"Friday, August 20th. At sundown the Commodore bore north distant about 3 miles, the Sugar Loaf Island north-north-east 1/2 east distant 4 miles, and two rocky islands north-east by east distant about 3 miles. At quarter-past 9 P.M. saw a light in the north-west quarter and heard a gun fired. Immediately hoisted a light in the main top gallant masthead and fired a gun; heard no second gun. At 12 passed a low island bearing east distant 3/4 of a mile. At daylight perceived we were much farther from the land than the Log gave. Commodore not in sight. Latitude observed 22 degrees 41 minutes 28 seconds south.
"Saturday, August 21st. At half-past 4 P.M. saw the Investigator bearing north-north-west, at sundown the Investigator bore north-west by north distant 10 miles, the Sugar Loaf Island bore west by north distant 4 or 5 miles, the Low Island south-west by west distant 3 or 4 miles. At quarter past 8 P.M. heard a gun fired from the Commodore which we answered. At 9 P.M. heard a second gun fired which we answered. At daylight made all sail to come up with Commodore. At 20 past 11 came to with small bower in 7 fathoms.
"Sunday, August 22nd. A.M. Sent the First Mate and a party to water and wood the vessel; hoisted our main keel* (* That is the middle centre board.) out of the trunk and found half of it gone, this must have been occasioned by the shock it received at Faceing Island on Monday 9th instant, when running down to the Investigator. It also accounts for her not sailing so fast as formerly. A.M. Received one boat-load of water. I went on shore to the watering-place, it lies between two hills of a considerable height and springs out of a rock—the water is both good and clear, it is convenient to be got at.* (* The ships anchored in Port Bowen or Number 2 Port, named by Flinders in honour of Captain Jas. Bowen of the Navy, and the hilly projection on the side of its entrance, Cape Clinton after Colonel Clinton of the 85th Regiment. "The water was very good. It drained down the gully to a little beach between two projecting heads. The gully will be easily known, but Mr. Westall's sketch will obviate any difficulty. There were pine trees in the gully, but the best were on Entrance Island, some being fit for topmasts. I was surprised to see trees (upon Hervey Isles) resembling the pines of Norfolk Island." Flinders.) Latitude (good) observed 22 degrees 28 minutes 58 seconds south.
"Monday, August 23rd. Reported our main keel to Captain Flinders being gone.
"Tuesday, August 24th. P.M. Hoisted in our launch and secured everything for sea. At daylight weighed and made sail in company with the Investigator. By half-past 7 A.M. got out of the bay and at 11 A.M. came to Pine Island bearing south by east 1/2 east. Distant 1 1/2 miles. Hope Point south by west 6 or 7 miles and the northern entrance south-south-west 2 miles.
"Wednesday, August 25th. At 2 P.M. weighed in company with the Investigator and made all sail. At 7 came to...At daylight weighed in company with the Investigator, worked to windward until 10 A.M. when the Investigator came to in the offing and we came to...between Rocky Island and the main, Rocky Island bearing north-east by north distant 2 1/2 miles...the nearest of the Pine Islands, south-east by east distant 3 miles.
"Thursday, August 26th. At 3 P.M. the Investigator lifted her anchor and worked to windward. At half-past 4 P.M. saw a native fire ahead. At daylight weighed with a light air at north-west. By 6 A.M. the Investigator got close into an opening (seeming a large bay* (* Shoal Water Bay or Number 3 discovered port. See Flinders.)) and hoisted out 2 boats, at 8 A.M. she bore up for the entrance and we followed without sweeps rowing. At half-past 8 A.M. observed the Investigator to anchor and shortly after we were obliged to drop our kedge close to the rocks of the south-eastern entrance. I went on shore with a small party.* (* On this day Mr. Westall made a drawing of Shoal Water Bay and the islands here. Flinders named a high hill Mount Westall in compliment to his landscape painter.) I saw on the beach the footmarks of natives and the tracks of turtle, but nothing else worth mentioning. Apparently this is a place of very huge extent and safe for shipping. Latitude observed 22 degrees 19 minutes 33 seconds south.
"Friday, August 27th. At 2 P.M. the tide having somewhat slackened and a breeze of wind coming from the north-east weighed and made all sail up the bay; by half-past 2 P.M. having passed the Investigator by about a quarter of a mile came to in 6 fathoms water. At 40 minutes past 2 P.M. the vessel swung to the flood and in half an hour its rate was found to be 3 1/2 knots per hour, it increased from that very nearly 5 knots and its rise 11 feet.* (* This place was named by Flinders Strong Tide Passage.) At 6 P.M. one of the Investigator's boats got upset under our stern and one man thrown into the water by the accident. He drifted down with the tide and our boat picked him up with some of the boat's gear. At 6 A.M. got the vessel under weigh and let her drift up the bay with the tide having from 6 to 10 fathoms and from that to 5 and 8 where we anchored. The Investigator anchored a little before us. From where we lay the east point of bay bore north 47 degrees east.
"Saturday, August 28th. At 2 P.M. I received orders to get the vessel under weigh and proceed up the bay—half-past 2 P.M. weighed and made sail, the Investigator following us. At half-past 3 P.M. perceived the Investigator to be aground in consequence of which we let go our kedge and I went in the boat ahead. At 5 P.M. on the Investigator floating; again got under weigh, kept standing up the bay sounding and making signals. At 6 P.M. anchored with the small bower in 5 fathoms of water.
"Sunday, August 29th. At daylight weighed in company with the Investigator and moved up a little further, sounding from 3 fathoms to 7, where we anchored. Latitude observed 22 degrees 20 minutes 56 seconds south.
"Monday, August 30th. At 4 P.M. in company with the Commodore made sail a little further up the bay; we perceived a shoal nearly dry on the south-east end, it seemed to lie nearly in that direction for perhaps two miles. Waited on Captain Flinders who desired me to send our main keel on board in order to be repaired and at the same time he informed me that he would be on board in the morning and move the Lady Nelson for the examination of the bay. At daylight sent our keel on board and at half-past 6 Captain Flinders came on board, immediately weighed and made all sail to the south-east part of the bay. At half-past 10 entered a large branch or arm of the bay or river following Captain Flinders in his boat steering east and east-south-east we anchored per order of Captain Flinders and he continued on in his boat.* (* Flinders went two miles up the river, landed, and took a set of angles here. He describes an islet with "signs of visits of the natives" and on the main, in low grounds, were holes where they dug for fern root. An iguana 2 or 3 feet long was the sole animal killed, but the mud banks here were frequented at low water by various sea birds.) Double Peak* bore 1/2 west by south. (* The Double Mountain of Flinders in Shoal Water Bay is not the Double Mountain shown on his earlier chart inland from Hervey Bay.)
"Tuesday, August 31st. At half-past 2 P.M. Captain Flinders on board, and he began to work out of the branch. At 6 P.M. the tide being down came to...at daylight weighed and made sail to south-east, passed here a flat of mud with only from 8 to 9 feet water on it; by 7 A.M. having got nearer to the south shore found a channel that had from 2 to 9 fathoms.
"Wednesday, September 1st. At 7 P.M. Captain Flinders, a midshipman and boat's crew on board. A.M. Dropped our small bower it blowing fresh. At 5 A.M. hove it up again, and the wind blowing strong from north-west and tide done, hindered our working down to the Investigator.
"Thursday, September 2nd. At half-past 12 P.M. weighed and began to work to windward with the ebb tide in our favour; at half-past 4 P.M. Captain Flinders and his people left us; continued until 7 P.M. working to north-west and there came to in 7 fathoms. At daylight weighed and stood over to the Investigator and at 7 A.M. came to lowered down boat and I waited on Captain Flinders, he informed me that the Investigator would get under weigh at 9 A.M. and would run over as near to the bottom of Sugar Loaf Hill* (* Pine Mountain (of Flinders) described by him as "a single round hill with a high-peaked top standing inland 2 miles from the West Bight and composed of the greenstone of the German mineralogists.") as the water would permit and requested I would run ahead of him in the Lady Nelson and show soundings quick. Passed the Investigator astern, Captain Flinders hailed and desired me to stand up towards Sugar Loaf Hill until we had left less than 6 fathoms, did so and as it almost immediately shoaled to 4 fathoms wore round and made all sail to work back.
"Friday, September 3rd. At half-past 1 P.M. came to with small bower and I waited on Captain Flinders.* (* Flinders was then one mile from the shore and 2 from Aken's Island, the east end of which bore north 27 degrees west.) A.M. Hauled the seine, caught no fish and the ground being foul damaged the net.
"Saturday, September 4th. Waited on Captain Flinders who told me he shortly intended to weigh in order to proceed to Thirsty Sound and at 10 A.M. weighed in company with the Investigator. Since our arrival here on Thursday the 26th August few native fires have been seen and only once some of the Investigator's gentlemen had intercourse with a party of natives on the shore. From their report those natives are inferior to the natives of Keppel Bay...and if we may guess from their lean appearance much worse off with respect to food; the soil of all this part of the country appears to be very indifferent and for a considerable distance from shore, low swampy mangrove clay. All round the bay are high hills, on one of the westernmost tall pines seem in abundance, the bottom is invariably blue clay...From the number of shoals lying in this place it is necessary to keep the lead constantly going, and from the great rise and fall of the tide to be careful not to anchor in less than 5 fathoms...we have experienced some sea riding at anchor the fetch being pretty extensive.
