To discover water now became the chief object of everybody. On Point Record, a water-hole fenced round with bamboos was at last found. In it was some thick water, which had a brackish taste, and it was thought that this water-hole was the work of Malays, and not of the Australian aborigines, of whom traces were observed in various places, though, as yet, none had been seen. Captain Bremer described Port Essington as being "one of the most noble and beautiful pieces of water that can be imagined, having a moderate depth and a capability of containing a whole navy in perfect security." The lack of fresh water was its drawback.* (* It turned out afterwards that there was plenty of water and of good quality, but unfortunately it was not then discovered.) As the season was far advanced, the Commander decided to leave this beautiful bay and sail to Apsley Strait, which divides Melville and Bathurst Islands.
On the 23rd the ships left Port Essington, and after making Cape Van Diemen of the old charts entered the strait and on the 26th anchored off Luxmore Head. On this day Captain Bremer went on shore and took formal possession of Melville and Bathurst Islands on behalf of Great Britain. On the 30th, Captain Bremer discovered a running stream on Melville Island in a cove to the southward of the ships. The water fortunately was fresh. The south-east point of the cove was pleasantly situated on a slight rise, and was tolerably clear of timber and suitable for a settlement. Captain Bremer therefore took the ships into it, and he gave the cove the name of King's Cove, in honour of its discoverer, Captain Phillip Parker King.
The point chosen as the settlement was called Point Barlow, after Captain Barlow; and the part of the strait between Harris Island and Luxmore Head where the ships anchored was named Point Cockburn, after Sir George Cockburn, one of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. The harbour was not equal to Port Essington, as the entrance was intricate, and a dangerous shoal, rendered perilous by the rapid tides, extended some miles distant from the land. It was formed by the shores of Bathurst Island, as well as of Melville Island. To the northernmost point of Bathurst Island Captain Bremer gave the name of Cape Brace.
On October 1st, parties were landed on Point Barlow to clear the ground and to lay the foundation of a fort, for it was believed that the Malays, who fished annually in these waters, would soon come in great numbers, and hostility was also expected from the aborigines. A fort, therefore, was constructed so as to command the whole anchorage, and when finished it was possible to fire a shot from it on to Bathurst Island. In its building, timber of great solidity was used. On it were mounted two 9-pounder guns and four 18-pounder carronades, with a 12-pounder boatgun, which could be shifted as the occasion required. These were supplied by H.M.S. Tamar.
The boat-gun was fitted so that it could be placed on board the Lady Nelson, whenever it should be necessary to detach her to the neighbouring islands. Round the fort there were soon built comfortable cottages for the settlers, and, when completed, they gave the place the air of a village. The fort was rectangular, and within the square were erected barracks for the soldiers, and houses, the frames of which had been brought from New South Wales. The climate was found to be "one of the best between the tropics," particularly at dawn, "when," says Captain Bremer, "nothing can be more delightful than this part of the twenty-four hours." In spite of many mangrove swamps that existed there, much of the soil on Melville Island was excellent, and in it the plants brought in the ships flourished luxuriantly; they included the orange, lemon, lime, and banana. Melons and pumpkins sprang up immediately, and maize was "upon ground" on the fourth day after it was sown. The native forests were almost inexhaustible, producing most, if not all, the tropical fruits and shrubs of the Eastern Islands, chief among them a sort of cotton tree, a species of "lignum vitae," and the bastard nutmeg.
While Captain Bremer explored the country, the work at the settlement was carried out without loss of time. On the 8th of October a pier, for the purpose of landing provisions and guns, was begun, next a Commissariat store; and by the 20th the pier, bastion, and sea face of the fort were completed. Captain Bremer writes, "I had the satisfaction of hoisting His Majesty's colours under a royal salute from the guns mounted on Fort Dundas, which I named in honour of the noble Lord and the Head of the Admiralty."
On November 10th Captain Bremer, having carried out his duties in accordance with the instructions that he had received from the Admiralty, took leave of the settlement. He handed over its charge to Captain Maurice Barlow. The Tamar then dropped into the stream, being saluted by 15 guns, which she returned. Two days afterwards she left Port Cockburn for India in company with the Countess of Harcourt, bound for Mauritius and England.
