words, with many customs and legends of the Hebrews. They were very distinct in their enterprise and religion from the other settlers. About the year 580 B.C. there appeared before this people a strange man, whom the historians call Ollam-Folla, which means a divine teacher; the name or title is in Hebrew. This man, whoever he was, soon wielded great power in their midst. What he commanded they seemed ready to do. He very soon inaugurated wonderful reforms. He gave them a parliament, made them give up their idolatrous customs. He founded a college to train students to teach and preach his religion. It was called Mur-Ollam, school of the Divine. Here again the name is Hebrew, although in Irish. This wonderful man had with him a fair young princess, whose name in Hebrew-Irish was Tea Tephi, which means the beautiful one from the East. This lovely princess was married to the governor of Ulster, Heremon. He resided in the City of Lothair Croffin. In the agreement of the marriage, among many things, he was to accept her religion, give her joint authority, and build the Mur-Ollam, or college, and sustain it. Also to change the name of his city from Lothair Croffin to Tara, which means law; to adopt her standard or banner emblem, the harp and lion, and to be crowned on the wonderful stone called in Irish-Hebrew, Lia-Fail, which means stone of destiny, sometimes called Eben Gedoulah, the precious stone. From this Tea Tephi we get our female goddess of liberty, who on old coins is seated upon a lion with the Davidian harp in her hand.
Our text tells us that Jeremiah was to plant and build up. Here he planted, and here he did build. He planted and built a throne, a college, and a religion. Turn to Ezekiel, chapter xvi., and read the famous riddle. Tea Tephi is the tender twig that was cropped off from the high cedar, King Zedekiah, and planted among the merchants by great waters on the mountain of Israel. She was the tender one that was to take root downward. To Jeremiah, the Lord said, "Verily it shall be well with thy remnant." Nay, more, He told him that He would give him his life for a prey whithersoever he went. And in 2 Kings xix. 30, we read: "And the remnant that is escaped of the House of Judah shall yet again take root downward, and bear fruit upward. For out of Jerusalem shall go forth a remnant and they that escape out of Mount Zion; the zeal of the Lord of hosts shall do this." And Ezekiel, in his captivity, sent forth a prophecy referring to the wicked prince, Zedekiah, saying of his throne in the name of Jehovah: "I will overturn, overturn, overturn it, and it shall be no more until He comes whose right it is, and I will give it Him." So was this throne overturned, and was never after established in Jerusalem. You will notice that there are three overturnings, and as Scriptural language is emphatic and not superfluous or tautological, these overturnings mean something. Turn to history, and you will find this throne has been turned over just three times—first, from Jerusalem to Ireland; second, through King Fergus to Scotland, and, third, through King James, from Scotland to England. This throne can never be turned over again, for Jerusalem will be incorporated into the British Empire. The throne has turned over till it got home again; hence, as surely as we live, Palestine will go into the hands of England. The throne, religion, and education established by the prophet have ever kept together. This is the secret of Ireland's prestige and marvellous pre-eminence in centuries past. The college of Armach could boast of 7,000 students at a time. Missionaries went forth from Ireland through all Europe, teaching Christianity, and founding schools. Few men can compare to Virgilus, Eregina, Columbanus, and Columba. In olden times she was known as the "Isle of the Saints." The day of Ireland's weakness and distress came to her when she permitted her religion to be corrupted and controlled by foreigners; and by these same Italian intriguers she is now impoverished and enslaved. But for this the throne might have remained with her to-day, and England and Scotland have been under her. But when a nation loses her religion, she loses the right arm of power, and the ability to preserve freedom.
Jeremiah was the patron-saint for Ireland for a long time. Simeon (the Welsh) had and have David; and as surely as the Welsh have kept their saint, so surely ought Ireland. St. Patrick is looked upon by many as a mythical person. I believe, however, that he was a veritable man. The best authorities make out that he was born at Bonavena, in ancient Gaul, near what is now called Boulogne, some time about 387 A.D. He is reported as having died March 17th, 465, in the county Down. His father's name was Calpurnius. Young Calpurnius, or St. Patrick, as he was afterwards called, had a hard life of it in youth. I believe him to have been a Benjamite, a Christian; for the Benjamites began to fill in that part of France about that period. This Tribe were by nature missionaries. This prompted him to desire to redeem his brethren in Ireland. In Ulster he began his labours. From this same Tribe others had visited Ireland. History mentions four who preceded St. Patrick. The name of St. Paul, by many, is connected with a visit to Ireland. It is very easy to see how Jeremiah, the patron-saint of Judah, would be installed in such a relation with the Danites after his death. He was the real sainted patriarch of Ireland. And by a crafty design of Rome, young Calpurnius was created sainted patriarch, or St. Patrick, and by this means Rome linked the greater part of the Irish nation on to herself. Anybody honest and familiar with history knows that St. Patrick was a Christian, and in no sense of the word a Roman Catholic. The fact is, Rome began early to covet Ireland. Once they got possession, it was necessary for them to destroy the influence of Jeremiah. This they did, in part, by substituting the name of St. Patrick in the place of the prophet's; and more, they then set to work to destroy even the old and famous capital city of Tara. In 565 St. Ruadham, along with a posse of bishops and chiefs of the South of Ireland, cursed the city, so that neither King nor Queen might ever rule or reign therein again. They forced the government, monarchy and people to abandon the place. From thence Tara was deserted, and the harp sounded no more through Tara's halls. The city thus cursed crumbled to ruins, and remains to this day buried, awaiting a glorious resurrection. Rome caught her prize at last; but neither Rome nor any other power ever enslaved or conquered Ulster. Beyond the pale—that is, the dividing line, running from the Boyne to the Shannon—Rome never got, nor never will. Irishmen clamour for independence, to be free from England, and wonder why they are not. The reason is that God cannot trust liberty to them; for a people that yoke themselves to a foreigner, and give themselves over to be governed in spiritual matters, would make a poor effort if trusted with their temporal government. We all know that if Ireland had been free, she would not long have remained so, for body, as well as soul, she would have committed to the Italians. Why Irish Catholics should ask for freedom when they so voluntarily bind themselves to a foreigner, I fail to see. As the Protestants of the North have asked, and had granted, spiritual freedom in the severance of Church and State, so let the men of the South ask and demand, and stop not short of freedom from Rome. A free religion is the parent of a free State, and a free State of free school. A people who are not wise enough to take care of their own religion, are very poorly prepared to be the guardians of liberty. My belief is that Ireland ought to be free. She ought to be an independent province, with responsible government, as other English provinces. And once she becomes free religiously, it will not be long before she will be free politically. Substitute Jeremiah for St. Patrick, and the Lord Jesus for the Pope, then the day of freedom will not long tarry.
{23} Essay on "Manasseh and the United States," by the author, published by Robert Banks, price 2d.
{159} This Discourse we give to the reader as reported. In all the others we have excluded the reporter's introduction and personal references.