"Sunday, September 5th. Standing through Northumberland Islands towards Thirsty Sound.* (* Thirsty Sound, Hervey and Bustard Bays among other places on the coast were named by Captain Cook.) At dusk the entrance of Thirsty Sound west by south distance 3 miles, Sugar Loaf Hill, or hill of Pines,* (* The Pine Mount of Flinders.) south-east by east and the Investigator east-north-east distant three-quarters of a mile. At daylight weighed in company with the Investigator made sail in for the entrance. Received our new keel from the Investigator, and on trying to fit it to the case found it obstructed from going down by some of the copper being rubbed off and having got into the trunk, this was found to be the case by one of the people who dived under her bottom.* (* The carpenters had for some time been employed in making a sliding keel for the Lady Nelson from the pine logs cut at Port Bowen, and being now finished it was sent on board. Flinders.)
"Monday, September 6th. A.M. On ascending the hill, named by Captain Cook the Pier Head—had a fine view of this and Broad Sound, the former appearing like a serpentine river to a great way inland and its banks showing apparently a fine country. A number of the adjacent hills are covered with long sunburnt grass that appears at a little distance like a heath or common at home, with here and there a small cluster of palm trees. Traces of the kangaroo have been seen. We have neither seen natives, their fires, nor marks here. No water has yet been found, wood is in plenty.
"Tuesday, September 7th. At 3 P.M. I received orders to get under weigh and move out ahead of the Investigator...At 5 P.M. weighed and at half-past 6 P.M. came to...At 5 A.M. finding she drove, let go our small bower. At 6 A.M. perceived the Investigator attempting to weigh, on which we (after some difficulty) weighed and began to work to windward. Observed the Investigator to drop her anchor again and clew down her sail. Came to in 6 fathoms with the small bower. Answered signal "I want to see you." Immediately went on board the Investigator and Lieutenant Fowler informed me they had parted a Bower Cable, that, their Stream not bringing her up, a second Bower was gone and that they were in 1/2 2 fathoms water, as the tide was rapidly falling it was obvious that she immediately must be got off. For this purpose I immediately, according to Lieutenant Fowler's plan, returned on board, veered away on our small bower to the end and let go our best bower; we then received a warp from the Investigator, made it fast on board and she was enabled to heave off into deeper water by the Lady Nelson. At noon she dropped her bower a little from our stern, cast off her warp and lifted our best bower...
"Wednesday, September 8th. Cloudy weather. At half-past 9 A.M. the Investigator shifted her berth into the stream...At half-past 6 A.M. weighed in company with the Commodore made all sail out of the Sound. At noon a large island in the entrance of Broad Sound south distance 5 miles, and the Investigator east distance 1 mile.* (* At this time the ships were within 2 miles of the north-east point of Broad Sound.)
"Thursday, September 9th. Stretching across Broad Sound, at half-past 1 P.M. suddenly shoaled our water at the same time saw the appearance of broken water ahead. At 2 P.M. spoke the Commodore who told me to steer west. A round mount north-west by west distance 3 miles. At 11 P.M. came to in company with the Commodore with best bower in 7 fathoms water. In the course of the forenoon saw several native fires on this part of the coast. Latitude observed 21 degrees 51 minutes 00 seconds south.
"Friday, September 10th. At 2 P.M. weighed and made sail to the south-east sounding from 1/2 3 at low water to 1/4 less 2 on the edge of a sand shoal on which the Investigator touched but immediately swung off, we continuing. At half-past 5 A.M. perceived the Investigator to be getting under weigh, made all sail down to the Commodore. Spoke him; he told me to work between the main and one of Northumberland Islands, and said he would follow us. Stood on to windward and tacked occasionally anchored in company with the Commodore at half-past 11 A.M. under a pleasant little island.* (* "The 4th flat Island is about one mile long and there is a smaller lying off it's south-east end. They are a little elevated and bear grass and small trees, but the shores are covered with mangroves and surrounded with flats of mud and sand." Flinders.) Observed Captain Flinders to go on shore, shortly afterwards I went on shore, some turtle shells were seen and the marks of natives of an ancient date. It appears that the whole of the distance between the Pier Head at Thirsty Sound and to the round mount before mentioned between the Northumberland Islands and the main has a number of sand shoals that can only be avoided by keeping the lead constantly going and a good lookout at the head otherwise a vessel would get aground, and the water falling so much and so rapidly would leave her high and dry...
"Saturday, September 11th. At 6 A.M. weighed ill company with the Investigator but she (on account of the shoals that lye off from the mainland to the island we anchored under) was obliged at 7 A.M. to drop her anchor. In the Lady Nelson we crossed the shoal in only 9 feet immediately on being over it we fell into 3, 4, and 5 fathoms. Again crossed it and ran up to the Investigator at 9 A.M., the flood having made strong over the shoal again.
"Sunday, September 12th. At quarter-past 5 P.M. tacked and stood on ahead of the Investigator until we were close to a very extensive sheet of mud lying all the way from the mainland. At this place an inlet of shoal water appeared to run a good distance into the country. At sundown tacked in company with the Investigator and stood off. At 8 A.M. tacked and stood into an inlet with several dry lands appearing in it, found a good strong flood against us. At half-past 9 A.M. came to.* (* "At 9 A.M. passed a fifth opening: anchored abreast of a hilly projection which I have named Upper Head." Flinders.) Lowered our boat and I went on shore with a couple of hands. Saw or found nothing worth notice—the soil is sandy, the shores lined with mangrove trees and inland a little distance we found gum trees and the palm; a few curlews and redbills were shot.
"Monday, September 13th. At half-past 8 weighed as per signal in company with the Commodore; found when near the Investigator the water suddenly to shoal from 6 to 3 to 1, where we touched the ground, however on heaving up our keel she went off into 2 fathoms, when we came to, observed the Investigator to ground, she was caught on a bank of quicksand in 11 feet at half-past 10 A.M. she floated, a little after Captain Flinders went away inshore, sounding. Several native fires in sight in different directions.
"Tuesday, September 14th. At half-past 1 P.M. made sail in company with the Investigator and worked to north-west where we anchored. On passing her Captain Flinders hailed us and told me to be ready at 8 o'clock in the morning to proceed to the south-east up the arm on Broad Sound. At 8 A.M. Captain Flinders and Mr. Brown on board. At half-past 8 A.M. weighed and made sail, at 40 minutes past 10 A.M. grounded in 8 feet of water, at 40 minutes past 11 A.M. weighed and made sail across the entrance of the river. From noon until 40 minutes past 1 P.M. stretching across the flats of this arm, sounding from 9 feet to 3 1/4 fathoms, where we anchored. Immediately moored with the kedge which in a little time she brought home, moored with the bowers per cable one way and 25 fathoms the other, found the tide of ebb to run at 4 P.M. 5 knots and 6 fathoms. At 5 P.M. we began to touch the ground and perceived that our main keel was gone, part of it coming up alongside. Sent some of the people out to look in what situation our anchor lay and it was found that the best bower had come home and the small parted 12 fathoms from the ring. I conclude the ragged part of the main keel must have done it when she swung in ground, we tried in vain with 10 or 11 hands to lift it out of its bed. As the whole of this part of the flats are quicksands with a strong suction, bent a good warp to its crown to weigh it by when the tide rose. At half-past 1 A.M. the flood came to us with much noise and about a foot high, in 15 minutes we floated and hove up to our best bower. By 5 A.M. began again to ground, by 6 A.M. fast: at half-past 7 A.M. Captain Flinders went in his boat in search of deeper water and found one place nearer inshore where he thought it advisable to shift the Lady Nelson to, when the tide would permit. Upon the south shore we saw several native fires.
"Thursday, September 16th. At 2 P.M. loosed sails, sheeted home and hoisted them, weighed and stood in shore. Found the strength of the tide here to be 3 1/2 knots.
"Friday, September 17th. At half-past 5 P.M. Captain Flinders returned having found the arm to terminate in shoals of sand. At 3 A.M. weighed and made sail in order to join the Investigator but by half-past 4 A.M. we grounded and there were obliged to lye from the ebb falling so fast. Captain Flinders, Mr. Brown and the boat's crew left us. Here we had an opportunity of looking at the vessel's bottom, the sand being firm. Found one sheet and a half of copper torn off her garboard streak, one off the starboard bow, and on the bows the anchor had torn the copper in some degree; from the want of copper nails could not repair those hurts until we joined the Investigator.
"Saturday, September 18th. At 2 P.M. weighed and began to work to windward...anchored near the Investigator. A.M. I waited on Captain Flinders and was advised to lay the Lady Nelson on shore in order to repair her copper; in consequence of which Lieutenant Fowler and I went to examine a sand inshore of the vessels and finding that sand fit for the purpose, reported the same to Captain Flinders; got our main keel out of the trunk, found 4 feet of it gone and also 4 feet of the after keel carried away.* (* "The Lady Nelson...required some reparation, I therefore desired Lieutenant Murray to lay his vessel on shore and get these matters arranged to cut wood and be ready to sail in a week for the Torres Strait." Flinders.)
"Sunday, September 19th. At half-past 6 A.M. weighed and ran into 5 feet water. At half-past 8 A.M. the Investigator weighed and stood to the eastward. At 9 A.M. we grounded; by noon we were able to replace part of the copper torn off her bottom.
"Monday, September 20th. Fine weather throughout. By 3 P.M. she floated, weighed, ran into 5 fathoms water and anchored. At 6 A.M. weighed and grounded.
"Tuesday, September 21st. At 3 P.M. she began to float, by 4 hove her off, weighed and ran into 5 fathoms water where we anchored. A.M. Sent a party on shore to cut wood. Investigator still in sight.
"Wednesday, September 22nd. A party on shore cutting wood and stuff for brooms. A.M. Received on board two boat-loads of wood; sent a party after kangaroo, some were seen at a distance but none were shot. Shifted the fore keel aft and the after one (when we had repaired it as well as we could) forward. The main keel we could not make fit after our carpenter had worked on it several days, I rather suppose the trunk is injured in its inside.