The Lady Nelson remained behind at Port Cockburn, partly to act as a guardship and partly to bring to the settlement the needed stores and supplies from the islands to the northwards. These islands, as well as Coepang, afforded fresh meat in the form of buffalo beef, and it proved an inestimable boon to many ships which traded in these waters. Fresh provisions being scarce at the settlement* (* See Major Campbell's report.) Captain Barlow sent the Lady Nelson for a cargo of buffaloes. In February 1825, the little ship set forth on her mission, from which she was doomed never to return. As she left Port Cockburn her Commander was warned to avoid an island called Baba, one of the Serwatti Islands, which was infested with pirates who were very daring and very cruel. It is supposed that the warning was unheeded, for there the little vessel met her end.
The schooner Stedcombe, Captain Burns (or Barnes), from England, arrived at Melville Island when anxiety was being felt there regarding the Lady Nelson's fate. After her stores were landed, as scurvy was increasing among the colonists, Captain Barlow chartered the vessel on behalf of the Government and despatched her to Timor for buffaloes: she was also instructed to search for the missing Lady Nelson. Her captain remained at the settlement, and the chief mate took charge of the schooner. The Stedcombe never returned, and later it was learned that she too had been captured by pirates, off Timor Laut, about sixty miles eastward of Baba, where the Lady Nelson had been taken.
The Serwatti Islands form a chain which stretches from the east end of Timor as far as Baba. When Lieutenant Kolff of the Dutch Navy visited Baba in July 1825 the inhabitants were shy and deserted the village of Tepa on his landing. He was convinced that a crime had been committed, and learned that "some months previously an English brig manned by about a dozen Europeans had anchored off Alata on the south-east coast and had engaged in barter with the natives who were on board in great numbers, and who taking the opportunity of 5 men being on shore...attacked and killed the people on the brig as well as those in the boat when they returned." Earl, who translated Kolff's journal, says that "the natives received not the slightest reproof from Lieutenant Kolff for this outrage."
Fourteen years afterwards, when Captain Gordon Bremer was acting as commandant at Port Essington,* (* Melville Island was abandoned in 1829 for Port Essington.) Captain Thomas Watson arrived there in the schooner Essington, bearing the news that Mr. Volshawn, master of a small trading vessel flying the Dutch flag, had seen an English sailor on the island of Timor Laut when he visited it in February of the previous year.* (* Captain Watson's journal is preserved at the Admiralty.) The Englishman was kept captive at a native village on the south-eastern side of the island, and stated that he had belonged to the Stedcombe. Mr. Volshawn also declared that he had seen there articles which had been taken from the Stedcombe.
Captain Watson decided to try and rescue his countryman, and on March 31st, 1839, when off Timor Laut he stood in for the island. The plan he proposed to adopt in order to carry out the rescue was to entice a chief or Orang Kaire on board and hold him as a hostage until the English sailor was produced. As his ship came in shore three canoes under Dutch colours put out to meet him with twelve to thirteen men in each. In answer to Captain Watson's inquiries whether there was a white man on the island some of the natives replied, "Certo; Engrise; Louron," which was translated as meaning that there was an Englishman at Louron.* (* Lourang.) Other canoes came alongside the Essington, whose crew had been put under arms, and an Orang Kaire was allowed to come on board. Captain Watson writes: "Now was the time for carrying my plans into effect...and I told the Orang Kaire if he would bring him (the captive) to me I would give him a quantity of trade which was shown him." To this the chief agreed. But as no great faith was placed in his assertion, Watson then told him that he must send his canoes and fetch the Englishman, when he would receive his reward, but if they did not bring his prisoner he would be hung from the yard-arm, and that "we should fire our great guns on the village." The ship was now surrounded by canoes and no one was allowed to come on board excepting a very friendly chief. This man immediately pulled from his bosom a small basket of papers which were found to consist of loose scraps written by the crew of the Charles Eaton.* (* The Charles Eaton was wrecked in Torres Strait in 1834.) Beside these the basket contained a letter written by Lieutenant Owen Stanley, of H.M.S. Britomart, stating that he had called here and had examined and copied the scraps of paper. As night was coming on the canoes were dismissed and all the natives sent away excepting the Orang Kaire who had first arrived. The other chief was anxious to remain on board with him, but Mr. Watson would not allow him to do so.