"Thursday, September 23rd. Set up our rigging and stays fore and aft; sent the carpenter on shore to cut spars to fit our several guns on.
"Friday, September 24th. Fine weather, moderate winds throughout. A.M. Perceived the Investigator under weigh standing over to us.
"Saturday, September 25th. The Investigator in sight working towards us; at half-past 8 A.M. she came to an anchor within half a mile of us. I waited on Captain Flinders and informed him we were ready for sea.
"Sunday, September 26th. The Investigator struck her tents on shore. Received from her gunner half a barrel of gunpowder and one quire of musket cartridge paper, and 17 fathoms of old rope for lashing beams.
"Monday, September 27th. At half-past 6 A.M. Weighed in company with the Investigator made all sail to the north-west. We were both obliged to come to; the wind freshening, we weighed, but it again dying away we anchored. At half-past 9.A.M. made sail.
"Tuesday, September 28th. At half-past 3 A.M. weighed in company with H.M.S. Investigator and made sail to northward. At 6 A.M. spoke the Commodore and received orders to keep ahead. A high island we passed this morning south by west distant 12 or 14 miles,* (* North Point Island.) a high short island under our lee north-west by west distant 10 or 11 miles. Long high land on our weather bow north-east by north distant 11 or 12 miles.* (* Percy Islands.) Latitude observed 21 degrees 52 minutes 41 seconds south.
"Wednesday, September 29th. Stood after the Commodore. At this time I perceived that several of the islands in sight were covered with pines of the same kind as Port Number 2. At half-past 7 P.M. anchored with the kedge; answered a signal light from the Investigator with one at the main. At daylight weighed and stood towards the Investigator. At half-past 5 A.M. she also weighed and we proceeded a little nearer to the large island mentioned in yesterday's log and on turn of tide we came to. Observed Captain Flinders* (* "Not a single native was seen either on the shores of Thirsty or Broad Sound during...our stay." Flinders.) in his whale-boat go ashore with several of the officers and gentlemen, not to the large island but to a small island within about 2 miles of it and from which it bore west-south-west.* (* "We landed first at the islet where the same kind of pine is seen as at Port Bowen." Flinders.) At half-past 9 A.M. hove up and made towards the Commodore who was under weigh, standing on to the body of a large pine island. Kept standing up for a sandy beach on the southern end of the large Pine Island and at half-past 11 A.M. the Commodore dropped anchor; stood on past him and at noon came to with the kedge* (* At Number 2 Island, the largest of the Percy Islands.) the small Pine Island bearing south-west by west distant 1 1/4 miles Peak of Pines like a sugar loaf north distant 5 or 6 miles.*... (* "To the northern Percy Isles, each of which is a hill somewhat peaked but that on Number 3 is much the most so and the highest...is called Pine Peak." Flinders.)
"Thursday, September 30th. I went on shore and by a narrow passage entered a sheet of water entirely surrounded by the mountainous part of the island, with here and there pines which on the whole has a beautiful and romantic appearance. I searched for fresh water but found none, however Captain Flinders found plenty. A.M. I went on shore with a party in order to clear a rolling way for our casks as also did captain Flinders and Lieutenant Fowler with 20 men, by noon this was completed and the well began to be dug and cleared out; by an unlucky accident the dry grass with which most of the ground is covered caught fire and burnt with great fury driving the people away from the principal watering-place.
"Friday, October 1st. On shore digging wells and clearing them out. By half-past 3 P.M. the fire had increased so as to make us retreat to the sandy beach and even here it nearly reached us by 7 P.M. It continued to burn all night...covering the whole of the hills (particularly the tops) with a fringe of white fire while all the way down to the bases resembled a large town on a dark night well lighted up. By the morning it had considerably abated.
"Saturday, October 2nd. Employed completing our water which was done by sunset and the hold stowed. Secured everything for sea. The Investigator continued watering. Found a part of our best bower cable so much decayed from wear that I cut off, from the anchor end, 15 fathoms and fresh bent it again. Before we leave this island I think it proper to observe it lies (from where we lay at anchor) about north by east and south by west its latitude is 21 degrees 40 minutes 02 seconds south and its longitude by Timekeeper 150 degrees 23 minutes 27 seconds east, it will easily be known from a high peak of stones that at a distance will look like its northern end. On this peak several pines are growing. On its northern end is a sandy beach from which the entrance of the circular sheet of water is immediately seen. On this beach we caught the first day plenty of fish and it is remarkable that since few have been caught. Bearing south-west from this place at about 2 miles distance is a small island of pines with two or three rocks lying about it, to the westward at a distance of 8 or 9 miles is a rugged island with two peaks covered with pines, one of them much higher than the other, and to the north-west about 10 or 11 miles is an island of table-land with a bluff head on its southern end all round are islands of different sizes but this watering island cannot be mistaken or missed.
"Monday, October 4th. At 6 A.M. weighed in company with the Investigator and made sail to the Northward.
"Tuesday, October 5th. Worked to windward...at 5 P.M. tacked. At sundown the Stony Peak on watering island bore south by west high peak of Pines west distant 2 1/2 or 3 miles. At noon the high Peak of Pines bore south-west by south distant about 17 or 18 miles, the peak on Watering Island south-south-west distant 19 or 20 miles.* (* Mr. Murray seems to have given Number 2 offing the name of Watering Island.)
"Wednesday, October 6th. At half-past 1 answered signal "Follow me," answered signal "Make sail ahead." At this time we saw a long range of sand reefs in the east and west direction and three small rocks bore north-east by north distant 2 1/2 or 3 miles.* (* "They were not those seen by Mr. Campbell though they form part of the same barrier...The reefs were not dry with the exception of some black lumps which resembled the round heads of negroes, these being dead coral." Flinders.) Answered signal of 'Danger,' following the Investigator and keeping a good lookout from the mast-head. At half-past 1 P.M. the high peak of pines bore south-south-west distant about 22 miles which proves those extensive reefs to be placed very erroneously on the chart owing to the incorrectness of Messrs. Swaine and Campbell, they having laid them down nearly 2 degrees off the land instead of which they are only distant 20 miles from the nearest island. Quarter past 6 P.M. came to in 28 fathoms with the kedge; the Investigator north-east by north quarter of a mile distant.* (* "At six anchored in 27 fathoms coarse sand." Flinders.) At daylight the Investigator began to heave up and we did the same, by 6 A.M. made sail. Received orders to keep ahead with a good lookout for shoals. Saw a shoal of sand with two small rocks on it from north-east; at half-past 10 A.M. being within 2 miles of the shoal tacked. At noon the rocks on the shoal bore north-west a little westerly distant 2 miles. Received additional instructions signals and cd. from Captain Flinders.* (* "I sent a boat with instructions to Lieutenant Murray...in case of our separation." Flinders.)
"Thursday, October 7th. Stood on after the Investigator and weathered the last-mentioned reef of coral. At half-past 4 A.M. weighed and made sail to the south-east. At half-past 10 A.M. saw a reef of coral ahead, several parts of which were above water considerably much like the appearance of boats under sail.* (* "Upon these reefs were more of the dry black lumps called negro heads." Flinders.)
"Friday October 8th. At half-past 5 P.M. tacked to the northward, reefs still in sight. At 9 A.M. tacked after the Commodore, a reef of coral rock bearing east to east-north-east distant 4 or 4 1/2 miles. At noon the Investigator bore north by east distant 1 1/2 miles, a shoal of sand apparently bearing north distant 5 or 6 miles, another bearing north-east by north distant 4 miles and a small rock on an extensive shoal of sand east by south distant 1 1/2 miles, this shoal seems to stretch a long way from east-south-east to north-east. Latitude observed 20 degrees 54 minutes 42 seconds south.
"Saturday, October 9th. From 2 P.M. until 3 (after having weathered the East point of this shoal) we ran along its other side. At half-past 5 P.M. came to. From the mast-head shoals in every direction. At half-past 5 A.M. weighed in company with the Commodore and stood to the north-east. 9 A.M. Perceiving a strong ripple close to us and supposing it to be shoal water let go our kedge and made the signal of danger to the Commodore who also came to and sent his boats to sound as did we but found no less than 15 fathoms. At 11 A.M. the Investigator's whale-boat made the signal for shoal water and the Commodore made the signal to anchor which we immediately did in 22 fathoms, bottom small coral and shells. The Investigator also anchored. We found ourselves within a cable's length of a shoal and all round shoals of sand and extensive coral reefs. Latitude observed 20 degrees 51 minutes 38 seconds south.
"Sunday, October 10th. P.M. Sent the boat to examine the reefs of coral near us. At 4 P.M. the boat returned on board; found the coral to be of many different colours—blue, yellow, green, and in short in every colour we know of—found some very large cockles and a few small shells—found the tide to ebb to run due north-east not less than 2 1/2 knots but when it sallys over the flats and reefs it may be 5 knots. At half-past 4 P.M. weighed and sent the boat ahead to tow and got our sweeps on. At 45 minutes past 5 A.M. made sail in company with the Commodore stood on ahead with the Investigator's boat ahead of us sounding. This morning we passed a great deal of suspicious water but saw no rocks or shoals dry.
"Monday, October 11th. Stood on ahead of the Investigator broken water and reefs on both sides of us. At half-past 4 P.M. saw some very extensive reefs ahead, they seemed to train as far aft as our beam one each side of us. An appearance of an opening shows itself to the west-north-west as also one to the North, all else is broken water, reefs of coral and patches of coarse whitish sand or more probably coral. At half-past 5 A.M. weighed and made sail to the northward keeping ahead of the Investigator half a mile, and her boat ahead of us sounding.* (* "Next morning the brig and whale-boat went ahead and we steered after them. The east opening was choaked up and we had scarcely entered that to the West when Mr. Murray made a signal for 'danger' the Lady Nelson was carried rapidly to the south-east seemingly without being sensible of it...I made the signal of recall." Flinders.) After running on this course about a mile and a half and being then close up to the tail of the coral reef north-east of us we suddenly found ourselves in 4 fathoms of water and plainly saw the bottom consisting of large rocks of coral. Immediately made the signal of 'Danger' to the Commodore. We shoaled into 2 fathoms tacked and running south we found a very rapid tide with us and on passing between two reefs the current of tide I imagine could not be less than 6 knots. During this time the Investigator followed after us, but at 7 A.M. she made the signal to anchor. When she was a little brought up we had no bottom with 50 fathoms of line and on her breaking her sheer she at once broke the warp 65 fathoms from ye kedge, both of which we lost. I fancy it got round the top of a rock of coral as we have reason to suspect it foul ground. Immediately made all sail and stood towards the Investigator and the wind fortunately freshening we passed her and acquainted Captain Flinders with our loss. He told me to anchor near him.* (* "We rode a great strain on the strain cable, it parted and we lost an anchor. Mr. Murray had lost a kedge and was then riding by a bower." Flinders.) Accordingly at 9 A.M. we anchored but she quickly drove into the stream of tide, and there, to my surprise, the anchor held on. Answered signal 'Weigh,' tried to do so but found it impossible—held fast—in a little time the tide slackened somewhat and Captain Flinders sent a boat and men to assist in getting up our anchor, began to heave up and were fortunate enough to get it with the loss of one arm, the cable not much damaged—made sail after the Commodore. Received from H.M.S. Investigator 2 grapplings.* (* "Our anchor had swivelled in the stock. Sent Mr. Murray 2 grapnels, which were all that our losses could allow of being spared." Flinders.)
"Tuesday, October 12th. At daylight weighed in company with the Investigator and made sail to the northward. At half-past 7 A.M. We both came to...
"Wednesday, October 13th. At 1 P.M. weighed in company with the Commodore and made all sail; by half-past 2 P.M. reefs in sight from north to east-north-east..At daylight lay to for the Investigator who joined us by 7 A.M. On sounding we found the bottom altered from coarse sand, coral and broken shells to very fine sand and small shells...the wind favouring us the Commodore stood on. The appearance of the water this morning has been suspicious, however, I imagine it is caused by the sun's reflection, and being calm, the Investigator's boat has been ahead all morning. At half-past 10 A.M. the Commodore came to and we did the same with the two grapplings backing one another, and they held on.
"Thursday, October 14th. At half-past 5 P.M. reefs of coral in sight; body of them distant 2 1/2 or 3 miles. At daylight weighed in company with the Investigator and stood to southward; at half-past 7 A.M. reefs of coral in sight, three middling large rocks seen bearing south by east; we also at this time saw the land bearing west-south-west distant 14 or 15 leagues, made the signal of seeing it to the Investigator: by 8 A.M. perceived it was islands, three in number. At noon one island bore west by north distant 6 or 7 miles. This island appears very barren and rocky, and an island that, from its appearance took to be the Isle of Pines, next Watering Island south-south-east distant 16 or 17 miles.
"Friday, October 15th. 6 P.M. What I suppose to be the Peak of Pines near Watering Island bore south by east distant 22 or 24 miles: Barren Island west by south distant 6 or 7 miles: high hummocks of land west distant about 9 miles.
"Sunday, October 16th. At 4 P.M. a large island with a fire on it bore south-west by south distant 6 or 7 miles: a lowish island of rugged land south by east distant 7 or 8 miles: an island with two hills on it south-west by west distant 5 or 6 miles: a low island with several hillocks west-south-west distant 8 or 9 miles. At sundown passed within a quarter of a mile of a high perpendicular peak of one of Cumberland Isles, and at half-past 6 P.M. anchored in 20 fathoms with the small bower, bottom fine blue sand. Commodore anchored distant 1/4 of a mile. At 6 A.M. I went on shore in order to look for water as well as to see what the island produced, we cut down a couple of pines, fit one for a top-mast the other for a top-sail yard. On this island a number of pines are growing, some palm trees one of which Mr. Brown, the naturalist of the Investigator, thinks is not common. This island is not inhabited but seems occasionally to be visited. Two of the other islands are inhabited as on both of them were fires last night. On the north-west side is a beach of coarse coral and sand, on which a few dried shells were picked up, from this beach a considerable way out the bottom large coral rocks. A number of porpoises and sharks were seen about us this forenoon but none caught.
"Sunday, October 17th. At 6 A.M. weighed in company with the Investigator, made sail to northward; by noon the Cumberlands from south by south-west to west by north; and the Investigator east by south distant 4 miles. From the colour of the water and a long steady swell I judge we are nearly clear of the northern extremity of the reefs. I have now had several opportunities of seeing that from the want of our main and after keels we are so leewardly that the Investigator in 6 hours will get with ease 4 miles to windward of the brig.
"Monday, October 18th. Stood on after the Investigator. At 6 P.M. she anchored within half a mile of us, on which I immediately came to in 34 fathoms with the small bower. Saw a boat lowered and in half an hour Lieutenant Fowler came on board and informed me that Captain Flinders meant to part company in the morning with the brig and therefore to get all ready for that purpose.* (* The Lady Nelson sailed so ill "that she not only caused us delay but ran great risk of being lost. The zeal he (Lieutenant Murray) had shown...increased my regret...at parting from our little consort." Flinders.) At daylight hoisted out our long boat and sent her on board the Investigator. I received from Captain Flinders orders to proceed to Port Jackson with the Lady Nelson as fast as circumstances would allow. I also received a letter on service to His Excellency Governor King, as well as some private letters. Half-past 8 A.M. I took leave of Captain Flinders and returned on board, hove up. At this time the Investigator hoisted her colours and we did the same, she standing away to the westward and we to the southward. By 40 minutes past 10 A.M. we took our last view of H.M.S. Investigator, her top-gallant-sails just being in the vane of the horizon.* (* At "9 o'clock got under weigh and showed our colours to bid farewell to the Lady Nelson." Flinders.) At noon Cumberland Island in sight, a large one distant 10 or 11 miles. Discharged to H.M.S. Investigator, Mr. Lacy, Henry Willis and Thomas Shirly and received in lieu Jeremiah Wolsey and Nanbury (a native).* (* "Nanbarre, one of the two natives, having expressed a wish to go back to Port Jackson was sent to the Lady Nelson in the morning." Flinders.) Latitude observed 20 degrees 178 minutes 16 seconds south.
"Tuesday, October 19th. By half-past 5 P.M. having run in between two very high islands covered with pines, came to in 10 fathoms water with the small bower, as the highest of the islands was in several places on fire. I lowered our boat and sent the First Mate in her to speak to the natives who I supposed must be on the island but when he returned, he told me few of their traces were seen. A part of one of their canoes was found and brought on board, from its appearance I deemed it not much superior in structure from those of the natives of Sydney. From where we lay (which is safe and secure anchorage with a blue clay bottom) the high peak of the nearest or eastern of those islands bore east-south-east, the rest of the Cumberlands lying in all directions of us. At daylight weighed and stood to the north-north-east, kept tacking occasionally to windward as it was my wish to get sight of the island we last watered at chiefly to ascertain whether the Timekeeper had kept its rate. At noon wore as she repeatedly missed stays from the want of her keels and a short confused sea ahead.
"Wednesday, October 20th. From noon till 2 P.M. kept trying to work to windward but she refusing stays I bore away for our former anchorage which having gained at 3 P.M. came to. Lowered down the boat and I went on shore unarmed supposing that should the island have any natives on it, they might be induced to show themselves. I was disappointed for I neither saw them or anything of consequence, one tree or plant excepted, which I had never seen before: as Nanbury, a native of Sydney on board, said he knew nothing of such a tree, as well as some people who had been a long time in New South Wales...I took a large specimen of it on board and hope it will keep.
"Thursday, October 21st. P.M. Sent a party on shore to examine the highest peak of the island to look for water and to get the bearings of the island. When they returned I was informed that the southernmost point of the main (which I presume is Cape Hillsborough) bore south-east 1/2 east. It was the mate's opinion natives had been there a few days ago, as round their fires were plenty of turtle bones scattered about. Our anchorage last left bore south by west distant 2 miles.
"Friday, October 22nd. At 8 P.M. came to in our old anchorage. At 8 weighed, cleared the narrow passage between the islands we anchored under...we had chosen the worst place they afford: as on this side from the number of islands that lie all around as well as Cape Hillsborough and the island off it, we found the water quiet and smooth. 9 A.M. Made all sail for a large island to the south-east and by noon were abreast of its eastern extremity. This island has the most romantic and beautiful appearance of any I have ever beheld and from its north-west point to its north-east point is nothing but a continuation of safe and well-sheltered bays, the shores of which consist of white sand beaches intercepted here and there with patches of coral rocks: the edges of these in several places are lined with low mangroves, behind which tall pines rise, forming a beautiful contrast, these however rise not so high as to intercept our view of bold front-land which much resembles the hills of Norfolk when the grain on them is ripe, and over all these towering to a great height rise the inland hills covered with very high pines, on the whole I scarcely ever saw so fine a view. At noon the body of it bore north 1/2 east distant 3 miles, island of anchorage north-north-west distant 14 miles, an island at which I mean to anchor for the night (if we reach it) east by E. distant 6 or 7 miles. Latitude observed 20 degrees 48 minutes 44 seconds south.