After pacing the deck, the chief made a resolute attempt to follow his companions, tearing off the few garments which he was wearing and endeavouring to jump into the water. Early on April 1st the Essington was brought abreast of Louron. Not a canoe hove in sight until nine o'clock, when two belonging to the prisoner came alongside and the crews asked that he might be allowed to go on shore. This request Captain Watson refused, and shortly afterwards the friendly Orang, who again visited the ship, promised to deliver up the Englishman. At 2.30 P.M. two canoes were observed approaching the Essington, in one of which was the captive. He was dressed as a native, and when they drew close to the ship it was seen that he was in a most miserable condition. He was of fair complexion and his hair, which had been allowed to grow long, was "triced up in native custom with a comb made of bamboo," and being of a light yellow colour "it resembled the finest silk." His only garments were a sort of waistcoat without sleeves and a blue and white dungaree girdle round his loins. He looked delicate, and his face wore a woebegone expression, which apparently was habitual, while his body was covered with numberless scars and sores. The sinews of his knee-joints were very contracted, because, he told Captain Watson, he had to sit fishing so long in one position in the hot sun so that he was almost unable to walk. His ears had been perforated after the custom of the natives, and in the lobe of each he wore a piece of bamboo at least an inch in diameter.
As was to be expected, from having been fourteen years on the island, he had almost forgotten his native language and with difficulty could make himself intelligible. He was, however, able to give the following account of his life there. The Stedcombe, on leaving Melville Island, had gone to Timor Laut for live stock and had moored off Louron. Mr. Bastell, the mate in charge, then proceeded on shore with the crew, leaving on board the steward, a boy named John Edwards, and himself. As Mr. Bastell and the crew did not return he (Forbes) looked through the glass and then beheld their bodies stretched out on the beach—the heads severed from each. As a canoe was perceived approaching the ship, he proposed to the steward and to John Edwards that they should arm: but the former paid no attention to him. He then proposed that he and John Edwards should punch one of the bolts out of the cable and liberate the ship. They were in the act of doing this when the natives, among whom was the Orang Kaire whom Watson had detained, boarded the Stedcombe. The unfortunate steward was killed on the spot, and the two boys, expecting to share his fate, betook themselves to the rigging and were only induced to descend upon repeated promises that they would not be injured. Strange to say, the natives kept their promises, and after plundering the ship they burnt her. The boys were kept in the capacity of ordinary slaves until about four years before the coming of the Essington, when Edwards died, and since that time Forbes had been unable to move in consequence of the stiffness in his legs. The scars were caused by the natives when he incurred their displeasure. One of their common modes of punishment was to take hot embers from the fire and place them on some part of his body until it was severely burned. When asked how he was treated generally, he replied "Trada Bergouse," meaning very badly. Some few natives, he said, were kind to him, among them the chief who had produced the papers. Speaking of the chief of Louron, he remarked, "Louron cuts me down to the ground" which was thought to imply that he flogged him and knocked him down. Whenever a vessel hove in sight the chief would have him bound hand and foot and keep him so, as long as the vessel remained at the island. This explains why Lieutenant Stanley did not see him when he called in H.M.S. Britomart. Some of the crew of the Charles Eaton had come there and wished him to leave with them, but permission was refused. Lastly a Chinese trader had wished to purchase him and had offered several "gown pieces" as the price, but this offer too was declined. When Kolff called with two Dutch men-of-war, he and his men would have nothing to do with him, nor would they assist him to escape.
Forbes gave accounts of many ships having been cut off by these pirates but only two clear accounts—the one of a China junk which they boarded, murdered and plundered the crew, and eventually burnt, and the other a schooner manned with black men, which they plundered afterwards liberating the men. He also said that a whaler had been cast away seven moons ago, and that two whale-boats and one jolly-boat with only five people in all arrived at Timor Laut. This story, however, was confused and incoherent.
When Captain Bremer arrived at Sydney in H.M.S. Alligator about the same time as the Essington, he had Forbes placed in the hospital there and wrote to the Admiralty asking for inquiries to be made about his relatives and to inform them of his existence. In his despatch Captain Bremer remarked that even Forbes's features seemed to have "assimilated themselves" to those of the islanders.
The kindly chief was afterwards rewarded, as was Captain Watson, by the Admiralty. The Orang Kaire of Louron seems to have escaped scot free, having left the Essington as Forbes was being brought on board. Forbes afterwards retired to Williamstown, Victoria, where he spent the rest of his life as a fisherman, and it is said that he never quite recovered from the effects of his harsh bondage.
The last news of the Lady Nelson was brought to Sydney some time after her capture by a ship called the Faith, which reported that the hull of the Lady Nelson was still to be seen with her name painted on the stern at the island of Baba.
It was an unworthy end to a very gallant ship, but the record of the useful work that she accomplished survives and will have its place in every history of Australia.
No separate muster of the ship's company of the Lady Nelson can be found among the Public Records, but during the period that she was attached to H.M.S. Buffalo in New South Wales the names of her crew and of the supernumeraries sailing in her were inscribed in the books of that ship, four pages from which are here reproduced. The first three of these give the names of the officers and seamen who composed the complement of the Lady Nelson in 1801, 1803 and 1804. The fourth page is an extract from the Buffalo's own muster-roll when she conveyed the first Norfolk Island settlers to Port Dalrymple in 1805, the Government having decided to break up their settlement. Among the passengers on board the Buffalo were Mrs. Elizabeth Paterson the wife of the Lieutenant-Governor, Mr. Williams, Acting Surveyor-General, and Ann Williams, possibly a relative of his. With the Norfolk Island settlers was William Lee, to whom this volume is dedicated, then a lad ten years of age, who afterwards became one of the first pioneers in the Bathurst district.
The story of the Buffalo's arrival at Port Dalrymple is told in a letter written to Earl Camden by Colonel Paterson from Yorktown as follows:—
"On the 4th April H.M.S. Buffalo arrived from Port Jackson by which conveyance I received a proportion of such stores and provisions as could be spared, 120 ewes, 2 rams, 6 cows, 2 bulls, 1 mare, and 1 horse: 50 prisoners were also sent.
"Five settlers arrived at the same time from Norfolk Island with the Acting Surveyor-General to measure out the allotments necessary for them. Soon after their arrival I accompanied them to different situations as far as Supply River, which is about 10 miles from Headquarters. After examining the ground they chose their allotments on the banks of a run, 2 miles to the south-east of this place. Mr. Riley, Acting Deputy-Commissary, recommended also to have the advantages of free settlers, chose his ground also in this situation. They proceeded to clear the ground and to cultivate. Everyone exerted themselves as much as possible, but those who cultivated on the sides of the hills were deceived in their choice and too much disappointed in the first appearance of their crops, the low ground being also found subject to temporary floods. AS THEY WERE THE FIRST SETTLERS, I have recommended them to his Excellency, as a remuneration of their losses, to have grants of land on the north side of the main river Tamar extending up the river South Esk. My motive for recommending this situation is that they cannot fail in success as it is a part of the country the colony must look to for grain. The first twelve months being now past I have every reason to believe the greatest of our difficulties have been surmounted...It is not for me to presume to be acquainted with the particular causes which rendered it necessary this colony should be established, but if its desirable situation in the important passage of Bass Streights was one of the objects, it appears to me necessary that a large establishment should ever remain here while the interests of Great Britain are to be effected in this part of the world, and I can assure your Lordship I have seen no country yet that offers such inducements to be retained.*
I have, etc.,
(* The remaining Norfolk Island Settlers were later on removed to Tasmania in different ships, the Lady Nelson conveying many of them to their new home. Historical Records of New South Wales volume 5 page 732.)
Abbott, Captain E.
Abercrombie, Charles.
Albany Otway, Cape.
Albatross Islands.
Albion, the.
Alligator, H.M.S.
Amsterdam, Island of.
Anderson, Ensign.
Anna, Josepha.
Ann's Island.
Ann's Mountain.