"Saturday, October 23rd. By half-past 4 P.M. came to with our broken bower and it held her safe all night although the remaining arm did not take, a thing by the way rather odd as I had a short boom slung to it. 4 A.M. weighed and made all sail for Watering Island. By noon a remarkable peak on the mainland south-west, several other islands in sight in different directions. Since leaving Broad Sound until now the sea had been constantly covered in different places with an oily brown slime insomuch that it has often occasioned me to suspect shoal water.
"Sunday, October 24th. At sundown the body of Watering Island bore distant 10 or 11 miles, some other of the Northumberland islands bearing from north to south-west. We found the soundings to be from 18 to 10 fathoms, being inside some of the Offing Islands and within the westernmost edge of the extensive barrier reefs 20 miles. At 6 P.M. came to with our broken anchor. At midnight weighed and made for Watering Island with all sail. By 6 A.M. got within three miles of our late anchorage where we came to, body of Stony Peak of the Island bearing east-south-east. At 40 minutes past 9 A.M. again weighed...At noon got within one mile and a half of the anchorage.
"Monday, October 25th. By half past 1 P.M. having with the help of our sweeps gained nearly our old berth came to, I went on shore, found our well overflowing with good clear water. By noon our water was completed. A duck, pigeon and pheasant were shot on the hills to-day.
"Tuesday, October 26th. At daylight weighed and made sail. By 8 A.M. the rocky peak on the north end of Watering Island distant 10 or 11 miles. Stood on through the Offing Isles of Northumberland Islands.
"Wednesday, October 27th. At 6 P.M. it being nearly calm came to in 17 fathoms with our broken anchor, Cape Townsend* (* Cape Townshend.) bearing south-east distant 3 or 5 miles, hill of Pines (its base) south-west distant 9 or 10 miles. A confused sea made me determined at slack water to weigh and run into better anchorage, at half-past 10 A.M. weighed and made sail up under Cape Townsend.
"Thursday, October 28th. At 1/4 past 1 P.M. came to with our broken anchor, veered away, but on her bringing up the cable parted although the strain was very trifling. The other bower was let go and it did not for some time bring her up. Perceiving all hopes of regaining our anchor or cable to be in vain, from our having so considerably shifted our berth as well as our having only one small boat, she almost in pieces, and it being absolutely necessary to get from here into a place of safety, I got two of the swivel guns cross-lashed, in short made as good an anchor of them as their nature would admit of, hoping that in light winds and smooth waters they would somewhat save our only remaining anchor. At 3 P.M. made sail further up into Shoal Water Bay, where we anchored with the swivels; they held her, there being no tide and but little wind. At 40 minutes past 7 P.M. let go the bower anchor and in the morning weighed it as well as the swivels and made sail up the Bay, where we anchored; lowered down the boat and sent the seine to haul, also the carpenter to look for a tree that might make a wooden anchor which with being loaded would answer in case of necessity.
"Friday, October 29th. Carpenter employed on the iron-bark anchor.
"Saturday, October 30th. At half-past 10 A.M. weighed and made sail towards the southern outlet of the bay. By the time we got within a mile and a half of it we had light baffling flaws all round; this outlet is narrow and several sunken rocks lie scattered about. We anchored as much out of the tide as possible.
"Sunday, October 30th.* (* Evidently meant to be the 31st.) 1 P.M. hove up and made sail into snug anchorage, came to in 1/4 5 fathoms...By 5 P.M. the wooden anchor being finished bent our small bower cable to it, hove up the bower and let go the wood anchor which however did not ride her, we therefore dropped the bower again and let the other remain in hopes that by getting the water lodged (as its weight would consequently increase) it might ride us in soft ground.
"Monday, November 1st. P.M. The party that were on shore returned, they informed me that one very large kangaroo was shot but escaped owing to the thickness of the bush, some small ones were also seen; a couple of pheasants and a pigeon were shot. A.M. sent two men on shore in order to try for a kangaroo.
"Tuesday, November 2nd. I would have gone to sea had the tide not been running strong into the Bay. Weighed our wooden anchor and loaded it with two swivels, this I would imagine would ride her in moderate weather.
"Wednesday, November 3rd. At 8 A.M. weighed and made all sail to windward. By 10 A.M. flood having made in we were obliged to come to with our wooden anchor which I had the satisfaction to see held on.
"Thursday, November 4th. Half-past 3 P.M. weighed and worked to windward the outlet of the bay. By 5 P.M. gained the narrows of the entrance. Found a very strong tide running out. By 6 P.M. cleared the outlet.
"Friday, November 5th. From 1 P.M. to 5 running through Keppel's Islands south. At daylight land in sight from West to south by west; set studding-sails.
"Saturday, November 6th. From noon to 3 P.M. fresh winds and gloomy weather with dripping rain and some distant thunder. Saw Sandy Cape bearing east-south-east distant 10 or 11 miles could not see the land...came to with our wood anchor in 12 fathoms, Sandy Cape bearing south-east by east distant 10 miles...
"Sunday, November 7th. Until half-past 3 P.M. we stood along the northern edge of Breaksea Spit when, it being calm, came to in 14 fathoms water with our wood anchor, Sandy Cape bearing south-east by south distant 10 or 11 miles...
"Monday, November 8th. At half-past 9 A.M. Sandy Cape bore south distant 18 miles. At 10 A.M. saw Breaksea Spit breaking from south-west by south to West distant about 6 miles. At noon tacked to the northward, Sandy Cape bearing south by west distant 10 miles.
"Tuesday, November 9th. A high sea throughout. At noon no land in sight. Latitude observed 24 degrees 19 minutes 58 seconds south.
"Wednesday, November 10th. At Sundown Sandy Cape bore west 1/2 south distant 10 miles Sandy Point west distant 10 or 11 miles, spit breaking very high out to west by north, the southern extremes of land bearing south distant 14 miles, favourable.
"Thursday, November 11th. At noon fine weather and moderate winds with a confused sea. All sail set, the extremes of the land bearing from south-west to north-west distant each 7 or 8 leagues. Latitude observed 25 degrees 38 minutes 50 seconds south.
"Friday, November 12th. At sundown Double Island Point west 1/2 south distant 6 or 7 leagues; at 10 P.M. tacked to the southward...At noon the Glass Houses on Glass House Bay south-west by south distant 6 or 7 leagues.
"Saturday, November 13th. At daylight no land in sight, at 8 A.M. saw land bearing south-west distant 6 or 7 leagues.
"Sunday, November 14th. At 10 A.M. after a deal of rain a light air sprung up at north. Observed Latitude Dead Reckoning 26 degrees 38 minutes 00 seconds south.
"Monday, November 15th. At 8 A.M. saw some high land bearing west-south-west distant 8 leagues. Until noon we had light squalls and very hard rain. No observation of Latitude 27 degrees 35 minutes 00 seconds: I conclude myself to be one degree more to South than the D.R.* (* Dead Reckoning.) gives and not so far East by about 14 or 15 miles.
"Tuesday, November 16th. At 4 A.M. tacked to southward, set top-gallant-sails and stay-sails; no land in sight. Latitude observed 29 degrees 07 minutes 28 seconds south.
"Wednesday, November 17th. At 4 P.M. tacked to south-west.
"Thursday, November 18th. At noon fresh clear wind at north-north-west and a high confused sea on, set all sail we could.
"Friday, November 19th. Saw land bearing west by south distant 4 or 5 leagues this I take to be Smoaky Cape, if it is, a strong westerly current must have run, for by account when I made the land our latitude was 30 degrees 46 minutes 39 seconds south 3 miles to the westward of Smoaky Cape but our longitude deducted from yesterday's time-keeper 153 degrees 50 minutes 00 seconds east 40 miles to the eastward of it which makes the current to have set us west 28 miles. At noon Smoaky Cape bore west 1/2 south distant 6 leagues.
"Saturday, November 20th. At noon what I supposed to be the Brothers bore west-south-west distant 6 or 7 leagues.
"Sunday, November 21st. Fresh breezes and cloudy, latter part variable wind and thick weather. No land in sight.
"Monday, November 22nd. At 5 A.M. the north head of Port Jackson...bore south-west distant 4 leagues. At 8 A.M. the north head bore West distant 1 league. At 40 minutes past 10 A.M. came to with the bower in Sydney Cove abreast of the Governor's wharf, found lying here H.M.S. Buffalo which was returned.
"Tuesday, November 23rd. Winds all round the compass with much thunder and lightning. Employed preparing for sea."
[Facsimile signature Jno Murray]
On Murray's return to Sydney on November 22nd, 1802, after his parting with Flinders, he learned that Commodore Baudin's ships had left the harbour four days previously. The French vessels had made a lengthy stay in port. The Geographe entered the Heads on June 20th, 1802, during the absence of the Lady Nelson at the Hawkesbury, and for that reason we find no record of her arrival in Murray's log; eight days afterwards the Naturaliste came to Port Jackson for the second time, and joined her consort at the anchorage in Neutral Bay.
In consequence of foul weather, Hamelin could not double the South Cape of Van Diemen's Land, and the meeting of the ships at Sydney, after their long separation, gave great satisfaction to those on board. The French officers and sailors were most hospitably received by the Governor, although England and France were still supposed to be at war, and many of the French officers were soon on friendly terms with the chief residents and officials. The news that peace had been concluded between the two countries, which arrived shortly afterwards, Peron says "could add nothing to the friendly sentiments of the English at Port Jackson but was a subject of rejoicing on the part of our companions."
At Sydney Baudin became aware of the full extent of the English discoveries on the southern coast. Not until then could he have known all the results of the explorations of Grant and Murray in the Lady Nelson, for up to the time of the arrival of the French at Sydney, only two ships had ever visited Port Phillip. One of these was, of course, the Lady Nelson, the other the Investigator under Captain Flinders.
Flinders had, as we have seen, met Baudin in Encounter Bay, when the commander of the Investigator was himself ignorant of the fact that Port Phillip had been discovered and entered by Murray. At this interview Baudin informed Flinders that the Geographe had "explored the south coast from Western Port to our place of meeting without finding any river, inlet or other shelter which afforded anchorage.—This statement of Baudin's is contradicted by Peron in his history of the voyage, who says, that on March 30th Port Phillip was seen from the masthead of the Geographe and was given the name Port du Debut, "but," he adds, "hearing afterwards that it had been more minutely surveyed by the English brig Lady Nelson and had been named Port Phillip we, with greater pleasure, continued this last name from its recalling that of the founder of a colony in which we met with succour so effective and so liberally granted." Louis de Freycinet also states that the entrance to the Port was seen by those on board the Geographe. A drawing of Port Phillip afterwards appeared under the name Port du Debut on his own charts.* (* Through the kindness of M. le Comte de Fleurieu some extracts from Baudin's journal have been placed in the writer's hands. From these it would appear that the Geographe passed Western Port without recognising it, and in continuing to voyage westward saw a port which those on board imagined to be Western Port, but which possibly was Port Phillip.) Freycinet denied that the map had been plagiarised, as was generally believed in England, by the unlawful use of Flinders' charts,* (* See Atlas, 1st Edition Voyage de Decouvertes aux Terres Australes, 1807. F. Peron and L. de Freycinet. Freycinet was not in the Geographe when she met the Investigator, he was then in the Naturaliste. He acknowledged that the drawing of Port Phillip in the Terre Napoleon was taken from a manuscript chart made on board the English ship Arniston and found among the papers of the Fame captured by the French in 1806 (Voyage de Decouvertes 3 430). The Arniston was one of a fleet of ships under convoy of H.M.S. Athenian which was sent to China via Van Diemen's Land and Norfolk Island.) and there is no reason to disbelieve him; but it is quite possible that Flinders did show Freycinet either his own chart of Port Phillip, or one made by Murray, during the stay of the French at Port Jackson.
When Baudin sailed westward along the south coast from Wilson's Promontory towards Encounter Bay—before his meeting with Flinders—he bestowed French names upon places that had been already discovered and named by the English, giving to Cape Patton (of Grant) the title of Cape Suffrein, Cape Albany Otway (of Grant) that of Cape Marengo, and Cape Schanck (of Grant) that of Cape Richelieu. Portland Bay, also named by Grant, became Tourville Bay; Montaigne Cape took the place-name of Cape Solicitor; Lady Julia Island became Fourcroy Island; Lawrence's Island, Dragon Island; and Cape Bridgewater, Cape Montesquieu. In this manner nearly the whole of Grant's discoveries were rechristened.* (* Some writers give the French name of Cape Desaix, bestowed in honour of one of Napoleon's famous generals, to Cape Albany Otway. Pinkerton's translator of the History to Southern Lands, however, states that the French named Cape Otway, Cape Marengo.)
The presence of Baudin's expedition in Australian waters may be said to have considerably hurried on the British colonisation of Tasmania. Although Bass and Flinders had in 1798 circumnavigated the island, adding extensive discoveries to those already made by Furneaux, Hayes, Bligh, and other British seamen, it was realised in Sydney that the French might lay claim to some portion of the island.
During Baudin's visit his officers surveyed the eastern coast more thoroughly than any previous navigators, although they must have known that Tasmania was then regarded by the British as their territory.* (* The commission of Governor Phillip, read publicly when he landed at Sydney in 1788, had proclaimed him ruler of all the land from Cape York to South Cape in Tasmania.) Baudin's enquiries elicited as much from Governor King at Sydney. It was natural therefore that after the departure of the French ships, when King heard a rumour that they intended to take possession of a port in Tasmania,* (* Baie du Nord.) he should send Acting-Lieutenant Robbins in the Cumberland after the vessels, who, finding them at anchor at King Island, immediately hoisted the Union Jack there and daily saluted it during their stay. It was upon seeing the British flag flying on this island that Baudin is said to have observed "that the English were worse than the Pope, for whereas he grasped half the world the English took the whole of it."
Commodore Baudin afterwards wrote to Governor King assuring him that the rumour as to his intentions was without foundation, but, he added, "Perhaps he (Robbins) has come too late as for several days before he hoisted the flag over our tents we had left in prominent parts of the island (which I still name after you) proofs of the period at which we visited it." This insinuation evidently raised King's ire, as he made a note on the margin of the letter, "If Mr. Baudin insinuates any claim of this visit the island was first discovered in 1798* (* King writes 1799 in the chart.) by Mr. Reid in the Martha and afterwards seen by Mr. Black in the Harbinger and surveyed by Mr. Murray in February 1802." Baudin seems to have totally ignored what could not have been a secret at Port Jackson, namely, the fact that the Lady Nelson had surveyed King Island from Cape Farewell to Seal Bay.
To return to the story of the logbooks. After another voyage to Norfolk Island, whither the Lady Nelson conveyed troops to relieve the men there, Murray was forced to resign his command, the Governor being informed, in despatches from the Admiralty, that he had sent them an erroneous statement of his services. In writing to Secretary Nepean, King remarks, on April 12th, 1803, "I had the honour of receiving yours respecting the discovery...about Mr. Murray's statement of servitude which appeared in his passing certificate at the Cape of Good Hope, in consequence of which he has been superseded in the command of the Lady Nelson and goes home a passenger in the Glatton. He promises himself being able to clear the point up to their Lordships' satisfaction. Should he be able to accomplish this, I consider it but doing common justice to his perseverance and good conduct while in command of the Lady Nelson to say that his future services in that vessel would be very acceptable to me and beneficial to the service that the vessel is employed on. In consequence of Mr. Murray's being superseded from the Lady Nelson, I applied to Captain Colnett for a person to command her not having anyone who can be spared, either from the Buffalo or Porpoise. He has appointed the master's mate of the Glatton, Mr. George Courtoys,* (* The name is spelt Curtoys in the Commander's own log.) who is passed and appears equal to the charge of Acting-Lieutenant and Commander of that vessel."
Murray's charts and the journal of his discoveries were sent home to the Duke of Portland by Governor King. They were committed to the care of Lieutenant Mackellar, who embarked in an American vessel named the Caroline,* (* Historical Records of New South Wales volume 4 pages 734 and 764.) which left Sydney on March 29th, 1802, and we know that they reached Whitehall safely. After his arrival in England, Murray seems to have been able to clear up satisfactorily his misunderstanding with the authorities, for shortly after his return he was appointed an Admiralty Surveyor, and his name is found upon several charts of the Home Coasts executed by him in 1804, 1805, and 1807.
In 1803 the Governor gave orders to the Commanders of H.M.S. Porpoise and of the Lady Nelson to embark the first colonists and proceed with them to Tasmania. The Lady Nelson, under the command of Lieutenant Curtoys, and having on board Lieutenant John Bowen,* (* Lieutenant John Bowen, R.N., came to Sydney in H.M.S. Glatton and was a son of Captain John Bowen and nephew of Lieutenant Richard Bowen, R.N., Admiralty Agent on board the Atlantic, which visited New South Wales in 1792.) the Commandant of the new establishment, as well as several other persons chosen by Governor King to accompany him, left Sydney early in June, while the Porpoise followed a few days later. Both ships returned without being able to make their port of destination. The Porpoise was seventeen days out and foul weather compelled her to return to Sydney, which she reached on July 3rd, while the Lady Nelson came back the next day, having been unable to proceed farther than Twofold Bay, where she waited for a change of wind. Upon putting to sea again, her main keel was carried away and she was then forced to abandon her project.
Governor King chartered the Albion whaler 326 tons, Captain Ebor Bunker, to take the place of the Porpoise in the next attempt to send colonists to Tasmania, and both ships reached Risdon safely, the Lady Nelson arriving on the 7th of September and the Albion, with Lieutenant Bowen on board, five days later.* (* Risdon (afterwards called Hobart by Lieutenant Bowen) was so named by Captain John Hayes of the Bombay Marine, who, in command of two ships the Duke of Clarence and the Duchess, visited Tasmania in 1793. The name was given in honour of Mr. William Bellamy Risdon, second officer of the Duke of Clarence. Captain Hayes also named the River Derwent.) The people were safely landed, but unfortunately much of the stock in the vessels was injured during the gale that raged after leaving Sydney. Many eligible places for a settlement presented themselves, and the Commandant eventually chose Risdon, because there the best stream of water ran into the cove and also because there were extensive valleys behind it. A few natives were seen when the Lady Nelson came into the harbour, but they quickly retired into the woods. The delay in the Albion's passage was caused by Captain Bunker putting in to Oyster Bay to avoid the bad weather. He stayed three days in the bay, where his crew killed three large spermaceti whales.
"Friday, 10th June (1803). P.M. Moderate and cloudy. Came on board Lieutenant Bowen, 10 convicts and 3 soldiers for Van Dieman's Land: at 6 A.M. hove short; 1/2 past fired a gun and made signal for a pilot, at 1/2 past weighed and made sail out of the harbour.
"Wednesday, 15th June. Fresh breezes and cloudy: at 8 squally, bore up for Twofold Bay the wind seeming to be set in from the Southward and likely to blow hard.
"Friday, June 24th. Moderate and clear at 5 and found the Bay at 5: came to with best bower and moored ship 1/2 cable's length from the shore. Employed making a raft of our spars and main keel: sent the carpenters on shore to build a punt.
"Saturday, 25th June. Down long top-gallant mast and up short ones.
"Sunday, 26th June. Sent empty casks on shore.
"Monday, 27th June. Employed setting up the lower and top-mast rigging: received wood and water.