Anson, H.M.S.
Apsley Strait.
Arthur's Seat.
Ash Island.
Baba Island.
Babel Islands, see Cat Islands.
Baie du Nord.
Baillie, Ensign.
Ball's Pyramid.
Banks, Cape.
Banks, Sir Joseph.
Barbin Reach.
Barlow, Captain Maurice.
Barnes, Farmer.
Barrallier, Ensign. his valuable charts. shoots a hawk. a cockatoo. suffers from sea-sickness. surveys harbour and river.
Barren, Cape.
Barren Island.
Barren Jowie.
Barren's Pool.
Barr Reach.
Bass, Dr. George. discovers Bass Strait. circumnavigates Tasmania.
Bass Strait.
Bathurst Islands.
Baudin, Commodore. in Encounter Bay. his Journals. writes to Governor King.
Bauer, F.
Bayley, Ensign.
Bay of Islands.
Bay of Seals.
Bay of Shoals.
Bee, The.
Belloe's Reach.
Bennilong's Point.
Betsy, The.
Big Stuck, the.
Bird Island.
Bligh, Governor.
Black, Captain.
Bond, Mr.
Boswell, Mr.
Botany Bay.
Bowen, Lieutenant John. his Colony at Risdon. sent to Hobart.
Bowen, Mr. finds a canoe. his adventures among Bush Natives. captures seals.
Bow Reach.
Brabyn, Mr.
Brace, Cape.
Bradley's Head.
Branch Reach.
Brandt, Dr.
Breaksea Spit.
Bremer, Captain James Gordon. leaves England in the Tamar. his log-book. at Port Essington. arrives at Sydney.
Brett, Cape.
Bridgewater, Cape.
Britannia's Beach.
Britomart, H.M.S.
Broad Sound.
Broken Bay.
Brothers, the.
Brown, Robert.
Bruce, George.
Brunswick, the.
Budgeree Dick.
Buffalo, H.M.S.
Bunker, Captain Ebor.
Bunn, Captain.
Burns, Captain.
Bustard Bay.
Byers, Captain.
Calcutta, H.M.S.
Caley, Mr.
Campbell, Captain.
Camp Cove.
Cape of Good Hope.
Capricorn, Cape.
Caroline, the.
Carpentaria, Gulf of.
Cataract River.
Cat Islands.
Cavanagh, James.
Cavalli Bay.
Cavalli Island.
Cavill's Island.
Churchill, John.
Churchill's Island.
Clark, Mark.
Clark's Island.
Coal Island.
Coal River, see Hunter's River.
Cockburn, Sir George.
Collier's Point.
Collins, Colonel.
Collins, William.
Colnett, Captain.
Commander, the.
Commodore, the.
Contest, the.
Cornwallis, the.
Cornwallis Farm.
Countess of Harcourt, the.
Courtoys, George.
Crescent Reach.
Croker's Island.
Cumberland Islands.
Cumberland, the.
Cummings, Mr.
Curtis, Admiral Sir Roger.
Curtoys, Commander George.
D'Acunha, Tristan.
Danger, Cape.
Deadman's Dock.
Derwent, the (river).
Devil's Tower Island.
Diana Bay.
Diana, the.
Direction, Cape.
Double Island Point.
Double Peak.
Dragon Island, see Laurence's Island.
Dromedary, Cape.
Druce, J.
Duke of Portland, the.
Durham, Captain.
Earl Cornwallis, the.
Earl, Mr.
East Cove.
East Indies.
Eastern Islands.
Eaton, Charles.
Eddystone Point.
Edwards, John.
Edwin, the.
Elephant Bay.
Elephant Rock.
Elizabeth's Cove.
Elliott, Mount.
Encounter Bay.
Endeavour, the.
Endeavour River.
Enterprise of Bordeaux.
Essington, the.
Estramina, the.
Evans, Mr.
Everard, Lieutenant.
Faceing Island.
Faith, the.
Farewell, Cape.
Ferret, the.
Five Islands.
Flat Island.
Flattery, Cape.
Flinders, Captain Matthew. his chart. arrives at Port Jackson. reaches Sandy Cape. names Port Bowen. names Mount Westall. loses his anchor. separates from Murray. meets Baudin in Encounter Bay. circumnavigates Tasmania.
Flinders' Island.
Flint and Steel Cove.
Fly, the.
Forbes Island.
Forbes, Mr.
Fort Dundas.
Fourcroy Island, see Lady Julia Island.
Foveaux, Major.
Fowler, Lieutenant.
France, Isle of.
Francis, the.
Frederick Henry Bay.
Freshwater Bay.
Fresh Water River.
Freycinet, Louis de.
Friars, the.
Furneaux, Captain.
Furneaux Islands.
Gambier's Mountain.
Garden Island.
Garlies, Viscount.
George, the.
George IV, King.
Giant Kingfisher, the.
Gigantic Hills.
Glass House Bay.
Glatton, the.
Glennie, George.
Glennie's Islands.
Gore, Mount.
Governor Hunter, the.
Governor King's Bay.
Governor King's Island.
Grafton, Cape.
Grand Capuchin Island, see also Flinders' Island.
Grant, Captain James.
Grant, Dr. J.R.
Grant, Lieutenant James. appointed to Lady Nelson. at Portsmouth. meets Dr. J.R. Grant. his journal. autograph. letter to Governor King. describes Churchill's Island. meets John Loft. and natives. resignation. character. receives a pension. death.
Grant's Point.
Great Barrier Reef.
Great Islands, see Flinders' Islands.
Green Cape.
Green Island.
Gull Island.
Hacking, Mr.
Halfway House, The.
Hamelin, Captain.
Harbinger Rock.
Harbinger, the.
Harrington, the.
Harris, Dr.
Harris Island.
Hawke, the.
Hawkesbury River.
Hayes, Mr.
Haycock Rock, West.
Heads, the.
Hervey Bay.
Hillsborough, Cape.
Hill View.
Hole in the Wall, the.
Honduras, the.
Hope, the.
Hope Point.
Horn, Cape.
Houston, Captain.
Howe, Cape.
Howick Group.
How's Islands.
Hummocky Island.
Hunson's Bay.
Hunter River.
Hunter's Island.
Imperieuse, H.M.S.
Indian Archipelago.
Indian Head.
Integrity, the.
Investigator, the. with the Lady Nelson. fires her guns. runs aground.
James, the.
Jervis Bay.
Johns, Captain.
Johnston, John.
Joseph Druce, the.
Judgment Rock.
Kable & Underwood, Messrs.
Kable, Henry.
Kent, Captain William George Carlile.
Kent Group.
Kent's Bay.
Kent's Burn.
Keppel Bay.
Keppel, Cape.
Keppel Island.
King, Captain Phillip Parker.
King, Elizabeth.
King George's Sound.
King, Governor. letters to Grant. to Banks. to Collins. instructions to Grant. letters from Grant. from Baudin. from Collins. appoints John Murray Commander of the Lady Nelson. confirms appointment of Symons. instructions to Murray. consulted by Captain Flinders. charters Albion Whaler. arranges for settlement at Newcastle.
King Island.
King of Spain.
King's Cove.
King's Yard, the.
Knight, Mr.
Knuckle Point.
Kolff, Lieutenant.
Labilliere, F.P.
Lacy, Mr.
Lady Julia Island.
Lady Nelson, the. first vessel to sail through Bass Strait. important part in the discovery of Australia. charts the coastline of Victoria. her logbooks. memorable voyages. description. nicknamed "His Majesty's Tinderbox." at Portsmouth. leaves England. fired on by the Hussar. anchors at St. Iago. at the Cape of Good Hope. falls in with whales. at Sydney. at Jervis Bay. meets the Cornwallis. Murray succeeds Grant as Commander. voyage to Norfolk Island. in Diana Bay. at Kent's Group. at Port Phillip. sails to the Hawkesbury. in difficulties. with the Investigator. at Sandy Cape. explores coral reefs. loses an anchor. commanded by George Courtoys. in Sydney Cove. commanded by James Symons. repairs in Twofold Bay. last voyage from Sydney. her end.
Lady Nelson Reef.
Lady Nelson's Point.