"Tuesday, 28th June. Saw a sloop in the offing standing in to the Bay made signal for all persons to return on board.
"Wednesday, 29th June. Got all ready for sea: unmoored and shoved further out. A.M. Strong breezes; made signal for the sloop to come down—proved to be the John of Sydney.
"Friday, 1st July. Light breezes; at 3 weighed and stood out of the Bay; at 3.30 reefed top sails: at 11.30 saw part of the main keel go astern: bore for Port Jackson.
"Monday, 4th July. Moderate and clear: running along-shore; at 11 standing into Port Jackson.
"Tuesday, 5th July. Moderate and clear weather: at 2 came to above the Sow and Pigs: at 3.50 weighed and made sail up the harbour. Came on board the Pilot: at 5 got on shore on Bennilong's Point; carried away the fore foot and fore keel: at 6 came to in Sydney Cove. Moored in Port Jackson.
"Monday, 29th August. Fresh breezes and cloudy: at 5 got under weigh, tacked occasionally—at 7 South Head west by north 5 miles.
"Tuesday, 30th August. Fresh breezes and cloudy weather. 3.20 wore round on starboard tack.
"Wednesday, 31st August. Moderate and cloudy; at 4 carried away the fore top-mast: at 5.30 carried away the gaff.
"Thursday, 1st September. Fresh gales and cloudy; at 11 saw the land about the Eddystone Point: Noon, fresh breezes and cloudy.
"Friday, 2nd September. Fresh breezes and clear; all sail set.
"Saturday, 3rd September. Fresh breezes and cloudy, at 2 handed the top sail and hove to, at 11 set the fore-sail: at 10 Oyster Island north by west 7 or 8 miles.
"Sunday, 4th September. Light breezes and cloudy: at 2 down boat: at 4 got the sweeps out: carried one of them away. At 7 came to with the kedge in 29 fathoms, the tide setting us on an island: at 9, a breeze springing up, weighed and made all sail.
"Monday, 5th September. Light breezes and cloudy: at 4 calm, out sweeps to pull ahead: at 8 a breeze, made all sail up Frederick Henry Bay, at 6.30 out long boat, up main keel.
"Tuesday, 6th September. Ditto weather, at 1 hauled into the Bay: at 2.30 came to in Ralphes Bay in 8 fathoms.* (* Relph's Bay was named by Captain John Hayes in honour of Captain Relph, Bombay Marine, commander of the Duchess.)
"Wednesday, 7th September. Moderate breezes and cloudy: sail-maker making a main top-mast stay-sail. At 10 unmoored and made sail across the bay.
"Thursday, 8th September. Ditto weather, came to in the bay in 8 fathoms 1/2 past 3 breeze from the eastward, weighed and made sail up the Derwent: 6.30 came to in 8 fathoms above Stainforth's Cove.
"Friday, 9th September. Light breezes and cloudy weather: at 4 made sail for Risdon Cove: at 3 came to in the cove in 4 fathoms.
"Sunday, 11th September. At 8 came on board Captain Bowen from the Albion sent the longboat to assist in getting her into the Cove.
"Monday, 12th September. Sent some of the stores belonging to the colony on shore: the longboat assisting the Albion discharging.
"Tuesday, 13th September. Moderate and cloudy weather. Employed landing stores.
"Monday, 19th September. Struck lower yards and top-gallant mast. A.M. Fresh breezes and squally, landed bricks for the colony.
"Tuesday, 20th September. Moderate breezes and cloudy. Supplied the colony with 1/2 a barrel of Powder and a bell.
"Thursday, 29th September. Getting ready for sea: 10.30 in long boat. A.M. fresh breezes and cloudy with rain: 1/2 past 5 weighed and made sail down the Harbour: out longboat to tow, at 7 made sail in boat.
"Friday, 30th September. P.M. Strong gales with heavy squalls of rain: 1/2 past 1 a heavy gale from south-east bore up for Ralphes Bay.
"Saturday, 1st October. A.M. Pleasant weather: up lower yards, set the rigging up, moored: at 7 weighed and made all sail down the river.
"Sunday, 2nd October. Let go the kedge the vessel drifting on Risdons Island, shortened sail: 1/4 before 12 a breeze from the north-west up kedge. Made sail down River Derwent.
"Tuesday, 11th October. P.M. Strong gales and clear weather: at 6 Pigeon House west 10 or 12 miles.
"Wednesday, 12th October. Strong gales and cloudy. At 10 saw a schooner to windward.
"Thursday, 13th October. Calm and cloudy: 1/4 before 8 strong gales with heavy squalls of rain. A.M. North Head 12 miles.
"Friday, 14th October. Moderate and cloudy with heavy swell from south-east: at 1 the Pilot came on board: 1/4 past 4 came to in the cove with best bower.
"Saturday, 15th October. Light breezes and cloudy. Moored in Port Jackson.
"Thursday, 27th October. At 5 slipped the mooring and made sail out of the cove: at 10 the South Head, Broken Bay north-north-west 12 miles.
"Friday, 29th October. Saw a schooner to northward, at 5 hove to, spoke her, found her to be the Resource from Wreck Reef: at 10 came to in Broken Bay in 5 fathoms. Working up the river to Hawkesbury.
"Tuesday, 1st November. Moderate and clear weather. At 2 came abreast the Wash in 4 fathoms: moored. Down top-gallant yards, found the top-gallant yard sprung.
"Wednesday, 2nd November. Fresh and squally with thunder, lightning and rain: came on board carpenter to build a bulkhead forward for the corn.
"Friday, 4th November. Moderate and fair, at 4 furled sail. Hauled alongside wharf to take in the corn, received 710 bushels.
"Monday, 7th November. Light breezes and clear. Received 210 bushels of corn.
"Tuesday, 8th November. Light breezes and dark cloudy weather with heavy rain, thunder, and lightning. A.M. At 8 made ye signal for sailing with a gun. At noon strong breezes.
"Monday, 10th November. P.M. At 5 weighed and made sail: at 4 came to with the best bower in 3 fathoms.
"Friday, 11th November. P.M. Light breezes and clear: at 11 weighed and towed down the river. A.M. Calm and foggy: 1/2 past 3 came to in Sackville Reach in 2 1/2 fathoms.
"Saturday, 12th November. Calm and hot sultry weather, 1/2 past 12 weighed and towed down the river.
"Sunday, 13th November. At 1 weighed and towed down the river, at 4 came to. A.M. Calm and cloudy weighed and made sail down the river.
"Saturday, 19th November 1803. At 2 weighed and made sail down the river. Up top-gallant yards, at 7 came to in Pitt's Water. A.M. Light breezes and cloudy. At daylight weighed and made sail: at 4 calm and cloudy: came to.
"Sunday, 20th November. P.M. Calm. At 1 a breeze from the north-east. Weighed and made sail, at 2 all sail set, standing out of the Bay at 4 ditto weather: at 9 came to in Sydney Cove: furled sails and took in the moorings. A.M. Strong breezes and cloudy, down top gallant yards.
"Friday, 25th November. Employed receiving the wood and water. Delivering the iron and wine received for Norfolk Island and got ready to go to Port Phillip.
The log of George Curtoys ends on November 25th when he was taken ill and went on shore to the Naval hospital at Sydney. We hear little of his subsequent career, beyond that he retired from the Royal Navy and settled down at the island of Timor,* (* The Sydney Gazette (1814) says that the ship Morning Star, Captain Smart, brought the above news concerning Captain Curtoys to Sydney. Captain Curtoys' brig had left Surabaja for Timor three months before Captain Smart's arrival at that port.) becoming commander of a brig, which occasionally traded with Surabaja.
George Curtoys was succeeded in the command of the Lady Nelson by Acting Lieutenant James Symons, who, like himself, had come to New South Wales as a midshipman in H.M.S. Glatton under Captain Colnett. Symons afterwards served on board the Buffalo, and doubtless gained much knowledge of the Australian coast while he was in that ship. She is well known on account of her many pioneering voyages, and it is also recorded that her figure-head was the effigy of a kangaroo, and for this reason, on her first arrival in Sydney, she became an object of no little interest to the natives. Symons' appointment was somewhat hurriedly made, when, after Curtoys had been sent to sick quarters on shore, the ship Ocean arrived from Port Phillip. Her commander, Captain Mertho, brought important despatches to the Governor from Colonel Collins, who had been instructed by the British Government to form a settlement at that spot.
The establishment had been conveyed from England in two ships, H.M.S. Calcutta, Captain Woodriff, and the Ocean, Captain Mertho.* (* The ships left England in April, 1803, and arrived at Port Phillip on the 7th and 8th of October.) Colonel Collins now reported that the site at Port Phillip, which he had originally chosen, was unsuitable, and asked King's permission to move the whole settlement to Tasmania.* (* Collins settled at what is now Sorrento. It is curious that no proper examination of the northern shores of Port Phillip was carried out by Colonel Collins. Had he done so, he must have found the Yarra.) His cousin, Mr. William Collins, who had accompanied him to Port Phillip, "in a private capacity," first volunteered to bring this despatch round to Sydney, and set forth in a six-oared boat. He was delayed by bad weather, and he and his party of six convict sailors were overtaken and picked up by the Ocean at Point Upright.
Governor King complied with Colonel Collins's request, and in replying to his letter acquainted him with the circumstances that had induced him to send Bowen with settlers to Hobart. At the same time he left Colonel Collins to decide whether he would move his people to that place or to Port Dalrymple on the northern shores of Tasmania. The Governor also gave orders for the Lady Nelson, then on the point of sailing to Norfolk Island, to be cleared of her cargo and to be made ready to sail with the Ocean back to Port Phillip. Two other ships—the colonial schooner Francis* (* This ship had been brought from England in frame in 1792, the Edwin was locally built, the property of Mr. Palmer, and commanded by Captain Stuart.) and the whaler Edwin—were also sent to render Colonel Collins all the assistance in their power.