Lady Nelson's Port.
Lagoon Reach.
Las Palmas.
Lawrence's Islands.
Lawson, Ensign.
Lay Island Reach.
Le Corre, Captain.
Lewin, Cape.
Lewin, Mr.
Lion's Mount.
Lion's Rump.
Liptrap, Cape.
Liptrap, John.
Loft, John.
Long Island.
Long Reach.
Long Reef.
Lookout Bay.
Lord Howe Island.
Lord, Simeon.
Lover's Leap Reach.
Low Island.
Luck, Andrew.
Luxmore Head.
Mackellar, Lieutenant.
Maclean, Captain.
M'Millan's Burn.
Macquarie, Major-General.
Macquarie, Mrs.
Mangrove Point.
Mangrove Reach.
Maoris, the.
Marcia, the.
Marengo, Cape, see Albany Otway.
Margaret Island.
Margaret, the.
Maria Isle.
Maria Van Diemen, Cape, see North-West Cape.
Marsden, Reverend Samuel.
Martha, the.
Mary, Poor.
Melville Island.
Melville, Cape.
Menzies, Lieutenant.
Mermaid, the.
Mertho, Captain.
Mid Hummock.
Mileham, Mr.
Milkmaid Reach.
Miller, George.
Millet Island Reach.
Missing, John.
Moncur, Captain.
Moncur's Island.
Montaigne, Cape.
Montesquieu, Cape, see Bridgewater, Cape.
Moore, Thomas.
Moreton Bay.
Moreton Island.
Moss, Isaac.
Mount Albany.
Mount Dromedary.
Mount Egerton.
Mountgarrett, Mr.
Mount Pitt.
Mount Warning.
Mullet Island.
Mullet Island Reach.
Murray, Lieutenant John. appointed Commander of the Lady Nelson. receives instructions from Governor King. his charts. first sight of Port Phillip. enters the Port. his Log. letter from R.B. Wood. punishes the crew for drunkenness. for falling asleep on watch. captures kangaroos. shoots swans. ducks. catches swans. and natives. names Elephant Bay. Port King. Maria Isle. returns to Western Port. sees a snake. autograph. superseded by George Curtoys.
Murray's Passage.
Nancy, the.
Naturaliste, the.
Nelson, Cape.
Nepean Island.
Nepean, Point, see Repear, Point.
Nepean, Secretary.
Neutral Bay.
New Holland.
New South Wales Corps.
New Zealand.
Nobby's, the, see Coal Island.
Noble Rock.
Norfolk Islands.
Norfolk, the.
North Cape.
Northern Island.
North Esk.
North Head.
North Head Point.
North Point Island.
Northumberland, Cape of.
Northumberland Islands.
North-West Cape.
Ocean, the.
One Tree Reach.
Orang Kaire.
Otway, William Albany, R.N.
Outer Cove.
Outermost Rock.
Oxley, Lieutenant.
Oyster Bay.
Oyster Island.
Palmer, Mr.
Pasture Plains.
Paterson Cape.
Paterson, Colonel. discovers copper. names Ann's Mountain. Elizabeth's Mountain.
Patriarchs, the.
Patton's Cape.
Peak of Pines.
Percy Islands.
Percy, Lady Julia.
Phillip Islands.
Pier Head.
Pigeon House.
Pinch Gut Island.
Pines, Hill of.
Pine Island.
Piper, Ensign.
Pitt, Mount.
Plate River.
Point Barlow.
Point Cockburn.
Point Danger.
Point Hicks.
Point How.
Point Palmer.
Point Paterson.
Point Pocock.
Point Rapid.
Point Record.
Point Schanck.
Point Stephens.
Point Upright.
Porpoise, H.M.S.
Port Number 2.
Portland Bay.
Portland, Duke of.
Portland Reach.
Port Aitkin.
Port Bowen.
Port Cockburn.
Port Curtis.
Port Dalrymple.
Port du Debut.
Port Essington.
Port Hicks.
Port Jackson.
Port Jackson Heads.
Port King.
Portland Head.
Port Macquarie.
Port Phillip.
Port Praya.
Port Stephens.
Power, Mr.
Preservation Island.
Pugh's Reach.
Pure Island.
Putland, Lieutenant.
Pyramid, the.
Rabbit Island.
Raby, Mr.
Ralphes Bay.
Ram Head.
Raven, the.
Reid, Mr.
Reid's mistake.
Repear, Point.
Resource, the.
Rhodes, Captain.
Richelieu, Cape.
Rio de Janeiro.
Risdon Cove.
Risdon's Island.
Robbins, Lieutenant.
Roberts, John.
Rocky Island.
Rodondo Island.
Rodondo Rock.
Roe, Lieutenant.
Rose Bay.
Rothesay Hills.
Ruff Trees.
Rugged, Mount.
Rushford, Mr.
Rushworth, Mr.
Sackville Reach.
St. Iago.
St. Servan.
Salt Water Lagoon.
Sampson's Farm.
Sandy Cape.
Sandy Point.
Saxe Coburgs Range.
Schanck, Cape.
Schanck, Captain John, R.N.
Shanck Forest.
Schanck, Mrs.
Sea Elephant Bay.
Seal Bay.
Seal Islands.
Seal Reef.
Seal Rocks.
Sea Lyon Island.
Sentry Box Reach.
Serwatti Islands.
Settlement, the.
Seven Reaches.
Shag Rock.
Shark Island.
Shoal Water Bay.
Shot Snake Reach.
Shirly, Thos.
Simon's Bay.
Sir Roger Curtis's Island.
Sir William Grant's Cape.
Sisters Islands.
Smoaky Cape.
Snapper Island.
Snug Cove.
Solicitor, Cape, see Montaigne Cape.
Solitary Islands.
Sophia, the.
South Cape.
South Esk.
South Head.
South Hogan's Group.
Sow and Pigs.
Spectacle Reach.
Stack Rocks.
Stainforth's Cove.
Stanley, Lieutenant Owen.
Stedcombe, the.
Stoney Head.
Stoney Peak.
Storehouse Islands.
Storm Bay Passage.
Strong Tide Passage.
Suffrein, Cape, see Patton's Cape.
Sugar Loaf Hill.
Sugar Loaf Island.
Sullivan's Cove.
Sunday Islands.
Supply, H.M.S.
Surprise, the, see Diana, the.
Swaine and Campbell, Messrs.
Swan Isles.
Swan Point.
Swan Pond.
Sydney Bay.
Sydney Cove.
Sydney Harbour.
Symons, Lieutenant James. succeeds Curtoys. sails to Port Dalrymple. his log. sent to Jervis Bay. leaves for Sydney with Governor King. his autograph.
Table Bay.
Table Hill.
Tamar, H.M.S.
Tamar River.
Thames, River.
Thirsty Sound.
Thompson, Captain.
Thracian, the.
Three Hummock Island.
Three Kings Island.
Timor, Island of.
Timor Laut.
Titteranee, Island of.
Tollemache, George.
Torres Strait.
Tortoise Point.
Tourville Bay, see Portland Bay.
Townsend, Cape.
Tozer, Mr. William.
Trial, the.
Tribulation, Cape.
Tucker, John.
Turnbull, Captain.
Turner, Dr.
Turtle Islands.
Twentyday Island.
Twofold Bay.
Upper Head.
Upper Island.
Underwood, Mr.
Union, the.
Vancouver's Track.
Van Diemen, Cape.
Van Diemen's Land, see also Tasmania.
Volshawn, Mr.
Warning, Mount.
Warren, Robert.
Waterhouse Island.
Watering Island.
Watering Place.
Watson, Captain Thos.
Wednesday and Thursday Islands.
Wellesley, the.
Westall, Mr.
West Cove.
Western Arms, the.
Western Port.
West India Fleet.
West Indies.
Wide Bay.
Wight, Captain.
Wight's Land.
Williams, Mr.
Willis, Henry.
Wilson, Mr.
Wilson's Promontory.
Wiwiki, Cape, see Point Pocock.
Wolsey, Jeremiah.
Wongaroa Islands.
Wood, R.B.
Woodriff, Captain.
Yacaaba, see Port Stephens.
Yates, George.
York, Cape.