The Lady Nelson left Sydney on Monday, November 28th, 1803. Among those who sailed with Lieutenant Symons was the well-known botanist, Mr. Robert Brown, late of H.M.S. Investigator, who wished to examine the neighbourhood of Port Phillip and also to visit Port Dalrymple in search of new plants.* (* Robert Brown, formerly an ensign in the Fifeshire Fencibles, was granted leave of absence to go with Captain Flinders in the Investigator.) The brig was singularly unfortunate in her passage to Port Phillip. So rough was the weather on arriving in Bass Strait, that "after beating a fortnight against a south-westerly wind," she was eventually obliged to bear up for the Kent Group.* (* Robert Brown's Manuscript letters to Banks, describing the voyage, are preserved at the British Museum.) Twice she left her anchorage there in order to try to reach her destination, and twice she had to return to port again. Meanwhile the Ocean, with Mr. William Collins and his sailors on board, arrived at Port Phillip on December 12th, and the Francis, bringing Governor King's despatches, on the following day.
On his way to Port Phillip, Mr. Rushworth, the Master of the Francis, in passing Kent Group, had observed smoke rising from one of the islands, and being apprehensive for the safety of the Lady Nelson, he informed Colonel Collins of this fact. Accordingly, when Mr. William Collins sailed in the Francis for Port Dalrymple on the 24th, and with a view to reporting upon its suitability for a settlement, the Master was directed to call at the Group and ascertain who was on shore there. This he did, and he found the Lady Nelson still in the cove where she had sought refuge. Mr. Brown, during his enforced stay there, had explored all the islands of the group in search of botanical specimens, but he tells Banks that his collections were enriched by only "twelve new plants and nothing else." On her arrival the Francis was in a very leaky condition, so that at the suggestion of Mr. Collins she was sent back to Sydney, and the party appointed to survey Port Dalrymple was embarked in the Lady Nelson.
Two days later Lieutenant Symons sailed to Port Dalrymple, which he entered on January 1st, 1804, and where he remained until the 18th. A succession of gales made it quite impossible to put to sea after the survey of the shores had been completed. While the brig lay at anchor, Mr. Collins explored the River Tamar as far as One Tree Reach, and Mr. Brown resumed his botanical researches; his letters show that he made several excursions into the inland country in order to examine its flora, which, however, he found disappointing. He writes to Banks: "The whole number of plants observed in this port did not much exceed 300, of which about 40 were new to me and, I believe, nondescript. From Port Dalrymple we had a short passage to Port Phillip."
On January 21st, Colonel Collins was highly pleased at ascertaining the safety of the Lady Nelson, "of whose appearance," he writes to King, "I had for some time despaired." The account of Port Dalrymple, given by the surveying party, was favourable, but Colonel Collins had already decided that he could not do better than repair, with his establishment, to the Derwent. He came to this decision on account of some of the military at Port Phillip "manifesting an improper spirit," and he believed that on their joining the detachment of the New South Wales Corps at Hobart, then under Bowen, "a spirit of emulation would be excited and discontent checked."* (* See Historical Records of New South Wales volume 4, Collins to King.)
On January 25th all the settlers ordered to embark in the Lady Nelson went on board, and on Monday, 30th, in company with the Ocean, conveying Colonel Collins, she made sail out of Port Phillip Bay.* (* See Knopwood's Diary, edited by J. Shillinglaw, Melbourne. The Reverend R. Knopwood was the Chaplain of Collins' establishment.) After a passage of ten days, the brig anchored in Risdon Cove, the site of Bowen's settlement, the Ocean arriving a few days later. Colonel Collins did not think Risdon the most eligible spot for the purpose of a settlement, and he encamped "on the banks of a small but apparently constant stream, which empties itself into the second cove below Stainforth's Cove." Collins named this place Sullivan's Cove,* (* After Mr. John Sullivan, Permanent Under Secretary for the Colonies.) "the settlement at Risdon remaining in every respect as he found it until Governor King's pleasure is known."* (* Brown's manuscript letter to Paterson.)
On Tuesday, March 6th, 1804, the Lady Nelson left the Derwent on her return voyage to Sydney. By that time all the Port Phillip settlers and half the establishment had arrived in Tasmania, and the Ocean was about to put to sea again in order to convey the stores and stock remaining at Port Phillip to Sullivan's Cove. Collins's settlement at this place, and the original colony at Risdon, were then fast becoming united. A little later, Bowen's settlement was moved, by Governor King's orders, down the river to Sullivan's Cove and the two establishments really became one, Colonel Collins retaining for it the name of Hobart, and Bowen with his officials returned to Sydney.*
(* Sydney Gazette, August 26th, 1804. On Friday arrived the Ocean Captain Mertho, from the Derwent with Lieutenant Bowen, Commandant of the settlement at Risdon Cove, which has become part of Lieutenant Governor Collins' settlement, being only six miles from Sullivan's Cove. In the same ship came Lieutenant Moore with a detachment of the New South Wales Corps on duty at Risdon, Mr. Jacob Mountgarrett, surgeon, Mr. Brown, naturalist, and several persons who composed the settlement. The Ocean arrived at Sullivan's Cove from her second voyage to Port Phillip on June 25th after a tempestuous voyage of 32 days in which most of the stock for the colony was lost.
Lieutenant Bowen was on his way from Sydney to the Derwent at the time of Collins' arrival in Tasmania. He seems only to have voyaged as far as Port Dalrymple in the Integrity for he returned to the Derwent in the Pilgrim (Sydney Gazette, April 22nd, 1804). Eventually he came, as stated above, to Sydney in the Ocean. (See Historical Records of New South Wales volume 5 pages 451 and 676.)
The Lady Nelson reached Sydney on the 14th of March after a passage of eight days, and no sooner had she anchored in the harbour than Governor King instructed her commander to refit and prepare to embark yet another colony of settlers. These he proposed to send to Newcastle.* (* Or Kingstown, as it was then called, in honour of Governor King; shortly afterwards he renamed it Newcastle.) Hitherto only some colliers and a guard had been stationed there, in order to ensure a supply of coals for Sydney and for the Government ships, but now the Governor directed that the spot should be raised to the dignity of a settlement. The colonial cutter Resource, and the James sloop, belonging to Mr. Raby, were ordered to sail with the Lady Nelson. The three vessels got under weigh to sail to Newcastle on Tuesday, March 27th, having on board all the persons appointed by the Governor, to proceed there. Embarked in the Lady Nelson were:—
Lieutenant Menzies, Commandant. Mr. Mileham, Surgeon. Mr. F. Bauer, natural history painter. Mr. John Tucker, storekeeper.
One overseer, two carpenters, three sawyers, a gardener, a salt bailer and sixteen prisoners.
In the Resource were one sergeant and four privates of the New South Wales Corps:—
Mr. Knight, superintendent. Twelve convicts.
In the James:—
Mr. George Caley and three miners with implements, and stores and provisions for six months.
In consequence of a north-east wind, the ships were not able to leave Sydney harbour on that evening, but were obliged to anchor in Lookout Bay until the following morning, when they again weighed and in a short time cleared the Heads. They arrived at Newcastle safely on the day after their departure, and disembarked the little colony. All three vessels were then loaded with coals and cedar for Sydney, the Lady Nelson receiving on board "twenty-six fine logs of rich cedar." The homeward voyage was unfortunate, as the James was lost off Broken Bay. Leaving Newcastle in a very leaky condition, and encountering a gale, the water gradually gained fast upon her and stopped her progress. Two days afterwards the pumps became choked, and the five men who composed her crew had to bale with buckets. Eventually they stood on to a sandy beach where their vessel, being nearly full of water, was dashed to pieces by the tremendous surf. The crew were picked up on the north head of Broken Bay by the Resource and brought to Sydney.* (* For this portion of the Lady Nelson's story no log has been available. The material has been derived principally from the columns of Sydney newspapers.)
The voyage of the Lady Nelson to Norfolk Island in April and May, 1804, was one of the most tempestuous the brig ever experienced. She sailed with the Francis on April 30th, but the two ships soon parted company. Their cargo consisted of stores and a quantity of salt staves and hoops for the purpose of curing pork, a supply of which was greatly needed for the colony. For eighteen days continuous gales buffeted the ship and drove her so far northward that she could not make her port of destination. Besides bad weather, she had to contend with further misfortunes, for three casks of water in the hold—part of the supply for the voyage—were found to have leaked entirely away, and the allowance of fuel ran so short that her Commander was forced to cut up one of the top masts for firewood.
Situated thus, Lieutenant Symons decided to bear away for New Zealand and to return later to Norfolk Island, when it was hoped the weather would have moderated sufficiently to enable him to land his passengers. On the 3rd of June he made Three Kings Island, and two days afterwards North Cape. He then steered alongside as far as Cape Brett in the Bay of Islands. On coming to an anchorage in a small bay on the north-west side of the River Thames, nearly two hundred natives surrounded the brig and were welcomed on board. They brought with them potatoes, and other vegetables, as well as mats and native curios to barter for nails, buttons, etc. At sunset they left the vessel. On the following morning the Commander went on shore and the natives following him quickly found him a watering place. On being offered a pig by one of the Maoris in exchange for a new razor, he accepted it, but a chief afterwards requested him to return the animal (as it had been a present from Captain Rhodes)* (* Captain Rhodes of the Alexander South Sea Whaler, traded with New Zealand.) and it was immediately given back to its former owner. Next morning the New Zealanders flocked on board in such numbers that Lieutenant Symons decided to quit the bay. |